
Let's enjoy English! Ⅲ

レス500 HIT数 7967 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
18/03/04 13:18(更新日時)

As I've not have finished expressing what I've wanted to do,I'm going to build this new thread.🙋

I've wanted to express everything in English,but as trying to do,I've thought there are plenty of things which I don't think I want to describe in English,especially in regard with myself.😥

I'm not a criminal,and work at a factory with low salary,though to my sorrow it seems that I look eccentric a little,but I'm more eccentric than I've expected.😔

However,therefore I'm going to express myself in English here.If I were ordinary perfectly,I'd never continue studying English at all,but I can't blame anyone for it,and I want to be not condemned by anyone.It's just that it's my destiny.It cannot be helped.😒

By the way,to my surprise,the ones who look at my thread seem to increase gradually.I don't grasp why they do,though I feel happy for it,except for the one who tries to obstruct me.😃

I love English,but English is just one of languages which we speak.It may not be wonderful…💦

No.2194183 15/03/07 21:14(スレ作成日時)



No.1 15/03/07 22:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

I've tried to give up drinking,but I find it impossible,for I'm alcoholic.To my sorrow,the situation from which I've suffered is severe a little,I'm wondering.😥

Without drinking,I can't fall asleep easily,but even if being drunk too much,I can't fall asleep fast,for I wake up after being asleep fast a few hours.😣

The more I drink,the harder being drunk.It means I can't recognize what I'm drunk,for I have tolerance to alcohol,though I used to think it looked nice.😫

I used to think like the next.“I think the beer is as if it were some water,for I can go on drinking until dawn.”Actually I did,but it doesn't look nicer than I've expected,for I can't sleep at time when I should,in particular at night.🌉

I have to stop drinking,but can I do it? for I'm drinking just now.While it's said that a little something to drink is the best medicine,but too much is as bad as too little.As for myself,which one is am I? It's obvious,but I can't stop drinking.😩

No.2 15/03/08 01:54


No.3 15/03/08 12:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 2 I'll never change it into the Japanese.I hate to say,but if you can't read it,you don't have to,I'm sure,for no one asks you to do it.


I'm going to express myself in English here in order to improve my English ability,not for you.


Needless to say,there are lots of more pleasant,amusing threads than mine there.


No.4 15/03/08 14:40

>> 3 I know that there is a possibility that every English thread here is obstructed by someone. It's disgusting.

I think you have a tolerance for alcohol like I had it before. Too much drinking habit can cause dieseas. When you drink, to be a little tipsy is best.

Please take care of yourself!

To 中学生san
You might want to learn English if you are not kidding.

By Mr. Lemon

No.5 15/03/08 15:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 4 To Mr.Lemon.

Thank you for your message and I'm glad to see you.How do you do.🙋

While I'm happy,for some people are interested in my thread,I find it complicated,for I'm not an English teacher for them,in addition,I'm not so kind.😩

Once suffering from alcoholic,it seems to be hard to overcome it.Even if being able to abstain from alcohol for a long time,when drinking too much only once,the one who sufferers from alcoholic will be right back where I started.😥

As you say,I'm going to make an effort,preventing my situation from deteriorating.😃

See you later.💨

No.6 15/03/14 22:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Price of crude oil fell,and bubble burst in the Middle East.】

《The bubble also burst in Dubai.》

When the price of the crude oil rose remarkably,the ones who enjoyed the blessing of it a lot was Dubai in the Middle East.It's a capital of Dubai which forms the United Arab Emirates アラブ首長国連邦.

Abu Dhabi is also one of the United Arab Emirates.Its capital is also Abu Dubai.While there was plenty of petroleum in Abu Dubai,there was such a little products for the petroleum in Dubai that the petroleum seemed to be exhausted there in near future.😥

The king in Dubai intended to make its country a financial nation before the petroleum was drained.👑

Dubai received some investments from foreign countries,provided harbor facilities,expanded airports for travelers and cargos,and maintained the economic infrastructure.

The king did varied things in order to enrich recreation facilities.For example,it constructed a indoor ski ground in a burning desert,built the tallest building in the …

No.7 15/03/21 23:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 6 【Price of crude oil fell,and bubble burst in the Middle East.】

The king in Dubai did make a great effort so as to enrich recreational facilities.For instance,it built luxurious resort hotels,or maintained villas in which substantial number of celebrities gathered,where reclaiming land from the sea.The rush to build architectures exceeded our imagination.💰

However,the financial anxiety made funds for investment be exhausted,and the great project was suspended.Plenty of cranes which operated in Dubai also stopped.The prosperity was exactly castles in the air 砂上の楼閣.😱

《Movement of oil dollar also stopped.》

Speculating money which was adopted all over the world included oil dollar.After the collapse of the subprime loan made stock market slump,the funds for speculation flowed into the forward market of the crude oil so much that the price of the crude oil rose.⤴

The oil dollar won lots of profit there,and the profit was invested in the crude oil again throughout the world …

No.8 15/03/22 16:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 7 【Price of crude oil came down and the bubble burst in the Middle East.】

《Movement of the oli dollar also stopped.》

The profit won from the oil dollar was invested in the crude oil each place in the world,and moreover it gave boost to the price of the crude oil.⤴

However,the price of the crude oil fell,and both of the activities of investment and speculation have stopped.It has spurred the stagnation of the world economy on.😫

【A credit crunch 貸し渋り has started in Japanese banks.】

《No one has tried to buy corporate bonds.社債》

We the Japanese have been under great influence of the expansion of the financial anxiety,for no one has tried to purchase any local bond in the U.S.A.at the same time,no one has tried to buy even any corporate bond of top-rated companies in Japan.😥

If a company raises campaign funds,in general,there are three ways.

The first one is borrowing money from the banks,the second one is issuing stocks,and collecting fund in the stock market,and the last…💰

  • << 11 【A credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】 《No one has tried to buy any corporate's bond.》 The last one way to raise funds for firms is issuing corporate's bond and getting into debt.If the stock market suddenly falls, collecting money there is impossible.💸 Instead of borrowing money from banks, issuing corporate's bond is more useful,for it can collect plenty of money with low interests.💡 As a result,top-rated companies used to issue its corporate bond and to collect some money for new business,especially short-term corporate bonds of which expiration is within a year was useful when gathering money.We called the short-term corporate bonds commercial paper.Its abbreviation was CP.💰 However,the financial anxiety spread over Japan and Japanese companies were forced to stop issuing corporates' bonds including the CPs,for financial goods of package in question was a kind of the certificates,so no one has tried to buy even corporate's bonds.😱

No.9 15/04/02 21:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

The other day,someone strange came to my other thread.It said I misused my English frequently,and my English was odd.😥

Then other one appeared and began to criticized the former one.The latter one said the former one was notorious in some threads which is relation to English.😒

However,I've never recognized the infamous one,though I've paid attention to the threads with regard to English.I guess the former one and the latter one was the same one.😩

I'm sure the bastard will come there.Even if he does it doesn't matter at all.It's just that I don't think I want to be confused by someone absurd.To my sorrow,my English g may not have been good,but so I'm sure I have to study English harder.😤

The response was deleted,so I'm grateful the one who pushed the button for deletion.I have to say it in Japanese.削除ボタンを押してくれた人達、有り難う御座います🙇

This remark of mine may correspond to the one which incites the others to delete,and the ミクル may impose some penalty on me …

No.10 15/04/02 22:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 9 【What I've thought.】

Even if the ミクル may impose some penalties on me,I won't mind it in the least.I'm sure the bastard has been forbidden to contribute its response just now,but it doesn't mean the bastard can't do forever.It'll come there some day.😩

I hate to quarrel with others.It's just that I've wanted to enjoy English,and if my advice in regard to English is useful for others,I will be happy.It means that there are some people who are grateful to me.I'm wondering.☺

I'm sure I've been so useless that whether or not I'll be dead,it doesn't matter,though I can't be dead easily,but if someone think my English is useful,I'll be very happy.☺

To my sorrow,I'm not a marvelous English speaker a bit,so what I can do is limited.In addition,as long as the ones who tries to study English harder,I want to advise them,but my English is almost self-education,so it has limit.I can't help it.💦

No.11 15/04/05 18:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 8 【Price of crude oil came down and the bubble burst in the Middle East.… 【A credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】

《No one has tried to buy any corporate's bond.》

The last one way to raise funds for firms is issuing corporate's bond and getting into debt.If the stock market suddenly falls, collecting money there is impossible.💸

Instead of borrowing money from banks, issuing corporate's bond is more useful,for it can collect plenty of money with low interests.💡

As a result,top-rated companies used to issue its corporate bond and to collect some money for new business,especially short-term corporate bonds of which expiration is within a year was useful when gathering money.We called the short-term corporate bonds commercial paper.Its abbreviation was CP.💰

However,the financial anxiety spread over Japan and Japanese companies were forced to stop issuing corporates' bonds including the CPs,for financial goods of package in question was a kind of the certificates,so no one has tried to buy even corporate's bonds.😱

  • << 13 【Credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】 『No one has tried to buy any corportate's bonds.』 The banks gather money from depositors with low interest,and lend some firms some money with added interest,and difference of the interest between for the depositors and firms is the profit for the banks.💰 However,instead of lending any money from the banks,if lending the money from ordinary people who don't belong to any bank,the companies can lend with lower interest.💡 For example,even if lending some money from the banks,its interest may be 3%,the companies will issue their corportate's bond with 1%.Therefore,as for major top-rated companies,without lending any money from the banks,they issue their corportate's bonds and gather the money.💰 Needless to say,they also lend the money from the banks simply out of a sense of duty,but in general,collecting money with the corportate's bonds seems to be usual.☝ I'm not sure of any legal interest rate.It's just an allegory 例え話。😃

No.12 15/04/10 21:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

When being drunken,I'm somehow apt to feel beginning to miss human relationship,especially I think I wish there were someone who listens to me,for I'm solitude,though it's my own choice.It cannot be helped.😥

I'm so selfish that I'm not interested in some troubles which make others concern.I'm sure I'm just a hypocrite.I'm neither honest nor good,but it's me.😒

I've tried to avoid associating with others,for I find it complicated,but when giving others some pieces of advise in relation to English and they are pleased with my advice,I'm also happy,I'm wondering why I'm.😚

I've thought I've been useless,I and others have assumed that I'm worthless.It can't be helped.I can't blame anyone for it.To my sorrow,it's my fault.😂

However,if there are some people who think my English is useful,I'll be happy,and I feel like making an effort to be a wonderful English speaker some day maybe,though it doesn't always mean I've never studied English only for others… 😃

No.13 15/04/21 22:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 11 【A credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】 《No one has tried t… 【Credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】

『No one has tried to buy any corportate's bonds.』

The banks gather money from depositors with low interest,and lend some firms some money with added interest,and difference of the interest between for the depositors and firms is the profit for the banks.💰

However,instead of lending any money from the banks,if lending the money from ordinary people who don't belong to any bank,the companies can lend with lower interest.💡

For example,even if lending some money from the banks,its interest may be 3%,the companies will issue their corportate's bond with 1%.Therefore,as for major top-rated companies,without lending any money from the banks,they issue their corportate's bonds and gather the money.💰

Needless to say,they also lend the money from the banks simply out of a sense of duty,but in general,collecting money with the corportate's bonds seems to be usual.☝

I'm not sure of any legal interest rate.It's just an allegory 例え話。😃

  • << 16 【Credit crunch has begun in Japanese banks.】 『No one has tried to buy any corporate's bonds.』 At first,the most credible electric power company issues its corporate's bond around every summer in Japan.Electric power companies spend plenty of money on the maintenance of the facilities like a power station,power lines and so on.💸 As a result,the electric companies are forced to borrow lots of money.Then as for the interest rates,the money they borrow from the banks are higher than other money whichthey can gather from the ordinary people with the corporate bonds.💰 However,even the electric power companies once feared for issuing its corporate's bonds.The situation became the same one of California State.💦 “If the situation goes on,we won't be able to get enough funds for new business from the next year.”A substantial number of companies were in such the trouble that they gave up issuing their corporates' bonds and they offfred some banks to borrow plenty of money.

No.14 15/04/22 07:05

I was sorry to confuse you. That phrase “ Can you translate this phrase into Japanese " was not to you, but to the person who likes to disturb other English threads. I hope the person won't be here never again.

Keep on talking with your friends in the thread named “ 英語勉強会 ", please !

No.15 15/04/29 20:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 14 I've understood what you said.

I used to quarrel with someone who seemed to have wide knowledge on Chinese characters,though it's doubtful whether or not it's useful.

It's impolite of me to misunderstand you for the one who has useless extensive knowledge on the Chinese characters.I apologize to you for it.

I also hope he'll never show up here.

Have a good evening.

No.16 15/05/03 20:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 13 【Credit crunch has started in Japanese banks.】 『No one has tried to … 【Credit crunch has begun in Japanese banks.】

『No one has tried to buy any corporate's bonds.』

At first,the most credible electric power company issues its corporate's bond around every summer in Japan.Electric power companies spend plenty of money on the maintenance of the facilities like a power station,power lines and so on.💸

As a result,the electric companies are forced to borrow lots of money.Then as for the interest rates,the money they borrow from the banks are higher than other money whichthey can gather from the ordinary people with the corporate bonds.💰

However,even the electric power companies once feared for issuing its corporate's bonds.The situation became the same one of California State.💦

“If the situation goes on,we won't be able to get enough funds for new business from the next year.”A substantial number of companies were in such the trouble that they gave up issuing their corporates' bonds and they offfred some banks to borrow plenty of money.

  • << 18 【Credit crunch had begun in Japan.】 『Plenty of companies rushed to the banks in ordrer to ask for borrowing money.』 Almost all of the banks are usually ready to lend what is called major companies some money,but the credit crunch had already happened in Japan in November of 2008. The credit crunch has relationship to the ratio of owner's equity 自己資本率. Needless to say,the banks has some money as its own capital for each of them.The money is the capital for joint-stock corportaion 株式会社.We call the capital the owner's equity. The banks lend the companies some money.The question is a ratio of the money which the banks lend to the owner's equity. If expressing the ratio with a fraction 分数,its denominator 分母 is the money which the banks lend,and its numerator 分子 is the owner's equity.The fraction is the ratio of the owner's equity. For example,if lending $ a million and the owner's equity is $ 80 thousand,its ratio of the owner's equity is 8%. If not having its own moeny …

No.17 15/05/04 19:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

Living isn't always wonderful,I'm sure,if so,without complaining trifle thing,can I finish my life by myself? Fortunately or not,I can't,so I'm forced to live.I can't help it.

It doesn't always mean that something bad has happened to me recently,I've thought for a long time like that.

“If feel like being dead,we can do everything.”We've frequently heard the phrase.The ones who use the phrase are optimistic,I'm wondering.

A great writer used to say like the next in relation to the phrase.“If you say so,try to be dead!”No one objected to what he said.Easier said than done.

I won't commit suicide at all,perhaps,for I don't have enough courage to do.Even if there is a sure way of killing myself,I'm sure I'll hesitate to do,ultimately I won't be able to.

It's just that I select to live negatively,but even if I try to take care of myself,needless to say,I can't be to the age of 200 in the least.Everyone will be dead some day.I don't have to make a haste.

No.18 15/05/04 20:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 16 【Credit crunch has begun in Japanese banks.】 『No one has tried to bu… 【Credit crunch had begun in Japan.】

『Plenty of companies rushed to the banks in ordrer to ask for borrowing money.』

Almost all of the banks are usually ready to lend what is called major companies some money,but the credit crunch had already happened in Japan in November of 2008.

The credit crunch has relationship to the ratio of owner's equity 自己資本率.

Needless to say,the banks has some money as its own capital for each of them.The money is the capital for joint-stock corportaion 株式会社.We call the capital the owner's equity.

The banks lend the companies some money.The question is a ratio of the money which the banks lend to the owner's equity.

If expressing the ratio with a fraction 分数,its denominator 分母 is the money which the banks lend,and its numerator 分子 is the owner's equity.The fraction is the ratio of the owner's equity.

For example,if lending $ a million and the owner's equity is $ 80 thousand,its ratio of the owner's equity is 8%.

If not having its own moeny …

  • << 20 【The banks had begun the credit crunch in Japan.】 『Plenty of firms rushed to the banks so as to ask for borrowing money.』 If having little money,the banks may go bankrupt,so they need to maintain at least the owner's equity of 8% in ordrer to do a sound management.It's an international rule. Except for the cash itself,the owner's equity of the bank,it means the bank's own capital,includes the lands,buildings and stock which it possesses.            Some stocks which the company possesses are the owner's equity.Japanese banks used to own such the lot of stocks that they had substantial amount of the owner's equity,but as the price of the stocks slumped the owner's equity of the banks also decreased. 『The owner's equity was an obstacle to the banks.』 For instance,when lending $ an million and its owner's equity is $ 80 thousand,if the owner's equity decreases up to $ 40 thousand,the bank has to reduce the money which it lends so as to maintain the rate of the owner's equity.

No.19 15/05/05 11:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

Whenever I've thought like the next before a long day off starts.“I'm going to study English harder!”Then I'm the one with an iron will,for the long day off hasn't started yet.😚

I've been in the middle of the long day off.What am I doing just now? I've expressed myself in this thread with a canned beer in my hand.Once the long day off starts,I change into the weak-willed one,though to my sorrow I'm not originally the one with strong will.😂

While I've wanted to express myself lots of things in English,I've indulged in heavy drinking.I'm sure it's a waste of time,but I can't resist the temptation of drinking.😳

Without drinking and studying English just now may be a trifle thing,but going on doing the trifle things leads to something wonderful,I'm sure.

Easier said than done.I've often made up my mind to stop drinking from the next day.Someone said to me,“The next dy won't come to to you forever,I'm sure.”😜

I hate to say,it's right to the point.😩

No.20 15/05/05 17:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 18 【Credit crunch had begun in Japan.】 『Plenty of companies rushed to t… 【The banks had begun the credit crunch in Japan.】

『Plenty of firms rushed to the banks so as to ask for borrowing money.』

If having little money,the banks may go bankrupt,so they need to maintain at least the owner's equity of 8% in ordrer to do a sound management.It's an international rule.

Except for the cash itself,the owner's equity of the bank,it means the bank's own capital,includes the lands,buildings and stock which it possesses.
Some stocks which the company possesses are the owner's equity.Japanese banks used to own such the lot of stocks that they had substantial amount of the owner's equity,but as the price of the stocks slumped the owner's equity of the banks also decreased.

『The owner's equity was an obstacle to the banks.』

For instance,when lending $ an million and its owner's equity is $ 80 thousand,if the owner's equity decreases up to $ 40 thousand,the bank has to reduce the money which it lends so as to maintain the rate of the owner's equity.

No.21 15/05/05 20:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 20 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】

『The owner's equity 自己資本 was an obstacle to the banks.』

After all,the price of the stock dropped and the owner's equity also decreased,so the banks were forced to reduce the money which they could lend.

Even if the large companies asked the banks to borrow the money,the banks couldn't.🙅

『The enterprises asked some local banks to borrow the money.』

As a result,the enterprises which couldn't borrow any money from any major banks asked some local banks.While the local banks have lots of deposits they have few borrowers,so they were worried about the few borrowers.

However then major top-rated companies asked the local banks to borrow money,so the local banks were greatly pleased with it.

After many detours varied things happen unexpectedly in economic activities.

The local banks seemed to think like the next.“We would lend the money to the major companies rather than to some small and medium-sized ones in the local area.

No.22 15/05/05 20:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 21 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】

『The enterprises asked the local banks to borrow some money.』

As a result,there is a possibility that local banks learn not to lend the local companies.There is a possibility that the vicious circulation may happen.

By the way,as I've said,I've expressed this thread being based on a book,『14歳からの世界金融危機』written by 池上彰 in 2008,so the situation must have changed,though I'm not sure whether it has changed into good one or bad one.

The author continued his comment.

All of us feas so much that we can't lend anyone any money.It's as if each financial institution did what is called タンス預金.In fact there are plenty of people who have lots of money,but they can't lend any money easily.It's happened actually.


If any banks don't lend any money,various companies will be in trouble.Any enterprises can't start new business.Even if they try to increase personnel and to start new business,if stopping,size of economy becomes small,so…

No.23 15/05/05 21:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 22 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】


The economic won't develop with small size of economic activities.The vicious circulation happens.We call the phenomenon 信用収縮 in technical terms.

Contrary to it,the banks have a function of creating faith.

For example,if depositing some money in the bank,the bank will other company the money.The company uses the money for some payments to another company.

Then another company deposits the money in the bank,and the bank lend the money to one more company.Thus while the money goes and come between the company and the bank,on the surface the money which was deposited in the bank increases.

When repeating it,the money deposited in the bank increases more and more.It becomes double or triple.It's the creation of faith.A creation is created newly.It's the bank's function of creating faith.

Some money goes on increasing,and they begin to appear in the world more and more,but once if reversing,being afraid to lend money…

No.24 15/05/06 10:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 23 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】


If the situation reverses,and almost all of people are afraid to lend any money,the money which going on appearing and increasing returns to its original value.

The opposition of the creation of the faith is the 信用収縮.It's happened just now.When the faith is losed,it's happened.

『Major banks have took action so as to enrich each owner's equity.』

Some major banks,what is called mega banks,have announced that they enrich the the owner's equity against the vicious spiral from autumn in 2008.They've said like the next.

“Instead of lending any money from others,we issue stocks as bank.We let others buy the stocks.We are going to gather the money like that.”

It's the way of increasing the money with the owner's equity.

Lots of top-rated firms want to borrow the money from the major banks,but the major banks don't have enough the owner's equity to lend others the money,so they issue the stock newly,increase the owner's…

No.25 15/05/06 12:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 24 【The banks had started credit crunch in Japan.】


Briefly,the banks can't lend any money because of not having enough the owner's equity,so they issue some stocks newly,let others buy them,increase the owner's equity,and try to expand new finance.

For example,if the owner's equity becomes double,the money which they can lend also will be.Major banks have made haste so as to materialize the situation.

They've tried to enrich the owner's equity,and to expand the finance for the top-rated firms,for they certainly collect the money from the top-rated companies.

『The use of public funds.』

The governments introduce the use of public fund in ordrer to assist the banks in the U.S.A.and Europe.It's also a movement which tries to increase the owner's equity.

The banks issue the stocks,and the governments buy them,so the owner's equity increases,then the banks can lend more money.

It's not helping the banks but reducing the credit crunch of the banks as much as possible…

No.26 15/05/06 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 25 【The banks had begun credit crunch in Japan.】

『The use of public funds.』

In a word,the use of public funds prevents the firms from reducing their economic activities.

The financial anxiety spread over the Japan so much in 1990s that our government adopted the use of public funds and increased the owner's equity.Some countries in the West have done the same things.

By the way,I used to express the electric companies had full confidence from us,but then the great earthquake disaster didn't happen in Tohoku region,so we have much confidence in almost all of the electric companies,but the situation seems to change a lot.

The use of public funds may promote the economic activities,but it looks as if the government treated well the banks,and the banks rested on it.

I find it unfair,for lots of people have been in troble because of the hard time,though I'm not sure of the situation at present.

At least banks clerk should have received both the salary and bonus reduction.

  • << 28 【Interest rates approaches zero all over the world.】 『FBR has actually adopted zero interest rate policy.』 FBR 連邦準備制度理事会 of the U.S.A has announced that its interest is actually zero in 2008.The FBR is a central bank in the U.S.A.,which controls the interest in the U.S.A. Its economy has gone bad so much that the FBR tries to drop interest rate almost up to zero.Then not only companies but everyone will be able to borrow some money from the banks. The FBR has hoped like that,and shows its plan clearly that it buys bonds being based on the housing loan which is the main culprit behind the financial anxiety. If the FBR purchases the bonds being based on the housing loan,the mood in which too terrible to buy the bonds being based on the housing loan will change. Even if being forced to be faced the worst case,there are the ones who purchases,we feel secure.As a result,everyone will learn to buy and sell other certificates like corporal bonds.It's the FBR's intention.

No.27 15/05/09 18:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I've been working in a factory as one of members of a temporary company.The treatment of the temporary company for us the employees isn't very good,for none of us can take paid vacation.

While I'm the one who actually work in the factory and there are others who go to some factories in ordrer to enter into contract with them.The others provide us some places where we work.We call them sales staff.

In general,the sales staff have more confidence than us who actually work in factory,for substantial numbers of people are employed as temporary staff,and more than half of them leave,I'm wonder,but sales staff don't easily quit the job.

However the temporary company to which I belong treats neither the sales staff nor others well,for at first no one can take paid vacation.

When being busy in a factory,all of the employees can't take the paid vacation,but then the temporary company pay some money for its employees because they can't take the paid vacation,but…

No.28 15/05/26 22:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 26 【The banks had begun credit crunch in Japan.】 『The use of public fun… 【Interest rates approaches zero all over the world.】

『FBR has actually adopted zero interest rate policy.』

FBR 連邦準備制度理事会 of the U.S.A has announced that its interest is actually zero in 2008.The FBR is a central bank in the U.S.A.,which controls the interest in the U.S.A.

Its economy has gone bad so much that the FBR tries to drop interest rate almost up to zero.Then not only companies but everyone will be able to borrow some money from the banks.

The FBR has hoped like that,and shows its plan clearly that it buys bonds being based on the housing loan which is the main culprit behind the financial anxiety.

If the FBR purchases the bonds being based on the housing loan,the mood in which too terrible to buy the bonds being based on the housing loan will change.

Even if being forced to be faced the worst case,there are the ones who purchases,we feel secure.As a result,everyone will learn to buy and sell other certificates like corporal bonds.It's the FBR's intention.

No.29 15/05/31 22:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 28 【Interest rates approach zero all over the world.】

『The Bank of Japan has dropped its interest rate.』

As the FRB of the U.S.A.dropped its interest rate up to zero,so strong yen made progress,for the interest rate was zero in the U.S.A.then,contrary to it Japanese one was still 0.3%.

Money moves from the place where there's low interest rate to other place where there's high interest rate.Interest rate of the U.S.A.became zero,so there was a movement of trying to move the fund into Japan where there was still interest rate,so the strong yen moved ahead still more.

The strong yen did such the serious damage to Japanese economy that the Bank of Japan,it's the Japanese central bank,announced that it dropped its interest rate from 0.3% to 0.1% in 2008 so as to avoid the damage.

One of plans of the Bank of Japan is buying CPs which were issued from the companies.The CP is an abbreviation of commercial paper.It's a short-term corporate bond.

If the Bank of Japan buys the CPs,…

No.30 15/06/07 10:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 29 【Interest rates approach zero all over the world.】

『The Bank of Japan dropped interes rate.』

If the Bank of Japan buys the CPs,companies and financial institutions also purchase the CPs with relief.The Bank of Japan intends that corporations' find-raising went smoothly.

【1929 has reappeared?】

『There used to be bubble of housing in 1929.』

The great panic used to happen in 1929.It resembles this time very much.There used to be the bubble of housing just before 1929 when the great panic happened.

When development of the land started in Florida,some people bought the houses even without going and seeing the house actually,for they could because they weren't going to buy the houses actually.

They bought the houses for investment.“If buying,the price of the house will soon go up.Then if selling it other,we can make money easily,and if buying some stocks with the profit,we'll make more money.”

They seemed to think like that,and the bubble of stock also occurred.

No.31 15/06/07 12:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 30 【1929 has reappeared…】

『There used to be the bubble of housing in 1929.』

The bubble of stock occurred after the bubble of housing.Just then the British developed a system of investment trust.

When buying some stocks,everyone was forced to do one by one until then,but if making use of the investment trust,everyone could buy varied stocks by the investment trust.

Even general investors who had little money learned to be able to handle with some stocks with the investment trust.As a result, dealing with the stock was brought into widespread use.A boom of stock had happened.

However,a bubble always bursts some day,and at last it's occurred actually in 1929.Then the Republican Party came into the power,but the Republican Party doesn't think it should interfere with private economy.

Therefore,even if the great panic occurred and American economy became very serious,the American president had nothing useful at all.“If some companies go bankrupt,it'll.It can't be helped.”

No.32 15/06/08 08:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 31 【1929 has reappeared.】

『From the Republican Party to the Democratic Party.』

In consequence,great depression occurred and lots of Americans became poor,so they call the President Hoover the worst one in American history,so the Republican Party had also fallen in the estimation,Roosevelt was elected the President from the Democratic Party in the next election.

The Democratic Party thought when being depression,it should improve the national economy even if the nation got into debt.

The Americans seemed to think,“No more the Republican Party.”so they chose the Democratic Party.The same thing had happened in 2008,so they call the President Bush second Hoover,or the worst President in American history.

The Americans thought Bush is worse than Hoover.

『It's fear itself that we should fear.』

The President Roosevelt in the Democratic Party took the place of Hoover.What kind of policy did he adopt? We've learned it at school.It's the policy of New Deal.

No.33 15/06/08 20:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 32 【1929 has reappeared.】

『It's fear itself that we should fear.』

The new deal means making a fresh start.The Republican Party didn't think it should spend national funds on relief for private companies,and did nothing useful.

However,then the depression would go bad more and more,so spending national fund on constructing dam,road,or varied thing,and trying to improve economy.It's the policy of new deal.

The President Roosevelt used to say in his inauguration ceremony like the next.

“It's fear itself that we should fear.The nation will join force,and revive the economy,so please don't be worried.”Roosevelt said to the people like that.

Then there had never been TV.Roosevelt appealed to the people on a radio program.He sat by a fireplace in the White House and said to the people,so they call it a fireside chat.

He said to the people.“We don't have to be fear anything.If working hard,our life will be wealthy again.”

The President Obama also said to the American people…

No.34 15/06/13 23:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 33 【1929 has reappeared.】

『It's fear itself that we should fear.』

President Obama spoke to the people in dynamic image of Web site opened for his election every week before he became the President,or August in 2008 after he was elected to the President.

When Roosevelt was the President,the latest media was a radio,after that the latest media has changed from TV to dynamic image.

“Let's unite our efforts and work hard,and the market will be active!”He encouraged the American people in the website like that,so he looks like the President Roosevelt.

『To what is called green New Deal.』

President Obama has obviously studied the way of the President Roosevelt. It's what's called the green New Deal that Obama has launched.

When Bush was the President,while the U.S.A.carried out a large-scale of tax reduction for the rich,it attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and spent a large amount of money on the war expenditure.

As a result,financial surplus of the time of the President Clinton…

No.35 15/06/17 22:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 34 【1929 has reappeared.】

『To what's called green New Deal.』

As a result,the Bush Government not only used up financial surplus of the time of Clinton,but left the worst financial deficit and resigned.

In that situation,the President Obama has invested financial capital.He's clarified a plan of his Government that even if financial deficit expands,economic recovery is a top priority.

The Bush Administration was negative for environmental protection,but the Obama Government has put a great deal of effort into the environmental protection and tried to foster environmental industry.

The Obama Government has tried to connect his policies with economic recovery,for political power has changed and the Government can change its policy drastically.

Japanese prime ministers have changed one after another so far,but the political power is limited coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito.

Unless the political power changes,the policy doesn't seem to be…

No.36 15/07/14 22:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 35 【1929 has reappeared.】

『To what's called green new deal.』

Unless the political power changes,the policy won't be changed drastically.It seems to be hard,for it means it denies the predecessor's policy.

The Koizumi Government of coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito,and after that Abe Administration and Hukuda Government followed.Their main policy had been the reconstruction of policy.

As a result,the Aso Government couldn't deny the policy easily.If wanting to change the policy radically,political power has to be changed.The Obama Government had shown us it.

By the way,to tell the truth,I'm not familiar with both of economy and politics at all.I've expressed some descriptions which was announced several years ago,so its situation has changed naturally.

In short,I'm sure I have to give supplementary explanation,but to my sorrow,I can't,for I don't have such little knowledge that I can't.

The more time passes the more information becomes old-fashioned…

No.37 15/07/19 21:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 36 【What should we do?】

『Strong yen isn't always bad.』

We've often watched news on economic stagnation on TV recently,so we are apt to feel melancholic,but all the things aren't always bad.For example,it's a strong yen.

Export industry has been in trouble indeed,but import industry is greatly pleased.The people who belong to industry suffering from recession complain on the recession.

However,other ones who belong to industry enjoying benefit from business boom never grumble.

When strong yen continued,the car industry made an unprecedented profit,but no one in the car industry said like that,“We've made a profit!”but when being in recession,they begin to complain.

The strong yen means that prices of imported goods drop.Top-brand articles from foreign countries also fall.Japan has bought various things from abroad,so their prices also drop.

In addition,we buy crude oils in dollars.When being strong yen,its price drops.Dropping the prices have double reason.

No.38 15/08/09 11:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 37 【What should we do?】

《Strong yen isn't always bad.》

There used to be industries which were in trouble because the price of crude oil dropped,for example,it's the distribution 流通 industry.It wasn't damaged by the strong yen.

It means that as for business condition,all the industries don't suffer from recession.Our everyday life may improve partly in regard to the business condition.If it's so,will we find it easygoing to lead everyday life?

《Japanese financial industry is relatively sound.》

Ironically,Japan has relatively little damage from what is called sub prime loan because financial liberalization doesn't advanced very much.

While almost all the banks in the U.S.A.and Europe deteriorate their managements,Japanese financial institutions are relatively sound,so apparently it seems that we don't have to be worried about it so much.

However,global economy has gone bad so much that Japanese economy will be forced to be influenced by the global economy.

No.39 15/08/24 00:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 38 【What should we do?】

《Japanese financial industry is relatively sound.》

However, being strong yen means that yen is better than euro and dollar when it comes to having assets.When having lived in Japan,we find it hard to recognize,but we relatively become ver rich on account of the strong yen.

Korean currency's worth became half at the end in 2008,comparing to the yen in 2007.Plenty of Korean office ladies had come to Japan as a shopping tour until the beginning in 2008,but the situation had reversed.

Hosts of Japanese office ladies went to korea as the shopping tour from the end in 2008 to the beginning in 2009.

Then we the Japanese became twice as rich as the Korean in the half year,so the strong yen doesn't always to be so bad.

It's certain that the economy has went bad more and more,and we can't always put much confidence in stimulative measures of our government.

However,Japanese economy is relatively reliable in the world,and even if Japanese prime ministers are …

No.40 15/08/30 22:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 39 【What should we do?】

《Japanese financial industry is relatively sound.》

…so even if the Japanese prime minister is poor,Japanese economy seems to manage to hold on.

《Maintenance of Japanese finance has been well done.》

While lots of Japanese people may be afraid of news of financial crisis,fortunately or not,we've actually gone through the financial crisis in 1990s.Then financial crisis broke out,and some banks went bankrupt.

As a result,varied what is called financial safety net has been arranged well.For example,when making a deposit in the bank,10 million yen and its interest will be guaranteed at least.We call the system a payoff.

Therefore,if some banks are on the verge of bankruptcy in the future,we don't have to panic.If the banks go bankrupt,10 million yen and its interest will surely return to us.

What should we do if we have 20 million yen in the bank? We have only to deposit every 10 million yen in two banks.There are some financial institutions around us.

No.41 15/08/30 23:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 40 【What should we do?】

《What is called Japanese financial safety net has been arranged well.》

There are various financial institutions like banks,trust banks,and credit associations 信用組合 around our homes and workplaces.Even if we have billions of money,we have only to deposit the money on the several financial institutions.

By the way,as for myself,I don't have to be worried,for I don't have enough money to be worried about.

What is called major life insurance companies don't go bankrupt easily,if worst comes to worst,the life insurance companies usually join in other insurance.There is a system in which the money is guaranteed.

If an emergency arises,we don't have to be worried as long as the system is arranged.We call the system what is called the safety net.

Even if someone walks on a tightrope in a circus and drop from it,it's all right,for a net is stretched under the tightrope for safety.In short,we don't have to be worried too much.

No.42 15/09/06 12:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 41 【What should we do?】

《Financial institutions are undergoing rehabilitation now.》

Financial summit meeting was held in the U.S.A. August in 2008.It means that each country in the world declared that they did everything which they could in order to do away with financial anxiety.

Panic swept the whole world in 1929,and then each country was absorbed in protecting itsef too much that it imposed a tariff 関税 on foreign goods,so the trade reduced.In consequence,world economy got still worse.

Each country in the world recognize it as a lesson,so it tried to join forces each other so as to avoid the same error.It seems to be important.

World economy is,as it were,undergoing rehabilitation.If comparing the world economy to a human body,it'll be the next.

As being seriously hurt and bled,so the person stopped the bleeding in haste.As a result,the blood circulation go bad so much that it ruined its health.It's waiting for recovery from its illness,so blood circulation is improving…

No.43 15/09/06 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 42 【What should we do?】

《Financial institutions are undergoing rehabilitation now.》

The blood circulation are improving little by little,it means the blood circulation is undergoing rehabilitation that money circulation improves gradually.

In short,it takes a long time for the economic recovery.Stopping the blood circulation,it means stopping money circulation,will cause a bad influence,or a thing like a side effect.

For instance,both an automobile and a train can't stop immediately even if the drivers jam on the brakes.

As economic downturn has started everyone tries to stop it hard,but it can't be stopped at once,but as putting on the brakes,the vehicles will stop before long.

Economic downturn will also stop soon,the economy will recover before long.It's the message from the author,though I have doubted it.Even if the economy recovers,to my sorrow,I won't be able to enjoy its blessing.I have nothing to do with it.

《We need decent knowledge on the finance.》

No.44 15/09/20 12:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 43 【What should we do?】

『We need decent knowledge on finance.』

How should we adopt a stance to money from now on?

At one time the Japanese government did a campaign which trying to promote an investment,『From saving to investing.』

It seems that investing is more desirable than saving.Without depositing in the bank,buying some shares 株 or some corporate bonds means money circulates around the society,and the economy will be activated.

In short,in general not only saving but investing is indispensable,but when Japanese government gave a boost the investment,it was in the middle of what is called bubble economy.

Plenty of people have bought some shares because of the time of investment,but the bubble burst and the price of the shares dropped,as a result,they have had a hard time.

While they shouldn't have bought the shares in the middle of the bubble economy,if dropping the price of the share,it may be a bargain.

A way of thinking“Investment is more desirable than saving…

No.45 15/09/20 13:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 44 【What should we do?】

『We need decent knowledge on finance.』

Investment is more desirable than saving,the way of thinking may be important just now in the long run.

『Don't take up anything which we can't understand!』

A thing about which we should be careful is we shouldn't be involved in anything in which we can't grasp.

There have been a lot of private universities which are deep in debt all over the Japan in this financial crisis.Some have hidden loss and a president resigned on account of the hidden loss in other university.

When being in the middle of the bubble economy,there used to be financial goods of package being based on subprime loan,and derivatives.

The financial goods of package being based on subprime loan have a variety of credits.

There are plenty of firms and private universities which are suffering from a great amount of loss owing to the derivatives and financial goods of package being based on subprime loan.

The derivatives have what we call 仕組み債.

No.46 15/09/20 21:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 45 【What should we do?】

『Don't take up anything which we can't understand!』

The 仕組み債 is the one of which seller always make a profit.If the condition of the 仕組み債 is good,the one who buys the 仕組み債 can also make a profit.

First of all,the 仕組み債 is financial goods which financial institutions think up in order to avoid their loss.Buying the financial goods means undertaking plenty of their risk.

Without being aware of it,we mustn't buy the 仕組み債 which we can't understand very much,even if it seems to makes us make a profit.

As for a share,we may be able to grasp to some extent,but needless to say,as to the share,we shouldn't buy it,if thinking like the next.

“Though I'm not sure what the company has done,it looks splendid,so it's all right.”

If thinking,“I have lots of information on the company,and its are wonderful.I use them regularly.I want to support the company!”there will be an option which we'll buy it,for we recognize well on the company.

There are a great variety of…

No.47 15/09/28 21:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 46 【What should we do?】

《Don't take up anything which we can't understand.》

There are varied kinds in regard to stock,and investment trurt.Some are low risk,but others are extremely high.We have to be careful of them.

They are always either what is called “high risk and high return”or“low risk and low return”There is no “low risk and high return”at all.

If someone brings us chance to make a big money,we must not be involved in it.If someone says so,it should have a finger in it!

As for the profitable mechanism,it's not us but the one who brings us a chance to make a big money will be profitable,for if being convincing of making a big money,instead of advising others to be involved in it,the person itself should have a finger in it.

In addition,if there's something suspicious which we absolutely make a big money,we should always doubt it,for there's nothing absolute.

If saying“absolute”we should always dobut it.If buying some stocks,we should have those things basis in …

No.48 15/09/29 23:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 47 【What should we do?】

《Don't take up anything which you can't understand.》

If buying some stocks,we should be careful,trying not to be affected by the stockson our everyday life,being based on the concept that being safe absolutely is impossible.

After buying some stocks,if being worried about whether the stock price is up or down so much that we check the stock price frequently,it will hurt our work or our life,for we spend lots of money on the stocks.

“I've bought some stocks,and I've been worried about their price movements a little,so I sometimes remember,what's happened to the stock?”

If being able to think like that,it'll be all right,for it's just that it's small sum of money about which we won't be worried.

How much is it? Needless to say,it depends on.If someone rich,it won't be worried about even if it loses no less than 10 million yen.

However there are some other who will be worried about if losing 100 thousand yen,though I belong to some other who will…

No.49 15/10/11 22:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 48 【What should we do?】

『Don't take up anything which we can't understand.』

If buying some stocks,we should cut back on the amount of money we spend on some stocks.We should think like the next.

“This company's achievement will improve in the long run,so I'll buy its stock.Even if it causes me a loss,I'm all right,for it's a small sum of money.

As for small sum of money,it depends on,but as long as we obey the general rule, we don't have to be at a loss.

『Investing our money in ourselves is the surest thing.』

If trying to investing some money in some stocks,or to make use of some money,we need to consider its amount of money.We have to hold sum of money within some extent which we can understand.

The harder we study and the larger extent which we can understand,the larger place in which we invest some money.

In short,studying spreads the places which we invest.Learning something is eventually useful for us.

If thinking of“What's happened in the society? Why is the …

No.50 15/10/12 23:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 49 【What should we do?】

『Investing our money in ourselves is the surest thing.』

If thinking that“What's happened in the society? Why is this commodity good? Why can a company sell such a good merchandise?”and“I'll invest some money in the company!”we'll be forced to study on the company,for without any information on the company,we shouldn't invest.

In this way,if understanding things in the society,it'll be useful for our jobs.

If recognizing what kind of goods are sold well,it'll be useful for ourselves.

As it's been frequently said since long ago,the best investment is spending some money for ourselves.

Investing some money in ourselves means studying.Spending some money on our study.

For example,going to a language school,or having a license.

In short,investing some money in ourselves can certainly pay us in the future.

【At the end.】

『SONY,you are also…』

SONY announced its what is called 連結営業損益 would be deficit of no less than ¥ 260 billion.The deficit…

No.51 15/10/18 12:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 50 【At the end.】

『SONY,you are also…』

What's the 連結営業損益? It's the whole profit of not only the head office but of the subsidiary company.

SONY seemed to expect in 2008 that there would be surplus of 200 billion in a term of March in 2009,but it would have a steep deficit.

SONY has gained the whole sales from foreign countries.Serious depression all over the world made its sales drop,in addition,the strong yen advanced.

Please pay an attention the time when the company expected to be surplus.It was August in 2008.

There used to be the collapse of American subprime loan then,but world economy didn't go bad extremely.

It was after what's called the Rheman Shock when world economy deteriorated.

If losing confidence for money,and finance,it means stopping a flow of money,such the catastrophic thing is apt to happen.

SONY's commodity is so good and it's been popular among the people in the world,so we the Japanese often call it『世界のソニー』,but the company has been affected …

No.52 15/10/18 22:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 51 【At the end.】

『SONY,you are also…』

SONY has been affected by the depression,and been struggling for its economic recovery.

The company has set forth a plan of cutting down its cost so as to reduce deficit.

Carrying out a reduction of the cost not only in electrical department but in the one of video games and movies,as a result,the company succeeded in decreasing no less than ¥ 250 billion,comparing to the previous year.

Does it mean exciting game and interesting movie decrease in the future?

Putting productions in each factory together means reducing cost,but other cost generates.Its amount of money is ¥ 60 billion.Even if trying to decrease the cost,a new cost has generated.

The company has stopped a part of production in factory,so about a thousand of temporary staff have been fired.

Furthermore,as to full-time staff,the company hopes that some of them resign voluntarily.

There is no exception both to directors and administrators.The directors' bonuses and…

No.53 15/10/31 23:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 52 【At the end.】

《SONY,you're also…》

As taking its responsibility,both directors' bonus and administrators' rewards would also be cut down.

《TOYOTA and Microsoft are also…》

As for points of dropping sales in foreign countries and being under the influence of strong yen,TOYOTA had also been in the same circumstance.

TOYOTA had possibility of what's called 連結営業赤字 of a term of March in 2009,that thing had never happened after the World War Ⅱ.

The company was in the middle of considering reduction of full-fledged employees in foreign countries.

Microsoft announced that it cut down approximately 5 thousand employees.It's the first large-scale reduction of personnel since the company was founded in 1975.

If the economy in the world goes bad,firms who abstain from buying new personal computers or updating software for business use increase.

People which give up purchasing new personal computers increase,as a result,a big company like Microsoft will be in difficulty.

No.54 15/11/01 12:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 53 【At the end.】

《Japanese economy became the worst situation after the World War Ⅱ.》

The Bank of Japan,the central bank,announced a promise that economic growth rate fell into -1.8% in 2008,and -2% in 2009.They are the worst number after the World War Ⅱ.

The worst one in the past used to be -1.5% in 1998,but the ones of both in 2008 and 2009 are worse.

The Bank of Japan drew a scenario that the economic growth rate would rise up to about 1.5,but it's on the condition the financial anxiety will be dispelled and consumption in foreign countries would be upturn.

Economic deterioration would continue becoming serious more and more both in the World and in Japan,but the economy would get out of the worst situation,and begin to improve.

The Bank of Japan expects like that,but it may end up being only a desire.

《Expectation for President Obama's inauguration.》

Obama assumed the President in the U.S.A.January in 2009.It was penetrating cold in Washington then.Why did President…

No.55 15/11/08 22:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 54 【At the end.】

《Expectation for President Obama's inauguration.》

Why did they change a President in the U.S.A.in such a cold season?

In the U.S.A., an inauguration ceremony of a new president used to be done in March when it's the warm weather of spring.

However,President Hoover who was at a loss what to do in the world panic of 1929 was beaten at the presidential election in 1932.His term of the American President was in the next March,so American economy went still bad.

If the President who suffered heavy losses in a Presidential election remains in his President office,both the national politics and economy remain stagnant.

As the American Congress was aware of it,a date of inauguration ceremony of American President was moved up from March to January.

“As recognizing the history,I'm forced to think the inauguration ceremony was moved up,for President Bush who spoiled the world economy like Hoover disappeared January.”Akira Ikegami said.

We've expected the new…

No.56 15/11/15 12:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 55 【At the end.】

《Expectation for President Obama's inauguration.》

We've expected the new President Obama to be a second Roosevelt all over the world,for all the people's expectations made his inauguration ceremony grow livelier.

《They've chosen a hope.》

However,President Obama stressed at a speech in his inauguration ceremony that they couldn't take optimistic view in the future.He said like the next.

“Our economy has been weakened terribly.It's a result of our entire society' blunder which failed to adapt our nation to a new era.It's not only a part of greedy and irresponsible behaviors but our fault,for we've neglect to make a severe decision.”

He continued like the next.“I'm going to declare you today.An ordeals which we've faced are genuine.The ordeals are serious and numerous.We can't deal with it easily in a short time.”

Instead of using permissive remarks,President Obama called a preparedness with severe remarks.

Is there a politician like him in Japan?

No.57 15/11/17 23:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 56 【At the end.】

On the other hand,President Obama called like the next.

“However,all of you in the U.S.A, I want you to understand.These trials will be handled.We've gathered here,for instead of terror,we've chosen a hope,instead of dispute and disagreement,we've selected to possess the same goal.”

The President continued like the next.

“We've been distressed and frightened because of economic blunder,but if learning something important from the blunder and going on making an effort with hope,we'll definitely recover.”

President Obama made a speech for the people in the U.S.A.like the next,and the others listened to him all over the world.We also can confront the crisis with a hope.

