
Science,English,and math Ⅲ

レス500 HIT数 5301 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/09/20 04:18(更新日時)

As to my last expression on my thread,if trying to express it mechanically,I can, though I can’t understand what I express very much,so I hate it.

Whenever expressing myself in English here,I have to do it within 1000 letters,and I’m accustomed it,so I’m afraid 1400 letters are too long to express until this place is filled with my English.

I’ve expressed on the robot until now and I’m going to continue it until my expression reaches at the end of the book.

Speaking of the robot,some of them have been adopted in the factory where I’ve worked. I’m engaged in a coating for a hot water supply system 給湯設備.

When operating,dust frequently prevents us from producing a good product. When its coating finished,if the dust sticks to the product, the product is bad.

As a result,the post where I’m engaged has put a great deal of effort into elimination on the dust,but when a shutter opens,the dust comes in,so the post adopted an automatic vacuum.

Its shape and size looks like a Frisbee. When bumping against an obstacle,it changes its direction with the sensor automatically.

When the shutter opens,it remains opened for a while,a few seconds until it shuts automatically. When it opened,the automatic vacuum escaped, so lots of the staff had to look for it. I can’t help laughing it.

No.2796889 19/02/13 19:08(スレ作成日時)



No.351 20/07/11 18:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

Or when the people whose number more than 13 gather, there are people whose month of birth are the same.

We can predict it with cetrainity of 100%.

As to the question in the beginning, it`s all right if we think we made the people of three million and a half million go into each room with the same number of its total number of hairs.

Each of total number of hairs are showed on door of each room, from 0 to one hundred thousand and fifty thousand.

As there aren`t enough number of rooms to the people...

No.352 20/07/11 18:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

As there aren`t enough number of romms to the people overwhelmingly, there are always rooms in which more than two people go in. The people who went in the same room are equal with regard to the total number of the hairs.

Some people may say, without knowing actual total number of hairs concretely, no one can know which room to enter. It may be so.

However even if the one and othe people around it don`t know exact number, it is certain that the correct number which is equal to the total number of the...

No.353 20/07/11 18:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

...it is certain that a correct number which is equal to the total number of hairs is among from a hundred thousand and fifty thousand, and I want you to think every people go into the room of which number is equal to the total number of hairs is shown.

There is no doubt that some people have to share a room.

The content of the principle on the nest of pigeons are so easy that there are some people who may have been discouraged with it, however some questions which were prepared for an entrance exam...

No.354 20/07/11 19:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

...however some questions which is prepared for entrance exams in universities which are difficult to enter like Tokyo university or outstanding private universities or mathematical olympic is solved with the principle. It`s not unusual.

While math can solve the problem like a quiz in an instant, the math has been made use of it positively to a national strategy or judgement on enterprizes.

Development on computer and learning by computer has made the computer show everything, even personal taste and...

No.355 20/07/11 19:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

Development on computer and learning by computer has made computer show everything, even a personal taste and feeling in numerical value.

Learning by computer is a technology which makes computer do learning which is the same one as we the human beings do.

Big data have been collected like that, and it`s analyzed statistically, so we can get its prediction and judgement,and two of thme have been made use of in an important stage which controls the fate of enterprise or a nation.

No.356 20/07/11 19:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

Math gives us an ability of solving problems, an ability of thinking reasonably, and ability of judgement.

The scene in which we can take advantage of those mathematical abilities are all of sorts from a national strategy to a question on the same number of the hairs on the head.

Except for math, is there other learning which has broad ability?

Math plays a role of a language which shows a law in the universe. A law in science which is seemingly complicated is expressed with ...

No.357 20/07/11 19:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

A law in science which is seemingly complicated is expressed with only a line of equation concisely, and completely.

It was Galileo in Italy who analyzed a result of an experiment in a mathematical way for the frist time.

He said the universe has been written by language of math.

It is doubtless that it`s math which the god chooses the language so as to express the universe.

One of Japanese mathematician who is represents in the Showa era said like the next.

Math is light...

No.358 20/07/12 00:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

Math is the light which lightens up in the darkness. We don`t need it in daytime, but it is indispensable for this social conditions.

