Let’s enjoy English 16th

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燻し銀三( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
24/02/08 08:05(更新日時)

I’m going to start the 16th from now on. The book of which title is 速すぎるニュースをゆっくり解説します will be over soon. What topic should I take?

The books in which I’m interested is more than 10. When the book is published, it’s done as the latest information, but the more the time passes, the older the information becomes. I’m sure I should start as early as possible, I can’t do lots of things at the same time.

There is the proverb 温故知新 in Japan. There are things which we learned before and other things which happened long ago. We thought of it again and research once more, and finding new logics and information and take them in ourselves.

I’m interested in the history both of Japan and the world, so I’ve wanted to express some day in the future, but I’m wondering when I start it.

Here we go!


No.3930112 23/12/02 08:38(スレ作成日時)



No.1 23/12/02 10:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The second canal has opened. The new age for energy】

《The situation on energy in Japan》

The Panama Canal has have the big influence over the world.

【もんじゅ which was lacked in wisdom】

Whether going ahead or withdrawing, it costs a large amount of funds. While hesitating what the government should do, it made a dent on the wallet in the nation. It’s the situation on もんじゅ which is the fast breeder reactor at Tsuruga city in Fukui prefecture. What is the problem on もんじゅ?

The fast breeder reactor in question is a special atomic reactor in which plutonium increases using as fuel.

No.2 23/12/02 10:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which a wisdom is lacked】

There is uranium in the natural world. Uranium 235 which causes nuclear fission easily makes up for no less than 0.7% in the whole uranium. Other uranium is the uranium 238 which is hard to cause the nuclear fission.

Heightening the purity on the uranium 235 and using as fuel in an ordinary atomic reactor. It includes the uranium 238 which causes the nuclear fission hard.

Uranium 235 causes the nuclear fission in the atomic reactor and neutrons jump out and when the neutrons bump against uranium 238, they change into plutonium 239.

Thus there is a small…

No.3 23/12/02 11:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which wisdom is lacked】

Thus there is a small amount of the plutonium in the used nuclear fuel, except for the nuclear waste. As to the nuclear waste, I’m going to express later.

Reprocessing the used nuclear fuel and taking out the plutonium and if using the plutonium in the fast breeder reactor as fuel, the more we use the plutonium the more the plutonium increases. It’s the cycle on the nuclear fuel.

Uranium 235 causes heat in an ordinary nuclear reactor, and making the water boil with the heat. Then making the steam hit on the turbine and generating electricity.

On the other…

No.4 23/12/02 11:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which a wisdom is lacked】

On the other hand, the nuclear fission on the plutonium 239 causes the heat and making the water boil with the heat.

When the plutonium 239 divides, a few neutrons which are high speed jump out and one of the plutonium bumps against the plutonium, the plutonium 239 divides and the heat is caused.

On the other hand, the rest of the neutrons bump against uranium 238 and makes the uranium 238 change into plutonium 239.

When making the single plutonium 239, a few new plutonium cause. The high speed neutron increases plutonium. So we call it 高速増殖炉 in Japanese.

No.5 23/12/02 11:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which a wisdom is lacked】

The fast breeder reactor has been named after 文珠菩薩 which is the symbol on wisdom.

Japan relies on import of the uranium, so it would have be an atomic reactor like a dream in which we can get the national nuclear fuel. Its operation started in 1995, but soon the sodium using for cooling caused the fire and the operation has stopped then.

When cooling down, water is usually used in an ordinary atomic reactor, but the sodium is used in もんじゅ, for without decreasing the speed on the neutron which is the high speed, sodium can make the plutonium divide ….

No.6 23/12/02 12:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which wisdom is lacked】

Without decreasing the speed on neutron which is high speed, the sodium can make the plutonium 239 divide efficiently, but the sodium has an a quality of burning explosively when touching the air or water, so the fire was caused.

After that the accident took place one after another, though there was almost nothing on achievement of operation, decommissioning on もんじゅ has been decided December in 2016.

In the first place, none of the countries can’t realize the fast breeder reactor is put to use in the world. Japan aimed at being put to use on it, but we…

No.7 23/12/02 12:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which wisdom is lacked】

…but we can’t see the future on the fast breeder reactor due to the successive accidents.

