A fourth diary in English
Let’s enjoy English! 4
Let's enjoy English!Ⅱ

Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

No.59 18/09/27 21:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Ohio】

《Unique human being group who was born from economic power》

…Wright brothers who succeeded in operating an airplane for the first time,Clark Gable and Paul Newman who are movie actors,Steven Spielberg who is a movie director,Neil Armstrong who walked the surface on the moon for the first time. What he said then,my step is a little one but it’s a great stop for the bumankind is famous.

Gloria Steinem who led a movement for the Woman Lib and issued a magazine of Ms,and tried to abolish the difference on women who are married or not. She came to Japan in the middle of 1980. She was unmarried then, she complained like the next.

“When being pregnant, we can’t have an abortion in America,so I went to London,and have an abortion. How wasteful it is”

Toni Morrison who received the Nobel prize for literature as the first black female,and the reason for receiving the prize gave the side of American important reality a vitality. Her position is searching the historical…





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