As to math, it is certain that the more the times needs reforms, the more we need math.

When a custom in the past or lessens from predecessor can`t hold good, correctness which has been brought from math is a support than any other things for us.

Actually math has always given the world a change since ancient Egypt or ancient Greece. It`s ...

No.359 20/07/12 01:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

Math has changed the history, recognition of the people,and cleared a new time over and over again.

When reading the history on math, we can see figures of mathematicians who had been appreciated as an eccentric or a strange person from other people who lived in the same time because of their moere than enough talent.

They are geniuses, therefore they could discover profound lessons which we the mediocre people can`t see its meaning nor even its existence.

They could overcome...

No.360 20/07/12 01:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

They could overcome the lessons with their desperate efforts or sparks from geniuses, and find the truth.

When we recognize them, not only we know the math is a fruit from wisdom which we have been taken over from generation to generation, but we would be impressed with an excited drama hidden behind cool equations.

Math doesn`t only appeal to our reason but our sensitivity.

It isn`t unusual that a thing in which we find it beautiful purely has a mathematical evidence with...

No.361 20/07/12 01:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same together in Yokohama?】

It isn`t unusual that something which we find beautiful purely has a mathematical evidence with regard to nature or art. Math gives us a ground for being moved.

Actually a base on picture, sculpture, architecture, and music which represents golden ratio or music scale were given by math.

In the first place, math itself is beautiful.

Tchaikovsky who is well-known as composer for Swan of Lake, or Nutscraker said if math wasn`t beautiful, math itself wouldn`t be born.

If trying...

No.362 20/07/12 01:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether?】

If trying to attract the greatest genius in the human being to the difficutl learning, is there anything other than the beauty?

The author continues.

The book which expresses exorbitant value and attraction on math as abundant as possible, as multidirectionally as possible. It`s divided into six chapter.

Chapter one is a numerical formula. Everything in the world is expressed with the number.

Chapter two is geniuses on math. Strange and eccentric people have challneged abstract thought.

No.363 20/07/12 02:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

Chapter three is artistic on math. Mathematical beauty which appeals to sensitivity.

Chapter four is convenient on math. It`s supported technology in modern society.

Chapter five is influence on math. The history in the world has developed with math.

Chapter six is calculations. Indian calculation, useful mental calculation, and mathematical puzzle.

The author continued.

He was surprised that a numerical formula is more eloquent than any other language, and the truth in the...

No.364 20/07/12 02:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a preface. Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

The author said he was surprised that a numerical formula is more eloquent than any other language and the truth in the universe has never betrayed mathematical rationality in physics.

In management he`s found it important to judge mathematically, being based on collected data.

He`s discovered rationality which proved that music is beautiful leads to rationality in math as it remains.

When thinking over a problem on math, I feel like turning over a table, I hate math in fact.

No.365 20/07/12 02:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈Even a crow or a bee count numbers〉

Kronecker is a mathematician who played an active part in Germany in the 19the century. He said the God created integral numbers but we the human being have created everything else.

In fact results of research that not only the human but other animal can count numbers like one, two, three...have announced one after another.

An experiment was made at an university in Germany.

Making a crow watch two images from the screen in PC at regular intervals of several seconds.

When the number of...

No.366 20/07/12 08:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in the mathematical world】

〈Even a crow and a bee count numbers?〉

There are points written on the images in the screen of PC. When there are the same number of poiints written on the first image and second image, if a crow pecks the screen with its bill, it can gain its bait.

When making the crow do the lesson repeatedly, the crow understood what experimenters asked for, when the number of points were same alone, it learned to peck the screen with its bill.

In addition there is a report from the Qeeenslnad University that a bee can count numbers.

No.367 20/07/12 08:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative number is a paradigm shift in the mathematical wrold】

〈Even a crow and a bee can count numbers?〉

There are several lines drawing in a tunnel. Putting a flower nectar on the third line, and making bees pass through the tunnel several times.

After that making the bees pass through the tunnel in which there wasn`t the flower nectar, but there were several drawings of lines.

The bees flew around the third line concentratedly, but there is a possiblility that the bees judge the distance from the tunnel, so other experiment was made.