By the way,as you know,I've expressed《14歳からの世界金融危機》which was written February in 2009.

Has the situation improved? I'm not sure of it.At leart,I should read newspaper carefully everyday and watch a TV news commentary.

Instead of other's,I should express my own thought in English,but I can't…

No.58 15/11/22 11:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Marvelous painting twitter,I'm wondering.】

I'm going to express myself in English,being based on a Japanese book,名画の言い分, written by 木村泰司,published from ちくま文庫.

I'm going to start from its preface,for it'll be useful for us to understand what the book tries to say,I'm sure.Here we go!

“Please show me how to appreciate Western arts.”or“What's a history of Western art?” Whenever others ask me some questions like those,I make it a rule to answer like the next.

“Instead of watching,we should read the paintings.”

We the Japanese often said nowadays we should watch arts with sensitivity,or it's just that there're two options,‘liking it or not.’or‘being moved by it or not.

However it's impossible to understand Western art before modern times with only sensitivity,for naturally Western art has been born in Western civilization.Western civilization itself has started from concept that the human's sensitivity isn't reliable,so we should be rational.

No.59 15/11/22 12:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 58 【Preface】

In the first place,it's after the 18th century when painters started creatings their works at will.

The works used to be things which sent others some messages.Its origin dates back to the age of ancient Greece.

There're definite intentions on the works.As for the Western art,we should grasp the messages and intentions precisely on the works,and enjoy enough the world of the Western arts.

We need a large amount of knowledge of the history,politics,religious idea,thought,and social background on the time when the works were created.

The history of Western art belongs to the knowledge,the knowledge has been systematized as some learning.It's the history of the Western art.

So even Europeans and Americans can't understand the Western art without learning the history of the Western art.

Considering that they are Europeans and Americans,but they live in modern time,so everyone needs the knowledge on the history of the Western art if wanting to grasp the Western art.

No.60 15/11/28 22:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 59 【Preface.】

We the Japanese lead our everyday life,having little knowledge on the Greek myth or the Bible,so we can't naturally understand the Western art with uncertain thing like sensitivity.

However,almost all of us won't be a professional on the art,so we don't have to possess a large amount of knowledge.

The author proposes we grasp the essence of the time when the works were created.It doesn't always mean that we have precise knowledge.

If grasping rough essence of the time,we'll also be able to understand why the works were painted at that time.

Then we can read and solve messages which were entrusted on the works.It's the true charm of appreciating the Western art and an easy way of savoring the Western art.

In European and the U.S.A,they take their children to an art museum when the children are young,and the parents teach their children the knowledge on the art with plain words.

Let's have a pure heart like a baby and appreciate the art pleasantly together!

No.61 15/11/29 11:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 60 【First chapter,the birthplace of the Western art.A trip from ancient Greece to the Middle Ages.】

The birthplace of the Western art is ancient Greece.All Civilization before Greece was controlled by some gods in a sense.

Even if it rained,it was thundering,they were what the gods had done,they used to think like that then.

“No,they're not.”Some people learned to change their minds.They learned to think things rationally and made the humankind a center for everything.

As a result,it's the time of ancient Greece when both philosophy,learning and art were born.

The ancient Greece was succeeded to ancient Rome,and was revived in the time of the Renaissance.It's been succeeded to modern Western art.

Because the Western art was born in rational civilization,without being rational,we can't understand the Western art.

The birthplace of the Western civilization is ancient Greece,so the birthplace of the Western art is also the same place.That's why the history of the modern art…

No.62 15/11/29 12:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 61 The author says like the next.“I'm going to cover the history of the art which has length of almost 2400 years in no more than a copy.It's so darning that please prepare yourself.”

Needless to say,I don't know anything on the history of the Western art,so I have to prepare for myself.

《The era of archaic,when the civilization of which center was humankind was born.》

Roughly speaking,as to the ancient Greek art,there're three eras,Archaic,Classic and Hellenism.

クロイソス墓碑像 seems to be created about 525 B.C.more than 2500 years ago.It's not supported by anything.We call a sculpture which has no props 丸彫り彫刻.

All statues of a standing figure used to have some props with them before the ancient Greece.

The 丸彫り彫刻 appeared for the first time in the ancient Greece,consciousness of the people in those days shows on the 丸彫り彫刻.It means the next.

It's not that the god made the the humankind stand.The humankind stands with its own will vigorously.

We can understand the civilization …

  • << 69 《The era of archaique,when the civilization of which center was humankind was born.》 We can grasp the civilization of which center was the humankind was born there. As for a sculpture of males in Greece,they are all naked,even if they're gods or athletes,but being naked has some intentions. We the Japanese often said we don't always make much of our faces.It doesn't matter even whether or not it's beautiful. However the concept of which being beautiful isn't made much doesn't seem to be accepted in the Western,in particular males,for one of origins of being beautiful in the Western lies in the beautiful of the males. As for males,being beautiful used to be vesy vital in the ancient Greece,so they pursued an image of ideal male. For example,they competed the championship with nothing on like the gods in the Olympics of the ancient Greece. The athletes smeared olive oil as sunscreen to their skins,for they wanted to look they were beautiful,for interior beauty in the males…

No.63 15/11/29 23:30
チョコ ( 30代 ♀ uMUhye )

Stop drinking for you,your health.

You wanna die?

No.64 15/11/30 01:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 63 Thank you for your message and your concern.

Do I want to die? I'm not sure of it,but I don't always drink heavily every day,though I'd drunk until a few hours ago.

I'm sure I'm alcoholic.To be exact,I depend on alcohol.I'm not addicted to alcohol,I hope so.

When being hungry,I tend to feel drinking.I find it hard to overcome the temptation of drinking.

When leading your everyday life,are you happy? As to myself,I'm not sure of it.I don't choose to live positively,and I don't think I want to live a long life,though it doesn't always I've suffering from something unhealthy.

Eventually all of us will be dead some day,so I don't mind so much,but I'm afraid you'll be offended by my remarks,but this is what I've felt.I'm sorry for it.

Have a good night.

No.65 15/11/30 23:48

>> 64 Hi!

Chillax, Mr.銀三.
Every man is his own worst enemy.
I' m gonna save you from drinking with my supernatural power. Hahaha.

Good luck !

From Dr. Creepy.

No.66 15/12/01 01:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 65 Thank you for your message.

Supernatural power…?

Well,putting that aside,it doesn't mean I always drink,for actually I've never drunk yet both yesterday and today,though today I'll drink after the work in the factory,for today is a payday,so I can't help it.

Hey! Dr.Creepy,what's the supernatural power? Could you please tell me?

If it were a way of curing my alcoholic,I would be happy.

I hate to be absent from my job,so I won't drink heavily today after the work.

Good night.

No.67 15/12/01 06:27

>> 66 Good morning, Mr.銀三.

‘supernatural power’means‘ 超能力’in Japanese. Also yo can say it like ‘psychic power’,though.

I was just kidding, sorry. I have no ‘Extra Sensory Perception’. ‘ESP’is short for that.

To be honest, I don't believe in supernatural power. Anyways, you can overcome it like me if there is no supernatural power.

You can do it!

No.68 15/12/06 21:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 67 Hi,Dr.Creepy.How are you? Thank you for your encouragement.

You've overcome the alcoholic,haven't you?It's wonderful!

However,without a clear vision in which I've wanted to be,it seems to be difficult,I'm afraid.To my sorrow,I have little interest on my life.

I have no family,so I'm not responsible for anyone.I'm not sure whether or not it's good.

No.69 15/12/06 22:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 62 The author says like the next.“I'm going to cover the history of … 《The era of archaique,when the civilization of which center was humankind was born.》

We can grasp the civilization of which center was the humankind was born there.

As for a sculpture of males in Greece,they are all naked,even if they're gods or athletes,but being naked has some intentions.

We the Japanese often said we don't always make much of our faces.It doesn't matter even whether or not it's beautiful.

However the concept of which being beautiful isn't made much doesn't seem to be accepted in the Western,in particular males,for one of origins of being beautiful in the Western lies in the beautiful of the males.

As for males,being beautiful used to be vesy vital in the ancient Greece,so they pursued an image of ideal male.

For example,they competed the championship with nothing on like the gods in the Olympics of the ancient Greece.

The athletes smeared olive oil as sunscreen to their skins,for they wanted to look they were beautiful,for interior beauty in the males…

No.70 15/12/12 22:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 69 【The era of archaique,when the civilization of which center was humankind was born.】

They'd thought that male's interior beauty built up its beautiful body naturally in ancient Greece.

In short,a body and spirit s one thing,and they used to be proud of each body.Hero worship was originated from it.Greek idea was shown in ancient Greek art in those days.

《In a word,it's predominance of man over woman 男尊女卑.》

To my surprise,homosexual love wasn't forbidden in the society of the ancient Greece,far from it,they made use of it.

Boyfriends who loved each other were intentionally assigned to the same military unit.It didn't seem to be rare.

A male is the one who wants to look nice himself in front of other who he loves,so when being at war,he wanted to show his boyfriend his bravery,and if his boyfriend was in danger,he would go to him in order to assist his boyfriend.

Because they had a sense of value like that,male sculpture are all naked,and they pursued its beauty.

No.71 15/12/13 00:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 70 《Predominance of man over woman.》

By the way,I'm not a gay at all,and I'm not interested in the homosexuality a bit.

To return to my main topic,I'm going to continue my expression.

On the other hand,lots of female sculptures are goddesses who wore their clothes,for female's status was comparatively low,and they thought female was inferior to male spiritually in the ancient Greece.In short,it's the society of predominance of man over woman.

While a man used to show others his nude for his exercise,a woman used to be prohibited to show others her nude.The moral didn't allow it then.A nude of goddess was inexcusable.

However,as time passed,some goddess' sculptures which were nude began to appear,I'm wondering if it responded to needs in its times.

Some sculptures of nude of Venus who is a goddess of sexual love appeared limitedly in the next era,classic time.

Briefly they pursued for ideal beauty on the art in the archaique era.They worked hard so as to come true…

No.72 15/12/27 11:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 71 《Predominance of man over woman》

Both representation of a male nude and other representation of female dress like folds were completed in classic era,and it have been succeeded in the present age.

It's classic beauty,and typical beauty.Its basis was founded in the archaique era.

By the way,speaking of the archaique era,wha is called archaique smile is familiar to us.What does it mean?

It seems a mysterious and peaceful smile hides something deep and meaningful,but it's just that it represents the one who breathes,the one who is alive.

There's a famous sculpture,『A dying soldier』,which was made at the end of the archaique era.

The sculpture represents a soldier who was on the verge of dying.To my surprise,he smiles,but it doesn't always mean he feels happy,nor he is spiritually awakened.

It's just that he hasn't completely died yet.The archaique smile means that he is dying.

Instead of watching,art is understanding,but we don't unnecessarily have to try to grasp deeply.

No.73 15/12/27 12:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 72 『Classic era,which was the golden age of Greek civilization.』

I'm going to express on the classic era.Greek civilization's golden age was from the A.D 5th to 4th century.

The origin or model of Western beauty lies in the Greek art from the A.D 5th to 4th century.Without recognizing the Greek art,we can't express the Western beauty.

There's a sculpture,Hermes who holds Dionysus in his arm,which was made by a renowned sculptor.

“How beautiful it is!”If feeling like that,it's not sufficient,for we look at the sculpture with only a sensitivity.

The work of the classic era in which idealism was made much of is naturally beautiful,but how should we understand its beauty?

By the way,I've never looked at the sculpture actually,even if I have,I doubt whether or not I can understand its beauty.

The comment isn't my own but the book,『名画の言い分』says so,though I've been interested in the art.

As you know from its title,the sculptor used Greek mythology for its subject matter.

  • << 79 【Classic era,which was the golden age of Greek civilization.】 Hermes and Dionysus were half-brothers 異母兄弟,and their father was almighty Zeus.He was such a playboy that he frequently did love affairs. When being in a figure of a god,he was covered with fire of thunder,accompanied by thunder and lightning. When meeting a human,he changed into a swan,e,bull,or person.Zeus started extramaritial affairs 不倫 with a beautiful female woman named セメレ,and she was pregnant with his child. It was naturally Hera,wife of Zeus who was enraged at it.She was very jealous goddess. Hera changed into セメレ's wet nurse 乳母,and said to セメレ like the next. “I doubt whether or not he is Zeus.Please asked him to appear in the same figure when he went to see his wife.” セメレ was worried about it and pressed Zeus.“Are you really Zeus? If so, please show me the figure of the god!” Women seem not to listen to anything then even if we men try to say something.Zeus reluctantly appeared in the figure of …

No.74 15/12/29 19:08

http:/ Hi /

No.75 16/01/01 14:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

A new year has begun,so in general we're apt to say“A happy new year.”but in fact I'm not sure why we feel so happy.

I'm wondering if it means like the next.

When leading everyday life,we've come across something hard,sad,and so on,but we've overcome them,so we've here,but I'm not sure.

Neither I have my family,nor any girlfriend,but it doesn't always mean that the situation makes me feel like that.

Then do I commit a suicide? No! Fortunately or not,I don't have enough guts to do.

Even if I have a girlfriend and get marry to her,will I feel happy? I'm afraid I won't be,but it's others' fault.Is it my fault? I'm not sure of it,it's just that it's my destiny,for I can't love anyone.It cannot be helped.

I'd thought for a long time I could,though I'd been slightly aware that I couldn't,but I didn't think I was the one like that.

It doesn't always mean that I'm ready to hurt others' feelings.I'm not sure of things of which others make most of,why …

No.76 16/01/04 13:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 75 【What I've thought】

It doesn't always mean that I'm suffering from a broken heart because someone beautiful has turned me down.

In the first place,I'm sure I can't love anymore,but I'm a male,so I'm apt to be consumed by lust.It's just that I want to satisfy my desire in the middle of it.

Ironically,we call the deed making a love,I can't help laughing it,for I don't feel any love.

However,I'd thought I could feel it,I'd expect there should be something wonderful,but it's my understanding.

When reading,there are some people who feel a strong loathing for me, especially females,it can't be helped.I deserve it.I hate to pretend to be a good-natured man,though I shouldn't have expressed what I've thought.

While I can't feel any love,it doesn't always mean whenever I feel lust for females,I won't attack any females.It's natural.

Without feeling love,we can lead our life,I'm sure,but the love can be interpreted broadly.For example,the love for family members,but…

No.77 16/01/04 14:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 76 【What I've thought】

It doesn't always mean that I intend to offend others.There's something different between I and the others.

For instance,while I find something natural,they don't,and when the they think it natural,I don't think.

More or less everyone may sometimes think so,but as for me,it's happened frequently.We the Japanese are liable to think like the next.

If large part of us do a thing,I have to do it.If not, neither I do.

However,fortunately or not I'm different,for each of us have different face,different personality,it's natural,for each of us is different,I'm sure,but the others aren't.

Even if I pretend to feel like others and I spend my time with them,do I feel happy? To my sorrow,I won't.

Contrary to it,if the ones like me are around me,can I pass my time with them? Absolutely not! I hate the ones who are stubborn,selfish,stupid,and hard to please like me.

However even if no one hates me,I'm going to do what I want to do.It's just what I've chosen it.

No.78 16/01/10 21:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 77 【What I've thought】

Oh! I made a mistake again.In the last part of the last responese,I said“No one hates…”but I should have said“Everyone hates me…”

By the way,I used to try to love a woman here,but I couldn't,though I'd expected I could in fact I couldn't.Neither its my fault,nor her fault.It can't be helped.

Did I pretend to try to look nice me? I'm afraid I did.She seemed to suffer from something lonely,then stumbled a little stone,staggered and stopped.The little stone was me.

Fortunately or not,we'd never met each other.When suffering from something bad,we're apt to seek a kind of help,even if the help may be useless actually.

It's a thing in the past.I hope she leads her life comfortably,though I have nothing to do with her forever.

It's just that I want to make discrimination for the thing in the past.

It's just that a thing in a virtual world.By the way,I've studied English for about a decade.Has my English ability improved? I hope so…

No.79 16/01/10 23:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 73 『Classic era,which was the golden age of Greek civilization.』 I… 【Classic era,which was the golden age of Greek civilization.】

Hermes and Dionysus were half-brothers 異母兄弟,and their father was almighty Zeus.He was such a playboy that he frequently did love affairs.

When being in a figure of a god,he was covered with fire of thunder,accompanied by thunder and lightning.

When meeting a human,he changed into a swan,e,bull,or person.Zeus started extramaritial affairs 不倫 with a beautiful female woman named セメレ,and she was pregnant with his child.

It was naturally Hera,wife of Zeus who was enraged at it.She was very jealous goddess.

Hera changed into セメレ's wet nurse 乳母,and said to セメレ like the next.

“I doubt whether or not he is Zeus.Please asked him to appear in the same figure when he went to see his wife.”

セメレ was worried about it and pressed Zeus.“Are you really Zeus? If so, please show me the figure of the god!”

Women seem not to listen to anything then even if we men try to say something.Zeus reluctantly appeared in the figure of …

No.80 16/01/23 07:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 79 【Classic era,which was golden age of Greek civilization】

Zeus reluctantly appeared in figure of the god.Then a lightning flashed,and thundered,Zeus whose figure was covered with fire showed up.

セメレ was a person,so she burned to death naturally,but if Zeus was almighty,why did he expect it? The god seems to have some human feelings.

Zeus was panicked,for セメレ had his baby in her body.He took out of his unborn baby from her body in a hurry,and sewed it on his thigh.In due course,Dionysus was born.

The baby cried for milk,but even if Zeus was almighty,he couldn't give his son his mother's milk.

Ironically,Hera who was Zeus' wife was a goddess who controlled childbirth and marriage.The Milky Way is mother's milk of Hera,which trickled down on the earth and a white flower came out there.It's a lily.People used to think like that then.

Zeus couldn't ask his wife Hera to give milk for the baby who was a son between him and his sweetheart.Moreover Hera watched for a chance to…

No.81 16/01/24 11:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 80 【Classic era,which was golden age of Greek civilization】

Besides,Hera watched for a chance to kill him.So Hermes who was a son between Zeus and a daughter of the giants'family was involved in this story.

Hermes had been quick-witted 機転が利く since he was born.He traveled varied places as a messenger for gods and became a guardian deity 守り神 for a traveler,gambler and thief in Greece.

Zeus said to Hermes.“I want you to take your half-brother to nymphs in the mountain and have them raise him.”Hermes carried Dionysus in his arms and traveled to the nymphs.

『Hermes who holds an infant,Dionysus』is the sculpture which was represented in a scene of the trip.

On the way to the nymphs in the mountain,when Dionysus was fretful,Hermes humored あやす him with a cluster of grape.Though actually the sculpture is a one-armed they seem to think so.

The episode hints the future of Dionysus,they also call him Bacchus.He has become the guardian deity of wine later.

When understanding background…

No.82 16/01/31 22:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 81 【Classic era,which was the golden age of Greek civilization.】

When understanding a work's background and story,we can appreciate and enjoy the work.It's the way of appreciating the Western arts.In short,as for the art,instead of watching,we should read them.

By the way,even if it's the same classic era,there's difference between ideal figure of B.C.the 5th and 4th century.

Main stream of the Greek sculpture in the B.C.5th century is a stern style.It means a stern expression which was suppressed feelings.

In those days when a male cried bitterly even in funeral,others thought he was unmanly and he was punished.

Suppressing grief and distress was more moved,they thought like that.It's same with Greek tragedy.

A person must accept its destiny.Then without resisting nor clamoring it,enduring it is beautiful and ideal. It's their sense of beauty.

On the other hand,when being in the B.C.4th century,they learned to like soft expressions.It's a style of elegance.

No.83 16/02/06 23:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 82 【Classic era,which was the golden age of the Greek civilization.】

Roughly speaking,the sculpture became better proportioned figure a little.To be concrete,it changed from what is called 七頭身 to 八頭身.More beautiful and more elegant sculptures become the mainstream then.

By the way,they had sought an ideal figure of a male through a sculpture in the ancient Greece.They had never represented any hair like the hair on a male's chest then.

Its exception is a thing like beard and pubic hair 陰毛.

The beard was adopted for the sculptures of gods and philosophers in their primes.

The pubic hair means that the one who possessed the pubic hair reached an age of adolescence.

As for the sculpture of a tomb,instead of the pubic hair,they used berry of a pomegrante ザクロ,which was the symbol of fertility.They represented the deceased reached an age of adolescence.

By the way,when expressing a Japanese phrase of 果物の実 in English,it depends on.Some used seed for the word,others berry and…

No.84 16/02/13 05:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 83 【Classic era,which was the golden age of Greek civilization】

When expressing 植物・果実の実 in English,it seems to be varied like a seed,berry,fruit,nut and so on.

As for the pomegranteザクロ ,I'm not sure which to use,for it's shameful of me to say it,but I've never eaten the pomegrante,so I'm afraid my remark may be in the wrong.I'm sorry for it.

Those Greek tradition in the art with regard to the various hairs had been to succeeded to what is called old masters.The old masters seemed to be artists before 1800s.

As a result,except for the hair on the head,any hair have never expressed and represented in both sculptures and paintings after the Renaissance.

When appreciating a work of art,please be careful of it.

【The era of Hellenism.Then Greek civilization was succeeded to the Rome.】

Greece became a part of the ancient Roman Empire in the Hellenism era.I'm going to express both the history of Greece and Rome concisely.

As you know,Greece used to be a city state 都市国家,and…

No.85 16/02/13 08:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 84 【The era of Hellenism,when Greek civilization was succeeded to the ancient Roman Empire.】

There was an ancient Persian Empire of Achaimanish dynasty.Greece was to the south.The two countries plunged into war in B.C.499.It's what is called Perusian war.

Greek alliance of which center was Athens won the war in Salamis in B.C.480.

After that the three greatest philosophers like Sokrates,Platon,and Aristoteles showed up,and Greek civilization became a golden age.

However,rivalry broke out one after another between the city states such as Athens,Sparta,コリント,and Thebai,so Greece went to ruin gradually.

Instead of Greece,Macedonia which was to north began to rise.Its king governed the whole city states except for Athens in B.C.388.

His son was the Great Alexander.He led both Greek and Macedonian armies and went on an expenditureto the eastern area.He established a great empire.It reached to Egypt,Central Asia and the Indus River in India.

The expenditure made the Greek…

No.86 16/02/28 16:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

I'm apt to neglect to come here,for I've put a great deal of effort into acquiring ability of listening to English.

I'm sure I have to concentrate intensively for a short term,otherwise I can't win what I want to do.

By the way,a woman who gave her name as 幸せ者 used to come to my thread.Needless to say,it's a handle name.I'm sure she's kind.

When coming across other's sadness or trouble,she seems to feel as if the sorrow and hardship were her own.She is warm and tender,so she's nice though I have nothing to do with her any more.

I can't feel like her,but it doesn't always hate her.I hope that she can have a boyfriend who can saves from her loneliness someday.

If I say something more,it's what's called 未練 in Japanese.It's just that I want to make a distinction between me and her.

She's diligent and has wanted someone who encourages her to make an effort,I'm sure.She's a hard worker.Good-by and thank you.

No.89 16/03/12 15:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 88 If wanting to stop,I will.Whether or not I continue,it's none of your business.

If you want to laugh,do as you want to do.I won't mind it at all.

自作自演!? そんな事やるか、ボケ!

If you don't think you want to watching,stop it!

I've never ask you to watch my thread at all.

No.90 16/03/12 15:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 87 削除されたレス You don't have to use the Japanese.

No one is perfect,besides in relation to me,but I won't stop expressing myself in English.I will never!

If being afraid of making a mistake,I won't do anything valuable.

Roughly speaking,if being able to make myself understood in English,it's all right,I'm sure.

I'm not native English speaker,so I can't use accurate English,but what's the accurate English?

English has been spoken in a large area.For example,to be exact, British English is different from American English.Then is either of them in the wrong? Absolutely not.

However,both of them are native speakers,so their English is by far better than me.

Language is apt to change,if to put it in an extreme way,the way of saying has no the right answer.

Learning language is different from learning math.As for the math,the right answer is only one,but English is different.

The more the place where its language is spoken spreads,the more its language apt to change.

No.91 16/03/12 16:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

I'm afraid I was emotional a little.I should not have been.To my sorrow,it seems that I'm not a splendid English speaker,but it can't be helped.

About a decade has passed since I finished taking English lessons at an English language school.The most part of my English is self-education,except for basic one.

I think I should listen to others' advices,but some of them are apt to full of hostility.“English is not fashion!”the one said to me like that.

Without being said,I've recognized it enough,however I'm forced to think the self-education has limit,but what should I do?

I have no friend of native English speaker,even if I have,I'm so stubborn and eccentric that I find it hard to associate with others.

Being alone isn't always bad,but to be honest I sometimes feel like talking with others,except for the ones who want to criticize me.

Needless to say,I think I sometimes need to listen to something critical,but I'll hate it if it's for slander…

No.92 16/03/13 10:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

Though I've received a message from someone who criticized me again,but it doesn't appear here.I don't understand why it didn't.

It said I'm a fool,but without being said from the one like him or her,I've recognized it enough.So what?

That's why I need to study,so I've done,but if it criticized me as a fool,how wonderful is it?

I want the one to show me its ability.Otherwise it can't say the thing to me.

It suggested I change my handle name,but it's none of its business.

It says me to continue this thread,but if wanting to go on doing it,I will.It has nothing to do with him or her in the least.

Whether it's criticism or praise,I'm going to send anyone back my message as long as I have enough free to do it.

If comparing the latest message to the others which repeated the same thing,the last one isn't so boring.

Whoever wants to come,I won't refuse,maybe.Even if it's bitter criticism,it's all right as long as showing the ground of the criticism.

No.93 16/03/13 18:15

>> 88 削除されたレス You coudn't answer someone's special question, even though,it was quite easy,retard. ハハハ!

No.94 16/03/13 20:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 93 Hey! Oaf! What do you want to say? Even if I didn't answer,it has nothing to do with you.If wanting to say something,show me it clearly,nuts.

There seems to be more people who have free time than I've expected.This idiot is also one of them.

My recent remarks provoke others who read my thread,I'm wondering.

However not only I but also others who react to my remarks are such the fools.We ended up abusing each other.It's meaningless.

However all the things aren't my fault.Needless to say,the one who provocates others,it's me,is wrong,but the others who are provoked are also wrong,I'm sure.

I hate to retract my previous statement,but it's ridiculous.

In the first place,I've not built my threads so as to abuse others.

It's just that I want to be a wonderful English speaker,but to my sorrow,not only I provoked others but also I was provoked.As a result,I'm also one of the idiots.

It's a waste of time.It can't be helped.I'm going to refrain from violent abuses.

No.95 16/03/20 08:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【In a factory.】

I've worked in a factory as a temporary staff.In the place where I worked,conveyor used to be adopted,but it was abolished and a new way is adopted.I'm dissatisfied with it so much.

The conveyor is a kind of stand in which lots of rollers are put with equal space.

When making goods,at first we put a carton on the part of rollers.Then we put the goods with some materials like a screw,a nut or other ones in the carton.Next we push foraward the carton to the next position.

In the next position,other one assembles the screw,nuts and so on.The other one also pushes foraward the carton to the next part.

I think it useful to use the conveyor,for when handing it to the next position,we have only to push,it's easy.

Instead of the conveyor,the stand with casters has been adopted.When handing the carton to the next position,we have to carry it to the next position for myself.I find it hard.

Needless to say,we have to make a lot of goods,so I'm forced to…

No.96 16/03/20 09:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 95 【In a factory】

The more we have to make goods,the more we're forced to carry the carton.It's so hard that I hate it.

When saying in poor my English,plenty of people may think like the next.“What's difference between pushing forward the carton on the conveyor and carrying it for itself?”

The burden to the body of the worker is different.When pushing forward it,we don't have to move,but when carrying it,we have to,even if the stand has the casters and it's a few steps,it's hard.

There are all sorts of the goods.As for its size,it's varied.

If the goods are smaller,we can put two goods on the caster.Then instead of putting the goods one by one,if putting two of them on the stand with the casters and carrying it,it's easier,but we can't.It's forbidden.I can't understand why.It's ridiculous!

Recently,new goods have been starting to make,and the factory intends to do mass production.

However,when making,it gives us the workers a lot of trouble and time in spite of the fact…

No.97 16/03/27 23:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【In a factory】

As I have worked in the factory as a temporary staff,I don't think I have to work hard like as a regular employee,for if comparing my treatment with other regular employees,mine isn't so good,but the others demand we temporary staff work like a slave.

It seems that the factory has paid suitable money for our work,but theprobrem is that the temporary company has exploited from us so much that our salary isn't satisfactory,but it can't be helped,for the temporary company is the place likethat.

While recently both the temporary staff and regular employees have quilted one after another,personnels haven't been filled,for even if new staff enter the factory,they tend to quit at once.

Sometimes I feel like setting fire both to the factory and the temporary company,but needless to say,I don't enough guts to do. If the accidents happen,I'll feel better even if I'm in trouble.

By the way,I've tried to send a message from a what is called a tablet.I need to get use to it.

No.98 16/04/02 16:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

[The era of Hellenism,when Greek civilization was succeeded to Rome]

The expenditure made the Greek culture extend eastward without stopping.To tell the truth,the person who was charged of education for Alexander was Aristotle,a Greek great philosopher.Alexander also devoted himself to Greek culture.

However.he suffered from a fever on his way home from the expenditure and dead,then he was 32 years old,After that the empire of Alexander was divided into Macedonia,Egypt,and Syria.

On the othet hand.opinion is divided on the establishment of ancient Roman Empire.Latin people made villages around B.C 1000.It is said that it's the base of the ancient Roman Empire.After that,republic government was established around B.C. sixth century,after that the ancient Roman
Empire began to developed.

The Empire controlled whole Italian peninsula with its great military power around B.C. third century.It started what is called Poeni war with Carthago from B.C.264 to 146.Carthago lay in

No.99 16/04/03 22:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

[What I've thought.]

As having boughft the ipad,I've tried to express myself in English with touch typing without looking at the keyboard.To my sorrow,instead ,pressing witn my forefinger seems to be more quickly.When doing the way,I have to put both my forefingers on the keyboard of F and J as thoroughly as possible.

However,the more the time passes,the more my forefingers aren't apt to put on the two keyboards.It can't be helped,for it's just that I've started today.As proverb says,Rome was not built in a day,but it takes much time.It's about 1.5 hour.

When doing it with my cellphone,I used to be able to finish doing it within an hour.In addition,I tend to touch unnecessary buttons.I need to get used to doing it.Before putting my fingers,I'm liable to think where to put.

Without thinking at all,I must learn to put my fingers what I want.Conceration in a short term is efficient,I'm sure.My ability improves littli by little,day by day,I hope so.I want to use the ipad at will.

No.100 16/04/10 18:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Recently I've bought ipad.To my surprise,it has a function of responding to its users.We call it Siri.For example,if speaking to "I want to drink" it responds like the next.

At first,it tells me some places where I can drink or I can purchase beverages,for example supermarkets,convenience stores,liquor shops or bars.It shows me the ones which is the nearest one in turn.

However without speaking to it fluently it can't understand what I want to say.When speaking it "soapland" and"pink saloon" it said it couldn't understand,though I'm not sure whether or not it had nothing to do with what I can speak fluently.

When speaking it"I want a girlfriend."it said "Good luck.I'm sure you can find someone wonderful."When speaking to it "I want a boyfriend." Needless to say,I'm not a gay,but I'm interested in what it said,but it gave a noncommittal reply.

When asking it to sing something it showed me a song of Sakura with words on the screen.I must consider its way of using.

No.101 16/04/18 21:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

[The era of Hellenism,when Greek civilization had been succeeded to Ancient Rome Empire.]

The Ancient Rome Empire was at war with Carthago which lay in Northern Africa because of control on trade over the Mediterranean Sea from B.C 264 to 146 and the Empire won.

As a result,the territory of the Ancient Rome Empire became the place which surrounded the Mediterranean Sea from African northern coast to part of present Spain,and when the Empire was going through process of increasing its power,Greece belonged to the Empire.

After that the Empire destroyed three countries of Hellenism one after another .We call about the 300 years from the Great Alexander's expenditure eastward to extinction of Egypt of Ptolemy dynasty of which last queen was famous Cleopatra Hellenism era.By the way the Hellenism means Greek style,and the word was born in modern times.

The people in the ancient Roman Empire who made Greece belong to them experienced Greek philosophy ,humanity,art and gods …

No.102 16/04/23 07:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

[The era of Hellenism,when Greek civilization had been succeeded to the Ancient Rome Empire.]

The people who made Greece belong to the Ancient Rome Empire experienced Greek philosophy,humanity,literature,art,and even their gods.They began to be attracted by the things the Greek had created,and to take them in as the Roman civilization positively.

As I can understand they tried to take the art or learning in.but what did it mean that they take the gods in?

We the Japanese live in a country where there are plenty of the gods.The Ancient Greece and Rome used to be the same situations like that.The people of the two ancient countries had lots of the gods.

The Roman people began to call the Greek gods Roman names.For example,Zeus was Jupiter,Aphrodite was Venus,Hermes was Mercury,and Eros was Cupid.Thus Greek civilization had been succeeded to the Ancient Roman Empire.

Speaking of typical sculptures in the era of Hellenism,Nike in サモトラケ.Laocoon,and Venus in Melos.

A victorious god…

No.103 16/04/30 13:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The era of Hellenism,when Greek civilization had been succeeded to Ancient Rome Empire】

A victorious goddess ,Nike had gone down at the bow in a ship of a navy force.It's the sculpture of サモトラケのニケ.Her big wings were against a strong headwind 向かい風 and spread.Representation of her delicate dress was flapping.Wherever we look at the sculpture,it's filled with energy.

Laocoon was a priest at the Apollo palace in Troia when the Troia war broke out.He only objected to pull the wooden horse into the castle. A goddess Athena dispatched a huge serpent to him and his two sons.The snake wound itself around three of them and killed.The subject in the Greek Myth was taken in the sculpture of the Laocoon.

Laocoon's instant expression was contorted with pain,for the serpent bit his left side.The sculpture was represnented powerfully.His expression wasn't the one which he didn't endured his feeling.

The sensual beautiful Venus in the Melos.If comparing every work in the era of Hellenism with …

No.104 16/05/11 06:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought .】

I've been registered at mixi as its member. A woman whose age is 22 sent me her message with her photo.To my surprise,she said she wanted me to send her my message,though I don't know why.

The day when I received her message I didn't send back my message,for I was confused so much,moreover sending her my message means telling her my mail address before we meet before we meet actually each other.I hate it,for I don't think I want her to know my mail address.I think it something dangerous.

However,I changed my mind next day,for if something bad happens,it's just that I have only to change my mail address,so I sent my message for her,but she refused to receive it.If sending my message for her at once,she may have received my message.

As long as I look at her photo in her message she looks nice concerned her looks,so I think she takes her pride in her looks.Not sending my message quickly hurt her feeling,I'm wondering.As for favorite things it depends,especially…

No.105 16/05/11 22:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

It's shameful of me to say,but I forget what I've wanted to say. I expressed myself early in the morning and I've just reached home just now.As a result my remarks aren't connected with the last response of mine.

By the way,I'm sure I can't love anyone. To begin with what Is the love? There are all sorts of loves,I'm sure.For example the love between a family,or the love for a friend,or the love for something important like a hobby or favorite things.The love between a female and a male is one of them,but I find it hard to understand.

Making a love isn't always love. When hearing the phrase of make a love I find it strange,for as for me when the sexual act was done could I make anything wonderful? Moreover I'm afraid I couldn't. I won't be able to make anything in the future.

If someone is kind to me I'll be happy,but needless to say it's not a love.I may be the only one who feel like that.Except for me the society may be full of love. If so I hate to say…

No.106 16/05/16 23:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The era of Hellenism ,when Greek civilization had been succeeded to Ancient Roman Empire .】

If comparing every work in Hellenism with other works which is rational representation in Classic,lots of people should think the works in Hellenism are the next ones.If appreciating them,the works make their feelings elevate,and the works are dramatic representation which touch everyone.

To tell the truth,when making the work of the Venus de Milo there was an order to make a sculpture of Classical style which pursues ideal beauty,but the sculpture reflected the popularity in the Hellenism and the Venus de Milo which is sensual and is full of great feeling was completed.In short both style of Hellenism and Classic were combined and the Venus de Milo was born.

Thus the original idealism in Hellenism was lost and changed into the sensualism.It's character in the era of Hellenism,for then the Ancient Roman Empire expanded its territory all at once,even Egypt and Syria belonged to the Empire …

No.107 16/05/17 01:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The era of Hellenism,when Greek civilization had been succeeded to Ancient Roman Empire .】

As a result movement of things and people increased extremely,and the society became the one which various nations and varied languages were intersected among the people,so common Greek recognition became insufficient in relation to the art.Then what had happened?

The artists learned to need representation which appealed to everyone's ordinary sense,things to understand at ease for everyone,for example a woman is beautiful or a child is cute.

Eros which is a God for sexual love was represented as a boy before the era of Hellenism but it changed into an adorable infant in the era of Hellenism.The idealism in the era of Hellenism was partially succeeded to the realism in the Ancient Roman Empire.

【Speaking of Roman sculptures,if watching them we feel as if we were in the office of TV talent,.】

After destroying Egypt of Ptolemy dynasty and returned to Rome in triumph,Octavianus was given …

No.108 16/05/22 13:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Speaking of Roman sculptures,if looking at them we feel as if they were in the office of TV talents.】

After destroying the Egyptian Ptolemy dynasty and returning to Rome in triumph,Octavianus was given a title of Augustus from the senate 元老院 .The Augustus means an emperor in the ancient Roman Empire.Then Roman republican form of government from the end of B.C. 6th century was over and Roman Imperial Government started.

The Roman people carried away all the Greek art from Greece or three nations of Hellenism and made pkenty of replicas of which number exceeded the original.

Few of the original Greek art are extant at present,but the ancient Roman people longed for the Greek art so much that they made lots of their replicas,as a result we can appreciate the form or the style of Greek art at present.Even if the original ones were made of bronze,their copies were marble.

We think we must never copy a work of art nowadays,but that sense of value didn't exist in the era of the Rome.

No.109 16/05/22 14:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Speaking of Roman sculptures,if looking at them we feel as if they were in the office of TV talents.】

The Roman art is basically culture of copy,but if a way of life or political structure is different it reflects the art.The author told in the book like the next.

" In an art museumt If going in the place where the Greek art is showed I feel as if I were surrounded with gallant people and in the other place where the Roman art is showed I feel as if the people who were clear-cut personality surrounded me."

In the Greek sculpture they pursued their image of the ideal male,so the lots of the Greek sculptures seem to be beautiful. For example a sculpture of a winner in the Olympics is a monument,so it doesn't always have to resemble the winner himself. Even if the winner isn't good-looking he is forced to be the most good-looking one in the era.

On the other hand the Roman sculpture was made much of a role as a portrait of a deceased person.It means worshipping the ancestor,and it …

No.110 16/05/22 16:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought.】

If starting to speak like the next suddenly I'm afraid lots of people think I've lost my mind at last,but I wish I were a hunter!

If so,I don't have to work at the factory through the temporary company,but I find it hard to be the hunter actually.At first its income is unstable.If unable to catch any game I'll be in trouble.

However if being able to shoot down a beast like a wild boar I'll make a profit,for let's suppose that the wild boar was 200 kilogram.Its meat seems to be at least ¥5000 per kilometer,so I can win ¥1 million,though it won't go well easily,for first of all I have to do it at the risk of my life.

However everyone will be dead someday.Even if I'll be dead in the town or in the mountain alone it doesn't matter.Wherever,whenever,or whoever being dead is forced to suffering from agony.

A bear may gnaw on my head,a wild boar's tusk may stab me in the breast,I may be dead of snakebite or of Panaeolus papilionaceus 笑い茸 .If being the hunter I …

No.111 16/05/29 10:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Speaking of Roman sculptures,if looking at them we feel as if they were in the office of TV talent.】

In short worshipping their ancestors developed the Roman art.The Roman learned to enjoy their lives in vacation homes.They seemed to think of the next things.

"We want to put a sculpture of our ancestor in the vacation home."or "When my daughter marries into other family I want her to take our ancestor's sculpture."

Thus the demand for the sculpture rose. When thinking of the ancestor,the decreased,if the face of the sculpture didn't resemble the decreased himself in the least,it's a bore. As a result the sculpture became realistic,so the place where the Roman sculptures were gathered became the place like a office of TV talents,where there were plenty of people who were clear-cut personality. It means that all the people weren't beautiful.

The Ancient Roman Empire had vast territory.The sculptures of the emperors and other kind sculptures which the emperor mounted on the horse

No.112 16/05/29 11:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Speaking of Roman sculptures,if looking at them we feel as if they were in the office of TV talents.】

Sculptures of successive emperors were set up every town in the tremendous empire. Some of them mounted on the horse.They were emperors ,so their sculptures were idealized a little,but if the sculptures didn't look after the emperors a bit it's out of the question.

The first emperor of Augustus ordered to make some sculptures.One of them is Ara Pacis. It means a peaceful altar. There are also the sculptures called the parade by the member of the Imperial family. It looks like the album of the Imperial Family. If the Roman looked at each sculpture in the parade by the member of the Imperial Family in those days they could have recognized each of the sculpture.

There were difference between the Roman and the Greece in regard to the sense of values,especially to a naked body. As a result in general the Roman sculptures weren't naked,but their ideal beauty was in Greece,so the Roman …

No.113 16/06/05 21:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Speaking of Roman sculpture,if looking at them,we feel as if they were in the office of TV talents.】

As a result the ancient Roman male strove to remove their hair in a public bathhouse in order to make their skins look smooth like a Greek sculpture.

【The birth of Christian art.】

The times passed and the situation changed so much in the B.C. 4th century. Christianity used to be heretical religion and be persecuted severely until then,but the Ancient Roman Empire recognized the Christianity officially in 313 and decided the Christianity for the state religion in 392.

As you know the Christianity is monotheism 一神教. The religion has only a single god,so other gods in both Roman and Greek were opposite to the Christianity. The other gods regarded as paganism,and were forbidden to believe in.

Both the Roman and Greek gods weren't permitted to revive at all for about a century until the Renaissance. Some works of art were influenced by the Greek and Roman in the beginning,but …

No.114 16/06/12 22:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The birth of Christian art】

Some of works of Christian art were influenced by the Greek and Roman ones in the beginning ,but the art began to change gradually so as to announce the people that it was the time of Christianity.

For example the sculpture of the emperor of Constantinus who approved Christianity officially opened his eyes and his eyes looked up. It expresses the next.

"While I'm the greatest in this world where we live there is the God in the heaven above us."

In the 4th century the Germanic people had started the great racial migration for two centuries. It's the biggest event which caused the ancient European civilization in Greece and Rome changed into the Middle Ages.

The Germanic people rushed into the Roman territory in large numbers and the Ancient Roman Empire divided into the Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire in 395. As for the names of the two empires it may have been formal names,but in fact I don't know.

The Western Roman Empire was ruined …

No.115 16/06/12 23:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The birth of Christian art】

The Western Roman Empire was ruined in 476 and many different nations of the Germanic people were jumbled up in the Western Europe.

After that the art of Greece and Rome,especially the Christian art in the early days developed in the Eastern Roman Empire,for the Germanic are the hunting people. They moved so frequently that the splendid sculptueres were useless,moreover they didn't have ancient tradition. Thus the development of the art was behind the times in the Western Europe.

However the Christianity spread over the Western Europe more and more. The Christianity is the religion which is good at missionary work 布教.
Not only the Greek,the Roman but the Germanic who came to the Western Europe were polytheist 多神教徒.

The Christianity was fully aware that those polytheists couldn't a single god,but the Christianity allowed the polytheistic to adore saints. Besides the Christianity took advantage of holy grounds of the aboriginal people effectively.

No.116 16/06/13 00:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

While I've expressed the way of watching the Western art, it doesn't always mean my English remarks are equal to my thought. Even if I can understand an intention of a sculptor I'm not always touched by his work of art. If all of the people in the world are moved by some works of art ,do I have to be touched?

However when understanding the intention of the sculptor I find it interesting. It's just that I hate to pretend to be moved by the works of the art,for I've never watched any works of art in my own eyes. All of them are photographs in the book.

To my sorrow I'm not a sensitive one a bit,but I've been impressed with a few works . The one is pointillism 点描. It looks like a mosaic,and the other is a work of Renoir. Three naked women are bathing in the river. They are beautiful,even if they were women in the painting ,I thought when watching them in a book.

However I wasn't moved with them. It's just that I was impressed. I wish I could be moved some day!

No.117 16/06/13 09:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I've wanted to be a hunter but when calming down I find it possible,for the hunting season is about no more than three months a year. It's just that I hate to work in my job. In addition I'm not good at socializing with others. Being alone is better than being with others, i'm sure.

When walking around mountain or wood an experienced hunter seems to recognize easily whether or not there is game he wants. If looking at a dungs or tracks he seems to recognize the game's age or whether the game is male or female.

Roughly speaking the way of hunting is three and so on. A rifle, trap.or net. When using each of them ,he or she need a license . I've heard news lately that a bear attacked some people. Then the hunters have been called for.

To my surprise there are some women who have been the hunter. We call them what is called 狩りガール in Japanese.

Some lives of the hunters are self-sufficiency,I'm wondering. They handle the game which they get for themselves to eat …

No.118 16/06/19 05:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The birth of Christian art】

For example there is Paris which originates from Cite Island. There is the chapel of Notre Dame in the island. Paris used to be the town of the Celts originally.

There used to be an altar for the Celts to do religious ceremony in the place where there is the chapel of the Notre Dame. After that the Roman influence increased and Paris became the town for the Roman. A shrine which held a ceremony for the repose of the Roman gods was built in the place where there was the altar for the Celts.

When the Christianity became a state religion for the Roman and Paris also became a city for the Christianity, a church for the Christianity was built in the same place. After that the chapel of Notre Dame was completed.

Even if both the religion and building changed the place was holy ground for the native people in the island of Cite. The Christianity seemed to adopt the way and made the people accept the way.

Some people resisted the way in the beginning but …

No.119 16/06/19 06:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The birth of Christian art】

Some people resisted in the beginning but their their grandchildren seemed to accept and as a result they became the Christian in the end.Thus more and more the people became the Christian and it is said that the people were the Christian in the whole Western Europe.

Ancient Eastern Roman Empire developed the Christian art in the beginning. We also call the Empire Byzantine.Greek,Roman and Orient culture were united and original culture was born. It's the Byzantine culture. The Byzantine Empire existed until 1453.

I'm going to express on the painting of 湾曲した玉座の聖母子 in the culture of the Byzantine.

Plenty of people may have thought it's a poor one,for it's flat and their faces look expressionless, but the painting was done intentionally. Without having any intention any work of art hasn't been done in the Western art. There is always intention or inevitability there.

Lots of people became the Christian more and more,but if representing …

No.120 16/06/26 13:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The birth of Christian art】

Plenty of people became the Christian more and more and if the Christian art had been represented in a three dimensional splendid sculpture lots of people would have been confused,for they were used to watch Ancient Greek and Roman sculptures.

As a result when looking at the Christian art they may have been worried about whether or not it was Christian art. At the same time we the human being have been sinful from the Christian point of view since Adam and Eve committed the sin in the Garden of Eden,so the Christianity thought that instead of the three dimensional figure like us the human being when a holy people was represented they were done in the two dimensional world.

The painting could avoid the danger of worshipping idol. Almost all of the people couldn't read any letters in those days. If being explained in letters almost all of them didn't seem to be able to understand the concept of the work of art. The Christianity thought the work of art …

No.121 16/06/26 21:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The birth of Christian art】

The Christian seemed to think they had to show the Christianity with something concrete. The religious art has varied rules and there are some grounds for them.

The pose for the sculptures were fixed. According to some legends the original form of the pose of 湾曲した玉座の聖母子 is オディギトリア型の聖母. When St. Luka drew the Holy Mother for the first time she posed like the next.

She pointed at Christ with her right hand and held him with her left hand. He had a scroll in his left hand and posed with his right hand. The pose of his right hand means celebration.

The ways of using colors were also fixed. The philosophy of Plato which was born in Greece was taken in the Christianity as a part of the Christianity. It's new Plato doctrine. What is the new Plato doctrine?

