
A diary of a heretic in English

レス500 HIT数 50225 あ+ あ-

蚤野心蔵( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
11/08/15 10:53(更新日時)

A diary of a heretic in English

To my joy, I have just finished the secod English diary , so I'm going to start the third one,for I haven't expressed even half what I wanted to describe.😚

As for the phrase of the title,heretic, it means an unorthodoxed person. It comes from Christanity.It seems that the people who belived in Christanity have been regarded as orthodox, but lots of people have thought the others who never tried to believe in Christanity unorthodox, so they have been calling them heretic.😚

I'm sure generally speaking we Japanese are apt to hate the heretic.We are liable to make much of harmony with others, so I'm wondering if we hate the heretic.😚

I'm sure I have to listen to some useful advice, but I can't always accept all of them.As a result of it, if others call me a heretic, I can't help it, but the great many people aren't always right, I'm sure.Here we go.Hey!幸せ者さん!I'm here😃

No.1541940 11/03/11 07:09(スレ作成日時)



No.1 11/03/11 16:37
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

Earthquake has come almost all around Japan.🗾

Is it all right with you, Nushi san❓
I hope you are in safe...

By Shiawasemono

No.2 11/03/11 18:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 1 Thank you for your message. I'm ok. My job will be over at 7:30 in the evening,then I will send you a message.See you😁

No.3 11/03/11 18:17
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 2 I am glad to know you are in safe⤴

Please do as usual.😃

No.4 11/03/11 21:28
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 3 Hello again and thank you for your concern.🙇

I didn't think the earthquake was so great until I received your message,but the news says its magnitude was 8.8.It's the greatest one which we have ever experienced in Japan,especially Tohoku area seems to have suffered heavy damage.😔

The earth has great power.Even if we humanbeing are proud of developing science,we can't resist the violence of nature, I'm sure.😨

Have a pleasant night.Have a wonderful dream.See you😁

No.5 11/03/12 07:24
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

Excuse me for being late.

I just want to send you this message

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‘A troubadour’吟遊詩人 not barbarous man with rebel spirit. 反逆者

Congratulations on your new thread.🎉

No.6 11/03/12 09:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Thank you for your illustration and hello.😃

Unfortunately, I'm not day off today. I will send you message when I go home.😊

Have a comfortable day off😊

No.7 11/03/12 16:23
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

Nushi san, this would be the article on earthquake on the top page of ‘International Herald Tribune’.


Fires and blackouts as farmland is submerged -Tokyo-
A devastating tsunami hit the coast of northeast Japan on Friday in the aftermath of an 8.9 magnitude earthquake about 130 kilometers offshore, killing at least 23 people and injuring dozens. The earthquake triggered widespread power blackouts, and tsunami alerts were issued across the Pacific Ocean from Russia to California. Prime minister Naoto Kan said the disaster caused major damage across wide areas , The Associated Press reported. Mr. Kan added that nuclear power plants in the stricken area had not been affected. Trains were shut down across central and northern Japan, including Tokyo, and air travel was severly disrupted. The government held an emergency session to coordinate its response and confirmed 23 deaths. At least 30 people were injured in the cities・・

  • << 9 Hello again.😃 The news said there were some smokes in Fukushima nuclear power plant and was sound of explosion. It seems that some workers were injured in the plant then.Considering its time and place,it's scared me😨 I'm afraid lots of people who live in Tohoku area have hard time.😥 To my surprise,the areas where people should be cautious of the tidal wave gradually keep spreading. In addition,its strength seems to increase. I wish this turmoil could finish soon.😔
  • << 10 To 幸せ者さん😃 Hello again.😃 It was impolite of me not to express thanks for your useful information about the great earthquake and your skillful アスキットアート、troubadour.Please forgive me.🙇 I'm going to listening to English cds from now on,so I'm afraid I may not send you back my message tomorrow. I'm sorry.🙏 Have a comfortable night. See you😁

No.8 11/03/12 16:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 7 Hello again. I'm going to go to a barber shop from now on and after that I will send you my message. See you😃

No.9 11/03/12 18:14
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 7 Nushi san, this would be the article on earthquake on the top page of … Hello again.😃

The news said there were some smokes in Fukushima nuclear power plant and was sound of explosion. It seems that some workers were injured in the plant then.Considering its time and place,it's scared me😨

I'm afraid lots of people who live in Tohoku area have hard time.😥

To my surprise,the areas where people should be cautious of the tidal wave gradually keep spreading. In addition,its strength seems to increase. I wish this turmoil could finish soon.😔

