Science,English,and math Ⅲ

レス500 HIT数 5308 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/09/20 04:18(更新日時)

As to my last expression on my thread,if trying to express it mechanically,I can, though I can’t understand what I express very much,so I hate it.

Whenever expressing myself in English here,I have to do it within 1000 letters,and I’m accustomed it,so I’m afraid 1400 letters are too long to express until this place is filled with my English.

I’ve expressed on the robot until now and I’m going to continue it until my expression reaches at the end of the book.

Speaking of the robot,some of them have been adopted in the factory where I’ve worked. I’m engaged in a coating for a hot water supply system 給湯設備.

When operating,dust frequently prevents us from producing a good product. When its coating finished,if the dust sticks to the product, the product is bad.

As a result,the post where I’m engaged has put a great deal of effort into elimination on the dust,but when a shutter opens,the dust comes in,so the post adopted an automatic vacuum.

Its shape and size looks like a Frisbee. When bumping against an obstacle,it changes its direction with the sensor automatically.

When the shutter opens,it remains opened for a while,a few seconds until it shuts automatically. When it opened,the automatic vacuum escaped, so lots of the staff had to look for it. I can’t help laughing it.

No.2796889 19/02/13 19:08(スレ作成日時)



No.201 20/03/14 00:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How can we understand the structure of the sun?】

[We guess it from oscilliations on the surface of the sun]

It was simulated by computers, but no one couldn't be sure whether or not it was true.

A way of analyzing oscilliation of the surface on the sun appears as a step in which we search the structure of the sun. It's helioseismology 日震学.

When investigating an inside the structure of the earth, there is a way of researching a speed of travelling an earthquake.

The speed of travelling the earthquake is different, it depends on its inside of the earth's density, and if collecting data...

No.202 20/03/14 00:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How can we understand the structure of the sun?】

[We can guess it from ocsilliations an inside the surface of the sun]

...if collecting the data of travelling waves of the earthquake, we can guess the structure the inside of the earth. A way of thinking of helioseismology is almost the same one.

It turned out that the sun vibrates almost every five minute periodically. We call it ocsilliation of the sun every five minute.

Analyzing the ocsilliation which appears on the surface of the sun, we've have been able to guess the structure the inside of the sun like the earth.

As a result...

No.203 20/03/14 00:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How can we understand the structure of the sun?】

[We can guess it from an oscilliaton the sufrace of the sun, we can understand its structure]

As a result we can make sure the structure of the sun like the next.

A central core which occurs a nuclear fusion, a radiation zone which conveying energy by electromagnetic waves, and convection zone which from its depth is 30 % of the radius to the surface of the sun.

[The structure of the sun in detail]

Prominence which is bright air as if it emittes fire on the surface of the sun. Gas on the surface of the sun is lifted up in the air by a...

No.204 20/03/14 01:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How can we understand the structure of the sun?】

[The structure of the sun in detail]

Gas on the surface of the sun is lifted up in the air by a line of magnetic force. The prominence is made of thin gas which is thiner photosphere 光球. Action of the prominence is active in some place, but calm in other place. Temperature of the prominence is about ten thousand ℃.

Corona, which is thin layer of gas. It surrounds around the sun. We can't look at it usually, but when being in a total solar eclipse when looking at the sun, we see around the sun shines weakly,and it's the corona.

No.205 20/03/14 01:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How can we understand the structure of the sun?】

[The structure of the sun in detail]

The temperature on the corona is about a million ℃.

Photoshpere 光球 is a layer on the surface of the sun. Outline of the sun which we can see. Its thickness is about 4 million km, and its temperature is about 6 thousand ℃.

Chromosphere 彩層 is thin layer made of gas which is outside of the photosphere. Its thickness is about 2 thousand km and temperature is about 6000 degrees.

A sunspot which is a black point on the surface of the sun. It appears and disappears and it depends on the influence of the ..

No.206 20/03/20 11:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How can we understand the strucutore of the sun?】

[The structure of the sun in detail]

Sunspots appears and disappears under influence of a line of magnetic force, and its number increases and decreases. It turned out that the more active the activity of the sun, the more the sunspots are.

Convection zone's thickness is about fourty hundred thousand km. Energy which is emitted from the solar core becomes electromagnetic energy and it's carried to the convection zone.

The solar core of which diameter is about two hundred thousand km. Its temperature is about sixteen million degree.

