
Science,English,and math Ⅲ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/09/20 04:18(更新日時)

As to my last expression on my thread,if trying to express it mechanically,I can, though I can’t understand what I express very much,so I hate it.

Whenever expressing myself in English here,I have to do it within 1000 letters,and I’m accustomed it,so I’m afraid 1400 letters are too long to express until this place is filled with my English.

I’ve expressed on the robot until now and I’m going to continue it until my expression reaches at the end of the book.

Speaking of the robot,some of them have been adopted in the factory where I’ve worked. I’m engaged in a coating for a hot water supply system 給湯設備.

When operating,dust frequently prevents us from producing a good product. When its coating finished,if the dust sticks to the product, the product is bad.

As a result,the post where I’m engaged has put a great deal of effort into elimination on the dust,but when a shutter opens,the dust comes in,so the post adopted an automatic vacuum.

Its shape and size looks like a Frisbee. When bumping against an obstacle,it changes its direction with the sensor automatically.

When the shutter opens,it remains opened for a while,a few seconds until it shuts automatically. When it opened,the automatic vacuum escaped, so lots of the staff had to look for it. I can’t help laughing it.

No.2796889 19/02/13 19:08(スレ作成日時)



No.301 20/06/12 21:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How is the black hole made?】

〈After the explosion of the super nova, it shrinks by its own gravitation less and less and it is〉

The binary stars circle around themselves each other, and if one of them becomes the black hole, the black hole will absorb the gas from other star.

When the gas falls into the black hole, it becomes high temperature extremely, then X-ray is emitted.

In short when having observed the X-ray, it`s a circumstantial evidence that the black hole exists there.

The black hole is a heavenly body that Einstein predicted in the principle of relativity. Then it had been...

No.302 20/06/12 21:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How is the black hole made?】

〈After the explosion of the super nova, the thing a core of the star shrinks less and less and the black hole was born〉

...then the black hole had been in theroy, no one thought it existed actually, but the Swan Cygnus X-1 which was the black hole was discovered by observation using the X-ray in 1970.

With the discovery of the Swan Cygnus X-1, lots of the heavenly bodies which seemed to be the black hole were discovered, and the existence of the black hole becomes sure.

【Fixed stars gather and the galaxy is made?】

〈There are more than 100 billion fixed...〉

No.303 20/06/12 21:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Fixed stars gathered and the galaxy is made?】

〈There are more than 100 billion fixed stars in the Galaxy of the Milky Way alone〉

The earht where we live is a planet which goes around the sun. Eight planets including the earht, satellites which circle around the planet like the moon, and there are little numberless heavenly bodies. The solar system is made up with them.

The fixed star like the sun gather and the Galaxy of the Milky Way is made. The fixed stars from several billions to thousands of billions gather with each gravitation, and the Galaxy is made.

As to its size, it`s from...

No.304 20/06/12 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Fixed stars gathered and the galaxy is made?】

〈There are more than 100 billion fixed stars in the Galaxy of the Milky Way alone〉

As to its size, it`s from several thousands to hundreds of thousand light year, and as for its shape, it`s varied like the one which is swirling clearly, the one of which swirling is unclear, and the swirling is irregular.

Actually the sun itself moves with high speed, so it means that the whole solar system travels with full throttle. Its speed is 240km per second.

The solar system moves in the Galaxy of the Milky Way with that speed, and travels around with...

No.305 20/06/12 22:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Fixed stars gather and the galaxy is made?】

〈There are more than 100 billion fixed stars in the Galaxy of the Milky Way alone〉

,,,the speed of the solar system which moves in the galaxy is from about two hundred and twenty million to two hundred and fifty million light year.

Several galaxy gather with gravitation and there are several group of the galaxy.

A group of dozens of galaxy is called a group of galaxy, and the Galaxy of the Milky Way belongs to the local group of galaxy.

The local group of galaxy is made up three mainly. Andromeda, the Milky Way, and Triangle. The total...

No.306 20/06/18 18:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Fixed stars gather and the galaxy is formed?】

〈There are more than 100 billion fixed stars in the galaxy of the Milky Way〉

Local group of the galaxy is made up with almost 50 galaxis. In addition, the number of the galaxy from a hundred to thousand have crowded together in a space of 10 million light year, and it`s a group of galaxy.

The group of galaxy is filled with hot air like hydrogen and there are plenty of dark matter. The group of galaxy becomes size which is more than one billion in light year and it`s a super group of the galaxy.

The local galaxy which includes the Milky Way...