In a word the new Plato doctrine is the God is equal to the light. While needless to say we the humanbeing don't shine ,a ruby, emerald, sapphire, or gold twinkle. Those gems are closer to the God than …

No.122 16/07/10 03:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The birth of Christian art】

The gems are closer to the God than us the human being ,the Christian thought like that.

As a result when representing holy people their colors were fixed. They were the ones of the ruby,emerald,sapphire or gold. In short,red,green,blue,or gold. The colors were meaningful.

Moreover the colors in the painting of オディギトリア型の聖母 were also meaningful. The red is divine nature,it means mercy. The blue is holy wisdom. The gold in the background is permanent faith,the God's energy,or is the heaven.

I'm going to express a brief summary on the new Plato doctoring.

If using a simile 喩え,the infinite light is given off from the God. The light creates everything living. When being away from the light it becomes dark gradually. Everything isn't always the same. One is high and other is low. Each of them gets a soul from the reason and becomes the existence of material.

The worst situation in the existence of material is darkness. We call it evil for the sake of…

No.123 16/07/10 04:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The birth of Christian art】

We call it evil for the sake of convenience.

As to us the human being the material side is the body. The body is full of desires and something evil,so a trouble is caused,but we the human beings are originally existence in the heaven. The homeland of our souls are in the world of idea.

Therefore our souls are released from our bodies and returned to the world of idea and changes into the reason and at last they unite into the God. It's an ultimate goal on the philosophy.

By the way I can't agree with the concept at all,for at first I wasn't born from the light. Needless to say I was born from my mother,though I may have been filled with something evil. It's just that my fault. I can't blame anyone for it.

As for the idea,I don't feel like expressing it. It's too abstract to take any interest in it.

When expressing in English once I can do 1page at most. I've done 78page just now. The book has about 300pages. It'll take a long time until I finish.

No.124 16/07/17 17:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was created intentionally】

By the way,the western area in the Europe began to be influenced by the eastern Byzantine art. The eastern Byzantine art means the Christian art in the Eastern Europe in the early days.

How was the Western Europe influenced by the eastern Byzantine art? I'm going to express France in the era of Gothic.
The book of 『名画の言い分』described what is called 青い聖母 which has been in the Cathedral in Notre-Dame. I'm going to express the 青い聖母. Needless to say,it's just a quotation from the book.

It's the statue of the holy mother and her child made of stained glass. It's beautiful and two dimensional. There had already been an elegant style which was adopted at a palace in Paris in the middle of the 13th century.

When a bell rang of a church around 5 in the morning ,first of all they went to church and received a mass ミサ without sitting on the chair. The mass was done in Latin Language and they couldn't read except for clergymen,royalty and …

No.125 16/07/17 18:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was created intentionally】

The mass was done in Latin language and they couldn't read except for clergymen,royalty and titled nobility,so they couldn't understand things which was done in the mass,but they received the mass and returned to their homes and started their job. It was their lives then.

Religious music and stained glasses become gorgeous gradually so as to attract them. They were overwhelmed by solemn steeples and high ceiling in which the Gothic style was adopted gave them an impression as if the ceiling made them soar in the heaven. Mysterious light shone on them from the stained glass and fragrant incense drifted in the air at the same time they heard solemn music.

There weren't any amusements,any pastimes,any entertainments in those days. Speaking of the mass ,the ordinary people regarded it as a big event. They were touched by the mass visually and emotionally. The church made them think as if the church had been the house of the God.

No.126 16/07/18 05:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I used to be a man of few words,but it does't always mean that I have nothing to say. Far from it! There are plenty of things to say. It's just that no one tries to listen to me.

I'm so eccentric that no one tries to approach me,even if few approach,to my sorrow they don't seem to be interested in what I want to say,but it's my fault,so I can't blame anyone for it.

When started learning English and trying to express myself in English I can describe what I've wanted to say at will,though I'm afraid it's just that few people who listen to me. It can't be helped.

By the way,I happened to come across an English thread in this bulletin board. The one who founded the thread seems to struggle to be a fantastic English speaker. I've never talked with anyone in English until then,so I feel happy.

Some people say it isn't too late to learn,but I doubt it. It depends on. The sooner the better. I find it natural ,unless we are forced to do.

No.127 16/07/24 01:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was created intentionally】

Thus the Christianity made the people become believers for the Christianity.

By the way when expressing art we've often used the word of style,but if wanting a definite answe," when did the style start?" it seems to be impossible.

Various movements for art continues without a break for a long time and it becomes a kind of history. Roughly speaking after a few centuries and so on they looked at the movements for art systematically and they started to call the movements something,adding the style.

However as to the Gothic style,we can clearly recognize the time when it started. An abbot in a religious house started the Gothic style deliberately from 1137 to 1144 in the suburb of Paris.

The religious house was the family temple for French successive royal families. When rebuilding the royal family temple the abbot gathered not only skilled architects but also excellent artisans for stained glass,bronze,mosaics or wares made of …

No.128 16/07/24 03:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was started deliberately】

When rebuilding the royal family temple house,the abbot gathered not only skillful architects but also excellent artisans for stained glass,bronze,mosaics and pieces of handiworks made of gold or silver from all over the Europe. He showed the first step for the architecture of the Gothic style.

If wanting to know why it happened we need to read French history. The person who became the abbot was born into a poor family,extremely poor. He was adopted by the royal religious house so as to reduce the number of mouths they had to feed.

He made friends with a man who become Louis the Sixrth later in the school for service when they were children. There were close bonds between two of them.

When he became the French King,Louis the sixth,his friend also became his official advisor who was in the best rank and was installed as abbot then.

The king's son,Louis the seventh had complete trust in the abbot,for when he went on …

No.129 16/07/31 07:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was started intentionally】

When the Louis the seventh went on an expedition for the Crusadors the abbot was engaged in the French government as a regent 摂政.

Even being France in those days,it didn't used to be a single nation which was arranged well as it is at present. A region of direct control by the French King was limited. Paris and its outskirts and an area of Orleans.

Other territories lined up along the French kingdom. They belonged to the French nobles which were vassals 家臣 in the federal system. Their influence was so enormous that the French King seemed to be an honorary post 名誉職.

To make matters worse,the influence of one of the vassals was becoming more influential then. He also became the English King and possessed lots of other territories of other vassals. There was a Lady who got divorced by Louis the seventh. The influential vassal got married the Lady,as a result the vassal owned about half territory of modern France.

Louis the sixth  …

No.130 16/07/31 09:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was started deliberately】

Louis the sixth was firmly forced to be aware of significance of his position as a King in the background in the 12th century. He came out with a new concept that France wasn't the one which ranked with its vassals but the one which was surrounded with borders.

He raised clearly the federal system and showed the French King stood on the top of his vassals. He tried to establish a nation like that. Its symbol was the Gothic Style.

At first Louis the sixth won bishops in each area in France and cities which had been influenced by the cities to his side. He adopted some excellent parts of abbeys in Romanesque style which had been built each place in France. He mixed with the excellent parts and added his original artistic feeling and created the Gothic Style.

He carried out the Gothic Style and rebuilt his own abbey. Thus the Gothic style had started. The abbey was so magnificent and beautiful that they were fascinated by the abbey.

No.131 16/07/31 10:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

August starts from tomorrow,then summer vacation also begins after a week and so on. We also call the summer vacation a long day off,however whether or not it's long it depends,for as to the factory which I've been engaged in its long day off is no more than 3 days. I can't say it's long at all.

In general we've heard a cicada can't live for a long time though when it's a larva it can spend several years in the ground. When coming out or the ground and becomes an imago 成虫. the chirp of the cicadas have been echoed as long as they live as if they devoted every minutes to the chirp. A few weeks and

To my sorrow my long day off is shorter than the chirp. My long day off will be over before the cicadas stop chirping.

By the way the factory in which I'm engaged has started new products. As to the strong point is the low price. The factory seems to take a policy of maintaining a narrow profit margin and a large sales volume 薄利多売.

However there are such a lot of…

No.132 16/07/31 12:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

When producing there seems to be such alot of troubles that it takes plenty of time and it makes the work harder. Considering a price for one product we must not spend much time on making the product,otherwise it'll be no profitable,but the more we try to make the products the more it take time. How does the factory try to make up for the loss?

I'm just a staff in a temporary company,so even if the factory goes bankrupt I have nothing to do with it.

If the company were a ship which were going to sink into the sea and I were a mouse I would run away long long ago.

When being late for the schedule for product some of leaders say we the employees are responsible for being late,but I don't think so in the least,for the section which I belong to have done nothing wrong at all.

The problem isn't my section but the previous one,so the previous section should take the responsibility for being late. It's just that I've been involved in the trouble.

No.133 16/08/06 22:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was started intentionally】

The result of the Gothic style expanded from Paris and its suburbs little by little and building of a big church in the Gothic style was a big fad each place. The abbot placed the abbey which he rebuilt as spiritual center in France and succeeded in drawing patriotic feelings from the people.

Fortunately having faith in the Virgin Mary was popular among them.

Then farming villages changed into cities gradually. Reforming farmland and clearing forest land for cultivation made progress. The crop and the population increased,as a result lots of people started to gather in the cities gradually,but all of them couldn't speak the French. They spoke their dialects. They had nothing in common at all.

However there used to have faith in the earth as the mother each place from the ancient times,and the native faith became common points and it turned into the faith in the Virgin Mary. Needless to say it doesn't always mean that they …

No.134 16/08/06 23:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I've been studying English for about a decade,though it's just that I've tried to use the English as much as I can.

There are a great variety of languages in the world,and the English is also one of them. Whichever languages we speak we use it so as to tell others our will,but I'm forced to doubt whether I can convey my will to others precisely. The more I speak the more I'm irritated or I'm embarrassed,so I'm forced to think there should have been more appropriate phrase. The languages are difficult to express.

I hate to want to be looked nice but but I sometimes do,but when saying something I don't have to pretend that I'm a bad egg. Indirect referrence is by far better than hurting others,for I'll regret doing it.

By the way I'm afraid my enthusiasm for the English is losing little by little. Why do I speak the English? I used to think I have fun,I think so just now,but something ambitious is losing from my heart. I'm wondering I've been spiritless.

No.135 16/08/07 12:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was started deliberately】

Needless to say it doesn't always mean that they didn't understand the Bible. It's just that they regarded the Virgin Mary as the goddess of having an easy delivery or the goddess which made the women be blessed with their children.

The Gothic style was mixed with the faith in the Virgin Mary and what is called the great churches of Notre-Dame were built one after another each place. The Notre-Dame means Our Lady in English. In short it means she is the Virgin Mary.

When building the Great Churches of Notre-Dame the French Royal Family didn't mind spending money. The Royal Family supported the Gothic style,for it's kind of political campaign.

As a result the Great Churches in the Gothic Style became a symbolic thing. The more the Great Church spread the more the royal authority expanded. Filipe the second succeeded the throne of the French Royal Family after the Louis the seventh. He recaptured the enormous territory from England…

No.136 16/08/11 13:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I'd been working in a factory as a temporary staff but I quit the job in the factory yesterday. I'm just the temporary staff,so it's no problem for me at all,for I'd hated to work there. If working against its will everyone hates,I'm sure.

The factory has planed a mass-production for new goods,but it's failed,for there have been such a lot of mistakes that the plan of mass-production couldn't be done. Without carrying out the plan the factory may be forced to close,the factory seems to think.

When making the products while the factory handles the products very carefully we the employees are treated roughly,especially we the temporary staff. I'm sure they don't think we the temporary staff are human.

Whether or not the plan is well done,it has nothing to do with me a bit. Even if the plan is well done my treatment remain as it is. Nothing improves in the least. If the factory is closed it's just that the place where I work changes, though it's over.

No.137 16/08/12 07:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was started intentionally】

Thus France became a great power about the 13th century. By the way,except for the popal territory and Venice,it was 1861 when Italy was unified. Germany was in 1871. Considering the neighboring countries,the concept of a nation with the border seemed to be innovative,though I hate to say it doesn't ring a bell very much.

If saying the religious art of the Gothic in the Middle Ages, religious principle or the world of the concept were showed in front of the people. To be concrete, "This is the instruction of Roman Catholicism." There are intentions even each sculpture of the entrance in a great church. There are something significant even each piece of stained glasses.

However it was royality and titled nobility who understood the world of the concept. They led the society and shouldered the development of the religious art then. Almost all of the bishops and great bishops were from distinguished family of the peerage.

No.138 16/08/14 11:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Gothic style which was started intentionally】

Royalty and titled nobility were educated every country and every era traditionally. Contrary to it,without being in an abbey ordinary citizens didn't have any chance of being educated,they were simply uncultured,though it was natural. As a result they tended to like a thing which was familiar with them. The situation was same in the Europe in the 15th century.

The merchants who were rich and educated were on the rise in both Italy and Nederland which means present Holland and Belgium in the 15th century. Then the art also changed into other one with needs from the new sponsor of the art.

The times changed and I'm going to a new chapter from now on. Roughly speaking I'm going to express on Renaissance.

【Power of the art made the morale of the citizens rise】

Renaissance was was in its full glory in Italy south to Alps in the 15th century. Florence was the center of the Renaissance. Why was Florence the center of the Renaissance?

No.139 16/08/14 12:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Powre of the art made morale of the citizen rise】

We need to know the background of the era in order to grasp why Florence was the center of the Renaissance. I'm going to describe it simply here.

Italian economy developed greatly in the latter half of the 15th century. It was caused by expenditure for the Crusades from the latter half in the 11th century to the 13th century. Some merchants in port towns like Genoa and Venice cooperate the Crusades. They offered the Crusades troopships.

The merchants were allowed to expand their commercial sphere in reward. They were under a great debt to the Crusades. Then a wealthy citizens were on the rise naturally. If being rich we aren't to apt to pray to the God when being in difficulty.

The God hedged them in religious precepts in the Middle Ages. "We have had enough of being restrained from the God any more. Let's enjoy eating,singing and loving! Let's have a good time in this life!"

Thus instead of the God,the human became the center …

No.140 16/08/14 13:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Power of the art made morale of the citizen rise】

In this way,instead of the God the era when the human was the center came then. They started to take an interest in the era of the Greece and Rome very much,for in the era the human was the center in the world.

When being rich we the human always seem to do the same thing every country every era. What do we do? It's collecting antiques. There were the people who had gathered things which were in regard to the Christianity in the Middle Ages,but they started to collect other antiques in the era of the Greece and Rome,for they seemed to think like the next.

"The beautiful Virgin Mary and the goddess Venus of love and beauty are by far more wonderful than other Virgin Mary who grimaced in the Middle Ages"

Moreover political situation had greatly influenced on the art in the 15th century. Italy didn't used to be unified then as it is. Florence,Venice,and Milan were dependent as a city state each other. The one who ruled the Milan …

No.141 16/08/14 14:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Power of the art made morale of the citizen rise】

The then grand duke of Milan regarded himself as an Ancient Roman Emperor and tried to control the whole Italy. It was the people in Florence who resisted it. Florence was a town of merchants and artisans. If someone controlled the town they couldn't trade at will. As a result the town of Florence and the garnd duke were at war then.

The people in Florence made use of military force,political power and other power of art and raise the morale for themselves and tried to win the war. They looked up the Athene as the goddess who led them to the victory.

Athens was also a city state like Florence. As I'd expressed the Greek alliance of which center was Athens won Persia of reign of Achaimenes of a great power in Salamis. The ancient great power was equal to the modern one,the present U.S.A. After that Greece reached the golden age for their civilization.

The people in Florence longed for Greece and Rome which succeeded to the Greek…

No.142 16/08/15 03:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Power of art made morale of the citizens rise】

The people in Florence longed for the Ancient Greece and yearned for Rome which succeeded to the Greek civilization,moreover the ancient Rome is more close to them. They tried to revive the humanities,art and gods in the Ancient Greece and Rome. We call the series of movement in France in the 19th century Renaissance.

【Symbol of Christian humanism,it's primavera】

However the Christian church controlled the society then,so the situation wasn't so easy. Even if they could revive the ancient gods,they were Christians. They were different from the Japanese,though we the Japanese pay a visit to a shrine and some of us hold a wedding ceremony at church and others do a funeral at temple.

The Ancient Greece and Rome was the era when they believed in heretical gods from Christian point of view. The ancient gods were denied during the Middle Ages,but the people in Florence were realistic merchants and thought like the next.

No.143 16/08/18 18:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Symbol of Christian humanism,it's primavera】

"Needless to say,the people in Greece and Rome believed in the heretical gods,but it can't be helped,for it was before the era when Jesus Christ was born. The Ancient Greece and Rome were our great roots of the civilization." The people in Florence affirmed the ancient civilization.

Thus the study, art,and gods in the Ancient Greece and Rome were revived as the Christian humanism.

In fact the ancient gods had been made use of in some instructive poems partly during the Middle Ages,but the people in Florence renewed them ,changed the ancient ones into others which were appropriate for Italy in the 15the century.

For example Venus used to be the god for sexual love in the ancient but it was revived as the god for love and beauty,for the god for the sexual love wasn't suitable in the society in which the Christianity had influenced on the people.

The Cupid was the son of the Venus. He was also the god for the sexual love and desire…

No.144 16/08/19 04:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I've bought】

The other day I've bought a book. Its title is 快読100万語!ペーパーバックへの道. Roughly speaking its concept is like the next.

Everyone can read an English book,what is called a paperback. The author has insisted that we can do it easily without using dictionary. When coming across unknown words he said us to skip over them. When finding it hard to read stop reading and start reading other one.

In fact there seem to be plenty of books which recommend that we read English books widely. Whichever books I choose,they suggest the three things. Don't use dictionary. When running across unlearned words leave them out. When finding it difficult to read,stop it and choose other one.

On the other hand I've done opposite things. As for using dictionary I'm not repulsed at all. I find the dictionary useful when studying English. In addition when coming across unlearned phrases I'm apt to be worried about them so much that I tend to use the dictionary. Am I in the wrong?

No.145 16/08/19 05:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I bought】

The author has insisted like the next.

Let's suppose that the thing at which we aim was mountain climbing. The roads to the summit are uneven. It means a million languages. While some parts are even plenty of holes,pits and roots of the trees wait for us to catch our feet.

By the way when reading an English book and coming across unknown words it's equal to the holes and the roots of the tree on the roads of climbing mountains.

If looking up the unlearned words in dictionary one by one,it means that as if we used a shovel and filled up the holes with the soil one by one,and dugged up the roots one by one. The shovel is equivalent to the dictionary.

After being even we'll go ahead,but can we go to in a great distance? We can't. With the ways lots of people have given up reading the paperbacks at once. We should refrain from taking the same mistakes. The author has insisted in his book. He said,"we have only to jump over both the holes and roots." But…

No.146 16/08/19 06:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I've bought】

The author said on the dictionary like the next.

Without using the dictionary at all plenty of people are afraid. When it comes to being able to read an English book some of them think the English-Japanese dictionary has helped them.

However the knowledge from the dictionary is very shallow and they are frequently in the wrong. There are some English experts who rely on the English grammar and English dictionary,but their knowledge on the English is so weak that they don't understand the articles like the and a enough.

Needless to say,it's not my own remark but the author's,so please don't be offended by what I've said.

When reading an English book,which word appears the most in the book? It's "the" but it seems that the phrase has been made light of among the Japanese schools.

We the Japanese pay no attention to the article,even if looking up it on the dictionary there seems to be a mistranslation like その and there are other notes.

No.147 16/08/19 07:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I've bought】

The notes said we don't have to translate it into the Japanese.A Japanese word,その isn't important among us in the least. It doesn't appear so frequently,but the English phrase,"the" is different among them. It appears more than any other words in the English. Is there any Japanese words which is equivalent to the article ?

There seems to be more serious problem. The more it appears the more it's important,but we the Japanese have made much of the definite article,for the English which has been taught in the Japanese school has disregarded the basic mechanism on the English.

What does the definite article mean in the English concretely? There are three roles.

The easiest one is the next. We add the definite article to the word which has appeared before. We've learned in the school. This is an example.

『A mouse』 went out in 『his boat,』but there was no wind. 《The》 boat did not move. "Wind" shouted 《the 》mouse.

There are two the definite articles in the …

No.148 16/08/19 09:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I've bought】

Oh! I've made a mistake! There are the two definite articles in the examples. Both of the definite articles indicate the words which appeared each other before,the mouse and the boat.

The second one is the next,it's a little harder to understand,for a thing which the definite article indicates doesn't appear clearly in the book,but when showing the one outside the book we use the definite article,being based on two grounds.

Judging from the situation expressed in the book,if the one is in the room,the door must be the only door in the room.

Judging from the common sense,speaking of the planet,it usually means the earth.

The third one is the next. When reading an English book some people tend to translating the English sentences into the Japanese at the same time. The author said that he was afraid that they don't seem to recognize the last one forever.

Even if they read the former sentences and use the common sense to the full,they don't seem …

No.149 16/08/19 11:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I've bought】

Even if they read the former sentences and use their common sense to the full,nothing will occur to them. In this case,strange to say,the definite article means a sign that it becomes the familiar one immediately,for it'll be expressed from now on.

It seems to be contradictory,but it's because of saving a labor. It may be better if being created a word of a meaning which is described right away,but in fact the only word of the definite article has been sufficient.

Roughly speaking,those three ones are the typical usages for the definite article,but there is other role which developed from. We can say it's a meaning. It doesn't always mean that I try to express all the roles of the definite articles,I'll show you the one which helps us to understand the basic role on the definite article from the developed definite article.

We add the definite article to the one which we can indicate,and other role which draws out the typical one. For example there …

No.150 16/08/19 18:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I bought】

For example there was a professional baseball player in the Major league. They called him the man. All the baseball players in the Major league are males,and calling him the man and showing us who he was,for he was a man of the men. It's the exactly the title.

Shigeo Nagashima is the same example. He's called Mr.in the mass media. Whoever someone is a grown-up of a male we add the Mr. to his family name,but calling him "Mr." means that giving him the title,doesn't it?

Whatever it's adding the definite article to anything used to be popular in Japan. Unexpectedly it was exactly the role for the definite article.

If the definite article is a sign which makes the llsteners or reader inform that they can indicate it's when the information was sent to one direction. If it's written language,it's when the language was sent from left to right. And if it's a spoken language it's when it was from the past to the future. Whether it's voices or letters…

No.151 16/08/19 18:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I bought】

Whether it's voices or letters,if the information changes its direction here and there at will, the meaning of the definite article disappears.

Japanese education for the English has paid no attention to direction for the information until now on account of translating the Englisd into the Japanese from the latter part. We the Japanese have thought like the next in relation to grasping the English.

Reading the English again from the latter part and changing the English into the Japanese word order. It means that we can understand the English completely.

When the direction for the English information is incoherent,even if the definite article shows the direction precisely,it becomes meaningless. The definite article is a word which we used more than any other words in the English,but it has been disregarded until now because reading back the English again from the latter part has changed the significance of the definite article meaningless.

No.152 16/08/20 18:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A book which I've bought】

English-Japanese dictionaries apply an equivalent term in translation,その for the definite article or they say we don't have to translate the definite article into the Japanese word so much. It shows that understanding the Englih in Japan has been in the wrong until now.

The dictionary doesn't refer to whether or not we translate it. We should recognize that expressing it is something strange. None of the English-Japanese dictionaries describe mutual understanding on both the sender and receiver for the inforrmation.

Its title is 快読100万語! ペーパーバックへの道. Roughly speaking a million English words are equivalent to 10 books of which pages are 300. The author says if reading through the books we can read a paper back which are easy to read for a grown-up. Is it so?

I've read more than 10 books of which pages are 300,though I've used the dictionary as much as possible,for I love the dictionary very much. I'm not sure whether or not my English ability improves.

No.153 16/08/23 21:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】.

Being too tired to feel like doing anything,for I've changed the place where I work and I've started a new job at a new place,but it seems to be harder than I expected.

The others are by far more skilled workers than me there,for they've worked much longer than me,so it can't be helped. In addition considering my age I hate to say but I'm forced to recognize I've been old. To my sorrow I've lost all my energy.

However I'm sure I have to get accustomed to the job in which I'm engaged at present. If looking back on in the past I have undergone many hardships and managed to get over them. I must not lose my heart easily,I'm sure.

When facing a hardship,its worth seems to prove to be clear,but I'm forced to be gloomy. Moreover my TV is broken again though to be exact it's not my own. It belongs to the temporary company for which I've worked. Even if the TV has been out of order,I've never minded it at all,but I've been exhausted both in mind and body.

No.154 16/08/27 00:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The symbol of Christian humanism,it's primavera】

Cupid used to be the god of sexual love and desire,but it's revived as the god of love. The typical one which is symbolical for the Christian humanism is the primavera painted by Botticelli. The primavera means a spring. I'm going to express on the picture.

There are plenty of heretical gods in the picture like Zephyrus which is the god of the west wind,it means the Spring wind. クロリス who is the Holy Spirit on the earth. Flora who is the goddess of flowers,Cupid who is the god of love,Venus which is the goddess of beauty,three beautiful goddess and Mercurius who is the god of a messenger.

By the way the Western art is so reasonable that we can recognize what kind of the god it is. It's just that we have only to pay attention to a thing which is painted with the god. We call it a mark.

For example as to Mercurius' mark, a cap and a pair of sandals which have wings and a cane for the messenger around which two snakes are coiled.

No.155 16/08/27 00:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The symbol of Christian humanism,it's primavera】

If those things were painted with the god,it's Mercurius and how should we interpret the work of art? There seem to be varied interpretations and I'm going to show you one of them.

Zephyrus which was the god of the west wind loved and demanded クロリス which was the Holy Spirit in the earth and she accepted it. The bride changed into other goddess of flower named Flora. It means the love between us the humans.

Contrary to it,Cupid who was blindfolded and Venus indicated the three beautiful goddesses,which means the love in the heaven,the love from the God.

Mercurius tried to drive away the clouds over his head with his cane. His act means like the next. "If comparing the love between the humans with the love from the God,it's nothing important." In short the work of the art is the one in which the love from Jesus Christ and which means the Christian humanism.

By the way there are some frontispiece 口絵 in the beginning of the book and …

No.156 16/08/27 04:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The grave mark in which the spirit in the Renaissance was announced in a loud voice】

There are some frontispiece in the beginning of the book 名画の言い分. Considering my English ability to express without looking at them with your own eyes I'm afraid what I've said may be hard to understand. I hope you are very imaginative.

Leonardo Bruno wasn't only a great humanist but a great statesman. Why is the grave mark 墓廟 epoch-making? At first it's an epitaph 碑銘 engraved on a stone coffin. While the name and position of the decreased or the date when the decreased died were usually engraved,a poem was offered there like the next.

"When Leonard was dead it's been felt in the history,eloquence changed into silence. All the goddesses in the Rome and Greece couldn't hide their tears equally."

To my surprise the Rome and Greece who believed in the heretical goddesses and religion appeared on the poem. The sculpture that the decreased lay down quietly wore a laurel on the head and he held the …

No.157 16/08/27 05:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The grave mark in which the spirit in the Renaissance was announced in a loud voice】

The sculpture that the decreased lay down quietly wore a laurel on the head and held the book which the decreased wrote himself on the breast.

Considering it was set up that a prayer book which the sculpture of the decreased held on the breast then it was also epoch-making. A angel of which origin was the ancient heretical god held a medallion.

In a word it was the grave mark which announced the spirit in the Renaissance in a loud voice. They didn't deny the Ancient Greece and Rome as the heretical god and culture. They were the ones before Jesus Christ was born,so it can't be helped. It's the root of our great culture. The things like that was declared in the prayer book in the prayer book.

By the way,did the Ancient Greece and Rome go to the heaven after being dead? Otherwise did they go to the hell? They were heretical and they didn't go to the heaven,but they were the root of their own …

No.158 16/08/27 08:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The grave mark in which the spirit in the Renaissance was declared in a loud voice】

If the ancient people had gone to the hell,the people in the Renaissance would be worried,for the ancient ones were the root of the ones in the Renaissance. As a result the idea of Purgatory 煉獄 was come out with. The place where it's neither the hell nor the heaven. It's away from the heaven in order to clean up the sin.

A poet in Florence,Dante guided them the Purgatory through the Commedia 神曲 in the beginning of the 14the century. The clearer the idea of the hell and Purgatory became the more the indulgences 免罪符 were sold then,but ironically they thought it so unreasonable later that it led to Reformation by Luther.

The Commedia wasn't written in the Latin but done in a dialect in the district of Toscana,so Dante was called a founder of the national literature. After that the stream of the national literature spread over the whole Europe. The development of the national literature every country…

No.159 16/08/27 09:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The grave mark in which the spirit in the Renaissance was announced in a loud voice】

The development of the national literature made the dialects put in order and both the English and the French were established as the national language each other.

By the way whenever expressing some descriptions in English I'm apt to have something which I want to know. For example the title of the Commedia. It's the story on the Purgatory. It doesn't seem to be comical but when hearing the title,I'm worried about whether or not it was related to something comical.

The idea of Purgatory became so clear that it led to the Reformation by Luther. Why? Whenever coming across the questions like that and researching one by one, I'm afraid I can't finish what I want to express forever,so I'm going to go on with this thread.

【The revival of love among the family members in the work of art,Holy Family】

The more the standard of living rose the less the death rate on the children also did,so when rearing…

No.160 16/08/28 17:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The revival of love among the family members in the work of art,Holy Family】

The more the standard of living rose the less the death rate did. Then when rearing the children they'd learned to treat their children with affection,for when bringing up the children they didn't try to love them so much until the Middle Age.Death rate of infants were so high that they tried to prevent the mothers from receiving mental damage when their children died.

However the standard of living rose in Florence and they learned to love their children. They learned to make much of the education for their children. Judging from the situation in the Europe then a literacy rate used to be high in Florence,for Florence was a town of merchants and artisans. Without being able to read and write and doing arithmetic they couldn't lead their lives. Besides the fathers always worked next to their children or they always came back to their home at night.

Contrary to it,when it come to Swiss,the situation was…

No.161 16/08/28 18:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The revival of love among the family members in the work of art,Holy Family】

On the other hand when it comes to Swiss,the situation was different a little even if they were in the same era,for the fathers were mainly engaged in raising cattle in Swiss. They went to the fields and mountains with the cattle and didn't return to their home at least for half a year. As a result the father's existence became big in Florence and recognition that the father was one of family member became very strong there.

For example it appeared in the religious painting like the Holy Family,for the painting of Holy Mother and her child were by far more than other paintings of family members until then. When a foster father,Joseph was painted they used to make light of him a little in the paintings.

However the rank of Joseph rose and learned to be painted as family member after the 15th century. Its good example is the Holy Family painted by Michelangelo. The painting was round. When celebrating …

No.162 16/08/28 19:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Revival of love among the family member in the work of art,Holy Family】

When celebrating something like a marriage or birth the round painting was sent. The painter made use of the spirit in the Renaissance for the representation in the round painting.

There is the family in the center of the painting. Father,mother,and their child. There are some naked males behind them. Each of the family members are their backs to the naked males. The place where the family seemed to be separated from the naked ones who are in a gutter.

The naked men mean the era of Ancient Greece,the heretical era. The father seems to be John the Baptist. The gutter means the Purgatory 煉獄. It is said that the painting means the transition from paganism to the Christianity.

John the Baptist is a prophet and a pioneer to Jesus Christ,in addition he baptized Christ. He was one of important people in the Christianity but the Christianity wasn't established yet when he was alive and he was the Jew and a Jewdaist.

No.163 16/08/28 21:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Revival of love among the family member in the work of art,Holy Family】

All the people in the Holy Family were in the transition from the heretical one to the Christianity. The place in front of the family is the time of the Christianity,though it wasn't painted. If interpreting like that we can enjoy the world which the work of art originally has.By the way Jesus himself used to be the Judaist. The Christianity is the religion which was born after his death,being based on his teaching.

As to the background in the Holy Family there seems to be varied interpretation. What I've expressed is one of them. Though I've understood the world which the work of art has,I've never impressed with it at all. I'm sure that recognizing something is different from being impressed with it.

【The school of Athens where philosophy and faith was in harmony】

Some painters represented the spirit in the Renaissance. They are various. The work of art which supports the Greek philosophy and the …

No.164 16/08/28 23:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The school of Athens where philosophy and faith was in harmony】

Greek philosophy and the Christianity supported the spirit in the Renaissance. The school of Athens represented by Raphael has the harmony of the philosophy and faith. The situation in the painting is like the next.

Plato and Aristorle are walking toward here through the central passage. All the famous Greek philosophers were around the two of them. Except for the two philosophers walking through the passage they posed as they like.

The work of art is in a room of the Vatican Palace at present. The room is equivalent to a study for the Pope. The Pope is at the top in the Catholic. The painting of the people who believed in the heathen religion is being decorated in the study of the Pope.

It seems to be very serious for the Christianity,but we the Japanese who aren't the Christian may not ring a bell very much,but it's amazing. In short the work of art shows us that everyone can go to the heaven through both the way…

No.165 16/08/29 20:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The school of Athens where philosophy and faith were in harmony】

In short the work of art shows that everyone can go to the heaven with the both ways of reason and of faith. The faith isn't originally rational,especially Roman Catholic isn't. Without believing various miracles like being pregnant of Virgin Mary or revival of Jesus Christ,the faith can't stand up at all.

Miracle is incompatible with reason,but the history of Greek and Roman philosophy is older than that of the Christianity in Florence. Without accepting the Greek and Roman civilization they couldn't hold their identities,so they researched Plato's philosophy thoroughly and took in as what is called new Plato doctoring. Its concept is like the next.

"If raising the reason we the human can unite the God. In short we can go to the heaven through the reason like we can do with religious faith." They came to a conclusion like that.

It's the Renaissance when the way of thinking on the philosophy and faith was completed.

No.166 16/08/29 21:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The school of Athens where philosophy and faith were in harmony】

However it hadn't been done easily. Thomas Aquinas who was not only a theologian 神学者 but a philosopher wrote what we call 神学大全 and tried to harmonize the faith and reason in 13th century. After a great many years passed they could unite their faith and something heretical at the beginning of 16th century.

Speaking of Renaissance we the Japanese tend to think of a master like Michelangelo,Raphael,or Leonardo da Vinci and their famous works are apt to captivate us,but it's not the only essence on the Renaissance.

Without understanding the Christianity well we can't grasp the significance of the Renaissance at ease. Besides the Renaissance has a long period and except for Florence painters played an active part in various areas like Venice,Padova,or Siena. Each feature appeared respectively.

For instance Andrea Mantegna who played an active role in Padova represented his work,St.Sebastianus. It's a good example.

No.167 16/08/29 21:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【School of Athens where philosophy and faith were in harmony】

Sebastianus was shot with some arrows in the painting. His body was pierced with several arrows. In spite of being pitiful his expression doesn't look painful very much. The expression is pathos. A stern and manly expression which endures something painful used to be the mainstream in the civilization of Greece and Rome.

If crying bitterly in a funeral,males were punished in the Ancient Greek and Rome,for they thought it unmanly.

By the way I suddenly feel sleepy. Good night everyone.

No.168 16/09/03 01:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【School of Athens in which philosophy and faith were in harmony】

The element of Greek sculpture appears in the work of art of The Holy Sebastianus,for his naked body seemed to be beautiful. The painter was interested in archaeology so much that he painted minutely the remains Sebastianus' background. The painter's taste appears here and there in the work of art.

Time,area,and painters' personality are reflected in varied forms,it's the Renaissance. Therefore no one can express the Renaissance easily. To begin with trying to describe it at ease is in the wrong,so I'm going to do it roughly.

【Sublimation from a painter to an artist】

The economy had developed so much that the standard of living rose in Florence. Without time to spare no one can hardly think. As having the time to spare they thought on themselves in Florence.

They didn't used to be conscious of themselves in Europe in the Middle Age. In the Renaissance they discovered themselves and the time when the human …

No.169 16/09/03 04:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Sublimation from a painter to an artist】

The time when the human became the center in the world arrived then. Something new appeared. They were two. The one was an artist. Europe used to be the hierarchical society. Both the painter and sculptor were artisans which belonged to low part in the social standing. They used to think like that in Europe,for without using the brain,when working the artisans were covered with something dirty.

The Florence used to be the town of the merchants and artisans originally. We the human have the desire of succeeding in life. We also have a sense of rivalry. They were awaken to themselves. They learned to push themselves forward. Some of them wanted to be the center of attention. They didn't think they wanted to be resigned to the class of artisan any more,so they became the artists.

However we must be careful of the next thing. Calling themselves artists weren't admitted. The artists need abundant knowledge and high-minded. They needed proofs…

No.170 16/09/03 04:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Sublimation from a painter to an artist】
If wanted to be called an artist they needed proofs which support their own work of art with some sentences. Others needed to regard them as the ones who were almighty and were familiar with everything as if they had been gods. Their works weren't regarded as the work of art until their intelligence and spirit were reflected on their works.

The artists who were equal to the God didn't paint their work but create. It seemed to mean that the artists created something new.

By the way I find it hard to read the lines. I'm afraid that I can't read the even the lines enough.

Thus artists, artisans and the work of art, an industrial art of object were separated gradually in the Europe after the Renaissance which started in Florence. The Renaissance had influenced on every country in the Europe after that. For example France in the 16 century,England in the 17century and Russia in the 18 century.

At the same time the self-confidence and self-…

No.171 16/09/03 08:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Sublimation from a painter to an artist】

Self-conscious and self-conference of the artists spread over every place in the Europe. Other thing which appeared something new was a portrait. They learned to think on themselves and the portrait seemed to appear. It occurred not only in Italy but in Nederland where the economy developed. I'm going to express on the portrait later when you may forget,for I'm about to go into the third chapter. The portrait was written in the fourth chapter.

【Paintings in the Nederland which are slightly better than others】

While the Renaissance was its best days in Italy in the 15the century wealthy class of merchant rose in the Nederland next to the Alps which is equivalent to present Holland and Belgium then. A court noble 公家 of the Burgundy of which fief 領土 was France ruled there.

The Nederland belonged to Spain of the Habsburg in the 16th century,then the Protestant rose and there was internal trouble within the home. The Nederland divided into …

No.172 16/09/03 09:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Paintings in the Nederland which are slightly better than others】

The Nederland divided into the two because of the Protestant at the end of the 16 century. The one was the Nederland in which the Protestant was the mainstream. It's the present Holland and the other was the Nederland belonged to the Spain in which the Catholic was the main stream. It's the present Belgium.

As Holland which is the nation of the Protestant was born,the Christian art in this area,or the religious art of which theme was the Christianity developed originally so much. It is no exaggeration to say that the religious art completely changed.

The paniting in the Nederland may not have been familiar with us the Japanese,but it's the painting in the Nederland which is slightly different from the painting in the Italian Renaissance. I'm going to express something interesting on the transition of the religious paintings.

Nederland developed as the area where commerce and manual industry prospered once in ….

No.173 16/09/03 10:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Paintings in the Nederland are slightly different from others】

The Nederland developed as the area which commerce and manual industry once prospered in the 15 century,especially in the southern area like Flanders the cities which flourished with woolen goods like Bruges,Ghent,or Brussels crowded together,they sang the prosperity.

In addition the third head of the court noble in the Burgundy moved his palace to Brussels,so Flanders developed as the magnificent cultural center. It was the painter in the 15th century who played an active role among the Court and wealthy citizens in the upper class.

The Royalty and titled nobility shouldered the development of the religious art in the Middle Age of the Gothic style until then. There used to be plenty of the religious art which represented the world of the concept. Without being aware of definite culture they couldn't understand the religious art.

Being conscious of the culture meant that being well versed in the theology,but…

No.174 16/09/03 17:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Paintings in Nederland are different from others】

Being conscious of the culture then meant that they were versed in the theology,but they couldn't understand it as long as they weren't the royalty and titled nobility. Unless the theme was well-known the class of the citizen couldn't grasp it at all.

However in the Nederland of the 15th century, the citizen in the upper class was awaken to the self-consciousness or being the patron of the art made a new art that the Bible's theme was developed their everyday life start.The citizen demanded that they want the work of art which was easy to understand,so the representation which were familiar with them was born.

They thought the the world which was sinful was created by the devil in the Middle Ages but as the mysticism rose their thought changed into other one that the God created all the things in the world. The change influenced greatly on the art in the Middle Age. As a result they learned to think like the next.

No.175 16/09/03 18:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Paintings in Nederland is different from others slightly】

"All the things were created by the God and even if it's very tiny the God's spirit was reflected on it" they learned to think like that. In consequence the realistic art that they tried to represent all the things in detail concretely,the realism that observing the world which they saw with their own eyes as it was and represented as it was was born. Besides the way of using the oil painting was completed in the Nederland and more realistic representation became possible.

【Hidden symbolism appeared】

Its good example is the painting of an altar in the Merode represented by Robert Campin. It's the Annunciation. What is the Annunciation?

An archangel 大天使,Gabriel appeared in front of the Virgin Mary and told her that she was pregnant. It seems to be essential scene in the Christianity. The music in the background was Ave Mary then.

The painting seems to be easy realistic representation to understand,for the room where …

No.176 16/09/03 19:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Hidden symbolism appeared】

The painting of an altar in the Merode seems to be easy realistic to understand,for the room where the archangel told the pregnant was a room of a family of the citizen class who was the customer.He ordered the painting. The room was equal to a living room at present.

While it was familiar and easy representation to understand, it used to be very inappropriate,for making the holy person or sacred story appear in the worldly place like the room in an ordinary family was inexcusable then.

However responding to the needs from the society,especially if being a patron,it's vital,so the painters in the Nederland of the 15th century made various things hold meanings. In short using the symbol and changed the worldly space into holy one. We call it the hidden symbolism.

Without grasping the hidden symbol in the paintings in the Nederland of the 15th century we can't understand them in the least. Let's read and interpret the hidden symbol in the Annunciation.

No.177 16/09/03 20:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Hidden symbol appeared】

The Annunciation means the archangel,Gabriel told the Virgin Mary that she was pregnant. The work of art of the painting of an altar in the Merode was its scene. I'm going to express the painting in detail.

There were white lilies on the table. It means the purity of Mary. There were the toilet articles in the inner part of the room. They are tools to cleanse itself. It also means the purity of Mary. It connects with the theme of telling the pregnancy direct. In short Mary remained chaste she became pregnant.

Why did the painter emphasize that Mary was pure? There were some people who doubt like the next."While remained a virgin is it possible to become pregnant?" If there was the one like that others regarded it as heretical in those days.

In the next please pay attention to the candle on the table. Its wick 芯 was red and the smoke was rising from it,so we can recognize the candle had gone out just then. Even if the art became something new the people's…

No.178 16/09/04 00:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Hidden symbol appeared】

Even if the art became something new,the people's religious emotion remained the one in the Middle Ages. In short they sticked to the thought that the God is light,and as it was the moment when the light went out the light went into the Mary's womb and she was pregnant just then. The painting represented the thing like that.

The adoptive father,Joseph was in the right side in the painting. They presume that the painting was represented from 1425 to 1430. It is said that it's the first example in which the adoptive father Joseph was represented properly. He was in the Holy Family,but it was done by Michelangelo about in 1506.

The adoptive father was a carpenter. There was a little box on the desk for the job. The little box was a rat trap. St.Augustine used to said that the cross of the Lord was equivalent to the rat trap. The rat trap in the painting means that Jesus received the human's body and appeared as the human when he was born.

It was donors …

No.179 16/09/06 20:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Hidden symbol appeared】

It was donors who were painted on the left side of the painting. They were a couple who ordered the painting and contributed it to the church. Violets and shrub of roses were painted on their background. The rose means Mary's purity and love and the violet means her modesty. There are also various hidden symbols there.

Did the customers who ordered the painting understand the meaning of the hidden symbol? It depends on. Some did but others didn't. As for the latters the painters always explained its meaning to the customers.

Even the people who were cultured then could hardly understand the mousetrap which was the religious symbol. It wasn't clear whether the customer ordered to paint the mousetrap or the painter represented it of his own accord. In either case,high religious cultured person influenced on the painting.

【Jan Van Eyck who was a versatile painter】

Speaking of a person who was typical painter in the Nederland of the 15th century,it's …

No.180 16/09/06 22:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Jan Van Eyck】

Speaking of a person who was the typical painter in the Nederland of the 15th century it was Jan Van Eyck. It is said he is the one who complete the technique of the oil painting and the technique made the feature in the Nederland's painting which gives us clear impression and have the minute painting possible.

He is also well-known as a pioneer of the independent portrait. I'm going to express it later. His masterpiece is the painting of altar in Gent. It's composed of 12 panels. In the beginning his elder brother was painting,but he was dead and the young brother succeeded to the work.

There are 7 panels on the upper side and 5 on the lower side. Both of the upper side and lower side can be folded with each 2 panels of the both ends . Then different paintings appear.

I'm going to express from the one which is folded. When folded it is divided into three parts. The upper,the middle and the lower.

The lower part is mad of 4 panels. The couple who contributed …

No.181 16/09/06 23:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The versatile painter who is Jan Van Eyck】

The lower part is made of 4 panels. The couple who contributed the work of art was painted on the two panels each other. The third one was the one who baptized others and the last one was the one who wrote down the gospels.

Except for the couple the two of them had the things which symbolized each of them and the things were painted on the panel. The one who baptized others had lamb and the one who wrote down the gospels had a cup and there is a dragon in the cup.

By the way I have bad eyesight and the painting in the book is so tiny that I can't recognize the things which they have exactly. The book says he had 子羊 in the Japanese. To my sorrow I'm not sure whether it's lamb or a sheep which wasn't yet.

The middle part is the Annunciation,it means telling being pregnancy. There was a dove over the Mary's head. It's the symbol of the Holy Spirit. The angel who told Mary she was pregnant was also painted.

The upper part is prophets and…

No.182 16/09/07 23:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


To my surprise,when saying something the iPad can answer. For example if saying "I want to drink" the iPad shows me the place where I can buy the liquor like a convenience store,or a liquor shop or other place where I can drink like a bar. It's useful. All of them are nearby.

What kind of things can the iPad answer? I thought and tried.

"Introduce a woma to me." I said to the iPad when drinking and it said. " Oh! You are popular among my friends,so …" I was shocked,for while I'm a human and have few friends,it's the iPad and has some friends…Oh! No! Needless to say I was so drunk that I thought like that.

"Hey! Sing something for me!" I said and it started to sing a song,though it's just that it showed the words of a song on the screen. Its title was Sakura.

The more I asked the more I was sunk hopelessly in self-hatred,for I thought as if I had been ill-natured drinker,but to my sorrow I was actually.

I'm sure I have to make use of the iPad more effectively.

No.183 16/09/11 02:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The versatile painter who is Jan Van Eyck】

The upper part was prophets who predicted the Savior would arrive and maidens in the service of a shrine were painted. Then let's open it and look at its inside.

There was Jesus Christ who is the Father,the God in the center of the upper part. His right side was John the Baptist and his left side was the Holy Mary were painted. When facing the Day of Judgement the two of them who were both sides at the Christ mediate the Christ and the believers.

There were angels who played the musical instruments at the both sides of Mary and John. They thought when being met by the Angels the Angels play the musical instruments in those days.

Please look at the both sides of the Angels. They were Adam and Eve. The two of them are life-sized paintings. They are realistic and nude who maintain their dignity. The way of representation was innovative in the Nederland then.

Eve was pregnant in the painting. It means the original sin. There are the …

No.184 16/09/11 03:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The versatile painter who is Jan Van Eyck】

There were stories on Cain and Abel above Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel were the children of Adam and Eve. The stories were on the first murder which the human committed.

There is the famous little sheep in the center of the lower panel. Plenty of hidden symbols were used in the painting.

There was a pigeon in the ring of light above all the things in the lower part. It was the symbol of the Holy Spirit. There was the little sheep on the altar as a sacrifice. The little sheep was the symbol of Jesus Christ who appeared in order to atone 償う the humans' sin.

The little sheep was surrounded by the Angels who were represented as 8 virtues of the Christianity.

The pigeon which was represented an the Holy Spitit and the little sheep which was represented as the sacrifice were in a straight line and connects with the upper panel,where there is Christ who is the Father,the God. The three of them were represented as the Trinity 三位一体.

There is a…

No.185 16/09/11 04:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The versatile painter who is Jan Van Eyck】

There is a well of which shape is octagon at the bottom of the lower panel. It was represented as the spring for the life which means the baptism.

