Let’s enjoy English 15th

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燻し銀三( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
23/12/02 08:16(更新日時)

I’m going to start a new thread from now on. Whenever going to a bookstore, I find a book which I want to express in English, so I ended up buying it, but the time I spend on expressing English is limited, but I think I have to rush, for the newer the information, the better it is. The science technology has developed every day, and the situation in our society has changed as well, so I’m sure I don’t have enough time to drink, though I’ll drink without a doubt.

But as having expressed in English here at ミクル during the daytime my day off, I don’t have to drink until the sun goes down, so I can sleep at night. It’s good for my health.

How many years can I express in English here? As long as I live I want to express, even if so, I can’t express what I want to do. Art is long, life is short


No.3879711 23/09/17 15:07(スレ作成日時)



No.1 23/09/17 15:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen to the Northern Territories to Japan? 】

《Strategy of pushing southward won’t stop》

…Japan is forced to rely on the thermal power system, so the existence on Russia which is the resource rich country is big.

Russia won’t go easy on its enemy. It tried to murder a former secret agent who exiled himself to England in 2018 with the neurotoxin. Smearing the neurotoxin on the knob of the door on the house where the secret agent lived.-

When the author went to England so as to interview, the police investigated the whole house thoroughly as if it had demolished the whole house.

No.2 23/09/17 15:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen to the Northern Territories to Japan? 】

《Strategy of pushing southward won’t stop》

The image of two Russian suspects caught on the security camera was opened to the public, and Putin said they were civilians with absolute certainty at once.

BBC which is an abbreviation on British Broadcasting Corporation went to interview to the place where two suspects were from and elicited the testimony that two of them start to work at GRU. GRU is an espionage organization in Russia.

In fact, at the Federal Assembly in Russia, it has been passed a resolution like the next. It’s all…

No.3 23/09/17 16:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


It’s all right to kill if it’s the enemy for Russia, so it’s natural for them to kill people if it’s enemy. Japan is going to associate with Russia from now on, and we have to understand that Russia has the terrible side like that and the historic background which reached there.

【The spark in the Middle East】

Even if Islamic State which went on a rampage was crushed, the civil war doesn’t stop in the Middle East. There is the geopolitics on Syria in its root. Saudi Arabia which is a big country has been opposed to Iraq. Why?

【What was the Islamic State? 】

Synchronized terrorists…

No.4 23/09/17 16:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What was the Islamic State? 】

Synchronized terrorists attack broke out in France November in 2015.

The author said he was going to review the Islamic State from the basic point. Its former organization was a small group made up with Sunni in Islam. It was small extremely.

When the Bush government started to attack Iraq in 2003, and defeated the Hussein Government, then the previous organization of the Islamic State was born. It was founded by an Islam jurist who thought of the invasion by Crusades at present.

The Islam jurist was arrested by the U.S.army in 2004, but before long he was…

No.5 23/09/17 16:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What was the Islamic State? 】

…but before long he was released and joined in al Qaeda which was the branch in Iraq in 2006, and al Qaeda is the international terrorists group which broke out the synchronized terrorists attack in America September in 2001.

But the Islam jurist was in al Qaeda for a short term, and he left al Qaeda soon and founded the Islamic State. He kept his distance from al Qaeda.

He wasn’t satisfied with the organization on anti America and there is the possibility he had the ambition of founding the state on Islam, but there was no information at the beginning.

No.6 23/09/24 00:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What was the Islamic State?】

As America withdrew from Iraq the Maliki Government in Shia carried out the politics in which placing emphasis on Shia thoroughly, so the dissatisfaction by the Sunni which was alienated and suppressed strengthened, and the Islam jurist gathered the disgruntled members and expanded his influence.

Then the democratic movement occurred in Syria which was the next nation to Iraq. The movement on the Spring in Arab spread in Syria, and the Sunni which was the majority in Syria started the democratic movement as well, the Assad Government which is the Shia…

No.7 23/09/24 00:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What was the Islamic State? 】

…the Assad Government which is the Shia in Syria suppressed it, and Syria has fallen into the civil war. Strictly speaking, the Assad Government is the Alawite, but Iran which is the great nation of Shia recognizes the Assad Government as Shia.

