A fourth diary in English
Let's enjoy English!Ⅱ
Let’s enjoy English! 4

Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

No.43 18/09/24 14:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of North Dakota】

《Political climate in which the local referendum makes a reformation come true》

There is a way of saying,“The residents of Dakota is squirrels and coyotes.”,for North Dakota is commonly known as the state of squirrel,and South Dakota is commonly known as the one of coyote.

While it’s a pretty squirrel,and the other is coyote of which howl is terrible,as to the character of the residents,it is said both the south and north are almost same.

As to the first character in the state is the severe climate. It seems that the severe climate decides from economic activity to the character of the people. For example,the production for wheat which is strong to cold and a personality which is steady, honest,and indomitable.

As to the climate of the state,summer is intense heat,and winter is severe cold. Both of the highest and lowest temperature are recorded in 1936. The highest one is 49℃,and the lowest one is minus 51℃. It is said they need both belief and …





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