慰謝料請求の取り下げ、励ましください( ; ; )


レス465 HIT数 32938 あ+ あ-

かや( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )
08/02/18 03:18(更新日時)

どんどん英語で話しましょ✨✨。間違えたって、ベラベラさんだって、楽しめれば大丈夫😻💕。誰でもためしに覗いてみて💕。Let's Enjoy Talking🎵

No.594312 07/07/31 22:53(スレ作成日時)



No.151 07/08/31 08:29
Priest ( zrmn1 )

🔔 Attention Please🔔 Good morning! Everybody!

I have left(Englishでしり取りゲーム)on the signboard this time.To brush up vocabulary power.Please participate when having your free time or when your feeling turn.You will be able to search it(English). English で検索出来ます。

I will be waiting for you.

See you 英語好きな仲間達!

No.152 07/08/31 10:24
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 144 🐬 Hi,Kaya 🙋 All of your guests went back to US already.💧 Sorry, I tho… Good morning,Riko😺.

Yeah,they already went back and said“Come back to US soon,Kaya❗”I really want to go back😭.

The concert was……oh,I fell in love with the vocalist…😽💕💕💕.

Now here is cold,I can't sleep without blancket,so I can eat😃.…from last night,though💧.

Thank you for worrying,Riko💖.

Have a good day✨.


No.153 07/08/31 10:31
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 146 Everyone❗❗ Long time no see😂😂😂 and みゆ💖💖💖 Nice to meet you🙋私も教えてもらぅこと… Wow,Liz😲❗Welcome back💖.

Oh I didn't introduce about you for Miyu😨.Please forgive me🙇🙇🙇.

Please enjoy your school life,Miyu😊.You can do it,I trust.

Talk to you later.


No.154 07/08/31 10:33
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 147 すみません。はじめまして😥英文を作るの苦手で教えて欲しいのですが…。作文の宿題が出来ません😱😨 ごめんなさい、ひどい頭痛で寝込んでて、今このレス見ました。出来る範囲で手伝えるかと思うので、まず和文を教えて下さい😊

  • << 158 💫Kaya💫Are you all right⁉ I'll send some medicines.💊💊💊are painkillers.♍I hope that you'll get over the illness.😍 See you later.♍

No.155 07/08/31 10:38
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )


Yesterday,I went to 岩盤浴.My body was so sweaty,I had much water,…too tired🙀.So I had a heavy headache last night😿.But now I'm OK🙆.

How R U doin ?

Talk to U later.


No.156 07/08/31 13:54
匿名147 ( ♀ )




No.157 07/08/31 19:20
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 156 主様はheadacheらしいです。英文法の達人Zaq は❓


I was anxious with unlucky rain that my dress was damp.


See you later♍

  • << 159 有り難うございます🙇🙇🙇難しい単語ありましたね😨習ってない場合でもどうにかしなきゃですね。だいぶ出来てきたんですけど、あともう少しです。又煮詰まったらお願いします😭😭ホントに助かりました。有り難うございます😹

No.158 07/08/31 20:38
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 154 ごめんなさい、ひどい頭痛で寝込んでて、今このレス見ました。出来る範囲で手伝えるかと思うので、まず和文を教えて下さい😊 💫Kaya💫Are you all right⁉ I'll send some medicines.💊💊💊are painkillers.♍I hope that you'll get over the illness.😍

See you later.♍

  • << 163 Hi,Priest😺. Well…not too bad,but I still have a headache.I just woke up,but I'll go back to my bed. Good night. Kaya

No.159 07/08/31 21:31
匿名147 ( ♀ )

>> 157 主様はheadacheらしいです。英文法の達人Zaq は❓ 未熟ながら翻訳してみます。多分ですが~ I was anxious with… 有り難うございます🙇🙇🙇難しい単語ありましたね😨習ってない場合でもどうにかしなきゃですね。だいぶ出来てきたんですけど、あともう少しです。又煮詰まったらお願いします😭😭ホントに助かりました。有り難うございます😹

  • << 161 💡You are welcome. I'm glad to hear it.♍Have a nice dream. See you later😍
  • << 170 💡匿名147さん No.162を閲覧されましたか⁉訂正文を読んで見てください。🙇 See ya later♍

No.160 07/08/31 22:02
みゅ ( 20代 ♀ 91MIc )

Good evening,All of you💕

Today English book get😃I am hold out💪

皆さんのletterと会話がなりたってないと思いますがごめんなさい(I'm sorry🙏)頑張っては、いるのですが訳が訳せないのが沢山あって…💦調べてもわからないのでかみ合ってないですがごめんなさい🙏

Good night🌙

  • << 164 Hi,Miyu😺. Oh,you got an English book?That's good🙆.Keep going😊. Have a good dream. Kaya