《Whether going ahead or withdrawing, it costs a lot》

It cost twenty billion yen a year to maintain もんじゅ. A trillion yen has already been spent on it, but we don’t see the light at the end of tunnel on starting operation again, so the decommissioning is decided, but it’s in 2047 when it’s over. It’s estimated no less than three hundred seventy five billion yen.

When stopping the nuclear fuel recycle, we don’t have to process the nuclear fuel again, so we have to throw…

No.8 23/12/02 12:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which wisdom is lacked】

《Whether going ahead or withdrawing, it costs a lot》

…so we have to throw away the used nuclear fuel somewhere. It’s the final disposal. To my surprise, the whole amount of the used nuclear fuel is no less than seventeen thousand ton.

In addition, as it isn’t used in もんじゅ, we have to dispose the plutonium caused by the reprocess on the spent nuclear fuel, for there is fear that the plutonium can be diverted to the material for nuclear bomb.

Without waiting for the start on operation again, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has taken into action.

No.9 23/12/02 14:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which wisdom is lacked】

《Both of going ahead and withdrawing, it costs a lot》

The plutonium is caused by reprocessing the used nuclear fuel, putting it with uranium 235 and used in the ordinary atomic reactor as fuel. It’s the pull thermal.

Then plutonium is used as fuel but the used nuclear fuel is caused after all. Where should we throw it away? It has never been decided yet.

If operating the nuclear power plant again, the spent nuclear fuel will be caused one after another, but the place where the spent nuclear fuel is disposed isn’t decided, so we call the atomic power plant…

No.10 23/12/02 14:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which wisdom is lacked】

《Both of going ahead and withdrawing, it costs a lot》

…so we call the atomic power plant a mansion where there is no any restroom.

The spent nuclear fuel will be used as fuel in the future, so it’s our assets. So the used nuclear fuel has been stored by electric companies, but the used nuclear fuel changes into the waste. In short, the content on the capital of the electric companies will go bad all at once. To make matters worse, there is still bad situation as well.

The spent nuclear fuel has been kept in the site on the electric companies each place.

No.11 23/12/02 14:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which wisdom is lacked】

《Both of going ahead and withdrawing, it costs a lot 》

But the site on the electric companies is filled with the spent nuclear fuel. The spent nuclear fuel is disposed in the future, so it is kept in Aomori prefecture until then. It‘s a temporary storage, but if it isn’t disposed, it’s not the temporary storage.

Aomori prefecture has been opposed to being the place for final disposal, so it’ll send back the used nuclear fuel to the atomic power plant in the whole Japan all at once, but there is no place to store in the atomic power plant in the whole Japan.

No.12 23/12/02 14:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【もんじゅ in which wisdom is lacked】

《Both of going ahead and going back, it costs a lot》

Thus the used nuclear fuel has lost its place to go, so the government comes up a plan. Instead of もんじゅ, constructing a new fast breeder reactor. A large amount of funds will be pouring into the construction. Where is wisdom from the 文珠菩薩?

【The form on the nation will change by immigrants】

As the days have passed with the issue on the Moritomo and Kake academy, the law which changes the form on Japan has decided. Revision on Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act and reform on the way of working

No.13 23/12/02 15:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The form on the nation will change by Immigrants】

At any rate, there has never been enough workers in Japan at present. We can afford no further delay on it, so the laws have formed.

The population on working age in Japan continues to decrease owing to declining birth rate and aging society. Everyone is aware that the staff in convenience store are foreign people alone in the center of the city.

Agriculture, fishing industry, construction and nursing become aged in local area as well, and foreign labors visit Japan as technical intern and support those industry. Japan has already been a…

No.14 23/12/02 15:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The form on the nation changes by immigrants】

Japan has already been a big immigrant nation actually, but the conservative fraction has allergic against the immigrant and are opposed to the immigrants absolutely, so the Abe government came up with an excuse that they aren’t immigrants. He explained that making foreign human material stay for a while and has embarked on the revision.

In fact, the definition in the United States, it’s an immigrant as long as staying for a year, but extending the maximum period staying in Japan from three years to five years in Japan.

But even if being able…

No.15 23/12/02 15:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The form on the nation changes by immigrants】

Even if being able to stay in Japan for five years, Japan don’t think it wants to give them the permanent residence status, telling them to go back to their own country once. In addition then all the time keeping them work as technical intern with low pay.

