
Science,English,and math Ⅲ

レス500 HIT数 5303 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/09/20 04:18(更新日時)

As to my last expression on my thread,if trying to express it mechanically,I can, though I can’t understand what I express very much,so I hate it.

Whenever expressing myself in English here,I have to do it within 1000 letters,and I’m accustomed it,so I’m afraid 1400 letters are too long to express until this place is filled with my English.

I’ve expressed on the robot until now and I’m going to continue it until my expression reaches at the end of the book.

Speaking of the robot,some of them have been adopted in the factory where I’ve worked. I’m engaged in a coating for a hot water supply system 給湯設備.

When operating,dust frequently prevents us from producing a good product. When its coating finished,if the dust sticks to the product, the product is bad.

As a result,the post where I’m engaged has put a great deal of effort into elimination on the dust,but when a shutter opens,the dust comes in,so the post adopted an automatic vacuum.

Its shape and size looks like a Frisbee. When bumping against an obstacle,it changes its direction with the sensor automatically.

When the shutter opens,it remains opened for a while,a few seconds until it shuts automatically. When it opened,the automatic vacuum escaped, so lots of the staff had to look for it. I can’t help laughing it.

No.2796889 19/02/13 19:08(スレ作成日時)



No.101 19/03/05 20:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Viewers called the robot the mobile suit in the animated film. In the GUNDAM, which is used for the name of the title on the animated film,a boy called アムロ who was good at mechanic got into the mobile suit.

The GUNDAM had been developed secretly in a space colony where アムロ lived. The space colony is an artificial city which floated in the space. Its shape was like a pipe.

An enemy got wind of the GUNDAM and made a fierce attack on the artificial city. The battle was done inside the space colony,and then アムロ got into the GUNDAM in the middle of the confusion.

It’s a reckless action, but a fascinating efficiency on the GUNDAM made アムロ do that behavior.

The mobile suit which opposed against the enemy had been developed and its efficiency was by far better than the one in the enemy.

Operating GUNDAM isn’t hard, and basic operation was done by a computer,so アムロ who was just like an amateur as pilot could operate owing to the high efficiency on the GUNDAM.

Lots of people…

No.102 19/03/05 21:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Lots of people could dream of the robot through the GUNDAM. In fact it made plenty of people aspire to be engaged in robotics engineering.

Lots of the ones who are active at the forefront of the robotic engineering had been touched off by 鉄腕アトム, but it is said that the ones who become leader on the robotics engineering in the next era are the ones who dream of the robot with the GUNDAM.

I’m going to start a new chapter,a handicraft on a robot which is easy to start.

【Let’s try the handicraft on the robot.】

《If trying to do, the understanding for the robot deepens.》

Speaking of the robot, it seems that we need a high advanced mechanism. Actually as to ASIMO, it’s the robot which walks with its own two feet,and AIBO, ordinary people can’t make them by themselves.

High advanced technical skill, high level facilities, and close division of work are necessary for making the robot.

The robot has increased since the AIBO appeared. But all the robots which go on…

No.103 19/03/05 21:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Let’s try the handicraft on the robot】

《If trying to do, the understanding for the robot deepens.》

But all the robots which go on increasing aren’t high advanced like the AIBO. An inexpensive robot which we can buy with our allowance alone is a structure which is suitable for the price,and its device is easy to make.

Even if it’s hard to make the same one like the AIBO, as to the robot which has a similar structure,and the function, an individual can make it as long as it has necessary knowledge and technical skill. In short we can make the robot with a device on the robot.

As to the handicraft on the robot, if processing from material,we need a processing facilities like a workshop in school at least, but if making use of the kit which the material is used from the beginning, we can assemble the robot with the kit and tools close to us.

If it’s the kit like that, the individual can challenge the device on the robot at home easily.

《So as to enjoy the robot more》

As to the…

No.104 19/03/05 22:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Let’s try the handicraft on the robot】

《So as to enjoy the robot more》

As to the robot which is made by the device doesn’t seem to be practical, but if making the robot with its own hand, understanding for the robot deepens.

The robot which is made by the device is simple,and as to lots of the practical robots, basic technical skill is common.

For example, let's suppose that we made a robot with a kit which avoid an obstacle in front of it autonomously. If its price is within ten thousand yen, it’s probably a robot which loads with sensor for the obstacle. Light seems to be used for the sensor.

The robot emits the light in front of it,and it makes sure whether or not there is the obstacle by recognizing whether or not there is a reflection, and it takes into action of avoidance.

When saying it, it seems to be hard, but if putting together actually, we find its structure is easy unexpectedly, and lots of the practical robots which have ability of avoiding have the same structure.

No.105 19/03/05 22:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Let’s try the handicraft on the robot】

《So as to enjoy the robot more》

The used parts in the practical robot are more high advanced than the kit of device and more complicated than the kit of device in relation to the action of avoidance, but there are plenty of the robots which are on an extension of the technical skill used in the kit of device.

If wanting to understand the robot more deeply, I recommend you should put together robot with the kit of device first of all, the author said like that.

If having an experience of device on the robot,not only when participating in the robot contest but watching it, its interesting changes so much.

The price on the kit of device on the robot is various. An easy one is from two thousand yen on the market.