The patriarchs in the Old Testament were represented at the left side of the well and the Twelve Apostles 使徒 were kneeling at the right side of the well. The Saints in the church of the Christianity stood in lines in order of the rank in the church.

There are some groups which maintain their faith in spite of the persecution at the left side behind the well. There are maidens who were martyred 殉教 and each of them has a branch of a hemp Palm 棕櫚.

The description of the representation continues but I omit them. I'm going to express on the theme of the painting on the altar. It's the Atonement キリストの贖罪 which was shown in the Apocalypse of John. Jesus allowed himself to receive the hardships. It's the greatest theme in the Catholic,but I've been tired of the Christianity.I have nothing to do with it.

No.186 16/09/11 04:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The root of the portrait is an ancient coin】

To tell the truth I've never been the Christian and I've never believed both the heaven and the hell. If there was the hell I'd go there before anybody else though it doesn't matter.

The Christianity says the God has created us the human,but needless to say it doesn't always mean that I've never asked him to create me. I'm wondering why I was born. Oh! My English has wandered from the subject.

The root of the personal portrait in the Europe is an ancient coin. Whenever they won a war or they went on an expedition new coins were made in both Ancient Greece and Rome.

The coin was a memento which was a carved seal of a personal feature with its achievement and the personal portrait was very important culture in the Ancient Rome. As to a sculpture,plenty of the busts were carved then.

However they made much of the God rather than the human in the Christian society of the Middle Ages, so the portrait became out of fashion,but the human …

No.187 16/09/11 08:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The root of the portrait is an ancient coin】

However the human became the center in the world in the Renaissance and the portrait has developed remarkably after that. Needless to say the figures of the human have been painted in varied ways since the ancient times,but the portrait of which object was an individual was painted under definite will in the Renaissance.Almost all of the individuals were powerful people everywhere in the world. They used to force to paint their portraits so as to show off their power.

It was in Italy at the Renaissance and Flanders in the 15th century that the portrait didn't belong to the powerful people alone. The economy had developed so rapidly in those areas that the bourgeoisie was on the rise.

The standard of living also improved and the bourgeoisie had enough time and money to do something and learned to think of something. To be concrete they thought of themselves. As a result they knew themselves and the portrait appeared.

In addition the …

No.188 16/09/11 09:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The root of the portrait is an ancient coin】

In addition the idea on the family changed. In general no one thought of a marriage with love until then. Everyone got married so as to lead their lives like us the Japanese long long ago,but the idea on the love was born in the Renaissance.

Regenerating the learning,art,and gods in the ancient and the value as the human was affirmed so the nude also revived in the art. Likewise the Venus revived as a goddess of love and beauty and the people learned to talk on the love.

Needless to say there are varied loves. The love between a male and a female,or romance,and other love among the members in the family.

They became wealthy and the bourgeoisie was on the rise. They learned to spend enough money and time to educate their children and the existence as father became so big that the love among the family member also became strong then.

We think we want to put the photograph of the beloved nearby. Likewise the needs for the portrait …

No.189 16/09/11 09:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The root of the portrait is an ancient coin】

Likewise the needs for the portrait heightened among the people then.

【The change from a profile】

The Western art needs a model every era,but there were no models for the portraits in the time of the Renaissance. The portraits existed in the era of the Ancient Rome but almost all of the portraits were lost in the Renaissance.

The painters in the Renaissance referred to the ancient coins which the wealthy used to possess. There was a profile on almost all of the coins though it doesn't always mean it wasn't the ancient rule.

Except for the profiles there was but very few. Almost all of them were the profiles. They were right at their each side,for representing with the profile is easy to capture the feature.

If trying to paint from the front the painter had to make a sketch carefully and representing it with the coin was hard. The painters in the Renaissance who referred to the coins thought the portrait had to be painted from the …

No.190 16/09/11 11:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The change from a profile】

The painters in the Renaissance who referred to the coins thought that the portrait had to be painted from right to its side,so the profile started from representation for the profile,and the area of Flanders made the portrait change in the 15th century.

Jan Van Eyck was the typical painter in Flanders in the 15th century. It is said that he is a pioneer on the portrait. At first we have to look at his self-portrait. We call the work of the art 《A msn in a red turban. 》His face in the self-portrait doesn't face right in front of the one who appreciates the portrait nor his profile.

Three-fourths of his face is to the one who appreciates the portrait. It looks that his eyes alone face the front. It's said that when painting he looked at himself in the mirror.

Jan Van Eyck wasn't an ordinary painter. He wasn't only a diplomat in a principality of Burgundy but a member of the staff in a place like the Japanese Imperial Household. Sometimes he became a spy…

No.191 16/09/11 13:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The change from a profile】

Sometimes the painter became a spy who was instructed a secret order. He doubled as the painter and a chamberlain 侍従 in the Burgundy principality. By the way a cultured person liked to wear the turban in the Court in those days.

Jan Van Eyck painted other work of art. Its title is 《The Arnolfini Portrait》 The couple of the Arnolfini was merchants and lived in Flanders. They were acquaintances of Jan Van Eyck. Their poses in the portrait are thought to be the one which was an oath for their marriage.

Speaking of the painting in the Nederland in the 15th century we have to find and understand the hidden symbols in the painting. We need to pay attention to the window.

If a fruit which was laid there was an apple it means the original sin. If it's an orange it means purity and being not guilty. The orange was painted under the window in the painting, so the painting represented that when they got married they remain chaste. The bride's abdomen looks big…

No.192 16/09/11 14:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The change from a profile】

The bride's abdomen looks big in the painting but it doesn't always mean that they got married because of her pregnancy. When looking at the floor there is a pair of sandals which were taken off. Taking off pair of the sandals means standing in the holy earth. In short it represented a sacred marriage.

A dog also appeared in the painting. The dog is the symbol for the marriage,for the dog is faithful to its owner. It's the symbol for their chastity for love.

By the way I have a question on the bride. The book said that she isn't pregnant and the pregnant didn't make them get married but her abdomen looks big. Why does her abdomen look big? There is no expression on her abdomen any more.

On the other hand the book emphasized that they were chaste. She happened to have a big appetite and to eat lots of food so her abdomen looks big? I find it unclear.

There is a red bed behind the bride. The red means that they are a real couple. There is a mirror on …

No.193 16/09/11 15:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A pioneer for the portrait,Jan Van Eyck】

There is a mirror on the wall at the inner part of the room in the painting. The mirror seems to grow bigger. It's a convex mirror 凸面鏡 and was very expensive then. When the mirror was painted in the work of the Nederland in the 15th century it's the symbol for riches,but we need to be careful.

If it was painted in the work in the Nederland at the 16th century,it's the symbol for vanity but the work of《The Arnolfini Portrait》was painted in the 15th century,so the painting shows us how wealthy the couple was.

Except for the couple there were two people who were painted in the work. They were tiny. One of them is Jan Van Eyck. I'm afraid it's too tiny to look at the medallions. There are 10 medallions around the mirror. Each scene of Christ receiving the difficulty was painted on each of the mirror.

There is a chandelier on the ceiling but there is a single candles in the room. It doesn't always mean that the couple of the Arnolfini was …

No.194 16/09/11 17:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【As for a female,average human life span in Japan is age of 85 and in Botswana it's 34】

When being over age of 20 in the Ancient Rome they were the old? How long did the Ancient Rome live 2000 years ago? It's only age of 22. About 1500 years passed and it's the era of Middle Age. Then the average human life span was age of 33 in England. If I were born then I would be dead long ago. The average human life span was too short.

Lots of people used to be dead owing to a famine or an epidemic long long ago. About four-thirds of the European died on account of the plague. Both of waterworks and drainage ditches were arranged and hygienic situations improve so much the people died less and less.

Industrial revolution in the 18th century made the people rich the people who died thanks to the famine decreased gradually. As a result the human life span has been double for these 200 years.

The one who is the longest human life span is the Japanese female. It's age of 85. It is said that …

No.195 16/09/11 18:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【As to a female,average human life span in Japan is age of 85 and it's only 34 in Botswana】

It is said that the human life span gets longer by 3 months every year so it may reach the age of 100 when 60 years pass.

On the other hand the human life span gets shorter and shorter in Africa. For example if being born in Botswana I may have been dead at age of 34. It's human life span in Botswana is half times as long as that in Japan, it's expected that it became the age of 27 in 2010. What's difference between the two countries?

AIDS and poverty have made the human life span decrease. Their human life span is short owing to the AIDS,poverty,and unsanitary situation. It is said that the people who infect the AIDS continue to increase in Africa and the decreased will reach millions in the future.

Curing the AIDS is very costly. The doctor's fee for the AIDS a person costs ¥3 million a year. There are some people who try to spend the
money on education,or prevention for other disease

No.196 16/09/12 20:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【As to a female,average human life span is age of 85 in Japan and it's only 34 in Botswana and so on】

They've thought like the next.

"Eventually the people who infect with the AIDS will be dead before long. Instead of them,we should spend money on other healthy people"

The hospitals are full of the people who infect with the AIDS. What should we do?

By the way I tried to express other topic but I deleted it by mistake so I chose other one,for I don't think I want to express the same content in English at once. This time the book which I've chosen is みんなで考えよう。世界を見る目が変わる50の事実

I'm not the Christian at all,so I'm not interested in the Christianity very much. When expressing I sometimes find it boring. Understanding the thing which a painter tried to represent and being moved by its work of art is different thing.

I'm going to express on Mona Lisa in the future. Lots of people say she is beautiful but I don't think so. I'm so eccentric that what I've thought is different from others.

No.197 16/09/13 20:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A pioneer for the portrait,Jan Van Eyck】

It doesn't always mean that the couple of Arnolfini was stingy. The single candle is a symbol for the marriage. As the fire was burning on the candle and the God is equal to the light,so it means that the God is also the witness for the marriage.

There is a phrase like that on the upper part of the convex mirror."Here is Jan Van Eyck 1434." It means that he wasn't only the witness for the marriage but was the painter of the work.

The painters who were awaken to themselves in those days learned to sign on their works. If being unable to sign they painted their self-portrait somewhere on the work. As for the portrait of the couple of the Arnolfini,the painter not only painted his self-portrait but signed on the convex mirror.

【Mona Lisa which is the most beautiful portrait in the world.】

Three-fourths of the figure faced front in the portrait. I call it the portrait of three-fourths for the sake of convenience. The portrait of three-…

No.198 16/09/13 21:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Mona Lisa which is the most beautiful portrait in the world】

The portrait of three-fourths which was born in Flanders crossed over the Alps and arrived Italy. Both the portrait of three-fourths and the technique of the oil painting which is said that Jan Van Eyck completed brought over to port towns like Venice and Genoa from Flanders and spread over the inland like Florence.

The influence from the painting in the Nederland seems to be by far larger than we the Japanese expect.

There is the portrait of three-fourths which was born in Italy and is the most beautiful in the world. It's Mona Lisa with which we are familiar. Lots of people have been attracted with her mysterious smile and peaceful appearance even at present.

There is still no end to the various guesses or arguments on the Mona Lisa. For example " Who was its model?" or" Is it the self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci?"

On the other hand there must have been some females who thought like the next. "I don't think she is…

No.199 16/09/13 22:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Mona Lisa which is the most beautiful portrait in the world】

"I don't think she is beautiful. I'm by far more beautiful than her." The author of 《名画の言い分》says like the next. "I've never heard nor read that Mona Lisa was interpreted to be a beauty in the history of art."

Mona Lisa was adopted as commercial or someone sang her in a song,so we may have forced to think she is beautiful,but then why we said she is beautiful? It's techniques. There are no marks of paintbrush on the painting.

There is a way of thinking that any outlines don't exist in nature. Using the thick of a finger and changed the outline into a graduations and painting with fine effect of light and shade. It's a technique of Sfumato. The technique is making use of an optical illusion. I don't know the Sfumato in detail.

In short Leonardo da Vinci took advantage of the special technique on the Mona Lisa and the technique makes her in the art of work look beautiful.

The Louvre has possessed the Mona Lisa just now…

No.200 16/09/17 03:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Francois the first who brought the Renaissance to France】

The Louvre has possessed the Mona Lisa at present. Why? I'm going to express the person who has caused it from now on.

The portrait of the Francois the first who was the French King was painted by Jean Clouet,who was a Court painter and was born in Brussels. The figure faced three-fourths to its front in the portrait. He didn't face right ahead of the one who enjoys the portrait. Why? It's tradition from the Middlfe Age.

The only one who was allowed to be painted from right in front of the painter was Jesus Christ,so the king of France which was the country of the Catholic was the figure who faced three-fourth to its front in the portrait.

Francois the first was from the family branch of the French Royal. Her mother was the most cultured person in the French Court. She was absorbed in educating only her son because her husband died young. As a result Francois the first grew up to a cultured youth. He got married to a …

No.201 16/09/17 03:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Fancois the first who brought the Renaissance to France】

Francois the first got married to a daughter of Louis the 12th who was the French King. The king had no son,and the one who was allowed to succeed to the throne was a male alone,so the son-in-law of Louis 12th became the king when Louis 12th was dead.

After being the king he marched against northern Italy at once,for the war broke out between the Habsburg of Austria at the beginning of the 16th century. Francois who came to Italy was surprised,for speaking of the 16th century,both Leonardo da Vinci,Raphael,and Michelangelo were active painters and it's golden age in the Renaissance.

There was England and Frnance 100 years war from 1337 to 1453 and occurred a successive war between France and Italy. Then no one could hope to develop any art in France. When Francois the first became the king France used to be a beautiful country of the Gothic style as if it had appeared in a fairy tale,but if comparing it with Italy which was …

No.202 16/09/17 11:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Francois the first who brought the Renaissance to France】

If comparing France with Italy which was the golden age of the Renaissance then,France was the country which was behind the times. Francois the first was so cultured one that he recognized it right away. He decided to do like the next.

"I'll bring the latest art which has been born in Italy to France by all means."

Thus France imported the Renaissance from Italy about a century later. Francois is the one who brought the Renaissance to France. He occupied the Principality of Milan.

Francois the first was cultured and recognized a beautiful thing at once,so after occupied Milan and when looking at the work of art 《The Last Supper》represented by Leonardo da Vince he may have thought he took an immediate fancy to the work of art and wanted to bring it to France,but he found it impossible,for it's a wall painting.

Instead of it…if saying so it may be the wrong word,Francois the first invited Leonardo da Vince to France.

No.203 16/09/22 10:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Francois the first who brought the Renaissance to France】

If comparing with his rival,Michelangelo,Raphael,he was treated coldly by the Pope in those days,so Leonardo da Vince came to France at once with some of his works of art including the Mona Lisa,but he was dead right away so the Mons Lisa has belonged to the French Royal Family.

By the way I'll change the topic from now on,for I find it boring. I'm forced to admit to make a bad choice as to the book.

【One to three fat people live in developing country】

It seems that being fat is worse than smoking. When looking at advertisements on a magazine or a newspaper we've frequently come across the word of diet. Everyone seems to make a desperate effort to lose weight though the world is filled with the hungry.

It is said that there are more than 0.3 billion fat people in the world. Being fat causes fearful chronic diseases like heart trouble,diabetes or high blood pressure.

Plenty of money were spent on diseases which were …

No.204 16/09/22 19:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One to three fat people live in developing countries】

A large amount of money were spent on the diseases which were caused from being fat. Roughly speaking it's twice as much as the disease which were caused from tobacco. We've frequently used the phrase of metabolic syndrome,for whole our country has tried to prevent us from coming down with the chronic disease which caused from being fat.

To my surprise the fat people account for about 30 percent in poor developing countries. Though being poor,being fat. What does it mean?

A lot of processed food which include lot of sugar content 糖分 and fatty meat has been imported to the developing countries from the developed countries. Its price is lower than the local fish. In addition the fatty meat is the one which has been taken advantage of pet food or fertilizers in the wealthy countries. They have sold the poor the harmful things in the developing countries.

Being fat is serious in the group of islands in the Pacific. A minister in …

No.205 16/09/22 19:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One to three fat people live in developing countries】

A minister in Samoa criticized the cheap imported meat like the next."It's a junk food which has been forced upon the poor from the wealthy countries." Fiji has not been allowed to import meat partly.

The developed countries which have exported the cheap meat insisted on like the next."We've sold the consumers the cheap food which they want. Why shouldn't we do?" How should we think?

We have to enlighten the people in order to get rid of being fat in the developing countries. In short we have to instruct them healthy diet and a way of leading life. One more thing. The economic problems have to be solved so as to lead the healthy eating habits.

WHO has given Tonga as an example and said like the next."If developing the agriculture and fishery in which they have been engaged from long ago,they'll return to their original healthy eating habits on which they don't need to spend much money."

Thinking over the people's health …

No.206 16/09/24 02:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One to three fat people live in developing countries.】

Thinking over the people's health seriously is one of tasks of the nation. What is the problem on being fat? What is healthy eating habit or healthy life?

【Teenagers in the U.S.A.and the U.K. are highest rate in regard to pregnancy in developed countries.】

It seems that a TV program has become a current topic. Its title is 《A mother whose age is 14》. Roughly speaking 1.25 million girls who are teenagers become pregnant in the world every year. Almost half of them give birth to their children.

The U.S.A. has the most girls who become pregnant in teenage. 52 to a 1000 girls in teenage undergo of giving birth to the child. On the other hand no more than 5 to 1000 girls in teenage become pregnant in Japan,so we can recognize how many girls in teenage are mother in the U.S.A.

The U.K. is the most after the U.S.A. 31 to 1000 give birth to their child. If being a mother in teenage,what kind of problem is caused? According to the …

No.207 16/09/24 03:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Teenagers in the U.S.A and the U.K. is the highest rate in regard to pregnancy in developed countries.】

According to the inquiry lots of the girls were from the poor family. As a result they can't do their child care in decent environments. They are forced to quit the school. They can't get a good job,so they can't escape from the poor situation,so their children also bring up in the poor family. In consequence the chain of the poor is born.

Why have the U.S.A. and the U.K. made a mistake? The two countries could have been the most wealthy nations in the world. Why are there plenty of pregnancy in teenage? We must think over the problems on the culture and politics.

The U.K. is originally liberal on making a love. There are photographs of women who are topless stately on a newspaper. TV programs are also suggestive,but there are some people who are opposed to the sex education doggedly in school. They seem to think like the next.

"We must not think over on making love because …"

No.208 16/09/25 08:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Teenagers in the U.S.A and in the U.K is the highest rate with regard to pregnancy in developed countries】

Oh! I'm afraid I may have made a mistake. They seem to think like the next.

"Making love is so obscene that we must not teach the children it." Doing the sex education isn't a legal obligation in the U.S.A. President Bush insisted consistently that the sex education is teaching them sexual abstinence, though he isn't the incumbent President. Instead of teaching to take precautions on social disease or birth control,making them control their passions and desires. He seemed to want to say like the that.

However the education on the sexual abstinence hasn't been effective at all,according to the inquiry. A girl in teenage said like the next.

"While we must make love we think the birth control is something illegal. We've felt like that."

Even if adopting any kind of choice it seems to be free,but without having right knowledge we tend to have a wrong guilty feeling.

No.209 16/09/25 09:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Teenagers in the U.S.A and the U.K is the highest rate in relation to pregnancy in developed countries】

It's time when we should talk on making love,the birth control and pregnancy outright.

【No less than 44 million girls weren't born in China】

《16 females have been killed every day because of being lack of a dowry.》

It is said that about no less than 50 million males won't be able to find their marriage partners in China in the future. There will be more males than females by about 50 million. Why? for the people have wanted boys more than girls.

While 100 boys were born 118.5 females were born in China in 2000. The ratio of men to women has expanded more than more. The tendency is also strong in India or Southeast Asia. Why have they wanted the boys?

Because while the boys work and earn for them the girls are married to someone and leave their homes. Their real intention seems that they don't think they want to spend their money on their daughters who don't take care of …

No.210 16/09/25 10:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 44 million females weren't born】

《16 females have been killed every day owing to being lack of a dowry》

They don't seem to think that they want to spend any money on their daughters who don't take care of the family members. There seems to be a custom in India that when being married the female has the dowry. If having little dowry the girls are bullied at the place where they are married.

As a result 16 females have been killed a day. That bad custom has accelerated the tendency that they don't want the girls.

《What is a invisible child?》

Even if being pregnant when recognizing the unborn baby is a girl with the diagnosis on gender,they have an abortion or after being born the girls were sometimes killed right away in those countries. They make their babies drink very heated hot chicken soup. Needless to say the babies are dead at once,but the parents seem to insist that it's a just accident. How cruel it is.

When being ill,if it's a boy,the parents take him to…

No.211 16/09/25 23:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 44 million females weren't born】

《What is an invisible child?》

When coming down with an illness,if it's a boy,the parents will take him to hospital. Actually there are lots of girls who die from the illness though they wouldn't die as long as being taken to hospital. As for the number of the dead because of a diarrhea,girls were twice as much as boys in India according to the inquiry.

China has adopted the policy of an only child in order not to increase the population. The number of child is limited to only one in the country. The second child is in violation of the rule,so the parents don't inform the public office of it even if the second child is born. They call the child of which name isn't entered in the family register an invisible child.

The invisible child can't go to school and can't receive official aid. No one seems to recognize how many there are the invisible children clearly,but if informing to the public office lots of people seem to think it's a…

No.212 16/09/26 20:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 44 million females weren't born in China】

《What is an invisible child?》

Plenty of people seem to think like the next. If informing to the public office it should be the boy. The problem of custom in which they discriminate against the females is deep-rooted.

【There are more people who are engaged in door to door sales for cosmetics than soldiers in Brazil】

《Cosmetics which has been sold in the world reach to ¥11 trillion》

Please imagine the next scene. Each of thousands of females who put on makeup beautifully is about to push a chime on the door. It has happened in Brazil in fact. They have been engaged in door to door sales for cosmetics. They are saleswomen in the company which deals with the cosmetics in Brazil. Its number is no less than a million. Brazilian soldiers are a little under 0.3 million. The saleswomen are by far more than the soldiers in Brazil.

The beauty industry is world-active. The sales of the cosnetic has reached about $95 billion. Why do we…

No.213 16/09/26 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are more people who are engaged in door to door sales for cosmetics more than soldiers in Brazil】

《Cosmetics who have been sold in the world reaches ¥11 trillion》.

We spend our money on the cosmetics because being better appearance will benefit us somehow. It is said that the dolt is lower than the cool by 15 % in relation to the income. The fat female is lower than the ordinary one by 5% in regard to the income. We sometimes feel that a good-looking guy and a beautiful woman will be advantageous.

However it doesn't always mean that economic situation makes us think that we should be cool or beautiful. The female's strength and independence have been enphasized in the cosmetics' advertisement. The message of "You are worth of being beauty" is included there as the message for women's power.

Don't you think like that? "Polishing myself and wanting to be the best myself!" The advertising in the cosmetics is the message that making up is to be done.

《The females who have …》

No.214 16/09/26 22:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are more people who are engaged in door to door sales for cosmetics than soldiers in Brazil】

《The females who have sold the cosmetics in the jungle》

Appearance has priority over all other things in Brazil. If being said to be a vain person it's an admiration in Brazil. They regard the people who don't neglect to make effort in order to look themselves as wonderful,so they spend their money on the cosmetics.

In addition the cosmetics in the company have improved the Brazilian females' lives. The door to door sales doesn't need any academic background and any qualifications, The females who had been forced to work as a maid in a wealthy house can become independent and work as the saleswoman in the cosmetic company.Some females who succeed in their job and earn pretty good income have appeared.

The best model of the strong women who the cosmetic company wants to appeal is in Brazil. They row canoes and move forward in the jungle of Amazon. They sell lipsticks and …

No.215 16/09/27 23:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are more females who have been engaged in doors to doors sales for cosmetics than soldiers in Brazil】

《The females who have sold cosmetics in the jungle》

The females have sole lipsticks and antiperspirants in the jungle. They are the strong girls themselves which the cosmetic company has wanted to appeal.

What kind of job are there if females lead their lives with pride?

By the way I've expressed myself in English,being based on a book as usual. Its title is 『みんなで考えよう。世界を見る目が変わる50事実』Some of the topics are so cruel that someone may have thought it disgusted,so please be alert. Its author is a female and has said in the preface like the next.

"When starting to write I've sometimes found it sorrow myself. What a cruel world this is. What is the use of letting the readers know them? However I've thought like the next."

"Even if it's only one topic it's all right. If it makes you think over the world…I told myself like that. Even if only one step,when joining forces it causes…

No.216 16/09/28 21:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The preface of a book which I've bought】

The author said like the next."Even if it's a small step,if joining force,it'll cause a big change,I'm sure of it."

She continued."Plenty of people have started to recognize the force. This book was published in the U.K in 2004. After that an astonishing change happened. TV stations,books and articles which appealed to us to set forth for a trivial activity appeared one after another in order to improve the world."

She continued."if saying I don't need any bag in the store no one'll look purplexed at all. Recycling centers were born all over the nation. We've learned to ask the statesmen some problems seriously on our environment or poverty in the world. The thought that each of us has the power to change the world has had suddenly a big support of the public opinion. How wonderful it is!"

She continued."There are lots of impending problems. There are so big unfairness and unequality that they are one of the biggest problems. Not only …"

No.217 16/09/29 23:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The preface of a book which I've bought】

The author continued."Not only the difference between wealthy countries and poor countries,but the difference between the rich and the poor has become great in each country of ours. It's the source of various problems,I'm sure. If being able to manage to decrease the unequality the world will become happier and safer place"

The book seemed to be written for teenagers mainly,so the phrase for the teenager were expressed on the preface. I'm going to return to the main topic.

【No less than 80 percent of executions in the world has clustered in no more than 3 countries like China,Iraq,and the U.S.A.】

《Some countries which abolish the death penalty and other countries which put it into force》

Have you ever heard the name of a group called AMNESTY? It's the group which has protected the human rights,which has been active in the world so as to defend the right of being for the people. It has also appealed to abolish the death penalty.

No.218 16/09/30 02:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 80 percent of executions in the world clustered in no more than 3 countries like China,Iran,and the U.S.A. 】

《Some countries which abolish the capital punishment,other countries which put it into force》

The capital punishment has disappeared in more than half countries in the world,according to the report of their group. The country which abolishes the death penalty increases a year by three countries on the average,so the death penalty should disappear after about 30 years,but…

There are some countries which won't abolish the death penalty no matter what,especially the firm ones against the abolition are China,Iran,and the U.S.A. Oh! I made a mistake. It's not Iraq but Iran.

China,Iran,and the U.S.A.account for no less than 80 percent of the capital punishments which were done in 2000. Its numbers were 1060 in China,113 in Iran,and 71 in the U.S.A.

《Only stealing the gasoline it would be the death penalty》

To my surprise if committing even a minor offense like …

No.219 16/09/30 06:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 80 percent of executions in the world clustered in no more than 3 countries like China,Iran,and the U.S.A】

《Only stealing the gasoline is the capital punishment》

To my surprise a minor offense like stealing gasoline is the death penalty in China. No less than 1781 people were executed in China in 2001. Besides it was done during very short term. It's just 4 months. It's more than the other people who were dead in the death penalty in the countries all over the world in the past three years.

Executions and physical punishments like whipping and cutting off limbs have been opened to the public in Iran or Saudi Arabia. Even minors under 18 years of age are sentenced to the death penalty mercilessly in the U.S.A. Actually no less than 19 minor criminals were executed in the U.S.A. after 1990.

The numbers of the executions are so different among the countries aren't an ordinary. Executed has been done easily but is it all right? What is the right of being on the people?

No.220 16/09/30 07:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A supermarket has more personal data than its government in England】

《Personal data which are accumulate with point cards》

If being a member in a supermarket or in a department store,whenever doing shopping its points have been accumulated in the card. We can exchange the points with a gift or things like gift certificates. It's profitable,we are apt to think like that,but is it so?

Whenever the points are accumulated in the card minute data are recorded and kept in the company who keeps the supermarket. When,what did we buy? Then which store did we make use of ? It may be a dreadful thing.

For example let's suppose I were a membership in the supermarket. The company can analyze my personal history on the shopping closely. The company can get a large amount of information on me like my income,my family member,and my hobby. If feeling like doing,the company can check me as if it were a spy.

There is a corporation which adopts the system of the member system on the point card.

No.221 16/09/30 17:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A supermarket has more personal data than its government in England】

《Personal data which is accumulate with a point card》

The system of the point card in the biggest company in the England has no less than 13 million memberships. The sponsors for the card are various companies like a supermarket,a department store,a company for cellphone,or wine and so on. If wanting information on someone,the information which is gathered is beyond our imagination. The amount of the information is by far more than that of the personal data which the English government has.

《The personal data isn't always made use of for its original aim》

When the corporation has the personal data what happens? For example there is the next case in the U.S.A. A customer sued a supermarket for the next thing. He was injured because he was slipped and fell,for there was some yogurt on the floor. The supermarket presented the authority for the record on the point card of buying some liquor,for the supermarket …

No.222 16/09/30 18:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A supermarket has more personal data than its government in England】

《The personal data isn't always taken advantage of for its original aim》

It seemed that the supermarket tried to make the customer out to be an alcoholic.

After the terrorism on 9.11 the American government examined the record on the point card for the criminal of the terrorism thoroughly and analyzed his pattern for shopping. It's said that the government developed the system to check whether or not planning the terrorism.Thus there is plenty of danger that the information on the point card isn't used for its original aim.

It is said that pursuit system with a function that sending signal has been in the middle of development. IC tip is used for the pursuit system. If being introduced the IC tips will be planted into varied things like a wrapping paper for commodity,paper money,cellphone,automobile and so on.

The information on us will be gathered by corporations in a wide range and accumulated more and more.

No.223 16/10/03 22:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The people of homosexuality and lesbianism are illegal in more than 70 countries and they are carried out the death sentence in 9 countries】

《Severe penal regulations in various Islam countries》

The mere gay or lesbian are carried out the death sensations in some countries though they don't do anything bad. It's just that they are gays or lesbians. The countries are Mauritania, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan,Chechen Republic, Iran, Saudi Arabia,UAE and Yemen. All of them are the countries of Muslims.

No less than 4 thousand of gays or lesbians were executed in Iran after Isramic revolution in 1979,for making love with the same sex is prohibited in the Koran which is the Isramic sacred book.

《Why are gay or lesbian punished?》

Even if it's not so extreme,there are laws which discriminate against the gay,lesbian,or bisexuality in more than 70 countries. "A male and a female love each other and they get married and have their home. It's natural. Choosing other different relations is …

No.224 16/10/04 00:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The people of gay and lesbian are illegal in no less than 70 countries and they are carried out the death sentence in 9 countries】

《Why are gay and lesbian are punished?》

"A man and a woman love each other and they become a couple. They have their home. It's natural. Otherwise it's in the wrong." There are some people have judged like that and there are still plenty of countries and social structures which feel hostile and prejudice against the gay or lesbians,

However if each of us love someone and we are carried out the death sentence because of being gay or being lesbian,what should we do? Love is very private like freedom of religion or idea. A thing which has something to do with the person's existence isn't considered as freedom of Liberty,it's shocking a little,isn't it?

《Unconstitutional judgement in the American supreme.》.

The prejudice has been about to get rid of in lots of countries. The American Supreme Court was given on the law of the Texas that the different …

No.225 16/10/06 22:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The people of gay and lesbian are illegal in more than 70 countries and they are carried out the death penalty in 9 countries】

《Unconstitional judgement in the American Supreme》

The American Supreme Court has given an order to the law of Texas like the next. "Making love between the same gender has been prohibited in the law on the Texas State,but the law is against the American constitution."

The judgement has made the law invalid not only in the State of Texas but other 13 States which adopted the same law. Besides the American Supreme has permitted the people of the gay and lesbian to get married and to bring up their child and to have a close bond as family members like the couple of a man and a woman.

The American Supreme used to give on the judgment that those rights aren't applied to both the gay and lesbian in 1986,so the society seem to have changed extremely. The society which both the gay and lesbian love each other stately as like other couples of different gender …

No.226 16/10/06 23:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The people of the gay and lesbian are illegal in more than 70 countries and carried out the death penalty in 9 countries】

《Unconstitional judgement in the American Supreme》

The people of the gay and lesbian love each other and lead their lives as usual stately like the couple of the man and the woman in the future,but on the other hand there is severe reality that the people of the gay and lesbian carried out the death and they have been persecuted. We should not forget the fact.

By the way I'm not the gay at all,but it doesn't seem to easy as the author expect. If they are far away from me,I don't mind it at all. Fortunately or not I have no family members. Let's suppose that I had either a son or daughter. What if they are gay or lesbian? I don't have any confidence to be worried about it in the least. Easier say than done. I hate full of high-sounding ideas.

【One to 5 people lead its life under a dollar a day】

《Can we lead our lives with no more than ¥3500 a month?》


No.227 16/10/07 06:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【1 to 5 people lead its life under a dollar a day】

《Can we lead our lives with no more than ¥3500 a month?》

There are plenty of poor people extremely in the world. How much are they poor? Their living expenses a day is under a dollar. If a dollar is ¥116 they have to lead their lives with ¥3480 alone a month. The living expenses includes the food expenses and the rent for an apartment house. Can we imagine it?

There are lots of those poor people in the world. Its number is more than 1.2 billion. In a word they are 1 to 5. They can't eat enough. Without going to school,their children earn little money. They barely lead their lives. Even if coming down with the sickness they have too little money to go to hospital.

When ruined its health they can't work,so they become poorer. Even if they've struggled so as to clawed their ways up from extreme poverty,they can't. It's reality that there are plenty of those people in the world.

《If contributing only ¥35 we can make the poverty wipe…》

No.228 16/10/08 07:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One to 5 people lead its life under a dollar a day】.

《If contributing no more than ¥35 we'll make the poverty wipe out from the world》

Only 1% in the national income of the most wealthy countries is given for the poverty, those people who have been distressed by the poor will be helped,for enough food,medical care,and education will spread to all the people and the death rate of newly-born infant will drop and the little money can prevent the poor from coming down with an illness.

The United Nations set its goal of making the number of the people who suffer extreme poverty decrease to half. The developed countries promised to contribute only 0,7 % of the national income to the poor countries. As for the amount of the money it's not so hard,but the promise has not been kept.

The amount of the money which the wealthy countries offered to the poor countries is just 0.23 % of their whole national income. If the teenagers' pocket money is ¥5000 it's just that contributing ¥35 to …

No.229 16/10/08 08:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【1to 5 people lead its life under a dollar a day】

《If contributing only ¥35,we can make the poverty wipe out from the world》

If a teenager's pocket money is ¥5000, it means that he or she offered the poor countries only ¥11. As I've said the book which I've expressed in English is mainly written for the teenagers,so the way of saying is addressing them like that.

《The rich become richer more and more and the poor become poorer more and more》

The gap between the rich and the poor becomes bigger. The GDP for a nation in the most wealthy 20 countries is 18 times as rich as the GDP for a nation in the most poor countries. The rich still become richer more and more and the poor still become poorer more and more. How unfair it is.

It is cleat that decreasing the poor who have suffered the extreme poverty as much as we can is a good thing but it seems to be hard.

【The number of a female who are killed by her husband or her boyfriend is more than 12000 in Russia every year】

《One to …》

No.230 16/10/08 09:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of a female who are killed by her husband of her boyfriend is more than 12000 in Russia every year】

《One to three females are beaten or raped.》

Have you ever heard the phrase of DV? It's an abbreviation of domestic violence. The violence which happens home. Speaking of the violence which happens home,some people may have thought that a child acts violently,but it's not. The DV is mainly the violence which her husband or her boyfriend use for a female.

It is said that 1 to 3 females receives some harm like being beaten or being raped in her life,especially there are plenty of harms from the DV in Russia. Lots of females from 12000 to 14000 are killed by their husbands. In short a female is killed every 43 minute. The number of the female who were killed by the DV is 1238 in the U.S.A. in 2000. Oh…!

《We the male should throw away a fixed idea that we can cotrol them》

Why is the harm on the DV terrible in Russia? One of reasons is the poverty. The difficulties of making …

No.231 16/10/08 13:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of a female who are killed by her husband or her boyfriend is more than 12000 in Russia every year】

《We the male should throw away the fixed idea that the male can control the female》

One of the reason is the poverty and the difficulties of making a living,the housing shortage,and the shelter which prevents the female from the violence is insufficient,but the reason which has caused the violence is their fixed idea. There seems to be a Russian proverb like the next. "The male beat the female,for the male loves the female."

Unbelievable,but the fixed idea isn't always limited to Russia alone. The female has been treated as a living fortune since long ago. A father gives his daughter in marriage,and he receives some money as its reward,and the husband bought his wife with the money,so he can treat her as he likes. The way of thinking has been deep-rooted there.

There are still lots of countries where the female must obey her father and her husband at present …

No.232 16/10/08 15:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of a female who are killed by her husband or her boyfriend is more than 12000 in Russia every year】

《The male should throw away the fixed idea that he can control her》

There are some countries where the male have been allowed to kill the females when the female committed
adultery or disobeyed her marriage proposal which her parents fixed.

A meeting for the females all over the world was held in Beijing in 1995. Lots of countries joined in the meeting and pledged to eliminate the violence against the female,but the DV hasn never disappeared.

【There are 1.6 million Americans who have been operated for some plastic surgery in 2006】

《The cosmetic surgery has been for about 4 thousand years》

The cosmetic surgery is popular among us greatly. The number of the people who were operated for plastic surgery in the U.S.A. reached about 1.6 million. The number of the people who are as much as the population in Holland changed the form of their noses,got rid of the wrinkles or…

No.233 16/10/10 00:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are 16.2 million American who have been operated for some plastic surgery in 2006】

《Cosmetic surgery has been done since about 4 thousand years ago》

The number of people who are as much as the population in Holland have changed the form of their noses and got rid of the wrinkles and received breast enlargement surgery. If imaging it I'm forced to be overwhelmed by the number of the people.

It was about 1997 when the cosmetic surgery has started to increase,for a way of what is called Botox has been developed. It gives a person an injection of botulinum and the botulinum makes the muscle paralyze. If the muscle is paralyzed the wrinkle won't be developed. It's been so easy to do that almost all of people have learned to do without reserve,

We seem to have thought of varied other ways. For example stuffing something under the skin of pulling the skin over the stomach upward. The cosmetic surgery has been done since long long ago. Skin transplant operation was done in India …

No.234 16/10/10 07:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are 16.2 million American who have been operated some plastic surgery in 2006】

《Cosmetic surgery has been done since 4000 years ago》

I hate to say but I've made a mistake again. The number of the people isn't 1.6 million but 16.2 million. It was the wrong number of digits.

Skin transplant operation was done in India about 4000 years ago. Some other operations were done in order to hide the mark of the syphilis 梅毒 in the body for the peerage in England in the Middle Age. However the First World War made the plastic surgery do so frequently. There were plenty of injured people in the war. They wanted to conceal their scars. The plastic surgery developed so as not that the scar was noticeable.

《If an appearance changes,does a mental suffering disappear?》

A healthy and normal person has been operated as a patient nowadays,for the people who are apt to think that changing its appearance will resolve its problem has increased. Besides the operating expense has been reasonable…

No.235 16/10/10 08:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are 16.2 million American who have been operatede plastic surgery in 2006】

《If an appearance changes will a mental suffering disappear?》

Lots of youths have been operated minor cosmetic surgery. An actress or a fashion model have admitted being operated cosmetic surgery officially lately. Britney Spears who is a famous pop singer has also declared being operated the breast enlargement surgery. After the news it is said that plenty of young female visited cosmetic surgeons for the breast enlargement surgery.

When opening a magazine the females show off their perfect body in the magazine. The people have been worried about the beauty of their appearance more and more. Everyone has been strongly attached to being young and beautiful. Everybody tends to think its natural figure is ugly and being old is something unhealthy. Is it so?

If having not enough money for cosmetic surgery what should they do? When going on being operated cosmetic surgery, what happen to them?

No.236 16/10/10 08:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

As I've said I've expressed myself in English,being based on some books,so all my remarks aren't always my own.

Being operated the cosmetic surgery itself isn't in the wrong,I'm sure. It depends on. If changing its appearance is having confidence with itself is good,isn't it? The problem is that the time when it stop being operated. Anybody can't go on being operated the cosmetic surgery forever,I'm afraid.

Whether or not being operated the cosmetic surgery is a thing which each of them determine. Others have nothing to do with it as long as they aren't the blood relatives.

As for myself,I'm so eccentric that even if I change my appearance nothing special will happen. The problem lies somewhere else,though to my sorrow I'm not sure of the place where it is. Needless to say it seems that the problem is myself,but why? What place is the problem on myself? I'm afraid it's everything on myself,but it can't be helped. It's just that it's myself. It's my own choice.

No.237 16/10/10 09:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Mines 地雷 kill of injured at least a person every hour】

《The mine costs no more than ¥400!》

Lots of people have ever seen a photograph of an image of children. The children don't have either its arm or leg. 1 to 236 nations don't have either the arm or leg in Cambodia,but it seems that they are luckier,for more than twice as much as the people are dead. All of them died because of the mine.The dreadful wreckage from the war are no less than 0.1 billion under ground all over the world. They remain silent so far but in the future…

It's 8067 people who were dead of injured owing to the mine in 2003. If included the injured who weren't reported,it is said its number reaches 20 thousand.

It's the First World War when the mine appeared for the first time. A century passed and it has been used in the present age when high technological weapons have played an active role. The U.S.A. prepared for about 90 thousand antipersonnel mines in the Iraqi War in 2003,though the weapon weren't done

No.238 16/10/10 18:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Mine kills or damages at least a person every hour.】

《The mine costs no more than ¥400》

However without using it's all right,for it's just ¥400 but when getting rid of the mine its cost is about ¥20000 and giving us a lot of time and trouble.

《The weapon of which life is decades and kills people equally》.

The trouble is that the mine has a very long life. Plenty of mines have been buried in Poland during the First World War. Dozens of people were killed by the mines every year even in 1970s. Even if the war is over,the threat of the weapon goes on. It kills everyone. It does a soldier,a peasant or a child. As a result no one approaches the place where the mine is buried.

The counter influence against the government buried thousands of mines in the farmland in Somalia and Sudan in Africa. The peasants were afraid of the mines so much that they couldn't do farming any more.

《The measure fof abolition of the mine》

However there is hope for us. The treaty which prohibits the …

No.239 16/10/16 09:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Mines kill or damages at least a person every hour】

《The measure for abolition of the mine》

The treaty with which the total ban for the antipersonnel mine has been concluded in 1999 and no less than 152 countries have joined in the treaty.

Though America,Russia and China haven't concluded with the treaty but the whole world has moved forward for prohibition against the mine greatly.

Famous people have also taken action. Paul Mccartoney who is one of members of the Beatles and Angelina Jolie who is an actress have been active in the movement for prohibition the mine,especially the one who has been influenced on the movement greatly is the latest Princess Diana in England.

Without any hesitation at all she walked around the mine field and appealed the abolition for the mine. The people all over the world were moved by her,but it's just that the world has started to take a step towrd the prohibition against the mine.

【No less than 44 million children have been forced to work in …】

No.240 16/10/18 00:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 44 million children have been forced to work in India】

《Even if having worked for a year its wage is no more than ¥12》

There are plenty of children who can't go to school though they want to in the world. Without going to school no less than 44 million children have worked in India. They work from 12 to 14 hours at a factory a day and their annual income is no more than ¥12. Besides when making a mistake some are hung upside down and others smeared with gunpowder a wound and are set fire to the wound. How cruel they are!

There seem to be 0.246 billion children who work in the world and their age is from 5 to 17 according to ILO,the International Labor Organization. 0.171 billion children have been forced to be engaged in dangerous labor,1.6 million ones are made to practice prostitution and 0.3 million ones have been engaged in soldiers.

《Even if punishing the employers the problems remain unsettled》

What should we do? If punishing the employers who make the …

No.241 16/10/20 01:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 44 million children have been forced to work in India】

《Even if punishing the employers the problem remains unsettled》

If punishing the employers who have forced the children to work,is it all right?

American Parliament used to decide not to buy the goods from a clothes factory in Bangladesh. Lots of children were forced to work in the factory. The pressure was effective in the factory and 50 thousand children were liberated from the factory,but the children went to other factory where the wage was lower and worse working condition,for without working they couldn't lead their life.

It doesn't always mean that the working children want to stop working. The problem is the money which offsets to their work hasn't been paid enough. The thing that the children are working isn't always in the wrong. Helping their family business,mowing the lawn,or delivering newspaper is a good chance for the children to learn the experience of taking responsibility for themselves,but if…

No.242 16/10/20 22:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 44 million children have been forced to work in India】

《Even if punishing the employers the problems remain unsettled》

However if the work prevents the children from studying,having a good time or making friends with others we the grown-ups should hold out a helping hand to them.

【Nations in developed countries eat no less than 7 kg of food additives a year】

《There are 13 kinds of food additives in a ham sandwich》

A ham sandwich has been sold in a convenience store or supermarket. Do you know 13 kinds of additives are included in the ham sandwich? If looking at the indication for the raw materials the ham sandwich is filled with the additives. The amount of the money which the food industry spent on the food additives is $ 20 billion. What's the use of the food additives? Are they really safe?

Both of flavor of strawberry and banana are popular among the lots of young. The flavor is seasoned with spices and it's not genuine at all. No less than $ 3.6 billion have…

No.243 16/10/20 23:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Nations in developed countries eat no less than 7kg of food additives a year】

《The flavor of which the raw materials have not been clear》

$3.6 billion have been spent on the flavor in the whole world a year. What kinds of raw materials are made in the flavor or how is the seasoned with the spice? It's business secret. The flavor is a product of hundreds of chemical reactions. Its companies don't have to announce its raw materials. Only the people in the company recognize what kind of things are used in the food. Aren't you afraid of it?

Instead of sugar saccharin which is artificial sweeter is used in the food. It's said it's safe,but the specialists on cancer have pointed out the saccharine has carcinogenesis 発癌性. Plenty of saccharine were given to a rat and it had a bladder 膀胱 cancer in a study in Canad.

America has tried to prohibit to use the saccharine completely but the prohibition hasn't been carried out owing to the support from the public opinions and the maker.

No.244 16/10/22 18:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Nationsn in developed countries eat no less than 7kg of food additives a year】

《Creating flavor or taste which is as if they were genuine is a kind of fraud》

There are one more problem. We become unaware that whether or not the things which we eat is authentic. Is real strawberry and a strawberry flavor which is created with chemical reaction the same? The flavor and taste as if they were true,but they aren't genuine. It's a kind of fraud,so we should be wise.

When going shopping at a supermarket we should watch an ingredient label before paying the money at the checkout counter. If there is something strange in the food we must not buy it. Then food makers may have been careful of the food additives a little more.

There are plenty of food around us and a variety of food additives are included in it. Why is it included?

【The sponsor charge in which Tiger Woods wear the cap is 55 thousand dollar a day. It's as same as the annual income for 38 year of s labor in the factory】

No.245 16/10/22 18:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The sponsor charge in which Tiger Woods wear the cap is $ 5500 thousand a day. It's as same as the annual income for 38 year of a labor who makes the cap in the factory】

《His income is more than any other athlete in the world》

You've heard of the name of Tiger Woods,I'm sure. He is an American professional golfer who came out in a spectacular fashion in 1996. Then his age was 20. He has won 67 times in all for a decade. He is by far stronger than any other professional golfers. Not only being strong but he has earned much more money than any other athlete.His annual income in the 2004 is presumably about $ 87.36 million. It's about ¥ 10 billion.

《The greater part of his income is his sponsor contract charges with some companies》

His enormous income isn't always from only a reward on the golf. He wears a cap or clothes which the sponsor companies offer and appears on the CM and his contract charge is paid to him. Nike entered into a contract with Tiger Woods when he came out as …

No.246 16/10/25 21:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

The other day someone told me that my English remarks are so much the errors that he or she couldn't understand,especially for an English native speaker.

I was born in Japan and I've never been to any foreign countries. If feeling my English is hard to understand I'm sorry for it, but I've done my best. If there is the one who is worried about my English the person doesn't have to look at my thread,for I've never asked it to do it. It's none of its business.

Except for me,even if all of the people all over the world insist that my English is too poor to understand ,I won't give up expressing myself in English! I don't mind it at all!

I've expressed myself in English in order not to be pleased with the English native speakers,though I'm not going to pick a fight with them. Please leave me alone.

I won't stop expressing English,maybe.

