
Let's enjoy English! Ⅲ

レス500 HIT数 8001 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
18/03/04 13:18(更新日時)

As I've not have finished expressing what I've wanted to do,I'm going to build this new thread.🙋

I've wanted to express everything in English,but as trying to do,I've thought there are plenty of things which I don't think I want to describe in English,especially in regard with myself.😥

I'm not a criminal,and work at a factory with low salary,though to my sorrow it seems that I look eccentric a little,but I'm more eccentric than I've expected.😔

However,therefore I'm going to express myself in English here.If I were ordinary perfectly,I'd never continue studying English at all,but I can't blame anyone for it,and I want to be not condemned by anyone.It's just that it's my destiny.It cannot be helped.😒

By the way,to my surprise,the ones who look at my thread seem to increase gradually.I don't grasp why they do,though I feel happy for it,except for the one who tries to obstruct me.😃

I love English,but English is just one of languages which we speak.It may not be wonderful…💦

No.2194183 15/03/07 21:14(スレ作成日時)



No.1 15/03/07 22:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

I've tried to give up drinking,but I find it impossible,for I'm alcoholic.To my sorrow,the situation from which I've suffered is severe a little,I'm wondering.😥

Without drinking,I can't fall asleep easily,but even if being drunk too much,I can't fall asleep fast,for I wake up after being asleep fast a few hours.😣

The more I drink,the harder being drunk.It means I can't recognize what I'm drunk,for I have tolerance to alcohol,though I used to think it looked nice.😫

I used to think like the next.“I think the beer is as if it were some water,for I can go on drinking until dawn.”Actually I did,but it doesn't look nicer than I've expected,for I can't sleep at time when I should,in particular at night.🌉

I have to stop drinking,but can I do it? for I'm drinking just now.While it's said that a little something to drink is the best medicine,but too much is as bad as too little.As for myself,which one is am I? It's obvious,but I can't stop drinking.😩

No.2 15/03/08 01:54


No.3 15/03/08 12:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 2 I'll never change it into the Japanese.I hate to say,but if you can't read it,you don't have to,I'm sure,for no one asks you to do it.


I'm going to express myself in English here in order to improve my English ability,not for you.


Needless to say,there are lots of more pleasant,amusing threads than mine there.


No.4 15/03/08 14:40

>> 3 I know that there is a possibility that every English thread here is obstructed by someone. It's disgusting.

I think you have a tolerance for alcohol like I had it before. Too much drinking habit can cause dieseas. When you drink, to be a little tipsy is best.

Please take care of yourself!

To 中学生san
You might want to learn English if you are not kidding.

By Mr. Lemon

No.5 15/03/08 15:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 4 To Mr.Lemon.

Thank you for your message and I'm glad to see you.How do you do.🙋

While I'm happy,for some people are interested in my thread,I find it complicated,for I'm not an English teacher for them,in addition,I'm not so kind.😩

Once suffering from alcoholic,it seems to be hard to overcome it.Even if being able to abstain from alcohol for a long time,when drinking too much only once,the one who sufferers from alcoholic will be right back where I started.😥

As you say,I'm going to make an effort,preventing my situation from deteriorating.😃

See you later.💨

No.6 15/03/14 22:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Price of crude oil fell,and bubble burst in the Middle East.】

《The bubble also burst in Dubai.》

When the price of the crude oil rose remarkably,the ones who enjoyed the blessing of it a lot was Dubai in the Middle East.It's a capital of Dubai which forms the United Arab Emirates アラブ首長国連邦.

Abu Dhabi is also one of the United Arab Emirates.Its capital is also Abu Dubai.While there was plenty of petroleum in Abu Dubai,there was such a little products for the petroleum in Dubai that the petroleum seemed to be exhausted there in near future.😥

The king in Dubai intended to make its country a financial nation before the petroleum was drained.👑

Dubai received some investments from foreign countries,provided harbor facilities,expanded airports for travelers and cargos,and maintained the economic infrastructure.

The king did varied things in order to enrich recreation facilities.For example,it constructed a indoor ski ground in a burning desert,built the tallest building in the …

No.7 15/03/21 23:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 6 【Price of crude oil fell,and bubble burst in the Middle East.】

The king in Dubai did make a great effort so as to enrich recreational facilities.For instance,it built luxurious resort hotels,or maintained villas in which substantial number of celebrities gathered,where reclaiming land from the sea.The rush to build architectures exceeded our imagination.💰

However,the financial anxiety made funds for investment be exhausted,and the great project was suspended.Plenty of cranes which operated in Dubai also stopped.The prosperity was exactly castles in the air 砂上の楼閣.😱

《Movement of oil dollar also stopped.》

Speculating money which was adopted all over the world included oil dollar.After the collapse of the subprime loan made stock market slump,the funds for speculation flowed into the forward market of the crude oil so much that the price of the crude oil rose.⤴

The oil dollar won lots of profit there,and the profit was invested in the crude oil again throughout the world …

No.8 15/03/22 16:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 7 【Price of crude oil came down and the bubble burst in the Middle East.】

《Movement of the oli dollar also stopped.》

The profit won from the oil dollar was invested in the crude oil each place in the world,and moreover it gave boost to the price of the crude oil.⤴

However,the price of the crude oil fell,and both of the activities of investment and speculation have stopped.It has spurred the stagnation of the world economy on.😫

【A credit crunch 貸し渋り has started in Japanese banks.】

《No one has tried to buy corporate bonds.社債》

We the Japanese have been under great influence of the expansion of the financial anxiety,for no one has tried to purchase any local bond in the U.S.A.at the same time,no one has tried to buy even any corporate bond of top-rated companies in Japan.😥

If a company raises campaign funds,in general,there are three ways.