No.10 11/03/12 19:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 7 Nushi san, this would be the article on earthquake on the top page of … To 幸せ者さん😃

Hello again.😃

It was impolite of me not to express thanks for your useful information about the great earthquake and your skillful アスキットアート、troubadour.Please forgive me.🙇

I'm going to listening to English cds from now on,so I'm afraid I may not send you back my message tomorrow. I'm sorry.🙏

Have a comfortable night. See you😁

No.11 11/03/13 08:25
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

A warnings of tidal wave have been kept issued,besides, as for nuclear generation plant,an emergency was declared.😨

Therefore I'm sure we should be calm down and deal with what happens from now on calmly.😒

I'm sure we must not be confused,but we need correct information.😃

No.12 11/03/13 10:28
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

Correct information may be useful but these data from intelligences told us this quake was not expected, so I do not take each thing they say on trust, I would just accept what happend already.

Sorry Nushi san, I have a bad headache, it happens suddenlly, forgiveme of being absent for a while.

Please have a calm day for you.

By Shiawasemono

No.13 11/03/13 10:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 12 Thank you for your message and please take it easy.😥

Please don't worry about being your absence at all.Nothing is more important than your health.As for me,in fact, it's more important your health than any other incidents which are happening in Japan.😥

Please have a good rest.☀

No.14 11/03/13 14:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

What should we do for being a Santa Claus?🎅

To my surprise,there are some schools which train Santa Claus in the world. The greatest one is an international Santa Claus Commission in Greenland and it has been opening meeting of Santa Claus of the world at the suburb in Copenhagen every year since 1964.🎅

The total number of the Santa Clauses are about 180,which assist a senior Santa Claus lived in Greenland.It is difficult to be the Santa Claus which is recognized officially.🎅

Married,having child and its figure resembles Santa Claus.The person which meets three requirements goes to Denmark with a costume of Santa Claus and passes a severe test,so finally he can become Santa Claus.🎅

As for the content of the test,English or Danish speech, conversation of an official language「ホッホッホッホッー」 with which Santa Claus uses.It means Santa Claus can communicate with each other,using 「ホッホッホッー」.In addition a test of actual technique.🎅

No.15 11/03/13 14:58
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 14 What should we do for being a Santa ClausⅡ

As for its actual technique,its candidate actually have to enter a living room through a chimmney.The Western people have customs which they not only hang their socks but also they prepare for homemade ginger cookies in order to receive the presem from the Santa Claus,so the candidates actually have to eat in the test.They must do it quickly,for visiting children and eating cookies,they have to do them quickly without recognizing by children.🍪

After that the Santa Claus has to come out of the house through the chimney without the sound of the footsteps.The only ones which passed test can become Santa Claus who is recognized officially.🎅

There seems to be no more than one Santa Claus who was recognized officially in japan.🎅

If I were a Santa Claus, I could bring 幸せ者さん happiness and a specific remedy for your headache.Out of season?I never mind it at all.😁

No.16 11/03/13 16:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To 幸せ者さん I'm sorry for my making a slip of tongue失言.😔

Unless being a Santa Claus, I'm sure I can bring you happiness,though I can't do it at once.I hope you can recover from your illness early☀

No.17 11/03/13 20:46
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Though I tried to encourage a female who suffers from headache, I'm afraid she was discouraged with my remarks. Language is difficult to express, I'm sure. I must wait until she forgives me🙇🙇🙇

Speaking of waiting,「ゴドーを待ちながら」 by サミュエル・ベケット may be only the French novel which I know. It doesn't mean I have read it, but I know its outline.📖

There are some people who have been waiting for a man,ゴドー, but they aren't sure whether or not he comes and whether or not he is useful, but they wait for him.Finally he never showed up,so its story comes to an end.😥

Its theme is we are apt to wait for something.We are not sure whether or not it's helpful and whether or not it really comes, but we will continue to waiting for it.😥

Needless to say,the female is more important than any other things in the world,but even if she didn't come back,it's just that I brought on my own misfortune😭

No.18 11/03/15 09:06
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Almost all of the nations are Muslims, but they spill into lots of races and tribes,so the Afghanistan seems to be a coalition government of the nation which consists of tribes.😃

Afghanistan is surrounded by several countries.Pakistan lies to the southwest ,Iran to the west,Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. One of the part of the Afghanistan is close to even China.😃

