

レス472 HIT数 26310 あ+ あ-

名無し( 50代 ♂ )
21/09/20 20:32(更新日時)

【English lecture for a beginner】


I love English and want to express everything in English.


As for its title,I'm sure I'm also a beginner, and I'm afraid I'm wondering my English ability is superior enough to tell others English.😳


However there seem to be plenty of people who want to study English,but they don't know how to do it.🔤


I hope my thread will help them to study English.As for some questions except for my thread,please refrain from doing,even if they are English questions.


In addition,please don't abuse and write a defamatory.My heart is made from a glass,so I won't undergo them.


Hey.中学生さん。I'm here.


No.1692386 11/10/22 17:48(スレ作成日時)


No.1 11/10/22 18:01


  • << 3 Thank you for your response. レスありがとう御座います。🙋 As for the main point of this thread,being based on a reference book,I will express. このスレの主旨として、ある参考書に基づいて記述していきます。🔤 Its title is『やり直しの中学英語』.I'm afraid I'm not good at explanation, but I'll try it. タイトルは『やり直し中学英語』自分は説明は上手くないと思うけど、やってみます。😃 The reference book itself seems to be easy,but the problem is my explanation.💧 参考書自体は易しそうなんだけど、問題は自分の説明💧

No.2 11/10/22 18:31
名無し2 ( 20代 ♀ )


  • << 4 Thank you for your response. レスありがとう御座います🙋 Oh!You live near an American military base.It means you have a lot of chances to talk with the people who are engaged in the base. 米軍基地の近くに住んでるんですか。基地の人達と話す機会が沢山ありますね😃 Studying something is hard,I'm sure.Without forcing oneself into a position in which the one have to do it,to achieve one's purpose may be hard. 何かを勉強する、という事は大変だと思います。やらなければならない、という状況においこまないと、目的達成出来ないかも、ですね。 As for me,nothing is left to me,except for English,so I'm forced to study English. It's just that I'm a lonely guy. 自分には、英語しか残ってないんです。だから、勉強せざるを得ないんです。寂しい奴なんで😫

No.3 11/10/22 19:38
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 1 全然、解らない。かなり尊敬。 Thank you for your response.


As for the main point of this thread,being based on a reference book,I will express.


Its title is『やり直しの中学英語』.I'm afraid I'm not good at explanation, but I'll try it.


The reference book itself seems to be easy,but the problem is my explanation.💧


No.4 11/10/22 19:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 2 すごいですね‼私は米軍基地がある地域に住んでるので、外人が多く英語ができればな~と思う事が多々あります… 時間がないのを言い訳にしてますが😣 Thank you for your response.


Oh!You live near an American military base.It means you have a lot of chances to talk with the people who are engaged in the base.


Studying something is hard,I'm sure.Without forcing oneself into a position in which the one have to do it,to achieve one's purpose may be hard.


As for me,nothing is left to me,except for English,so I'm forced to study English. It's just that I'm a lonely guy.


No.5 11/10/22 23:00
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Verbs of be such as am,is and are】

【am, is,are などのbe 動詞】


I'm a teacher.

『Verbs of be which mean A=B』

As for its typical usage,when telling others A=B,we adopt the verb.It's so simple.




For example,when letting oneself to others like that the myself(A)= teacher(B),we use the verb of be such as is like next.

I'm a teacher.

例えば、自分 A= 教師 B と自己紹介する時、I am a teacher、と言った具合に使います😃

When changing its subject and introducing another one to others as a nurse,A(She)= B(nurse』we say it like next

She is a nurse.

主語を変えて、別の人を紹介する時『彼女、A= 看護婦』と言う意味で、次のように言う

She is a nurse

Verb of be means A=B,so we can use it for a explanation for a thing or definition. I'm going to show you some examples.

Be 動詞は、A=Bと言うことを意味するので、物事の説明、定義をする時使えます。例を上げてみます。🙋

That is Mt.Fuji. Explanation

This is a school. Explanation

Time is money. Explanation

Music is an entertainment. Definition

あれは富士山です。 説明

これは学校です 説明

時は金なり 説明

音楽は娯楽です 定義

No.6 11/10/23 08:47
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 5 【Verbs of be such as am,is,and are】Ⅱ

【am,is, and are などのbe動詞】

Continuation of last response of mine


Let's change a way of saying this and that to the occasion.🙋

その時どきによって、this,that を使い分けよう。

When using this,we use it which is a place close to us.