The first one is borrowing money from the banks,the second one is issuing stocks,and collecting fund in the stock market,and the last…💰

  • << 11 【A credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】 《No one has tried to buy any corporate's bond.》 The last one way to raise funds for firms is issuing corporate's bond and getting into debt.If the stock market suddenly falls, collecting money there is impossible.💸 Instead of borrowing money from banks, issuing corporate's bond is more useful,for it can collect plenty of money with low interests.💡 As a result,top-rated companies used to issue its corporate bond and to collect some money for new business,especially short-term corporate bonds of which expiration is within a year was useful when gathering money.We called the short-term corporate bonds commercial paper.Its abbreviation was CP.💰 However,the financial anxiety spread over Japan and Japanese companies were forced to stop issuing corporates' bonds including the CPs,for financial goods of package in question was a kind of the certificates,so no one has tried to buy even corporate's bonds.😱

No.9 15/04/02 21:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

The other day,someone strange came to my other thread.It said I misused my English frequently,and my English was odd.😥

Then other one appeared and began to criticized the former one.The latter one said the former one was notorious in some threads which is relation to English.😒

However,I've never recognized the infamous one,though I've paid attention to the threads with regard to English.I guess the former one and the latter one was the same one.😩

I'm sure the bastard will come there.Even if he does it doesn't matter at all.It's just that I don't think I want to be confused by someone absurd.To my sorrow,my English g may not have been good,but so I'm sure I have to study English harder.😤

The response was deleted,so I'm grateful the one who pushed the button for deletion.I have to say it in Japanese.削除ボタンを押してくれた人達、有り難う御座います🙇

This remark of mine may correspond to the one which incites the others to delete,and the ミクル may impose some penalty on me …

No.10 15/04/02 22:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 9 【What I've thought.】

Even if the ミクル may impose some penalties on me,I won't mind it in the least.I'm sure the bastard has been forbidden to contribute its response just now,but it doesn't mean the bastard can't do forever.It'll come there some day.😩

I hate to quarrel with others.It's just that I've wanted to enjoy English,and if my advice in regard to English is useful for others,I will be happy.It means that there are some people who are grateful to me.I'm wondering.☺

I'm sure I've been so useless that whether or not I'll be dead,it doesn't matter,though I can't be dead easily,but if someone think my English is useful,I'll be very happy.☺

To my sorrow,I'm not a marvelous English speaker a bit,so what I can do is limited.In addition,as long as the ones who tries to study English harder,I want to advise them,but my English is almost self-education,so it has limit.I can't help it.💦

No.11 15/04/05 18:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 8 【Price of crude oil came down and the bubble burst in the Middle East.… 【A credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】

《No one has tried to buy any corporate's bond.》

The last one way to raise funds for firms is issuing corporate's bond and getting into debt.If the stock market suddenly falls, collecting money there is impossible.💸

Instead of borrowing money from banks, issuing corporate's bond is more useful,for it can collect plenty of money with low interests.💡

As a result,top-rated companies used to issue its corporate bond and to collect some money for new business,especially short-term corporate bonds of which expiration is within a year was useful when gathering money.We called the short-term corporate bonds commercial paper.Its abbreviation was CP.💰

However,the financial anxiety spread over Japan and Japanese companies were forced to stop issuing corporates' bonds including the CPs,for financial goods of package in question was a kind of the certificates,so no one has tried to buy even corporate's bonds.😱

  • << 13 【Credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】 『No one has tried to buy any corportate's bonds.』 The banks gather money from depositors with low interest,and lend some firms some money with added interest,and difference of the interest between for the depositors and firms is the profit for the banks.💰 However,instead of lending any money from the banks,if lending the money from ordinary people who don't belong to any bank,the companies can lend with lower interest.💡 For example,even if lending some money from the banks,its interest may be 3%,the companies will issue their corportate's bond with 1%.Therefore,as for major top-rated companies,without lending any money from the banks,they issue their corportate's bonds and gather the money.💰 Needless to say,they also lend the money from the banks simply out of a sense of duty,but in general,collecting money with the corportate's bonds seems to be usual.☝ I'm not sure of any legal interest rate.It's just an allegory 例え話。😃

No.12 15/04/10 21:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

When being drunken,I'm somehow apt to feel beginning to miss human relationship,especially I think I wish there were someone who listens to me,for I'm solitude,though it's my own choice.It cannot be helped.😥

I'm so selfish that I'm not interested in some troubles which make others concern.I'm sure I'm just a hypocrite.I'm neither honest nor good,but it's me.😒

I've tried to avoid associating with others,for I find it complicated,but when giving others some pieces of advise in relation to English and they are pleased with my advice,I'm also happy,I'm wondering why I'm.😚

I've thought I've been useless,I and others have assumed that I'm worthless.It can't be helped.I can't blame anyone for it.To my sorrow,it's my fault.😂

However,if there are some people who think my English is useful,I'll be happy,and I feel like making an effort to be a wonderful English speaker some day maybe,though it doesn't always mean I've never studied English only for others… 😃

No.13 15/04/21 22:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 11 【A credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】 《No one has tried t… 【Credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】

『No one has tried to buy any corportate's bonds.』

The banks gather money from depositors with low interest,and lend some firms some money with added interest,and difference of the interest between for the depositors and firms is the profit for the banks.💰

However,instead of lending any money from the banks,if lending the money from ordinary people who don't belong to any bank,the companies can lend with lower interest.💡

For example,even if lending some money from the banks,its interest may be 3%,the companies will issue their corportate's bond with 1%.Therefore,as for major top-rated companies,without lending any money from the banks,they issue their corportate's bonds and gather the money.💰