Khyber passカイバル峠 where it lies border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a important point of traffic,where used to lie what is called 【Silk road】,so Alexander,a founder of Macedonia kingdom and what is called 三蔵法師 who appeared in 西遊記 had passed.😃

England built railroad there so as to secure land route to India which used to be a colony of England in 1925,moreover it is said Osama bin Laden escaped to Pakistan through this mountain pass,the Khyber pass.😲

To be continued.By😁

  • << 21 Afghanistan Ⅱ Few people visit the Khyber pass recently, but the mountain pass峠 and railroads in the mountains will be valuable tourist attraction and will be registered as one of the world heritage世界遺産 as long as peace returns there😃 The U.S.A. started to make war because the country need to annihilate the international organization of terrorizm,Al-Qaida and capture its leader,Osama bin Laden,but it seems to be another reason,though the U.S.A. will never admit it officially.🇺 If they have a chance,they control the important point of the traffic,the Khyber pass(if they leave it alone,China may try to be under control),and establish a nation of pro-American親米 and try to have great influence over Iran which lies to west. Iran used to be a friendly nation of the U.S.A. until the Islam revolution in 1979, so it was one of reason why the U.S.A.used to be eager to establish the pro American nation there.🇺

No.19 11/03/15 22:35
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

Nushi san good evening.

The foreigner who shares office room with me asked me about quake. I told her that I do not watch TV to get further information because it is no use to know the details. I also told her that I do watch TV to get some informations, then immediately she guessed if I am keep on getting information concerning to troubles on Fukushima Nuclear power. I said ‘No’. Maybe she thought so because I analyze things.

See you later.🐲

By Shiawasemono

  • << 23 Excuse me at middle of night. ‘Fukushima nuclear power’ now I know the reason why foreigner at office picked up this institution. She was afraid of the trouble of this institution that may have influence to Kyoto and Osaka. Now she knows it is far distance to get any pollution. By the way, how are you going to spend this weekend? It may be rude to talk about such matter now but actually you and me have our own life. I am planning to ... how do you say in English to go and give flowers to ancestor's cemetry? By Shiawasemono

No.20 11/03/15 23:26
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 19 Good evening and thank you for your message.We also had a earthquake in the region where I live just before I received your message.Considering its timing, it's scared me.😨

The news said the center of the earthquake was shizuoka, so I'm afraid you may have earthquake in your region. I hope you are ok.😥

The earthquake in the Tohoku area was so great that a lot of things have been disrupted,especially the nuclear power plant in the Tohoku area.😨

Lots of people are suffering from being lacking of a variety of things,but as long as we live, we will be able to get over them.Needless to say,the I'm sure I'm sorry for the people who suffer from the difficulties.😥

Oh, today is coming to an end. Have a good night and have a comfortable night.See you😁

No.21 11/03/16 12:16
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 18 Afghanistan Almost all of the nations are Muslims, but they spill i… Afghanistan Ⅱ

Few people visit the Khyber pass recently, but the mountain pass峠 and railroads in the mountains will be valuable tourist attraction and will be registered as one of the world heritage世界遺産 as long as peace returns there😃

The U.S.A. started to make war because the country need to annihilate the international organization of terrorizm,Al-Qaida and capture its leader,Osama bin Laden,but it seems to be another reason,though the U.S.A. will never admit it officially.🇺

If they have a chance,they control the important point of the traffic,the Khyber pass(if they leave it alone,China may try to be under control),and establish a nation of pro-American親米 and try to have great influence over Iran which lies to west.

Iran used to be a friendly nation of the U.S.A. until the Islam revolution in 1979, so it was one of reason why the U.S.A.used to be eager to establish the pro American nation there.🇺

No.22 11/03/16 20:36
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


American conservative group,especially the Bush governor which the petroleum industry supported fervently hoped that pro-American government again in Iraq.😃

Unexpectedly,the war was prolonged,moreover another war with Iraq dragged on though the U.S.A. expected the war was easily over.🇺

Obama government end up covering up mistake of Bush.🇺

Extracted from News Digest vol 28

By the way,we have earthquake yesterday. Its center of the earthquake was Shizuoka. Considering its location,the region where I live is Aichi prefecture and the female whose hanale name 幸せ者 lives by far in the distant,so I'm safe means she is absolutely ok. I'm afraid I sent a stupid message to her.😂

Needless to say, I'm pleased that she is all right,but……😔

My remarks was stupid. It was shameful of me😳

No.23 11/03/19 02:44
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 19 Nushi san good evening. The foreigner who shares office room with me… Excuse me at middle of

‘Fukushima nuclear power’
now I know the reason why foreigner at office picked up this institution. She was afraid of the trouble of this institution that may have influence to Kyoto and Osaka. Now she knows it is far distance to get any pollution.

