Let’s enjoy English! 4

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
18/09/17 04:05(更新日時)

I’ve studied English for about a decade,and hoped that my English ability improves,though I’m not sure of it.

While I’m sure I can manage to make myself understood in English,I can’t use the right word in the right place according to the time,the place and the occasion.

When being in an official place,there should be the way of speaking which fits to the place,but I don’t know it at all. Fortunately or not I’m not sure,but I’ve had little chance to do so far,so it seems that I won’t be worried about it in the future,but I’m sure I have to bear it in my mind,to my sorrow I’m not a splendid English speaker.

I’ve wanted to express everything in English,but needless to say I find it hard to do. When finding something interesting to express,it doesn’t always mean that I can start it at once,for there is other one in which I’m engaged then.

The later I’ve started it,the older the information becomes,it can’t be helped. Where am I going? Roughly speaking there are still 400 letters which I can express. I don’t know why it is.

The number of letters is usually limited within 1000,but it seems to be 1400 at this time. The more letters I can express,the better I feel,though I doubt whether I can express the number of 1400 letters this time here.

I’ve been get used to the number of 1000 letters,so this time I find it long. It is by far warmer today,spring has come,I’m wfondering.

No.2610789 18/03/04 14:45(スレ作成日時)



No.1 18/03/04 19:42

Go to America

No.2 18/03/04 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To the one who expressed itself in English in No 1 response.

Thank you for your message,but why is it to America? There are lots of other countries where English has been spoken,in addition,it isn’t peace at all there. Moreover,it seems that I’m not acquaintance with you at all,so there is no reason in which you can order me to do.

Even if I can send you the message like that, I doubt whether or not you can understand it,so my message may be useless for you.

By the way,I’ve wanted to go abroad someday,but to my sorrow I don’t have enough money and enough time to do,so I’m afraid I can’t go to any foreign countries when I live.

Without eating Japanese rice,I can’t lead everyday life,I’m afraid,so if going abroad,the Japanese rice is one of my baggage.

Without going to any foreign countries,everyone can study English,I’m sure. Whenever trying to do something,others want to slander and abuse,but we don’t have to be worried about it. It’s useless. Leave me alone,the one of leisure.

No.3 18/03/05 19:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The reformation on the system of official employees.】

《What is called 渡り is also stopped.》

…so the personal changes among the different government offices becomes so active that the public employees will have learned to think of the whole nation when working. The government seemed to think like that.

However some of the public employees objected to the reformation,so the Aso Cabinet decided the plan of the reformation in the future in a great hurry. It’s,so to speak,a work schedule for the reformation. The work schedule is originally a program which shows how much a constructon work makes a progress.

In short,the Aso Cabinet declared that even if there is opposition against the reformation,they’ll proceed the reformation as they planed,but the plan was discarded. After the Lower House election was over,a new Cabinet would start,then the plan would be considered.

【The successor of Kim Jong ‖ is 】

《Some people had thought Kim Jong Un was the successor of Kim Jong ‖,but no one…》

No.4 18/03/17 00:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong Ⅱ is.】

《Some people had thought that Kim Jong Un was the successor of Kim Jong ‖,but no one had seen his face in North Korea.》

The whole world had paid attention to the one who succeeded to Kim Jong ‖ who was the leader in the highest ranking in the North Korea. There used to be the information in which it’s the third son,Kim Jong Un,but his photograph of the face had not been made public then.

When the whole world had paid attention what kind of a person he was,Mainichi Newspaper Company got his photograph of the face when he studied abroad in Swiss.

Kim Jong ‖ succeeded to the highest rank in the nation from his father in the North Korea,it’s a heredity itself. In general,the heredity is that a child succeeds to its parent’s occupation or position. It is natural for the world of the traditional entertainment like Noh play or Kabuki,but inheriting the highest rank in the nation is as if it were a monarch in the federal age.

There has been an …

No.5 18/03/17 01:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong ‖.】

《Some people had thought that Kim Jong Un was the successor of Kim Jong ‖,but no one had seen his photograph of the face in the North Korea.》

There is a explanation in which it’s taking over the blood in revolution. It’s the way of thinking like the next. There was a great person who accomplished the revolution in which he established the North Korea. The one who inherits its blood should be in the highest rank in the North Korea.Kim Jong ‖ had three sons,so it seemed that everyone thought either of them would be the successor.

《The information that the third son was the successor.》

There had been the information that the third son became the successor in the South Korea which south to the North Korea. The South Korea has always watched what happened in the North Korea so much that it could get the information quickly.

Kim Jong nam is a son between Kim Jong ‖ and his first wife. Kim Jong nam used to try to enter Japan with a forged passport but…

No.6 18/03/17 02:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong ‖.】

《The information that the third son was the successor.》

Kim Jong nam tried to enter Japan with a forged passport,but was caught and said,he wanted to love to go to the Tokyo Disney land. The episode has been well-known. His father,Kim Jong ‖ was so angry with his first son that it was said he couldn’t become the successor.

There are the second son and the third son between Kim Jong ‖ and his second wife. The second son was sickly and there was information in which he said he didn’t think he wanted to be the successor.