Needless to say,they also lend the money from the banks simply out of a sense of duty,but in general,collecting money with the corportate's bonds seems to be usual.☝

I'm not sure of any legal interest rate.It's just an allegory 例え話。😃

  • << 16 【Credit crunch has begun in Japanese banks.】 『No one has tried to buy any corporate's bonds.』 At first,the most credible electric power company issues its corporate's bond around every summer in Japan.Electric power companies spend plenty of money on the maintenance of the facilities like a power station,power lines and so on.💸 As a result,the electric companies are forced to borrow lots of money.Then as for the interest rates,the money they borrow from the banks are higher than other money whichthey can gather from the ordinary people with the corporate bonds.💰 However,even the electric power companies once feared for issuing its corporate's bonds.The situation became the same one of California State.💦 “If the situation goes on,we won't be able to get enough funds for new business from the next year.”A substantial number of companies were in such the trouble that they gave up issuing their corporates' bonds and they offfred some banks to borrow plenty of money.

No.14 15/04/22 07:05

I was sorry to confuse you. That phrase “ Can you translate this phrase into Japanese " was not to you, but to the person who likes to disturb other English threads. I hope the person won't be here never again.

Keep on talking with your friends in the thread named “ 英語勉強会 ", please !

No.15 15/04/29 20:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 14 I've understood what you said.

I used to quarrel with someone who seemed to have wide knowledge on Chinese characters,though it's doubtful whether or not it's useful.

It's impolite of me to misunderstand you for the one who has useless extensive knowledge on the Chinese characters.I apologize to you for it.

I also hope he'll never show up here.

Have a good evening.

No.16 15/05/03 20:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 13 【Credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】 『No one has tried to … 【Credit crunch has begun in Japanese banks.】

『No one has tried to buy any corporate's bonds.』

At first,the most credible electric power company issues its corporate's bond around every summer in Japan.Electric power companies spend plenty of money on the maintenance of the facilities like a power station,power lines and so on.💸

As a result,the electric companies are forced to borrow lots of money.Then as for the interest rates,the money they borrow from the banks are higher than other money whichthey can gather from the ordinary people with the corporate bonds.💰

However,even the electric power companies once feared for issuing its corporate's bonds.The situation became the same one of California State.💦

“If the situation goes on,we won't be able to get enough funds for new business from the next year.”A substantial number of companies were in such the trouble that they gave up issuing their corporates' bonds and they offfred some banks to borrow plenty of money.

  • << 18 【Credit crunch had begun in Japan.】 『Plenty of companies rushed to the banks in ordrer to ask for borrowing money.』 Almost all of the banks are usually ready to lend what is called major companies some money,but the credit crunch had already happened in Japan in November of 2008. The credit crunch has relationship to the ratio of owner's equity 自己資本率. Needless to say,the banks has some money as its own capital for each of them.The money is the capital for joint-stock corportaion 株式会社.We call the capital the owner's equity. The banks lend the companies some money.The question is a ratio of the money which the banks lend to the owner's equity. If expressing the ratio with a fraction 分数,its denominator 分母 is the money which the banks lend,and its numerator 分子 is the owner's equity.The fraction is the ratio of the owner's equity. For example,if lending $ a million and the owner's equity is $ 80 thousand,its ratio of the owner's equity is 8%. If not having its own moeny …

No.17 15/05/04 19:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

Living isn't always wonderful,I'm sure,if so,without complaining trifle thing,can I finish my life by myself? Fortunately or not,I can't,so I'm forced to live.I can't help it.

It doesn't always mean that something bad has happened to me recently,I've thought for a long time like that.

“If feel like being dead,we can do everything.”We've frequently heard the phrase.The ones who use the phrase are optimistic,I'm wondering.

A great writer used to say like the next in relation to the phrase.“If you say so,try to be dead!”No one objected to what he said.Easier said than done.

I won't commit suicide at all,perhaps,for I don't have enough courage to do.Even if there is a sure way of killing myself,I'm sure I'll hesitate to do,ultimately I won't be able to.

It's just that I select to live negatively,but even if I try to take care of myself,needless to say,I can't be to the age of 200 in the least.Everyone will be dead some day.I don't have to make a haste.

No.18 15/05/04 20:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 16 【Credit crunch has begun in Japanese banks.】 『No one has tried to bu… 【Credit crunch had begun in Japan.】

『Plenty of companies rushed to the banks in ordrer to ask for borrowing money.』

Almost all of the banks are usually ready to lend what is called major companies some money,but the credit crunch had already happened in Japan in November of 2008.

The credit crunch has relationship to the ratio of owner's equity 自己資本率.

Needless to say,the banks has some money as its own capital for each of them.The money is the capital for joint-stock corportaion 株式会社.We call the capital the owner's equity.

The banks lend the companies some money.The question is a ratio of the money which the banks lend to the owner's equity.

If expressing the ratio with a fraction 分数,its denominator 分母 is the money which the banks lend,and its numerator 分子 is the owner's equity.The fraction is the ratio of the owner's equity.

For example,if lending $ a million and the owner's equity is $ 80 thousand,its ratio of the owner's equity is 8%.

