
Science,English,and math Ⅲ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/09/20 04:18(更新日時)

As to my last expression on my thread,if trying to express it mechanically,I can, though I can’t understand what I express very much,so I hate it.

Whenever expressing myself in English here,I have to do it within 1000 letters,and I’m accustomed it,so I’m afraid 1400 letters are too long to express until this place is filled with my English.

I’ve expressed on the robot until now and I’m going to continue it until my expression reaches at the end of the book.

Speaking of the robot,some of them have been adopted in the factory where I’ve worked. I’m engaged in a coating for a hot water supply system 給湯設備.

When operating,dust frequently prevents us from producing a good product. When its coating finished,if the dust sticks to the product, the product is bad.

As a result,the post where I’m engaged has put a great deal of effort into elimination on the dust,but when a shutter opens,the dust comes in,so the post adopted an automatic vacuum.

Its shape and size looks like a Frisbee. When bumping against an obstacle,it changes its direction with the sensor automatically.

When the shutter opens,it remains opened for a while,a few seconds until it shuts automatically. When it opened,the automatic vacuum escaped, so lots of the staff had to look for it. I can’t help laughing it.

No.2796889 19/02/13 19:08(スレ作成日時)



No.151 19/04/20 08:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has the earth been the planet for the creature?】

《The exquisite distance from the sun has guarded the creature carefully》

Roughly speaking it is said that the habitable zone in the solar system is the orbit on revolution of the Venus and that of the Mars.

When its distance is too near the sun, the water evaporates. On the other hand it’s too far,the water freezes.

【Where was an ancestor which was mutual creature in the earth?】

《Mutual ancestor on the creature lived in the place where hot water gushed out in the seabed.》

There used to be numberless holes where cloudy,black hot water gushed out in the dark seabed about 3.5 billion years ago.

The water soaked into the seabed was heated by magma,and changed into the hot water of which degree is more than 300℃. We call It the hole where the water gushed out.

The hot water which was gushed out from the hole carried hydrogen sulfide which is easily caused chemical reaction, methane, and carbon dioxide from underground.

No.152 19/04/20 08:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Where was mutual ancestor on creature in the earth?】

《The mutual creature lived in the hole where the hot water gushed out in the seabed》

Those are materials which the creature can make use of source of energy.

It is said the nearer a microbe which is to mutual ancestor in the earth, the more the microbe loves the surrounding of hot water,according to the modern study on a gene present day. Some of them can live in the hot water as if nothing happened to it.

As a result,there is a theory that the mutual ancestor used to live in the hot water which was gushed out from the pit in the seabed in the earth in early time. Materials which was food for the creature was supplied in the hot water.

However in the environment where there was hot water of which degree was more than 300 ℃,it was too hot to formed complicated any organic matter like DNA or protein.

However it is said there were plenty of holes where warm water in low temperature was gushed out around the holes where …

No.153 19/04/20 11:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Where was a mutual ancestor on creature in the earth?】

《The mutual ancestor on creature lived in the holes where the hot water gushed out in the seabed》

However it is said that there were plenty of holes where the hot water gushed out in low temperature around other holes where the hot water gushed out.

It is possible that various chemical changes which create complicated organic matter happened there.

No one knows on the first creature how it was born,the place where it was born,and the time when it was born. The first creature is filled with a mystery.

It is beyond our imagination that a simple chemical compound changed into a cell which had complicated structure suddenly,but it is certain that the first creature was born somewhere in the earth, so we’ve existed.

The author said he expected the solution for the mystery to progress.

『The mechanism on the holes where the hot water gushed out』

The seawater sank into the depth below the seabed several kilometers,and it touched…

No.154 19/04/27 18:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Where was a mutual ancestor on creature live in the earth?】

《The mutual creature on ancestor lived in the holes where the hot water gushed out in the seabed》

…and it touched a hot basalt 玄武岩 right above it and was heated into high temperature.

Then various chemical reactions were caused between the hot water and the basalt,a hydrogen ion,methane,carbon dioxide,a sulfide, metallic ion appeared. The hot water included those things rose and gushed out of the seabed and released into the seawater.

【Was it true that the whole earth was covered with ice?】

《The carbon dioxide was the key of freezing the whole earth》

A theory that there was a severe ice age that the whole earth was covered with the ice of which thickness it no less than 1000 kilometers about 22 billion years ago,0.7 billion years ago and 0.65 billion years ago. It’s the hypothesis of the whole earth used to be an ice ball.

Decreasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere started freezing the earth.

When the super…

No.155 19/04/27 19:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Was it true that the whole earth was covered with ice?】

《The carbon dioxide was the key of freezing the whole earth》

When the super continent divided,a new sea was born,and the sea eroded the land,so the part of the sea increased more and more. The water of the sea caused a rain and absorbed the carbon dioxide.

The theory of the super continent is the continents used to be a single one.

The carbon dioxide was melted in the rain and the rain became acid. The acid rain melted calcium in the rock,and it became a calcium carbonate 炭酸カルシウム,and accumulated in the sea.