If the one which we can program in PC,its price seems to be about ten thousand yen, but considering pleasant after putting together, it may not be so expensive.

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. A robot kit of which style is lego block, lego mind…】

No.106 19/03/06 23:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. A robot kit of which style is lego block,lego mind storm.】

《Being able to create a robot at will as repeating assembling and dismantling the robot to its heart’s content》

Lego mindstorms is an educative toy which has been developed with Lego comapny and college of engineering of Massachusetts jointly. It used to be an object for children like in the past, but it’s so interesting that growling ups including researchers were absorbed in it.

When starting to be sold, its supply couldn’t reach an unexpected demand, so the lego mindstorms was hard to get.

《Charm on the mind storm》

The biggest charm on the lego mind storm is being able to create a robot at will with an combination of various parts and varied sizes on the robot. In addition, a glue isn’t used for it,so we can assemble and dismantle it over and over again.

Any screws aren’t used for it, so we don’t need any tool like a screwdriver in the least. As being able to assemble it at ease, trial and error is…

No.107 19/03/06 23:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. A robot kit of which style is lego block】

《Charm on the mind storm》

As being able to assemble it at ease, its trial and error has been done easily. We don’t have to draw a plan for the robot carefully before we make the robot, and we can start again from scratch, so if starting to assemble the robot with a haphazard way, we can manage to assemble it.

Lego mindstorms is a flexible robot kit on an assembly, and there is a big charm on the lego mind storm. It’s being sold serially, so we can possess jointly with the one which is sold serially in other way.

There are some parts for exclusive use on the specific package, but all the main parts are come up to standards. Even if using some parts in a different package, its assembly is done without a trouble.

Some parts on products of Lego block in the past are the same standard, so we can use them as parts for the robot.

When being used to assembling the robot, we learn to want to challenge more complicated one.

No.108 19/03/07 00:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. A robot kit of which style is lego block】

《Charm on the mind storm》

Then we can increase its parts so easily that we can enjoy assembling the robot without reserve.

A valuation on the lego mindstorms is getting higher and higher day by day. In some of industrial schools, they’ve started to adopt the mindstorm as teaching material for its class.

There are parts on each sensor, so they can create a high advanced robot with a way of their using the parts.

As being able to assemble and dismantle the lego mindstorm, so if once buying it, we have only to buy some parts which were broken. It’s one of charm as teaching material.

《The mind storm which is expensive a little》

A shortcoming on the mind storm is its price isn’t always reasonable. Its basic kit which is sold around 25.000yen is indispensable when programming the movement for the robot with a PC.

Without RXC which is included in the basic kit, we can’t control the robot with the mind…

No.109 19/03/07 00:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. A robot kit of which style is lego block】

《The mind storm which is expensive a little》

Without RXC which is included in the basic kit, we can’t control the robot with the mind storm at ease.

By the way, as you know, I have little knowledge on the mind storm, so I’m sure that the RXC seems to be a thing like a main part.

Not only the RXC, but no less than around 700 parts are included in the basic parts, so we can enjoy assembling the robot with the basic kit for a while.

When being indispensable for making, we have only to buy other packages gradually. There is one more little shortcoming on the Lego mind storm.

It was born in the U.S.A., so lots of the packages are expressed in English. Some of basic kits are done in Japanese, but except for them, we have to buy the one which is done in English, but it’s actually a small drawback.

The Lego mind storm used to be educative toy for children originally. There are few parts which we have to understand with a ….

No.110 19/03/07 01:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS Ⅱ. A robot kit of which style is a lego block】

《The mind storm which is expensive a little》

There are few parts which we understand with the language, so even if it’s written in English, we don’t have to be worried about it probably.

【Kinds of block which are prepared for making】

《There are various parts on the mind storm.》

There are more than 700 parts for basic kits on the Lego mindstorm. It doesn’t always mean its all sizes and shapes are different. Some of them which are used frequntly are the same ones.

《The characteristic on the parts of mind storm》

The parts are made of plastic, and each of them is weak, but joining them becomes strong.

Each part on the mind storm is little one. When joining the parts, a little pin is used. Its size is as little as the tip of finger of a grown up.

It’s made of soft plastic and when dropping,it doesn’t emit any sound, so we have to deal with carefully.

There are some parts which have angle. There are some parts which…

No.111 19/03/07 02:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS Ⅱ. Kinds of parts which are prepared for making】

《The characteristic on the parts of the mind storm.》

There are some parts which have different angles. Its tires are standardized to some extent, but they are differen exactly according to the package.

《The brain of the mind storm》

The basic kits include a very important part. It’s RXC which memories a programming movement for the robot and IR transmitter which is connected with the RXC with communication of infrared rays.

As to the IR transmitter, we use it by connecting with USB port or serial port of PC which are loaded with WINDOWS.

The RXC is the brain for the robot which is made by the mind storm. It has three ports for input and output.

We can connect each sensor with the input ports,and the reaction from the sensor is sent to the RXC.

A motor is connected with the output ports, and we can control its direction of rotating.

There are two touch sensor in the basic set on the mind storm. When something…

No.112 19/03/08 04:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS Ⅱ. Kinds of parts which are prepared for making】

《The brain of the mind storms.》

When something touches, it can detect it. It’s a touch sensor, and a sensor of light which detects an obstacle ahead of it and the line on the floor. Two touch sensors and one sensor of light,and a motor are attached to the basic set on the mind storm.