The experimenters made the bees pass through ...

No.368 20/07/12 08:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in the mathematical world】

〈Even a crow and a bee can count numbers?〉

The experimenters made the bees pass through other tunnel there were several drawing of lines,but this time a space between the lines were different, but they took into the same action around the third line.

There is something else.

A little cuckoo put its eggs in the nest of a bush warbler in secret, and made the bush warbler warm its eggs. We call it brood parasitism 托卵.

Then the litlle cuckoo got rid of the same number of eggs from the nest of the bush warbler as its own eggs.

No.369 20/07/12 13:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in the mathematical world】

〈Even a crow and a bee can count numbers?〉

On the other hand, as to a fractional number, without havning a mutual concept,when there is an integral number of N, and dividing 1 into N equally, one of them is one-Nth, no one can understand the fractional number.

As to a decimal and zero, introducing mutual concept makes it form.

〈Numbers which are called fake〉

Negativen numbers which we learn at the first grade in junior high school at entrance of math is one of new numbers which we the human beings have invented.


No.370 20/07/12 14:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in the mathematical world】

〈Numbers which are called fake〉

Negative numbers are less than zero. There are records in relation to negative numbers of documents on math, there are calculations on negative numbers in Chinese doucument written in the 2nd century or in Indian document in seventh century.

Indian merchants showed debt of a hundred thousand as profit of minus a hundred thousand in the seventh century.

On the other hand it was after the 17th century when European mathematicians accepted the negative numbers.

Descartes who is famous for...

No.371 20/07/12 14:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈Number called fake〉

Descartes who is famous for his phrase, I think, therefore I am, called a negative solution which was escaped from a equation a solution of fake.

After the 18th century, it seemed that lots of mathematicians couldn`t understand negative numbers easily.

A genius on math, even Euler who was said he caluculated as if we had breathed, a bird had flown, misunderstood on negative numbers.

〈Can you imagine minus three piece of bread?〉

Why did European mathematicians show a strong resistance when trying to accept...

No.372 20/07/12 15:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈Can you imagine minus three piece of bread?〉

Why did European mathematicians show a strong resistance to negative numbers or misunderstand a calculation in regard to negative numbers?, for the negative numbers the one which we can`t imagine easily.

Needless to say, we can`t show minus three piece of bread in front of us.

We can`t accept easily which we can`t imagine, but we can accept an opposite thing in a concept as long as introducing negative numbers.

Let`s suppose there was profits of three million yen and a million yen...

No.373 20/07/12 15:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈Can you imagine minus three piece of bread?〉

Let`s suppose there was a profit of three million yen and a loss of a million yen a month.

Without permitting to use negative numbers at all, we have to think of two concept of profit and loss. If the profit and loss reverse every month, its calculation becomes complicated.

However as we can show the loss of a million yen as a profit of minus a million yen, we can discuss the loss and profit about a sales on a number line on whihc junction is loss and profit.

Thus we can think of...

No.374 20/07/12 15:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈Can you imagine minus three piece of bread?〉

Thus we can think of the exact opposite concept in other concept. It`s a big strong point for using the negative numbers.

As the negative numbers appear, zero isn`t at the end of the number line but is a point at the center of the number line. It has significance.

Zero isn`t only nothing but a balance of existence of same number of positive numbers and negative ones. We`ve learned to think like that.

〈An artificial satellite and two sumo wrestlers〉

An artificial satellite which ...

No.375 20/07/12 19:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈An artificial satellite and two sumo wrestlers〉

An artificial satellite which goes around the earth can stop to the earth because it doesn`t mean that a force to the artificial satellite doesn`t work but the universal gravitation to the arrificial satellite and centrifigual force are balanced.

An atom is neutral electronically because amount of positive electric charge of the proton in an atomic nucleus and electrons which go around the atomic nucleus are balanced.

When the balance collapsed, either a negative ion or positive...

No.376 20/07/12 19:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈An artificial satellite and two sumo wrestlers〉

When the balance collapses, either a positive ion or a negative one occur.