Thus the carbon dioxide decreased,and the carbon dioxide is the gas of greenhouse effect which warms the earth. The sudden decrease of the carbon dioxide caused chill rapidly,the experts seem to think like that.

When the ice bed started expanding from the polar region,the white color of the ice reflected lots of the sunshine,comparing it with the dark color of the sea water.

In this way the temperature wend down and …

No.156 19/04/27 19:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Was it true that the whole was covered with the ice?】

《The carbon dioxide was the key of freezing the whole earth》

In this way the temperature went down and the whole earth was frozen. Then how did the frozen earth warm again?

Even if the surface of the earth is frozen completely,there is a core of metallic liquid which is never cold. The geothermal energy warmed the seawater gradually and prevented the ice from growing.

Or a volcano appeared from the ice and had become active. It protected the life of microbes 微生物,and the carbon dioxide was gone on exhausting so as to warm the earth again.

『What is the hypothesis of the earth was the ice ball?』

Decreasing the carbon dioxide caused the effect of the greenhouse effect less.

The carbon dioxide,methane,and clouds in the atmosphere works as the greenhouse effect in order not to escape the heat on the surface from the earth,but any reason of decreasing the greenhouse effect became weak.

The freezing started from the North Pole…

No.157 19/05/04 05:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Was it true that the whole earth was covered with the ice?】

『What is the hypothesis that the earth was covered with the ice?』

The freezing started from the North Pole,the South little by little,even the equator which is the warmest in the world was covered with the ice. As to its depths,roughly speaking,the land was frozen 3km,the sea 1km,experts have thought like that.

Once the whole part was frozen,the earth became cold more and more,but creatures lived in the deep sea and volcanos in the seabed.

The deep sea wasn’t frozen by subterranean heat,and the volcanoes in the seabed had been active,so microbes like bacteria lived there.

The volcanoes in the seabed exhausted the carbon dioxide and the carbon dioxide melted the ice.

Even if the earth became the ice ball,the volcanoes in the seabed went on exhausting the carbon dioxide. The ice on the surface of the earth couldn’t absorb the carbon dioxide,so the carbon dioxide increased in the atmosphere.

As a result,the greenhouse…

No.158 19/05/04 06:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Continuation from the last response.】

As a result,the greenhouse gas effect revived gradually,and the ice on the surface of the earth melted little by little.

【What happens at the end of the earth?】

《Creatures on the earth will face of crisis of extinction after 2.5 billion years》

The experts have thought the sun is active about for 10 billion years,after about 5 billion years,the sun will reach the period of end. Then it became red and gigantic one and swell.

As a result,the surface area of the sun becomes large, both amount of the light and heat increases,moreover the energy which is released from the sun also increases.

There is possibility that the atmosphere on the planets in the solar system is torn off or blown out. Needless to say,the temperature on the earth goes up then.

While the steam increases in the atmosphere,the carbon dioxide decreases,so plants also become less,so animals can’t live then.

The temperature on the earth reaches more than 100 degree and none of…

No.159 19/05/04 06:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What happens at the end of the earth?】

《Creatures on the earth will face a crisis of extinction after 2.5 blillon years》

…and none of the creatures can exist on the earth.the experts have thought like that.

If the sun swells as two hundredth times as big as it is at present,the earth is swallowed by the sun,but there is little knowledge on the structure on the sun with regard to its inside,no one can expect how the sun is active easily at present,the experts have thought like that.

Actually there has been a theory that the sun won’t absorb the earth. On the other hand the Milky Way itself collides with the nebula Andromeda,or unites with it.

The two galaxies collides after about 4 billion years and it takes about 2 billion years to unite,according to a simulation of a computer. If being a head–on collision,it becomes a single huge galaxy of which shape is oval.

Even if the galaxy collides each other,there is such a far distance between the stars that the stars won’t collide…

No.160 19/05/11 04:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What happens at the end of the earth?】

《Creatures on the earth will face of a crisis of extinction after 2.5 billion years》

Even if the galaxy collides each other,there is a such far distance between the stars that the stars won’t collide, experts seem to think like that.

『A prediction on the last scene of the earth』

The earth will remain as it is after about 5 billion years. Its brightness becomes double after about 6 billon years. Then the temperature on the earth becomes more than 100 degree because of increase of the amount the light and heat by the sun,the experts seem to think like that.

As a result the energy of emitting the light and the heat with the sun increases then. The sun will swell more than two hundredth times as it is,and the sun will swallow the earth,the experts think like that.

『Catching the wave of gravitation which arrived from far distance of about 1.3 billion light years.』

A unite of stars which was made with neutrons caused a wave of gravitation.

No.161 19/05/11 04:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Catching the wave of gravitation which arrived from far distance of about 0.13 billion light years』

We the human being detected the wave of gravitation for the first time,an American team of observation for the heavenly body announced like that October in 2017.

When a tremendous star which is several times as big as the sun is over of its life,it causes a big explosion. Then the star of the neutron is causes.

On the other hand when the big heavenly body like the star of the neutron moves,the weight of the heavenly body causes a distortion in the space,and the distortion spreads among the space as if it were a ripple. We call the phenomenon the wave of gravitation.