The Islam jurist paid attention to it, and named his organization the Islamic state of Iraq and Levant. It’s ISIS. The Levant is the area like Syria and Lebanon, but it’s unfamiliar with us the Japanese, so the Japanese mass media calls it ISIS, it’s the abbreviation of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

ISIS attacked…

No.8 23/09/24 00:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What was the Islamic State? 】

ISIS attacked the Free Syrian Army which is the organization of anti government and gained the weapon and funds, and took the territory from Syria. ISIS gathered its force in Syria and came back to Iraq and expanded its influence there where there are lots of residents of Sunni.

Iraq force of which main constituent was Shia, and military force in Iraq attacked the military unit of ISIS protecting the area of Sunni, and the military unit ran away from the battle at once, for it didn’t have any love on the area.

Thus ISIS gained the weapons from Iraq supplied…

No.9 23/09/24 02:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What was the Islamic State? 】

…the ISIS gained the weapons from Iraq supplied from America.

《…and proclaimed itself to be the Islamic State》

ISIS which spread the area ruled by ISIS in Iraq and Syria proclaimed the establishment on ISIS June in 2014 at last. Without identifying the name of the place, giving the wish on ambition of establishing the Islamic Empire into its name.

Moreover the Islamic jurist who was the leader of ISIS announced he was the Caliph. Caliph means the successor on Muhammad who was the prophet in the Islamic state,

After Muhammad was dead, his successors were…

No.10 23/09/24 03:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What was the Islamic State? 】

《…and proclaimed itself to be the Islamic State》

…and his successor has been chosen every generation, but the Ottoman Empire was defeated in the World War Ⅰ and it was collapsed, the system on Caliph was abolished, but the ISIS has made it revive and established the ISIS on the system of Caliph. Its message was order all the Islamic to obey the Caliph. It’s the place where there is different from the organization on Al Qaeda.

The Organization on Al Qaeda is the organization on terrorism of anti America. Even if they attacked America, they had no idea of…

No.11 23/09/24 03:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What is the Islamic State? 】

《…and proclaimed itself to be the Islamic State》

…they had no idea of establishing the state, but the Islamic State proclaimed it’s established the real one actually. Lots of the Islamic extremists have shown its approval on the proclamation each place in the world, and stated the policy of obeying the Caliph.

But it has been divided into the influence obeying ISIS and refusing it in the Taliban which is the organization on the anti government in Afghanistan, and the serious battle has started between them. It’s what is called the internal violent strife 内ゲバ.

No.12 23/09/24 03:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What is the Islamic State? 】

《…and proclaimed itself to be the Islamic State》

The aim on the Islamic State was conquering the area from Indonesia to Spanish until 2020. It proclaimed it’d carry it out until the Tokyo Olympic in Japan in 2020.

For example, the Mughal Empire controlled the large part of the Indian continent from the 16th to the 19th century. Spain used to be done by the influence over the Islamic power at a time, but it was gained by the Christianity. It’s the rechokistan.

Islam used to control the place, and Islamic State proclaimed it’d get back the place where they used…

No.13 23/09/24 04:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What is the Islamic State?】

《…and proclaimed itself to be the Islamic State》

…and proclaimed it’d get back the place where they used to control and after that it lost. It was an attractive aim for the Islamic State which wanted to get back its glory in the past. Furthermore in the criminal declaration on the synchronized terrorism attack this time, it adopted the expression of ガズワ in the Arabian with regard to the attack in France. It means invasion.

It was the phrase on Muhammad who was the prophet when he conquered and expanded his controlling area in the beginning of the Islam.

No.14 23/09/24 04:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


It’s equal that Islamic State which used to say it’d get back its influential zone to Islamic state which wouldn’t stop there but expand its influence and announced to change all the world into Islamic one. Murdering paganism and apostate and changing all the world into the right Islamic world. It seemed to be absurd, but it’s Islamic State which tried to carry it out.

【Geopolitics over Syria】

The learning of geopolitics has come into the limelight lately. It’s geography and politics as the name shows. It’s the learning on researching the influence over the international society by…

No.15 23/09/24 05:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

It’s the learning on the influence over the international society by the geographical position. The confusion on interests over Islamic State for interests by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, Turkey America and Russia becomes deeper and deeper.