No.207 20/03/20 11:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How can we understand the structure of the sun?】

[The structure of the sun in detail]

Four atomic nucleus of hydrogen bump against each other and atomic fusion by atomic nucleus of helium happens and energy is born there.

【Has stars been burning in the sun?】

[Tremendous energy has been released from nucleus fusion which happened in the center]

Energy from the sun makes almost all of the creatures on the earth live. Fossile fuel supporting civilization in human being and natural energy of wind power and hydraulic power are change from the energy of the sun.

How is the energy of the...

No.208 20/03/20 11:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have stars been burning in the sun?】

[Tremendous energy is released from nucleus fusion which happened in the center]

How the energy of the sun is released?

It doesn't mean that a thing is burning there. The sun has been releasing energy for 4.6 billion years. Even if the sun is so big, there is no fuel to continue to burn so long.

Without having the earth's core of bedrock like the earth and moon, the sun is a star made from air. Source of energy on the sun is the nuclear fusion.

The solar core of which diameter is about two hundred thousand km, and its temperature is about fifteen...

No.209 20/03/20 12:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have stars been burning in the sun?】

[Tremendous energy is released from the nuclear fusion which happened in the center of the sun.]

...and temperature is about fifteen billion degrees, and atmospheric pressure is about two hundred and fifty billion in the solar core. The place is high temperature and high pressure.

The nuclear fusion in which atomic nuclear of hydrogen changes into atomic nuclear of helium happens, and huge energy has been released there.

The energy passes through a radiation zone of which thickness is about forty thousand hundred km and a convection zone of which..

No.210 20/03/20 12:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have stars been burning in the sun?】

[Tremendous energy is released from nuclear fusion which happened in the center of the sun]

The energy passes through a radiation zone of which thickness is about forty hundred thousand km and a conviction zone of which thickness is about two hundred thousand km with thousands of years, and appears on the surface of the sun.

Light and heat which are released from its inside makes the sun look as if it burned deep red.

The energy of the sun reaches in the air of space with solar wind, and it is said no more than first of twenty billionth of the...

No.211 20/03/29 02:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have stars been burning in the sun?】

[Tremendous energy is released from nucleus fusion which is happening in the center of the sun.]

...and it is said the first of the twentieth billion reaches to the earth.

Activity on the sun repeats with rhythm of strength and weakness in a period of 11 years. The more its activity is, the more the sunspots are.

It turns out that decrease of the sunspot has something with the ice age on the earth.

[Mechanism of being born solar energy]

When four atomic nucleuses of hydrogen bump against violently, positrons 陽電子, atomic nucleus of helium and...

No.212 20/03/29 03:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have stars been burning in the sun?】

[Tremendous energy is releasing from nucleus fusion which is happening in the center of the sun.]

...and a neutrino which is a particle by the nuclear fusion. When observing the ueutriono, we can do the central nucleus on the sun direct. Its Japanse observing base is the Super Kamiokande.

As to the details of account of energy which releases from the sun and moves forward the earth is like then next.

Roughly speaking, 20 % is absorbed in the atmosphere, and 30 % is reflected against clouds and escapes out side the atmosphere, and the rest of 50 %...

No.213 20/03/29 03:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Have stars been burning in the sun?】

[Tremendous energy is released from nucleus fusion which is happening in the center of the sun]

...and the rest of the 50% of the energy of the sun reaches the surface on the earth...?

The book says it's the first of the twentieth billion energy from the sun reaches the earth.

There is a great difference between the two numbers, and I don't know why they are, for it's just that I tried to express what the book said in English.

To my sorrow I have no special knowledge on cosmology. I'm sorry for it.

【Why does a solar flare happen?】

[It turns out...]

No.214 20/03/29 03:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a solar flare happen?】

[It turns out a change of magnetical field which we can find by observation of a Japnese artificial satellite]

The solar flare is an explosive phenomenon on the surface of the sun. Its shape looks like a flare, so we call it like that.

It is said the power of its explosion is as strong as the one of a hydrogen bomb of which number from one hundred thousand to a hundred million. We can find how violent its explosion is.

When the flare generates, lots of charged particles of high energy like X-ray, or gamma-ray are released at the space in the universt.

No.215 20/03/29 03:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a solar flare happen?】

[It turns out a change in magnetical field which we can find by observation of a Japanese artificial satellite]

When the charged particle of high energy reaches the earth, the magnetic field on the earth which functions as barrier for the earth falls into disorder, and a magnetic storm happens.

Besides, it has a bad influence over the ionosphere 電離層, and causes an disorder on communication. We call it a Dellinger fadeout.