By the way, how are you
going to spend this weekend? It may be rude to talk about such matter now but actually you and me have our own life. I am planning to ... how do you say in English to go and give flowers to ancestor's cemetry?

By Shiawasemono

  • << 26 As your colleague told,as for the influence of radioactivity放射能 of Fukushima nuclear power plant,almost all of the people all over Japan are worried about, I'm sure.Though it's not useful,after being out,we should gurgle and wash our hands.When returning home,our clother which we wore when we worked should wash.😥 Needless to say, neither our worries are cold nor hay fever, but it's regrettable that it doesn't occur to me anything useful.😣 We should abstain from going out for a while,if possible,though I think it difficult😫

No.24 11/03/19 09:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 23 Thank you for your message and good morning.😃

You mean お彼岸?It's vernal equinoctial week. In spring, it seem we call it vernal eqinoctial week and in autumn we call it autumnal equinoctial one,my electronic dictionary says😃                    
I have nothing special plan.I'm wondering if I should study English 🔤

I have to go to public hall on Tuesday,for I'm day off until next Wednesday.😚

What are you going to do then? I'm sure there are little distance between us. It will takes 2 or 3 hours , if I use a shinkansen.I want to meet and talk with you actually.Are you ok?😳

No.25 11/03/19 10:38
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 24 I'm sorry for my last remarks. I think I must apologize it for you, for at first I should have asked your condition.🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏

Please have a comfortable weekend😁

No.26 11/03/19 11:20
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 23 Excuse me at middle of night. ‘Fukushima nuclear power’ now I know th… As your colleague told,as for the influence of radioactivity放射能 of Fukushima nuclear power plant,almost all of the people all over Japan are worried about, I'm sure.Though it's not useful,after being out,we should gurgle and wash our hands.When returning home,our clother which we wore when we worked should wash.😥

Needless to say, neither our worries are cold nor hay fever, but it's regrettable that it doesn't occur to me anything useful.😣

We should abstain from going out for a while,if possible,though I think it difficult😫

No.27 11/03/20 00:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of unit are what we call mSvミリシーベルト and microSvマイクロシーベルト?How much are they danger?😨】

Lots of people seems to be anxious about the phrase that total radiation exceeds criterion and some bombed victims because of the last nuclear power plant accident. I'm sure we need to make sure mSv and microSv which we often hear in the news is what kind of unit before we take action in a hurry.😃

Radiation are bathed over we human being whenever we live.Human bodies are always exposed to the radiation. Its average of the world is about 2.4mSv,which is one thousandth×2.4 of 1 Sv, a year.😃

Lethal amount of radiation which causes death of bombed victim who was exposed to radiation for short period is 5% lethal amount of radiation which causes death,2Sv, it means 2,000mSv.💀

The number of 5% means the leathal amount of radiation which causes death of one of 20people who are exposed to the radiation.💀

To be continued. By😁

No.28 11/03/20 01:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 27 【What kind of unit are what is called mSv or micro Sv and how much are they danger?💀】

It is said that 50% lethal amount of radiation which causes death is 4Sv and 100% is 7Sv.As for the exposed to the radiation which is less than 200mSv,acute clinical condition is not recognized.☝

As to the phrase 【short period】of the last remark, it means about 1 hour.In short,if we absorb at a time,it means for 1 hour,the radiation which were exposed to us during a year,one of 20people may be dead,for it means we aborb 1,000 times radiatio at a time.💀

By the way, I'm going to keep expressing until I feel sleepy,so please switch off 着レス通信, for it prevents you from sleeping.💤

1Sv,we feel nauseated and 2~5 Sv,we lose hairs,in addition,over 3Sv,it is said the people of 50% will be dead within 3days.💀

In the news, a phrase of every hour is sometimes omitted,Sv means the amount of radiation which were exposed to us for a short period.☝

No.29 11/03/20 01:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 28 【What kind of unit are mSv and micro Sv and how much are they danger】

Sv/h means the amount of radiation in which a person spents there for hour, and needless to say, we can use the expression of 「every second」 and「 every year」, but as long as without explanation,the omitted ones seem to be every hour.😃

For example,let's suppose there was a report 1microSv was registered.It means if we spend there for an hour, we are exposed to radiation of 1micro Sv,and if 2.4mSv/h,we are exposed to radiation which we usually absorb for a year.We aborb it no more than 1hour.☝

It seems that we often hear the amount of radiation which is〇〇 times as much radiation as the ordinary ones.By the way, I feel sleepy,so I'm going to bed from now on.