After the news of observation on the wave of the gravitation for the first time,we the human being can catch the trace of the unite of the stars of neutrons which caused the wave of gravitation as light.

The heavenly body is in the galaxy of the Water Snake which is far distance of about 0.13 light years.

No.162 19/05/11 05:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Catching the wave of gravitation which arrived from far distance of about 0.13 billion light years』

We the human being could catch the source of the wave on gravitation with the wave of gravitation and the light for the first time in the world,and it’s an epoch making which leads a new era for the astronomy.

The experts can detect lots of chemical elements which are heavier than iron like platinum and gold when the stars of neutrons united. The discovery contributes a solution on the process when the chemical elements are united in the outer space.

When the black hole united each other,the wave of gravitation was detected four times in the past.

The first detect was done in 2016. The black holes which was far distance of about 1.3 billion light years and of which mass was about 26 times and 36 times as big as the sun were united.

Then the wave of gravitation of which amount was equivalent to was three of the sun caused,and the part of the wave of …

No.163 19/05/18 05:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Catching the wave of gravitation which arrived from far distance of about 0.13 billion light years』

Then the wave of gravitation of which amount is equivalent to three of the sun caused, and part of the wave of the gravitation reached the earth.

The researchers who contributed to the discovery won Nobel prize for physical science in 2017.

By the way,I’m going to start a new chapter. The heavenly body which is next to the earth. The mystery on the moon.

【Are the moon and the earth brothers?】

《When the earth collided with a planet, the moon was caused.》

The diameter on the moon is one fourth of the earth. If comparing it with other satellites in the solar system with regard to the size of the satellite to the planet, there is no other satellite bigger than the moon.

As to the size of the satellite to the planet, the Jupiter’s satellite is one twenty seventh, and the Mars is one three hundred tenth. Why is the moon so big? It has been solved yet.

No.164 19/05/18 06:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are the earth and the moon brothers?】

《When the earth collided with a planet, the moon was caused》

Experts have debated on the origin of the moon for a long time. Main theories on the origin of the moon used to be the next three.

1 Division. Just after the earth was born, a part of the earth which rotated with a high speed was torn off with a centrifugal force and it divided from the earth.

2 Growing together. When the primitive earth was formed from a planetesimal 微惑星,the moon was formed with dust and gas.

3 Being captured. The attractive force of the earth caught a planetesimal, but three of the theories seem to be in the wrong.

When calculating the number of the rotation, the earth didn’t rotate so fast, so the part of the earth could not have been divided, so the 1 is denied.

As to the structure on its inside, the earth is different from the moon, so the 2 was also denied.

It is hard for the heavenly body to catch other one as to the moon. Too heavy to do, so 3 isn’t good.

No.165 19/05/18 07:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are the earth and the moon brothers?】

《When the earth collided with a planet, the moon was formed.》

Then the theory on giant impact appeared in 1975.

If the moon was formed with the collision between the earth and other planet, the fragments of the heavenly body with the collision and the mantle layer of the primitive earth was blown, and two of them became the main element on the moon. Experts seem to think like that.

There isn’t a core made of metal in the moon, and the theory on the giant impact makes sense for the situation. It’s in harmony with the simulation of a computer, so the theory on the giant impact has been the most promising at present.

The primitive earth had so high temperature and so soft, in addition the speed of the rotation was so fast then that the part of the earth on the equator was divided from the earth. The divided one becomes round and the moon. It’s the theory on division.

When the primitive earth was formed from the planetesimal, the moon was …

No.166 19/05/26 11:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are the earth and the moon brothers?】

《When the earth collided with a planet, the moon was formed》

When the primitive earth was formed from planetesimal, the moon was also formed from the same dust and gas. It’s the theory on being brothers.

The moon was formed at a place where it was away from the earth. When it happened to pass by the earth, it was put into the orbit of the earth. It's the theory of being captured by the earth. Then the moon has been drawn up to the earth by attractive force.

【If the earth doesn’t exist, what happens to the earth?】

《A super high speed rotation causes a severe environment in which all the creatures are hard to live》

The earth and the moon have been pulled against each other by the attractive force. When the earth rotates pulling with attractive force, a centrifugal force is caused, and the force causes being high and low tide. We call it a tidal power.

No other planet and satellite act each other than the earth and the moon in solar system.

No.167 19/05/26 12:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If the earth doesn’t exist, what happens to the earth?】

《A super high speed rotation causes an environment in which all the creatures are hard to live》

If the moon doesn’t exist, not only that there aren’t the low and high tide but there is a possibility that the earth isn’t the planet for the life at present.

For example, the tidal power by the moon makes the speed of the earth’s rotation slow. If the moon doesn’t exist, the earth will rotate with a terrible speed of eight hours a day, experts think like that.

If so, both the surface of the earth and the sea will have been so rough then. Even if creatures are born, the evolution like the mankind at present seems to be hard.