No.161 07/08/31 23:31
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 159 有り難うございます🙇🙇🙇難しい単語ありましたね😨習ってない場合でもどうにかしなきゃですね。だいぶ出来てきたんですけど、あともう少しです。又煮… 💡You are welcome.
I'm glad to hear it.♍Have a nice dream.
See you later😍

No.162 07/09/01 00:42
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 161 まてまて‥それじゃ湿って欲しいみたいです😂
dampは湿る‥濡れるはget wet


I was worrying that my clothes were getting wet with rain.


withの代わりにbecause ofでもオケ🙋

  • << 165 Zaq,cloths⭕.Not clothes🙅. 頭痛で今まで寝てました。またすぐ寝ます。英作手伝えなくてごめんなさい😢。 おやすみなさい🌠
  • << 166 💡Hi.Zaq Thank you for your correction and advice. But I have one question. anxious with 心配して anxious for 切望して anxious+thatの構文。~ということを~切望して 私は anxious with ~that と書いていますが( 切望して)では無く(心配して)になりませんか❓ よろしく

No.163 07/09/01 02:33
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 158 💫Kaya💫Are you all right⁉ I'll send some medicines.💊💊💊are painkillers.… Hi,Priest😺.

Well…not too bad,but I still have a headache.I just woke up,but I'll go back to my bed.

Good night.


No.164 07/09/01 02:35
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 160 Good evening,All of you💕 Today English book get😃I am hold out💪 皆さんのl… Hi,Miyu😺.

Oh,you got an English book?That's good🙆.Keep going😊.

Have a good dream.


No.165 07/09/01 02:38
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 162 まてまて‥それじゃ湿って欲しいみたいです😂 anxious~that節は《切望》 dampは湿る‥濡れるはget wet dressは女の子… Zaq,cloths⭕.Not clothes🙅.



  • << 168 🌒 Hey, Kaya❗🙋 Not cloths❌🙅 Clothes is correct.⭕😁 But in mercy to your headache, I'll sink that slip for now.(Lol) Have a good rest and get well, lady. I'll be back(^^)         Ciao❗🙋🔥🚀

No.166 07/09/01 02:38
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 162 まてまて‥それじゃ湿って欲しいみたいです😂 anxious~that節は《切望》 dampは湿る‥濡れるはget wet dressは女の子… 💡Hi.Zaq Thank you for your
correction and advice. But I have one question.

anxious with

anxious for


私は anxious with ~that と書いていますが( 切望して)では無く(心配して)になりませんか❓


No.167 07/09/01 03:49
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 166 追伸
anxious about 心配している。

be anxious with⁉ の群動詞は私の辞書にはありませんでした。😲

①cloths = 布地、生地、織物



No.168 07/09/01 05:23
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 165 Zaq,cloths⭕.Not clothes🙅. 頭痛で今まで寝てました。またすぐ寝ます。英作手伝えなくてごめんなさい😢。 おやすみな… 🌒 Hey, Kaya❗🙋

Not cloths❌🙅
Clothes is correct.⭕😁

But in mercy to your headache, I'll sink that slip for now.(Lol)

Have a good rest and get well, lady.

I'll be back(^^)


No.169 07/09/01 09:52
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 168 Sorry,Zaq🙇.I always see only “cloths”because I read the English Bible.In the Bible,I can see only“cloths”.

I feel better today.

Have a good day❗


No.170 07/09/01 13:02
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 159 有り難うございます🙇🙇🙇難しい単語ありましたね😨習ってない場合でもどうにかしなきゃですね。だいぶ出来てきたんですけど、あともう少しです。又煮… 💡匿名147さん No.162を閲覧されましたか⁉訂正文を読んで見てください。🙇

See ya later♍

No.171 07/09/01 14:30
匿名147 ( ♀ )

>> 170 度々有り難うございます😊

No.172 07/09/01 15:55
匿名147 ( ♀ )



No.173 07/09/01 17:49
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 172 調べた単語はどんなのが出てきたの?

No.174 07/09/01 18:04
匿名147 ( ♀ )

>> 173 辞書でひくと、leaveの過去でleftで残ったと表してるようです。~ながらというのはwhileでいいのでしょうか?enjoyable memoryで楽しい思い出?

No.175 07/09/01 18:48
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 174 あんまり難しく考えない方がいいよ💧。ここのスレにいる人達も、それぞれ使う英語って違うのね。日本語のしゃべるくせと同じだから…なるべくシンプルに考えた方がいいよ😊。

be leftで、余るになっちゃうのかな。かやだったら、

I got wet,but I still have a happy memory.(have happy memories)


No.176 07/09/01 20:20
匿名147 ( ♀ )

>> 175 Thank you so much .