No.30 11/03/20 02:04
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 29 Good night Nushi san.🌠

No.31 11/03/20 07:49
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 30 【What kind of units are mSv and microSv and how much danger are they?】

Good morning,幸せ者さん😃I woke up just now,so I'm going to continue expressing from now on.Thank you for your message😊

One year is 8.760hours(24×365),so roughly speaking,being exposed to the radiation which is 1.000 times in our daily lives a year, it means 5% lethal amount of radiation which causes to death.Considering those situations,when ordinary measurement value 測定値 of Sv/h becomes 8.760.000 times, we are exposed to the radiation without any protection for an hour,it means one of 20 people may be dead.💀

As for the expression that 400mSv/h which was measured near the 3rd apparatus of the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima which was announced on 15 May in 2.011,it corresponds to one-fifth of 5% lethal amount of radiation whic causes death,2Sv,2.000mSv.In short,if we are exposed to the radiation which is the five times for an hour one of 20 people may be dead.💀

  • << 39 Good morning, nushi san. I hope you are in good condition. Well I still have headache so forgive me of being absent for a while... Please have a nice day⛅

No.32 11/03/20 08:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 31 【What kind of units are mSv and micro Sv and how much are they danger?】

As for 400mSv/h,we need to pay attention that it was measured near an atomic reactor.By the way, I'm going to express difference between mSv and micro Sv from now on.😃

When heard 8217 micro Sv and 1941 micro Sv in the news,we are forced to feel what a great mumbers they are, but the word of 「micro」 means one-thousandth of the unit of milli.1 micro Sv means one millionth of 1Sv.😃

2.000.000 micro Sv is the lethal amount of radiation which causes death,2000 micro Sv is one-thousandth of the lethal amount of radiation which causes death.💀

1Sv=1.000 mSv=1.000.000 micro Sv.

A great amount of radiation is harmful for the human bodies, but a small amount is no problem.Considering an emergency, we need to take steps, but we need to pay attention so as not to take actions and fall into panic. I extracted these remarks from internet.😃

No.33 11/03/20 09:29
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 32 【Relation between being exposed to the radiation and its influence for our health】

It is said that more than 100.000 micro Sv, it means 100mSv, causes cancer.Some people may be shocked if they hear others who become cancer increase, but it doesn't mean all of the people are always become cancer. It's just that the possibility of being cancer increases.😚

Even if we take in cancer-causing matter periodically,all of us don't always become cancer,as smokers don't always become the cancer of lung, as the people who suffer from the cancer of lungs don't always die,so we don't have to be worried about it so much.😃

By the way, what does the unit of 「Sv」 mean?Next time I'm going to express it. I feel hungry and tired a little, so I will resume after taking a break for a while.😁

No.34 11/03/20 13:25
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【As for the unit,Sv,to be exact, Sievert】

       We measure the the radiation which has influence for human bodies with the unit, Sv. Lots of people may think,「What kind of criterion does the Sv express?」 or 「What does Sv mean」To tell the truth, I didn't know until I read next explanation😳

The unit was named Sv after Swedish physicist,who rendered great services to protective clothing for radiation. At first we need to learn another unit, Gy before the expression of the Sv😃

Gy means a unit of energy.There is a thing which is applied照射 radiation,then when the thing absorbs the radiation, it needs energy. Its mass総量 of energy is expressed with joule per 1 ㎏.It's Gy.😃

Joule, I make it rule to call it 「J」,is a unit of 仕事量,which we can learn with the formula,「mass×acceleration×distance」As for the word of 「仕事量」, it seems to be a technical term of physics. I'm not good at physics at all,so I can't express the word in English. I'm sorry for it😩

No.35 11/03/20 20:39
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【As for the unit, Sv】

I'm sure I have to express 仕事,before I express Sv.Even if it is a technical word of physics, it's just that a thing which a schoolboy or a schoolgirl learn in a junior high school, so it is natural for me to understand and express it in English😚