On the other hand there was other information in which the third son was favorite one for Kim Jong ‖ and he took fancy to his third son. In addition while the third son was young,he had been in an important position in the North Korea,but strange to say almost no one could recognize his face clearly in the North Korea,It’s just that the photograph of the face of Kim Jong Un of 11 year old appeared in the Noth Korea then.

No.7 18/03/18 11:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong Ⅱ.】

《Then he’d gone abroad.》

The North Korea is such a poor country that lots of the people live in poverty.but both of the second son and third son of Kim Jong Ⅱ went abroad a school in Bern which is the capital of Swiss which has a diplomatic relation with the North Korea,for Kim Jong Ⅱ tried to make his sons learn things in the world.

If having gone abroad Swiss,his classmates must have a photograph in which the third son was,so the Japanese newspaper company looked for his classmates. Employees assigned to the newspaper company in Bern interviewed the schools and all the concerned.

They got the photograph of the third son when he was 16 year old,and the photograph was placed in the newspaper. His photograph wasn’t open to the public in the North Korea then,so it was a scoop. We the Japanese could look at his photograph before the people in the North Korea did.

The nation had never known the one which had high possibility for being the next their…

No.8 18/03/18 12:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong Ⅱ.】

《Then he went abroad.》

The nation had never known the one who had high possibility for being their leader. How unusual the country is.

【The North Korea did a nuclear test again.】

《The country announced that it did a nuclear test in 2009. It’s a challenge for the whole world.》

The North Korea did the nuclear test a month before,so that time was twice. The United Nations blamed the North Korea for its launching for a missile. The North Korea was offended by the blame,so it did the nuclear test again.

Besides,having the nuclear weapon means appealing to the U.S.A.to negotiate with the North Korea direct. It was a kind of solicitation from the North Korea to the U.S.A.

Speaking of an experiment,it sounds as if it were the experiment in natural science,so it looks like a good one,but far from it. The nuclear test is making sure whether or not the nuclear weapon which means an atomic bomb actually explodes as it planned.

If doing the nuclear on…

No.9 18/03/18 20:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea did the nuclear test again.】

《The country announced that it did the nuclear test in 2009.It’s a challenge for the whole world.》

If doing the nuclear test on the ground,radioactivity will be scattered over the ground and it’s very serious,so they dug a deep tunnel between the mountains and they made the atomic bomb explode in its inner part.

Actually,it seemed that the North Korea did the nuclear test three years before,but its explosion was a small scale,so the test was close to a failure,but the explosion of the test in 2009 was larger scale than the one three years before,so their technology for the atomic bomb has improved.

When doing the nuclear test,the ground shakes,but the way of shaking is different from an earthquake,so if looking at a seismograph 地震計,we can understand it’s a nuclear test,and at the same time we can recognize its scale.

However every time doing the nuclear test,radionuclides 放射性核種 like krypton or xenon is always detected,but the…

No.10 18/03/24 06:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea did the nuclear test again.】

《The country announced the nuclear test in 2009. It’s a challenge for the whole world.》

However every time doing the nuclear test,radionuclides like crypton or xenon is generated,but then it had never been detected,so some experrs thought like the next,“Did they do the nuclear test actually? There is possibility that they made dynamite explode but they said they did the nuclear test.”

By the way,why did the North Korea announce that they did the nuclear test? There were two reasons.

《The North Korea changed suddenly to a threatening attitude.》

One of reasons is a challenge for the whole world. The North Korea announced that it launched an artificial satellite March in 2009,but it was actually an experiment of launching missile,so the Security Council in the UN issued declaration of the chairperson of blaming the North Korea,but the country changed suddenly to a threading attitude.

“Launching an artificial satellite is a right …”

No.11 18/03/24 07:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea did the nuclear test again.】

《The North Korea suddenly changed to a threatening attitude.》

“Launching an artificifal satellite is a right to be allowed to every country,but the UN blamed us for it. We can't endure it. Unless the Security Council apologizes us, we’ll make a nuclear weapon and do the nuclear test.” The North Korea proclaimed like that and carried out it actually then.

One more reason is a kind of negotiation of the North Korea to the U.S.A. The North Korea invaded the South Korea about 70 years ago. The North country went to war against the South one. It’s the Korean War.

Then America supported the South Korea and fighted against the Noth Korea,and the North Korea was heavily damaged by America then. They stopped fighting,but they don’t think the war is over,for there has been the American Army in the South Korea,and it’s prepared for war,and the North Korea fears America.

The North Korea has thought,“If America attacks us,we’ll lose.”,so while…

No.12 18/03/24 08:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea did the nuclear test.】

《The North Korea suddenly changed to a threatening attitude.》

The North Korea thought like the next,“If America attacks us,we’ll lose.”so while the country has made nuclear weapons and repeating experiments of launching missile,it’s tried to improve its military strength of firing nuclear weapon into America. The North Korea has tried to threat America.“If it attacks us,we’ll retaliate against it with nuclear weapons.”

The North Korea has tried to threaten America and thought to tried to make a peace agreement with America. It’s tried to make America give its word,“America doesn’t attack North Korea.”