The terrorism in France would make the net spread around the Islamic State this time, all the people thought it natural, but the military plane in Turkey shot down the one in Russia broke out, so the situation becomes more shady, for the location on Syria has made the international relation complicated.

How has the Islamic state….

No.16 23/09/24 06:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

How has the Islamic State grown up by the synchronized terrorism attack in Paris? The author described it last time, and he said he was going to express how Russia is going to do this time.

He met with a Japanese who lived in Syria at Qatar a few years ago. Though they talked in Japanese, when in the topic over the politics in Syria, the voice of his friend becomes low, and author asked his friend, what’s up? And his friend answered like the next.

As living in Syria when it comes to the political topic, they tend to be anxious about that someone eavesdrop them …

No.17 23/09/24 06:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

…and they were low tone reflexively, his friend smiled wryly.

When getting on a taxi, the taxi driver talked about the topic on the criticism of the Assad Government, according to the friend of the author, but it’s a trap. If synchronized and criticizing the political government, he’d be disclosed. In short, the taxi driver identifies the criminal. How depressed society it was! Under the control by the Assad Government, we are forced to think it’s the suppressed society.

When the democratic movement started each nation of Arab March in 2011. It’s the spring in Arab

No.18 23/09/24 06:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

When the democratic movement started in Damascus which is the capital of Syria by receiving influence over the spring in Arab, the residents gathered, but they must have been frightened, for when the father of the President Assad was the President the influence of anti government barricaded themselves in a town, and the government forces in Syria launched all-out attack on the town, then at least more than ten thousand of residents were massacred.

After that the father was dead and at the time of his son becomes the President, there was the democratic movement, so..

No.19 23/09/24 07:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

…so the residents were hopeful then, but when being in the situation which had influence over the political base, the son adopted the same course as his father and suppressed the nation, so residents lodged a protest timidly then.

On the other hand, the second President oppressed the residents, using the government forces. Some of soldiers and generals who were ordered to point a gun directly at the same residents were repulsive and withdrew from the government forces with weapons and started to fight in the side of residents. Then free Syrian Army was born.

No.20 23/09/24 07:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

The government of Saudi Arabia and Qatar assisted the Free Syrian Army and sent weapons and funds to them, for the Assad Government is Alawite which is Shia, and it’s the same heretical religion for Qatar and Saudi Arabia which were the Sunni.

《The proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran》

When the civil war broke out in Syria, the Islam extremists thought it’s the best chance to expand its influence and gathered. Extremists gathered in the failed country easily. They area a kind of extremists Al Qaeda and the group calling themselves as the Islamic state of Iraq.

No.21 23/09/24 08:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

《The proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran》

The Islamic state of Iraq and Syria changed its name and call themselves as Islamic State.

As the offensive on the anti government forces strengthened the government forces in Syria was forced to face a predicament and Hezbollah of which base was Lebanon started to embark on. Hezbollah means the party on the God and Shia.

The Assad Government who was the same Shia fell into the distress, and the Hezbollah rushed to assist the Assad Government, so the government forces in Syria barely escaped from the stuck state.

No.22 23/09/24 08:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

《The proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran》

On the other hand, when the morale in the government forces in Iraq which fought against Islamic State at Iraq brought down, the group on militia of Shia appeared as supporting organization. Actually it’s the military force in Iran and was dispatched so as to help the government of Shia and was sent to Syria as well.

Thus the civil war in Syria started to take on appearance on the proxy war between the Saudi Arabia which is the great power of Sunni and Iran which is the great nation of Shia. Then America joined in it…

No.23 23/09/24 08:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

《The proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran》

Then it’s America which joined in it belatedly, and started to support the influence of anti government forces timidly.

On the other hand, Russia began to back up Syria, for there is the navy base belongs to Russia in Syria, so the Assad Government is a precious friend for Russia, and started air raid against all the anti government forces so as to protect its precious friend.

Thus the new structure on the Cold War between America and Russia was born, and Islamic State was repulsive against it, and blew up the Russian…

No.24 23/09/24 09:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Geopolitics over Syria】

《The proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran》

…and blew up the Russian aircraft flying out of the Sinai Peninsula and the President Putin was indignant at it and he strengthened up the air raid against Islamic State.

