Let's enjoy English!

レス500 HIT数 25440 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( Oe38xe )
13/07/07 10:31(更新日時)

Let's enjoy English!

I will start a new thread of English from now on,for I've loved English so much that I've wanted to express everything in English.😃

I've changed my handle name,for there have been some discords with others in this bulletin board of ミクル.🙎

I don't like arguing with others very much,but I'm sometimes forced to quarrel with others.I can't help it.😒

By the way,I have several books to read at first,so I have to finish reading all of them before I devote myself to this thread.📖

As for the last English thread of mine,its number of hit were over 10000,so I've been very happy,for my goal was more than 10000.🙋

However,all of the people who read my thread aren't always interested in my English.My friends used to come here in order to talk something with me.🙋

However my enemies watch this thread with a vigilant eye 虎視眈々 so as to abuse us.😚

Therefore I shut this thread this time.I'm sorry for it.They come so as to disturb me.😣

13/03/02 21:05 追記
I make it a rule to open and shut this thread,according to necessity.Just now when I express this sentence,my thread is open.😃

Though nobody has visited here until now…💧

13/07/07 09:33 追記
If I express once more,this thread will be over.Then I'll establish the next one at once.😃

I'm wondering what kinds of topics I should adopt.I'm looking forward to it.🙌

No.1794167 12/05/17 21:56(スレ作成日時)



No.500 13/07/07 10:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 487 【What kind of mechanism is a reactor of the atomic fusion?】 《A react… 【What kind of mechanism is the reactor of the atomic fusion?】

《The reactor of the atomic fusion》

The plasma is so high temperature that we can't put it in any containers,for all the materials will be melted.😚

We need to make the plasma rise into the air with an electric field,and magnetic field.We try to solve the problem of the atomic fusion with a reactor made use of the magnetic and electric field.We call the reactor tokamak type.😃

《Conditions for the atomic fusion》

Atomic nucleuses have to bump against each other at a speed of 1.000 kilometers every second in order to cause the atomic fusion.🔥

We require the next three conditions so as to realize the speed.☝

①The plasma's temperature is more than 0.1 billion degrees.

②Its density is number of 10 billion of the atomic nucleuses per a cubic centimeters.

③We have to shut up the atomic nucleuses more than 1 second under the conditions of both ① and ②.😲

No.499 13/07/07 02:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 498 【Being under a starlit sky.】

The 12 constellations are familiar with as the ones in horoscopy 星占い.🔮

For example,a person who was born in the Archer means he or she were born when the sun was in the position of the Archer.♐

The sun revolves around the sun,and lets suppose the earth was a direction for the Twins from the sun.♊

Then we see the sun,and there is the Archer beyond the sun,but we can't see the Archer because it's a daytime.☀

Then we call the situation like the next.“The sun is in the Archer.”♐

The direction for the sun is the daytime,and its opposition is a night,so we can see the Twins then.🌠

In a ward,we can't see our constellation of birth as long as the sun goes to the opposition.😚

I'm afraid my explanation is hard to understand.I'm not good at it.I'm sorry for it.💦

I'm sure this thread of mine approaches an end.While I can't go ahead with my thread as I expected,things which I want to express increase more and more…😱

No.498 13/07/07 01:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 497 【Being under a starlit sky.】

Zeus killed Aesculapius with a thunder,but he placed great value on his ability so much that he changed Aesculapius into a constellation,and admired him.🌌

When treating,Aesculapius used a snake's poison,so they call the constellation the Serpent Holder.There are some hospitals which have the name of Aesculapius in Europe at present.⛎

A part of the Serpent in the Serpent Holder is so long that it has both parts of a head and tail.🐍

A snake casts off its skin,and grows,so it's said the snake is a symbol of health in Greece.In addition,the snake is a mark which can save money,so it seems to be auspicious 縁起が良い.💰

I'm going to express on the ecliptic 黄道 from now on.😃

While the earth revolves around the sun,the sun doesn't,but we see the sun rise and set everyday as if the sun revolved around the earth.☀

The idea of the ecliptic lets us suppose the sun revolved around the earth.There are 12 constellations around its orbit.☀

No.497 13/07/05 22:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 496 【Being under a starlit sky.】

When going southward from the great triangle in the summer,we can find a constellation of which shape is a distorted pentagon.It's under the constellation of Hercules.We call it the Surpent Holder 蛇遣い座⛎.

Its shape means that a fat old man manipulates a snake.The Surpent Holder is famous for the 13th constellation in horoscopy.⛎

The horoscopy's standard is the 12 constellations which are lined up in the ecliptic 黄道.The Surpent Holder's feet are on the ecliptic.☀

I'm going to express a relation between the earth,the sun and constellations later.By the way,the Surpent Holder was a doctor.His name is Aesculapius.⛎

Aesculapius was a disciple of Chiron who became the Archer 射手座.Aesculapius was such a good doctor that he could make the one who was dead survive,but as a result,the dead decreased in the hell,so Hades,the king in the hell protested to Zeus about Aesculapius.😣

“Aesculapius' behavior will disturb the order in the cosmos before long.”Hades complained of Aesculapius.😤

No.496 13/07/04 23:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 495 【Being under a starlit sky.】

The light from the Deneb which we've seen just now was generated 2.000 years ago when Christ was born,and Japan was in the Jomon period.In short,the light from a star is the one from the past.✨

By the way,the day of July 7 is in the middle of the rainy season,so it seems the date isn't suitable for the Star Festival.☔

However,the ceremony is the one in the lunatic calendar.July 7 in the lunatic calendar is equal to mid-August in the solar calendar.☀

The Star Festival dates back to the Nara Era.It's said that the ceremony was introduced into Japan from China.⭐

The original form of the Star Festival was mixed with the other ceremony of purification 禊ぎ in a farming village,then a bamboo of decoration for the ceremony was floated on a river.😃

It's said that it's in recent years when we learn to decorate the bamboo with strips of papers.😚

No.495 13/07/04 22:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 494 【Being under a starlit sky.】

Altair was ousted from his homeland to the other side of the river.Vega lamented that she couldn't meet Altair any more,as a result,she didn't try to weave at all.💔

The Chinese god was so worried about the situation,for no one wove clothes,so he offered her a plan.💡

He said to Veag.“If you weave,I'll allow you to meet with Altair on July 7,a day of the Star Festival.”🙋

In this way,Vega and Altair learned to be able to see each other on July 7,the Star celebrated.When meeting,either of them crossed the bridge made from magpies カササギ💑

However,though you may lose interest,the Vega is no less than 16 light years 光年 away from the Altair,so they can't actually see once a year.😜

While Vega is about 25 light years,Altair is about 17 light years away from the earth,the Deneb is by far more distant than two of them.It's 2.000 light years away from the earth.😲

Therefore,the triangle in the summer night is very long and narrow in the universal.🌌

No.494 13/07/04 04:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky.】

Orpheus saw his wife disappearing from view instantly.To his sorrow,he could do nothing then.😢

Orpheus felt so sad that he began to lose himself in liquor.His grief made him give up playing the harp,and he was dead.Zeus felt pity for him so much that the god carried him away into the starlit sky as the harp.😢

By the way,speaking of July, there is the Star Festival celebrated on June 七夕.It's a Chinese story.😃

The Chinese god had a daughter who was a hard worker. She wove other gods'clothes.They call her Veag.👩

One day,she met a young man on the bank of a river,she fell in love with him.They learned to love each other before long.💏

He was a cowherd and they call him Altair.Without working,they learned to see so frequently that the Chinese god was infuriated at his daughter.😣

Vega was forbidden to meet Altair by the Chinese god.and the god drove Altair away😠.

No.493 13/07/04 00:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 492 【Being under a starlit sky.】

Even Hades was fascinated with the harp of Orpheus so much that he allowed Orpheus to take back his wife,but he set a condition on her return on the ground.☝

The king said to Orpheus.“You mustn't look back until you return on the ground, Orpheus.If you break this word,both of you will never meet again.”☝

The couple was so delightful and went for on the ground.When being near the exit,strange to say,Orpheus couldn't hear his wife's sound of footsteps at all.😥

He was so worried about it that he was afraid of being cheated,but he thought.“I mustn't look back.”The more he thought,the more he was anxious about her,for it was only sound of his own footsteps that he could listen to.“Where is she in the world?”😭

Orpheus doubted whether or not his wife followed him.He couldn't endure any longer,and at last turned back!Then what did he look?😱

By the way,while I want to continue,I'm sure I have to stop here,for I want all of you to read my responses after this one.🙇

No.492 13/07/03 23:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 491 【Being under a starlit sky.】

Zeus though like the next.“Ganymede in Troia was a rare good-looking boy.I'll make him a god who pours other ones sake.”🍶

Zeus who became a great eagle kidnapped the handsome boy,and gave him eternal life and youth.The almighty god made the good-looking boy the Water Bearer みずがめ座 later.I'm going to express his behaviors,but needless to say,neither I'm a gay nor I'm interested in the homosexuality at all.😩

There is other episode on the Harp.Orpheus who was an expert of the harp and エウリュデケ were a newly married couple.💑

One day,she was bitten by a poisonous snake,and suddenly dead.Orpheus prayed to the god as hard as he could,for he wanted her to be brought back to life,and he was allowed to go to the hell.💀

While his terrible journey to the dark hell continued, clear tone of his harp made dreadful monsters quiet.He could meet the king in the hell, Hades at last.Orpheus entreated the king to resusciate 生き返らせる his wife.😭

No.491 13/07/03 21:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky.】

The Swan is a constellation in the summer.We call its star of the first magnitude 一等星 Deneb.When connecting the Deneb with Vega in the Harp,and Altair in the Eagle,it becomes a triangle.We call it a great triangle in the summer.When looking for other constellations in the summer,we can use the triangle as our guide.🌠

It's said that the Swan is a shape into which Zeus changed,for there is an episode on the Swan like the next.☝

Zeus fell in love with a queen, Leda,but he had to change into a swan so as to hide from his wife,Hera,and went to see Leda.😃

Leda gave birth to Zeus' children who were twins.The one is Castor,and the other Pollux.They got along well and became Gemini ふたご座♊

Zeus also changed himself into an eagle ofAquila 鷲座.There is the next episode on the Aquila.😃

The gods were going to hold a banquet in the Olympos.Zeus found there is no god who poured other gods sake,but he had an idea for it.💡

No.490 13/07/01 22:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 489 【What is called religion】

I've heard once being addicted to the drug,stopping it is very hard.If I were drug dependence,I would find it difficult to get rid of drug from myself.😱

Needless to say,drug is different from religion,but it seems to be the same with regard to being dependent on them,I'm wondering.😒

It doesn't always mean that I despise the people who believe in religion.It's just that I have nothing to do with them.I'm not interested in religion at all.😩

If giving up the religion,does something awful happen to me?It may be or not,for something happy or unhappy repeat in our lives,whether or not we believe in religion.Therefore I have nothing with the religion.😜

Some people who believe in the religion may say like this.“You'll go to the hell!”I've never seen the hell actually.Is there anyone who has seen the hell? If there is,I'm wondering if it's addicted to the drug.I recommend it should go to hospital.😜

No.489 13/06/30 13:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is called religion】

I tried to believe in a kind of Buddhism a month ago.A person who recommended I should do said I only have to chant a prayer to Amida Buddha,I'll be happy before long.😒

It was shameful of me to do as he said,but he continued to insist on doing it,so I gave in the face of his stubbornness.😱

My excuse is like the next. Without doing it,I can't recognize what it's,so I continued to repeat the name of Buddha in the morning and evening for about a month.😳

I've been worried about something trivial for a long time,and I'd though repeating the name of Buddha could get rid of my troubles somehow.💡

However,I'm sure it depends on how I feel then.If there isn't anything confident with us,we are apt to end up being dependent on something indistinct,I'm wondering.😒

Religions seem to resemble a kind of illegal medicine,I'm wondering.I've heard when adopting the medicine,we'll have feeling of something exciting,but…⚠

No.488 13/06/25 21:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 483 【Morocco】 《A pending question about which they are worried is a prob… 【Syria】

《Descendants of marine race and offsprings on land》

Some mountain ranges which lie north and south across its center divide Syria into eastern and western.I'm afraid this remar is hard to understand.😳

Its eastern area is contrast to the western one.There have been ravines 渓谷,grassy plains,and deserts in fertile crescent shaped area in relation to the eastern area since ancient times.😃

Aramic merchants who lived in crescent shaped area spread its trade sphere in the Silk Road.It is said Christ also spoke the Aramic language.😺

There are almost all of the Syrian main cities and industrial districts in its eastern area.👷

Its western area faces the Mediterranean Sea,and it's also an industrial area of the Mediterranean climate and lemon,orange,olive,and wine are produced there.🍷

The Phoenicians of marine race used to be engaged in seaborne trade actively from Syria to Palestine,and established colonies on the African coast one after another.😤

No.487 13/06/24 21:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 484 【What kind of mechanism is a reactor of the atomic fusion?】 《The rea… 【What kind of mechanism is a reactor of the atomic fusion?】

《A reaction of the atomic fusion》

A reaction of D-T is the one which we make the heavy hydrogen and threeefold hydrogen react.😃

Arranging the condition of the reaction is so easy that we expect it's the first reactor of the atomic fusion to be put into practice.👍

However,the threeefold hydrogen is hard to get,so we need to create the threeefold hydrogen with lithium and neutron in advance.😃

Japan has moved forward with a study of the atomic fusion's reactor in cooperation with other countries.International atomic fusion's reactor for experiment is going to be constructed in France,and development of technologies in relation to the international facility has been gone ahead.😃

We make hydrogen and threeefold hydrogen separate into electrons,and atomic nucleuses.In short we call the situation plasma.😃

We make the plasma high temperature,and be fused.😃

  • << 500 【What kind of mechanism is the reactor of the atomic fusion?】 《The reactor of the atomic fusion》 The plasma is so high temperature that we can't put it in any containers,for all the materials will be melted.😚 We need to make the plasma rise into the air with an electric field,and magnetic field.We try to solve the problem of the atomic fusion with a reactor made use of the magnetic and electric field.We call the reactor tokamak type.😃 《Conditions for the atomic fusion》 Atomic nucleuses have to bump against each other at a speed of 1.000 kilometers every second in order to cause the atomic fusion.🔥 We require the next three conditions so as to realize the speed.☝ ①The plasma's temperature is more than 0.1 billion degrees. ②Its density is number of 10 billion of the atomic nucleuses per a cubic centimeters. ③We have to shut up the atomic nucleuses more than 1 second under the conditions of both ① and ②.😲

No.486 13/06/24 00:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【I've gone…Where am I going in the world⁉】

My English teacher said about the perfect tense like the next.“You must not say like the next.”☝

He continued.“You must not say『I've gone somewhere…』It means that you aren't there when speaking”☝

I listened to him until then.He continued.“Instead of it,we should say…”Needless to say,I didn't listen to him any more then.😚

When taking English exam,I used to write down my answer on an answer sheet like the next.“I've gone…”I'm wondering where I was going then on earth?I'm sorry for the teacher.😂

When learning English,in general,it is said English conversations with others is useful so as to improve our English abilities.😃

However I'm not good at associating with others,so I've read English books and expressed what I'd thought in English.I can't help it.😚

No.485 13/06/23 20:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Must not do…💦】

I used to like English until the second term in the second grade of junior high school.👍

Then,an auxiliary verb 助動詞 and perfect tense 完了時制 appeared in the English textbook,and I gradually learned to hate English.😚

When studying the auxiliary verb,English teacher said like that.☝

“When forbid someone to do something with an imperative form 命令形,we say like the next.”He continued,but I didn't listen to his class any more then.I regret it😳

The teacher added other words.“Then we must not say like the next.『Must not do something~』The way of saying is in the wrong.”☝

I happened to listen to it, but instead of it,what should I say when prohibiting someone to do something with the imperative form,I wasn't sure of it at all. I can't help it.It was my fault.I can't blame no one for it.😚

I've never thought I started to study English again after graduating from high school,but I'm sure English is fun.🙋

No.484 13/06/23 10:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 481 【What should we do in regard to the artificial atomic fusion?】 《Bein… 【What kind of mechanism is a reactor of the atomic fusion?】

《The reaction of the atomic fusion.》

We try to make 2 heavy hydrogens fuse and to create a threeefold hydrogen.Then tremendous amount of energy is generated.We intend to take it out.It's the reaction of D-D.😃

While there are a lot of the heavy hydrogen in the natural world,so the reaction is practical,it is said that preparing for conditions on the atomic fusion is difficult.😱

By the way,even if there are plenty of the heavy hydrogens in the natural world,we amateur can't discover them easily.I'm wondering how we find them.😂

I have more questions on the reaction of the atomic fusion,but if I list the questions one by one,this thread of mine is making a slow progress.😚

Moreover,I'm not sure how I do away with the question.I'm afraid my thread may be formed once in my head without being refined.As a result,I end up expressing imperfect thread.I'm wondering I have to study harder.😚

  • << 487 【What kind of mechanism is a reactor of the atomic fusion?】 《A reaction of the atomic fusion》 A reaction of D-T is the one which we make the heavy hydrogen and threeefold hydrogen react.😃 Arranging the condition of the reaction is so easy that we expect it's the first reactor of the atomic fusion to be put into practice.👍 However,the threeefold hydrogen is hard to get,so we need to create the threeefold hydrogen with lithium and neutron in advance.😃 Japan has moved forward with a study of the atomic fusion's reactor in cooperation with other countries.International atomic fusion's reactor for experiment is going to be constructed in France,and development of technologies in relation to the international facility has been gone ahead.😃 We make hydrogen and threeefold hydrogen separate into electrons,and atomic nucleuses.In short we call the situation plasma.😃 We make the plasma high temperature,and be fused.😃

No.483 13/06/23 09:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 482 【Morocco】

《A pending question about which they are worried is a problem of the west Saharan independence》

However,Morocco insisted that the west Sahara was annexed to it.Contrary to it,the west Saharan national liberation front asserted its independence.As a result,they clashed.🆚
Mauritania gave up possessing the area in 1979,after that Morocco continues to occupy the area.💨

Dispute over which the west Sahara belongs to Morocco or it depends from Morocco has suspended hostilities since 1991,but the it doesn't always mean the problem has been reached a settlement yet.😣

The U.N's watching groups which takes the lead in the west Sahara are being dispatched to Morocco. Peaceful settlement with the local referendum 住民投票 has been groped there.😃

The settlement for the west Saharan problem is Moroccan biggest pending issue.☀

By the way,I want to start to express on other country,but there isn't enough space to do.When expressing its title and subtitle,this response will be over.It's meaningless.😂

  • << 488 【Syria】 《Descendants of marine race and offsprings on land》 Some mountain ranges which lie north and south across its center divide Syria into eastern and western.I'm afraid this remar is hard to understand.😳 Its eastern area is contrast to the western one.There have been ravines 渓谷,grassy plains,and deserts in fertile crescent shaped area in relation to the eastern area since ancient times.😃 Aramic merchants who lived in crescent shaped area spread its trade sphere in the Silk Road.It is said Christ also spoke the Aramic language.😺 There are almost all of the Syrian main cities and industrial districts in its eastern area.👷 Its western area faces the Mediterranean Sea,and it's also an industrial area of the Mediterranean climate and lemon,orange,olive,and wine are produced there.🍷 The Phoenicians of marine race used to be engaged in seaborne trade actively from Syria to Palestine,and established colonies on the African coast one after another.😤

No.482 13/06/22 23:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 480 【Morocco】 《A pending question about which they are worried is a prob… 【Morocco】

《A pending question about which they are worried is a problem of west Saharan independence》

Morocco which belongs to Arab moderate faction naturally adopts Islam as its national religion.Unexpectedly,its religious precepts 戒律 aren't so strict in Morocco.😲

Whether or not women's wearing a veil is left to her liberty,and the people can enjoy drinking in secret in Morocco.🍻

There are a lot of youths of which styles are like the European people in big cities such Casablanca,or Rabat.☝

While they obey the Islamic precepts,it is left to liberty of individuals.It seems tha it's an idea of Islam for the Moroccan people.😃

Instead of terrorism,there is a problem ofwest Saharan independence in Morocco.

The area of the west Sahara which lies in south of the Morocco had been decided to be divided and under control by both Morocco and Mauritania,according to Madrid agreement since 1974,when Spanish military withdrew.😃

No.481 13/06/22 23:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 479 【How should we do with regard to the artificial atomic fusion?】 《A h… 【What should we do in regard to the artificial atomic fusion?】

《Being exposed to radiation》

When the U.S.A made an experiment on the Hydrogen bomb in Bikini Atoll ビキニ環礁,Japanese people in a fishing boat for tuna were under atomic dust 死の灰💀

Then an atomic bomb was also used for the hydrogen one as in order to ignite.How destructive it was,I'm wondering…😨

The cold war between the both western and eastern countries was over,and the Soviet Union was also dissolved,in consequence we've never so often heard on the hydrogen bomb since then.😃

【What kind of mechanism is a reactor of the atomic fusion?】

A way of taking advantage of the atomic fusion artificially is constructing a reactor for it like the atomic fission.😃

We try to cause the atomic fusion there,and to take out the energy,and to change it electric energy.☝

《Reactions of the atomic fusion》

There are two kinds of two reactions with regard to the atomic fusion in its reactor.The one is a reaction of D-D,and the other is D-T.😃

  • << 484 【What kind of mechanism is a reactor of the atomic fusion?】 《The reaction of the atomic fusion.》 We try to make 2 heavy hydrogens fuse and to create a threeefold hydrogen.Then tremendous amount of energy is generated.We intend to take it out.It's the reaction of D-D.😃 While there are a lot of the heavy hydrogen in the natural world,so the reaction is practical,it is said that preparing for conditions on the atomic fusion is difficult.😱 By the way,even if there are plenty of the heavy hydrogens in the natural world,we amateur can't discover them easily.I'm wondering how we find them.😂 I have more questions on the reaction of the atomic fusion,but if I list the questions one by one,this thread of mine is making a slow progress.😚 Moreover,I'm not sure how I do away with the question.I'm afraid my thread may be formed once in my head without being refined.As a result,I end up expressing imperfect thread.I'm wondering I have to study harder.😚

No.480 13/06/22 19:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 478 【Morocco】 『Mother Nature which is made up with the deserts and the c… 【Morocco】

《A pending question about which they are worried is a problem of west Saharan independence》

On the other hand,it snows in a mountain district in winter,and its temperature often drops below the freezing point.❄

As a matter of course,it hardly rains in the area of Saharan desert,its temperature rises even over 50℃.The deeper we go into its inland,the severer nature we are forced to confront.😚

Moroccan main industry is agriculture which is being done in the mountain district,and ore of phophorus リン鉱石 which accounts for no less than 75% of deposits in the world.Unexpectedly,seafood like octopus and squid is being imported for Japan. 😃

However,Morocco has an anxiety on its agriculture because of a drought which happens every other year 隔年,its product for agriculture has been unstable.Moroccan economy constantly ends up having trade deficit.💸

A new Moroccan king has succeeded to the former one who had a tremendous impact on the Arab society after the 1960s.👑

  • << 482 【Morocco】 《A pending question about which they are worried is a problem of west Saharan independence》 Morocco which belongs to Arab moderate faction naturally adopts Islam as its national religion.Unexpectedly,its religious precepts 戒律 aren't so strict in Morocco.😲 Whether or not women's wearing a veil is left to her liberty,and the people can enjoy drinking in secret in Morocco.🍻 There are a lot of youths of which styles are like the European people in big cities such Casablanca,or Rabat.☝ While they obey the Islamic precepts,it is left to liberty of individuals.It seems tha it's an idea of Islam for the Moroccan people.😃 Instead of terrorism,there is a problem ofwest Saharan independence in Morocco. The area of the west Sahara which lies in south of the Morocco had been decided to be divided and under control by both Morocco and Mauritania,according to Madrid agreement since 1974,when Spanish military withdrew.😃

No.479 13/06/21 22:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 477 【How should we do in relation to an artificial atomic fusion?】 The a… 【How should we do with regard to the artificial atomic fusion?】

《A hydrogen bomb.》

The U.S.A. succeeded in developing the hydrogen bomb for the first time in the world in 1952.🇺

The hydrogen and three-layered hydrogen of gas of have so little density that the atomic fusion doesn't happen,though I can't understand the reason why being little density prevented the atomic fusion from occurring😳

The American hydrogen bomb had so many attachments that its gross weight became no less than some 60tons.One of the attachments keeps the hydrogen cool and other one liquefies the hydrogen.😃

Even if,it was just the bomb,too heavy to carry with a plane then,but it was in the middle of the cold war between the western and eastern countries,so the Soviet Union succeeded in changing the bomb little in the next year.😒

《Being exposed to radiation》

A serious accident in which a fishing boat named 第五福竜丸 was exposed to radiation happened in 1954.😨

  • << 481 【What should we do in regard to the artificial atomic fusion?】 《Being exposed to radiation》 When the U.S.A made an experiment on the Hydrogen bomb in Bikini Atoll ビキニ環礁,Japanese people in a fishing boat for tuna were under atomic dust 死の灰💀 Then an atomic bomb was also used for the hydrogen one as in order to ignite.How destructive it was,I'm wondering…😨 The cold war between the both western and eastern countries was over,and the Soviet Union was also dissolved,in consequence we've never so often heard on the hydrogen bomb since then.😃 【What kind of mechanism is a reactor of the atomic fusion?】 A way of taking advantage of the atomic fusion artificially is constructing a reactor for it like the atomic fission.😃 We try to cause the atomic fusion there,and to take out the energy,and to change it electric energy.☝ 《Reactions of the atomic fusion》 There are two kinds of two reactions with regard to the atomic fusion in its reactor.The one is a reaction of D-D,and the other is D-T.😃

No.478 13/06/21 01:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 476 【Algeria】 《Casbah which is turning into a slum due to the unstable p… 【Morocco】

『Mother Nature which is made up with the deserts and the climate of the Mediterranean Sea』

《A pending question about which they are worried is a problem west Saharan independence》

Morocco which lies in the northwest of the African continent and faces both of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Sea enjoys the blessing of the nature such as mountains,sea and deserts.😃

Besides,European,African,and Arab cultures are intermingled in Morocco.The country has been chosen widely as themes or places of locations for plenty of movies.📹

For instance,from a lot of masterpieces such as『Casablanca』『Arabian Lawrence』to the latest works in the Hollywood.📹

Moroccan climates have various characters according to each region because of varied geographical features.😲

Northern area of the coast of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Sea is mild through a year.😃

Contrary to it, highlands in the inland is so dry in relation to its climates that it's sometimes more than 40℃ in the summer.😱

  • << 480 【Morocco】 《A pending question about which they are worried is a problem of west Saharan independence》 On the other hand,it snows in a mountain district in winter,and its temperature often drops below the freezing point.❄ As a matter of course,it hardly rains in the area of Saharan desert,its temperature rises even over 50℃.The deeper we go into its inland,the severer nature we are forced to confront.😚 Moroccan main industry is agriculture which is being done in the mountain district,and ore of phophorus リン鉱石 which accounts for no less than 75% of deposits in the world.Unexpectedly,seafood like octopus and squid is being imported for Japan. 😃 However,Morocco has an anxiety on its agriculture because of a drought which happens every other year 隔年,its product for agriculture has been unstable.Moroccan economy constantly ends up having trade deficit.💸 A new Moroccan king has succeeded to the former one who had a tremendous impact on the Arab society after the 1960s.👑

No.477 13/06/21 00:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 475 【What is the atomic fusion?】 《The atomic fusion's energy》 The… 【How should we do in relation to an artificial atomic fusion?】

The atomic fusion happens in the sun.Can we humankind achieve the atomic fusion with our own hands?It's a dream for the artificial atomic fusion.😃

However,there is a condition on the dream for the artificial atomic fusion.The technology of the atomic fusion must make us humankind happy.☺

《The artificial atomic fusion.》

However,it doesn't always mean that we onlW have to accomplish the atomic fusion,for the atomic fusion itself isn't a difficult technology,for we used to succeed in the atomic fusion with our own hands more than 50 years ago.👍

However,it wasn't peacefully at all.Far from being peaceful,it was an ultimate weapon for destruction.We call it a hydrogen bomb.💣

The hydrogen bomb has by far more destructive power than an atomic bomb which makes use of the atomic fission.It's only 5 countries like the U.S.A.,the Soviet union,China,France,and England who succeeded in the hydrogen bomb.💣

  • << 479 【How should we do with regard to the artificial atomic fusion?】 《A hydrogen bomb.》 The U.S.A. succeeded in developing the hydrogen bomb for the first time in the world in 1952.🇺 The hydrogen and three-layered hydrogen of gas of have so little density that the atomic fusion doesn't happen,though I can't understand the reason why being little density prevented the atomic fusion from occurring😳 The American hydrogen bomb had so many attachments that its gross weight became no less than some 60tons.One of the attachments keeps the hydrogen cool and other one liquefies the hydrogen.😃 Even if,it was just the bomb,too heavy to carry with a plane then,but it was in the middle of the cold war between the western and eastern countries,so the Soviet Union succeeded in changing the bomb little in the next year.😒 《Being exposed to radiation》 A serious accident in which a fishing boat named 第五福竜丸 was exposed to radiation happened in 1954.😨

No.476 13/06/18 00:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 474 【Algeria】 《Casbah which is turning into a slum because of the unstab… 【Algeria】

《Casbah which is turning into a slum due to the unstable politics》

The Algerian population's inflow 流入 from farming villages to cities are changing the casbah into a slum.If a tourist is alone in the casbah,it'll be very perilous.⚠

The casbah became a foothold for extremists at one time,then even a policeman couldn't go there👮.

Algerian unstable situation has makes Algerian peace and order disturb.There was an election in Algeria December in 1991 and a politic party of the Muslim won then,but Algerian military made a result of the election in the year invalid.😃

An act of terrorism with the people belong to the Islamic fundamentalism has occurred since December in 1991.Fight with the military force has been intensified so much that there is no knowing what will happen.😨


『Mother Nature 太自然 which is made up with the Mediterranean climate and deserts』

《A pending problem about which they are worried about is a problem of Western Sahara's independence》

  • << 478 【Morocco】 『Mother Nature which is made up with the deserts and the climate of the Mediterranean Sea』 《A pending question about which they are worried is a problem west Saharan independence》 Morocco which lies in the northwest of the African continent and faces both of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Sea enjoys the blessing of the nature such as mountains,sea and deserts.😃 Besides,European,African,and Arab cultures are intermingled in Morocco.The country has been chosen widely as themes or places of locations for plenty of movies.📹 For instance,from a lot of masterpieces such as『Casablanca』『Arabian Lawrence』to the latest works in the Hollywood.📹 Moroccan climates have various characters according to each region because of varied geographical features.😲 Northern area of the coast of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Sea is mild through a year.😃 Contrary to it, highlands in the inland is so dry in relation to its climates that it's sometimes more than 40℃ in the summer.😱

No.475 13/06/17 22:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 473 【What is the atomic fusion?】 《Atomic fusion》 The atomic fusion mea… 【What is the atomic fusion?】

《The atomic fusion's energy》

The stablest atomic nucleus which has the lowest energy is the one of which amount of mass is some 60,so other atomic nucleuses of which amount of mass is bigger or less than 60 are unstable and they have bigger energy.😃

To be concrete,atomic nucleuses of iron or an isotope of nickel are equivalent to the stablest which have the lowest energy.😃

It means that even if we make a small atomic nucleuses fuse,and create bigger one,or we break a big atomic nucleus,and create little ones,energy will be released.😺

The former is the energy of the atomic fusion,and the latter is the one of the atomic fission.😚

《The sun's energy》

Sources of the fixed stars' energy,from the sun,are famous for examples of the energy of the atomic fusion.☀

2 atoms of hydrogen of which atomic number is 1 are fused,and they become the atomic nucleus of helium of which atomic number is 2 in the fixed star like the sun.Then huge energy is being generated.☀

  • << 477 【How should we do in relation to an artificial atomic fusion?】 The atomic fusion happens in the sun.Can we humankind achieve the atomic fusion with our own hands?It's a dream for the artificial atomic fusion.😃 However,there is a condition on the dream for the artificial atomic fusion.The technology of the atomic fusion must make us humankind happy.☺ 《The artificial atomic fusion.》 However,it doesn't always mean that we onlW have to accomplish the atomic fusion,for the atomic fusion itself isn't a difficult technology,for we used to succeed in the atomic fusion with our own hands more than 50 years ago.👍 However,it wasn't peacefully at all.Far from being peaceful,it was an ultimate weapon for destruction.We call it a hydrogen bomb.💣 The hydrogen bomb has by far more destructive power than an atomic bomb which makes use of the atomic fission.It's only 5 countries like the U.S.A.,the Soviet union,China,France,and England who succeeded in the hydrogen bomb.💣

No.474 13/06/16 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 470 【Algeria】 《The casbah is turning into a slum thanks to the unstable … 【Algeria】

《Casbah which is turning into a slum because of the unstable politics》

On the other hand,there are magnificent mosques in the casbah,and the mosques had been built with the wealth of practice piracy 海賊行為 swept over the Mediterranean Sea when being under reign of Osman Turkey.⛵

There are some reasons why the casbah has changed into a disorderly city as if it were a gigantic labyrinth.☝

The winding roads are useful in order to prevent the enemies from invading.The roads are kinds of device which protects the inhabitants' privacy from peeping.😲

The crowded houses obstruct the strong sunlight,and supply their residents comfortable shades.If saying the sun made the city change like that,it may be an exaggeration a little,but they continue to create the city which is suitable for the strong sunlight in an arid region 乾燥地帯.☝

However,the casbah is facing a crisis of dilapidation 荒廃,for…💧

  • << 476 【Algeria】 《Casbah which is turning into a slum due to the unstable politics》 The Algerian population's inflow 流入 from farming villages to cities are changing the casbah into a slum.If a tourist is alone in the casbah,it'll be very perilous.⚠ The casbah became a foothold for extremists at one time,then even a policeman couldn't go there👮. Algerian unstable situation has makes Algerian peace and order disturb.There was an election in Algeria December in 1991 and a politic party of the Muslim won then,but Algerian military made a result of the election in the year invalid.😃 An act of terrorism with the people belong to the Islamic fundamentalism has occurred since December in 1991.Fight with the military force has been intensified so much that there is no knowing what will happen.😨 【Morocco】 『Mother Nature 太自然 which is made up with the Mediterranean climate and deserts』 《A pending problem about which they are worried about is a problem of Western Sahara's independence》

No.473 13/06/16 22:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 469 【Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission】 We make two little atomic nucle… 【What is the atomic fusion?】

《Atomic fusion》

The atomic fusion means that two little atomic nucleuses are fused and change into a big atomic nucleus.😃

Then numerous amount of energy is generated,so we've paid attention to the atomic fusion as a source of energy in the future.👀

Atomic fission is also the same reaction of the atomic nucleus,and it has been put into practical use.It provides no less than about 30% of all electric power in Japan.😃

Contrary to it,the atomic fusion is in the experimental stage.It is said that it would take 30 years to put a reactor of the atomic fusion into practical use 30 years ago.☝

Then 30 years have passed,but the same thing continues to be said.It'll take 30 years from now on.😂

We may have been heard the same thing even if 30 years will pass from now on,I'm wondering,for the atomic fusion is such the difficult technology.😚

  • << 475 【What is the atomic fusion?】 《The atomic fusion's energy》 The stablest atomic nucleus which has the lowest energy is the one of which amount of mass is some 60,so other atomic nucleuses of which amount of mass is bigger or less than 60 are unstable and they have bigger energy.😃 To be concrete,atomic nucleuses of iron or an isotope of nickel are equivalent to the stablest which have the lowest energy.😃 It means that even if we make a small atomic nucleuses fuse,and create bigger one,or we break a big atomic nucleus,and create little ones,energy will be released.😺 The former is the energy of the atomic fusion,and the latter is the one of the atomic fission.😚 《The sun's energy》 Sources of the fixed stars' energy,from the sun,are famous for examples of the energy of the atomic fusion.☀ 2 atoms of hydrogen of which atomic number is 1 are fused,and they become the atomic nucleus of helium of which atomic number is 2 in the fixed star like the sun.Then huge energy is being generated.☀

No.472 13/06/16 17:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 471 【What I've thought】

She thought the food was tasty,but it was different from what she'd expected.I'm so careless and thoughtless that if I thought it tasty,I'll be satisfied with it.☺

There is a comic book of which title is『美味しんぼ』.Roughly speaking,two great newspaper companies have competed on food in the story.The competitions are very severe,for the companies struggle in order to maintain each face.😤

There are a variety of troubles such as bullying in school,family discord,and international problems in the comic book.😱

However,we don't be worried about them,for eating tasty food together can solve any problems,though it'll actually be impossible,I'm sure.😂

The 美味しんぼ may be lofty,for its author seems to be worried about varied problems,but I've never recently felt like eating the foods which were adopted in the comic book.😚

Scenes in which its characters eat the food don't look tasty at all,though I won't be able to recognize delicate taste in the least.😳

No.471 13/06/16 10:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I love to read what's called a gourmet comic.The scenes in which its characters eat food make me tempt to eat them.😍

I've thought I want to express everything in English,butat first I'm sure I have to enjoy a lot of food which I've never eaten.😚

Eating food makes us feel fairly happy.When being in the world of a book,even if we don't eat the food, image of eating them me feel pretty glad.Extracted from a book of『食べ物についての本』written by 吉田健一🍻

It doesn't always mean that I've read the book.It's just that I've read a kind of a book review on the book.😳

The book review said the food which the author had eaten was like the next.“He said as if the food had had been a dried persimmon 干し柿,edge of sliced bread which is relatively hard,and walnut. ⁉

The book review said its sentences were gifted and splendid,though it's just that I'm can't imagine it at all,but it stirred up the desire of a person who wrote the book review to eat the food,maybe.😚

The person ate the food in question…

No.470 13/06/16 09:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 468 【Tunisia】 《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》 Even if places are … 【Algeria】

《The casbah is turning into a slum thanks to the unstable politics》

A youth who committed murder in the 『異邦人』said the sun made him kill the person.His remark is so shocking that it's very well-known for it.☀

By the way,it seems that the casbah is popular among the people,for when visiting Algeria,they want to see the area of the old cities,casbah.😃

The casbah originally means cities surrounded with the castle walls in Arabic.The casbah had developed under the rule of the Osman Turkey,and was registered as a world heritage in the UNESCO in 1922.🏰

Whoever visits the casbah will be overwhelmed with its disorderly atmosphere.😃                There is little level ground.Stairs and slopes spread over the area.Winding dim roads are like maze.😃

The houses are made of stone and built in Islamic style.They crowd together in its courtyard.Plenty of washings swayed in the wind of the Mediterranean Sea make the tourists recognize the casbah is just a place for ordinary people lead their lives.😃

  • << 474 【Algeria】 《Casbah which is turning into a slum because of the unstable politics》 On the other hand,there are magnificent mosques in the casbah,and the mosques had been built with the wealth of practice piracy 海賊行為 swept over the Mediterranean Sea when being under reign of Osman Turkey.⛵ There are some reasons why the casbah has changed into a disorderly city as if it were a gigantic labyrinth.☝ The winding roads are useful in order to prevent the enemies from invading.The roads are kinds of device which protects the inhabitants' privacy from peeping.😲 The crowded houses obstruct the strong sunlight,and supply their residents comfortable shades.If saying the sun made the city change like that,it may be an exaggeration a little,but they continue to create the city which is suitable for the strong sunlight in an arid region 乾燥地帯.☝ However,the casbah is facing a crisis of dilapidation 荒廃,for…💧

No.469 13/06/15 23:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 467 《Destiny of the radioactive isotope》 What's called the 壊変系列 mea… 【Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission】

We make two little atomic nucleuses like hydrogen merge and create large atomic nucleus like helium.We call it the nuclear fusion.😃

The nuclear fusion has actually occurred in the sun,and tremendous amount of energy has been generated then.☀

Contrary to it,we break large atomic nucleus like uranium,and change it into the little one.We call it atomic fission.😃

The atomic fission was adopted during the war.We call it atomic bomb.On the other hand,when making use of it peacefully,we call it an atomic reactor.😃

However,it doesn't always mean that we give unqualified approval to the nuclear power energy generation.💀

【What is the nuclear fusion?】

There are atomic fusion and atomic fission in a big field of the atomic nucleus.Both of them create huge energy.😃

Plenty of people expect that they'll be source of energy for us humankind in the future.At first,I'm going to express the atomic fusion.😃

  • << 473 【What is the atomic fusion?】 《Atomic fusion》 The atomic fusion means that two little atomic nucleuses are fused and change into a big atomic nucleus.😃 Then numerous amount of energy is generated,so we've paid attention to the atomic fusion as a source of energy in the future.👀 Atomic fission is also the same reaction of the atomic nucleus,and it has been put into practical use.It provides no less than about 30% of all electric power in Japan.😃 Contrary to it,the atomic fusion is in the experimental stage.It is said that it would take 30 years to put a reactor of the atomic fusion into practical use 30 years ago.☝ Then 30 years have passed,but the same thing continues to be said.It'll take 30 years from now on.😂 We may have been heard the same thing even if 30 years will pass from now on,I'm wondering,for the atomic fusion is such the difficult technology.😚

No.468 13/06/12 01:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 466 【Tunisia】 '《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》 Many countrie… 【Tunisia】

《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》

Even if places are changed,the mothers' feeling in which they send their daughters as brides seem to be the same.👰


『Some reasons why the cashah becomes a tremendous maze.』

《The casbah is turning into a slum owing to the unstable politics》

Algeria which has won its independence from France with the independent war of 8 years has the second largest territory next to the Sudan in the African continent.Algerian petroleum and natural gas are main articles for export which support the country.😃

The cities in which the Algerian lead their lives are concentrated its northern area which faces he Mediterranean Sea.Its capital,Algiers,is one of the cities which has developed as a base in trage of the Mediterranean Sea.☝

Algeria is well-known as a stage of a novel,『異邦人』written by a French novelist Camus.The novel is famous for the most prominent of literature of irrationality.☀

  • << 470 【Algeria】 《The casbah is turning into a slum thanks to the unstable politics》 A youth who committed murder in the 『異邦人』said the sun made him kill the person.His remark is so shocking that it's very well-known for it.☀ By the way,it seems that the casbah is popular among the people,for when visiting Algeria,they want to see the area of the old cities,casbah.😃 The casbah originally means cities surrounded with the castle walls in Arabic.The casbah had developed under the rule of the Osman Turkey,and was registered as a world heritage in the UNESCO in 1922.🏰 Whoever visits the casbah will be overwhelmed with its disorderly atmosphere.😃                There is little level ground.Stairs and slopes spread over the area.Winding dim roads are like maze.😃 The houses are made of stone and built in Islamic style.They crowd together in its courtyard.Plenty of washings swayed in the wind of the Mediterranean Sea make the tourists recognize the casbah is just a place for ordinary people lead their lives.😃

No.467 13/06/09 21:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 465 《The content of the 壊変系列》 When being in the first chemical reaction … 《Destiny of the radioactive isotope》

What's called the 壊変系列 means the destiny of the radioactive isotope.Uranium buried in the ground repeats the change without any break.😃

Therefore,there isn't only uranium,but all other chemical elements made up of the chain 系列 in a vein 鉱脈 of the uranium.☝

As a consequence,the energy based on the collapse continue to be released.The energy keeps the earth warm.🌏

The uranium becomes radium or radon in the middle of the change.Some of them dissloves in the water.As a result,the water changes into hot spring,and we are pleased with it.♨

On the other hand,the chemical elements sometimes become poisonous gas.The gas appears in a basement.Then we hate it terribly.⚠


There used to be news in which plutonium was detected in a polluted area because of the nuclear power plant disaster in Fukushima prefecture.😥

The plutonium is produced as formed one of atomic fission with the uranium fuel.👷

  • << 469 【Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission】 We make two little atomic nucleuses like hydrogen merge and create large atomic nucleus like helium.We call it the nuclear fusion.😃 The nuclear fusion has actually occurred in the sun,and tremendous amount of energy has been generated then.☀ Contrary to it,we break large atomic nucleus like uranium,and change it into the little one.We call it atomic fission.😃 The atomic fission was adopted during the war.We call it atomic bomb.On the other hand,when making use of it peacefully,we call it an atomic reactor.😃 However,it doesn't always mean that we give unqualified approval to the nuclear power energy generation.💀 【What is the nuclear fusion?】 There are atomic fusion and atomic fission in a big field of the atomic nucleus.Both of them create huge energy.😃 Plenty of people expect that they'll be source of energy for us humankind in the future.At first,I'm going to express the atomic fusion.😃

No.466 13/06/09 18:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 454 【Tunisia】 《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》 More than 4 million… 【Tunisia】

'《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》

Many countries in the Islamic block actually adopt monogamy 一夫一婦制,but it's only Tunisia and Turkey which being forbidden polygamy is stipulated 明文化 in their laws at Islamic countries in the north Africa.💏

Tunisia adopted the law in its national meeting at once after it was independent from France.The law was an epoch-making.☝

By the way, marriage is one of the biggest ceremonny for the Tunisian.Their wedding ceremonies usually continue for a week,at least for three days.👰

When being married,each man has to spend a vast sum of money on betrothal money 結納金,banquent on the wedding ceremony,their house or furniture.As a consequence,their getting masried is forced to be delayed.It's their source of worry.😚

The bridges who wear Western wedding dresses have increased recently,but they usually wear traditional ones.👗

The traditional clothes for their wedding ceremonies are being succeeded from their mothers to the daughters.👰

  • << 468 【Tunisia】 《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》 Even if places are changed,the mothers' feeling in which they send their daughters as brides seem to be the same.👰 【Algeria】 『Some reasons why the cashah becomes a tremendous maze.』 《The casbah is turning into a slum owing to the unstable politics》 Algeria which has won its independence from France with the independent war of 8 years has the second largest territory next to the Sudan in the African continent.Algerian petroleum and natural gas are main articles for export which support the country.😃 The cities in which the Algerian lead their lives are concentrated its northern area which faces he Mediterranean Sea.Its capital,Algiers,is one of the cities which has developed as a base in trage of the Mediterranean Sea.☝ Algeria is well-known as a stage of a novel,『異邦人』written by a French novelist Camus.The novel is famous for the most prominent of literature of irrationality.☀

No.465 13/06/09 12:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 453 【What is a collapse of an atomic nucleus?】 《A collapse of βrays》 T… 《The content of the 壊変系列》

When being in the first chemical reaction of the uranium chain,238uranium collapsed.It's a collapse of α rays.Then the uranium changes into thorium.😃

In the next,the thorium starts collapse of β rays,and changes into protoactinium.The protoactinium begins the collapse of β rays again,and returns to uranium,though it's an isotope of uranium.😃

Then the chemical elements repeat the collapse of α rays.After that,the chemical elements repeat collapses α,β,or γ rays complicatedly,and continue to release energy,and reach to the most stable one.It's the lead.😃

By the way,I expressed some chemical elements.Except for the uranium,I'll never describe them from now on in my whole life,I'm wondering.😚

As for the 壊変系列,it's just chemical chains in which chemical elements change and collapse.I should have expressed the phrase in English.😳

I can't help it,for I couldn't understand the chemical reactions of the changes enough to express in English.💦

  • << 467 《Destiny of the radioactive isotope》 What's called the 壊変系列 means the destiny of the radioactive isotope.Uranium buried in the ground repeats the change without any break.😃 Therefore,there isn't only uranium,but all other chemical elements made up of the chain 系列 in a vein 鉱脈 of the uranium.☝ As a consequence,the energy based on the collapse continue to be released.The energy keeps the earth warm.🌏 The uranium becomes radium or radon in the middle of the change.Some of them dissloves in the water.As a result,the water changes into hot spring,and we are pleased with it.♨ On the other hand,the chemical elements sometimes become poisonous gas.The gas appears in a basement.Then we hate it terribly.⚠ 【Plutonium】 There used to be news in which plutonium was detected in a polluted area because of the nuclear power plant disaster in Fukushima prefecture.😥 The plutonium is produced as formed one of atomic fission with the uranium fuel.👷

No.464 13/06/08 07:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 463 【Being under a starlit sky.】

The poison was so venomous that Hercules was dying,but he was so strong and had such the extraordinary physical strength 体力 he couldn't die easily.😥

He gathered firewood,and set it on fire.He fell on the flame,and was dead finally.He killed himself.💀

Hera recognized his death and was reconciled with him 和解.She made him go into the heaven,and he became one of the gods in olympos after his death.😃

I'm wondering if Hercules was in the wrong though he was a little violent,but Hera wasn't also always wicked.Without Zeus' affair with a female of a human,both Hera and Hercules wouldn't be distressed at all.😒

However, without Zeus' affair,the Greek Myth's charm will be reduced by half.If he were a god of the good conduct,I couldn't enjoy the Greek Myth,though I'm sorry for both Hera and Hercules.😚

By the way,while I have a lot of things to express,I can't as I expected…😚

No.463 13/06/04 19:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 462 【Being under a starlit sky.】

Then Hercules ran to his wife and said.“Are you all right?”However,without speaking a single word,she was only staring the cloth.👩

Hercules thought she was too frightened to speak,but…she wasn't always.👩

As time passed,Hercules allowed to go to Olympos.It meant he could become one of gods.When trying to leave his home for Olympos,his wife asked him to put on the cloth.He accepted it willingly.👍

When seeing Hercules off 見送る,his wife saw him all of a sudden stagger,and fall down on the ground.She hastened to her husband.He looked pale,and broke out in a clammy sweat 脂汗.🆘

He barely managed to say.“Po…poison”His wife understood immediately what he said.The cloth which the centaur gave her was so poisonous that Hercules couldn't resist it.💀

However,Hercules stood up and was starting leaving for the Olympos unsteadily .His wife cried.'“Please stop!Come back to me.”However,he continued to walk as if he hadn't heard her crying.😭

No.462 13/06/03 20:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 461 【Being under a starlit sky.】

One day,When Hercules and his wife traveled around the country,they came across a river.They wanted to cross the river,but unfortunately there wasn't a bridge across the river.They were in trouble.😥

Then a centaur appeared,and offered to take Hercules' wife to the opposite bank,but he and the race of the centaur had been at odds 不和 with each other for a long time.🆚
Hercules said to the centaur.“I have no faith in you at all”but the centaur said humbly.“Oh!No one will rebel against you now.”😏

Hercules accepted its offer finally.His wife sat astride the centaur,but it suddenly started to gallop.It tried to take his wife away with it.😜

Hercules shot an arrow at the centaur,and the arrow hit the centaur.The centaur staggered and lay down on the ground,being Hercules' wife on its bag.♐

The dying creature was breathing very feebly 息も絶え絶え,and said to the female.“If you want to accept Hercules' love forever,please let him this cloth put on.”😏

No.461 13/06/02 11:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 460 【Being under a starlit sky.】

Hercules suddenly felt a splitting headache,and lost consciousness.When coming to consciousness,his wife and children were lying on the ground.They were bloody and dead.He found that he ended up killing all the members of his family with his own hands.😭

Hercules wept bitterly for a long time.“What a terrible things I have done!”He cursed himself.Then he heard voice from the heaven.It was Zeus.😣

The voice said.“Hercules,be a slave and atone 償う for your sins.Serve a king of エウリステウス for 12 years.”😣

Hercules obeyed the voice,but Hera talked the king into driving Hercules into a corner 窮地.As a result,he had to confront 12 difficulties.😤

However,he accomplished them,so they called the difficulties 12 great achievements which Hercules had done.🎊

After 12 years passed,Hercules was released.He played an active part each country,and was married to a female of human again,but his happy life didn't continue so long.😱

No.460 13/06/02 10:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

Hercules is upside-down in his constellation.I'm wondering if he continues to practice asceticism 修行を積む even if he has changed into the constellation,for he achieved 12 great feats.😃

I'm going to express an episode on Hercules this time.🙋

Almighty god,Zeus, fell in love with a female of human,アルクメネ,and she gave birth to a boy.He was Hercules.👶

Zeus had his wife,Hera,so アルクメネ was just his lover.Hera couldn't put up with Zeus' affair.😠

She was so enraged that she tried to kill Hercules who was just a newborn child.She tried to make a poisonous snake kill him.🐍

However,he grabbed the snake and instead he killed it.He grew up quickly and healthy,and became a brave man.👨

He was married to a female of human.The couple had two children and the family led their lives happily.👪

However, happy events tend to be accompanied by problems.One day,Hera's curse suddenly attacked the family…💀

No.459 13/06/01 19:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 458 【Being under a starlit sky.】

As expected, plenty of centaurs marched on the place where Hercules and his friend were.They pressed Hercules and his friend,and yelled out.“Give us the liquor!”😤

Hercules retorted.“There is no liquor to drink for you!”,but one of the centaurs attacked him,so he shot an arrow at the centaur.♐

The arrow hit it,and it fell down on the ground.Other centaurs started to run away.“Wait!”Hercules began to chase them.😣

Hercules' friend thought he was more violent than the centaurs.Then there happened to be one of Hercules' arrow on the floor.♐

The friend tried to pick it up the arrow,and touched its arrowhead.He suddenly fell down on the floor,and died.💀

Deadly poison was smeared over the arrowhead.The poison was so venomous that whoever touches it will be dead.💀

Zeus felt a pity for the centaur,and changed it into a constellation.There is the wolf by the Centaurs in the night sky.The wolf falls down on its back,for the beast is the Centaurs' game.🌌

No.458 13/06/01 18:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

The nearest fixed star to the sun is a star of the first magnitude,アルファケンタウリ in the Centaur,though it's 4.3 light years 光年 away from the sun.☀

Without going to south of Okinawa prefecture,we can't see the constellation,for the Centaur is the one in the southern hemisphere.It's next to the Southern Cross.🌠

I'm going to the express an episode on the centaur from now on.🙋

The centaur is a name of a race of which upper part of body is humankind,and lower part is a horse.They were violent.👨 or 🐎?

One day,Hercules visited his friend.While his friend was centaurs,he was milder relatively.They had a meal together then.😃

Hercules discovered liquor in a jar at his friend's room.He felt like drinking it,but his friend refused.🙅

“The liquor is an precious one when we centaurs drink at a festival!”the centaurs said.He continued.“Pleasant smell of the liquor will make other centaurs come here,so you mustn't”🙅

However,Hercules said.“Then I'll defeat them.”He began to drink… 😥

No.457 13/06/01 17:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 456 【The sun】

Relatively,a bigger fixed star is Betelgeuse in the Orion.It's a red one,and is 8 hundredth times as big as the sun,but its temperature is 3.300 degree,so it looks red.😃

The paler the fixed star is, the younger and higher temperature they are,the redder,the older and lower temperature they are.Spica,a star of the first magnitude 一等星 in the Virgin,is a young star which twinkles white.Its temperature is 20 thousand degree.⭐

The fixed starts change their periods of time when they exist,according to their size,the bigger,the more quickly they burn down.The sun is the standard one,and it has existed for about 50 billion years.☀

However,when billions of years pass,the sun will swell bigger than as it's,and explode finally.It'll fall apart,then only its core will be left.☀

Before the explosion,the swelled sun will absorb the earth,and the earth will also burn up.🌏

In this way,fragments of the fixed stars scatter over the universe and gather again.They become material of a new sun.☀

No.456 13/06/01 16:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 455 【The sun】

The Dellinger fadeout デリンジャー現象 is electric wave's disorder.By the way,why does the sun continue to burn?however in fact,the sun doesn't burn,but causes the nuclear fusion precisely.☀

When hydrogen changes into helium under high pressure and high temperature inside the sun,energy is released.It's an opposite phenomenon against the atomic bomb such as atomic fission.☀

It's high temperature in the center of the sun.It's 15 million degree.Hydrogen of 0.6 billion ton turn into helium every second.☀

The energy changes into light or heat,and the two things are being released into the space.A little part of the energy reaches the earth.We humankind enjoy the blessing of a little part of the energy.☀

Other fixed starts shine with the same mechanism,and their energy bring up creatures of their planets,probably.😚

By the way,the sun seems to be a standard fixed star in relation to its size in the universe,for there are by far bigger and older fixed star than the sun in the universe.🌌

No.455 13/06/01 10:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The sun】

When looking the sun through a telescope,we can see something black on the surface of the sun.It's a sunspot 黒点.☀

The sun is an enormous ball made of gas,its pressure causes nuclear fusion inside the ball,and an energy of light and heat is being released.☀

The energy creates a gigantic magnetic field at the same time,so the sun itself becomes a tremendous magnet.☀

The magnetic field appears on the surface of the sun.It's the sunspot.☀

The sunspot is lower than around it with regard to the temperature,so it looks black relatively.While it looks small,its scale is equivalent to two earths.🌏

The sun repeats lively activities in about 11 years of period,the sunspot frequently emerges on the sun then.☀

A phenomenon of huge explosion sometimes happens around the sunspot.We call it flare.🔥

Then enormous flare which is correspondent to several earths raises.The earth's magnetic fields are so greatly influenced by the phenomenon that a Dellinger fadeout デリンジャー現象 occurs.🔥

No.454 13/05/26 22:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 451 【Tunisia】 《The soft line which prohibits polygamy》 Both eastern and… 【Tunisia】

《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》

More than 4 million tourists visit Tunisia every year,Tunisian national income per person increased 60th times from 1956 to 1996 than as it was.💰

If comparing with other African countries,there are little gap between the rich and the poor in Tunisia.A person who is below the poverty line is only one per 20 people,though I'm not sure whether it's few or much.😚

Percentage of school attendance of children is as the same level as that of advanced countries.👶

Tunisia exports to each country which belongs to the EU so much that Tunisian industrial products have been exempt from taxation in European market since 1998,according to an agreement between the Eu and Tunisia.It's a Tunisian strong point.👍

One of primary factors which has prompted Tunisian economic is the next thing.While almost all of them are Muslims,they have pushed forward open soft line.☝

Speaking of Islamic marriage,it's well-known a custom that a male can take no less than 5 wives.💏

  • << 466 【Tunisia】 '《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》 Many countries in the Islamic block actually adopt monogamy 一夫一婦制,but it's only Tunisia and Turkey which being forbidden polygamy is stipulated 明文化 in their laws at Islamic countries in the north Africa.💏 Tunisia adopted the law in its national meeting at once after it was independent from France.The law was an epoch-making.☝ By the way, marriage is one of the biggest ceremonny for the Tunisian.Their wedding ceremonies usually continue for a week,at least for three days.👰 When being married,each man has to spend a vast sum of money on betrothal money 結納金,banquent on the wedding ceremony,their house or furniture.As a consequence,their getting masried is forced to be delayed.It's their source of worry.😚 The bridges who wear Western wedding dresses have increased recently,but they usually wear traditional ones.👗 The traditional clothes for their wedding ceremonies are being succeeded from their mothers to the daughters.👰

No.453 13/05/26 00:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 450 【What is a collapse of an atomic nucleus?】 There are a lot of reacti… 【What is a collapse of an atomic nucleus?】

《A collapse of βrays》

The collapse is the one which releases the βray.The βray is electron.Its amount of mass is zero.While proton's electric charge is +1,electron's is -1,so then atomic number is -1.😃

The expression is my own,but to my sorrow,I can't understand its theory,moreover I don't find it interesting at all.😚

The expression related to the collapse of β or γrays continue,but I'll leave it out,for too difficult to understand!😳

【A chain of the collapse of the atomic nucleus】

Some collapses of the atomic nucleus end just at one time,but others continue one after another as if they were landslides 山崩れ.😃

We call the collapses 壊変系列.When the collapses continue,the atoms continue to change into other one,but they turn into lead finally.😃

In a word,the lead's atomic nucleus is the most stable.😚


Roughly speaking,the 壊変系列 are four kinds.Uranium,thorium,actinium,and neptunium,but they change into the lead eventually.😃

  • << 465 《The content of the 壊変系列》 When being in the first chemical reaction of the uranium chain,238uranium collapsed.It's a collapse of α rays.Then the uranium changes into thorium.😃 In the next,the thorium starts collapse of β rays,and changes into protoactinium.The protoactinium begins the collapse of β rays again,and returns to uranium,though it's an isotope of uranium.😃 Then the chemical elements repeat the collapse of α rays.After that,the chemical elements repeat collapses α,β,or γ rays complicatedly,and continue to release energy,and reach to the most stable one.It's the lead.😃 By the way,I expressed some chemical elements.Except for the uranium,I'll never describe them from now on in my whole life,I'm wondering.😚 As for the 壊変系列,it's just chemical chains in which chemical elements change and collapse.I should have expressed the phrase in English.😳 I can't help it,for I couldn't understand the chemical reactions of the changes enough to express in English.💦

No.452 13/05/19 20:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I've wanted to do two things.😃

The one is to be a wonderful English speaker,so I have to make a great effort.I need to study English harder.😤

However,it doesn't seem to be easy,for it takes a lot of time to achieve my desire.I can't help it.As proverb says,Rome wasn't built in a day.😤

The other thing is the next one.😃

I've wanted to lead an idle life,for I hate to make an effort.I'm apt to give myself over to drinking.🍻

I've wanted to do the two things at the same time,but needless to say,I find it impossible.😂

I've frequently watched a CM on English conversation.It says we only have to hear its English,without paying attention to it at all,but if keeping on hearing it,we'll be a marvelous English speaker at once!I thing it impossible.😒

I've heard there are plenty of complaints on the teaching material.It seems that there are a lot of people who love to get an unexpected piece of luck without effort.They are like me.😚

No.451 13/05/18 15:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 449 【Egypt】 《The Suez Canal to which even a pharaoh paid attention.》 I… 【Tunisia】

《The soft line which prohibits polygamy》

Both eastern and northern parts of Tunisia front the Mediterranean Sea,and its coastline reaches no less than 1.300 Kilometers.🌴

Climate along the coast is mild,and its specialty 特産品 are olive,fig,orange and grape.🍇

It was around the 9th century B.C.when Tunisia made a dazzling debut on the historic stage.Then Carthage of a city state reigned over the trade in the Mediterranean Sea as a great country.🎊

Carthage of the colonial city which was constructed by the Phoenicians was such a great success that they praised the city.They called the city where the people who had conquered the world.㊗

Their prosperity had continued until the 2nd century when the ancient Roman Empire defeated them.The nature of the people who used to be engaged in the brilliant trade has made them lead to their success at present,for Tunisia is few countries which is going to achieve economic success in Africa.🎉

  • << 454 【Tunisia】 《Soft line which prohibits polygamy》 More than 4 million tourists visit Tunisia every year,Tunisian national income per person increased 60th times from 1956 to 1996 than as it was.💰 If comparing with other African countries,there are little gap between the rich and the poor in Tunisia.A person who is below the poverty line is only one per 20 people,though I'm not sure whether it's few or much.😚 Percentage of school attendance of children is as the same level as that of advanced countries.👶 Tunisia exports to each country which belongs to the EU so much that Tunisian industrial products have been exempt from taxation in European market since 1998,according to an agreement between the Eu and Tunisia.It's a Tunisian strong point.👍 One of primary factors which has prompted Tunisian economic is the next thing.While almost all of them are Muslims,they have pushed forward open soft line.☝ Speaking of Islamic marriage,it's well-known a custom that a male can take no less than 5 wives.💏

No.450 13/05/18 14:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 448 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】 《Measurement of the a… 【What is a collapse of an atomic nucleus?】

There are a lot of reactions of atomic nucleus,and the collapse of the atomic nucleus is one of them.😃

Speaking of the collapse,we are apt to imagine as if a mountain fell to pieces,and the collapse of the atomic nucleus is as it is.☀

The collapse,that is to say,the atomic nucleus generates radiation,and the atomic nucleus is going to crumble.😚

《A collapse of an atomic nucleus》

We call a chemical reaction in which an atomic nucleus emits radiation and changes into other atomic nucleus the collapse of the atomic nucleus in general.☝

There are collapses of α,β,γ in relation to the collapse of the atomic nucleus, according to the radiation which are emitted.😃

《Collapse of α rays》

The collapse is the one which generates the α rays.The α rays are atomic nucleus of 4H,isotope of helium.Its amount of mass are 4,and its atomic number is 2.😺

  • << 453 【What is a collapse of an atomic nucleus?】 《A collapse of βrays》 The collapse is the one which releases the βray.The βray is electron.Its amount of mass is zero.While proton's electric charge is +1,electron's is -1,so then atomic number is -1.😃 The expression is my own,but to my sorrow,I can't understand its theory,moreover I don't find it interesting at all.😚 The expression related to the collapse of β or γrays continue,but I'll leave it out,for too difficult to understand!😳 【A chain of the collapse of the atomic nucleus】 Some collapses of the atomic nucleus end just at one time,but others continue one after another as if they were landslides 山崩れ.😃 We call the collapses 壊変系列.When the collapses continue,the atoms continue to change into other one,but they turn into lead finally.😃 In a word,the lead's atomic nucleus is the most stable.😚 《壊変系列》 Roughly speaking,the 壊変系列 are four kinds.Uranium,thorium,actinium,and neptunium,but they change into the lead eventually.😃

No.449 13/05/18 13:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 447 【Egypt】 《The Suez Canal to which even a pharaoh paid attention》 Th… 【Egypt】

《The Suez Canal to which even a pharaoh paid attention.》

It's said that the beginning of the pharaoh's canal dates back to 2000B.C.However,it took no less than about 10 years to be opened the Suez Canal with even technologies of civil engineering 土木工事 in the 19th century.0.12 million people were dead because of the construction.💀

When being engaged in the construction of the pharaoh's canal,how hard it was,and how many people were dead owing to the construction?I'm wondering.😨

Method of construction which was used for the pharaoh's canal is still cloaked in mystery.😃


《The soft line which prohibits polygamy 一夫多妻》

It was more than 10 years gao when there was the world cup of soccer cosponsored by Japan and Korea in 2002.Then Russia,Belgium,Tunisia and Japan were the same group in the first heat予選.⚽

Probably,Tunisia is the most unfamiliar country to we Japanese.The country lies in the northernmost tip of the African continent.😃

  • << 451 【Tunisia】 《The soft line which prohibits polygamy》 Both eastern and northern parts of Tunisia front the Mediterranean Sea,and its coastline reaches no less than 1.300 Kilometers.🌴 Climate along the coast is mild,and its specialty 特産品 are olive,fig,orange and grape.🍇 It was around the 9th century B.C.when Tunisia made a dazzling debut on the historic stage.Then Carthage of a city state reigned over the trade in the Mediterranean Sea as a great country.🎊 Carthage of the colonial city which was constructed by the Phoenicians was such a great success that they praised the city.They called the city where the people who had conquered the world.㊗ Their prosperity had continued until the 2nd century when the ancient Roman Empire defeated them.The nature of the people who used to be engaged in the brilliant trade has made them lead to their success at present,for Tunisia is few countries which is going to achieve economic success in Africa.🎉

No.448 13/05/18 09:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 446 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】 《Photosynthesis 光合成 a… 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】

《Measurement of the age》

However,the explanation is unreasonable,for it's not only the isotope of carbon,C14,in the wood which continues to decrease.☝

The C14 in the air must also have kept on decreasing.😃

There is the major premise 大前提 in relation to the measurement of the age.It's that density of the C14 in the air is unchangeable.It has been guaranteed.😃

It's the reaction of the atomic nucleus by cosmic rays,or being done underground.The chemical reaction supplements the C14 in the air one after another,therefore the density of the C14 in the air has been constant.😃

Oh!The major premise has suddenly appeared.I hate to say,but I can't always understamd the explanation.Without detailed more explanations,its author makes us understamd the theory,I'm wondering.😚

If continue to study,I may be able to make it out some day,though I hope to figure it out when I'm alive.😂

  • << 450 【What is a collapse of an atomic nucleus?】 There are a lot of reactions of atomic nucleus,and the collapse of the atomic nucleus is one of them.😃 Speaking of the collapse,we are apt to imagine as if a mountain fell to pieces,and the collapse of the atomic nucleus is as it is.☀ The collapse,that is to say,the atomic nucleus generates radiation,and the atomic nucleus is going to crumble.😚 《A collapse of an atomic nucleus》 We call a chemical reaction in which an atomic nucleus emits radiation and changes into other atomic nucleus the collapse of the atomic nucleus in general.☝ There are collapses of α,β,γ in relation to the collapse of the atomic nucleus, according to the radiation which are emitted.😃 《Collapse of α rays》 The collapse is the one which generates the α rays.The α rays are atomic nucleus of 4H,isotope of helium.Its amount of mass are 4,and its atomic number is 2.😺

No.447 13/05/18 05:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 445 【Egypt】 《The Suez Canal to which even pharaoh paid attention》 When … 【Egypt】

《The Suez Canal to which even a pharaoh paid attention》

The Suez Canal used to be a place where several expectations of international politics were closely connected because of its importance.😔
Egyptian government declared nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956,but both France and England repelled against the Egypt,for they had monopolized the Canal's rights and interests until then.💰

As the result,the second war in the Middle East which involved Israel broke out,but Egypt made use of the body of the united nations,and won advantageous situations as a leader in the Arabic world with its diplomatic ability.😤

There is a headquarter of the league of the Arabic world in Cairo.The Egyptian people have served its successive secretaries-general.Cairo is a center of politics in the Arabic world.😃

It's interesting that even ancient kins,Pharaohs, tried to connect the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea with a waterway.We call it the pharaohs' canal.🚢

  • << 449 【Egypt】 《The Suez Canal to which even a pharaoh paid attention.》 It's said that the beginning of the pharaoh's canal dates back to 2000B.C.However,it took no less than about 10 years to be opened the Suez Canal with even technologies of civil engineering 土木工事 in the 19th century.0.12 million people were dead because of the construction.💀 When being engaged in the construction of the pharaoh's canal,how hard it was,and how many people were dead owing to the construction?I'm wondering.😨 Method of construction which was used for the pharaoh's canal is still cloaked in mystery.😃 【Tunisia】 《The soft line which prohibits polygamy 一夫多妻》 It was more than 10 years gao when there was the world cup of soccer cosponsored by Japan and Korea in 2002.Then Russia,Belgium,Tunisia and Japan were the same group in the first heat予選.⚽ Probably,Tunisia is the most unfamiliar country to we Japanese.The country lies in the northernmost tip of the African continent.😃

No.446 13/05/15 01:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 430 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】 A way of the most pea… 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】

《Photosynthesis 光合成 and stopping its activity》

The vegetation photosynthesizes as long as it's alive.It absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and,water in the ground.It makes use of an energy from the sun,and generates carbon monoxide 一酸化炭素.🌱

Carbon is a mixture of isotopes,and contains C14 which is isotope of the carbon to some extent.😃

Its proportion is same in regard to the carbon dioxide,so the proportion of the isotope of the carbon,C14,in a living vegetation is same as the one in the air.😃

Let's suppose that a tree was cut down.Then it stops photosynthesizing.In short,supply of new C14 from the air decreases as the ages pass.When 5730 years which is the half-life of the C14,pass,its amount of energy becomes half.

