Let's enjoy English!Ⅱ
Let’s enjoy English! 4
Let's enjoy English!

Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

No.60 18/09/27 22:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Ohio】

《Unique human being group which was born from economic power》

Her position is searching the historical situation and discrimiational structure on the black women who received double discrimination on race and sex.

Her work,Tar Baby’s hero and heroine are a couple of the black. The book criticized the middle class of the black who were poisoned by the culture for the white,and without fighting against racial discrimination from the white,a real marital harmony for a couple of the black can’t be there,the book hints like that.

【The state of Oklahoma】

《The Native Indian who moved in a highway in tears.》

The state of which ratio for aborigines like the Native Indians and Eskimos is high is Alaska which is 15.6%,New Mexico is 8.9%,and Oklahoma is the third place of which rate is 8.0%,according to the national census in 1990,but as to the real number takes the first place. It’s about two hundred and fifty thousand.

Why is it so? When considering a nickname of the…





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