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Science,English,and math Ⅲ

レス500 HIT数 5298 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/09/20 04:18(更新日時)

As to my last expression on my thread,if trying to express it mechanically,I can, though I can’t understand what I express very much,so I hate it.

Whenever expressing myself in English here,I have to do it within 1000 letters,and I’m accustomed it,so I’m afraid 1400 letters are too long to express until this place is filled with my English.

I’ve expressed on the robot until now and I’m going to continue it until my expression reaches at the end of the book.

Speaking of the robot,some of them have been adopted in the factory where I’ve worked. I’m engaged in a coating for a hot water supply system 給湯設備.

When operating,dust frequently prevents us from producing a good product. When its coating finished,if the dust sticks to the product, the product is bad.

As a result,the post where I’m engaged has put a great deal of effort into elimination on the dust,but when a shutter opens,the dust comes in,so the post adopted an automatic vacuum.

Its shape and size looks like a Frisbee. When bumping against an obstacle,it changes its direction with the sensor automatically.

When the shutter opens,it remains opened for a while,a few seconds until it shuts automatically. When it opened,the automatic vacuum escaped, so lots of the staff had to look for it. I can’t help laughing it.

No.2796889 19/02/13 19:08(スレ作成日時)



No.251 20/04/23 02:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Mercury is the nearest from the sun. Is it ture it`s hot?】

〈At the side where the sun shines its temperature reaches aobut 400 degrees〉

Judging from it, the Mercury is made of heavy material like iron,and there seems to be a metalic core in its central part which accounts for from 75 to 80 % of the planet.

The Mercuty has such a big core because when it was a primitive planet, a gigantic haevenly body of which size of raidus is half as big as the Mercury collapsed, then part of mantle made of rock was blown away.

The Mercury is nearest from the sun, so while the side where the sun ...

No.252 20/04/23 02:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Mercury is the nearest from the sun. Is it true it`s hot?】

〈At the side where the sun shines its temperature reaches about 400 degrees〉

...at the side where the sun shines its temperature reaches no less than about 400 degrees, on the other hand other side where the sun doesn`t shine,its temperature drops minus 160 degrees.

Its atmosphere is a thousand billonth times as thin as the earth, so the atmomsphere can`t maintain the temperature, besides the speed of rotation is so slow and its night is so long that radiating cooling happnens then.

There are plenty of craters on the surface..

No.253 20/04/23 03:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Mercury is the nearest from the sun. Is it ture it`s hot?】

〈At the side where the sun shines its temperature reaches about 400 degrees〉

There are plenty of craters on the surface of the Mercury like the moon. The size of the biggest crater is one fourth as big as the diameter of the Mercury. It reaches 1300 km.

It seemed to be done by a collpse of an asteroid of which diameter was about 100 km. If the asteroid was bigger, the Mercury itself may have been destroyed then.

If comparing the Mercury with the Mars and Venus, it isn`t so gorgeous, for the light from the sun prevents the...

No.254 20/04/23 03:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Mercury is the nearest from the sun. Is it ture it`s hot?】

〈At the side where the sun shines its temperature reaches about 400 degrees〉

...for the light of the sun prevents the shape of the Mercury from being seen from the ground of the earth.

【The earth and Venus are called planets of twins. Why?】

〈Its shape resembles so much they are called like that, but each content is different altogether〉

As to diameter and density, the earth and Venus are almost same, so we call them planets of twin, but each surface is different altogether.

The environment of the earht was so mild that...

No.255 20/04/23 03:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The earth and Venus are called twins of planets. Why?】

〈Each shape resembles so much that they are called like that,but they are different altogether〉

Environment on the earth is so mild that there is an existence of water, but the temperature on the surface of the Venus is almost 500 degrees. It`s a burning red-hot planet.

It`s the distance from the sun which divids each fate. The Venus is nearer than the earth by about forty two million km. The distance have influence over the environment on the two planets.

Both of the earth and Venus were born by be collapsed and be united of....