《Measurement of an age》

In a word,if density of the C14 in the air around the wooden sculpture is half,it means that the wood which was used for the sculpture was cut down 5730 years ago.🍀

  • << 448 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】 《Measurement of the age》 However,the explanation is unreasonable,for it's not only the isotope of carbon,C14,in the wood which continues to decrease.☝ The C14 in the air must also have kept on decreasing.😃 There is the major premise 大前提 in relation to the measurement of the age.It's that density of the C14 in the air is unchangeable.It has been guaranteed.😃 It's the reaction of the atomic nucleus by cosmic rays,or being done underground.The chemical reaction supplements the C14 in the air one after another,therefore the density of the C14 in the air has been constant.😃 Oh!The major premise has suddenly appeared.I hate to say,but I can't always understamd the explanation.Without detailed more explanations,its author makes us understamd the theory,I'm wondering.😚 If continue to study,I may be able to make it out some day,though I hope to figure it out when I'm alive.😂

No.445 13/05/12 23:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 429 【Egypt】 『Real Egypt which is the leader in the Arabic world.』 《The … 【Egypt】

《The Suez Canal to which even pharaoh paid attention》

When going through the Suez Canal,European people have learned to be able to get to western Asia or India by far earlier than usual route which circles around the southernmost tip of the African continent.⛵

The Suez Canal is world's economy's important point where about no less than 20 thousand ships come and go through a year.🚢

The Suez Canal creates important source of foreign currency's income.While its total amount doesn't reach that of its sightseeing(It's $43 billion.),income of charge for sailing through the Suez Canal is about $18 billion.⛵

The income form the Suez Canal holds the 5th rank in Egyptian economy.Egypt has maintained its economic growth of 5% with its reform of economic structure,but it enjoys the benefits from the Suez Canal.🌴

Needless to say,the benefits from the Suez Canal isn't always an unexpected piece of good luck 棚からぼた餅 ☝

  • << 447 【Egypt】 《The Suez Canal to which even a pharaoh paid attention》 The Suez Canal used to be a place where several expectations of international politics were closely connected because of its importance.😔          Egyptian government declared nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956,but both France and England repelled against the Egypt,for they had monopolized the Canal's rights and interests until then.💰 As the result,the second war in the Middle East which involved Israel broke out,but Egypt made use of the body of the united nations,and won advantageous situations as a leader in the Arabic world with its diplomatic ability.😤 There is a headquarter of the league of the Arabic world in Cairo.The Egyptian people have served its successive secretaries-general.Cairo is a center of politics in the Arabic world.😃 It's interesting that even ancient kins,Pharaohs, tried to connect the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea with a waterway.We call it the pharaohs' canal.🚢

No.444 13/05/12 16:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

The Crab Cancer is west to the Regulus in the Lion.Its marks are little four stars.♋

The four stars are equivalent to a shell of the crab,there is a cluster of stars of プレセベ.When looking up at it with a pair of binoculars 双眼鏡,the プレセベ look brilliant and beautiful.⭐

The marks of the Water Snake are south to the Crab Cancer.They are three stars.They are equal to the head of the Water Snake.Its body wounds through east.🌌

No.443 13/05/12 16:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 442 【Being under a starlit sky】

Hercules cut at the last head of the hydra with all his might,but his sword was broken.“Oh!The head is made from steel,I'm wondering”he was surprised.🐍

The last head attacked Hercules,but he avoided it.He threw a huge rock at the last head.The last head was pinned under the rock.🐍

He threw the numerous rocks at the last head one after another,and killed it.Then he suddenly felt a pain in his leg,for a gigantic crab fastened his leg tight with its claw.♋

The crab said.“Hydra was my friend,but you killed him”Hercules trampled it underfoot,and killed it.♋

Hera changed both the hydra and the crab into constellations.The one is the Water Snake 海蛇座,and the other is the Crab Cancer かに座🐍♋

In a word,the monsters which Hercules killed gather at one place in the night sky as constellations.🌠

However,it seems to be hard to find the constellations such as the Water Snake and the Crab Cancer.🌌

No.442 13/05/12 11:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 441 【Being under a starlit sky.】

“The hydra is a tremendous snake in southern marsh.It has attacked plenty of villagers until now.”Hercules' nephew said, trembling terribly.🐍

Hercules asked him to guide him there.His nephew hesitated for a while,but accepted the request reluctantly thought he turned pale.😨

They got to the marsh.“How eerie 不気味 here is”the nephew said,for there were lots of bones of animals and human which were attacked with the hydra's poison around the marsh.💀

Suddenly,the hydra emerged from the marsh.It's just only one,but has several heads with only a single body!🐍

Hercules started to cut down all the heads of the hydra immediately,but they grew at once.It's endless.😥

His nephew advised him, shouting.“Burn their openings of the wound!”His nephew passed a burning torch to Hercules.🔥

Hercules continued to cut down the heads and to burn its opening of the wound.There was only one head left on the body of the hydra at last,but…😠

No.441 13/05/12 01:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 440 【Being under a starlit sky.】

Hercules drew his sword and brought it down on the lion's body,but it was broken.The beast attacked him.Had he exhausted every possible means?😨

No!He never tried to give up fighting.He wound his both arms around the lion's neck and started to strangle.He strangled and strangled.He kept on strangling the lion's neck for three days and three nights,so the beast was dead at last.♌

The king who commanded Hercules to kill the lion was surprised and was so afraid of Hercules that he hid himself in a jar.👑

The lion's bravery was recognized,for it fought against Hercules,so Hera changed it into a constellation.♌

Regulus which is the star of the first magnitude in the Lion means a little king.👑

After that,Hercules continued his trip so as to kill the monsters.There are still constellations around the Lion in relation to the episodes exterminating the monsters.😃

The king ordered Hercules again to kill a hydra.

No.440 13/05/09 21:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky.】

I'm going to express an origin of the Lion from now on.♌

There used to live a man-eater lion in the forest of ネメア.The people in villages around the forest asked their King to help them,for lots of them were attacked with the lion so much that they feared the beast.♌

The king sent plenty of hunters to the lion,but no one returned.He was at a loss,and thought“What should I do?”😱

Then he heard voice of Hera who was a goddess and wife of almighty and the greatest god,Zeus.👸

She told the king to dispatch Hercules to the lion,and said its reason.“He has committed a great sin,so he has to undergo an ordeal 厳しい試練 👸

I'm going to express the sin he committed in the near future,though I'm wondering if he did wrong.😒

Hercules struggled a tough fight with the lion.He shot some arrows at the lion,and the arrows hit on the beast,but they didn't stick in the beast's body,and the beast wasn't wounded at all.♌

Hercules continued to attack the lion,but…♌

No.439 13/05/09 01:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 437 【Being under a starlit sky.】 The comet learns to have an orbit as if… 【Being under a starlit sky.】

If it were not for the comets,we might not exist,I'm wondering.😚

When looking up at a starlit sky,we can see the Lion.It's south to the Big Dipper 北斗七星.♌

A part of head of the Lion resembles ? which is turned upside down.It also looks a big scythe 鎌,so we call it a big scythe of the Lion.♌

There is a star of the first magnitude 一等星,Reguls,is in a place which is equivalent to the breast of the Lion.♌

There is a star of the second magnitude at the tail of the Lion.We call it デネボラ.♌

The Lion means that the one Hercules beaten.I've tried to express episodes on the Lion and a hero who defeated the beast just now,but it seems that I can't resist my drowsiness. Good night.💤

No.438 13/05/09 01:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 437 【Being under a starlit sky.】

If it were not for the comets,we might not exist,I'm wondering.😚

When looking up at a starlit sky,we can see the Lion.It's south to the Big Dipper 北斗七星.♌

A part of head of the Lion resembles ? which is turned upside down.It also looks a big scythe 鎌,so we call it a big scythe of the Lion.♌

There is a star of the first magnitude 一等星,Reguls,is in a place which is equivalent to the breast of the Lion.♌

There is a star of the second magnitude at the tail of the Lion.We call it デネボラ.♌

The Lion means that the one Hercules beaten.I've tried to express episodes on the Lion and a hero who defeated the beast just now,but it seems that I can't resist my drowsiness. Good night.💤

No.437 13/05/08 21:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky.】

The comet learns to have an orbit as if it described a parabola 放物線 around the sun.Some comets return where they used to be after long time passes.🌠

We call them periodic comets.The famous one is Halley's comet which come round again every 76 year.😃

When the comet happens to passes by the earth,we can see it as a gicantic one.The comet of Hale-Bopp in 1997 became so enormous which we'd never seen recently that plenty of people could see it.🌠

Some comets sometimes bump against a planet owing to their orbits,and the ninth comet of シューメイカーレビー actually collide with the Jupiter in 1994.It was a happening which we humankind witnessed in the first time.😲

If the comets really bump against the earth,something serious will occur.Therefore there are some groups for research of asteroids which try to discover the asteroids approaching the earth.🌏

While the comet is dangerous,some people think it carried an origin of a life into the earth.🌠

  • << 439 【Being under a starlit sky.】 If it were not for the comets,we might not exist,I'm wondering.😚 When looking up at a starlit sky,we can see the Lion.It's south to the Big Dipper 北斗七星.♌ A part of head of the Lion resembles ? which is turned upside down.It also looks a big scythe 鎌,so we call it a big scythe of the Lion.♌ There is a star of the first magnitude 一等星,Reguls,is in a place which is equivalent to the breast of the Lion.♌ There is a star of the second magnitude at the tail of the Lion.We call it デネボラ.♌ The Lion means that the one Hercules beaten.I've tried to express episodes on the Lion and a hero who defeated the beast just now,but it seems that I can't resist my drowsiness. Good night.💤

No.436 13/05/08 20:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 435 【Being under a starlit sky.】

It's said tremendous meteorites caused an extinction of dinosaurs.🌠

A comet seems to resemble a snowman,in addition,it's very dirty.The comet seems to be a block of ice which includes stones,sands,and metals.⛄

There is a place where lots of heavenly bodies 天体 made of ice crowd together outside the the Pluto.We call the place Kuiper belt.🌌

There is other zone of numberless heavenly bodies which are also made up with the ice far more ahead of the Kuiper belt.We call it オールトの雲。🌉

For some reason or other,when one of the heavenly bodies in the Kuiper belt or オールトの雲 falls into disorder,it starts to go for the sun slowly.☀

The closer it approaches the sun,the more its elements begin to evaporate,and the heavenly body starts to emit dust and the gas.🌠

The gas and the dust look as if they were tail of the heavenly body,and we've learned to call the heavenly body a comet.😃

No.435 13/05/07 23:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 434 【Being under a starlit sky】

The Mercury is in the so bright sky such as just before the sunrise and sunset that we have little chance to see it.It's said that even Galileo had never seen the Mercury!🌠

There is a belt of asteroids 小惑星 between the Mars and the Jupiter.The asteroids are countless fragments of rocks which couldn't become a planet.⭐

We've discovered more than number of 0.1 million of the fragments,but many of them are below no more 1 kilometer,so we can't recognize their total number exactly.🌌

The belt is a stable orbit because of gravitation between the Mars and Jupiter,but by some chance,if its orbit falls into disorder,the fragments will be attrcted from the sun.🌠

The fragments become meteorite 隕石.The asteroid is just a lump of rock,and when it goes for the sun or it passes near the sun,it'll sometimes be attrcted from the sun with the gravitation.🌠

The fragment changed into meteorite and fell on the earth.🌏

No.434 13/05/07 22:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 433 【Being under a starlit sky.】

Speaking of the first star of the evening,it's the Venus.Both the Venus and the Mercury are planets which circle on orbits inside the earth.⭐

When looking the two stars from the earth, they are always near the sun,so they are so dazzling that they are hard to look.😚

When being apart from the sun so much,altitude of the Venus becomes 40°,so it becomes easy to look then.🌠

When the Venus approaches the earth a little from the place of 40°,it looks the brightest one.If we have good eyesight,we'll be able to see it even in the daytime.Then its shape changes into crescent one.🌙

When there is a bright twinkling the Venus in the evening,we call it the evening star.If it's in the morning,the morning star.The ways of calling them aren't sophisticated at all,I'm sure.😩

The Mercury's orbit is nearer to the sun than the Venus'.It revolves around the sun in 88 days.Therefore when it's away from the sun farthest,its altitude is no more than 20°.😃

No.433 13/05/07 21:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky.】

When seeing the setting sun,it looks larger,but it's just an optical illusion 目の錯覚👀

Lights of the morning sun,or evening sun reach our eyes through the thickest part of the earth's atmosphere.☀

Then,the lights reflect moisture and dusts diffusely 乱反射 in the atmosphere and only red light remains in the moisture.🌅

The red light is a color of expansion,so the morning and evening sun look bigger.☀

Contrary to it,sunlight passes through the thinnest part in the atmosphere,so there is little diffused reflection in the atmosphere,and plenty of blue light remains in the atmosphere,so the sky looks blue then.😃

The afterglow 夕日 also looks red because of the same reason.Its red means that there are so much dust in the atmosphere that the atmosphere is very dirty.😚

Speaking of the afterglow,the one in an industrial zone in the old days was so red that it looked weird 不気味😨

No.432 13/05/07 20:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【High tide and low tide 満潮と干潮】

While the earth pulls the moon against the earth,the moon also pulls the earth against the moon.The phenomena cause the high amd low tide.😃

The moon's gravitation attracts seawater which is easy to be moved on the earth,so the sea swells.Then the sea faces to the moon.🌙

Other seawater on the opposite side of the earth remains as it is,though it also swells because of centrifugal force 遠心力.The two sides are high tides.🌴

The low tides are at both positions of 90 angle of degree from the high tides.When being in new moon,or full moon,there is a flood tide 大潮 in the sea.🌴

The sun's influence is also one of a cause of the flood tide.☀

Some people think the moon's gravitation caused actions of the earth's plate,or the high and low tide made marine creature be alive on the land.😃

Speaking of the moon,the Western people used to think the moon was something mysterious,I'm wondering,for the moon seems to be connected with a ghastly apparition 妖怪 and so on.👹

No.431 13/05/07 03:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Even if the sun doesn't shine so strong,May is a month in which it's the strongest ultraviolet rays in the whole year.☀

While the sun's altitude is 30゚ in the winter solstice 冬至,its 78゚ in the summer solstice 夏至.The summer solstice is the longest day in a year,so the sun also shines right above us so much that its ultraviolet rays also become strong.☀

By the way,the summer solstice is 21 June, but its ultraviolet rays become relatively weak owing to the rainy season or many cloudy days in June or July.☀

In addition,the weather is so dry in May that its sunlight also reaches the earth enough.☀

It's said the ozone layer which protect us from the ultraviolet rays become thinner,the rays in may may be dangerous💀

It's said moderate being suntannd is healthy,but being too much suntannd isn't.To make matters worse,being much suntannd makes us have liver spots しみ,or fleckles.It sometimes causes skin cancer.💀

No.430 13/05/06 02:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 428 【What is a half-life 半減期?】 In short,the thing becomes half of amount… 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】

A way of the most peaceful use for the reaction of atomic nucleus is an atomic reactor.Roughly speaking,one-third of all amount of Japanese generation of electricity is nuclear electric power generation.😃

Some reactions of atomic nucleus such as X-ray,or medical treatment of radiation in the medical field are remarkable😃

By the way,I'm going to express a principle on measurement of an age from now on.😃

《Half-life of carbon of which amount of mass is 14》

Let's suppose that we discovered a wooden sculpture in some remains.It seems the artifact 出土品 was carved hundreds of years ago.😚

Measurement of an age measures time when the artifact was carved.Then we make use of an isotope of carbon of which amount of mass is 14.I call it 14C here for the sake of convenience 便宜上😺

The 14C is radioactive,and generates β-ray.It changes into nitrogen.It's said the half-life of the 14C is 5730 years.☝

  • << 446 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】 《Photosynthesis 光合成 and stopping its activity》 The vegetation photosynthesizes as long as it's alive.It absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and,water in the ground.It makes use of an energy from the sun,and generates carbon monoxide 一酸化炭素.🌱 Carbon is a mixture of isotopes,and contains C14 which is isotope of the carbon to some extent.😃 Its proportion is same in regard to the carbon dioxide,so the proportion of the isotope of the carbon,C14,in a living vegetation is same as the one in the air.😃 Let's suppose that a tree was cut down.Then it stops photosynthesizing.In short,supply of new C14 from the air decreases as the ages pass.When 5730 years which is the half-life of the C14,pass,its amount of energy becomes half. 《Measurement of an age》 In a word,if density of the C14 in the air around the wooden sculpture is half,it means that the wood which was used for the sculpture was cut down 5730 years ago.🍀

No.429 13/05/05 22:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『Real Egypt which is the leader in the Arabic world.』

《The Suez Canal to which even a pharaoh pay attention.》

The Statue of Liberty rises high over New York as if it looked down at harbors in New York.To my surprise,it was planned to construct in Egypt.😲

A person who designed the Statue of Liberty was a French sculptor.When visiting Egypt,he was overwhelmed with the gigantic sculpture,and remains.😲

He made up his mind to construct more tremendous a statue of goddess which was twice as large as the sphinx.😤

His plan suffered a setback thanks to being short of funds,but he thought when the Suez Canal was completed,he planned to construct the statue at the mouth of the canal.It was the Statue of Liberty.😃

By the way,the Suez Canal has lost a chance of constructing the monument of the Statue of Liberty,but considering its geopolitical significance,it's enormous!🎊

The Suez Canal has made possible coming and going between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea by ship.🚢

  • << 445 【Egypt】 《The Suez Canal to which even pharaoh paid attention》 When going through the Suez Canal,European people have learned to be able to get to western Asia or India by far earlier than usual route which circles around the southernmost tip of the African continent.⛵ The Suez Canal is world's economy's important point where about no less than 20 thousand ships come and go through a year.🚢 The Suez Canal creates important source of foreign currency's income.While its total amount doesn't reach that of its sightseeing(It's $43 billion.),income of charge for sailing through the Suez Canal is about $18 billion.⛵ The income form the Suez Canal holds the 5th rank in Egyptian economy.Egypt has maintained its economic growth of 5% with its reform of economic structure,but it enjoys the benefits from the Suez Canal.🌴 Needless to say,the benefits from the Suez Canal isn't always an unexpected piece of good luck 棚からぼた餅 ☝

No.428 13/05/05 11:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 426 【What is a half-life? 半減期】 Fortunately,or not,I've not drunken s… 【What is a half-life 半減期?】

In short,the thing becomes half of amount in the first half-life,and it turns into quarter of amount in the second half-life.The next is eighth,then sixteenth.It'll never disappear forever exactly.☝

《Various half-lives》

If trying to acknowledge speed of the reactions,the half-life is an index which is easy and useful to understand.😉

In a word,if a reaction of atomic nucleus is short-term,it's a speedy reaction.Contrary to it,if it's a long-term,it's a long one.😃

How long is the half-life of the reaction of the atomic nucleus concretely? It depends on.😃

The one of short-term is no more than thousandth second.On the other hand,the long one is no less than billions of years.😚

Some super uranium chemical element which is artificial is so big and unstable that it changes into other one at a time when it's created.For example,half-life of ウンウントリウム of which atomic number 113 is only 0.000034 second.😲

Contrary to it,the half-life of isotope of thorium is 14 billion years.😲

  • << 430 【Let's measure an age with the half-life】 A way of the most peaceful use for the reaction of atomic nucleus is an atomic reactor.Roughly speaking,one-third of all amount of Japanese generation of electricity is nuclear electric power generation.😃 Some reactions of atomic nucleus such as X-ray,or medical treatment of radiation in the medical field are remarkable😃 By the way,I'm going to express a principle on measurement of an age from now on.😃 《Half-life of carbon of which amount of mass is 14》 Let's suppose that we discovered a wooden sculpture in some remains.It seems the artifact 出土品 was carved hundreds of years ago.😚 Measurement of an age measures time when the artifact was carved.Then we make use of an isotope of carbon of which amount of mass is 14.I call it 14C here for the sake of convenience 便宜上😺 The 14C is radioactive,and generates β-ray.It changes into nitrogen.It's said the half-life of the 14C is 5730 years.☝

No.427 13/05/05 10:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 424 【Descendants of the Phoenicians who was an oceanic race】 The stone c… 【Israel】

《Descendants of the Phoenicians who was an oceanic race》

While Lebanon lies in Arabic world on a map,a cultural connection between Lebanon and European world is deep.Arabic place to contact with European countries is Lebanon.😃

Number of Christian and Muslim competes concerning religious structure in Lebanon.The country is an exceptional one among each country in the Middle East.☝

Moreover,if adding the number of both the Christanitx and Muslim,all of their religious sects reach 18.The religious sects are jumbled up close together 乱立 in Lebanon as if they were a mosaic.😲

The religious oppositions and conflicts between Israel and Palestine occurred at almost the same time.🆚

As a result,Lebanon had been plunged into a situation of serious civil war around from 1975 to 1992.💣

The Lebanese who is the descendants of the Phoenicians who had maintained its pride is in the middle of economic revival.😃

No.426 13/05/04 12:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is a half-life? 半減期】

Fortunately,or not,I've not drunken so much I expected.😚

Chemical reactions are varied.Some finish instantly as if they were an explosion of a dynamite.🔥

Others continue for a long period as though heat were generated from a body warmer 懐炉,though it's very very long term,so some are very quick,and others very slow concerning reactions of atomic nucleus.😱
       The half-life is a kind of reactions of atomic reactions.Things change with the reaction of atomic nucleus as time passes.😃               As its chemical reaction advances,the things' amount of mass decrease,it'll become half amount later.We call its period the half-life.                 By the way,there is a thing about which we should be careful in relation to the half-life.😃

What will happen if twice periods pass?Will the thing disappear?No!It'll become half amount in the first half-life,and it'll become half amount of the one in the first half-life in the next.😃

  • << 428 【What is a half-life 半減期?】 In short,the thing becomes half of amount in the first half-life,and it turns into quarter of amount in the second half-life.The next is eighth,then sixteenth.It'll never disappear forever exactly.☝ 《Various half-lives》 If trying to acknowledge speed of the reactions,the half-life is an index which is easy and useful to understand.😉 In a word,if a reaction of atomic nucleus is short-term,it's a speedy reaction.Contrary to it,if it's a long-term,it's a long one.😃 How long is the half-life of the reaction of the atomic nucleus concretely? It depends on.😃 The one of short-term is no more than thousandth second.On the other hand,the long one is no less than billions of years.😚 Some super uranium chemical element which is artificial is so big and unstable that it changes into other one at a time when it's created.For example,half-life of ウンウントリウム of which atomic number 113 is only 0.000034 second.😲 Contrary to it,the half-life of isotope of thorium is 14 billion years.😲

No.425 13/05/04 09:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

When starting to express my response on Israel,I tried to describe of coexistence between the Palestinian and the Jews,but when reading other articles,I was forced to change my intention.😚

I've hoped to express everything in English,but what I've expressed isn't always the one in which I got with my own way.They are almost all of others' Information.😔

There is limit to what I've expressed in relation to its correctness.I'm sorry for it.😳

By the way,I'm relatively healthy,and whenever I feel like drinking I'm apt to eat something delicious.☺

Contrary to it,I'm sure I have to study English without drinking,though I find it impossible.😳

I want to express food which is delicious,but it'll prevent me from studying English,for the delicious food always tempts me drink,and I can't resist it.😱

It's still in the middle of the day? I've never been worried about it.The delicious food isn't the one which I express,but other one which I'll eat.Here we go!🍻

No.424 13/05/03 13:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 422 【Lebanon】 《Descendants of the Phoenicians who was oceanic race》 How… 【Descendants of the Phoenicians who was an oceanic race】

The stone coffin is being shown in the museum of Beirut.The letters on the coffin are the most valuable present of the Phoenicians to the humankind in a coming ages 後世,for the Phoenician letters created the alphabet's original form.🔤

Almost all of the letters' history started from pictorial symbols 絵文字.For example,a of the alphabet is the pictorial symbol which meant a bull's head was simplified during the long time.🐮

The people learned to use the pictorial symbol as the letter of A long before.The Phoenicians systematized letters of the Sinai which were derived from hieroglyphs 象形文字,and simplified them.😃

The Phoenicians created the alphabet's original form.It's the Phoenician letters,and they spread over Greece,and changed into Greek or Latin letters,after that the letters changed into alphabet which was used each country in the West.🔤

  • << 427 【Israel】 《Descendants of the Phoenicians who was an oceanic race》 While Lebanon lies in Arabic world on a map,a cultural connection between Lebanon and European world is deep.Arabic place to contact with European countries is Lebanon.😃 Number of Christian and Muslim competes concerning religious structure in Lebanon.The country is an exceptional one among each country in the Middle East.☝ Moreover,if adding the number of both the Christanitx and Muslim,all of their religious sects reach 18.The religious sects are jumbled up close together 乱立 in Lebanon as if they were a mosaic.😲 The religious oppositions and conflicts between Israel and Palestine occurred at almost the same time.🆚 As a result,Lebanon had been plunged into a situation of serious civil war around from 1975 to 1992.💣 The Lebanese who is the descendants of the Phoenicians who had maintained its pride is in the middle of economic revival.😃

No.423 13/05/02 23:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 421 【What kinds of reaction of atomic nucleus are there?】 Atoms create mo… 【What kinds of reaction of atomic nucleus are there?】

《Equation of chemical reaction》

The equation means that its left side's material change into other one of the right side.The kind and number of the atom on the left side is exactly in the right side.😃

Therefore,a law of immortal material lies in the equation.Increase and decrease of connection between the atoms creates the energy in the equation.😃

《Equation atomic nucleus》

Reaction of the atomic nucleus is also as same as the one of the chemical reaction.For example,when one atomic nucleus of A divides into other ones of B and C,it's expressed with the next equation of atomic nucleus.😃


There must be expressed their atomic numbers at the upper left of A,B,and C,and must be their amount of mass at the lower left each A,B,and C.😃

Total amount of mass and total numbers of the atomic numbers are preserved.The equation shows us it.😃

No.422 13/05/02 22:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 420 【Israel】 《The UN has recognized Palestine as a state formally,but…》 … 【Lebanon】

《Descendants of the Phoenicians who was oceanic race》

However,the Lebanese cedars have dramatically decreased on account of cutting down the trees which continued during thousands of years,so it's just that no more than about 1500 cedars are left.🍀

It was the Phoenicians who adopted the Lebanese cedars for its ships as their raw materials and controlled trades on the Mediterranean Sea in about the 10th century BC.⛵

The Phoenicians who is considered as the Lebanese ancestors controlled the Mediterranean Sea.Its base was Lebanon.😃

The Phoenicians built commercial towns each place on the southern shore of the Iberian Peninsula,Sicily,Sardegna,and Northern Africa,and it established a great bloc of trade there.🎊

We often say the Phoenicians was a mysterious race,for there are few ruins and artifacts 出土品 on the race.It left few records with its letters.😚

The most ancient Phoenician letters which have been confirmed at present are the ones written on a stone coffin of the King アラムヒ.👑

  • << 424 【Descendants of the Phoenicians who was an oceanic race】 The stone coffin is being shown in the museum of Beirut.The letters on the coffin are the most valuable present of the Phoenicians to the humankind in a coming ages 後世,for the Phoenician letters created the alphabet's original form.🔤 Almost all of the letters' history started from pictorial symbols 絵文字.For example,a of the alphabet is the pictorial symbol which meant a bull's head was simplified during the long time.🐮 The people learned to use the pictorial symbol as the letter of A long before.The Phoenicians systematized letters of the Sinai which were derived from hieroglyphs 象形文字,and simplified them.😃 The Phoenicians created the alphabet's original form.It's the Phoenician letters,and they spread over Greece,and changed into Greek or Latin letters,after that the letters changed into alphabet which was used each country in the West.🔤

No.421 13/05/02 21:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 419 【Does the atomic nucleus react?】 《Modern alchemy is equivalent to an… 【What kinds of reaction of atomic nucleus are there?】

Atoms create molecules with chemical reactions,and the molecules react chemically,and turn into other ones.😃

We call them chemical changes,and we call an equation 反応式 in which the chemical change is expressed an equation of chemical reaction.😃

We can express a chemical reaction of the atomic nucleus with the equation of chemical reaction,but I'm afraid you may find it tedious,then please skip it over.😚

《The equation of chemical reaction》

An equation of chemical reaction in which atom of carbon and molecules of oxygen react each other and they change into carbon dioxide and heat is generated is expressed with the next one.😃


The number of the 2 is usually with small siye at the lower right of the symbol of an element 原子記号,but I can't express the tiny numbers with my cellphone.I'm wondering if I can do it with what is called a smart phone.📱

  • << 423 【What kinds of reaction of atomic nucleus are there?】 《Equation of chemical reaction》 The equation means that its left side's material change into other one of the right side.The kind and number of the atom on the left side is exactly in the right side.😃 Therefore,a law of immortal material lies in the equation.Increase and decrease of connection between the atoms creates the energy in the equation.😃 《Equation atomic nucleus》 Reaction of the atomic nucleus is also as same as the one of the chemical reaction.For example,when one atomic nucleus of A divides into other ones of B and C,it's expressed with the next equation of atomic nucleus.😃 A=B+C+E There must be expressed their atomic numbers at the upper left of A,B,and C,and must be their amount of mass at the lower left each A,B,and C.😃 Total amount of mass and total numbers of the atomic numbers are preserved.The equation shows us it.😃

No.420 13/05/02 14:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 418 【Israel】 《The UN have recognized Palestinian as a state formally,but… 【Israel】

《The UN has recognized Palestine as a state formally,but…》
Palestine has won a right of temporary self-government,but the disputes between Palestine and Israel also have continued so often that there has never been a probability of their co existence in the least.💀

Even if the UN have recognized Palestine as a state officially, reality in which Palestine faces has never changed at all.😣


『A land where the alphabet was born』

《Descendants of the Phoenicians who was oceanic race》

Lebanon is a small country which lies at the eastern end in the Mediterranean Sea.It's as small as Gifu prefecture in Japan.😃

Its climate is mild,and is famous for the only one which doesn't have any deserts among the League of Arab States.😃

We can see Mt. Lebanon covered with snow through a year.The mountain lies north and south across the land.⛄

Lebanese cedars 杉 used to grow so thick on the mountain that it was covered with the tree in ancient time.🌱

  • << 422 【Lebanon】 《Descendants of the Phoenicians who was oceanic race》 However,the Lebanese cedars have dramatically decreased on account of cutting down the trees which continued during thousands of years,so it's just that no more than about 1500 cedars are left.🍀 It was the Phoenicians who adopted the Lebanese cedars for its ships as their raw materials and controlled trades on the Mediterranean Sea in about the 10th century BC.⛵ The Phoenicians who is considered as the Lebanese ancestors controlled the Mediterranean Sea.Its base was Lebanon.😃 The Phoenicians built commercial towns each place on the southern shore of the Iberian Peninsula,Sicily,Sardegna,and Northern Africa,and it established a great bloc of trade there.🎊 We often say the Phoenicians was a mysterious race,for there are few ruins and artifacts 出土品 on the race.It left few records with its letters.😚 The most ancient Phoenician letters which have been confirmed at present are the ones written on a stone coffin of the King アラムヒ.👑

No.419 13/05/02 09:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 417 【Does the atomic nucleus react?】 《Changing a chemical element into o… 【Does the atomic nucleus react?】

《Modern alchemy is equivalent to an idea of changing the atomic nucleus into other one.》

The alchemy has been made possible today.We can change a cheap metal into an expensive gold.It's just that,we can change mercury into gold.😃

In a word,it means that we can change a chemical element of the mercury into other one of the gold,to be exact,changing atomic nucleus of the mercury into other one of the gold.😃

We can't do it with a flask,or a test tube.Without an atomic reactor,we can't.As a result,while it's possible,it costs a great deal.Far from making money with it!💸💸💸

The alchemy is possible today,but it's almost impossible to make money and make a money in the world 一旗揚げる with the alchemy,though there seem to be plenty of people around rights and interests of the alchemy.😒

By the way,there are some chemical formulas which express a reactions of the atomic nucleus.I'm going to do my best to express it with my cellphone,maybe…😚

  • << 421 【What kinds of reaction of atomic nucleus are there?】 Atoms create molecules with chemical reactions,and the molecules react chemically,and turn into other ones.😃 We call them chemical changes,and we call an equation 反応式 in which the chemical change is expressed an equation of chemical reaction.😃 We can express a chemical reaction of the atomic nucleus with the equation of chemical reaction,but I'm afraid you may find it tedious,then please skip it over.😚 《The equation of chemical reaction》 An equation of chemical reaction in which atom of carbon and molecules of oxygen react each other and they change into carbon dioxide and heat is generated is expressed with the next one.😃 C+O2=CO2+E The number of the 2 is usually with small siye at the lower right of the symbol of an element 原子記号,but I can't express the tiny numbers with my cellphone.I'm wondering if I can do it with what is called a smart phone.📱

No.418 13/05/02 08:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 416 【Israel】 《Holy lands for three religions crowd together》 As the te… 【Israel】

《The UN have recognized Palestinian as a state formally,but…》

The absolute majority in the UN in those days adopted a resolution of establishment of the Jewish nation in Palestinian in order to repay the Jew was sacrificed during the World WarⅡ.😃

It seemed that they felt guilty for the jews,for they couldn't prevent Germany which believed in Christianity from slaughtering the Jews.😥

As a result,the people of Arabic ancestry who used to live there then were expelled from the Palestine.They ended up being refugees.😭

They didn't help Nazi Germany massacre the Jews,but they were kicked out of their dear old homelands,so they couldn't accept it naturally.😠

They repelled 反発 the resolution,and have decided to fight against it,seeking for their return to Palestine.😤

It was in 1993 when the Palestine changed their idea,and accepted the coexistence with the Jews.In short,they accepted the resolution of the UN in 1947 at last,but…😥

  • << 420 【Israel】 《The UN has recognized Palestine as a state formally,but…》         Palestine has won a right of temporary self-government,but the disputes between Palestine and Israel also have continued so often that there has never been a probability of their co existence in the least.💀 Even if the UN have recognized Palestine as a state officially, reality in which Palestine faces has never changed at all.😣 【Lebanon】 『A land where the alphabet was born』 《Descendants of the Phoenicians who was oceanic race》 Lebanon is a small country which lies at the eastern end in the Mediterranean Sea.It's as small as Gifu prefecture in Japan.😃 Its climate is mild,and is famous for the only one which doesn't have any deserts among the League of Arab States.😃 We can see Mt. Lebanon covered with snow through a year.The mountain lies north and south across the land.⛄ Lebanese cedars 杉 used to grow so thick on the mountain that it was covered with the tree in ancient time.🌱

No.417 13/05/02 07:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 415 【A reaction of Atomic nucleus】 Long long ago in the Middle Ages, spe… 【Does the atomic nucleus react?】

《Changing a chemical element into other one》

There used to be dubious people who were called the alchemists in the Middle Ages.😃

They told kings and the aristocracy that they could change cheap lead into expensive gold.The alchemists stayed at the castle for days,but they ran away without any success finally.💨

It was impossible to change a metal into gold,or no one couldn't turn a chemical element into other one with the technology in those days.😚

In a word,the alchemists used to be swindles then.😚

《The alchemists who were all make-believe》

There is a knife of which only tip changed into gold with the alchemy in a museum,but it's just that the tip was covered with gold plate 金メッキ.It's a compound metal 合金 made from gold and mercury 水銀.😜

The compound metal is a simple technology.Statues of Buddha were also covered with the gold plate in the Tenpyo era.😃

However,the compound metal is covering metal with the gold.It doesn't mean changing the metal into gold.😃

  • << 419 【Does the atomic nucleus react?】 《Modern alchemy is equivalent to an idea of changing the atomic nucleus into other one.》 The alchemy has been made possible today.We can change a cheap metal into an expensive gold.It's just that,we can change mercury into gold.😃 In a word,it means that we can change a chemical element of the mercury into other one of the gold,to be exact,changing atomic nucleus of the mercury into other one of the gold.😃 We can't do it with a flask,or a test tube.Without an atomic reactor,we can't.As a result,while it's possible,it costs a great deal.Far from making money with it!💸💸💸 The alchemy is possible today,but it's almost impossible to make money and make a money in the world 一旗揚げる with the alchemy,though there seem to be plenty of people around rights and interests of the alchemy.😒 By the way,there are some chemical formulas which express a reactions of the atomic nucleus.I'm going to do my best to express it with my cellphone,maybe…😚

No.416 13/05/01 22:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 414 【Israel】 《Sacred places for three religions crowd together》 Beside… 【Israel】

《Holy lands for three religions crowd together》

As the territory has different religions,they can't wipe out distrust or anxiety that their sacred places have damaged.In fact,Jerusalem was destroyed no less than 18times in the past because of offensive and defensive battle over the sacred places.💀

Jerusalem belongs to Jordan's territory in relation to an international law,but Israel has essentially controlled,and occupied there since the third war in the Middle East of 1967.😚

Israeli future including Palestinian problems is a touchstone itself in which we humankind seek for ways of coexistence.☝

《The UN have recognized Palestine as a state formally,but…》

Victorious nations in the World War Ⅱ used to occupy a super majority in the UN in 1947.It meant that the European countries and the U.S.A. which believe in Christianity accounted for an absolute majority in the UN then.⛪

  • << 418 【Israel】 《The UN have recognized Palestinian as a state formally,but…》 The absolute majority in the UN in those days adopted a resolution of establishment of the Jewish nation in Palestinian in order to repay the Jew was sacrificed during the World WarⅡ.😃 It seemed that they felt guilty for the jews,for they couldn't prevent Germany which believed in Christianity from slaughtering the Jews.😥 As a result,the people of Arabic ancestry who used to live there then were expelled from the Palestine.They ended up being refugees.😭 They didn't help Nazi Germany massacre the Jews,but they were kicked out of their dear old homelands,so they couldn't accept it naturally.😠 They repelled 反発 the resolution,and have decided to fight against it,seeking for their return to Palestine.😤 It was in 1993 when the Palestine changed their idea,and accepted the coexistence with the Jews.In short,they accepted the resolution of the UN in 1947 at last,but…😥

No.415 13/05/01 08:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 413 【Criticality starts again】 However,a control rod 制御棒 is being inserte… 【A reaction of Atomic nucleus】

Long long ago in the Middle Ages, speaking of an alchemist 錬金術師,it meant a dubious swindle,for it deliberately spread false information that it could change a base metal such as lead,or iron into gold,and wheedled money from others.😜

The base metal is the one which is easily oxidized 酸化 in the air.😃

However,a modern alchemy is neither a swindle nor conjuring trick 手品.It's a practicable technology scientifically.It's a reaction of atomic nucleus.😃
However,the modern alchemy is thousandth times as expensive as the one in the Middle Ages, though I'm wondering if it's really secure…😥

【Does the atomic nucleus also react?】

Some people may have heard the atoms never changed,and the alchemy was bogus インチキ,but they are in the wrong,for the atoms are changed,and the alchemy is practicable.😃

Besides,we can change an atom into other one,and we can turn the base metal into gold.😲

  • << 417 【Does the atomic nucleus react?】 《Changing a chemical element into other one》 There used to be dubious people who were called the alchemists in the Middle Ages.😃 They told kings and the aristocracy that they could change cheap lead into expensive gold.The alchemists stayed at the castle for days,but they ran away without any success finally.💨 It was impossible to change a metal into gold,or no one couldn't turn a chemical element into other one with the technology in those days.😚 In a word,the alchemists used to be swindles then.😚 《The alchemists who were all make-believe》 There is a knife of which only tip changed into gold with the alchemy in a museum,but it's just that the tip was covered with gold plate 金メッキ.It's a compound metal 合金 made from gold and mercury 水銀.😜 The compound metal is a simple technology.Statues of Buddha were also covered with the gold plate in the Tenpyo era.😃 However,the compound metal is covering metal with the gold.It doesn't mean changing the metal into gold.😃

No.414 13/04/30 07:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 411 【Israel】 《Sacred places for three religions crowd together》 Other … 【Israel】

《Sacred places for three religions crowd together》

Besides,there are remains of Jewish shrine,what is called「A hill of the shrine」in Jerusalem.A part of the shrine,what is called「The wall of grief」is the most valuable sacred place for the Judaists.☀

Contrary to it,Jerusalem is also a holy land for Muslims.The Koran says when the prophet,Mohammed,returned to Mecca,he went back on an angel's wing from a rock in front of アルアクサ・モスク.👼

The アルアクサ・モスク is in the remains of the shrine where the Israeli party leader visited.In short,holy lands of the Judaists and Muslims are in the same place.😲

In addition,there is a hill of Golgotha in Jerusalem.Jesus Christ was crucified 磔 there.His tomb is also in Jerusalem.⛪

We can recognize peculiarity of Jerusalem,for the holy lands of the three religions crowd together in a former town just 1 kilometer in length and breadth surrounded with castle walls.😲

  • << 416 【Israel】 《Holy lands for three religions crowd together》 As the territory has different religions,they can't wipe out distrust or anxiety that their sacred places have damaged.In fact,Jerusalem was destroyed no less than 18times in the past because of offensive and defensive battle over the sacred places.💀 Jerusalem belongs to Jordan's territory in relation to an international law,but Israel has essentially controlled,and occupied there since the third war in the Middle East of 1967.😚 Israeli future including Palestinian problems is a touchstone itself in which we humankind seek for ways of coexistence.☝ 《The UN have recognized Palestine as a state formally,but…》 Victorious nations in the World War Ⅱ used to occupy a super majority in the UN in 1947.It meant that the European countries and the U.S.A. which believe in Christianity accounted for an absolute majority in the UN then.⛪

No.413 13/04/30 05:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Criticality starts again】

However,a control rod 制御棒 is being inserted in the fuel,and absorbs neutrons,so the nuclear reactor hasn't worked just now,maybe.😚

By the way,I've expressed this response,being based on a book of「知っておきたい放射能の基礎知識」.It was published two years ago.I'm not sure of the latest information at all.I'm sorry for it😳

To return to my main topic,I'm going to continue.It's said heat of collapse causes meltdown at some nuclear reactor in Fukushima prefecture.

If the meltdown is making progress,a lump of fuel of uranium will be created.It reaches amount of the criticality,and the nuclear fission starts again.It's starting criticality again.😃

The situation of starting criticality again occurred in Tokai village before.Needless to say,it must not have done.😥

However,even if it breaks out,an explosion of atomic bomb will never arise.😃

  • << 415 【A reaction of Atomic nucleus】 Long long ago in the Middle Ages, speaking of an alchemist 錬金術師,it meant a dubious swindle,for it deliberately spread false information that it could change a base metal such as lead,or iron into gold,and wheedled money from others.😜 The base metal is the one which is easily oxidized 酸化 in the air.😃 However,a modern alchemy is neither a swindle nor conjuring trick 手品.It's a practicable technology scientifically.It's a reaction of atomic nucleus.😃          However,the modern alchemy is thousandth times as expensive as the one in the Middle Ages, though I'm wondering if it's really secure…😥 【Does the atomic nucleus also react?】 Some people may have heard the atoms never changed,and the alchemy was bogus インチキ,but they are in the wrong,for the atoms are changed,and the alchemy is practicable.😃 Besides,we can change an atom into other one,and we can turn the base metal into gold.😲

No.412 13/04/30 04:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 410 【How have the big atoms been generated?】 《Birth of a star made from n… 【How have the big atoms been generated?】

《A supernova's explosion》

In short,both the big atoms and little ones are among the fix stars which twinkle in the night sky,they have been generated in dazzling energy.🔥

Those atoms drifted across a long distance such as thousands of light years 光年,and crowded together.They became a planet.It's the earth.🌏

Both molecules and organic matters were generated,and they changed into creature like we the humankind finally.Possibly,the radioactivity may be essence of the creature😃

【Critcality 臨界 again】

Some people may have been concerned about criticality broke out again at the nuclear plant in Fukushima prefecture.By the way,what is the criticality?😚

In a word,the criticality is a reaction of nuclear fission continues voluntarily,so a nuclear reactor which is operating is a situation of the criticality.☀

No.411 13/04/28 08:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 409 【Israel】 《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each ot… 【Israel】

《Sacred places for three religions crowd together》

Other negotiations after the agreement in Oslo have been done,for both the Palestinian and the Jews have aimed at coexisting,but a problem on Jerusalem stands squarely in the way of the two countries.Which country does Jerusalem belong to?☝

The Palestinian has insisted that Eastern Jerusalem is Palestinian new capital,contrary to it,Israel has also claimed that Jerusalem is Israel's territory,so it can't be divided.🆚

The problem is involved in their religions so much that they find it hard to concede,for each religion such as the Judaist,Muslim,and Christianity has holy grounds in Jerusalem.😥

Jerusalem is the place where the promise has been done for the Judaist.They think their god gave them the land.😃

In a word,Zionism is a movement in which the Judaist try to establish their own country.A word of zion in the Zionism is a name of a hill in Jerusalem.😃

  • << 414 【Israel】 《Sacred places for three religions crowd together》 Besides,there are remains of Jewish shrine,what is called「A hill of the shrine」in Jerusalem.A part of the shrine,what is called「The wall of grief」is the most valuable sacred place for the Judaists.☀ Contrary to it,Jerusalem is also a holy land for Muslims.The Koran says when the prophet,Mohammed,returned to Mecca,he went back on an angel's wing from a rock in front of アルアクサ・モスク.👼 The アルアクサ・モスク is in the remains of the shrine where the Israeli party leader visited.In short,holy lands of the Judaists and Muslims are in the same place.😲 In addition,there is a hill of Golgotha in Jerusalem.Jesus Christ was crucified 磔 there.His tomb is also in Jerusalem.⛪ We can recognize peculiarity of Jerusalem,for the holy lands of the three religions crowd together in a former town just 1 kilometer in length and breadth surrounded with castle walls.😲

No.410 13/04/27 21:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 408 【How have the big atoms been generated?】 《Digression余談》 By the way,… 【How have the big atoms been generated?】

《Birth of a star made from neutrons》

As a result,electrons which have negative charge and atomic nucleus possess positive charge react each other,so neutron is created.😃

In a word,a whole star made from only neutrons is generated.Electronic clouds which have great amount of cubic volume vanish.They are stuffed into the tiny atomic nucleus.😲

In consequence,the star's density is overwhelming.It's billions of ton per 1 centimeter cube.It's said its dreadful gravitation absorbs even light.It's what is called a black hole.💀

《Explosion of a supernova 超新星》

A situation in which the fixed star reaches finally isn't always the black hole.It depends on, according to its size.😃

A big fixed star loses balance between its energy and quantity eventually,it'll suddenly break out a great explosion.It's an eruption of a supernova.🔥

A tremendous energy which occurred then generates instantaneously atoms which are bigger than iron.😃

  • << 412 【How have the big atoms been generated?】 《A supernova's explosion》 In short,both the big atoms and little ones are among the fix stars which twinkle in the night sky,they have been generated in dazzling energy.🔥 Those atoms drifted across a long distance such as thousands of light years 光年,and crowded together.They became a planet.It's the earth.🌏 Both molecules and organic matters were generated,and they changed into creature like we the humankind finally.Possibly,the radioactivity may be essence of the creature😃 【Critcality 臨界 again】 Some people may have been concerned about criticality broke out again at the nuclear plant in Fukushima prefecture.By the way,what is the criticality?😚 In a word,the criticality is a reaction of nuclear fission continues voluntarily,so a nuclear reactor which is operating is a situation of the criticality.☀

No.409 13/04/27 20:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 407 【Israel】 《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each ot… 【Israel】

《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each other》

If occurring a conflict, measures such as blockade will be stricter that the Palestinian may not be able to work temporarily of a day trip which is their source of income.💸

It's certain that the suicide bombs have been supported with their spirits of what is called Islamic jihads which means holy wars for them,but their fundamental problems are their absolute poverty.💸

A party leader in Israel called at what we call the shrine on the hill in a former city of Jerusalem in 2000.😃

With his visit,conflicts between the Palestinian and the Jews got worse,for one more difficult problem of holy place caused the conflict.💀

《Holy places for the three religions crowd together》

Jerusalem is originally a name of city which means a peaceful city in Hebrew ヘブライ語,but in spite of the meaning which the city has,dispute concerns the district makes the problem more complicated.⚠

  • << 411 【Israel】 《Sacred places for three religions crowd together》 Other negotiations after the agreement in Oslo have been done,for both the Palestinian and the Jews have aimed at coexisting,but a problem on Jerusalem stands squarely in the way of the two countries.Which country does Jerusalem belong to?☝ The Palestinian has insisted that Eastern Jerusalem is Palestinian new capital,contrary to it,Israel has also claimed that Jerusalem is Israel's territory,so it can't be divided.🆚 The problem is involved in their religions so much that they find it hard to concede,for each religion such as the Judaist,Muslim,and Christianity has holy grounds in Jerusalem.😥 Jerusalem is the place where the promise has been done for the Judaist.They think their god gave them the land.😃 In a word,Zionism is a movement in which the Judaist try to establish their own country.A word of zion in the Zionism is a name of a hill in Jerusalem.😃

No.408 13/04/27 13:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 406 【How have the atoms generated?】 《Birth of little atoms》 When an at… 【How have the big atoms been generated?】


By the way,while I love English,I'm just a non native English speaker,so when expressing this thread,I end up being apt to make a blunder.😥

I can't help it.We human are liable to make a mistake,needless to say,I've tried to avoid making mistakes,but to my sorrow I end up repeating erros.I'm sorry for it.😫

However,I'm going to continue this thread not being afraid of making mistakes,though I'll be careful.😤
《Limitation of the nuclear fusion》

The nuclear fusion continues to make energy generate until an isotope同位体 of iron.Then even if the nuclear fusion is repeated,energy will never be generated any more.😲

The fixed star which stops emitting energy loses an ability of swelling,besides the gravitation start making the fixed star shrink.⭐

It's said that the shrinkage is so terrible that electronic clouds around the atomic nuclear they drifted as if they were real clouds are squeezed into the atomic nucleus.😨

  • << 410 【How have the big atoms been generated?】 《Birth of a star made from neutrons》 As a result,electrons which have negative charge and atomic nucleus possess positive charge react each other,so neutron is created.😃 In a word,a whole star made from only neutrons is generated.Electronic clouds which have great amount of cubic volume vanish.They are stuffed into the tiny atomic nucleus.😲 In consequence,the star's density is overwhelming.It's billions of ton per 1 centimeter cube.It's said its dreadful gravitation absorbs even light.It's what is called a black hole.💀 《Explosion of a supernova 超新星》 A situation in which the fixed star reaches finally isn't always the black hole.It depends on, according to its size.😃 A big fixed star loses balance between its energy and quantity eventually,it'll suddenly break out a great explosion.It's an eruption of a supernova.🔥 A tremendous energy which occurred then generates instantaneously atoms which are bigger than iron.😃

No.407 13/04/27 02:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 405 【Israel】 《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each ot… 【Israel】

《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each other》

Although the PLO and Israel had opposed each other,they concluded historic Oslo Agreement in 1993.😃

Plenty of the Palestinian live in the Gaza Strip and west coast of the Jordan River.While the places have been occupied by Israel,Israel accepts Palestinian temporary self government there.😃

By the way,Palestinian suicide bombs have occurred frequently,we are forced to point out poor surroundings in the Gaza Strip and the west coast of the Jordan River as a background of the suicide bombs.☝

A lot of the Palestinian couldn't receive enough education during being under the long rule of the Jews.As a result,they have become inexperienced labors.😥

Their unemployment rate has been so high that it reaches no less than 38%.Moreover without permission from the Jews,they can't go out from the area.😥

  • << 409 【Israel】 《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each other》 If occurring a conflict, measures such as blockade will be stricter that the Palestinian may not be able to work temporarily of a day trip which is their source of income.💸 It's certain that the suicide bombs have been supported with their spirits of what is called Islamic jihads which means holy wars for them,but their fundamental problems are their absolute poverty.💸 A party leader in Israel called at what we call the shrine on the hill in a former city of Jerusalem in 2000.😃 With his visit,conflicts between the Palestinian and the Jews got worse,for one more difficult problem of holy place caused the conflict.💀 《Holy places for the three religions crowd together》 Jerusalem is originally a name of city which means a peaceful city in Hebrew ヘブライ語,but in spite of the meaning which the city has,dispute concerns the district makes the problem more complicated.⚠

No.406 13/04/25 05:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 404 【How have the atoms generated?】 《Big Bang》 Not only the atoms and … 【How have the atoms generated?】

《Birth of little atoms》

When an atom of tiny,but big energy was fused with other,and changed into another one of unstable and tremendous power.Then an extra energy between the two atoms was generated.😃

As a result,the group of the hydrogen atoms generated huge energy.The energy started shining brightly,and emitting enery around it.The energy is a fixed star恒星,in short,it's the sun.☀

All the hydrogen on the fixed star became helium,and atoms of the helium started the nuclear fusion,and turned into beryllium of which atomic number is 4.☀

In this way,big atoms were born one after another.In a word,the fix star is a place where the atoms were born.🙋

【How have the big atoms generated?】

Atoms of the hydrogen were born with the Big Bang,they changed into the fixed star.Then nuclear fusion started,and little atomss were also born one after another,but it had a limit.😃

  • << 408 【How have the big atoms been generated?】 《Digression余談》 By the way,while I love English,I'm just a non native English speaker,so when expressing this thread,I end up being apt to make a blunder.😥 I can't help it.We human are liable to make a mistake,needless to say,I've tried to avoid making mistakes,but to my sorrow I end up repeating erros.I'm sorry for it.😫 However,I'm going to continue this thread not being afraid of making mistakes,though I'll be careful.😤          《Limitation of the nuclear fusion》 The nuclear fusion continues to make energy generate until an isotope同位体 of iron.Then even if the nuclear fusion is repeated,energy will never be generated any more.😲 The fixed star which stops emitting energy loses an ability of swelling,besides the gravitation start making the fixed star shrink.⭐ It's said that the shrinkage is so terrible that electronic clouds around the atomic nuclear they drifted as if they were real clouds are squeezed into the atomic nucleus.😨

No.405 13/04/22 01:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 403 【Israel】 《Israel which is we humankind's touchstone of coexiste… 【Israel】

《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each other》

English irresolute attitude has made the Palestinian problem more complicated.As England couldn't maintain peace in the Palestine after the World WarⅡ,it transferred dealing with the Palestinian problem to the United Nation in 1947.🇬

The UN resolved to divide the Palestinian area into Jewish nation,Arabic nation,and area of Jerusalem where the UN administer in order to control the disorders.😃

While the Jews declared that they've established Israel in 1948,the Palestinian rejected the resolution,and Arabic nations supported the Palestinian.🆚

The opposition between them caused the first war in the Middle East.After that,the war broke three times.Whenever the war occurred,their territories have changed with dizzing speed.😣

On the other hand,the Palestinian have started to insist on their rights,and self-government.They also try to establish Palestinian nation.Its typical political organization is the PLO.😚

  • << 407 【Israel】 《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each other》 Although the PLO and Israel had opposed each other,they concluded historic Oslo Agreement in 1993.😃 Plenty of the Palestinian live in the Gaza Strip and west coast of the Jordan River.While the places have been occupied by Israel,Israel accepts Palestinian temporary self government there.😃 By the way,Palestinian suicide bombs have occurred frequently,we are forced to point out poor surroundings in the Gaza Strip and the west coast of the Jordan River as a background of the suicide bombs.☝ A lot of the Palestinian couldn't receive enough education during being under the long rule of the Jews.As a result,they have become inexperienced labors.😥 Their unemployment rate has been so high that it reaches no less than 38%.Moreover without permission from the Jews,they can't go out from the area.😥

No.404 13/04/22 00:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 402 【What is the periodic table of the elements?】 《Typical elements and … 【How have the atoms generated?】

《Big Bang》

Not only the atoms and matter,but also time space has started from the Big Bang,so the Big Bang must have been the great explosion.🔥

《Atoms' birth》

It's said almost all of universal base were atoms of hydrogen,and there were little helium in the Big Bang🔥

Therefore,when universe had just started,it was filled with atoms of hydrogen.The atoms drifted in the universe as if they had been mist or cloud.☁

The atoms of hydrogen used to spread equally in the universe,but they changed.Some were dense atoms,and others were thin with a fuzzy theory and so on.🌌

The dense ones were pulled against each other by gravitation 重力,and changed into high density.Friction made heat generate,and its temperature became very hot.🌌

《Birth of little atoms》

As a result,atom of hydrogen of which atomic number is 1 fused with other,and changed into helium.It's a nuclear fusion.😃

  • << 406 【How have the atoms generated?】 《Birth of little atoms》 When an atom of tiny,but big energy was fused with other,and changed into another one of unstable and tremendous power.Then an extra energy between the two atoms was generated.😃 As a result,the group of the hydrogen atoms generated huge energy.The energy started shining brightly,and emitting enery around it.The energy is a fixed star恒星,in short,it's the sun.☀ All the hydrogen on the fixed star became helium,and atoms of the helium started the nuclear fusion,and turned into beryllium of which atomic number is 4.☀ In this way,big atoms were born one after another.In a word,the fix star is a place where the atoms were born.🙋 【How have the big atoms generated?】 Atoms of the hydrogen were born with the Big Bang,they changed into the fixed star.Then nuclear fusion started,and little atomss were also born one after another,but it had a limit.😃

No.403 13/04/21 11:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 401 【Turkey】 《There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe ever… 【Israel】

《Israel which is we humankind's touchstone of coexistence》

I'd made a mistake again.I used a word of common for the subtitle,but I should have adopted for coexistence.😳

When Nazi Germany was on the rise in 1930s,plenty of the Jews who feared being persecuted 迫害 moved to Palestine so much that troubles between the Jews and the native Palestinian in relation to jobs and lands frequently occurred.🆚

They stood in opposition with the military force.The situation was going from bad to worse.💀

It was the English who reign over the Palestine.Then the English issued what is called Balfour declaration to the Jews.🇬

They made a promise to the Jews that they would establish ethnic area for the Jews in 1917.On the other hand,they made a promise to the Arab that they made a tremendous area which included Palestine be independent as Arabic kingdom in 1915.💦

In short,the English admitted that the two countries were independent in a single land at the same time.💧

  • << 405 【Israel】 《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews hate each other》 English irresolute attitude has made the Palestinian problem more complicated.As England couldn't maintain peace in the Palestine after the World WarⅡ,it transferred dealing with the Palestinian problem to the United Nation in 1947.🇬 The UN resolved to divide the Palestinian area into Jewish nation,Arabic nation,and area of Jerusalem where the UN administer in order to control the disorders.😃 While the Jews declared that they've established Israel in 1948,the Palestinian rejected the resolution,and Arabic nations supported the Palestinian.🆚 The opposition between them caused the first war in the Middle East.After that,the war broke three times.Whenever the war occurred,their territories have changed with dizzing speed.😣 On the other hand,the Palestinian have started to insist on their rights,and self-government.They also try to establish Palestinian nation.Its typical political organization is the PLO.😚

No.402 13/04/21 03:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 400 【What is the periodic table of the elements?】 《Group》 Oh! I blunde… 【What is the periodic table of the elements?】

《Typical elements and 還移元素》

Lanthanoid and actinoid belong to the third group.Each two includes no less than 15 chemical elements respectively.😃

The 15 chemical elements resemble so much.In general,there is other table for the lanthanoid and actinoid.😚

【How have the atoms generated?】

We can recognize there are atoms and chemical elements which have plenty of kinds,but how have they generated?The question seems to have essence of the radioactivity.😲

《The Big Bang》

We've thought the Big Bang which means the great explosion of universal scale made the atoms generate 13.8 billion years ago,according to the theory of elementary particles 素粒子論 and astronomy.🌌

We say then something which is universal base exploded and scattered all over the universal.🔥

To be exact,the place where they scattered is the universe itself,and neither space nor time before the great explosion never exist.😃

  • << 404 【How have the atoms generated?】 《Big Bang》 Not only the atoms and matter,but also time space has started from the Big Bang,so the Big Bang must have been the great explosion.🔥 《Atoms' birth》 It's said almost all of universal base were atoms of hydrogen,and there were little helium in the Big Bang🔥 Therefore,when universe had just started,it was filled with atoms of hydrogen.The atoms drifted in the universe as if they had been mist or cloud.☁ The atoms of hydrogen used to spread equally in the universe,but they changed.Some were dense atoms,and others were thin with a fuzzy theory and so on.🌌 The dense ones were pulled against each other by gravitation 重力,and changed into high density.Friction made heat generate,and its temperature became very hot.🌌 《Birth of little atoms》 As a result,atom of hydrogen of which atomic number is 1 fused with other,and changed into helium.It's a nuclear fusion.😃

No.401 13/04/20 02:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 398 【Turkey】 【There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe ever… 【Turkey】

《There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe every morning》

In short,things which separat Asia from Europe aren't their geographic situations,but how people in both areas feel,for example difference between cultures and religions.😃


『Israel which is we humankind's common touchstone 試金石』

《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews dislike each other》

Acts of terrorism by the Palestinian have occurred frequently in Israel,as a result,fighting with their blood for revenge by the both sides.😨

One of the causes goes as far back as around BC 1.000,then Israeli king,David unified Isurael,and established a kingdom of Isurael of which capital was Jerusalem.😃

Lands of Palestine used to belong to the Jews.Invasion of the ancient Roman Empire ousted 追放 the Jews from Jerusalem about 2.000 years ago,so they scattered all over the world.😣

Time has passed,and movement of Zionism in which the Jews try to return to the their ancestor land at the end in the 19 th century.😃

  • << 403 【Israel】 《Israel which is we humankind's touchstone of coexistence》 I'd made a mistake again.I used a word of common for the subtitle,but I should have adopted for coexistence.😳 When Nazi Germany was on the rise in 1930s,plenty of the Jews who feared being persecuted 迫害 moved to Palestine so much that troubles between the Jews and the native Palestinian in relation to jobs and lands frequently occurred.🆚 They stood in opposition with the military force.The situation was going from bad to worse.💀 It was the English who reign over the Palestine.Then the English issued what is called Balfour declaration to the Jews.🇬 They made a promise to the Jews that they would establish ethnic area for the Jews in 1917.On the other hand,they made a promise to the Arab that they made a tremendous area which included Palestine be independent as Arabic kingdom in 1915.💦 In short,the English admitted that the two countries were independent in a single land at the same time.💧

No.400 13/04/13 04:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 399 【What is the periodic table of the elements?】


Oh! I blundered.I expressed dates stand in lines on the calendar.It's not always in the wrong,but what I wanted to say is it's not the date but day of a week such as Sunday, Monday and so on.😳

Therefore the group on the periodic table of the elements corresponds a day of a week on the calendar.It's not the date, but the day of the week.😠

Even if its date 1,or 2, Sunday is happy Sunday when we are day off.Monday is blue Monday when we have to start working.😃

In this way, chemical elements which belong to the same group have the same nature.😃

《Typical elements and,還移元素》

However it's the chemical element of the group of 1,2,and from 12 to 18 have similarities and rules.We call them typical elements.😃

On the other hand,we call other chemical elements of which group from 3 to 11 還移元素.