No.307 20/06/18 19:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Fixed stars gather and a galaxy is formed?】

〈Therea are more than a hundred billion fixed stars in the galaxy of the Milky Way alone〉

The local group of the galaxy which includes the galaxy of the Milky Way where we the human being inhabit belongs to Virgin of the super group of the galaxy.

【What`s kind of a galaxy which is near the Milky Way of the galaxy?】

〈We can see three galaxies with our naked eye from the earth〉

It seemed that I`d expressed that both of the galaxy of the Milky Way and Andromeda will collide and be united after four billion years, though, to tell the truth, I`ve...

No.308 20/06/18 19:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s kind of a galaxy which is near the Milky Way of the one?】

〈We can see three galaxies with our naked eye from the earth〉

...though to tell the truth, I`ve forgotten exprsseing it, but the book said so may be I could have expressed it.

By the way what kind of the heavenly body is the Andromeda?

The Andromeda Galaxy formed a local galaxy with the Milky Way of the Galaxy, so it`s neighbor for the Milky Way.

It`s the biggest spiral galaxy in the local group of galaxy and made up with about a thousand billion of the fixed stars. The diameter on the part of disc is about two hundred...

No.309 20/06/18 19:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s kind of a galaxy which is near the Milky Way of the one?】

〈We can see three galaxies with our naked eye from the earth〉

Diameter of the part of the disc is about two hundred thousand light years. We can observe it with our naked eye in autum in the northern semisphere.

It turns out that there is a black hole in the center of the galaxy of Andromeda which is bigger and heavier than the one in Milky Way.

Besides lots of the blakc holes have been discovered near the core of the Andromeda by observation on X-ray.

There are other two galaxies which we can observe with our naked eye...

No.310 20/06/18 19:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s kind of galaxy which is near the galaxy the Milky Way?】

〈We can see three galaxies with our naked eye from the earth〉

There are other two galaxies which we can observe with our naked eye from the earth. The one is big Magellan galaxy and the other is small Magellan one.

Instead of the Magellan galaxy,to be exact we should call it Magellan cloud, for according to a dictionary in Internet, but it confusing, so I made it a rule to call it a galaxy.

Both of the Magellan can be seen in the south semisphere. A mate called Magellan wrote down that there was a heavenly body like a cloud...

No.311 20/06/18 20:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s kind of galaxy which is near the one of the Milky Way?】

〈We can see three galaxies with our naked eye from the eath〉

A mate called Magellan wrote down there was a heavnly body like a cloud near south to the Milky Way in the sixteenth century, so we call them like that.

The big Magellan is about far away one hundred sixty thousand light year from the earth, and it`s one-tenth as big as the Galaxy of the Milky Way.

The small Magellan is about two hundred thousand light year and it`s smaller than the big Magellan.

Magellanic stream which links together the two galaxy was...

No.312 20/06/18 20:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s kind of a galaxy which is near the galaxy of the Milky Way?】

〈We can see three galaxies with our naked eye from the earth〉

Magellanic stream which links together the two galaxies was discovered in 1970. It`s extended thinly. It is said it`s a stream of neutral hydrogenic gas.

【Have the galaxies collided each other frequently?】

〈It have in the span from a billion to ten billion years〉

Both of the galaxy of Mliky Way and Andromeda will collide, though it`s after four billion years. There are some people who can`t believe it, aren`t there?

At first how do the gallaxies collide....

No.313 20/06/18 21:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have the galaxies collided each other frequently?】

〈It had in a span from a billion to ten billion years〉

At first how do the galaxies collide each other?

Speaking of the galaxy,it seems that we have an impression stars are crowded there, but it proved that a degree of crowded together is low in relation to the stars.

On the other hand it turned out that the distance between galaxies are near unexpectedly.

Let`s suppose that a single galaxy which belongs to the Milky Way in the local group of galaxy was a ball of which diameter was 1cm. It means that almost 50 balls gahter, and each...

No.314 20/06/18 21:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have the galaxy collided each other frequently?】

〈It have in a span from a billion to ten billion years〉

...each distance is about from 10cme to 1meter.

The galaxies attract each other with each gravitation, so without touching at all moving is hard in a long time from a billion to ten billion years.

However even if the galaxies collide with high speed, each of the galaxy is almost hollow, so it has been thought a destructive collision won`t happen.

The shape of the galaxy is various. The galaxies of which shpae is irregular like oval and spiral were born by collision by the ...