When two sumo wrestlesr grappled so tightly that both of them can`t move at all. Needless to say they don`t take a rest in the middle of the grapple, but forces of each of the sumo wrestler work to opposite direction with the same power, so it looks like as if they stopped.

Even if the same force works, its condition is the same none of force works, for combining the same force of opposite direction is...

No.377 20/07/12 19:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈An artificial satellite and two sumo wrestlers〉

...combining two forces of opposite directtion is an addition of a positive and negative numbers.

If putting the zero as a central number through negative numbers, we can think of possibility to a phenomenon of the exact opposite force works as if nothing happened.

It leads to a preparation when the zero of balance happens to collapse.

Actually a sumo wrestler who grappled tihgtly was droven out of the ring. It`s not unusual.

〈A technical skill of noise cancelling owes the...〉

No.378 20/07/12 20:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative nummbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈A technical skill of waht we call a noise cancelling owes the negative numbers〉

A human relation is the same, isn`t it?

Let`s suppose that a couple built a human relation which was quiet and didn`t cause any trouble. It should have an affectionate with
which they sympathized each other in the human relation.

If either of them regards a peaceful time by given its partner as a voluntary affection, putting too much confidence in it, the quiet human relation may have lost long before.

When looking at something, if being able...

No.379 20/07/12 20:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈A technical skill of what is called a noise cancelling owes the negative numbers〉

When looking at something, if being able to look at not only the substance itself but to do it through a concept, its thought will take a great leap forward.

Inventing a concept and deepening it, we can understad the world around us by far better.

Actually without using the negative numbers there are lot of things we can`t describe nor think of, not only only natural science but the whole economics, sociology. The negative numbers have been...

No.380 20/07/12 20:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈A techincal skill of what is called a noise cancelling owes the negative numbers〉

The negative numbers have been rooted in our society in wide range.

For example, a head phone of noise cancelling which is in current topics.

There is sound taken from a microphone outside. There is amplitude of vibration which vibrates the eardrum. Giving off opposite sound of both of them, and creating a condition which is almost no sound.

As a result we can enjoy silence which is diffrent from a soundproofing, which just shuts out sound from...

No.381 20/07/12 21:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Negative numbers are paradigm shift in mathematical world】

〈A technical skill of what is called a noise cancelling owes the negative numbers〉

...which just shuts out sounds from outside.

The head phone of what is called the noise cancelling in which we can enjoy music in a subway yard or near a construction site. It`s one of technical skill thanks to the concept of the negative numbers.

As to the invention of the negative numbers by the human, judging from its influential power, it`s no exaggeration to say that it`s the bigges paradigm shift in mathematical world.

【Can you imagine....?】

No.382 20/07/12 21:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of a hundred million?】

〈A way of asking for the number of people who get divorce a day〉

It seems that the number of divorce was estimated to be two hundred thousand and seven thousand in 2018 according to statistics in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

How do you feel about the number? There seems to be various impressions. It`s possible, it`s too less, or it`s too much.

Let`s suppose you met your friend in high school at alumni association, and your friend said it got divorced three times. How do you feel about it?

As to the number of three, almost..

No.383 20/07/12 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of a hundred million?】

〈A way of asking for the number of getting divorce a day〉

As to the number of the three in this case, almost all of the people would day it`s too much wouldn`t they? when comparing it with yourself, your friends, or your relatives, considering rising ratio of being unmarried in their lifetime.

While its evaluation is almost fixed with regard to the three, it`s various responses in relation to the number of two hundred thousand and seven thousand.

I`m sure feeling such the big number is actually hard, the author said like that.

No.384 20/07/12 22:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of two hundred million?】

〈A way of asking for the number of getting divorce〉

Then our way of adopting is a day.

If dividing two hundred thousand and seven thousand into three hundred and sixty five, it`s five hundred and sixty seven. It means that couple of five hundred and sixty seven got divorced a day in 2018.

If dividing five hundred and sixty seven into twenty four, it`s twenty four. It means that couple of twenty foru got divorce an hour.

Moreover if dividing twenty four into sixty, it`s zero point four. A couple got divorced per two minutes and thirty...

No.385 20/07/12 23:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of two hundred million?】

〈A way of asking for the number of getting divorce a day〉

A couple got divorced per two minutes and thirty seconds in the whole Japan.