No.256 20/04/30 20:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The earth and Venus are called twins of planets. Why?】

〈They resemble each other so much that they look like that, but they are different altogether〉

When planetesimal collapsed and united, and the earth and Venus were born, then in the beginning, both of them were melted sloppily altogether. They used to be magma ocean.

Water existed in the atmosphere as steam in the both planets, but the Venus is so near from the sun and its temperature is so high that it seems the steam doesn`t change into water.

Atmospheric pressure on the Venus is 95 air pressure at present, and it`s covered with...

No.257 20/04/30 20:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The earth and Venus are called of twins of planets. Why?】

〈They resemble eahc other so much that they are called like that, but are different altogether〉

Atmospehric pressure on the Venus is 95 air pressure at present and it`s covered with atmosphere, but the whole weight of the atmosphere is about hundredth times as heavy as the earth.

Besides no less than 95% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide which is high on the greenhouse gas, and rest of them are nitrogen and steam.

In short, the Venus is covered with a strong effect of greenhouse gas.

One of feature on the Venus is an...

No.258 20/04/30 20:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The earth and Venus are called twins of planets. Why?】

〈They resemble each other so much that they are called like that, but are different acturally altogether〉

One of feature on the Venus is opposite direction against the earth on its rotation.

It is thought interaction of thick atmosphere makes its rotation opposite, but we`ve never found its clear answer yet.

The atmosphere on the Venus is covered with thick cloud. Sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide in the atmospher causes a chemical reaction, and makes thick cloud composed with sulfuric acid.

【Is it ture that it used to be water...】

No.259 20/04/30 21:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that it used to be water in the Mars?】

〈Lots of space probes have discovered its evidence〉

If the mass of the earth is 1, the one of the Mars is about 0.1074, so the Mars is light. When looking at it through a telescope, it looks red as if it burnt, for it`s color of rusty iron on the surface of the sand on the Mars.

The Mars has two satellites. The one is Deimos, and the other is Phobos. Both of them are small and each diameter is about dozens kilometers. Their shape aren`t sphere but distorted.

Actually the earth and the Mars resembele a little.

Axis of rotating on the...

No.260 20/04/30 21:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that it used to be water in the Mars?】

〈Lots of space probes have found its evidence〉

An axis of rotating on the Mars inclines, it`s 25.2 degrees, and the planet has four seasons like the earth. Its period of rotating is 1 day and 39 minutes.

It`s close to the earth which is 1 day, and the period which it circles around the sun is 1.88 year.

While its average temperature on the surface is minus 50 degrees, and it`s so low, it sometimes goes up about 20 degrees around the equator in summer.

On the other hand, it sometimes goes down in a place of extremely north.

No.261 20/04/30 21:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that it used to be water in the Mars?】

〈Lots of space probes have found its evidence〉

The atmosphere on the Mars is so thin that its air pressure accounts for 0.6 % of the earth. As to component of the atmosphere, carbon dioxide accounts for about 95% in the atmosphere, and the rest is nitrogen, argon, and a small amount of oxygen.

Plenty of space probes have been sent to the Mars, and in consequence, a geographical features created by flowing water, or rocks like a sedimentary rock 堆積岩 which seems to be made at the bottom of water have been discovered.

It has turned out...

No.262 20/04/30 21:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that water used to be in the Mars?】

〈Lots of space probes have found its evidence〉

It has turned out that plnety of liquid used to exist as water in the Mars.

There is a possibility that a part of these water sank into underground, and it exist deep there as ice.

Moreover patterns of stripes as if water had flown have beem discovered from observation by a space probe from in the sky.

There are some craters in the Mars, and their walls inside craters on slopes have some vertical stripes which were inscribed. It is thought it was made by erosion of current from underground.

No.263 20/04/30 22:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What are the stripe patterns on the Jupiter?】

〈They are made by jet stream〉

The Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. It`a composed of hydrogen of 93% and helium of 7%, and it`s about 318 times as heavy as the earth with regard to its mass.

Its center is a core made by planetesimal of rock and ice, and the core is covered with plnety of hydrogen. We`ve thought its structure is like that.