No.315 20/06/18 21:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have the galaxies collided frequently?】

〈It had in a long time from a billion to ten billion〉

Irregular shape of the galaxies like oval and spiral were born by collison of the galaxies each other and interaction of the gravitation.

The galaxy often forms a group, and there is huge oval galaxy in the center of the group. The oval galaxy seems to be the one with which lots of the galaxies collided and united.

【What is a great wall in the outer space?】

〈It`s like the one in China in the outer space〉

A gigantic structure which is far away about two hundred million light year from the...

No.316 20/06/27 13:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s the great wall in the outer space?】

〈It`s like the one in China in the outer space〉

A gigantic structure which is far away about two hundred million light years from the earth has been discovered by Margaret Geller and John Hucra at Smitonian astronomical center in 1989.

It`s a group of galaxy of which length is about five hundred light years and of which width is about three hundred light years. Its structure is a wall. It`s the great wall in the outer space.

It was named after the one in China.

However it has never been clear whether the one which was discovered was the whole...

No.317 20/06/27 13:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s the great wall in the outer space?】

〈It`s the great wall in the outer space〉

However it has never been clear whether the one which was discovered was the whole great wall or it was just a part of the great wall, for the light of the galaxy of the Milky Way prevents us from observing its whole shape.

By the way how was the great wall made?

Galaxy is distributed along dark matter which is distributed long continuously like a ribon, so the structure is made, it has been thought like that at present.

Dark matter attracts heavenly body by gravitation, so it looks like as if it...

No.318 20/06/27 13:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s the great wall in the outer space?】

〈It`s like the one in China in the outer space〉

...it looks like as if the dark matter created long and thin walls of the group of galaxy.

Dark matter is the one which has mass but we can`t detect it with an ordinary way. We have little information on the dark matter at present.

Some people say the dark matter is elementray particle which has never been discovered.

【What`s kind of structure is the outer space?】

〈It`s a structure like flame〉

Dozens of galaxies gather and a group of galaxy is formed, and from a hundred to thousand gather and...

No.319 20/06/27 14:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s kind of structure the outer space?】

〈It`s structure like foams〉

It`s not flame but foams. I made a mistake again. I`m sorry.

...and gather from a hundred to thousand, so a bigger group of galaxy is formed, and lots of the bigger group of galaxy gather and super bigger group of galaxy is formed, but the super bigger group of galaxy is only a part of the whole outer space.

By the way, what`s kind of structure the whole outer space?

Empty space where we can`t observe any galaxy there,which spreads out two hundred million light year far away hundreds million light years. It was...

No.320 20/06/27 14:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s kind of structure the outer space?】

〈It`s structure like foams〉

It was discovered in 1980s, and after that some of empty hollow space were discovered. We call the tremendous space where there are no galaxy a super hollow or void.

It turned out that the galaxies aren`t always spread out all over the outer space by the discovery of the void.

When bubbling with a soap, there are foams, and the outer space resembles it. The galaxy is the surface of the foam, and the void is the space of the foam. The galaxies exist on the surface of the foam as if they were concentrated there.

No.321 20/07/02 19:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s kind of structure the outer space?】

〈It`s structure like foams〉

We call it a large scale structure in the outer space or the structure of foam. It has been thought the structure was made by the dark matter.

Immediately after the big ban, hot gas and dark matter spread out in the outer space and then the dark matter gathered and became mass and it became a base of the large scale of the outer space, we`ve thought like that.

『Column, a discovery of seven plnets which resemble the earth very much』

There is a fixed star called Trappist about 39 light years away from the earth.

No.322 20/07/02 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Column, a discovery of seven planets which resemble the earth very much』

We`ve made sure that seven planets which resemble the earth very mcuch go around the Trappist1 February in 2017.

Planets of the Trappist1 are said to be suitable environment for seeking after existence of life, and there are two strong reasons for it.

At first at least three of the seven planets are ideal for the birth of life in relation to each of distance between the Trappist1.

The second reason is they are so near the sun that if we research the atmosphere on the planets, we may discover indirect evidence...

No.323 20/07/02 20:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Column, a discovery of seven planets which resemble the earth very mcuh』

The second is they are so near to the sun that if we research the atmosphere on the planets, we may find out indirect evidence on existence of lives.

Lots of people doing research have started to tackle work looking for lives at planets concerned the Trappist1 at present.

A space telescope of Kepler in NASA has investigated wheter or not there are other planets except fot the seven ones.

Other space telescope of Hubble has tried to investigate atmosphere on the planets.