Even if having a vague impression on the couple of two hundred thousand and seven thousand, if hearing a couple who got divorce per two minutes and thirty seconds, there seems to be lots of people who can imagine the scale of the number actually this time.

〈Imagine a hundred million in various ways〉

In general, when the number becomes big, feeling it actually becomes hard. For example, a hundred million.

No.386 20/07/12 23:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine a hundred million?】

〈Trying to imagine a hundred million in various ways〉

Can you imagine an amount of a hundred million precisely?

Its unit is used for national budget, or the number of cell. General account budget in Japan is about ten billion yen, and the number of cell a person is about six billion.

We hardly use the unit every day life. We hardly have any chance of seeing a thing of which number of a hundred million. It`s natural that we can`t actually feel the scale of the number.

If counting until a hundred million, how much does it take? If estimating roughly....

No.387 20/07/12 23:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine a number of a trillion?】

〈Trying to imagine a trillion in various ways〉

I`ve made a blunder. It`s not a hundred million but a trillion. I`m sorry for it. It`s shameful of me to do.

If estimating roughly it, it`s like the next.

A hour is three thousand and six hundred seconds. A day is twenty four hours, so a day is about ninety thousand seconds.

Let`s suppose that we could count a number per a second, though the bigger the digit is, the more it takes time, but as estimating roughly, let`s suppose we could count a hundred thousand a day.

We can count until thirty six...

No.388 20/07/13 00:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine a number of trillion?】

〈Trying to imagine a trillion in various ways〉

We can count until thirty six million and a half million per a year. About a hundred million in three years.

Trillion is ten thousandth times of a hundred million, so when counting until a trillion, it takes thirty thousand years.

By the way, speaking of thirty thousand years ago, it was the time when a Neanderthal became extinct. Does it take so much? There may have been some peophe who are surprised at it.

A trillion seconds ago from now on is the time when the Neanderthal became extinct. When we...

No.389 20/07/13 00:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine a number of trillion?】

〈Trying to imagine a trillion in various ways〉

When being able to understand it, there are lots of people who feel actually that the trillion is a huge number, so even if it`s a big number which tends to have a vague impression,if adding some meaning like the Neanderthal to the number, we can imagine it easily.

And when wanting to add a meaning to a number, an ideal one is a word of per, a scale for an amount of an unit.

In short, as to its scale,how much is it concretely? Using a thing around us and imagine it concretely.

When dividing the...

No.390 20/07/13 00:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of trillion?】

〈Trying to imagine the trillion in various ways〉

When dividing the trillion meters into the length of one round on the earh which is about forty million meters, it`s twenty five thousand rounds.

In the next when dividing the trillion meters into the distance from the earth to the sun which is about one hundred and fifty billion meters, trillion meters is 6.7 times as long as the distance between the earth and the sun.

Moreover dividing trillion into the number of beating the heart of a person in lifetime.

General speaking, the mammals beat...

No.391 20/07/17 18:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of trillion?】

〈Trying to imagine trillion in various ways〉

In general,it is said that the mamals beat their hearts about two billion times in its lifetime, and in Japan where the average life expectancy is reaching about a hundred, it is said that beating our hearts are about three billion and three hundred billion times in our lifetime in average.

In short trillion times is an amount of heartbeat of about three hundred and thirty three people in lifetime in Japan.

〈Steve Jobs was a master on a way of showing numbers concretely〉

When trying to persuade...

No.392 20/07/17 18:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of trillion?】

〈Steve Jobs was a master on a way of showing numbers concretely〉

When trying to persuade others, a way of showing numbers concretely is indispensable.

If there ia a questionaire of showing a master of presentation, Steve Jobs who was dead in 2011 will reach the first rank overwhelmingly.

As presentations by Steve Jobs which introduced products of Apple to lots of people attractively have been analyzed in various ways, whenever it is pointed out, he was good at using a way of numbers.

At an event where production of Apple is announced or...