The severe labor condition is informed to their countries at once, so the ones who came from Chinese visit Japan so as to work has decreased lately. Instead the people from Vietnam, Bangladesh, Myanmar have increased, but they are from developing countries. If the economic condition in their…

No.16 23/12/02 16:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The forms on the nation changes by immigrants】

If the economic condition in their country improves, there is high possibility that they don’t come to Japan all the way from their country.

The government says it’s going to promote the immigration bureau to the immigration agency and to carry out the acceptance on the foreign human material and the improvement on the labor condition.

But if the situation continues, Japan may have been the nation which isn’t chosen by foreign labors.

《What’s happened to Japan in the Reiwa era?》

As to one more law, wanting to maintain labors by working…

No.17 23/12/02 16:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The form on the nation changes by immigrants】

《What’s happened to Japan in Reiwa era?》

…wanting to maintain labors by working by elderly people and women, especially if women continue to work, men who is the partner for women are devoted to their work alone and don’t try to being engaged in housework, childcare, or nursing at all, maintaining labors is hard to carry out.

So regulating the overpay and making men come back to their home early. It’s the concept on the reform on the way of working. The author said he can understand it as idea.

When trying to expand the Flex Time in which…

No.18 23/12/02 16:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The form on nation changes by immigrants】

《What’s happened to Japan in the Reiwa era?》

When trying to expand the Flex Time in which there is no overtime and the government offered the data, but the data was sloppy. As being criticized, the Abe government withdrew it.

If Karashi 過労死 which means death caused by overwork or job related exhaustion becomes an international term, it isn’t good, but the data showed that making labor work as much as possible. The author said like the next, cautioning himself.

If there is something to shout out from the country alone, the way of working doesn’t…

No.19 23/12/02 17:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The form on the nation changes by immigrants】

《What’s happened to Japan in the Reiwa era?》

…the way of working doesn’t change easily. Without taking any step, an executive or an administrative position order to stop overpay, it takes a toll on the people who work on site, so the phrase on the harassment by making it faster was born.

Higher tax that the consumption tax is 10% was planned in 2019 and the unified local election and the election on the House of Councils were done at the same time. It’s once in twelve years.

As to the election in the year of the boar, there is a jinx. It’s…

No.20 23/12/02 17:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The form on the nation changes by immigrants】

《What’s happened to Japan in the Reiwa era?》

The jinx is being exhausted in the unified local election and the ruling party loses in the election of the House of Councils. In the election on governor in Okinawa prefecture, the candidate from the ruling party was defeated by the one from the opposition alliance. It has had a great influence over the situation.

If the ruling party is below two thirds on the total number in the House of Councils, revising the constitution which is the dearest wish for the Prime Minister Abe would be far away.

No.21 23/12/02 18:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The form on the nation changes by immigrants】

《What’s happened to Japan in the Reiwa era?》

Mr. Abe would take varied measures so as to avoid the situation.

The Heisei era was over by the abdication on the emperor. It was for thirty years after the bubble burst out and the Cold War between the East and West was over. There were lots of disasters and harmful effects on the globalism has been clear then.

But the emperor said on the last press conference of his birthday he was relieved from the bottom of his heart that the Heisei era was about to be over as the time when there was no war.

No.22 23/12/02 18:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


The author said he thought the phrase on the emperor was important.

Things which we can do is being aware that each of news connects with a big current and we should not make those things be the problem for someones else’s like that the low percentage on voting rate of the young people in England decided the withdrawal on England from EU.

This book seemed to write down before Mr. Abe was dead, and if he was still alive, what’s happened?

Karoshi becomes the problem, so I can’t work so much, but I want to work six days a week, but I can’t. Though I hate to work, I want more money.

No.23 23/12/02 18:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I’m going to express the book of which title, そうだったのか!中国, written by Akira Ikegami. I’ll start from the preface.

As to the GDP, China has overtaken Japan in 2010 at last, and China is in the second place on the GDP in the world.

It used to say if America sneezes, Japan will catch a cold in the past, but in the present situation, if China sneezes, both of America and Japan will feel a chill.

China which has unending history and culture and has had a big influence over Japan historically. Both of rice farming, Chinese characters and Buddhism has been transported from China.