  • << 402 【What is the periodic table of the elements?】 《Typical elements and 還移元素》 Lanthanoid and actinoid belong to the third group.Each two includes no less than 15 chemical elements respectively.😃 The 15 chemical elements resemble so much.In general,there is other table for the lanthanoid and actinoid.😚 【How have the atoms generated?】 We can recognize there are atoms and chemical elements which have plenty of kinds,but how have they generated?The question seems to have essence of the radioactivity.😲 《The Big Bang》 We've thought the Big Bang which means the great explosion of universal scale made the atoms generate 13.8 billion years ago,according to the theory of elementary particles 素粒子論 and astronomy.🌌 We say then something which is universal base exploded and scattered all over the universal.🔥 To be exact,the place where they scattered is the universe itself,and neither space nor time before the great explosion never exist.😃

No.399 13/04/13 03:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 396 【What kinds of atoms are there?】 《Chemical elements in the natural w… 【What kinds of atoms are there?】

《Chemical elements of super uranium》

Plenty of the chemical elements like the super uranium are so unstable that they will be broken at once when it's created.😱

It's just their experimental data remain.It resembles a situation as if a person didn't exist,but its family registration was left.😃

【What is the periodic table of the elements 元素周期表?】

The periodic table of the elements is the chemical elements are lined up with an order of atomic numbers,and return at an appropriate places.😃

Its concept is exactly the same as calendars.Its dates stand in lines with orders of its numbers,and return every 7date.😚


It is the group which is important in the periodic table.There are numbers from 1 to 18 above the periodic table.😃

We call the groups of the atoms under each number 1group,2group and so on.The group is equivalent to a date on the calendar.🙋

No.398 13/04/10 21:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 397 【Turkey】

【There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe every morning.》

It's just that Turkey has become one of candidates which may join in the EU in December 1999,for reformation of Turkish economic structure,the Kurdish problem,diplomatic relation between Greece and Cyprus prevent Turkey from particpating in the EU.😃

However,it's said some people regard plenty of the Turkish are Islamist as questionable in secret.☝

On the other hand,the East is considered to be the bloc of the Islamist,the West is regarded as the sphere of the Christianity in Turkey.😃

The Turkish largest city,Istanbul,is in a place where Asia connected with Europe.Asia is separated from Europe by the Bosporus.The narrowest width is no more than 700meters.😲

There is a residental area in the Asian side,so the Asian people commute to Europe where there are their companies through two bridges and by ferry every morning.🚢

  • << 401 【Turkey】 《There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe every morning》 In short,things which separat Asia from Europe aren't their geographic situations,but how people in both areas feel,for example difference between cultures and religions.😃 【Israel】 『Israel which is we humankind's common touchstone 試金石』 《Some reasons why the Palestinian and the Jews dislike each other》 Acts of terrorism by the Palestinian have occurred frequently in Israel,as a result,fighting with their blood for revenge by the both sides.😨 One of the causes goes as far back as around BC 1.000,then Israeli king,David unified Isurael,and established a kingdom of Isurael of which capital was Jerusalem.😃 Lands of Palestine used to belong to the Jews.Invasion of the ancient Roman Empire ousted 追放 the Jews from Jerusalem about 2.000 years ago,so they scattered all over the world.😣 Time has passed,and movement of Zionism in which the Jews try to return to the their ancestor land at the end in the 19 th century.😃

No.397 13/04/08 01:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 395 【Turkey】 『Does it belong to Europe,or Asia?』 《There are some peopl… 【Turkey】

《There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe every morning.》

It's said that Turkish ancestor is equestrian people 騎馬民族 who used to lead nomadic 遊牧 lives to the northeast in the central Asia.🐎

Some of them advanced eastward and settled in around area of self-governing of Uighur.Others went westward.They are ancestor of the present Turkish people.😃

It was the 11th century when the people who went westward advanced to the present Turkish territory.Its territory extended over the whole Balkan Peninsula about the middle in the 16th century of the Osman Turkish golden age.😃

Osman Turkey surrounded Vienna,and forced it in a position in which it was in the verge of falling.We can recognize Turkish ancestor charged through west.☀

Turkish people's ardent interest for the Western area appears in the modern policy.Turkey applied formally to the EU for becoming its member,but it made little progress.💦

No.396 13/04/08 00:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 394 【What is a radioactive isotope?】 《Atoms and chemical elements》 In … 【What kinds of atoms are there?】

《Chemical elements in the natural world》

However,technetinu of which atomic number is 43 was very unstable.It used to exist at the time when the earth was born,but it ended up breaking during the history of 4.8 billion years,so the technetinu doesn't exist in the natural world at all at present.😃

On the other hand,we have never thought what is called chemical element of super uranium existed in the natural world.Though it's small amount,we find it exists in the natural world.😲

As a result,roughly speaking,kinds of chemical elements in the natural world are some 90,accoring to my crib あんちょこ『知っておきたい放射能の基礎知識』😳

《Chemical element of super uranium》

However,except for the chemical elements in the natural world,there are other artificial ones which are created in an atomic reactor.😃

In general,we call them the chemical elements of super uranium.If including those,there are 118 kinds of the chemical elements on the earth.😃

  • << 399 【What kinds of atoms are there?】 《Chemical elements of super uranium》 Plenty of the chemical elements like the super uranium are so unstable that they will be broken at once when it's created.😱 It's just their experimental data remain.It resembles a situation as if a person didn't exist,but its family registration was left.😃 【What is the periodic table of the elements 元素周期表?】 The periodic table of the elements is the chemical elements are lined up with an order of atomic numbers,and return at an appropriate places.😃 Its concept is exactly the same as calendars.Its dates stand in lines with orders of its numbers,and return every 7date.😚 《Group》 It is the group which is important in the periodic table.There are numbers from 1 to 18 above the periodic table.😃 We call the groups of the atoms under each number 1group,2group and so on.The group is equivalent to a date on the calendar.🙋

No.395 13/04/07 14:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 393 【Malta】 《A marine country which lies at a center in the Mediterranea… 【Turkey】

『Does it belong to Europe,or Asia?』

《There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe every morning》

Speaking of the most popular sports in Turkey,it's soccer.The World Cup of soccer held in 2002,Turkey defeated Austria on a qualifying round 予選 in European area,and advanced to a final tournament.⚽

When reading my remarks,some people may think like the next.『Turkey is in Asia.Why does it play in the European qualifying round?』😥

In fact,Turkish territory stretches between Asia and Europe.Almost all of its territory,to be exact its 97%,belongs to the Asian continent.😃

In spite that the great part of Turkish territory doesn't belong to European continent,it joins in the UEFA,Union of European Football Association.It's strange.😲

Turkey seems to have both faces of Asia and Europe.Considering Turkish race which accounts for 80% in Turkey,it's an Asian ancestry.😃

  • << 397 【Turkey】 《There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe every morning.》 It's said that Turkish ancestor is equestrian people 騎馬民族 who used to lead nomadic 遊牧 lives to the northeast in the central Asia.🐎 Some of them advanced eastward and settled in around area of self-governing of Uighur.Others went westward.They are ancestor of the present Turkish people.😃 It was the 11th century when the people who went westward advanced to the present Turkish territory.Its territory extended over the whole Balkan Peninsula about the middle in the 16th century of the Osman Turkish golden age.😃 Osman Turkey surrounded Vienna,and forced it in a position in which it was in the verge of falling.We can recognize Turkish ancestor charged through west.☀ Turkish people's ardent interest for the Western area appears in the modern policy.Turkey applied formally to the EU for becoming its member,but it made little progress.💦

No.394 13/04/06 13:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 385 【What is a radioactive isotope?】 《When its amount of mass is big,it&… 【What is a radioactive isotope?】

《Atoms and chemical elements》

In a word,the atom is a material,and each particle.On the other hand,the chemical element is a generic name 総称 of which atomic number is same.It includes various isotopes.😃

The atom and chemical element resembles a relation between a common noun and proper one 固有名詞.😃

【What kinds of atoms are there?】

If trying to know how many kinds of atoms there are in the natural world,we have to learn all kinds of isotopes.💧

Even a simple chemical element like hydrogen has three isotopes.Some chemical elements have more than 10isotopeses,so we can't say its kinds' numbers easily.💦

《Chemical elements in the natural world》

Contrary to it,we can say the numbers of kinds of the chemical elements with ease.👍

Roughly speaking,it's said that stable chemical elements on the earth is hydrogen of which atomic number 1 to uranium of which atomic number is 92.😃

  • << 396 【What kinds of atoms are there?】 《Chemical elements in the natural world》 However,technetinu of which atomic number is 43 was very unstable.It used to exist at the time when the earth was born,but it ended up breaking during the history of 4.8 billion years,so the technetinu doesn't exist in the natural world at all at present.😃 On the other hand,we have never thought what is called chemical element of super uranium existed in the natural world.Though it's small amount,we find it exists in the natural world.😲 As a result,roughly speaking,kinds of chemical elements in the natural world are some 90,accoring to my crib あんちょこ『知っておきたい放射能の基礎知識』😳 《Chemical element of super uranium》 However,except for the chemical elements in the natural world,there are other artificial ones which are created in an atomic reactor.😃 In general,we call them the chemical elements of super uranium.If including those,there are 118 kinds of the chemical elements on the earth.😃

No.393 13/04/06 12:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 384 【Malta】 《A marine country which lies at a center in the Mediterranea… 【Malta】

《A marine country which lies at a center in the Mediterranean Sea》

The group of John knight fought with Osman Turkish army as the knight of Rhodes Islands at the end of the 12th century.Then it lost its headquarter,the Rhodes Islands,so CharlesⅤ,an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire,gave the group Malta.😃

The group of the knight's lives in Malta were hard.Its members were also monks.They were forbidden to be married,moreover they were assigned to be honest poverty,obedient,and chaste貞潔💔

After that,Napoleon controlled the Malta,then the islands belonged to England,but it has been independent in 1964.🎊

As for its industry,Malta has a traditional shipbuilding,sightseeing,besides it's started producing semiconductors.In short,it's succeeded in varied industries.🚢

In spite of being a small country,Malta is expected to achieve a criterion joining in EU earlier among other countries which are candidates joining in the EU.😃

  • << 395 【Turkey】 『Does it belong to Europe,or Asia?』 《There are some people who commute from Asia to Europe every morning》 Speaking of the most popular sports in Turkey,it's soccer.The World Cup of soccer held in 2002,Turkey defeated Austria on a qualifying round 予選 in European area,and advanced to a final tournament.⚽ When reading my remarks,some people may think like the next.『Turkey is in Asia.Why does it play in the European qualifying round?』😥 In fact,Turkish territory stretches between Asia and Europe.Almost all of its territory,to be exact its 97%,belongs to the Asian continent.😃 In spite that the great part of Turkish territory doesn't belong to European continent,it joins in the UEFA,Union of European Football Association.It's strange.😲 Turkey seems to have both faces of Asia and Europe.Considering Turkish race which accounts for 80% in Turkey,it's an Asian ancestry.😃

No.392 13/04/05 21:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 391 【Being under a starlit sky】

Constellation of the Virgin is the appearance of Demeter.Spica means an ear 穂 of wheat,but why is it the ear of wheat?I'm not sure of it😣

There is other constellation of which shape is a square ahead of the Spica.It's the Crow.The Crow is a liar in the Greek myth.😃

The crow used to be white when it worked under Apollo.One day,it loaved さぼる on the job.It told a lie and cheated Apollo.😜

The crow said to Apollo.『To tell the truth,I happened to know your wife's affair.I was irresolute so much that I've ended up being late』😜

Apollo believed the crow seriously,and killed his wife.She gave birth to their child at the last moment of being dead.She committed the child to Apollo,and died.👶

Apollo acknowledged that the crow told a lie,and was so indignant that changed the crow into black and stuck the bird in the night sky.⭐

Therefore the crow is black,and the four stars in the Crow are arrows which stuck the crow on the night sky.♐

No.391 13/04/03 21:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 390 【Being under a starlit sky】

Zeus went to where Hades was.He asked Hades to return Persephone on the ground again,but Hades refused it.😏

Hades told Zeus like next.『Even if you insist on Persephone's return,there is an original law in the hell.No one can break it.』😤

Zeus said.『Persephone ate four the fruits.Therefore,I'm sure she only have to lead in the hell for four months a year.』Hades accepted it.😚

Persephone told her mother『Don't feel so sad for me.It's just that I lead my life in the hell no more than one-third of a year.』😭

In this way,Demeter feel so grieved for three months when she is forced to be apart from her daughter that all the people on the ground end up suffering from severe cold in winter then,and all the plants wither and die.❄

On the other hand,when Persephone returns on the ground,Demeter's sadness disappeares,spring also comes on the ground,then the plants begin to put out.🌱

No.390 13/04/03 02:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 389 【Being under a starlit sky】

Then Zeus was also worried.He thought.『If this situation continues,I'm afraid man won't learn to believe in us the gods.』😱

Zeus went to the hell so as to ask to let Persephone go back on the ground.Fortunately,Hades accepted it.😚

Hades told Persephone like the next.『Though being in a short term,I've had a good time.While travelling,it's so long.Take this food with you』🍏

Persephone got to her mother safely.They were very delightful.Demeter said to her daughter.『I'm afraid you are tired.Eat something warm.』👩

Her daughter said『I'm all right,for Hades gave me fruits,and I eat them』Demeter turned pale and said,『How terrible,for the one who ate the food grown in the hell can't get out of the hell!』😭

Demeter felt so grieved that she shut herself in the mountain.All the plants on the ground also began to wither again.🍂

No.389 13/04/03 00:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 388 【Being under a starlit sky】

Demeter was a beautiful goddess of agriculture and the earth.She had a lovely daughter,Persephone.One day,Persephone went gathering flowers with nymphs.👸

When being in a flower garden,the earth suddenly split,and Hades,the king in the hell,appeared from the depth of the earth,and took her with him to the hell.👿

Demeter heard her daughter was kidnapped,and was worried about Persephone,but she wasn't sure who had done it.She thought.『What should I do?』😭

Hermes suggested she should ask Helios,a god of the sun,what happened to her daughter,for the god must have seen all the events on the ground.☀

Helios told Demeter that Hades had done it in order to make Persephone his wife.In addition,he told her her brother,Zeus,allowed Hades to Kidnap her daughter.😱

Demeter felt so sad that she hid in a mountain.All the plants on the ground withered and died,and human's lives were in difficulty because of not being the goddess of agriculture.🍂

No.388 13/04/02 22:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 387 【Being under a starlit sky】

Considering proportion of other planets to their satellites,the moon is mysterious.🌙

Roughly speaking,while the moon's diameter is 3.5 thousand km,the sun's are 1.4 million km.The sun is 400th times as big as the moon.☀
However,when looking at them,they look the same size,for it's the next situation.The distance between the moon and the earth is about 0.38 million km.On the other hand,the distance between the earth and the sun is 0.15 billion km.☀

In short,the distance between the earth and the sun is 400times as far as the distance between the earth and the moon.It's a natural strange coincidence.😲

By the way,when extending the handle of the Big Dipper 北斗七星,we can see two bright stars.The one is Arcturus of a star of the first magnitude 一等星.It belongs to 牛飼い座.🌠

There is a white star of the first magnitude,Spica,ahead of the Arcturus.It belongs to the Virginおとめ座.♍

I'm going to express a story of the Virgin next time.😃

No.387 13/04/02 21:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 386 【Being under a starlit sky】

The moon's revolution 公転 is equal to its rotation 自転.When the moon revolves around the earth,it always turns its same part to the earth.Why?🌙

It is said that the moon used to rotate long,long ago,but the earth's attractive force 引力 made the mass of the moon's inside cluster,so present condition in which only the same part faces to the earth was completed.🌙
Why was the moon born? Some people say the moon is the earth's other self 分身.Opinion is divided on the subject,but the next one is convincing.🌙

The earth was born 4.5billion years ago.Then a heavy body 天体 bummed against the earth,so the earth was torn off.After that,the one which was ripped off became solid,and changed into the moon.🌙

The moon's density is light,and its core is little.The moon still has plenty of mysteries.😃

While the moon's diameter is about 3500km,the earth's one is 13000km.The moon is larger than we expect.Roughly speaking,the earth is 4times as big as the moon.🌙

No.386 13/04/01 22:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

We adopt the solar calendar.The earth circles around the sun in 365days.365 divided by 12 equal 12,with 5 left over. Except for February,a month has 30 or 31days.☀

Contrary to it,we make 29.5days of waxing and waning 満ち欠け of the moon a month in the lunar calendar.🌙

As a result,as for the number of the days,there is difference between the the two calendars.The solar calendar has more 11days than the lunar one.😚

Compendium of seasonal words 歳時記 which has sense of season is expressed in the lunar calendar.There is also difference between the solar and lunar calendar in relation to the sense of the season.☀

However,the lunar calendar has been used in Islamic world,Chinese bloc,and Japanese farming village.🌙

The moon changes its shape everyday.If seeing the moon,we can recognize what date it is.It takes about a week from a half moon to the full moon.If remembering the date of the shape of the moon,it'll be convenient for us.👍

No.385 13/03/31 01:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 383 【What is a radioactive isotope?】 A meaning of the isotope has become… 【What is a radioactive isotope?】

《When its amount of mass is big,it's unstable》

A typical ones are atoms of which atomic numbers are more than 92.In general,we call them super uranium chemical elements.😃

They are so big that when being emitted,they split into small and stable atoms,so they don't exist in the natural world.😚

We humankind has created them intentionally with an atomic reactor.They are artificial chemical elements.They don't exist for a long period.The shortest one breaks in no more than one thousandth second.😲

《Atoms and chemical elements》

We have been able to recognize while we call the atoms the same name,the atoms of which amount are different.😃

Therefore we can make the difference between them clear.When reading a book on the atom,some people may have been confused the distinction between them.😥

Without any knowledge on the atom,it's apt to be so idealistic that we find it hard to understand.😔

  • << 394 【What is a radioactive isotope?】 《Atoms and chemical elements》 In a word,the atom is a material,and each particle.On the other hand,the chemical element is a generic name 総称 of which atomic number is same.It includes various isotopes.😃 The atom and chemical element resembles a relation between a common noun and proper one 固有名詞.😃 【What kinds of atoms are there?】 If trying to know how many kinds of atoms there are in the natural world,we have to learn all kinds of isotopes.💧 Even a simple chemical element like hydrogen has three isotopes.Some chemical elements have more than 10isotopeses,so we can't say its kinds' numbers easily.💦 《Chemical elements in the natural world》 Contrary to it,we can say the numbers of kinds of the chemical elements with ease.👍 Roughly speaking,it's said that stable chemical elements on the earth is hydrogen of which atomic number 1 to uranium of which atomic number is 92.😃

No.384 13/03/31 00:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 382 【Greece】 《The first host country of the Olympic Games in the 21th cen… 【Malta】

《A marine country which lies at a center in the Mediterranean Sea》

Its capital is Valletta.Its population is no more than 14 thousand,so Malta is a small island country,but it has a long and distinguished history.😃
It was before 2000 B.C. when the Phoenician who was good at the art of navigation immigrated to Malta where all the routes in the Mediterranean Sea intersected.😃

Melita of Phoenician langugage which means harbor or a place of refuge was corrupted 転訛 into Malta.😃

The Phoenician changed the island of a natural good harbor into a relay base in the Mediterranean Sea.After that several countries such as the ancient Roman Empire,Islamic Empire,and Osman Turkey controlled Malta.😃

A group of John knight ヨハネ騎士団 possessed Malta in 1530.The group changed into Malta one later.The group is one of great group of the knight such as Templarii and German.☀

The group of John knight is famous for an aggressive monastic order 修道会.⛪

  • << 393 【Malta】 《A marine country which lies at a center in the Mediterranean Sea》 The group of John knight fought with Osman Turkish army as the knight of Rhodes Islands at the end of the 12th century.Then it lost its headquarter,the Rhodes Islands,so CharlesⅤ,an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire,gave the group Malta.😃 The group of the knight's lives in Malta were hard.Its members were also monks.They were forbidden to be married,moreover they were assigned to be honest poverty,obedient,and chaste貞潔💔 After that,Napoleon controlled the Malta,then the islands belonged to England,but it has been independent in 1964.🎊 As for its industry,Malta has a traditional shipbuilding,sightseeing,besides it's started producing semiconductors.In short,it's succeeded in varied industries.🚢 In spite of being a small country,Malta is expected to achieve a criterion joining in EU earlier among other countries which are candidates joining in the EU.😃

No.383 13/03/30 23:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 381 【Is an atomic nucleus stable?】 《An energy which makes the atomic elem… 【What is a radioactive isotope?】

A meaning of the isotope has become clear,but what is a radioactive isotope?😃

《The isotope's stability》

While being the same numbers' protons and the same atomic number,its numbers of neutrons and the amount of mass are different.😃

When being different the amount of mass,its atomic nucleus' stability also changes.The different stability is a key point whether or not it's radioactive.😃

In short,the radioactive isotope is so unstable that its atomic nucleus generates radiation and tries to change into stable other.😃

Even if their atomic numbers are same,some are stable,the others aren't.For example,H3 is radioactive in relation to hydrogen,and C14 is also,concerned carbon.😚

《When its amount of mass is big,it's unstable》

When an atomic has a great amount of mass,it's usually radioactive,so when its atomic number is big,all its isotopes are radioactive isotopes.⚠

  • << 385 【What is a radioactive isotope?】 《When its amount of mass is big,it's unstable》 A typical ones are atoms of which atomic numbers are more than 92.In general,we call them super uranium chemical elements.😃 They are so big that when being emitted,they split into small and stable atoms,so they don't exist in the natural world.😚 We humankind has created them intentionally with an atomic reactor.They are artificial chemical elements.They don't exist for a long period.The shortest one breaks in no more than one thousandth second.😲 《Atoms and chemical elements》 We have been able to recognize while we call the atoms the same name,the atoms of which amount are different.😃 Therefore we can make the difference between them clear.When reading a book on the atom,some people may have been confused the distinction between them.😥 Without any knowledge on the atom,it's apt to be so idealistic that we find it hard to understand.😔

No.382 13/03/24 18:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 380 【Greece】 《The first host country of the Olympic Games in the 21th ce… 【Greece】

《The first host country of the Olympic Games in the 21th century》

Tension continues between Greece and its neighboring country,Turkey.There has been discord between them.The discord seems to be deep-rooted historically.💧

There doesn't seem to a sign of compromise between them,for example Turkish army has occupied Cyprus where the people of Greek ancestry account for its residents,or a problem in relation to territorial waters in the Aegean Sea.🆚

We hoped that first Olympic Games in the 21th century in 2004 might have solved those questions……😱

I'm wondering if the Greek expected the Olympic Games brought them economic effect.Unfortunately it seemed to be useless.💦


《A marine country which lies at a center in the Mediterranean Sea.》

Italian peninsula resembles a foot of we humankind.Malta is to the southwest of the Italian peninsula.It's an island which floats at a center in the Mediterranean Sea.🌴

  • << 384 【Malta】 《A marine country which lies at a center in the Mediterranean Sea》 Its capital is Valletta.Its population is no more than 14 thousand,so Malta is a small island country,but it has a long and distinguished history.😃         It was before 2000 B.C. when the Phoenician who was good at the art of navigation immigrated to Malta where all the routes in the Mediterranean Sea intersected.😃 Melita of Phoenician langugage which means harbor or a place of refuge was corrupted 転訛 into Malta.😃 The Phoenician changed the island of a natural good harbor into a relay base in the Mediterranean Sea.After that several countries such as the ancient Roman Empire,Islamic Empire,and Osman Turkey controlled Malta.😃 A group of John knight ヨハネ騎士団 possessed Malta in 1530.The group changed into Malta one later.The group is one of great group of the knight such as Templarii and German.☀ The group of John knight is famous for an aggressive monastic order 修道会.⛪

No.381 13/03/24 17:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 379 【What is an isotope? 同位体】 《Hydrogens' isotope》 Those three hydr… 【Is an atomic nucleus stable?】

《An energy which makes the atomic elements unite》

While some atomic nucleuses are stable,others aren't.The unstable atomic nucleuses change into stable ones.😃

The atomic nucleus is composed of proton and neutron.There is an energy which makes the two things unite.🙋

When the energy is large,the atomic nucleus is stable.Contrary to it,if the energy is small,the atomic nucleus will be unstable.😚      
There are various atoms,and there are also the most stable atoms.It is the ones of which amount of mass is around 60 such as isotopes of iron or nickel.😃

In short,the most stable atomic nucleus is the ones of which amount of mass is around 60.The others of which amount of mass is less like the hydrogen,or another of which amount of mass is more like uranium are unstable.😚

However,it's an evidence that nuclear fission,or nuclear fusion can create energy.😃
However,I'm afraid we humanbeings can control them completely…💧

  • << 383 【What is a radioactive isotope?】 A meaning of the isotope has become clear,but what is a radioactive isotope?😃 《The isotope's stability》 While being the same numbers' protons and the same atomic number,its numbers of neutrons and the amount of mass are different.😃 When being different the amount of mass,its atomic nucleus' stability also changes.The different stability is a key point whether or not it's radioactive.😃 In short,the radioactive isotope is so unstable that its atomic nucleus generates radiation and tries to change into stable other.😃 Even if their atomic numbers are same,some are stable,the others aren't.For example,H3 is radioactive in relation to hydrogen,and C14 is also,concerned carbon.😚 《When its amount of mass is big,it's unstable》 When an atomic has a great amount of mass,it's usually radioactive,so when its atomic number is big,all its isotopes are radioactive isotopes.⚠

No.380 13/03/23 23:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 378 【Greece】 《The first host country of the Olympic Games in the 21th ce… 【Greece】

《The first host country of the Olympic Games in the 21th century》

Greece reduced indirect tax,axd stood the inflationary spiral,but the people who are engaged in agriculture accounts for over 20% of Greek industries,and almost all of the manufacturing industry in Greece are small businesses.零細企業💧

While its heavy chemical industry such as steel manufacturing,shipbuilding,and oil refining had developed,its shipping trade, income from sightseeing,and remittance 送金 from emigrants had made up for deficit of its trade.Greek income is the lowest in the EU.💸

Plenty of Greek state-operated businesses changed into private management,and Greece joined in the EU,for its participation was accepted in the European board of directors.All of the people have requested greater effort in relation to economic revolution,I'm wondering.😤

By the way,as you recognize,Greek economy has already collapsed.My information was the one before its economy fell apart.😳

  • << 382 【Greece】 《The first host country of the Olympic Games in the 21th century》 Tension continues between Greece and its neighboring country,Turkey.There has been discord between them.The discord seems to be deep-rooted historically.💧 There doesn't seem to a sign of compromise between them,for example Turkish army has occupied Cyprus where the people of Greek ancestry account for its residents,or a problem in relation to territorial waters in the Aegean Sea.🆚 We hoped that first Olympic Games in the 21th century in 2004 might have solved those questions……😱 I'm wondering if the Greek expected the Olympic Games brought them economic effect.Unfortunately it seemed to be useless.💦 【Malta】 《A marine country which lies at a center in the Mediterranean Sea.》 Italian peninsula resembles a foot of we humankind.Malta is to the southwest of the Italian peninsula.It's an island which floats at a center in the Mediterranean Sea.🌴

No.379 13/03/23 20:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 375 【What is an isotope 同位体?】 Radioactive material,radioactive element,an… 【What is an isotope? 同位体】

《Hydrogens' isotope》

Those three hydrogens have same chemical reactionrs altogether,so we can't separate them when making use of their chemical nature.😃

However,H1 weighs half of H2,so their physical nature such as speed of their motions and strength of their oscillations 振動 are also different,so we can separate them when taking advantage of nature of their motions.😃

By the way,to my sorrow,I'm good at neither chemistry nor physics,so I can't understand why we can't separate them with the former way,but we can do with the latter one.I should have studied harder when being in high school.😳

【Is an atomic nucleus stable?】

While its atomic numbers are same,its amount of mass are different.When giving an example,there are all sorts of hydrogens which have three different isotopes.😃

The difference between them is a number of neutrons in the atomic nucleus.Then what kind of influence do the isotopes have in radioactivity of the atoms? 😚

  • << 381 【Is an atomic nucleus stable?】 《An energy which makes the atomic elements unite》 While some atomic nucleuses are stable,others aren't.The unstable atomic nucleuses change into stable ones.😃 The atomic nucleus is composed of proton and neutron.There is an energy which makes the two things unite.🙋 When the energy is large,the atomic nucleus is stable.Contrary to it,if the energy is small,the atomic nucleus will be unstable.😚       There are various atoms,and there are also the most stable atoms.It is the ones of which amount of mass is around 60 such as isotopes of iron or nickel.😃 In short,the most stable atomic nucleus is the ones of which amount of mass is around 60.The others of which amount of mass is less like the hydrogen,or another of which amount of mass is more like uranium are unstable.😚 However,it's an evidence that nuclear fission,or nuclear fusion can create energy.😃 However,I'm afraid we humanbeings can control them completely…💧

No.378 13/03/23 14:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The first host country of the Olympic Games in the 21th century》

Greece is one of places where ancient culture was originated.Shrine of the Parthenon is made from marble.The marble is created from barren soil where limestone 石灰岩 has cropped out.😃

The limestone has been exported to foreign countries such as Japan,and cement industry of which raw materials prospers in Greece.☀

The shipping trade 海運業 also flourishes in Greece because the country faces the sea,so the country is the one of shipowners which is match for Liberia and Panama.🚢

A variety of ships such as ferry,tankers,and yacht are moored in a harbor of Piraeus.The ships guide no less than 10 million tourist into Greek famous islands such as Rhodes,and Crete.⛵

Greece joins in the EU,but the truth of the matter!is that the country is in a hardship economically.Greek inflationary spiral is its tradition.

  • << 380 【Greece】 《The first host country of the Olympic Games in the 21th century》 Greece reduced indirect tax,axd stood the inflationary spiral,but the people who are engaged in agriculture accounts for over 20% of Greek industries,and almost all of the manufacturing industry in Greece are small businesses.零細企業💧 While its heavy chemical industry such as steel manufacturing,shipbuilding,and oil refining had developed,its shipping trade, income from sightseeing,and remittance 送金 from emigrants had made up for deficit of its trade.Greek income is the lowest in the EU.💸 Plenty of Greek state-operated businesses changed into private management,and Greece joined in the EU,for its participation was accepted in the European board of directors.All of the people have requested greater effort in relation to economic revolution,I'm wondering.😤 By the way,as you recognize,Greek economy has already collapsed.My information was the one before its economy fell apart.😳

No.377 13/03/23 13:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 374 【Spain】 《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem… 【Spain】

《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem in Spain》

The ETA is a radical organization which has sought for independence of the Basque area from Spain.It lies in Mt.Pyrenees on the Atlantic coast.It stretches over Spain and France.🇫

The people in the Basque is an old race which have started to live in the European continent before the Indo-European family of langugae.They maintain their original culture and language even today.😲

An autonomy of government was inaugurated 発足 in the Basque area in 1936.An rebel army which was led by a general of Franco oppressed the ETA,but the ETA continues its activity.😤

They stopped fighting in 1988,but Spanish government took so firm stance against the people in the Basque that the ETA has started terrorism again.💀

Victims of the terrorism are no less than 23 in 2000.The cumulative total victims 累計 from 1968 rise to 792.We've been worrid on a blow to Spanish tourist industry which ranks second place in the world.😥

No.376 13/03/18 22:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 375 【What is an isotope?】

《The isotope》

I'm sure I have to supplement 補足 in relation to my remark.😃

I'm afraid almost all of the people aren't interested in the atom,so I'm going to express on the atom again.😃

Roughly speaking,the atom is made up with electrons and an atomic nucleus.The electrons circle around the atomic nucleus.😃

The atomic nucleus consists of proton 陽子,and neutron,but the 軽水素 doesn't have any neutrons at all,but other two hydrogens have neutron.😃

All the hydrogens have proton.I'm not good at an explanation.😳

Sometimes I read my own English remarks,and to my sorrow,I can't understand them,though my own remarks.😱

However,I'm sure I don't have to be afraid of making a mistake,though I've tried to avoid making a mistake when expressing myself in English,but no one is perfec,especially I'm not in the least.😂

I ended up drifting away from the subject,I'm sorry for it,for I'm just a drunkard.🍺

No.375 13/03/18 21:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 373 【How is an atom?】 《Atomic number Z and amount of mass A》 We call the… 【What is an isotope 同位体?】

Radioactive material,radioactive element,and radioactive isotope.I'm wondering if we've heard them somewhere. If they are different,how different are they?At first,what is the isotope?😃

《The isotope》

While things of which atomic number are same,the things of which amount of mass are different.We call them the isotope.😃

An atomic nucleus is so heavy that it looks as if it were a boss in the atom,but it's not the atomic nucleus but electrons which rule chemical nature and reaction in the atom.😃

Therefore,the isotopes of which atomic number are same have same chemical nature.💡

《Hydrogen's isotopes》

For example,hydrogen's atomic number is 1,but it has three kinds of isotopes.The one is 軽水素,its amount of mass is 1,and it has no neutron.The other is heavy hydrogen,and its amount of mass is 2,and it has one neutron.Another is 三重水素.Its amount of mass is three,and it has two neutrons.😃

  • << 379 【What is an isotope? 同位体】 《Hydrogens' isotope》 Those three hydrogens have same chemical reactionrs altogether,so we can't separate them when making use of their chemical nature.😃 However,H1 weighs half of H2,so their physical nature such as speed of their motions and strength of their oscillations 振動 are also different,so we can separate them when taking advantage of nature of their motions.😃 By the way,to my sorrow,I'm good at neither chemistry nor physics,so I can't understand why we can't separate them with the former way,but we can do with the latter one.I should have studied harder when being in high school.😳 【Is an atomic nucleus stable?】 While its atomic numbers are same,its amount of mass are different.When giving an example,there are all sorts of hydrogens which have three different isotopes.😃 The difference between them is a number of neutrons in the atomic nucleus.Then what kind of influence do the isotopes have in radioactivity of the atoms? 😚

No.374 13/03/13 22:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 372 【Spain】 《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem … 【Spain】

《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem in Spain》

Introduction of foreign currencies have been liberalized,and Spanish main industry has changed from agriculture to the third industry.Those policies were so successful that Spanish economic growth rate reached 7.3% from 1959 to 1973.I'm wondering if it's an average of 14years.In any case it was marvelous,maybe,I don't know why. 😂

Spanish democratization started with a death of Franco who put despotic 独裁 government,present democratic structure has been completed at the end in 1980.🎉

Barcelona Olympic,and Seville international exposition 万博 took place in 1992.They were great success.Spanish economic growth rate has been over 4%,so it's an admirable developed country.😃

While Spain looks satisfactory,there is the worst problem of terrorism in Spain.It's an organization of terrorism,ETA バスク祖国と自由 of which goal is independence and separation of the Basque area from Spain.😤

  • << 377 【Spain】 《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem in Spain》 The ETA is a radical organization which has sought for independence of the Basque area from Spain.It lies in Mt.Pyrenees on the Atlantic coast.It stretches over Spain and France.🇫 The people in the Basque is an old race which have started to live in the European continent before the Indo-European family of langugae.They maintain their original culture and language even today.😲 An autonomy of government was inaugurated 発足 in the Basque area in 1936.An rebel army which was led by a general of Franco oppressed the ETA,but the ETA continues its activity.😤 They stopped fighting in 1988,but Spanish government took so firm stance against the people in the Basque that the ETA has started terrorism again.💀 Victims of the terrorism are no less than 23 in 2000.The cumulative total victims 累計 from 1968 rise to 792.We've been worrid on a blow to Spanish tourist industry which ranks second place in the world.😥

No.373 13/03/11 00:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 371 【How is an atomic nucleus?】 《Things which form the atomic nucleus.》 … 【How is an atom?】

《Atomic number Z and amount of mass A》

We call the sum of the number of proton and neutron amount of mass A.Therefore when deducting the number of the atomic number from the amount of mass,we can find a number of the neutron.😃

《The symbol of an element 元素記号,the atomic number,and the number of the mass.》

We express chemical elements with alphabets.We write its atomic number with small size on lower left of the chemical element,and its amount of mass with little size on upper left on the element,though we can't do it with a cellphone.📲

When dealing with a chemical reaction,the atomic number is very important.☝                  However the amount of mass plays very important role in relation to the atomic nucleus,especially concerning a matter which I try to express such as nuclear fission 核分裂,nuclear fusion 核融合,reaction and collapse of the atomic nucleus,radiation,and radioactivity.😃

  • << 375 【What is an isotope 同位体?】 Radioactive material,radioactive element,and radioactive isotope.I'm wondering if we've heard them somewhere. If they are different,how different are they?At first,what is the isotope?😃 《The isotope》 While things of which atomic number are same,the things of which amount of mass are different.We call them the isotope.😃 An atomic nucleus is so heavy that it looks as if it were a boss in the atom,but it's not the atomic nucleus but electrons which rule chemical nature and reaction in the atom.😃 Therefore,the isotopes of which atomic number are same have same chemical nature.💡 《Hydrogen's isotopes》 For example,hydrogen's atomic number is 1,but it has three kinds of isotopes.The one is 軽水素,its amount of mass is 1,and it has no neutron.The other is heavy hydrogen,and its amount of mass is 2,and it has one neutron.Another is 三重水素.Its amount of mass is three,and it has two neutrons.😃

No.372 13/03/10 22:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 370 【Italy】 《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》 A radical statem… 【Spain】

《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem in Spain》

The treaty is unthinkable at present,but we can recognize how powerful Spain and Portugal used to be then.😲
Unfortunately,Spanish golden age which founded the strongest empire with colonies in the world didn't continue so long.😚

Spain was beat by England in a naval battle,and lost command of the seas.After that,Spain was also defeated by Dutch independent army.💩

As a result,Spanish royal finance was in poverty,the country was steadily declining because bringing up its domestic industries was neglected.💸

To make matters worse,Spain failed to keep up with the industrial revolution,and was beat by the U.S.A.in 1898.🇺

In consequence,Spain was forced to hand over its colonies such as Philippines,Guam,and Puerto Rico to America,so Spain vanished from the limelight in the international society.😫

It was after the 1960s when Spain has revived,for…😚

To be continued.😁

  • << 374 【Spain】 《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem in Spain》 Introduction of foreign currencies have been liberalized,and Spanish main industry has changed from agriculture to the third industry.Those policies were so successful that Spanish economic growth rate reached 7.3% from 1959 to 1973.I'm wondering if it's an average of 14years.In any case it was marvelous,maybe,I don't know why. 😂 Spanish democratization started with a death of Franco who put despotic 独裁 government,present democratic structure has been completed at the end in 1980.🎉 Barcelona Olympic,and Seville international exposition 万博 took place in 1992.They were great success.Spanish economic growth rate has been over 4%,so it's an admirable developed country.😃 While Spain looks satisfactory,there is the worst problem of terrorism in Spain.It's an organization of terrorism,ETA バスク祖国と自由 of which goal is independence and separation of the Basque area from Spain.😤

No.371 13/03/10 21:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 369 【How is the atom】 《Size of the atom and the atomic nucleus》 Let�… 【How is an atomic nucleus?】

《Things which form the atomic nucleus.》

An atom is made up of electrons and the atomic nucleus,and the atomic nucleus is also composed of various things.😃

Roughly speaking,its main constituent elements are a proton and neutron.Both of weight are almost same,and we express it like the next.The atom's amount of mass is 1.😃

However,the proton is different form the neutron in relation to electric charge.While the proton's electric charge is +1,the neutron doesn't have electric charge in the least.It's neutral electrically.😚

《An atomic number Z and amount of mass A》

We call a number of the protons which form the atomic nucleus an atomic number.If being the atom of which atomic number is Z,the atom charges with + Z electrically.

I want to say that その原子は電気的に+Zに荷電している,but there isn't any appropriate examples.I'm wondering if my English is correct.😂

The atom has the same number electrons as its atomic number,and the electrons form cloud,so the atom is neutral electrically.💡

  • << 373 【How is an atom?】 《Atomic number Z and amount of mass A》 We call the sum of the number of proton and neutron amount of mass A.Therefore when deducting the number of the atomic number from the amount of mass,we can find a number of the neutron.😃 《The symbol of an element 元素記号,the atomic number,and the number of the mass.》 We express chemical elements with alphabets.We write its atomic number with small size on lower left of the chemical element,and its amount of mass with little size on upper left on the element,though we can't do it with a cellphone.📲 When dealing with a chemical reaction,the atomic number is very important.☝                  However the amount of mass plays very important role in relation to the atomic nucleus,especially concerning a matter which I try to express such as nuclear fission 核分裂,nuclear fusion 核融合,reaction and collapse of the atomic nucleus,radiation,and radioactivity.😃

No.370 13/03/10 19:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 368 【Italy】 《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》 Italy had been … 【Italy】

《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》

A radical statement of establishing a new republic north of the Po River caused a lot of fuss 物議をかもす,but Italian public opinion didn't act concert with the remark at all.😃

However a voice which supports an expansion of local autonomy is so high that its northern citizens are dissatisfied with its southern region.😠


『A conqueror in the era of what is called 大航海時代.It has revived in the 20th century』

《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem in Spain》

While main language in South American countries is the Spanish,only Brazil speaks the Portuguese.Some people may have some doubts about it.😃

It's the last remain of the world division at the time of what we call 大航海時代,when Spain and Portugal struggled for dominance 覇権争い🆚

The Pope's meditation ローマ法王の調停 made border between the two countries fix.The border used to mean that the world was divided into 2.The one was for Spain,and the other was for Portugal.🆚

  • << 372 【Spain】 《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem in Spain》 The treaty is unthinkable at present,but we can recognize how powerful Spain and Portugal used to be then.😲         Unfortunately,Spanish golden age which founded the strongest empire with colonies in the world didn't continue so long.😚 Spain was beat by England in a naval battle,and lost command of the seas.After that,Spain was also defeated by Dutch independent army.💩 As a result,Spanish royal finance was in poverty,the country was steadily declining because bringing up its domestic industries was neglected.💸 To make matters worse,Spain failed to keep up with the industrial revolution,and was beat by the U.S.A.in 1898.🇺 In consequence,Spain was forced to hand over its colonies such as Philippines,Guam,and Puerto Rico to America,so Spain vanished from the limelight in the international society.😫 It was after the 1960s when Spain has revived,for…😚 To be continued.😁

No.369 13/03/09 19:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 367 【How is the atom?】 《An electron's electric charge》 The things… 【How is the atom】

《Size of the atom and the atomic nucleus》

Let's suppose that the atom were a shape which two domed baseball stadiums like two small pancakes with bean jam in between どら焼き.Then the atomic nucleus is a size of the ping-pong ball on a pitcher plate on the domed baseball stadium.⚾

By the way,I've never seen the electric cloud around the atomic nucleus.I've expressed『clouds』,but I'm wondering if it's a single cloud which surrounds around the atomic nucleus,though I'm not sure of it at all.😚

【How is the atomic nucleus?】

The atomic nucleus is also very tiny.It's in the center of the atom,99% of the atom's mass is the atomic nucleus.😃

In a word,the electron has a great volume as if it were a cloud,but it had little substance.On the other hand,the atomic nucleus has crowded density.😃

The atomic nucleus is also deeply related with radioactivity.☝

  • << 371 【How is an atomic nucleus?】 《Things which form the atomic nucleus.》 An atom is made up of electrons and the atomic nucleus,and the atomic nucleus is also composed of various things.😃 Roughly speaking,its main constituent elements are a proton and neutron.Both of weight are almost same,and we express it like the next.The atom's amount of mass is 1.😃 However,the proton is different form the neutron in relation to electric charge.While the proton's electric charge is +1,the neutron doesn't have electric charge in the least.It's neutral electrically.😚 《An atomic number Z and amount of mass A》 We call a number of the protons which form the atomic nucleus an atomic number.If being the atom of which atomic number is Z,the atom charges with + Z electrically. I want to say that その原子は電気的に+Zに荷電している,but there isn't any appropriate examples.I'm wondering if my English is correct.😂 The atom has the same number electrons as its atomic number,and the electrons form cloud,so the atom is neutral electrically.💡

No.368 13/03/09 13:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 366 【Italy】 《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》 In fact,Italy i… 【Italy】

《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》

Italy had been self governments 自治国家 each place until the unification of Italy in 1861.😃

Its northern districts such as Venice,Genoa,Milan,and Toscana have developed with a trade,and commerce.💰

Contrary to it,its southern regions such as Naples and Sicily have histories in which they had been ruled by Spain or France.😠

There are still a lot of peasants in the southern regions,for the districts have failed to be modernized.Italian government has spent plenty of money so as to do away with the southern poverty,for example,an advance of heavy chemical industry of a state-run company and so on,but the trial of the Italian government has never succeeded.😱

A political party has appeared and insisted like the next.It asserts that Italy should be divided into 3 parts such as north,central,and south.Their autonomy 自治権 should be strengthened,and Italy ought to change into a federation,but… 😠

  • << 370 【Italy】 《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》 A radical statement of establishing a new republic north of the Po River caused a lot of fuss 物議をかもす,but Italian public opinion didn't act concert with the remark at all.😃 However a voice which supports an expansion of local autonomy is so high that its northern citizens are dissatisfied with its southern region.😠 【Spain】 『A conqueror in the era of what is called 大航海時代.It has revived in the 20th century』 《Independence of the Basque area is the most serious problem in Spain》 While main language in South American countries is the Spanish,only Brazil speaks the Portuguese.Some people may have some doubts about it.😃 It's the last remain of the world division at the time of what we call 大航海時代,when Spain and Portugal struggled for dominance 覇権争い🆚 The Pope's meditation ローマ法王の調停 made border between the two countries fix.The border used to mean that the world was divided into 2.The one was for Spain,and the other was for Portugal.🆚

No.367 13/03/09 12:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 356 【An atomic nucleus】 To my surprise,almost all of the atom's wei… 【How is the atom?】

《An electron's electric charge》

The things which look like clouds are the ones made from electrons.The electron is β rays' essence.😃

One electron has minus electric charge of one unit.We express it like -1.If the electric clouds are made from a number of z,it has electric charge of minus z as a whole.☁

There is the atomic nucleus in the center of the clouds.Its electric charge is the number of plus z,so the atom is neutral electrically.We call the number of the z an atomic number.💡

《Size of the atom and atomic nucleus》

The atom is extremely tiny.If we compare the atom to a ping-pong ball,the ping-pong ball which is magnified with the same rate becomes a size of the earth.🌏
The atomic nucleus is by far tinier than the atom,roughly speaking,its diameter is one-hundredth times as minimum as the atom.😃

In short,if the diameter of the atomic nucleus is 10cm,that of the atom is 10.000cm,100m.😲

  • << 369 【How is the atom】 《Size of the atom and the atomic nucleus》 Let's suppose that the atom were a shape which two domed baseball stadiums like two small pancakes with bean jam in between どら焼き.Then the atomic nucleus is a size of the ping-pong ball on a pitcher plate on the domed baseball stadium.⚾ By the way,I've never seen the electric cloud around the atomic nucleus.I've expressed『clouds』,but I'm wondering if it's a single cloud which surrounds around the atomic nucleus,though I'm not sure of it at all.😚 【How is the atomic nucleus?】 The atomic nucleus is also very tiny.It's in the center of the atom,99% of the atom's mass is the atomic nucleus.😃 In a word,the electron has a great volume as if it were a cloud,but it had little substance.On the other hand,the atomic nucleus has crowded density.😃 The atomic nucleus is also deeply related with radioactivity.☝

No.366 13/03/09 11:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 355 【Italy】 『An economic major power which is in the Mediterranean Sea is… 【Italy】

《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》

In fact,Italy isn't just a country of gourumet and something fashionable.A developed country which is on a par with France and Germany is real Italy.🙋

While Italian northern region is warm moist climate,its southern part is dry one in the Mediterranean Sea.It's a traditional agricultural district where olive and grape have been grown.🍇

A deep blue sea under the pure blue sky has spread from the southern region.Naples is famous for its scene.The southern district is seemingly peaceful,but there is problem in the region which has fallen behind the development of modern society.It's poverty.😥

It's said there are two countries in Italy.They are its northern and southern regions,for they are so contrast that none of the country has such the difference in the country, except for Italy.😣

As for unemployment rate,while 4.1% in the northern region,no less than 20% in the southern district.Income differential between the two regions reaches 5times😫

  • << 368 【Italy】 《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》 Italy had been self governments 自治国家 each place until the unification of Italy in 1861.😃 Its northern districts such as Venice,Genoa,Milan,and Toscana have developed with a trade,and commerce.💰 Contrary to it,its southern regions such as Naples and Sicily have histories in which they had been ruled by Spain or France.😠 There are still a lot of peasants in the southern regions,for the districts have failed to be modernized.Italian government has spent plenty of money so as to do away with the southern poverty,for example,an advance of heavy chemical industry of a state-run company and so on,but the trial of the Italian government has never succeeded.😱 A political party has appeared and insisted like the next.It asserts that Italy should be divided into 3 parts such as north,central,and south.Their autonomy 自治権 should be strengthened,and Italy ought to change into a federation,but… 😠

No.365 13/03/04 23:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How to count their fingers in the Europe and the United States】

When being asked『 how many fingers of your hand do you have?』,how should we answer?😃

Needless to say,the fingers are five,but English fingers don't include thumb,for when looking at our palms,a direction,and shape of the thum is different from others,so the thumb couldn't join in others.👎

There are plenty of English idioms in which the thumb is used,for example,thumb up.It means good!,or good luck.👍

When its meaning develops,it means having done well,or being satisfied with something.🙌

There is one more eccentric idiom on the thumb.When saying『I'm all thumbs.』it means that I'm clumsy with my hands,for if our fingers of hands were all thumbs,we couldn't do any delicate works at all.👎

When getting thumbs down,it means disagreement,or dissatisfaction.😚

No.364 13/03/04 21:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Make my days!】

A lot of English vogue words 流行語 have appeared from movies, novels,and commercials which are talked among the people.One of them is it,『Make my days!』😃

It means that if you can do it,do it!An American famous actor yells at a man who readys his gun at the actor in a movie.The actor says with a bluff,provocatively挑発的に『Make my days』It means that come on!😏

It originally means that make me happy.In short,『If you shoot at me,I'll do before you do,and kill you,so make me happy!』😜

An American President,Reagan,said the line セリフ which was used in the movie to the people who insisted on a tax increase.『Go ahead.Make my day!』😤

The phrase suddenly became the vogue word then.Considering Japanese situation,I don't think I want Japanese politicians to use the line,for I hate the tax increase.😚

To tell the truth,I'm a large taxpayer in relation to an indirect tax,for I'm just a heavy drunkerToast!🍻

No.363 13/03/02 23:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 362 【Being under a starlit sky】

The universe has started from the Big Bang billions years ago,and it has been expanded.It means that the universe isn't infinite,amount of the light is also limited,my pony あんちょこ says like that.😃

However I'm wondering if the universe is infinite,so it continues to extend.My pony continues like the next.📖

The farther stars retreat with almost luminous flux.The luminous flux means that it's as speedy as the light.🌉

The stars retreat so quickly that their light become weak.In addition,it's said that there are a lot of dark matters which the light can't be through.The dark matters make the universe become dark.I'm wondering if it's a kind of black hole.🌌

By the way could somebody give me Information in relation to a thing which the universe isn't infinite.😃

See you again until the next month🙋

No.362 13/03/02 22:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 361 【Being under a starlit sky】

There is the night of full moon after the Vernal Equinox.The next Sunday is the Easter.It's the day when they celebrate Christ.⛪

The Europe and the United States have so long winter that they are waiting impatiently for the Easter,for the Easter means that the sun also revives.☀

By the way,why is it dark at night?I'm wondering why there is no sun then,but there are plenty of twinkling stars in the night sky.Almost all of them are fixed stars 恒星 which twinkle themselves such as the sun.☀

In short,it means that there are billions of the stars like the sun in the universe.The farther we go into the universe,the more the stars are.I'm sure there are a lot of the suns in the universe,but it's dark at night.🌠

It's said it's the universe's paradox.It approaches astronomical important essence.The pony あんちょこ『マンガで読む星座物語』says like that.😳

It says the universe isn't infinite.To my sorrow,I'm so stupid that I can't grasp its theory very much.😂

No.361 13/03/02 22:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 360 【Being under a starlit sky】

Contrary to it,when receiving the light from the sun,other stars which twinkle are planets in the solar system太陽系☀

We call the brightest star a star of the first magnitude一等星。They are 20 in the whole sky.The second brightest star is the second one.They are about 60.⭐

When decreasing its grade its number becomes three times,so when continue to decrease its grade,its number reaches to no less than billions.Precisely,they are as much as the stars.🌠

However,it's at best the star of the sixth magnitude which we can recognize,so we can see about 6.000 stars in the whole sky.3.000stars in the hemisphere.🌌

By the way,the Vernal Equinox 春分の日 approaches.Its time of night and day is equal.The day is a borderline between seasons.When the day is over,spring has come on our calendar.😃

The Vernal Equinox means that spring has come in the Europe and the United States.🇺

No.360 13/03/02 20:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 359 【Being under a starlit sky】

The stars appear earlier every one degree every night,so when looking up at the stars in the same time,we find their places are different.In consequence,recognizing the polestar's place, discovering what season it is,though I'm wondering why the polestar is.🌠

It's said that nomads 遊牧民 of Mesopotamia which connected the stars.They also created shapes of the animals,humanbeings,and so on with the stars on the night sky about 5thousand years ago.🌌

The stories of the stars were conveyed to the ancient Greece,and some of them changed into the Greek Myth.They remain until just now.🌠

There are 88 constellations in the whole sky,roughly speaking,half of them were created in the period of the ancient Greece,and others were added from the 16th century to 17th century.🌠

Other constellations in the southern hemisphere were created in the period of what is called 大航海時代.⛵

By the way,almost all of twinkling stars are fixed stars 恒星 which twinkle themselves like the sun.☀

No.359 13/03/02 20:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 358 【Being under a starlit sky】

The bear felt so happy that it approached her son,but unfortunately he thought the bear attacked him.He found it dangerous,so he drew a bow to the full 弓を引き絞る in order to kill the beast.♐

Zeus happened to look at the scene from the heaven.He thought.『How horrible its child tries to kill the parent,even if the son doesn't know the bear was his mother.』😢

Zeus found it pity,so he also changed the son into a bear,and carried away them into the heaven as constellations 星座.They are the Little Bear and Great Bear.🐻

However, Hera said.『I'll never forgive them.I don't make them take a rest at all!』As a result,the constellations is in the night sky through a year.🐻

The Big Dipper 北斗七星 is a mark when looking for the polestar,besides we substitutes the polestar for a clock or calendar.🌠

The star moves 90 degrees per 6hours,so when recognizing the polestar's place,we can find an approximate time.⭐

No.358 13/03/02 13:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

The earth rotates as if it were a top コマ which was about to stop,for its axis 地軸 rotates with a little slant 傾き.Its cycle is no less than about 26 thousand years.We call the cycle 歳差.🌠

Considering the 歳差,other star wiil be replaced with the present polestar which we've called.😲

The present polestar is the one in the Little Bear 小熊座,but Vega in the Harp will be the next polestar after about 12 thousand years.🐻

The present polestar is equivalent to the tail of the Little Bear.If we want to find the polestar,we only have to extend the tip of the Big Dipper 北斗七星 of the Great Bear to make it five times.🐻

There is a sad episode about the Little Bear and the Great Bear.Almighty god in the Greek Myth,Zeus fell in love with a woman.She gave birthto his child.👶

Zeus' wife,Hera was infuriated at her.She exclaimed.『I'll put a curse on you,and banish you from here!』Hera changed her into a bear.20 years have passed.🐻

The bear which used to be the woman came across her son,but… 🐻

No.357 13/03/02 12:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

When looking up at the stars,we have regarded the sky as a hemisphere 半球.It resembles as if we put a bowl upside down.🌠

We think as if the stars moved from the east to west because of the earth's rotation.The stars move 15 degree an hour.To be exact,they don't,though.⭐

Let's suppose that we drew from the south point to the north one through the zenith 天頂 on the hemisphere.We call it the meridian 子午線🌏

When a star passes on the meridian,we say the star crosses the meridian 南中する 😃

By the way,when being in junior highschool,I tried to look for the meridian on the worldmap.I was wondering why it wasn't😂

All the stars on the northern hemisphere look they circke and their center is the polestar 北極星,but,the polestar doesn't lie due north 真北 on the imaginary hemisphere exactly.Therefore the polestar also circles.🌌

The polestar happens to be due north on the imaginary hemisphere just now,so we call the star like that,but…❗

No.356 13/03/01 00:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 354 【What is the 水ガラス?】 The 水ガラス is viscous 粘性 as if it were starch syru… 【An atomic nucleus】

To my surprise,almost all of the atom's weight is equal to that of the atomic nucleus itself.😃

【How is the atom?】

There are countless kinds of substance on the earth and there are numberless stars in the universe.All of them are made from the atoms,and there are the atomic nuclei in each center.🌌

I've expressed phenomena about radioactivity,but the atomic nuclei cause all the phenomena.Therefore we have to get knowledge on the atomic nuclei in order to take information on the radioactivity.😃

At the same time,we have to get information on the atom so as to know the atomic nucleus.😃

《The atom's shape》

Nobody has seen the atom's shape.If gathering the best that advanced modern technology,we can recognize the atoms' places,and we can make each atom move.😃

However,nobody has seen the atom's shape themselves.In short,we can't see each atom one by one by one,if considering its,though I don't know the principle😳

  • << 367 【How is the atom?】 《An electron's electric charge》 The things which look like clouds are the ones made from electrons.The electron is β rays' essence.😃 One electron has minus electric charge of one unit.We express it like -1.If the electric clouds are made from a number of z,it has electric charge of minus z as a whole.☁ There is the atomic nucleus in the center of the clouds.Its electric charge is the number of plus z,so the atom is neutral electrically.We call the number of the z an atomic number.💡 《Size of the atom and atomic nucleus》 The atom is extremely tiny.If we compare the atom to a ping-pong ball,the ping-pong ball which is magnified with the same rate becomes a size of the earth.🌏          The atomic nucleus is by far tinier than the atom,roughly speaking,its diameter is one-hundredth times as minimum as the atom.😃 In short,if the diameter of the atomic nucleus is 10cm,that of the atom is 10.000cm,100m.😲

No.355 13/02/28 23:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『An economic major power which is in the Mediterranean Sea is on a par with 肩を並べる Germany,and France』

《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》

While Italy is familiar to us Japanese through its clothes and foods,few Japanese people know Italy is economic major power which is one of member of what is called G7,I'm wondering.😺

Italy has long history and culture.It is northern industrial triangle zone such as Milan,Turin,and Genoa whih supports Italian economic development.👷

Along the Po River,the バダノベネタ plain has been wealthy agricultural area from a long ago.Mixed agriculture which is connected with commerce had developed there.😃
In a word,establishment of economic base made Italian society become stable.As a result,a foundation which moved toward industrialization has been created then.👷

While its capital is Rome,as to economy,it's said its capital is Milan.There are plenty of high-tech industries such as machinery,automobile, semiconductor 半導体 around Milan.🚗

  • << 366 【Italy】 《An opinion which may divide Italy into 2》 In fact,Italy isn't just a country of gourumet and something fashionable.A developed country which is on a par with France and Germany is real Italy.🙋 While Italian northern region is warm moist climate,its southern part is dry one in the Mediterranean Sea.It's a traditional agricultural district where olive and grape have been grown.🍇 A deep blue sea under the pure blue sky has spread from the southern region.Naples is famous for its scene.The southern district is seemingly peaceful,but there is problem in the region which has fallen behind the development of modern society.It's poverty.😥 It's said there are two countries in Italy.They are its northern and southern regions,for they are so contrast that none of the country has such the difference in the country, except for Italy.😣 As for unemployment rate,while 4.1% in the northern region,no less than 20% in the southern district.Income differential between the two regions reaches 5times😫

No.354 13/02/28 22:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 352 【Is the radiation useful?】 《Sterilizing properties》 We apply the ra… 【What is the 水ガラス?】

The 水ガラス is viscous 粘性 as if it were starch syrup 水飴,therefore we take advantage of it for glue,paint of resistance to fire,and a thing which improves soil for engineering works 土木工場

The 水ガラス is odorless,buthas strong acid.It has a property which makes a mucnus membrane 粘液 decay,so we have to be careful lest we drink it⚠

By the way,today is my payday.My salary of this month is by far less than I've expected.I wish I could be dead with the 水ガラス😂💸

【An atomic nucleus 原子核】

All of the substance is made from atoms.The atom is as if it were a ball made from very little clouds,moreover,there is much tinier point in the center of the atom.It's a atomic nucleus.😃

Let's suppose that the atom were a gigantic two pancakes with bean jam in between どら焼き,as for its size were the one which two Tokyo domed baseball stadiums were sticked to.☝

Then the atomic nucleus' size is as if it were a ball of pachinko which were on the mound in the one of big stadium,and…😃

  • << 356 【An atomic nucleus】 To my surprise,almost all of the atom's weight is equal to that of the atomic nucleus itself.😃 【How is the atom?】 There are countless kinds of substance on the earth and there are numberless stars in the universe.All of them are made from the atoms,and there are the atomic nuclei in each center.🌌 I've expressed phenomena about radioactivity,but the atomic nuclei cause all the phenomena.Therefore we have to get knowledge on the atomic nuclei in order to take information on the radioactivity.😃 At the same time,we have to get information on the atom so as to know the atomic nucleus.😃 《The atom's shape》 Nobody has seen the atom's shape.If gathering the best that advanced modern technology,we can recognize the atoms' places,and we can make each atom move.😃 However,nobody has seen the atom's shape themselves.In short,we can't see each atom one by one by one,if considering its,though I don't know the principle😳

No.353 13/02/26 23:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 351 【Struggling supermacy 覇権 which has continued in the Mediterranean Sea … 【Trading area which has stretched over Europe,Asia,and Africa】

A new trial has started.They regard the Mediterranean Sea as a new frame,and tried to establish the area as a circle of free trade.😃

It's the circle of free trade to which EU and each country along the Mediterranean Sea belong.😃

Some of the countries along the Mediterranean Sea show expressions of their intentions which they want to join in the EU and others have already made decisions on trade between EU.🌴

The plan has tried to treat those countries collectively as the area free trade.I'm wondering how the area along the Mediterranean Sea has developed,for my remarks are based on a book published about 10 years ago,面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方.😳

To tell the truth,I'm not sure of situations in the world at all.Besides I had never heard several countries which I'd expressed until then.😳

I'm sure a lot of information is getting older and older,for situations around us have always been changing even just now when I indulge myself in drinking🍻

No.352 13/02/26 22:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 350 【Is the radiation useful?】 《重粒子線 and medical treatment for cancer》 … 【Is the radiation useful?】

《Sterilizing properties》

We apply the radiation to the potato,so the potato loses ability of sprouting 芽を出す🌱

It's gamma rays which we apply then.It's emitted from artificial chemical element,cobalt 60.Natural one is cobalt 59,and it doesn't emit the radiation at all.😃

【What is 水ガラス?】

We made use of lot of water in order to cool the reactor,and spent nuclear fuel in the nuclear power plant disaster in Fukushima prefecture.😥

The water was polluted with high density,and there was puddle through pipes at a pit in the second reactor.The trouble was that the water began to leak from cracks of the reactor,and the water also started to flowed into the sea.🆘

Then we adopted concrete and polymer so as to stop leaking,but we couldn't,so we use the 水ガラス,luckily we succeeded in stopping it.🎉

We heat water and natrium silicid ケイ酸ナトリウム and mix them,so we can create a concentrated solution.It's the 水ガラス.😃

  • << 354 【What is the 水ガラス?】 The 水ガラス is viscous 粘性 as if it were starch syrup 水飴,therefore we take advantage of it for glue,paint of resistance to fire,and a thing which improves soil for engineering works 土木工場 👷 The 水ガラス is odorless,buthas strong acid.It has a property which makes a mucnus membrane 粘液 decay,so we have to be careful lest we drink it⚠ By the way,today is my payday.My salary of this month is by far less than I've expected.I wish I could be dead with the 水ガラス😂💸 【An atomic nucleus 原子核】 All of the substance is made from atoms.The atom is as if it were a ball made from very little clouds,moreover,there is much tinier point in the center of the atom.It's a atomic nucleus.😃 Let's suppose that the atom were a gigantic two pancakes with bean jam in between どら焼き,as for its size were the one which two Tokyo domed baseball stadiums were sticked to.☝ Then the atomic nucleus' size is as if it were a ball of pachinko which were on the mound in the one of big stadium,and…😃

No.351 13/02/26 21:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Struggling supermacy 覇権 which has continued in the Mediterranean Sea since the time of the goddess】

The Mediterranean Sea where plenty of people had come and gone as a route for ancient civilization used to be a stage where the people had struggled for having command of the sea.🆚

Time has passed.EU has established new idea of trading area.😃

【Trading area which has stretched over Europe,Asia,and Africa】

In general, speaking of the world of the Mediterranean Sea,ancient civilization such as Egyptian,Islamic,Greek and Rome easily occur to us.😃

However,I'm going to talk about area along the Mediterranean Sea such as South Europe,the Near and Middle East 中近東,and North Africa.🙌

Needless to say,they are so different from the ancient that the areas of its civilization.In consequence,there are sorts of religions,languages,countries' scale,difference between each area,but…

  • << 353 【Trading area which has stretched over Europe,Asia,and Africa】 A new trial has started.They regard the Mediterranean Sea as a new frame,and tried to establish the area as a circle of free trade.😃 It's the circle of free trade to which EU and each country along the Mediterranean Sea belong.😃 Some of the countries along the Mediterranean Sea show expressions of their intentions which they want to join in the EU and others have already made decisions on trade between EU.🌴 The plan has tried to treat those countries collectively as the area free trade.I'm wondering how the area along the Mediterranean Sea has developed,for my remarks are based on a book published about 10 years ago,面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方.😳 To tell the truth,I'm not sure of situations in the world at all.Besides I had never heard several countries which I'd expressed until then.😳 I'm sure a lot of information is getting older and older,for situations around us have always been changing even just now when I indulge myself in drinking🍻

No.350 13/02/26 20:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 341 【Is the radiation useful?】 An image which is something terrible comes… 【Is the radiation useful?】

《重粒子線 and medical treatment for cancer》

Controlling energies and directions of the 重粒子線 carefully means that we can controll its directions and depth toward our bodies' inside.😃

We have been trying to exterminate cancer cells,making use of effect of the 重粒子線🙋

《Sterilizing properties》

The radiation is harmful to creature,so it also does damage to bacteria.In short,we can take advantage of the radiation for sterilizing and disinfection.👍

The radiation is useful, especially in the next case.For example,a thing which is so fragile for heat that we can't do pasteurization 高温殺菌.😃

It's effective in relation to medical treatment,but we can't make use of the radiation so as to sterilize food in Japan.⚠

However,we have taken advantage of the radiation for preservation of potato.When being preserved,the potato comes into bud 芽.Then poisonous substance of solanin is created.💀

  • << 352 【Is the radiation useful?】 《Sterilizing properties》 We apply the radiation to the potato,so the potato loses ability of sprouting 芽を出す🌱 It's gamma rays which we apply then.It's emitted from artificial chemical element,cobalt 60.Natural one is cobalt 59,and it doesn't emit the radiation at all.😃 【What is 水ガラス?】 We made use of lot of water in order to cool the reactor,and spent nuclear fuel in the nuclear power plant disaster in Fukushima prefecture.😥 The water was polluted with high density,and there was puddle through pipes at a pit in the second reactor.The trouble was that the water began to leak from cracks of the reactor,and the water also started to flowed into the sea.🆘 Then we adopted concrete and polymer so as to stop leaking,but we couldn't,so we use the 水ガラス,luckily we succeeded in stopping it.🎉 We heat water and natrium silicid ケイ酸ナトリウム and mix them,so we can create a concentrated solution.It's the 水ガラス.😃

No.349 13/02/23 23:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 348 【Do English labors speak American English?】

It's said the English labors who hate the difference between their class are apt to speak the American English lately.🇺

Some knowledgeable people 識者 have grieved over that original English expressions have become American ones more and more.🇺

By the way,I've studying English for years,though it's just that I've tried to use English positively,but to my sorrow,I have little experience in which I've talked with native speakers.😔

I can manage to make myself understood in English,maybe,but there are sorts of English expressions,and words,and I'm not sure delicate difference between them.😠

I should have tried to associate with English native speakers more positively,but I'm not sociable at all.😣

I should make the best use of chances in which I talk with the native English speakers,but I'm afraid I can't,for I find it complicated.😩

The trouble is when making a mistake,I'm afraid I can't become aware of it,but it can't be helped.😥

No.348 13/02/23 22:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Do English labors speak American English?】

It's well known that when speaking even a single word,they recognize the speaker's class in England which is a hierarchical society,though I have'nt heard it until just now.😂

A film of『My Fair Lady』is a kind of miracle story,for its heroine who was from the lower class became other one who belonged to the upper class naturally.😃

She was thoroughly corrected her expressions,vocalizations,and pronunciations in the film.👩

It seems that there are sorts of English in England.For example,its pronunciations, speed,and even words are different from the others,in relation to accents of コクニー.🔤

One of sample of the English language which has been used in the English upper class is the one which has been spoken in the BBC broadcasting,but some people in the genuine English upper class say it's ordinary people's language.😂

On the other hand,American English has no difference between their classes,therefore…

No.347 13/02/18 18:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 346 【Three countries of Lithuania,Estonia,and Latvia in the Baltic district】

《May prosperity of marine trade come back!》

Estonia was incorporated into network of Baltic Sea's trade in the Middle Age.Some cities which belonged to the Hansa alliance were built each place in Estonia then.😃

Its capital,Tallinn,was one of them.More than 6 million of tourists visit routes in which the Hansa's sails came and went a year.Estonia is the most westernized among the three.⛵

0.3 million of the Estonian came together at a studium in Tallinn for their revolution.Then they had meetings of sing songs as movements for their independence.The studium was filled with their songs.We call the revolution the one of songs.🎵

Latvia which lies between the other two countries.Its capital is Riga,and population is 0.8 million.Riga is by far the most surpassed city in the three countries.As to economy,the city leads others💰

All of the three countries have aimed at returning to the Western bloc.We expect them to join in EU earlier.😃

No.346 13/02/18 04:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 345 【Georgia】

《A proud race in a mountainous district》

However,they have pushed forward a finance which was cut down on spending,as a result,its economic situation has a sign of recovering gradually.😃

Georgian national name is connected with a saint,Geogus who came from Cappadocia.English king was named after the saint.☝

【Three countries Lithuania, Estonia,and Latvia in the Baltic】

《May prosperity on marine trade come back!》

Three countries in the Baltic become independent owing to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.The most positive one for its independence was Lithuania.😃

Lithuania used to be a great empire,great principality 公国 of Lithuania of which influence reached the Black Sea.😃

Its capital,Vilnius is east which is near its border,for it's remains that the country used to build up the great empire toward inland.😃

On the other hand,Estonia lies northernmost among the three countries.It's an oceanic country which has more than 1500 islands.🌴

No.345 13/02/18 03:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 344 【Georgia】

《A proud race in a mountainous district》

It seems that Georgian national flag is significant because of its past war damage.☝

Almost all of the part of the flag is scarlet.The color means Georgian nations' blood which once bleeded.😭

Upper left of its flag is black.It means sorrow over Georgian heroes and the dead.There is white under the black.It means hope for their bright future.It seems that we caught only a glimpse of the proud Georgian😃

Georgian greater part of territory is mountainous.Its main industries are cattle rising 牧畜 and agriculture,but there is a dispute in which they are being demanded to use the Georgian language in self-governing dominion 自治区 of south オセチア,and other conflict which is in other self-governing dominion,アブハジア,where Islamic power is strong.😠

The disputes have made its economy deteriorate.Its inflation's record reached no less than 1500% at one time in 1992.Then its GNP fell to $580 which was the worst among the countries which once formed the Soviet Union.😱

No.344 13/02/18 02:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 343 【Uzbekistan】

《The fourth largest lake is disappearing⁉》

The Soviet Union had dammed up 堰き止める the river which flowed into the Aral Sea,and used its water for irrigation 灌がい.🌴

As a result,the Aral Sea has begun to dry up.Its water level has dropped no less than 16meters,and its surface area 表面積 also decreases to 40% of the Aral Sea.😫

Considering its situation,some people say the sea will vanish until 2020.💧


《Proud race in a mountainous district》

The last one which forms one of coumtries in Caucasus is Georgia.The country used to be a place where Western and Eastern cultures crossed like Armenia.😃

In consequence,while Georgia was prosperous,it had been repeatedly invaded with the countries around it.For instance,by Persia in the 4th century,by Arab in the 7th century,by Turkey in the 13th century.😢

After that,its history as a country who was ruled with other nations continued.Georgea became one of republics which formed the Soviet Union.After that,it declared its independence in 1991.🎉

No.343 13/02/18 01:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 342 【Uzbekistan】

《The fourth largest lake is disappearing⁉》

After being independent from the Soviet Union,Uzbekistan has adopted gradualism under national economic management.It has accomplished self-support 自給 for its energy.👍

In consequence,its falling of product which has been influenced by the collapse of the Soviet Union is little among the countries in the CIS.Its growth of GNP has become plus,and it's stable politically.🎊

By the way,the gradualism is a situation in which they avoid adopting radical ways,and try to achieve their targets little by little.😃

However,the Aral Sea which is the fourth largest lake,its size is 100th times as large as the Biwako in Japan,has decreased 60%,and fear of disappearing the Aral Sea has appeared behind-the-scene 舞台裏 of producing the raw cotton.🌴

The Soviet Union had developed resource of water in an area of Uzbekistan so as to improve production of the raw cotton and grain in 1950s.😤

No.342 13/02/18 00:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 340 【Belarus】 《Aftereffects of serious nuclear power plant disaster》 Bel… 【Belarus】

《Aftereffects of serious nuclear power plant disaster》

Belarus' main industries are machinery,electronics,fiber,and food,but its almost all of energies are forced to depend on Russia.😣

《The fourth largert lake is disappearing⁉》

Uzbekistan which lies in a center of the Central Asia is said to be Asian navalへそ.It used to be an important place for the Silk Road.😃

Each town such as Samarkand,Bukhara,and ヒワ,are specified as world heritages.If being there,we'll feel as if we slipped into another time.😲

Uzbekistan is far from the sea.If going to the sea,we'll have to pass more than two borders.The countries which are far from the sea are only Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein.🌴

Its economy has depended on producing of raw cotton 綿花 since the period of the Soviet Union.Amount of producing the raw cotton is the fourth place in the world.😃

Its amount of export is the second place after the U.S.A.Uzbekistan produces no less than 0.75 million of ton a year.🎊

No.341 13/02/17 23:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is the radiation useful?】

An image which is something terrible comes together with the radiation or radioactivity,but is the radiation only horrible? Does the radiation have nothing useful for us?😃

《Photography of X-ray and the radiation》

The radiation is closely connected with modern medical treatment.One of examples is X-ray.Therefore it seems there are few people who haven't made use of the radiation.😃

Some grown-ups have been taken X-rays for their chests.After drinking barium,others have received inspects of taking x-ray for their stomachs.💉

They may have been medical test using a CT scanner.When taking photographies of X-ray,we are clearly being exposed to the radiation.😃

However,its amount of being exposed to the radiation is slight.It's never bad for our health.🎉

《重粒子線 and a medical treatment for cancer》

It's 重粒子線 to which we have paid attention recently.It's the one of which atomic nucleuses such as proton,neon,and carbon are accelerated its speed.😃

  • << 350 【Is the radiation useful?】 《重粒子線 and medical treatment for cancer》 Controlling energies and directions of the 重粒子線 carefully means that we can controll its directions and depth toward our bodies' inside.😃 We have been trying to exterminate cancer cells,making use of effect of the 重粒子線🙋 《Sterilizing properties》 The radiation is harmful to creature,so it also does damage to bacteria.In short,we can take advantage of the radiation for sterilizing and disinfection.👍 The radiation is useful, especially in the next case.For example,a thing which is so fragile for heat that we can't do pasteurization 高温殺菌.😃 It's effective in relation to medical treatment,but we can't make use of the radiation so as to sterilize food in Japan.⚠ However,we have taken advantage of the radiation for preservation of potato.When being preserved,the potato comes into bud 芽.Then poisonous substance of solanin is created.💀

No.340 13/02/17 22:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 338 【Moldova】 《They are the Romanian,but the people of Moldova⁉》 Moreov… 【Belarus】

《Aftereffects of serious nuclear power plant disaster》

Belarus is an inland country which is completely surrounded with Russia,Poland,Ukraine,Lithuania,and Latvia.😃

Belarus had had never Experience of establishing country until 1991,so it had been ruled or invaded with around each country for a long time,so its people are low national consciousness.😠

Its capital,Minsk,of which population is 1.7 million suffered from damage that 90% of its towns were destroyed in the World War Ⅱ,so its towns' buildings of Stalin's style are lined up,its landscapes which reminds us of the Soviet Union have spread there.😃

On the other hand,there are plenty of forests,lakes,marshes,and rivers there,so pastoral 牧歌的 scenery has spread over its suburb.🐮

Before its independence,its economic situation was comparable better than other republics under a planned economy,but after independence,its economy has deteriorated because Belarus has lagged behind a market economy.😠

  • << 342 【Belarus】 《Aftereffects of serious nuclear power plant disaster》 Belarus' main industries are machinery,electronics,fiber,and food,but its almost all of energies are forced to depend on Russia.😣 【Uzbekistan】 《The fourth largert lake is disappearing⁉》 Uzbekistan which lies in a center of the Central Asia is said to be Asian navalへそ.It used to be an important place for the Silk Road.😃 Each town such as Samarkand,Bukhara,and ヒワ,are specified as world heritages.If being there,we'll feel as if we slipped into another time.😲 Uzbekistan is far from the sea.If going to the sea,we'll have to pass more than two borders.The countries which are far from the sea are only Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein.🌴 Its economy has depended on producing of raw cotton 綿花 since the period of the Soviet Union.Amount of producing the raw cotton is the fourth place in the world.😃 Its amount of export is the second place after the U.S.A.Uzbekistan produces no less than 0.75 million of ton a year.🎊

No.339 13/02/17 21:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 337 【Is it true that the earth emits the radiation?】 《The radiation whic… 【Is it true the earth emits the radiation?】

《A hot spring's radiation》

There are what is called famous hot springs in which the radon is melted as hot spring of radium.♨

α rays are being released from the hot spring,so we doubt whether or not the hot spring is good for our health,but it has been said the hot spring is effective against gout 痛風, disorder of a circulatory organ 循環器,malignant tumor 悪性腫瘍,and a symptom of falling down the blood pressure,so plenty of people have adopted it regularly for a long time.👍

It is said a kind of placebo effect.It's a kind of 思い込み,however its opinion is divided on the subject 諸説紛々.