Estimated figure on the core of the Jupiter is different according to its model.

We forecast there is hydrogen which occupies a large part of the inside of the Jupiter, but it becomes...

No.264 20/04/30 22:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What are the stripe patterns on the Jupiter?】

〈They are made by the jet stream〉

...but when it becomes high temperature, or high pressure, we can`t grasp its exact density, so the estimated figure on the core has been unclear.

As a result, there is a possibility that whether its core is very tiny or there isn`t any core at all. There has never any conclusion on it at present.

Speaking of feature on the Jupiter, it`s stripe patterns on its surface. Clouds of particles on ammonia flow with the jet stream and the beautiful stripe patterns are made, though I don`t think they are beautiful.

No.265 20/04/30 22:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What are the stripe patterns on the surface of the Jupiter?】

〈They are made by the jet stream〉

The stripe patterns are alternately on the direction of east and west every band of latitude along the jet stream.

Dropping jet stream generates in a stripe which looks dark, and rising jet stream generates in a stripe which looks bright. Those stripe patterns are made by those conditions.

Galileo discovered Jupiter`w four satellites in the 17th century. Except for the moon, satellites were discovered for the first time, so they have been called the satellites of Galileo.

No less than 67...

No.266 20/05/08 18:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【what are the stripe patterns on the surface of the Jupiter?】

〈They are made by the jet stream〉

No less than 67 satellites of the Jupiter have been discovered until now, and satellites of Galileo such as Europe, Io, Ganymede, and Kallisto is as big as the moon, or bigger than the moon.

NASA launched a crewless satellite for probing September in 1979, and it discovered the Jupiter has a ring then.

【What is made from the ring of the Saturn?】

〈Tiny grains of ice gathered and they have formed the gigantic ring〉

Its diameter is about ninth times as big as the earth, and cubic volume is...

No.267 20/05/08 18:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is made from the ring of the Saturn?】

〈Tiny grains gathered and they have formed the huge ring〉

While its diameter is about ninth times as big as the earth, and its cubic volume is about 750th as large as the earth, its density is about no more than 95 times as big as the earth. Its average density is the tiniest in the solar system.

The Saturn is covered with thick atmosphere of which main ingredient is hydrogen, and its central part is a core made of rock and ice by planetesimal. The composition of the Saturn has been thought like that.

It rotates about ten hours a day, and...

No.268 20/05/08 19:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is made from the ring of the Saturn?】

〈Tiny grains gathered and they formed the tremendous ring〉

The Saturn rotates about ten hours a day, and its radius swells by about 10% than the one of pole by centrifugal force of high speed revolution.

The most conspicuous feature on the Saturn is its huge ring. If observing it with an astronomical telescope, the ring looks a beautiful disc made of plate.

However ist actual situation is it turns out that a large amount of tiny lumps of ice have been distributed on the surface of disc by varous space probes.

Diameter of the ring on the..

No.269 20/05/08 22:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is made from the ring of the Saturn?】

〈Tiny grains gathered and they have formed the huge ring〉

It proved to be that diameter of the ring on the Saturn is about three hundred thousand km, its thickness is about 10 meters on the average. It`s very thin.

By the way, how is the ring formed? Two theories have been thought mainly like the next.

The one is when the Saturn was formed, gas or dust of which eacn form is disc was generated. They are origin of the ring.

The other is when a small heavenly body bumped against a satellite of the Saturn, fragments were broken and they gathered...

No.270 20/05/08 23:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the ring of the Saturn made from?】

〈Tiny grains of ice gathered and formed the gigantic ring〉

The other one is when a small heavenly body bumped against the Saturn and there were fragments which were broken, and the fragments gathered near the equator and they changed into the ring.

The latter one has been strong at present, but there has never been its conclusion.

【When going around the sun, Uranus does lies sideways. Is it true?】

〈As a gigantic heavenly body collided it against its earth`s axis tilted〉

As to its size, Uranus is the third biggest after the Jupiter and


No.271 20/05/15 18:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When going around the sun, Uarnus lies sideways. Is it true?】

〈When a tremendous heavenly body collided it against, its earth`s axis tilted〉

As to its size, Uranus is the third biggest in the solar system after the Jupiter and Saturn.