Then American President was Obama who had been busy in reshaping economy in the world and tackling peace in the Middle East,so tried to pay no attention to the North Korea at all. As a result it’s a kind of message from the North Korea to America,like the next,“Take good care of us,deal with us politely.”

An ex-president Obama called to the…

No.13 18/03/25 08:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North insisted that it’s a launching of an artificial satellite,but …】

《It’s actually an experiment of launching a missile.》

The former President Obama in the U.S.A.appealed the whole world,“Let’s establish the world where there is no nuclear weapon in the least.”,but the nuclear test in the North Korea is the one which challenges the calling from the former President to his face.

Atomic bombs were dropped in both Nagasaki and Hiroshima prefecture in Japan and we were damaged heavily by the atomic bomb,so we can’t endure the experiment of the nuclear test any more. What makes the North Korea stop producing the atomic bomb? We have to think over it carefully with the cooperation from the U.S.A.the author said like that,though the situation seemed to deteriorate.

The North Korea announced that it launched an artificial satellite March in 2009,but the artificial satellite is the one which should launch the most southern area possible. The one which launched in the North Korean…

No.14 18/03/25 09:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launching for an artificial satellite,but…】

《It’s actually a launching for a missile.》

The one which launched from the North Korean territory isn’t the artificial satellite but the experiment for the launching missile.I’m going to think over its mechanism from the launching the artificial satellite.

The North Korea gave the IMO notice of launching the artificial satellite before doing it actually. The IMO is an organization which passes all the ships in the world information on the safety.

If being launched the artificial satellite,some parts of the rocket are detached halfway and dropped below,so there has been a rule which should warn all the ships in the area where the artificial satellite should pass through overhead to be careful of it,so the North Korea gave the notice,according to the rule.

《The artificial satellite should be launched toward east.》

The North Korea launched the rocket toward east,but there are the Japanese Islands to…

No.15 18/03/25 22:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launching an artificial satellite,but…】

《The artificial satellite should be launched toward east.》

The North Korea launched the missile toward east,but there are the Japanese Islands east to the North Korea,so it’s nuisance to us the Japanese,but the artificial satellite should always be launched toward east.

The artificial satellite springs out from the gravitation on the earth to the outer space,so its speed need to be 8 km a second. When making something fly at the speed it’s very hard,so we take advantage of the rotation of the earth.

The sun rises from the east and sets in the west,for the earth rotates from the west to the east,so if the artificial satellite is launched toward east,adding the speed of the artificial satellite to the one of the rotation of the earth makes possible for springing out into the outer space.

If making use of the rotation of the earth,it’s all right as long as launching from the fastest point of the rotation.

No.16 18/04/01 08:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launching an artificial satellite,but… 】

《The artificial satellite should be launched toward east.》

Where is the place which is the fastest speed as to the rotation of the earth? If rotating a terrestrial globe 地球儀,we can recognize,it’s around the equator,the author said like that,but to my sorrow,I don’t have the terrrestrial globe,and even if I had,I’m afraid I can’t understand why it is,so I research for it on the internet.

The speed of the rotation on the earth is fixed everywhere during the 24 hours,so the ground around the equator which is the longest circumference is the fast.

If cutting the globe into round slices on a parallel plane to the equator,in other word,each of the round slice lies vertically to the earth’s axis,the higher the latitude is,the smaller the circle is,and the longest circumference is around the equator which is the lowest latitude.

In short,if launching the artificial satellite,around the equator is desirable.

No.17 18/04/01 09:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launching an artificial satellite,but…】

《The artificial satellite should be launched toward east.》

If lying in the northern hemisphere,the desirable place is as southern as possible. Moreover,the launching isn’t always successful,so the place where the artificial satellite is launched eastward sea where few people live is suitable.

As to the Japan,base for launching satellite was Tanegashima,which is southern and its eastward is the sea. As to the U.S.A.it’s done in Florida which lies southeast.

《If launching a missile,it’ll be done from its own country.》

If the North Korea tryies to launch the artificial satellite really,instead of choosing its own country where geographic condition isn’t good,it should borrow a southern island near the equator. As long as there is sea to the east and no one lives,no one is in trouble.

However,the North Korea launched it from eastern seaside of its own country,for if launching a missile toward an enemy…

No.18 18/04/01 10:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launch an artificial satellite,but…】

《A missile should be launched from its own country.》

If launching a missile toward an enemy country,it should be done from its own country’s territory,then it doesn’t matter even if some people live in the eastern place.

If thinking it over carefully like that,there is no doubt that it was the missile which the North Korea launched then,so both Japan,South Korea,and America protested against the launching.

【Who is an ex condemned criminal 死刑囚,Kim Hyon hui 金賢姫?】

《When being trained as a spy in the North Korea,one of abduction victims 拉致被害者 was a teacher for the Japanese.》

The first son of one of the abduction victims by the North Korea met an ex condemned criminal,Kim Hyon hui in the South Korea for the first time. Kim Hyon hui used to be a spy in the North Korea and was made to study the Japanese so as to personage a Japanese,then her teacher for the Japanese was a Japanese female.

