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桜( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )
10/03/26 21:18(更新日時)

🌼I'm going to write this diary mainly in English, though I may use German from time to time, like the tytle of this thread.

🌼I warn you, though,that I'm not a native speaker of neither of these languages, so when you find any mistakes, don't laugh(;_;)
I'm doing this to improve my skills☆

🌼Comments are welcome, but please write them in English or German.

🌼The contents of the diary will be just about my private life, about the books I've read or it could be…anything.

Here we go!🌱

No.1157908 08/04/12 00:39(スレ作成日時)



No.1 08/04/12 00:53
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

Today I read a phrase that really impressed me.

Your today which you don't want to go through is somebody's tomorrow, that he couldn't but was dying to have.

It's so
So powerful words, though, aren't they?

We humans are so complex a being, that we can't satisfiy ourselves with just what we've got…

We really are strange creatures.

No.2 08/04/16 00:06
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

A new term has started.
I can't believe 2 years have passed already since I moved to Tokyo. Indeed, time flies!

I was looking for articles for my report today…
then I found somethig that left me deeply troubled.
It was about a girl, named Liliana. She was, the author wrote, standing on the street from 2pm to 6am, offering her body to anyone who was intrested in buying it. What for? For her mom and four younger ones.It was her job.
A prostite. She was only 11 years old…

I know it's wrong to compare her situation to those of the 11- year-old kids in Japan. It's a pointless and meamingless thing to do.

This must be changed, though. I need to believe that it must be, and can be, in the future not so far from now.

We often hear people say, you can never be truly happy as long as that happiness is founded on others' misfortune.

"You" means everbody, and so does "others."
As Nithingale said, it's up to us how far we can extend our view.

No.3 08/06/23 00:23
チワワ ( ykpp1 )

why don't u make any foreigner or native friends?? maybe u ganna be better to speak and write than now .a just thought like so while a reading urs.

  • << 5 Hi, Mr.or Ms. Chihuahua! I'm really sorry I couldn't visit here sooner. I never noticed I had received your response. Thank you very much for your advice, too ― I do know a couple of foreign people to practice with, but it's not so often that we hang round together. Thank you for your comment, though. I hope you will look in again some time! Sakura

No.4 08/12/01 23:48
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

A couple of days before, one of my closest friends was dumped by her boyfriend, who happend to be a close friend of mine,too.
It was quite a shock, though I bet it is nothing compared to what she had to go through.

She was devastated…it happend all so suddenly,it seems.

" I have never had anybody like him…I thought we will be together for ever and ever.It feels like my entire character is suddenly denied and rejected," she said.

She is still in pain, but I hope that it will pass, someday.

I hope that ― though I know it sounds hypocritic, to hope this when my friend has lost her love ― mine will last, too.
It is too unthinkable, that my boyfriend can do the same to me. Just like that.

No, HIM I can believe in totally.
I hope he thinks just the same about me!

No.5 08/12/01 23:56
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

>> 3 why don't u make any foreigner or native friends?? maybe u ganna be be… Hi, Mr.or Ms. Chihuahua!
I'm really sorry I couldn't visit here sooner. I never noticed I had received your response.

Thank you very much for your advice, too ― I do know a couple of foreign people to practice with, but it's not so often that we hang round together.
Thank you for your comment, though. I hope you will look in again some time!


No.6 08/12/04 23:32
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

I had my birthday today.
It seems odd, but I don't feel like I have changed that much. I am only a child - in many ways.

Since I came back here with my family, I miss my boyfriend terribly. My sister's dog gives me comfort more than most other things. It is when I pet the dog that I realize I'm lonly. She just needs to be petted and caressed, that little thing!

For lonely people, a yearning hand - or a paw - can be the greatest comfort most of times.

I wonder if my boyfriend is lonely, too, for he just loves it so much when I snuggle in his arms.
Maybe he is.
Maybe he chose me because he could see through it all and knew how much I needed those arms.

No.7 08/12/06 15:34
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

When I read through the threads written by young people like me, I feel ashamed of my being so childish. There are many people who have a family already and working hard to support it.

I can't behave like an adult, but I cannot be hard and dry and not be wavered by trifles either. I am still inmature but not innocent and young enough to understand the feelings of children.

I wonder, if I ever will be able to be myself and comfortable with it at once.

No.8 08/12/06 15:46
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

My mother is going to get married in the spring. I hope she will be happy. She had had to stand so much and enjoyed herself so little.

My elder sister doesn't get along with the new husband. He doesn't like her, either. He doesn't really care about the rest of us, either, though.
I don't care for myself, but I'm not sure my litte brother can live comfortably with him. He is still an adlocent and have many problems. I don't want my stepfather hurting him. The worst thing is that he does it without noticing it…

No.9 09/05/21 09:11
englishwiz ( 2hvzxe )

May I say, your English is excellent. I don't see any reasons for you to "improve"??? But huv a fun!

No.10 09/05/26 00:14
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

>> 9 Gosh, I thought there won't be anybody who would read this any more!
Thanks a lot, Mr/Ms Englishwitz!

I'm not sure how often I can come here to write things, but I will enjoy it😉
Thanks again!

No.11 09/11/21 06:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ Oe38xe )

I have been studying English for about three years,thouh I cannot speak English very much.I am looking forward to taking part in this site.
See you later

No.12 09/11/21 06:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ Oe38xe )

I used to work at a factory.Then I was in the night shift.I was worried about someting horrible.
So I usually finished working in the midnight.
When I was on the way to the home,I sometimes pass a cemetary.Whenever I passed that place, there was a car parking in front of it.

It was scared me,in that place in that time,what's happen😨,I was wondering.
Although I wanted to knnw it,I could't.I hate ghosts.
too scared to do
to be continued

No.13 09/11/21 07:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ Oe38xe )

I'm sorry,I made a mistake.I thouht you were the only one that participate in this site,but it isn't😂
I'm sorry😭

No.14 10/03/26 21:11
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

Es ist lange her, seitdem ich zum letzten mal etwas auf Deutsch geschrieben habe. Es ist aber viel laengere Zeit, seitdem ich hier in meinem Tagebuch etwas geshrieben habe.
Seitdem ist vieles passiert. Vor allem, ich war nach Detuschland gefahren.
Das war das dritte mal dass ich im Ausland bin.
Drei Monate lang war ich dort geblieben. Eine lange, aber auch sehr kurze Weile war das gewesen.

Ich hoffe nur, dass es war nicht nur mein Deutsch, das besser geworden ist, sondern auch meine eigene Personlichkeit. Aber ich weiss es nicht.

No.15 10/03/26 21:18
桜 ( 20代 ♀ aXyo1 )

Heute habe ich ein sehr serioeses Gespraech mit meinem Freund gehabt.
Er hatte so viel Angst...das war teilweise meine Schuld. Ich war letzter Zeit sehr hart mit ihm. Ich hatte trozdem keine Ahnung, dass er so verletzt gefuehlt hatte.

Wir beide haben so viel geweint..aber zum Ende war alles OK.
Er lachte, dass er so ganz unkuehl ist. Das war er auch! Er weinte wie ein Baby...
Ihn liebe ich aber vor allen. ich habe ihm heute praktisch um die Hand gebetet..oder umgekehrt? Das war alles so lustig.

Ich habe mir aber eines erschlossen;wenn ich irgendwann heiraten werde, dann ihn wird es sein. Niemand anderen.




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