No.393 20/07/17 18:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of trillion?】

〈Steve Jobs was a master on a way of showing numbers concretely〉

At an event where production of Apple was announced or was prohibited in 2008, Jobs announced the first IPhone was sold four million from the first day when it was sold. Four million were sold in two hundred days.

The number of four million is marvelous,but it`s so big that we find it vague, so Jobs continued immediately after that it measn the IPhone is sold twenty thousand a day.

Showing the number of four million concretely, and making the audience understand the meaning of...

No.394 20/07/17 19:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of trillion?】

〈Steve Jobs was a master of a way on using numbers〉

...and making the audience understand the meaning of the number at once. This situation has been indroduced so often that it seems that lots of poeple know it.

First ipod which was introduced in 2001 has a sales point, which is its weight is no more than 185 gram and its capacity on data is 5GB, but few people understand how much the 5GB is.

So Jobs showed a capacity per a popular song is 5MG. Giga means a billion times and mega a million times.

At presentation, he expressed that putting a...

No.395 20/07/17 19:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of trillion?】

〈Steve Jobs was a master on a way of showing numbers concretely〉

So Jobs expressed putting a thousand of melodies in the pocket at the presentation.

It`s overwhelmingly by far easier to understand than 185 gram with 5GB.

〈Three conditions on the people who are good at numbers〉

Making big numbers into small numbers so as to imagine easily, it`s way has frequently been used.

The Ministry of Finance has exhibited on the official channel in youtube, if comparing Japanese finance with a family budget, how much is a debt in Japan? It`s a typical one.

No.396 20/07/22 20:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of trillion?】

〈Three conditions who are good at numbers〉

By the way, when expressing a large number, I should do in English, but I find it complicated, so I`m going to use Arabian number.

National annual revenue is 5.91 billion yen, except for national debt, national expenditure is 7.44 billion yen, national debt is 2.33 billion yen, the balance of public debt is 88.3 billion yen.

When comparing it with a family budget of which monthly income is 0.3 million yen. Then living expenses of every month is 0.38 million yen, paying off loan is 0.12 million yen.

No.397 20/07/22 20:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine the number of trillion?】

〈Three conditions on who are good at numbers〉

The loan is addition of principal and interest. Balance of the loan is 53.79 million yen.

Making the size of the sun reduce to the one Tokyo dome of which diameter is about two hundred meters so as to feel the size of the sun actually.

Then the diameter of the earth is about 1.8 meter which is a height of a tall man.

Let`s suppose that the sun was in Suidoubashi where the Tokyo dome is. Then the earth is at Koganei city in Tokyo, exactly it`s middle between Higashi koganei station and Musasikosugi.

No.398 20/07/22 21:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine actual number of trillion?】

〈Three conditions on a person who is good at number〉

If thinking it over with the same reduce scale, as to the Jupiter which is the biggest planet in the solar system, its diameter is about 20 meters of which height is a seven storied building.

Its place is away about 111 kilometers from the Tokyo dome. Its place is the Ryuou station at Kai city in Yamanashi prefecture.

The diameter of the Neptune which is the fartherest from the sun is about 7 meters of which size is a minibus.

Its distance is about 637 kilometers of which place is to the...

No.399 20/07/22 21:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you imagine actual number of trillion?】

〈Three conditions on a person who is good at numbers〉

Its distance is away about 637 kilometers from the Tokyo dome. The reduction size of the distance between the sun and Neptune is nearly the distance between the Hirosima station and Tokyo dome.

If the workd is a village made up with a hundred people, which is spread over the world as a chian mail.

It has been written in a book and has been broadcast on TV in Japan, so it was big fad in Japan. It was also that the whole big one was reduced to a small one, so it was easy to understand.

No.400 20/07/22 21:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you feel actual number of trillion?】

〈Three conditions on a person who is good at numbers〉

Being good at numbers means meeting the next three conditions.

1 Being able to compare between numbers.

2 Being able to create numbers.

3 Being aware of meaning of numbers.

If being able to master ways of using a scale of a unit, or reducing the big whole one to a small one, it not only connects with nature of 1 and 2, but with heightens the nature of 3.

Then we`ll be recognized as the one who are good at numbers.

【Involution increases explosively】

〈A calculation which made Hideyosi panic〉




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