However,other doctrine says if we take a thing which is originally harmful to a creature,it'll happen to be effective as long as it's a little.😚

Contrary to it,it is said it's hard to get data which show us its effect objectively,for it doesn't seem we can recreate its effect again.😚

No.338 13/02/17 18:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 336 【Moldova】 《They are the Romanian,but the people of Moldova⁉》 The l… 【Moldova】

《They are the Romanian,but the people of Moldova⁉》

Moreover,there is a problem of independence in ドニエストル.Residents of Russian ancestry there have declared that they separate and be independent as a republic.They conflicted with army of government of Moldova in 2.000🆚

Russian army which stationed there supported ドニエストル,and their battle intensified in 1992.An agreement that the Russian army would withdraw from Moldova was concluded in 1994,but their opposition hasn't been to settlement at all.Far from it! It seems it has deteriorated.🆘


《Aftereffects of the serious nuclear power plant disaster》

Unfortunately,experiences of being exposed to the radiation is common with Japan and Belarus.Belarus is the worst stricken country of the nuclear power plant disaster which had broken out in Ukraine in 1986.😱

Japanese government and private citizens continue to support them.Belarus which has been founded with a collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 is an inland country.😃

  • << 340 【Belarus】 《Aftereffects of serious nuclear power plant disaster》 Belarus is an inland country which is completely surrounded with Russia,Poland,Ukraine,Lithuania,and Latvia.😃 Belarus had had never Experience of establishing country until 1991,so it had been ruled or invaded with around each country for a long time,so its people are low national consciousness.😠 Its capital,Minsk,of which population is 1.7 million suffered from damage that 90% of its towns were destroyed in the World War Ⅱ,so its towns' buildings of Stalin's style are lined up,its landscapes which reminds us of the Soviet Union have spread there.😃 On the other hand,there are plenty of forests,lakes,marshes,and rivers there,so pastoral 牧歌的 scenery has spread over its suburb.🐮 Before its independence,its economic situation was comparable better than other republics under a planned economy,but after independence,its economy has deteriorated because Belarus has lagged behind a market economy.😠

No.337 13/02/17 07:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 334 【Is it true the earth emits the radiation?】 We call the earth's… 【Is it true that the earth emits the radiation?】

《The radiation which has generated from the earth's inside》

Needless to say,the neare being inside the earth,it means the deeper going down to into inside the earth,the stronger the radiation becomes.⚠

In addition,the radioactive material itself sometimes leaks from the earth's inside.One of them is radon.It's the gaseous body.☝

When the radioactive material,radium,is broken in the earth's core,the radon gives off.The radon also releases α rays,and changes into polonium.⚠

In a word,the radon is a source which releases the α rays.It's said there are a lot of the radons in a basement made of stone,so some people point out the radon has nature of causing cancer.💀

It's also said that workers in a place of uranium mine suffer from damage of being exposed to the radiation.💀

《A hot spring's radioactivity》

The radon is the gaseous body which is easy to be melted into water.😃

  • << 339 【Is it true the earth emits the radiation?】 《A hot spring's radiation》 There are what is called famous hot springs in which the radon is melted as hot spring of radium.♨ α rays are being released from the hot spring,so we doubt whether or not the hot spring is good for our health,but it has been said the hot spring is effective against gout 痛風, disorder of a circulatory organ 循環器,malignant tumor 悪性腫瘍,and a symptom of falling down the blood pressure,so plenty of people have adopted it regularly for a long time.👍 It is said a kind of placebo effect.It's a kind of 思い込み,however its opinion is divided on the subject 諸説紛々. However,other doctrine says if we take a thing which is originally harmful to a creature,it'll happen to be effective as long as it's a little.😚 Contrary to it,it is said it's hard to get data which show us its effect objectively,for it doesn't seem we can recreate its effect again.😚

No.336 13/02/16 01:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 335 【Moldova】

《They are the Romanian,but the people of Moldova⁉》

The language of Moldova was adopted again as its country's language in Moldova after it was incorporated into the the Soviet Union,for it thought if the people of Moldova were independent,they weren't annexed to Romania.💡

Moldova declared its independence August in 1991,and joined in the CIS,commonwealth of Independent States.😃

Moldova moves toward a democratic country,but as to its integration into Romania,while no less than 90% of the people of Moldova supported the country's independence as a nation,it was below the people of 10% which supported its integration.☝

Moldova of which main crops are grapes is a typical agricultural country,all of its energies depend on Russia.😃

After Russia collapsed,Moldova was affected by repeated natural disaster and Russian financial crisis,its economic situation steadily deteriorates 悪化.Some people point out Moldova is the poorest country in Europe.💸

  • << 338 【Moldova】 《They are the Romanian,but the people of Moldova⁉》 Moreover,there is a problem of independence in ドニエストル.Residents of Russian ancestry there have declared that they separate and be independent as a republic.They conflicted with army of government of Moldova in 2.000🆚 Russian army which stationed there supported ドニエストル,and their battle intensified in 1992.An agreement that the Russian army would withdraw from Moldova was concluded in 1994,but their opposition hasn't been to settlement at all.Far from it! It seems it has deteriorated.🆘 【Belarus】 《Aftereffects of the serious nuclear power plant disaster》 Unfortunately,experiences of being exposed to the radiation is common with Japan and Belarus.Belarus is the worst stricken country of the nuclear power plant disaster which had broken out in Ukraine in 1986.😱 Japanese government and private citizens continue to support them.Belarus which has been founded with a collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 is an inland country.😃

No.335 13/02/15 23:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 333 【Moldova】 『Destiny of the poorest country which has been toyed with … 【Moldova】

《They are the Romanian,but the people of Moldova⁉》

Moldova was incorporated into the Soviet Union again after the World WarⅡ.The Soviet Union adopted an unprecedented way to tear Moldova and Romania apart.😱

The people who who lived in Moldova were none other than the Romanian,but the Soviet Union introduced a new idea of the people of Moldova.😚

The Soviet Union publicized the language of Moldova was utterly different from the Romanian one.The language of Moldova used to be one of Romanian dialects,but Romania stopped using letters of Kyrillos in 1868,instead it adopted Latin ones.😃

Contrary to it,Kyrillos letters were used in the language of Moldova.It was also adopted in the Russian language.Kyrillos letters and Latin ones looked different.😔

After the Russian revolution,Romania which annexed to 併合 Moldova made the people of Moldova use the Romanian language in which Latin letters were used in Moldova at a time,but…

No.334 13/02/15 23:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it true the earth emits the radiation?】

We call the earth's core cold earth,but while the earth's diameter is about no less than 13.000kilometers,thickness of the earth's core is about no more than 30Kilometers.😃

However,temperature of its inside is no less than thousands degrees.We call it mantle.🌏

《The earth is a tremendous reactor》

Why is it so hot inside the earth?It's said when the earth was born it was melted and was such the high temperature because of the heat of friction and collisions,though it was 4.8 billion years ago.🌏

However the earth has emitted its heat so much that it becomes cooler than it used to be,but its inside has maintained its heat of thousands degrees,for the earth itself has given off heat.🌏

Its source of heat is thanks to atomic nucleus reaction 原子核反応 which has been done inside the earth.The earth is,so to speak,a huge reactor.🌏

《The radiation which has generated from the earth's inside》

There is the radiation which has leaked from the huge reactor,but…

  • << 337 【Is it true that the earth emits the radiation?】 《The radiation which has generated from the earth's inside》 Needless to say,the neare being inside the earth,it means the deeper going down to into inside the earth,the stronger the radiation becomes.⚠ In addition,the radioactive material itself sometimes leaks from the earth's inside.One of them is radon.It's the gaseous body.☝ When the radioactive material,radium,is broken in the earth's core,the radon gives off.The radon also releases α rays,and changes into polonium.⚠ In a word,the radon is a source which releases the α rays.It's said there are a lot of the radons in a basement made of stone,so some people point out the radon has nature of causing cancer.💀 It's also said that workers in a place of uranium mine suffer from damage of being exposed to the radiation.💀 《A hot spring's radioactivity》 The radon is the gaseous body which is easy to be melted into water.😃

No.333 13/02/15 22:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『Destiny of the poorest country which has been toyed with the great countries in Europe』          
《They are the Romanian,but are the people of Moldova⁉》

A national flag of the Republic of Moldova is the same as the one of its neighboring country,Romania,except for its national emblem of an eagle in the center of the flag.Considering its resemblance,we can imagine close relation between Moldova and Romania.😃

The principality of Moldavia which was a forerunner 前身 of Moldova was founded from at an end of the 13th century to the 14th century,but Moldova was placed under Osman-Turkish suzerain power 宗主権 after the 15th century,and was incorporated into the Russian territory at a beginning in the 19th century.😔

What is called three countries of Romania such as Moldavia,ワラキア and Transylvania had a history in which they had fought the rule around them for centuries,but it was a short-term in the 15th and the 19th century when they were unified,and after the World WarⅡ,Moldova was…

  • << 335 【Moldova】 《They are the Romanian,but the people of Moldova⁉》 Moldova was incorporated into the Soviet Union again after the World WarⅡ.The Soviet Union adopted an unprecedented way to tear Moldova and Romania apart.😱 The people who who lived in Moldova were none other than the Romanian,but the Soviet Union introduced a new idea of the people of Moldova.😚 The Soviet Union publicized the language of Moldova was utterly different from the Romanian one.The language of Moldova used to be one of Romanian dialects,but Romania stopped using letters of Kyrillos in 1868,instead it adopted Latin ones.😃 Contrary to it,Kyrillos letters were used in the language of Moldova.It was also adopted in the Russian language.Kyrillos letters and Latin ones looked different.😔 After the Russian revolution,Romania which annexed to 併合 Moldova made the people of Moldova use the Romanian language in which Latin letters were used in Moldova at a time,but…

No.332 13/02/15 20:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 330 【How much is the radiation in the natural world?】 《Being bombed from… 【How much is the radiation in the natural world?】

《Cosmic rays in the atmosphere or food.》

There is the radiation in the atmosphere.Its origins are varied,and some of them are the ones which generated when the cosmic rays bumped against the atmosphere.🌌

They are a kind of hydrogens,三重水素,H3,and a kind of carbons,C14.Those chemical elements drift into the air,or the hydrogen becomes water,and the carbon is absorbed in various food.😃

We usually drink the water and eat the food,so it means we are always exposed to the radiation in the body.😃

Besides,there are a variety of radioactive elements,it means kinds of radioactive materials,in the earth's core 地殻.🌏

The radioactive elements are potassium40 カリウム,rubidium87,polonium210,lead210.Uranium and radium are also the radioactive elements.😃

By the way,I don't have enough expertise to express the radioactivity.I'm just an amateur,though I've tried to understand and to express the radioactivity by myself in English.😚

No.331 13/02/15 13:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 329 【Armenia】 《Are the Armenian the descendants of Noah⁉》 Armenia is f… 【Armenia】

《Are the Armenian the descendants of Noah?》

Armenia used to formed republic of ザカフカス Soviet Union with Georgia and Azerbaijan in 1922,but ナゴルノカラバフ where plenty of the Armenian lived in the confusion period was incorporated into the self-governing dominion.😥

It's said the self-governing dominion is because of Stalin's temporary racial policy,and tragedies for the Armenian were prepared then.😭

In the middle of Armenian movement in order to belong to their homeland in the self-governing dominion February in 1988,Azerbaijani slaughtered the Armenian.💀

After that,racial confrontation between them intensified,a lot of refugees were forced to appear.They concluded a cease-fire agreement 停戦協定 May in 1994,but threatening situations in which trouble of firing guns occurred occasionally have continued even at present.🔥🔫

Gayane,suites 組曲 of ballet in which Armenian,Khachaturian wrote the music, including 剣の舞い,is a musical masterpiece of which theme is the homeland filled with its grief.☝

No.330 13/02/15 12:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 328 【How dangerous is the radiation?】 《Serious damage》 To make matters … 【How much is the radiation in the natural world?】

《Being bombed from the universe》

CFC,its an abbreviation of a chlorofluorocarbon フロン,which are made from artificial molecules such as carbon,hydrogen,and fluorine フッ素,has destroyed the ozone layer.😱

As a result,a place where there is no ozone layer has appeared over the South pole.It's what is called a ozone hole of environmental problem.😨

《Cosmic rays in high altitude》

When being in high altitude,its atmosphere decreases and its shelter vanishes,so the cosmic rays become strong😃

As to its rate,when going up every 1500 meter,the strength of the cosmic rays becomes twice.😃

Therefore a plane which flies at a height of 10.000 meters are exposed to the radiation which is about hundredth times as strong as the ones on the ground.😨

As for a spacecraft which flies in the space,its researchers have to come up with a way which defenses the radiation.🚀

  • << 332 【How much is the radiation in the natural world?】 《Cosmic rays in the atmosphere or food.》 There is the radiation in the atmosphere.Its origins are varied,and some of them are the ones which generated when the cosmic rays bumped against the atmosphere.🌌 They are a kind of hydrogens,三重水素,H3,and a kind of carbons,C14.Those chemical elements drift into the air,or the hydrogen becomes water,and the carbon is absorbed in various food.😃 We usually drink the water and eat the food,so it means we are always exposed to the radiation in the body.😃 Besides,there are a variety of radioactive elements,it means kinds of radioactive materials,in the earth's core 地殻.🌏 The radioactive elements are potassium40 カリウム,rubidium87,polonium210,lead210.Uranium and radium are also the radioactive elements.😃 By the way,I don't have enough expertise to express the radioactivity.I'm just an amateur,though I've tried to understand and to express the radioactivity by myself in English.😚

No.329 13/02/15 11:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 327 【Armenia】 《Are the Armenian descendants of Noah⁉》 Turkey massacred th… 【Armenia】

《Are the Armenian the descendants of Noah⁉》

Armenia is famous for its organization of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Armenian ancestry in the world.There is Mt. Ararat which rises over border between Turkey.The Ararat is the Armenian's symbol.🌋

The Ararat has an episode that Noah's ark ノアの箱舟 drifted ashore in the Old Testament 旧約聖書,so some opinions say the Armenian is the descendant of Noah.⛵

Original Armenian letters had been created about the 5th century,and the Bible was translated into the Armenian language,moreover its architecture of church was flowering then.🎉

However,Armenia continued to suffer its hardships. Foreign enemies such as Arab,Byzantine,Seljuk Turks,Mongol,Tatar,and Timur had invaded Armenia from the 7th to 15th century.As a result,a lot of the Armenian moved into other countries.😥

Armenian territory was divided into Persian and Turkish from the 16th to 18th century.😔

  • << 331 【Armenia】 《Are the Armenian the descendants of Noah?》 Armenia used to formed republic of ザカフカス Soviet Union with Georgia and Azerbaijan in 1922,but ナゴルノカラバフ where plenty of the Armenian lived in the confusion period was incorporated into the self-governing dominion.😥 It's said the self-governing dominion is because of Stalin's temporary racial policy,and tragedies for the Armenian were prepared then.😭 In the middle of Armenian movement in order to belong to their homeland in the self-governing dominion February in 1988,Azerbaijani slaughtered the Armenian.💀 After that,racial confrontation between them intensified,a lot of refugees were forced to appear.They concluded a cease-fire agreement 停戦協定 May in 1994,but threatening situations in which trouble of firing guns occurred occasionally have continued even at present.🔥🔫 Gayane,suites 組曲 of ballet in which Armenian,Khachaturian wrote the music, including 剣の舞い,is a musical masterpiece of which theme is the homeland filled with its grief.☝

No.328 13/02/13 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 326 【How dangerous is the radiation?】 《Limit of its safety》 If the amoun… 【How dangerous is the radiation?】

《Serious damage》

To make matters worse,when the amount of being radiated reaches to 10.000 mSv,it means 10 Sv,we'll fall into 意識障害,and when reaching to 50 Sv,we'll be dead within 2 days.💀

【How much is the radiation in the natural world?】

The radiation is very harmful to a living body,but it's full of in the natural world.It is said that it's 2.4 mSv that a person receives the radiation a year.😥

However,the living bodies have envolved,enduring the radiation.In short,the living body has a tolerance to the radiation on the earth a lot.😃

《Being bombed from the universe》

Cosmic rays pour down from the universe.They are mainly very harmful such as gamma rays or proton 陽子 rays,but they are being absorbed in the ozone layer which is at the stratosphere 成層圏 of high altitude.🌌

It's said without the shelter,neither living bodies could survive nor would be born on the earth.💧

  • << 330 【How much is the radiation in the natural world?】 《Being bombed from the universe》 CFC,its an abbreviation of a chlorofluorocarbon フロン,which are made from artificial molecules such as carbon,hydrogen,and fluorine フッ素,has destroyed the ozone layer.😱 As a result,a place where there is no ozone layer has appeared over the South pole.It's what is called a ozone hole of environmental problem.😨 《Cosmic rays in high altitude》 When being in high altitude,its atmosphere decreases and its shelter vanishes,so the cosmic rays become strong😃 As to its rate,when going up every 1500 meter,the strength of the cosmic rays becomes twice.😃 Therefore a plane which flies at a height of 10.000 meters are exposed to the radiation which is about hundredth times as strong as the ones on the ground.😨 As for a spacecraft which flies in the space,its researchers have to come up with a way which defenses the radiation.🚀

No.327 13/02/13 09:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 325 【Azerbaijan】 《No less than half of crude petroleum used to be produce… 【Armenia】

《Are the Armenian descendants of Noah⁉》
Turkey massacred the Armenian in the middle of the World WarⅠ.Turkey and Armenia have fought over an interpretation of the massacre.The border between Turkey and Armenia have been closed for a long time.Armenia has a strong relation with Russia politically😃
There used to be some routes from China or India to Europe, Russia or the Mediterranean Sea.Those routes joined in Armenia,so the route had been important as a point where people's coming and going for their commerce in those days.💡
Contrary to it,some countries tried to govern Armenia so much that they fought over Armenia,so the unification of the nation was intermittent 断続的.Armenia has gone through many hardships for a long time.😭

While its neighboring country,Azerbaijan,believe in Islam,Armenian national religion is Christianity.Armenia is famous for the first ones who had accepted Christianity as both nation and race in the world in 301 AD.⛪

  • << 329 【Armenia】 《Are the Armenian the descendants of Noah⁉》 Armenia is famous for its organization of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Armenian ancestry in the world.There is Mt. Ararat which rises over border between Turkey.The Ararat is the Armenian's symbol.🌋 The Ararat has an episode that Noah's ark ノアの箱舟 drifted ashore in the Old Testament 旧約聖書,so some opinions say the Armenian is the descendant of Noah.⛵ Original Armenian letters had been created about the 5th century,and the Bible was translated into the Armenian language,moreover its architecture of church was flowering then.🎉 However,Armenia continued to suffer its hardships. Foreign enemies such as Arab,Byzantine,Seljuk Turks,Mongol,Tatar,and Timur had invaded Armenia from the 7th to 15th century.As a result,a lot of the Armenian moved into other countries.😥 Armenian territory was divided into Persian and Turkish from the 16th to 18th century.😔

No.326 13/02/12 23:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 324 【How dangerous is the radiation?】 We are being exposed to radiation w… 【How dangerous is the radiation?】

《Limit of its safety》

If the amount of the radiation is below 100 mSv,human body isn't influenced by the radiation very much.😃

Even if we lead everyday life below 100 mSv for 4 days,it's no problem medically.👌
《Damage causes》

However,the amount of being radiated reaches 150mSv,it's said we start to feel sick.🚨

Moreover,when it reaches to 1.000mSv,it does harm to our human body.In short,lymphocytes リンパ球 in a peripheral nerve 抹消神経 start to decrease.⚠

The lymphocyte plays main role for immunity 免疫,so when the lymphocytes decrease,the immunity declines.As a result,we end up having little resistance to germs,even if we are infected a little,it'll cost us our lives.🆘

《Serious damage》

If the amount of being radiated reaches 5.000 mSv,we have diarrhea 下痢,bleed.Besides we lose our hair for the time being.The symptom is a serious illness.⚠🆘🚨

  • << 328 【How dangerous is the radiation?】 《Serious damage》 To make matters worse,when the amount of being radiated reaches to 10.000 mSv,it means 10 Sv,we'll fall into 意識障害,and when reaching to 50 Sv,we'll be dead within 2 days.💀 【How much is the radiation in the natural world?】 The radiation is very harmful to a living body,but it's full of in the natural world.It is said that it's 2.4 mSv that a person receives the radiation a year.😥 However,the living bodies have envolved,enduring the radiation.In short,the living body has a tolerance to the radiation on the earth a lot.😃 《Being bombed from the universe》 Cosmic rays pour down from the universe.They are mainly very harmful such as gamma rays or proton 陽子 rays,but they are being absorbed in the ozone layer which is at the stratosphere 成層圏 of high altitude.🌌 It's said without the shelter,neither living bodies could survive nor would be born on the earth.💧

No.325 13/02/12 22:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 323 【Azerbaijan】              《No less than half of crude petroleum in the… 【Azerbaijan】

《No less than half of crude petroleum used to be produced》

A cease-fire agreement 停戦協定 has been concluded between Azerbaijan and self-governing dominion of ナゴルノカラバフ in 1994,but peace has never returned to them at all🆚

The racial dispute caused about no less than 0.9million of refugees.In addition,it's said that there have been more than 40 thousand of メスフ人 in Azerbaijan.😥

メスフ人 were forced to move from Georgia to Central Asia in the time of Stalin Administration.They have run into Azerbaijan after the Soviet Union collapsed.Problem of refugee in Azerbaijan are serious.😔

Shi シーア派 of Islamist is superior to others in Azerbaijan.The Azerbaijan accounts for more than 90% of its population in Azerbaijan.☀


『First country which made Christianity its national religion』

《Are the Armenian descendants of Noah⁉》

Armenia was the smallest country in the former Soviet Union,and it's opposed to Turkey,for…😣

  • << 327 【Armenia】 《Are the Armenian descendants of Noah⁉》 Turkey massacred the Armenian in the middle of the World WarⅠ.Turkey and Armenia have fought over an interpretation of the massacre.The border between Turkey and Armenia have been closed for a long time.Armenia has a strong relation with Russia politically😃          There used to be some routes from China or India to Europe, Russia or the Mediterranean Sea.Those routes joined in Armenia,so the route had been important as a point where people's coming and going for their commerce in those days.💡                Contrary to it,some countries tried to govern Armenia so much that they fought over Armenia,so the unification of the nation was intermittent 断続的.Armenia has gone through many hardships for a long time.😭 While its neighboring country,Azerbaijan,believe in Islam,Armenian national religion is Christianity.Armenia is famous for the first ones who had accepted Christianity as both nation and race in the world in 301 AD.⛪

No.324 13/02/12 21:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 322 【What is sievert?】 《Sievert》 Even if the same energy of radiation,wh… 【How dangerous is the radiation?】

We are being exposed to radiation which exists in the natural world every day,though it's too little to recognize it.😃

However,if an amount of being exposed to the radiation increases,how much does it affect us?😨

《How much harmful is the radiation?》

We know well that the radiation is harmful,but how much harmful and dangerous is the radiation?It seems that few people can answer it exactly.😚

Needless to say,we can't use the human body to experiment with the radiation,so we can't examine its damage precisely.😥

As a result,as for being harmful of the radiation,we are forced to presume a result of an accident in which happened.We are forced to examine its victims minutely,or to use an amimal to experiment with the radiation.😃

It's just not I highly recommend the experiment in which human body is used with the radiation.☝

I'm going to express the amount of being harmful of the radiation in number,they are approximate.💦

  • << 326 【How dangerous is the radiation?】 《Limit of its safety》 If the amount of the radiation is below 100 mSv,human body isn't influenced by the radiation very much.😃 Even if we lead everyday life below 100 mSv for 4 days,it's no problem medically.👌 《Damage causes》 However,the amount of being radiated reaches 150mSv,it's said we start to feel sick.🚨 Moreover,when it reaches to 1.000mSv,it does harm to our human body.In short,lymphocytes リンパ球 in a peripheral nerve 抹消神経 start to decrease.⚠ The lymphocyte plays main role for immunity 免疫,so when the lymphocytes decrease,the immunity declines.As a result,we end up having little resistance to germs,even if we are infected a little,it'll cost us our lives.🆘 《Serious damage》 If the amount of being radiated reaches 5.000 mSv,we have diarrhea 下痢,bleed.Besides we lose our hair for the time being.The symptom is a serious illness.⚠🆘🚨

No.323 13/02/12 11:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 321 【Azerbaijan】 《No less than half of petroleum in the world used to be p… 【Azerbaijan】              《No less than half of crude petroleum in the world used to be produced》

After being independent from the Soviet union in 1991,Japan,Europe and the United States have advanced in Azerbaijan for its petroleum resources in 1994.Projects of development for the petroleum resources have been promoted in more than 10 mining areas in Azerbaijan.😃

As to its diplomatic relations,Azerbaijan is deeply connected with Turkey traditionally,while Azerbaijan strengthens relations with the western countries,Azerbaijan has asked the maximum support for Turkey.🙏
A lot of people have had great expectation for Azerbaijan's economy in the future,but its biggest concern is a dispute over a self-governing dominion of ナゴルノカラバフ😥

While the self-governing dominion is in the territory of Azerbaijan,the Armenian account for its majority.The dispute between Azerbaijan and the its self-governing dominion intensified in 1988. Which countries should the self-governing dominion belong to,Azerbaijan or Armenia?😱

  • << 325 【Azerbaijan】 《No less than half of crude petroleum used to be produced》 A cease-fire agreement 停戦協定 has been concluded between Azerbaijan and self-governing dominion of ナゴルノカラバフ in 1994,but peace has never returned to them at all🆚 The racial dispute caused about no less than 0.9million of refugees.In addition,it's said that there have been more than 40 thousand of メスフ人 in Azerbaijan.😥 メスフ人 were forced to move from Georgia to Central Asia in the time of Stalin Administration.They have run into Azerbaijan after the Soviet Union collapsed.Problem of refugee in Azerbaijan are serious.😔 Shi シーア派 of Islamist is superior to others in Azerbaijan.The Azerbaijan accounts for more than 90% of its population in Azerbaijan.☀ 【Armenia】 『First country which made Christianity its national religion』 《Are the Armenian descendants of Noah⁉》 Armenia was the smallest country in the former Soviet Union,and it's opposed to Turkey,for…😣

No.322 13/02/07 22:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 320 【What is sievert?】 The radioactive material emits radiation,and amoun… 【What is sievert?】


Even if the same energy of radiation,while the one gives the human body terrible damage,the other doesn't so bad.😃

For instance,if comparing α rays with β rays,the α is 20th times as harmful as the the β.We call degree of its harm 線質係数😃

We have to multiply amount of energy of the radiation by the 線質係数 in order to measure damage for the human body.It's 線量等量💡

We frequently use the things which are expressed in numbers,線量等量,so as to express damage of the radiation for the human body directly.Its unit is sievert,but it's so long that it's abbreviated as sv.😃

The sv is too big as an unit,so we often use msv which is one thousandth of the sv,or we adopt μSv which is one thousandth of mSv.

As to connections between Sv,mSv,and μSv in number,they are the next ones.

1.000 μSv=1 mSv

1.000 mSv=1 Sv

When expressing something heavy,we use g,kg,or ton.Their connection is like the next.


As for the amount of the radiation,we think like that.

  • << 324 【How dangerous is the radiation?】 We are being exposed to radiation which exists in the natural world every day,though it's too little to recognize it.😃 However,if an amount of being exposed to the radiation increases,how much does it affect us?😨 《How much harmful is the radiation?》 We know well that the radiation is harmful,but how much harmful and dangerous is the radiation?It seems that few people can answer it exactly.😚 Needless to say,we can't use the human body to experiment with the radiation,so we can't examine its damage precisely.😥 As a result,as for being harmful of the radiation,we are forced to presume a result of an accident in which happened.We are forced to examine its victims minutely,or to use an amimal to experiment with the radiation.😃 It's just not I highly recommend the experiment in which human body is used with the radiation.☝ I'm going to express the amount of being harmful of the radiation in number,they are approximate.💦

No.321 13/02/07 10:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 305 【Azerbaijan】 《No less than half of the crude petroleum in the world us… 【Azerbaijan】
《No less than half of petroleum in the world used to be produced》

It's said that a name of its capital,Baku, means a town where wind is blowing.It's corrupt 訛り form of Persian language.Strong wind blows there through a year .🌀

Safavi dynasty in Iran conquered Azerbaijan at the latter in the 15th century,and Qajar dynasty which succeeded Safavi from the 18th to 19th century was defeated by Russia,so Azerbaijan was divided into north and south as territory which belonged to Russia or Iran.😃

Azerbaijan joined in the soviet union in 1922,then an oil field was discovered in Baku.After that,Baku became a great belt of the oil field where no less than almost half of crude petroleum was produced until the 20th century.💮

As a result, Baku became the country's center of heavy industries from a period of Russian Imperial Government to 1950s.Though the oil field has started to dry up in 1960s,it's said petroleum resource still has enough oil deposits,and…

  • << 323 【Azerbaijan】              《No less than half of crude petroleum in the world used to be produced》 After being independent from the Soviet union in 1991,Japan,Europe and the United States have advanced in Azerbaijan for its petroleum resources in 1994.Projects of development for the petroleum resources have been promoted in more than 10 mining areas in Azerbaijan.😃 As to its diplomatic relations,Azerbaijan is deeply connected with Turkey traditionally,while Azerbaijan strengthens relations with the western countries,Azerbaijan has asked the maximum support for Turkey.🙏 A lot of people have had great expectation for Azerbaijan's economy in the future,but its biggest concern is a dispute over a self-governing dominion of ナゴルノカラバフ😥 While the self-governing dominion is in the territory of Azerbaijan,the Armenian account for its majority.The dispute between Azerbaijan and the its self-governing dominion intensified in 1988. Which countries should the self-governing dominion belong to,Azerbaijan or Armenia?😱

No.320 13/02/06 23:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is sievert?】

The radioactive material emits radiation,and amount of the radiation becomes different, according to kinds and amount of the radioactive material.How do we express amount of the radiation?😃

《Degrees of the radiation》

As to the amount of the radiation,it's varied,it depends on ways of our thinking.😃

For example,there are the number,and amount of the radiations.In addition,damage to a living bodies is whether it's light or heavy.☝

Therefore,there are three ways of measuring the radiation.💡

《Amount of the radiation,becquerel》

Becquerel is the one which is expressed in numbers per a second.We call a situation in which single radiation is emitted per a second 1 becquerel.😃

Therefore,the ones which are expressed in numbers have nothing to do with kinds or nature of the energy of the radiation.

《Amount of rays of the radiation absorbed in the living body,gray》

Gray is an unit of the radiation which is absorbed in a living body per a second.😃

  • << 322 【What is sievert?】 《Sievert》 Even if the same energy of radiation,while the one gives the human body terrible damage,the other doesn't so bad.😃 For instance,if comparing α rays with β rays,the α is 20th times as harmful as the the β.We call degree of its harm 線質係数😃 We have to multiply amount of energy of the radiation by the 線質係数 in order to measure damage for the human body.It's 線量等量💡 We frequently use the things which are expressed in numbers,線量等量,so as to express damage of the radiation for the human body directly.Its unit is sievert,but it's so long that it's abbreviated as sv.😃 The sv is too big as an unit,so we often use msv which is one thousandth of the sv,or we adopt μSv which is one thousandth of mSv. As to connections between Sv,mSv,and μSv in number,they are the next ones. 1.000 μSv=1 mSv 1.000 mSv=1 Sv When expressing something heavy,we use g,kg,or ton.Their connection is like the next. 1.000g=1kg 1.000kg=1ton As for the amount of the radiation,we think like that. 😃

No.319 13/02/06 21:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 284 【The one like a handicapped person】 I've worked in a factory.Th… 【The one like a handicaped person】

M seems that he can't do complicated things,though I don't think it complicated at all.😩

However,whenever he tries to do something in the factory,he always tries to do it hard,though he doesn't seems to recognize a reason why he does it.😣

If I regard him as a person with a normal,healthy body,he isn't helpful at all.I'm forced to grow impatient for him.I can't help it.I'm a narrow-minded.😃
However,if he is a handicaped man,I don't think I should expect him so much.I'm sure I can't help it.😃

M tries to work honestly in the factory,even if everybody around him scolds so often.😃

We need to recognize exactly what kind of works he can do.😃

I'd never worked with any handicaped man since he began to work with me.The handicaped persons are varied,I'm sure.He is the slight handicaped person,for he can lead everyday life.😃

To be honest,I hate to work with him,but I'm going to try not scold him so much.I'm not a good-natured man at all,I tries to pretend to be honest.😜

No.318 13/02/05 17:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 317 【Being under a starlit sky】

The stars in the southern hemisphere had never been known in the Western Europe until what is called the period of great voyage in the 16century.🌠

Therefore,both of the nebula of great Magellan and the little Magellan have never appeared in the Greek myth.💡

The stars in the southern sky have names which mean strange animals and tools in those days.⭐

The nebula of the great Magellan is 16 light years 光年 away from the solar system 太陽系,and the little one is 20 light years away.🌉

By the way,there are still a lot of space to write something else.I'm sure I should express things about the stars,or the universe,but anything doesn't occur to me at all.😱

Please wait for the next thread of『Being under a starlit sky until March.🌌

See you again!😃

No.317 13/02/05 00:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 316 【Being under a starlit sky】

There are α and β of the Centaur in the Southern Cross.The α of the Centaur is the nearest star to the sun.It's as bright as the sun.☀

If we remember the two stars of α and β,we can find the Southern Cross quickly.👍

There is a dark place near the Southern Cross.It's a dark nebula 暗黒星雲.The place becomes dark as if there were a hole there,for the dark nebula hides the stars behind it.⭐

There is one more nebula which is faint light west to the Southern Cross.It's the nebula of エータカリーナ.It's said it's the most beautiful in the whole sky.🌠

Even if we see the nebula even with a pair of binoculars,it looks as if it were separated three petals.🌼

There are things like clouds in the opposite side of the Southern Cross.They are symbols in the southern sky,the great nebula of Magellan,and the little nebula of Magellan.🌠

The two nebulas have been called Magellan since a Portuguese mate 航海士,Magellan discovered them.⛵

No.316 13/02/04 23:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 315 【Being under a starlit sky】

If they can see the Canopus,it's said that they'll live a long life in China.The Canopus crosses the meridian 南中する in Japan around 9:00 p.m.in the middle of February,so the constellation must be their best of south in Kantou area.🌠

If looking up at the night sky from a high mountain,or from a southern opened sea in the Kantou area,we can see the Canopus twinkling just under the Sirius.⭐

If we go to the southern hemisphere like Australia,we'll be able to see a lot of constellations which are not familiar with us,and the Canopus is just above us in the night sky there.🌠

There isn't a star which is equivalent to the polestar 北極星 in the southern hemisphere,instead of it,the Southern Cross is a mark.⭐

The Southern Cross doesn't go down of south,south latitude 35°all night.There is one more cross near the Southern Cross,and it's easy to mistake,so we call the one which looks like the Southern Cross the false one.🌠

No.315 13/02/04 22:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 314 【Being under a starlit sky】

After that,Zeus felt such a pity for the dogs that he changed them the constellations.⭐

By the way,one of the dog's name is different.While the dog's name is レラプス in the episode,it's Sirius in the constellation.🐶

The name of Sirius was named before the episode,so we don't call it レラプス,for we've continued to call it Procyon.Both Sirius and Procyon are stars of the first magnitude 一等星.Sirius belongs to the Great Dog,and Procyon is in the Lesser Dog of the constellation.🌠

There is the Canopus under the Sirius.The Canopus is also the first star of the first magnitude which belongs to the Keel 竜骨座.🌠           
The Keel was combined with other constellations such as the Sail and the Stern,and they used to be another constellation,アルゴー船,but it was so big that it was divided into the Keel,Sail,and Stern.⭐

The Keel is the constellation in the southern hemisphere,so we can't see it from Japan at all.We can't also see the Canopus in the north of the Kantou area.⭐

No.314 13/02/04 21:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 313 【Being under a starlit sky】

The young women were a goddess,Artemis,and her maids.One of the maids became aware of Actaeon,and cried.👩

“Oh!Here is a human.Artemis,please hide yourself from him”😣

Actaeon said.“Oh!Just a moment.I wasn't thinking of looking at you.I'm sorry”😳

However,Artemis was enraged at him.She said.“I can't endure it.What a dreadful crime he has committed!A human has looked at goddess' nudity!”😠

Artemis changed Actaeon into a deer.The deer was so surprised that it started running.Two hunting dogs looked it,and thought.“Oh!Our game”🐶

They rushed at the deer in order to attack it,and the deer tried to say.“Hey!It's me.I'm your master.Stop it!”🆘

Needless to say,to his sorrow,Actaeon couldn't make himself understood.He was killed.He remained the deer.💀

The dogs were so delighted at their game that they wanted his to inform their master their feat.They barked again and again,hoping that their master appeared,but their desire wasn't realized.🐶

Their howl had echoed for a long time.😭

No.313 13/02/03 19:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

When looking up a winter starlit sky,we can find Orion.There are two other constellation left to the Orion.The one is the Lesser dog 子犬座,and the other is the Great dog 大犬座⭐

In general, speaking of the constellation of Orion,an episode of a hunter named Orion is well-known,but there is one more episode.I'm going to express it from now on.🌠

There used to be a hunter named Actaeon and his two hunting dogs in Crete.🐶

The one dog's name was Procyon,and the other was レプラス.One day,the hunter went for a hunting with the two hunting dogs in Crete.♐

Then one of the dogs seemed to notice something.It stared at bushes cautiously.Actaeon was sure there are games 獲物 beyond the bushes.💡

He ordered the two dogs to wait there and went into the bushes carefully,but it wasn't any games but a group of young women who bathed in a spring.Needless to say,they were naked.👩

Actaeon was astonished at an unexpected scene,and…💦

No.312 13/02/03 18:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 311 【Aurora】

If going to see the aurora,from October to April must be at their best.Without being fine,we can't see the aurora,so we should aim at the time when the weather is good.☀

If there is well-lighted place like a city near the aurora,its light will prevent us from seeing the aurora.If possible,we should avoid a night of full moon.🌙

In general,we call a season of stable weather when from February to April aurora season,especially around the Vernal Equinox 春分の日 in March is called particular days for the aurora.✨

By the way,I've never been to a foreign country,so I've never seen the aurora.I wish I could go to see the aurora some day, though I hate being cold.☺
As for places for group tour of aurora,there are Fairbanks in Alaska,Yellow knife in Canada,サーリセルカ in Finland,トロムソ in Norway,and Iceland.✨

There are some travel agencies which offer us their original tours.Many of the agencies offer us heavy winter clothing,or observatories 観測所 for the aurora.😃

No.311 13/02/03 15:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 310 【Aurora】

Time when aurora generates coincides with the time when the sun is active.It's said 11 years,so the aurora also becomes active in a cycle of 11years.😃

It seems that 2.000 was a its peak,after that,its activity has been calm recently,but auroras of large-scale appears every year sometimes,then we can see the aurora at low altitude in Hokkaido.🙌

Colors of the aurora become red or green,though it depends on the particles which generat.The particles react with the oxygen,so they usually turn into green.😃

However,the aurora of large-scale frequently turns into red,and the ionosphere is influenced with the aurora,and obstacle of electric wave happens.❄

Aurora generates almost every day,but it's at night when we can see the aurora.As to the southern hemisphere,if we want to see the aurora,it's limited to the Antarctic,so the Arctic is appropriate for us to see the auror.😃

No.310 13/02/03 12:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An aurora】

An aurora is an art the sun and the earth have created.😃

Tremendous magnet in the earth which has made directions of south and north on the earth.The magnet made a magnetic field around the earth.🌏

Electric particles come flying at the earth.They fly from the sun,and gathered at the polar regions mainly.☀

The particles bump against other ones such as oxygen in the air,then light is given off.It's the aurora,however its mechanism hasn't been clear yet.😃

The aurora has been observed in both the Jupiter and the Saturn.The aurora appears in the ionosphere 電離層 of an altitude of about 100km.We can see the aurora in the Arctic or Antarctic Circle.🙌

An area where the aurora often has generated is a shape of a ring as if it were a doughnut.We call it what is called aurora opal.😃

Actual position of magnetic field around the Arctic is different from the Arctic on a map.Actual Arctic is a center of the ring of aurora.❄

No.309 13/02/03 11:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 308 【February】

I'm going to continue the last response of mine from now on.😃

March which has the Vernal Equinox 春分の日 used to be fixed to be a first month in a year in the ancient Roman in those days,and February had 29days then.☀

However, Caesar also made August 31days,for he was born in August.He took one more day from February.😚

In a word,it was January,March,May,July,August,October,and December which became months of 31days.They added the leap year to the last month of February,so February had 29days.😃

However,the calendar ended up being difference between a actual season as some years had passed,so it was inconvenient for them.It's the Julian calendar.☀

They adopted a new calendar in the 16th century.A way of adding the leap year was improved in the calendar.It's the Gregorian calendar.☀

The episode of the leap year is interesting,and I'm surprised at a fact that they made a almost exact calendar in those days.It's the humankind's wisdom,I'm sure.😲

No.308 13/02/02 23:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


The day before the beginning of spring 節分 is a day before the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar 立春😃

While the 立春 is a day when a new year starts,節分 is the last day of the year in the lunar calendar.🌙

The 節分 used to mean that getting rid of something wicked,and greeting the new year since the ancient time,and the 節分 has changed into a custom in which we scatter parched beans so as to drive out bad luck and call in good luck.😃

By the way,speaking of February,comparing with other months,it's a little shorter.As for its being short, there is the next episode in solar calendar.☀

Caesar fixed the solar calendar in the ancient Roman period.To be exact,Caesar made a year 365.25days,however if it's adopted,one day will be advanced every four year.😱

Therefore,Caesar added a leap year うるう年.If making a month 30 days,five days are left over,so months of which numbers are odd learned to have 31 days,but… ☀

To be continued.Bye😃

No.307 13/01/28 23:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 305 【Azerbaijan】 《No less than half of the crude petroleum in the world us… 【Azerbaijan】

《No less than half of crude petroleum in the world used to be produced》

It's said its capital,Baku is「a town where the wind rages」of Persian language was corrupted 訛る,so strong wind blows there through a year. 🌀

After being conquered with the dynasty 王朝 of Safavi in Iran at the latter in the 15century,the dynasty of Qajar which succeeded to the Safavi from the 18th to 19th century was beaten with a war between Russia,Azerbaijan was divided into south one and north one as Russian or Iranian territory.😱

Azerbaijan joined in the Soviet Union in 1922.After that,Baku oil field was discovered,almost no less than half of crude petroleum was produced in Baku until the 20th century.🎊

Baku became a center of heavy industries from the times of Russian imperial government to 1950s.Though the oil field started to be exhausted in 1960s, petroleum resources in the Caspian Sea is presumed to have potential energy.🙌

No.306 13/01/28 21:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 303 【What is the radiation?】 《Kinds of the radiation》 It's said th… 【What is the radiation?】

《Kinds of the radiation》

By the way,I'm not sure difference between particles and electromagnetic wave is.I'm sorry for it💦

Ray of neutron 中性子 is high speed flow of the neutron.The neutron is neutral electrically,and doesn't have an electric charge as its name indicates.😃

It's said the ray of the neutron goes through almost all of things,so it's hard to protect them from passing through.😨

Therefore,the ray of the neutron seems to be most tiresome among the radiations.It's said we need lead of which thickness is more than 1meter in order to prevent the radiation.☝

Ray of proton 陽子 is high speed flow of proton.It's useful radiation which doctors make use of in a medical treatment of cancer.💉

Other radiations are 重粒子線 such as carbon or neon.They are high speed flow of atomic nucleus 原子核.They are also being paid attention for the medical treatment of the cancer recently.💉

No.305 13/01/27 21:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 302 【Russia】 《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was founded… 【Azerbaijan】
《No less than half of the crude petroleum in the world used to be produced》

Georgia,Armenia,and Azerbaijan which belong to CIS form each country of south Caucasus.The CIS is a community of independent countries in the former Soviet Union.😃

Originally,the word of Caucasus means the great Mt. Caucasus which lies south to the Russian Federation,and little Mt.Caucasus which nestles south to the great Mt.Caucasus🌋

In other words,Caucasus is an area which lies between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.🌴

The humankind settled there prehistoric times,and cultivated their original culture,however those three countries are different altogether.Both their religions and present economic situations are different.We are going to see one by one.😃

Azerbaijan lies in west to the coast of the Caspian Sea,and its capital,Baku,had been prosperous as an important point of the Silk Road since long long ago.💰

  • << 307 【Azerbaijan】 《No less than half of crude petroleum in the world used to be produced》 It's said its capital,Baku is「a town where the wind rages」of Persian language was corrupted 訛る,so strong wind blows there through a year. 🌀 After being conquered with the dynasty 王朝 of Safavi in Iran at the latter in the 15century,the dynasty of Qajar which succeeded to the Safavi from the 18th to 19th century was beaten with a war between Russia,Azerbaijan was divided into south one and north one as Russian or Iranian territory.😱 Azerbaijan joined in the Soviet Union in 1922.After that,Baku oil field was discovered,almost no less than half of crude petroleum was produced in Baku until the 20th century.🎊 Baku became a center of heavy industries from the times of Russian imperial government to 1950s.Though the oil field started to be exhausted in 1960s, petroleum resources in the Caspian Sea is presumed to have potential energy.🙌
  • << 321 【Azerbaijan】 《No less than half of petroleum in the world used to be produced》 It's said that a name of its capital,Baku, means a town where wind is blowing.It's corrupt 訛り form of Persian language.Strong wind blows there through a year .🌀 Safavi dynasty in Iran conquered Azerbaijan at the latter in the 15th century,and Qajar dynasty which succeeded Safavi from the 18th to 19th century was defeated by Russia,so Azerbaijan was divided into north and south as territory which belonged to Russia or Iran.😃 Azerbaijan joined in the soviet union in 1922,then an oil field was discovered in Baku.After that,Baku became a great belt of the oil field where no less than almost half of crude petroleum was produced until the 20th century.💮 As a result, Baku became the country's center of heavy industries from a period of Russian Imperial Government to 1950s.Though the oil field has started to dry up in 1960s,it's said petroleum resource still has enough oil deposits,and…

No.304 13/01/27 19:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【In ミクル】

When skimming through the bulletin board of ミクル,I happened to come across a thread about famous people in the ミクル.😃

Whenever I saw that kind of thread,I'd thought I was wondering if I was possibly well-known.☺

Therefore,I applied directly 自薦,but to my sorrow,no one seems to know my thread.It can't be helped,I'm sure,for without being interested in English,none of them pay attention to my thread.😚

I have neither friends,family,nor girlfriend,but it's my own choice.No one has forced me to do it.It's myself who has chosen it.😚

I have nothing,but there is English beside me.Even if I don't speak English,I'll lead my life without committing suicide,but it's just that I'll feel it boring every day.😚

I'm sure without drinking at all,I should always study English harder,though I can't,actually I'm drinking in small tipsちびちび飲む just now.😳

I've put more effort into listening at English,but native speakers' pronunciations are hard to understand,but I'll continue to make an effort😤

No.303 13/01/27 18:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 301 【What is the radiation?】 The radiation is a thing which the radioact… 【What is the radiation?】

《Kinds of the radiation》

It's said that we can defend us from the alpha ray with a piece of paper or aluminium foil,though it depends on the energy.😃

A beta ray is a flow of electron which is high speed,but its ability which penetrates a thing through isn't strong,so it's said we can protect the beta ray with a plate made of aluminium,or made of plastic.😃

As for their thickness,the plate of aluminium need to be a few mm,the plastic 1cm,however when bumping against a thing,the beta ray releases X ray,so we have to defend it.😨

While both of the alpha and beta rays are particles,gamma rays are electromagnetic waves.The gamma ray is the same kind as ultraviolet ray or X ray,but the gamma ray is higher energy and more dangerous.⚠

Its ability which penetrates a thing through is powerful because of the electromagnetic wave,so we have to defend it against with a concrete,iron,or lead 鉛.

The lead is the most effective,besides it's said its thickness need to be 10cm.👆

  • << 306 【What is the radiation?】 《Kinds of the radiation》 By the way,I'm not sure difference between particles and electromagnetic wave is.I'm sorry for it💦 Ray of neutron 中性子 is high speed flow of the neutron.The neutron is neutral electrically,and doesn't have an electric charge as its name indicates.😃 It's said the ray of the neutron goes through almost all of things,so it's hard to protect them from passing through.😨 Therefore,the ray of the neutron seems to be most tiresome among the radiations.It's said we need lead of which thickness is more than 1meter in order to prevent the radiation.☝ Ray of proton 陽子 is high speed flow of proton.It's useful radiation which doctors make use of in a medical treatment of cancer.💉 Other radiations are 重粒子線 such as carbon or neon.They are high speed flow of atomic nucleus 原子核.They are also being paid attention for the medical treatment of the cancer recently.💉

No.302 13/01/26 23:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 300 【Russia】 《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was founded… 【Russia】

《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was founded and dispute between the people in Chechnya》

If taking circumstance of its cities into consideration,as for Moscow,its standard of citizens' income is three times as high as other areas in Russia.😲

There is a gap between the rich and the poor,and people who is below the lowest standard of living account for 23% of Russia.💸

Moscow is an area where there is an extreme gap between the rich and the poor as if it symbolized the gap among the federation.💸

Russian economy which met with financial crisis August in 1998 has become active after 1999.Its economic growth has become plus at present.💮

Russian economy in the future depends on whether a reformation of economic structure by the president,Putin is right or wrong.😥

『Capitals of the petroleum in the world have advanced』
《No less than half of crude oil原油 in the world used to be produced》

As for Azerbaijan,it's just that I've written its title,for there is no space.😳

  • << 305 【Azerbaijan】 《No less than half of the crude petroleum in the world used to be produced》 Georgia,Armenia,and Azerbaijan which belong to CIS form each country of south Caucasus.The CIS is a community of independent countries in the former Soviet Union.😃 Originally,the word of Caucasus means the great Mt. Caucasus which lies south to the Russian Federation,and little Mt.Caucasus which nestles south to the great Mt.Caucasus🌋 In other words,Caucasus is an area which lies between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.🌴 The humankind settled there prehistoric times,and cultivated their original culture,however those three countries are different altogether.Both their religions and present economic situations are different.We are going to see one by one.😃 Azerbaijan lies in west to the coast of the Caspian Sea,and its capital,Baku,had been prosperous as an important point of the Silk Road since long long ago.💰

No.301 13/01/26 16:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the radiation?】

The radiation is a thing which the radioactive material gives off.It's very perilous and invisible.Even if the radiation passes through our body,we can't recognize it at all then,but we'll end up having a bitter experience later.😨

《Image of the radiation》

A word of radioactivity which ordinary people imagine is equal to the radiation.If the radiation passes through our body,it'll be harmful to our health,our lives are sometimes threatened.⚠

However,we can't see it with our own eyes.Without using a measurement instrument,we can't acknowledge whether there is the radiation or not around us.⚠

《Kinds of the radiation》

Alpha ray is the biggest and heaviest among the radiation,but it's a atomic nucleus 原子核 of helium which flies in the air at high speed so much that it's invisible.Even if we can't watch it with even an electron microscope.😨

However,it's heavy and large,besides it has an electric charge 電荷,so we can protect against it easily.😃

  • << 303 【What is the radiation?】 《Kinds of the radiation》 It's said that we can defend us from the alpha ray with a piece of paper or aluminium foil,though it depends on the energy.😃 A beta ray is a flow of electron which is high speed,but its ability which penetrates a thing through isn't strong,so it's said we can protect the beta ray with a plate made of aluminium,or made of plastic.😃 As for their thickness,the plate of aluminium need to be a few mm,the plastic 1cm,however when bumping against a thing,the beta ray releases X ray,so we have to defend it.😨 While both of the alpha and beta rays are particles,gamma rays are electromagnetic waves.The gamma ray is the same kind as ultraviolet ray or X ray,but the gamma ray is higher energy and more dangerous.⚠ Its ability which penetrates a thing through is powerful because of the electromagnetic wave,so we have to defend it against with a concrete,iron,or lead 鉛. The lead is the most effective,besides it's said its thickness need to be 10cm.👆

No.300 13/01/26 04:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 298 【Russia】 《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was establi… 【Russia】

《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was founded and dispute between the people in Chechnya》

After the Soviet Union collapsed,the people in Chechnya declared independence,and refused to sign a treaty in which Chechnya formed a new Russian federation.😚

Russia thought if it kept dawdling ぐずぐずする over an negotiations with Chechnya,it will never reach an agreement,so Russia started to attack Chechnya.The dispute seems to continue even at present.Fires of the war is also rising somewhere in the world.💣

Russia Federation reaches to the Arctic Ocean,China,and Europe.Its area of the territory is the largest in the world.Russia has swallowed up more than 100 races,and continues to expand its territory.😃

However,there is a economic difference between republics which form the federation.In addition,there are varied internal conditions such as a countries which don't have main industries or other ones which have racial disputes.😥

  • << 302 【Russia】 《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was founded and dispute between the people in Chechnya》 If taking circumstance of its cities into consideration,as for Moscow,its standard of citizens' income is three times as high as other areas in Russia.😲 There is a gap between the rich and the poor,and people who is below the lowest standard of living account for 23% of Russia.💸 Moscow is an area where there is an extreme gap between the rich and the poor as if it symbolized the gap among the federation.💸 Russian economy which met with financial crisis August in 1998 has become active after 1999.Its economic growth has become plus at present.💮 Russian economy in the future depends on whether a reformation of economic structure by the president,Putin is right or wrong.😥 【Azerbaijan】 『Capitals of the petroleum in the world have advanced』 《No less than half of crude oil原油 in the world used to be produced》 As for Azerbaijan,it's just that I've written its title,for there is no space.😳

No.299 13/01/25 22:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 295 【Kinds of the radioactive material】 《The radioactive material and a … 【Kinds of the radioactive material】

② Plutonium

The plutonium is being used in an ordinary reactor as fuel,what is called the fuel of MOX,being mixed up with uranium with the MOX project プルサーマル計画 at present.😃

I'll express the fuel of MOX and the MOX project later.😃

③ Iodine

Iodine ヨウ素 is included in a seaweed,but it's the iodine127,and has no radioactivity.It's iodine131 which is dangerous.😨

When undergoing the nuclear fission 核分裂,the iodine131 is created.I'll express the number of 127 and 131 means in the next chapter.Please regard them as atomic relative weight for the time being.😃

④ Cesium

While natural cesium133 isn't dangerous at all,other cesium137 which is created with the nuclear fission is very perilous,for it has the radioactivity.⚠

The cesium137 is mass-produced by nuclear fission with the iodine,so when making sure whether or not the radioactive material is released,we adopt the iodine,though I'm wondering how the iodine is used for it then.😚

No.298 13/01/24 22:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 297 【Russia】

《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was established and dispute between Chechnya》

Republic of Chechnya is north of the Mt.Caucasus,and the country used to be an object of invasion for its neighboring countries such as Russia,Turkey,and Persia,it's Iran at present.😚

The people in Chechnya has begun to believed Sufism イスラム神秘主義 since the 18th century.Saints who are alive are worshipped in the Sufism,and its believers are closely united.😤

Russia began to go south so as to invade in the 18century,and conquered races in the area of Caucasus one after another.💣

However,it was the people in Chechnya which was the most resistant to Russia.They declared a holy war toward Russia and started to do-or-die resistance 徹底抗戦🆚

The people in Chechnya was beaten by Russia in 1859 at last,but they'd yielded neither to oppressions for their religion,nor compulsory migrations.Far from it,flame of their loathing for Russia has increased.🔥

  • << 300 【Russia】 《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was founded and dispute between the people in Chechnya》 After the Soviet Union collapsed,the people in Chechnya declared independence,and refused to sign a treaty in which Chechnya formed a new Russian federation.😚 Russia thought if it kept dawdling ぐずぐずする over an negotiations with Chechnya,it will never reach an agreement,so Russia started to attack Chechnya.The dispute seems to continue even at present.Fires of the war is also rising somewhere in the world.💣 Russia Federation reaches to the Arctic Ocean,China,and Europe.Its area of the territory is the largest in the world.Russia has swallowed up more than 100 races,and continues to expand its territory.😃 However,there is a economic difference between republics which form the federation.In addition,there are varied internal conditions such as a countries which don't have main industries or other ones which have racial disputes.😥

No.297 13/01/24 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 296 【Russia】

《Race of ルーシー who became a root of the Great Russia》

① The Ukrainian insist that the race of Kiev ルーシー is their own roots.😤

② The Russian insist that the race of Kiev ルーシー is the common roots for three races in the eastern Slav,especially the Russian are the direct descendants of the ルーシー😤

③ It's Lithuania and Poland which made the Kiev principality decline.The two countries used to be a menace for Russia.Their influence had been expanded as rising nations😨

Lithuania which belongs to a language in Baltic area became a great power which controlled the Kiev but other areas around the Black Sea.😃

According to the history,Lithuania seemed to have proclaimed to be independent from Russia in the earlier time.☝

《Policy of expanding its territory since Russia was founded and dispute between Chechnya》

On the other hand,people in Chechnya have hisory in which they have hatred for Russia.😠

No.296 13/01/22 22:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 291 【Russia】 《Race of ルーシー who became a root of the great Russia》 There… 《Race of ルーシー who became a root of the great Russia》

However,the unification by the race ofルーシー in Kiev principality 公国 began to collapse in the 12th century,and descendants of its princese scattered over the area,and they started to struggled with each other in each place.🆚

Then the northeastern area,the Moscow one,also began to develop,and a country which became Moscow principality later was going to be established then.😃

While the Kiev principality was moving toward declining because of the Mongolian,the Novgorod principality was annexed to the Moscow principality.When being under the reign of IvanⅢ,the Moscow principality was released from the Mongolian.😃

IvanⅣ who succeeded its thorne called himself an emperor,and the Moscow advanced into Siberia.IvanⅣ left behind a bad reputation as the one who did a reign of terror.😨

As for the Russian history,it's just that I expressed in the opening,but we have to recognize the next things.😃

No.295 13/01/22 18:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 294 【Kinds of the radioactive material】

《The radioactive material and a pollen》

Contrary to it, the radioactive material gives off radiation,and it's the radiation which is harmful.⚠

Therefore,if we stick to a comparison that the radioactive material is the pollen,we should regard the radioactive material as the pollen which scatters poisonous things in the air.In short,the radioactive material is by far more harmful than the pollen.😨

《Kinds of the radioactive material》

① Uranium

The uranium is famous for fuel of a reactor.Some people make use of 劣化ウラン as a shell.The U.S.A. took advantage of the weapon in the Gulf War in 1991,and it brought on much criticism😥

② Plutonium

When the reactor is operated,the plutonium is created because of nuclear fission 核分裂.The plutonium is a dangerous material which has strong radioactivity and toxic 毒性 chemical.💀

We've paid attention to the plutonium as fuel of a fast-breeder reactor 高速増殖炉.