No.177 07/09/02 12:13
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

🌒 No.147様、何とお呼びすれば宜しいですか?よろしければお名前を‥ぷり~ず(^^)





 =Good memory(happy可^^)



No.178 07/09/02 12:24
匿名147 ( ♀ )

>> 177 はい😊



  • << 181 あ~ちゃんまたいつでもおいでね😊。読むのは全然かまわないよ👌。Zaqが言ってた通り、かやもやっぱり和文を噛み砕いて簡単な英語で話すんだけど、それには慣れってあるから。まだまだあ~ちゃんはお勉強してる最中だから、わかるようになるよ、きっと😊。英語好きなんだもんね✨。頑張ってね✨✨。
  • << 184 🌒 Hi,あ~ちゃん❗🙋 We always welcome you.😁 いつでもどうぞ、覗くなどと水臭いコト言わず、気軽に参加なさいまし。習うより慣れろ‥言葉は使う習慣が大事です。英誤の恥はかき捨てて、ここでどんどん間違えちゃってください。 あとは、何とかします(^^)

No.179 07/09/02 13:14
Priest ( zrmn1 )

🌠Dr.Zaq🌠 Can I call you Dr.Zaq⁉😊 What a clever gentleman you are❗😨 I must study English more and more. I love English companions.😻

I'll be back soon.💸

  • << 193 🌒 Morning, Priest❗🙋 Ha-ha!Don't call me that way, please. But I'll be your doctor anytime if needs be.(^^) Have a good day.        Ciao❗🙋🔥🚀

No.180 07/09/02 13:45
Priest ( zrmn1 )

💡❓💡 Who is a person who fell in love with❓

hint①:A person is a violinist.

hint②:exist on board

😻 Please answer.🙇

See ya around ❗

No.181 07/09/02 19:35
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 178 はい😊 皆さんがこのスレでやり取りしてるのをたまたまこないだ読んでたので、凄いなぁと思ってました。何となくの内容でしか解りませんが言いたい意… あ~ちゃんまたいつでもおいでね😊。読むのは全然かまわないよ👌。Zaqが言ってた通り、かやもやっぱり和文を噛み砕いて簡単な英語で話すんだけど、それには慣れってあるから。まだまだあ~ちゃんはお勉強してる最中だから、わかるようになるよ、きっと😊。英語好きなんだもんね✨。頑張ってね✨✨。

No.182 07/09/02 19:55
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 144 🐬 Hi,Kaya 🙋 All of your guests went back to US already.💧 Sorry, I tho… Oh,Riko❗I skiped your response😨.I'm so sorry🙇🙇🙇.I had heavy migraine headache 2days,I had so hard time.It made me tired😿.I'm really sorry🙇.

Yeah,all of my American friends went back to US🇺.Some of American&Canadian missionaries are still here,but they will go back a month later😿.But another American friends will come here soon😊.

Concert was…awesome💖💖💖❗I can't live without access😻😻😻.

Now I can eat a little bit.Thank you for worrying about me💝.

Talk to you later.


No.183 07/09/02 20:12
りこ ( fKtj1 )

>> 182 🐬 Hi,Kaya 🙋

You didn't skip me.
You send me your response already.
Thanks for your reply twice.✌ 😸

Sorry, I have to go now.
My baby is crying.

  • << 189 Hi,Riko😺💧.Yeah,I didn't skip💧.I responded you 2times😹.But it's OK.Because I love you,friend😽💕. Air conditioner⁉When I sleep,I need a blanket&掛け布団😣.Oh,I wanna be there,Riko. Have a good evening💖. Love,Kaya.

No.184 07/09/03 01:05
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 178 はい😊 皆さんがこのスレでやり取りしてるのをたまたまこないだ読んでたので、凄いなぁと思ってました。何となくの内容でしか解りませんが言いたい意… 🌒 Hi,あ~ちゃん❗🙋

We always welcome you.😁


No.185 07/09/03 01:32
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 184 🌒 ちなみに‥


・I was rainy, but a sweet memory was left in my mind.

I got wet in the rain でも良いのですが、最初の文で既にget wetを使っているので、重複を避ける為、言い方を変えています。leaveには印象を残すというニュアンスもあるので問題ないと思います(^^)


No.186 07/09/03 07:42
匿名147 ( ♀ )

>> 185 皆さんおはようございます🙇





from あ~ちゃん

No.187 07/09/03 16:38
りこ ( fKtj1 )

>> 124 🌒 Hi, Riko❗🙌 Seeing him at the festival is my delight. But, don't wor… 🐬 Hi,Zaq 🙋

Summer vacation is over!
But it's still mid summer here.🌴
I can't stop turning on an air conditioner everyday.💦
I don wanna look at an electronic bill.🙈🙈

Yep,I know "Ojisan", which has ヒゲ.♓
Have you ever seen it?