No.24 23/12/02 18:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


The Analects of Confucius 孔子の論語 breathes in the spirit on the Japanese at present. China which has had the big influence over Japan until now has had a great impact on Japan with regard to the economy as well.

On the other hand, lots of people may have been confused with the behaviors from the Chinese, for example, the action on anti Japan, anxiety on the safety for food. Uncomfortable feeling against China has spread over the whole Japan.

We’ve learned China from the ancient time to the modern times in the class for history at school, but we have hardly chance to learn present…

No.25 23/12/02 19:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


…but we have hardly chance of learning the present history on China. Lots of the young people in Japan has none of knowledge on the present China in the least.

The government in China said Japan to look at the history directly. It’s a good phrase, but how about themselves? Lots of tragedies were caused by the Communist Party in China. Has China looked at them directly?

To tell the truth, as to the history which is recognizes by China officially, lots of them have been falsified by the Communist Party. What is the actual history? When learning the history in Japan we need to know…

No.26 23/12/02 19:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


…we need to know the history on China as well at the same time. We the Japanese can’t move form China who is our neighbor. If so, what kind of history has the neighbor gone through? We should know it at first. We should start from it, the author said like that.

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened? 】

《The Consulate General belongs to Japan in Shanghai was attacked》

Students threw pet bottles and stone and they went over the heads of the police. There was the Consulate General belongs to Japan at the direction where the pet bottles and stones were thrown. The building on the…

No.27 23/12/02 19:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti Japan happened? 】

《The Consulate General belongs to Japan was attacked》

The building on the Consulate General got dirty and was destroyed quickly but the battalion of cops didn’t try to stop it.

It was the sixteenth day April in 2005 when the shocking image appeared on the news program. Ordinary residents joined in the students who repeated throwing stones, and the part of them became a mob and they attacked a Japanese restaurant as well.

It has been estimated the number of people who became the mob was almost ten thousand. Young people criticized Japan aloud.

No.28 23/12/02 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened? 】

《The Consulate General belongs to Japan was attacked》

Some of them put up a slogan of 愛国無罪, It means the action by patriots is never accused of their crime. The slogan included the meaning if putting up the slogan on patriotism, everything they did was allowed to do.

The demonstration on anti Japan broke out around the embassy belonged to Japan in the Beijing city the ninth day of the same month. The demonstration in Beijing was controlled considerably, but the one in Shanghai developed into the one which included violent destructive action.

No.29 23/12/02 20:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti Japan happened?】

《The Consulate General belongs to Japan was attacked》

They were opposed to the movement in which Japan tried to be the permanent council member in the Security Council on the United Nation.

The thing which the author was surprised was rather the response from the government in China than the behaviors on students.

In the next day from the event in Shanghai, the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs visited China and asked apology and compensation to China because of the action of destruction on the Consulate General belongs to Japan, but...

No.30 23/12/02 20:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《The Consulate General belongs to Japan was attacked》

…but China refused the request on apology and compensation from Japan. The Minister of Foreign Affairs in China said like the next then.

The government in China has never done anything which we were sorry for the nation in Japan until at present. The main problem is the government in Japan has hurt the nation in China in regard to thing on the historic recognition.

He even showed the attitude of accepting the behaviors on the students. The young people in China had the feeling of anti Japan

No.31 23/12/02 20:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened? 】

《The Consulate General belongs to Japan was attacked》

The young people in China have the feeling of anti-Japan so much and there is the atmosphere in which the government in China recommended it. We’ve known both of them with the shocking image on the TV.

The liberty on rally and the march to protest has been allowed to do officially on the constitution, but without the permission from the authority, no one could take into action like that. As the authority permitted silently or recommended it, the young people could take into action.

No.32 23/12/02 21:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened? 】

《Playing a prank in Xian 西安 led to the movement on anti-Japan》

The movement on anti-Japan has occurred each place in China around 2003. A short play performed by Japanese students studying abroad in university at Xian in the west of China ignited October in the same year.

Students played a serious dram in English and after that three of students studying abroad turned up. They wore a brazier on T-shirt and put a cup made of paper on the crotch and danced. No one can say it was a good taste, but it’s just playing a prank, but there was a…

No.33 23/12/02 21:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened? 】

【Playing a prank in Xian led to the movement on anti-Japan】

…but there was a writing on the internet at night on the day. The writing said the students studying abroad insulted the Chineses. In the next day a wall newspaper criticizing the short play was pinned in university in Xian.