Main ingredient on ice of the Uranus is water, methane, and ammonia, but methane accounts for about 2% in the atmosphere, and it absorbs red light, so the whole heavenly body looks bright with light blue-green.

The most remarkable feature on the Uranus is its axis of rotating tilts about 97.8 degrees when it goes around the sun. Why?

It has been thought...

No.272 20/05/15 18:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When going around the sun, the Uranus lies sideways. Is it true?】

〈When a haevenly body collided it against, its earth` axis has tilted〉

It has been thought a heavenly body collided it and the earth`s axis tilted, but it hasn`t been clear how it collided.

As to inclination of other planets in the solar system,the Mercury is about 0 degree, the earth 23.4, the Mars 25.2, the Saturn 26.7.

We can recognize how tilted the Uranus is. I`m sure it`s rather vertical than tilted according to a photo in the book.

It was Voyager the Second of a crewless space probe alone which approached the...

No.273 20/05/15 19:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When going around the sun, the Uranus lies sideways. Is it true?】

〈When a heavenly body collided it against, its earth`s axis has tilted〉

It was the Voyager Second of a crewless space probe in NASA alone which approached the Uranus. It was launched August in 1977. Then having taken its photo and it has been a valuable data on the Uranus at present.

It proves that its satellites are 27, and all of them rotate around the planet which lies sideways. They go around its equator.

The planet overturned after its satellites would have ratated to direction of its pole, but they don`t, so some...

No.274 20/05/15 19:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When going around the sun, it lies sideways?】

〈When a huge heavenly body collided it against, its earth`s axis has tilted〉

Some say the collision was done several times, so there is relation between the satellites and planet like that.

There are rings around the Uranus like the Saturn,according to investigation by the Voyager, and the number of the rings were 12,but the sturcture on each ring has been unclear.

【We uded to have little knowledge on the Neptune?】

〈Voyager the Second played an active part, and we have been able so solve lots of mysteries〉

It`s the Neptune which goes...

No.275 20/05/15 19:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We used to have little knowledge on the Neptune?】

〈The Voyager played an active part and we have been able to solve lots of mysteries〉

It`s the Neptune which goes around the sun in the farthest place from the sun.

The Neptune is as the same structure as the Uranus, and its diameter is about four times as big as the earth.

Hydrogen accounts for 80%, helium 19%, and methane 1,5% in the atmosphere, and the methane absorbs red light so the whole Neptune looks bright with blue.

Light from the sun was so weak that the temperature on the atmosphere drops below minus 28 degrees.

It`s the...

No.276 20/05/23 03:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We used to have little knowledge on the Neptune】

〈The Voyger played an active part and we have been able to solve lots of mysteries〉

Oh! I made a mistake again. The temperature on atmosphere of the Neptune is below minus 200 degrees. I`m sorry for it.

It is the Voyger second alone which approached the Neptune, so almost all of data was done by observation when the space probe approached the Neptune August in 1989. Then it approached nearest than any other time.

For example, there was a pattern of stripes on the atmosphere in which the Voyger took a potograph. The stripes were cloud...

No.277 20/05/23 04:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We used to have little knowledge on the Neptune】

〈The Voyager played an active part and we have been able to solve lots of problems〉

The stripes on the atmosphere were cloud expanded by atmosphere with high speed and its speed is so fast that it looks so long, and its speed around an equtor seems to be over 300 meters per second.

Moreover the Voyager second approached Triton which is the biggest satellite of the Neptune and sent us on the earth its minute data.

It turned out that an icy volcano which blows up thich smoke of liquid nitrogen and methane gas has become active in Triton.

No.278 20/05/23 04:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We used to have little knowledge on the Neptune】

〈The Voyager played an active part and we have been able to solve lots of problems〉

The Triton is almost as big as the moon, and its the most remakable feature is the satellite which moves back, if translating it word for word.