No.247 16/10/29 09:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The sponsor charge in which Tiger Woods wears the cap is $ 55 thousnad a day. It's as same as the annual income for 38 year of a labor who has made the cap】

《The great part of his income is his sponsor contract charge with some companies》

I've made a blunder. It's not 5500 thousand but 55 thousand. I'm sorry for it.

Nike entered into contract with Tiger Woods when he had just came out as a professional golfer. Its amount of money is about $ 44 million for 5 years. It is said that the sales for the golf department in Nike shot up from $ 0.1 billion to $ 0.25 billion during his contract with the company. Tiger Woods' sales effect is immeasurable.

《what the labors at Nike factory in Thailand complained》

Tiger renewed his contract with Nike in 2001. It's $ 0.1 billion for 5 years. In short wearing the cap means that he earns $ 55 thousand a day. The cap has been made at the factory in Thailand. The labor's wage in the factory is no more than $ 4 a day. If the labor wants to earn…

No.248 16/10/29 22:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The sponsor charge in which Tiger Woods wears the cap is $ 55 thousand a day. It's as same as the annual income for 38 year of a labor who has made the cap】

《What the labors at Nike factory in Thailand complained》

If the labor wants to earn the same amount of money which Tiger Woods received from Nike a day,it means $ 55 thousand,the labor has to work every day for 38 years without taking a holiday,so the labors decided to appeal to the professional golfer directly.

When the professional golfer stayed at a hotel in Bangkok November in 2000 the labors went to the hotel and tried to appeal to him like the next. "Could you please ask Nike to raise our wage enough so as to lead at least the minimum standard of living." but the professional golfer rejected the interview. He announced his cold comment.

The author of the book said like the next." I think a thing which is more than irony of fate with regard to the different amount of the money between them. Something is in the wrong."

No.249 16/10/29 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It's 7 million females and a million males who have suffered from eating disorder in the U.S.A.】

《A musician and anorexia 拒食症》

It's about 40 years ago. There used to be singers called Carpenters who brought about million hits one after another in the U.S.A. The Carpenters was composed of a elder brother and his little sister called Karen Carpenter. Lots of people all over the world were fascinated by her singing voice,but she died at the age of 32 because of anorexia.

The one who suffers from the anorexia wants to become slim at any rate and it continues an unreasonable diet and it can't take any meal a bit at last. The disease is the highest death rate in other sickness owing to something mental. Two of ten are dead on account of the disease.

《Mass Media has promoted to be thin.》

Eating too much and throwing up and the process is repeated. It's bulimia 過食症. We call the bulimia and anorexia eating disorder. 7 million of females and a million of males have suffered from the …

No.250 16/10/30 23:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It's 7 million females and a million males who have suffered from eating disorder in the U.S.A.】

《Mass Media promotes to be thinner》

7 million females and a million males have suffered from eating disorder in the U.S.A. It's equivalent to the 4 % of its population. The eating disorder has been greatly influenced by Mass Media. The weight of fashion model is less than average weight of the American women by 25%. Both TV programs and magazines have special section devoted to the diet.

The Mass Media has aroused the people to do diet and they will be by far more beautiful before long. It may be natural for them to be forced to think they must lose their weight.

《Is being thinner really beautiful?》

There is Fiji among the group of islands in the Pacific. The Fijian used to think a plump but solidly woman was beautiful from long ago,but they've got TV since 1995 and it has also changed the standard of a beauty. American and England TV dramas were telecast and all of them were…

No.251 16/11/03 18:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It's 7 million females and a million males who have suffered from eating disorder in the U.S.A.】

《Is being thinner really beautiful?》

American and English TV programs were telecast in Fiji and all the Fijian were absorbed in them. After 3 years three-fourths of Fijian female teenagers learned to think they were too fat. One fourths of them started to diet. The standard of the beauty has been greatly influenced by Mass Media. The idea that being thin is beautiful may be the wrong impression.

【About half of the youngster of which age is 15 have experienced of drug in England.】

《Drug has spread among the youngster as if it were a nightmare》

There is an easy inspection kit which detects with a handful of hair whether or not being used drug. The parents are said to prepare for the inspection kit and to inspect their children in England. It seems that about half of the youngster of which age is 15 have experienced the drug,according to an investigation.

Smoking has also become a …

No.252 16/11/03 19:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【About half of the youngsters of which age is 15 have experienced of drug in England.】

《The drug have spread among the youngsters as if it were a nightmare.》

Smoking has also become a problem. One of four youngsters of which age is 15 has a habit of smoking in England,its average is 50 cigarettes a week. Drinking is also a problem among the youngsters,amount of drinking among the youngsters becomes double if comparing a decade ago. Drug,smoking and drinking have already spread among the teenagers.

《Damage and danger which are caused by drug,smoking and drinking.》

Those habits are harmful for their health. Far from it. Other various danger is caused like drunken driving. It's said that the earlier they start to indulge in drinking,smoking,or inhaling the drug,the harder drug they are apt to be absorbed in.

《Is it all right if a minor tries a handful of cigarette,liquor of drug?》

Whether or not being indulge in smoking,drinking or injecting the drug depends on their will.

No.253 16/11/03 20:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【About half of the youngsters of which age is 15 have experienced of drug in England.】

《Is it all right if a minor tries a handful of smoking,drinking of inhaling the drug?》

If their friends tempt a minor to do the harmful things,can it reject the temptation? They may have thought it's all right unless it's a large quantity. It's all right,for a grown-up also does or wanting to do it somehow? Oh no! They should thought over it carefully once,for if their parents inspect their hair secretly they don't feel pleasant very much.

By the way needless to say those remarks aren't my own. Before being worried about the teenagers in England I should be concerned about myself. Whenever coming across unpleasant things I tend to escape to the liquor. Even if being a grown-up, too much drinking isn't good for my health.

【There are 67 thousand lobbyists working in Washington DC.While there are a Federal member of Diet there are 251 lobbyists.】

《Business of lobbyist is a political activity.》

No.254 16/11/08 12:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are 67 thousand lobbyists working in Washington D.C. While there is a Federal member of the Diet there are 251 lobbyists.】

《The business of lobbyist is political activity.》

When reading an American newspaper a word of lobbyist sometimes appears in an article on politics. The lobbyist is a professional who appeals to the politics. We call the activity lobbying.

If thinking we want to reflect our opinion on a policy we'll write to a Diet member,conduct to collect signatures,or do demonstrations. They are lobbying but the one which the professional lobbyist does is different. It appeals to the Diet member direct and makes the Diet member take action.The number of the lobbyists in the U.S.A. is over 67 thousand. $ 1.55 billion was paid to the lobbyists in 2000. The lobbying is a big Industry.

《Everyone wants to reflect each assertion.》

A local assembly employs the lobbyist so as to demand for the federal government. Almost all of the groups like some companies,some NGOs or …

No.255 16/11/08 12:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are 67 thousand lobbyists in Washington D.C. While there is a Diet member of federal there are 251 lobbyists.】

《Everyone wants to reflect each assertion.》

Almost all of the groups like some companies,some NGOs or some groups which ask for special advantage have asked to the lobbyist in order to insist their opinion. For example wanting a budget,wanting to make a law,or wanting to change a policy. Everyone wants the lobbyists to listen to each assertion.

Some of the lobbyists are international and it's said that they went around the Eastern Europe in order to receive the support on the American military movement against Iraq.

《Is the lobbying useful in the society?》

If reporting the message to the government,do you think the lobbying is useful in the society? An energy company donated a large amount of money to a politician in the U.S.A. and then a law which was profitable for the energy company was about to be established in 2003. How do you think about it?

No.256 16/11/08 22:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are 67 thousand lobbyists working in Washington D.C. It is a Diet member of federal for 251 lobbyists.】

《Is the lobbyist useful in the society?》

It is said that no less than about $ 30 billion worked on an election in the U.S.A. in 2000. A large amount of money was offered to candidates who said profitable opinions for specific people. If the lobbyists play an active part in its background,how do you think about it? I find it important that everyone can say its opinion or everyone can assert.

However if the politics is influenced on a handful of people by the power of the money,it's in the wrong. It seems that few people know what kind of advantage is in the background in the lobbying. It should be clear for everyone. We should recognize who appeals to the Diet members ,what is appealed to the Diet members and what is given to the Diet members.

In addition we should make sure whether or not the Diet members talke action without being controlled by the money.

No.257 16/11/14 23:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A car kills two people per minute.】

《The number of people who were dead in a traffic accident is second to the ones who were dead because of AIDS》

A woman whose age was 44 were involved in a traffic accident in London in 1896 and was dead. It was the first traffic death in the world. The car was running with a demonstration and it was at a speed of 6 k.p.h. After that the traffic accident continues to increase with spread of cars and about 25 million people were dead owing to the traffic accident. Its number is as same as the population of Venezuela.

About 1.2 million of people were dead in the traffic accident a year. In short two people are dead a minute on account of the traffic accident. The ones who were injured or suffered a disorder are over 10 million a year. The traffic accident is one of the three worst cause of the people's death in the world in 2020 according to an investigation by the Harvard University and WHO.

The cause of death is second to AIDS in regard to males…

No.258 16/11/15 00:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A car kills two people per minute.】

《Traffic accidents which have frequently occurred in developing countries.》

The traffic accident is a cause of death which is second to AIDS in regard to males whose age is from 15 to 44.

Roughly speaking the cars running in developed countries account for 60 % in the world,so we tend to think that plenty of traffic accidents have happened there but it's in the wrong. If comparing the number of traffic accident in developed countries in the beginning of 1970s to the ones at present,it has decreased by 25 %. 70 % of death traffic has happened in developing countries in the world at present.

Wealthy countries have new cars. The system of a safety check of a car is arranged,and there are lots of cars which are provided with safety devices like an airbag or ABS. Besides the roads have been put in good condition.

On the other hand there seems to be plenty of drivers who don't have a driver's license,the roads aren't always in good condition.

No.259 16/11/15 00:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A car kills two people per minute.】

《Traffic accidents which have frequently happened in developing countries》

Regulations against unlicensed drivers and traffic accidents haven't done well,and even if when being happened to the traffic accident an ambulance doesn't arrive there at once.

Developing countries have suffered from damage of about $10 million every year on account of the traffic accident according to an estimate by WHO. It's twice as same as the amoun of money which the developing countries have received as development aid. The traffic accidents prevent the developing countries from developing.

《A lesson in a success of Fiji.》

I'm going to express an example in Fiji like the next. Automobile insurance companies donate 10% of insurance money to the group which have tried to improve the condition on the roads. The group has done traffic safety campaign lively and it's a great success. The traffic death decreased by 44 % until 2002.

If being able to decrease the …

No.260 16/11/17 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A car kills two people per minute】

《A lesson in a success of Fiji》

If being able to decrease the traffic accidents the nation can save its cost and develop. It does away with the poverty and the gap between the poor and rich. Decreasing the traffic accidents is a very important theme.

【About 80 thousand of acts of violence or riots have broken out at hospitals for abortion in North America since 1977】

《An ex clergyman who killed a specialist in abortion became a hero》

A great controversy which splits the United States in two has happened on abortion. It was caused in Texas state in 1973. The abortion was forbidden by the law of the state there,but a trial judged that the law of the Texas was against the constitution. As a result the law in the State became invalid. The law allowed the people to have an abortion.

The people who were opposed to the abortion rebelled against the judgement. Radical people who were opposed to the abortion insisted that being abortion is a murder.

No.261 16/11/17 21:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【About 80 thousand of acts of violence or riots have broken out at hospitals where abortion is done in North America since 1977 】

《An ex clergyman who killed a specialist in abortion became a hero》

The radical people who were opposed to the abortion used even violence so as to stop the abortion. They surrounded the hospital and protested against the hospital. They played a nasty trick on the patients or the staff in the hospitals. Some of them exploded,set fire to the hospitals or caused a murder case.

A doctor and a driver were killed in Florida in 2003. The doctor was the specialist in abortion who performed an operation on a female for abortion. Its criminal was an ex-clergyman and asserted that he had done it in order to prevent a pure baby from being killed. While he was put to death he became a hero among the people who objected to the abortion.

《Some were on the list of assassination and others were actually attacked》

Acts of violence or riots in the hospital where…

No.262 16/11/17 21:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【About 80 thousand of acts of violence or riots have broken out in the hospital where abortion is done in the North America since 1977】

《Some were on the list for assassination and others were actually attacked》

The number of acts of violence or riots in the hospital where abortion is done have reached about 80 thousand in America and Canada from 1977 to at present,in particular the radical ones are the people who are called Army of God. The name and address of the doctors and staff who work in the hospital where the abortion is done are being open to the public in the internet. Some people who were on the list were killed and others were attacked.

Even if unable to forgive others' opinions or behaviors so much they shouldn't have attacked the doctor or they should have stopped threatening a female who wished for abortion. Trying to suppress others' opinions with violence is in the wrong.

No.263 16/11/19 12:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【While the people who recognizw the yellow mark of M in Macdonald make account for 88% the people who recognize the cross in the Christianity 54%】

《Is a person who is religious immature?》

I'm sure you know the cross is the symbol in the Christianity. An investigation was made for 7 thousand people in 6 countries. It was no more than 54% of the people who recognize the meaning of the cross,though it was no less than 88% of the people know the yellow mark in Macdonald.

The people who don't recognize the meaning of the cross increase. In short they've learned not to believe in the God gradually,especially the European people have a strong tendency of giving up its faith. The people who believe in the God account for 92% in the U.S.A. One of three people go to church every week.

On the other hand the people who believe in the God is about 60 % in England. Every week one of thirteen people go to church in France. Some European cultured people say the people who are religious are…

No.264 16/11/19 13:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【While the people who recognize the yellow mark of M in Macdonald make account for 88%, the cross in the Christianity is 54%】

《Instead of the religion,high-quality brand has appeared》

Some European cultured people declare that the people who are religious are immature mentally.

Instead of religion the people have learned to worship other thing. What's it? It's big-name brand. A catch phrase of liquor was" Believe!" Instead of the religion the people have learned to worship the high quality brand,the crosses of necklace are only the accessories at present.

The sales of high quality brand like Gucci or Burberry has gone up more and more. They pay debt for the high quality brand. One of five families have debt of about 2000 pound in the balance of credit card. It's equal to ¥0.46 million.

The high quality brand sells some lifestyles or some feelings rather than the commodity itself. It tempts us to pay lots of money,and we'll lead wonderful life in fantastic mood.

No.265 16/11/19 14:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【While the people who recognize the yellow mark of M in Macdonald make account for 88%,the cross in the Christianity is only 54%】

《Instead of religion high quality brand has appeared.》

The high quality brand looks like the religion,for both of them give us something satisfactory. They make us feel happy or give us relief. The people in developing countries don't have enough money to get something satisfactory,so the people who are religious have increased there. The Christianity make account for about 60 % outside the Europe and the U.S.A. What do you worship?

【The Kenyan spend one-third money of their family badges on a bribe】

《The Kenyan offer a bribe 16 times a month on the average.》

Offering money or a present for a powerful person in order to make the powerful person do something convenient. We call it a bribe. Without offering the bribe they can't lead their life in Kenya of Africa. When entering a school,receiving a medical treatment,applying for a passport,being …

No.266 16/11/23 10:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Kenyans spend one-third money of their family budget on bribes】

《The Kenyans offer a bribe 16 times a month on the average》

When entering school,receiving medical treatment,applying for a passport,or being qualified,they need the bribe in Kenya,but it seems that they can do everything as long as they offer the bribe for a public servant.

For example they can obtain a certificate that their father was dead ten years ago and they get the passport for their father next day. It's incoherent very much.

The Kenyans offer the bribe 16 times a month on the average. Its amount of money makes account for about 30 % in their family budget. They are forced to be poor more and more because of the lots of the bribe.

While the economic growth rate used to be 4% there in 1990 it went down to no more than 1% in 2000 though the poverty rate goes up in the world.

《The president whose campaign promise is getting rid of the bribe has appeared. His struggle for the bribe》

The poverty will …

No.267 16/11/23 11:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Kenyans spend one- third money of their family budget on the bribe】

《The president whose campaign promise is getting rid of the bribe has appeared. His struggle for the bribe》

The poverty would deteriorate if leaving the situation as it's,so the new President appeared in 2002,declaring his struggle for the decay as campaign promise.

The President made drastic reforms so as to remove the bribe. He raised the policemen's income,so without receiving the bribe they could lead their lives. He opened the public employees' fortune to the public so as to avoid receiving illegal money.

On the other hand some people who put up resistance to his policy appeared. They are the public employees in the government or members of the assembly,for they had profited from the bribe. There are foreign big companies behind them. While the big companies offered bribe for the public employees and the member of the assembly they get a large amount of profit.

As for funds and the number of the people…

No.268 16/11/23 15:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

「The Kenyans spend one-third money of their family budget on bribes.」

[The President whose campaign promise is getting rid of bribes has appeared]

The President's disadvantage is that he is lacking of funds and he doesn't have enough number of the people,but he must win the struggle so as to develop Kenya. Even if each of bribe is trifle if being gathered,it becomes gigantic one. We have to create the society in which even trivial bribe isn't forgiven.

「Scale of the market on illegal drug in the world is about $ 400 billion. It's as big as the market on drug manufacturing」

[Even if cracking down on the drug it's not almost effective]

The Sumer used to smoke opium 阿片 about 7 thousand years ago. We the human seem to have known the way of elevating our spitit since the ancient time.

It was in 1875 when the drug became illegal for the first time. A Chinese who was a labor for the construction of railway took the drug into the America and the drug spread among the white people.

No.269 16/11/23 18:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

[Scale of the market on illegal drug in the world is about $ 400 billion. It's as big as the market on drug manufacturing].

「Even if cracking down on the illegal drug it's almost ineffective」

After that the law which controls the illegal drug all over the world was enforced,but it has never been achieved a brilliant success as they expected until now. No less than 0.2 billion of people have abused the illegal drug all over the world,according to the UN. The scale of the market on illegal drug is about $ 400 billion a year. It's almost as big as the scale of the market on legal drug.

While the budget which keeps the illegal drug under control has increased about 50 % in the U.S.A for the last decade,the people who sell and buy the illegal drug have never decreased at all. Why? The more strict they crack down on the illegal drug,the higher the price of the illegal drug goes up. If being able to sell the illegal drug with high price,they'll make a big profit,so plenty of people gather…

No.270 16/11/23 19:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

[scale of the market on illegal drug in the world is about $ 400 billion. It's almost as big as the scale of the market on legal drug]

「There are some countries where they sell marijuana in a coffee shop」

As a result plenty of people gather even if taking risks and the troubles have never decreased. An opinion that they should change the way of dealing with the illegal drug has appeared. The opinion said that if they can't get rid of the illegal drug,can they decrease the damage by the illegal drug?

For example marijuana is comparatively so light that they make it legal and as to other drugs of which damage are more serious than the marijuana they can use them at will,being based on a doctor's prescription. Some people suggested like that. The country controls on the drug manufacturing.

In fact the marijuana has been sold in a coffee shop in Holland and they learned to be able to buy it like cigarette and liquor. As a result what's happened?

37 % of the people used to smoke …

No.271 16/11/26 09:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Scale of the market on illegal drug in the world is about $ 400 billion. It's as big as the scale of the market on legal drug】

《There are some countries where they sell marijuana in a coffee shop》

While 37% of the people used to smoke marijuana in the U.S.A. where the marijuana was forbidden only16% of people in Holland where the marijuana is lawful. Does it mean that the more it's forbidden the more they want to smoke?

Forbidding to sell and buy the marijuana doesn't mean getting rid of damage by the illegal drug. How do we protect the people from the illegal drug? We should start to think from there.

【One of three people believe in the U.S.A.that aliens have already come to the earth】

《The dead body of the alien which was carried into the military base in the U.S.A.》

Something made an emergency landing on the suburb of a small town called Roswell in the south of the U.S.A. in 1947. The U.S.armed forces withdrew it and announced it was a flying saucer then but corrected it …

No.272 16/11/26 10:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three people believe in the U.S.A that aliens have already come to the earth】

《The dead body of the alien which was carried into the military base in the U.S.A.》

The U.S. armed forces corrected later it was a military balloon for weather observation,but the announcement by the forces clashed with what the witnesses said. Some of the witnesses said that they saw the dead body of the alien was carried into the air force base in Roswell. It's the famous Roswell event.

《The Americans who have firmly believed the existence of the aliens and the flying saucer》

The U.S. armed forced reexamined the whole record on the Roswell event in 1994,and came to a conclusion that they withdrew the balloon with which they failed in an experiment,but there have been lots of people who think the forces hide something. It turned out that no less than 80 % of the Americans believe the government hide the existence of the alien by an investigation in 1997.

One of three Americans answered there …

No.273 16/11/29 14:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three people believes in the U.S.A.that aliens have already come to the earth】

《The Amerricans who have firmly believed the existence of the aliens and flying saucers》

One of three Americans answered that there used to be lots of reports on the UFO which is an abbreviation of unidentified flying object. Some of them were real spaceships from other civilization outside the earth in the investigation in 2001. While no less than 61 % of teenagers believe the existence of the aliens and flying saucers in England,no more than 39 % of them believe in the Christianity. Do you believe the flying saucers?

《There are ten thousand stars which have civilizations in the Galaxy》

There has been never proof that the UFO is a vehicle for intellectual creatures which came from the universe. It's just that some people watched something strange which they couldn't express easily. Then is there no possibility of existence of the aliens at all? An astronomer said like the next.

"I've reckoned …

No.274 16/11/29 15:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three people believes that aliens have already come to the earth】

《There are ten thousand stars which have civilization in the Galaxy》

An astronomer said like the next. "I've reckoned how many stars which have civilization being able to communicate with others there are in the universe. They seem to be 10 thousand in the Galaxy where we the human live." however it takes 5 hundred years to go to the nearest star where aliens live with a rocket of photon power 光子力.

We seem to want to believe the existence of the aliens somewhere in our mind I'm wondering. If there is the one who lives only us on the earth in the vast and boundless universe,I feel it very lonely.

【The number of countries in which a torture has been done is over 150】

《The promise which has been done among the International society so as to prohibit to torture》

Inflicting pain on a person in order to get the information or to change its idea. Haven't you ever watched the scene of the torture on movie or TV?

No.275 16/11/30 09:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of countries in which a torture has been done is over 150】

《The promise which has been done among the international society in order to prohibit the torture》

Do you think it was long long ago when the torture was done? But the torture has been done all over the world at present,not only to a grown-up but to a child. The number of countries in which the torture has been done from 1998 to 2000 is over 150 according to the amnesty international. The number is over about two-thirds of the countries in the world.

The UN has adopted the Declaration of Human Right in the world after the Second World War. It is clearly stated in it that abusing or torturing are forbidden. A new treaty in which torturing or adopting an inhuman way are prohibited has been concluded once more among 141 countries in 2006. In spite of the treaty the torture has still been done all over the world.

《Which country do they use the torture on person?》

What kind of country do they torture a person?

No.276 16/11/30 09:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of countries in which a torture has been done is over 150】

《Which countries do they torture on a person?》

The police and institution which governs the national defense and maintainance of public order torture so as to interrogate in some countries. They torture in order to get the information out of the person on the country to which he or she belongs in other countries. They usually treat a prisoner violently even if it's not the torture in another countries.

For example the U.S.A has pushed forward with the battle with the terrorism. The country has tortured or treated the prisoners violently at an air base in Afghanistan or in Cuba. Its news or photograph were opened to the public and all of the people were shocked at them in the world. Even if being at war those act of cruelty has been prohibited in several treaties in Geneva. Needless to say the U.S.A. has also concluded with the treaty.

《If it's a battle with the terrorism it can't be helped?》

No.277 16/11/30 10:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of countries in which a torture has been done is over 150】

《If it's a battle with the terrorism it can't be helped?》

A cruel interrogation to a suspect was clearly forbidden in the Bush Administration,but the situation seems to be suspicious because of the terrorism 9.11 which broke out in 2001. After that some people who expressed their opinions like the next. "We are forced to torture some people. It can't be helped,for it can prevent the terrorism bringing about and save lots of people's lives."

On the other hand the author said like the next in the book."However the torture must not be allowed absolutely. If being tortured he or she will have suffered from the damage in their mind and the flashback for some years. The flashback means that terrible memory comes back as illusion."

She continued"The barttle with the terrorism doesn't become an excuse for the torture,for the torture escalates the terrorism and hurts the freedom which is the right for all of the people"

No.278 16/11/30 11:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

Hatred can produce nothing and it creates new one,I'm sure, it is in theory but impossible in reality. If family members like parents,brothers,sisters,children or beloved ones were killed in the terrorism do we can think like that? I find it hard.

To tell the truth I hate to pretend to be a good-natured and I'm not. Fortunately or not I've never loved anyone,so anyone intimate for me is dead I doubt whether or not I feel sad,but almost all of the people are different from me,so stopping the chain of hatred seems to be hard.

【One of seven people has been stuffered from hunger in the world】

《No less than 0.8 billion of people have suffered from the hunger》

No less than 0.8 billion of people have suffered from the hunger in the world at present. The number of people who are chronic malnutrition 栄養失調 are 2 billion. The people who died of starvation or others who become sick because of the starvation and are dead are 18 million. The children under 5 years of age…

No.279 16/11/30 11:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of seven people have suffered from hunger in the world.】

《No less than 0.8 billion people have suffered from the hunger》

About 10 million of children under 5 years of age have been dead every year and half of them are dead on account of malnutritionb,but it doesn't always mean that there is few food in the whole world. Enough food which all the people can eat has been produced every year. If being able to distribute the food to all the people equally everyone can eat enough.

《War and political corruption make the people feel hungry》

You may think if there is enough food why? One of reason is the politics. Even if the people are hungry in their own countries there are some countries which leave their people alone. Sometimes only the leaders lead a luxury life in other countries.

An international dispute also caused the hunger. If being at war the government would rather buy weapons than the food. It's so dangerous that no one can transport the food nor engage in agriculture.

No.280 16/11/30 12:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of seven people have suffered from hunger in the world every day】

《War and political corruption make the people feel hungry》

To make the matters worse,the hunger prevents the country from growing econonically. If having eaten enough the efficiency of the work will rise. If being hungry no one can work enough,as a result the economy remains stagnant.

As for the amount of intake of calorie, the people who work in the farm rose by 50 % on the average. In short the food for the people increased. Then the harvest on the agricultural produce rose by 16.5%. It was done at Sierra Leone of Africa.

《What should we do so as to relieve the people out of the hunger?》

Wealthy developed countries have helped those countries. There is surplus of enough agricultural products in the wealthy countries. The wealthy countries sent the poor countries the agricultural products. It has to be done but it won't resolve the problem in the long run.

The price of the wheat dropped in Afghanistan …

No.281 16/11/30 13:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of seven people have suffered from hunger in the world every day】

《What should we do if wanting to relieve the people out of the hunger?》

The price of the wheat dropped in Afghanistan because a large amount of wheat was sent by the UN. The farmers were such in financial difficulties that they started to grow an opium 阿片,for the opium will be more profittable. In this situation the food shortage wouldn't change at all.

If the hunger decreases even a little more,the economy will improve and the people's income will increase. Then they'll resolve the food shortage for themselves. The important thing is helping them for their independence. The problem on the hunger connects with poverty,war,and gap between the poor and the rich.

【As for a male,one of three black people who were born in the U.S.A. seems to have sent to a prisoner】

《The number of people who goes in the prisoner is the most in the world》

While the U.S.A is called a country of freedom the people who lose their…

No.282 16/11/30 13:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【As for a male,one of three black people who were born in the U.S.A seems to have sent to a prison】

《The number of people who goes in the prison in the U.S.A is the most in the world》

Oh! I made a mistake on the words in the title. It's not the prisoner but the prison. It's shameful of me to do it.

While the U.S.A. is called the country of freedom,the people who lose the valuable freedom have increased because they end up going in the prison. The number of American convicts reached 2 million in 2002 and it's over Russia. As to the number the U.S.A. became the worst.

One of 37 Americans would go in the prison at least once in its lifetime. It was expected that one of 15 babies who were born in the U.S.A.would go in the prison at least once.

If paying attention to the numbers a little more minutely,there is something that has been weighing on my mind. As to a white boy,the probability that they go in the prison is 1 in 17. The probability that they go in the prison is one in six in…

No.283 16/11/30 14:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three black infants who were born in the U.S.A. seems to have sent to a prison】

《The number of people who go in the prison in the U.S.A.is the most in the world》

The probability that they go in the prison is one in six in relation to the Hispanic who is from the South and Central America. The Hispanic is an American of Spanish ancestry. The probability that black infant goes in the prison is one in three! At present one of six American males used to be in the prison or is in the prison just now. On the other hand as to white males,its probability is 1 in 38. Why?

《Racial discrimination of inequality which shouldn't be allowed》

There have been plenty of people who went in the prison in the U.S.A. because the crimes connecting with the drug have increased. 57 % of the people who went in the federal prison were criminals,who were connected with the drug. The problem is there may have been racial
discrimination under the process of the criminal investigation on the drug.

No.284 16/12/02 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three black infants who were born in the U.S.A. seem to have been sent to a prison】

《Racial discrimination of inequality which shouldn't be allowed》

There are some people who recognized that they use the drug a month at least. Black people account for 13 % of them according to the statistics in the government of the U.S.A. The black people who were arrested because of having the drug make up 35 % and the ones who were sent to the prison were 74%.

An inspection is done in a road because of in order to control the drug. While the black people who driving a car there account for 17 %, the black people who were made stopped by the police and were investigated their car is 73 %. When looking at the number we are forced to think"Possibly the police …"

《Chain of going in the prison is born》

Once being in the prison,even if being released from the prison they will go through many hardships in order to get a job. If comparing the income of the one who has a criminal record and …

No.285 16/12/02 23:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three black infants who were born in the U.S.A.seem to have been to the prison】

《Chain of going in the prison is born》

As to the income,if comparing the one who has a criminal record with other who doesn't have,the income of the one who has the criminal record is half of the one who doesn't have.

It is said the child of the one who used to serve in the prison is easy to take to misconduct. They frequently end up going in the prison. The chain has increased the convicts. Grappling with the racial inequality is pressing

【One of three people are living in times of war in the world】

《The number of people who live in the area of dispute is 2.33 billion》

An armed conflict has broken out here and there in the world. There's been disorder in Iraq and there is no knowing the dispute between the Israel and Palestine is over. 32 armed conflicts have brought about in 27 countries,according to the data in 2005. The amount of the people who live in the area of armed conflict is 2.3…

No.286 16/12/03 04:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three people are living in times of war in the world】

《The number of the people who are living in the area of armed conflict is 2.33 billion》

The amount of number of the people who are living in the area of armed conflict is 2.33 billion. It means that one of three people is always dragged in the war in the whole population in the world. Whatever the war is,the one who received the worst damage is the people who live there.

《The reality in the war of the present age》

The dreadful civil war had been in Sudan for about two decades in the past from 1983 to 2005. Plenty of the residents of the city were dragged in the battle between the government and the counterforce then. No other country has more refugees than Sudan in the world. 4.5 million of people went out of the country and fled. The number of the people is over the population of 10% in Sudan.

A dispute broke out in Congo from 1998 to 2002 and more than 3 million people were sacrificed in the dispute or became sick.

No.287 16/12/03 08:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three people are living in times of war in the world】

《The reality of the war of present age》

The peace agreement has been concluded in Congo at the end in 2002 but there are some areas where the dispute has still gone on at present.

In general after war is over the reconstruction will take a time. In Vietnam the U.S army sprinkled the defoliant 枯れ葉剤 during the war and the farm products never grew at least for 3 decades owing to the defoliant. In Kuwait crude oil flew out in the 1st Gulf War and the groundwater which is their valuable headwaters remain polluted.

In Kosovo chemical factories and oil refineries were bombed and black rain was pouring down on the town. Cancer-causing matter were
scattered over the town. Those damages are the real shapes at present age.

《The counterforce and supporting humane activity》

Fighting against the counterforce is hard. The people who belong to the counterforce don't wear military uniform,so distinguishing the counterforce from a …

No.288 16/12/03 09:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of three people are living it times of war in the world】

《Counterforce and supporting humane activity》

Distinguishing the people who belong to the counterforce from private citizens is hard. As a result lots of private citizens were enbroiled in the battle and were injured or dead.

The counterforce has adopted bombs and mines so as to secure a position or to make the private citizens obey. Whenever the counterforce start a military movement the private citizens will always be damaged then.

Plenty of people have done their best so as to stop the wars. Some humane groups like the International Red Cross have taken action in order to rescue the people who are on the verge of a crisis just now. Even those activities are frequently disturbed.

【The crude oil may have been dried up in 2040】

《The modern life which is dependent on petroleum》

How is the petroleum used in our life? The petroleum is the fuel for an automobile,airplane or ship. Without the petroleum they can't move.

No.289 16/12/07 00:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The crude oil may be dried up in 2040】

《Modern life which is dependent on the crude oil》

We wear clothes and wash them with detergents. Some of them are made of the petroleum. Shelves in a supermarket is filled with a plastic vessel. It's also made of the petroleum. The dead bodies of the animal and plants in the ancient time have changed into the crude oil,so it's not limitless. If being pumped up from the underground at high pace like at present it will be dried up in the future.

The 12 countries which produce plenty of the petroleum form the OPEC. The OPEC insists that there are still a trillion of crude oil deposits in the world and the countries which join in the OPEC have the crude oil deposits of 8 decades,but some scholars assert that it's no more than 4 decades.

《The alternative energy source is hydrogen?》

When being dried up it's too be late,so the energy which take the place of the petroleum has been studied all over the world. Tidal power in which an ocean currrent…

No.290 16/12/07 00:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The crude oil may be dried up in 2040】

《The alternative energy source is hydrogen?》

Experiments of tidal power in which they make use of an ocean current have been made ahead in England. Wind power energy and generation of biomass in which they take advantage of waste have been paid attention. Plenty of sugarcanes are harvested in Brazil,so the Brazilian change the sugarcane into alcohol and try to make use of the alcohol for the fuel of an automobile.

The U.S.A. has laid emphasis on development of changing the hydrogen into the fuel for automobiles. The hydrogen is so efficient that it hardly emits the waste. If being able to produce lots of hydrogen reasonably we can secure the energy which isn't dependent on the petroleum.

It is said that a big company of the automobile announced it could put the automobile of which fuel is the hydrogen on the market until 2010,but we can't be relieved that we can produce the energy which take the place of the petroleum,for the study for …

No.291 16/12/07 01:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The crude oil may be dried up in 2040】

《The alternative energy is hydrogen》

Practical use for the hydrogen seems to take a time a little more.

【No less than 82 % of smokers in the world are the people in developing countries】

《An expectation that 0.5 billion of people will be dead owing to the tobacco》

The smokers are over 1.1 billion in the world and almost 5 million of people are dead on account of the smoking. That way 0.5 billion of people among the ones who live just now will be dead in the future thanks to the tobacco. It is said that the smoking causes cancer or heart disease.

As the people recognize the danger of the tobacco the smokers become less steadily in developed countries. While smokers are over half of the males in the U.S.A. in 1955 its number became one in four in 2001.

《The tobacco company appeals,"Instead of confectionery,tobacco》

Few people recognize the tobacco is danger in developing countries. Developing countries are more than developed countries in…

No.292 16/12/08 22:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 82% of the smokers in the world are the people in developing countries】

《The tobacco company appeals"Instead of confectionery,tobacco"》

The number of smokers in developing countries are more than that in developed countries. The smokers in developing countries account for 82 % in the world. No smoking has spread over the developed countries so much that the tobacco companies have tried to find a market of the tobacco in developing countries. Their targets are female and youth.

There aren't so many smokers in the class that the youths and females end up being the target for the tobacco companies. Some tobacco companies have appealed and tempted to the females,"Instead of confectionery,tobacco!" Other tobacco companies have raised the commercial that the tobacco is an image of a smart female who is independent.

《Developing countries have more dangerous situation than developed countries》

There are problems of tuberculosis 結核,or spread of AIDS in developing countries.

No.293 16/12/09 01:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No less than 82 % of the smokers in the world are the people in the developing countries】

《The developing countries have more dangerous situation than the developed countries》

If adding the smoking to the problems,its risk becomes bigger. For example 0.4 million of people are dead in India every year because of the tuberculosis. It is said that if half of them didn't smoke they wouldn't be dead,but almost all of the governments of the countries don't seem to think they want to fight with major tobacco companies at all.

So the international society should take a firm attitude toward the tobacco companies. All of us should pull together to save 5 million of people who are dead owing to the tobacco every year.

By the way I've made a mistake again. It's not 5 billion of people but 5 million.

【The people who have never used the telephone at all are over 70 % of the population in the whole world】

《The greater part of the people don't have even a radio》

Can you imagine a life that …

No.294 16/12/09 01:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The people who have never used the telephone at all are over 70% of the population in the world】

《The greater part of the people in the world have never used even a radio》

Can you imagine a life there is no cellphone,no PC,nor the internet at all? The internet is indispensable for us the Japanese,but the people who use the internet is no more than 10 % of the population in the world. Almost all of them are living in developed countries.

While one of two people is a user for the internet in the U.S.A. no more than one from 250 to 400 people is the user in a country of Africa. Far from it! Only one of four people has a radio in Africa. As to the telephone it's one of 40 people. 70 % of the population in the world have never used the telephone in the least.

《If having the information,what's the difference?》

The internet is connected with the whole world and if making use of it we can get almost all of the information. We can get some knowledge,learn languages,or take varied…

No.295 16/12/11 09:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The people who have never used the telephone at all are over 70 % in the population of the world】

《If having the information,what's difference?》

We can get varied pieces of information,learn languages,take various skills,or increase the chance in which we can get a job,but if not having the telephone,radio,TV,nor the internet,what'll happen to us? Not only we can't realize what's happened in the world,but we can't recognize what kinds of job,life,or chance there are in the world,we're forced to lead our whole life.There is a great gap between the people who have information and the others who don't have information. We call the gap digital divide.

《The gap between the people who have the information and the others who don't have widen》

Before the internet spread the ways the people got the information were limited. As long as having the information jointly by the internet,we'd thought we could get away with the gap.but the people who need the information than any other people in…

No.296 16/12/11 09:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The people who have never used the telephone at all are over 70 % in the population of the world】

《The gap between the people who have the information and the others who don't have widens》

The people who need the information more than any ones in developing countries can't enjoy the benefits of the information. To make matters worse,a new gap between the poor and the rich called digital divide has been born.

The gap widens even in developed countries. The people who don't have computers,or others who can't use are forced to be left behind the times more and more.

Varied pieces of information have been born in the world every year. It is said that the amount of the information is equivalent to 0.5 million of the library of Congress in the U.S.A, of which the number of the collection of the books is the most in the world.

It seems to take a long time to make the tremendous amount of the information widespread all of the people equally.

【A quarter of the armed conflict in recent …】

No.297 16/12/11 10:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A quarter of armed conflicts in recent years are connected with natural resources】

《Armed conflicts in which 5 million of people were dead》

Natural resource like petroleum,natural gas,mineral or wood make a country be rich and develop. On the other hand an armed conflict with other countries which are watching for a chance to take the natural resources by force may start.

About 50 of wars and armed conflicts have happened in recent years. Some countries contended with each other for the natural resources. It's the background in the armed conflicts. The people who were dead in the conflicts were over 5 million in 1990s.

《Lots of people have watched for the rare resources to plunder》

For example there are abundant diamonds,golds,or an ore called coltan which is important raw material for a cellphone or PC in Congo. Other countries around Congo agitated the disputes between the tribes in Congo. It was an excuse for them to send troops to Congo. They took the natural resources by…

No.298 16/12/13 23:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A quarter of armed conflicts in recent years are connected with natural resources】

《Lots of people have watched for rare resources in order to plunder》

They took the natural resources by force and illegally sold the natural resources to the Western countries. Specialists expect that disputes between countries increase in the future because of the rare resources. For instance,it's the petroleum. Iraq invaded Kuwait and the Gulf War broke out in 1991. Both of the countries are oil-producing countries,so the European countries and the U.S.A. intervened militarily in two of them right away.

《Fighting for the water will frequently happen in the future》

A scramble which seems to be more severe than for the petroleum is the water in the near future. With the increase of the population in the world,the demand for the water has been rising,for the water is indispensable for us the human being. Some people say that this situation continues,one of three people will be worried about being…

No.299 16/12/14 02:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A quarter of armed conflicts in recent years are connected with natural resources】

《Fighting for the water will frequently happen in the future》

Some people say that if this situation continues,one of three people will be worried about being lacking of the water in the world in 2025.

If the water isn't enough,the people aren't able to be engaged in agriculture. Hygienic status is so bad that illness spread over the people. Tensions over the water has already risen not only in the valley of Jordan River in the Middle East,in the one of Nile River in Africa,but in the one of Ganges River in India.The war doesn't always happen owing to only its territory. Fight for wealth and natural resource makes the war bring about.

【Positive patients of HIV is about 25 million in Africa】

《A youth contracts the AIDS per 7 seconds》

We the human beings have fighted with the worst enemy in our history,it's the AIDS. The cause of the AIDS is virus of HIV. 12 thousand of youths catch the AIDS a day…

No.300 16/12/14 02:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Positive patients of HIV are about 25 million in Africa.】

《A youth contracts the AIDS per 7 seconds》.

12 thousand youths catch the AIDS in the world a day. In short the youth is infected with the disease per 7 seconds. If there are 40 schoolchildren in a class in an elementary school,all of them will catch the AIDS within a minute. The AIDS has spread over the world so extremely.

39.5 million of people have been infected with the AIDS in the world just now and it's expected that 0.28 billion of people will be dead thanks to AIDS until 2050,especially the countries south of the Sahara are tragic. Plenty of people were dead of the AIDS and the average life expectancy has been shorter by 30 years in some countries.

If a breadwinner in a family is sick in the bed,the family will be suffered from poverty. There are some countries of which agricultural production dropped by 30 % on account of the AIDS.

《The AIDA led to every place in the world. It cost a great deal for the step》

No.301 16/12/17 02:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Positive patients of HIV are about 25 million in Africa】

《The AIDS led to place in the world. It costs a great deal for the step》

It is said that the HIV used to be the virus of which a chimpanzee had and we the human being have ended up contracting the disease in the beginning of the 20teh century. When the first patients of the HIV appeared in the U.S.A. in 1981,almost all of them were males of homosexual or drug addicts.

It caused misunderstanding that having relations with the opposite sex would never infect with the HIV so much that the HIV was prevalent extremely worst. The main path by which the epidemic spread in Africa was making love between men and women. Malnutrition 栄養失調 has aggravated the situation,for lots of people have been ill or infected with the HIV.

Disputes are one of cause of spread of the HIV. It seems to be hard to show displaced people the knowledge on the AIDS. They become prostitutes in order to lead a life and contract the HIV. They have children …

No.302 16/12/17 03:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Positive patients of AIDS are about 25 million in Africa】

《The AIDS led to place in the world. It costs a great deal for the step》

The prostitutes have children. The child is infected with the HIV from their mother. The government couldn't deal with the situation quickly. Plenty of countries had made light of the AIDS until the latter half of 1990s.

《If war expenditures of 5 days had been consumed …》

The AIDS have already led to place in the world. About a million of people contracted the AIDS in China because of selling blood. It costs lots of money for the step or the prevention of the AIDS. The officers of the UN said it needed $10 billion for the step of AIDS in developing countries a year. The war expenditures in the war is $ 3 billion a day.

If only the war expenditures of 5 days had used for the AIDS,we can confront with the disease enough. What should we do for the warped situation?

【10 kinds of language have disappeared every year】

《Peculiar culture and tradition…》

No.303 16/12/18 01:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【10 kinds of languages have disappeared every year】

《Peculiar culture and tradition have been lost with its language》

If I'm the last one who speaks the Japanese,what should I do? I can't talk with anyone in Japanese any more. Only expression in the Japanese or dear fairy tales in Japanese will be lost then. How lonely it is,but that kind of thing has happened actually. 10 languages have disappeared in the world every year,according to an investigation of the UNESCO.

Roughly speaking while 6000 kinds of languages have been spoken in the world,half of them are in the verge of extinction. There is only one who can speak the language with regard to the Dholuo in Cameroon or Klamath in Oregon. If the person is dead,the one who can understand the language will disappear from the world. Countless languages have vanished like that until now.

《The reason why the languages have vanished》

Why have the languages disappeared? For example lots of people have learned the English. There are…

No.304 16/12/18 01:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【10 kinds of languages have disappeared every year】

《The reason why the languages have vanished》

There are lots of countries where lots of people can make themselves understood in English,and if being able to understand the English,it'll be useful. If dealings overseas increase,the one who can speak foreign languages is much advantageous,so the children have learned not to study the language which they inherit from their ancestor.

If the language was originally spoken in litmited area,the people who spoke the language moved to the city or they were driven out of the hometown,the people who speak the language disappear. A government forced the people to use the official language,as a result some languages disappeared.

There used to be no less than 400 native aboriginal languages in Australia,but the government forbade the people to speak,so the number of the language has been no more than 25 at present.

《The language is proof who we are》

If the language vanished,what kind of …

No.305 16/12/18 04:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【10 kinds of languages have disappeared every year】

《The language is proof who we are》

If the languages vanishes what kind of things do we face? The knowledge which has been taken over with the language will be lost as it is. A teacher in Maori of New Zealand said like the next." Without speaking its own language,we'll not learn to recognize who we are." The movement in which reviving the Maori language has been gone ahead at present,so one of the four Maori can learn to speak the language.

There used to be no one who could speak the Hebrew around the B.C. second century,but fortunately it was used for reading and writing,and it has revived in the latter half of the 19th century. 81 % of the people in Israel have spoken the Hebrew at present. The UNESCO has also appealed to protect the peculiar language.The people in the world have begun to recognize how valuable the one who begin to lose at last.

【The number of the people who are dead by committing suicide is more than that in …】

No.306 16/12/18 07:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of the people who are dead by committing suicide is more than that in armed conflict】

《The one who killing itself is a million in the world a year》

The one who have despaired of its life and killing itself is endless. No less than a million of people committed suicide and were dead in the world in 2000,according to WHO,and it is guessed that the number of the one who tried to kill oneself is from 10th to 20th as much as the one who have done it actually.WHO announced the number and it's more than that in armed conflicts. Why did the lots of people kill themselves?

Its reasons are complicated and varied,but it has something to do with serious depressive disorder,according various research. It is said that two-thirds of the one who killed oneself were depressive disorder. The depressive disorder is different from the one who are disappointed with something or feeling sad.

The depressive disorder is unable to sleep well,falling off its appetite and are dejected with a…

No.307 16/12/19 20:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of the people who are dead by committing suicide are more than those in armed conflict】

《Our lives are worth living. 》

The one who is the depressive disorder is unable to sleep well,falling off its appetite,and is dejected with sadness or a sense of guilty. It becomes weak finally.

WHO expects that the depressive disorder will become the second most disease in the world in 2020,then the number of people who commit suicide will reach 1.5 million every year then.

When feeling strong stress like a tangle of human relation,change in a life,or economical damage,the stress causes the depressive disorder. Everybody has possibility of being depressive disorder even if we live in developed countries or in developing countries,both young and old,but about from 60 to 70 % of the depressive disorder will be cured as long as they go to hospital regularly and are treated.

Needless to say the cause of the committing suicide isn't always limited to the depressive disorder,but if…

No.308 16/12/19 21:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of the people who are dead by committing sluicide are more than those in armed conflict】

《Our lives are worth living》

If other people around the one of the depressive disorder recognize it earlier and hold out a helping hand,we can decrease the number of the people who kill themselves.

It is said that someone said that nothing is more important than a condition that our life is wort living. Without thinking like that no one can live. Even if we end up facing a hardship we want to go on believing the condition.

By the way needless to say it's not my own remarks but the author's. Fortunately or not I'm not the depressive disorder,but I don't think I want to live so much. It's just that I can't kill myself,so I'm forced to live. I'm sure it doesn't matter even if I'm dead or not. I can't help laughing.

I have a good appetite,and am not dejected with sadness nor a sense of guilty,but so what? I'm not sure whether or not my life is worth living,but I can't commit suicide.