Connecting with the RXC through a wiring cord makes the mind storm function.

Except for those sensors, there are some packages in which other sensors are attached to. In addition,there are other packages in which there are some motors of which the same standard or differen one.

If buying them and adding to the robot, it can make the robot add an complicated movement.

【LEGO MINDSTORMS Ⅲ. An order which is used in a program】

《All the orders are visualized as command block.》

As to the robot which we made by the mind storm, we can program its movements with a PC which is loaded with WINDOWS.

Orders which we use are visualized as…

No.113 19/03/08 05:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MIMDSTORMS Ⅲ. An order which is used in program】

《All orders are visualized as command block.》

Orders which we use are visualized as command block. Connecting the command block with the robot on the screen of the PC makes a program on the movement of the robot.

《Command block》

Roughly speaking, the command block is divided into the next 7. 1,big block,2 small block,3 my block,4 wait 5 repeat,6 yes or no, 7 sensor.

Broadly speaking,the big block and small block are the same kinds. The small block is the basic one, and the big block and my block can deal with the small block all together.

By the way, as you know, I have little knowledge on the command block. As a result even if without understanding its meaning actually, I’m sometimes forced to express it in English word for word. I’m sorry for it.

The one which is previously prepared is the big block, and the one which a user made for itself is my block.

We can make a program with the three kinds of block for basic…

No.114 19/03/08 05:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMSⅢ. An order which we use in program】

《All orders are visualized as command block》

We can make a program with the three kinds of block for basic movement on the robot, and we can fix an order in more detailed.

Wait is a command which we order to do nothing. We can fix the establishment on its time or until the time when the sensor responds or until the time when the sensor doesn’t respond.

Repeat is a command which we order to repeat something. As to an order which we want to do,we insert a command block then and direct it.

As to a sensor of yes or no, it’s a block which changes the way of dealing according to the response of the sensor.

The command on yes or no can get information from the sensor under the process of the programming,and carry out the order.

On the other hand,the sensor of command always watches the situation on the sensor. When there is a response on the sensor, the sensor stops its program which is in the middle of carrying out and changles…

No.115 19/03/09 13:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. An order which we use in a program】

《All orders are visualized as command block》

When there is a response on the sensor, the sensor stops its program which is in the middle of carrying out and changes the program into other one. The sensor can break into other program.

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. Actual order for making.】

《Let’s learn a knack of assembling and a program from the process of making a sample robot》

A learning program for Lego mindstorm is set up perfectly. If having experienced the program from a start to an end, roughly speaking,everyone can get hang of assembling the robot and a program.

As to assembling the robot in the basic set of the mindstorm, we can learn it with a full colored manual. We can assemble some robots from the manual.

If going on the working in accordance with the manual,we’ll learn to understand a way of using parts and the way of assembling parts efficiently little by little. As a sample program has been prepared for every robot.

No.116 19/03/09 13:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. Actual order for making】

《Let’s Leann a knack of assembling and the process of making a sample robot》

When finishing assembling the robot, we can enjoy making it move by the sample program.

《Let’s come up with something for the robot》

There are some robots which are in the manual as sample one,so when challenging to make other robot, we have to dismantle the robot which we’ve already assemble. While it’s hard for lego block,and is interesting and having fun.

Please think over something better and improve it before dismantling it. Let’s adding some parts to other place and change to assemble the parts so as to make it work for other movement.

When trying to do it,it doesn’t go well and we may frequently fail to do it, but we can learn a reason why the robot was made in the form,or the reason why the robot was forced to be made like that from the failure.

We can change to assemble the parts of the mindstorm at will. I recommend you make the best use of its…

No.117 19/03/09 13:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. Actual order for making】

《Let’s come up with something for the robot》

I recommend you should make the best use of the strong point on the sample robot and dismantle it,said the author like that.

The sample program is the same one like the sample robot. Please add a command block to the program and come up with something for the program as much as possible.

We can learnt to know things on the robot which we can make it move,and other things which we can’t make it work from the process.

Changing the combination of the block, and the process of the program make the robot work for almost all of the movement, so the author recommends that we should try to challenge various ideas.

Sometimes an idea on an original robot may be born from the idea. As to the idea on the original robot,it is apt to be born easily from a goal which some people set up. For example,a miniature robot contest is held among the people…

No.118 19/03/09 14:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【LEGO MINDSTORMS. Actual order for assembling.】

《Let’s come up with something for the robot》

For example, a contest of small scale is held by the people who are interested in the robot. Let’s refer to actual animals or dinasours for the design on the robot in the beginning.

When starting it, changing the idea into the concrete one seems to be hard,but we’ll get accustomed it soon.

When assembling the robot for prepared parts, we have to be careful of the position on the block of RCX which is equal to the brain of the robot. The brain with the three batteries of which size is AA.

Without coming up with something for the place where the batteries are placed, the center of the gravity on the robot won’t be stabilized at all.