When it goes around the sun, its direction is opposite against its own rotation. The opposite one has been discovered four in the Jupiter, one in Saturn and the Neptune, especially the one in the Neptune is by far bigger than any others.

【Did it turn out that what kind of the heavenly body is the Pluto?】

No.279 20/05/23 04:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Did it turned out that what kind of a heavnly body is the Pluto?】

〈New Horizon collected its data in minute〉

The Pluto has been placed as a quasi-planet.

Its size is smaller than any other planet in the solar system, and its diameter is about one-fifths as big as the earth.

When comparing its orbit with other planets in the solar system, it`s contorted oval, and it takes no less than 248 years to go around the sun.

A crewless space probe of the New Horizon was launched January in 2006 so as to investigate heavenly bodies around the solar system, including the Pluto.

It approached...

No.280 20/05/23 04:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Did it turned out that what kind of heavenly body was the Pluto?】

〈The New Horizon collected its data in detail〉

The crewless space probe approached the Pluto and its satellite, the Charon September in 2015, and sent us its minute data every moment.

Then the surface on the ground of the Charon was observed minutely.

There is red brownish pile which seemed to be organics around the pole, and there is a cliff as if it crossed over the satellit near the equator on the Charon.

The Charon is big as satellite, so it has possiblity of giant impact. Gignatic heavenly body may have collided.

No.281 20/05/28 20:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

I`m going into a new chapter,Mysterious constellations. Fixed stars and galaxies from now on.

【What`s difference between fixed stars and planets?】

〈Fixed stars which radiate light for themselves and planets which don`t give off any light〉

Fixed stars don`t look changeable in appearance, so they have had the name.

When looking up at the night sky, there are plenty of shining stars there. Except for planets in the solar system, they are all the fixed stars.

Needless to say, the sun belongs to the fixed stars, and it has been thought the number of the fixed stars are more than a hundred...

No.282 20/05/28 20:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s difference between the fixed stars and planets?】

〈Fixed stars which emanate light for themselves and planest don`t for themselves〉

...and it has been thought the number of the fixed stars are more than a hundred billion.

After that in this chapter, as long as there is no notice, I make it a rule to express the fixed stars as stars fron now on, for the author said like that.

There are heavenly bodies which circle around the fixed stars, and some of them aren`t so large mass as to cause a nuclear fusion for themselves, and they don`t give off any light nor heat for themselves, and...

No.283 20/05/28 21:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s difference between fixed stars and planents?】

〈Fixed stars which radiate light for themselves, and planets which don`t for themselves〉

...and they are planets.

All the planets in the solar system,including the earth, reflect light fron the sun and they look like they shines. There are other heavenly bodies which lie between the fixed stars and the planets.

Dust and gas are condensed and a nuclear fusion is caused, so the fixed stars are born, but a heaveny body of which mass is 0.08 times as little as the sun is different.

Even if the nuclear fusion starts, its response stops...

No.284 20/05/28 21:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s difference between fixed stars and planets?】

〈Fixed stars which radiate light for themselvesn and planets don`t for at all.〉

Even if a nuclear fusion is caused, its response`ll stop at once or its output is so low that its surface looks darkish red and it`s called brown dwarf.

There are other planets of which degree on light changes. It`s called variable stars, and famous one is the Whale, Mira.

When being lighter, it`s a star of the second magnitude, so it looks very clear, but when being darker, it becomes the one of the tenth magnitude, so we can`t look at it with the naked eye.

No.285 20/05/28 21:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What`s difference between fixed stars and planets?】

〈Fixed stars which radiate light for themselves and planets which don`t give off light for themselves〉

Mira repeats swelling and shrinkage in a period of 322 days then its degree on light changes, so it`s called a pulsating variable star.

【It seems that the fixed star has its life】

〈Stars have a drama from being born to be dead〉

The stars which shine in the night sky have dramas from being born to be dead.

Roughly speaking, the process of being born, growing up and being dead on the stars are in common.

