

レス465 HIT数 32934 あ+ あ-

かや( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )
08/02/18 03:18(更新日時)

どんどん英語で話しましょ✨✨。間違えたって、ベラベラさんだって、楽しめれば大丈夫😻💕。誰でもためしに覗いてみて💕。Let's Enjoy Talking🎵

No.594312 07/07/31 22:53(スレ作成日時)



No.101 07/08/23 22:19
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 92   HELLOりこ💓💓 My birthday is in June.       ちなみに、My friend'sbirthday … 👩Liz💡No.92で ちょっと気になる:SENTENCE:があるのですが、貴女が受験生だから言わせて頂きます。

I look forward to tomorrow.のsentenceですが、look forward to は他動詞です。他動詞はobject(目的語)が必要だと思います。💡I'm looking forward to 目的語(karaoke)tomorrow.💡私だったらこのような文にしますが、どう思われますか⁉

因みに:語法では、look forward to は後に名詞か動名詞を伴います。tomorrowには副詞と名詞がありますが、ここの文節では時を表す副詞と判断出来ます。それに明日という未来ですから~お分かりだと思いますが、次いでに言ってみました。間違っていたらごめんなさい。😻

No.102 07/08/23 22:25
LIZ ( 1P3q1 )

>> 101 Thankyou😊😊😊



Good night🙋🌙🌙🌙🌙

  • << 114 🌀🌟👩 Liz🌟🌀 How are you this morning? Are you still sleepy⁉ I'll treat you a cup of ☕coffee. See you later☺

No.103 07/08/24 00:10
りこ ( fKtj1 )

>> 52 🌅G.M.👩Beautiful ladies. Yuka,kaya,Riko,liz. Every day's very hot,isn… 🐬 Hi,Priest 🙋

Thanks for the birthday message.

You wanna know my age?
I'm ❓ years older than you.🙈🙈🙈

You didn't know your loving Yuka has a boyfriend? 💔😂
So your next target is … Zaq? 😱 😂

Good night 🌉

  • << 106 💡Riko💡 Early Good Morning❗ I'm afraid I don't know your age. How old are you⁉😁 Zaq 🙅 I'm not a homo. Next🎯 target is you. I will expect to divorce,so waiting for you.😜 To loving Riko with 💖love from The Heaven. I like to love ladies.😳

No.104 07/08/24 00:31
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 98 Thanks かや😍😍 I'm student preparing for an entrance exam . So,your(ev… Hi,Liz😺💕.

I'm not good at grammar💧.But if I noticed your mistake,I will tell you😊.

Have a good dream🌠.

I love you.


No.105 07/08/24 00:38
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 99 🌠👻 Kaya💸 👼'm a conductor and Priert's frind. How do you do⁉ Do yo… Hi,Conductor💧.

Well,I know where is my heaven🙈💕.I never tell you where is that🙊.It's a secret👯💕.

Talk to you later.


  • << 107 💫Hi❗ loving kaya❗💫 Good Morning❗ 👼'm Conductor. 朝から失礼いたします🙇 💡一言二言❗ 🌠関係副詞の特徴に付いて:後ろから前の名詞を修飾する形容詞節を導く〈接続詞+副詞(句)〉では語順が変わりませんか?👼 for example: ①I know where is my heaven. 👼I know where my Heaven is. ②I never tell you where is that. 👼I never tell you where that is. 👼上記は完全な文ではありませんが、詳しくは Zaq or 📖で For 👩Liz 違ってたら謝ります🙇 with love💖

No.106 07/08/24 01:12
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 103 🐬 Hi,Priest 🙋 Thanks for the birthday message. You wanna know my age… 💡Riko💡 Early Good Morning❗

I'm afraid I don't know your age.

How old are you⁉😁

Zaq 🙅 I'm not a homo.

Next🎯 target is you.

I will expect to divorce,so waiting for you.😜

To loving Riko with 💖love from The Heaven.