A space telescope of James Webb which was...

No.324 20/07/02 20:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Column, a discovery of seven planets which resemble the earth very much』

If a space telescope of James Webb which was planted to launch in 2019 operates, we would have observed on the group of planets on Trappist or Trappist itself in details more and more.

If going on th probe more and more, our topic seems to be no end on discovery of new extraterrestrial life or its possibility.

I`m going to go into a new chapter, its title is we`ve understood until here, the latest theory on the universe.

【What`s the outer space is made of?】

〈Ordinary matter is make up for no more than 4% in the...〉

No.325 20/07/02 20:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s the outer space made of?】

〈Ordinary matter makes up for no more than 4% in the whole outer space, and other 96% has been unclear〉

To tell the truth, the outer space which we see through a telescope with our naked eyes is an ordinary part made of protons or neutrons.

It has been thought there is other invisible matters or invisible force except for the ordinary ones in the outer space, for if the outer space is made of the ordinary matter alone, the gravitation of the ordinary matter alone can`t make the galaxy rotate with high speed nor make planets and planetesimal attract.

No.326 20/07/02 21:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s the outer space made of?】

〈Ordinary matter makes up for no more than 4% in the whole outer space and the rest of other 96% has been unclear〉

It has been revealed by Vera Rubin in America.

She researched relation of speed on the fixed star which goes around the sun and the distance from its center. The speed of the all the fixed stars which go around the sun is too fast in the galaxy, so she announced that the mass of the galaxy is much bigger than it looks in 1983.

By the way, to my sorrow,I can`t understand why its speed so fast that its mass is bigger than it appears.

No.327 20/07/02 21:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s the outer space made of?】

〈Ordinary matter makes up for no more than 4% in the whole outer space and the other rest of 96% has been unclear〉

In short, there are lots of invisible matter in the outer space, and the invisible matter supports basic universal structure.

In addition it turned out the invisible matter is about five times as much as the ordinary matter.

The one which has the mass and influenced the gravitation around it but invisible. We call it the dark matter.

Dark matter doesn`t give off any electromagnetic wave, so we can`t observe it with any telescope direct,but...

No.328 20/07/02 21:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s the outer space made of?】

〈While ordinary matter makes up for no more than 4% in the whole outer space, the other rest of 96% has been unclear〉

...but distortion has been caused behind the heavenly bodies by gravitational action, so it proved that there must have been gigantic matters there indirectly.

People doing research in the national astronomical observatory succeeded in making the dark matter invisible in wide area in 2018, so we can make sure the dark matter connects the galaxy as if they were lattice like patterns

【Is it true that expansion on the outer space accelerates?】

No.329 20/07/02 22:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that expansion of the outer space accelerates?】

〈Expansion has accelerated since six billion years ago〉

It was 1920s when it has been clear that the outer space expands.

Edwin Habble who is a person doing research in an astronomical observatory in Carnegie of America discovered, the farther the galaxy existed in galaxy from the earth, the faster it goes farther with high speed. He`s found the outer space expands.

However it had been thought the expansion continued because of influence of the big bang, so the speed would drop before long, and the outer space would shrink then.

No.330 20/07/02 22:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that expansion on the outer space accelerates?】

〈Expansion has accelerated since six billion years ago〉

However there was a surprising discovery in 1998. Expansion on the outer space doesn`t become slow but fast.

When observing brightness on a super nova far away in the galaxy,the brightness is darker than predicted value after a borderline of six billion years.

Its brightness is lighter than predicted value beore the borderline. Being darker than the predicted value means that a speed of the star goes far away becomes bigger, in short the expansion accelerates.

An energy...

No.331 20/07/10 18:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that an expansion on the outer space accelerate?】

〈Expansions has accelerated since six billion years ago〉

An energy which accelerates the outer space is called dark energy. It has been thought the same energy with a vacuum one which expanded the outer space suddenly in an inflation, which made the big bang start.

It has been thought that the dark energy is eighteen times as much as ordinary matters like hydrogen or helium and is third times as much as the dark matter with results of various observation, but we have little information on the expansion to the outer space but....

No.332 20/07/10 19:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that an expansion on the outer space accelerates?】

〈Expanison has started since about six billion years ago〉

...but it is doubtless that the dark energy is deeply related with future on the expanding outer space.

There is two type of future on the expnading outer space. The one is a theory of big lip.

If the dark energy which makes the outer space expand increases and exceeds the gravitation, from that moment, the expansion on the outer space accelerates more and more.