Gas and dust in a galaxy are...

No.286 20/05/28 22:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It seems that the fix star has its life】

〈The fix stars have a drama from being born to being dead〉

Gas and dust in a galaxy are condensed and every fixed star is born, so each ingredient isn`t different essentially.

When its material is used up for the nuclear fusion, its life is over then, but when looking at it in detail, we can understad difference between each of them according to each mass.

『The fixed star which is 0.08 times as light as the sun.』

It`s the brown dwarf. As the temperature on its center doesn`t rise enough, the nuclear fusion isn`t cause or even it is, it finishes...

No.287 20/05/28 22:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

〈Fix stars have each drama of being born to being dead〉

『The fixed star which is 0.08 times as light as the sun』

...or even if the nuclear fusion is caused, it`ll finish at once, and after that it became cold gardually and the rest of its life came to an end.

『The fixed star of which mass is 0.08 times as light as the sun. It`s the light one. and other one of which mass is 8 times as heavy as the sun. It`s the heavy one. The fixed stars between the light one and the heevy one.』

Temperature in the center is so hing that hydrogen makes the nuclear fusion cause, and it continues to shine...

No.288 20/05/28 22:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

〈Fixed stars have each drama from being born to being dead〉

『Fixed stars between the light one and heavy one』

...it continues to shine until it uses up hydrogen in the center.

When the hydrogen is used up, the fixed star starts to swell, and it becomes a brown giant, and finally it turns into nebula of planet, and its core remains as a white dwarf.

What is the nebula of planet? To my sorrow, I have little knowledge on astronomy, so it`s just that the phrase a translation word for word. I`m sorry for it.

Life span on the sun is about ten billion years, and the sun comes to an end like that

No.289 20/05/28 22:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

〈Fixed stars have each drama from being born to being dead〉

『Fixed stars which is ten times as heavy as the sun』

Response on the nulcear fusion continues and hydrogen changed into helium, and helium turns into oxygen, and oxygen changes into carbon, and finally iron is made. Then the nuclear fusion stops and the fixed star starts to swell, and it becomes a brown super giant.

And the super giant one collapses by its own gravitation, and causes an explosion of super nova.

Typical life span on the fixed star is about millions years, and when exploding, various chemical elements are....

No.290 20/05/28 23:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It seems that fixed stars have each life】

〈Fixed stars have each drama from being born to being dead〉

『Fixed stars which is ten times as heavy as the sun』

...and when exploding, the fixed stars creeate various chemical elements and release them into the outer space. After a heavenly body of super high density like a neutron star or a black hole remain.

By the way, all the shining stars in the night sky aren`t the same color. Some of them shine white bluish, and other does red. The color of the star is decided by the temperature on the surface.

The fixed star which shines blue has...

No.291 20/06/05 19:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It seesms that fixed stars have each life】

〈Fixed stars have drama from being born to being dead〉

A fixed star which looks blue has high temperature, and the one which looks red has low temperature.

It was Ejnar Hertzsprung in Denmark and Henry Norris Russel in America who discovered between the color of the stars, brightness and temperature in the beginning of the 20th century. It`s what`s is called a figure of Hertzsprung Russel.

Being based on the figure, distribution on fixed stars is expressed. Its vertical line is brightness of which base is the sun, and the horizontal line of...

No.292 20/06/05 19:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It seems that the fixed stars have their own lives】

〈The fixed stars have drama from being born to being dead〉

...and the horizontal line of which base is the temperature on the surface of the fixed stars.

The fixed stars are divided into three groups on the figure.

The first ones are called main sequence stars. About 90% of the fixed stars are included in the main sequence stars, and the sun is as well. They distribute from the lower right to upper left through the middle part on the figure.

The second ones are distributed on the upper right on the figure. They are huge and have ...

No.293 20/06/05 19:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It seems that the fixed stars have their own lives】

〈The fixed stars have drama from being born to being dead〉

The second ones are groups of gigantic fixed stars which have low temperature. Tremendousn red stars are included there.