Students who didn’t see the short play started to get angry and attacked the dormitory for students where the Japanese students studying abroad were and destroyed the dining room. Then an irreverent female student happened to be there and she was hit because she …

No.34 23/12/02 21:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《Playing a prank in Xian led to the movement on anti-Japan》

…and she was hit because of a reason alone why she was a Japanese, to make matters worse, the Chineses who tried to stop it were struck as well.

When the news was reported the commotion escalated still more. Students in other university rushed there and thousands of young people collided with the battalion of police who tried to regulate the young people and attacked a Japanese restaurant in the city.

The authority on university knew that the short play performed by Japanese students…

No.35 23/12/02 21:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti Japan happened? 】

《Playing a prank in Xian led to the movement on anti-Japan》

Though the authority in university knew the short play performed by Japanese students studying abroad didn’t insult the Chineses, it made the students withdraw from university and a teacher who taught the Japanese was dismissed from the teacher, for it joined force to the short play.

Moreover the committee on the communist party in university issued the voice and showed an understanding to the 『righteous indignation』by the students. It didn’t warn the students not to take into action.

No.36 23/12/03 07:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?-】

《Playing a prank in Xian led to the movement on anti-Japan》

The authority in university gave the student the official go-ahead. As a result, the young people in China thought if the movement on anti-Japan, even if accompanied destructive action, it’s all right.

《Anti-Japan stood out at the match of soccer》

The case in Xian wasn’t reported so greatly in Japan. It was July in 2004 when lots of the Japanese knew China was anti-Japan.

Asian Cup on soccer match was held in four cities in China then and was broadcast live on TV. Then the Japanese…

No.37 23/12/03 07:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened? 】

《Anti-Japan stood out at the soccer match》

Then the Japanese saw the movement on anti-Japanese by the Chinese with their own eyes on TV. There were four matches in which Japan joined in Chongqing 重慶. The opponents for Japan wasn’t China on four match, but the Japanese players were always hooted then. When the opponent for Japan got the ball, cheers echoed there, especially at the match against Thailand, pet bottles were thrown at the Japanese supporters.

That unusual situation was peak at the direct match, Japan vs China. Public Security…

No.38 23/12/03 08:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《Anti-Japan stood out at the soccer match》

Public Security Authority in China mobilized security force. Five thousand were distributed at the game venue, and almost fifty thousand were around the game venue. They were on guard on the soccer match, but couldn’t suppress the commotion then.

Japan won the match with 3-1, so the young people in China who weren’t satisfied with the result on the soccer match started to kick up a row immediate after the match was over.

When a car in the minister of the Japanese embassy went out of the match venue…

No.39 23/12/03 08:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《Anti-Japan stood out at the soccer match》

…the car was attacked by the crowd of people and glass on the car was broken. As being unable to suppress the commotion, it was midnight when the Japanese supporters went out from the game venue.

The supporters’ feeling tends to rise at the international soccer match. If being defeated by the old enemy, they want to explode their dissatisfaction, but the commotion on the night went over the edge.

Furthermore, the authority in China tried to suppress the commotion beforehand, it failed. It showed the…

No.40 23/12/03 08:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


It‘s showed the magma of energy from dissatisfaction was piled up among the Chinese so much that the authority in China couldn’t control, and the magma of energy from dissatisfaction started to explode violently at Beijing, at Shanghai April in 2005.

『Column, anti-Japan sentiment in Chongqing 重慶』

Chongqing is the city where the Japanese military force attacked indiscriminately at the time of the war between Japan and China. When the Japanese military force occupied Nanjing 南京 which was the capital in 中華民国 in 1937, its government moved the capital to Chongqing.

Japan started attack…

No.41 23/12/03 09:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Japan started to attack Chongqing indiscriminately May in 1939. The attack was done in the center of Chongqing and lots of residents were dead then. The war is the first one in which the zero fighter joined in for the first time. The bombing continued until 1943. The memory on indiscriminate attack remained strongly in the residents of Chongqing, so the city has the strong anti-Japan sentiment in China.