I like to love ladies.😳

  • << 125 🐬 Hi,Priest 🙋 Oh,your next target is me? 😱 I'm much older than you.⤵ And I got married last year.👰 You don't have to wait for me.😸 Good night 🌉

No.107 07/08/24 08:00
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 105 Hi,Conductor💧. Well,I know where is my heaven🙈💕.I never tell you wher… 💫Hi❗ loving kaya❗💫 Good Morning❗

👼'm Conductor.


for example:

①I know where is my heaven.

👼I know where my Heaven is.

②I never tell you where is that.

👼I never tell you where that is.

👼上記は完全な文ではありませんが、詳しくは Zaq or 📖で

For 👩Liz


with love💖

No.108 07/08/24 18:04
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 107 おっと💦。すいません、carelessでした。ご指摘ありがとうございました🙇。


No.109 07/08/24 20:39
Priest ( zrmn1 )

🌠Everybody🌠 Hot night😥

I present one question.

What's the difference of(boyfriend or girlfriend)and(a friend of mine)❓

Is there a person who can explain it❓

🔔I will expect a correct answer.😍

See you later☺

No.110 07/08/24 21:05
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 109 Hi,Priest😺.

friend of mine=私の友達

boy friend,girl friendは、恋人関係であることを示します。もし、かやと、👨友達が3人いて、誰かに

“They are my boy friends.”と紹介してしまうと、かやは3股かけてるとんでもない👯になってしまうんです。


No.111 07/08/24 22:27
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 110 🌠Kaya🌠 Are you tired❓

Too easy for you❗
That's correct answer.

In🇺 America,it seems that it calls a sex friend plainly.

I hear that 👵most middle aged ladies feel contemptible for its word.

I don't know whether or not it's true...false.

Do you like quizes❓

See you later.💖

No.112 07/08/24 22:45
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 111 Hi,Priest.

Well…I have many American&Canadian friends.All of them are pious Christian,and some of them are missionaries.

They have some strict rules.About sex,their rule is really strict,but all of my friends obeys for it.

When my friend introduce their steady,they always says like “He is my boyfriend.”or“She is my girlfriend.”.It's so usual,and natural for us.

That's all.


No.113 07/08/24 23:43
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 112 I see. Thanks for your information.
You seem that you became vigorous when saying the thing to be interested in❓
Please inform if there is useful information.

Have a nice dream❗

See you again.☺

No.114 07/08/25 07:15
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 102 Thankyou😊😊😊 とっても勉強になります👮👮 文法って難しぃですね😥 頑張って上達するぞ➰➰💪💪 近くに辞書が無いので日本語… 🌀🌟👩 Liz🌟🌀 How are you this morning? Are you still sleepy⁉ I'll treat you a cup of ☕coffee.

See you later☺

No.115 07/08/26 14:08
りこ ( fKtj1 )

>> 81 Hi,Riko😺. I had heavy headache at Niigata 2days,but I could work for … 🐬 Hi,Kaya 🙋

Sorry, I'm late.🙇
You came back here already, but I wrote to other members in order of response.
So I'm writing to you now. How slow…😢 🙇

Yep,you & Zaq & Yuka know my age.
Don tell it to others,please. Hahaha😁😁

How's your weekend?
Will your American guests go back to U.S. soon?

Talk to U later ☺

  • << 118 Hi,Riko😺💕. It's OK👌.You gave me a response.I'm so glad😊. Yesterday,I went to concert,it was so so great💕💕❗❗I kept dancing 3 hours😸.After that,I went to the bar.It was first time that I went to that bar.There was a big difference between there and usual bar.Because lewd オヤジ is the master of that bar💧.I was a night bird,so today,I slept all of the day😪. It was good week end for me😻.Because of the concert.I'm crazy for the front man💕💕💕. My American guests already went back to US😿.I feel lonesome💔. Have a good dream🌌. Love,Kaya.