Kim Hyon hui was…

No.19 18/04/07 09:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Who is an ex condemned criminal 死刑囚,Kim Hyon hui?】

《When being trained as spy in North Korea,one of abduction victims was her teacher for the Japanese.》

Kim Hyon hui was arrested as a suspect on the Korean airlines bombing incident and was determined to be the capital punishment in the Korean judge but she was received a pardon 恩赦 by the then President and was released. She’s lead her life as a South Korean resident in the South Korea just now.

It happened November in 1987. An airplane flying from Iran to the South Korea exploded in the air and both of the passengers and crews in the airplane were all dead then.

Kim Hyon hui and other North Korean male impersonated the Japanese and took a board the plane at Iraq and got out of the plane at Bahrain after setting a time bomb on the shelf of the airplane.

When the airplane exploded in the air,the police on the actual spot arrested the two of them,but the male commit suicide and Kim Hyon hui failed to do,and she was taken to the…

No.20 18/04/07 10:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Who is an ex condemned criminal Kim Hyon hui?】

《When being trained as spy in the North Korea,one of abduction victims was her teacher for the Japanese.》

After Kim Hyon hui failed to commit suicied,she was taken to the South Korea and brought into the court. The Seoul Olympic was planed to be held in the next year. The spy organization in the North Korea ordered its members to explode the airplane so as to obstruct the Olympic.

Kim Hyon hui testified in the investigation like the next.“I was educated as spy to pose a Japanese. A person who taught me the Japanese had Korean name,李恩恵 but she said she was a Japanese.”

Being based on the testimony,the Japanese police investigated and 李恩恵 turned out to be a Japanese female who suddenly disappeared from Japan,leaving her young child behind Tokyo. The North Korea kidnapped her from Japan.

There had been doubts that there were the Japanese who were taken away from Japan by the North Korea,and the Korean airline bombing incident has made…

No.21 18/04/07 10:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Who is an ex condemned criminal Kim Hyon hui?】

《When being trained as spy in the North Korea,one of abduction victims was her teacher for the Japanese.》

The Korean airline bombing incident has shown us clearly that the trouble of the Japanese being kidnapped by the North Korea. The North Korea took away we the Japanese as Japanese teacher in order to train spy who impersonate the Japanese.

As to the abduction by the North Korea,an ex President in Japan,Junichiro Koizumi and Kim Jong Ⅱ talked together and the ex leader in the North Korea admitted its abduction,but he said the Japanese female called 李恩恵 was killed in a traffic accident.

《The trouble on the bduction of the Japanese is far from the settlement.》

The son of the abduction victim had hoped to see the ex condemned criminal Kim Hyon hui so as to get information on his mother,but his hope couldn’t come true easily,for the ex South Korean President used to make much of the relation between both South and North Korea. If Kim…

No.22 18/04/08 17:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Who is an ex-condemned criminal,Kim Hyon hui?】

《The trouble on the abduction of the Japanese is far from the settlement.》

If Kim Hyon hui appeared in public,evil deeds done by the North Korea would be uncovered,the ex-South Korean President thought like that,and he tried not to admit the first son of the abduction victims of the Japanese to meet Kim Hyon hui.

But as the South Korean President became Lee Myung bak who faced to the North Korea with serious attitude,the first son of the abduction victims of the Japanese could meet Kim Hyon hui at last. She told him that his mother lived and he could meet her some day.

But after the North Korea admitted the abduction once,it took an attitude that the problem of abduction was settled,so the settlement of the abduction of the Japanese has never made progress at all.There is some doubt just now that plenty of Japanese people remain abducted in the North Korea.

I hope the trouble of the abduction victims is settled as soon as possible.

No.23 18/04/08 18:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of place is New Oak Uighur 新橿ウイグル?】

《It lies in China,but there have lived Islam of Turkish ancestry there.》

A riot broke out at the autonomous district 自治区 of the New Oak Uighur in China September in 2009,and it caused plenty of casualties. The local Uighur who felt that they had been discriminated and remained being poor started a protest demonstration,and the protest demonstration developed into the riot. The Han race fought against the Uighur,so the opposition between the races became violent.

The autonomous district of New Oak Uighur lies at the northwest in China,and its area accounts for one-sixth of the whole China. While its area is vast,large part of it is desert,so no one can live there,and its whole population is no more than 20 million.

新橿 means a new territory in Chinese. The present China used to be 清 in the 18th century. Then the area belonged to 清 and they learned to call the area the New Oak Uighur.The tribe called Uighur used to live there.

No.24 18/04/08 19:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of place is New Oak Uighur?】

《It lies in China,but Islam of Turkish ancestry live there.》

The tribe called Uighur is Turkish ancestry. When looking at the world map from Japan,the autonomous district of New Oak Uighur lies at the western end of China,but when looking at it from Turkey,it lies eastward,so sometimes the areas is called East Turkestan.

The Turkestan means the country of the Turk. Speaking of West Turkestan,it means the area where there is Kazakhstan,Kirghiz,and Tajikistan. Almost all of the people who live in the area are Islam.