【Kits for handicraft on the robot Ⅰ. We can enjoy it with a feeling of assembling a plastic model】

《Specialized tools aren’t necessary,and lots of people have fun from 11 or 12 years old》

Lego mindstorm is an exceptional kits for the robot on assembling…

No.119 19/03/09 15:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicraft on robot Ⅰ. We can enjoy it with a feeling of making a plastic model】

《Any specialized tool isn’t necessary and lots of people have fun from around 11 years old.》

Lego mindstorm is an exceptional kits for handicraft on robot which we don’t need any specialized tools. As to the kits for handicraft on assembling lots of robots, we need some tools like a screwdriver, needle nose pliers ラジオペンチ, and so on.

However those tools aren’t special one at all,so it’s the tools which we’ve always ready at home are enough. A soldering iron ハンダ付け and solder for soldering method may be special one a little.

However there is the one which we don’t need the soldering method in the kits for handicraft on robot,if so we don’t use the hindering method in the least.

《Assembling the robot isn't hard.》

As to the handicraft on the robot which has been sold as kits isn’t so hard to assemble. Its explanatory pamphlet for assembling is also packed in. Ordering of assembling the robot …

No.120 19/03/09 15:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicraft on robot Ⅰ. We can enjoy it with a feeling of making a plastic model】

《Assembling the robot isn’t hard》

An order of assembling robot is sometimes expressed more carefully than a plastic model. In general,an age for the kits is above a school children in elementary school actually, so if being able to assemble a plastic model, the one who tries to assemble the kits for handicraft on the robot can assemble easily.

A thing which is different from assembling the plastic model, any glue isn’t used for the kits .

In general, when fixing parts,a screw or nut are used for it, and a screw driver is used for being tightened the nut and screw.

We change the manners of using the tools, so we should prepare for each size of big and small for the tools.

By the way, I’m afraid I’ve made a mistake again. When assembling the kits for handicraft on robot, we need some tools like the screw driver and the needle nose pliers,but we don’t need a special ones.

No.121 19/03/10 03:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicraft on robot. We can enjoy it with a feeling of making a plastic model】

《Let’s get used to the solder ハンダ》

As to tools for kits for the handicraft on the robot,we can get them in DIY stores or in an electronic retail store. It’s all right.

Using the solder seems to be hard for the one who isn’t familiar with it, but a beginner will get used to it soon. A soldering iron for the handicraft at home has been sold at a reasonable price.

If there is the one who is poor at the solder,it’s just that it has only to choose a kit which doesn’t need the solder. A completed basis is packed with other parts.

However if trying to improve a technical skill on assembling robots, using the solder can’t be avoided. An experience for using the solder will be useful in order to understand what kind of electronic parts are used in the robot.

When assembling an original robot, the experience will be useful,the author said like that.

Needless to say, they aren’t my own words.

No.122 19/03/10 04:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicraft on robots Ⅱ. A robot which we can use control with a remote control or radio control】

《A type of radio control is suitable for a contest, and a type of remote control is amusing in relation to its movement》

There are ones which we can control with remote control or radio control in kits for handicraft on robots. Basic ways of controlling is the same as a toy of the remote control or a radio control car. Their movements are unique.

《The type of radio control》

There is the type of radio control robot which has been sold from EK Japan. We call it a soccer robo. When assembling we can choose a ratio of a gear and driving type.

We can assemble as we like. Whether we make much of its speed or mobile strength,or we choose powerful one, we can select them at will.

A small soccer ball is attached to the package of the soccer robo. We have to prepare for its soccer field and goal, but we can make the robots play soccer as long as we buy two robots.

No.123 19/03/10 05:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicrafts on robots Ⅱ. A robot which we can control with a remote control or a radio control】

《A robot which is controlled with a radio control》

The soccer robo is the one of the radio control, so without being entangled with cables, we can make the robots move as we like.

Six kinds of frequency are used in the same package in order that it prevents the frequency from entangling.

There are different colored packages,and different frequency is used for them. When adding them together, we can make the 12 robots move in the same field simultaneously as we please.

《A robot which is controlled with a radio control》

The robot of remote control is the one which is connected with the cable and the controller. There is possibility that the cable entangles,so it doesn’t suitable for the contest of confused fight like the soccer.

On the other hand any battery doesn’t have to be built in the robot like the one of the radio control,we can make the body of the robot become light.

No.124 19/03/10 05:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicrafts on robots Ⅱ. Robots which we can control with a remote control or a radio control】

《A robot which is controlled with a remote control》

As a result, we can come up with various ideas to make the robot become light on its weight.

As to the robot of the radio control, increasing number of channel isn’t easy. The expense of equipment for sending and receiving frequency rises in proportion to the number of channel, so the one of two channel which controls two motors is a mainstream on reasonable kits for handicrafts on robots.

Contrary to it, as to the robot of remote control, increasing the number of channel makes the robot multiple channel easily.

The one of the remote control doesn't look like the robot,but actually we can realize movements which is the most suitable for the robot easily.

A robot arm which is sold from EK Japan is the one of remote control. It doesn’t have any structure for movement.

The robot of remote control doesn’t have to…

No.125 19/03/10 10:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicraft on robots Ⅱ. Robots which we can control with a remote control or a radio control】

《A robot which is controlled with a remote control》

The robot of remote control doesn’t have to need to inherent any battery originally,but the robot arm has a structure setting up 4 batteries at the lowest part so as to keep its balance.