  • << 299 【Kinds of the radioactive material】 ② Plutonium The plutonium is being used in an ordinary reactor as fuel,what is called the fuel of MOX,being mixed up with uranium with the MOX project プルサーマル計画 at present.😃 I'll express the fuel of MOX and the MOX project later.😃 ③ Iodine Iodine ヨウ素 is included in a seaweed,but it's the iodine127,and has no radioactivity.It's iodine131 which is dangerous.😨 When undergoing the nuclear fission 核分裂,the iodine131 is created.I'll express the number of 127 and 131 means in the next chapter.Please regard them as atomic relative weight for the time being.😃 ④ Cesium While natural cesium133 isn't dangerous at all,other cesium137 which is created with the nuclear fission is very perilous,for it has the radioactivity.⚠ The cesium137 is mass-produced by nuclear fission with the iodine,so when making sure whether or not the radioactive material is released,we adopt the iodine,though I'm wondering how the iodine is used for it then.😚

No.294 13/01/21 20:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 293 【What is the radioactive material?】

《The radioactive material and a pollen 花粉》

As to the the radioactive material which clings to our clothes when being out,we have to brush it from our clothes before going in the entrance.We must not bring the radioactive material into our house.⚠

As for the radioactive material which sticks to our faces or hands,we have to wash it off our bodies.In any case,the radioactive material is just a material like the pollen.☝

【Kinds of the radioactive material】

Uranium which is used for fuel for a reactor is well-known as the radioactive material,but there are more radioactive materials.What kinds of the radioactive materials are there?😃

《The pollen and the radioactive material》

I've expressed the radioactive materials which are scattered all around resembled a pollen before,but needless to say,there is a basic difference between them.😃

As to the pollen,it's the pollen itself which does harm to the human bodies,but…

No.293 13/01/20 21:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 292 【What is the radioactive material 放射性物質?】

《Size of the radioactive material》

The most famous radioactive material is uranium.It's a kind of a metal,and emits radiation,so it becomes not only a lump such as hundreds of grams,but an invisible atom.😃

When being thrown into a reactor as fuel,the uranium becomes a pellet as an oxide 酸化物.The pellet is a very small ball.Its diameter is about no more than 1cm.😃

The uranium is burned,and is made hard.It's a pellet.😃

《The radioactive and a pollen 花粉》

The radioactive material which is carried in all directions on the wind resembles a pollen in a sense.🌷

The radioactive material is invisible and drifts into the air like the pollen,and it's so tiny that we can't see it with our own eyes,but it's just the material.😃

We can defend the radioactive to some extent if we wear masks,and a wet masks are more useful.🙆

If we close the windows,the radioactive material never goes into a house.😃

No.292 13/01/17 18:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the radioactive material 放射性物質?】

What is the radioactive material? It's a material which emits radiation.It's just the material,so it has not only volume 体積 but mass.😃

《The radioactive material》

The radioactive material is substance which gives off the radiation,so we are liable to think it‘s dangerous and unidentified thing like radiation.😚

However,it's just the material,it has volume and mass,but somebody may object like next.“It's natural. Does the material which has neither volume nor mass in the world?”

Light is equivalent to the thing. Needless to say, the light isn't the material, therefore the radioactive material which isn't the light is an ordinary thing.😃

《Size of the radioactive material》

The radioactive material is the substance,so its sizes are varied like iron.While the iron changes into a tanker of which weight is 0.1 million tons,it becomes a pachinko ball.🚢

The iron turns into an atom in which is Hemoglobin of red blood corpuscle 赤血球.It also changes into ion.🙋

No.291 13/01/13 19:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 283 【Russia】 『A great power's light and shadow which the largest te… 【Russia】

《Race of ルーシー who became a root of the great Russia》

There is a dispute with militarized power of チェチェン,a discrepancy 食い違い between Ukraine on a historical view in the present Russia.Lithuania used to want to be independent earlier.The expressions like the textbook can't describe those situations at all.😃

As I expressed,the Russian origin is the Principality 公国 of Novgorod.The eastern Slav,what is called race of ルーシー,established the principality in the 9th century.😃

After that,they founded the principality of Kiev in a capital of present Ukraine,Kiev. 😃

The Kiev was a rising country 新興国,but its prince got married to a sister of an emperor in the Byzantine Empire in the 10th century.💑

The Kiev accepted Christianity,and adopted a system of absolute monarch 君主製.The country pushed forward a system of self 農奴,and repeated wars with its neighboring countries,so the country became powerful.💪

The country used to rule over a tremendous territory which spread from Russia to Ukraine and Belarus😲

  • << 296 《Race of ルーシー who became a root of the great Russia》 However,the unification by the race ofルーシー in Kiev principality 公国 began to collapse in the 12th century,and descendants of its princese scattered over the area,and they started to struggled with each other in each place.🆚 Then the northeastern area,the Moscow one,also began to develop,and a country which became Moscow principality later was going to be established then.😃 While the Kiev principality was moving toward declining because of the Mongolian,the Novgorod principality was annexed to the Moscow principality.When being under the reign of IvanⅢ,the Moscow principality was released from the Mongolian.😃 IvanⅣ who succeeded its thorne called himself an emperor,and the Moscow advanced into Siberia.IvanⅣ left behind a bad reputation as the one who did a reign of terror.😨 As for the Russian history,it's just that I expressed in the opening,but we have to recognize the next things.😃

No.290 13/01/13 17:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Abstinence from alcohol drinks 禁酒】

I've tried to stop drinking over and over again,but I can't.When being hungry,I feel like drinking,though after I ended up drinking,I often repented of it.😥

When feeling like drinking,I tried to divert myself by expressing this thread,but I can't overcome the temptation.😥

Strange to say,the more I try to endure to drink,the more I feel like drinking.I'm wondering if I have already been alcoholic,though my hands don't tremble at all.😫

My life is so irregular that I have a potbelly 腹が出てる.The other day,I tried to do sit-ups 腹筋,but to my sorrow,I couldn't do no more than 30times in succession.😳

Excess weight around the body prevented me from doing the enough sit-ups.I need to be careful about my health in order to fit.😤

However,we'll be dead some day sooner or later,even if we take care of myself so much.Therefore I'm wondering if I don't have to endure what I want to eat.😚


No.289 13/01/13 15:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Difference between the radioactivity,radioactive material,and radiation】

《Radioactivity and baseball》

Relationship between the radioactivity,radioactive material and radiation resembles baseball in a sense.⚾

The radioactive material is equivalent for a pitcher,and the radiation is a ball.⚾

The pitcher(radioactive material)throws the ball(radiation).If the ball hits a batter(a victim)on the body,it's unable to bear its pain.😭

However,it's the not the pitcher but the ball which does harm to the batter.Therefore a thing which is harmful to the victim is the radiation.⚠

The radioactivity is corresponds with an ability as a pitcher,I'm wondering.⚾

The radioactivity,radioactive material,and radiation are closely connected each other like that,but they are originally different.😃

The radioactivity originally means its ability,and it has no substance.😃

No.288 13/01/13 14:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Difference between the radioactivity,radioactive material,and radiation】


The word of the radioactivity is used more widely than the meaning itself of the word.😃

Originally,even if when we should use other words,we are apt to use the radioactivity,for it's easier to express the situation.😃

The unclear situation makes us difficult to understand the word.We need to put the words in order.😃

《The word of radioactivity has three contents》

In general, speaking of the radioactivity,it has three contents,without being distinguished.They are radioactivity,radioactive material,and radiation.😃

The most horrible is the radiation,but needless to say, the radioactive material is also dreadful,for the radioactive material releases radiation,so it's terrible⚠

The radioactive material is a substance which releases the radiation,and the radioactivity is an ability in which the radioactive material emits the radiation.😃

The radioactive material emits the radiation,so it has radioactivity.⚠

No.287 13/01/13 13:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Caution! Radioactivity 放射能】

Speaking of atomic nucleus,remarks of radioactivity always appears.We seem to be apt to think the radioactivity is terrible,we can't see it,in addition,we consider the radioactivity to be the one like a ghost which we can't see.We tend to fear it as if it were an unidentified creature.😃

While some parts are to the point 的を射ている,others aren't.Radioactivity is horrible,indeed,but what it's dreadful isn't the radioactivity but radioactive material,and radiation 放射線 which is released from the radioactive material.😃

【Difference between the radioactivity,the radioactive material,and radiation】


The radioactivity is terrible,and invisible.As to the radioactivity,we are liable to think like next.☝

When the radioactivity hits us on the bodies,it's harmful to our bodies,it makes us be sick,moreover it deprives us of our lives without recognizing the radioactivity,but…

To be continued⚠

No.286 13/01/13 11:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【⚠ Please refrain from reading.What is collapse of atomic nucleus?】

《α collapse》

The collapse is the one which releases alpha rays.The alpha rays are atomic nucleus of helium.Its amount of mass is 4,and the number of electrons is 2.😃

By the way,the expression of the collapse of atomic nucleus is boring.I've suddenly have lost interest in the expression.😩

In short,when α,β,andγ rays are released,it's very dangerous.⚠

I'm afraid I don't know more basic knowledge about radioactivity.I'm sure I have to return to more fundamental knowledges,though it's just that I return to the first part of a book,「知っておきたい放射能の基礎知識」😳

Though I warned all the people who read my response to refrain from reading,but I'm afraid this response may not be worth reading.😂

At first,what I've expressed isn't consistent with the title,but I hate to rewrite my comments.It's complicated😚

I'm wondering if I drink and go to bed,though it's still in the daytime.🍻

No.285 13/01/13 10:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is a collapse of atomic nucleus? 原子核】                  
I'm going to express radioactivity from now on.I'm afraid there are some people who hate the topic,for example the ones who have seen disaster in Fukushima prefecture.😥             When reading my response,it may hurt some people,so please refrain from reading my responses.I should have noted earlier🙇                  
There are a varied reactions of atomic nucleus,and one of them is a collapse of atomic nucleus.😃

Speaking of the collapse,it has a feeling that as if a mountain collapsed.The collapse of atomic nucleus is like that.😃

In short,when the atomic nucleus is decaying,radiation is released.💣

《Collapse of atomic nucleus》

The atomic nucleus releases radiation,and it changes into other atomic nucleus.In general,we call the reaction the collapse of atomic nucleus. 😃

According to radiations which are released,there are αcollapse,βcollapse,and γcollapse.😃

No.284 13/01/13 04:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one like a handicapped person】

I've worked in a factory.There is a one like a handicapped person in my place of work.I've worked with him more than a year.😃

I'm wondering if he is a mentally retarded 知恵遅れ.I call him M.In general,we should protect the handicapped person.If he is in trouble,we should help him.I've thought like that so far,but…😥

I've wanted M to learn his own work,otherwise I have to continue to support him.More than a year has passed since he started to work with me.😃

I'm sure M has tried to work hard,but he has never been helpful.The factory doesn't mind at all whether or not he is helpful.It thinks like next.☝

Someone must support him.I'm wondering if someone is me…😱

Needless to say,I have my own work to do,I'm not a babysitter.I'm tired of him😩

A person who started to work a few days ago is by far more helpful than M.I'm wondering if I'm narrow-minded,but,I'm not a saint.😒

  • << 319 【The one like a handicaped person】 M seems that he can't do complicated things,though I don't think it complicated at all.😩 However,whenever he tries to do something in the factory,he always tries to do it hard,though he doesn't seems to recognize a reason why he does it.😣 If I regard him as a person with a normal,healthy body,he isn't helpful at all.I'm forced to grow impatient for him.I can't help it.I'm a narrow-minded.😃 However,if he is a handicaped man,I don't think I should expect him so much.I'm sure I can't help it.😃 M tries to work honestly in the factory,even if everybody around him scolds so often.😃 We need to recognize exactly what kind of works he can do.😃 I'd never worked with any handicaped man since he began to work with me.The handicaped persons are varied,I'm sure.He is the slight handicaped person,for he can lead everyday life.😃 To be honest,I hate to work with him,but I'm going to try not scold him so much.I'm not a good-natured man at all,I tries to pretend to be honest.😜

No.283 13/01/12 20:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『A great power's light and shadow which the largest territory has brought』

《Race of ルーシー who became a root of the great Russia》

According to descriptions in a textbook,Russian origin had begun from being established country of the Principality 公国 of Novgorod in the 9th century.😃

After being controlled by the Mongolian in the 13th century,the Principality of Moscow was established.After that,Romaov dynasty ロマノフ朝 of the Russian Empire was prosperous.🙋

However,with a revolution in 1917,Bol'sheviki who led Lenin founded the Soviet administration.😃

After World War Ⅱ,the Soviet Union Incorporated each country in the Central Europe into the socialism,and established power which competed with each country in the West and the U.S.A.🆚

A political change in 1991 made the ruling of the communism finish,and with dissolution of the Soviet Union,the federation of Russia has been established,but those expressions aren't enough in a sense,for… 😚

To be continued.Bye🃏

  • << 291 【Russia】 《Race of ルーシー who became a root of the great Russia》 There is a dispute with militarized power of チェチェン,a discrepancy 食い違い between Ukraine on a historical view in the present Russia.Lithuania used to want to be independent earlier.The expressions like the textbook can't describe those situations at all.😃 As I expressed,the Russian origin is the Principality 公国 of Novgorod.The eastern Slav,what is called race of ルーシー,established the principality in the 9th century.😃 After that,they founded the principality of Kiev in a capital of present Ukraine,Kiev. 😃 The Kiev was a rising country 新興国,but its prince got married to a sister of an emperor in the Byzantine Empire in the 10th century.💑 The Kiev accepted Christianity,and adopted a system of absolute monarch 君主製.The country pushed forward a system of self 農奴,and repeated wars with its neighboring countries,so the country became powerful.💪 The country used to rule over a tremendous territory which spread from Russia to Ukraine and Belarus😲

No.282 13/01/10 23:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 279 【The Slavic world which expands to the eastern Europe】 The Soviet Uni… 《The nation of the communities doesn't have only racial disputes,but also is forced to face various problems》

Russia used to be a super major power which was equal to the U.S.A.when it was a nation of a federation of the socialism.It accounted for one sixth of all the lands in the world.😃

However when joining in a market economy,its industries which were being protected under inflexible political and economic systems couldn't match for other countries.Russia ended up losing its status at once.😥                     While Russia continues economic growth satisfactorily at present beacuse of export of its natural resources, decline of crude oil's 原油 price may cause its economic stagnation 停滞😚

Kinks 歪み in its former govenment have been indirect cause for racial disputes such as チェチェン,ナゴルノカラバフ,and Moldova.No countries have succeeded since they were independent from the Soviet Union.😱

No.281 13/01/09 23:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 280 【Measurement of an era with the half-value period】

《Measurement of an era》

The major premise 大前提 is that the density of the C14 in the air never changes.It is guaranteed,according to a book of 『知っておきたい放射能の基礎知識』😳

It's a reaction of an atomic nucleus 原子核 with the cosmic rays.The reaction is also being done in the underground.😃

The C14 is being supplemented 補う with the reactions of the atomic nucleus one after another,so the density of C14 in the air is constant.😃

I want to express the major premise with my own knowledge and English ability,but to my sorrow I can't.Too difficult to do😂

I'm afraid my expression frequently doesn't go far below the surface.付け焼き刃,therefore,even if I desire ardently to describe everything in English,it has a limit naturally.😳

However,I want to try it,for expressing English is fun,I'm sure,though I'm not good at English.It's just that I love English 💦

No.280 13/01/06 21:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 263 【Measurement of an era with the half-value period 半減期】 《A half-value… 【Measurement of an era with the half-value period 半減期】

《Photosynthesis 光合成 and its suspension》

Therefore,as to the ratio of the C14 in a tree,it's as same as the other C14 in the air as long as the tree is alive.[クローバー]

Let's suppose the tree was cut down.Then its photosynthesis is over,an a new C14 isn't supplied from the tree.💀

Therefore,the C14 in the tree continues to decrease as the time passes,and when 5370years of the half-value period pass,its C14 becomes a half.🍀

《Measurement of the era》

In short,when comparing the C14's density in the air with other C14 in the wooden sculpture buried under the ground,if the density of the wooden sculpture is as half as the other in the air,the tree was cut down 5370years ago.[クローバー]

The wooden sculpture made of the tree couldn't be as old as 5370years ago,but this explanation is irrational,for not only the C14 in the tree,but also other in the wooden sculpture continue to decrease.😃

There is the major premise 大前提 in the measurement of the era.😃

No.279 13/01/06 12:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The Slavic world which expands to the eastern Europe】

The Soviet Union which used to be a great country has been collapsed in the eastern Europe.😃

Instead of it,Russia and a group of independent countries which aim at joining in a market economy appear from the Slavic world.😺

The community has tried to wipe away an image of the socialism,and continues struggles for management to the new countries.😚

《The nation of the communities don't have only racial disputes,but also is forced to face varied problems》

Perestroyka with the Gorbachev administration had started,and it urged the the politics and economy in the Soviet society to reconstruct,and the Soviet Union had collapsed at last.😱

Russian federation has been established as a new outline,and almost other republics have formed CIS,except for three countries around the Baltic Sea.😃

The Soviet Union used to be the big country which was equal to the U.S.A.in the time of socialism,but…

  • << 282 《The nation of the communities doesn't have only racial disputes,but also is forced to face various problems》 Russia used to be a super major power which was equal to the U.S.A.when it was a nation of a federation of the socialism.It accounted for one sixth of all the lands in the world.😃 However when joining in a market economy,its industries which were being protected under inflexible political and economic systems couldn't match for other countries.Russia ended up losing its status at once.😥                     While Russia continues economic growth satisfactorily at present beacuse of export of its natural resources, decline of crude oil's 原油 price may cause its economic stagnation 停滞😚 Kinks 歪み in its former govenment have been indirect cause for racial disputes such as チェチェン,ナゴルノカラバフ,and Moldova.No countries have succeeded since they were independent from the Soviet Union.😱

No.278 13/01/06 11:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 267 【Portugal】 【Power and fortune which had been established in the Atla… 【Portugal】

《Power and fortune which had been established in the Atlantic Ocean》

A coup d' etat made despotic 独裁的 govenment which continued for 40years collapse April in 1974.🎉

At the same time,its domestic administration was moving forward to democratization.Portugal renounced its colony like East Timor.🎊

Macao was also returned to China in 1999.There are two faction groups of a right-of-center 中道右派,and left-of-center in Portugal.It's what is called 二大政党.😃

CPLP has been established in 1996.The CPLP is community in which Portugal language is used.The CPLP is an abbreviation of the organization,but to my sorrow,my English doesn't correspond with the formal name.It's shameful of me.😳

The CPLP consists of old colonies such as Brazil or Mozambique.The organization aims at promoting its politics and economy.😃

By the way,my long day off is approaching its end.I hate to work,I wish I could win a large sum of money with a lottery ticket 宝くじ and so on.😩

No.277 13/01/01 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

While his mother's blood ran densely in Castor's vein,he was dead,Pollux was strongly influenced by Zeus,so he couldn't be dead.😫

He prayed for Zeus.『Please revive Castor!If you can't,please kill me!』Zeus accepted his desire,and the god carried them to the heaven.In this way,they have become the constellation,the Twins.⭐

By the way,when someone is dead,we say like next.『It has become a star.』It originates from episodes of constellations,I'm wondering.🌠

By the way,I seldom look up at a starlit sky.When going for a drink,I've never thought the constellations.🌠

Sometimes I was forced to work overtime until it became dark,but I couldn't afford to worry about the constellations.😳

What a waste to continue to pass up 見逃す the chances of watching the constellations.😚

However,when being drunken tno much,if looking up at the starlit sky and walking,it'll be very dangerous.I have to be careful of it.😔

No.276 13/01/01 20:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

Betelgeuse is in the Orion.There are two other constellations on the left of the Orion.🌠

The one is the Great Dog 大犬座,and the other is the Lesser Dog 子犬座.Both constellations have star of the first magnitude 一等星.The Great Dog has Sirius,and the Lesser dog Procyon.⭐

When connecting the three stars,a triangle is completed.We call it the great triangle in winter.🎆

There is other constellation above the great triangle.It's the Twins.Pollux is the star of the first magnitude,and Castor is the second one.The two stars in the Twins.⭐

Castor and Pollux were really twins,and they appear in the Greek Myth.Their parents were a god,Zeus and a woman.She was a humankind.😃

They went for a hunting with their cousins one day.They started to quarrel with their cousins.🆚

Its cause was trifling 些細,but one of their cousins killed Castor.Pollux became so indignant that he also killed the cousin.💀

Pollux felt so sad that he tried to commit suicide,but……😱

To be continued.Bye😁

No.275 13/01/01 16:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

In this way,Orion became a constellation in the zodiac.We call it 黄道 in Japanese.The zodiac is an imaginary area through which the sun,moon,and planets appear to travel,though it's just that an exact copy of what is called 英英辞典😳
The zodiac is almost same position through which the moon passes.The moon passes the place where Orion raises his club,as if Artemis went to see Orion.☺

Contrary to it,there is a cluster of stars of Pleiades upper right of Orion.They look as though Orion ran after the cluster of the stars.The cluster of the stars mean the daughter of the king in who Orion fell. 💔

There is the Hare under the Orion. Needless to say,it's also a constellation.It's said that the Hare is a game 獲物 of Orion.🐰

I'm going to express other episode of winter constellation next time.😃

No.274 13/01/01 15:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

After that,Apollo told Artemis like next.『You seem to have been in high spirts 浮かれる recently so much that your skill for archery has declined,I'm afraid.』😏

She talked back to him fiercely.『Don't be ridiculous!』Apollo said to her.『Then can you shoot that?』He pointed at something little which moves at the offing 沖.🌴

She answered.『It's a piece of cake.』She could succeed in doing it with ease.Apollo praised her.『Wonderful! I may be worrying unnecessarily.』😏

A few hours passed,Artemis' maid came to her with sad information.They went to the beach,and there was a crowd of people there,and…😭

There was Orion's dead body on the beach.An arrow was stuck into his back.She prayed Zeus desperately.『Almighty god,Zeus,please bring back to life for him.』😭

Zeus answered mercilessly from the sky.『Impossible』She implored Zeus to make Orion a constellation which is a way of the moon.I will go to see him as the goodness of the moon!』😭

No.273 13/01/01 14:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

Artemis was a goddess who controlled hunting in the Crete,so Orion learned to serve Artemis.They were being charmed each other without being conscious of it some day.💑

Artemis had a brother.He was Apollo.He told Artemis like next one day.😣

『You seem to keep company with a barbarian,Orion.I'm sure you recognize the goddess must not love』😣

Artemis got angry so much that she retorted 言い返す『Don't speak ill of him!』😠

Apollo thought like next.『Our family makes much of intelligence and culture,so if my sister is absorbed in falling in love with a man of doubtful origin,the gods' politics will be interfered.I have to eliminate him.』😤

Apollo tried to kill Orion with a scorpion or poison,but he couldn't.Apollo ordered Orion like next.『I've heard you can walk on the sea.Can you go to the island?』Apollo pointed at an island in the distance on the sea.

Orion answered.『It's no sweat』Apollo said『Bring me a golden flower in the island』Orion undertook it pleasantly,but it was a trick……😥

No.272 13/01/01 13:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

Orion achieved his desire,using his violence.As a result,the king was enraged.The king made his servant deliver liquor for their marriage,but a thing like a sleeping drug was in the liquor.💀

When sleeping soundly after being drunken,an assassin 刺客 attacked Orion.💀

When woken up,he lied in a beach,but he couldn't recognize where he was,for he suddenly became blind.Orion's eyes were gouged out くりぬかれる😨

He went for the Crete island then,for it was said that being bathed in the morning sun in the Crete heals incurable disease.😃

Orion and Poseidon,the god in the sea were blood relatives,so Orion could walk on the sea.He went to the Crete with an attendant.🌴

Orion's serious wound could be healed in the Crete.However he was forced to give up the idea of winning the daughter of the king,for even if he could take revenge on the king,he couldn't get married to the daughter,he recognized like that,but…

To be continued. Bye😁

No.271 13/01/01 12:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under the starlit sky】

The Betelgeuse is about 8 hundredth times as big as the sun.We used to call the red one 平家星,and the white one 源氏星, though I don't know why.😚

As to the shape of the Orion,it resembles tsuzumi,Japanese hand drum,so some Japanese people call the Orion tsuzumiboshi.🌠

I'm going to express the episodes of the Orion from now on.😃

Orion was a hunter.He fell in love with a daughter of the king in キオス island in the Aegean Sea.He asked the king to get married to his daughter.😍

The king said.『Exterminate the beasts which damage this island,and I'll consider it』Orion was such an excellent hunter that he accomplished the king's request at once.😤

Unfortunately,the king's daughter hated Orion.She said to his father in tears.『He isn't only violent,but a boor 田舎者.Don't decide my marriage against my will』

The king was forced to say to Orion like the next.『Wait a little more.』👑

However,Orion lost his patience,and at last he……😱

To be continued.Bye😁

No.270 13/01/01 11:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 269 【Sunrise and Sunset】

Therefore,when the center lines of the moon or other planets are close to the horizon,we should think they rise or set then🌙

By the way,the Information is in a book『マンガで読む星座物語』

I've expressed『being under the starlit sky』,being based on the book.As for the sunset and sunrise,they are against the title,so I made a distinction between them.😃

【Being under the starlit sky】

Orion is a well-known constellation.Its shape is as if Orion raised a club over his head.⭐

There are three stars lined up at the Orion's waist.They are what is called オリオンの三ツ星.We call them Orion's belt.🌠

There is a vague ones under the Orion's belt.It's the Orion nebula オリオン星雲.A lot of stars are born there.🎆

There are two stars of the first magnitude 一等星 in the Orion.The one is Rigel.It's in the lower right of the Orion.It twinkles brightly.🌟

The other is Betelgeuse.It's in the upper left of the Orion.It looks red.While the Rigel is younger star,the Betelgeuse is older one.⭐

No.269 13/01/01 01:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Sunrise and Sunset】

I'm wondering if it's fine this morning.When looking at a sunset or sunrise over thehorison,they seem to look bigger than as they are.☀

When sunlight passes through the atmosphere,it reflects diffusely 乱反射 because of moisture and dust in the atmosphere,so the sky looks bluer.😃

The morning sun and evening sun pass through thicker parts in the atmosphere,so they reflect more diffusely.☀

As a result,blue lights disappear,and red lights of which wavelength are long remain in the atmosphere.The red is a color which makes a thing look bigger,so the sun also looks bigger.☀

As for both of the sunrise and sunset,upper part of the sun is close to the horizon,we call it the sunrise or the sunset. 🌅

However refraction 屈折 in the atmosphere makes the sun look as if it were higher as usual,so actual time of the sunrise and sunset become about 4 minutes earlier.The sun is brighter than other stars,so it looks like that.☀

Contrary to it,the moon and other planets aren't as bright as the sun.☀

No.268 12/12/31 14:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is it my fault⁉】

I'm going to talk you about an indecent matter. If you are eating something,please refrain from reading it🙇            
The other day,I went back to my home,making use of a train.After going out from a ticket gate of the station,I learned to go to a restroom,but I hated to take advantage of the one in the station.😥

I was afraid it was so dirty that I couldn't endure it,so I went to a pachinko parlor for its restroom.😃

When flushing the toilet in the restroom,to my surprise,the water with my excrement 排泄物 flowed backward,and overflowed.💩

It seemed that the water continued to flow backward,and I was so confused that I ran away at once without being acknowledged with anyone.😳

I'm sure someone who had a grudge against the pachinko parlor did something bad on the toilet,so I had nothing to do with it,however I'm wondering if anyone believed I didn't do anything bad.😚
I'm sorry for a person who clean the restroom.🙇

No.267 12/12/24 01:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 266 【Portugal】

【Power and fortune which had been established in the Atlantic Sea】

Portugal started to make a lot of people emigrate from Portugal to northerneastern in Brazil.The Portuguese made the black people who were imported work hard.😥

They made the black people grow sugarcane 砂糖きび.After that,gold or diamonds were discovered in Brazil.The discovery gave the other people all over the people an impression in which there were abundant resource in Brazil.😤

Contrary to it,wealth was brought in Portuguese capital, Lisbon from India to Brazil so much that the Portuguese enjoyed extremes of luxury,but only it's just that its loyal familes and aristocracies became rich.👑

As a result,its domestic industries didn't grow up very well.By the way,too sleepy to continue any more.See you again😪

  • << 278 【Portugal】 《Power and fortune which had been established in the Atlantic Ocean》 A coup d' etat made despotic 独裁的 govenment which continued for 40years collapse April in 1974.🎉 At the same time,its domestic administration was moving forward to democratization.Portugal renounced its colony like East Timor.🎊 Macao was also returned to China in 1999.There are two faction groups of a right-of-center 中道右派,and left-of-center in Portugal.It's what is called 二大政党.😃 CPLP has been established in 1996.The CPLP is community in which Portugal language is used.The CPLP is an abbreviation of the organization,but to my sorrow,my English doesn't correspond with the formal name.It's shameful of me.😳 The CPLP consists of old colonies such as Brazil or Mozambique.The organization aims at promoting its politics and economy.😃 By the way,my long day off is approaching its end.I hate to work,I wish I could win a large sum of money with a lottery ticket 宝くじ and so on.😩

No.266 12/12/20 21:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 262 【San Marino】 《Its territory is the smallest among the countries which… 【San Marino】

《Its territory is the smallest among the countries which join in the UN》

San Marino has joined in the UN in 1992.The country looks just as it did in the Middle Ages.No less than about 3 million people visit there every year.😲

San Marino is a sightseeing country.When going into the country,we do by way of Italy,but we don't have to procedure when going into the country or leaving it at its border.😃


《Power and fortune which had been established in the Atlantic Sea》

It was in the middle of Reconquista when the country of Portugal was born.They tried to overthrow Islamic rule in the 12th century.It's the Reconquista.😤

A Portuguese who was good at going on a voyage strove to discover courses along western African shore in the first half of the 15th century,for they had to detour Islamic bloc of Africa.⛵

Other expert of sailing took a wrong course,and happened to be washed up to Brazil in 1500.🚢

No.265 12/12/16 22:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A national election】

Today is an election day.We must go to a polling place 投票所 in order to vote as national duty,though I've never done it until today.😚

I've never been interested in politics at all,but I was forced to go to for a vote this time,for the president of a temporary company to which I belong asked us to vote some candidate.I'm sure it's election irregularity 選挙違反😨

If it's disclosed,I will be arrested,I'm wondering.Needless to say,I could refuse his request, but I didn't,for whoever becomes a member of an assembly,it doesn't matter.I have nothing to do with it.😚

We've often heard of a phrase of weight of one vote,but I'm not sure of it at all.There are a lot of qualified voters.Even if I don't vote,it's no problem,I'm sure.I can't help laughing at it.😚

However I'm not interested in the election at all,so I should have voted without writing a name of the candidate,but I couldn't reject it.I'm wondering if it's a kind of bondage しがらみ of human relation.😥

No.264 12/12/14 22:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

I've worked in a factory as a temporary stuff.Without working overtime,I should have finished my job at pm.4:30,for I started to work from am.7:30 today.🙋

Unfortunately,one of full-fledged employees 正社員 forgot turning on a heater of a machine,so I ended up working until pm.9:00.😱

As for operating a machine,I don't know anything about it,but if he hadn't made a mistake,I wouldn't have to work so long.😚

Needless to say,no one is perfect,but his failure made me work overtime,but I'm wondering if I'm a narrow-minded one.😒

Have I never made any mistakes?Oh,yes I have.There are too many my mistakes to count.I'm wondering if I have a right to blame him.😳

By the way,I feel a stress so much I'll go for a drink from now on.I'll keep singing a lot of songs at a pub from now on.🎤

I'm afraid no one will listen to me, though it doesn't matter.😚

No.263 12/12/12 20:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 246 【Various half-value periods》 In general,as to the half-value periods… 【Measurement of an era with the half-value period 半減期】

《A half-value period of C14》

The C14 is radioactive isotope 放射性同位体 of carbon.The number of 14 means its mass.As to an indication of the mass,we usually put its number at the upper left of the chemical element,but I can't express it with this cepllphone,so please understand it.😃           
By the way, let's suppose we discovered a wooden sculpture which seemed to done hundreds of yearsa ago.😱

It's the isotope of the carbon,C14 of which we make use.The isotope emits beta ray,and changes into N14,isotope of nitrogen.A half-value period of C14 is no less than 5370 years.

《Photosynthesis 光合成 and its suspension》

Vegetation does photosynthesis as long as it's alive,absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and water from the ground.The vegetation produces sugar content 糖分,making use of an energy of sunlight.😃

Carbon is a mixture of the isotope,so it includes the C14 to some extent.As for ratio of the C14,the carbon dioxide includes same amount.😃

  • << 280 【Measurement of an era with the half-value period 半減期】 《Photosynthesis 光合成 and its suspension》 Therefore,as to the ratio of the C14 in a tree,it's as same as the other C14 in the air as long as the tree is alive.[クローバー] Let's suppose the tree was cut down.Then its photosynthesis is over,an a new C14 isn't supplied from the tree.💀 Therefore,the C14 in the tree continues to decrease as the time passes,and when 5370years of the half-value period pass,its C14 becomes a half.🍀 《Measurement of the era》 In short,when comparing the C14's density in the air with other C14 in the wooden sculpture buried under the ground,if the density of the wooden sculpture is as half as the other in the air,the tree was cut down 5370years ago.[クローバー] The wooden sculpture made of the tree couldn't be as old as 5370years ago,but this explanation is irrational,for not only the C14 in the tree,but also other in the wooden sculpture continue to decrease.😃 There is the major premise 大前提 in the measurement of the era.😃

No.262 12/12/10 00:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 261 【San Marino】

《Its territory is the smallest among the countries which join in the UN》

Its territory is as small as Setagaya ward in Tokyo prefecture.Its capital is on the top of the Mt.ティタノ.🌋

Though its scale is small,San Marino has a long and distinguished history as the oldest republic,for the Pope ローマ法王 approved of the country in 1631.🎊

The founding of the country dates back to the 4th century.A stonecutter named Marino who lived in an island belonged to the ancient Roman Empire crossed over the Adriatic Sea and went to the Italian peninsula for a construction of a port.😃

He was persecuted 迫害 because of a Christian,and ran away to the Mt.ティタノ.After that others who longed for Marino also came to the Mt.ティタノ.😃

As a result,they began to live together.It's said it's an San Marino's origin.Other city states invaded San Marino,but its castle wall was built on the top of the mountain.🌋

Therefore,capturing San Marino was hard,so the country has maintained its independence so far.🎉

  • << 266 【San Marino】 《Its territory is the smallest among the countries which join in the UN》 San Marino has joined in the UN in 1992.The country looks just as it did in the Middle Ages.No less than about 3 million people visit there every year.😲 San Marino is a sightseeing country.When going into the country,we do by way of Italy,but we don't have to procedure when going into the country or leaving it at its border.😃 【Portugal】 《Power and fortune which had been established in the Atlantic Sea》 It was in the middle of Reconquista when the country of Portugal was born.They tried to overthrow Islamic rule in the 12th century.It's the Reconquista.😤 A Portuguese who was good at going on a voyage strove to discover courses along western African shore in the first half of the 15th century,for they had to detour Islamic bloc of Africa.⛵ Other expert of sailing took a wrong course,and happened to be washed up to Brazil in 1500.🚢

No.261 12/12/09 22:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 259 【Andorra】 《A paradise for shoppers in mountains of Europe》 Cattle … 【Andorra】

《Paradise for shopper in mountains of Europe》

The Spanish bishop tied a equal suzerain 宗主 contract with the French count in 1278.The strange shape in which the two countries collaborated Andorra's sovereignty 主権 continued until March in 1993 when Andorra could achieve a complete independence.😱

Therefore,Andorra's national flag is a design in which French and Spanish flags were put together.🇫

Instead of Andorra's original currency,both French franc and Spanish peseta are being adopted.🇫

Andorra's people have either French or Spanish passport.☝

【San Marino】

《Its territory is the smallest in the countries which joined in the UN》

Speaking of San Marino,the grand prize of San Marino may occur to some people,but I won't express a what is called F1 grand prix.😚

San Marino lies in northeast in the Italian peninsula,and is a small country.Mt.ティタノ is centere of the country,and its territory stretches east and west over no more than 8㎞,south and north over just 13㎞.😃

No.260 12/12/09 16:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I'm thought】

Fortunately or not,I've lived for an half century.I've often heard remarks of joy or thankfulness for being alive.😃

However I'm wondering if I've ever thought like that.Though I'm not sure whether or not I've hoped to be born,I ended up being born,for I have no choice.I can't help it.💩

Needless to say,I can't say like that in front of my mother,for my remark will make her feel sad,but if I can't commit a suicide,I'm forced to be alive.If I kill myself,nothing is left, though it doesn't matter.😒

However,even if I have a chance to be dead.I'm sure I can't make use of it.I don't have enough guts to do.😳

Some people say like next.“Considering being dead,there is nothing we can't.”😤

I'm sure the person who says like that is just intoxicated with itself.It's absurd.😒

No.259 12/12/09 15:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 254 【Andorra】 《A paradise for shoppers in mountains of Europe》 Speakin… 【Andorra】

《A paradise for shoppers in mountains of Europe》

Cattle breeding,tobacco growing,and forestry used to be main industries in Andorra which is the area of mountains.🐮

However,some people have visited there so as to avoid the heating of summer in summer,and others have gone there for skiing in winter,so Andorra's incomes with sightseeing have increased.🏂

About no less than 10 million people visit there every year,so Andorra can get a lot of foreign currency so much that its people don't have to pay tax,though some people must pay their tax.😃

By the way,why has the country been established there? According to a tradition,there is an episode like next.😃

Charles the Great of Frank kingdom gave the residents who live there permits of autonomy 自治権 in the 8th century.In this way,Andorra has started,but Spanish bishop and French count started to quarrel for right of possession.🆚

  • << 261 【Andorra】 《Paradise for shopper in mountains of Europe》 The Spanish bishop tied a equal suzerain 宗主 contract with the French count in 1278.The strange shape in which the two countries collaborated Andorra's sovereignty 主権 continued until March in 1993 when Andorra could achieve a complete independence.😱 Therefore,Andorra's national flag is a design in which French and Spanish flags were put together.🇫 Instead of Andorra's original currency,both French franc and Spanish peseta are being adopted.🇫 Andorra's people have either French or Spanish passport.☝ 【San Marino】 《Its territory is the smallest in the countries which joined in the UN》 Speaking of San Marino,the grand prize of San Marino may occur to some people,but I won't express a what is called F1 grand prix.😚 San Marino lies in northeast in the Italian peninsula,and is a small country.Mt.ティタノ is centere of the country,and its territory stretches east and west over no more than 8㎞,south and north over just 13㎞.😃

No.258 12/12/09 00:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 257 【Being under a starlit sky】

However,the year of Christ's birth has turned out to be incorrect, according to an investigation later,but the Christians don't mind it at all,for they have thought like next.“It isn't the past but future of which we make much.”😃

By the way,there is a star on the top of a Christmas tree.It's said that the star means it was in Bethlehem.⭐

Three messengers were leading with the star,and they could realize Christ's birth.Some people say the star was a comet,or a supernova 超新星,and others say the Venus,or Jupiter approached the earth very closely.🌠

By the way,【Being under a starlit sky】begins every month until next October,though then this thread of mine may be over.It doesn't matter.😃

Needless to say,I'm going to start a new English thread then.🌠

When Christmas approaches in Japan,we've frequently heard a lot of Christmas songs though almost all of us aren't Christians.It's just that we want to immersed in atmosphere of something happy.It's not always bad,but……😒

No.257 12/12/08 23:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 256 【Being under a starlit sky】

Speaking of December, Christmas approaches us.It is said Christ was born in the first year of the A.D,but some people say he was born from 4 to 6 A.D,the opinion is convincing.⛪

According to the Bible,Christ was born under the reign of a king of Herod.The king was dead in 4 A.D,so Christ must be born before 4 A.D.⛪

A monk who researched on the Easter discovered the year of Christ's birth in the 6th century,but the year of the Roman emperor's birth was set as the first year of the A.D.⛪

Christians realized keenly they have to renew their history of Christ when they felthow correct Chinese history was,being through what is called the time of great navigation in the 17th century.🚢

The Christians thought like next.“Our calendar hasn't always been accurate for a long time.We are going to make the year of Christ's birth the beginning of the A.D,and we make it a rule to call the times when Christ wasn't born yet B.C.”⛪

No.256 12/12/08 19:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 255 【Being under a starlit sky.】

The bull continued.“We'll call this place Europe,named after you.”The princess gave birth to Zeus' child and became a queen of the Creta and reigned there for a long time.👸

The bull changed into the Taurus and watched her from the heaven,but I'm wondering if Zeus was just a playboy.😚

The Charioteer 御者座 clings to the Taurus.It isn't a horse,but a goat in the shape of the Charioteer in which the coachman carried.♑

When Zeus was born,the goat gave him its milk.The owner of the goat was a coachman.Zeus made him the Charioteer later.♑

There is a star of the first magnitude 一等星 of Capella in the Charioteer.The Capella also means a she-goat.♑

As for the Charioteer,there is other episode.An inventor who had lost the use of his legs invented a horse-drawn carriage for a war.Zeus praised his feat so much that he made the inventor the Charioteer later.The goat used to be his pet.♑

No.255 12/12/08 19:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 253 【Being under a starlit sky】 As to the shape of the Taurus,a star and… 【Being under a starlit sky】

Once upon a time there lived a Phoenician princess.Her name was Europe.She was in a field with her attendants one day.👸

Then a bull appeared in front of her suddenly.The bull was so beautiful that the price was fascinated with it.She felt like riding on it,and she sat on it with her legs doubled back to one side.🐮

Her attendants tried to stop her,but they couldn't.Then the bull started to walk slowly when she was sitting on it.She thought,“Where does it go for?”👸

The bull started to run all of a sudden,and her attendants also couldn't stop the bull,so it left there with the princess on it.🐮

The bull moved toward the sea with her and went into the sea.It began swimming with her on it.The princess was so confused that she cried out.“Who are you? Where are you going?”😱

The bull answered.“I'm Zeus.Don't be afraid of me.I'm falling love with you.You can see an island of Creta from here.Let's live there together.”🐮

No.254 12/12/08 14:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《A paradise for shoppers in mountains of Europe》

Speaking of Andorra,it seems that few people can answer the place where the country it is.It's at the border between France and Spain,being situated east to the Mt.Pyrenees.It's small country.😃

Roughly speaking,its territory is as small as Tanegashima.Its population is about 0.68 million.🌋

Andorra is a pleasure resort surrounded with from 2.000 to 3.000 above sea level,and is a kind of paradise for shoppers.The country has an another name of a supermarket in the Europe.😃

The shoppers can purchase articles sold all over the world being exempted from taxation 免税,for there is no customs there,so the shoppers surge toward the country so as to buy alcoholic drinks, cigarettes,and perfumes,being over its border.🙆

By the way,I'm too drunk to express English any more.Toast!🍻

  • << 259 【Andorra】 《A paradise for shoppers in mountains of Europe》 Cattle breeding,tobacco growing,and forestry used to be main industries in Andorra which is the area of mountains.🐮 However,some people have visited there so as to avoid the heating of summer in summer,and others have gone there for skiing in winter,so Andorra's incomes with sightseeing have increased.🏂 About no less than 10 million people visit there every year,so Andorra can get a lot of foreign currency so much that its people don't have to pay tax,though some people must pay their tax.😃 By the way,why has the country been established there? According to a tradition,there is an episode like next.😃 Charles the Great of Frank kingdom gave the residents who live there permits of autonomy 自治権 in the 8th century.In this way,Andorra has started,but Spanish bishop and French count started to quarrel for right of possession.🆚

No.253 12/12/08 09:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 252 【Being under a starlit sky】

As to the shape of the Taurus,a star and clusters of stars correspond to each part of the Taurus.Aldebaran of a star of the first magnitude 一等星 is its eye,a cluster of stars of Hyades is its face.🐮

Other cluster of stars of Pleiades is the Taurus' shoulder.We Japanese call the cluster of stars Pleiades what is called 昴.There is an expression of the 昴 in 枕草子⭐

We can watch six stars covered with light veil even with a pair of binoculars 双眼鏡.They are the 昴.No more than millions of years have passed since the 昴 was born.Considering the history of the universe,the 昴 is comparatively young.🌠

Therefore, temperature of its surface is so high that it's about no less than 0.15 billion℃.The 昴 is 400 light years 光年 away from the earth.🌏

It's said the Taurus is a shape into which Zeus changes,for there is the next episode.🐮

To be continued.Bye😚

  • << 255 【Being under a starlit sky】 Once upon a time there lived a Phoenician princess.Her name was Europe.She was in a field with her attendants one day.👸 Then a bull appeared in front of her suddenly.The bull was so beautiful that the price was fascinated with it.She felt like riding on it,and she sat on it with her legs doubled back to one side.🐮 Her attendants tried to stop her,but they couldn't.Then the bull started to walk slowly when she was sitting on it.She thought,“Where does it go for?”👸 The bull started to run all of a sudden,and her attendants also couldn't stop the bull,so it left there with the princess on it.🐮 The bull moved toward the sea with her and went into the sea.It began swimming with her on it.The princess was so confused that she cried out.“Who are you? Where are you going?”😱 The bull answered.“I'm Zeus.Don't be afraid of me.I'm falling love with you.You can see an island of Creta from here.Let's live there together.”🐮

No.252 12/12/07 07:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 251 【Being under a starlit sky】

When watching the stars in the sky in winter,the shaking of the air,the convection,makes us look the stars bright,with the eye without the aid of corrective lenses 裸眼.⭐

On the other hand,when watching the stars with a telescope,the convection prevents us from watching the stars clearly,so it seems a kind of an obstacle then.😥

Plenty of a star of the first magnitude 一等星 make winter constellations such as Betelgeuse,Procyon,and Sirius look bright.🌠

The three stars of Betelgeuse,Procyon and Sirius are included in winer constellations like Orion,Canis Minor 子犬座,Canis Major 大犬座🌠

When connecting the three stars it becomes a triangle.It's what is called a great triangle in the winer.⭐

Taurus おうし座 is the earliest constellation which rises in the winter sky.As for a shape of the Taurus is as if the upper part of a bull were painted on the sky.🐮

No.251 12/12/06 22:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

We can see stars more clearly even in cities in winter than we expect,for a side of the Japan which faces the Pacific ocean in winter is covered with continental high pressure zone.Therefore,the weather is apt to become dry.⛄

Contrary to it,in other side,the Japan Sea,there are a lot of days when it's cloudy or it rains in winter.☔

I'm sure the stars in winter are twinkling much brighter.It's a kind of shaking of the air.It's a scintillation.❄

When the ground is being warmed,there is a chill of a cold air mass 寒気団 over the ground.Then the warmth and chill are mixed,convection 対流 is caused,so the air shakes.😃

It resembles flows in a river.If looking at a stone in the bottom of the river,when it flows calmly,we can see the stone clearly,but when it flows quicKly,we'll find it hard to see because of shaking the flow.😃

The air also shakes like the flow in winter,so the starlight looks as if it twinkled.🌠

No.250 12/12/01 13:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 249 【Monaco】

《A sightseeing nation has maintained its independence》

Then a company,S・B・M was established.The company extended its business for hotel, restaurant,and a variety of events,and it has offred us luxury resort life,though to my sorrow I have nothing to do with it.😂

As for a name of the company,S・B・M,it's a French abbreviation,I'm sure I should express it in English,but the name is written in French,but I can't understand French at all,so I'm forced to give it up.🇫

An actress in Hollywood,グレース・ケリー has become Monacan empress.It makes the country world-famous one,but I'm going to express a Monacan noted place which isn't familiar with us Japanese.😃

It's an ocean museum that アルベール Ⅰ who is famous a marine scientist established it.It took no less than about ten years.About a million tourists visit the museum every year as a mecca of southern European ocean research.🐳

Jack クストー,an explorer of the ocean served a chief of museum which is prominent and wellknown in the world.🐙

No.249 12/11/25 17:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 246 【Various half-value periods》 In general,as to the half-value periods… 【Monaco】

《A sightseeing nation has maintained its independence》

Monaco is the second smallest country in the world after the Vatican.It's about twice as large as the Japanese Imperial Palace.😃

Its population is about 30 thousand,but the Monacan people are no more than 5 thousand,and others are foreign ones.🚗

Monaco which faces the Mediterranean Sea has occupied an important position as an excellent port in Europe since the B.C.🌴

Therefore,the country was dragged into varied disputes,but it has maintained its independence every dispute.😤

It was in 1297 when a royal family appeared.The Grimaldi of Italy occupied a Monacan fortress.It made Monaco start as a principality.The principality is a country in which a duke rules.😃

It was in 1919 when Monaco was recognized as an independent country internationally with the Versailles Treaty.☝

Speaking of Monaco,a casino occurs to us.Its management started in the 1860s.It was a large-scale work,for its staffs were called from France.🇫

No.248 12/11/25 15:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 247 【The Vatican】

《The head of the Catholicism》

Why are the Swiss the guards? for it's a custom which has been since the Vatican in the Middle Ages.😃

Luis ⅩⅣ,one of king in France caused a war to conquer Europe,then the people of Switzerland were employed for the war.Their being in the Vatican has been their tradition since then.😃

The Vatican is very wealthy in spite of its scale.Its national finance is contribution from Catholics,whose numbers are said to be more than 0.9 billion.⛪

Its finance is compensation from Italy,being based on a treaty,management of the country's fund and stocks,sales for stamps and sightseeing.💰

Great master artists in Renaissance such as Bramante,Raphael,and Michelangelo supervised construction of a cathedral of San Pietro.The cathedral was completed after 120 years.⛪

Considering an art museum of the Vatican,and the cathedral,it may be natural that the Vatican is the richest country in the world💰

No.247 12/11/25 12:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 243 【Croatia】 《A world heritage,ドゥブロニクブ,looks as if it were in the Middl… 【Croatia】

《A world heritage,ドゥブロニクブ,looks as if it were in the Middle Ages》

As to Marco Polo,he was an Italian,according to my electronic dictionary.I'm not sure whether he was an Italian or a person who belonged to Croatia.😥

A dog of Dalmatian Which has been familiar with us Japanese was originated from Croatia.The dog used to be in a movie of Disney as a hero.🐶

A necktie for a male,and a mechanical pencil シャープペンシル of a stationery 文房具 are also originated from Croatia.✏


《The head 総本山 of Catholicism》

The Vatican which is famous for the smallest country in the world.The name of the country of Vatican is originated from a hill in the city of Rome.⛪

The Vatican is 2.6 times as large as Hibiya Park,but there are a post office,a newspaper company,bank,radio and TV station in the country.📪

Speaking of the residents in the smallest country,they are churchmen who are the Italian in the Vatican,and guards who are the SWISS.They were estimated about 9 hundred in 2.000.

No.246 12/11/24 19:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Various half-value periods》

In general,as to the half-value periods,it's useful when recognizing speeds of reactions.In short,while a long half-value period means its reaction is fast,long one does its reaction is slow.😃

As for the half-value periods of reactions of the atomic nucleus,they are varied.The shortest one is one ten thousandth second,and the longest one is millions of years.😃

Some of transuranic elements are so unstable that when it's created itchanges into other element at once.😃

【Measurement an era with a half-value period】

Use of reaction of atomic nucleus the most peacefully is an atomic reactor.Roughly speaking,one third of all the amount of generation of electricity is nuclear electric power generation.😃

We make use of the reaction of the atomic nucleus for medical fields such as an X ray or medical treatment with radiations.😃

However what I try to express is a principle of era measurement which measures a historical remains with the half-value period of atomic nucleus.🙋

  • << 249 【Monaco】 《A sightseeing nation has maintained its independence》 Monaco is the second smallest country in the world after the Vatican.It's about twice as large as the Japanese Imperial Palace.😃 Its population is about 30 thousand,but the Monacan people are no more than 5 thousand,and others are foreign ones.🚗 Monaco which faces the Mediterranean Sea has occupied an important position as an excellent port in Europe since the B.C.🌴 Therefore,the country was dragged into varied disputes,but it has maintained its independence every dispute.😤 It was in 1297 when a royal family appeared.The Grimaldi of Italy occupied a Monacan fortress.It made Monaco start as a principality.The principality is a country in which a duke rules.😃 It was in 1919 when Monaco was recognized as an independent country internationally with the Versailles Treaty.☝ Speaking of Monaco,a casino occurs to us.Its management started in the 1860s.It was a large-scale work,for its staffs were called from France.🇫
  • << 263 【Measurement of an era with the half-value period 半減期】 《A half-value period of C14》 The C14 is radioactive isotope 放射性同位体 of carbon.The number of 14 means its mass.As to an indication of the mass,we usually put its number at the upper left of the chemical element,but I can't express it with this cepllphone,so please understand it.😃            By the way, let's suppose we discovered a wooden sculpture which seemed to done hundreds of yearsa ago.😱 It's the isotope of the carbon,C14 of which we make use.The isotope emits beta ray,and changes into N14,isotope of nitrogen.A half-value period of C14 is no less than 5370 years. 《Photosynthesis 光合成 and its suspension》 Vegetation does photosynthesis as long as it's alive,absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and water from the ground.The vegetation produces sugar content 糖分,making use of an energy of sunlight.😃 Carbon is a mixture of the isotope,so it includes the C14 to some extent.As for ratio of the C14,the carbon dioxide includes same amount.😃

No.245 12/11/24 16:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 244 【Is the things created by the nuclear fission dangerous?】

《Nature of the things created by the nuclear fission and their half-value periods 半減期》

As to strontium,its nature resembles calcium,and it's tied up with the calcium.😨

Half-value periods of the strontium and iodine,the former are no less than 29 years,and the latter is eight days.Both of them continues to release beta ray.☝

《Half-value period》

When a reaction of the atomic nucleus advances,its energy also continues to decrease gradually.The energy becomes its half some day.It takes some periods.We call the periods half-value periods.☝

As for the half-value period,we have to be careful of one thing.For example,the iodine's half-value period is 8days.Does it mean the radioactive material of the iodine disappear when 17days pass?☝

It's no.At the first half-value period,the iodine becomes a half.At the next half-value period,the iodine becomes quarter.😃

In short,every half-value period,the radioactive material becomes half.It continues.

No.244 12/11/24 15:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is things created by the nuclear fission dangerous?】

When applying pressure to an atomic nucleus 原子核,the atomic nucleus can't resist against it,so it's broken.We call the phenomena the nuclear fission.😃

Then some fragments are created,and they are dangerous.They will still be broken.💀

《Kinds of the atomic nucleus of the things which are created by the nuclear fission》

Energy of the things created by the nuclear fission is so high,and they are radioactive.Therefore they are dangerous.💀

When experiments of atomic or hydrogen bombs were being repeated,we used to call the things created by the atomic fission atomic dust死の灰,and to fear the things😨

To be concrete,they are strontium,cesium and iodine.All of them are dangerous.As for the iodine,when it goes into the human body,they accumulate in the thyroid gland甲状腺.💀

Then the iodine continues release in the human body,and the human body is exposed to radiation from its inside.💀

No.243 12/11/24 06:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 242 【Croatia】

《A world heritage,ドゥブロニクブ,looks as if it were in the Middle Ages》

It's sightseeing that Croatia has put a great deal of effort into.The Adriatic Sea which has one of the most beautiful view in the world has plenty of islands on the coast of Croatia.It's more than a thousand.😲

Lands of Croatia are so fertile that grapes and olives grow there because of warm climate of the Mediterranean Sea.🍇

ドゥブロニクブ which has collected a lot of tourists from all over the Europe and is designated as a world heritage is famous for its Splendid view so much that we call ドゥブロニクブ a pearl of the Adriatic Sea,and praise it.💍

The view of the ドゥブロニクブ has been well reserved miraculously as if it were in the 16th century,so it becomes a highlight of its sightseeing in Croatia.🙋

Except for sports,there are things which are familiar with us Japanese in Croatia.Marco Polo who introduced us the Japanese to the people in the world.He was from Croatia.😃

  • << 247 【Croatia】 《A world heritage,ドゥブロニクブ,looks as if it were in the Middle Ages》 As to Marco Polo,he was an Italian,according to my electronic dictionary.I'm not sure whether he was an Italian or a person who belonged to Croatia.😥 A dog of Dalmatian Which has been familiar with us Japanese was originated from Croatia.The dog used to be in a movie of Disney as a hero.🐶 A necktie for a male,and a mechanical pencil シャープペンシル of a stationery 文房具 are also originated from Croatia.✏ 【Vatican】 《The head 総本山 of Catholicism》 The Vatican which is famous for the smallest country in the world.The name of the country of Vatican is originated from a hill in the city of Rome.⛪ The Vatican is 2.6 times as large as Hibiya Park,but there are a post office,a newspaper company,bank,radio and TV station in the country.📪 Speaking of the residents in the smallest country,they are churchmen who are the Italian in the Vatican,and guards who are the SWISS.They were estimated about 9 hundred in 2.000.

No.242 12/11/22 22:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 241 【Croatia】

《A world heritage,ドゥブロニクブ,looks as if it were in the Middle Age》

After the World WarⅡ,Croatia became one of republics of federal of Yugoslavia,but racial consciousness of Croatia people who had disired their independence ardently since the World WarⅠ risen so high that they demanded for their independence to the late President Tito.😤

At last,even civil wars brought out.After that the UN armies which maintained peace were dispatched there.

However,Yugoslavia and Croatia signed an agreement in which the countries approved of them each other,so Croatia established diplomatic relation between the country and Yugoslavia.👍

Croatia has originally been a wealthy country like Slovenia since in the era of the former Yugoslavia.💰

Croatia used to pay no less than 25% of the budget of Yugoslavia,and its territory included four kinds of treasures at one time.🎆

They were the Adriatic Sea,petroleum,natural gas,fertile land,and harbors of the Danube.🌟

No.241 12/11/20 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 237 【Yugoslavia】 《Disputes have had its economy exhausted》 The Albanian… 【Croatia】

《World heritage,ドゥブロニクブ,it looks as if it were in the Middle Ages》

Croatia is one of six republics which used to form the former Yugoslavia declared its independence in 1991.🙋

After the civil war with the power of the people of Serbia,its politics started in Croatia 1998,and democratic parties were born in 2000.Economic activities have been restored in Croatia,and the country aims at joining in the EU and NATO at present.😤

Establishment of Croatia dates back to the era of the ancient Roman Empire.The people of Croatia settled on the west coast of the Danube River,and they established their own independent state in the 10th century.㊗

However after that,the country was controlled by Hungary-Austria,and it built a kingdom of Yugoslavia with the people of Serbia and Slovenia at the beginning in the 20th century.😃

However the people of Croatia and Serbia were opposed to each other in its kingdom so serious that the kingdom collapsed in the middle of World War Ⅱ.😱

No.240 12/11/18 18:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 239 【What is a chain reaction in the nuclear fission?】

《Chain reaction》

Let's suppose that the neutron were only one.Then the neutron collided with the other atomic nucleus,and other neutron were generated.Then the neutron bumped against…The reaction would continue forever.It's the chain reaction.😃

《Chain reaction as if it branched》

Although the chain reaction will continue forever,a scale of the chain reaction won't change at all.😚

Therefore an explosive multiplication of the reaction won't happen in the least.Then let's suppose that the neutrons were two when the atomic nuclear fission happened.☝

A numbers of the neutron continue to increase.In the first atomic nuclear fission,the neutron are two,and in the second times,it'll become four,then in the third time,it'll be eight.It increases by leaps and bounds.😨

We call the reaction the branched one.In short,if we leave the atomic nuclear fission of uranium239 alone,the reaction will be explosive,for the neutrons branch.🔥

No.239 12/11/17 13:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 238 【What is a chain reaction in the atomic fission?】

When the nuclear fission happens,a lot of energy is produced and an explosion also breaks out,for the nuclear reaction is a chain reaction in which the atomic fission occurs continually.😨

Is it true? What is the chain reaction in the atomic fission?☝

《Chain reaction of the atomic fission》

The reaction of the nuclear fission is an atomic nucleus 原子核 divides,and generates materials and energy.The reaction itself isn't so dangerous,but others of which we take advantage for the atomic reactor or atomic bomb are the chain reaction in which atomic fission happens continually.😨

I'm going to adopt the atomic fission of an isotope 同位体 of the uranium 235 which is made use for the atomic reactor,and express the chain reactor.😃

《Chain reaction》

As for the atomic fission of the uranium239,when neutrons bump against the atomic nucleus of the uranium239,the chain reactor happens.The a large amount of energy and neutrons generate.😃

No.238 12/11/17 12:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 233 【What is a nuclear fission?】 『An energy of a nuclear fission』 Some… 【What is a nuclear fission?】

《Atoms which do nuclear fission》

We pay attention to some atoms which adopt themselves to the condition of the nuclear fission.😃

They are thorium,uranium and plutonium.The uranium has been used in the atomic reactors all over the world as fuel which is practical use.😺

We've watched the plutonium as fuel for a fast-breeder atomic reactor 高速増殖原子炉.The plutonium is also put into practical use as fuel under the MOX project.プルサーマル計画 😃

Roughly speaking,the MOX project is mixing the plutonium with the uranium and using it as fuel.😚

However,the plutonium isn't only danger,but poisonous chemically.In addition,it has cancer-causing.💀

We also take notice of the thorium,for instead of the atomic reactor in which the uranium is used,the Thorium has a possibility of other atomic reactor in which the thorium may be used.😃

【What is a chain reaction in the atomic fission?】

A reaction of the nuclear fission produces tremendous energy,and it sometimes brings about explosion,for…😥

No.237 12/11/16 02:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 236 【Yugoslavia】

《Disputes have had its economy exhausted》

The Albanian has been so active to guerilla for policies of Serbiaize by Yugoslavia in Kosovo 自治区 that plenty of the Albanians were dead thanks to Serbian cleanup operation 掃討作戦💀

As a result,a lot of refugees have escaped from Kosovo to Macedonia.It has caused a new opposition between the refugees and the people in Macedonia.🆚

In this way,Yugoslavian has been established newly, but its economy growth rate deteriorates,for the disputes extend over a long period.Reconstruction of its economy faces tremendous dificulty.😥


『Its economic power has made itself be independent from Yugoslavia』

《Its world heritage,ドゥブロブニク looks as if it were in the Middle Age》

While its population is within 5 million,the country has produced worldwide athletes who play active part in soccer,volleyball and combative sports.As for sports,Croatia may have been familiar with us Japanese.⚽

  • << 241 【Croatia】 《World heritage,ドゥブロニクブ,it looks as if it were in the Middle Ages》 Croatia is one of six republics which used to form the former Yugoslavia declared its independence in 1991.🙋 After the civil war with the power of the people of Serbia,its politics started in Croatia 1998,and democratic parties were born in 2000.Economic activities have been restored in Croatia,and the country aims at joining in the EU and NATO at present.😤 Establishment of Croatia dates back to the era of the ancient Roman Empire.The people of Croatia settled on the west coast of the Danube River,and they established their own independent state in the 10th century.㊗ However after that,the country was controlled by Hungary-Austria,and it built a kingdom of Yugoslavia with the people of Serbia and Slovenia at the beginning in the 20th century.😃 However the people of Croatia and Serbia were opposed to each other in its kingdom so serious that the kingdom collapsed in the middle of World War Ⅱ.😱

No.236 12/11/12 00:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Disputes have had its economy exhausted》

Both Croatia and Slovenia were industrially advanced republics which had resource and industrial abilities,so Yugoslavia expected the two republics' seceding from the federation was a heavy blow.😱

While a dispute with Slovenia was over in no more than ten days,the war with Croatia which had grudge against Yugoslavia continued until 1995,then Croatia defeat Yugoslavia.😃

Contrary to it,as to a case of Bosnia・Herzegovina,it's complicated,for there was the largest factory of military and weapons in Yugoslavia there.💣

Besides,three kinds of races such as Serbia,Croatia and Bosnia competed each other.The race of Bosnia is Muslim.🆚

The war became the one in which the three races were fighting as if the announcement of their independence had been a signal fire 狼煙 of the civil war.🆚

Air raids with the NATO made the war finish in 1995,but there is still Federation of Bosnia and Republic of Serbia.I'm wondering if the two races are opposed to each other.

No.235 12/11/11 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 234 【Yugoslavia】

《Invasion of Osman Turkey made the people in the peninsula Muslims》

In this way,the Balkan Peninsula's situations changed with dizzying speed.A youth of Serbia killed Austrian prince and princess at Sarajevo.It caused the First World War to bring about.It Has been well known as a historical event.💑

After the First World War,a kingdom of allied powers of Croatia and Slovenia was established,but when the Second World War started,the kingdom was brought up.💣

Croatia which gained German backing slaughtered the people of Serbia.As a result,a tragedy of massacre 大量虐殺 of the people of Serbia in Kosovo brought about.💀

When the Second World War was over,at last Yugoslavia was established as a federation.☝

《Disputes have had its economy exhausted》

However,Yugoslavia as the federation didn't continue to exist for a long time owing to disputes.When Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence in 1991,the government of Yugoslavia sent its troops so as to stop their independence,and…💀

No.234 12/11/11 21:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 230 【Yugoslavia】 《Sorrows of the country,as if it had been made up with m… 【Yugoslavia】

《Invasion of Osman Turkey made the people in the peninsula Muslims》

Then the Balkan Peninsula had been ruled by Osman Turkey which was a country of Muslim for a long time,but the ruling became an indirect cause which the Muslim incurred the Slavs' ill will. 恨みを買う😱

In consequence,the ruling made the Slavs be conscious of recapturing their territory.The Albanian of the Muslims settled in Kosovo where the fights were done after the people of Serbia left.😚

Moreover,Osman Turkey propagate Islam in the Balkan Peninsula,so the land became the one where complicated religious powers were mixed up.😔

The ruling with Osman Turkey continued until the 19th century,but with decline of Osman Turkey,it was eastern European Great Powers such as Russia and Austria which directed their attentions to the Balkan Peninsula.👀

Bosnia・Herzegovina was annexed to the Austria-Hungary Empire at the beginning in the 20th century,and Serbia gained Kosovo and Macedonia in the Balkan Peninsula in 1913.💣

No.233 12/11/11 13:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 232 【What is a nuclear fission?】

『An energy of a nuclear fission』

Some atoms have same numbers of the proton and neutron,but others have different numbers.The atom's amount of mass is sum of protons and neutrons.😃

The atomic nuclear which is the stablest and has the lowest energy is iron isotope of which the amount of mass is around 60.