If not having its own moeny …

  • << 20 【The banks had begun the credit crunch in Japan.】 『Plenty of firms rushed to the banks so as to ask for borrowing money.』 If having little money,the banks may go bankrupt,so they need to maintain at least the owner's equity of 8% in ordrer to do a sound management.It's an international rule. Except for the cash itself,the owner's equity of the bank,it means the bank's own capital,includes the lands,buildings and stock which it possesses.            Some stocks which the company possesses are the owner's equity.Japanese banks used to own such the lot of stocks that they had substantial amount of the owner's equity,but as the price of the stocks slumped the owner's equity of the banks also decreased. 『The owner's equity was an obstacle to the banks.』 For instance,when lending $ an million and its owner's equity is $ 80 thousand,if the owner's equity decreases up to $ 40 thousand,the bank has to reduce the money which it lends so as to maintain the rate of the owner's equity.

No.19 15/05/05 11:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

Whenever I've thought like the next before a long day off starts.“I'm going to study English harder!”Then I'm the one with an iron will,for the long day off hasn't started yet.😚

I've been in the middle of the long day off.What am I doing just now? I've expressed myself in this thread with a canned beer in my hand.Once the long day off starts,I change into the weak-willed one,though to my sorrow I'm not originally the one with strong will.😂

While I've wanted to express myself lots of things in English,I've indulged in heavy drinking.I'm sure it's a waste of time,but I can't resist the temptation of drinking.😳

Without drinking and studying English just now may be a trifle thing,but going on doing the trifle things leads to something wonderful,I'm sure.

Easier said than done.I've often made up my mind to stop drinking from the next day.Someone said to me,“The next dy won't come to to you forever,I'm sure.”😜

I hate to say,it's right to the point.😩

No.20 15/05/05 17:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 18 【Credit crunch had begun in Japan.】 『Plenty of companies rushed to t… 【The banks had begun the credit crunch in Japan.】

『Plenty of firms rushed to the banks so as to ask for borrowing money.』

If having little money,the banks may go bankrupt,so they need to maintain at least the owner's equity of 8% in ordrer to do a sound management.It's an international rule.

Except for the cash itself,the owner's equity of the bank,it means the bank's own capital,includes the lands,buildings and stock which it possesses.
Some stocks which the company possesses are the owner's equity.Japanese banks used to own such the lot of stocks that they had substantial amount of the owner's equity,but as the price of the stocks slumped the owner's equity of the banks also decreased.

『The owner's equity was an obstacle to the banks.』

For instance,when lending $ an million and its owner's equity is $ 80 thousand,if the owner's equity decreases up to $ 40 thousand,the bank has to reduce the money which it lends so as to maintain the rate of the owner's equity.

No.21 15/05/05 20:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 20 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】

『The owner's equity 自己資本 was an obstacle to the banks.』

After all,the price of the stock dropped and the owner's equity also decreased,so the banks were forced to reduce the money which they could lend.

Even if the large companies asked the banks to borrow the money,the banks couldn't.🙅

『The enterprises asked some local banks to borrow the money.』

As a result,the enterprises which couldn't borrow any money from any major banks asked some local banks.While the local banks have lots of deposits they have few borrowers,so they were worried about the few borrowers.

However then major top-rated companies asked the local banks to borrow money,so the local banks were greatly pleased with it.

After many detours varied things happen unexpectedly in economic activities.

The local banks seemed to think like the next.“We would lend the money to the major companies rather than to some small and medium-sized ones in the local area.

No.22 15/05/05 20:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 21 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】

『The enterprises asked the local banks to borrow some money.』

As a result,there is a possibility that local banks learn not to lend the local companies.There is a possibility that the vicious circulation may happen.

By the way,as I've said,I've expressed this thread being based on a book,『14歳からの世界金融危機』written by 池上彰 in 2008,so the situation must have changed,though I'm not sure whether it has changed into good one or bad one.

The author continued his comment.

All of us feas so much that we can't lend anyone any money.It's as if each financial institution did what is called タンス預金.In fact there are plenty of people who have lots of money,but they can't lend any money easily.It's happened actually.


If any banks don't lend any money,various companies will be in trouble.Any enterprises can't start new business.Even if they try to increase personnel and to start new business,if stopping,size of economy becomes small,so…

No.23 15/05/05 21:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 22 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】


The economic won't develop with small size of economic activities.The vicious circulation happens.We call the phenomenon 信用収縮 in technical terms.

Contrary to it,the banks have a function of creating faith.

For example,if depositing some money in the bank,the bank will other company the money.The company uses the money for some payments to another company.

Then another company deposits the money in the bank,and the bank lend the money to one more company.Thus while the money goes and come between the company and the bank,on the surface the money which was deposited in the bank increases.

When repeating it,the money deposited in the bank increases more and more.It becomes double or triple.It's the creation of faith.A creation is created newly.It's the bank's function of creating faith.

Some money goes on increasing,and they begin to appear in the world more and more,but once if reversing,being afraid to lend money…

No.24 15/05/06 10:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 23 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】


If the situation reverses,and almost all of people are afraid to lend any money,the money which going on appearing and increasing returns to its original value.

The opposition of the creation of the faith is the 信用収縮.It's happened just now.When the faith is losed,it's happened.

『Major banks have took action so as to enrich each owner's equity.』

Some major banks,what is called mega banks,have announced that they enrich the the owner's equity against the vicious spiral from autumn in 2008.They've said like the next.

“Instead of lending any money from others,we issue stocks as bank.We let others buy the stocks.We are going to gather the money like that.”

It's the way of increasing the money with the owner's equity.

Lots of top-rated firms want to borrow the money from the major banks,but the major banks don't have enough the owner's equity to lend others the money,so they issue the stock newly,increase the owner's…

No.25 15/05/06 12:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 24 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】


Briefly,the banks can't lend any money because of not having enough the owner's equity,so they issue some stocks newly,let others buy them,increase the owner's equity,and try to expand new finance.

For example,if the owner's equity becomes double,the money which they can lend also will be.Major banks have made haste so as to materialize the situation.