This を使う時は、近い場所。

Contrary to it,when using that, we use it which is place far away from us.

これに対して、that は離れた所に使う🙋

A part of speech of A=B

When talking A about its introduction, explanation, and definition in order to be A=B,we use B for two kinds of parts of speech.



①Noun:Names of things,including a person's name.

②Adjective,which describes the nouns in detail.



Then we usually call a thing which is correspondent to A subject,and another one which corresponds to B the predicate.


I'll show you some examples of which parts of B are adjective next time

See you next weekend.👋


  • << 33 Continuation 続き Tom is tall. Mike is short. トムは背が高い マイクは背が低い The book is easy. The book is difficult. その本は易しい その本は難しい I've expressed some examples, and they mean A=B.B used to be noun, but it's adjective this time. いくつかの例文を表してきたけど、A=Bという意味で、Bは名詞。でも今回は形容詞です。🙋 【English which makes us annoy about number,the singular one and plural one】 【数にうるさい英語】数とは、単数、複数 To use the right verbs of be. Be動詞の使い分け There are sorts of verbs of be,so we have to use the right one in the right place. 一口にBe動詞と言っても、いろいろあるので、使い分けなければならない。😃 As for sentence of A=B,when A which corresponds a subject in the sentence is a singular number,we use『is』for its verbs of be as a general rule. A=Bの文でAに当たる主語が単数の時、原則としてBe動詞はisを使う。😃 However when its subject is I,we use am,and when its subjects are the plural,we use are. しかしながら、主語がIの時はamを使う。 When its subjects are plural,we use are. When its subject is you,we use are,whether it's the singular number or the plural one. 主語が複数の時はare.主語がyouの時は、単数でも複数でもareを使う

No.7 11/10/23 17:53



No.8 11/10/23 18:47
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 7 Good evening,and thank you for your response.You are welcome very much.


By the way,have you understood enough my respose about English in this thread?It means verbs of be.


I'm afraid I'm poor at explaining something to others.


If you have some questions,please don't hesitate to send your response to this thread.


I've built this thread for a people like you who want to study English,though it's limited only beginner.


No.9 11/10/23 21:38

>> 8 はーい🙌


No.10 11/10/24 01:53
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 9 Needless to say,you should do,for we have lots of things to do,except for learning English.😃


As for the people who visit here, I'm not sure of it,for I've just started it.


However,I hope this thread will be an attractive one some day.


Good night.Please have a nice dream.😁


No.11 11/10/24 23:41

what a high level english lesson this is!

i'm not good at writing, grramer and vocabulary:(

(sorry about some of words and phrase must be wrong)

anyway, this is a chance to study english with 中学生-san:)

i'll check this thread out sometime:P

  • << 13 Good evening and thank you for your response. こんばんは。レス、ありがとう御座います🙋 I'm sure I have to make a great effort,for if I'm lazy in this thread,you will be disappointed at it. 精進しなければ!怠けたらがっかりさせてしまうだろうし。😤 You seem to want to study English.I hope my thread help you to study. 英語の勉強をしたいんだね。自分のスレが、小学生さんの勉強の助けになれば、いいけど。🙋 Good night and have a nice dream🌠

No.12 11/10/25 00:17

>> 11
you flatter me!
very happy😊


  • << 14 it's very nice to meet you, 中学生-san:D let's study english together!
  • << 18 小学生さんは、『このスレは、中学生さんと一緒に英語の勉強をするチャンスだね』🙋 と言ってるので、勉強したいと思えば、例えば Let' study together 一緒に勉強しよう、とか。 Let's 動詞 で 何かをしよう、と言う呼びかけになる。ポピュラーな言い回しは、Let's go. Very happy は、間違いではないし、言いたい事は解るけど、I'm very happyの方が誰が嬉しいか、明確にわかる。😃 でも、英語で積極的にコミュニケーションを取ろうとする事は、とても良い事だと思うよ。ガンバレ~🙋

No.13 11/10/25 00:26
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 11 wow! what a high level english lesson this is! i'm not good at w… Good evening and thank you for your response.