A controller is attached to the robot arm,but it doesn’t inherent any battery,and it takes a role of sending electricity from the battery of the body to each joint on the robot arm.

The controller has five levers, and when operating the lever up and down,it can control the direction of rotation on joint motors of the robot.

The robot arm has five channels,so we can operate some levers simultaneously, but the five levers move at the same time means its power disperses, but its movement becomes smooth. Then something amusing as robot arm increases. When buying the kits please try it,the author said like that.

No.126 19/03/10 10:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicrafts on robots Ⅲ. A robot which we can control its adaption. We can program it as we like】

《An equipment for program is usually necessary. It’s sold separately》

Needless to say, there is a robot which loads the computer in the kits for handicrafts on robots. It’s more expensive a little than the one which doesn’t have the computer, but we can program it at will, so we can enjoy it.

《Fascination on ワオG》

The ワオG is sold from EK Japan,and we can program it as we like and its expense is reasonable.

There are two sensor for touching like antenna in front of its body, and we can incorporate its response into the program.

Its most remarkable characteristic is we can program it without using the PC. If programming with the PC, a software for WINDOWS is sold separately, but without it, we can program for the ワオG, using a button on the back.

However there isn’t any liquid crystal 液晶 which shows the contents of the program. Moreover, once programming it, we can’t amend…

No.127 19/03/10 11:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicrafts on robots Ⅲ. The robot which we can control its adaption. We can program it as we like.】

《Fascination on ワオG》

Moreover, once programming it, we can’t amend it after that. If making a mistake in the program, we need to start to push the button from the beginning.

However,without having additional investment, we can program it. It’s one of strong points. After we can program with an easy way and buy the software of WINDOWS. It’s not too late.

《梵天丸 which we can buy with our pocket money.》

It’s not as easy as the ワオG which is sold from EK Japan to get,but as to the 梵天丸 which is sold from メカトロで遊ぶ会, we can buy its body and equipment for programming within ten thousand yen.

However, the メカトロで遊ぶ会 is a volunteer group. Its main point is letting children enjoy mechanics and electronics as many children as possible.

A class for handicrafts and a contest for a robot have been frequently held, but the manual which is attached to the 梵天丸 is very simple. If there is the…

No.128 19/03/10 11:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Kits for handicrafts on robots Ⅲ. The robot which we can control its adaption. We can program it as we like.】

《梵天丸 which we can buy with our pocket money》

When assembling the 梵天丸, if there is the one who has knowledge on handicraft of the robot to some extent,it’s no problem,but otherwise, it may be hard to assemble it unexpectedly. Please be careful of it, the author said like that.

The language for the program in the 梵天丸 is developed originally. Almost all of orders are to be expressed in the rounded Japanese phonetic syllabary ひらがな.

While it’s easy to handle for a younger infant,it may make a grownup be at a loss a little, but the content of program which we can do isn’t any trick only a child would have fallen for.

There is a limitation in which we can’t use a variable 変数, but it’s enough as handbook for a beginner.

By the way, this expression on robot approaches its end. What kind of thing am I going to express in the next, I’m wondering.

No.129 19/03/10 12:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Assembling a robot for itself Ⅰ. It’s an extension of handicraft on electronics】

《We can collect parts for assembling robot for myself individually.》

We can assemble the robot for myself. Needless to say, we can’t do an orthodox practical robot,but we can assemble the one which takes part in the contest with an individuality.

《Let’s get the parts on the robot.》

We can assemble the robot for ourselves in an ordinary household which hardly possesses any equipment for the robot, but then starting to process the material like a metal is hard, so we have to assemble existing parts on the robot.

タミヤ company which is famous for a plastic model of radio control car have sold lots of parts which we can make use of assembling the robot with a reasonable price. We can buy it reasonably and the author recommends we should assemble the robot for myself with the goods from タミヤ

《Let’s understand electric parts.》

As to making a structure which makes the robot move, some knowledge on electric …

No.130 19/03/10 15:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Assembling a robot for itself Ⅲ. It’s an extension of handicraft on electronics】

《Let’s understand electronic parts》

As to making a structure which makes the robot move, some knowledge on electronic parts is indispensable.

If possible it is desirable to study it with a technical book, but otherwise,having gone through it to some extent, everyone learns to assemble it.

Its experience is assembling robots with the kits of handicrafts on robots, but if assembling robots according to the manual alone, experiences and knowledge which are indispensable for assembling robots is never accomplished.

When assembling, let’s try to think over how the electric parts work,assembling kits in which assembling starts from soldering.

As to assembling robots, the author recommended we should start from imitating existing kits for handicrafts.

Collecting indispensable electric parts for itself, and assembling robots which functions the same work like kits for handicrafts on robot. It makes the…

No.131 19/03/10 16:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Assembling robots for itself Ⅰ. It’s an extension of handicraft on electronics】

《Let’s try to understand electronic parts》

It makes the understanding for electronic parts deepen. As to specification on each electric parts concretely, we can learn them at a home page of the company which sells the electronic parts.

【A sensor which we can make for ourselves unexpectedly easily】

《Making a sensor by light and touching sensor for itsel isn’t hard to assemble.》

As to a sensor which is equivalent to eyes or ears on the robot, we tend to think it’s impossible to assemble by an individuality, but as to the sensor which is used in reasonable kits for handicrafts on electronic parts, we can assemble it with electronic parts which we can get easily.