They've tried to enrich the owner's equity,and to expand the finance for the top-rated firms,for they certainly collect the money from the top-rated companies.

『The use of public funds.』

The governments introduce the use of public fund in ordrer to assist the banks in the U.S.A.and Europe.It's also a movement which tries to increase the owner's equity.

The banks issue the stocks,and the governments buy them,so the owner's equity increases,then the banks can lend more money.

It's not helping the banks but reducing the credit crunch of the banks as much as possible…

No.26 15/05/06 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 25 【The banks had begun credit crunch in Japan.】

『The use of public funds.』

In a word,the use of public funds prevents the firms from reducing their economic activities.

The financial anxiety spread over the Japan so much in 1990s that our government adopted the use of public funds and increased the owner's equity.Some countries in the West have done the same things.

By the way,I used to express the electric companies had full confidence from us,but then the great earthquake disaster didn't happen in Tohoku region,so we have much confidence in almost all of the electric companies,but the situation seems to change a lot.

The use of public funds may promote the economic activities,but it looks as if the government treated well the banks,and the banks rested on it.

I find it unfair,for lots of people have been in troble because of the hard time,though I'm not sure of the situation at present.

At least banks clerk should have received both the salary and bonus reduction.

  • << 28 【Interest rates approaches zero all over the world.】 『FBR has actually adopted zero interest rate policy.』 FBR 連邦準備制度理事会 of the U.S.A has announced that its interest is actually zero in 2008.The FBR is a central bank in the U.S.A.,which controls the interest in the U.S.A. Its economy has gone bad so much that the FBR tries to drop interest rate almost up to zero.Then not only companies but everyone will be able to borrow some money from the banks. The FBR has hoped like that,and shows its plan clearly that it buys bonds being based on the housing loan which is the main culprit behind the financial anxiety. If the FBR purchases the bonds being based on the housing loan,the mood in which too terrible to buy the bonds being based on the housing loan will change. Even if being forced to be faced the worst case,there are the ones who purchases,we feel secure.As a result,everyone will learn to buy and sell other certificates like corporal bonds.It's the FBR's intention.

No.27 15/05/09 18:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I've been working in a factory as one of members of a temporary company.The treatment of the temporary company for us the employees isn't very good,for none of us can take paid vacation.

While I'm the one who actually work in the factory and there are others who go to some factories in ordrer to enter into contract with them.The others provide us some places where we work.We call them sales staff.

In general,the sales staff have more confidence than us who actually work in factory,for substantial numbers of people are employed as temporary staff,and more than half of them leave,I'm wonder,but sales staff don't easily quit the job.

However the temporary company to which I belong treats neither the sales staff nor others well,for at first no one can take paid vacation.

When being busy in a factory,all of the employees can't take the paid vacation,but then the temporary company pay some money for its employees because they can't take the paid vacation,but…

No.28 15/05/26 22:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 26 【The banks had begun credit crunch in Japan.】 『The use of public fun… 【Interest rates approaches zero all over the world.】

『FBR has actually adopted zero interest rate policy.』

FBR 連邦準備制度理事会 of the U.S.A has announced that its interest is actually zero in 2008.The FBR is a central bank in the U.S.A.,which controls the interest in the U.S.A.

Its economy has gone bad so much that the FBR tries to drop interest rate almost up to zero.Then not only companies but everyone will be able to borrow some money from the banks.

The FBR has hoped like that,and shows its plan clearly that it buys bonds being based on the housing loan which is the main culprit behind the financial anxiety.

If the FBR purchases the bonds being based on the housing loan,the mood in which too terrible to buy the bonds being based on the housing loan will change.

Even if being forced to be faced the worst case,there are the ones who purchases,we feel secure.As a result,everyone will learn to buy and sell other certificates like corporal bonds.It's the FBR's intention.

No.29 15/05/31 22:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 28 【Interest rates approach zero all over the world.】

『The Bank of Japan has dropped its interest rate.』

As the FRB of the U.S.A.dropped its interest rate up to zero,so strong yen made progress,for the interest rate was zero in the U.S.A.then,contrary to it Japanese one was still 0.3%.

Money moves from the place where there's low interest rate to other place where there's high interest rate.Interest rate of the U.S.A.became zero,so there was a movement of trying to move the fund into Japan where there was still interest rate,so the strong yen moved ahead still more.

The strong yen did such the serious damage to Japanese economy that the Bank of Japan,it's the Japanese central bank,announced that it dropped its interest rate from 0.3% to 0.1% in 2008 so as to avoid the damage.

One of plans of the Bank of Japan is buying CPs which were issued from the companies.The CP is an abbreviation of commercial paper.It's a short-term corporate bond.

If the Bank of Japan buys the CPs,…

No.30 15/06/07 10:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 29 【Interest rates approach zero all over the world.】

『The Bank of Japan dropped interes rate.』

If the Bank of Japan buys the CPs,companies and financial institutions also purchase the CPs with relief.The Bank of Japan intends that corporations' find-raising went smoothly.

【1929 has reappeared?】

『There used to be bubble of housing in 1929.』

The great panic used to happen in 1929.It resembles this time very much.There used to be the bubble of housing just before 1929 when the great panic happened.

When development of the land started in Florida,some people bought the houses even without going and seeing the house actually,for they could because they weren't going to buy the houses actually.

They bought the houses for investment.“If buying,the price of the house will soon go up.Then if selling it other,we can make money easily,and if buying some stocks with the profit,we'll make more money.”

They seemed to think like that,and the bubble of stock also occurred.