《Though its name is monotonous district…》

No less than 56 races have lived in China. The Han race is more than any other race in China. When imaging a Chinese,a feature of the Han race usually seems to occur to us the Japanese. They use the Chinese characters and speak the Chinese,but except for the Han race,there other minors have lived in China.

The tribe called Uighur has feature like the Turk. They use the language of Uighur…

No.25 18/04/15 03:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of place is New Oak Uighur?】

《Though its name is autonomous district…》

Oh,I made a blunder again! The word in the subtitle of my last response,I use the word of monotonous,but it’s autonomous. It is shameful of me to do so frequently.

The tribe called Uighur use the language of Uighur,and when writing it down,they use the Arabic letters.

The Chinese government has set up the place where a minority should live and calls the place an autonomous district so as to defend the right of the minority. It means that the race can do self-governing for themselves. The President of the self-governing is the local minority. If it’s an autonomous district of Uighur,its President is the tribe called Uighur,and if it’s done by Tibetan,it’s an autonomous district of Tibetan.

However there has been the Han race behind each of autonomous district,and the Han race has controlled the autonomous district actually,so its the autonomous district in name only. It’s not self-governing at all.

No.26 18/04/15 03:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of place is New Oak Uighur?】

《There has been a gap between the Han race and the tribe called New Oak Uighur.》

There used to be plenty of the tribe called New Oak Uighur,but lots of the Han race have also moved there lately. When both getting a job and doing business,if being good at the Chinese,it's more profitable. Lots of the people of Uighur think they remain poor and being discriminated.

While the Han race love eating the pork,the people of Uighur never eats the pork on account of Muslim,so a quarrel is apt to happen even daily life there.

In addition,some countries of minor like the Uighur have been born in the area of western Turkestan. It has caused political movement by some of the Uighur,they seem to think,“We want to be away from China and to have our own country.”

However,the Chinese government don’t admit the political movement for independence,for there has been rich in natural resources like petroleum and natural gas in the autonomous district of Uighur.

No.27 18/04/15 04:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

As long as the people of Uighur think they are discriminated,the riot will happen in the future.

【Why did a protest demonstration happen in Iran?】

《The ones who are indignant on the result of the presidential election resisted.》

The nation elects its President in its election in Iran. A candidate who was opposed to the present President gathered high support from eligible voters in the election in 2009,but the present President won the election overwhelmingly,according to an announcement by the government,and the people who can’t accept the result continued the movement for resistance.

The large part of the nation is Muslim in Iran of the Middle East. Iran used to be a despotic 独裁 state by a king,but leaders of Muslim started a revolution and banished the king from the country,and the present state has been built.

At the time of the despotic state,Iran used to be friendly with America,and the king’s policy was done with the cooperation from…

No.28 18/04/18 20:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought】

I’m sure I’ve suffered from asperger syndrom. It’s one of developmental disorders. Some people say the ones who have suffered from the disorder can overcome it. They may be right,but even if the ones who have never suffered from the disorder insist on it,I don’t feel like listening to them in the least.

Some people say the asperger syndrome is autism 自閉症 which doesn’t have intellectual disorder. I used to express on the asperger syndrome here,but I’m sure it isn’t enough,so I’ve wanted to express once more in the future.

If it's the disorder,I should apply to the city hall that I suffer from the asperger syndrome,but if I do,I'll be handled as a handicapped man,so I’m forced to work as the handicapped man,so I won’t be able to work overtime any more,so I have to endure it,but I find it hard.

I’m too careless to do my job as I expected because of the asperger syndrome,but some people may say,“No more excuse!” I don’t think I want to give up,but what shoul I do?

No.29 18/04/21 06:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did a protest demonstration happen in Iran?】

《The ones who are indignant on the result of the presidential election resisted.》

At the time of the deposits state,Iran used to be friendly with America and the king’s policy was done with the corporation from America,and the nation started to being established,but as a result the gap between the poor and the rich has expanded,and the ones who lead their lives without obeying Islam.

The leaders in Islam have started to think, “We should establish the nation where they obey Islamic teaching devotedly.” The King of Pahlavi had kept eye on Khomeini,and Khomeini ran away to France but came back to Iran and the revolution succeeded.Pahlavi was friendly with America and after that he was banished,Iran became anti-America.

《The highest leader is greater than Presidents.》

The highest leader became greater than Presidents who are elected in an election by the nation so as to establish the country which is faithful to Islamic teaching.

No.30 18/04/21 06:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did a protest demonstration happen in Iran?】

《The highest leader becomes greater than Presidents.》

While Presidents are responsible for politics and economy in their everyday life,the highest leader decides on the most important things in the nation.

The ones who succeeded the revolution have thought of mechanism which prevents the nation from starting revolution. Other army has been organized in order to watch the nation army when the nation army starts rebellion against the President and the highest leader.

The other army is made up with the people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the highest leader,and they have more powerful weapons than the nation army.

Besides,there are about 8 million of civil soldiers under the other army. They have checked whether or not the nation obey the teaching of Islam devotedly. For example,if there is a female without covering her hair,they call her attention to her hair.