《Structure on line sensor》

A line tracer needs a line sensor which detects existence of a line on the floor. Light sensor has been frequently made use of for the line tracer.

Taking advantage of reflection from the light. And it makes the …

No.132 19/03/10 17:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Assembling robot for oneself Ⅱ. A sensor which we can make for ourselves unexpectedly easily.】

《Structures on a line sensor》

And it makes the light sensor accomplish its duty as line sensor.

A course which is used by the line tracer is white lines on black field or black lines on white fired. The course is made up with a combination of contrary colors, for it is easy to detect the lines with the light sensor.

As to the structure on the light sensor, its LED lamp emits light and its photo transistor detects the reflection of the light.

Inspecting the luminous intensity 光度 on the light which hits on the floor and reflects makes the light sensor tells whether or not there is the line there.

Black color absorbs light well,and white color reflects the light well. Making use of the proper on the color, and the light sensor functions as line sensor.

In general, the light sensor is made up with LED which emits light and photo transistor which detects the reflection.

No.133 19/03/12 00:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Assembling robot for oneself Ⅱ. A sensor which we make for ourselves unexpectedly easily】

《A structure on the sensor for an obstacle》

We can make use of the light sensor as the one for an obstacle. If attaching the lightl sensor in front of the robot, the light will be able to detect a reflection which hits an obstacle.

The ratio for reflection is different according to the color of the obstacle, but without hitting the light on the obstacle, the light won’t return,so the sensor detects the obstacle in front of it whether or not there is the reflection.

As to the sensor for the obstacle, without combinating electric part,we can realize it with mechanical struclure alone.

Sticking out a switch in front of the robot can make the robot itself avoid crashing the obstacle.

The structure on the touching sensor resembles a situation in which when walking with shutting our eyes. Then what should we do?

No.134 19/03/12 00:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Assembling a robot for oneself Ⅱ. A sensor which we make for ourselves unexpectedly easily】

《A structure on the sensor for an obstacle》

Probably lots of people will stretch their own hands in front of them and walk fearfully then. Detecting the obstacle with stretching hands in advance and avoid crashing it. It’s a basic way of thinking on the sensor.

If setting up two touch sensor in front of the robot in accordance with the width of the robot, when going ahead,the robot won’t bump against the obstacle at all.

The sensor which we can make with our own hands isn’t the touch sensor nor the light sensor alone. Actually we can watch various sensors of handmade in the robot contest.

【Assembling robot for oneself Ⅲ. Without any micro computer, automatic control is possible.】

《Combination of logic IC makes the robot judge autonomically》

We have to reflect the sensor which attaches to the robot to the movement on the robot. As a result the robot needs a brain which handles the…

No.135 19/03/12 01:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Assembling robot for oneself Ⅲ. Without any micro computer, automatic control is possible】

《Combination of logic IC makes the robot judge autonomically》

As a result, the robot needs a brain which handles the information on the sensor. A small computer what is called a micro computer is frequently used for it, but it doesn't alway mean that it’s indispensable.

There is an electric part. We call it logic IC. Using the electric part makes the robot take into action according to the sensor.

《Logic IC》

Some circuits like AND, OR, or NOT are incorporated into the logic IC so as to judge logically, but it doesn’t always mean that the logic IC can think for itself.

The logic IC is a part which handles a fixed work,and does it with the circuits which judges logically like the AND or OR and outputs its result, but when combinating, it looks as if the robot judged and took into action for itself.

No.136 19/03/16 14:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I’m going to start a topic on the cosmos and begin from its preface. I’m going to do it with a base of a book,眠れなくなるほど面白い宇宙の話.

When there was sometimes news on the cosmos on TV, some people are interested in it.

Technical skill on observation has made progress,and astronomy, astrophysics,science on a planet have advanced remarkably, and understanding for cosmology has moved ahead. We couldn’t think of it a decade ago.

New discovery has been born one after another,and TV station reflects on it and its news has increased.

Astronomical phenomenon like solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, or a metro stream has been adopted in the news. Japanese astronomers have played an active part,so the news is apt to be overheated.

A new phrase like a super moon has been lionized on TV. After watching the news, some people may have looked up to the moon actually.

However even if taking interest in the news,some people may have shrunk back from buying a book on cosmology and reading it for …

No.137 19/03/16 15:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


However even if taking interest in the news,some people may have shrunk back from buying a book on cosmology,and avoiding reading it.

In a bookstore, if going to a bookshelf which deals with the cosmology,there are lots of thick books which are hard to read,so even if taking one of them in the hand,some people may have returned it to the bookshelf.

The book was written for the one, said the author.

The history on the earth where we live, a mystery on the moon next to the earth, the sun which gives us its blessing, real face on the planets which belong to the group of the earth, some planets which make up with a constellation, the Galaxy of the Milky Way, theories on the cosmology and the Galaxy.

The book reaches almost all of fields on the astronomy and stands out the latest real shape on the cosmology. The book is easy to understand.

When reading it,making the readers know not only on the latest form on the cosmology, but on the pleasure and charm for ever…

No.138 19/03/16 16:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


When reading it, making the readers not only know the latest form on the cosmology but on the charm and pleasure for ever–progressing astronomy and enjoy the cosmology which is full of the mystery, the author find it happy,the preface comes to an end like that.