Then Turkey which was forced to be in a delicate position. It’s the nation of Sunni in Islam and the President Erdogan dislikes the Assad Government which is Alawite belongs to Shia. It doesn’t matter even if Islamic State is all right as long as it’s the anti Assad Government forces. The President Erdogan’s stance is like that, so he didn’t manage….

No.25 23/09/24 09:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


…so the President Erdogan didn’t manage the border between Turkey and Iraq strictly. As a result, the youths who tried to join in Islamic State smuggle themselves from Turkey. Turkey supported Islamic State indirect.

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction on Iran】

Iran continued to negotiate with six countries over the issue of the development of nuclear weapons and agreed with the document of agreement restricting development on nuclear weapons July in 2015. It it the historic agreement or are we cheated by Iran? Its evaluation is separated.

There was a Japanese…

No.26 23/09/24 09:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction on Iraq】

There was a Japanese engineer who was engaged in international assistance in the Middle East for a long time. The author listened to him at Teheran in Iraq before.

When trying to carry out the technical assistance by the Japanese in the Arabian world, the people in Arab left all the things to the Japanese as if they hadn’t had any responsibility in their jobs.

On the other hand, when starting job in Iran, the Iranian started to tackled it for themselves at first, but if it didn’t go well, they asked for the help. The Japanese…

No.27 23/09/24 10:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iraq】

The Japanese engineer said Iran was wonderful and it would develop in the future. Should we say he was right? None of each nation started to develop the nuclear weapons, but Iran has done it in secret.

The problem was detected in 2002. The dissident group accused Iran of proceeding nuclear weapons like uranium enrichment in secret. Suspicion on development of nuclear weapons in Iran came to the surface. Then the President was Hayami who was the moderate faction in Iran. He was criticized from the international society and ….

No.28 23/09/24 10:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iran】

…and stopped the enrichment activity in 2004. Then Rouhani who was the present President negotiated with each nation under the President Hayami then, so he was one of them who stopped the development on nuclear weapons.

But at the time of the President Ahmadinejad, he underwent a complete change in 2005 and started the development on uranium enrichment again, ignored the criticism from the international society and expanded the facility on uranium enrichment one after another.

On the other hand, the international society…

No.29 23/09/24 10:42




No.30 23/09/24 10:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iran】

…the international society carried out the economic sanction on Iran, boycotting on purchase crude oil from Iran and America asked for banks in the world to stop to change rial which is the currency on Iran.

The value on the currency dropped in Iran, and Iran fell into violent inflation and the life on the nation was in difficulty then in Iran.

The agreement this time caused by both ambition on the President Obama and the thought on the government in Iran was on the same page. Obama had ambition of wanting to leave his name on …

No.31 23/09/24 11:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Thank you for your response very much.


I’m not sure whether or not I’m good at English, though it seems I love English.


The situation around me isn’t always in the one of speaking English, but thinking of something in English seems to be useful so as to improve my English ability.


Are you interested in English?


I drink neither milk nor ミクル, though I want to get off a few jokes but it doesn’t occur to me. I’m sorry for it.


No.32 23/09/24 11:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iraq】

Obama wanted to leave his name in the history and Iran thought that it feared the dissatisfaction on its nation heightened. Two of things matched. Main content on agreement is like the next.

Iran doesn’t produce high riched uranium which is able to divert to the nuclear weapons for fifteen years from now on. Decreasing low riched uraniu from twelve thousand kilometers which is the present amount to three hundred kilometers. Decreasing the number of amount of the centrifuge 遠心分離機 which makes uranium enrich to one third.

No.33 23/09/24 11:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iraq】

IAEA which is the abbreviation on International Atomic Energy Agency inspects the facility on development for the nuclear weapons, besides stop development the ballistic missile for eight years from now on, and is forbidden to export weapons to Iran for five years from now on.

The point this time is even if Iran sets about the development on the nuclear weapons after fifteen years, it won’t do it at once. It will take a year at least. America can say it prevents Iran from developing the nuclear weapons, and Iran can announce…

No.34 23/09/24 12:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iraq】

…and Iran can announce it secures the right on developing the nuclear weapons. It’s the characteristics this time.