An aurora which is popular among the people as astronomical show
sometimes changes into a bigh scale according to a scale of phenomena.

No.216 20/03/29 07:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a sun flare happen?】

[It turns out a change in magnetic field by observation of a Japnese artificial satellite]

There have been plenty of things to be solved with regard to the activity on the sun, and outbreak of the flare had also been mysterious for a long time.

It's the Japanese artificial satellite for observation on the sun which was a first step to solve the mystery.

Its goal is aiming at observing phenomena of high energy like a corona or sun frares with a high precision, and it was launched in 1991.

The Japanese artificial satellite continued to observe a whole cycle...

No.217 20/03/29 08:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a sun flare happen?】

[It turnes out a change in magnetic field by observations of an observation of Japanese artificial satellite]

The Japanese artificial satellite continued to observe the period for 11 year for the first time in the world.

As a result it proved that a cause of the flare is a change in the manetic field in the corona suddenly.

A line of magnetic force rises from the surface on the sun suddenly with a shape of arch, and spaces between the arches approach, the line of magnetic force changes to link.

Then accumulated energy in the magnetic field is released...

No.218 20/03/29 08:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a sun flare happen?】

[It turns out that it's a change in a magnetic field by observation of a Japanese artificial satellite]

...and it explodes at once, so the explosion is the flare.

A line of magnetic force in magnetic field on the sun is expanded by rotation of the sun, and is twisted,comes out of the surface from the sun like a loop. Then a loop of the twisted one is broken, so plenty of plasma of high temperature spring out, and it changes into the flare.

【Is it true that the sun is an engine which moves the earth?】

[The sun causes circulation of the atmosphere and ...]

No.219 20/03/29 09:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun is an engine which moves the earth?】

[The sun causes circulations on the atmosphere and water on the earth]

It is said that no more than the first of twentieth billion of the energy which is released from the sun reaches to the earth.

However the energy which reached to the earth at last is radiated at the space in universe by reflection of cloud and the ground according to its about 30%.

The earth is almost a sphere. Around an equator, the place can receive the energy from the sun above from just above right.

However in high latitude like both the North and...

No.220 20/03/29 10:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun is an engine which moves the earth?】

[The sun causes circulation the atmosphere and water on the earth]

However in high latitude like the both South and North Pole, the energy from the sun is received in a slant way, so the whole energy which received from the sun is little against its area.

Besides, reflection by ice and snow is added. Areas where its surface of the ground is covered with ice and snow reflect no less than 80% according to energy from the sun.

In a word, a pole region where the energy is hard to receive tends to accumulate the ice and snow, so...

No.221 20/03/29 11:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun is an engine which moves the earth?】

[The sun causes circulation of atmosphere and water on the earth.] the percentage of reflection rises, and being chilling moves forward more and more there.

Thus there is big difference between the pole region and area around the equation with regard to energy from the sun.

It is thought if the energy of heat doesn't move at all, difference between the high latitude and low latitude on temperature reaches about 100 degrees.

However the big difference between the temperature is a driving force which moves the whole...

No.222 20/03/29 11:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun is an engine which moves the earth?】

[The sun causes circulation of atmosphere and water on the earth]

However the big difference between the temperature is a driving force which moves the atmosphere in the whole earth.

When the area in high latitude is cold, an energy of heat in the area of the low latitude moves to the high latitude through the atmosphere.

Movement of energy occurs to horizontal direction, so it's a system of great circulation which adjusts climates in the whole earth. Not only the atmosphere but water circulates greatly like that.


No.223 20/03/29 11:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun is an engine which moves the earth?】

[The sun causes circulation of atmosphere and water on the earth]

Seawater warmed in the low latitude moves to the high latitude, and it's a system of great circulation on the ocean.

The sun is an engine which supports the system on the earth.

When receiving energy from the sun, a convection on the atmosphere happens, and six big wind is born. It's the system of great circulation which adjusts the atmosphere on the whole earth.

[Power of Coriolis]

It's one of power of inertia 慣性 studied by a French physicist,Gaspard Coriolis.

No.224 20/03/29 11:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun is an engine which moves the earth?】

[Power of Coriolis]

The study was done in the beginning of the 19th century. An orbit of the window curves to right in the north semi-sphere, and curving to left in the south semi-sphere. The power of curving the window is called the one of Coriolis.

In the north semi-sphere, whenever going forward, we receive the power of curving right. In the south semi-sphere, receiving of curving left.