Morevoer, the axis of the earth of rotation on inclination is fixed by the attractive force of the moon. It’s 23.4 degree. It takes a year that the earth revolves around the sun with the degree.

If the moon doesn’t exist, even if the axis of rotation is tilted no more than 1 degree, the inclination causes…

No.168 19/05/26 12:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If the moon doesn’t exist, what happens to the earth?】

《A super high speed rotation causes an environment in which all the creatures are hard to live》

Oh! I’ve made a mistake. As to the title of 【】, I should have expressed like the one upward, if the moon doses exist, what happens to the earth?

If the moon doesn’t exist, even if the axis of the earth of rotation is tilted no more than 1 degree, the inclination will cause an unpredictable change.

Then the axis of the earth on rotation will change irregular, and a large scale of change on the climate.

In this way, the only satellite for the earth causes the creatures on the earth, experts seem to think like that.

The moon is the closest heavenly body for us the humankind. Waxing and waning of the moon has made us think of a calendar. Lots of stories of which stages are moon have been told among us for a long time.

When the humankind arrived on the moon for the firs time at last, the moon changes into a real existence from the …

No.169 19/06/02 20:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If the moon doesn’t exist, what happens to the earth?】

《A super high speed rotation causes an environment in which all the creatures are hard to live》

When the humankind arrived on the moon for the first time at last, the moon has changed into a real existence from the stage of a fairy tale.

There is an illustration on the tidal power. The moon circles around the earth in the illustration.

There is a place where the earth faces to the moon. It’s so close to the moon that the power which the moon attracts the seawater becomes strong, and there is a high tide.

There is an exact opposite place where the earth doesn’t face to the moon. The moon and the earth attracts each other, and the exact opposite place is pretty far from the place where the moon and the earth attracts each other, so there is the high tide there, for a centrifugal power functions there, the book said so.

However, the centrifugal power functions all over the surface of the earth, I’m wondering.

No.170 19/06/02 21:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If the moon doesn’t exist, what happens to the earth?】

《A super high speed rotation causes an environment in which all the creatures are hard to live》

The earth revolves to the earth’s axis vertically, as a result the more distant from the earth’s axis, the more the centrifugal force functions, so the polar place seems to be a low tide, according to the illustration.

【Is the moon far away from the earth little by little? 】

《It moves away from the earth at the rate of three centimeters a year.》

The moon circles around the earth, and its orbit is an oval, so when being pretty far, the distance between the moon and the earth is about 0.4 million kilometers, and when being the closest distance is about 0.36 kilometers.

The moon which is the closest to the earth is called a super moon. If comparing it with the pretty far the moon, its diameter looks as 1.5 times as big as the one which is pretty far.

The moon is far away from the earth at the rate of three centimeters a year.

No.171 19/06/02 21:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is the moon far away from the earth little by little?】

《It moves away from the earth at the rate of three centimeter a year》

The more the moon is far away from the earth, the slower the earth rotates and the moon revolves.

Just after the moon was born, the earth used to rotate at the speed of about 8 hours a day, but the more distant the moon moved away, the slower the speed of the rotation on the earth was. As you know, its speed is 24 hours at present.

In short the day become longer in the future. The moon moves away little by little, and what happens finally? We can estimate it, experts say like that.

The moon will stay at the same place from the earth and repeat its waxing and waning. The the speed of the earth on rotation is about 47 days. It’s about 1130 hours, though it will happen about 10 billion from 20 billion years from now on, according to a calculation.

When we live, anything bad won’t happen in the least, but needless to say all the creatures including the…

No.172 20/01/17 16:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is the moom far away from the earth little by little?】

[The moon moves at the rate of three centimeters from the earth a year.]

When we live,anything bad won't hapeen at all,for it will happen in the future after dozens of billion years if figuring it.

Needless to say,then it may have great influence on all the creatures on the earth including we the human kind in far into the future,but the change will go ahead very slowly.

As a result,the creatures on the earth seem to evolve slowly, adapting the change,the author said like that.

The average distance from the earth to the moon is about 0.38 million kilometers. The nearest one is 0.36 million,and the farthest one is 40.

The orbit of moon's revolution is an ellipse 楕円,so there is difference between the nearest and the farthest.

There are two photographs of the moon in the same year in the book,and the one is the nearest and the other is the fatherest,and each size is different.

【How was a lunar crater made?】

〔A theory...〕

No.173 20/01/17 16:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How was a lunar crater made?】

〔The theory that lots of planetesimal 微惑星 collapsed on the moon and the lunar crates were made has been convincing.〕

When looking at the photograph on the moon's surface, we find round low spots there, and they are craters.

To tell the truth, it is Galileo who discovered the lunar craters on the moon for the first time. He is famous for not only as a physicist,but as an astronomer,and there are plenty of his achievements as the astronomer.

When observing the moon with his telescope which he made for himself in 1609,he found that the moon isn't a smooth sphere like a crystal but there are numberless mountains and countless low spots its surface.

By the way, how were the craters made on the moon? Two theories have been debated with regard to the lunar craters from long ago.

The one is that it was created by a vocano,and the other is that a heavenly body collapsed on the moon and the crater was completed.