No.31 15/06/07 12:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 30 【1929 has reappeared…】

『There used to be the bubble of housing in 1929.』

The bubble of stock occurred after the bubble of housing.Just then the British developed a system of investment trust.

When buying some stocks,everyone was forced to do one by one until then,but if making use of the investment trust,everyone could buy varied stocks by the investment trust.

Even general investors who had little money learned to be able to handle with some stocks with the investment trust.As a result, dealing with the stock was brought into widespread use.A boom of stock had happened.

However,a bubble always bursts some day,and at last it's occurred actually in 1929.Then the Republican Party came into the power,but the Republican Party doesn't think it should interfere with private economy.

Therefore,even if the great panic occurred and American economy became very serious,the American president had nothing useful at all.“If some companies go bankrupt,it'll.It can't be helped.”

No.32 15/06/08 08:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 31 【1929 has reappeared.】

『From the Republican Party to the Democratic Party.』

In consequence,great depression occurred and lots of Americans became poor,so they call the President Hoover the worst one in American history,so the Republican Party had also fallen in the estimation,Roosevelt was elected the President from the Democratic Party in the next election.

The Democratic Party thought when being depression,it should improve the national economy even if the nation got into debt.

The Americans seemed to think,“No more the Republican Party.”so they chose the Democratic Party.The same thing had happened in 2008,so they call the President Bush second Hoover,or the worst President in American history.

The Americans thought Bush is worse than Hoover.

『It's fear itself that we should fear.』

The President Roosevelt in the Democratic Party took the place of Hoover.What kind of policy did he adopt? We've learned it at school.It's the policy of New Deal.

No.33 15/06/08 20:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 32 【1929 has reappeared.】

『It's fear itself that we should fear.』

The new deal means making a fresh start.The Republican Party didn't think it should spend national funds on relief for private companies,and did nothing useful.

However,then the depression would go bad more and more,so spending national fund on constructing dam,road,or varied thing,and trying to improve economy.It's the policy of new deal.

The President Roosevelt used to say in his inauguration ceremony like the next.

“It's fear itself that we should fear.The nation will join force,and revive the economy,so please don't be worried.”Roosevelt said to the people like that.

Then there had never been TV.Roosevelt appealed to the people on a radio program.He sat by a fireplace in the White House and said to the people,so they call it a fireside chat.

He said to the people.“We don't have to be fear anything.If working hard,our life will be wealthy again.”

The President Obama also said to the American people…

No.34 15/06/13 23:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 33 【1929 has reappeared.】

『It's fear itself that we should fear.』

President Obama spoke to the people in dynamic image of Web site opened for his election every week before he became the President,or August in 2008 after he was elected to the President.

When Roosevelt was the President,the latest media was a radio,after that the latest media has changed from TV to dynamic image.

“Let's unite our efforts and work hard,and the market will be active!”He encouraged the American people in the website like that,so he looks like the President Roosevelt.

『To what is called green New Deal.』

President Obama has obviously studied the way of the President Roosevelt. It's what's called the green New Deal that Obama has launched.

When Bush was the President,while the U.S.A.carried out a large-scale of tax reduction for the rich,it attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and spent a large amount of money on the war expenditure.

As a result,financial surplus of the time of the President Clinton…

No.35 15/06/17 22:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 34 【1929 has reappeared.】

『To what's called green New Deal.』

As a result,the Bush Government not only used up financial surplus of the time of Clinton,but left the worst financial deficit and resigned.

In that situation,the President Obama has invested financial capital.He's clarified a plan of his Government that even if financial deficit expands,economic recovery is a top priority.

The Bush Administration was negative for environmental protection,but the Obama Government has put a great deal of effort into the environmental protection and tried to foster environmental industry.

The Obama Government has tried to connect his policies with economic recovery,for political power has changed and the Government can change its policy drastically.

Japanese prime ministers have changed one after another so far,but the political power is limited coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito.

Unless the political power changes,the policy doesn't seem to be…

No.36 15/07/14 22:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 35 【1929 has reappeared.】

『To what's called green new deal.』

Unless the political power changes,the policy won't be changed drastically.It seems to be hard,for it means it denies the predecessor's policy.

The Koizumi Government of coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito,and after that Abe Administration and Hukuda Government followed.Their main policy had been the reconstruction of policy.

As a result,the Aso Government couldn't deny the policy easily.If wanting to change the policy radically,political power has to be changed.The Obama Government had shown us it.

By the way,to tell the truth,I'm not familiar with both of economy and politics at all.I've expressed some descriptions which was announced several years ago,so its situation has changed naturally.

In short,I'm sure I have to give supplementary explanation,but to my sorrow,I can't,for I don't have such little knowledge that I can't.

The more time passes the more information becomes old-fashioned…

No.37 15/07/19 21:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 36 【What should we do?】

『Strong yen isn't always bad.』

We've often watched news on economic stagnation on TV recently,so we are apt to feel melancholic,but all the things aren't always bad.For example,it's a strong yen.

Export industry has been in trouble indeed,but import industry is greatly pleased.The people who belong to industry suffering from recession complain on the recession.

However,other ones who belong to industry enjoying benefit from business boom never grumble.

When strong yen continued,the car industry made an unprecedented profit,but no one in the car industry said like that,“We've made a profit!”but when being in recession,they begin to complain.

The strong yen means that prices of imported goods drop.Top-brand articles from foreign countries also fall.Japan has bought various things from abroad,so their prices also drop.

In addition,we buy crude oils in dollars.When being strong yen,its price drops.Dropping the prices have double reason.

No.38 15/08/09 11:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 37 【What should we do?】

《Strong yen isn't always bad.》

There used to be industries which were in trouble because the price of crude oil dropped,for example,it's the distribution 流通 industry.It wasn't damaged by the strong yen.