《Its most prominent leader has persevered anti America》

Iran has the strange national system that there is the most prominent leader above the President. The President and members in the National Assembly are elected at elections, but the most prominent leader has grasped the final political power, and it must be an Islamic jurist. It’s the political system in Iran.

In general, speaking of the President, it’s the…

No.35 23/09/24 14:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iraq】

《The most prominent leader has persevered anti America》

…speaking of the President, it’s the top on the administration and must have been the supreme commander in the military force, but the most prominent leader stands on the three powers like administration, legislation, and judiciary. It’s the supreme commander in the military force. Except for the nation’s armed force, an elite forces exist in Iran and the supreme commander has the appointive power on the head of the exist forces as well.

The elite forces watches the…

No.36 23/09/24 14:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iraq】

《The most prominent leader has persevered anti America》

The elite forces watch the nation’s armed force so as to prevent it from causing coup d’tat. The military force has the double structure. Conference of experts in which authoritative Islamic jurists gather chooses the most prominent leader. Ordinary nation can’t select the most prominent leader direct. Once being selected the most prominent leader, it’s the most prominent leader in its lifetime. It doesn’t have the term of office.

The most prominent leader is Khomeini ….

No.37 23/09/24 15:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iraq】

《The most prominent leader has persevered anti America》

The most prominent leader is Khomeini at present. After the agreement was announced, he made a speech at Teheran of the capital in Iran, and said the Iran’s policy against America which is the hegemony doesn’t change at all. Even if having held a conference with America on the development on nuclear weapons and reached to the agreement, he’s emphasized the stance of anti America didn’t change in the least.

The ones who are dissatisfied with the agreement this time aren’t…

No.38 23/09/24 15:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iraq】

《The most prominent leader has persevered anti America》

The agreement with America makes the economic sanction lift from Iran, so the people expect their life would be so prosperous that delight has spread among them, but it is said that there are hard line supporters who aren’t delighted at the agreement in Iran, so Khomeini was forced to say the stance on anti America doesn’t change at all.

The ones who are dissatisfied with the agreement this time isn’t the hard line supporters alone. The Prime Minister Netanyahu in …

No.39 23/09/24 15:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iran】

《The most prominent leader has persevered anti America》

The Prime Minister Netanyahu in Israel said it’s a historical mistake.

Iran isn’t only anti America but also anti Israel. Ahmadinejad who was the previous President of Rouhani who is the present President said Israel had to be eliminated from the map. If the nuclear weapon is completed, the one which is aimed at by the nuclear weapons is Israel. Israel has tried to stop Iran from developing the nuclear weapons at any rate. Scholars who were engaged in the nuclear weapons…

No.40 23/09/24 15:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Development on nuclear weapons and economic sanction in Iran】

《The most prominent leader has persevered anti America》

Scholars who were engaged in the development on the nuclear weapons were assassinated one after another in the past in Iran. Iran has criticized it was done by Israel, though Israel didn’t accept the criticism at all.

But the economic sanction is lifted, Japan can import the crude oil from Iran, and if the crude oil from Iran is available on the market in the world, the price on petroleum will drop still more, so it isn’t bad for Japan, but it doesn’t always mean that the…

No.41 23/09/24 16:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


…but it doesn’t always mean that the situation in the Middle East is stable with the agreement, but the previous President Trump in America withdrew from the agreement over the nuclear weapons in Iran, so the situation is in the state of chaos again.

【Does the fifth war in the Middle East break out? The confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran】

Two of the great powers in the Middle East which are Saudi Arabia and Iran. The opposition between the Islamic nation on different sect becomes violent. It’s so shady that it could have been developed into the fifth War in the Middle East.

No.42 23/09/24 16:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Will the fifth war in the Middle East break out? Confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran】

It’s started from the announcement by Saudi Arabia that it carried out the death penalty on forty seven clergymen January in 2015 including Nimer who was also the clergyman.

The previous day on the capital punishment was Friday. When carrying out the death penalty, it’s done after the collective service on Friday. Gathering lots of audience and cutting off the head.