『Our solar system』

Eight planets including the earth revolve around the sun, and they make up with the solar system with the heavenly body of plenty of other satellites, quasi planets, asteroids, comets and materials among the planets.

We the human being have the human life span, so the sun also grows, declines and dies in the end.

It is no doubt that the form of the solar system becomes different one after billions of years.

『BIrth form the present situation on the universe』

We think that the universe was born from nothing. The period of inflation started from nothing,and it is the present situation through a Big Bang and about 13.8 billion years.

What is the inflation period? I’ll express it in the next time.

No.139 19/03/24 05:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Where is the earth in the outer space?】

《It’s in the corner on the outer space and the edge of the Galaxy》

The earth where we live circles around the sun. The sun forms the solar system with eight planets including the earth and lots of satellites. The solar system is in the Galaxy of the Milky Way,and is the distance of 28 thousand of light years 光年 away from the center.

We tend to think that the earth is the center in the outer space, but there isn’t the center and the end in the outer space.

It is said there are more than 100 billion of the Galaxy in the outer space, and the Milky Way is one of them. The solar system is on the edge of the Milky Way.

The Galaxy of the Milky Way is made up with about more than 200 billion fixed stars and material of interstellar gas 星間ガス.

Its shape resembles a thing which two straw hats are put together, and the central part is something bulky and oval. We call it the bulge. The bulge is made up with materials of stars and gas.

No.140 19/03/24 06:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Where is the earth in the outer space?】

《It’s in the corner in the outer space and the edge of the Galaxy》

We’ve thought that there is a huge black hole in the bulge.

The place which is equivalent to the visor of a straw hat is called a disk. When looking at it from the sideway,it looks the shape which the two straw hats are put together.

On the other hand when looking at it from the top,the disk of the Galaxy of the Milky Way is spiral,and the bulge is a bar, so it’s classified in the Galaxy of bar and spiral.

The whole Galaxy is covered with a thin tremendous sphere. We call it a halo. A cluster of stars of which shape is sphere has distribution in the halo. We’ve thought the halo is covered with dark matter.

The diameter on the Galaxy of the Milky Way is about a hundred thousand light years, and the thikcness of the bulge is about ten thousand light years, and the disk is a thousand light years.

We the human live a hundred years at best. How does someone understand it?

No.141 19/03/24 06:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I’m going to express on some phrases.

The Galaxy is a enormous heavenly body in which the fixed stars,planets,a matter of gas,dust or dark matter is restricted with gravitation.

A light year is 9.5 trillion meters.

Dark matter has some material and gives gravitation around it. We can’t observe it with any kind of present electromagnetic wave.

【When planetasimal 微惑星 bumped each other,the earth was born?】

《Collision and union were repeated and the present form has been completed.》

How was the earth born? It dates back about 4.6 billion years ago. A disk of primitive planets which was made of gas and dust spread around the young primitive sun, and the planetasimal collided and united. It was the start.

When the planetasimal collided and united, the gravitation became bigger, and other planetasimal which were far away were attracted, and a primitive earth was formed. Then the earth becomes bigger than the Mars and Venus.

We’ve thought it’s a big key which …

No.142 19/03/30 09:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When a planetasimal 微惑星 bumped each other, the earth was born?C】

《Collision and union were repeated and the present form has been completed》

We’ve thought it’s a big key which decides the earth’s environment after that.

For example,as to the Mars’ mass,it’s about 10 % of the earth,so its gravitation is so weak that it's away from the Mars in the outer space, and its average temperature is minus 40 degree.

Whether we the creature exists or not is depending on the size of the planet.

The surface of the primitive earth which grew acceleratively melted. It reduced to jelly. We call the situation magma ocean.

The heat of the magma ocean melted the rock in the deep place, and heavy iron gathered center and becomes the core. Light element of the rock moved to the outside the core and becomes mantle. Scientists seem to think like that.

Inside structure of the earth with the core and the mantle was formed and it’s connected with the mantle convection and formation of magnetic field.

No.143 19/03/30 14:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When a planetasimal bumped each other, the earth was born?】

《Collision and union repeated and the present form has been completed.》

The water and carbon which was covered with the planetasimal evaporated by the heat of the magma, and it forms a layer of atmosphere,and covers the surface of the earth.

When the collision by planets became few and the surface of the earth becomes cool, it rained heavily, and the sea was born.

【The giant impact decided the earth’s fate】

《A collision by a giant planet prevented the earth from being covered with the water》

Unexpected thing happened to the primitive earth about 4.6 billion years ago. There were lots of collision and union with the planetasimal. It always happened, but a primitive planet which was by far bigger than the planetasimal collided with the primitive earth as if it had flitted over the surface of the earth.

The size of the primitive planet was as big as the present Mars, and astronomers call it the giant impact.

No.144 19/03/30 15:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The giant impact decides the earth’s fate.】

《A collision by a gigantic planet prevented the earth being covered with the water》

Fragments of the primitive planet and the part of the primitive earth circled around the earth and gathered and becomes the moon. It’s a hypothesis on the moon. The author said he was going to express in the next chapter.