[Ocean current which circles around all over the world]

Ocean current always flows in a fixed direction,and circles around the equation.

No.225 20/03/29 11:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun is an engine which moves the earth?】

[Ocean current which flows around all over the world]

Both warm and cold seawater carried by the ocean current has have influenced over climates.

A cold current mainly flows from the pole region to the equation. On the other hand a warm current from the equation to the pole region.

【Is the global warming caused by the sun?】

[The most cause is a greenhouse gas which we the human being have made]

The sun has warmed the earth from very ancient time. About 4.6 billion years have passed since the earth was born, and...

No.226 20/03/29 12:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is a global warming caused by the sun?】

[The most cause is a greenhouse gas which we the human being have made]

...and the brightness on the sun has increased about 30% comparing it to the time the earth was born, and needless to say, its energy has also increased.

It has enough possibility that an increase or decrease on the energy from the sun changes average temperature on the earth.

As I've expressed before, it turns out that the increase and decrease of the sun spot is related to climates on the earth.

When paying attention to both changes numbers of sun spot and average...

No.227 20/03/29 12:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is a global warming caused by the sun?】

[The most cause is a greenhouse gas which we the human being have made]

When paying attention to both changes on number of the sun spot and average change of temperature on the earth for 160 years, when there were lots of the sun spots from the latter part in the 19th to the beginning in the 20th century, average temperature rose on the earth, so both co-relation seems to be high.

However it isn't the energy from the sun alone which changes the average temperature on the earth.

It is once said destruction by CFC gas on the ozone layer caused the...

No.228 20/03/29 12:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is a global warming caused by the sun?】

[The most cause is a greenhouse gas which we the human being have made]

It was once said that destruction of CFC gas on the ozone layer caused the light from the sun to shine on the ground more powerful,and it caused the global warming.

The ozone layer in the stratosphere 成層圏 absorbs ultra violet rays from the sun, and works as barrier which protects creatures on the earth.

It is sure that the destruction on the ozone layer by the CFC gas cause the light from the sun to shine on the ground of the earth stronger a little, but when paying attention...

No.229 20/03/29 12:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is a global warming caused by the sun?】

[The most cause is a greenhouse gas which we the human being have made]

...but when paying attention to the increase on the energy from the sun, it's just no more than 0,01%.

Therefore it is obvious that the destruction the ozone layer isn't connected with global warming on the earth direct.

Instead the greenhouse gas like carbon oxide increasing in the atmosphere has have influenced over rising the temperature greatly. It seems that it's the most cause to the global warming.

[Mechanism on the global warming by the greenhouse gas]

When the...

No.230 20/03/29 12:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is a global warming caused by the sun?】

[Mechanism on the global warming by the greenhouse gas]

When the greenhouse gas surrounding the earth is appropriate, there is such the little absorption the heat of energy from the sun that the earth isn't too hot.

On the other hand,when the greenhouse gas increases and layer of gas increases, the greenhouse gas is apt to increase the heat from the sun easily,then the temperature on the earth rises higher and higher.

I'm wondering the greenhouse gas tends to absorb heat from the sun. Why?

The greenhouse gas is the carbon dioxide, methane and CFC.

No.231 20/03/29 13:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun becomes more gigantic?】

[If the sun uses up hydrogen,it expands and becomes bigger]

A nuclear fusion happened which is making an atomic nucleus of helium from four atomic nucleuses of hydrogen.

The one atomic nucleus of helium becomes lighter slightly than atomic nucleuses of the hydrogen, and the lost mass changes into huge energy on the sun.

As a result of the nuclear fusion, helium accumulates on the center of the sun, and central nucleus made of helium.

Then the central nucleus of high temperature becomes heavier and heavier and its pressure becomes higher ...

No.232 20/03/29 13:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun becomes more gigantic?】

[If the sun uses up the hydrogen,it expands and becomes more huge]

Then the central nucleus of high temperature becomes heavier and heavier and its pressure becomes higher and higher, so the central nucleus of the helium shrinks by its own gravitation,and is crushed before long.

Then while the nuclear fusion in the center stops, the nuclear fusion outside the center continues, so the central part shrinks but outside the central part starts to expand.

The expansion causes the temperature on the surface drops,and the surface becomes red.

No.233 20/03/29 13:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun becomes more gigantic?】

[If the sun uses up hydrogen, it expands and is huger]

We call a situation of the fix star a gigantic red star.