《Conscience of pro China dropped sharply among the Japanese》

The Japanese saw with their own eyes the movement on anti Japan at the Asia Cup, and the riot at Beijing and Shanghai.

No.42 23/12/03 09:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《Consciousness of pro China dropped sharply among the Japanese》

On this occasion, the Japanese learn to have the awareness of anti China all at once. According to the public opinion survey by the Cabinet Office, the people who answered they felt closer to China was 47.9% October in 2003, but it decreased to 32.% October in 2005.

When the Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited China in 1973, the Japanese started to feel close to China. After 中華人民共和国 has formed, the diplomatic relation between Japan and China was served, and relation between both…

No.43 23/12/03 09:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《Awareness of pro China dropped sharply among the Japanese》

…and the relation between both of countries had gone cold under the Cold War between the East and West. In spite of the situation, Mao Zedong 毛沢東 and Zhou Enlai who were the Prime Ministers responded to Japan politely, so the Japanese fans to China increased so much then. Two pandas were sent to Japan from China as proof of friendship, and the boom on China was caused among the Japanese by the two pandas .

After that the Japanese have had an image of friendship between Japan and China…

No.44 23/12/03 09:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《Consciousness of pro China dropped sharply among the Japanese》

…the Japanese had had an image of friendship between Japan and China vaguely until then, but were shocked at the unexpected movement on anti-Japan and learned to have the consciousness of anti China all at once.

《The Communist Party in China took into action so as to suppress the movement on anti Japan》

China’s Communist Party Leadership was also shocked at the riot on anti Japan by the young Chinese. China has always controlled the action on its nations. It has the sense of …

No.45 23/12/03 10:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti Japan happened?】

《The Communist Party in China Leadership took into action so as to suppress the movement on anti action》

China has the sense of crisis on the action of the public which it can’t reach instinctively. It’s all right as long as the blunt of criticism from the young people was to Japan, but the action which it can’t control hid the power, the power could have changed into the criticism on the government in China. The Communist Party feared it.

Actually there was the movement of criticizing the authority, which was faint hearted to Japan.

No.46 23/12/03 10:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《The China’s Communist Party Leadership took into action…》

The criticism against the authority was included in the insistence of the young people actually. The previous day before the movement on anti Japan broke out at Shanghai, the Public Security Authority at Shanghai city sent the mail to the cellphones of all the residents in Shanghai to observe the law.

The author said, to his surprise, the authority grasped the e-mail address on the cellphone of all the residents in Shanghai city, but in spite of the pressure from the authority, lots…

No.47 23/12/03 11:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《China’s Communist Party Leadership took into action so as to suppress the movement on anti-Japan》

In spite of the pressure from the authority, lots of the young people joined in the riot. The government in China which had the feeling of crisis changed the plan. The plan was suppressing the movement on anti-Japan.

After three days from the riot on anti Japan at Shanghai, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs gathered three thousand and five hundred executives on the military force and the government at the National People’s Congress at Beijing.

No.48 23/12/03 11:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《China’s Communist Party Leadership took into action…》

The Minister of Foreign Affairs directed the regulation to the movement on anti-Japan thoroughly at the meeting.

Each of newspaper in China unfolded criticism against Japan until then, but by a sudden turn, they started to express how important the friendship between Japan and China was, for all the media in China has been under control from the China’s Communist Party and the government, and they have to be faithful to the plan on the Communist Party and the government, but there was…

No.49 23/12/03 11:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《China’s Communist Party Leadership took into action…》

…but there was hesitation and waver clearly in the plan against the movement on anti-Japan by the government in China.

The authority in China had a fear that if suppressing carelessly the movement on anti Japan by the young people, the anger from them turned to the government or the Communist Party. So initially, the authority admired the action on the young people was filled with patriotic enthusiasm.

But the young people thought they were given the endorsement from the authority, so…

No.50 23/12/03 12:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the movement on anti-Japan happened?】

《China’s Communist Party took into action so as to…》

…so the action on the young people escalated so much the authority couldn’t control, then by sudden turn, the authority started to suppress it. The authority was confused and had trouble with the consciousness on anti-Japan from the young people. There was actual situation there that the authority couldn’t control the awareness on anti-Japan which the authority made.

To tell the truth, the consciousness on the anti-Japan in the young people were cultivated by the China’s Communist Party





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