《The President is from other army.》

The one who is…

No.31 18/04/22 08:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did a protest demonstration happen in Iran?】

《The President from the other army.》

The one named Afmadinejad who was from the other army was elected in the presidential election in 2005. He used to be a serviceman and doesn’t know on economy.

Iran is blessed with petroleum so much,but not only the country doesn’t become rich but there has been disorders there because of the President.

Some people who feel repealed against the President supported an ex Prime Minister,candidate Musabi for the President,and there are some others people who have repelled the Iran’s way of making them obey Islam strictly and longed for liberty.

The wife of candidate Musavi addressed the people to vote for her husband during the election campaign without covering her hair in front of them. None of female had never done like that until then.

As a result,the candidate Musavi could win the support for the President overwhelmingly,especially in the capital,Teheran,but Afmadinejad won a landslide…

No.32 18/04/22 09:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response』

…but Afmadinejad won a landslide victory in the election,according to announcement in the government. Some people who felt suspicious on the result started to activity for resistance,but the government makes the police suppress them,and the suppression continues.The people who repel against the government increased.

The description was done about a decade ago.

【Obama took office as President.】

《He assumed the office of President January in 2009.》

American Presidents appeal its leadership what it’s going to try to realize in the next four years,and spread out his thoughts over the whole nation.

Obama was well-known for his such a good speech that the people paid attention to him all over the world,so they must be interested in the content of the new President’s speech,I’m sure.

《An inauguration ceremony symbolizing the separation of administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government.》

Actually Obama was elected in a Presidential…

No.33 18/04/22 10:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Obama took office as President.】

《An Inauguration ceremony symbolizing the separation of the administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government.》

Obama was elected in a Presidential election November in 2008,but the election was the one in which the people who elect the President were chosen,then the ones who elected Obama were more than others who elected McCain,so it was reported that candidate Obama won the victory in the election.

Actually the people who elected the President voted December in 2009 and the ballot counting was done at the assembly hall in the federal council of Washington January in 2009. As a result,the election of candidate Obama was decided formally.

The hall for the inauguration ceremony in the public square in front of the federal council. Obama took an oath in front of the member of the federal council who are the representatives for the people. He said he would render service for the people as President. Its observer was the Chief Justice…

No.34 18/05/02 13:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Obama took office as President.】

《An inauguration ceremony symbolizing the separation of administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government.》

It’s observer was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

In democracy,the separation of administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government is essential.

A member of the Diet who were selected by the nation is in charge of the legislative work,the President is in charge of the administrative work which is the most important work in the public office. The judicial branch judges whether or not the works which the other two of branches are engaged in are against the constitution or laws.

In the inauguration ceremony for the President,the President who is at the top of the administrative branch was born when the branches of legislative and judicial was watching. It’s the symbolizing ceremony.

The President took oath putting his hand on the Bible in the inauguration ceremony. In the first place,the U.S.A.is the nation …

No.35 18/05/02 14:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Obama took office as President.】

《The inauguration ceremony symbolizing the separation of administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government.》

In the first place,the U.S.A.is the nation built by Christians who were moving from European countries,and they wanted to establish an ideal nation by the Christians. Its tradition remains even at present,so the Presidents took the oath that they were going to work as President,they’d do their best. They sweared the God then.

However,except for the Christians,there are plenty of Jewish people,and Muslims in the U.S.A,so without saying the name of Jesus Christ,it’s just that they say the God,for both the Christians,Jewish people,and Muslims believe in the same God.

The Bible which the former Obama President used in the inauguration ceremony is the same one which Lincoln President adopted. Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation 奴隷解放宣言 in 1862. He insisted that they should stop using black people as slave.

No.36 18/05/02 15:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』
The former Obama President sent the people implied message by using the same Bible.

【Consulations on decreasing the nuclear weapons started between the America and Russia.】

《The President changed from Bush to Obama in the U.S.A. It made the consultation start.》

Both of America and Russia who have had lots of nuclear weapons. They started the consultation in which they tried to decrease the nuclear weapons. The former Bush President used to be so eager for development for the nuclear weapons that the consultation was stopped.

On the other hand the former Obama President insisted that he wanted to establish the world where there were no nuclear weapons even during his election campaign for the President.

The former American President Obama and the former Russian President Medvedev talked and made a promise to go ahead with a talk on decreasing the nuclear weapons then. The talk didn’t proceed when Bush was the President,but it started at last.

No.37 18/05/02 20:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consulation on decreasing nuclear weapon started between America and Russia.】

《The President changed from Bush to Obama,after that the consulation started.》

After the terrorism which broke out September in 2001,the former President Bush was afraid that terrorists and other countries may have attack with missiles,and he’d had put a great effort into development of the system by defense of missile,but Russia repelled it so violently that the consulation hardly went ahead.

The former President Obama appealed that he aimed at realizing the world where there was no nuclear weapon,and he was going to decrease the nuclear weapon sharply during his election campaign for President. He started to talk with Russia so as to come true his election promise.