It means that as for business condition,all the industries don't suffer from recession.Our everyday life may improve partly in regard to the business condition.If it's so,will we find it easygoing to lead everyday life?

《Japanese financial industry is relatively sound.》

Ironically,Japan has relatively little damage from what is called sub prime loan because financial liberalization doesn't advanced very much.

While almost all the banks in the U.S.A.and Europe deteriorate their managements,Japanese financial institutions are relatively sound,so apparently it seems that we don't have to be worried about it so much.

However,global economy has gone bad so much that Japanese economy will be forced to be influenced by the global economy.

No.39 15/08/24 00:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 38 【What should we do?】

《Japanese financial industry is relatively sound.》

However, being strong yen means that yen is better than euro and dollar when it comes to having assets.When having lived in Japan,we find it hard to recognize,but we relatively become ver rich on account of the strong yen.

Korean currency's worth became half at the end in 2008,comparing to the yen in 2007.Plenty of Korean office ladies had come to Japan as a shopping tour until the beginning in 2008,but the situation had reversed.

Hosts of Japanese office ladies went to korea as the shopping tour from the end in 2008 to the beginning in 2009.

Then we the Japanese became twice as rich as the Korean in the half year,so the strong yen doesn't always to be so bad.

It's certain that the economy has went bad more and more,and we can't always put much confidence in stimulative measures of our government.

However,Japanese economy is relatively reliable in the world,and even if Japanese prime ministers are …

No.40 15/08/30 22:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 39 【What should we do?】

《Japanese financial industry is relatively sound.》

…so even if the Japanese prime minister is poor,Japanese economy seems to manage to hold on.

《Maintenance of Japanese finance has been well done.》

While lots of Japanese people may be afraid of news of financial crisis,fortunately or not,we've actually gone through the financial crisis in 1990s.Then financial crisis broke out,and some banks went bankrupt.

As a result,varied what is called financial safety net has been arranged well.For example,when making a deposit in the bank,10 million yen and its interest will be guaranteed at least.We call the system a payoff.

Therefore,if some banks are on the verge of bankruptcy in the future,we don't have to panic.If the banks go bankrupt,10 million yen and its interest will surely return to us.

What should we do if we have 20 million yen in the bank? We have only to deposit every 10 million yen in two banks.There are some financial institutions around us.

No.41 15/08/30 23:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 40 【What should we do?】

《What is called Japanese financial safety net has been arranged well.》

There are various financial institutions like banks,trust banks,and credit associations 信用組合 around our homes and workplaces.Even if we have billions of money,we have only to deposit the money on the several financial institutions.

By the way,as for myself,I don't have to be worried,for I don't have enough money to be worried about.

What is called major life insurance companies don't go bankrupt easily,if worst comes to worst,the life insurance companies usually join in other insurance.There is a system in which the money is guaranteed.

If an emergency arises,we don't have to be worried as long as the system is arranged.We call the system what is called the safety net.

Even if someone walks on a tightrope in a circus and drop from it,it's all right,for a net is stretched under the tightrope for safety.In short,we don't have to be worried too much.

No.42 15/09/06 12:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 41 【What should we do?】

《Financial institutions are undergoing rehabilitation now.》

Financial summit meeting was held in the U.S.A. August in 2008.It means that each country in the world declared that they did everything which they could in order to do away with financial anxiety.

Panic swept the whole world in 1929,and then each country was absorbed in protecting itsef too much that it imposed a tariff 関税 on foreign goods,so the trade reduced.In consequence,world economy got still worse.

Each country in the world recognize it as a lesson,so it tried to join forces each other so as to avoid the same error.It seems to be important.

World economy is,as it were,undergoing rehabilitation.If comparing the world economy to a human body,it'll be the next.

As being seriously hurt and bled,so the person stopped the bleeding in haste.As a result,the blood circulation go bad so much that it ruined its health.It's waiting for recovery from its illness,so blood circulation is improving…

No.43 15/09/06 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 42 【What should we do?】

《Financial institutions are undergoing rehabilitation now.》

The blood circulation are improving little by little,it means the blood circulation is undergoing rehabilitation that money circulation improves gradually.

In short,it takes a long time for the economic recovery.Stopping the blood circulation,it means stopping money circulation,will cause a bad influence,or a thing like a side effect.

For instance,both an automobile and a train can't stop immediately even if the drivers jam on the brakes.

As economic downturn has started everyone tries to stop it hard,but it can't be stopped at once,but as putting on the brakes,the vehicles will stop before long.

Economic downturn will also stop soon,the economy will recover before long.It's the message from the author,though I have doubted it.Even if the economy recovers,to my sorrow,I won't be able to enjoy its blessing.I have nothing to do with it.

《We need decent knowledge on the finance.》

No.44 15/09/20 12:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 43 【What should we do?】

『We need decent knowledge on finance.』

How should we adopt a stance to money from now on?

At one time the Japanese government did a campaign which trying to promote an investment,『From saving to investing.』

It seems that investing is more desirable than saving.Without depositing in the bank,buying some shares 株 or some corporate bonds means money circulates around the society,and the economy will be activated.

In short,in general not only saving but investing is indispensable,but when Japanese government gave a boost the investment,it was in the middle of what is called bubble economy.

Plenty of people have bought some shares because of the time of investment,but the bubble burst and the price of the shares dropped,as a result,they have had a hard time.

While they shouldn't have bought the shares in the middle of the bubble economy,if dropping the price of the share,it may be a bargain.