No.116 07/08/26 14:23
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

🌒 Hi, Everybody❗🙋

The heat is still going on.
Is everybody okay ?😁

Today I'm gonna go to 麻布十番祭り. I'll see a famous guy who have once fought with 泳げたい焼き君。

That's a cool,charming and a lavable old man.👴✨

I'll be back


  • << 119 Hi,Zaq😺. I just woke up💧.Cause of the heat body.It's so hot.And I'm not OK,maybe.After I came back from Niigata,I haven't eat anything.Only water,I drink🙀.But I hate fall,so hot summer is good for me.Not good for my health,though. Did you go to 麻布十番祭?I like たい焼き🙆.Because it's not real fish,it's a sweets💕. Could you see that old man? Talk to you later💕. Love,Kaya.

No.117 07/08/26 16:41
Priest ( zrmn1 )

🌠☕coffee break☕🌠🌴 Hi❗ Everybody❗

I will present a riddle.

About kangaroo❗

Why is called a kangaroo⁉

What is the meaning of (a)Kangaroo⁉

Where did it come from⁉

Waiting for your correct answer.😊

  • << 120 Hi,Priest. オーストラリアを植民支配しようとした人間がカンガルーを見て原住民に尋ねた。「What's name of that animal?」原住民は「Kangaroo.」と答え、支配側の人間はその動物の名をカンガルーだと理解したが、Kangarooは、その地の言葉で「I don't know.」と言う意味だった。 中学の英語の教科書に載ってたのでうろ覚えです。 ではおやすみなさい。

No.118 07/08/27 01:16
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 115 🐬 Hi,Kaya 🙋 Sorry, I'm late.🙇 You came back here already, but I wrote… Hi,Riko😺💕.

It's OK👌.You gave me a response.I'm so glad😊.

Yesterday,I went to concert,it was so so great💕💕❗❗I kept dancing 3 hours😸.After that,I went to the bar.It was first time that I went to that bar.There was a big difference between there and usual bar.Because lewd オヤジ is the master of that bar💧.I was a night bird,so today,I slept all of the day😪.

It was good week end for me😻.Because of the concert.I'm crazy for the front man💕💕💕.

My American guests already went back to US😿.I feel lonesome💔.

Have a good dream🌌.


  • << 144 🐬 Hi,Kaya 🙋 All of your guests went back to US already.💧 Sorry, I thought some of them would stay in your place until the end of this month.🙇 You went to the concert of "access"! Sounds exciting❗ Now I know why you could keep dancing for 3 hours,though you had nothing but water for a week. You really love them.❤❤❤ Take care of yourself ☺

No.119 07/08/27 01:24
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 116 🌒 Hi, Everybody❗🙋 The heat is still going on. Is everybody okay ?😁 … Hi,Zaq😺.

I just woke up💧.Cause of the heat body.It's so hot.And I'm not OK,maybe.After I came back from Niigata,I haven't eat anything.Only water,I drink🙀.But I hate fall,so hot summer is good for me.Not good for my health,though.

Did you go to 麻布十番祭?I like たい焼き🙆.Because it's not real fish,it's a sweets💕.

Could you see that old man?

Talk to you later💕.


  • << 121 🌒 Morning, Kaya❗🙋 I went to Azabu-Juban, but, couldn't see the《Ojisan》this time. Damn! I really wanted to see him 'cuz seein' him there is one of my delight. You like taiyaki don't you ? A fresh-cooked one tastes really good, doesn't it ? You know, that's one of a lovable Japanese sweet. I'll be back         Ciao❗🙋🔥🚀

No.120 07/08/27 01:30
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 117 🌠☕coffee break☕🌠🌴 Hi❗ Everybody❗ I will present a riddle. About kang… Hi,Priest.

オーストラリアを植民支配しようとした人間がカンガルーを見て原住民に尋ねた。「What's name of that animal?」原住民は「Kangaroo.」と答え、支配側の人間はその動物の名をカンガルーだと理解したが、Kangarooは、その地の言葉で「I don't know.」と言う意味だった。



  • << 129 ⏰Hi.Kaya❗ Good Morning❗ Thank's for your response.😊 I think Your answers almost were corrected but~ (who was 人間⁉). See you later😊

No.121 07/08/27 05:25
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 119 Hi,Zaq😺. I just woke up💧.Cause of the heat body.It's so hot.And I'm n… 🌒 Morning, Kaya❗🙋

I went to Azabu-Juban, but, couldn't see the《Ojisan》this time.