Lots of ones who were executed belonged to Al Qaeda who carried out the terrorism in Saudi Arabia from 2003 to 2006, but …

No.43 23/09/24 16:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Will the fifth war in the Middle East break out? Confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran】

…but Nimr who was a clergyman belonged to Shia was included in the ones who were executed, and Iran which is the country of Shia was indignant at it. Nimr led the democratic movement in the east of Saudi Arabia in 2011 which was what is called the spring in Arab. He was arrested because he led the democratic movement. His suspicion was agitation on the religious confrontation and sentenced the death penalty on him.

The spring in Arab was reported enough concerned Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria…

No.44 23/09/24 17:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Will the fifth war in the Middle East break out? The confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran】

…but it was hardly reported on the movement in Saudi Arabia. Speaking of the news in the Middle East, Al Jazeera of which city home is in Qatar is famous and the spring in Arab was reported extensively, but as to Saudi Arabia, hesitated to report was conspicuous, and the movement on anti government in Saudi Arabia was hardly reported.

Saudi Arabia is a great power on Sunni in Islam, but lots of residents who belonged to Shia lived in the oil field which was the eastern area. They have been…

No.45 23/09/24 17:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Will the fifth war in the Middle East break out? Confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran】

They have been discriminated and suppressed on daily basis because they are Shia, and their dissatisfaction exploded at last then. Nimr was born in Saudi Arabia, but learned the knowledge on Shia when studying abroad in Iran, but he was a spy from Iran for the government in Saudi Arabia.

When the death penalty was sentenced on Mimr, needless to say Iran was repulsive against it, and America and each nation in Europe asked for Saudi Arabia not to carry out the death penalty, but Saudi Arabia….

No.46 23/09/30 21:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Will the fifth war in the Middle East break out? Confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran】

…but Saudi Arabia ignored the request and carried out the capital punishment. In short, Saudi Arabia picked fight with Iran, and Iran accepted the challenge.

On the day when the execution was reported, both of the embassy of Saudi Arabia in Teheran which is the capital of Iran and the consulate at Mashhad were attacked by mob. The embassy was set on fire, but there was no one there, so there was none of injuries.

There was no one in the embassy. It’s not usually possible. It indicates that…

No.47 23/09/30 22:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


It indicates that the government of Saudi Arabia seemed to estimate the response from Iran and made the staff of the embassy evacuate beforehand.

《The confrontation between Sunni and Shia intensified》

With the response to the attack on the embassy, Saudi Arabia announced it will break off the diplomatic relation between Saudi Arabia and Iran on the same day, moreover Bahrain and Sudan moved on with Saudi Arabia. Three of them severed the diplomatic relation with Iran.

On the other hand, UAE which is Sunni, the same religious sect with Saudi Arabia, called the ambassador who…

No.48 23/09/30 22:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Will the fifth war in the Middle East…】

《The confrontation between Sunni and Shia intensified》

…EU which is Sunni, the same religious sect with Saudi Arabia called the staff stationed in Iran dropped to the proxy staff in the embassy, with the shape of demotion. Each nation on the government of Sunni condemned Iran in unison.

What’s difference between Sunni and Shia?

Muhammad who spread Islam was dead, how should others choose his successor? The believers divided into two groups.

The people who thought the cousin of Muhammad who got the gene from Muhammad was suitable as successor.

No.49 23/09/30 23:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Will the fifth war in the Middle East…】

《The confrontation between Sunni and Shia intensified》

They learned to be called the faction of Ali, who was the cousin of Muhammad, and it means it’s Shia.

The other people thought that the one who wasn’t related to the blood line and was chosen by all of them should protect the habits on Islam, and they learned to be called Sunni.

As to the doctrine, there is hardly difference between Shia and Sunni. It’s just that Sunni is majority in Islam it, makes up for some eighty percent, on the other hand, Shia was no more than 20%, so Sunni are minority.

No.50 23/09/30 23:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Will the fifth war in the Middle East break out?】

《The confrontation between Sunni and Shia》

As a result except for when being in Iran, they have been suppressed politically under the government of Sunni as minority, lots of Shia have been in difficulty economically.

Besides, there are the Arabians in Saudi Arabia, and Persians in Iraq, so traditional
rivalry will work out, especially the price on petroleum has fallen into slump in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia sent the military force to Yemen so as to support Sunni in Yemen, its expense of war rose sharply, and soldiers who were dead in…





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