It expands so much that the dark matter makes even elementary particle expnad, stretch and tear up, and...

No.333 20/07/10 19:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that an expansion on the outer space accelerates?】

〈Expansion has started since about six billion years ago〉

...and there is nothing in the outer space at last.

There is other theory of big lunch.

If the density of the matter in the outer space is higher, the speed on the expansion drops, the outer space starts to shrink with its own gravitation, and it becomes one of the black hole finally.

In the theory of the big lunch, the existence of the dark matter isn`t thought.

To my sorrow, too hard to understand for me.

【Is there an equation which solves an mystery on the...】

No.334 20/07/10 19:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there an equation which solves an mystery on the whole outer space?】

〈There is its answer in an equation of Einstein〉

It`s the relative theory which is a base on the theory of the outer space at present. It`s a physical theory which a German physicist, Albert Einstein advocated in 1900.

When things move with the same speed, the same physical phenomenon occurs at the time when stopping. It`s the relative theory.

Einstein solves relation between the speed of the light and time and space with the relative theory, and demonstrated that the time ans space are contorted by gravitation.

No.335 20/07/10 19:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there an equation which solves an mystery on the whole outer space?】

〈There is its answer in an equation of Eninstein〉

In short, the relative theory is like the next.

1 there is nothing which can move faster than the light.

2 the one which moves as nearly fast as the light looks as if it shrank.

3 as to the one which moves as nearly fast as the light, its time is late.

4 time is late around the heavy things.

5 space is contorted around the heavy things.

6 gravitation and energy is the same.

The present theory on the outer space is made up with by the relative theory.

After ...

No.336 20/07/10 20:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there an equation which solves a mystery on the whole outer space?】

〈There is its answer in an equation of Einstein〉

After completing the relative theory, Einstein announced an equation of a model of the outer space which comes to a standstill. It`s the equation of Einstein.

He added a term on the outer space so as to demonstrate his theory that the outer space is standstill and never changes. It`s his equation.

However Friedmann in Russia solved the equation in 1922, and announced there are three answers which show the outer space isn`t unchangeable.

Ironically, the equation of...

No.337 20/07/10 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there an equation which solves an mystery on the whole outer space?】

〈There is its answer in the equation of Einstein〉

Ironically, unexpectedly the equation of Einstein has been thought to solve the mystery of the whole outer space which continues to change.

By the way, I`ve expressed on the relative theory, but it doesn`t always mean I can understand it perfectly. Far from it. I can`t. Why is the theory so? I have little knowledge on the outer space.

I`m going to express three models on the outer space shown by Friedmann.

The one is closed outer space. It`s a theory of big crunch.

No.338 20/07/10 20:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there an equation which solves a mystery on the whole outer space?】

〈There is its answer in the eauation of Einstein〉

The first one is a closed outer space, it`s big crunch, it`s not a big lunch but big crunch. I made a mistake again, I`m sorry for it.

When density of the matters which exist in the outer space is high, and the gravitation is higher than the power which expands, the speed of expansion becomes slow and it shrinks finally.

The second is a flat outer space. When the density of the matters which exist in the outer space is the same as the power of expanding, without...

No.339 20/07/10 20:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there an equaiton which solves a mystery on the whole outer space?】

〈There is its answer in the equation of Einstein〉

...without stopping expanding, the outer space goes on expanding for good.

The third, the opened outer space. If the density of matters which exist in the outer space are lower and power of expanding is stronger, the outer space continues to expand infinitively.

【How did the big bang occur?】

〈Expansion of energy extremely made it occur〉

It has been thought that a one point expanded which was born from nothing and the outer space was born from the one point about...

No.340 20/07/10 21:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How did the big bang occur?】

〈Expansion of energy extremely made it occur〉

It has been thought an one point was born from nothing and it expands so much that it becomes the outer space about 13.8 billion years ago.

The nothing was filled with enormous energy of vacuum one. It has been thought to be the same one with the dark energy which makes the outer space expand at present.

The vacuum energy was released by phenomenon of phase transition, and the outer space has started to expand. The phase transition is changing matters into other things of changing them into air, liquid, or solid.

No.341 20/07/11 14:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How did the big bang occur?】

〈Expansion of energy extremely made it occur〉

If comparing it with water, when steam changes into water, the heat of the steam is taken, and the steam changed into the water. The taken heat is released, and it`s an energy.

In short the phase transition causes the enegry.

The vacuum energy caused a lot of energy by the phase transition, and the outer space expanded all of sudden. We call it inflation.