No.309 16/12/19 22:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of students who go to school with a gun and leave school are 88 a week on the average in the U.S.A.】

《Shooting incidents which happened at schools》

Two graduates went to a high school and fired the gun blindly in the U.S.A. in April 1999. Then 12 students and a teacher were shot to dead. The criminals killed themselves with the gun on the spot. A student of age 14 in junior high school shot the headmaster with a revolver and shot itself in the state of Pennsylvania in April 2003.

In the same year a boy of age 15 shot his two classmates with the gun in Minnesota. The one was dead instantly and the other was also dead after two weeks. Plenty of people in the world paid attention to the shocking affairs. Whenever those kinds of affair happened the people in the world must have thought that the U.S.A. should regulate the gun more strictly.

《The problem is that there is the gun there》

Everybody can possess the gun in the U.S.A. It is recognized in the constitution of the…

No.310 16/12/21 20:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of student who go to school with a gun and leave the school are 88 a week on the average in the U.S.A】
《The problem is that there is a gun there》

It is recognized in the constitution of the U.S.A that a resident can possess the gun. One thirds of the households which has a child have the gun. The problem is that the way of having the care of the gun.

Without being locked,lots of firearms which a private citizen has been kept. It's more than half. In addition 30 % of the households which have the gun,the gun has been loaded,and its safety catch has also been released. In short,it can be shot at any time.

Two-thirds of the students who had something with the 37 of shooting incidents in the school from 1974 to 2000 carried out the gun from either its home or its relative's home. The ratio of children under age 15 years who were dead on account of firearms like the gun is almost 16 times as same as other 25 developed countries on the average. The problem is there is the …

No.311 16/12/21 21:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of studentsf who go to school and leave the school are 88 a week on the average in the U.S.A】

《Avoiding the trouble with a regulation of the gun》

The problem is that there is the gun where children can reach. There is a strong pressure gauge for the gun in the U.S.A. It has put pressure on the government so powerful that the regulation for the gun has never been progressed so well,but everybody think the children have to be kept from the gun absolutely.

A new law was set up like the next in 18 state in the U.S.A,If the child handles the gun which isn't kept safely,the owner of the gun will be held criminally responsible. As a result the dead of the children owing to the firearms has decreased by 23 %. If the gun is regulated,we'll avoid unnecessary troubles.

【There are at least 0.3 million of what is called prisoners of conscience in the world】

《Even if not committing any crime,some people have been arrested》

Have you ever heard a phrase of a prisoner of conscience?

No.312 16/12/21 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are at least 0.3 million of what is called prisoners of conscience in the world】

《Even if not committing any crime,there are some people who have been arrested》

They don't always commit a crime. It's just that some people said each of their opinions,others are religious,and another expressed its pride for the nation to which it belongs calmly,but they have been arrested and be sent to the prison. We call them the prisoners of conscience.

It is said that there are no less than about 0.3 million of the prisoners in the world at present. The number of country which has the prisoners of conscience reach 35 in 2002. It is said that most of them are political offender who had been active so politically that the they disturbed the order. Without being tried on the court some of them were sent to the prisoner. And others are confined leiniently at home and are forbidden to keep in touch with others.

《in a case of an assembly woman of the Kurds》

For example,a first assembly woman…

No.313 16/12/23 05:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are at least 0.3 million of what is called prisoners of conscience in the world】

《In a case of an assembly woman in Kurds》

For example,a first assembly woman in Kurds in Turkey said at an assembly in the Kurdish language calmly,"I'm going to do my best in order to come true peaceful coexistence for both the Kurds and the Turks" it's just that she had a comment in the Kurdish language,but her behavior was considered to be treasonable act against the Turkey and was arrested. Her sentence was 15 years. The court of European human right showed a judgement it was unfair.

It was only for 21 months when a Vietnamese journalist had been in the city before the person was arrested in 1975,for it tried to have a residential gathering. The person is in a concentration camp just now as a political offender.

《Activity of NGO in order to release the what is prisoner of conscience》

Various NGO have demanded the release for what is called prisoners of conscience. One of them sends…

No.314 16/12/23 09:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There are at least 0,3 million of what is called prisoners of conscience in the world】

《Activiteis of NGO in order to release what is called prisoners of conscience》

One of the group of NGO sends letters of the people all over the world to the people who have been in the prison and cheer them up and applies pressure to the government so as to release what we call the prisoners of conscience.

"We protect our freedom of our thought,conscience,religion,and our freedom won't be robbed and we won't be punished owing to our opinions through the mass media" it's an international agreement and plenty of countries concluded in the world. I hope that the agreement makes what we call the prisoners release,but it seems to be hard fairly.

【Sexual organs of 2 million of female have been cut off every year】

《Cutting off the female sexual organ is very cruel custom》

"I felt such a pain that I thought I may be dead. One woman blocked up my tongue and I couldn't even cry. Other four women …

No.315 16/12/23 10:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Sexual organs of 2 million females have been cut off every year】

《Cutting off the female sexual organ is very cruel custom》

"Other four women pressed down on my breast and both legs and they cut off my sexual organ and sewed the wound together. Then they tied both my feet with a rope. I can't forget that pain even just now." A female of age 22 told her experience of FGM like that when she was an girl. The FGM seems to be an abbereviation of cutting off the female sexual organ.

The FGM is the custom which has been gone on mainly each country in Africa or a part of groups in Asia or the Middle East from long long ago.

If being cut off the sexual organ,not only they feel serious pain and shock,but they bleed massively and they suffer from infectious disease. The wound remains and it sometimes causes an inflammation 炎症. When being a grown-up and getting married,they have to open the part which was sewn together. It's a cruel custom which is disregarded the feeling of girls and their…

No.316 16/12/25 00:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Sexual organs of 2 million females have been cut off every year】

《The people at the actual location who have started to take action》

It's cruel customs which disregards the females' feeling and basic human rights. Why has been the custom? It is said it's done for protecting the chastity 純潔,or it's the traditional culture. Other reason is except for their husbands,the custom prevents their wives from making love with other males,but all of them are out of the question. The FGM is clearly barbarous and it shouldn't have done.

2 million of females go through the FGM every year,according to WHO. It is said that the number of the people who have gone through the FGM until now are from 0.1 billion to 0.14 billion. The movement which is objected to the custom has been active naturally. A local singer who is popular in Mali composed the song which is opposed to the FGM.

Children who are objected to the FGM held demonstration in Tanzania. The cruel custom has caused an angry outcry …

No.317 16/12/25 00:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Sexual organs of 2 million females have been cut off every year】

《The people at the actual location who have started to take action》

The cruel custom has caused an angry outcry from courageous females themselves. NGO have persuade religious leaders or the people who are engaged in the medical care to stop the FGM. There are some people who have insisted on like the next."The FGM is our culture. Don't force the Western's value on us!",but is the culture which gets hurt the people?

【The number of the children who fight in the area of dispute is about 0.3 million】

《The children who are deceived and become soldiers》

Children go to school, play with their friends,and enjoy sports in Japan. On the other hand other children are kidnapped,without meeting their family members,being subjected to a cruel treatment,and are forced to fight in the battle front. Its number is about 0.3 million in the world. Both the government forces and guerilla forces use children under 18 as soldier in 33….

No.318 16/12/25 01:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of children who fight in the area of dispute is 0.3 million】

《The children who are deceived and become soldiers》

Both the government forces and the guerilla forces use the children under 18 as soldier in 33 countries. At first they invite poor child who got separated from its family members. They say to the child they will protect the child or they will give the food for the child,and child is dragged into the forces.

The child's job on the forces starts from carrying buggages,or espionage. When learning to be able to hold a gun,they make the child become a soldier at once. They sometimes make the child walk in front of them so as to make sure whether or not there is a land mine.

They make even a girl become soldier. The guerilla forces have made some girls of Tamil join in the forces by force in Sri Lanka. The girls are easy to slip through the eyes of guards,so they call the girls unrestrained bird and trained the girls as suicidal explosion soldier. Some of the …

No.319 16/12/25 18:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of children who fight in the area of dispute is about 0.3 million】

《Deep wound reamids in the mind of the children who become the soldiers》

The girls who become the soldiers are made to be wives for leaders in the forces. The children who become the soldiers are forced to look at cruel scenes which we can't expect. A boy of age 15 has changed some military units and has been a combatant for 6.years. The miiitary unit to which he belonged set fire to a house and killed the family members. He was forced to eat the flesh of the family members.

After that he decided to escape,and he was rescued. He said like the next."Neither I can read nor write. I don't know my family members' whereabouts. When thinking of my future,it pains me the most. My life has been lost. I have no hope to live. I can't sleep at night. When trying to sleep,I remember the scenes which I looked at in the military units and cruel things which I've done."

There is a law which is forbidden to conscript…

No.320 16/12/25 20:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of the children who fight in the area of dispute 】

《Deep wound remains in the mind of the children who become the soldiers》

There is a law which prohibits to conscript the children in the international agreement,but it hasn't always been obeyed. We have to watch carefully what's happened to the children in the area of dispute.

【The number of the people who voted for an idol in TV program is more than that who voted for general election in England】

《There had been so many telephone calls that the switchboard could hardly handle them》

When televoting was done so as to select a national idol at a TV program in England,there had been so many telephone calls that the switchboard could hardly handle them. Almost 9 million people rushed to the telephone in only three hours.

Viewers' televoting narrowed down the candidates fot the national idol in the TV program,and it is said that no less than 32 million people voted in the time when the TV program was broadcast. The number…

No.321 16/12/25 20:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of the people who voted for an idol in TV program is more than that who voted a general election in England】

《There had been so many telephone calls that the switchboard could hardly handle them》

On the other hand the number of the people who voted for the general election in England in 2001 was about 26 million. They are more eager to select the idol than the national election which decides the future of the country. We can see how indifferent to the politics the youth are there.

《Half of the people of age under 30 never went for voting in Japan》

There seem to be lots of youth who are unlike election in England,but it doesn't always mean that it's limited to only England. While American presidential election was close fight in 2000,the voting rate of the youth was no more than 29%. Half of the people of age under 30 didn't go to the voting for the House of Councillors election in Japan in 2003.

Plenty of English youngsters said they weren't interested in politics,…

No.322 16/12/28 08:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of people who voted for an idol in a TV program is more than that who voted for a general election in England】

《Half of the people of age are under 30 never went for voting in Japan》

Plenty of English youngsters say they aren't interested in English at all,according to an investigation,and 77 % of them say even if they go for voting nothing will change,but if none of the youngsters aren't interested in the politics,it doesn't always mean so.

More than half of the people of age from 15 to 25 used to boycott some goods with any reason,and 40 % of them used to help a fundraising campaign 募金運動 for charity in the U.S.A. In short if there is a thing in which they are interested,or it shows a result,the youngsters' be willing to join in the politics.

《Offering the suffrage 選挙権 to the youths》

What should we do in order that the youngsters are interested in the politics and they join in the politics? Some people say the age when they can vote should lower to 11. The earlier …

No.323 16/12/28 09:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The number of the people who vote for an idol in a TV program is more than that who vote for a general election in the U.K.】

《The right to the vote to the youths》

The earlier the youths can vote,the more they are interested in the politics,some people seem to think like that in the UK. The German is different a little. Instead of their children,the parents vote until their children become age of 12,after that the children can vote for themselves,some of the German say so.

If having the right to vote,do the youngsters go for voting? When hearing a corruption of a politician,lots of people will be tired of it,I'm sure. It is natural for the youngsters to distrust the politics,but if not going to vote, only the opinions of the people who go to the vote reflect the politics…

【The scale of porno industry is $ 10 billion a year. It's as same as the amount of the money for foreign aid】

《The porno industry has grown up so quickly. Its scale becomes 5 times every year》

It's hard to say…

No.324 16/12/28 10:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The scale of porno Industry in the U.S.A. is $ 10 billion a year. It's as same as the foreign aid】

《The porno industry which has grown up to 5 times every year》

It's hard to say,but the porno industry has grown up energetically. The market price of the porno industry in the U.S.A. is $10 billion a year. It's said that it has grown up 5 times every year. More than 200 of adult videos have been made every year,there seem to be more than 30 sites of the adult video in the internet. The Americans spend more money on the porno industry than on a movie in Hollywood.

《The influence of a cable TV and the internet》

We used to be able to watch or get the things in relation to porno in a special movie theater or in a special bookstore alone,but the videotape has been popular among us so much that the porno has spread over us like hotcakes. Everyone can rent it at a rental shop and can watch it at will at home.

Moreover the cable TV and the internet instigated the boom of the porno,for…

No.325 16/12/29 09:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The scale of porno industry in the U.S.A is $ 10 billion a year. Its amount of money is as same as the foreign aid】

《The influence of the cable TV and the internet》

Besides the cable TV and the internet instigated the boom of the porno,for no one has to be worried about what other people think any more when watching the porno. The industry is so profitable that mojor corporations has also started to go into the industry. Super major communications corporations and cable TV companies have been engaged in the cable delivery of the porno. There are even some people who insist that the porno film will be the main stream in the movies in the future.

《Is it obscene or freedom of expression?》

There are some people who are worried about children under the influence from the porno,for everyone can easily get the porno films,and other people say we should prohibit the porno,but it seems to be hard owing to the freedom of expression. The freedom in which we can say our opinion or we can …

No.326 16/12/29 09:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The scale of porno industry in the U.S.A. is $ 10 billion a year. Its amount of money is as same as foreign aid】

《Is it obscene or freedom of expression?》

The freedom of expression in which we can say our opinion or we can express at will. The porno film and the expression of freedom has been the problem in the U.S.A. Ex-President of Bush had done tough controls to the porno industry. He was well-known for it.

When being the President, the government accused with the person who were in charge of the porno company which made vicious works. The focus of the trial was whether or not it was obscene. Was it porno or kind of art? The government had to show the work was obscene so as to win the suit,but what's the criterion for the obscenity?

Our sense of values in the society changes with the times. The freedom of expression should be protected,but what has been expressed in the freedom?

【Defense costs was about $ 51.81 million in the U.S.A. in 2005. It's 36 times as big as the …】

No.327 16/12/29 12:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Defense costs was about $ 51.81 billion in the U.S.A. in 2005. It's 36 times as big as the defense costs of total amount of 7 rogue nations】

《War expenditure of ¥ 13 billion has been spent a year》

The author said,"I've expressed that there have been starvation,sickness,poverty,and gaps between the rich and the poor in the world. In spite of having the plenty of problems,almost all of the countries in the world have spent lots of money on the defense cost than on any other things. Abou $ 0.1 trillion was spent on the defense cost in the world in 2005. It means no less than $ 2.12 million disappeared a minute.

The defense cost on which the U.S.A. had spent the money is more than any other countries. The U.S.A.spent $ 51.81 billion on the defense costs in 2005. Its amount of money for the defense cost is 36 times as much as that of defense costs of the 7 rouge nations. The ex-president Bush call some countries like Cuba,Iran,Iraq,Libya,North Korea,Sudan,and Syria the rouge nations.

No.328 16/12/31 07:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Defense cost was about $ and 51.81 billion in the U.S.A. in 2005. It's 36 times as big as the defense cost of the total amount of rogue nations】

《The fight against the terrorism has raised the war expenditure》

In short the rogue nation means the ones which used to oppose to the U.S.A. Iraq was occupied with the U.S.A. and Lybia gave up opposing

The Cold War was the time when the world was divided into the capitalism and socialism. Then two of the powers were at odds with each other.

A large amount of money like $ 1.2 trillion was spent on the defense cost in 1985,but two of them promised to reduce the armaments each other,so the defense costs decreased little by little.

However the defense cost has started to increase again since 2001 on account of the fight against the terrorism. The U.S.A. has spent a large amount of money and developed the latest weapons.

Some people say that the U.S.A.itsel was driven into a corner by the latest weapons,for when the latest weapon is …

No.329 16/12/31 08:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Defense cost was about $ 51.81 billion in the U.S.A.in 2005. Its 36 times as big as the defense cost of total amount of rouge nations】

《The fight against the terrorism has raised the war expenditure》

When the latest weapon is developed in the U.S.A.other countries which opposed to the U.S.A.got it,so the U.S.A.has to develop the more latest weapon so as to compete with other countries.

It's as if the U.S.A.itself set fire with the match and put it out. We call it what is called match pump.

《Some nations have spent money of 20 % of its GDP in the war expenditure》

The increasing armament aroused some small countries to try to get the latest high technology weapons,so they end up becoming overextended financially.

For example Eritrea spent almost 20 % of its GDP in war expenditure,though the country has other thing which takes priority.

Some people say if thinking over the fight against the terrorism,we would rather analyse why the terrorists got mad and grapple its solution than

No.330 16/12/31 10:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Defense cost was about $ 51.81 billion in the U.S.A.in 2005. It's 36 times as big as the the defense cost of the total amount of rouge nations】

《Some countries spent 20 % of its GDP in the war expenditure》

Some people say if thinking over the fight against the terrorism we should rather analyze why the terrorists got angry and grapple its settlement than increasing the armament. It will be more powerful weapon for the peace than any other latest weapons,they say. What do you think about it?

【There have still been no less than 27 million slaves in the world】

《There have been more slaves at present than the old days》

Have you ever read the biography of Lincoln President who emancipated the black people from the slaves? It was in 1862 when he declared the emancipation of slaves. It was more than a century ago,but there have been the people called the slaves even in the present age. Where? Except for the Antarctic Continent,there have been the slaves everywhere. The present age has…

No.331 17/01/01 13:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There have still been no less than 27 million slaves in the world】

《There has been more slaves at present than the old days》

The present age has more slaves than any other times in the past. It is said that the number of the slaves are about 27 million,according to groups which have objected to the slavery. They are forced to work in farmlands,factories or to be engaged in dangerous work,prostitution,or porno industry.

《There have been some family members who are slaves for generation》

What kind of people have forced to be the slaves? The most slaves are the ones because of debt. No less than 20 million of people have worked in the world owing to a large amount of debt. While its interest for the debt is high,their income is very low,as a result,even if they work hard,their debts go on increasing. Some parents couldn't pay off the debt,so their children were forced to succeed them,so the children ended up being the slaves.

Other slavery is forced labor. They were deceived by …

No.332 17/01/01 13:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There have still been no less than 27 million slaves in the world】

《There have been some family members who are slaves for generations》

They were deceived by a successful business talk and were taken to big cities or foreign countries. They couldn't run away from there,so they became the slaves.

There is a boy who was made to be rider for camel race in the UAE. He was kidnapped from Bangladesh when his age was 4. They hardly gave him water nor any meals so as to prevent him from gain his weight.

《A slave has been sold and bought by a little more than ¥10000》

The black people used to be taken from Africa and used to be forced to work as slave at a farmland in the southern area in the U.S.A. They may have been better than others in present age. Needless to say,a person was bought and sold as if it had been a thing,so it's not good,but if converting its price in those days into the one at present,a slave is $ 40 thousands. If being sick,they were treated. The slaves were made much…

No.333 17/01/01 14:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There have still been no less than 27 million of slaves in the world】

《A slave has been bought and sold by a little more than ¥10000》

The slaves were made much of comparatively,for its average price is no more than $ 90 at present. They are bought and sold cheaply. They are used and discarded. International society have to join forces and realize the world where the slavery is forbidden,for as long as everyone isn't free,no one is.

【A PET bottles which the Americans throw away are 2.5 million per an hour. If lined up,they will reach the moon in 3 weeks】

《Package material of which space is as large as the area of the State Texas is made with the PET bottles》

When throwing away rubbish we have to separate it. The rubbish which is recycled has increased lately. The developed countries are about to be filled with the rubbish which we the human being throw away. Without decreasing the rubbish or recycling it,something disastrous will happen.

For example the rubbish which English…

No.334 17/01/02 21:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A PET bottles which the Americans throw away are 2.5 million per an hour. If lined up,it will reach the moon in 3 weeks】

《Package material of which space is as large as the State Texas is made with the PET bottles》

For example the home rubbish in the U.K.fills with a great hall per an hour. One third of the home rubbish is the package material like a plastic lap,or a plastic bag in the U.S.A. Its space is as large as the State Texas. Papers which are used in the office can make a wall of which height is 4 meters,and the wall reaches from Los Angels to New York. They can make all the American private planes with aluminium can which is thrown away. We are forced to overwhelmed by the amount of the rubbish.

《Increasingn the rubbish and decreasing the rubbish》

The serious problem on the refuse isn't always limited to the developed countries alone. No less than 45 billions pair of chopsticks have been thrown away in China every year. As a result 25 million of woods have been cut down…

No.335 17/01/03 11:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A PET bottles which the American throw away are 2.5 million an hour. If lined up,they'll reach the moon in three weeks】

《Increasing recycling and decreasing the rubbish》

Oh! I've made a mistake the word in the subtitle of the last response. I should have expressed like the upper one. I'm sorry for it. To return to my main topic,I'm going to start to express again.

As a result 25 million of woods have been cut down in China per a year. The population has increased like hotcakes in the world, and the refuse has also increased desperately. The U.S.A.has landfills for no more than 18 years. If the people all over the world throw away the lots of rubbish like the way in developed countries,the amount of the rubbish will fill with the two earths,some people say like that.

We have to bury the rubbish in the ground or to burn it up,but in either case,we are forced to pollute our environment. The smoke which we burn the rubbish includes harmful thing called dioxin. It's said that the…

No.336 17/01/03 12:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【PET bottles which the Americans throw away are 2.5 million an hour. If lined up,they'll reach the moon in three weeks】

《Increasing recycling and decreasing the rubbish》

It is said that the dioxin is high cancer-causing. Then what shoul we do so as to resolve the problem on the refuse? At first we should decreasing shopping and consumption and increasing recycling. 56 % of the home rubbish is recycled in Swiss. The rate of recycling is over 45 % in Austria and Germany. When going shopping next time,I should think of the rubbish in the future,I'm wondering,the author said in her book like that.

【Residents are being taken a photo with a surveillance camera more than 300 times a day in London】

《The surveillance cameras which are set up everywhere》

If going on a trip to England,someone will watch us every town. To tell the truth,almost 3 millions of CCTV watch the whole town in England. The CCTV is an abbreviation of a closed-circuit television. The amount of English CCTV accounts …

No.337 17/01/08 02:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Residents have been taken photos with a survelliance camera more than 300 times a day in London】

《The surveillance camera which are set up everywhere》

In fact almost three million of CCTV have watched the whole city there. It's equivalent to 10 % of the total CCTV in the world. The English are the one who have frequently been watched more than any others in the world. The residents have been taken photos by the network of the CCTV more than 300 times a day in London.Thousands of the CCTV are stationed even in the subways. Some stations are no less than 250 of CCTV stationed.

Everybody can buy a simple kit for the CCTV with about only 100 pounds. Everybody can take a photo and watch its garage or can keep an eye on a behavior of a babysitter easily with a little wireless camera.

《How far is an individual's privacy protected?》

The CCTV used to be against the terrorism originally,but they've learned to adopt the instruments for watchings graffiti 落書き,throwing out the garbage,or…

No.338 17/01/08 03:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Residents have been taken photos with a CCTV more than 300 times a day in London】

《How far is an individual privacy able to be protected?》

They've learned to adopt the CCTV for graffiti,throwing away garbage,or even urinating in the street. It's said that the CCTV could deter from street crimes,but some people doubt its effect. At first when the crime is committed,if the criminal avoids being watched,it seems to be hard to find the crime.

Moreover we the human can't always watch the screen at any moment. The image of the CCTV is sent to its headquarters,but almos all of them are apt to feel sleepy,or their attentiveness tend to drop suddenly after they watch the monitor only for about 20 minutes.

Even if so,the government has strengthen the watching for the people in England since the terrorism 9.11 in 2001. The private data,the internet or the communication have been watched. The most terrible thing is the idea is branded on their hearts like the next.'It can't be helped for…

No.339 17/01/08 03:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Residents have been taken photos more than 300 times a day in London】

《How far is the individual privacy able to be protected?》

The most awful thing is that the idea that 'It can't be helped for our safety',for the individual privacy is the basic human right,so we should be careful of it so as to be obeyed the basic human right firmly.

【It is 0.12 females who hacve ended up being the slave trade for Western countries every year】

《The females who have been deceived and sold》

Let's suppose that I lived in a developing country and I were extremely poor. Then somebody tempts me to go to a wealthy developed country and to do a wonderful profitable job,I'll jump at the chance right away. There seem to be some females like me,and the moment they arrive a foreign country they are sold and they are forced to practice prostitution. They are treated as if they were slaves.

Their salaries are taken away as expenses for smuggling themselves into the country. If being arrested,they'll be…

No.340 17/01/09 07:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It is 0.12 females who have ended up being the slave trade for Western countries every year.】

《The females who have deceived and sold.》

If being arrested by the police,they wiil be sent back forcibly to each countries of their origin. After goiing back to their homelands others look coldly on them and they will being in difficulty. The slave trade for females have happened like that. 0.12 million of females have ended up being slave trade for Western countries every year. Lots of them are from various countries in ex-Soviet Union or East European countries.

Some of the females are from Africa,Asia,and South America. Young Philippines have entried into Japan with qualification of an entertainer and they are forced to work as if they were slaves.

《Terrible crime network》

The traders who make the females practice prostitution have created huge crime networks. At first there are employment agencies which tempt the females. There are some traders who forge passports,other traders…

No.341 17/01/09 08:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It is 0.12 females who have ended up being in the slave trade for Western countries every year】

《Horrible crime networks》

There are some other traders who transport females who smuggle themselves into the countries,there are places where they evaluate the females for new faces,and there are some buildings where the females are locked up. The traders gather the customers for buying sex,and the females are sent the institutions for practice prostitution. It's a kind of Big Industry.

No less than about $ 70 billion have been exchanged for the human slaves every year. There are same kinds of the networks each place in the world.

《The cares for victims in the human slaves》

The UN adopted an agreement in which regulates the human slaves for females and children and punish the people who manage the human slaves in 2000. There are some laws which forbid the human slaves and protection for the females who are the victims for the human slaves. The UN has requested the cooperation for….

No.342 17/01/09 09:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【It is 0.12 million females who have ended up being in the human slave for Western countries every year.】

《The cares for female victims in the human slave.》

The UN has requested the corporation for the protection of the females who have ended up in the human slave for other each country.

Almost all of the female victims are expelled from the countries as illegal alien,but then the females' trauma have never been cured at all. At the same time, we lose the witnesses to the crime.

They have brought a new law into force in Italy. They have given the victims visa of 6 months and offered them counselings,as a result the number of prosecution which accused the human slave have increased to 4 times.

Temporary visa has been issued in the U.S.A. The female can stay in the U.S.A.and testify against the human slave in a trial there. The regulation for the crime has moved ahead little by little.

【Kiui fruits from New Zealand are sold in the U.K. The kiui has discharged gas of the…】

No.343 17/01/22 01:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Some kiui fruits from New Zealand are sold in the U.K. The fruit has discharged the gas of greenhouse effect of which amount is about 5 times as much as its weight】

《The kiui' s trip is 20 thousand kilometers》

Nowadays we can buy various food in a supermarket. While it's the dead of winter,we can purchase tomatoes and cucumbers there. There are some foreign countries' foods which we can't grow in Japan,but we can get them in the supermarket. Kiui fruit from New Zealand has been carried into the U.K. Its distance is about 20 thousand kilometers. Then some transport facilities like an airplane,a truck and so on are used.

Food trade has been prospered at present than any other time in the past. The food makes up for about 40 % in the whole cargo which is carried by truck or railway in the U.K. Needless to say,the farther the food is carried,the more the amount of consumption on the petroleum increases.

When the petroleum is consumed,the gas of greenhouse effect is discharged and …

No.344 17/01/23 21:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Some kiui fruits from New Zealand are sold in the U.K. It's caused discharge of the gas of greenhouse of effect of which amount is about 5 times as much as their weight】

《The kiui's trip is about 20 thousand kilometer.》

When the petroleum is consumed the gas of greenhouse effect is discharged and it causes the global warming. As for the amount of the gas of the greenhouse effect,5 times of weight of the kiui is discharged until it's sold in the supermarket in the U.K. If 1 kilogram of lettuce is transported from the American West Coast to the U.K,enormous energy will be used for it. If using the energy,we'll be able to continue turning on a 100-watt light bulb for eight days.

《Importing food leads to the global warming》

The supermarkets have insisted that they've supplied reasonable food for the consumers because the consumers have sought reasonable and good food. However is the imported food really reasonable?

If farmhouses sell their farm products for the consumers direct,its…

No.345 17/01/28 09:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Some kiui fruits from New Zealand have been sold in the U.K. It's caused discharge of the gas of greenhouse of effect of which amount is about 5 times as much as their weight】

《Importing food leads to the global warming》

It's said that if farmhouses sell their farm products for their consumers direct,its price will be lower by from 30 to 40 % on average than the ones sold in the supermarket.

We are forced to import some food. It seems it can't be helped,but if making use of an airplane,we can't make little of its expense and influence over the surrounding. If it's the sea transport the amount of discharge on the gas of greenhouse of effect is no more one-sixtieth.

There are two options in front of us. Should we eat peas in the middle of the winter? Or should we cook nutritious food in season and eat? Wise choice leads to measure on the environmental problem.

【The U.S.A. has money which hasn't been paid for UN. It's more than $ 1 billion】

《UN has such the little money that …》

No.346 17/02/17 23:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The U.S.A. has money which hasn't been paid for the UN. It's more than $ 1 billion.】

《The UN has such the little money that it's in trouble.》

The UN has been active in various fields. It has its own job,for example,opening the Untied Nations General Assembly or the United National Security Council. It's doing the peace-keeping operations. In addition,it has lots of subordinates like WHO,or UNICEF.

It costs about $ 20 billion a year so as to manage the whole UN. It's equivalent to the war expenditure of a week in the world. If each of us has to pay,it's only about $ 3 dollars,but the UN has been financial crisis more than for 20 years because it has little money,for its member nations avoid to pay a share of the expenses.

Whole amount of the arrears 滞納金 which each countries hadn't yet paid is more than $ 2,3 billion in 2006. The amount of the money which the U.S.A falls behind in its payment is more than any other nation. Its amount of the money is about $ 1 billion.

No.347 17/02/19 01:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The U.S.A. has money which hasn't been paid for the UN. It's more than $ 1 billion.】

《The countries which put off the payment for the UN》

While there is the headquarter of the UN in the America the country is behind with its payment for the UN. Its amount of the money is $ 1 billion,though it's not only limited to the U.S.A which is arrears with the payment for the UN.

192 countries join in the UN,and 122 countries of them paid the whole share of the expense to the UN until 2006. 4 countries like the U.S.A. Japan,Brazil,and Argentina have accounted for 95 % of the arrears. The number of the countries which pay the whole share of the expense become 140 at the end of 2006,but all of them paid before the deadline. The UN has been serious damage because of the arrears and the money of delay.

《The American think they should pay the whole money which hasn't paid》

The bill that most part of the unpaid money should be paid passed in the American parliament in 1999. As a result …

No.348 17/02/19 02:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The U.S.A.has money which hasn't been paid to the UN. It's more than $ 1 billion】

《The American people think that they should pay all the unpaid money》

As a result the financial situation in the UN has been restored so much,but its amount of the unpaid money is still more than $ 1 billion,for the country stops paying the money because the UN doesn't work as the U.S.A. hopes.

More than 60 % of the American people think that the U.S.A. should pay all the unpaid money to the UN,according to a research. As to the amount of the money which the U.S.A. pay for the UN,it's more than any other country,but 56 % of the American people think it's fair. It's just that the American leaders have to recognize the payment should be done.

【Comparing to the children in wealthy home,other ones in poor home are easy to be mentally ill】

《Serious reality with which the poor children are confronted》

While England is the second richest country in the world,the ratio of the poor children are more any …

No.349 17/02/26 10:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparing the children in wealthy home,the others in poor home are easy to be mentally ill.】

《Serious reality with which the poor children have confronted》

While the U.K. is the fourth richest country in the world,the ratio of poor children are more than any other developed countries. Almost 4 million children have been leading poor lives. In short one of three children has confronted with the serious reality. The number of the poor children has reached triple,if comparing with that in 1970s.

If comparing the children who were born in poor home with the other children who were born in wealthy home,the probability of dying one week after birth is higher. Besides other probability of dying because of an accident in the childhood is higher and their human life spans are also short.

To make matters worse,if comparing the children who led in poor home with other children who led in rich home,the probability that they are mentally ill are higher. According to English statistics, …

No.350 17/02/26 10:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparing the children in wealthy home,the other children in poor homes are easy to be mentally ill.】

《The serious reality with which the poor children have confronted》

There are some homes of which income a week is below 100 pound. It's equivalent to ¥20000. On the other hand there are other homes of which income a week is more than 500 pound. 16 % of the children in poor home have problems mentally. Contrary to it no more than 6% of the children in the rich homes have,according to English statistics.

《The poor remains poor forever! It's the social system》

There are damp rooms which get little sunshine. The poor children don't go out in summer vacation,and they don't eat out with their family members at all. The children who led in the poor situation seem to be hard to go to high school or college. Without being able to go to high school nor college,they can't get a decent job a bit. Even if they get the job their wage is low. They always remain poor.

As a result there is a gap…

No.351 17/03/04 05:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparing with the children in wealthy homes,the other children in poor homes are easy to be mentally ill.】

《The poor remain poor forever. It's the social system》

As a result a big gap has gave rise to between the rich and poor with regard to each of income. English earning differentials grew so big in 1990s that it has been twice as big as that of 1997. The poor becomes poorer,and the rich richer. Once being born in poor home it remains poor in its whole life. That kind of social system has been completed at present.

English government has started to grapple with the problem of the poor children at last. If the problem is solved,the lives of about 1400 children of which age is below 15 will be saved a year,but if saving the children from the poverty really we need a drastic change of an idea that converts the social system itself.

By the way,I've finished the book of which title 『みんなで考えよう 世界を変える50の事実』,so I'm going to start the next topic from the next time. See you later.

No.352 17/03/12 09:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is the head 泡 of the beer essential?】

The head of the beer is the one which the protein of the malt and ingredients of bitterness from hop cling around the carbon dioxide.

While the carbon dioxide escapes from the liquid of the carbonated soda away into the air,the film of the liquid is caused around the carbon dioxide in regard to the beer and the head is maintained on the surface of the beer.

It is said that the head of the beer maintains the situation in which the beer is good taste for the drinkers. To be concrete,the head prevents the beer from escaping the carbon dioxide,from defending the beer from touching the air and being oxidized.

Moreover,the taste of the beer changes according to the amount of the head,but the more the head of the beer is caused,the more the bitterness of the beer and the stimulative feeling loses and the more the mellowness of the beer becomes. Then what should we do in order to make the head well?

Needless to say the ingredients of the beer…

No.353 17/03/13 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is the head of the beer essential?】

Needless to say,the ingredients of the beer is important,and the condition of the glass and the temperature of the beer makes a great difference. If giving a detailed account, a clean glass maintains frothing well,and not too much colder beer caused a good frothing.

General way of pouring the beer which has been often reported in Japan is the next one. First of all pouring the beer like a brick a little in order to control of the amount of the frothing,until the frothing reaches at the part of one-third of the glass. After that pouring the beer slowly under the frothing. If the proportion of the beer to the frothing is 7;3,it's good.

However customs differ in different locations. While the Germany seem to love creamy frothing,the Brritish seem to fill the glass with the beer and the surface of the beer is covered with the thin film of the frothing. It's said that both of the countries are the home of the beer but the way of enjoying the beer …

No.354 17/03/18 23:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is the head of the beer essential?】

The way of enjoying the beer in the both countries are different,but the essential thing is finding out the way of having a good time for us when drinking.

By the way the comment on the beer follows,but I don't feel like expressing it,for my healthy situation isn't so good because of being drunken too much,so I'm sure I have to refrain from drinking a little,so I'm going to change the topic.

【An election】

The age of the right to vote has dropped to 18 from the summer in 2016,so if being at the age of 18,even if a schoolchildren in high school can vote at an election.

Why has the right to vote dropped at the age of 18? We've paid attention to a phenomenon what is called silver democracy.

Japan is a nation of an super aging society. While declining number of children goes on,the number of the aged who are older than age of 65 continue increasing,

The aged is well-known for its heavy vote. They go to the polls whenever there's the election.

No.355 17/03/19 19:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election】

If there're some people who vote for a statesman,the statesman'll be apt to do political activity for them. While lots of the aged vote for the election,the young aren't interested in the politics and the young don't vote. As a result,even if the statesman does political activity for the young,it doesn't seem that its political activity makes it obtain plenty of the number of votes.

"I'll listen to the age!" The politics in which the statesman listens to the aged,it's what is called silver democracy. Consequently,while the facilities for the aged increase,building a day nursery which is indispensable for child care tends to postpone.

If children can't be accepted in the day nursery,their parents will say in the internet,"My child can't go to the day nursery! I wish all of you could be dead!" Japan has been the country like that,so the young need to go to vote.

The right of collective self-defense 集団的自衛権 hadn't been approved until lately,but security treaty related…

No.356 17/03/19 19:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election】

The right of collective self-defense wasn't been approved until lately,but the security treaty related bill which approves the right of collective self-defense was discussed in the National Assembly summer in 2016,then plenty of the young gathered in front of the Diet Building and took action so as to criticize the Abe Cabinet.

It has been said that the young weren't interested in politics very much in Japan,but there were lots of the young who took action with their own thought. If the young take action,the politics will change.

By the way,needless to say those expressions aren't my original one at all. It's just that I excerpted the kind of preface of a book,池上彰のあした選挙に行くまえに. I'm interested in his books and have wanted to express them in English.

【Riots have been often caused in China,for there has never been any democratic elections there】

China which is our neighboring country has been developed rapidly. New buildings have been built in Beijing or in Shanghai …

No.357 17/03/19 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Riots have been often caused in China,for there has never been any democratic election there】

New buildings have been built more and more in Beijing and in Shanghai,their roads are filled with high-quality cars,high-grade residences are being built one after another,and the number of the rich also increase.

However we've often had news that some riots were frequently caused each place in China. It is said that thousands of the riots have been caused in China every year. It means that some riots are caused in China everyday. Anti-Japan riot against the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands by Japan were caused in 2012.

Anti-Japan riots were reported as news in China,except for them,the news on domestic riots were hardly reported neither in the newspaper nor on the TV,for the government has usually forbidden to report the news on the riot.

However if a large scale of the riot is caused,it'll be reported to Hongkong,the news on the riot is reported in Hongkong's newspaper,and …

No.358 17/03/20 12:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I've expressed myself in English for a long time,though whether or not my English is good is another story.

When suffering from something painful,I've hoped that English got rid of my agony. When looking back on my bygone days,I find it hard to say that my trouble is settled,but I'm sure I must confront with it. I can't run away from it as long as I live.

Though I can ignore it,I can try not look at it,it follows me in my whole life,but I won't be worried about it! I hope so. While no one can understand what I am,neither I can understand others around me unless their situations are as same as mine.

However I can't drop my eyes downward so long,I hate it. I'm so strange that I sometimes find it hard to communicate with others. It can't be helped.

Even if all other people around me criticize me,I won't mind it at all as long as I'm not in the wrong. By the way who decides someone is in the wrong? How? No one can do it unless it's the god. I won't be discouraged!

No.359 17/03/20 12:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Riot has frequently been caused in China,for there has never been any democratic election there】

The news on the riot is reported in Hongkong's newspaper,and mass media of foreign countries report the news,then for the first time we the Japanese also know the fact that the riot broken out in China.While Hongkong belongs to China,it's a special ward,so it has freedom for the press,so the news on the riot is reported

The people's lives have been rich in China,but the riots have frequently been caused,for there has never any democratic election so far there.

【Actually Chinese political situation is one -party dictatorship】

There has never been democratic election in China. Chinese political situation is actually one-party dictatorship by Chinese Communists. I use the phrase 『actually』,for there is the ground for it. In fact,except for the Communist Party,there are 8 political party in China.

However there is a rule for the 8 of the political party. They have to obey the leadership…

No.360 17/03/20 13:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Actually Chinese political situation is one-party dictatorship】

The eight political parties have to obey the leadership of the Communist Party. The party which obeys the leadership of the other party. I find it something strange…it doesn't mean that the party is independent. The eight parties exist for the excuse that except for the Communist Party,other political parties are approved.

When wanting to fix something important,they hold a conference in China,but there has never been any election for the members. It's just that Communist Party selects the members and the members attend at the conference,so it doesn't always mean that the members are the representative of the Chinese people.

When electing a chairperson at a town block in China,except for the one who the Chinese Communist appoints,everyone can run for the chairperson,and they can choose one candidate from others as they pleased,but no one can in towns,cities,villages and country level.

【Without feeling anxiety…】

No.361 17/03/20 23:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Without fearing that not being elected,the people are apt to corrupt】

Then what happens? A mayor in a city,other mayor in a town,or members in the conference learn not try to listen to the people in the town,city,or in the nation. Needless to say,some of them listen to the people and try to render great service to other people,but most people prefer to take the line of least resistance. All of us tend to avoid hardships.

Listening to the demand from the citizen is something tiresome,without doing it,the people who work as chairperson or member in the conference have only to listen to the executives in the Communist Party,they can maintain their present status. They don't have to deal with what the citizens demand.

In short,they don't have to be worried that they fail in an election,so they don't think they do their best and do good political activity so as to succeed in the election,so they corrupt. The voice from the citizen never reaches to the politics in the least.

No.362 17/03/20 23:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Without fearing of not being elected,the people are liable to corrupt】

There's a famous phrase,'Power becomes corrupt. Absolute power becomes corrupt absolutely' Once having the power,the people are easy to become corrupt. No one check the power,and if having the absolute power which no one put aside,the power absolutely becomes corrupt.

【If dissatisfaction is pent up,it'll explode in the future】

If the citizen's voice doesn't reach the politics,the citizen's dissatisfaction is pent up. If there are various troubles around them,the statesmen don't listen to them,so the troubles'll remain unsettled.

Even if the policemen or the people in the public office receive a bribe,the statesmen won't deal with them. Far from it,the statesmen themselves may have received the bribe.

Mass media like TV,newspaper,or radio has to obey the Communist Party under the dystopic government of the Chinese Communist Party. No one can speak ill of the Communist Party. No one can criticize the politics.

No.363 17/03/21 00:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If dissatisfaction is pent up,it'll explode in the future】

The one who are executives in the police are also the executives in the Communist Party,so if dealing with the corruption of the police as problem,it means that criticizing the Communist Party. The press also never reports the corruption of the public servants nor the statesmen.

The executives in the press are also the executives in the Communist Party,so the press won't expose the disgrace of the ones who are like the member of the family. Without being reported,the corruption won't be problem,so the corruption won't be got rid of.

Those things make the citizen's satisfaction increase more and more. If the space is filled with the gas,fire of one match causes an explosion. When everyone has complaints about the police or the public servants,if their acquaintance is beaten by the police,they'll throng to the police station and throw stones or set a fire to the police station.

Thus a riot is caused. Without being…

No.364 17/03/22 23:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If dissatisfaction is pent up,it'll explode in the future】

This is how without being a democratic election,a riot will be caused.

【The election is a safety device for the society】

Considering those situation,the election seems to be pretty important. Everyone can run for the presidency and vote among the candidates who everyone like. It seems to be natural,but it doesn't everywhere in the world. As for the election,North Korea is worse than China. First of all the election has never been done there.

If there's a free election,a candidate who criticizes for a government or a public servant will appear. There is a freedom of the press,so the press will broadcast the criticism fot the government. A newscaster or a commentator also do the same thing,then a lot of the people support those opinions with applause,so the dissatisfaction will be got rid of.

If the free election makes the people who are critical for the government's way be elected,the way of politics may be changed.

No.365 17/03/23 00:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election is a safety device for the society】

Once being elected as the statesman in the election,if he or she doesn't its best,there is a possibility that they will fail in the next election. It is said that a member of the Diet said like the next.'if a monkey falls from the tree,it remains the monkey,but if the member of the Diet fail in the election,it'll change into a common one.

Comparing the member of the Diet with the monkey may not be appropriate,but if the statesman has fear that it may fail in the next election,it's apt to do its best when taking up the position. As a result the election seems to be effective than we expect.

If a container is filled with gas,it may explode in the future,but if there is a safety valve through which the gas is leaked out,the explosion will never happen. The democratic election plays a role as the safety valve in the society,so the riot seldom happens in the countries which adopt the democracy.

Except for China,the riot sometimes …

No.366 17/03/23 00:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election is a safety valve for the society】

Except for China,the riot sometimes happens in some countries,so the countries' safety valve must be something defective.

【Any statesman has never been put confidence in the democracy】

The statesman is elected in the election,and the people make the statesman be engaged in the administration,and if the statesman isn't good,it'll be removed. It's the democracy. In a word,we've never put confidence in the statesmen from the beginning.

If we trust the statesman,it means that we leave all the things to the statesman,but the statesman isn't always perfect. It may have been something immature or is easy to fall into temptation,so we choose someone as statesman in the election,and first of all we made it be engaged in the administration.

If it hardly does enough work as the statesman,or except for its own profit,if it doesn't try to do anything useful,the people have only to make it fail in the next election. Leaving the one who everyone…

No.367 17/03/26 08:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Any statesman has never been confidence in democracy】

In short,to begin with no one trust the statesman so much. If putting confidence on the statesman,we'll leave the politics to the statesman,but unfortunately the statesman isn't always perfect. It may be immature,or be easy to fall into temptation.

Therefore,we choose the statesman in the election,and make it administer the affairs temporally. If it hardly work as statesman or it's the one who thinks of only its own profit,we have only to make it fail in the next election.

While we leave someone to the government as a member of the Diet,we can make it retreat from the government whenver we like. It's the democracy. It's the system in which we've never put any confidence on any statesman.

【Death from hunger has never happened in the society of democracy…】

An Indian economist who won the Nobel prize used to say like the next.'Any people have never die of hunger in the country which adopts the democracy.' There has extremely …

No.368 17/03/26 09:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Death from hunger has never happened in the country which adopts the democracy】

There has extremely been the gap between the poor and the rich in India,and there are lots of the poor there,but plenty of the poor has never starved to death so far,for India adopts the democracy,if its statesmen do the politics in which the people are famished,the statesmen will fail in the next election. In short the statesmen are forced to do their best in order to prevent the people from starving to death.

On the other hand there are some countries of which plenty of people die of hunger,and other countries of which people lead wealthy life. Even if each situation is different,an absurd despotic monarch makes its people die of hunger.

A dictator called Mao Zeodong failed in the politics and as a result no less than 3 million of people starved to death because of being a food shortage. It happened in China in 1950s.

Mao Zeodong was forced to take his responsibility and disappeared as statesman…

No.369 17/03/26 09:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Death from hunger has never happened in the country which adopts the democracy】

Mao Zeodong was forced to take his responsibility and disappeared as statesman then officially,but no one could retire him from the statesman because the country doesn't adopted the democracy. After that he came back to the power with his young followers called 紅衛兵.

It's what we called 文化大革命,but it's not cultural at all,and lots of people separated into friend and foe and fought against each other in China,and as a result lots of people died,but no one can make Mao Zeodong retire. When being dead he remained the leader in the highest ranking in the Communist Party in China. His death stopped the people from killing the people each other at last.

China has been ruled by the Communist Party at present,so criticizing Mao Zeodong means finding fault with the way of doing the Communist Party,so they say,"Mao Zeodong did both good and bad things,but the good things were moren than the bad one," …

No.370 17/04/02 11:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【From bullet to ballot】

Mao Zeodong caused the situation in which lots of people were dead in China,but no one can call to account for the situation to him at all.

We lead our everyday life,and various troubles like quarrels or fights tend to happen. Then a war used to break out in the past. They shot and murdered each other. Some of them killed their rival and became leaders,but if they had chosen the leader in an election,they could have avoided murdering each other. They call it from bullet to ballot.

It's just comical variations of idioms 語呂合わせ,but introduction of ballot,it means the election,prevent us from fighting. The author adopted the election and tax as theme in the next chapter. Democratic election decreases riots and eliminates the people from murdering each other,moreover it's actually decided the people who use our tax.

The election choose the people who use the tax. When going shopping we always pay for the consumption tax. How and what is the tax used for?

No.371 17/04/02 11:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《Our ancestors used to do their own things for themselves…》

There used to be neither election,government office,nor police in ancient times. Then they had to look after themselves. They were forced to do all the things for themselves. They built their own house,made the path in front of their house. When raining,if the river nearby was likely to flood,they had to take steps with the situation. No one helped them.