A way of thinking“Investment is more desirable than saving…

No.45 15/09/20 13:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 44 【What should we do?】

『We need decent knowledge on finance.』

Investment is more desirable than saving,the way of thinking may be important just now in the long run.

『Don't take up anything which we can't understand!』

A thing about which we should be careful is we shouldn't be involved in anything in which we can't grasp.

There have been a lot of private universities which are deep in debt all over the Japan in this financial crisis.Some have hidden loss and a president resigned on account of the hidden loss in other university.

When being in the middle of the bubble economy,there used to be financial goods of package being based on subprime loan,and derivatives.

The financial goods of package being based on subprime loan have a variety of credits.

There are plenty of firms and private universities which are suffering from a great amount of loss owing to the derivatives and financial goods of package being based on subprime loan.

The derivatives have what we call 仕組み債.

No.46 15/09/20 21:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 45 【What should we do?】

『Don't take up anything which we can't understand!』

The 仕組み債 is the one of which seller always make a profit.If the condition of the 仕組み債 is good,the one who buys the 仕組み債 can also make a profit.

First of all,the 仕組み債 is financial goods which financial institutions think up in order to avoid their loss.Buying the financial goods means undertaking plenty of their risk.

Without being aware of it,we mustn't buy the 仕組み債 which we can't understand very much,even if it seems to makes us make a profit.

As for a share,we may be able to grasp to some extent,but needless to say,as to the share,we shouldn't buy it,if thinking like the next.

“Though I'm not sure what the company has done,it looks splendid,so it's all right.”

If thinking,“I have lots of information on the company,and its are wonderful.I use them regularly.I want to support the company!”there will be an option which we'll buy it,for we recognize well on the company.

There are a great variety of…

No.47 15/09/28 21:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 46 【What should we do?】

《Don't take up anything which we can't understand.》

There are varied kinds in regard to stock,and investment trurt.Some are low risk,but others are extremely high.We have to be careful of them.

They are always either what is called “high risk and high return”or“low risk and low return”There is no “low risk and high return”at all.

If someone brings us chance to make a big money,we must not be involved in it.If someone says so,it should have a finger in it!

As for the profitable mechanism,it's not us but the one who brings us a chance to make a big money will be profitable,for if being convincing of making a big money,instead of advising others to be involved in it,the person itself should have a finger in it.

In addition,if there's something suspicious which we absolutely make a big money,we should always doubt it,for there's nothing absolute.

If saying“absolute”we should always dobut it.If buying some stocks,we should have those things basis in …

No.48 15/09/29 23:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 47 【What should we do?】

《Don't take up anything which you can't understand.》

If buying some stocks,we should be careful,trying not to be affected by the stockson our everyday life,being based on the concept that being safe absolutely is impossible.

After buying some stocks,if being worried about whether the stock price is up or down so much that we check the stock price frequently,it will hurt our work or our life,for we spend lots of money on the stocks.

“I've bought some stocks,and I've been worried about their price movements a little,so I sometimes remember,what's happened to the stock?”

If being able to think like that,it'll be all right,for it's just that it's small sum of money about which we won't be worried.

How much is it? Needless to say,it depends on.If someone rich,it won't be worried about even if it loses no less than 10 million yen.

However there are some other who will be worried about if losing 100 thousand yen,though I belong to some other who will…

No.49 15/10/11 22:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 48 【What should we do?】

『Don't take up anything which we can't understand.』

If buying some stocks,we should cut back on the amount of money we spend on some stocks.We should think like the next.

“This company's achievement will improve in the long run,so I'll buy its stock.Even if it causes me a loss,I'm all right,for it's a small sum of money.

As for small sum of money,it depends on,but as long as we obey the general rule, we don't have to be at a loss.

『Investing our money in ourselves is the surest thing.』

If trying to investing some money in some stocks,or to make use of some money,we need to consider its amount of money.We have to hold sum of money within some extent which we can understand.

The harder we study and the larger extent which we can understand,the larger place in which we invest some money.

In short,studying spreads the places which we invest.Learning something is eventually useful for us.

If thinking of“What's happened in the society? Why is the …

No.50 15/10/12 23:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 49 【What should we do?】

『Investing our money in ourselves is the surest thing.』

If thinking that“What's happened in the society? Why is this commodity good? Why can a company sell such a good merchandise?”and“I'll invest some money in the company!”we'll be forced to study on the company,for without any information on the company,we shouldn't invest.

In this way,if understanding things in the society,it'll be useful for our jobs.

If recognizing what kind of goods are sold well,it'll be useful for ourselves.

As it's been frequently said since long ago,the best investment is spending some money for ourselves.

Investing some money in ourselves means studying.Spending some money on our study.

For example,going to a language school,or having a license.

In short,investing some money in ourselves can certainly pay us in the future.

【At the end.】

『SONY,you are also…』

SONY announced its what is called 連結営業損益 would be deficit of no less than ¥ 260 billion.The deficit…

  • << 51 【At the end.】 『SONY,you are also…』 What's the 連結営業損益? It's the whole profit of not only the head office but of the subsidiary company. SONY seemed to expect in 2008 that there would be surplus of 200 billion in a term of March in 2009,but it would have a steep deficit. SONY has gained the whole sales from foreign countries.Serious depression all over the world made its sales drop,in addition,the strong yen advanced. Please pay an attention the time when the company expected to be surplus.It was August in 2008. There used to be the collapse of American subprime loan then,but world economy didn't go bad extremely. It was after what's called the Rheman Shock when world economy deteriorated. If losing confidence for money,and finance,it means stopping a flow of money,such the catastrophic thing is apt to happen. SONY's commodity is so good and it's been popular among the people in the world,so we the Japanese often call it『世界のソニー』,but the company has been affected …



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