It was a direct investigation on the moon...

No.174 20/01/17 17:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How was a lunar crater made?】

〔The theory that lots of planetesimal collapsed on the moon and the craters were made has been convincing.〕

It was a direct investigation on the moon by the Apollo program came to an end on the debation.

Some rocks were brought back from the moon,and were analyzed and it proved that there was a trace of a violent collapse clearly on the rock. It becomes an immovable evidence of the theory that it was made by the collapse.

As the heavenly body collapsed on the moon with the speed of sound extremely, the surface on the moon was melt to be jelly by the collapse and high heat,and there was a big hole.

It seemed that then while the edge of the hole rose up,the melted ground became solid flatly inside of the hole.

There have been various size of the craters according to the mass of the heavely body and the speed when it collapsed on the moon.

A big one is its diameter is more than 200 kilometers,and a little one is is its diameter is a few kilometers.

No.175 20/01/25 05:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How was a lunar crater made】

Oh! I've made a mistake. Instead of collapsed,I should have used collided. I'm sorry for it.

〔The theory that lots of planetesimals collided on the surface of the moon and the crater was created has been convincing〕

The number of the craters reached to no less than thousands. The geological feature of the highland where there are plenty of the crates proved to be the old one about 4 billion years ago.

It may be inferred that it was period when plenty of the heavenly body collided on the moon from 40 to 38 billion years ago,then the craters were formed.

A meteorite collided on the surface on the moon,a hole was made,and the shock wave of the collision melt inside the hole,and the edge of the hole rose,and melted ground becomes flat,and it changed a tremendous crater.

There is a crater of which diameter is about 93 km, of which depth is about 3 km.
We've proposed the place should be the one for a radio telescope 電波望遠鏡 in the future.

No.176 20/01/25 05:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there any water in what is called the sea on the moon?】

〔While we call it the sea,there is no water there〕

When looking at the moon with a telescope,there is a part which looks black,flat,and large. It looks as if it were the sea,so we've learned to call it the Sea on the moon.

By the way,is there actually any water on the moon?

Countless planetesimals collided on the primitive earth,then some water was brought then.When the moon was formed,the water must have been brought on the moon too.

However the investigation on the moon of the surface couldn't make sure the existence of the water on at all.

There is little atmosphere on the moon. When the sun is shining in the daytime,its temperature goes up about 100 degrees centigrade,and the sun isn't shining at night,its'about minus 170°. Its temperature is big difference between the daytime and the night.

Any water can't exist in this condition,and even if it does,an ice evaporates in the air directly at once. How was the ..

No.177 20/01/25 10:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there any water in what is called the sea in the moon?】

〔Though we call it the sea, there isn't any water there〕

How was the sea on the moon created?

There were plenty of craters created by the collision of the meteorites. Moreover a huge heavenly body collided there,and mantle was gushed from inside of ground,and the craters were connected with the magma.

There were hollows around the craters and lava flows 溶岩流 spread over the hollows.After that the lava flows became solid,and it's the sea on the moon.The place looks black because it's covered with the lava of blackish basaltic 玄武岩.

There are lots of the seas on the moon with various size. The diameter of the most tremendous one,what is called the a ocean in storm is over 2500 km.

The diameter of the moon itself is about 3500 km,so considering it,we can recognize how the sea on the moon is big,especially the ocean in storm.

There are some seas on the moon discovered until at present,and each of them has each name.

No.178 20/02/01 03:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is there any water in what is called the sea in the moon?】

『The way of being created the sea on the moon』 

There was a huge hallow caused by gigantic craters,and a meteorite collided on the hallow. The impact of the collision made cracks on the hallow and magma was oozed out from underground through the crack on the hallow.

The magma oozed from the underground was collected on the hallow,and the magma became the lava,and the hallow was filled with the lava,and the ground of the hallow became even.

The lava became solid and changed into the black basalt 玄武岩

【Did the Apllo actually go to the moon?】

[Though it became an urban legend,the Apollo really went to the moon]

There had been the Cold War between the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union since around 1957,and a violent competition for space development was also put on display between the two countries.

At first, Soviet launched the Luna Ⅰ which investigated on the moon in 1959. It's what is called the Luna Plan. 


No.179 20/02/01 04:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Did the Apollo actually go to the moon?】

[Though it became an urban legend,the Apollo really went to the moon]

They made an artificial thing arrive at the moon,taking photograph at the back of the moon,and the soft landing was done,and those of three things was successful for the first time.

The soft landing meaning like the next.

Space ships like an artificial satellite or unmanned space probe landing on heavenly bodies like the earth or moon safely.

When the soft landing was done on the moon or the Mars where there was no atmosphere,the space ship decreased its speed by shooting of reverse the engine.

On the other hand,on other heavenly body where there is atmosphere like the earth or Venus,a parachute is used.

America also started the Ranger Plan in 1969,and launched nine space probe into the moon. The country tried to regain its strength.

After that,a plan in which a manned space probe for other heavenly body started. The Apollo plan was inculded.