I thought you've seen エイサー already, because you've been to here several times.

Lately Priest seems to study English very hard.📖✏
In addition, he put up a new thread of English.🔤
Did you see it?

Talk to you later ☺

No.188 07/09/03 17:03
りこ ( fKtj1 )

🐬 Hi,Priest 🙋

You are studying English very hard these days.😲
And you started "English でしりとりゲーム".
Good for you!👌
You got some good friends there.☺

See ya ☺

  • << 190 💫Riko💫How have you been😊⁉ Thank you for your compliment.😁 Would you like to take part in the thread⁉😊If you please. I'll be waiting for you. Forever❗😁 Who do you think a next target is⁉💫 See you later😍

No.189 07/09/03 18:25
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 183 🐬 Hi,Kaya 🙋 You didn't skip me. You send me your response already. T… Hi,Riko😺💧.Yeah,I didn't skip💧.I responded you 2times😹.But it's OK.Because I love you,friend😽💕.

Air conditioner⁉When I sleep,I need a blanket&掛け布団😣.Oh,I wanna be there,Riko.

Have a good evening💖.


No.190 07/09/03 18:48
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 188 🐬 Hi,Priest 🙋 You are studying English very hard these days.😲 And you… 💫Riko💫How have you been😊⁉ Thank you for your compliment.😁 Would you like to take part in the thread⁉😊If you please. I'll be waiting for you. Forever❗😁 Who do you think a next target is⁉💫

See you later😍

No.191 07/09/03 20:23
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 190 Hi,Zaq😿.I made a mistake again😿.Thank you for teaching for him.

I have to be careful…😿.Thanks a lot,Zaq.

No.192 07/09/04 00:47
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 191 🌒 Hi, Kaya❗🙋

C'mon, lady..u always put me in a flutter 'bout that thread, u know. u really gotta b careful.(Lol)😁


  • << 195 Hi,Zaq😺. Yep.I really have to be careful😿. I'm in hospital today,tomorrow,too.Today,I came here just for medical check up.Tomorrow,I need many medicines for headaches,and to sleep. Have a good day☀. Love,Kaya.

No.193 07/09/04 07:34
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 179 🌠Dr.Zaq🌠 Can I call you Dr.Zaq⁉😊 What a clever gentleman you are❗😨 I m… 🌒 Morning, Priest❗🙋

Ha-ha!Don't call me that way, please. But I'll be your doctor anytime if needs be.(^^)

Have a good day.


No.194 07/09/04 09:09
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 193 ♍Hi❗ Zaq❗ Good morning. I've got it.👌 Thank you for your kindness to say so.

See you later.♍

No.195 07/09/05 12:20
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 192 🌒 Hi, Kaya❗🙋 C'mon, lady..u always put me in a flutter 'bout that thr… Hi,Zaq😺.

Yep.I really have to be careful😿.

I'm in hospital today,tomorrow,too.Today,I came here just for medical check up.Tomorrow,I need many medicines for headaches,and to sleep.

Have a good day☀.


No.196 07/09/05 16:17
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 195 💫Hi,Kaya❗💫

♍[クローバー]I'm anxious about you.

I understand how you feel.

Because I have been a megrim for a long time.

Take care of yourself.

Loving Kaya.😻

I'm sorry I'm not Zaq.🙇

No.197 07/09/05 16:47
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 196 Hi,Priest😺.

Thank you for worrying about me✨.

Yep,it's really hard.Last Friday,I had really heavy headache,so I took medicines too much.So I couldn't wake up till Sat.'s evening.Too dangerous😨!But it was too hard for me.

Why do you have to apologize?You are my friend,it's enough😃.

Thanx a lot.


No.198 07/09/05 17:52
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 197 😥You look too bad.

Because you was calling to Zaq.

But I replied for him.

There is not a deep meaning.

See you later.😍

No.199 07/09/07 01:57
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

Typhoon is coming🌀!So windy,and it's rainning☔.How about your place,friends?

Espcially Tokyo's man,U OK?

Please be careful,friends!

See ya!


No.200 07/09/07 12:30
Priest ( zrmn1 )


Everybody is working hard now,isn't it❓

It's time to have lunch⁉😨

I'm not working yet.

I have to find a job ... not be able to get it without difficulty.

Kaya😻 I didn't notice 🌀typhoon.

Because not watching TV and to read papers.

By the way, did you get well yet❓

I hope you will get over the illness.♍

💰Riko How old are you❓😲 Ask again.

I'll wait your res.
I have a nice day.

Loving Eng.companions😍

  • << 201 Hi,Priest😺. I felt good today,but I had a nap and I had a long nightmare,so now I'm so tired😿. I will go shopping from now. Did you eat something?Please take care. Have a good evening. Kaya



6/10 カテゴリの統合(6月20日、26日実施)



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