The inflation occurred in an instant. An expansion of all of sudden occurred that a virus became bigger than the group of the galaxy.

When the inflation was...

No.342 20/07/11 14:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How did the big bang occur?】

〈Expansion of energy extremely made it happen〉

When the inflation was calmed down, the outer space was heated with released of the inflation, the outer space became a enormous fire ball then. It has been thought like that. It`s the big bang.

The huge fire ball continued to expand and it became cool slowly,then elementary particles like quark, electron, neutrino, and photon were formed.

In short it was the expansion of all of sudden of inflation which caused the big bang.

【Are there some outer spaces?】

〈They exist infinitively in the space of different...〉

No.343 20/07/11 15:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some outer spaces?】

〈They exist infinitively in different dimension〉

The book has said that the outer space where we live was caused by the big bang and inflation, and there is surprising hypothesis. It`s a theory of multi verse. It`s the outer space of multiplex.

A vacuum energy was released by the phenomeno of phase transition, and all of sudden expansion occurred. It`s the inflation,and the inflation caused the big bang.

However the phase transition doesn`t happen at the same time. It occurs limitedly.

For example, when the water breezes, it doesn`t alway mean that ...

No.344 20/07/11 15:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some outer spaces?】

〈They exist infinitively in different dimension〉

...it doesn`t always mean the whole water freezes in an instant, so the phase transition doesn`t happen at the same time in the whole outer space, it occurre limitedly.

When the phase transition was over the expansion begins in the space.

Then in the space of on the way of phase transition was left behind from the expansion.

However inside of the space on the way of the phase transition, an expansion of all of sudden extremely could have happened inside the space.

Even if in the space of which speed of...

No.345 20/07/11 16:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some outer spaces?】

〈They exist infinitively in different dimension〉

Even if in the space of which speed of expansion is slow its inside expands all of sudden extremely... is it possible?

Then there is a wormhole there which is guided from relative theory by Einstein. The wormhole is a space which connects with an point in a time and space, in short it`s a different dimension.

There is the outer space where the inflation occurred for the first time. It`s a mother outer space. A child outer space in wormhole inside the mother outer space is formed. And a grand son outer space ...

No.346 20/07/11 16:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some outer space?】

〈They exist infinitively in different dimension〉

...and grandson outer space is formed inside the child outer space.

Thus multiplex on the outer space occurs and the outer space is supposed to exist infinitively.

To tell the truth, too hard to understand it for me at all. At first I can`t understand the relative theory in the least.

I`m going to express on math in the next.

【Are there some people of which number of the hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

There are facts that the population in Yokohama are three million and a half, and the total...

No.347 20/07/11 16:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

...and the total number of hairs are ten thousand hundred and fifty thousand ar most. We can use those facts as knowledge.

When looking at it at once, some people may think no one can know it, for no one can count the number of the hairs.

On the other hand there may have been some people they can.

Amount of the hairs which we lose a day seem to be almost a hundred, considering downy hairs which we can`t see without magnifying, I find it hard to conclude that the amount of the hairs are.

Even if a...

No.348 20/07/11 16:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some peopple whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohama?】

Even if there is a person who looks like a skin head from the distance, if counting the downy hairs, its total number of hairs aren`t zero. It could have been.

Or even if concluding the actual number of hairs is hard, there is no wonder that there are some people whose the number of hairs are the same in the lots of peopel from intuition. We can understand its mentality.

However if using math, getting over the difficulty of counting the number of hairs and vague intuition, we can conclude there are...

No.349 20/07/11 17:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altgether in Yokohama?】

...we can conclude that there are some people whose total number of hairs are the same in Yokohama with certainity of 100%.

Why can we conclude? A principle on the nest of pigeons guarantees it.

If written down it formally, there is an integral numbers of plus N, and are the other number of N+1. If divide the number of N+1 anomg N, at least one of couple includes two objects.

I`m afraid my explantion is hard to understand, but the book says it`s very simple, though it`s taken a time to express ...

No.350 20/07/11 17:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are there some people whose total number of hairs are the same altogether in Yokohaha?】

...though it took some time to express in English with my own words, but the book says very simple thing.

For example, there are four pigeons and three nests. If all of the four pigeons went in the nests, there is at least one nest in which two pigeons go in together.

It`s just that the principle on the nests of pigeons says the natural thing.

If using the principle, when there are five people, the ones whose blood type are the same. Or when the people whose number more than 13 gather, there are...




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