At last the human kind..

No.180 20/02/01 04:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Did the Apollo actually go to the moon?】

[Though it became an urban legend,the Apollo really went to the moon]

At last the human kind marked first step on the moon for the first time by the Apollo 11 in 1969. It's a great success by the competition of the space development between America and Soviet.

With that as a start,America succeeded in landing the manned space probe on the moon no less than sixth times by 1972.

The country brought back plenty of the rock and soil from the moon. Its total reached to almost 400 kg.

Experimental apparatuses and observatory devices were set on the moon,and scientific research made great strides forward.

However,Moon Hoax was enlivend among the mass media against the great success. What is the Moon Hoax?

The Apollo plan was a fabrication でっち上げ by America,and the human kind didn't go to the moon actually,and some questions were shown by some photos.

There was no atmosphere on the moon, but the Stars and Stripes 星条旗was fluttered,and there...

No.181 20/02/08 09:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Did Apollo actually go to the moon?】

〔Though it became a urban legend, it actually went to the moon〕

Though there was no atmosphere in the moon, the Stars and Stripes was fluttering, or there weren't any stars on the sky.

Those questions were shown.

However, when forcing into the pole of the Stars and Stripes into the ground on the surface of the moon, the pole was moved and the flag also moved as its reaction.

Far from it, in vacuum, there is no resistance of the air, so everything is easier to move than on the earth.

As for the stars, the time when it was pictured was in daytime on the moon, the exposure was adapted to the surface of the moon where the sunshine was shone and was bright, so the stars weren't on the photo.

〔A wonderful memory on the moon from the Apollo which decided the origin of the moon〕

By the way, changing the point of view, let's show some of positive evidences that the Apollo went to the moon.

The launching the space Apollo was done when all.....

No.182 20/02/08 10:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Did the Apollo actually go to the moon?】

〔The wonderful memory on the moon from the Apollo which decided the origin of the moon〕

The launching the Apollo was done in front of all the people watching on TV all over the world. The antennas for communication, radars, and photochemical telescopes chased after the Apollo.

It is impossible for any fabrication in such the situation.

Moreover, the mineral which the Apollo brought back from the moon hasn't any moisture. It drove the theory of gigantic impact which is relation to the birth of the moon to the most persuasive hypothesis.

Needless to say, the Soviet Union also gathered the same kind mineral with unmanned moon probe.

At first, there is room for doubt on the Apollo Plan, otherwise the Soviet Union couldn't have kept silent on the mineral.

To tell the truth, the Soviet Union also planed to land on the moon with manned space probe, and developed a super tremendous spaceship, but failed to the test of launching three......

No.183 20/02/08 10:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Did the Apollo actually go to the moon?】

〔The wonderful memory on the moon from the Apollo brought back which decided the birth of the moon〕

...but the Soviet Union failed to the test of launching the space probe successive 4 times, and the plan was called off.

Besides, a reflector of laser was set up on the face of the moon three times on the Apollo Plan. Irradiating to the reflector with the laser from the earth, and the light returns to the earth.

When measuring its time, we can measure the distance between the earth and the moon to centimeter by degree. An amateur can make an experiment it as long as it has apparatus which oscillates laser to some extent.

【What kind of charm does the moon have for us the human kind?】

〔It has possible for our trump card for solving the problem on energy〕

America finished the Apollo Plan with the 17th Apollo December 1972. None of the humankind has never been to the moon for 40 years after that, but it doesn't always mean the moon...

No.184 20/02/15 09:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of charm does the moon have for us the human race?】

〔It has a possibility for a trump card for solving the energetic problem〕

...but it doesn't mean that the charm of the moon vanished in front of us the human race.

At first, it's the matter of energy and resource.

Helium 3 always exists amount of a millionth comparing it with an ordinary Helium on earth, but it's estimated there is no less than thousands of tons of Helium 3 on the soil of the moon.

The Helium 3 is a stable isotope 安定同位体 which is lighter the ordinary Helium, and it's the fuel for nuclear fusion reactor.

It is said that there is Helium 3 of ten thousand ton, it will supply energy for all the human race of a hundred years.

If generating electricity with the Helium 3, and changing the electricity into laser, and sending it to the earth, we expect that we can get safe and plenty of energy, but the technology has never developed yet.

In addition, there is lots of aluminium, titan, and iron, and if ...

No.185 20/02/15 09:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of charm does the moon have fou us the human kind?】

〔It has a possibility for a trump card for solving energy problem〕

...if being able to be refined those mineral on the moon, it is possible to make useful material.

In the next, making use of the gravitation which is one-sixth on the earth.

If raising vegetable under the gravitation, it is possible the vegetable grows by far bigger than the earth.

We are going to may enjoy travelling of escaping the gravitation as adventure in the near future.

Judging from the level of modern scientific thechnology it's possible enough to construct a base on the moon. It may be the moon which is a first foothold for perpetual prosperity of the human race. It may be in a near future.

【Is it true that we can construct a gigantic telescope on the moon?】

〔If getting over some conditions, it is poosible to come true the constrction of an astromonical observatory 天文台 on the moon〕

The moon isn't only beneficial but has unfathomable...