Damn! I really wanted to see him 'cuz seein' him there is one of my delight.

You like taiyaki don't you ?

A fresh-cooked one tastes really good, doesn't it ?

You know, that's one of a lovable Japanese sweet.

I'll be back


No.122 07/08/27 11:20
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 121 Hi,Zaq😺.

I woke up 7:30,and I took 1lit. water,and trained,and…went back to sleep😪💧.

Oh,it's too bad!Anyway,how old is that ojisan?

Yeah,I like taiyaki so much😊.Especially in winter,it makes me a little bit happy😺💕.

Talk to you later.


No.123 07/08/27 14:49
りこ ( fKtj1 )

>> 91 🌒 Hi, Ricorin❗(❓😁) Well..That was a curious concidence that I came ba… 🐬 Hi,Zaq 🙋

Don call me that,please.
I'm Riko.😉

I didn know the model of 泳げたいやきくんのおじさん exists.😲
Oh,you couldn see him.💧
You'll have a chance to see him someday.

Today is the last day of 旧盆 here.I'll visit my husband's uncle and pray for ancestry in front of 仏壇 tonight.
During 旧盆 season,we can see エイサー parades by regional 青年会.

Talk to U later ☺

No.124 07/08/27 19:25
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 123 🌒 Hi, Riko❗🙌

Seeing him at the festival is my delight. But, don't worry, I can see him anytime when I want to, 'cuz u know, he is always there.(^^)

By the way..I heard that there're fish named《Ojisan》,in Okinawa.

How funny the name is?

Do you know that fish ?

Say, Riko. I really wanna come to your island again.
I haven't seen エイサー yet.

I'll be back


  • << 187 🐬 Hi,Zaq 🙋 Summer vacation is over! But it's still mid summer here.🌴 I can't stop turning on an air conditioner everyday.💦 I don wanna look at an electronic bill.🙈🙈 Yep,I know "Ojisan", which has ヒゲ.♓ Have you ever seen it? I thought you've seen エイサー already, because you've been to here several times. Lately Priest seems to study English very hard.📖✏ In addition, he put up a new thread of English.🔤 Did you see it? Talk to you later ☺

No.125 07/08/28 23:04
りこ ( fKtj1 )

>> 106 💡Riko💡 Early Good Morning❗ I'm afraid I don't know your age. How ol… 🐬 Hi,Priest 🙋

Oh,your next target is me? 😱
I'm much older than you.⤵
And I got married last year.👰

You don't have to wait for me.😸

Good night 🌉

  • << 128 🌠🌴 Loving Riko🌴🌠How are you this morning💖⁉ I'v got thing what you want to say.I must give it up.💧 I'll go to the Heaven again🌌👻.With 💧 like much ☔.😂 By the way,how about your kiddie❗⁉ See you later.💖

No.126 07/08/29 01:44
みゅ ( 20代 ♀ 91MIc )


  • << 130 🌠みゅ🌠 How do you do❓💖 私も余り英語は得意じゃありませんが、💪努力しています。⏰Let's study English together.😊 See you later💖
  • << 131 Hi,Miyu😺.Welcome❗ スレ主のかやです😺って言っても顔出さない事の多い悪いスレ主ですが💧。かやもたくさん間違えますが、楽しむのが1番なので、いつでもどうぞ😺 Hi,our new friend!I'm Kaya. Let's enjoy talking🎵. English is difficult,but also so fun😊. Talk to you later. Kaya

No.127 07/08/29 02:43
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

>> 126 🌒 Hi, みゅ san❗🙋

はじめまして(^^) いつでもおいで下さいまし(‥って、私のスレじゃないけど) 分からなければ聞いて下さい。躊躇は要りません。間違えば誰かが教えてくれるでしょう。



Nice to see you, Miyu.

My name is Zaq.

I live in Tokyo.

Where do you live ?

I'll be back.


