A fourth diary in English
Let's enjoy English!Ⅱ
Let’s enjoy English! 4

Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

No.48 18/09/24 18:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of North Dakota】

《Political climate in which a local referendum makes a reformation come true》

To be exact,as to the yield of wheat,the state is one of the largest growing area in America.

As a result,in the Reagan Government in the beginning of the 1980s,what is called the second Cold War,an embargo was placed on the export of wheat for the Soviet Union was hard hit for the state.

Strategic base for Air Force was set up in Minot,and Grand Forks as the state of the front line which opposed the threat from the North.

Petroleum was discovered in 1951,with development of resource on coal which is said it’s no.1 in the whole America,the petroleum becomes a growth industry,especially in the first oil crisis in 1973 urged to strike oil and to mine coal for the thermal power generation,but there has been waves by the situation on the demand and supply for the oil. It can’t be helped.

It seems that the Democratic Party is strong in the northern area,and the Republican Party…





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