No.186 20/02/15 10:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that we can construct a tremendous telescope on the moon?】

〔If getting over some conditions, it is possible to construct an astronomical observatory 天文台 on the moon〕

The moon isn't only beneficial but has unfathomable scientific value, for the environment on the moon itself offers us very uself place for various scientific research including astronomy.

For example, there is the next advantage in the astronomy.

There is no magnetic field nor the ionosphere 電離層 on the moon, and the artificial electromagnetic wave from the earth obstructs the moon itself.

As a result at the side of the moon which doesn't face to the earth is free from electromagnetic wave, so the place is ideal to construct a radio telescope 電波望遠鏡.

The first thing there is no atmosphere on the moon, without being absorbed the light from the star or being scattered about on the way, the light reachs to the moon.

If constructing a photochemical 光化学 telescope there, the possibility of the apparatus...

No.187 20/02/22 10:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that we can construct a tremendous telescope on the moon?】

[If getting over some conditions, it is possible to construct an astronomical observatory 天文台 on the moon]

If being able to construct a photo chemical telescope there, we can draw out its possibility to the full.

If comparing the gravitation, the moon is one-sixth as light as on the earth. and it seems that we don't need defend the telescope from wind and rain, so we can construct the huge telescope with a easy structure, and its cost is reasonable.

In addition, considering the period of the rotation on the moon, nights continues for two weeks, so we can continue to observe.

Moreover, the ground is so stable on the moon that if spread panels all over a crater, it is possible to construct even a gigantic parabolic antenna.

However it is necessary to be on condition that the next things go well smoothly.

The base is on the moon, equipment is transported there, and the astronomical observatory is done.

No.188 20/02/22 11:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that we can construct a tremendous telescope on the moon?】

[If getting over some conditions it is possible to construct an astronomical observatory on the moon]

If getting over those conditions and the astronomical observatory comes true, our knowledge on the universe will be deeper.

We are so much interested in the moon which is the nearest to the earth doesn't have resource but is an objection on research.

【What kind of vehicle is an elevator in the universe?】

[Instead of a rocket, it's a system on traffic in the universe]

A rocket is a leading part on the development in the universe at present, but instead of the rocket, it is necessary for us the human race to be a new system of universal traffic so as to be familiar with the universe.

It's an elevator in the universe, what is called a track elevator 軌道エレベーター
which is paid attention.

Some people may think it's a pipe dream 絵空事 in a fiction of SF, but a carbon nanotube which is twentieth as strong as steel...

No.189 20/02/22 12:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of vehicle is an elevator in the universe?】

[Instead of rocket, it's an system in the universe]

...but as a carbon nanotube which is twentieth as strong as steel has been developed, a discussion on a plan of the elevator in the universe has been accelerated.

Oobayashigumi which is a major company in the construction business is proceeding on the assumption that it will be completed in 2050.

What kind of thing is the universal elevator?

A meteorological rocket has been launched at the height of the 3.600 meters above the equator. It rotates at the same speed of the earth's rotation, so it looks as if it stopped. It's a stationary satellite.

The stationary satellite is a terminal in the universal elevator, and the carbon nanotube connects between the terminal and the ground, and the elevator is set up there, and we can go up and down from the universe on the ground on the earth.

If comparing the elevator in the universe with the rocket, it seems that there is less...

No.190 20/02/29 01:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of vehicle is an elevator in the universe?】

[Instead of a rocket, it's a traffice system in the universe]

...it seems that as to the elevator, there is less dangerous for explosion or fall from it, comparing it with the rocket, and we don't have to be worried about pollution in atmosphere.

The plan for the elevator has been worked out at present, but if it comes true, the development in the universe should take a great leap forward, moreover it may be possible for us to travel to the moon or other heavenly body.

『Column. An asteroid which has two satellites and is the biggest one in the past approaced the earth very closely』

There was an asteroid which approaced the earth until seven million kilometer from the earth September in 2017. Its name is Florence. It was named English nurse, Florence Nightingale who played an active part in the 19the century.

An astronomical observatory in Australia discovered Florence March in 1981, but she didn't approach the earth so...

No.191 20/02/29 02:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Column, an asteroid which has two satellites and is the biggest one in the past approached the earth』

...but Florence didn't approach the earth so close since 1890.

It turned out that its diameter is about 4.5 km by the approach this time.

It is said that as to a meteorite which caused extinction of dinosaurs, its diameter was no more than 10 km and Florence is half as big as it.

If she collided with the earth, it is no doubt the earth would suffer from heavy damage which we've never have experienced, so we'd paid attention to its approach.

It proved that it has two satellites. The diameter of each satellite is from 100 to 300 meter, and the one which makes around inside Florence in 8 hours, and the other which does outside from 22 to 27 hours.

There have been lots of asteroids which have approaced the earth, and it is said its number is sixty at present, but it's for the first time in the history of observation in NASA that such the big asteroid approached the earth.