Atomic bombs were dropped in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki prefecture August in 1945. Large countries in the world recognized the power of the atomic bomb and started to compete the development for the nuclear bomb. Then America and Soviet…

No.38 18/05/02 21:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consulation on decreasing nuclear weapon started between America and Russia..】

《The President changed from Bush to Obama,after that the consulation started.》

America and Soviet Union didn’t get along with each other then,so they’d learned to possess plenty of nuclear weapon which destroy enemy country over and over again,but they thought it was too dangerous and not good,so they started to talk each other in order to decrease the nuclear weapon. As a result SALT Ⅰ was concluded in 1972.

The SALT is an abbreviation of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. The strategic arms is the missile which was carrying an atomic bomb. The talks isn’t decreasing the number of the nuclear weapon but is limiting to increase the nuclear weapon.

《Starting to decrease the nuclear weapon.》

After that a negotiation decreasing the number of the nuclear weapon was settled. For example,the treaty of total abolition on intermediate-range 中距離 nuclear forces is settled in 1987 and START Ⅰ was in i991.

No.39 18/05/02 21:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consulation on decreasing nuclear weapon started between America and Soviet.】

《The talk was stopped.》

As a result the number of the nuclear weapon like a bomber plane,missile,and missile launching from submarine decreased to 3575 in America, to 3113 in Russia in 2009,but there seem to be lots of the nuclear weapon.

It was 2001 when the movement decreasing the nuclear weapon stopped. After the terrorism September in 2001,the former Bush President began to establish system of defense by missile.

He made the mechanism which defend the whole American mainland from attack by missile and came out with a policy to Eastern Europe of deploying defending system by missile.

If Iran launches missile carrying nuclear weapon to America, the missile would pass through Czech and Poland overhead,so building a base there and shooting down the missile. It’s the defending system by missile.

However Russia repelled it violently,for Russia thought America was preparing for attack Russia with missile.

No.40 18/05/03 09:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consulation on decreasing nuclear weapon started between America and Russia.】

《The talk was stopped.》

The birth of the Obama government made the relation between America and Russia improve rapidly. While there are some countries like Iran and North Korea which try to develop the nuclear weapon,how much America and Russia can increase the nuclear weapon. The people have paid attention to the movements all over the world.

Those sentences were written about a decade ago,and the situation changed so much. The President has changed in the U.S.A.and North Korea have succeeded in developing the nuclear weapon,as a result,I’m forced to think I have to finish expressing as soon as possible. I have to catch up with the movement in the world,I’m sure.

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《Terrorism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torture in the concentration camp,and the institution was closed.》

The former President Obama ordered shut a…

No.41 18/05/03 09:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《Terrorism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torture in the concentration camp,and the institution was closed.》

The former President Obama ordered to close the concentration camp in Guantanamo as the first task of President. The institution was in a military base belonged to the U.S.A.in Cuba. Terrorism suspects captured in Afghanistan had been locked up in the institution for a long time without being brought into the court. Moreover,they had been under torture.

The constration camp in question used to be in the military base belong to the U.S.A.in Cuba.Cuba lies south to the U.S.A. America and Cuba didn’t get along with each other,and America had done economic blockade to Cuba.In short America don’t only trade with Cuba,but ask other countries all over the world not to trade with Cuba.

Thus the relation between America and Cuba used to be bad,but strange to say,the military base belonged to the U.S.A.…

No.42 18/05/03 13:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《Terrosism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torture in the concentration camp,and the institution was closed.》

Thus the relation between America and Cuba used to be bad,but strange to say,the military base belonged to the U.S.A.in Cuba.

Cuba is the nation of socialism at present. Castro and Guevara have started the revolution and established the present country,since the relation between Cuba and America becomes has been bad.

Before the revolution,the place used to be almost American colony,then America build the military base and the military base continues to exist at present.

The military base which is close to America,but it isn’t within America,it’s Guantanamo,to which America had directed its attention,and set up the concentration camp in the military base.

The terrorism broke out September in 2001 and lots of people were dead,and the former President Bush declared the war against the terrorism…

No.43 18/05/03 18:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《Terrosism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torturre in the concentration camp and the institution was closed.》

…the former President Bush declared the war against the terrorism and started to attack Afghan government,for the country harbored Usama bin Ladin who seemed to cause the terrorism. The American army captured plenty of terrorism suspects in the war,but what should they handle the suspects?

If handling them as suspect who caused the terrorism in America,they have to bring the case into court. If dealing with them as captive for the war,the captives have to be deported to their country according to an international treaty in which the way of handling a captive. Anyway,the captive has to be handled in a humane way.

However,the Bush government adopted neither of ways,for there wasn’t enough evidence to bring them into court in America. If handling them as captive and releasing them,they may have…

No.44 18/05/03 19:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close】

《Terrorism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torture in the concentration camp and the institution was closed.》

…if handling the suspects as captive and releasing them,they may cause the terrorism again,the Bush government thought like that and the suspects remained caught for a long time.

If taking them to America,a voice that protecting the suspects’ human rights and lawyers may have been employed for them. The Bush government haged it,so instead in the U.S.A.it built the concentration camp at the military base in Cuba.

《The suspects had been under torture.》

Even if doing something cruel to the suspects at the military base in Cuba,what they had done would never been exposed,CIA thought like that,and used varied torture on the suspects.