Antares in the Scorpion or Betelgeuse in the Orion which shine on the night sky are one of the gigantic red stars. It means that they are old stars.

It is thought that the sun continues to expand until its outside reaches around orbit of the earth's rotation after about 8 billion years.

After that the sun becomes more unstable, so repeats expanding and shrinking, and gas of its outside expands over the space in the universe.

No.234 20/03/29 13:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun becomes more gigantic?】

[If the sun uses up hydrogen, it expands and is huger]

At last the size of the sun becomes the one of hundredth to the present one,and remains as a white little star of which central nucleus sheds a pale light.

Its mass is about seventh times as dense as the present one, so it's the star of which density becomes big.

[Life of the sun]

The sun which is the center in the solar system. When keeping its balance with energy of heat born its inside, it continues to shine stably.

If using up the hydrogen in the central nucleus,the sun ...

No.235 20/03/29 14:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true that the sun becomes more gigantic?】

[A life on the sun]

When using up the hydrogen in the central nucleus, the sun continues expanding. The temperature on the surface drops, and it looks red. It's a red gigantic star.

When being the red gigantic star, its size is about two hundredth times as big as the present one.

Last situation of the little mass of a fixed star like the sun is a little white star. It becomes cool and dark as the time passes.

『A little heavenly body of which shape was strange,Oumuamua,which came from outside the solar system』

An astronomical telescope...

No.236 20/04/08 05:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Topic on the latest universe, a little heavenly body, Oumuamua, which came from outside the solar system』

An astronomical telescope in Hawaii discovered a heavenly body which approached from outside the solar system and passed through like a comet October in 2017.

Then in the beginning, the comet seemed to have an orbit like the comet,so it was thought to be one of comets.

Lots of the heavenly body discovered in the solar system circle around the sun with an elliptical orbit.

Some comets which came from far distant place follow a very long and narrow orbit.

All of the comets are...

No.237 20/04/08 06:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Topic of the latest universe, a heavenly body of which shape is strange, Oumuamua, came from outside the solar system』

All the comets are attracted by the gravitation of the sun and cricle around the sun, but the heavenly body discovered in Hawaii was different.

Its orbit was hyperbola 双曲線,it`s like a shape of u.

To tell the truth, I`m not sure of the orbit. If its orbit was o, it`s all right, for I can understand it circles around the sun, but its shape was the u.

When it came to an end, then does it return to the other end?

To my sorrow, I have little knowledge on it, so I`ll continue.

No.238 20/04/08 06:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Topic on the latest universe, a heavenly body of which shape was strange, Oumuamua, which came from outside the solar system』

The discovery of the heavenly body which had the hyperbola orbit has never been done, for its orbit is oval even if it came from far distance as long as it was the heavenly body in the solar system.

In short, it is thought that the heavenly body came from outside the solar system. Astronomers were surprised.

Its observation made us inform an interesting thing.

Cycle of rotation is about 8 hours, while its length was about 400 meter, its width was about 40 meter.

No.239 20/04/08 06:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Topic on the latest universe, a heavenly body of which shpae was strange, Oumuamua, which came from outside the solar system』

...mua is first, and repeating mua and emphasizing it. The meaning of the Oumuamua is a first messenger which came from outside the solar system.

『Topic on the latest universe, a geyser 間欠泉 was discovered in a satellite of the Jupiter』

NASA announced that they had a picture that water was spouting in several places in the Europe which is one of satellites of Jupiter September in 2017.

It was paid attention greatly because spouting out water was recognized in the...

No.240 20/04/08 07:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Latest topic on the universe, geysers were discovered in a satellite of Jupiter』

It was paid attention greatly because spouting out water was recognized in the heavenly body except for the earth.

The Europe circles around the Jupiter in three days and thirteen hours.

It is said that spouting water is the most active in a place the farthest orbit of rotation from the Jupiter. In short, the water is spouting as if it were a geyser.

However as to its height, it`s so much different from the geyser which we know. Its height reaches no less than two hundred km.

It is known that there is also..

No.241 20/04/11 23:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Latest topic on universt, geysers have been discovered in a satellite of Saturn』

It is also known that there are geysers in a sateliite of the Saturn, Enceladus. Salts, organic molecules, and hydrogen molecule have discovered in a sample of geyser of Enceladus.

It means that there is rather a warmer place at a seabed in the Enceladus, and seawater and rock are close there, so possibility of being extraterrestrial life heightens in a satellite of the Jupiter, Europe, like the enceladus.