No.192 20/02/29 02:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Column, an asteroid which has two satellites and the biggest one in the past approaced the earth』

Besides, the meteorite which has two satellites was observed in the beginning in 2009.

The distance between the earth and Florence is 18 times as long as the one between the earth and the moon. It's so near that we can watch Florence with a small telescope.

『Saturn's satellite, Enceladus, has possiblity of life』

A space probe for Saturn, Cassini, in NASA carried out an interesting mission October in 2015.

The space probe went through a plume which flewed as if it were a geyser 間欠泉 from the Enceladus which is one of satellite of the Saturn, and gathered its sample.

As a result of the sample, it turned out that the sample included salts, organic molecule, ammonia, and hydrogen molecule. They are important elements which make up with a life, and we've expected there is a possibility of the existence of the life in the satellite.

There is a sea deep underground, beneath thick ice in..

No.193 20/03/07 00:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Column, Saturn's satellite, Enceladus has a possiblility of life?』

There is a sea deep underground beneath thick sea of the Enceladus, and it seems minute particles blow from there, furthermore a property of the minutes particles resemble the one which a first life was born for the first time in the earth.

Moreover, the minute particles seem to exist in E ring which is one of eight rings of the Saturn.

In short it is thought that the E ring was caused from bloom icecles which blowed from the Enceladus, and its ingredient is the same one as the sea underground of the Enceladus.

No.194 20/03/07 01:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Column, Saturn's satellite, Enceladus has a possibility of life?』

Oh! I made a mistake again. In the response of 191, there is word of plume, but it's not the plume but bloom icecle. I'm sorry for it repeatedly.

It is said that lots of hydrogen exist in the Enceladus. It means that chemical energy which the life can make use of exists enough there, so the possibility of being the life become higher and higher.

I'm going to go into the next chapter, the sun which is the star of blessing from now on.

『Why was the sun born?』

[It was born from a nuclear fusion of the sun]

The earth in the..

No.195 20/03/07 01:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『How was the sun born?』

[It was born from a nuclear fusion from hydrogen]

The solar system where there is the earth is the sun of the fixed star is center of it. Average distance from the earth to the sun is about 149.6 million km, and it takes about 8 minutes 20 seconds at the speed of light.

A radius of the sun is about 109 times as big as the earth, and its mass is thirty hundred and thirty hundred thousand times as massive as the earth.

It accounts for 99.86 % in the whole mass of the solar system, and has infleneces over all the heavenly body in the solar system.

While it's such..

No.196 20/03/07 01:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『How was the sun born?』

[It was born from a nuclear fusion from hydrogen]

While the sun is such the big star, it's just that it's one of standard fixed star in the galaxy of the Milky Way. By the way how was the sun born?

It's thought that the universe started from Big Bang and inflation about 13.8 billion years ago. As to the inflation, I'm going to express it at the end of the book.

Elementary particles were formed by the Big Bang, but it seemed that elements in the universe in the beginning was almost hydrogen. The hydrogen gathered and cloud of element was formed.

No.197 20/03/07 02:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『How was the sun born?』

[It was born from nuclear fusion from hydrogen]

The cloud of element is called a place where a star was brought back, or a cradle for the star, and the stars grew up there, and the sun was also born from the cloud of element.

Some of the cloud of element of which density was high were born, and they shrunk with their own gravitation more and more, and became primitive stars. The primitive stars still shrank with absorption of gas and dust around them.

Density of the center part of the primitive stars heightened, and nuclear fusion occurred before long.

No.198 20/03/07 02:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『How was the sun born?』

[It was born from a nuclear fusion from hydrogen]

Density of the central part heightened before long, and the nuclear fusion occurred. Besides the temperature of the center became high which was about more than 10 milllion ℃.

Before long the primitive star began to shine, and it becomes the sun as the present one. It was about 4.6 billion years ago.

[A movement of the sun was born]

The cloud of element is one of nebulas, and almost all of them is made up with molecule of hydrogen. Its typical scale on its diameter is about a hundred light year. Its mass is about..

No.199 20/03/07 02:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How was the sun born?】

[Movement that the sun was born]

Mass of the cloud of the element was about ten thousand hundredth as massive as the sun, and a mass of core of cloud on element was formed.

The mass of gas between the stars includes dust, and the gas was compressed, became high temperature, and emited infraud rays, and electroric wave.

A disc of gas which was called a disc of primitive planets formed around the primitive sun. The disc of primitive planets included tiny dusts, and the tiny dust gathered, then planetesimal 微惑星 was formed.

After the sun was completed, the disc...

No.200 20/03/07 03:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How was the sun born?】

[Movement that the sun was born]

After the sun was completed, the disc of the primitive planets which surrounded the primitive sun has become the present one.

[How can we understand a structure on the sun?]

It is said it's about one million ℃ on corona around the sun, and none of the human kind can go to the star like that, besides it is impossible to probe inside the sun.

Then how can we investigate there?

In fact, as to density and temperature on the central part of the sun, and an atomic nucleus of hydrogen does in the situation has been computed.




6/10 カテゴリの統合(6月20日、26日実施)


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