Therefore,if we segment a bigger atomic nuclear,it means that the energy of its remainder releases.😃

We take out the energy like heat as a renewable energy,and we try to change the energy into good quality like an electric energy which is easy to use.It's an atomic reactor's basic concept.💡

『An atom which does the nuclear fission』

In general,the nuclear fission is a reaction which a bigger atomic nuclear does,but it's not enough.We have to add one more thing.It's an unstable.😒

  • << 238 【What is a nuclear fission?】 《Atoms which do nuclear fission》 We pay attention to some atoms which adopt themselves to the condition of the nuclear fission.😃 They are thorium,uranium and plutonium.The uranium has been used in the atomic reactors all over the world as fuel which is practical use.😺 We've watched the plutonium as fuel for a fast-breeder atomic reactor 高速増殖原子炉.The plutonium is also put into practical use as fuel under the MOX project.プルサーマル計画 😃 Roughly speaking,the MOX project is mixing the plutonium with the uranium and using it as fuel.😚 However,the plutonium isn't only danger,but poisonous chemically.In addition,it has cancer-causing.💀 We also take notice of the thorium,for instead of the atomic reactor in which the uranium is used,the Thorium has a possibility of other atomic reactor in which the thorium may be used.😃 【What is a chain reaction in the atomic fission?】 A reaction of the nuclear fission produces tremendous energy,and it sometimes brings about explosion,for…😥

No.232 12/11/11 11:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the nuclear fission?】

When thinking over a nuclear reaction,both of the nuclear fission and fusion include tremendous power,with regard to taking advantage of its energy.😃

If comparing amount of the energy of the nuclear fission with other energy of the nuclear fusion,the nuclear fusion is by far bigger than the nuclear fission.☝

However,we can't make use of the nuclear fusion thanks to technical limit,so it seems that we are forced to utilize the nuclear fission,I'm wondering.😒

Needless to say,considering the earthquake disaster in the Tohoku,I have some doubt the it.😒

A reaction of the nuclear fission is a bigger atomic nucleus 原子核 segments 分裂 into smaller one.

By the way,all of the materials on the earth are made up with atoms.The atom is composed of electrons,and the atomic nucleus.😃

The atomic nucleus is made up with protons 陽子 and neutrons 中性子.

We call some of the atoms isotopes 同位体.The isotope has close relation with the nucler fission.

No.231 12/11/11 03:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why is radiation dangerous to our human body?】

In short,the radiation has serious effect on our human body,so it becomes a problem.🙅

When the radiation goes into our human body,active oxygen 活性酸素 is generated in the cell.The active oxygen reacts with molecules of DNA chemically,and ruins genetic information.😣

The DNA consists of two materials of which shapes are like chains.If only one is damaged,the materials can restore thenselves.👍

However,if both of them are ruined,the materials can't repair themselves.As a result,its cell division 細胞分裂 becomes impossible.😨

If happening on an integument 外皮 of our human body,our skin comes loose,and falls from our human body.😨

If being damaged in the internal organs,it can't function.Especially,it's said that a cell which creates blood in the bone marrow 骨髄 is easy to be influenced with the radiation,for its speed of the cell division is very fast.😨

After being exposed to the radiation,they suffer from anemia 貧血,and their immunity 免疫性 becomes low.😨

No.230 12/11/11 00:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Sorrows of the country,as if it had been made up with mosaic》

It was at the end of the 5th century when each Slavic race went south from eastern Europe and settled in the Balkan Peninsula.😃

Several kingdoms which accepted the Christianity such as Serbia,Bulgaria,and Croatia were established before long.😚

It was in the 14th century when the situation of the Balkan Peninsula changed,for Osman Turkey started to invade the Europe.😨

《Invasion of Osman Turkey made the people in the peninsula Muslims》

Osman Turkey which made vow a holy war for Byzantine Empire defeated Serbia with the war in Kosovo in 1389.😃

Osman Turkey also beat crusaders of each country in the Balkan Peninsula and the French and German Allied Powers in Bulgaria.😃

Osman Turkey which continued to go west built up a great empire.Its powerful military strdength was behind the victories.Its territory expanded to Hungary,along the coast of the Black Sea,and Egypt.😲

  • << 234 【Yugoslavia】 《Invasion of Osman Turkey made the people in the peninsula Muslims》 Then the Balkan Peninsula had been ruled by Osman Turkey which was a country of Muslim for a long time,but the ruling became an indirect cause which the Muslim incurred the Slavs' ill will. 恨みを買う😱 In consequence,the ruling made the Slavs be conscious of recapturing their territory.The Albanian of the Muslims settled in Kosovo where the fights were done after the people of Serbia left.😚 Moreover,Osman Turkey propagate Islam in the Balkan Peninsula,so the land became the one where complicated religious powers were mixed up.😔 The ruling with Osman Turkey continued until the 19th century,but with decline of Osman Turkey,it was eastern European Great Powers such as Russia and Austria which directed their attentions to the Balkan Peninsula.👀 Bosnia・Herzegovina was annexed to the Austria-Hungary Empire at the beginning in the 20th century,and Serbia gained Kosovo and Macedonia in the Balkan Peninsula in 1913.💣

No.229 12/11/10 22:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Sorrows of the country,as if it had been made up with mosaic》

Why did the country become so complicated?It's because of a position of the Balkan Peninsula.😃

As to its position,Italy is to the west,being Adriatic Sea between them,Ionian Sea which is connected with the Mediterranean Sea is to the south,the Danube River which runs throuh the eastern Europe is to north,and the Black Sea which is beginning of the western Asia is to east.😃

All directions of the country are open to its outside. Therefore,the coun has played an important part since the ancient time.The peninsula has made both the Asia and Europe connect.💡

On the other hand,the land where varied races or religions are mixed up is easy to be interfered by the other countries.😣

The Balkan Peninsula was made sport of by fortune like the Central Asian countries which used to be important points in the Silk Road.😢

No.228 12/11/10 18:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Sorrows of the country,as if it had been made up with mosaic》

The death of the president and the end of the cold war between both eastern and western camp made a movement of the racial self-determination 民族自決 raise so much that Croatia,Slovenia and Macedonia declared their independence from the federation in 1991.😤

In consequence,the federation reached its dissolution,so Bosnia・Herzegovina also announced its independence in the next year.😃

Serbia and Montenegro has established a new federation of Yugoslavia,but it doesn't always mean tha the separation and independence came true in a short time.☝

By the way,I made a mistake again! I've thought Bosnia and Herzegovina are two other countries,but it's one.😳

The former Yugoslavia was a complicated so much that we've felt as if the country was composed of mosaic,for it has been said that there are a single country,two letters,three religions,four languages,five nations and six republics in the former Yugoslavia.😲

No.227 12/11/10 18:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 226 【Romania】

《Count Dracula who will become a theme park》

His nickname became ツェペシュ,a prince who pierced the one through on account of his cruel behavior.💀

The name of Dracula came from a medal which an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire gave his father.A dragon was carved on the medal,so the Dracula became his family name.🐲

We think the Dracula is terrible in the movie or novel,but his local people thought he was a hero who resisted against the hostile country.✨

A theme park of the Dracula is planned to built in his birthplace.🙌


『A powder magazine 火薬庫 in Europe』

《Griefs of the country,as if it had been made of mosaic》

There used to be a country of Yugoslavia.It was the original country of socialism.It's made up with six republics such as Croatia,Slovenia,Serbia,Bosnia,Herzegovina,Montenegro and Macedonia.😃

The late President Tito which was charismatic used to maintain the complicated federal country,but after his death…💧

No.226 12/11/10 13:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 223 【Romania】                《Count Dracula which will become a theme park… 【Romania】

《Count Dracula who will become a theme park》

Romanian new constitution states clearly that Romania is a republic in which there are freedom of speech,religion,and possession,being based on economy of capitalism.🙆

By the way,speaking of Romanian big name 有名人,a vampire,Dracula which has been familiar with us in the movie.👿

His model is a monarch of the republic of ワラキア,ブラドⅢ.When he was young,he went to Constantinople in order to study.Then he happened to encounter a collapse of the Byzantine Empire in 1453.😃

He ended being a captive of the Osman Turkey which became ruler then,but he was released from the captive and he could return to his hometown.😩

After that he became a ruler of the republic of ワラキア,but he refused to pay tribute to the Osman Turkey,and killed a soldier which was sent from スルタン.💀

Besides,he pierced through the soldier with a spear and so on when the soldier was still alive💀

No.225 12/11/10 11:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of my colleagues】

I'm sure it's just my complaints.A male shouldn't do,but without giving vent to it,I'll go mad.😚

As for his personality,he isn't evil.When asking him something,he always accepts it willingly.Then he says like next.『All right. OK』🙋

However,what he had done so far aren't OK,or all right at all.I'm sure he can't understand easily what others say.😣

In addition,I find it hard to understand what he tries to express.His remarks are by far more difficult than English.

I've thought he would learn his job little by little,but he didn't,and he won't.I must not expect him something helpful.😩

I've thought he would leave or be fired,but he didn't and won't.🙅

As long as I work there,I'll be forced to work with him.I wish I could win a lottery ticket…Then I can leave both of the factory and the company of the temporary personnel service.😜

No.224 12/11/10 10:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【One of my colleagues】

I have been enrolled on a company of a temporal personnel service 人材派遣業,and I have been dispatched to a factory and worked there for years.😃

Plenty of people have worked there as temporary staff,but a lot of them have also left.As for a place of my work,a person has stayed.I'm sure I should be happy,but…😒

He has worked there with me about for a year,so he should be helpful,but he isn't at all.I'm disgusted with him.😩

When starting to work in a new place of job, almost all of the people learn lots of things one by one,so they grow little by little,but he doesn't in the least.😚

He continues to forget what he had learned one after another.He isn't equal to a man's work,but if someone supervises him,and forces him to work,he can,the people of an upper class in the factory think like that.😣

The problem is who undertakes the role. Unfortunately,it's me.Needless to say,I have my own job to do.Supervising him isn't my work!He looks like a joker.No one love him, nor me.🃏

No.223 12/11/09 20:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 217 【Romania】 『Only nation of Latin people in the central or eastern Eur… 【Romania】                《Count Dracula which will become a theme park》

ワラキア and Moldova were established at the place where there is Romania,but they were ruled by Turkey at the end in the 15th century,and the rule had continued until the 19th century.😣

After that,an unification of both of ワラキア and Moldova made Romania be built,but it was 1918,after the First World War when Transylvania was annexed 併合 to Romania.😫

However,their joy for the unification was just short-lived つかの間 joy,for the Soviet Union occupied a region of Basarabia in 1940.Nazi Germany put pressure on Romania so much that Romania was forced to join in the Second World War.😢

As a result,Romania ended up being Incorporated under the political power of socialism.Romania was under rule of despotic 独裁 government of Ceausescu.The government had continued from 1965 when Ceausescu assumed the first the secretary general to 1989 when the political power was collapsed.😭

  • << 226 【Romania】 《Count Dracula who will become a theme park》 Romanian new constitution states clearly that Romania is a republic in which there are freedom of speech,religion,and possession,being based on economy of capitalism.🙆 By the way,speaking of Romanian big name 有名人,a vampire,Dracula which has been familiar with us in the movie.👿 His model is a monarch of the republic of ワラキア,ブラドⅢ.When he was young,he went to Constantinople in order to study.Then he happened to encounter a collapse of the Byzantine Empire in 1453.😃 He ended being a captive of the Osman Turkey which became ruler then,but he was released from the captive and he could return to his hometown.😩 After that he became a ruler of the republic of ワラキア,but he refused to pay tribute to the Osman Turkey,and killed a soldier which was sent from スルタン.💀 Besides,he pierced through the soldier with a spear and so on when the soldier was still alive💀

No.222 12/11/08 21:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

When looking up the Saturn with comparatively a bigger telescope,we can recognize that its rings are separated into a few ones,and there are some space between each ring.😃

The Saturn has about no less than 20 satellites,but almost all of them are so dark that we can't recognize them, except for Titan and a few other ones.🌠

By the way,the Titan is as big as the Mercury 水星,and it's said that there are the atmosphere such as methane there.Moreover we say there are some seas made from methane there.⭐

Some people say that it's possible that some creatures may be there.🐙

By the way,I've expressed the starlit sky and so on,but it doesn't always mean I look up the sky every night.I hate to go out at night recently,for it's cold.😩

Needless to say,there is an exception.I'm always ready to go for a drinking even if it's very cold,as long as I have enough money to go.🍻

No.221 12/11/06 21:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 220 【Being under a starlit sky】

By the way,the leo is a spring constellation 星座,so it rises from the east in the midnight.😩

I'm going to express the Saturn.Its feature is a peculiar ring.The ring is not a one like a board,but the other like a belt in which countless and various sizes of rocks and ices crowd together.🌠

While a width of the belt is no less than thousands of kilometers,its thickness is no more 100 meters.When the Saturn revolves 公転,it's tilting a little,so if watching the Saturn from the earth,the star becomes parallet to its ring.The phenomenon happens once per 15years.⭐

Then we can't watch the thin ring.We feel as if its ring vanished.It has happened in 1995.I'm wondering if it happens in 2010.😚

By the way,I've expressed these remarks,being based on a book,『マンガで読む星座物語』It was written in 2003,so I'm not sure of the phenomenon in 2010.😳

When 15years pass after the phenomenon of the ring disappearing,the ring looks bigger than before.😲

No.220 12/11/04 22:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

Roughly speaking,we watched no less than 3 thousand of the meteo streams per an hour around at am 3:00 on that day.🌌

The people who watched the scene said like next.『When watching the scene,we felt as if rain had fallen form the sky.』☺

We expected we could watch the meteo stream in the U.S.A.or Africa in 2002,but we couldn't as we expected because of a full moon.Too light to watch it.🌙

According to the expectation,we won't be able to see the great amount of the meteo stream of the leo owing to their bad condition until 2099.🙀

Though we can't see the great amount of the meteo stream, we can see an ordinary ones every year.☺

The feature of the meteo stream of leo is light and fast.Roughly speaking, from 50 to 100 meteos appear per an hour every year.🌠

It seems that we see the meteo stream spring out of a point,what is called 放射点,but the meteo stream drifts around the place or its opposite direction,so we should watch the whole sky vaguely.🌌

No.219 12/11/04 19:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 218 【Being under a starlit sky】

I'm sure a lot of people expected so much then that they thought the meteo stream betrayed their expectation.Some experts thought the meteo stream was influenced with different elements.😃

Next year,considering the orbit of the comet and influence of the Jupiter 木星,its researchers announced completely new orbits and structures of the comets' dusts.🌌

They claimed that the belt of the comet wasn't only one.The belts must be several,being under the influence of planets or something.🌠

The researchers continued like next.The great amount of the meteo stream happens when the earth passes throuh either of the dusts.🌏

This theory was epoch-making,for we can expect places where we can see the meteo stream or the time of its peak, according to the theory.😲

The researchers thought we could the great amount of the meteo stream in Japan November 19 in 2001.There was never moonlight at all on that day,so the weather was ideal for an astronomical observation,then…🌠

No.218 12/11/04 18:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being under a starlit sky】

A meteo stream of leo 獅子座流星群 used to be our current topic long ago.The meteo of stream rises about November.The media took up the topic,so plenty of people could recognize it.🌠

When the earth passes the dust which comet of テンペル・タットル left behind,we can see the meteo stream.The comet circles around the sun with 33 year period,so we've thought the comet releases the dust every 30 year.⭐
When the earth passes throuh belt of the dust,atmosphere bumps against stones in the dust,and the stones burn up.We can see them as meteos.🌠

As for a direction of the dust,when watching from the earth,it's around the Lion 獅子座,so we call it the meteo of lion.♌

The comet of テンペル・タットル returned after 33 years in 1998,and left a new dust near the earth,so expected that we could watch a great amount of meteo stream in 1998,or 1999.The news caused great excitement to us,but the meteo stream didn't appear so much as we expected😚

No.217 12/11/03 19:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『Only nation of Latin people in the central or eastern Europe』

《Count Dracula which will become a theme park》

Romanian people are the only one who has latin ancestry in the central or eastern Europe.It's a traditional agricultural country.😃

Its history doesn't seem to be peaceful very much,for after having been under other countries or disorders in its domestic administration,Romania has reached its situation.😚

It's said the Romanian origin is the people of Dacia or Thracia.The people of Dacia made the present Romania its territory around the 1st century.😃

However,the Roman Empire ruled there from the beginning of the 2nd century to the end of the 3rd century.As a result,mixed blood between the people of Dacia and the Roman had increased.😃

Romanian people which used Roman official language,Latin one,was graduately formed.A feudal country of which key industry was agriculture wass established.😃

  • << 223 【Romania】                《Count Dracula which will become a theme park》 ワラキア and Moldova were established at the place where there is Romania,but they were ruled by Turkey at the end in the 15th century,and the rule had continued until the 19th century.😣 After that,an unification of both of ワラキア and Moldova made Romania be built,but it was 1918,after the First World War when Transylvania was annexed 併合 to Romania.😫 However,their joy for the unification was just short-lived つかの間 joy,for the Soviet Union occupied a region of Basarabia in 1940.Nazi Germany put pressure on Romania so much that Romania was forced to join in the Second World War.😢 As a result,Romania ended up being Incorporated under the political power of socialism.Romania was under rule of despotic 独裁 government of Ceausescu.The government had continued from 1965 when Ceausescu assumed the first the secretary general to 1989 when the political power was collapsed.😭

No.216 12/11/03 10:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Economical difference between the two countries》

After the country separated into two,Czech has joined in the OECD as the first country of communism,and it had developed economic growth so remarkably that we used to call it『European miracle』,but its economic growth has been minus recently.It falls behind Poland and Hungary.😣

On the other hand,Slovakia was noised about 喧伝 its economic growth rate was about 5 or 6% after the メチアル cabinet started,but its actual condition was of which number was exaggerated.It's just a window-dressing settlement 粉飾決算🙀

The ジュリンダ Cabinet which started in 1998 exposed it.The Cabinet has arranged the slovakian rules,and it takes a positive attitude toward the introduction of foreign capital.😤

However it seems that some people says they shouldn't have separated from Czech.Slovak economic future depends on its policies which Slovakia will decide after this.😃

No.215 12/11/03 10:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 214 【Czech/Slovakia】

《Economical difference between the two countries》

Prague is the capital of Czech,and it's said the most beautiful city in the world.It has an aother name,European gem.✨

Czech has a history as an industrial country,its national income per peron used to be within the tenth rank in the world.😃

Contrary to it,while Slovakian capital,Bratislava used to be prosperous as Hungarian capital when Osman Turkey occupies Hungary,its greater part of territory is mountainous region.Agriculture is its key industry.🌋

Therefore,economical difference between them is so obvious that both of people of Czech and Slovakia had been satisfied with it each other.😠

Besides,the Czech occupied almost all of high-ranking officials in its government,so it caused dissatisfaction among the Slovak.😒

When Czech and Slovakia became democratic,Czech suggested Slovakia should be independent.Slovakia could accomplish its heart's desire in 1993🎉

No.214 12/11/02 23:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 213 【Czech/Slovakia】

《Economical difference between the two countries》

However,stagnation of its domestic economy was serious.Though movement of reform,what is called プラハの春,occurred,military intervention by the Soviet union stopped it.😥

Therefore its democratization didn't start until a collapse of political power of communism in the Soviet Union.😔

It's said that economical difference between Czech and sulovakia which has continued from the time of socialism made Czech and Slovakia separate and be indepnndent.😃

No.213 12/11/01 22:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『Plus and minus on bloodless democratic revolution』

《Economical difference between the two countries》

Collapse of the former Soviet Union made a lot of cnuntries in eastern Europe democratization so suddenly that no less than 15 democratic countries were formed.🎊

While in other countries there were no less than millions of dead people or refugees,there have been two countries which accomplished bloodless revolution.They are Czech and Slovakia.🙋

Czech which had been controlled with the Austrian Empire,and Slovakia which had been ruled with Hungary accomplished its indepences when World War Ⅰ was over.🎉

Republic of Czech Slovakia in which two kinds of the Slavs united was established.After that,Nazi Germany invaded Czech and Slovakia,and the country was dissolved.😱

However after the World War Ⅱ,Czech and Slovakia accomplished its independece again,and a political power of communism was established.🙋

No.212 12/10/31 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 211 【Poland】

『The country which disappeared from a map once』

The eastern territory of Poland which was annexed 併合 to the Soviet union wasn't returned to Poland,but other territory of northern and western part of former Germany were ceded 割譲 to Poland.😃

As a result,whole Polish territory moved about 200km for west.However,movement of the solidarity 連帯 made Polish liberalization so active that a political power which was not connected with socialism made a start in a bloc of the former Soviet Union in 1989.🎉

Polish economic growth is so remarkable that Poland is nicknamed“European eagle”.After repeated tragedy that division or cession to the big power,Poland has reached to present situation.😃

By the way,as to the last remark of mine,I'm sure there are some wrong letters,for last night when I expressed my remarks,too sleepy to describe precisely.It is shameful of me to say it😳

No.211 12/10/31 00:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『The country which disappeared from a map』

Division of three times from 1772 to 1795 got rid of Poland from a map.At last Poland vanished from a map.😱

Poland hadn't appeared until the end of the World WarⅠ.However long await its independence was short-lived joy.The Soviet union and Germany divided and occupied Poland again in the World War Ⅱ😭

No less than millions people were sacrificed in the concentration camp of Ausbhwitz アウシュビッツ収容所 then.The death toll was about one-fifth of the whole Polish people.💀

By the way,杉原千畝, a cunsul of カウナス made a passage of visa come into effect for citizens of Polish whose ancestry was Jews in a early days in the War Ⅰ.He saved a lot of people.カウナス is modern リトアニア.😃

After the world War,the tragdhdy of Poland which was incoroporated into the Soviet union continued.😃

No.210 12/10/30 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 209 【Poland】

『The country which disappeared from a map once』

A race of ポラーニュ rose in Poland and they unified the country about in the 10th century.😃

Poland become a big power in the Eastern Europe because of export grain from the 15th century to the 17th century. The country expandes its territory from the Baltic sea to Black Sea.🌴

Its capital became Warsaw at the end of the 16th century,and it was so prosperous that it advanced into Moscow at one time.🎉

It was Copernicus,an astronomer,who played an active part then.Not only Catholic,but also Protestants,Muslim,Jews,believers of the Greek Orthodox Church used to live together in Poland.In short,Poland was a country of multiple races.🙋

However,in the middle of the 17th century when the boom of the grain was over,revolt of Cossack in Ukraine,or war with Sweden made Poland be devastated.😚

In the 18th century when Poland became anarchy 無政府状態,around big power such as Russia,Preuβen,and Austria interfered Polish affairs.As a result,reform was carried out…

No.209 12/10/28 21:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『The country which disappeared from a map once』

《The country was divided into some parts,and was forced to cede 割譲,but it has got over the hardships,and it has come to life again as a nation》

I made a mistake again! As to the subtitle of remarks of Hungary,I expressed state region,but I should have described state religion.😳

Poland is made up with nearly single race.The Pole belongs to Western Slavs like the Czech or the Slovak.😃

Poland which lies in northern part of Eastern Europe faces the Baltic Sea.Except for an area of mountain range along the border between Slovakia and Poland,Poland,Poland is a country of plain.😃

An origin of the name of the country,Poland,comes from pola.The pola means field,or plain,I don't know the pola belong to what kind of language.😚

It's said from the BC the 7th century to the 6th century when the Western Slavs started to live there.😃

No.208 12/10/28 14:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 207 【Hungary】

《The country has adopted Christianity for its state religion so as to join in Western society》

By the way,George ソロス is said he has had a tremendous impact on world stock with an investigation of what is called risk hedge.He was also born in Hungary.😃

Risk hedge means avoiding danger of losing with changing the market price,though I have no idea its detail😳

Hungary which has pushed forwasd democratization and economic reformation since 1989 has joined in NATO in 1999.

Hungary is one of the first group which are countries for joining the EU like Poland and Czech at present.😤

While Hungary who has Asian ancestor lies in the most western,our countrya,Japan is stitated the most eastern,so it seems that more interchange between the two countries needs.😃

By the way,as for a subtitle of these remarks,thing which is connected with invention or discovery is more adequate than other one which is connected with Christianity,I'm wondering.😽

No.207 12/10/28 13:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 206 【Hungary】

《The country has adoptted Christianity for its state region so as to join in Western society》

The Hungarian who used to be the nomadic people have talents for inventing something useful.They had moved for centuries but they had to settle down there.As a result,they had to improve agricultural techniques,I'm wondering.💡

There have been no less than 12 of Nobel prize winner,and plenty of splendid scientists have also been produced in Hungary.I'm wondering if they are connected with their history.😲

The Hungarian have invented and discovered 絶対幾何学,carburetor,transformer,tracing with radiation,nuclear electric power generation,nuclear fusion,cooling tower,an electric locomotive,supersonic flight,astronomical observation with radar,and so on.😲

To tell the truth,there are more another things they have invented,but I've been tired from expressing them,so I've given up doing.😩

ルービック・キューブ used to be popular among the people in the whole world,and an Hungarian invented it😲

No.206 12/10/28 08:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 205 【Hungary】

《The country has adopted Christianity for its state region in order to join in the Western society》

Oh! I made a mistake,as to the last response of mine,I should have sent it for other thread.It's no use crying over spilt milk.😳

I'll put myself together,気を取り直す and start this responre from now on😃

We feel close to Hungary,but it doesn't mean only the hot springs make us feel like that,but they are the European of Asian ancestory.💡

As for its origin,it's a controversial theory even nowadays.Roughly speaking,it's said when great racial immigration occurred,they moved from the Ural Mountains to カールパート basin,and settled down there.😃

After that its king succeeded in making all its people Christians around the 10th century so as to take part in the Western society.⛪

The Hungarian used to be nomadic people 遊牧民,so they seemed to have to be Christian in order to assimilate 同化 into the European society.⛪

No.205 12/10/27 16:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I was a little confused in the last response of mine.I can understand relations between eletric current,resistance,and voltage.😃

What I can't understand is why the relations are.In addition,I'd forgot difference between the direct current and alternative one then,but I'm all right just now👍

Anyway,there are plenty of things I can't understand at all,so I have to study harder,though I've found it to express physical science in English.Things about electricity belongs to physical science,I'm wondering.😚

I'm going to return to the main subject from now on.🙋

【An electrical resistance and condenser】

『Alternating current which has specific frequency runs in a condenser』

We call two metallic plate which has a little space between them condenser.Each metalic plate of the condenser has a nature which can store electricity.😃

We call the amount of the elecutricity which the condenser can save capacitance 静電容量😃

No.204 12/10/26 21:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『Only country whose people have Asian ancestory in the Eastern Europe』

《The country has adopted Christianity for its state region so as to join Western society》

Hungary which lies in カールパート basin 盆地 in the cnetral Europe is a country which has a lot of hot springs.It has no less than 135 mineral springs in the whole country.♨

The Hungarians take advantage of the hot springs not only for their health,medical car,but for a place where they make themselves at home and deepen their friendship.♨

The origin of its hot springs are that the ancient Roman people constructed a public bathhouse,and it's said Osman Turkey who ruled there from the 16th century to the 17th century developed the hot springs further.♨

We call their way of taking bath Hungarian style.They get apron in changing room of the hot spring,and when taking bath,they put on the apron.♨

Some of them enjoy taking bath in the morning,so the way of enjoying the hot springs seems to be common to all nations.♨

No.203 12/10/26 20:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 201 【Iceland】 《A place like a training school for astronauts》 Plenty o… 【Iceland】

《A place like a training school for astronauts》

Iceland lies on an extension from submarine ridge 海嶺 at the center of the Atlantic ocean,the ギャウ,it means the crack lies in about the center of Iceland,stretching from Icelandic northeast to southeast.🌊

Icelandic earth expands both for east and west with a few inches as if the crack on the earth were Icelandic border.😃

Its volcanic activities have made Iceland a country where its people enjoy hot springs like Japan.They make use of its terrestrial heat 地熱 for generation of electricity and heating.There is warm pool everywhere in Iceland.🌋

By the way,swimming is a required subject 必須科目 in Iceland.It's said without swimming no less than 200meters,schoolchildren can't graduate from their elementary school in Iceland.😣

If I were an Icelander,I'd have ended being a schoolboy forever,for I can't swim a stroke at all.金鎚🔨

When trying to swim,I strain myself so much that I can't make myself float completely on the water.😂

No.202 12/10/22 00:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A piece of paper on a book】

While I love reading a book,I have little money with me,so we frequently make use of a bookstore which deals with secondhand books.📖

The other day,I bought a book at a secondhand bookstore.When reading it,I approached its ending.Then I discovered a piece of paper clung to the back of the back cover.📖

Some words were printed on the paper.To my surprise,the words were a house of detention 拘置所 in Nagoya!🔥🔫

The piece of paper seems to be a permit for reading to the people who were locked up there.It was covered with its book jacket,so I couldn't recognnize it until I'd almost finished reading it.🔥🔫

I'm wondering how the book was taken out from the house of detention.I'm sure no one can carry it out easily.😒

In addition,when selling it to the secondhand bookstore,the paper shoul be removed.Otherwise a sales clerk may have found it.😥

I'm not sure whether or not the person who sold the book to the secondhand bookstore was audacious or stupid.😚

No.201 12/10/21 23:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 200 【Iceland】

《A place like a training school for astronauts》

Plenty of people pay attention to Iceland as an island where we can see dynamic activities on the earth.🌏

The theory of continental drift is next one.There used to be the pangaea on the earth in prehistoric time.I'm sure the Pangaea is by far more tremendous continent more than other one on the earth.🌏

The Pangaea separated into several continents,and they have changed into present situation.The theory like a jigsaw puzzle is the theory of continental drift.Iceland verifies the theory.😃

The theory of plate tectonics express the theory of continental drift like next.😃

The convection 対流 of mantle makes a continent move.There are some places which the convection goes out.They are usually on submarine volcanos.🌋

We can't see almost all of those places,for they are in the sea,but we can see only two places with our own eyes.The one is リフトバレー in southern Africa,and other is ギャウ.They are crack on the earth.🌏

  • << 203 【Iceland】 《A place like a training school for astronauts》 Iceland lies on an extension from submarine ridge 海嶺 at the center of the Atlantic ocean,the ギャウ,it means the crack lies in about the center of Iceland,stretching from Icelandic northeast to southeast.🌊 Icelandic earth expands both for east and west with a few inches as if the crack on the earth were Icelandic border.😃 Its volcanic activities have made Iceland a country where its people enjoy hot springs like Japan.They make use of its terrestrial heat 地熱 for generation of electricity and heating.There is warm pool everywhere in Iceland.🌋 By the way,swimming is a required subject 必須科目 in Iceland.It's said without swimming no less than 200meters,schoolchildren can't graduate from their elementary school in Iceland.😣 If I were an Icelander,I'd have ended being a schoolboy forever,for I can't swim a stroke at all.金鎚🔨 When trying to swim,I strain myself so much that I can't make myself float completely on the water.😂

No.200 12/10/21 21:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 199 【Iceland】

《A place like a training school for astronauts》

Establishment of Iceland originates from immigration of Northern European people,what is called Vikings who had escaped from tyranny under Norway at the latter in the nineth century.😃

アルシンギ which was the oldest democratic national assembly in the world was established in the tenth century.😃

サガ which was a historical story and エッダ which was legends of heroes were expressed around from 12th to 13th century.🎊

They are famous as literature in the world,for they were expressed with a language belonged to Northern Germaic spoken each land in Scandinavia.🎉

However,the Norwegian started to control the Icelander in the 13th century,its republican form of government was over.😢

Then Norway used to belong to Denmark,so Denmark had ruled over Iceland for a long time until 1944 when the Republic of Iceland was established.😣

By the way,as I've expressed,volcanoes are so active in Iceland that a lot of disasters have been caused,but …😲

No.199 12/10/18 20:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Its independence has started since the 20th century》

Speaking of Finland,we are apt to imagine Santa Claus,sauna,or ムーミン,but I'm wondering if they are old-fashioned.😚


『An island which testifies the theory of continental drift』

《A place like a training school for astronauts》

Iceland which lies in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is the largest island in Europe after England.🌴

When expressing Iceland,we call it an island which has both ice and fire,for the country has both the biggest glacier in Europe,and volcanos which are the ones as if they erupted at once.🌋

A lot of people compare Icelandic desolate view with the moon.The truth is that astronauts on the project of Apporo trained in Iceland.🚀

By the way,as drunken too much to express what I want to express in English any more.🍺

I want to go for a drink immediately,but I have to work tomorrow,but there is a proverb like next.『Tomorrow will take care of itself』😁

The problem is no one take care of myself.😚

No.198 12/10/18 19:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 197 【Finland】

《Its independence has started since the 20th century》

Russia,France,Germany,and Sweden approved of Finland in 1917,so Finland declared its indepence.It adopted present constitution in 1919,and started as a republic.🎊

The company of ノキア which has produced cellphones has pushed forward Finnish economy,for the company's has the biggest share in the world.📱

The industries associated with what is called IT has developed so much that its ability to compete with other countries is the first place in the world,according to 『a report of international ability to compete with other countries in the world』which was announced with a forum of economy in the world in 2001.😃

No less than 70% of the Finn own possess their own cellphones.A number of people who possess computer per a thousand people is also the first rank in the world.📱

In short,Finland is at the forefront in an information-oriented society 情報化社会😱.

No.197 12/10/18 19:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Its independence has started since the 20th century》

The Finn who have Asian ancestors,and the name of the country origintes from the race,but you may have been surprised,for it was in the 19th century when its form was oragnized as a nation.😲

While Finland is famous,its formation seems to be late.The area what we call Finland at present had been political vacuum situation since about the middle in the 12th century.😃

However,Russia and Sweden which tried to increase religious influence made the Crusades dispatch there.As a result,western and southern areas in Finland became the one belonged to Sweden,and its eastern region changed into the one belonged to Russia.😱

Those rule had been carried out until 1899 when Sweden ceded 割譲 Finland to Russia.Alexander Ⅰ who who used to be Finnish grand duke of a Russian allow the Finn to govern for themselves there,then Finland was established as a nation at last.🎊

No.196 12/10/15 20:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 195 【Norway】

《The name of a country which means a way to north》

The Norwegian had enjoyed plunderers in foreign countries until the 10th century,but they were converted to Christianity after that,and their relation with the culture shpere of Western Christianity gradually became stronger.⛪

However,the Norwegian were under control of Denmark from 1380 t0 1814.After that,the Norwegian were forced to cede割譲to Sweden,but accomplished their independent at last in 1905.🎊

Oil fields were discovered in the North Sea in 1969,and the Norwegian has started to export crude oil 原油 since 1975.As a result,Norway has accomplished development by leaps and bounds.💮

As to amount of export of the crude oil,it's a third rank in the world.Norway has developed as a welfare state,and an industrially advanced nation with background of industries such as petroleum,production of gas,electronics,and telecommunication.😲

Norway of which unemployment ratio has dropped no more than 3%,but they were worried about being labor shortage

No.195 12/10/07 20:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 194 【Sweden】

《A welfare country which is the best in the world》

For exampld,June 23 is called Adolf in Sweden.Thus each day in a year has different names.By the way,Adolf used to be a day when they held ceremony for a saint.😃


《The name of a country which means a way to north》

It was A.D from 800 to 1.000,the time of Vikings when Norway played an active part in its history in a spectacular fashion.⛵

Then Norwegian Vikings used peculiar ships which were speedy and durable for their long voyages,and went on an expedition from the Caspian sea to Ireland.🚢

Some of them could reach even Greenland,the North American Continent,and others started from the Mediterranean Sea and arrived at Constantinople.It's present Istanbul.🌅

It's said that a Greenland's Viking got to the North America 5 hundred years earlier than Columbus.It's said its colonies reached Iceland,Greenland,the Faeroes islands,the Shetlands, Normandy district in France,and England.We can recognize their vigorous activities.😲

No.194 12/10/07 19:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《A welfare country which is the best in the world》

The realization of the welfare country which is the best in the world are greatly indebted to its economic development of which center is industry.🎊

Northern European countries have been deeply connected with each other since the time of the Viking.Needless to say,strife sometimes happened,but they were united strongly with international cooperation.😲

For example,wherever the people in the northern Europe can go there at will,or they can get job everywhere in the Northern Europe.😲

When they go to other Northern European countries,they don't have to carry their passports with them.As for their languages,it's said that both the Swedish,Norwegian,and Danish resemble so much that they can understand each of the language.😃

I'm wondering if the Northern European people communicate with the Viking's language even nowadays.By the way,it's their calendar which has characteristic names for all days in a year.It's unique.☺

No.193 12/10/07 19:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Unexpectedly,Greenland is Danish territory》

They play the ice golf there,instead of a cart,they moved with a snowmobile or dogsledge.The ice golf is so popular that mass meetings on international scales are often opened.⛳


《A welfare country which is the best in the world》

Sweden which lies in the northern Europe has 9 million people,but it is as large as Spain.Sweden is the largest country in the northern Europe.😃

Sweden is an English pronunciation,so they call themselves スベリエ in Sweden.The スベリエ was a race of スベア which belongs to northern Germanic people.⛄

It's said the race of スベア used to be a kind of vikings.It's also said a king of エーリック established Sweden.He was the its first king.👑

Sweden remained neutral during world WarⅡ.While Norway and Denmark were invaded with armies of other countrys',Sweden succeeded in defending itself against its enemies.🎉

They could realize the welfare country which is the best in the world,for there were little damage of the war,and…🙌

No.192 12/10/07 18:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Unexpectedly,Greenland is Danish territory》

The people of Danes who occupy almost all of Denmark are the Dane's ancestor.They are the North Germanic people,the Normans like Norway or Sweden.😃

Denmark was established in the 9th century,and had advanced into the ocean until the 14th century.It used to wield its influence so much that whole of the northern Europe such as Norway or Sweden was controlled by Denmark.😃

I'm wondering if its power shows,Greenland which is the largest island in the world is Danish self-governing dominion 自治領.The largest island is in the Arctic Circle.It's about five times as large as Japan❄

Greenland used to belong to Danish only until 1979 when self-government was founded.Present residents are the Danish and Inuit people.Roughly speaking,about 60 thousand people mainly live in its shore.❄

It's what's called ice golf which is popular among the people in Greenland.They made its courses on the coastline.⛳

No.191 12/10/07 13:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Unexpectedly,Greenland is Danish territory》

Denmark is composed of Jutland Peninsula jutting out 突き出てる in the North Sea,and about 5 hundred islands of various sizes to the east of the country.🌴

It's as large as Kyushu area in Japan,and about 5.5 million people live there.Its capital,Copenhagen lies in latitude 35.Its latitude is same as the northern end of Karafuto.🗾

Its climate is comparatively mild because of influence of ocean current in the north Atlantic.Denmark is well-known as a country of dairy farming and social welfare.🐮

Two thirds of livestock products in the country is being exported.It's a nouthern country,so we may think skiing is popular among them,but no more than 174 meters sea level is the highest point in the country.🌴

The country is flat and there are no mountains there.Unexpectedly,indoor games such as badminton,handball,and soccer are popular among them.⚽

No.190 12/10/07 12:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Its people reject to join in the UN and EU》

Knowledge and technical skills which the hired soldiers carried back from each place in Europe made Swiss modernization push forward.😚

While Switzerland is a country which lies between mountains,networks which the hired soldiers made the country conclude the treaty of amity and trade 修好通商 with Japan before the Meiji Restoration,in 1864.😲

A general rule of sovereignty the people 主権在民 has been carried out in Swiss politics,so its important policies are entrusted a plebiscite 国民投票.😃

Switzerland joins neither in the UN nor EU,for the people think accepting the proposal gives up being parmanent neutrality,and they objected to it.😤

By the way,I'm wondering why being neutral is consistent with sending hired soldiers.Dispatching soldiers was a kind of business for the Swiss,I'm wondering.They must not have been sentimental about it,I'm sure.😚

No.189 12/10/07 11:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 188 【Switzerland】

《Its people reject to join in the UN and EU》

Then the Swiss council composed of delegates in its each state declared that they were impartial, and they'd never form any factions.Switzerland has begun to set forth as a neutral country since then.😃

Swiss position didn't change at the last war of religion which continued for 30 years.Switzerland accomplished its perfect independency from the Holy Roman Empire with pact of Westphalia in 1648.🎊

Contrary to it,the Swiss thought being neutral wasn't inconsistent with sending hired soldiers,so the country continued to send hired soldiers.😚

Switzerland contracted with France,Holland,Spain and Austria at a war which broke out in the time when Ludwig ⅩⅣ was French king.Dispatching hired soldiers had become a thing like Swiss exported goods.😃

No country needed to be sent hired soldiers in the 18th century,but Switzerland succeeded in the Industrial Revolution in the early time,exchanging others' or their own blood for the success,I'm wondering.😚

No.188 12/10/06 21:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 187 【Switzerland】

《Its people reject to join in the UN and EU》

They made an agreement in which they help each other,and maintain their freedom and self-government as long as the God's will continued.😃

All of the males in the three states fought as farmer-soldiers 屯田兵.It's a base of present universal conscription 国民皆兵,and has led to installment of the nuclear shelter in self-defense.😃

After that,wars of religion broke out in the whole Europe.Each state in Switzerland had its original military strength and dispatched hired soldiers to each country in Europe until then.😃

However each sect of both the Catholic and Protestant in Germany requested Switzerland to help them at the same time.😱

Switzerland allowed its people to have freedom of belief,so it felt uneasy about religious opposition between the two factions in Switzerland,for the opposition may be a matter of life or death for the country.😨

No.187 12/10/06 20:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『They militarize their nation because the country is permanent neutrality』

《Its people reject to join in the UN 国連 and EU》

The country which is surrounded with Alps is the one of lakes and forests.Almost all of the Japanese may think Switzerland is peaceful,for the country expresses its permanent neutrality.😃

However we may be surprized at unexpected Switzerland,for they still reject to join in the UN and they adopt a system of universal conscription 国民皆兵.😲

Moreover each of their household has an obligation to install a nuclear shelter.We have to know its history in order to recognize why the country is.☝

The people of Romance language who was aboriginal and other ones who moved from Germany,France and Italy used to live in the area of modern Switzerland in the 13th century.😃

They suffered from the Holy Roman Empire's tyranny so much that the three states concluded Swiss alliance in 1291.😤

No.186 12/10/06 19:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The problem of racial descrimination which has been caused by the Neo Nazis》

The political party of radical rightest wing,NPD has incorporated the Neo Nazis and the group of skin head in the NPD or its activity,and organized them.😒

It's said that reservers 予備軍 of the political party are more than 0.1 million.Federal government or federal council of Germany regard their existence and activities as so dangerous that they have decided to applied to the federal law court of the constitution to stop activities of the Neo Nazis and the group of the skin heads.😒

The federal government and the federal council try to make the radical rightest group,NPD illegal.😤

However violence of the Neo Nazis and the group of the skin heads,in particular for the Turk and Asian people,have been done almost every day.😫

Australia,Sweden,or Denmark are also infested with the Neo Nazis and the group of the skin heads nowadays.Germany has been worried about appearance of disgusting things in the past.😥

No.185 12/10/06 13:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The problem of racial discrimination which has been caused by the Neo Nazis》

The Foreign people or their families are mainly the Turk and the ex Yugoslavians.😃

After the unification of Germany,Vietnamese refugees and other foreign people who work with bad wages 賃金 have gone into Germany.It's said that their number reach to over 70 thousand.😲

The Neo Nazis of radical rightest wing reject the foreign people,and German peace and order also deteriorate悪化 with the background.They have become serious problems.😔

While social unrest such as increase of the unemployment rate spread over Germany,the Neo Nazis' criminals have also increased.Its numbers are 5times as many as the ones in the time before Germany was unified,1989.😨

Especially,the rightest political party in Germany,NPD opens the door to the Neo Nazis,and what is called the group of skin head.The group of the skin head is one of factions一派 of the Neo Nazis. 💀

No.184 12/10/06 12:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Problems of racial discrimination have been caused by Neo Nazis》

While economic reconstruction of the former East Germany has been put a plan into action,there is still a problem of high unemployment rate in Germany.😫

As to the unemployment rate in the areas of the former East and and West Germany,there is a great difference between them.The former West is 7.4%,the former East is 16.9% November in 2001.😥

As for the unemployment rate,not only people in the middle age and advanced age who had led their lives under the system of socialism but youths are remarkable.😔

Contrary to it,there is other problem of increasing foreign people.Foreign labors who had the term of a contract were hired during the time they tried to accomplish economic revival in the former West Germany.😃

After oil crisis,the system of the temporary employment for the foreign people were abolished,but there are foreign people who finished the term of their employmen don't come back their own countries.They have increased.

No.183 12/10/06 10:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 181 【Germany】 《The greatest Japanese trading partner in Europe》 If the… 【Germany】

《The greatest Japanese trading partner in Europe》

When the European front came to an end in World War Ⅱ,the four Allied Powers occupied and divided Germany into two countries.😃

America,England,and France occupied West Germany,and the Soviet union did East Germany.Germany had been cut off until the country was unified again in 1990.😱

Its capital,Berlin was also divided into east and west.As a result,west Berlin was in an odd situation as if it had been an isolated island on land in the East Germany.😣

Plenty of people ended up being dead because they tried to go over the wall of Berlin which was notorious before it collapsed.They tried to go into the West Germany from the East one.💀

In 1999 when the East and West Germany were unified,Berlin revived as its capital.Main government offices and a lot of national assemblies have moved from Bonn to Berlin.😃

Berlin is coming back as a brilliant core in the center of Europe like before.🎉

No.182 12/10/05 20:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【My weekend】

Whenever I think about my weekned and day off,I think I study English hard.I can write 10 responses in my English threads then😤

However I've never been able to do it so far.It is easy to say,but hard to do😳

Considering my age,what I can accomplish is limited.Contrary to it,there are a lot of things to say in English,for whenever I go to a bookstore,I want to buy plenty of books.I want to express them in English.😃

Therefore I don't have any time to indulge myself in drinking😒

However I can't overcome of temptation to go for a drink.I'm sure I'll have a good time then,though when waking up next morning,I sometimes feel empty.😥

Needless to say,I can't say it to a woman in a bar,otherwise it's impolite of me.👩

I love Karaoke.While I want to sing Western music,few people react to my song.Far from it!Some people feel hostile toward me,I'm afraid.😣

I'm wondering if they think I put on an air.It's complicated.😒

No.181 12/10/03 22:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The greatest Japanese trading partner in Europe》

If they live in Bayern,they are the people in Bayern,and if they live in Sachsen,they are the people in Sachsen.Their consciousness to which they belong used to be the ones like those.😚

It was a war between Prussia and Austria in 1886 when their consciousness changed completely,for Prussia won,and unified northern Germany.Northern German federation was established then.🎉

After that,Prussia also beat France,and succeeded in making each country in southern German join in the federation.The German Empire which was a nation of unification was built at last then.🎊

However the Empire was defeated at World War Ⅰ,and the German Empire came to an end.The constitution of Weimar which was said to be the most democratic ones in those days was proclaimed,but it changed into the political power of Nazi which Hitler led.💀

  • << 183 【Germany】 《The greatest Japanese trading partner in Europe》 When the European front came to an end in World War Ⅱ,the four Allied Powers occupied and divided Germany into two countries.😃 America,England,and France occupied West Germany,and the Soviet union did East Germany.Germany had been cut off until the country was unified again in 1990.😱 Its capital,Berlin was also divided into east and west.As a result,west Berlin was in an odd situation as if it had been an isolated island on land in the East Germany.😣 Plenty of people ended up being dead because they tried to go over the wall of Berlin which was notorious before it collapsed.They tried to go into the West Germany from the East one.💀 In 1999 when the East and West Germany were unified,Berlin revived as its capital.Main government offices and a lot of national assemblies have moved from Bonn to Berlin.😃 Berlin is coming back as a brilliant core in the center of Europe like before.🎉

No.180 12/10/03 20:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 179 【Germany】

《The greatest Japanese trading partner in Europe》

As they export their medical supplies to Japan,eminent companies of pharmaceutical or chemical line up along the Rhine River.When producing,they need a large quantity of water so much that they enjoy the blessing of the River.😃

《Establishment of Germany is 130years ago》

While Germany is a coordinator of European unification like France,German unification itself belongs to new times comparatively.☝

The German Empire was built in 1871.Bismarch who had another name of a premier minister of the blood and iron was a leading figure of the German Empire.😃

Germany had been an aggregate 集合体 of a country of a fedual lord 領主 of which number were 300 until the German Empire was built.😃

An emperor in the Holy Roman Empire ruled the aggregate.The Habsurg in Austria inherited the emperor of the holy Roman empire.Then Germany people lacked a sense of being Germany.😱

No.179 12/10/02 00:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 178 【Germany】

《The greatest Japanese trading partner in Europe》

Germany which was a defeated country in World War Ⅱ accomplished economic reconstruction with large quantities of financing of American Marshall plan after the country was divided into east and wdst.

The country's economic reconstruction depends on its geological features in order to develop as an industrial country and making use of water transportation of Rhine River where there is a physical distribution 物流 system.😃

The Rhine River is an important one which leads to the North Sea through Switzerland,Germany,and Holland.The River is as if it were European veins.😚

The Ruhr which is the greatest heavy industrial area in Europe can make its coal or iron ore 鉄鉱石 come and go freely at a low price,taking advantage the of water transportation of the Rhine River.🙋

Besides,the Ruhr basin is a place where an industry of chemical products has developed.☝

No.178 12/10/01 21:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 177 【Austria】

《The country expaned its territory,making use of political marriage》

For example,movement of racial self-determination,the jews who was rejected during World War Ⅱ,and dispute of Kosovo.I'm wondering if their indirect causes are Austria.😚


『An economic power which accomplished a miracle after World War Ⅱ』

《The greatest Japanese trading partner in Europe》

While Germany which is an eminent economic power is the greatest Japanese trading partner in Europe,Japan is also the greatest German trading partner in Asia,so there is a deep economic relation between the two countries.😃

Japan exports automobiles,computers,their parts and integrated circuitr to Germany,and imports motorcars,computers,their parts,IC,and medical supplies from Germany.🇯

As for Germany,each of Japanese export and imports are over 0.1 billion yen.Both of Japanese and German large companies have their branches in the country of each trading partners,and have been active economic active.😃

No.177 12/09/27 21:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 176 【Austria】

《The country expanded its territory,making use of political marriage》

Vienna changed into a cosmopolitan city where artists,architects,and scholars were attracted as a center of the European culture.🎵

On the other hand,Osman Turkey which continued to threaten Austria left their luxury goods behind as a parting gifts.It's Vienna's local specialty,coffee.I'm wondering if it's what is called a Vienna coffee.☕

It is said that successive emperors loved confectionary ケーキ,and the last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire,Joseph Ⅰwent to a cafe incognito お忍び and enjoyed eating the confectionary.😍

Austria were closely related with such a lot of countries that it has turned a nation of majority races.As a result,there are contradiction inside and outside of Austria.😱

There are over 10 races such as German,Hangarian,Czech,Slovak,people of Croatia and Serbia in Austria.I'm wondering if they have caused various roots of the trouble.😔

No.176 12/09/25 23:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The country expanded its territory,making use of political marriage》

They called the Holy Roman Empire the country of which sun never went down.The Habsburg established an outstanding kingdom.👑

The Habsburg took possession of Czech,Slovakia,Hungary,Southern Italy,Spain,and Yugoslavia with its marriage.💑

However,the women who married into the other countries weren't always happy such as a queen of French king,Ludwig ⅩⅥ,Marie Antoinette.Her last moment was famous.👸

Those women have a lot of episodes.For example,first empress in the empire,Maria Theresia,who got over its national crisis,and エリザベート who was famous for her beauty.👸

I'm going to return to Austrian image in the beginning.The Habsburg's protection made Vienna flower as a musical city.🎵

The Holy Roman Empire repulsed 追い返す Osman Turkey which surrounded Vienna,and threat of the plague ペスト disappeared then.Those situations had a tremendous impact Vienna as the city of music.🎵

No.175 12/09/25 21:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 174 【A border between Kenya and Tanzania curves a little.why?】

A border between Kenya and Tanzania is almost a straight line,but a place around Mt.Kilimanjaro curves a little.It's unnatural.🌋

When Africa was partitioned 分割 at conference of Berlin in 1885,the border between Kenya which belongs to England and Tanzania which belongs to Germany used to be a straight line.😃

Mt.Kilimanjaro is a territory of Tanzania at present,but it used to be a territory of Kenya which belonged to England.🌋

However when a German succeeded in reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro for the first time,a German emperor in those days feel like getting the mountain suddenly.🌋

He asked his grandmother who was English Queen,Victoria to hand over the mountain for him.She accepted his desire,so its border was changed.👸

After Tanzania and Kenya were independent,the border remains as it is.😃

By the way,I'm wondering if autumn has come.Then winter will come soon,and this year comes to an end,so I grow older…😩

No.174 12/09/24 22:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『The Habsburg which built an outstanding empire』

《The country expanded its territory,making use of political marriages》

What is our impression to Austria? Vienna of a city of music where Haydn,Mozart,or Beethoven played active parts,the Alps which was a stage of a movie,sound of music,or cafe and cake with which the people who have sweet tooth 甘党 are familiar?😃

Those are common to the relation with the Habsburg of which foothold was Vienna and who had ruled the Europe.😃

Austrian territory is as small as Hokkaidou prefcecture in Japan.It's a small country in central Europe at present.😚

However,when ルドルフ Ⅰ in the Habsburg who used to be just a mere peer who lived in the upper reaches of the Rhine River became an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire,their family line established an oustanding empire in the world until it was defeated in World War Ⅰ😱

Though the family line got over war-tore Europe of Middle age,making use of skillful political marriage.🌅

No.173 12/09/24 20:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The country has functioned as European entrance》

A lot of Japanese enterprises have advanced into Europe.As for Holland,an amount of money of Japanese export is in the third place.The first one is Germany,and the second England.😃

Dutch national character is indurtrious which we can recognize in the reclamation,and is having foresight which found a means of survival for overseas trade.😚

Moreover through-and-through 徹底的な individualism is their other national trait which deserves special mention.The Dutch acknowledge merry killing 安楽死 legally,for they take responsibility for themselves thoroughly,so their right in which they choose their own death is allowed.😲

Prostitutes 売春婦 in the area what is caller 飾り窓 are also allowed as a free-lance profession,drugs are lawful there,for they are Dutch.😲

No.172 12/09/23 22:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The country has functioned as European entrance》

By the way,the Dutch highest point is no more than 371 meters.It's more hill than mountain.I'm wondering if there are no mountains in Holland.🌋

Under the peculiar situation,the sea became the stage where the Dutch played an active part.Wealth of what is called オランダ東インド会社 brought the Dutch an golden age for their overseas trade.㊗

When closing the country,Holland brought varied information the Japanese.We can recognize that some of Dutch words which changed into Japanese ones.They occur to us at once from the food to medical terms such as coffee,biscuit,chocolate,gauze,doctor,and influenza.The strangest one is お転婆.Itwas also Dutch originally.😲

Dutch glory hid behind England at the end in the 17th century,but Holland has still influenced greatly in the European continet at present as its entrance,as a center of physical distribution of goods,money,and people.😲

No.171 12/09/23 21:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 170 【Holland】

『Human being created a quarter of the country』

《The country has functioned as European entrance》

As to the last sentence in the last response of mine,it shows us an obsession of Dutch who reclaimed 干拓 its quarter of the country zero meter sea level.😲

Holland lies in coastline where angry waves are break on the rocks.The Dutch has been exposed on menace of flood with the saltwater.🌊

They had started to reclaim their country since the 13th century so as to protect them from flood and deal with increase its population.😃

Introduction wind mill for construction of drainage sysmem made their reclamation move ahead rapidly,and their farm products increased by leaps and bounds 飛躍的 in the 16th century.😃

Instead of the windmill,a steam engine appeared in the 19th century,so the reclamation went ahead at fever pitch.🎊

Its historic great work,reclamation around a lake of エイセル came to an end in the 20th century.The land has become base of dairy farming and agriculture of which key industries.🎉

No.170 12/09/23 19:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Dutch,or French?An argument about language has been since the country was established》

By the way,does its capital,Brussels belong to フランダース or ワロン?It's complicated.Brussels isn't フランダース,or ワロン,but Brussels.😚

The people of about 90% speak French,and the others use Dutch in Belgium.Brussels,フラミンゲン,and ワローニエ have each autonomy 自治権 and their own assembly.Belgium has its national assembly,so we can recognize Belgium as a federation 連邦国家😃

フラミンゲン is the place where the people of フランダース live,and ワローニエ is the place where the people of ワロン live.☝

Except for German,in Brussels where the people use both of French and Dutch,the two languages are used for from its railways to daily necessities.😥

As for the language,Belgian situation is so complicated that they call it the argument of language.😱


『Human being created a quarter of the country』

《The country has functioned as European entrance》

While the God created the whole world,the Dutch did Holland!🍻

No.169 12/09/22 17:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 168 【Belgium】

《Dutch,or French?An argument about its language has been since the country was established.》

This is a riddle.Who is the oldest citizen in Brussels? It's a statue of 小便小僧.Some people say it's one of the three greatest things at which make them feel be disappointed.A sculptor,デュノケア made it in 1619.👶

It means that the statue has been looking at Brussel for about 400 years.Contrary to it,other statue of 小便少女,was also made as if they had been pairs.It's just a parody of the 小便小僧,but the latter can't get its citizenship yet.Few tourists know it.😚

Belgium doesn't have its own language.About 60% of the Belgian speak Dutch,and 40% French.Others below 1% German.😚

When paying attention to a racial point of view,Flanders people who speak Dutch live in the northern of Belgium,and the ワロン people who speak French in southern of Belgium.😃

The フランダース people are about 5.5 million,and the ワロン are about 3.5 million.The people who speak German are about 60 thousand.😃

No.168 12/09/22 13:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『Belgium where these is the EU's headquarter.We call the country European heart』

《Dutch,or French?An argument has been since the country was established》

Belgium faced the Japanese team in the early stage of the world cup in 2002,and is a hometown of the author,Meterlinck who wrote a fairy tale,『The blue bird』🐥

Its capital, Brussels,of which appearance remains the one of the Middle Ages takes pride in its history of being more than a thousand.😃

There are also headquarters of the EU and NATO in Brussels.It is famous for its art galleries,or museums which are the most among the European capitals,considering ratio of each population.😃

Besides,as for the numbers of a restaurant,Brussels is the No.1.The capital is also well-known for its sweet confectionery 菓子.🍰

A wonderful private detective,エルキュール・ポアロ,who Agatha Christie created is a Belgian.It's said his favorite food is what is called hot chocolate.🍫

No.167 12/09/22 09:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 166 【France】

《Paris which is a melting pot of races》

Revising the laws in 1993 changed the lawful visitors into the illegal ones in France,and almost all of them were from Africa.French public opinion had reached the boiling point over the inhuman policies so much that the policies were amended in 1998.🎊

As a result,French laws about nationality return before they were revised.Children whose parents are a French and a non-French can get French nationality as long as they meet the next requirements.🇫

They have to live in France on the day when they grow up,and they need to live in France more than five years after they are 11 years old.🙌

While a foreign one must become a naturalized Japanese citizen 帰化 or get married to a Japanese in order to get a Japanese nationality,a French has one more way of getting its nationality.It's a birthplace.It's a tradition of the French nationality's law.🇫

No.166 12/09/22 02:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 165 【France】

《Paris which is a melting pot of races》

An oil crisis made the accepting emigrants stop for a while in the 1970s,but the immigrants had never decreased,for some immigrated into France with a pretext 口実 which they joined in their families,others who worked at the lower levels of society entered the country.They didn't always go through the usual procedures😥

Immigrants from Africa which used to be French colony have started to increase since 1980s,but unemployment of the immigrants,or uneducated immigrants became social problems.😔

Then an unlawful occupation in a church with the immigrants who didn't complete the regular formalities 手続き occurred.It became the center of public attention.😠

The affair developed a movement which the Civil Liberties Commissions demanded for the immigrants' regular formalities.😃

Almost all of the immigrants who didn't complete the regular formalities used to be lawful stays,but…

No.165 12/09/20 22:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 164 【France】

《Paris which is a melting pot of races》

When paying attention to the members of the French team,they are from Algeria,Ghana,New Caledonia,Armenia and so on.The French team was exactly a complex of a varied races.😃

France has gone ahead with induction of imigration since the 19th century.The melting pot of races is what modern France is.Immigrants account for 10% of the whole French population,and it is said one-fourth of the whole immigrants are concentrated in Paris.🇫

France has a history in which it has accepted immigrants since the 19th century.Accepting the immigrants had been thought to be a driving force of French development.🇫

The people who were from Italy, Belgium,and Poland accounted for the majority in the French immigrants until in the middle of World War Ⅱ.😃

After the World WarⅡ,when the rapid economic growth happened,the people who are from Algeria had increase.😃

No.164 12/09/20 05:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Great remodeling of Paris which gave off bad smells》

To tell the truth,well-known woods of Boulogne or Vincennes are English style.While France and England are always at odds,Napoleon Ⅲ also plunged into 踏み切る the bold remodeling owing to his stay in England.😃

There are strict building restrictions at downtowns in Paris.Buildings are limited to 20m there,for the limitation prevents Paris from spoiling its beauty.😃

Napoleon Ⅲ would be proud of Paris which makes not only the ones in Europe,but also others in the whole world be fascinated if he were still alive.🇫

By the way,no less than 70million tourists visit France a year.France is famous for its the most travelers in the world.🎉

《Paris which is a melting pot of races》

It was in 1998 when its host country,France won the championship in the world cup of soccer.It remains in the memory of the people.Then a lot of people may have been surprised at French team which was composed of varied races.😲

No.163 12/09/19 21:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 162 【France】

《Great remodeling of Paris which gave off bad smells》

Excreta 糞尿 which they couldn't make manure 肥料 for their crops were scattered on their yards or roads.If you are eating something delicious,I'm sorry for it.Please skip over 飛ばす this response.🙇

In short,Paris' cities where narrow alleys were like a labyrinth 迷路 were filled with excreta so much that the cities were dirty.💩

As a result,contagious diseases such as Cholera was very prevalent 流行 there.Then a great remodeling of Paris was accomplished.😃

It was Napoleon Ⅲ who ordered to convert the cities.He is a nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon Ⅲ who was defected 亡命 to London returned to France and won at its presidental election.His city planning for Paris followed London.😃

Its streets were lined with neat rows of stones and houses.The cities spread out radially.Napoleon Ⅲ put railways,gas lamps,parks,and sewers下水道 in good conditions.🇫

No.162 12/09/17 23:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The Frank which used to be good at javelin投げ槍》

It was the 5th century when France appeared in history.After collapse of the Roman Empire,the Frank which lived to the north of the Rhine River extended their sphere of influence to central Gallia,present France.🇫

The Frank made Paris their own city,and established a kingdom of the Frank.An origin of a name of the Frank is a weapon which they were good at.It's javelin.The kingdom of Frank became the name of France.🇫

《Great remodelling of Paris which gave off a bad smell》

Paris which the Frank recognized their city has developed as magnficent one.Paris has become a beautiful metropolis where lots of tourists visit.🇫

However,the gay and lovely Paris used to be the slum quarters which gave off a bad smell.Can you believe it?💩

After the Industrial Revolution,population explosion happened rapidly in the European cities.Paris isn't an exception to the cities.🇫

No.161 12/09/17 21:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 160 【France】

《The Frank who used to be good at javelin 投げ槍》

In the end,the euro which Germany proposed has been adopted,but France can't stop caring about its language.🇫

The generic name 総称 for a country into which the euro is introduced is a euroland.It's firmly established,but French deliberative 審議 council objected to the word.🇫

It insisted that an expression of land wasn't proper.After all,France has decided to use a phrase of「zone euro」in French.We can recognize French traditionalism with that,so I find it interesting.😃🇫

France is one of leader of integration of Europe like Germany,and it accounts for about one-fifth of the whole the EU.France is the largest country in the west Europe.🇫

France has not only high-teck industry such as universe, aviation 航空,and atomic energy,but agriculture which is the largest-scale in the west Europe.🇫

Moreover,France is one of the countries of which prices are stablest in Europe.🎉

No.160 12/09/17 01:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 159 【Ireland】

《Irish emigrants who are superior to the Irish people in its own country in number》

A lot of the Irish emigrants were dead during their voyage on account of epidemics or shipwrecks.It's said the Irish emigrants are no less than 70million all over the world nowadays.😃

40 million of American of Irish ancestry live in the U.S.A.It's equal to 18% of the whole American population.There are three presidents such as Kennedy,Reagan,Clinton.They are descendants of the Irish who suffered cruel fates.😃


『A great power of which tradition and forefront 先端 are together』

《The Frank who used to be good at javelin 投げ槍》

Euro has started to be put into circulation in EU since 2002.The Euro was tentatively 試験的に called ECU.It's an abbreviation of European currency unit.😃

However the ECU used to be the generic name 総称 for silver coin after the French Revolution,so some countries seemed to feel repelled by it.😚

No.159 12/09/16 23:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 158 【Ireland】

《Irish emigrants who are superior the Irish people in its own country in number》

As for its subheading,I made a mistake😳

The Irish who were suffering from English tyranny 圧政 and food shortage made up their minds to escape to another countries reluctantly.😭

No less than two million of the Irish fled from Ireland during the first half in the 1850s,and its number became double in 1900s.😥

Irish population used to be 8 million,but it decreased to no more than two million then.A movie of Titanic was a great hit in Japan.Its hero is an Irishman.😃

The Irish who sought for a new world were dragged into the tragedy of the Titanic,but there were few Irish emigrants who were on aboard an excellent ship like the Titanic.🚢

Most of the Irish emigrants in those days went over to Liverpool in England by ship.though the ships also transported domestic animals.🐮

After that,they changed from the ship to small ones for the emigrants,but unfortunately,plenty of them were…💀

No.158 12/09/16 22:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 157 【Ireland】

《Irish emigrants which exceed its own country》

No less than 3.6 million people live in the small island,except for the Northern Ireland which belongs to England.😃

Agriculture used to be Irish key industry,but invested subsidy 補助金 from the EU in maintainance for communications network.😃

Ireland has grown into a country which excels in IT.We call it European silicon valley or tiger of the Celts.However,The path to its prosperity has never been easy.😔

The Celts established base of Ireland,but the Norman raided the country in the 12th century,and England cotrolled after the 16th century.Ireland had become English colony.😠

A treaty in which Ireland was independent from England was sealed,so the country accomplished its independence in 1921,but the Northern Ireland couldn't.It was the cause of later trouble.😣

Ireland used to be famous for its emigrants.It was suffering from unprecedented potato shortage in 1840s,and no less than million people were dead.💀

No.157 12/09/16 13:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Irish peace is a problem of territory》

Present situation in which the northern Ireland and the other of Republic has started since 1922 the northern one was annexed to England.😥

The historical event is one of cause which broke out the confrontation between the Catholic and the Protestant,for the Catholic wanted to be independent from England,the Protestant wanted to stay in England.🆚

However the confrontation is changing into other ones between nationalists and Communists.The nationalists want the whole Ireland to be independent from England and the unionists want to stay in England.🆚

Some bloody tragic incidents have often happened with terrorism of the IRA,Irish Republic Army.Disarmament for the IRA hasn't been gone ahead,so its international relations are still serious.😣


『It's called European silicon valley,but its people have suffered a great hardship』

《Irish emigrants which exceeded population in its own country》

Ireland is as large as Hokkaido prefecture in Japan.😃

No.156 12/09/16 12:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Irish peace is a problem of territory》

Unexpectedly,England forms the largest Islamic society in the Western world.The Muslims are estimated from about 1 to 1.5 million in England.🇬

There are more than 600 mosques in England,and the central mosque and Islamic culture center in London are one of essential Islamic organizations in the Western world.🇬

Not only the Muslim,but the Sikh are about an half million,the Hindi are about 0.32 million,the Jew are about 0.28 million in England.🇬

A variety of pagans 異教徒 live in England,especially confrontation between Catholic residents and Protestant ones in Northern Ireland which have been since 1969 is a serious problem.🆚

Ireland was originally islands where the Celts who believed in Catholic lived there,but England started to invade the islands in the third century,and the islands were annexed to 併合 England in 1801.🇬

While its southern island was dependent from England,its northern one remain the one which belongs to England.😥

No.155 12/09/16 11:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 154 【England】

《The Commonwealth of Nations is the prestige of its golden age》

However the English queen isn't always the head of the whole Commonwealth of Nations.Other member nations in the Commonwealth such as Brunei,Lesotho, Malaysia,Swaziland,Tonga,and West Samoa look up to their original leader.😃

Contrary to it,there is other member like the Commonwealth of Nations.It's the Republic of England.Its members regard their presidents as one of leaders in the Republic.No less than 31 countries such as Bangladesh,India,kenya,Singapore,South Africa,and Sri Lanka are the member nations.😃

We can recognize from the facts how the British Empire had controlled the whole world.English cultures such as soccer,horse racing,rugby,and cricket are so popular among the people in the Commonwealth and republic that they open an athletic competition every four year.⚽

By the way,I'm not well-informed,so I've never heard about the Commonwealth of the Nations until I expressed this thread.😳

No.154 12/09/15 20:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 153 【England】

《The Commonwealth of Nations is the vestige of its golden age》

England had tried to be realized a welfare state of which catch phrase is「from the cradle to the grave」,but its unemployment benefits ended up being more than labors' minimum wages.England was suffering from depression then.🇬

The great power which has lost its glory becomes the one which wishes its revival,but we can recognize its great influence of the existence from the Commonwealth of Nations,and republics of England.🇬

After World War Ⅱ,with dissolution of the British Empire,independent sates have formed the Commonwealth of Nations.😃

Its member nations have tried to promote democracy,and economic development through a conference of each government and organization of the Commonwealth of Nations.🇬

The Commonwealth of Nations have 16 member nations such as England,Australia,the Bahamas,Canada,Jamaica,New Zealand,and Papua New Guinea.English queen is also a head of the Commonwealth👸

No.153 12/09/14 22:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The Commonwealth of Nations イギリス連邦 is the vestige of its golden age》

England which separates from the continent had grown since latter in the 16th century.Then the country advanced into the world as a nation of the ocean.🇬

The Industrial Revolution happened in England in the middle of the 18th century.England grew by leaps and bounds into a modern nation at once.🇬

England expands its colonies to each place in the world,and started to export policy,economy,and culture of English style.🇬

As to the adjective with a prefix of the England,it used to be the one which symbolized the times of Britannic Basques such as the next phrases.🇬

For example,the country which conquered seven seas in the world or an only factory for the whole world.😲

However with a World War in the 20th century,international English position wavered awfully,moreover successive independence of the colonies from England spurred its shaking on.😱

No.152 12/09/13 01:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 151 【England】

《Pride of being the Celts》

The people in Scotland or the Northern Ireland hate to be called the English.If they are the ones in Scotland they'll correct themselves like next.「We are the Scottish」😤

The Scottish seem to think their country is different from the what is called England.The language of their mother-tongue,the Celts have almost already vanished.😃

It is said that the language of ゲーリック which an Irish singer,エンヤ sings maintains atmosphere of the Celt well.😃

By the way,speaking of England,its famous for whiskey's hometown,but it origintes from Ireland.As for Scotch,it's a nickname of scottish one.🇬

I call it a name here.Have agood night,everybody🙋

No.151 12/09/12 21:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『Being hostile between the Kingdoms which will never be monolithic 一枚岩 』

《Pride of being the Celts》

England which separates from the European continent,accomplished the Industrial Revolution,and used to be a leader in the world.🇬

To tell the truth,it's just that only we the Japanese who use the name of a country of England.Its formal name is United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.🇬

To be exact,what is called the England is an integration of four countries such as England,Wales,Scotland,and Northern Ireland.🇬

It used to be the British people of Celt ancestry who lived in the Great Britain,but Anglo-Saxon who was part of the Germanic ones invaded into the Great Britain and shut up the British ones in Wales or Scotland.😱

The histotrical grudge makes the ones in Wales and Scotland look upon the English one as enemy when being enthusiastic about soccer and then a riot breaks out.⚽

No.150 12/09/12 20:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 149 【Can Europe go back its golden age? The Euro is a touchstone for the European unification.】

Wars have make the races in Europe ally and rupture with others over and over.As a result,their nerves have been forced to on edgy when it comes to their territories.😒

Some races in ex Yugoslavia have been suffering from lingering hatred.🆚

However while English position has dropped,America has become the leader of the capitalism's camp after World WarⅡ,so influence of the nationalism has been on the wane,影が薄くなる

Contrary to it,an idea of leagued groups which try to survive in the world economy,including security treaty has been born.😚

The European Union has begun a trial of unification of the currency,the euro since 2002.The trial is a touchstone for Europe to become a center in the world again.✨

No.149 12/09/11 01:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Will Europe be integrated 統合? Each country's situation】

Various races have appeared and vanished in Europe.The rise and fall of the countries' have created modern complicated groups of European countries as they are.😃

However,Europe is tackling reoragnization in order to cope with being global,declaring their common goal of unification of the Europe.