NASA plans to probe the Europe in 2020s from now on, so we can expect its result greatly.

No.242 20/04/12 00:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

I`m going to go into a new chapter, and its title is Compainos of the earth. Real face of plantes in the solar system

【How were planets born in the solar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of planet which gas or dust were gathered.〉

An explosion of super nova broke out in a corner of the Milky Way about 4.6 billion years ago, then a large amount of gas and dust were released into the space, and they were changed into clouds of molecule.

Then a part of th clouds of molecules is densely is called a core of clouds of molecules.

The core of clouds of molecure...

No.243 20/04/12 00:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How were planets born in the solar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of planet which gas and dust gathered〉

The core of molecules of clouds revolved, and gas and dust shrank and speed of revolution quickened.

Then centrifugal force 遠心力 worked, it changed into an enormous
flat disc and it`a a primitive disc of planet.

The center of the disc became high temperature and high pressure before long, and began to shine, and it became a primitive sun.

After that the gas and dust around the primitive sun became cool gradually, and they became lots of small lumps.

No.244 20/04/12 00:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How were planets born in the solar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of planet which gas and dust gathered〉

The small lumps repeated collapses and unions and a small heavenly body is created before long. It`s planetesimal 微惑星.

The planetesimal rotated around the primitive sun in the gas of primitive disc of planet, repeated collapse, and became bigger, then changed into a primitive planet.

Planetesimals which are near the sun became a planet made of rock like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The planet has a core.

Other planetesmals which were distant...

No.245 20/04/12 01:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How were planets born in the solar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of planet which gas and dust gathered〉

Other planetesimal which is distant from the sun is a plnet made from rock and ice, and has a core, and there are large amount hydrogen and helium around the core. The Saturn and Jupiter belong to it.

Another planetesimal which is far distant from the sun is the one there is little gas around ice and rock. They are Uranus and Neptune.

I have little knowledge on astronomy, my English is word for word, so I find it hard to understand. I`m sorry for it.

No.246 20/04/17 20:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How were planets born in the solar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of planet which dust and gas gathered〉

By the way, what kind of a heavenly body is a planet in the solar system?

Its definition has been decided by the international assembly of astronomical alliance in 2006 like the next.

It rotates around the sun.

It`s enough heavy and its gravitation is so strong that its shape is sphere.

It`s by far bigger than any others around its orbit, and there is no other heavenly body as big as it is.

The Pluto was discovered in 1930 and it was regared as...

No.247 20/04/17 20:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How were planets born in the solar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of planet which gas and dust gathered〉

...and the Pluto was regareded as the ninth planet of the sun. While it corresponds to the first and the second,it turns out that it doesn`t to the third, so it has been treated as a quasi-planet.

The solar system is made up with eight planets which is from near the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter.

And there is a band of asteroid between orbits of the Mars and Jupiter each other.

There are countless....

No.248 20/04/17 20:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How were plantes born in the solar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of plants which gas and dust gather〉

There are countless heavenly body on the band of asteroid, but there isn`t any bigger than the one which we usually call a planet.

A Japanese space probe landed on and returned with sample from a heavenly body, and it has been famous because of it. It`s イトカワ. Its length is about 540 meters so it`s very little heavenly body.

By the way, how far is the sphere of the solar system?

A band of asteroid spreads over outside of the jupiter, and the Pluto...

No.249 20/04/17 21:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How were planets born in the soloar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of planet which dust and gas gathere〉

... and the Pluto is included in the band of the asteroid and the band of the asteroid is called Edgewer Skyper Belt.

In the beginning of the solar system was formed, there was a heavenly body made of mainly ice which didn`t grow up enough, and it has been regarded as the Edgewer Skyper Belt.

Oort clowd spreads over outside of the Edgewer Skyper Belt, and it has been thougtht it`s a homeland of planets.

There are some theories, but the solar system...

No.250 20/04/17 21:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How wer plantes born in the solar system?】

〈They were born one after another from a primitive disc of planet whichh gas and dust gather〉

...but it is said the solar system is to the oort clowd.

【The Mercury is the nearest from the sun. Is it true it`s hot?】

〈The side where ths sun shines its temperature reaches about 400℃〉

It`s the Mercury which is the nearest from the sun and rotates around the sun.

While it`s the smallest in the solar system, its average density is biggest in the solar system afte the earth by the number.

Therefore the Mercury is made of heavy material like iron...




6/10 カテゴリの統合(6月20日、26日実施)


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