There is force which acts to a thing.The force moves the thing some distance. If the direction which acts to the thing is same with its movement,the force 仕事をした to the thing.😃

I've overlooked.【仕事】means power in English.😳

I'm going to return to the main subject from now on. The unit,J is the same level with another unit, kWh.We often hear the kWh in the talk of electric power.1J is 1Ws(ワット秒).We divide 1kWh by 1.000kg and 3.600seconds.Its value値 is 1Ws.😃

It is said if we continue to work a washing machine three times,we use 1kWh, so 1Ws is small amount.😃

I'm going to express the unit,1J,next time.😃

No.36 11/03/20 22:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 35 【As for the unit, Sv】

To be concrete,let's suppose a person raised an apple which weighed about 102g against gravitation.1J corresponds with the work load仕事量😃

Being exposed to radiation means the power of the radiation act to human body.As for its expression,I have little confidence though.😳

If a tissue組織 of human body which is bathed in radiation is acted of power of 1J per 1kg, it means it's exposed to radiation of Gy.😃

Some people,including me,may not familiar with the expression,be acted of power仕事される. For example,when warm ourselves at a heater and our bodies teperature raise. The amount of raising its temperature means being acted of power仕事をされた.😃

At the same time,when a mother lifts her baby against gravitation,the amount of the height of her baby is being acted of the power.😃

Both of the units, Sv and Gy are the ones of J/kg, but the radiation has a variety of kinds.Next time, I'm going to express them.😃

No.37 11/03/20 23:08
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 36 【As for the kinds of the radiation】

As I told,the radiation has a variety of kinds, but according to each of the radiation,the influence which we receive is different,for example,α rays and β rays are different.😃

Even thought the same amount of absorption,when the human body absorbs the radiation,amount of absorption of α rays has by far more dangerous than the same amount of absorption of β rays. It's 20 times.😨

If we are exposed to be the radiation of 1Gy which is α rays,its influence for human body is 20Sv.Though it's a fact that the larger a thing,the more it absorbs energy, it doesn't always mean a person who weighs 80kg is more dangerous than another one who weighs 40kg,《so the way of thinking per 1kg means significant.》This is an end about the expression of mSv and micro Sv.😃

By the way,in spite of my own remarks, I'm not sure of the part,《》.I'm wondering the heavier,the more dangerous😥

No.38 11/03/21 08:26
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【As for my remark】

As to the nuclear power plant accident, I tried to get rid of anxiety of others, but I'm afraid I kept saying irrelevant things.😔

The facilities for the spent fuel使用済み燃料 is out of order because of the great earthquake.The spent fuel must keep cooling, but we can't, so some members of the self defence forces 自衛隊 have kept spraying water on the spent fuel.

Its situation is serious. The unit of tanks was dispathched to get rid of the rubble which prevents from spraying water.😨

The situation has been changing every minute. In spite of it, I was so absorbed in saying in English that I didn't pay attention so much.😳

No.39 11/03/21 11:10
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 31 【What kind of units are mSv and microSv and how much danger are they?】… Good morning, nushi san. I hope you are in good condition.

Well I still have headache so forgive me of being absent for a while...

Please have a nice day⛅

No.40 11/03/21 11:38
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 39 Thank you for your message and I'm fine😃

Please don't mind your absence at all. I'm sorry that you are in poor health.Please take care of yourself and take it easy.☀

I hope your recovery😃

No.41 11/03/21 15:46
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Omelet in Kantou area Kansai area🐣

As for how to cook,omelet is simple, but the omelet of Kantou and the one Kansai are very different.🐣

If the people who live in Tokyo say“I will never eat Kansai'omelet as a side dish in the dinner for it's light seasoning”the other who live in Kansai will retort as sharply like that“I will never eat Kantou's omelet,for it's too sweet😤

We shouldn't think those two kinds of omelets are the same sort,for the one of the Kansai is seasoning with soup stockだし,it means what is call a 出汁巻き,contrary to it, the one in the Kantou is a thick omelet😃

As for each way of cooking,they use enough soup stock for seasoning.Some people use 5 eggs for soup stock of 1.600㏄.They never use sugar then and other seasoning is soysouce.🐣

If they season with salt,they can cook omelet completely,so it looks delicious, but it is said that they stick to their seasoning, so they don't use salt then.😃

No.42 11/03/21 16:30
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 41 Omelet in Kantou area and Kansai areaⅡ