If a burglary or a robbery attacked them,they had a hard time,so they had to armed themselves after locking the doors. They couldn't feel at ease forever.

There was the river nearby the house,and some people wanted to build a bridge over the river,but they couldn't do by themselves. The people both sides on the river would cooperate each other and build the bridge.

They may have employed the people who always patrolled in their neighborhood so as to protect them from the burglary or robbery. They had to employ other…

No.372 17/04/02 12:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《They shared the expenses…》

In case of the fire,they had to employ other people with a hose and pump who ran to the place where the fire broke out. Then they need some expenses,it's the tax. There are some business whic they can't do for themselves,so they shared some expenses and make others do the business with the expenses. We call the expenses tax,and the people who were employed with the tax are public servants.

We pay for the salary as tax to the public servants and make them work. Someone has to watch the public servants do their job properly,otherwise some of the public servants may neglect their job.

However the people who shared the expenses are so busy with their own job that they can seldom watch the public servants,so we choose our delegate and we make the delegate watch the public servants. Thus the delegate is chosen. We call it statesman. The statesman is chosen in the election. We pay it the salary from the tax.

No.373 17/04/09 21:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《They shared expenses…》

In short,the statesmen check how to use the tax which we the residents pay,besides the statesmen decide on the ways of using the tax.

When a statesman announce its candidacy in an election,it shows its pledge. It shows it'll do the work as statesman. It means that the statesman show us the way of using our tax when being elected,so we try to choose the statesman who use the tax with the way which we can assent.

《Eligible voters used to be taxpayers alone in the biginning》

It was in 1890 when a national election was done for the first time in Japan. The members in the Diet were elected then. The House of peers and the House of Represenatatives were established in the National Assembly. The people elected the member of the House of Representatives alone in a national election. Special people called Japanese peer were appointed as the member of the House of the Peers.

We call the member of the House of the…

No.374 17/04/16 02:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《Eligible voter used to be taxpayers alone in the beginning》

We call the member of the House of Representative 代議士 in Japanese,for it argues with others about political matters as representative of the nation. Then males alone could be the representative,so the word of 代議士 have 士 which means a male. Speaking of 代議士,it means the member of the House of Representative even at present. We call a member of the House of Councilors a member of the DIet.

The people who got the right to vote in an election for the first time used to be limited. They were males and their age was over 25 who paid the national tax direct. The amount of the tax was over ¥15 then.

The ¥15 in those days is equivalent to ¥ thousands,but considering the number of the people who got the right to vote was no more than 1.1 percent in the nation then,their annual incom was ¥millions. Then females' rights were limited. We used to think the females should be at home.

No.375 17/04/29 08:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《The eligible voters used to be taxpayers alone in the beginning》

We used to think we can't give vital rights which conduct state affairs to the women long ago.

We choose the people who decide the way of using our tax in the election,so the people who got the right to vote were limited to the ones who paid substantial amount of tax in those days,but the jobs of the politicians are related with everyday life of other nations,even if they couldn't pay the substantial amount of tax.

As a result the right to vote was given to all the males of which age was over 25 in 1925,and the election was actually done in 1928. The election was limited to the taxpayers alone,so we call it a popular election,and it was limited male alone,so we should call it a popular election for males.

The movement in which the right to vote for women became active in 1920s,but it had never permitted then.

《Both of men and women of which age is over 20 become…》

No.376 17/04/30 13:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《Both of men and women whose age is over 20 become eligible voter after the war》

It is after the Second World War when the right to vote has been given to the women in Japan. Then both of the men and women whose age was over 20 are given the right to vote,but when being 18 years old both the male and female are given the right to vote equally as long as having the Japanese nationality.

As the right to vote is given automatically,some people can't recognize its value,but there is the movement that all the nations should be given the right to vote,so we have the right. It has a long history for the right to vote.

There is a discussion whether or not a foreigner who has the right of permanent residence leads its life in Japan is given the right to vote. It's a foreigners but it leads its life in Japan,and it works and earns some money in Japan,it pays income tax.

Whenever buying something,it has to pay consumption tax,so it has the …

No.377 17/04/30 14:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《Both men and womem whose age are over 20 become the eligible voter after the war》

There is a discussion that the foreigners have the right to choose the statesman who use the Japanese tax.

On the other hand some people say that the Japanese should decide the Japanese politics,if the foreigners do,it's eccentric.

Other people say that the politics in the whole Japanese should be decided by the statesmen who are elected in the national election,so the right to vote should be limited to the Japanese alone,but a local election is another story. The foreigners who live in the local city and have permanent residence should have the right to vote.

《We can't choose any public employees.》

We employ the public employees with our tax which we pay,and have them work for us,so we should take effect the employment examination for them,but we have our own jobs. As a result we leave the adoption of the public employees to other public officials…

No.378 17/04/30 15:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《We can't choose public employees》

We leave the adoption of the public employees to the other public employees who have technical skills,but it means that we can't choose the public employees for ourselves. We aren't sure whether or not the public employees who are employed with our tax are decent people. We can't watch them enough,so we choose the statesmen,and the statesmen watch oversee the works of the public employees and order them to do their work.

For example as for an official employee in a city hall 市役所,the personnel section in the city hall does the adoption examination and adopts it. Residents choose their mayor in the election,and the mayor orders the official employee in the city hall work.

By the way,I feel so sleepy that I can't go on expressing any more. Good night,though it's in the muddle of the day.

No.379 17/05/04 17:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The election chooses the people who use our tax】

《We can't choose public employees》

We choose a member of city council and have it check wheter or not the mayor performs its job properly. The member of city council as representatives of the residents oversees both of the jobs of the mayor and the member of the staff in the city hall. It's done not only there but in a village office,a town office but also in a prefectural office.

As for the central government ministries and agencies 中央省庁,it is a little more complicated. We the residents choose members in the Diet,and the members in the Diet choose the prime minister. The prime minister chooses each other minister. We call the group of the prime minister and other ministries a Cabinet.

Each minister becomes the top of each public office,and the minister commands,order,and oversees the member of the staff in the central government ministries and agencies.

《How should the tax be used?》

We pay the tax. How should the tax be used?

No.380 17/05/04 18:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

 【We choose the people who use our tax】

《How should our tax be used?》

Our tax must not be used unplannedly. How should our tax be used? We need a public office which manages our tax. It's the Ministry of Finance. The National Tax Administration Agency 国税局 which belongs to the Ministry of Finance collects our tax,and the Budget Bureau 主計局 makes a plan the way of using our tax. It's a budget bill.

When making the budget bill,requests from the central government ministries and agencies must be considered. The staff in the central government ministries and agencies perform the job which is important for the residents. They demand the Ministry of Finance how much money they need.

When making the budget bill,the Ministry of Finance thinks over the balance between other ministries. Then it decides its course of the budget into which the Cabinet is going to put great effort in the next year. As being based on the decision,the Ministry of Finance make the budget bill.

No.381 17/05/04 19:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《An ordinary session of the Diet,a special session of the Diet,and an extraordinary session of the Diet》

The budget bill becomes official budget in a National Assembly. Members of the Diet who are chosen by the residents in an elections debate the budget bill and the budget is decided.

An National Assembly in which the budget bill is discussed is held every January. We call it an ordinary session of the Diet. It's decided that it's held every year,so the word of the ordinary is used. It means that there are other sessions of the Diet which aren't ordinary. They are a special session of the Diet and an extraordinary session of the Diet.

The special session of the Diet means as it is. A Lower House of election is done and its members are choosen. The members choose the Prime Minister in the special session of the Diet.

On the other hand,the extraordinary session of the Diet is held temporally. When a business condition is bad and drawing up a …

No.382 17/05/07 01:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《An ordinary session of Diet,a special session of Diet,and an extraordinary session of Diet》

When a business condition is bad and drawing up a special budget for an economic measure,the session is often opened temporarily in order to discuss the budget bill. The budget makes up for other budget decided in the ordinary session of the Diet,so we call it a revised budget.

Even if any kind of budget,it's based on national tax,so the representatives who are chosen by the people in an election should discuss and decide the budget.

《The cost for the compulsory education is paid with the tax》

The tax of the nation is used in various ways,especially,education and welfare are indispensable.

Going to what kind of school or being received what kind of education is a problem of each people and its family. Whether it goes to near public high school or it goes to distant private high school,that is its own choice,but we can't say do as you like,for there…

No.383 17/05/07 02:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The cost for the compulsory education is paid with tax》

However we can't say do as you like,for there are some families which can't pay for the fees of the private school.

If the people who don't have money needn't to go to school,the society will be filled with illiterate people or the ones who can't figure an easy calculation. It will be hard for them to find a job. If unable to find a job,some of them may have difficult in leading their lives and commit a crime. Then the society will be precarious.

When buying something at a supermarket or convenience store,its salesclerk figures how much it is in a crisp manner. Let's suppose it cost ¥ 2400. If giving a five thousand bill to the salesclerk,it will do mental arithmetic 暗算 quickly and hands 2600 yen in change to you.

We the Japanese find it natural,but if looking around the world,there are the people who do mental arithmetic everywhere is wonderful.

If buying something of which price…

No.384 17/05/07 03:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The cost for the compulsory education is paid with tax》

If buying something of which price is $24 and handing a $50 bill to a salesclerk in the U.S.A.it will figure like the next. "If adding $6 to $24,it's $30,and adding $10 to $30,it's $ 40,and adding $10 to $40,it's $50,so the change is $26." for they can't do mental arithmetic of subtraction quickly and hand a change,doing addition.

There are people who hand change to us with a mental arithmetic everywhere all over Japan. It's wonderful,for both elementary school and junior high school are compulsory education,and they study enough. They also have made Japanese economy develop so much.

In short,as long as the people in the society do basic study,their country will develop. If being able to read and write characters or to figure they will find the job more easily and the people who commit to an crime because they can't find the job will decrease,so the society will be stable.

No.385 17/05/14 10:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The cost fot the compulsory education is paid with our tax》

As a result the cost for all the children go to both an elementary school and a junior high school is free all over Japan. Our tax is used for it. All the cost of construction of the elementary school and junior high school,salary of the teachers,and textbooks for the children is provided with our tax.

We pay the tax,the part of the tax is used for the cost of the compulsory education,though all of us don't go to school of compulsory education at present,but it's useful for the whole society.

Contrary to it,the cost for supplementary material 副教材 and school lunch is paid out of their parent's own pocket. There are some people who want to study at a private school. They or their parents pay the tuition fee and the children go to the private school.

If they pay the cost for themselves ,it's their own choice. It's all right.

《The cost for the social welfare is provided with our tax》

No.386 17/05/14 11:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The cost for the social welfare is provided with our tax》

Not only the cost for the compulsory education,but the cost for the social welfare is important for us. If being sick and going to hospital and we have to pay for the doctor's fee for ourselvers,we'll be in trouble.

There must be some people who are always worried about the illness like next. "What should I do if being sick? I don't have enough money to go to hospital."

They may not be able to go to hospital even if being sick,and to make matters worse,the illness may go bad and they may be dead. Then the whole society is filled with anxiety.

When being sick we go to hospital and we are treated. Then we had to pay the doctor' fee,but actually it's no more than 30 % of the whole cost. Other part is paid with health insurance. The social welfare includes the system.

When being too old none of the people can work someday. Then if the administration tells us to manage to do it for…

No.387 17/05/14 11:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The cost for the social welfare is provided with our tax》

When being too old none of the people can work someday. Then if the administration doesn't help us and tells us to manage to do something for ourselves,we'll be in trouble. We have to save money hard for our old age. We'll be forced to feel anxious about our old age.

However even if being too old and being unable to work,we can receive pension,we'll be relieved a little because of the system. The system is also the social welfare.

However the pension has become a serious problem recently,for the people who may not be able to receive the pension have appeared. In addition other people who are angry or anxious for the inadequate system of the pension have also appeared.we can recognize the meaning that if the system of social welfare is stable the society is also stable.

How much the nations' tax is used so as to pay the pension becomes the serious problem in the system of the pension.

No.388 17/05/27 23:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The cost for the national defense is also…》

As a result,how to use our tax is the serious subject for us the Japanese with regard to the public pension plan.

Defense cost of the Self—Defense Forces is apt to be an essential issue in in a National Assembly. The Self—Defense Forces exists in order to prevent our country from being attacked from other countries. It has lots of various weapons. It makes other countries think like the next.

"If waging war with Japan,we'll suffer a serious damage,so we won't." The existence of the Self—Defense Forces make the other countries think like that and protects our country from being attacked by other countries.

The cost of national defense seems to look like a premium for life insurance or insurance against loss. When a trouble happens,the premium will help us,but if nothing happens we'll find it's all right. No one will be get angry with that the premiums was useless. The cost for national defense is…

No.389 17/05/28 00:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The cost for the national defense is also…》

So the cost for the national defense looks like the premium,but there is an argument that the amount of the money for the premium seems to be too much,the cost for the national defense is also the same.

Whether or not the cost for the national defense is too much becomes a big argument,if thinking over the way of using our tax. How much money is used? What's purpose for it? Members of the Diet who we chose in an election do a heated discussion on the way of using our tax is natural.

《Overseas deployment of troops by the Self—Defense Forced》

A new problem has appeared recently over the cost for the national defense. It's overseas deployment of troops by the Self—Defense Forces. Japanese Self—Defense Forces has frequently learned to be dispatched overseas as what is called PKO in the UN.

Some people say "Our tax is used for defending our country as the cost for national defense,but do we have to…"

No.390 17/05/28 00:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《Overseas deployment of troops by Self—Defense Forces》

Some people say "Our tax is used for defending our nation as the cost for national defense,we can accept it,but do we have to bear the cost for overseas deployment of troops by Self— Defense Forces?"

The issue on the overseas deployment of troops by Self—Defense Forces is a problem of way of using the tax which we have paid.

Some people say that our tax should be used for our nation,and other people say Japanese international contribution raises Japanese evaluation,so it's useful as the way of using our tax. Another ones say that there are some people who are in trouble,so we have to save them even if it costs to some extents.

There seems to be different opinion like the next."If it raising Japanese evaluation,it'll be all right even if our tax is used,but if it drops Japanese evaluation,it's wasting our tax.

Various issues are discussed on the National Assembly,but it turns out to be …

No.391 17/06/10 21:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《Oversea deployment of troops by Self—Defense Force》

Various issues are discussed in the National Assembly but it turns out to be the way of using our tax,for we choose the the members of the Diet as people who decided the way of usnig our tax.

As a result,the people who don't vote in an election seem to say like the next. "While we pay tax,even if our tax is used to what kind of things,we don't mind it at all." We should vote,I'm sure.

《A public enterprise becomes an issue》

A public enterprise becomes an issue in the National Assembly. For example there are some people who say they are short of roads,they need more bridges in some areas. It is the public enterprise for which the tax of our nation should be used.

However there are some superhighways,but almost none of the people use them. There are always few cars there. There are enough roads,but if demanding to build more roads,it's just that the people who are engaged in construction…

No.392 17/06/11 03:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《A public enterprise becomes an issue》

There are enough roads but if demanding to build more roada,it's just that the people who are engaged in construction industry becomes rich. Some people say like that.

If we need to build the road or bridge,it is important for us,but what is necessary for us? The point in question is open to further discussion. As our tax is used,it should be use impartially,but what is impartiality? It always becomes an issue.

《Politicians who make use of the public enterprise》

There are roads and bridges which each of us can't build,so we need the tax. We choose the statesmen in an election. The statesmen decide the way of using the tax. They judge whether or not the public enterprise is necessary,and they determine whether or not the public enterprise is incorporated into the budget.

It was all right,but the situation has reversed graduately. The statesmen should decide whether or not the public enterprise is …

No.393 17/06/11 04:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The statesmen who take advantage of the public enterprise》

The statesmen should decide whether or not the public enterprise is necessary for us the eligible voters,but they've learned to decide whether or not the public enterprise is necessary for the statesmen themselves.

When the statesman made a splendid road build in its electoral district and advertised itself,"I've done it!",the eligible voters would vote to the statesman. There are lots of statesmen who have thought like that.

Some politicians decide the disbursement from our tax to a public enterprise. The public enterprise makes the people who are engaged in construction industry rich. The politicians receive a political donation from the people who are engaged in the construction industry.

We choose the statesmen who decide the public enterprise in order to be useful to us,but the statesmen have decided the public enterprise only for their own profits. It gets things backwards.

No.394 17/06/15 22:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We choose the people who use our tax】

《The statesmen take advantage of the public enterprise》

Then it's just that we make the statesmen be defeated in the next election,for the people who choose the statesmen in the election are heroes or heroines in a nation. They are more powerful than any other people.

【A way of the election can change its result】

Do you think an election is fair? To tell the truth the result of the election is able to change as some people like. It depends on its way.

《The way of being elected easily to the Diet》

The election is a kind of a battle in which its candidates try to get votes from eligible people as much as possible under a fixed rule. Some candidates do violation of the election of law,but the election itself has been conducted under a fair rule. It seems that almost all of the people are apt to think like that.

However if changing the rule of the election,its result will be changed entirely. At first it's a big subject how we should fix …

No.395 17/06/17 10:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of changing election can change its result】

《The way of being elected easily in an election》

At first it is a big subject that how we fix the rule of the election.

Let's suppose that someone thought that it wanted others to be elected easily in an election, They belong to the same political party. What should someone do? It seems to be easy,for it's just that someone has only to collect an area where there are lots of supporters for their political party and make the area an electoral district.

There used to be someone who carried it out actually in America in 1812. He was the governor named Gerry in Massachusetts then. He thought of the idea of fixing the electoral district where the candidates belonged to his political party would be elected easily. He gather areas where there were lots of the supporters for his political party together and made one electoral district.

The way was so unconcealed that the shape of the electoral district became strange. It was as if it…

No.396 17/06/25 05:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election can change its result】

《The way of being easily elected in an election》

Its shape was as if it had been a legendary creature,Salamander,and it became the talk of the area. The people joined the name of the governor,Gerry,the legendary creature,Salamandertogether,and called it gerrymander. After that they have learned to call the electoral district which is set up to suit convenience of a specific person the Gerrymander.

《What is called Hatomander in Japan》

The Hatoyama Cabinet tried to introduce the small electoral district in an election of members of the House of Representatives and moved a vote of a proposed amendment to the Diet. Then there was a electoral district which was divided so as to suit convenience of the Hatoyama Cabinet,so the opposition party repelled it.

The opposition party called the electoral district the Gerrymander in Japan,and it made use of the name of the Hatoyama Cabinet and called the electoral district Hatomander

No.397 17/07/01 15:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election can change its result】

《When voting,being secret is indispensable》

When voting no one can know any candidate who each of eligible voters votes actually. It's important and we call it a secret ballot. Without being secret,the voting will be apt to be convenient for a powerful person alone.

For example,a dictator called Hussein ruled Iraq before the U.S.A. attacked Iraq in 2003. Then it's Hussein alone who announced his candidacy for the President. Others were afraid to announce. As a result the election for the President meant whether or not the nation trusted Hussein.

The eligible voters received the voting form and filled out the form whether or not he or she trusted Hussein,and they put the form in the ballot box,but there is each number on each form. When looking at the number,the powerful person recognize the candidate who the eligible person voted.

In consequence all of the nations were forced choose the Hussein for the President. Thus Hussein was …

No.398 17/07/01 16:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election can change its result】

《When voting being secret is indispensable.》

In consequence,Hussein was approved as President with approval of 100 %. Then the TV station in Iraq said like the next. "While the Presindent in the U.S.A. can't win the support of 100 % from the nation,the President in Iraq can. The President who has won the support from the nation is elected. It's the democracy.

However when the U.S.A. attacked Iraq and Hussein administration fell almost all of the nations felt sorry for it,for Hussein had not always won the support from the nation. It's just that the number on the voting form invented the support of 100% from the nation.

In 1946 before North Korea was established the people who were equal to the Diet members were elected. Each electoral district had a candidate who was appointed by what is called 朝鮮労働党. The people were allowed to vote whether or not the nation support the candidate.

There weren't any number on the voting form,but …  

No.399 17/07/01 21:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election can change its result】

《When voting,being secret is indispensable》

There weren't any number on each form,but there were two kinds of ballot boxes. The one was black and the other was white. The ones who supported for the candidate use the white one and the others who didn't use the black one. In addition they had to do in front of the ones who watching the voting.

As a result what is called 人民委員 were elected with support of majority overwhelmingly in every electoral district. It is possible for them to insist that representatives of the nation were elected at the election even in the situation.

《Voting for a single candidate or some candidates?》

In general,the voting is done for a single candidates but sometimes it's done for some candidates at the same time. For example there is area which needs five Diet members and the eligible people can vote for a few candidates at the same time. We call it the limited plural ballot system.

In general a eligible…

No.400 17/07/07 00:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

Recently a response of which title,『The one who resoponds to a thread in English』has been set up and there is a one who said the English thread is by far worse than that written by an elementary school kid. Speaking of an English thread,at first it's me,I'm wondering.

Does it mean that my English is so bad? At least I think I can make myself understood in Englisd,so it's not so bad,though except for me,no one think like that.

However I don't mind it at all! I can't say I don't use any dictionary at all when expressing myself in English. I'm frequently apt to rely on the dictionary,for to my sorrow I'm not a splendid English speaker at all,though I've never used what is called グーグル翻訳機 in the least.

Without speaking English,I find it tedious. A canary which forgets to sing should be throw away in a bamboo grove behind the house,fortunately or not I'm not the canary,so I won't stop speaking English a bit. As long as I live,I'm going to continue to speak English.

No.401 17/07/07 01:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election can change it result】

《Voting to a single candidate or some candidates?》

In general an eligible voter usually votes for a candidate alone,so it's special way,but it's possible as principle. If adopting its way what does happen?

At first the eligible voter votes to the candidate who the eligible voter supports the most,but after that it can vote for others,so there are possibilities that varied kinds of people are elected.

Someone may think like the next. "While I hate the political party to which a candidate belongs,I like the candidate itself,so I'm going to vote to it. Then there is a possibility that the one who everyone likes is elected.

Under an election system that the eligible person can vote to a candidate alone,le's suppose a victim who had been suffered from a harmful effect of a medicine announced its candidacy. It appeals to wipe out the harmful effect of the medicine. Is it elected? It depends on.

If the people in the electoral area think …

No.402 17/07/08 01:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election can change its result】

《Voting to a candidate or to some candidates?》

If lots of people in the electoral area think "Though the problem of the harmful effect of medicine is serious,we'll choose other candidate who seems to tackle a problem in the area where we live"and vote to the other candidate,the candidate who appeals to the problem of the harmful effect of medicine may be hard to be elected.

However if being able to vote to some candidates,lots of eligible people may choose the candidate who tackles the problem of the harmful effect of the medicine as second option,and the candidate who appeals to the problem of the harmful effect of medicine may obtain plenty of the number of votes and be elected.

While a candidate doesn't tackle the problem in the electoral area enthusiastically,it does for the whole country or the peace in the world. It has possibility of being elected under the vote of plural entries,for the eligible people have lots of options for…

No.403 17/07/15 20:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【At a bulletin board called ミクル】

There is a thread on the translator of Google here. Someone tried to speak on the democracy and other denied it. The way of thinking is varied,so there are lots of kinds of answers,I'm sure.

However the other one who denied thinks by far deeper than me. As for the comment on the democracy,I was worried about whether or not it made sense as English,and I've never thought on the democracy itself so much,but the other is different.

While my goal is to be a splendid English speaker,but the other regards English as one of languages. His goal is different from me. He seems to think,what can he do with English?,I'm sure. To tell the truth,I'm surprised to see the person like him in this bulletin board.

The one who is excellent is outstanding on everything,I'm wondering,but being jealous of other is useless. I'm sure I have to improve my talent. I'm going to keep up with my English,for there are still lots of things to express myself in English.

No.404 17/07/16 10:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election changes its result】

《Voting for a candidate or some candidates?》

Then eligible voters have options. At first they think they vote for the candidate who try to work for the electoral area,in the next they think for the other candidate who tries to work for the whole world. Their option spreads.

On the other hand an entertainer-turned Diet member タレント議員 may be elected easily,for the eligible voters may think like the next. "Though I don't think I vote the entertainer-turned Diet member,but one more candidate will be elected,so the entertainer-turned Diet member is all right." The eligible voters may vote easily.

《Ostracism is also one of options》

In general,speaking of an election,we usually vote for a candidate which we support,it is possible that there is an opposite mechanism. There are some candidates who the eligible voter don't think they will vote. The voting reduces the number of the candidates.

There is one vote for each eligible voter.

No.405 17/07/16 15:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election changes its way】

《Ostracism is also one of options》

When voting the eligible voter has two options. The one is it uses its voting for a candidate who it supports and the other is for the other candidate which it never supports.

Even if then some candidates gained 0.1 million voting, it gained 80 thousand voting which refused to be elected,so it was defeated in an election. It becomes possible.

For example some politician was arrested because of acceptance of a bribe and was guilty in the trial,but there were strong supporters for it in the electoral area,so it was elected at the election. It seems to happen.

However some people think like the next."If the one is elected,it will be shameful for my electoral area. I want the candidate to be de defeated at the election." Then if having two options,that kind of candidate may lose in the election.

It's a modern version of ostracism which used to be done in ancient Athens. There were some politicians who were …

No.406 17/07/22 08:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election changes its result】

《Ostracism is also one of options》

They used to write the name whose they wanted to banish from their home on the fragment of pottery in Ancient Greece with regard to politicians in order to prevent a dictator from appearing.When its voting was over 6000,the politician was banished outside its own country for 10 years.

However its way caused unexpected result. A politician who achieved brilliant success and was popular ended up being banished on account of others' jealousy. It is said that as a result the Ancient Athens became weaker gradually.

A person whose public opinion is evenly divided between approval and disapproval may be hard to be elected a member of Diet if the ostracism is adopted,for it has a very clear-out personality.

《How many people should we choose in an electoral area?》

Changing the numbers of member of Diet in an electoral area changes the politics so much. There are phrases like a large constituency system,the …

No.407 17/07/22 09:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election changes its result】

《How many people should we choose in an electoral area?》

There are phrases like a large constituency 大選挙区 ,multiseat one,and single member one. It doesn't always mean whether or not the electoral area is large. It's the number of member of assembly who is elected in the electral area.

For example,making the whole country into an electral area and choosing all the members in DIet there. It's the large constituency. As a result the electral area becomes large.

From 3 to 5 members of assembly is choosen in an electral area is the multi seat constituency. A member of assembly alone in the electral area is the single member constituency.

The number of member of assembly is elected in the electral area changes the political situation.

《The number of political party increases in the large constituency》

Making the whole country into an electra area and choosing all the members of DIet all at once. It's simple and clear,but it's hard to examine…

No.408 17/07/22 19:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election can change its result】

《The number of political party increases in the large constituency》

If adopting the large constituency,it seems to be hard to research the candidates well and to choose what we really want.

In addition,various people announce each candidacy causes several successful candidates,so many different parties begin in the parliament. As a result a political party which commands a majority doesn't appear,so an important thing won't be decided then.

While representatives of various opinions of the eligible voters are elected in the large constituency,it is possible the Diet may be paralyzed.

《An intraparty faction 派閥 is apt to appear in the multiseat constituency》

The multiseat constituency has been adopted in both former election of the House of Representatives and the present Upper House Represntatives. Several successful candidates are elected in single electral area then.

When adopting it,an intraparty faction is easy to appear in a party.

No.409 17/08/18 01:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I'be thought】

To my sorrow,my keyboard is broken,so I can't do the touch typing ,so I find it hard to express myself in English here,though it's just that all I have to get a new keyboard.

Without using the keyboard,it seems to take much more time to express. I hate it,but I'm forced to get use to it. Though I've not expressed so long sentences I've already felt exhausted.

Summer vacation is over and I have to work again from today. The work in which I'm engaged in at present is the hardest o ne in my work experience. I've started working from last November,I've lost about 5kg.

The factory where I work makes a hot water supply and I belong to the section of powder coating,if saying in Japanese it's just 塗装. Its way changed. The factory used to adopt electrostatic painting,though as to both the principles,I have little knowledge on them,for I've worked as a temporary staff,I don't have to know it.

I've tried toexpressed my job concretely,but I can't this time.

No.410 17/08/19 00:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of election changes its result】

《An intraction party is apt to appear in a multiseat district》

The democratic party used to come into power from2009 to 2012,but the Liberal Democratic Party used to command the majority in the House of Representitive for a long time before.

They had to put up some people as the next candidate in the multiseat district so as to maintain the majority. If its fixed member is 5,they'll put up 3 people as candidate, Then even if they are the candidates in the same Liberal Democratic Party,they fight severely for the seat as enemy.

Once being splitting into allies and enemies and fighting over,they can't get along with each other any more. Each of them learns to belong to other group separately. Once being elected as the candidate in the Liberal Democrtic Party,they can't belong to the group to which other candidate belong in the same electtoral district,so they belong to other group. We call the group an intraparty faction 派閥.

No.411 17/08/20 00:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A way of election can change its result】

《What is the intraparty faction?》

Lots of intraparty factions have been born in a political party and they end up learning to fight each other. By the way what is the intraparty faction?

As to the intraparty faction in the Liberal Democratic party,it's a group of which members are close. The intraparty is an organization for education,supplies money for its political activities,supports its members in election campaign,besides it's a cheering party 応援団 who trise to make its boss become the Prime Minister in this country.

When a person who is elected as a member of the Diet joins in the intraparty faction,some older members tell the new one the job of the member of the Diet or how it behaves as the member of the Diet. In short,the intraparty faction is an educational organization which makes a freshman be a full-fledged member of the Diet.

The head of the intraparty faction collects political fund from various companies and delivees the…

No.412 17/09/03 08:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A way of election can change its result】

《What is the intraparty faction?》

The head of the intraparty faction collects political fund from various companies and delivers the political fund to its members. When its member is running for a Diet member,top ranking members who are famous in the intraparty faction come to support.

First of all,the members of the intraparty faction love and respect their head. They are a cheering party which try to makes their head the Prime Minister.

If the head becomes the Prime Minister,its intraparty faction can get varied information,public servants in the central bureaucracy deal with the members politely. The members can collect political funds easily,some of them can become a Minister at ease.

In short,making the head of the intraparty faction the Prime Minister is very profitable for its members.

However the politics of the intraparty faction sometimes overdoes,for the Diet members of the intraparty faction were criticized that they have…

No.413 17/09/03 13:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A way of election can change its result 】

《Two major political parties are born in a small electoral district 》

The politics of the intraparty faction sometimes overdo so much that they are apt to have priority over their intraparty faction than the nation,the politics of the nation or it's political party,so they are criticized.

Without adopting the medium sized-constituency system in the House of Representatives,a small electoral district has been introduced. It aimed at preventing the priority over the intraparty faction from occurring an evil influence.

As to the small electoral district,there is only one elected caudate. Each of political party has also only one candidate. Each candidate of the political parties explains their policy to eligible voters and seek for their support. It will move in policy issue between the political parties,so the level of the election will also go up,lots of people expected like that.

When elected candidate is limited to only one,the ruling…

No.414 17/09/03 14:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A way of election can change its result】

《Two major political parties are born in a small electoral district》

When elected candidate is limited to an only one,the ruling party which can get plenty of support from the nation is advantageous,so if each of opposition party fights for the powerful ruling party separately,none of the opposition parties will defeat their enemy at all.

As a result the opposition parties unite as anti ruling party,the situation becomes the two major political parties. In short they adopted the small electoral district in order to be the two major political parties.

For example,the Democratic Party of Japan won a landslide victory at an election of the House Representativesin2009,instead of the Liberal Democratic Party,the Democratic Party of Japan came to power then,but criticism for the Democratic Party of Japan was lifted,the Liberal Democratic Party returned to power again in an election of 2012.

When being the two major political parties,if the one…

No.415 17/09/10 09:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A way of election can change its result.】

《The two major political parties are born in a small electoral district.》

When being the two major political parties,if the one loses support from the nation,other one comes into power. Change of power happens easily.

'If failing in the politics,we'll lose in the next election!' Thus the members of the ruling party tend to have better atmosphere and they will try to do better politics.

In short,the politics in which the change of power happens sometimes isn't so bad. If wanting to change the form of the politics,we should change the electoral system,so the multiseat district has changed into the small one.

《The proportional representation system decreases wasted votes.》

However there is a problem in the small electoral system. As a single candidates alone is elected in the electoral district,other votes for other candidates become useless. We call it a wasted votes,but what the votes of eligible voters becomes useless isn't good at all.

No.416 17/09/10 09:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A way of election can change its result.】

《The proportional representation system decreases wasted votes.》

As to the small electoral district,its candidate is elected even if it can't get majority of votes. For example if the one who got 40% of votes,the other 30%,another also 30%,then the first one is elected. Only 40% support from the nation in the electoral district becomes the member of the Diet.

If it happens in the electoral district all through Japan,it means that no less than 60% of will of the eligible voters aren't reflected,and no more than 40% support from the nation makes the candidate the member of the Diet.

The proportional representation system makes up for the defect. Elected candidates are decided according to the number of getting votes of each political party. If we adopt the system,a candidate from a small political party is easy to be elected,the voices of minority reaches the government easily.

As a result the both small electoral system and the …

No.417 17/09/10 10:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides even a form of a nation.】

《Why are they get wildly excited at a presidential election in the U.S.A.?》

As a result,as to the election of the members of the House of Representatives,both the small electoral district system and the proportional representation system have been adopted. I'm going to describe its detail in other chapter.

The presidential election in the U.S.A. is done a year when the Olympics are hold,once 4 years. They go wilder with the election than the Olympics

On the other hand when being elected a prime minister in Japan we the Japanese aren't so enthusiastic as the Americans. Why?

They can elect the President direct with their own votes in the U.S.A. It's different from Japan. If thinking over,'One my vote may decide the President!' they tend to be enthusiastic.

When comparing it with other countries in the world,in the country which adopts the system in which its nation elects its President direct,its nation is crazy about the election.

No.418 17/09/16 18:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I've come across threads on English recently here at ミクル. Some people send messages to the threads. There is the one which seems to have splendid English ability. I hate to say,but I'm forced to recognize he is by far better English speaker than me.

I also used to send a message to threads on English,but I'm tend to avoid it. I'm worried about my English ability,though I'm sure without being worried about it,I should study English harder,but how?

However there is one clear thing. I'm different from him. He is much younger than me and a good English speaker,however needless to say l also have strong points,maybe. I don't have to be negative.

When speaking English,I'm sure we should be careful of what's called TPO. It's time,place and objective. When speaking English we should do appropriately according to the TPO,but how?

I'm sure I can communicate with others in English but I can't use the right word in the right place. I'm afraid I'm in a dead end.

No.419 17/09/17 03:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides even a form of a nation.】

《Why do they get wildly excited with a presidential election in the U.S.A.?》

When observing countries in the world,its nation seems to be enthusiastic about an presidential election if the nation can elect its president directly. Not only the U.S.A.,but neighboring country,Korea,France in Europe,and Argentina in South America are same.

Contrary to it,in other countries which a prime minister is elected in the Diet,its nation seldom gets wildly excited with the election of the prime minister. The election seems to be done dispassionately.

If a mechanism of deciding the political leader is different,while its nation is enthusiastic about the election in some countries,the people aren't in other countries,for the election decides the form of the country.

《Which is greater a prime minister or a president?》

Speaking of a prime minister and president,simple question occurred to us.'What's differences between them? 'or 'Which is greater?'

No.420 17/09/17 04:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of the country.】

《Which is greater the prime minister or the president?》

In short, while the president is a sovereign in the country,the prime minister is the head of the administration. While the president plays a role as symbol of national integration,the prime minister oversees other ministers who are top ranking in the central government.

In the system of a nation,the prime minister takes its position under the national sovereign. If the national sovereign is the prime minister,it means that the president is greater than the prime minister.

However the presidential power is varied according to countries. Some presidents have enormous influence on the people,other ones are just the symbol of the nation. Its difference is the way of electing the president.

The president who is elected by the nation direct has strong power. It's the most powerful person,but if the president itself takes charge of all things,the president is very hard,so …

No.421 17/09/23 14:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides a form of a nation】

《Which is greater,a president or a prime minister?》

Even if some of presidents are powerful,if the president itself takes charge in all the job,it's so hard,so it appoints a prime minister and the president entrusts the domestic administration to the prime minister. For instance,France,Russia and Korea adopt the way. If the president isn't satisfied with the job of the prime minister,it can make the prime minister resign.

On the other hand,instead the direct election of the nation,some presidents in some countries are elected by Diet members. Then the president is just a symbol of the nation. German,India,and Israel adopt the way. Those presidents visit foreign countries as a representative of the nation,but doesn't have any domestic political power at all. It's the prime minister who has practical political power.

When electing the president,the people are hardly excited about the election. Experience,good character,or manners seem to be …

No.422 17/09/23 15:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An electric decides a form of a country.】

《Which is greater presidents or prime ministers?》

Then when electing the president,its experience,personality and manners are very important.

There doesn't seem to be so many countries which there isn't the prime minister but the president,but its typical one is the U.S.A.

The president in the U.S.A. isn't only the sovereign of the nation but the head of the administration. It gathers some ministers called the Secrerary of State or the Secretary of defense and holds a Cabinet. In some other countries two people take charge in the prime minister and the president separately,so the president,like the one in the U.S.A. is by far greater.

《If a sovereign in a country isn't the prime minister…》

There isn't the president but the prime minister in some countries. What kinds of the countries are they? For example,it's England,Belgium,Holland and Sweden adopt the way. There is a king or queen in the countries. Both of the king and the queen are…

No.423 17/09/23 15:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides a form of a nation.】

《If a sovereign of a country isn't the prime minister…》

Both the king and the queen are the symbol and sovereign,so they don't have to elect the president. Then a parliament elects the prime minister and the prime minister forms a cabinet. It's a parliament system of government, but there is a ceremony.

In the ceremony,the sovereign of the king or the queen appoint the representative in the parliament to the prime minister. They adopt the form that the prime minister is chosen by the king or the queen as principle たてまえ. As a result there is no president in Japan,for there is an emperor in Japan.

The constitution of Japan says while the Japanese emperor is the symbol of Japan,the constitution doesn't say it's the sovereign,so there has been some disputes in Japan for a long time. The ones say 'The emperor is the sovereign,and others says 'It's not for that thing isn't written in the constitution.

However the constitution says the

No.424 17/11/04 21:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

[An election decides the form of a nation,it is the main title}

[If a sovereign is not the president of a country,it is the sub title}

The keyboard of my i pad is out of order,and I have bought new one,but to my sorrow,I can not use it at will,so I am afraid you find it hard to read,I am sorry for it,in addition the subtitle of the last response is also in the wrong. It is not the prime minister but the president. I am embarrassed.

I am going to take up the main subject from now on.

Our constitution says our prime minister is appointed by the emperor,so it could be gathered the emperor seems to be the sovereign implicitly. Though it has nothing to do with the domestic discussions,if the Japanese emperor goes to a foreign country,they treat it as sovereign.

Speaking of a country which has the prime minister alone,it’s Canada,or Australia. There is no king in the both of the country. Some people may think so,but they are the member of the English Federation,so their sovereign is

No.425 17/11/04 22:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

[An election decides the form of a country} It’s the main title

[If a sovereign isn’t the president } It’s the subtitle.

In short the sovereign of the Canada and Australia is the Queen Elizabeth. Admirals have been sent to both of the countries from the England. They are representing the Queen Elizabeth. If there is a ceremony which the sovereign has to attend,the admirals will be present at the ceremony.

However the admirals have not been taken to be dispatched from the England lately. Each of them seems to be chosen from the people of each of the countries.

[The president,and the prime minister. Which is greater in Russia?}

Which is greater? As for it Russia is the unique one. The president is elected from the nation directly in Russia. As a result the president has the enormous power and it appoints the prime minister and makes the prime minister do the domestic politics.

However Medvedev took office as president May in 2008. He used to be the first Vice President under Putin.

No.426 17/11/04 23:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

{An election decides the form of a nation}

{The President and the Prime Minister. Which is greater in Russia?}

Then Putin was appointed the Prime Minister under the President Medvedev. Each of the situation was replaced.

Putin had had the great support from the people because he made the Russian economy strong one,but the Presidential term of office is 4 years. He can assume the office of the President for the continual second alone,but it’s all right if it’s not continual.

Therefore Putin made Medvedev who is loyal subordinate for him the President,and he made Medvedev appoint Putin as the Prime Minister. Putin was elected as the President again in 2012.

In this situation,which is greater? The constitution says the President has greater influence than the Prime Minister,but all the people know the Prime Minister Putin is greater than the President Medvedev.

While Medvedev was paid due respect as President,he consulted with the Prime Minister on an important thing.

No.427 17/11/06 19:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《Which is better,a presidential system or a parliamentary system of government?》

As for the situation in Russia,the rule of the constitution becomes only a formality,in fact its way is in the wrong as rule of democracy.

By the way,which is better,a presidential system or a parliamentary system of government?

As to the presidential system,the President and the members of the assembly are elected separately. If the President has all the authority,he may be a dictator. Therefore the members of the assembly are elected,for the assembly prevents him from being the dictator. The President is the representative of the nation,and the members in the assembly are the same ones.

As a result,the party to which the President belongs and majority in the assembly are separate often. Then the assembly sometimes objects to the President’s plan,so the function of the politics stops.

The Republican Party which was the majority in the assembly was…

No.428 17/11/06 22:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《Which is better,a Presidential system or a parliamentary system of government?》

The Republican Party which was majority in the assembly was opposed to policy of Obama President who belonged to the Democratic Party,and objected to the budget bill in which the politic plan of Obama President was incorporated,so the budget bill wasn’t approved by the assembly and the function of the American Federal government stopped.

That kind of opposition happens because the President and members of the assembly are elected separately.

On the other hand,as for the parliamentary system of government,the Prime Minister is elected in the assembly,so a member of the majority party in the assembly who is the most influential is elected as Prime Minister.

If the Prime Minister comes out a new administrative policy,the majority in the assembly agrees to the proposal of the Prime Minister. The budget bill will be easily passed. As a result the politics goes …

No.429 17/11/06 23:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《Which is better,a Presidential system or a Parliamentary system of government?》

As a result the politics goes smoothly.

While the nation can elect the President directly there is fear that the politics is confused. On the other hand,the people can’t choose the Prime Minister directly,but the politics apt to goes smoothlyl Both of the political systems have both good points and bad points.

The country which has an old history, king or queen has adopted the parliamentary system,and other country which has murdered its king in the revolution,or another which has established the new country in the new world like the U.S.A. have adopted the Presidential system.

However the U.S.A. whcih has adopted the Presidential system doesn’t go smoothly in its politics and neither Japan which has adopted the Parliamentary system of government does. Oh! There is always an exception,for the American politics has frequently been confused. It’s just that it…

No.430 17/11/09 16:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought】

To my surprise,I’ve suffered from gout 痛風. Speaking of the gout,I’ve heard that the one who is rich and a gourmet is apt to suffer from. The one like me who works as staff in a temporary company won’t,I was sure,but it seems that I’m in the wrong.

Drinking a lot is also related with the sickness.but it doesn’t always mean I drink everyday,but when drinking it seems that I drink heavily. To my sorrow,I have to abstain from drinking for the time being.

In addition I have to avoid eating the food which has high uric acid value 尿酸値 but to my sorrow,I love it very much.

It’s the season for salmon just now. Speaking of the salmon,it’s salmon roe イクラ,but it is said the salmon is a poor catch this year so I’ve hardly come across in a supermarket,but fortunately or not I found a salted salmon roe. I found it delicious and eat as an appetizer without rest when drinking. Needless to say the salmon roe has plenty of the uric acid value.

I feel like drinking suddenly…

No.431 17/11/09 17:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《Which is greater,Presidential system or parliamentary system of government?》

Oh! There is always an exception,for American politics has been always confused. It’s just that it has never been reported in Japan every time the confusion has happened.

《Why was the response so cold in Japan?》

When a President is elected in the U.S.A.lots of the people are excited at it. On the other hand when a Priime Minister is chosen in Japan,we the Japanese are cold in general. We the Japanese can recognize it why we are,for the Prime Minister is elected in the parliamentary in Japan. We can’t choose it directly in an election,so we tend to feel it’s someone else’s business.

As the members of the LIberal Democratic Party have commanded an absolute majority in the House of Representatives 衆議院,so the president of the Liberal Democratic Party has frequently become the Prime Minister until now. The election for the president in the Libral Democratic Party…

No.432 17/11/09 18:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《Why is the response so cold in Japan?》

An election for the president inside the Liberal Democratic Party has been the process of choosing the Prime Minister in Japan. Then except for the members in the Democratic Party,we aren’t forced to take an interested in the election.

《What about the system of recognizing the Prime Minister officially?》

There is other opinion. They say,“How about the situation in which the nation elect the Prime Minister direct?” It’s the system of recognizing the Prime Minister officially. Some statesmen used to propose,but once they became the Prime Minister,neither of them stopped proposing it.

Some people say that they agree with the system of recognizing the Prime Minister officially,for the nation can choose the Prime Minister itself,so it may learn to take an interest in the politics.

On the other hand,the political party to which the Prime Minister belongs is different from the other majority party …

No.433 17/11/11 04:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《What about the system of recognizing the Prime Minister officially?》

On the other hand,as the political party which the Prime Minister belongs to is different from the majority party in he parliament,they stand in opposition in the National Assembly,the politics may stop,some people say like that.

In fact the system of recognizing the Prime Minister officially was taken effect at Israel in the Middle East. The political party to which the Prime Minister belonged and the other political party which was in a state of confrontation became the majority in the National Assembly,the confusion continued for a while. In the end,the system of recognizing the Prime Minister officially don’t go smoothly,so they gave it up.

If the system of recognizing the Prime Minister officially is taken effect in Japan,the Prime Minister will have power like the President,it means its position is closet to the sovereign,as a result,the Emperor isn’t the…

No.434 17/11/11 05:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of the country】

《An election which chooses the political power》

As a result,the Emperor isn’t the sovereign then,some people have objected it.

However the situation has changed lately,the situation in which we the nation can choose the Prime Minister direct is coming true little by little,for the system of a small electoral district has been adopted in to the House of Representatives. In short,Japan has adopted two major political parties.

Democratic Party became the majority in the election of the House of Representatives in 2009,and its President became the Prime MInister then. Other national election in 2012,the Liberal Democratic Party became the majority,and its president became the Prime MInister then. In 2014 was also the same. Its Cabinet continued.

In a word,the election in the House of Representatives becomes the election in which we the nation elects the political party direct. If the political party which commands the majority in the…

No.435 17/11/11 05:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides an form of the country】

《An election which chooses the political party》

If the political party commands the majority in an election of the House of Representatives,its president becomes the Prime Minister,so actually the election is the one in which we the nation choose the Prime MInister direct.

As a result even if the people don’t get excited at the process of choosing the Prime Minister in the National Assembly so much,there should be more surge of enthusiasm for the election of the House of Representatives.

《The disproportionate weight of single vote 一票の格差 turns the big voice in local area into the bigger one in the whole society》

The disproportionate weight of single vote by an eligible voter also decides a form of the nation. If the disproportionate weight of single vote is bigger,the voice in locla area has bigger power than other one in urban area.

What is the disproportionate weight of single vote? When a member in the assembly is elected,a fixed…

No.436 17/11/18 02:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides a form of the nation】

《The disportionate weight of single voice turns a big voice in the local area into the bigger one in the whole society》

What is diaportionate weight of single vote? When a member in the assembly is elected,there is difference among the numbers of necessary eligible voters.

For example,while about 1.15 million of eligible voters elected a member in the assembly at an electoral district in Hokkaido prefecture in the election of Upper House in 2013, about 0.24 million of eligible voters elected in Tottori prefecture. The difference is 4,77 times.

There aren’t so many numbers of eligible voters in the local area,but the local area has large space,so less number of eligible voters can elect the member of the National Assembly. On the other hand,it can’t be done in a city. As a result the voice of eligible voters in the local area tends to reach to the national assembly easily. The politics of which eyes turn toward the local area is easy to…

No.437 17/11/18 03:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of the country】

《The disportionate weight of single vote turns a big voice in the local area into a bigger one in the whole society》

As a result the politics of which eyes turn towards the local area is easy to be done. There has been criticism that the politics of the Liberal Democratic Party turns its face toward the local area alone,on the other hand the environmental beautification and improvement in the city isn’t enough. It is said the disporionate weight of single vote caused the situation.