【Can Europe go back its golden age? The euro is a touchstone 試金石 for the European unification】

Some people moved,and others invaded another in Europe.Those things have been repeated so much that the composition of the European races are extremely complicated.😱

Roughly speaking,while there are Germanic ancestry,Latin one,and Slavic one,there are other unique races such as the Basques who live in along border between France and Spain,and the Magyer of Asian ancestry who compose Hangary.Their languages are also varied.😱

No.148 12/09/10 23:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 147 【Palestine】

《Temporary country which isn't on any maps》

インティファーダ happened in 1987.It means shake oneself free from something in Arabic.To be concrete,the Palestinian's rising in revolt against Israel.😃

Palestinian boys and girls started to stand up to Israeli army with stones.It's just that throwing stones against the Israeli army.Israeli of Arabian ancestry,Arabian people in Gaza,and west coast in Jordan took action for support of the children.😤

Palestinian temporary self-government was established under the Oslo Agreement in 1994.The agreement's aim was protecting small countries' benefit against economic crisis with world economic panic.The agreemet also used to deal with a political neutral problem.😃

However,the agreement has been cancelled at present,to make matters worse,suicide bombs and their revenges continues endlessly.💀

Will the place name,Palestine be given on a map in the future?😥

No.147 12/09/10 01:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Civil war of more than 20years have brought about devastation》

Afghan industries have suffered from crushing blow.Without help and assistance of the international society,the country doesn't seem to survive at all😥


《Temporary country which isn't on any maps》

There is no place name of Palestine anywhere in a map.In fact,a nation of the Palestinian has been born recently.It's after 1967.😃

Plenty of Muslims,a small number of Christians and Jews used to coexist as Arabian people in modern temporary area of self-government at the end of the 19th century.😃

When Israel of Jews was established in 1984,a lot of non Jew of Arabian people ended up being refugees.😣

When Arab was defeated severely in the third War of the Middle East,the refugees gave their names as Palestinian,and started guerilla war.💀

The greatest armanet power of the Palestinian,ファタハ repelled Israeli army in the next year.Then Arafat,a leader of the ファタハ became the head of PLO.

No.146 12/09/09 23:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Civil war of more than 20years has brought about devastation》

Instead of hope,oppressed lives have come to Afghan people.Taliban demanded that Afghan male grow beard,mustache,or whiskers.😃

Contrary to it,Taliban demanded that Afghan female wear プルカ.プルカ is clothes which covers whole her body.They were forbidden to enjoy amusements.😫

We can't deny that Taliban's movements arisen from traditional Islamic sense of values has brought a kind of stable situation to the chaotic places.☝

However Taliban received abundant money from ビンラディン so as to expand its territory,so Taliban refused to turn him in to America.😠

As a result,Taliban was expposed to American air raid 空爆,and attack of anti-Taliban's power.At last,Taliban collapsed.😃

More than ten million mines 地雷 have been buried in Afghanistan in the civil war which continued 20years.No less than 6.2 million refugees escaped from Afghanistan.Their average life expectancy 平均寿命 is 45years.😱

No.145 12/09/09 22:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Civil war of more than 20years has brought about devastation》

Each faction repeated to change alliance.Besides religion,race,expectation of its neighbor countries or great powers,and various feelings made Afghan situation more complicated.😱

Internal strifes also continued.All of the people in Afghanistan were tired out.Then Taliban showed up.😒

Taliban turned up in autumn of 1994.It had the rapid support of Afghan people who got tired of the civil war.It had expanded its control.😒

Other faction which felt threats to Taliban united as anti-Taliban.Contrary to it,Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,and America supported Taliban.🇺

Taliban drove the ムジャヒデイン・ゲリラ,what is called holy soldiers from Afghanistan.The holy soldiers became partly things like bandits 山賊😃

Therefore Afghan people accepted Taliban with hope.I'm wondering if they thought Taliban made them happy.😒

Unfortunately,instead of hope,Taliban brought them …💩

No.144 12/09/09 21:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Civil war of more than 20years have brought about devastation》

Pakistan,Iran,and America supplied them weapons and funds.Their resistance was so persistent that the Soviet Union was forced to be engaged in a disadvantageous battle.😤

The war against the Soviet Union caused to change half of the whole Afghan farmlands into ruins.Almost two million people were dead in the war.The war brought Afghanistan ruined territory.😒

Under Brezhnev Government,Geneva agreement in which retirement of the Soviet army was established was approved in 1988.😃

The Government of socialism lost a thing which gave it support and collapsed in 1922.A coalition government of 9factions of ムジャヒデイン・ゲリラ,what is called the holy soldiers,made a start.🎊

Peace for which the Islamic had longed seemed to come true at last,but internal strife happened in the coalition government.🆚

No.143 12/09/09 20:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Civil war of more than 20 years have brought about devastation》

While there was the forcible government of socialism which ignored Islamic traditions and local customs,Islamic clergymen declared they started holy war,what is called ジハード.As a result,the conflicts spread out all over Afghanistan at once.🆚

When recognizing it,the Soviet Union invaded into Afghanistan under a pretext 口実 of watching pro-Soviet government,leading great legion of no less than 0.1 million.💣

Some Islamic reacted with the announcement of ジハード.They took guns and started to take action.We call them ムジャヒディン・ゲリラ.It seems to mean a holy soldier in the Islamic language.😃

We regard ウサマ・ビンラディン as a ringleader of 9.11 terrorism.He was also one of the what is called holy soldiers.😃

The holy soldiers used to be one male per family.They seemed to be ordinary then,though they were forced to go to the war as a soldier.🔫

No.142 12/09/09 19:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 141 【Afghanistan】

《Golden crescent shaped area where poppy blossoms sway》

It is said that they made poppy flower with the water of which they made much more than anything,so the drug has become Taliban's source of money.💀

《Civil war of more than 20 years has brought about devastation》

Why did the Afghan people accept Taliban who brought drug to them? There is a tragical history in Afghanistan.😥

A king in Afghanistan aimed at modernizing,and adopt Western policies in 1960s.Contrary to it,other power which was opposed to the king started to gain its influence,with the modernization line.😃

It's just that two great schools of Islam and communism.🆚                    クーデター broke out and Imperial rules were abolished.Instead of it,they adopted a republication form of government in 1973.On the other hand,a radical socialism Government was born in 1978.The two schools stood in opposition.🆚

Then Afghanistan was as if it had been swallowed with muddy stream.🌊

No.141 12/09/09 18:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 140 【Afghanistan】

《Golden crescent shaped area where poppy blossoms sway》

Even if we can't see it from the ground,snow on the mountain becomes groundwater,and it flows.They have made good use of the groundwater for the カレーズ as watercourses.😃

They searched for the source of the water at the foot of the mountain,and they continued to dig underground passages for several years.They guided the passages to their arable lands 耕地.☀

The カレーズ flows underground,so it has little vaporization.They grew wheat mainly.They kneaded and baked the wheat and made naan.It was their staple food.🍞

However,part of the arable lands changed into fields of poppy in the Taliban Government.The golden crescent shaped area being included Afghanistan,Pakistan,and Iran had been the greatest zone for growing poppy until 2000 when prohibition of the poppy was announced.🎀

It is said that Afghan heroines account fnr about 80% in Europe.💀

No.140 12/09/09 11:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 139 【Afghanistan】

《Golden crescent shaped area where poppy blossoms sway》

Afghanistan originally lies in about the middle of Silk Road where both Eastern and Western culture went in and out.In short,Afghanistan used to be an important point of the traffic.🐫

The Great Alexander went an expedition to the East in the fourth century BC.Then Greek culture mixed with Indian Buddhism one there,it became new one,Gandhara art.😃
Beforf long,various races poured into the important point of the traffic.There has been a proverb like next in Afghanistan which is made up with a variety of people.

『We don't always need gold,but plenty of water is indispensable for us.』

Afghanistan has been apt to be dried up,so they have made much of melted snow more than gold,for the melted snow was valuable for them when maintaining oases,and being engaged in agriculture.⛄

As for an evidence which they have made much of water,there are groundwater course of facilities of irrigation 灌がい.They call them カレーズ.⛄

No.139 12/09/08 22:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Existence of foreign people which supports economic prosperity》

As for the petroleum was produced from the neutral zone is distributed for the two countries equally at present.😃

We Japanese may think that Kuwait is a far distant country's story,but it's closely connecting with our country,Japan.🇯

It has been Japanese enterprizes which discovered the oil fields at the offshore in the neutral zone,and has secured its rights and interest.

While we remained holding the rights and interest in the northern part of the neutral until January 2.003,we failed in the southern area of the neutral zone.                   Considering Japanese energy policy,we should pay more attention to Kuwait.😃


『Future of the people who have been tired from wars』

《Golden crescent-shaped area where poppy blossoms sway》

There was a terrible terrorism in the U.S.A 9.11 in 2001.After that, whenever we watched information about Afghanistan on TV every day,plenty of people may have felt disconsolate.😱

No.138 12/09/08 16:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 137 【Kuwait】

《Existence of foreign people which supports economic prosperity》

Foreign people account for about an half population in Kuwait.As for the working population,the number of them exceeds that of Kuwait easily.😃

By the way,if opening the country's atlas described about 50 years ago,we can find a unfamiliar phrase of a neutral zone at border between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.💡

Each resident used to go in and out freely there,and both countrys' sovereign also used to reach there evenly.The area was originally desert all around where nomads sought for oases,and went in out in search for camels or sheep then.🐫

When trying to guarantee the nomads lives,it may have been convenient for the both countries to think the areas belonged to neither of them.It was when no one had dreamed there were tremendous oil under the dessert.🐫

As to the ex-neutral areas,Kuwait controls its northern part,and Saudi Arabia manages the southern part,according to an agreement made in 1965.😃

No.137 12/09/08 11:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Existence of foreign people which supports economic prosperity》

Needless to say,oil dollars have become the driving force to Kuwaiti remarkable modernization.😃

An oil field was discovered for the first time in Kuwaiti in 1938.Its oil deposits is the fourth rank in the world.As for its territory, it's never large.😃

While it's as small as Japanese area, shikoku,it's said no less than 9.2% of oil deposit of the whole world lies idle there.😲

Abundant oil dollars acquired from the petroleum has attracted foreign labors such as the Palestinian,Egyptian,Pakistani and Philippine to Kuwait.🌆

Some foreign labors went to Kuwait in search of their work.They were engaged in simple work.Others visited there as advanced technical experts.Both of them supported Kuwaiti modernization.👷

It means that the foreign people had made up for the situation in which being short of talented people.As to their number,to my surprise,…

No.136 12/09/07 00:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 135 【Oman】

《Trading ports in the mouth of the Persian Gulf》

However,Oman started to decline after the 19th century,for European countries had controlled the Indian Ocean's trade.😱

Moreover,the Suez canal started to being opened for transportation.It was a great blow for the commerce by way of the Persian Gulf😚


『What is a neutral zone where petroleum lies idle?』

《Existence of foreign people which support its economic prosperity》

Kuwait is a city state where it lies on the deepest place of the Suez Canal.The country which used to make a bare living,making little ports into its center,has entirely transformed so much as if we can't recognize it.🌴

Transportation network which is being maintained.High-rise buildings which are in a row.Those scenes are exactly the ones of which a modern city as if it rose to the desert's surface.🌆

Kuwait used to be paid attention from whole world owing to the invasion of Iraqi army which Hussein led,but its revival from the war is being made a rapid progress.

No.135 12/09/06 23:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 134 【Oman】

《Trading ports in the mouth of the Persian Gulf》

The ones which we should pay attention are exchanges with along the whole African coasts.As for the area of along the coast such as Kenya,Tanzania,and Somalia,they used to be parts of Omani territory about in 1850.😃

Oman was prosperous as a base for transmit trade 中継貿易 so much that its territory expanded like that.🌴                       Omani capital,マスカット,faces the mouth in the Persian Gulf.The capital has geographical features like next.It is an ideal place for a sailing boat to wait for wind,or to supply the people water and food.⛵

Oman used to be the indispensable trading port,for they carried elephant tusks which was got in Africa and slaves to the Persian Gulf by ship,and after that they left for the Mediterranean Sea.⛵

It wasn't long before a lot of the Omani people moved to along the coast of East Africa in search of wealth.💰

As a result,Oman had along the coast of East Africa under its control in the 19th century,but… 😥

No.134 12/09/06 21:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 133 【Oman】

《Trading ports in the mouth of the Persian Gulf》

The Bedouin lead their lives which coexist with machine civilization.For instance,a scene in which a four-wheel drive is pulled up at a beduin's tent isn't rare.🚗

Settling down in the cities has gone ahead rapidly in Oman.🚗

Contrary to it,there are other Omani people who live along the shore.The coast reaches no less than 17.000km from north to south.They have been familiar with the sea since ancient times,besides their ancestors had made use of the sea for a long time.🌴

Please remember Sindbad's adventure in The Arabian Nights' Entertainments.As to the adventures' stages in which our hearts were beating when we were children,needless to say,they are the seas.🌅

Instead of riding on a camel over the desert,Sindbad goes on a voyage wiht his sailing boat.Omani people had also steer their boats at will,they crossed over to the Indian Ocean.They had gone to not only India,East Africa,but Southeast Asia,and been engaged in active trades.⛵

No.133 12/09/06 20:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 132 【Oman】

《Trading ports in the mouth of the Persian Gulf》

Oman has pushed forward with rapid modernization since カプール became its king in 1970.There is an rich financial base with producing petroleum behind the modernization.😃

As for a country which Oman exports and imports,Japan occupies its upper rank.As for its historic relation between we Japans,it seems to be close,for Omani person,タイムール who used to be its king settled in Kobe and got married to a Japanese woman after he gave up his throne.👩

タイムール is well-known for the most friendly Japanophile 親日派 in Arab.His grandson is カプール who is Omani king at present.👑

By the way,speaking of the Arabian Peninsula,a lot of people may imagine desolate desert.In fact,what is called Bedouin live in Omani deserts.😃

The Bedouin are nomad 遊牧民 who live in desrts.The Bedouin lead nomadic lives in the deserts,raising sheep or goats,but many of their lives aren't frugal 質素 as they used to be…😚

No.132 12/09/06 19:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 131 【The United Arab Emirates】

『Its rival may be Abu Dubai?』

There is a power relation between the seven sheiks in the United Arab Emirates.Abu Dubai has abundant petroleum resources,so it holds real power in the United Arab Emirates.😤

As to the Emirates' budget,Abu Dhabi makes a donation about its 80%,Dhabi about 10%.The United Arab Emirates is the most source of supply of petroleum for Japan.😃

Japan imports those petroleum almost from Abu Dhabi.Dhabi's amount of petroleum producing is no more than tenth-one of that in Abu Dhabi.🇯

In short,the United Arab Emirates has put a great effort into its tourist industry in order to break away from the situation in which it depends on petroleum.💡


『Arabian descendants who sail over the sea』

《Trading ports which are in the mouth of the Persian Gulf》

A petroleum producing country which occupies at the end of southeast in the Arabian Peninsula is Oman.Oman had closed itself until 1970,but…

No.131 12/09/06 14:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 130 【The United Arab Emirates】

『Its rival may be Abu Dhabi?』

Abu Dhabi is popular among plenty of people,for not only they can enjoy atmosphere of a pleasure resort,but the one of Islam.😃

For example,there is what is called ラマダーン,it's a month of fast 断食.When the fast continues almost for a month,Islam abstain from eating,drinking,and smoking thoroughly from sunrise to sunset.🌅

Then shopping centers close around at pm 1:00 even in Dubai,so Dubai is enveloped with quietness in the daytime, but its situation changes suddenly at night.Each shop starts opening,and Dubai becomes bustling and active as if Bon and New Year's Day had come one on top of the other.🍻

By the way,Dubai has become eminent a tourist spot in the Middle East.There is a novel circumstance behind its background.😃

The United Arab Emirates is composed of seven sheikdoms 首長国 such as Abu Dhabi,Dhabi,and so on.Each sheikdom has intention of being independent,so the United Arab Emirates is a miniature nation as if each sheik 首長国 had its leader.😃

No.130 12/09/05 22:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 126 【Iraq】 《Its GDP has changed into one-fifth on account of economic sa… 【The United Arab Emirates】

『Its rival may be Abu Dhabi?』

Dubai used to be prosperous as a place of transmit trade中継貿易”as if it had been Silk Road on the Sea.It's a free port at present.😃

Therefore,without adapting its custom tariff to other country,admitting free import from foreign countries and export to the countries.😃

Though,in fact the upper limit of the tariff is no more than 4%, according to commodities,we can enjoy shopping with bargain price.😃

Nowadays there are a lot of people who have visited Dubai in order to enjoy the great festival of horse racing at Dubai in the world,what is called Dubai World cup.🐎

A Japanese horse,to the victory on which Yutaka Take rode was second place.It was a good fight.Its Royal family love the horse racing so much that the horce Racing have also developed so far.😃

To my surprise,gambling is forbidden in the country,so a betting tickem isn't sold in the Emirates.

No.129 12/09/03 02:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Life in the hospital】

Proverb says,『The weak one,you are a woman』,besides,in general,we also regard her as weak,but there is always an exception,in particular nurses in the hospital,I'm sure👩

Almost all of the patients seem to suffer from their sickness so much that the nurses try to ease their agony,but the patients are liable to request various 無理難題.👴

However,the nurses never flinch at all.They overcome the hardships.I'm wondering who have said the woman were weak.😚

Judging from experiences which of 出産 the women have,they are originally strong,I'm sure.😚

As to the nurse who is in charge me,she isn't so strong,but しっかりしてる,therefore I'm relieved.☺

As for the meal in the hospital,none of the people praises,but it's so so.Oh,I'm going to sleep,maybe.Bye😃

No.128 12/09/02 23:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Life in the hospital】

I've been in the hospital since the last Friday.I've forgotten carrying my electric dictionary with me.😠

There are four patients,including me at a room in the hospital.There are four curtains between each patient.🏨

However,it doesn't always mean that the curtains prevent us patients from feeling varied nuisance,especially a person who is next to me.👴

He seems to be calm, and modesty,but to be worried about trifle things.By the way,I brought a clock here.Its sound of tick‐tack made him be worried.⏰

He said to me politely like next.『Instead of the clock,could you please use my wrist watch?』I couldn't refuse his proposal,for he used to suffer from 脳梗塞.😨

I'm wondering if his stress isn't good very much for his condition,but when watching TV,he doesn't try to use an earphone.😒

Comparing with other patient in other room,he is decent,I'm sure,though it seems to be selfish a little.😂

I have to sleep,but I can't.I wish I could drink🍻

No.127 12/08/30 22:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Being in the hospital】

I've never been in the hospital,but I may end up experiencing it.😚

My foot was injured silghtly,and germs went in from the wound and reached to lymphadentis リンパせん,and the lymphadentis swelled.😔

Without being the hospital,I can go to see a doctor,but the doctor told me to drip infusion 点滴 every day.💉

I'm afraid I can't go to see the doctor every day,so I've made up my mind to be in the hospital though I hate it.😚

While being in the hospital costs so much,I don't have enough money to do,so I will pay the hospital charge with the easy payment 分割💸

Once being the hospital,I'm afraid I can't continue to keep a diary until I leave the hospital,though it doesn't matter,for it's just that few people read my diary.😚

Though being a hackneyed phrase 言い古した事,I'm sure nothing is more precious than our health.😃

No.126 12/08/28 22:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 125 【Iraq】

《Its GDP has changed into one-fifth on account of economic sanction》

The Kurds have an earnest wish of separation and independence from Iraq,so there is no telling how the Kurds will be involved in Iraq.😔

【The United Arab Emirates アラブ首長国連邦】】

『Dubai is a good place for buying top-brand articles』

《Its rival may be Abu Dhabi?》

The United Arab Emirates which lies in a mouth of the Persian Gulf has been paid attention more than any other country as a sightseeing spot.😃

When asking female office workers who love big-name brands and jewels an impression of the country,they answer like next.😃
『The shops which sell European top-brand articles line up.』『Exemption from taxation 免税』『Big name brands which are sold there the most reasonable in the world』『The best place for commodities made of gold』💍
A foothold of the country in which what is called 五つ星 hotels stand in a row and has developed as a great resort area is Dubai.😃

  • << 130 【The United Arab Emirates】 『Its rival may be Abu Dhabi?』 Dubai used to be prosperous as a place of transmit trade中継貿易”as if it had been Silk Road on the Sea.It's a free port at present.😃 Therefore,without adapting its custom tariff to other country,admitting free import from foreign countries and export to the countries.😃 Though,in fact the upper limit of the tariff is no more than 4%, according to commodities,we can enjoy shopping with bargain price.😃 Nowadays there are a lot of people who have visited Dubai in order to enjoy the great festival of horse racing at Dubai in the world,what is called Dubai World cup.🐎 A Japanese horse,to the victory on which Yutaka Take rode was second place.It was a good fight.Its Royal family love the horse racing so much that the horce Racing have also developed so far.😃 To my surprise,gambling is forbidden in the country,so a betting tickem isn't sold in the Emirates.

No.125 12/08/27 07:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 124 【Iraq】

《Its GDP has changed into one-fifth on account of economic sanction》

The first thing we are worried about are racial or religious disputes may start with collapse of the Hussein Government.😨

As we recognize its elections,Hussein had maintained the political base,restricting religion,speech and writing,and oppressing the domestic opposite faction thoroughly with the army and secret police.😨

As the restriction fallen down,the people who had been oppressed may regain their power.There is fear that their movement shakes Iraqi society itself.😣

While about 60% Iraqi nation are the Shites シーア派,it was a minority,the Sunnis スンニ派,including Hussein which had controlled Iraq until the Hussein Government collapsed.😠

We also have to pay attention to the Kurds who live nourthern part in Iraq.They account for from 15% to 20% of Iraqi population.😥

The Kurds also live in Syria or Turkey,passing its border.It's said they are 3 million.The greatest race who don't have their own country…

No.124 12/08/26 22:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 123 【Iraq】

《Its GDP has changed into one-fifth on account of economic sanction》

Then Iraqi towns were filled with children who couldn't go to school,besides the United Nations pointed out that Iraq was worse than Africa which was suffering from starvation.😫

The number of Iraqi infants who died of malnutrition 栄養失調 reached to 19th times of that in 1989.Its GDP fell into 1.32 million dollars.It's one-fifth of that in 1989.👶

The influence of 劣化ウラン弾 which was adopted in the Gulf War has been so serious that it's reported that cancer,lukemia 白血病 and birth of deformed child 奇形児 increases extremely.😨

劣化ウラン is an ammunition 弾薬 in which radioactivity is used.

Economy sanction was cancelled in May 2003 after immediately the Gulf War,but the one who succeeds to Hussein is still unclear.😒

We are worried about deterioration 悪化 of peace and order with Pro-Saddam remaining,but the first thing we are anxious about is …

No.123 12/08/25 19:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 122 【Iraq】

《Its GDP has changed into one-fifth on account of economic sanction》

The number of the votes obtained at the ordinary democratic election in Iraq,99.99% is impossible,I'm wondering😒

The ex Hussein president had reigned over Iraq as an absolute powerful person for more than 20 years until he was ridded from a position of power,in spite that plenty of its people were suffering from the economic sanction then.😚

Iraq invaded kuwait in 1990,and the Gulf War had broken out.Multinational force of which center was the U.S.A.bombed Iraqi military foothold.They stopped fighting in April 1991.💣

The resolution in the United nation put the economic sanction to Iraq into effect in August the same year.😥

Except for medical supplies,all of the capital transaction 資本取り引き such as export and import to Iraq was prohibited in the economic sanction.😱

Iraq got almost all of the foreign currency with the export of petroleum,so Iraqi economy was heavily damaged.😣

No.122 12/08/25 11:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 121 【Iran】

《Iran which draws a clear line among Arabian world》

Contrary to it,the conservative with which compete the president,ハタミ,has firm constitiuency 支持基盤.😣

Ratio of inflation is over 20%,and the one of unemployment is 15% in Iran,so ハタミ is forced to control the hard situation.😱

Iran depends on petroleum,so it exports the oil to Japan more than any country.😃

The females are forced to wear veil at present.What kind of messages do they sent their country under the veils this tiwe?👩


『Iraq has been worried about the aftereffects 後遺症 of the Gulf War and what is called Iraq War』

《Its GDP has changed into one-fifth on account of economic sanction》

The number of 99.99% which is almost close to 100% may remind the Iraqi of the time when there was the power of the law with Hussein in the future.😱

Hussein's the eldest son was elected to the Diet in 2000.He obtained 99.99% of votes in Iraq.The ex president of Hussein was also elected with the same high approval rating 支持率😥

No.121 12/08/25 05:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 113 【Saudi Arabia】 《Pilgrimage to Mecca where no less than two million p… 【Iran】

《Iran which draws a clear line between Arabian world》

If wearing a veil in the downtown area,the police ripped the veil off a woman,and the female who wore the veil was prohibited to go in the official facilities.👩

However,the women themselves were opposed to the behaviors,for there were some women who were too poor to own other clothes,except for the veil.👩
I'm wondering if the veil was sewed on the dress.😚

The female got accustomed to taking off the veils gradually,and they learned to wear casual clothes even in Teheran.👩

Time had passed,and at the previous night of the revolution in 1970s.When the movement for the anti-king was getting louder,the women took action,and joined in demonstrations,wearing the veils.👩

Their protests were against『following in the Western footsteps』or『looking down on the Islam』in the Pahlavi dynasty.ハタミ in a faction of reformation became Iranian president in 1997,and deregulation has made ahead.😃

No.120 12/08/24 21:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 119 【Popeye and spinach】

When seeing a CM of a vitamin drink,as soon as some of them drink it,they become vigorous.It seems to be too fast.😒

On the other hand,when drinking,our bodies absorb alcohol quickly,for a stomach's mucous membrane 粘膜 absorbs alcohol directly so fast that we are drunken quickly..🍻

If our stomachs were like other digestive organs,something terrible would happen.😨

Even if we drink so much,we'll never be drunk then,so weare apt to drink like a fish 浴びるように酒を飲む.As a result,we'll suddenly end up being dead drunk 泥酔 when about three hours passed.😨

Then the ones who were next to us would be surprised at us.If we walked on a platform in a station,we might fall from it.😨

Judging from that,immediate effect of eating spinach may be impossible.😃

By the way,being based on a book of『空想お料理読本』,I've expressed 【Popeye and spinach】.When reading the book,I have a good time😁

No.119 12/08/24 19:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 118 【Popeye and spinach】

As to nutriments which have immediate effect are citric acid クエン酸,and grape sugar ブドウ糖.😃

Citrus fruits 柑橘類 such as lemon and orange include the citric acid.クエン means a lemon in Chinese.😃

I wish it could be named lemon acid.If it were so,I would find it easy to remember.😚

When breathing,the citric acid is essential.It also help recover from fatigue.💡

The grape sugar is made with photosynthesis 光合成,and it often turns into other 糖,or starch デンプン which is connected with another 糖 😃

When those 糖 are used for breathing,they return the grape sugar at one time,so the grape sugar turns into energy quicker than any other one.😃

       Drip infusion点滴注射 of grape sugar may be effective highly.In addition,the grape sugar is only energy source for our brain.😃

By the way,when eating something,the food goes to the stomach,and reaches the small intenstine 小腸.It takes about three hours,but…

No.118 12/08/23 21:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 117 【Popeye and spinach】

Speaking of nutriment which works well at once,they are citric acid クエン酸,or grape sugar ブドウ糖.😃

Citrus fruits 柑橘類,or plums include the citric acid.クエン is a Chinese word.It means lemon.I wish it could be レモン酸,fou I'm sure I can remember it easily.😚

When breathing,it's indispensable for us.Moreover,when being exhausted,the citric acid works effectively.👍

The grape sugar is made by photosynthesis 光合成.The grape sugar turns into other one or starch デンプン.😃

When being used for breathing,those nutriments become the grape sugar at one time,so the grape sugar becomes nutriment quicker than any other.😃
It's only the grape sugar which becomes the nutriment for our brains. As for an immediate effect,drip infusion 点滴注射 of grape sugar may be the best.😚

Judging from a scene in which Popeye eats the spinach,the spinach seems to be a liquid state.Even if it's state,the drip infusion of the grape sugar is more efffctive and instantly than drinking the spinach of the liquid state.😱

No.117 12/08/22 20:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 116 【Popeye and spinatch】

If there are lots of iron,red blood corpuscle 赤血球 increases,so oxygen travels around Popeye's body so much that he gains his strength.It's reasonable.😃

Then calcium functions as a switch which shrinks the muscle.In short,when the nerve orders to the muscle to shrink,the calcium goes to the muscle with the message.😺

Therefore even if there is a little exaggeration,eating spinach makes him strong.We can accept the fact,for there is also calcium in the food.💡

Does the spinach have an immediate effect on Popeye's power?It'll take about three days to take in the iron and make the red blood corpuscle which includes the iron.😃

It doesn't always mean that as soon as Popeye eats the spinach,he becomes stronger.When three days pass,Popeye becomes stronger at last.😃

Popeye must have forseen Olive would be in pinch three days ago,and eat spinach beforehand.😁

No.116 12/08/20 23:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 115 【Popeye and spinach】

When the can is crushed with the tire of the car,weight of the car is put on the tire on the can, and the other which is at its opposite angle 🚗

The car is about 1ton,so,theweight which is put on the can is no less than 500kg.In short,Popeye's power is epual to the weight of 500kg.💪

In addition,he has 500kg of the strength of his grip before he eats spinach.He has already been so strong that he doesn't have to be powerful any more.😚

Without eating the spinach,he should leave for Olive immediately so as to help her.😁

By the way,does the spinach include source of the power?At first,the spinach includes vitamin A.Vitamin A keeps our skin,mucous membrane 粘膜,and hair healthy.😃

The spinach also contains vitamin C,or E,but if the two vitamins are being boiled to much,they'll end up flowing out of the spinach.😃

The spinach has a lot of iron.The vegetable has Calcium.,though the nutrient 栄養素 is a little.😚

No.115 12/08/20 02:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Popeye and spinach】

Speaking of food which makes people strong,it's a spinach which Popeye eats.When his girlfriend,Olive,is on the verge of a crisis,Popeye begins to play an active part.💪

As soon as he eats the spinach in can,his biceps 力こぶ stand up powerfully,so he becomes by far stronger.💪

Popeye always makes the can open by force.Whenever he grips the can,its upper part opens and the spinach springs out of it with a fanfare.🎵

We usually open the can with its opener,but no one seen Popeye use the tool,I'm sure.Can we open the can like that? 😥

When making the can,we put a lid on the body,and tuck in 折り込む its edge.Then we fasten the upper part.😃

Therefore,if adding pressure to outside of the can,the joined upper part transforms and it falls out.It's not always impossible,I'm wondering😚

Needless to say,an ordinary people can't,but he is Popeye!😁

The power which makes the can open is equivalent the other which was crushed with a tire of an automobile.🚗

No.114 12/08/19 19:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 113 【Iran】

《Veils show the Islamic Revolution》

By the way,it's the Islam Revolution by Iran in 1979 that prescribes Iranian lives strongly.😃

The Iranian overthrew the Pahlavi dynasty in those days,and established religious country.They looked up to Khomeini of doctor of laws as a splendid leader.😚

After that,being based on the Islamic fundamentalism,the policies had been adopted in Iran.We often regard the wonen's veils as the symbol of the Islam Revolution.😃

As for veils,there is a description in Koran like next.『Women must hide their beauty from all the males,except for others of their relatives.』👩

Europe and the United States criticize it,for it's just that they looked down on women,but Iranian females have sent others in the Western a variety of messages through the veils.👩

Before the Revolution,modernization had been promoted in Iran when there was Pahlavi dynasty.The authorities used to forbid women to wear the veils at one time,but…👩

No.113 12/08/19 18:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Saudi Arabia】

《Pilgrimage to Mecca where no less than two million people visit》

Needless to say,Islam has great influence on domestic policy in Saudi Arabia,for the country has no constitution.憲法😚

The country's laws are prescribed with the koran and Mohammed's remarks and behaviors.😲


『Veils show the Islam Revolution』

《Iran which draws a clear line between Arabian world》

Judging from its closeness geographically,plenty of people may think Iran is one of Arabian countries,but it's not.😃

At first,Iran doesn't join in the Arab league,and Iranian main race is Perusian of アーリア ancestry,so its ancestors are different from Arabian people.😃

As for its language,instead of Arabian language,the Iranians speak Perusian as its official language.😃

As to religions,there are sorts of Islam.Roughly speaking,there are two great denomination 宗派 in the Islam.One is the Sunnis,the other is Shia.Iranian state religion is the Shia of minority.😚

  • << 121 【Iran】 《Iran which draws a clear line between Arabian world》 If wearing a veil in the downtown area,the police ripped the veil off a woman,and the female who wore the veil was prohibited to go in the official facilities.👩 However,the women themselves were opposed to the behaviors,for there were some women who were too poor to own other clothes,except for the veil.👩          I'm wondering if the veil was sewed on the dress.😚 The female got accustomed to taking off the veils gradually,and they learned to wear casual clothes even in Teheran.👩 Time had passed,and at the previous night of the revolution in 1970s.When the movement for the anti-king was getting louder,the women took action,and joined in demonstrations,wearing the veils.👩 Their protests were against『following in the Western footsteps』or『looking down on the Islam』in the Pahlavi dynasty.ハタミ in a faction of reformation became Iranian president in 1997,and deregulation has made ahead.😃

No.112 12/08/19 16:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 111 【Saudi Arabia】

《Pilgrimage to Mecca where no less than two million people visit》

Needless to say,Mecca has limit to accommodating capacity.The number of visitors is restricted to only one to thousand for population of each country of Islam.The countries have terminals only for pilgrims.😲

Pilgrimage to Mecca is a very important ceremony for Saudi Arabia itself.When being the season of pilgrimage,its king moves to Mecca,and he invites leading figures of each country,and have a reception at his palace.👑

Presiding over the 主催 pilgrimage means that Saudi Arabia proudly shows off the leader of Islam which has two great holy grounds.😤

Long swords are drawn in flags of Saudi Arabia,so we often misunderstand the country is warlike 好戦的,but the swords are the ones which guard its sacred places.☝

Ordinary Japanese people couldn't enter Saudi Arabia in order to travel there until 1996.Pagans 異教徒 were strictly on a restricted visit,for Saudi Arabia is the one which guards two sacred places.😃

No.111 12/08/19 11:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 110 【Saudi Arabia】

《Pilgrimage to Mecca where no less than two million people visit》

There is the shrine of カーバ which is a palace of the god in Mecca,and a prophet, Mohammed created the religion there,so they regard Mecca as a sacred place which is the best one in the Islam.😃

Therefore,we may think there must be the merciful principal object of worship本尊 at the shrine of カーバ,but there isn't in the inside actually.😲

Worshipping an idol is prohibited in Islam,so Muslims イスラム教徒 look upon the shrine as a place where there is one and only god,Allah.😚

No less than about two million people visit Mecca December in the lunatic calendar of Islam,for the pilgrimage to Mecca is proof the most important belief for Muslims.😲

Muslims have five religious trainings such as worships,purification,alms 施し,pilgrimage to Mecca and so on.If being Muslim,everyone think they long to join them even once in their lives😍

No.110 12/08/19 01:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Saudi Arabia】

『The one who guards two great sacred places of Islam』

《Pilgrimage to Mecca where about two million people visit》

When staying at a hotel in a country of Islam,we sometimes come across arrows on which a word of qibla is written.➡

If going ahead for the direction which the arrows show more and more,we can reach to Saudi Arabia before long.➡

Saudi Arabia accounts for about 80% of the Arabia Penninsula.It takes pride in its oil deposits 埋蔵量,and it's the greatest country in the Middle East.😃

Mohammed,the founder of the Islam,was born there,and the country is famous for its two great holy groundsa, Mecca and Medina.😃

As to the arrows,they indicate the direction for Mecca.Muslims have to worship at Mecca,five times a day.The arrows show the place of Mecca.😃

The Muslims worship for a shrine of カーバ in Mecca precisely.There is a port town,ジッダ,which faces Red Sea.Mecca is at a distance of about 70km from the port town.It lies inland.It has a population of 0.4 million.😃

No.109 12/08/19 00:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 108 《Nations of Islam which aren't always monolithic 一枚岩》

After the Gulf War湾岸戦争,Iraq which is worried about aftereffects 後遺症 of the war is growing more and more prosperous 発展途上😃

Iran in which changes have happened.After the Islamic Revolution,its relation between each nation in Europe and the United States has deteriorated 悪化😥

However,after the birth of new political power of ハタミ,a group of reforation extends suddenly.Iran indicates concessions with Europe and the United States.🇺

Contrary to it,as to Saudi Arabia in which there have been some people who actually committed the great disaster of 9.11 lurks in domestic potential danger like next.😣

The dangerous ones are the power of Islamic fundamentalism who are opposed to being stationed of foreign forces.😔

The Middle East which is close to Europe, Africa,and Asia is paid attention as an area for global strategy.👀

No.108 12/08/18 23:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Beams of light and present circumstance in the Islam world.】

Islamic religion which appeared in extremely hard deserts has spread over world as one of great three religions.☀

What kind of countries in which the religion appeared are? The people lead their lives,obeying their religious precepts there.😃

We'll recognize there are varied styles in the Islam world.😃

《Nations of Islam which aren't always monolithic 一枚岩》

A range in which influence of Islam reaches is next area.As for the west,it covers North Africa.East is Indonesia.It spreads out as if it were a belt which connects the west with east.😲

Even if they are the same Islam,their conditions are diffent.For example,Saudi Arabia of pro-America faction 親米派,Iran for which shia シーア派 accounts.The country moves ahead with an original line.😚

Iraq in which Hussin had just lost his position.😚

By the way,「面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方」seemed to be published around 2.000,so its descriptions are a little old,I'm afraid.💦

No.107 12/08/18 22:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Golden area of square》

After World War Ⅱ,Laos was easy to be meddled with foreign countries because Laos is the landlocked country 内陸国.😥
However,as to Laos,friendly relations with neighboring countries is a matter of life and death 死活問題 😥

Laos was formed in 1976.It adopted diplomatic policies which was close to Vietnam,but has changed its policies. They are omnidirectional diplomacy 全方位外交 .

There are few races which live at mountain in Laos.The plan for the development with its neighboring countries seems to go ahead with a direction that the lives of few races become richer.☺

At last,I've finished expressing Asia,so I want to start describing Islam world.I have to start from its outine.😃

However,I'm sure it's unfinished in this response,so I'll begin to express Islam world from the next response.😃

When describing foreign countries,I'm apt to think that I wish I could go there,but to my sorrow,I have too little money and time to do it😚

No.106 12/08/18 21:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Golden area of a square》

Laos is multiple nations of which numbers are said to be 68 or 132.Its border is close to Thailand,Myanmar,China,Vietnam,and Cambodia.😃

Laos is a landlocked 内陸 country which lies in the center of the continent of Southeastern Asia.Therefore,without being through foreign countries,they never go to sea.🌴

Contrary to it,being close to its neighboring countries is enable to exchange economy among the countries with the establishment of network of traffic,communication,and transmission of electricity.🎊

As to a plan for development of the Mekong Valley,participation of Laos is inevitable,for the country locates good position geopolitically 地政学的に.

Laos has been notorious for golden triangle areas.The areas stretch over Laos,Thailand,and Cambodia where drugs are being produced,but as for the plan for development of Mekong Valley,it has occurred as golden square area,adding Yunnan 雲南省 in China to the plan.✨

No.105 12/08/18 15:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Our country,Japan】

《Japan accounts for no less than 6% of whole world trade》

Needless to say,we can't shut the historic door which the Black Ships opened.We've enjoyed 6% of amount of whole world trade in Japan.😚

If eating breakfast with an omlet,bread,salada,and black tea 紅茶,about 80% of its ingredients are imported ones from overseas.😱

About 7 hundred years have passed since Marco Polo visted Japan.Without coexisting with foreign coutries,Japan can't survive at all😥

By the way,my handle name is 燻し銀三.It comes from oxidized silver 燻し銀.Soot of sulfur 硫黄のすす have metal such as silver and copper oxidized.😃

It's used for ornaments.We use a Japanese word,燻し銀 for a person who isn't to all appearance gorgeous.However he or she have their ability and are splendid.😃

I want to be a person like the oxidized silver some day.😃

As for expressions of Asia,it's just that Laos is left,though I have never finished expressing even a quarter of a book,『 面白いほどよくわかる、世界地図の読み方』😂

No.104 12/08/18 12:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 103 【Our country,Japan】

《Japan accounts for no less than 6% of whole world trade》

The matchlock 火縄銃 was introduced into Japan in 1543,then about a hundred years had passed when the Tokugawa government gathered both Chinese and Dutch merchants at Dejima in Nagasaki prefecture,and established the system of closing its country. 😃

With restriction of propagation 布教 of Christanity,the govenment aimed at monopolization for overseas trade in which each clan 藩 in japan were engaged.😒

As receiving a vigor from what is called 大航海時代,Japanese merchants also used to go overseas frequently just before the system of closing country.😃

Therefore,there had been several towns of the Japanese own each place overseas,being center in the southeastern Asia.😚

As for the number of the people who stayed there,it's said they were more than five thousand then.😲

As to ratio which whole world trade in which Japan accounts for at present,import is 5.5%,and export is 7.7%.😃

No.103 12/08/18 03:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 102 【Our country,Japan】

《Japan accounts for no less than 6% of amount of whole world trade》

Japan which makes use of its technical skills has survived as an industrial nation so far,but it exposes itself to danger of its structual crisis nowadays.😥

We've often heard a phrase of the hollowing out of Japanese industry.It means that domestic industry moves its foothold of production overseas.☝

To be concrete,a lot of Japanese enterprises have moved their factories to each country in Asia,needless to say,including China,one after annther.🇨

As for China,its personnel expense 人件費 is about one thirtieth of that of Japan.From a management point of view,it has a strong point so much.😃

Contrary to it,as being the phenomenon coupled with the depression,Japanese unemployment rate rose to no less than 5.5% in November,2001.It's the worst after the World War Ⅱ.😱

No.102 12/08/17 08:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 101 【Our country,Japan】

《A matchlock shows us a way to the technical nation》

GNP of the whole Japan used to be the second place for a long time.No one raises against the fact that Japanese high-level industrial abilities and technical skills had given guidance to a economic power.😃

Oh! My talk has gets off the subject.I'm going to return the theme.It was 種子島 where the Japanese met the European in 1543.Then the matchlock was introduced into Japan from the Portuguese.🔫

種子島 was a remote region from its capital so much,but the people in the 種子島 made possible production of the matchlock about in a year.🔫

They succeeded in producing no more than dozens of matchlocks with their own way in the next year.As standing for production of Japanese swords,we Japanese had technical skill of steel producing which was equal to the European.🔫

While Japanese had never been resource-producing country,a groundwork 下地 that we Japanese survive,being our occupations are improvement trade,had already completed then.😃

No.101 12/08/17 03:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Our country,Japan】

《A matchlock 火縄銃 shows us a way for the technical nation》

Then he carried the 東方見聞録 which was translated into Latin language.Wherever he arrived at islands,he asked the people in the islands with the 東方見聞録 like next.『Is here ジパング?』⛵

Columbus' voyage in which he searched for ジパング,having a dream of the country which owned immeasurable gold,were in vein.😚

However,the discovery of the New Continemt brought the European world great plenty of profits with the control of colonies.💰

The discovery also led to the Industrial Revolution.Besides it has built up the modern economic system which links to each country in the world.💰
Japan may have enjoyed the benefits of the economic system on condition of free trade.Japan may have blessing of the economic system than any other country.☺

Japanese economy has expanded its scale during the 20th century.It has become 50times,and accomplished growth of 4.2% on the average every year.😲

No.100 12/08/17 02:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Our country,Japan】

【The country in which there are a lot of gold】

The 東方見聞録 made a legend of an island in which there were plenty of gold.They were immeasurable,and prepared for a stage for what we call 大航海時代.☝

After the 東方見聞録 was expressed,it was in 1459 when ジパング appeared for the first time in a world map which an Italian father superior 修道院長 drew.😃

Contrary to it,Japan was also drawn in 歴史地理指掌図 which was a map in the Song 栄 dynasty of China.It's said the map is the oldest one in which Japan was drawn.🗾

《A matchlock 火縄銃 shows us a way for a technical nation 技術立国 》

The 東方見聞録 stimulated Columbus to start for his adventure.He is famous for the first one who discovered the American Continent.😃

However,the discovery of the New continemt was just a by-product 副産物 of a process in which he searched for ジパング😚

Columbus who won cooperation of Spanish queen started to go on a voyage by way of going westward.⛵

No.99 12/08/17 01:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Our country,Japan】

【Japan in which there are lots of gold】

It was in 1543 when the Japanese got in touch with the European directly for the first time.It's said that the European were the Portuguese.😃

Japan used to be the island where there were lots of gold.The country was so far from them that they had never been to there.The European used to think like that in those days.😚

It was a Italian,Marco Polo who informed of the European about existence of Japan in the 13th century.He started from Venice in 1271,and left for China by way of the silk road.🇨

He was granted an audience 謁見 with the emperor of Yuan 元,Khubilai.Marco Polo compiled his hearsays 伝聞 and experiences when he traveled.It's what is called 東方見聞録.🎊

He called our country ジパング,and reported that there were a lot of gold which were immeasurable in Japan in the 東方見聞録.He'd never been to Japan,but he seemed to get the information from a Yuan's merchant,and express it.It caused …

No.98 12/08/17 00:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Our country Japan】

『What position is Japan in the world map?』

《Japan in which there are lots of gold》

Some people may have thought why we call our country Japan.Some Portuguese heard some Chinese say Japan at the south in China in the beginning of the 16th century.🇨

It's said the pronunciation has been based on the word of Japan.There are lots of dialects in the south of China.They used to call Japan ヤップン,or イップン.When hearing them,the Portuguese learned to call our country ジャパゥン,so they learned to express like that.😃

They became the origin of the word,amd they had spread over each place in Europe.The words had been firmly established in each place,transforming them into Japan in England,into ジャポン in France.🇺

Author of『面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方』said like next.『I want to pay attention to the fact that the word of Japan dates back the pronunciation of the Chinese people.🇨

No.97 12/08/16 18:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Petroleum and natural gas have caused a paradise》

Needless to say,the rich have their worries.Even if their natural resources are abundant,they'll dry up in the future.There is another report which holds that all of petroleum will be digged up in about no more than 22 years.Natural gas is about from 40 to 45 years.😱

The post industry of natural resources is the most urgent requisite 至上命令 for Brunei.I'm wondering if their efforts are fully rewarded,for the ratio of the national resources for the GDP has decreased recently.🎉

Brunei's plan is suitable for the country.We may be forced to be smiled,for Brunei has bought a huge ranch 牧場 which is larger than the territory of Brunei itself as one plan for development of their industry.The ranch is in Australia.🐎

By the way,my long day off approaches its end gradually.I have to start working from next Monday.I hate to work.Without working,I wish I could lead my life,though it's impossible.😂

No.96 12/08/16 17:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Petroleum and natural gas have caused a paradise》

Its king is wealthy,as a result,economic standard of its people is also high.Brunei's people of standard of salary is the highest in the southeastern Asia.☺

Moreover,they don't have to pay for their income tax.As for their education,and medicical treatment,they are exempted免除😍

The rent 家賃 for public housing is low unprecedentedly.Almost all of the people in Brunei can be a public employee 公務員 if they hope to be.😊

Except for the natural resources,there are no industries worth mentioning in Brunei,so its government have made them build tremendous public facilities or hospitals.As a result,their employment have become stable.😃

By the way,there are few pedestrians 歩行者 in its capital,Bandar Seri Begawan.There are few walkers even in the center of the city.There are four traffic lanes in one way in the city,almost all of the residents own cars.🚗

No.95 12/08/16 14:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 94 【Brunei】

《Petroleum and natural gas have caused a paradise》

There are twelve chandeliers in the king's room.The chandeliers are one of the greatest in the world.Besides,the king invited Michel Jackson for the king's birthday,and let him hold a concert for only the king.🎤

By the way,Brunei is blessed with natural resources so much that the king has become the richest in the world.At first,oil fields were developed for the first time in the beginning of the 20th century.😃

Then submarine oil fields and natural gas were discovered one after anothdr in the 1960s.Brunei is the fourth place in the southeastern Asia as a country which produces petroleum.😃

The country is the third place in the world as the one which produces natural gas.Brunei is connected with Japan closely.It exports to Japan more than to any other country.Japan accounts for no less than 53% from Brunei's exports.😚

No.94 12/08/16 09:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 93 【Brunei】

《Petroleum and natural gas have caused a paradise》

The most wealthy man in the world is the king of Brunei.Some people may say like next.『Where is Brunei?』😍

It's a small country which is in one corner of Borneo.Its size as large as chiba prefecture,though I've never known its place until now😳

Its population is about 0.33 million.Brunei is being surrounded with Malaysia,and about 70% of its territory is a jungle which is thickly-wooded tropical rain forest.熱帯雨林😲

As for the king's episodes which indicates how rich he is,there are too many cases to count.For instance,there are well over thousand rooms in the palace.😲

The king loves horses so much that he made the people construct stables which fully equipped for air-conditioning and heating.He has four his own jet planes,and there are some others for exclusive 専用 use for the horses.🐎

No.93 12/08/16 03:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 92 【Malaysia】

《Malaysian ancestry,Chinese ones,and Indian others are intermingled》

It's said Chinese and Indian ancestry's discontent for the policies of プミプトラ is pent-up 鬱積😚

By the way,when trying to have a meal in the place,we can't decide which dish to eat,Malaysian,Chinese or Indian? What about ニャニョ dish then?😃

If Chinese woman gets married to Malaysian man,they call her ニャニョ.The origin of ニャニョ dish is the Chinese woman whose husband is Malaysian cooked.😃

The dish in which Chinese strong points are mixed with Malaysian ones is a kind of invention.I'm wondering if the people who live in Malaysia try to overcome the deadlock between each nation with the invention.😚


『Its king is a man of wealthy.He is the richest in the world』

《Petroleum and natural gas have caused a paradise》

Speaking of the richest in the world,what kind of person occurs to you? His whole fortune is about no less than 3.000 billion yen!😍

No.92 12/08/16 02:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 91 【Malaysia】

《Malaysian ancestry,Chinese ones,Indian others are intermingled》

After that,the car industry spread over Europe,and great demand for rubber caused the industry to cultivate gum widely,so タミール people came to Malaysia from south India as its labor force 労働力.🚗

Malaysia became independent from England completely in 1957,and then Malaysia has made a great effort to keep its balance between each race.😱

While most of the Malaysian who are majority had been engaged in agriculture after their independence,Chinese ancestry had controlled Malaysian economy then.😚

Malaysian government adopted policies of プミプトラ so as to correct the unbalance.プミプトラ means children of the place in Malaysian language,though it's just word for word.😳

The policies aim at econonomical improvement for the Malaysian.The policies which treat the Malaysian well have been adopted from start to finish after its independence,but…

No.91 12/08/15 09:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 90 【Malaysia】

《Malaysian ancestry,Chinese ones,and Indian others are intermingled》

The high-rising building is 452m with 88 floors.It is a what we call twin tower of ペトロナス in Kuala Lumpur.😃

When looking at the twin tower of ペトロナス carefully,we become aware that its tip resembles the one of mosque of Islamic temple.💡

Malaysian state region is Islam,so whta Malaysia introduces the style of mosque design seems to be natural,but the ratio of Islam is about only a 50%.😲

Others believe in Buddhism,Hindi,and Taoism 道教,for Malaysia is a country in which multiple races such as Chinese ancestry and Indian ones are intermingled.😃

The original form of multiple nations of the country was built up in English colonial period.😃

Great vein 鉱山 of tin was discovered in the middle of 19th century,and lots of Chinese who dreamed of making a fortune at one swoop 一攫千金 came to Malaysia as mining engineers.🇨

No.90 12/08/14 07:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 89 【Singapore】

《Relative relation between a detector of pee and the prosperity of the country》

As a result,Singapore has become a developed country of which whole nation is promoting IT projects.Considering the prosperity,the Singaporean are forced to accept the troublesome rules,the author is wondering.😚


『Asian one of leader which continues rapid economic growth』

《Malaysian ancestry,Chinese ones,and Indian others are intermingled 混在》

Malaysia is blessed with the beauties of nature,for tropical rain forest 熱帯雨林 accounts for about 65% of its territory.😃

However,it's just that a mere side of the country.At first,when visiting its capital,Kuala Lumpur,we'll stand still with our eyes fastened on high-rising buildings as if they pierced the blue sky in the southern country.😲

By the way,I've never been to foreign countries.I've expressed this thread,being based on 『面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方』😳

No.89 12/08/13 07:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 88 【Singapore】

《Relative relation between a detector of pee and the prosperity of the country》

When being independent from Malaysia,plenty of people were anxious about the future of Singapore.They were overwhelming.😔

After all,Singapore has a small lot.As to its area,it's as small as Awajishima.Besides,the country can't produce natural resources.😱

Therefore,Singapore chose to be an indispensable foothold 拠点 for physical distribution 物流 and finance,at the same time,it selected to be a sightseeing country.😤

Singapore has needed to keep the peace and to be a lovely one,for the country has wanted a lot of foreign people to visit there.😍               Even if others make fun of Singapore,saying it's a controlled country of which punishments are strict,the Singaporean have no choice,I'm wondering.😚

Fortunately,Singapore has become an economic power of which rank is second in Asia.High-rising buildings have stood in a row,and…

No.88 12/08/12 22:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 87 【Singapore】

《Relative relation between a detector of pee and the prosperity of the country》

Therefore,all the town in Singapore are very neat and beautiful.While there are lots of cigarette butts タバコの吸い殻 in Japan,we find it hard to discover the cigarette butt in Singapore.🚭

Some people may think that those punishments are troublesome,but the punishments may be desperate measures 苦肉の策 in order to survive among international competitions.😤

It was 1965 when Singapore was independent from the Federal Republic of Malaysia.Malaysian of Chinese ancestry used to account for 77% of Chinese population.😃

Its central government declared policies which treated the Malaysian of Chinese so well at the Federal that the Singaporean repelled against the central government.😣

The details of independence of the Singaporean from the Federal of Malaysian are as if the Singaporean was ejected from the Federal.😚

No.87 12/08/12 15:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 86 【Singapore】

《Relative relation between a detector of pee オシッコ and the prosperity of the country》

In fact,when going on patrol,Singaporean policemen always carry a small detector which senses a component of the pee with him.It isn't a threat at all.😥

If using the small detector,the policemen can catch the one who is flagrante delico 現行犯.Moreover they can get physical evidence 物的証拠 of other suspect who tries to give an evasive excuse 言い逃れ.It isn't an exaggeration at all.😱

In addition,there are plenty of punishments in Singapore.When throwing away rubbish on the street,its fine is about 10.000yen as long as it's his or her first offense 初犯 in Singapore.😠

When spitting,or vomiting on the road,its fine is about 70.000yen.When smoking at a place where no one is allowed to do,its fine is also 70.000yen.💸

As for the behaviors which disturb the public morality,their punishments are provided in great detail.😫

No.86 12/08/11 10:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 85 【Philippines】

《They have gone to foreign countries in search of their work,making use of English ability》

Dozens of landlords own about half of Philippine territory,so I'm sure they wish they could do away with its structural poverty.😃

However,President Arroyo himself comes from the privileged class,so lot of people have watched how much the President probes the structural poverty.😃


『Its streets are lined with neat rows of stores and houses.Its fine view have caused the economic power』

《Relative relation between a detector of pee オシッコ and the prosperity of the country》

It is shameful of me to ask a vulgar question from the beginning.If you are a male,have you ever urinated in the streets たち小便?😚

Needless to say,we must not do in both Singapore and Japan.Especially as to Singapore,otherwise we'll end up paying fine,about 1.000 Singapore dollar.It is equivalent to Japanese 70.000 yen.💸

No.85 12/08/07 22:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 84 【Philippines】

《They have gone to foreign countries in search of their work,making use of English ability》

While fortunately,Philippine language has become the one of the country,in fact Philippine people use both Philippine language and English in their conversations.🔤
Philippines adopts English as its official language,so Philippine children start to study English in an elementary school.In short,bilingual education has spread over Philippines.🔤

They have taken advantage of their English ability so much that amount of the Philippine people who have gone to foreign countries to find their works seem to exceed no less than 4 million.😲

In addition,it is said their remittance 送金 to their hometown reaches more than 7% of Philippine GDP.As to ratio of poor households in Philippines,it's 35%.It's high.😥

As for Arroyo Government,dealing with radicals of Islamic fundamentalism イスラム原理主義 and poor households are political problems,though I'm wondering if Arroyo is the President at present.😚

No.84 12/08/06 22:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 83 【Philippines】

《They have gone to foreign countries in search of their work,making use of English ability》

When America had ruled Philippines for 47 years,through English education which was from an elementary school to university had also been done then.🔤

However,as a result,confusion of languages has happened.To begin with,the languages in Philippines where lots of minority races live reach about no less than 120.😲

Therefore,when preparing for independence from America,a grave controversy for the language of its country was unavoidable.😃

There used to be a proposal of some languages in a group of Philippine islands coming together,it meant a new language,but after all,they adopted the Philippine language of which mother body is Tagalog.😚

I'm wondering if Tagalog language has been spoken around its capital,Manila,but needless to say,other people who don't speak Tagalog have put up stubborn resistance to adopting Tagalog.😚

No.83 12/08/05 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 82 【Philippines】

《They have gone to foreign countries in search of their work,making use of English ability》

Magellan arrived Philippines earlier than any other European people.He was a Spanish.After that, Spain which aimed for new territories dispatched fleets,and controlled lots of islands on the Pacific such as group of islands of Cebu,Luzon,and Bisaya.😃

There had never been countries under unified rule in Philippines until then,but there were just the villages of which houses were only from 30 to 100.The people gathered and led their lives there.🌴

As to an original form of its present territory,it's not a cultural connection such as languages,but it is based on historical truth in which Spain had conquered those islands.🚢

The U.S.A. had taken the place of Spain at the latter in 19th century, and the U.S.A.began to settle in Philippines.America had governed Philippines as its colony for 47 years.🇺

Its colonial periods were 47 years.They were comparatively short,but …

No.82 12/08/02 23:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 81 【Indonesia】

《Islands of which numbers are more than 10.000 and 300 races》

Eastern Timor has won independece from Indonesia at last,its presidental election was carried out April in 2002. Eastern Timor has accomplished its independence formally May in 2002.🎊


『Argument of the language of the country which has no less than 120 languages』

《They have gone to foreign countries in search of works,making use of English》

If being born a minority race in Philippines,we have to master four kinds of foreign languages at least.😱

At first,its mother tongue as the minority race,in the next place,common language which the people in its neighboring islands use,then the language of Philippines,lastly English.☝
While the worry is on account of the people of Philippines which has varied cultures of about no less than 7.000 islands of various sizes,we get glimpse of influence under control as a colony.😃

No.81 12/07/31 22:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 80 【Indonesia】

《Islands of which number are more than 10.000 and 300 races》

Those two kingdoms seemed to consist of loose government,so it may be natural for Indonesia's each place that movement of separation and independence have broken out.😚

Sumatra island is to the west end of Indonesia.At アチェ which is to the north of Sumatra,movement of independence which longs for an establishment of Islamic nation has developed.😃

At New Guinea island which is to the north of Indonesia,the people of Papua which commands about an half of its residents have rebelled against Indonesia.😱

At Moluccas which used to be prosperous with trade of spice,contention between Muslims イスラム教徒 and Christians continues so violent that it has caused no less than hundreds of casualties.💀

At カリマン island,there is an opposition between the people of the local and immigrants.😥

The situation around Indonesia is so serious that we've often heard a phrase of dismantling of Indonesia.😱

No.80 12/07/30 19:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 76 【Indonesia】 《Islands of which number are no less than 10.000 and 300 … 【Indonesia】

《Islands of which number are no less than 10.000 and 300 races》

Indonesia is a nation of a group of islands.The number of the islands are more than 13.500.😃

When looking at Indonesian map,plenty of people may wonder why the nation is made up with the people in those islands.😲

Its races are varied.Its number are more than 300.While about no less than 90% of the races believe in Islam,others believe in Christianity,Hindi,and Buddhism,according to its region.😃

By the way,as for the number of the islands,I said they were 10.000,but it's a mistake.I'm sorry for it.😳

The people in Indonesia have begun to be collected as a nation since around 7th century.It was a sign that a kingdom ruled main part of Indonesia,though I don't know where the main part was.😳

After that,other kingdom of which base and center was Java islands advanced.However both of the kingdoms consisted of self-government of other tribes.😚

No.79 12/07/30 07:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 78 【The last scene of the nuclear power plant disaster and what should we do finally?】

《What should we do in order to dispose of the tremendous nuclear reactor?》

When disposing of contaminated soil,we have to wait for the radioactive material to disappear naturally.😃

To my surprise,it'll take no less than billions of years to vanish completely.In the end,it is hard for us to draw a line that the nuclear power plant disaster comes to an end.😱

Will of we the human being decide where it comes to an end.A year has passed since the great earthquake in Tohoku area.😃

While almost all of the politicians seem to go ahead of plans of promoting nuclear power plant,lots of residents have held demonstrations of objecting their policies.🆚

If we do away with the nucler power,we are forced to face an alternative energy.Such a great undertaking can't be accomplished overnight.😃

I'm sure the politicians aren't worried about the Japanese but their political power.😏

No.78 12/07/29 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 77 【The last scene of the nuclear power plant disaster and what should we do finally?】

『When does it come to an end?』

Materials which has suffered strong radiation will change into radioactive one.To be concrete,they are rubble around the nuclear reactor.We must get rid of it.⚠

The problem is the nuclear reactor itself.We should dismantle 分解 the equipment and dispose of it originally,but its contamination is too bad to do.😨

《What should we do in order to dispose of the tremendous nuclear reactor?》

Therefore we adopt what is called 石棺.It means that filiing the nuclear reactor with concrete.The 石棺 was also adopted in Chernobyl.💡

At first,there is plenty of water in the nuclear reactor.Without drying the water,it may seep 染み出る from the reactor.😥

It will take dozens of months or decades to finish drying it.After that,we can fill it with concrete at last.😩

Even if we finish disposing of the nuclear reactor,radioactive contamination which spread over around the reactor ends up remaining.😨

No.77 12/07/29 18:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The last scene of the nuclear power plant disaster and what should we do finally?】

『When does it come to an end?』

Terror of radioactive material which was leaked from the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima.💣                     Even if we can have the situation under control someday,the radioactive material which had spread over will remain for a long time.I'm wondering when our anxiety about the radioactive material vanishes.😥

What kind of thing makes us think the nuclear power plant disaster is over? If thinking of being safe,when expansion of the disaster never breaks out,we should think the disaster is over.😃

If looking on taking almost all of the steps as hard as possible as its indexes,it may mean that we fill the nuclear reactor which has caused the disaster with concrete.😃

When the fuel of the atomic reactor becomes cool enough,we take it out and dispose of it like an ordinary fuel.😃

No.76 12/07/29 11:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 75 【Indonesia】

《Islands of which number are no less than 10.000 and 300 races》

The scribbling sometimes make the exchange rate between dollar and other currency at the actual spot drop,so we can't laugh at it.😚