Therefore the Kansai's omelet is very soft and fluffyふっくらとしている and refined.🐣

Contrary to it, we cook thick omelet without using soup stock, but we season with lots of sugar.We pour the soysauce over thick omelet which baked and eat it.😃

By the way,lots of people used to make light of the seasoning of Kantou way which is both salt and sugar are used,salty-sweet甘辛い seasoning until Edo period, so it is said we used to love the salty-sweet seasoning which was used for enough sugar to the other dishes.😚

Why did we stick to the salty-sweet seasoning? It is said we tried to make ourself big. In short, it's a kind of a vanity.Sugar use to be an imported article then,it was beyond our reach, but we were ready to use plenty of sugar and wanted to show our generosity.😃

By the way, I was born in Tokyo, but it doesn't mean I'm proud of it. The place where I was born doesn't matter.🐣

No.43 11/03/21 16:38
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To 幸せ者さん 😃

Hello. I wish I could cook for you,omelet which is the Kansai way. I wish you could recover from in bad condition with it.You don't have to send back a message.Please take a good rest.See you😁

No.44 11/03/21 19:00
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 43 Nushi san good evening. Well I still have headache. It is a light pain.
Very sorry about it. I would go sleep earlier than usual because tomorrow I have to go to work.

Omlet, oh in Kansai way?It is so nice of you.

Then I would look a good handkerchief for you at department store.

See you in a while.🌠

No.45 11/03/21 19:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 44 Hello again.😃

All right. I'm sure you need to prepare for tomorrow.Please have a nice dream and take care of yourself😃

  • << 48 Good morning, Nushi san. Please read my message I would send you tonight, after I finish all my work this week. See you later🐲

No.46 11/03/24 21:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The proper courtesy title敬称 for food in Kansai area】

It seems that almost all of the people who live in Kansai area have had experience next one. When they were sick in bed their mothers cooked rice porridgeお粥 and brought it to them. Then the food is usually called 【おかゆさん】🍚

In the Kansai region,they often call some foods by the proper courtesy title,for example,お稲荷さん、お揚げさん,お芋さん and so on.It is said it remains that some merchants who used to come and go to the Imperial Palace adopted the language. They kept using the language after they moved to 船場 by Hideyoshi's order.😃

In short,the word,「お」 of the「お稲荷さん」 was the language of court ladies in former times.They moved from palace to the public and they and the merchants kept using the language.😃

Contrary to it,other word of 「さん」 of「お稲荷さん」 shows a characteristic of Osaka prefecture which is the town of merchant class.

To be continued. By😁

No.47 11/03/24 22:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 46 【The proper courtesy title for food in Kansai area】Ⅱ

It seems that people who lived in Kansai area think like next one. If they call someone who is their superior one by the proper courtesy title,「様」, it seems to be high-sounding仰々しい, but it is rude to call the superior withou the title,so they learned to adopt 「さん」in affectionate.😃

Therefore they used to call 秀吉 太閤さん and call 松下幸之助 幸之助はん in affectionate.At the same time,they learned to call some foods by the proper courtesy with gratitude and affectionate.🍖

By the way,hey!幸せ者さん、how are you I hope you recover. If you don't I wish I could bring you お粥さん. Have a comfortable night😁

No.48 11/03/25 05:57
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 45 Hello again.😃 All right. I'm sure you need to prepare for tomorrow.P… Good morning, Nushi san. Please read my message I would send you tonight, after I finish all my work this week.

See you later🐲

No.49 11/03/25 06:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 48 Thank you for your message and good morning.😃

I'm looking forward to your message tonight.Have a nice day😁

No.50 11/03/25 20:31
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

Good evening Nushi san.
Have you ever checked your personality (which means type of your character)?
My result of test is type clever which most of people in UK belong to this type. It seems to be few in our country.

See you later🐲

  • << 53 Good morning and I'm sorry.🙇 I misunderstood. You talked about personality,but you didn't talk about personality test. I made an awful blunder.My misunderstanding has spoiled your weekeemd. I have to apologize and at the same time I have to make up for it. I'm very sorry🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏 Speaking of personality,people who live in Kansai area tend to be curious about everything and so they are apt to challenge something new and difficulty.😃 For example,植村直己,who was from Hyogo prefecture.He was famous for a adventurer.堀江謙一,who succeeded in sailing across the Pacific alone by yacht. He's also from Kansai area.😃 By the way,as for my personality,it's just that I'm stupid🙇



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