Water torture,making them listen to loud sound a whole day,their hands were tied behind their back and were left alone for a long time. The CIA tormented the suspects…

No.45 18/05/03 19:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《The suspects had been under torture.》

The CIA tormented the suspects with the torture and tried to get information on their gangs. Some of the suspects were dead,and others commit suicide thanks to the cruel torture,but the Bush government kept it secret.

The former President Obama used to be a professor for constitution in university,and he thought what the Bush government had done was against American constitution,and ordered to close the concentration camp.

It is said that there were some suspects who may cause the terrorism again among the ones who were locked up in jail. How should the government handle the suspects who may cause the terrorism again? The consideration on the matter was gone on,but this was described about a decade ago,so I’m not sure of the present situation.

【Japanese self-defense forces went into action as countermeasure off Somalia.】

《Damages by pirates happened one after another off Somalia in…》

No.46 18/05/05 09:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese self-defense forces went into action as countermeasure off Somalia.】

《Damages by pirates happened one after another off Somalia in Africa.》

A civil war continued at Somalia in Africa and there has never been the government in the country. In addition there is no police to command,so pirates have been acting violently.

The pirates seajacked the ships which passed through off Somalia and requested for ransom. The pirates also attacked Japanese ships,so the ships of the Marine Self–Defense Force went into action for defense March in 2009.

Speaking of the pirates,some people may imagine that raising a flag on a skull and a ship on brave males act violently around the sea,but it’s in a novel,and modern pirates aren’t like that.

The pirates are board on a fishing vessel,and approached a shipping freight traffic 貨物船,a tanker,and a passenger boat,and fired gun at them blindly or fired a rocket launcher and made them stop and seajacked the ships. Then they negotiated with the…

No.47 18/05/05 10:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese Self−Defense Force went into action as countermeasur off Somalia.】

《Damages by pirates happened one after another off Somalia in Africa.》

Then they negotiated with the company which employed the ships and plundered ransom of the company.

A Japanese giant tanker was attacked from the pirates April in 2008,and the body of the ship was hurt ,but it could manage to run away and all the people on board seemed to be safe,but other ship which didn’t belong to Japanese but the Japanese were on board were seajacked.

The ransom seemed to be handed down secretly,so the money of the amount of damage hasn’t been clear,but it is said that it sometimes reached millions of yen a person.

《The pirates used to be fishermen in Somalia.》

It's along the coast of Somalia which is in the eastward in African Continent where the pirates have been seen,especially in Aden bay some ships which make use of the Suez Canal connecting Europe and Asia always pass through. If waiting for the ships…

No.48 18/05/05 10:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese Self−Defense Force went into action as countermeasure off Somalia.】

《The pirates used to be fishermen.》

If waiting for the ships in Aden Bay,the pirates can attack them as they like.

Civil was has been in Somalia since 1991,and there has never decent police which command the crimes. The civil war has made its economy so bad that lots of the people have been forced to live in poverty.

The fishermen on the coast started to attack the ships whic passed through near the coast as earning extra money,but unexpectedly they won a large amount of money,so their side business becomes their main business,so the fishermen become the pirates.

The pirates have bought weapons like the rocket launcher with the money they plunder,and ther attack has escalated.

《Other countries in the world have begun to defense…》

As the damage by the pirates has happened one after another,some freighters gave up passing through the Suez Canal,and they detoured the south end of the Africa Continet.

No.49 18/05/05 13:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese Self–Defense Forces went into action as countermeasure off Somalia】

《Other countries in the world have begun to defense…》

It has a harmful influence on the economy all over the world,so warships of each country in Europe and America went into action,and have kept the pirates under control,or helped the seajacked ships. Chinese ships have also joined in them.

Some people said that Japanese ship was attacked but Japanese government has had nothing useful to the pirates,so the Japanese government dispatched two escort ships off Somalia,and the two escort ships started to guard the Japanese ships.

However,the Self Defence Forces is an organization which defends Japan and Japanese people,even if it can protect Japanese ships,if asking for a help from a foreign ship,what can it do? If the pirates attack the Self–Defense Forces,is it permitting the SelfーDefense Forces to attack and sink the ship of the pirates?

As a result,a new law has been enforced June in 2009,even if a …

No.50 18/05/05 14:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese Self–Defense Forces went into action as countermeasure off Somalia】

《Other countries in the world have started to defense…》

As a result a new law was enforced in Japan June in 2009,even if a foreign ship which none of Japanese people are on board is attacked from the pirates,the Self–Defense Forces can protect it,or if being attacked from the pirates,the Self–Defense Forces can shoot against the body of the ship.

A warship in Indian navy mistook a ship which was seajacked by the pirates for the ship of the pirates itself and attacked it and sank in 2008,so keeping the pirates under control is very hard to do.

【Why did the terrorism bring about in India?】

《It seems that Islamic radicals in neighboring country,Pakistan,caused it.》

The large scale of terrorism broke out at Mumbai in India November in 2008. It caused plenty of casualties ant some Japanese people who had tried to stay at the hotel in the actual place were victims of the terrorism. It seemed that Islamic…




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