No.128 07/08/29 07:06
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 125 🐬 Hi,Priest 🙋 Oh,your next target is me? 😱 I'm much older than you.⤵ … 🌠🌴 Loving Riko🌴🌠How are you this morning💖⁉ I'v got thing what you want to say.I must give it up.💧 I'll go to the Heaven again🌌👻.With 💧 like much ☔.😂
By the way,how about your kiddie❗⁉

See you later.💖

No.129 07/08/29 07:28
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 120 Hi,Priest. オーストラリアを植民支配しようとした人間がカンガルーを見て原住民に尋ねた。「What's name of that … ⏰Hi.Kaya❗ Good Morning❗ Thank's for your response.😊
I think Your answers almost were corrected but~ (who was 人間⁉).

See you later😊

  • << 132 Americanでしたっけ?忘れました。

No.130 07/08/29 08:10
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 126 初めまして🙇私は英語はまっっったくわからないです😫英文とかもサッパリわからないし…😭でも英語を覚えたいんです…😢駄目ですか…?単語も危うい状… 🌠みゅ🌠 How do you do❓💖 私も余り英語は得意じゃありませんが、💪努力しています。⏰Let's study English together.😊

See you later💖

No.131 07/08/29 11:33
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 126 初めまして🙇私は英語はまっっったくわからないです😫英文とかもサッパリわからないし…😭でも英語を覚えたいんです…😢駄目ですか…?単語も危うい状… Hi,Miyu😺.Welcome❗


Hi,our new friend!I'm Kaya.

Let's enjoy talking🎵.

English is difficult,but also so fun😊.

Talk to you later.


No.132 07/08/29 11:34
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 129 ⏰Hi.Kaya❗ Good Morning❗ Thank's for your response.😊 I think Your answe… Americanでしたっけ?忘れました。

No.133 07/08/29 16:31
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 132 💡Australia was a right answer.

💡The man was Captain Cook and an Englishman.

See you later.

No.134 07/08/29 19:49
みゅ ( 20代 ♀ 91MIc )

Nice to meet you too.
Kaya,Zaq,Priest,よろしくお願いします😃本っっっ当にわからないのでボロボロですが皆さん教えて下さい🙇🙇🙇ちなみに住まいは…I live in Tokyo.です✨

No.135 07/08/29 19:53
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 134 Hi,Miyu😺.

We have 2 more friends.Maybe you can see them soon.One of woman's name is Riko.Another woman's name is Yuka.Both of them are so kind💕.I love them😻.

Talk to you later💕.


No.136 07/08/29 20:53
みゅ ( 20代 ♀ 91MIc )


No.137 07/08/29 21:03
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 136 Hi,Miyu😺.


No.138 07/08/29 22:54
みゅ ( 20代 ♀ 91MIc )

Tank you.
I (am?)now take a walk with my dog.

  • << 143 Good morning,Miyu😺. I live in Sendai.I like this city.I can see a lot of greens,so beautiful city✨. Last Saturday,I went to the concert✨.The band's name is “access”.Do you know them?I love them so much😽💕💕💕.I had much fun time💖💖💖. What kind of music do you like? Have a good day😊. Love,Kaya.

No.139 07/08/29 23:11
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

🌒 Hi, Miyu❗🙋

Good evening, lady.

Oh! You live in Tokyo, too.

So, you are walking near my place with your dog now.😁

Have a good time, Miyu.

I'll be back


PS;I am ときたら 〇〇ing です(^^)

No.140 07/08/29 23:43
みゅ ( 20代 ♀ 91MIc )

Good evening Zaq. 「I am」の後は「ing」ですね✨stadyになりました😃
Thank you💕

No.141 07/08/30 00:08
りこ ( fKtj1 )

>> 140 🐬 Hi,Miyu 🙋

My name is Riko.
I live in Okinawa.
Sorry,I have to go.

Good night 🌉

No.142 07/08/30 08:00
Priest ( zrmn1 )

💫Buenos Dias💫Good morning!Everybady!

Are you still alive❓If you are alive,you can turn up in the board,can't you❓😍It's just half kidding.♍ I became a charmer.

See you later😍

No.143 07/08/30 08:28
かや ( 20代 ♀ cdYJc )

>> 138 Hi,Kaya😃 Tank you. I (am?)now take a walk with my dog. Good morning,Miyu😺.