The Supreme Court judged the situation was against the constitution on the election of the Upper House in 2013 due to the severe criticism on the present situation,so the National Assembly decided to combine the electoral area of Tottori prefecture and Shimane one into the single electoral area. It’s what is called 合区.

Both prefecture of Tokushima and Kochi have also turned into a single electoral area. Each of fixed number is 2. In other 合区 of Miyagi and…

No.438 17/11/18 04:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a nation】

《The disportionate weight of single vote turns the big voice in the local area into a bigger one in the whole society》

The fixed number of member which is elected at the electoral area of the 合区 of Miyagi and Niigata in the National Assembly becomes 2,on the other hand the fixed number increases in Tokyo and Sapporo. The total is what is called 10増10減.

As a result the maximum difference has reduced and becomes 2.97 times,being the based on population by the national census in 2010,but there has been the criticism that it’s not enough.

《Can we buy the politics with money?》

Political activity and election campaign are costly. Candidates have to distribute their posters everywhere in their electoral district. They need to hold political speech so as to let their activity know to the eligible voters. It costs much money each activity.

Some statesmen can’t overcome the temptation of money. If a wealthy man with a large sum of money says to…

No.439 17/11/19 20:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a nation】

《Can we buy the politics with money?》

If a wealthy man with big money says to statesmen like the next,showing off a wad of bill to them,“If you lend your aid to my company,I’ll also do it for you. I’m sure I won’t make your situation go bad.” Some of them may not be able to overcome the temptation of the money.

For example they may make a law which is profitable for its company or may ask some questions which are advantageous for the company in the National Assembly. Then it means it’s bought the politics with the money,so there are some laws which oversee the situations strictly.

However corruption cases seem to happen often. The flow of incomprehensible large sum of money over an election appears,though it’s not limited to Japan alone.

When asking a statesman something to do in some developing countries,they have to prepare for a large amount of money. It seems to be the common knowledge there. Then it means the money makes the …

No.440 17/11/19 20:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a nation】

《Can we buy the politics with money?》

Then it means that the money makes the politics function. While an election should decides the form of a nation,the money actually decides it,so there has been the law called the Political Funds Control Law 政治資金規正法 in Japan. It’s not 規制 but 規正. It seems that the law has not always been established so as to oversee unlawflu political fund. It has been done in order to be used the political fund lawfully,according to the author.

In either case,some members in the national Assembly have taken advantage of the knowledge of loopholes 抜け穴 ,in the law,for it’s the statesmen themselves who has established the law,I’m wondering.

《The party for the political fund is apt to be held frequently》

None of enterprises nor groups can contribute any money to a statesman itself because of the Political Funds Control Law. The contribution from an individual to a statesman is limited to 1.5 million yen a year.

No.441 17/11/19 21:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a nation】

《The party for the political fund tends to be held frequently》

If some company contributes a large sum of money to a member in the National Assembly,the member will feel indebted to a company and it tends to think of doin something advantageous for the company,so the Political Fund Control Law has been established so as to avoid the situation.

In short it’s the way of thinking that collecting the political fund from a wide range with small sum of money,but the political fund can’t be collected easily with the way,so the statesmen have learned to hold a party for the political fund frequently.

We’ve heard a party of which pretext 名目 was cheering up Mr.◯◯  was held at a banquet hall in a prominent hotel of Tokyo prefecture. It usually costs about ¥20.000 to buy the ticket for a member in the party.

If being late for the party,there was nothing to eat there. It seems to happen often,for the aim of being held the party is collecting the…

No.442 17/11/26 19:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《It costs such a large amount of money in an election that second-generation statesmen have increased》

In short if making a law on political funds,the parties will increase,there is the relation between the parties and the law on political funds.

There are not only second-generation statesmen but third ones and fourth ones are. The second-generation statesman means its parent used to be a member of the National Assembly. There have been plenty of the second-generation statesmen at the political world in Japan at present. Some people deplore as if the work for the statesman were a hereditary.

It costs a large amount of money in an election,it’s one of reasons that the second-generation statesman has increased. The election is very costly,for example,if an ordinary salaried worker or a female office worker suddenly run for a member of the National Assembly,it’ll be hard to make their name known in the society.

No.443 17/11/26 19:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《It costs such a large amount of money in an election that second generation statesman has increased》

On the other hand if their parents are the members of the National Assembly,almost all of the people in the electoral district have known their family names,so if they are a son or a daughter of a member of the Natioanl Assembly,they will be advantageous when standing for an election,their names have been known from the beginning.

Besides,there has been an organization of an election committee 後援会 which their parents have built up. The members in the election committee work without pay. Even if they have little funds,the second-generations can campaign for the election,so the second-generations are by far more advantageous than ordinary people who have nothing to do with the politics when running for the member in the National Assembly.

In this way the second-generation statesman has increased,but it’s not always in the wrong,for…

No.444 17/11/26 20:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An election decides the form of a country】

《It costs such a large amount of money that second-generation statesman has increased》

A second-generation statesman isn’t always in the wrong,for it doesn’t haven to go through hardships on an election campaign or collecting political funds,so it can spend its time for the study on politics,on the other hand some people criticize it like that,“It’s weak,for it’s become the statesman without any hardships”

【There are two kinds of election in Japan】

There are two ways of electing the members of the National Assembly in Japan. The one is for the House of Representatives,and the other for the House of Councilors. Two of them are different on the way of election. They are different in order to make varied opinions of the nation reflect.

《Japan has adopted the two chamber system 二院制》

There is the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors in the Japanese National Assembly. We call the system the two chamber system. When looking…

No.445 17/12/05 20:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought】

I’ve tried to contribute my English response just now,but there is an indication and I can’t. It says there is forbidden words in my response,and it prevents me from contributing,so I had another look at it,but there is nothing. It’s エス、エッチ、エム、and オー. I want to use the alphabet,but I’m afraid I can’t contribute again.

At first I didn’t use that word. I’ve never heard it. It makes no sense at all. It takes about an hour to express myself in English,but it’s useless. I don’t feel like expressing the same sentence once again. Oh,I’m afraid my iPad has a bug. I sometimes handle it roughly. I dropped it on the floor made of concrete by mistake,or spilt some beer it over.

When watching a moving image,my iPad sometimes has a bug. Its voice is also strange a little sometimes,but the indication has nothing to do with having a bug,I’m sure.

I hope I can contribute this response. I’m sure I have to deal with my iPad more carefully. I hate to trade my iPad for a new one.

No.446 17/12/07 15:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought】

Roughly speaking,I’ve been expressing myself in English here a bulletin board called ミクル for a long time,and I’ve tried to express everything in English,but it hasn’t gone smoothly than I expected. Needless to say,there are plenty of things which I can’t express yet,and there a few things which I’ve regretted. One of them is like the next.

A girl who went to high school asked me an English question one day,but it’s too difficult to answer,so I should have told her I couldn’t,but I neglected it,but I couldn’t tell her so,for I wanted to look nice. It doesn’t always mean that I held a special feeling like romantic one to her.

I wanted others who looked at my thread to think I was a splendid English speaker. Her question was nothing to do with any English ability which makes us understand English at all,but if so I should have said to her,but I couldn’t. I’ve wanted to confess for a long time,it’s not for herself but for myself. I’m the one who hurts other feelings.

No.447 17/12/07 16:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I’ve expressed myself in English,being based on a book written by Akira Ikegami,but I’m afraid I’ve thrown it away by mistake,so I’m going to start to express with other book of which title is being able to understand a political change. I’ll start from its preface.

The House of Representatives were dissolved in July of 2009 at last,a general election started in the midsummer then. The last Lower House election was done 4 years before.

Then the Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi introduced a bill which went ahead with the postal service privatization 郵政民営化 to the National Assembly. While the House of Representatives approved it,the House of Councilors rejected,so the the House of Representatives were dissolved so as to listen to the nation’s opinion,whether the people were for or against the postal service privatization.

The House of Representatives were dissolved because the Prime Minister objected to the judge done by the Uppe House,it seems to be strange a little.

No.448 17/12/07 19:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought】

There is one more thing which I’ve regretted. There was a female who used to sent me heart-warming responses,but my heartless responses hurt her feelings. She is kind and tender. She is the one who wants help others who are in difficulty,but it is no use crying over spilt milk,but I want to apologize her for it, I’m very sorry for it,though my apology may be just self-satisfaction.

I’m sure she won’t come here again,but it will be a good thing for her,for I’m the worthless one. In short,everyone is solitude,especially I am,but it doesn’t alway mean that I feel lonely. The loneliness is the feeling of unhappiness because no one is around it.There is no one around me,indeed,but I’m unsociable one,so it can’t be helped,

There’s one more thing which I’ve wanted to express. It’s myself. Others have criticized me. They say I’m so eccentric,though I don’t think so. Why am I different from others? I had been worried about it and I understand why I’m different.for I’m..

No.449 17/12/07 19:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Before starting this response,there is one thing which I want to say,for I’ve not finished my remark in the last response yet,though it’s just that I’m sure I suffer from asperger syndrome. To return to my main topic,and I’m going to start my response.

The Upper House doesn’t have authority of dissolving,it is the House of Representatives alone which can dissolve,so the Prime Minister was to force to make the Upper House dissolve in order to listen to the nation’s voice,the former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi seemed to think like that.

If the dissolution of the House of Representatives makes lots of members in the National Assembly who agreed with the postal service privatization were elected,it would mean that the nation also agreed with the postal service privatization,it would prevent the members in the Upper House from objecting to the bill,the former Prime Minister seemed to think like that.

As a result,as the former Prime Minister expected,the Liberal.....

No.450 17/12/07 20:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


As a result,as the Prime Minister expected,the Liberal Democratic Party won an overwhelming victory over the election,the members belonged to the Liberal Democratic Party in the Upper House who were against the postal service privatization at first learned to approve of the bill one after another,the postal service privitization has come true.

After that the former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi resigned because the Prime Minister’s term of office expired,so Shinzo Abe assumed the office as Prime Minister October in 2006. An election of the Upper House was done under the control the Abe Prime Ministerbut then the Liberal Democratic Party was defeated. The party couldn’t gain the majority in the election.

While the Liberal Democratic Party commanded the majority in the House of Representatives,it’s just the minority in the Upper House,we call it the House of the DIet being controlled by different parties,what is called ねじれ国会.

However the Prime Minister said it’s an....

No.451 17/12/10 10:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


However,the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe insisted that it’s an election on the House of Representatives which made the Prime Minister change by the judgement of nation and even if being defeated in the election on the Upper House,the Prime Minister doesn’t have to change. He remained in the Prime Minister and formed a new cabinet then.

However.he resigned as Prime Minister just as the new cabinet was formed October in 2007. He went into a hospital due to a poor health. All the Japanese people were flabbergasted at his irresponsibllity.

In the next,Yasuo Hokuda assumed the office of Prime Minister. He didn’t make the House of Representatives dissolve too though some people criticized,for without doing the election of the House of Representatives in which the nation’s opinion was reflected,the Prime Minister alone was changed,it was in the wrong.Far from it! He also resigned as Prime Minister October in 2008.

Even if the number of the members of the Liberal Democratic....

No.452 17/12/10 10:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Even if the number of the members of the Liberal Democratic Party increased in the Hose of the Represntatives,the political party is minority in the Upper House,It’s the House of the Diet being controlled by different parties,what is called ねじれ国会,so the Prime Minister found it hard to do politics.

In addition,the situation surrounding the Prime Minister wasn’t so good. The percentage of those supporting the cabinet had been low,so Yasuo Hokuda thought like the next.

“Other new person should be the Prime MInister. After that when the percentage of supporting the cabinet is high,the general election should be done. If the LIberal Democratic Party wins in the election on the House of Representatives,it will mean that the nation also supports the Liberal Democratic Party”.

“As a result,the member of the Upper House will find it hard to object to the judgement of the members of the House of Represnetatives,so the politics will be easy to be done.” As a result the Aso.....

No.453 17/12/10 11:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


As a result,the Aso Cabinet was born. Everyone expected that the Prime Minister Aso would carry out the general election at once,but he couldn’t on account of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers,for the global economy fell into disorder owing to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers which was a major investment bank.

The Prime Minister Aso thought “I couldn’t carry out the general election in this situation. I must avoid a political blank and do my best so as to recover economy.” He didn’t make the House of Representatives dissolve too. Without listening to the opinion from the nation,the Prime Minister changed one after another.

In consequence,the percentage of those supporting the cabinet became low. To make matters worse,the Aso Cabinet thought“ if the House of Representatives dissolves,we’ll be defeated in the election,we can’t make the assembly dissolve at present.”,so the election was postponed more and more.

In the meantime lots of people began to criticize the....

No.454 17/12/16 02:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought】

I’m afraid that I’ve suffered from asperger syndrome,it’s an autism without intellectual disorder though there seem to be sorts of the asperger syndrome. Some books say some flaws in the brain cause the syndrome. Does it mean that I’m a fool? I’m wondering.

We the asperger syndrome aren’t good at listening to other’s remarks. To make matters worse,I’m lacking a sense of unable to listening to other’s remarks. In addition,we aren’t good at understanding at unspoken agreement. While others understand something I alone can’t do it. If so,I should indicate I can’t do it clearly,but too embarrassed to do.

I’m wondering it’s a kind of handicap,but it’s hard to be recognized. I should apply as the asperger syndrome,but if I do,my income will absolute drop,so I need to work as the one with the normal health body,though my position is delicate a little. It seems that I’m in the border between a handicapped one and others with the normal health body,otherwise I …

No.455 17/12/16 03:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought】

Otherwise,I can’t speak English at all,though whether or not my English is better is another matter.

I’m sure my mistake has caused lots of troubles around me when working in the factory,though I’ve done my best,it has no excuse,but what should I do?

However it doesn’t always mean that I want to complain it. I’m sure I can’t help it. If I say so,others always condemn I assume a defiant attitude 開き直る,but I’ve tried to improve myself for about a half century,but it’s never been good. To my sorrow it’s my destiny.

I’m sure I have the syndrome with me forever as long as I live. I’ve been in the syndrome but I’ve never wanted to be,it’s not my fault,no one understands me in the least,but I don’t mind it at all. I won’t be discouraged it at all. No one understands how I’ve been worried about it.

Even if I’m bitterly disappointed,if taking action with clenching my fist,I’m sure it’s all right, then without being able to take action,I’m not good at anything.

No.456 17/12/16 22:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


In the meantime,the former Prime Minister’s remarks were self-contradictory. For example,he said he used to be opposed to the postal privatization originally. Or while he established the Supplementary Payment Income system定額給付金制度,he said he wouldn’t accept it.

Moreover,heused to go for a drink to a high rank bar in a hotel or to a member ship one almost every day,so he was criticized again,for lacking the way of thinking of the common people. Then he counterargued.“Drinking at the bar in the hotel is reasonable.”,so the people felt hostile him more and more.

However,the member of the House of Representatives’ term of office approached the expiration,he said he made the House of Representative dissolve. The power to dissolve the House of Representatives belongs to the Prime Minister alone.

There used to be some Prime Minister whose term of office as the member of the House of Representatives expired and did a general election without making the House of Representatives.

No.457 17/12/24 11:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Without being able to make the House of Represnetatives dissolve the former Prime Minister Takeo Miki expired its term of office and was forced to do the election. There was other former Prime minister who tried to dissolve but couldn't do because of an objection within the Liberal Democratic Party. It's Toshiki Kaifu.

Mr. Aso seemed to think like the next.“others must have thought that I couldn't make the assembly dissolve because of being lacking in my political ability.” On the other hand,he was actively disturbed by other his political members,who insisted that the Liberal Democratic Party would be defeated in the election if they did the election under control by Mr. Aso.

However we the nation can evaluate the coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito. What kind of things does each political party assert in an electral campaign? It is this time when we show our judgement,referring to the manifest.

No.458 17/12/24 12:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Ministe,who made the House of the Representatives dissolve】

《Though the power of dissolving the assembly which belongs to Prime Minister was used,the ruling party was ousted from its post》

I've expressed this response in English,being based on a book of which title is 池上彰の政権交代がわかる!,which was published in 2009.

The House of the Represnetatives were dissolved in 2009. The moment the dissolution was settled some members in the assembly yelled,“Hurray!” Dissolving the House of the Representatives means that the members in the House of the Representatives are no longer the members. Why do they say,“Hurray!”?

There seem to be some opinions on it. When dissolving the Emperor says it. We should think it thankful,so then the members in the assembly say hurray.

As strengthening its resolution that it would return to the assembly after winning in an election,it says hurray,others say. On the contrary,giving up returning,and saying hurray,there seem to be another.

No.459 17/12/24 13:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Minister,who made the House of Represntatives dissolve】

《Though the power of dissolving the assembly which belongs to Prime Minister was used,the ruling party was ousted from its place.》

In short there doesn't seem to be clear opinion on the hurray at all. Almost all of the people say and do due to the tradition.

There is the House of the Representatives and the House of Councils in the National Assembly. We call It two chamber system on account of the two Houses. The members in the National Assembly are elected by each election separately,and both of the members can check each other what they have done.

As to the members in the House of Councils,once being elected,it remains the member for 6 years. The House of Councils isn't dissolved in the middle of the term of the office. It's a consideration that the members can do their political jobs slowly and carefully.

On the other hand,the term of the House of Representatives is 4 years. It's dissolved before its…

No.460 17/12/29 09:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Minister,who made the House of Representatives dissolve】

《Though the power of dissolving the House of Representatives belongs to the Prime Minister was used,the Ruling Party was ousted from its place》.

On the other hand,the term of the House of the Representativee is 4 years,it's usually dissolved before the term of a member in the assembly of office expires. The member’s term of office seldom expires.

When opposition party criticizesd severely what the Cabinet has done,the Prime Minister often decides whether or not he judges he should make the assembly dissolve,for then he asks the nation which is right,the way of the Cabinet or the assertion of the opposition party?

After that an election will be done,then if the ruling party which supports the Cabinet wins,it means that the nation supports what the Cabinet had done. Contrary on it,if the opposition party wins,it means that the nation refuses what the Cabinet had done.

Once being a Prime Minister,it is…

No.461 17/12/29 10:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Minister,who made the assembly resolve】

《Though the power of dissolving the assembly belongs to the Prime Minister was used,the Ruling Party was ousted from its place》

It is said that once being the Prime Minister,it wants to make the assembly dissolve at least once,for without dissolving the assembly resigning as Prime Minister,the nation is apt to evaluate that the Prime Minister had no influence.

The member’s term of the House of Representatiives of office expired at the beginning October. Without dissolving the assembly,the election for the House of Representatives was done,but it seemed that the former Aso Prime Minister wanted to make the assembly dissolve,for the Prime Minister alone can do,and as for its result,all of us have understood well.

【What is manifesto?】

《It's a pledge by political power. In short it's a promise which a political party announces for the nation.》

“If being elected to a Diet member,I’ll carry out this wonderful policy!”…

No.462 17/12/29 10:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Minister,who made the assembly resolve】

《Though the power of dissolving the assembly belongs to the Prime Minister was used,the Ruling Party was ousted from its place》

It is said that once being the Prime Minister,it wants to make the assembly dissolve at least once,for without dissolving the assembly resigning as Prime Minister,the nation is apt to evaluate that the Prime Minister had no influence.

The member’s term of the House of Representatiives of office expired at the beginning October. Without dissolving the assembly,the election for the House of Representatives was done,but it seemed that the former Aso Prime Minister wanted to make the assembly dissolve,for the Prime Minister alone can do,and as for its result,all of us have understood well.

【What is manifesto?】

《It's a pledge by political power. In short it's a promise which a political party announces for the nation.》

“If being elected to a Diet member,I’ll carry out this wonderful policy!”…

No.463 17/12/29 11:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What's the manifesto?】

《It's a pledge by political power. In it's a promise which a political party announces for the nation》

“If being elected to a Diet member,I’ll carry out this wonderful policy for all of you!” some candidates say like that. We call it a pledge. It means an official promise,but some of them are just that they frequently enumerate unrealizable policies practically. As a result the pledge for the election had learned to be used as a simile たとえ which isn't reliable at all. It makes no sense.

As a result voices in which the political parties should promise realizable things alone strengthened,the word of manifesto has become familiar with us.

Manifesto means an announcement in Italy language. The Labor Party proclaimed in a general election in the U.K.in 1997 and it was favorably received.

It seems that the manifesto has been translated into a pledge by political power in Japan.it’s promise that “if coming into power,our political party will carry it out ”

No.464 17/12/29 22:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What's the manifesto?】

《It's a pledge by political power. It's a promise in which a political party announces for the nation》

When an election starts,each political party can print each original manifesto and deliver it to the nation at the place where the candidate makes speech for the election.

As to the former pledge,the political parties used to tend to announce everything,it was all right,even if they couldn't carry it out. On the other hand,the political parties have to announce something which they can carry out with regard to the manifesto. Moreover they have to do it concretely. They need to make its time when they carry out their manifesto clear.

For example,if wanting to enrich the school education,or to increase the pension which the nation can receive,the political parties need plenty of money,so they have to show its amount money clear,besides they have to show the nation the place where they can get the money clear.

Even if the political parties can show the…

No.465 17/12/29 22:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What's the manifesto?】

《It's a pledge by political power. It's a promise in which a political party announces for the nation》

When an election starts,each political party can print each original manifesto and deliver it to the nation at the place where the candidate makes speech for the election.

As to the former pledge,the political parties used to tend to announce everything,it was all right,even if they couldn't carry it out. On the other hand,the political parties have to announce something which they can carry out with regard to the manifesto. Moreover they have to do it concretely. They need to make its time when they carry out their manifesto clear.

For example,if wanting to enrich the school education,or to increase the pension which the nation can receive,the political parties need plenty of money,so they have to show its amount money clear,besides they have to show the nation the place where they can get the money clear.

Even if the political parties can show the…

No.466 17/12/31 10:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What's a manifesto?】

《It's a pledge by political power. It's a promise in which a political party announces for the nation》

Even if the political party can show the nation a rose colored promise,it has no money to accomplish the policy,it'll be meaningless.

In short,in the content of the manifesto in which the political party makes promise to the nation,the political party must indicate a concrete number of the amount of money clearly. If the concrete number is written in the manifesto, when the political party comes into power and the party leader becomes the Prime Minister,the nation will be able to make sure whether or not the content of the manifesto is carried out later.

In short the nation can inspect how much the pledge is carried out in the manifesto for itself later. After announced the manifesto and an election was over,the Labor Party in the U.K. announced in detailed how much the content of the manifesto was carried out,and which one wasn't carried out to the nation.

No.467 17/12/31 11:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is a manifesto?】

《It's a pledge by political power. It's a promise in which a political party announces for the nation.》

When looking at the manifesto,the British nation can evaluate what the Labor Party has done.

As a result,without showing concrete number of the amount of the money nor fixing a term by when it must be carried out,we can't call it the manifesto a bit.

Even after the election was over,without throwing away the manifesto,and setting it aside,eligible voters make sure how much the political party could carry out its pledge. It's necessary.

【The former Prime Minister Aso couldn't do the personal matters in the Liberal Democratic Party】

《As trying to change the main member,it repelled the other members in the political party》

Two Ministers resigned in the Aso Cabinet in 2009. The one was the former Nakagawa Minister. He disgraced himself 醜態 at a press conference in Rome. The other one was the former Hatoyama Minister. He tried to make the President of the…

No.468 17/12/31 12:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Minister Aso couldn't do the personal matters in the Liberal Democratic Party】

《As trying to change the main member,it repelled the other members in the political party》

The former Hatoyama Minister tried to make the president of the Nippon Yusei resign,but instead of the president,the Prime Minister made Hatoyama resign. Other Ministers held the jobs which were assigned to the resigned Ministers.

Then the Ministers who held other jobs were too heavy burden,so two Ministers were supposed to be chosen newly,then there were voices that the chief secretary also should be changed September,for the election for the House of Representatives was near at hand,it would to be done October.

An election is a conflict between the political parties. When starting electoral campaigns,representatives of each political party debate on TV programs. Mr.Aso who was the leader in the political party would attend a TV debate,but he was the Prime Minister. He was too busy to do,so…

No.469 17/12/31 12:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Minister Aso couldn't do the personal matters in the Liberal Democratic Party】

《As trying to change the main member,it repelled the other members in the political party》

The former Hatoyama Minister tried to make the president of the Nippon Yusei resign,but instead of the president,the Prime Minister made Hatoyama resign. Other Ministers held the jobs which were assigned to the resigned Ministers.

Then the Ministers who held other jobs were too heavy burden,so two Ministers were supposed to be chosen newly,then there were voices that the chief secretary also should be changed September,for the election for the House of Representatives was near at hand,it would to be done October.

An election is a conflict between the political parties. When starting electoral campaigns,representatives of each political party debate on TV programs. Mr.Aso who was the leader in the political party would attend a TV debate,but he was the Prime Minister. He was too busy to do,so…

No.470 17/12/31 13:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Minister Aso couldn't do the personal matters in the Liberal Democratic Party】

《The Chief Secretary plays an important role in an election》

By the way,I've tended to contribute the same response repeatedly. I'm sure I have to watch out.

The former Prime Minister Aso was too busy to attend the TV debate,so instead,the Chief Secretary which was usually ranked the second place in the political party,Mr. Hosoda, would often do.

Allowing for the balance,if the Liberal Democratic Party made the Chief Secretary attend,other political party would. The Chief Secretary in the Democratic Party of Japan,Mr.Okada was a powerful enemy for the Liberal Democratic Party,for he was good at debating. Without making the one who was proficient in debate,the Liberal Democratic Party would be disadvantageous.

As a result there were voices that Mr.Hosoda would be talked down by Mr.Okada,so there was a movement that changing the one who was charged in the Chief Secretary into other one.

No.471 17/12/31 14:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Prime Minister Aso couldn't do personal matters in the Liberal Democratic Party】

《The Chief Secretary plays an important role in an election》

It's the movement over the personal matters in the political party,but there were voices that other members objected to within the Liberal Democratic Party.“Changing the one who is in charge of the Chief Secretary into other one just before the election? What is he thinking about?”others said like that.

“If Mr.Aso remained in the Prime Minister,and did the election,the Liberal Democratic Party would be defeated.”some members in the Liberal Democratic Party thought like that. Moreover they insisted that they should change the leader in the Liberal Democratic Party into other one.

As a result,without doing the personal matter within the political party,the former Prime Minister added new Ministers alone. Mr.Aso thought he tried to bring in new Ministers in the Cabinet and to change the personal matters and to tackle the election…

No.472 18/01/02 01:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Hatoyama Minister of Home Affairs resigned due to an issue on the president of Nippon Yusei】

《Mr.Hatoyama resigned as Minister of Home Affairs in 2009,for he couldn't accept the one who took up the president in Nippon Yusei.》

Mr.Aso thought he tried to bring in new Ministers in the Cabinet and to change the personal matters and to tackle the election,but the objection within the political party prevented him from doing the personal matters,so the power which supported the Aso Cabinet became weaker so much.

Aso Prime Minister removed Hatoyama Minister of Home Affairs in 2009 on account of what is called かんぽの宿 and illegal act on the postal service.

The parent company of a company which does the work on the post offices and postal saving is Nippon Yusei Inc. it used to be under government management,but it has changed into a private enterprise when Mr.Koizumi was the Prime Minister. We call it privatization.

As to improving service,being managed by a private enterprise…

No.473 18/01/02 01:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Hatoyama Minister of Home Affairs resigned owing to an issue on the president of the Nippon Yusei】

《Mr.Hatoyama resigned as Minister of Home Affairs in 2009,for he couldn't accept the one who took up the president in the Nippon Yusei》

Being managed by a private company is better than a state-operated company in which the government frequently interferes so as to improve service for the nation,the Koizumi Cabinet seemed to think like that.

Then post offices managed lots of hotels named かんぽの宿. The government decided to sell the hotels to a real estate agent with low price,but some people raised an objection like the next.“The hotels are fortune for the nation. If selling the fortune with low price,it's in the wrong,isn't it?”

There is a postal system in which groups of handicapped people can make use with low price. There had been some groups which didn't have anything to do with the handicapped people made bad use of the postal system. It had come to light then.

No.474 18/01/02 02:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The forme Hatoyama Minister of Home Affairs resigned on account of an issue of the Nippon Yusei】

《The former Hatoyama Minister demanded that the president in the Nippon Yusei resign》

Mr.Hatoyama insisted that the president should take responsibility for the issue and resign,for the general meeting of stockholders of the Nippon Yuusei was to be opened before long,but the president planned to remain its post,so the Minister objected to it.

The Nippon Yuusei is a joint-stock company 株式会社,so stockholders have influence over the issue on the company. Important things like choosing the president is fixed in the general meeting of stockholders.

The Nippon Yuusei became the private enterprise,but its stocks weren't sold in public. It used to be the government management.so its stockholder was the Japanese government then. The one who attended to the general meeting of stockholders as representative for the nation was Minister of Treasury,who was in charge of the fortune of the nation.

No.475 18/01/03 02:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The former Hatoyama Minister of Home Affairs resigned owing to an issue on the president of the Nippon Yuusei】

《The former Hatoyama Minister demanded that the president of the Nippon Yuusei should resign》

Then the former Minister of Treasury planed that the president remained its position,for the former Minister of Treasury thought that the government should not interfere in the management in the private enterprise.

On the other hand the Minister of Home Affairs originally oversaw the post office. Whether a thing which was decided in the general meeting of stockholders was approved or not depended on the judgement of the Minister of Home Affairs,and Mr.Hatoyama said he didn't allow the president to be in the Nippon Yuusei.

There seemed to be a fear that while one Minister allowed a thing and other Minister didn't. Both of the Ministers were in the Aso Cabinet,but they disagreed. We call it disagreement in the Cabinet,and it shouldn't have been done. Mr.Aso decided he made Mr.…

No.476 18/01/03 02:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What was the problem on what is called かんぽの宿?】

《There was voice that valuable hotels were gathering together and being sold with low price was in the wrong》

Mr.Aso decided he made the Minister of Home Affairs resign.

By the way,the かんぽ is an abbreviation of 簡易保険,which is postal life insurance. It's a life insurance kept by post office. Everybody becomes its member easily. When the one who became the member was dead,its insurance money would be paid. There were some hotels which the one who became the members could make use of. It's what is called かんぽの宿.

The ones who became the members of the postal life insurance paid the insurance money. The post office used the insurance money and built the hotels each place all over Japan. They are the かんぽの宿,which was born with an idea that feeling relaxed and taking the hot spring bath made the life span long.

The post office used to be originally the nation’s company,but it was privatized in 2007. We call it postal privatization 郵政民営化.

No.477 18/01/03 03:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What was the problem on what is called かんぽの宿?》

《There was voice that valuable hotels were gathering together and being sold with low price,which was in the wrong》

Some new companies like 郵貯銀行 which handles postal,savings.and かんぽ生命保険 which deals with postal life insurance have been born under the parent company called Nippon Yuusei.

The かんぽ生命保険 was separated from the post office and became a private insurance company,so the company has to obey a law of life insurance. The law provides that the insurance company limited to do business on insurance alone. For example,if trying to manage a hotel and failing to do it,it'll have bad influence over the business of life insurance.

In short,being a private life insurance company prevents it from managing the かんぽの宿,so the parent company of Nippon Yuusei undertook the job. After that even if without being the members in the postal life insurance,everybody can learn to take advantage of the かんぽの宿,however if the Nippon Yuusei was going on …

No.478 18/01/04 10:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the problem on what is called かんぽの宿?】

《There was voice that the valuable hotels were gathered together and were sold with low price,which was in the wrong.》

However if the Nippon Yuusei was going on keeping was something wrong,so the government should decide whether it sell the institutions or it do away with them until 2012. As a result the plan that all the institutions of the かんぽの宿 including its company houses were gathered together and were sold out to a real estate agent of Orix was decided. Its price was about 10 billion yen.

The Nippon Yuusei was a joint-stock company 株式会社 but it didn't become a private enterprise completely,if selling its institutions like かんぽの宿, the Minister of Home Affairs need to permit it. When the plan that the institutions were sold out was announced,the Minister of Home Affairs held off the plan.

When calculating the price of each institution one by one and adding them,the institutions should be sold higher than about 10 billion yen…

No.479 18/01/04 11:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the problem on what is called かんぽの宿?】

《There were voices that valuable hotels were gathered together and were sold out with low prices,which was in the wrong 》

The head of the Orix group was the member of the Diet who considered whether or not the postal privatization should be done. He insisted that the postal privatization should be done,and when the privitazation came true,he tried to buy the group of かんぽの宿. It's strange,it's in the wrong. Some people said like that.

On the other hand the Nippon Yuusei said like the next.

The かんぽの宿 has shown a loss,so if being sold by about 10 billion yen,it'll be profitable. There are other institutions which won't be able to be sold out with single one alone in local areas,but if adding them to other institutions,it'll be able to be sold out,but without being given permission from the Minister of Home Affairs,it can't be sold out.

As a result the Nippon Yuusei stopped the plan and investigated again whether or not the plan was set…

No.480 18/01/04 11:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the problem on what is called かんぽの宿?】

《There were voices that valuable hotels were gathered together and were sold out with low price,which was in the wrong》

The Nippon Yuusei stopped the plan once and decided to investigate again whether or not the plan was set up correctly. The かんぽの宿 was originally established by the premium 保険料 the one who became the member of the postal life insurance,so whether or not the institutions are sold with reasonable price is an important issue.

By the way,how did the important issue come to an end? It seems that no one said on it lately. Isn't it the important issue? Oh! I've also had little knowledge on the かんぽの宿 until now,so I can't say proudly.

【The delegate of the Democratic Party of Japan,Ichiro Ozawa resigned】

《The delegate of Ichiro Ozawa whose secretary was arrested because of an issue on political fund resigned.》

It seems that no one has never said even his name lately…

The Liberal Democratic Party have had plenty of members…

No.481 18/01/07 16:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The delegate of Democratic Party of Japan,Ichiro Ozawa resigned】

《The delegate of Ichiro Ozawa whose of secretary was arrested because of an issue on political issue resigned.》

The LIberal Democratic Party have had such the plenty of members of the Diet,all of almost of its leaders become the Prime Minister. As to the number of the Diet members,it's the largest political party in Japan,and the Democratic Party of Japan is the second,and its delegate of the Democratic Party of Japan,Ichiro Ozawa resigned from the delegate in 2009.

“Without being united,the Democratic Party of Japan won't win in the next election,but the Democratic Party of Japan prevents me from winning,so I'm going to resign for the winning of the political party.” Mr.Ozawa said why he resigned,though I've never heard of his name lately on the report of Mass Media.

However he actually seemed to take responsibility for the arrest of his secretary who was arrested and indicted for charged with an issue on…

No.482 18/01/07 17:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The delegate of Democratic Party of Japan,Ichiro Ozawa resigned】

《There was doubt that his secretary’s repoar was a lie.》

However he seemed to take responsibility for of his secretary who was arrested and was indicted with charge on the issue of political fund,but Mr.Ozawa had been saying,“I've never violated Japanese law”in relation to the arrest of his secretary,so he didn't seem to be able to say he took responsibility for it,

His secretary was accused of the next crime. He managed the political fund for Mr.Ozawa and recorded it. He received about 3.5 million yen from a construction company,but he reported like the next,“I received the money as political fund from a political group made of the former employees of the construction company.”

The secretary was arrested because his report wasn't true,but it seemed that the construction company thought it would be profitable for the company if it gave the money to the political party to which Mr.Ozawa belonged,but if it became…

No.483 18/01/07 18:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Democratic Party of Japan,Ichiro Ozawa,resigned】

《There was doubt that his secretary’s report was lie》

But if it was exposed to the light,it would be a problem,so the construction company handed over the money to the former employees and made the political group establish,and made the former employees hand over the money to the political group to which Mr.Ozawa belonged.

《The criticism against Mr.Ozawa heightened》

Even if his secretary was arrested and indicted,Mr.Ozawa didn't seem to be worried at all.“We've never violated the laws. The Tokyo Distric Public Prosecutor’s Office’s investigation is in the wrong!” He criticized like that and he didn't try to resign the delegate at all.

However lots of people thought that Mr.Ozawa should resigned from the delegate in the opinion poll,and supporting percentage for the Democratic Party of Japan began to drop. Contrary to it,the supporting percentage for the Prime Minister Aso which had been low until then began to rise then.

No.484 18/01/28 18:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A secretary for Ozawa representative of the Democratic Party of Japan was arrested.】

《The doubt that he wrote a lie on the report of the political fund and accepted illegal political donation》

The members of the Democratic Party of Japan were impatient and began to think that they couldn't win in the next election,and said that Ozawa representative should resign,in addition,it was said that disadvantageous storied appeared against Ozawa Representative in the trial for the secretary,so the members of the Democratic Party of Japan seemed to think that Ozawa Representative should resign.

The secretary was arrested March in 2009 because of the suspicion of violation against the Political Fund Control Law.

It costs lots of money when the members in National Assembly search something for their political tasks and make their local people be known on the tasks on the National Assembly. We call the money which is spent on the activities political fund.

It seems to be hard for statesmen…

No.485 18/01/28 18:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A secretary of Ozawa Representative of the Democratic Party of Japan was arrested】

《It's a suspicion that he wrote lies the report on the political fund and accepted illegal political donation.》

It seems to be hard for statesmen to gather political fund,so some companies offer the political fund for the statesmen. We call it political donation.

If some enterprises offer a large amount of political donation,the statesmen who accepted the political donation tend to accept the requests from the enterprises. As a result, the statesmen may make laws which is profitable for the enterprises or make public offices work which is advantageous for the enterprises alone.

The Political Fund Control Law prevents the statesmen from doing the unjust things. The statesmen can establish a group which controls the political fund and the statesmen can accept the political fund from the group,but any enterprises can't offer political fund for the group direct.

The statesmen must make clear on the…

No.486 18/01/28 19:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A secretary of Ozawa Representative of the Democratic Party of Japan was arrested.】

《A suspicion that the secretary wrote lies report on the political fund and accept illegal political donation.》

The statesmen must make clear on the money which they accepted so as to be overseen whether or not the political fund has been done legally and they have to report earnings and expenditure on the political donation for the public office.

The author said like the next in the book. “To be exact,the law isn't 政治資金規制法, but 政治資金規正法. Without controlling it,we intend to make the statesmen accept the political donation legally and spend it.”,but my electrical dictionary makes use for the word of 規制. I'm not sure which is right.

《Actually,it's the political donation from Nishimatsu construction firm.》

The firm called Nishimatsu construction thought it tried to offer political donation to Ozawa Representative of Democratic Party of Japan,but any company can't offer political donation to the …

No.487 18/02/04 12:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A secretary of Ozawa Representative of the Democratic Party of Japan was arrested.】

《Actually,it's a political donation from Nishimatsu construction firm.》

Any company can't offer any political donation direct to the group which is in charge of controlling the political fund,but a political organization can do,so the construction firm adopted the form as if it had been the political donation from the political organization.

Two kinds of political organizations were established,and the executives in the construction firm paid the membership fee to the political organizations,and the political organizations handed over the money to the group who was in charge of controlling money for Ozawa representative. Sum of the political donation was about 2.1 million yen.

On the other hand,as for the money which the executives shouldered the membership fees,the construction firm paid them more than their bonus from the construction firm.

In short,in fact it was the political donation…

No.488 18/02/04 14:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A secretary of Ozawa Representative of the Democratic Party of Japan was arrested.】

《The president of a firm called Nishimatsu construction was convicted.》

In short,in fact it's a political donation from the Nishimatsu Construction firm,but it was against a law,so the executives adopted the form the donation from the political organizations,and the secretary of Ozawa representative who accepted the donation recognized it,but the secretary made a false report to the public office. The suspicion on the secretary was like the one.

Why did the Nishimatsu construction firm donate the political contribution to Ozawa representative? Needless to say a doubt that the construction firm asked something guilty for Ozawa Representative in secret appeared.

On the other hand Ozawa Representative declared that he had done nothing guilty. Then if an election was done,the Democratic Party of Japan would win the election,and there was high possibility that he became the Prime Minister in Japan,but …

No.489 18/02/05 00:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A secretary of Ozawa representative of the Democratic Party of Japan was arrested.】

《The president of Nishimatsu construction firm was convicted.》

Then if an election was done,the Democratic Party of Japan would win the election and there was high possibility that Ozawa Representative became the Prime Minister in Japan,but then the Tokyo local District Public Prosecutor’s Office arrested Ozawa Representative’s secretary,for the authority tried to make him fall in the estimation of statesman,Ozawa Representative criticized like that.

The former president of the Nishimatsu construction firm offered the political fund and was charged with violation against the Political Funds Control Law. He was sentenced to 1 year and 4 months’ imprisonment with 3 years’ suspension of sentence from the Tokyo district court.

I'm wondering if everyone has already forget the former Ozawa Representative,for the book was written in 2009,about a decade ago. Ten years make an epoch 10年ひと昔…

No.490 18/02/11 10:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【They called him a drunk minister.】

《When being drunken,if showing up in public,it is very shameful of them in the West.》

As Shoichi Nakagawa who was in charge of the Minister of Finance seemed to be half conscious at a press conference in Rome February in 2009,foreign media reported he was drunken,so the minister resigned. It was unclear whether or not he was drunken,but he drank not only at the previous night but at lunchtime of that day of the press conference. When being drunken and turning up in public,they find it very embarrassed in the Occident.

The conference at which the minister attended was was what is called G7,which was held at Rome in Italy. The G7 is an abbreviation of Group of 7. The Ministers of Finance and presidents of central banks in 7 developed countries gather and discuss on the global economy at the conference. Then the president of the Japanese central bank was also present at the conference.

Then financial instability had spread all over the world and…

No.491 18/02/11 10:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【They called him a drunken minister.】

《When being drunken and if turning up in public,it is very shameful of them in the Occident.》

Then the financial instability had spread all over the world and the global economy had fallen into serious depression after the bankruptcy of the investment bank,Lehman Brothers. What should they do so as to improve the grave situation? The representatives in developed countries gathered and discussed on the way out of the present difficulty at the conference.

That was why the conference was very vital one. Lots of reporters gathered from throughout the world so as to cover and paid attention to the conference in order to know what kinds of things were discussed actually,and what kinds of things were decided at the conference.

Then the Japanese minister turned up as if he had been very drunken,so the foreign media reported he was a drunken minister.

《Did he drink with medicine?》

The minister said he took a cold medicine too much,but he seemed…

No.492 18/02/11 12:58

The late Shouichi Nakagawa

No.493 18/02/17 04:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【They called him a drunken minister.】

《Did he drink with medicine?》

As to the last comment of this thread,I made a mistake,for I shouldn't have made such a short comment. I'm sure I lost one thread. To my sorrow,I can't recognize it until now. Do I become senile?

Nakagawa minister said that he had cold and took a medicine for cold too much but he drank too much the previous night of the press conference,in addition he seemed to drink a glass of wine a little at lunchtime just before the press conference.

If taking a medicine with liquor,it frequently works too much and we are only half conscious,so he shouldn't have taken the medicine with liquor in the occasion of the important meeting.

To make matters worse,the minister loved drinking so much that he would frequently drink,so even if he made an excuse,“I'm not drunken.”,almost of anyone didn't trust in him. As a result others said,“When showing up at the press conference,he was drunken.”

Even if it's an official place,it's …

No.494 18/02/17 05:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【They called him a drunken minister.】

《When being drunken,no one should turn up in front of others.》

Even if it's an official place and he was the minister,it's just that he was drunken,but it seemed that everyone condemned him for that. Why?

We often see an official worker who is drunken on its way back home at night in Japan. When drinking and showing up in front of others,it isn't shameful of us in the least in Japan,but it is in the Occident.

There are plenty of the Occidents who are easy to break down the liquor in the body. Even if they drink,the Occident can't be easily drunken like the Japnese. To begin with,when being drunken so much,if showing up in front of others then,they find it shameful very much.

Lots of the Occident seem to drink wine at lunchtime frequently,but few people walk with unsteady in official place then. In short Japan is different from the Occident on the idea of the liquor,so they make fun of Nakagawa minister in a news program oversea,they called…

No.495 18/02/17 09:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【They called him a drunken minister.】

《When being drunken,no one should turn up in front of others.》

As for the one who is engaged in an important duty,especially a statesman,without being able to control its physical condition,others criticize it,“Without being able to controlling itself,it can't control its nation.”

The minister seemed to be drunken clearly at the press conference,but none of the Japanese reporters asked him on any question on his physical condition,for the Japanese reporters were always get used to seeing him being drunken so much that they didn't like feeling asking him,foreign people criticized the Japnese reporters like that.

As the press conference was broadcast as it was,even the reporters who were close to the minister stood by and watched the minister ended up being criticizing. We have been in the time just now.

【The reformation on the system of official employees.】

《Appointment of a retiring government official to an important post in an industry …》

No.496 18/03/04 08:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The reformation on the system of official employees.】

《Appointment of a retiring government official to an important post in an industry controlled by his former ministry is 天下りabolished and a new rule for getting a new job is established.》

The appointment of a retiring governmet official to an importatnt post in an industry controlled by his former industry had been always to apt to be a question,but it would be abolished and a system of introduction of getting a new job again for a former government official is the reformation on the system of official employees.

How and when would the reformation be carried out? Its work schedule has been set up February in 2009. There are the people who retires from a government office like the Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry,and Fisheries or other Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,and Transport.

They get a job in a company which receives directions from the official government as an executive. It’s the appointment of a retiring government …

No.497 18/03/04 09:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The reformation on the system of official employees.】

《The appointment of a retiring government official to an important post in an industry controlled by his former ministry is abolished and a new rule for a getting job has been established.》

The government office is as if it were the heaven for the people who are in the company which receives direction from the government office. When they enter in a private enterprise,other feel as if they got out of the heaven,so the phrase was born,though the noble-minded people who live in the heaven won’t take or receive bribe at all,I’m sure.

There is an examination to be a national civil service personnel. The ones who passed the hardest exam are adopted in the central government office. They will be promoted rapidly,but there had been custom like the next.

When the one becomes an administrative vice-minister in a ministry,the others who entered in the ministry at the same period resign,for the human relations becomes strained so much …

No.498 18/03/04 10:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The reformation on the system of official employees.】

《The appointment of a retiring government official to an important post in an industry controlled by its former ministry is abolished and a new rule for getting a new job is established.》

…for the human relations become strain so much,for the administrative vice-minister finds it hard to do his job because of the others at the same period are its subordinates. Then the companit’s which the ones resign the ministry halfway enter becomes an issue.

The government office used to introduce the ones who resigned the ministry a new place where they work again. They were companies which receive direction or subsidy from the government office. It means that the government office offered lots of subsidy or aid so as to prevent the companies from going bankrupt.

In short,the ones offer the excessive aids and subsidy have wanted to enter the companies in the future,so if the companies go bankrupt,they would be in difficulty. As a result…

No.499 18/03/04 12:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The reformation on the system of official employees.】

《Appointment of a retiring government official to an important post in an industry controlled by its former ministry.》

As a result,the government office had learned to show undue partiality to 依怙贔屓 a specific company. The system which prevents the undue partiality is the reformation on the system of official employees,but if the government office introduces a new job,the former civil servants tend to get a job in the specific company,so a new organization has been established,through which the whole government official gets job again.

《What’s is called 渡りis also stopped.》

What is called 渡り became a subject which should be resolved like the wrong appointment. I should express the phrase of 天下り in English exactly,but it’s too long and complicated to do,so I make it a rule to abbreviate it.

What’s the 渡り ? It’s a former civil servant who did the wrong appointment,it means 天下り,moved to other company. It’s repeated. It resembles …

No.500 18/03/04 13:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The reformation on the system of official employees.】

《What is called 渡り is also stopped.》

It resembles a migratory bird,so we call it 渡り. If adopting the way,whenever resigning a company,it can receive retirement money. Some of them received the retirement money of which total amount is no less than ¥millions,and they seemed to be usual.It was so impatial and was lacking in common decency that what is called 渡り was also stopped.

At present each government office had adopted its staff separately. Then the national civil service should have been the one who serves the whole nation,but it had thought over the profit alone on its own government office. Some people criticized like that.

As a result an organization which adopted the whole national public servant or is in charge of the personnel matters. The organization lumped them together. The organization could decide on the personal changes on the national public service,so the personal changes among different government offices …




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