The third ones distribute on lower left on the figur. They are white little fixed start.

Even if it`s discovered by the figure for the first time, we can find its place which it belongs to the figure as long as we know its brightness and temperature. We can find the star how it is by the figure.

Completion of the figure makes the base on astronomy arrange.

No.294 20/06/05 20:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Explosion on a super nova. what`s a kind of explosion?】

〈Chemical elements which are heavier than iron are release into outer space〉

The heavier fixed star of which mass is more than the sun, the more hydrogen which is material of nuclear fusion, but lots of hydrogen makes its center become high temperature and high pressure and the nuclear fusion makes progress so violently that it uses up its fuel in short term and it comes to an end.

As to by far heavier fixed stars, when material on the nuclear fusion disappeaars and the nuclear fusion is over, its center is iron alone.

At first...

No.295 20/06/05 20:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The explosion on a super nova. What`s kind of explosion?】

〈Chemical elements which are heavier than iron are released into the outer space〉

At first the fixed stars try to shrink for themselves, but when the nuclear fusion happnes, energy of explosion prevents the fixed star from crushing.

However the nuclear fusion is over and its center is iron alone, the fixed star is crushed in an instant and its reaction makes the fixed star explode greatly, and its outer part is exploded. We call the explosion the explosion on a super nova.

Actually it`s an end on an aged star, but the explosion...

No.296 20/06/12 19:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The explosion of a super nova. What`s kind of explosion?】

〈A chemical element which is heavier than iron is released into the outer space〉

Actually it`s an end of an aged star, but the explosion makes the star give off strong light, so it looks as if a new star appeared, so we call it an explosion of a super nova.

As a result of the explosion on the super nova, a neutron star with which neutron is filled remains. The neuton is one of elementary particles which consists of an atom.

As to its mass,if it`s by far heavier than the sun,a black hole is remained. At least its mass is thirty ...

No.297 20/06/12 19:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The explosion of a super nova. What`s kind of the explosion?】

〈A chemeical element which is heavier than iron is released into the outer space〉

At least its mass is thirty times as heavy as the sun.

The neutron star has no less than ten billion ton per a centimeter cube.

To tell the truth, when the outer space was born, there used to be light chemical elements alone like hydrogen or helium, but not only a planet but our body are made up with heavy chemical elements.

The heavy chemical elements have been made by a nuclear fusion of the fixed stars or the explosion of the super nova and...

No.298 20/06/12 20:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The explosion of a super nova. What`s kind of explosion?】

〈Chemical elements which is heavier than eron have been released into the outer space〉

...and then the heavy chemical element has been released into the outer space.

Without the explosin of the super nova, our lives wouldn`t have been born.

I`m going to express on mechanism of explosion by collapse on gravitation of a star of great mass.

Central nuclear fusions stops and the center becomes a mass of iron. Then the iron shrinks by its own gravitation.

The center collapses and a shock wave occurrs, and gas of the star is,,

No.299 20/06/12 20:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The explosion of a super nova. What`s kind of explosion?】

〈Chemical elements which are heavier than iron have been released into the outer space〉

Continuation of the last response.

...and the gas of the star is pushed out, so the star explodes. Then central nucleus becomes a neutral star or a black hole.

【How is the black hole made?】

〈After the explosion of the super nova, its own gravitation makes it shrink more and more, and it is〉

The black hole is the last shape of a star of which mass is thrity times as big as the sun.

After the explosion of the super nova,it remains like a core.

No.300 20/06/12 20:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How is the black hole made?】

〈After the explosion of the super nova, its own gravitation makes it shrink more and more and it is.〉

, and the core shrinks by its own gravitation less and less, and its scale becomes a dot, infinitesimal. On the other hand its density becomes infinity.

No physical law doesn`t stand up there, and even light doesn`t come out of there, but how can we discover the matter which doesn`t emit the light? Its key is X-ray.

The sun is the fixed star and it exists independently.

On the other hand there are lots of binary stars in the outer space. The binary stars...




6/10 カテゴリの統合(6月20日、26日実施)


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