I live in Sendai.I like this city.I can see a lot of greens,so beautiful city✨.

Last Saturday,I went to the concert✨.The band's name is “access”.Do you know them?I love them so much😽💕💕💕.I had much fun time💖💖💖.

What kind of music do you like?

Have a good day😊.


No.144 07/08/30 14:27
りこ ( fKtj1 )

>> 118 Hi,Riko😺💕. It's OK👌.You gave me a response.I'm so glad😊. Yesterday,I… 🐬 Hi,Kaya 🙋

All of your guests went back to US already.💧
Sorry, I thought some of them would stay in your place until the end of this month.🙇

You went to the concert of "access"!
Sounds exciting❗
Now I know why you could keep dancing for 3 hours,though you had nothing but water for a week.
You really love them.❤❤❤

Take care of yourself ☺

  • << 152 Good morning,Riko😺. Yeah,they already went back and said“Come back to US soon,Kaya❗”I really want to go back😭. The concert was……oh,I fell in love with the vocalist…😽💕💕💕. Now here is cold,I can't sleep without blancket,so I can eat😃.…from last night,though💧. Thank you for worrying,Riko💖. Have a good day✨. Love,Kaya.
  • << 182 Oh,Riko❗I skiped your response😨.I'm so sorry🙇🙇🙇.I had heavy migraine headache 2days,I had so hard time.It made me tired😿.I'm really sorry🙇. Yeah,all of my American friends went back to US🇺.Some of American&Canadian missionaries are still here,but they will go back a month later😿.But another American friends will come here soon😊. Concert was…awesome💖💖💖❗I can't live without access😻😻😻. Now I can eat a little bit.Thank you for worrying about me💝. Talk to you later. Love,Kaya💕.

No.145 07/08/30 17:51
Zaq ( 40代 ♂ hfjLc )

🌒 Hi, Miyu❗🙋

It's a cold day, today.
Seems like summer has gone and fall is coming already.

Do you take a walk with your dog every night ?

What kind of dog do you have ?

I'll be back


No.146 07/08/30 18:50
LIZ ( 1P3q1 )

Long time no see😂😂😂

and みゆ💖💖💖
Nice to meet you🙋私も教えてもらぅことばっかりだょ👻👻一緒に頑張って勉強してぃきましょっ😊😊

Today, I had a test💧💧💧
English is……so so……だとぃんだけど(笑)
My school will start tomorrow.
I'll try my best in new term👶👶👶

I'll see you🙋🙋👋

  • << 149 🎀 Hi❗ Liz❗ How have you been⁉ I have waiting for you. My neck became longer and longer.Do you understand what I mean⁉ See you honey♍
  • << 153 Wow,Liz😲❗Welcome back💖. Oh I didn't introduce about you for Miyu😨.Please forgive me🙇🙇🙇. Please enjoy your school life,Miyu😊.You can do it,I trust. Talk to you later. Love,Kaya💕.

No.147 07/08/30 20:08
匿名147 ( ♀ )

>> 146 すみません。はじめまして😥英文を作るの苦手で教えて欲しいのですが…。作文の宿題が出来ません😱😨

  • << 154 ごめんなさい、ひどい頭痛で寝込んでて、今このレス見ました。出来る範囲で手伝えるかと思うので、まず和文を教えて下さい😊

No.148 07/08/30 20:40
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 147 今晩は!始めまして、このスレタイに日本語で書かれたら如何ですか、誰かが英語に翻訳してくれるかも~⁉🌷

I'm Priest.♍

See you soon🌷

No.149 07/08/30 21:20
Priest ( zrmn1 )

>> 146 Everyone❗❗ Long time no see😂😂😂 and みゆ💖💖💖 Nice to meet you🙋私も教えてもらぅこと… 🎀 Hi❗ Liz❗ How have you been⁉
I have waiting for you. My neck became longer and longer.Do you understand what I mean⁉

See you honey♍

No.150 07/08/31 01:01
みゅ ( 20代 ♀ 91MIc )







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