The giant impact made almost all of the vapor in the primitive earth scatter for the outer space. Then the earth was dried up. There are seas in the present earth. How did the water come from?

Plenty of meteorites bumped against the earth after that. The meteorites had the water,and it’s an origin of the sea,astronomers think like that.

Without happening the big collision, the primitive earth wouldn’t lose the water and other water was brought by the after meteorites, so the whole earth may have been covered with the water.

When the moon was born, there is the gravitation between the earth and the moon. The gravitation makes the…

No.145 19/04/06 08:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The giant impact decides the earth’s fate】

《A collision by a gigantic planet prevented the earth from being covered with the water》

The gravitation between the moon and the earth makes the axis of the earth’s rotation incline,and its weather has been stabilized.

Without the moon the earth rotated with 8 hours a day. It was a violinist speed. Then severe atmospheric current raged and ocean currents collided each other on the earth. Astronomers have thought like that.

《A hypothesis on the giant impact》

A primitive planet collided with the primitive earth. The size of the primitive planet was as big as the present Mars. It collided with the part of the mantle in the primitive earth.

Fragments and broken pieces of the primitive planet and the mantle with the collision flew through the outer space. They started circle around the earth with lots of gas.

The gravitation between the fragments and the broken pieces with the collision attracted each other and united. Then the original…

No.146 19/04/06 08:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The giant impact decides the earth’s fate】

《A collision by a huge planet prevented the earth from being covered with the water》

Then the original form of the moon was made. After that the earth repeated the collision over and over again,and the present earth has been formed. Some of the astronomers have thought like that.

【What’s kind of the environment on the earth where the creatures have lived in?】

《The existence of some water is a prerequisite for the creature to live in》

The astronomers said that the core and mantle were formed inside the earth, and the surface of the earth has been covered with the ocean,the atmosphere, and the magnetic field on the earth.

The environment which was formed until 3.8 billion years ago is an appropriate place where the earth raises the creature.

The iron melted and reduced to the hottest jelly and gathered in the center of the earth. It’s the core. It flows and the electricity is born, so the magnetic field on the earth has been formed.

No.147 19/04/06 09:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What’s kind of environment on the earth where the creature lives in?】

《The existence of some water is a prerequisite for the creature to live in》

The magnetic field on the earth obstructs the stream of charged particles from the corona on the sun. We call the stream of charged particle a solar wind.

By the way, the present earth is separated a solid iron which is the outside core and melted iron which is the inside core. The outside core flows and the magnetic field on the earth has been kept.

The atmosphere included plenty of gas of the greenhouse effect like carbon dioxide about 3.8 billion years ago, and the surface of the earth didn’t freeze. It remained liquid.

In fact the existence of the water is the absolute condition for the creature to live in.

The ocean carried the heat from around place of equator which was warmed with the heat of the sun to the place of both the North Pole and the South Pole where it doesn’t become warm easily.

The ocean plays a role of warming …

No.148 19/04/13 07:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What’s kind of environment on the earth where the creature lives in?】

《The existence of some water is a prerequisite for the creature to live in》

The ocean plays a role of warming the whole earth all over the place by conveying heat which was warmed by the sun near the equator to the polar region where it’s hard to be warmed.

The mantle repeats the mantle convection of boiling up and sinking down slowly with the heat of the core as if it were hot water in a bathtub.

In the process, a thing which is a source of an energy for a creature has been made by a natural pit where the heat was gushed out. In addition the land on the earth was made by the mantle convection gradually.

Those elements have been closely connected in varied ways and the earth becomes the cradle for the creature.

【Why has the earth been the planet for the creature?】

《The exquisite distance from the sun has guarded the creature carefully》

The earth is only a single heavenly body which is filled with creature…

No.149 19/04/13 08:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has the earth been the planet for the creature?】

《The exquisite distance from the sun has guarded the creature carefully.》

The earth is an only single heavenly body which is filled with the creature in the whole outer space as long as we recognize.

The creature here means not only a higher ones which have intellect,but a microbe 微生物 like a bacterium.

The most indispensable condition on the earth for the creature is that there is some water of liquid.

Varied chemical elements are necessary so as to maintain for the creature to exist. The water of the liquid has characteristic proper of an union with hydrogen.

The union of hydrogen has a function which unites molecules softly each other, and offers the place where the chemical response happens to maintain the life on the creature.

The planet of which surface is covered with the water is the earth alone in the solar system, so we call the earth the planet of the water.

When the water exists in 1 atmospheric pressure,its…

No.150 19/04/13 08:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has the earth been the planet for the creature?】

《The exquisite distance from the sun has guarded the creature carefully》

When the water exists in 1 atmospheric pressure, its temperature is between 1 and 100. The earth has such an appropriate radius for the revolution around the sun that it maintains the condition of the water on the temperature.

The Venus is a little nearer to the sun than the earth, but its distance is too short to exits the water as liquid there. Its temperature on the surface becomes too high because its distance to the sun is too short.

On the other hand the water on the surface is frozen in the Mars which revolves around the earth.

In this way, we call the area where the water of liquid exists on the surface of the planet a habitable zone. The place where the creature can exist.

When expressing the distance in the solar system, we call the distance between the earth and the sun 1 au 天文単位, about 0.15 billion kilometers.

Roughly speaking it is said …




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