By the way,Indonesian currency is Rupiah.Indonesian president,Suharto's portrait used to be printed on the bill of Rupiah when he was the President.😃

Lots of people may wonder why the active president did that.Suharto was charismatic president who had led Indonesia for no less than 32 years.😲

While governing Indonesia as a despotic 独裁 ruler,Suharto positively introduced developed countries' aid or foreign capitals to his country,so they called him the father of its exploitation.😃

However,he resigned from the president May in 1998 on account of criticism for his family corporation.😚

With the collapse of Suharto's powerful despotic government,there are tangible signs that movements of separation and independence from Indonesia which had held down by force.😒

  • << 80 【Indonesia】 《Islands of which number are no less than 10.000 and 300 races》 Indonesia is a nation of a group of islands.The number of the islands are more than 13.500.😃 When looking at Indonesian map,plenty of people may wonder why the nation is made up with the people in those islands.😲 Its races are varied.Its number are more than 300.While about no less than 90% of the races believe in Islam,others believe in Christianity,Hindi,and Buddhism,according to its region.😃 By the way,as for the number of the islands,I said they were 10.000,but it's a mistake.I'm sorry for it.😳 The people in Indonesia have begun to be collected as a nation since around 7th century.It was a sign that a kingdom ruled main part of Indonesia,though I don't know where the main part was.😳 After that,other kingdom of which base and center was Java islands advanced.However both of the kingdoms consisted of self-government of other tribes.😚

No.75 12/07/28 20:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Agricultural lands have sunk into lake》

Damage with the deluges is extremely serious,for no less than 30 million people lost their houses because of flooding in a great deluge in 1988.🌊

It is said that no less than quarter of the territory of Bangladesh submerged then.By the way,30 million people are equivalent to a quarter of population of Bangladesh.😠


『Crisis of dissolution of a nation which is made up with multiple race』

《Islands of which number exceed no less than 10.000 and 300 races》

If travelling to Indonesia,I'm wondering if we should bring dollar bills which no one has never used.It means what we call ピン札😃

We Japanese are apt to liable to think that even if there are scribbling 落書き,or creases on the bill,money is just the money.😚

However,except for banks at on the spot 現地 in Indonesia,the people are apt to hate filthy bill at money changers or stores there.😚

No.74 12/07/28 18:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 73 【Bangladesh】

《Agricultural lands have sunk into lakes》

It's not much to say that Bangladesh is an area where the people always suffer from deluges,for one-thirds of territory of Bangladesh is submerged no less than 1 meter every year.🌊

For example,at a great damp area of northeast in Bangladesh,the width of rivers begin to spread out gradually in a rainy season,and deluges break out.🌊

In the end, the great damp area changes into a lake.As to a scale of the lake,it can include dozens of Japanese one,Biwako.😲

However,when the dry season starts,the tremendous lake disappears.It quickly changes into a land which intermingles marshes and rice-fields.😲

The people used to move the land with a boat, and fishermen used to put nets in order to catch fish until a few months ago,butthey walk there on foot,and farmers apply themselves to rice cultivation in the dry season.The change of its scenes are profound mystery.😲

No.73 12/07/28 13:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 72 【Bangladesh】

《Agricultural lands have sunk into lakes》

94% of children whose age is from six-month to six years old have suffered from unnourishment in Bangladesh.Needless to say,their situations may not be harmful their health,but also they prevent them from growing there.😥

A lot of people have struggle against poverty,and led their lives,so to speak jostling in their lives in Bangladesh.In addition,they have also suffered from deluges for a long time.🌊

There are the Ganges River,ブラフマプトラ one,and メグナ one in Bangladesh.Their branches flow right and left there.😃

Those rivers had been flooded,and plenty of earth and sand had been carried for a long time so much that area of Delta was completed.It's almost all of territory is Bangladesh.😃

When being during rainy season,rivers have been flooded,not having taken the people who live there into consideration.😣

While the deluges have brought the people fertile soil,the people have suffered from floods.😭

No.72 12/07/28 01:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 71 【Bangladesh】

《Agricultural lands have sunk into lakes》

As for area of overpopulation,Bangladesh is in upper rank in the world.Except for a city state 都市国家 of which territory is extremely little,degree of overcrowded in Bangladesh is the No.1 in the world.😃

In addition,increase of its population is making progress so extremely that its population has grown easily twice as it was.↗

Plenty of people in Bangladesh have been in difficulty when leading their lives.They export sewen goods and knit ones ones for the U.S.A.and Europe so as to win foreign currency.😃

On the other hand, a center of its industries,it's agriculture of which center is growing crops.As to a ratio of the GDP of agriculture which hauls economic growth has changed between 4% and five %.😃

It is said Bangladesh has to maintain 7% of economic growth a year at least so as to overcome their poverty.😫

Poverty have been passed on its children so much that… 😱

No.71 12/07/27 23:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 70 【Cambodia】

《Independence from menace of its neighboring countries and France》

Vietnam advanced on Cambodia,and expelled the ポルポト government from Cambodia in 1978.However,lots of people recognize Cambodia had suffered from a situation of civil war until recently,I'm sure.😥

Cambodian political situation has kept its balance for the present.Cambodian people have been in a situation of constant suffering,but they are descendants of dynasty of Angkor Wat,they have taken pride in it.😤

When looking at Cambodian flag,the Cambodian recognize the Angkor Wat shines in its flag,I'm sure.✨


『An area where the people always suffer from a deluge 大洪水』

《Agricultural lands have been sunk into lakes》

Bangladesh is a new nation which has separated and become independent from Pakistan in 1971.While its territory is twice as large as Hokkaido,its population is no less than about a hundred and twenty million.😩

No.70 12/07/27 21:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 69 【Cambodia】

《Independence from menace of its neighboring countries and France》

Part of Cambodian territory around Mekong Delta was taken by Vietnam by force with what is called 南進政策 in the 17th century.The Cambodian people grudge against it even at present😣

グエン dynasty 王朝 in Vietnam occupied Cambodia in 1834,and so Cambodia was annexed 併合 to Vietnam for a while.😭

Though Cambodia became independent from Vietnam after four years,it couldn't endure attack from the both Vietnam and Thailand.Cambodia applied to France for protection,so the country became Indochina which belonged to France.🇫

Cambodia became independent from France in 1953,but the Vietnam War broke out.As a result, Cambodia was also dragged into the war,so ロン・ノル of pro American Government was established.🇺

After that,communistic power which declared anti-Vietnam,ポルポト administration put a reign of terror,so atrocious 残虐な event in which no less than about a million people were slaughtered for only four years occurred.💀

No.69 12/07/25 22:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 68 【Cambodia】

《Independence from menace of its neighboring countries and France》

Angkor Wat is registered as a world heritage of UNESCO,so lots of tourists have visited there from Europe and Japan.😃

However,Angkor Wat isn't just a sightseeing spot.As for the people who had spent their days,being crushed with wars or grieves in Cambodia,Angkor Wat is their greatest support through their lives,for the remain is a symbol of the glory of Cambodian civilization.✨

When looking at its map,we recognize that Cambodia lies between Thailand and Vietnam which are great powers in Southeast Asia.😱

A dynasty 王朝 of Angkor was defeated by the one of アユタヤ in Thailand in the middle of 14th century,so the dynasty of Angkor deserted its country and capital.😥

The dynasty which enjoyed extremes of luxury had gone through many hardships since then,for it was just a minor power.😭

The minor power had been controlled by Thailand for a long time,and …😱

No.68 12/07/24 22:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 67 【Cambodia】

《Independence from menace of its neighboring countries and France》

Magnificent,gorgeous,and close relieves which are crowd in the three corridors werf carved into their walls.Their subjects are varied.😃

One is the ancient Indian epic poem 叙事詩,and other is creation of universe,and another is dancing of countless angels.Those beauties take our breath away.A place where gods decend on is the Angkor Wat.😃

To tell the truth,there are 14 marks which were written in Chinese ink 墨 on the wall or pillar of Angkor Wat.Those marks were written with the Japanese who visited there.🇯

They were written from 1612 to 1632.It seems that the Japanese who visited there in those days regarded the Angkor Wat as a sacred place,what is called 祇園精舎.😲

Speaking of Cambodia,the grand structure which almost all of people imagine was built in the beginning of 12th century,and it changed into a kings tomb and temple.😃

No.67 12/07/23 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 66 【Thailand】

《The king's influence which isn't well known》

Thai king is a sovereign of the nation.He doesn't rule its nation directly because of constitutional monarchy 立憲君主制.👑

However,the king appoints Cabinet ministers 閣僚,and commands army.Besides he is a person who supports Buddhism.👑

The king is very popular among the people in Thailand so much that almost all of Thai households exhibit his picture.😲
Thai currency,baht had come down extremely in 1997,so monetary crisis spread all over the world then.It was said that Thai traffic jam was also eased then.🚗

In short,the traffic may have been a proof that Thai economy was active.Its economy is recovering at present😃


『Angkor Wat which is in Cambodian flag means …』

《Independence from menace of its neighboring countries and France》

I'm going to express an outward appearance of Angkor Wat from now on.Height of its central tower reaches to no less than 65m.The tower is being surrounded with other four ones.😃

No.66 12/07/22 22:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 65 【Thailand】

《The king's influence which isn't well known》

As to the traffic jam of Thailand,there is a structural defect on the networks of the roads.🚗

Bangkok used to be said it was Eastern Venice,for Bangkok was the city built on water.Lots of waterways ran through all over the city as if they had been lattices 格子😃

Though reclaimed 埋め立てる land from the waterways and made them into roads,not only there are few bypasses,but there are lots of dead ends in narrow alleys.😱

Useful steps against the traffic jam had never developed very much,so the ruling party and the opposition one discussed the problem of the traffic jam for a long time.🚗

One day,Thai king who was neutral politically said like next.「It's the problem of all of our.」His remark caused policies of full-scale for relaxation of the traffic jam.🎉

Overhead raiway has started on the king's birthday in 1999,and business of subway has also begun since 2002.🚇

No.65 12/07/20 20:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 64 【Thailand】

《The king's influence which isn't well known》

About 40% of Thai amount of rice crop is export.When comparing with Japan of which population is 120 million and rice crop is 11.3 million ton,we can recognize how high Thai rice crop is.🍚

By the way,Bangkok is Thai capital.Speaking of Thai feature,it's traffic jam.It is said that on the average,a car coveres from 7 to 9km per an hour in a city of Bangkok.🚗

Moreover,when being in the rush hour,it is not rare that the car covers no more than a few km per an hour.🚗

Population of Bangkok used to be about 2 million in 1960s,but it has increased to about 10 million,though its officialpopulation is no more than 6 million.😚

Thailand has made rapid economic growth since the latter in 1980s.As for its economic growth rate,its GDP was no less than 8.1%.It was Thai mean 平均 from 1991 to 1996.💰

Then the level of the Thai incomes increased so much that the people who hold their own cars increased.It ended up accelerating the traffic jam.🚗

No.64 12/07/19 18:17
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 63 【Thailand】

《The king's influence which isn't well known very much》

Japanese rice is Japonica ones.When cooking,it's glutinous.粘りがある Contrary to it,Thai ones are Indica ones.Their shapes are long and narrow.When cooking,it's little glutinous.🍚

As for a way of cooking,Indica ones are different from Japonica ones a little.As long as we recognize it enough,even we Japanese find it tasty,when cooking.☺

By the way,as to the amount of rice of export,Thailand is the No.1,and the amount of rice crop is sixth place in the world,after India and China.🍚

Some countries in higher rank of the amount of rice crop have so much population that they consume almost all of their rice in their own countries🍚

Therefore while Thailand is just sixth place,concerning the amount of rice crop,its amount of export is first place in the world.😤

Thai population is no less than about 60 million,but it harvests lots of rices.It's amount is no less than 23 million ton.😱

No.63 12/07/16 21:28
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 62 【Pakistan】

《What is the dispute of Kashmir?》

The conflict developed the first war between India and Pakistan in 1947,and the U.N mediated 調停 between the two countries,so they stopped fighting in 1949. 🆚

However they went to war again.The second war broke out in 1965,and the third one in 1971.Besides,after those wars,skirmish 小競り合い continues every year in Kashmir.💣

The earthly papadise of whicg border has never been decided has become the front line where nuclear weapons confront each other.💀


『Thailand is a great power which exports rice,but it's worried about traffic jam.』

《The king's influence Which isn't well known very much.》

Thailand is a country of a rice-based diet like Japan.When being a bad harvest in 1994,japan imported rice from Thailand urgently.🍚

Lots of people may have remembered Thai rice became current topic.Some people spoke ill of the rice because of its horrible smell.😱

However,as to rice, Japanese ones are different from those of Thailand,so it can't help it.😃

No.62 12/07/14 03:38
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 61 【Pakistan】

《What is the dispute of Kashmir?》

The people of 80% in Kashmir used to be the Islam in those days.Then English colonies were two kinds.The one was a place where India controlled directly.They called it a province.               Contrary to it,they called other a princely state.When trying to being independent from England,Kashmir which was the princely state was pressed to decide to which countries it should belong.India or Pakistan?😣

Judging from its residents which consists of Kashmir,it should have choosen Pakistan,but no one can foretell in the politics' World.😠

It wasn't belonging to other country but separation and being independent that the prince in Kashmir wished to do,so Kashmir bought time,but then Pakistanis' army invaded into Kashmir.😱

The prince in Kashmir was confused so much that it asked India to protect it from Pakistan.Then Kashmir has become Indian territory as it was.😥

No.61 12/07/13 10:02
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 60 【Pakistan】

《What is the dispute of Kashmir?》

Then a heart of the matter was a relation between Islam and Hindu.Some people thought they should live together in the same country,but the Islam who hated to be minority separated from and was independent from India.😚

As a result,a country of Pakistan was founded in 1947.Religious problem in which they should choose the Islam or Hindu forced to break off their relations.As a matter of fact,no less than 97% of the people in Pakistan believe in Hindi.😲

When only two months passed,territorial dispute already broke out.Its place was Kashmir.It lies among Mt.Himalaya.😚

An emperor's summer resort used to be in Kashmir in an age of the Mughal Empire.Kashmir is a place of so scenic beauty that they also used to call it an earthly paradise.☺

However nobody has ever dreamed it has ended up being a gun power which causes the dispute when no less than 50years passed after Pakistan was independent.😥

No.60 12/07/12 06:19
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 59 【Pakistan】

《What is the dispute of Kashmir?》

Moreover,people whose children suffer extreme poverty can't go to even an elementary school.Pakistani literacy rate 識字率 is no more than 38.9%.😥

However,suddenly the developing country has become a nuclear power.It was completely unexpected news.It was 1988 when Pakistan made a nuclear test for the first time.💣

Contrary to it,India also had made a nuclear test preceded Pakistan after the last test,after 24 yeas' silence.😚

Pakistan had been at war with India no less than three times since it founded as a country,so Pakistan felt it was faced with the menace of India.😨

It was a great power in south Asia,India which forced Pakistan to possess the nuclear weapon.💣

Both India and Pakistan had been English colonies in the latter of the 19th century.Desires to be independent Asia from the colonies through two kind of great wars.As a result,the people in the area which belonged to India learned to be intereted in its independence,but…😱

To be continued.By😁

No.59 12/07/10 21:40
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 58 【Myanmar】

《Non democratic political power of pious Buddhist》

In addition,the military regime which a non democratic political power disregarded result of an election in 1990.😒

The military regime assumes that Aung San Suu Kyi who appeals to the people for democratization always stands in its way 目の上のこぶ.😠

There are lots of people who continue to use Burma all over the world,for they don't think they want to accept the military regime,like Aung San Suu Kyi.😒

All Japanese mass meid has begun to use Myanmar,but it doesn't always mean that the name of Burma disappears.😃

Restrictions of Aung San Suu Kyi's behaviors had started again from Sep. in 2000 to May in 2002.


『Two countries have stood in opposition in an earthly paradise,possessing nuclear weapons』

《What is the dispute of Kashmir?》

GNP per a nation is no more than $370.It's one-eighty seventh as equal as that of Japan.Its key industries are agriculture and cotton industry,but its industrialization has never accomplished,and …

No.58 12/07/09 22:13
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 57 【Myanmar】

《Non democratic political power of pious Buddhist》

After release from the lenient confinement軟禁,Aung San Suu Kyi's first travel was visiting a high-ranking priest who had well known in whole Myanmar.😃

By the way,when saying her country,Aung San Suu Kyi uses Burma.There are plenty of Japanese people like next,I'm sure.They'd learned the country's name was Burma in school,but it had changed before they recognized it.Why?😱

I'm going to express its reason from now on.A military regime 軍事政権 offered to change the name of the country for the United Nations 国連 in 1989.It means it changed Burma into Myanmar.😚

The military regime insisted that Myanmar was a country of multiple nations.Contrary to it,the name of Burma indicates only a single nation,so Burma isn't appropriate.😒

However,the military regime suppressed the movement of democratization in which almost all the people in Burma joined.The regime put down the movement with its military force.😒

No.57 12/07/08 20:48
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 56 【Myanmar】

《Non democratic political power of pious Buddhism》

The Buddhism which conveyed from China to Japan is Mahayana Buddhism 大乗仏教.The Mahayana Buddhism tries to aid our society and country.😃

Contrary to it,Hinayama Buddhism 小乗仏教 in which the people in Myanmar believe is the next one.☝

The people who believe in the Hinayama Buddhism practice asceticism 修行を積む,and each of them make much of being spiritual awakened 悟りを開く😃

The Buddhists of Myanmar are forbidden to get married.Moreover they must not have meals afternoon.They are engaged in ascetic practices,being surrounded with no less than 227 severe religious precepts 戒律😱

The people in Myanmar contribute some foods and the Buddhist's robe to the Buddhists.They think their behaviors are acts of charity,so they can get peace in mind.☺

For example,Aung San Suu kyi who has been the symbol of democratization of Myanmar had been under house arrest until 1995.😥

No.56 12/07/08 18:15
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 55 【Vietnam】

《While its north is politics,its south is economy》

Hanoi takes pride in Vietnamese capital.Foreign companies are apt to be indecisive because of Hanoi's being proud and nature of bureaucracy 官僚😚

North latitude 17 degree used to be a military border line,but the border line itself hasn't entirely disappeared.☝


『A reason why the name of country has changed into Myanmar』

《Non democratic political power of pious 敬虔 Buddhist》

One of the greatest three remains of Buddhism in the world is バガン in Myanmar.バガン was a place where a first unified dynasty 統一王朝 in Myanmar.😃

No less than 2000 ruins such as pagodas 仏塔 and Buddhist temples are dotted in バガン.Wherever we go to towns in Myanmar,we can see the pagoda so often that Myanmar is a country of pious Buddhism.😃

Speaking of the Buddhism,we are liable to jump to conclusion like next.『Myanmar's people believe in Buddhism like we Japanese』,but to be exact,they don't.☝

No.55 12/07/07 19:12
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 53 【Vietnam】 《While its north is politics,its south is economy》 When … 【Vietnam】

《While its north is politics,its south is economy》

Vietnam which had been ruled by France as its colony since 1833 divided into north country and south one from 1954 to 1975.🇫

The one was North Vietnam.Its capital was Hanoi.The other was South Vietnam.Its capital was Ho Chi Minh,though we used to call it Saigon.☝

The two countries used to stand in opposition severely under cold war of East and West camp.🆚

The opposition developed into the Vietnam War.North Vietnamese army joined forces with South Vietnamese Liberation Front,and they expelled the U.S.A. from their country.Then Vietnam was born in 1975.Vietnam is an only country which defeated the U.S.A.🎉

When being under control with foreign countries,while Ho Chi Minh experinced market economy as a capital of South Vietnam,without undergoing capitalism 資本主義,Hanoi adopted economy of socialism.😚

Those historical difference has caused economic gap between them😥

No.54 12/07/06 21:44
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 52 【Vietnam】 《While its north is politics,its south is economy』 Vietn… 【Vietnam】

《While its north is politics,its south is economy》

When realizing the difference between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh,we catch only a glimpse of history of Vietnam.We often compare with the two city like next.Northern part is politics,and southern part is economy.😃

Not only some ministries and government officers,but also the Communist Party's headquarters are in Hanoi.Hanoi is,so to speak,under socialism government's control.There are some lakes in the city.Though it's the capital of Vietnam,it is quiet.😚

Contrary to it,Ho Chi Minh is by far more bustling 賑やか than Hanoi.There are foreign companies' signboards so much that people who visit there can't believe their own eyes and think like next.『Are we really in a country of socialism?』😲

Investment from foreign countries have been active since the complete reform in which market economy is adopted.As for economy,Ho Chi Minh is by far more excellent than Hanoi.Why are those two cities so different?🙋

No.53 12/07/06 21:43
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 52 【Vietnam】

《While its north is politics,its south is economy》

When realizing the difference between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh,we catch only a glimpse of history of Vietnam.We often compare with the two city like next.Northern part is politics,and southern part is economy.😃

Not only some ministries and government officers,but also the Communist Party's headquarters are in Hanoi.Hanoi is,so to speak,under socialism government's control.There are some lakes in the city.Though it's the capital of Vietnam,it is quiet.😚

Contrary to it,Ho Chi Minh is by far more bustling 賑やか than Hanoi.There are foreign companies' signboards so much that people who visit there can't believe their own eyes and think like next.『Are we really in a country of socialism?』😲

Investment from foreign countries have been active since the complete reform in which market economy is adopted.As for economy,Ho Chi Minh is by far more excellent than Hanoi.Why are those two cities so different?🙋

  • << 55 【Vietnam】 《While its north is politics,its south is economy》 Vietnam which had been ruled by France as its colony since 1833 divided into north country and south one from 1954 to 1975.🇫 The one was North Vietnam.Its capital was Hanoi.The other was South Vietnam.Its capital was Ho Chi Minh,though we used to call it Saigon.☝ The two countries used to stand in opposition severely under cold war of East and West camp.🆚 The opposition developed into the Vietnam War.North Vietnamese army joined forces with South Vietnamese Liberation Front,and they expelled the U.S.A. from their country.Then Vietnam was born in 1975.Vietnam is an only country which defeated the U.S.A.🎉 When being under control with foreign countries,while Ho Chi Minh experinced market economy as a capital of South Vietnam,without undergoing capitalism 資本主義,Hanoi adopted economy of socialism.😚 Those historical difference has caused economic gap between them😥

No.52 12/07/02 21:45
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 51 【Vietnam】

《While its north is politics,its south is economy』

Vietnamese dishes such as 生春巻き and フォー have become familiar with gourmets,and Vietnamese miscellaneous goods 雑貨 has suddenly risen in popularity.フォー is Vietnamese udon.😃

New airport in Kansai area had opened.It has caused the boom.Direct flight between Osaka and Ho Chi Minh has started since the airport opened.✈

I'm sure lots of Japanese people think they can't be indifferent to the country.Plenty of Japanese tourists visit Ho Chi Minh.😃

When visiting Ho Chi Minh,if you have enough time,I recommend you go to Hanoi in the northern area.Vietnam expands from north to south.Its distance is about 1650㎞,so Vietnam is a long and narrow country.😃

As for its climate,northern area are different from southern one.As to disposition of the people in the both areas they contrast.🙋

In general,while people in Hanoi are diligent and tenacious 粘り強い,others in Ho Chi Minh are frank and open.開放的😃

  • << 54 【Vietnam】 《While its north is politics,its south is economy》 When realizing the difference between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh,we catch only a glimpse of history of Vietnam.We often compare with the two city like next.Northern part is politics,and southern part is economy.😃 Not only some ministries and government officers,but also the Communist Party's headquarters are in Hanoi.Hanoi is,so to speak,under socialism government's control.There are some lakes in the city.Though it's the capital of Vietnam,it is quiet.😚 Contrary to it,Ho Chi Minh is by far more bustling 賑やか than Hanoi.There are foreign companies' signboards so much that people who visit there can't believe their own eyes and think like next.『Are we really in a country of socialism?』😲 Investment from foreign countries have been active since the complete reform in which market economy is adopted.As for economy,Ho Chi Minh is by far more excellent than Hanoi.Why are those two cities so different?🙋

No.51 12/07/01 22:10
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 50 【Sri Lanka】

《A reason why Tamil people appeal their indepence》

It is LTTE which takes the initiative of the movement for their independence.The LTTE means タミール・イーラム解放の虎.🐯

Foothold 拠点 of their activities lies in ジャナフ.ジャナフ is the central city of northern part in Sri Lanka.🐯

It has brought about lots of terrorism such as assassination of the president.There has been so dangerous in both northern and eastern areas that foreigners are limited to go in.💀

It's said that we Japanese aren't interested in Asian politics very much,but when drinking tea,I'm wondering if we should think of Sri Lanka.☕

By the way,I'm sure LTTE is an abbreviation.I should have expressed its formal name in English,but I don't know about it,so I researched it,but I couldn't get any information which I want to do,so I give up it.😂


『The northern latitude 17,which used to be a military boundary』

《While its north is politics,its south is economy》

It seems that Vietnam has been quiet boom among the Japanese.

No.50 12/06/28 22:12
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 49 【Sri Lanka】

《A reason why minority of Tamil people appeal their independence》

In fact,strifes which retaliate for the violence with more violence 血で血を洗う between the Tamil and シンハラ have continued at present.💀

Needless to say,there is difference of religion,language,and race in a root of the strifes,but it was the policies only for シンハラ people which led to the strifes.💀

While the majority of the シンハラ continues changing their political power of the two of greatest politcl party,they made their language an official one.😥

In addition,シンハラ people gave the Hindism a position as semi state religion with constitution of Sri Lanka in 1972.In short,policies which treat the シンハラ people very well have been carried out.😠

After that,complaints about the policies grew so stronger that they developed into movements for indepndence.The earnest wish of the people of Tamil is founding their own kingdom,with separation of Sri Lanka into Northern area and Eastern one.😤

No.49 12/06/28 20:51
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 48 【Sri Lanka】

《A reason why minority of Tamil people appeal their independence》

Before the tea growing,plantation of cultivating coffee had been done widely there,but disease-causing germs spread so much that the plantation received fatal damage.😱

After that,it's said that tea growing had spread out rapidly.Lots of young girls of Tamil work at the tea gardens at present.As for the number of them,they are overwhelming,for people of the Tamil have the next history.☝
They were forced to be moved to the Sri Lanka from southern of India forcibly as the labor which worked in coffee plantation at the time of English colony.☕

The people of Tamil is minority in Sri Lanka.They make up for no more than 18% in the population of Sri Lanka.They believe in Hindism and speak language of Tamil.😃

Contrary to it,majority is the other people of シンハラ.They account for no less than 74% the population.Many of them believe in Buddhism,and speak the language of シンハラ😚

No.48 12/06/27 20:28
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

【Sri Lanka】

『Racial strife jolts the country which is famous for tea』

《A reason why minority of Tamil people appeal their independence.》

Sri Lanka which is one size smaller than Hokkaido prefecture lies in southeast in India.It's an island country of the tropical zone.🌴

Sri Lanka is an eminent country which produces tea in the world.We used to call the country Ceylon.Ceylon promulgated a new constitution 新憲法発布 in 1972.Then it changed its name of country into Sri Lanka.☕

Ceylon has also become big-name brand of Ceylon tea.By the way,as for the Ceylon tea which they drink at the actual spot 現地 is so sweet for we Japanese.☕

They love milk tea in which there are lots of sugar,for their typical dish is a curry which is extremely hot,what we call 激辛,so the very sweet drink must be suitable for their recess 休憩 after a meal☺

They grow the tea at their hilly area which is center of Sri Lanka.It was an end of the 19th century when they started to develop the place as tea garden.☕

No.47 12/06/26 21:50
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )


《There are plenty of talented programmers and so on》

While India has no less than a population of about one billion,it remains stagment 停滞 for a long time,so lots of people have called India a sleeping elephant,but the elephant may wake up earlier than we expect.🐘

By the way,I've described that India discovered zero in math.I was forced to praise it,for a book on which I'm based on says like that.😚

I can't grasp how significant the discovery of zero was at all.Both my thinking power and what the Indian had discovered zero.😂

However I've wanted to study math some day,for I've heard a person who is good at math can think a thing logically.😤

To my sorrow,whenever I see a a numerical formula of factorization 因数分解,I'm afraid my brain will be broken apart.😳

Besides,I can't understand division of fraction 分数の割り算 at all.

It's just that we reverse its denominator and numerator,分母と分子 but why?As long as the numerator is 1,I can understand its reason.Otherwise I can't in the least😳

No.46 12/06/26 19:57
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )


《There are lots of talented programmers》

It is Bangalore which is a center of the IT world in India.They call Bangalore Indian Silicon Valley.Silicon Valley is a popular name around サンノゼ・サンタクラ.😃

サンノゼ・サンタクララ lies in southern of Los Angels in the State of California.There are lots of enterprizes wiich are engaged in producing semiconductors there.😃

Roughly speaking there are about 600 magor private companies which are connected with the software.122 of them have their main offices 本社 in Bangalore.😃

Moreover,infrastructures such as facilities for communication are full,and there are the best university and the graduated school in Bangalore.Those facts have become base of development of the city.🙋

Next joke had been popular among the people in Silicon valley in the U.S.A.😃

Indian and Chinese integrated conductors were so excellent that IC was an abbreviation of India and China.😲

No.45 12/06/25 19:21
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 44 【India】

《There are lots of talented programmers》

The Indian have played an active part in the IT world so much that they become the center of the public attention.😃

Especially,they are oustanding as programmers,though they fall behind the American,but their export of software ranks second in the world.As for the IT world,India is by far more splendid than Japan.😱

As to the background which has produced many excellent programmers,their enthusiastic education for math has been pointed out.😲

While the Indian are seemingly happy-go-lucky のんびり,in fact,their educational backgrounds decide their worth and social positions.😔

Wealthy family make its children go to a cramming school 学習塾.Contrary to it,the people who are from the lower rank of Caste make a great effort in order to escape from their social wall such as the Caste or their poverty.😤

Mastering math is the quickest way which they win good occupations as technical experts.😤

No.44 12/06/24 22:18
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 43 【India】

《Caste is an institution with which is done away》

When working in a company or factory,their bosses may happen to be the lower rank in the Caste in India.😃

With development of Indian economic growth,people in the middle class have increased.It's also one of reason why the Caste institution has started to slump.😃

It's said that they are no less than 200 million.Their educatiomal background is high,and they love lifestyles which aren't tied to the Caste or religion.😃

It's industry of software which invented the people in the middle class.🙋

《There are plenty of talented programmers》

The Indian have been good at math since ancient times.They discovered zero.😃

They started numerical formula 数式 in which they adopted a principle of the number of decimal points.位取り It means that the number of 10 follows other one of 9.😃

Those achievements which have been glorious in the history of math aren't just shows.The Indian have started to testify their gifts in the 21th century.🙆

No.43 12/06/22 09:14
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 42 【India】

《Caste is an institution with which is being done away》

I made a mistake again.As for the last subheading of《》which started with Caste,it was in the wrong.This time,it's all right.I have to be more careful😳

I'm going to start my response from now on.😃

For example,let's supposed one in a higher rank in the Caste received some water from other one in a lower rank in the Caste.😃

However the upper one can't accept it,neither can it drink the water,for it's prohibited.They have thought the impurity of the lower rank sprdads to the higher one.😒

The Caste stands low in public estimation as discrimination 差別,but the institution is greatly being changed.😃

When leading their lives in a city,it's impossible for them to put the Caste into practice.For instance,when being board on a bus,they are forced to touch with others.😚

As for the water served in a restaurant,they can't inquire a person who served it.😚

No.42 12/06/21 21:44
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 41 【India】

《More than 1600 languages show history and variety of the country》

It was Gandhi who was opposed to separation into two countries until they divided.He also wished peaceful coexistence 共存 both Hindi and Muslim.😃

It is clear that he didn't show up at their commemorative ceremony 記念式典 of separation and independence,though he made a great contribution to the two countries' independence from England,for he wished to live together.😥

Gandhi was assassinated with Hindi next year.Moreover a worst thing which he feared brought about.Dispute between India and Pakistan broke out,and they were at war no less than three times.💀

《Caste is with an institution which is being done》

Speaking of India,a system of caste behind an idea of cleanliness and uncleanliness in Hindi is well-known.😃

It's a restricted institution which is detailed human relations such as types of job,circles of marriage.😣

No.41 12/06/21 17:52
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 40 【India】

『More than 1600 languages show history and variety of the country』

The national India Congress strengthen its characteristic as an important point of a war of independence then.

Contrary to it,it was a League of all Indian and Muslim which competed with the Congress.The League was organized in 1906.☀

The League was a group which protected right of Muslim.Though being different from each assertion,they had maintained friendly relations until World WarⅠ☺

However,a gulf between the two groups gradually became larger,the League came out with a theory in which there are two nation in India in 1940.😱

As a result,each group came to insist on establishing two kinds of country.The one was Hindi,and the other was Muslim.😱

Minority of Muslim hated to being ruled with the majority of Hindi.England allowed two of them to be independent from England.The Muslim one became Pakistan,and the Hindi one did India.☀

No.40 12/06/21 16:40
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 39 【India】

『More than 1600 languages show history and variety of the country』

It's an Indian charm that the understanding country accepts the variety,but what language do they use when talking with people in other area?😥

It's English.English newspapers with national circulation 全国紙 are printed in English.Besides,simultaneous interpretations of both English and Hindi have been done in their national assembly,for there are lots of members of the assembly who can't understand the Hindi at all.😃

It was England which had spread English over there.It was in the 18th century when England started rule on India ahead of other countries.English government began to govern India directly.🇬

The Indian National Congress which was a footing 足がかり for its independence started in 1858.Then group used to be a moderate one which Indian governor general admitted informally.😃

However,Gandhi declared nonviolence as a way of expansion for the right of self-government in 1920s,and…

No.39 12/06/20 10:56
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )


《The great country of software which Indian mathematics has produced》

『More than 1600 language shows history and variety of the country》

According to Indian public opinion poll in 2000,Japan was popular among with them,for their most favorite country was Japan then🎌

We can recognize an atmosphere of pro-Japanese 親日 such as a first Nobel prize winner for literature in Asia.😃

He had visited Japan no less than four times,moreover as for the present Indian national anthem 国歌,he wrote its words and composed it in the language of Bengal.😃

The language of India has been provide Hindi one which was spoken in the northern area in India,according to its constitution,though it has never realized yet.😚

Roughly speaking,there are no less than 1600 languages in India,including its dialects.As to an official language of its states,they are no less than 17.😲

Even if their national anthem is expressed in the language of Bengal which isn't their own language,they aren't worried about it at all.😚

No.38 12/06/19 22:04
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 37 【Bhutan】

《A reason why the country maintained the situation of national isolation》

Tibetan Buddhism occupies one of centers in Bhutan.We can recognize it when seeing a strange building in almost all of the towns in Bhutan.They call it ゾン.It means a castle.🏯

ゾン is a building which has both role of politics and religion.The building divides into two areas.One is the everyday world 俗世,and other is religious.😃

For example,there is the ゾン in its capital.As for the ones of the everyday world,its king or ministers work there.There are also public offices there.👑

As to other ones of religion,there are some temples,and residences for a thousand Buddhist priests.

Politics and religions are equal weight on the Bhutanese.Two of them live together under a roof.ダルシン swings in the wind halfway up the mountain.ダルシン is a flag in which sutras 経文 are printed.😚

No.37 12/06/19 20:58
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 36 【Bhutan】

《A reason why the country maintained the situathon of national isolation》

Mt.Himalayas lies in the eastern of Bhutan.The territory of the country is as large as Kyushu area in Japan.It was 1971 when the country joined in the United Nations,and it opened the door to foreign countries.😃

Why could the country keep on closing the door the foreign countries?Its key is a relation between the country and India.😃

Bhutan concluded a treaty with India in 1949.Instead of interference in the domestic affairs of Bhutan with India,Bhutan listened to advices of India,concerning diplomacy.😚

While Bhutan entrusted its diplomacy to India,it carried on its national isolation,hiding behind India.😒

If we want to recognize spiritual foundation of Bhutan,Tibetan Buddhism is necessary.There is an altar room at its best place in all the houses.☀

No.36 12/06/19 20:03
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 35 【Bhutan】

《A reason why the country maintained the situation of national isolation》

It seems that we can see their national costumes at special occasion such as festivals,but wherever we go to Bhutan,we can see them.👍

The Bhutanese have to wear their national costumes at an official place,for it's one of duties as its nation.😲

While the country maintains its traditiom,it has developed,for modernization of this country has made progress with very slow pace.😃

It was 1999 when a broadcast of TV began in Bhutan,and it was 1991 when a public telephone was set up there.☎

Monetary economy had never spread over the country until 1970s.Their basic system used to be barter one 物々交換 before the monetary system.They used to substitute their labor,or produce for their tax.Needless to say,it doesn't always mean it was long long ago.😲

What Bhutan had closed to the foreign countries may have caused an attitude in which they observed their tradition strongly.💡

No.35 12/06/19 15:08
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 34 【Mongolia】

《Relation between a market economy and Mongolian Empire》

Descendants of the Mongolian Empire have just stood at a starting point of the market economy.Mongolian economic growth had been minus on account of confusion of its economic system's shift in the beginning of 1990s.😣

However it accomplished no less than 3% of its economic growth rate of GDP in 1999.As to its political power,a political party which believe in socialism came into its power in 2000.😚

However it declared it would continue the market economy.Mongolia greatly expects Japan which assists it more than any other countries in the world.😚


『Unexplored region where Mt.Himalayas protect』

《A reason why the country maintained the situation of national isolation》

Whoever watched a work of an animated film produced by Hayao Miyazaki,『もののけ姫』 can imagine Bhutanese national clothes,for an idea of costume of the people in the village where a heroine of the animated film lived was obtained from the Bhutanese ones.🙋

No.34 12/06/19 08:48
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 33 【Mongolia】

《Relation between a market economy and Mongolian Empire》

It has been significant for history of human being to appear the Mongolian Empire which had enormous territory🎉

An appearance of the Mongolian Empire caused the next things.😃

Both people in Eastern Asia and Europe learned to negotiate directly,gunpowder and compass which were invented in the South Song dynasty 南栄 were introduced into Europe.🎊

In consequence,upcoming stage of large-scale of voyage was prepared.The Mongolian Empire seemingly seemed to repeat invasions,but it secured safety of traffic.㊗

Besides the Mongolian thought up bill which used to be epoch-making and abolished transit duty though being imposed a tax on things at a place where its sales came to an end.)😃

In short,the Mongolian Empire established global surroundings which is essential to the market economy.It means the Empire made people,money,and goods go and come freely from China to Eastern Europe.🙌

No.33 12/06/18 21:49
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 32 【Mongolia】

《Relation between a market economy and the Mongolian Empire》

Mongolia used to be a name of the tribe in which Genghis Khan was born.He was a founder of the Mongolian Empire.😃

He unified each tribe around Mongolian grassy plain in 1206.As you know,he established the great empire which extended from China over the Eastern Europe in history of human being in the Eurasian Continent.💮

Genghis Khan had continued to conquer with his military force,but he had to be war with each tribe which rode about the grassy plain freely in order to unify them.💣

However,the Mongolian Empire divided into five ones.It was Genghis Khan himself who caused the division.He divided his occupied territories into five for his four sons.👑

As a result,other four empires were born,then his family members put on display of family discord 骨肉の争い so as to win each throne.💀

It's great for us human being that the great Mongolian Empire appeared,for …

To be continued.By😁

No.32 12/06/18 20:57
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 30 『Continuation of the last remark of mine』 I'm going to express … 【Mongolia】

《Relation between a market economy and the Mongolian Empire》

In fact,the goats and sheep which the nomads 遊牧民 bred in Mongolia had been state-owned fortune until about 20 years ago.♈

Mongolia used to be the oldest country of socialism in Asia.However sudden changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet union such as Perestroyka had also shaken Mongolia so much that the country was forced to adopt the market economy.It was after 1990s.💰

As for their political sides,they have adopted democratization such as the system of President, plural political parties,and democratic elections.😃

Domestic animals have been replaced by private property,so wool,hides皮類,and cashmere which they get from their domestic animals,and mineral resources such as copper and gold have become important pillars which support the economy of their own country.♉

By the way,Mongolia has become the name of the country,but it used to be the just one of a tribe.😃

No.31 12/06/18 19:55
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

【English lesson at high school in Japan】

I'm wondering if English lessons have already started in an elementary school.Japan has already internationalized so much that the people concerned Japanese education seem to think English lessons have to be increased.😃

However,it's doubtful whether or not it'll be fruitful.I'm sure at first the people concerned education make the student recognize how pleasant English is.😁

Without doing it,they seem to be engaged in cramming other English knowledge.As a result,lots of people end up hating English.Therefore they feel allergy to English,I'm sure.😒

A chef has said like that.He is my few friends in this ミクル.Not only he is kind,but also he is good at English.🙋
A mother who has been friend with the chef seems to be also worried about English lesson at school.Studying something isn't a thing which is forced to do by anybody.😚

I'm sure she must have been a good mother.😃

No.30 12/06/18 14:11
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 29 『Continuation of the last remark of mine』

I'm going to express about rebellion of sepoy from now on.😃

In addition,England disregarded Indian religions and lifestyles.It caused the rebellion of sepoy.Moreover,merchants,farmers,and peasants also joined the rebellion.🆚

Thus,the rebellion developed like a war of independence of anti-England,but the rebel army had never been unified so much that England put down the demonstration in 1859.💀

After that,India had been under England direct control.🇬


『Exchange between East and West which has been caused the greatest territory in history』

《Relation between a market economy and the Mongolian Empire》

A great grassy plain,countless stars in the heavens,and what is called ゲル.The ゲル is a residental tent which they can move.It's a symbol of nomads 遊牧民 who lead their lives in a Mongolian grassy plain.😃

Mongolian unique culture stirs up our romanticism for the country,but unexpectedly,the country used to be …

To be continued.Bye😁

  • << 32 【Mongolia】 《Relation between a market economy and the Mongolian Empire》 In fact,the goats and sheep which the nomads 遊牧民 bred in Mongolia had been state-owned fortune until about 20 years ago.♈ Mongolia used to be the oldest country of socialism in Asia.However sudden changes in Eastern Europe and the Soviet union such as Perestroyka had also shaken Mongolia so much that the country was forced to adopt the market economy.It was after 1990s.💰 As for their political sides,they have adopted democratization such as the system of President, plural political parties,and democratic elections.😃 Domestic animals have been replaced by private property,so wool,hides皮類,and cashmere which they get from their domestic animals,and mineral resources such as copper and gold have become important pillars which support the economy of their own country.♉ By the way,Mongolia has become the name of the country,but it used to be the just one of a tribe.😃

No.29 12/06/14 22:10
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 28 【Nepal】

《Hired soldiers and sightseeing are pillars of acquisition of foreign currency》

The soldiers of グルカ have joined in Peacekeeping force for Eastern Thymol or Kosovo as an advanced guard of the English army.😃

If the ordinary Napalese become the soldiers of グルカ,their income will be better than other jobs in Nepal.Besides,they will be able to win honor,as a result,lots of people volunteer for the soldiers.😤

However,danger of being dead always follows them.When an unexpected disaster befalls them,the amount of English security money is different from other amount of the soldiers of the グルカ's so much.😱

The different treatment between the English and the Napalese is thought to be discriminative.Even the English regard the difference as questinnable.😒

By the way,the sepoy was a hired Indian soldier which belonged to the Eastern Indian company.England had almost conquered India with the company at the first half in the 19th century,but the Indian felt hostile toward England.😒

To be continued.😃

No.28 12/06/14 20:22
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 27 【Nepal】

《Hired soldiers and sightseeing are pillars of acquisition of foreign currency》

As for the last response of mine,I made a mistake again.『Untili at the end of the war』,I expressed like that,but it's in the wrong.I should have described『until the end of the war』It's shameful of me to made such a mistake.😳

The English army was surprised at the soldiers of グルカ who were excellent as warriors so much that it received the soldiers of グルカ into the English army as mercenaries 傭兵,for their bodies were robust because they lived in mountainous district,moreover they were loyal and brave.😲

After that,the soldiers of グルカ have fought at lots of merciless battlefields in the English history.For example, rebellion of sepoy,or the First World War.😃

It was the soldiers of グルカ which defeated Japanese army at Burmese front ビルマ戦線.When a dispute of Falkland with Argentina broke out,they organized a landing party 上陸部隊 to the dangerous main island.😱

No.27 12/06/13 08:09
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 26 【Nepal】

《Hired soldiers and sightseeing are pillars of acquisition of foreign currency》

Few Japanese people know other pillar for acquisition of foreign currency is hired soldiers.It's a remittance 送金 from soldiers of グルカ which is called the strongest military unit in the world to their own country.💰

グルカ soldiers are combat troops composed of the Napalese.The troops belong to English army at present.I'm going to express about how the troops started.😃

The episode is suitable for the brave title of the strongest army in the world.😲

The グルカ soldiers used to belong to a dynasty 王朝 of グルカ in the Kingdom of Nepal.The dynasty of グルカ was at war with England army in 1815 because of antagonism 対立 concerning interests 利害 of the Eastern Indian company🇬

The England army won a victory at the war,but historians called the war『tombs of the England』,for the England army was forced to be a hard fight with the グルカ soldiers until at the end of the war.😲

No.26 12/06/12 23:09
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )


『Hometown of soldiers of グルカ who is the strongest in the world』

《Hired soldiers and sightseeing are pillars for acquisition of foreign currency》

Nepal is to the south of China and lies to the north of India.It's famous for the Himalaya Mountains.😃

Well-known mountains such as Everest,including the highest peak in the world crowd together in the area.😲

The highest mountains which are more than 8000 meters are 14 in the world,to my surprise,8 of 14 are in Nepal.😲

Unfortunately, people in Nepal are poor.As for their foods,they are self-sufficiency 自給自足 ,but industrialization has made so less progresse that a way of acquisition of foreign currency is limited.It's their present situation.😥

Therefore sightseeing is a main pillar for acquisition of foreign currency.The people who visit Himalaya for trekking spend money on their sightseeing.It has made a great contribution to the economy of Nepal,but there is one more thing which has rendered great service its economy.It's…

No.25 12/06/12 08:50
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 22 【China】 『The problem is a gap between areas along the coast and othe… 【China】

『The problem is a gap between areas along the coast and others of inland』

Chinese wages are one 20th of Japanese.It's low wages are the Chinese most ability to compete with other countries.😃

If the labors become wealthy,ironically it may cause to move Chinese factories overseas.😱

Tremendous Chinese market is no less than 1.3 billion.Whether or not the gigantic market matures depends on Chinese economic situation in which manufacturing industry changes from its industrial structure.😃

There is a word of great Chinese territory,what is called 大中華圏.It's a Chinese network which exceeds limit as a country,including overseas Chinese.😃

The phrase of the great Chinese territory is suitable to make sure essence of huge Chinese market which can't be settled within a race,country,or even system.😲

As for my expression,I'm afraid I may have made a mistake.💧

❌ Wages are cheap

⭕ Wages are low

No.24 12/06/11 23:00
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

【What I've thought and etc】

As for the last response of mine,it doesn't always mean I look down on the others.I respect them,but I'm just myself,so I'll go ahead with my own way.😃

As to this thread of mine,I've expressed foreign countries mainly,but there are plenty of other things which I want to describe in English.😁

As having put up with them,I'm beginning to feel the stress.As to the number of hit for my thread,it's the most of all my threads.😍

Needless to say,I'm happy and am grateful to all of the people for reading my response,but I'm apt to want to express something trifling sometimes.😳

I was afraid it would prevent me from increasing the number of hit,but I'll express what I want to,though I'll do mainly,being based on『面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方』🌏

However I've never been abroad at all.I wish I could go someday,though it limits to a short period,for without Japanese rice,I can't lead my life.🍚

No.23 12/06/11 22:08
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

【What I've thought】

As you recognize,I'm 51 years old,and I'm still single,so I have neither my wife nor a child.I'm wondering if I'm eccentric.😥

Contrary to it,lots of others about my age have decent families.They support their family,working hard.😃

I think I've worked hard,and I've never have something wrong…maybe💦

However I'm apt to feel inferior to them.Supporting a family is a great thing,but neither I'll get married,nor I have my own family.😃

It's substitution of the family that I need,I'm sure.I feel somehow feel small to others,for I neglect to do something valuable,for example,supporting the family,but there is English beside me,so I have to study English harder.😤

I have to make up for what I don't have with English.I want to lead my life,sticking out my chest.🙋

In short,I'm just myself.Neither I can become other nor I need to do. Japanese people resemble what is called 金太郎飴,I'm wondering.Wherever we cut off the candy,its cut ends are uniform 均一.I'm not the 金太郎飴 at all😂

No.22 12/06/11 10:02
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 21 【China】

『The problem is a gap between areas along the coast and others of inland』

As for GDP for a person,there is a great difference between Shanghai and a farming village of inland.Roughly speaking, Shanghai's GDP is ten times as valuable as other of the farming village of inland.😥

Nobody can stop the stream of the people who try to go to the southeast areas along the sea from the farming village so as to find work.😱

China could join in WTO formally in 2001 after it had struggled for 15 years,though a kind of disturbance in 天安門 had an effect on it.😃

It seems to increase an investment from foreign countries,but labors' income at the lower levels of Chinese society is very likely to be left as it is.😫

Lots of enterprises in the world moved their factories to China after Chinese economic revolution,or emancipation 解放 in 1979.As a result,we have called China『factory for the world』🎉

However in fact cheap labor force supports Chinese economy.😥

  • << 25 【China】 『The problem is a gap between areas along the coast and others of inland』 Chinese wages are one 20th of Japanese.It's low wages are the Chinese most ability to compete with other countries.😃 If the labors become wealthy,ironically it may cause to move Chinese factories overseas.😱 Tremendous Chinese market is no less than 1.3 billion.Whether or not the gigantic market matures depends on Chinese economic situation in which manufacturing industry changes from its industrial structure.😃 There is a word of great Chinese territory,what is called 大中華圏.It's a Chinese network which exceeds limit as a country,including overseas Chinese.😃 The phrase of the great Chinese territory is suitable to make sure essence of huge Chinese market which can't be settled within a race,country,or even system.😲 As for my expression,I'm afraid I may have made a mistake.💧 ❌ Wages are cheap ⭕ Wages are low

No.21 12/06/10 22:12
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 20 【China】

『The problem is a gap between areas along the coast and other ones of inland』

An economic special district established in 1979 has caused the present growth.The district has an aim of introduction of foreign capital and technical skill.☀

The district is three in Canton 広東省,one in Fujan 福建省,and one in an island of Hainan 海南.Three of them are along the coast which are near Hong Kong or Taiwan.🌴

It's said Chinese government chose those areas,considering common ground 接点 with overseas Chinese residents.😲

The expectation seems to be successful for the present,but economic development hasn't made progress so less that income difference between the area of inland and other one along the coast has become a problem.😥

There is a Chinese proverb like next.『A peafowl 孔雀 flies toward southeast.』It indicates great movement of Chinese working population.🐥

No.20 12/06/10 18:33
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 19 【China】

『Wherever we go in the world,we can eat Chinese food』

The Chinese Communist party has come into a political power since 1949.It's said that if the party carried the attcck all the way to Macao or Hong Kong then,it would recapture those areas from the foreign countries' colonial policies.😃

However the Chinese Communist Party didn't,for it's said it wanted to leave two places to contact with overseas Chinese.😲

『The problem is a gap between areas along the coast and other one of inland』

England returned Hong Kong to China in 1997,and Portugal also restored Macao to China in 1999.😃

Both of the areas belong to China which believes in socialism as special administsative district.The system of capitalism has been secure for 50 years in the both areas.As a result,China has realized two systens in a country.☀

Chinese economy accomplished economic growth rate of 8% in 2000.The country's economy has shown us a good condition.💰

No.19 12/06/09 17:37
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )


『Whenever we go in the world,we can eat Chinese dish』

Even if what kind of countries we go,we can eat Chinese dish in almost all of the greatest city, for Chinese people had moved to each place in the world in order to seek for their jobs,or to avoid confusion of war or revolution there.Yokohama and Kobe are also famous for their Chinese foods.🍴

Lots of people who are called overseas Chinese 華僑 come from Guangdong 広東省 or Fujian 福建省,and it's said they are 25 million in the world.😲

Roughly speaking,21 million in Southeast Asia,a million in the U.S.A,0.45 million in Canada,0.4million in Europe,and 0.3million in Australia.😃

As for their nationality,some left them in China,and others get other ones at the other countries where they move,so their relations between China are varied.😃

However,when being greatly damaged by a flood in China in 1991,with a proverb of『Blood is thicker than water』,contributions gathered from overseas Chinese all over the world.😲

No.18 12/06/08 16:45
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 17 【China】

《People who had been put outside Sinocentrism 中華思想》

Minority in China folloxed the Han race who take over Chinese civilization and have good command of Chinese culture and ethics like the Han race.Chinese people had thought it was good.😒

In an area where minority live,the right of self-government is allowed to some extent,so there are five area which are allowed the right of self-government such as five area ,Inner Mongolia,Tiaetan one and so on.😃

However,in Uighur Autonomous Region 自治区,the Uighur race makes up for no more than 20% there,they were just minority even their own Autonomous Region.☀

Contrary to it,an exception is Tibetan one.Tibetan people account for no less than 95% there.As having grown anti-Han race feeling since 1980s,demonstrations which demanded for their independence often have broken out.🆚

With those domestic racial construction,it's overseas Chinese which show us a variety of Chinese people in the world.😃

No.17 12/06/08 14:03
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 16 【China】

《The people who had been put outside Sinocentrism 中華思想》

There had never been concept of nation in China until about a hundred years ago.Japanese people adopted 民族 of Japanese word in order to translate the nation of English word and Chinese statesmen began to use the nation at the end in the 清 era.It's an origin of the nation which the Chinese have adopted.😃

Why had there never been the a general idea of the nation in China? It's simple,for the country's idea for China which had been spread over those people since ancient times didn't need it at all.😃

There is a phrase of『文ヲモッテ化ス』in China.It means like the next.😃

A man of exceptional virtue tells and admonish the people in a remote region.Thus it enlighten the people in the frontier area.Chinese people have regarded it as a powerful person's権力者 ideal.😃

People who enjoy Chinese civilization have a sense of superiority that their culture is by far more excellent than others.We call it Sinocentrism.☀

No.16 12/06/07 19:27
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )


『Immeasurable energy which great Chinese network has』

《The people who have been put outside Sinocentrism 中華思想》

A female driver of a tractor,a lathe worker 旋盤工,a laborer who is works in a steel mill 製鋼所,and a delegate who is coming out of a great hall.😃

If you can guess what those people are right,it means that you are well-informed in China.They used to be motives of Chinese bills which they spent as money.😃

Images which ordinary people work were expressed on the Chinese bills.I'm wondering if the bills had indicated that China is socialism.😚

As having been replaced with the former bill,profiles of 14 races such as the Mongolian and Tibetan are expressed on the present Chinese bill which appeared about in 1987.😃

China is a variety of nation-state.Its number are no less than 66.The Han race commands no less than 92% of Chinese population.😲

As to the other races,チワン race,満州 one,and 回 one follow.😃

No.15 12/06/07 18:14
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 14 『North Korea which puts on a display of active diplomacy』

Its author was wondering if open,or maintaining the status quo 現状維持…As for North Korean future,no one can predict.😚
While both of Korean people have longed for the unification 統一 of the two countries as the racial earnest wish,North Korea is only one with which Japan has never established diplomatic relative among the countries in the UN 国連.😃

Suspicion about taking Japanese people away from Japan and ballistic missile 弾道弾 prevent us from establishing diplomatic relative with North Korea,so lots of people,including we Japanese,have been eagerly waiting for early settlement.😚

By the way,I've expressed these responses,being based on『面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方』,as I've told,but the book seems to having written about ten years ago,so I'm afraid it'll be too old as information.If I knew the international situation well,I could add the latest one to my responses.I'm sorry for it😂

No.14 12/06/07 08:52
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 13 『North Korea which puts on a display of active diplomacy』

North Korea established diplomatic relations with 13 countries such as Germany,EU,and Turkey in 2001.😃

North Korea was at war with 16 countries in the Unite Nations at the Korean war,but except for America and France,the country restored diplomatic relations with all the countries which fought against with it.🎉

When a leader in North Korea visits China,it plans to inspect securities exchanges 証券取引所 and laboratories of software,and to establish first management faculty at a university in North Korea😃

What is called 『新思考』which North Korea declares is opaque yet,but thre is no doubt that North Korea is considering introduction of foreign capital positively in order to get rid of difficulties in which their food and electric power are lacking.😚

For example,North Korea has set up homepage for Japan so as to attract tourists,and it's a second official as a website for foreign countries.😃

No.13 12/06/07 00:16
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 12 『North Korea which puts on a display of active diplomacy』

The Korean Peninsula was divided into the North one and South other because of the Korean War after the Japanese colonial policy.🔥

Therefore,after the division,a top-level meeting in June in 2000 between each two leaders of the North and South Korea was a historic event.㊗

The problem in which lots of families have been broken up are members of families who got scattered over North and South owing to disorders of the war.😥

North Korea has developed positive diplomacy almost stimultaneously with the top-level summit,so we find that the country is groping new direction in which the country should go ahead.😚

North Korea opened diplomatic relations with Italy for the first time among developed 7 advanced countries.☀

With that as a start,the North Korea has established diplomatic relations with Australia, Philippines,and England.☀

No.12 12/06/05 23:05
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 11 『Content of what is called 本貫 which controls their marriage』

本貫 are birthplaces of korean people's ancestors.Therefore,a man and woman who don't have same family name,but also their 本貫 are same ones mean they are the same family.👪

Even if they love so much each other,they can't get married then.😔

There are 族譜 in Korea,and the next things are being described in the 族譜.Men's names and the year when they were born and they were dead.Whether or not they had experienced government official.本貫 which was a place where they were born.Places of their mausoleums廟 😃

The grand 族譜 is the most valuable thing for the whole family.Korean people who lead their lives with their relatives and their ancestors which have been unbroken.🇰

Wherever people live,the members of their family are most precious ones for them.Lots of family members of Korean people have left alone in North Korea.Problems of the family had been broken up increases seriousness when recalling their 族譜😭

No.11 12/06/04 21:41
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 10 『Content of what is called 本貫 which controls their marriage』

As for the last response of mine,I'm sure that there a few misspelled words.When expressing my response,I felt so sleepy that I made some mistakes.😳
              I'm sorry for it.I have to apologize all of the people who read my response my mistakes.🙏

I'm going to return to my subject from now on.😃

Korean people often ask us our age even if that is the first time we meet them.We Japanese are liable to think it's impolite of them,but there are definite ranks between older people and younger ones in Korea,for they make much of Confucianism 儒教🇰

As to we Japanese,there is more difficult system to understand in Korea.It's what is called 同本同姓.It's important for the people of marrageable age 結婚適齢期,in particular.💑

As to family names,there are no more than 250 in Korea,but the man and woman who try to get married have the same family name,it's no problem.😃

Contrary to it,if their 本貫 are same,it'll be a trouble,for…

No.10 12/06/01 23:06
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 9 『Though having graduated from university with great effort…』

Korean main military units are under the command of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers of American and Korea.🇰

When a war which has a vital interest between Korea and America breaks out,America will take their initiative.🇺

The Korea has had deep-rooted anti-Japanese feeling,but it started removing ban for popular Japanese culture in 1998.🇰

Though criticism has been raised for recognition of Japanese history,fighting over expressions of Japanese history in 2001.Inerdependence between the two countries will be raised,but it won't stop.

『Content of what is called 本貫 which controlls their materrial.』

It was Confusion's virtue on whic had greatly effect Korean people.It has been spread out over Korean world so deeply that it has great impact on them

No.9 12/05/29 21:24
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 8 『Though having graduated from university with great effort…』

In Korea,a college-going rate was no more than 36% in 1985,but with economic growth,it reached no less than 68% in 2000.It seems that Korean national character which they study hard reflects.🇰

Going to college has been brotght into widespread among the people.It caused the people in Korea jobs shortage.Moreover depression has a great effect on their getting job.😥

Korea met with monetary and financial crisis in 1997,as a result,it was forced to reform under control with IMF.😥

Korea proceeded its reformation under Kim Dae Jung government,so its economy was getting closer its recovery,but the rate of employment of new graduates 新卒 was 56.7% in 2001.It came to a standstill.😣

Korean main industries are electronic parts,semiconductors 半導体,and automobiles.It mainly trades with America and Japan.🚗

Korea has been strongly connected with America for military purpose since the Korean War.🇰

No.8 12/05/28 09:31
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 7 『Though having graduated from university with great effort…』Ⅱ

Even government offices and enterprizes start working one hour late on that day of the entrance exam in Korea.😚

A root of the entrance examination war which has gone too far 過熱 is what is called the system of 両班リャンパン,which has started from the Kourai era.It's more than a thousand years ago.😃

The 両班 is a system of office and rank 官位 which followed other Chinese one,科挙.In short,the 両班 is a public servant's position.🇰

What is called the 科挙 is a national examination in order to enter in government service,and as long as they can pass the exam,they become 両班,and the privileged classes are guaranteed to them then.😒

As having been inherited a tradition of in which they make much of the exam,a person's educational background 学歴 decides its worth and social position in Korea.🇰
However lots of university students are in difficulty owing to jobs' shortage in Korea.🇰

No.7 12/05/25 19:20
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 6 【Grand family trees of Korea 家系図】

『Though having gradated from university with great effort…』

There is a phrase of syndrome of entrance examination in Korea.The syndrome is next symptoms because of extreme anxiety for the entrance exam to university.They suffer from delusion 妄想、an auditory hallucination 幻聴,and insomnia 不眠症.😱

It's no joke.The thought that entrance examinations for university are serious affair in their lives is deep-rooted in Korea.🇰

It's natural for them to study until midnight,even if their sleeping hours end up being no more than three or four.😥

It's annual event that their mothers or members of family keep eyes on them, holding their breath in front of a site of taking exam.👵

Others are lenient with the examinees so much that we've frequently heard that even a police car drove the examinee who had fear of being late for its entrance exam to the site with full speed in every year.🚓

No.6 12/05/24 18:07
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 5 《There are several countries in Asia.Their economic growths are being completed》Ⅱ

Contrary to it,China which is socialist seemed to be behind those countries,but it has continued to grow economically since 1980s when China introduced economy of liberalism to itself.🇨

As a result,CHina succeeded in adopting market economy.In addition,it has become a member of WTO December in 2001.😃

While therefore,economical forms seem to be arranged in Asia,terrorisms which seemed have arisen from religion or races,and disputes which were opposition between some ethnic groups exploded as if the troubles had run counter to their economical development.😱

Comparing with other areas,lots of ethnic groups live in Asia.As for religion,except for Buddhism,Christianity,and Islam,there are still a variety of religions in Asia.😔

In short, Asia seems to be more chaotic in the 21th century.😠

No.5 12/05/23 18:43
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 4 【World of Asia which which is in a chaotic state.It's made up with varied ethnic groups】

『Our world's total population are about 61 billion.Roughly speaking,its 60% live in Asia.A variety of ethnic groups and religion get complicated so much that Asia is the most chaotic area in the world.Asia is roughly divided into five regions,but I'm going to express outlines of East Asia,southeast one,and south one』

《There are several countries in Asia.Their economic growth is being accomplished》

It was after 1980s when Asian each country which had been European colony since modern times began to grow economically.😃

As to economical revival,Japn was the fastest in Asia after the Great WarⅡ,and our country had accomplished rapid economic growth in 1970s.🇯

After that each country of NIES such as Korea,Taiwan,Hong Kong,and Singapore introduced technical skills of advanced nations,and they succeeded in industrialization.🇰

Then each country of ASEAN such as Philippine,Indonesia,and Malaysia followed.😃

No.4 12/05/21 19:09
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 3 『Preface』Ⅳ

For example,when reading newspapers,or watching news items at TV program,we are apt to have some questions about them.😃

Why does the phenomena happen just in the area?Dispute 紛争 has broken out in an area.What is its background?Some countries always dislike each other.Why?😱

Its author collected lots of topic from various areas in order to live up to readers' curiosity.😃

As for structure of the book,its classification is different from ordinary ones.Its author collected the Middle East and North Africa as an area of Mediterranean Sea,moreover he put together part of South America as North one.😚

They are on account of an editing of the author.Those areas were classfied from a point of a view of a cultural sphere 文化圏.😃

The world where we live has become borderless rapidly since the end of the 20th century,so we actually feel as if the world were getting smaller,but there are lots of strange countries with which we Japanese aren't familiar.Then please make use of this book,面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方🙋

No.3 12/05/20 22:03
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 2 『Preface』Ⅲ

In addition,we don't know how the people are,or how they lead their lives in the foreign countries.To begin with,the geography is hard to classify.😥

The geography includes natural science such as geographical feature,climate,environment.The subject also contains cultural science 人文科学 such as history,politics,and economy.😃

The subject extends over fieldwork which is done outdoors.In short,the geography includes wide scholarly territory.😲

Some other pieces of information which are reported in guidebooks for sightseeing like noted places名所,souvenirs,accomodations,and traffic are kind of geographies.☝

However I think it impossible to cover all of them in this place.As for main point,I try to tell you chief countries' present situation in the world.😃

I've collected topics as reading matters in which we can get information of history,culture,economy.😃

Needless to say,those remarks aren't mine,but the author's of『面白いほどよくわかる世界地図の読み方』😳

No.2 12/05/19 08:56
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

>> 1 『Preface』Ⅱ

With the detailed information of the disaster in the U.S.A.on 11th of September in 2001,we became aware of lacking of another information and knowledge such as the international situation,politics,economy,history,and religion in order to make the disaster clear.😥

If those information is collected and is published in book form,it'll be very useful.

By the way,I've expressed these responses,being based on a book,『面白いほどわかる世界地図の読み方』edited bx 世界情勢を読む会,published by 文芸社.

Therefore almost all of my remarks in this thread are none of my own thought.It's just that I try to say them in English.😂

I'll continue its preface.💦

As to geography which we'd learned when we were students,I get the impression the subject is just the memory work.暗記物.😥

Even if we've learned the superficial explanation such as the name of the country,its capital,climate,geographical feature,and industry,we have no idea about its history,economy,and culture at all.😥

No.1 12/05/18 06:11
燻し銀三 ( Oe38xe )

【How to understand a world map】


The terrorism in the U.S.A the 11th of September in 2001 which shocked the world made us think a variety of things.😃

We recognized not only the world's public opinion spread out,but also international network of organization of terrorism which covered a wide area had exposed to us.😃

The news of the mass media which started after the disaster was speedy and went into detail.📺

When the scene of the story shifted to Afghanistan,the mass media took up the country as its news,lots of people who had never been interested in the country at all could recognize its complicated racial problems.😥

At the same time,varied questions occurred to us.☝

Why did the organization of terrorism attack the U.S.A.? Who was its ringleader? What was a background of its idea?😥

What was their source of money? Why did they run into Afghanistan? At first,what kind of country is Afghanistan?💡

  • << 2 『Preface』Ⅱ With the detailed information of the disaster in the U.S.A.on 11th of September in 2001,we became aware of lacking of another information and knowledge such as the international situation,politics,economy,history,and religion in order to make the disaster clear.😥 If those information is collected and is published in book form,it'll be very useful. By the way,I've expressed these responses,being based on a book,『面白いほどわかる世界地図の読み方』edited bx 世界情勢を読む会,published by 文芸社. Therefore almost all of my remarks in this thread are none of my own thought.It's just that I try to say them in English.😂 I'll continue its preface.💦 As to geography which we'd learned when we were students,I get the impression the subject is just the memory work.暗記物.😥 Even if we've learned the superficial explanation such as the name of the country,its capital,climate,geographical feature,and industry,we have no idea about its history,economy,and culture at all.😥



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