I'm sure I have to make a great effort,for if I'm lazy in this thread,you will be disappointed at it.


You seem to want to study English.I hope my thread help you to study.


Good night and have a nice dream🌠

  • << 15 thanks too! jesus...it's time to go to bed good night and see you next time:D

No.14 11/10/25 00:35

>> 12 you flatter me! very happy😊 で、いいのかな? it's very nice to meet you, 中学生-san:D

let's study english together!

No.15 11/10/25 00:38

>> 13 Good evening and thank you for your response. こんばんは。レス、ありがとう御座います🙋 … thanks too!

jesus...it's time to go to bed

good night and see you next time:D

No.16 11/10/25 00:41

>> 14 it's very nice to meet you, 中学生-san:D let's study english t… yes✊

No.17 11/10/25 00:43


  • << 19 この場合、『頑張る』は『努力する』という言葉に置き換えた方がいいと思うよ。😃 努力するは make an effort. すごく努力する、は make a great effort 頑張る、という事を英語で表す事については、また今度。😃 一言では、ちょっと言い表せない💦 勉強は初めは地道で面白くないけど、効果が少しずつ出てくると楽しくなってくるよ👍

No.18 11/10/25 00:53
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 12 you flatter me! very happy😊 で、いいのかな? 小学生さんは、『このスレは、中学生さんと一緒に英語の勉強をするチャンスだね』🙋


Let' study together


Let's 動詞 で

何かをしよう、と言う呼びかけになる。ポピュラーな言い回しは、Let's go.

Very happy は、間違いではないし、言いたい事は解るけど、I'm very happyの方が誰が嬉しいか、明確にわかる。😃


No.19 11/10/25 01:05
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 17 “頑張ります”ってどう書くの? 頑張るって単語はある? この場合、『頑張る』は『努力する』という言葉に置き換えた方がいいと思うよ。😃

努力するは make an effort.

すごく努力する、は make a great effort




No.20 11/10/25 01:11

>> 19
Thank you✋Good night

No.21 11/10/25 11:35

hi, guys:D

my english is not politely sometime

however, the important thing is that don't be afraid to make a mistake.
because english is not our first language!

just trying, 中学生san:>

No.22 11/10/25 11:40

>> 21 お願い🙏訳も書いて下さい💦

  • << 24 私達の第一言語は日本語です。 でも書けない漢字や知らない単語もたくさんありますよね? 英語を母国語とする人達もまた然り。 だから間違ったって当たり前なんです。

No.23 11/10/25 12:34
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 22 自分の英語は、時には丁寧ではない。大事な事は失敗を恐れない事。英語が、自分達にとっての最初の言葉じゃないんだし。




  • << 26 ほほう😊 んで、頑張れって単語は?

No.24 11/10/25 13:29

>> 22 お願い🙏訳も書いて下さい💦 私達の第一言語は日本語です。


  • << 27 Hello 小学生さん🙋 I'm sure I have to apologize you for my rude comment.As for your comment to 中学生さん,you should send her your message in English.😥 I shouldn't have done it,for I couldn't catch implied meaning of your message.I should have minded my own business.🙇

No.25 11/10/25 15:30

>> 24 小ちゃん有り難う🙌

No.26 11/10/25 15:31

>> 23 自分の英語は、時には丁寧ではない。大事な事は失敗を恐れない事。英語が、自分達にとっての最初の言葉じゃないんだし。 やってみようよ🙋 … ほほう😊


No.27 11/10/25 17:06
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 24 私達の第一言語は日本語です。 でも書けない漢字や知らない単語もたくさんありますよね? 英語を母国語とする人達もまた然り。 だから間違ったっ… Hello 小学生さん🙋

I'm sure I have to apologize you for my rude comment.As for your comment to 中学生さん,you should send her your message in English.😥

I shouldn't have done it,for I couldn't catch implied meaning of your message.I should have minded my own business.🙇

  • << 30 no worries! never mimd:P

No.28 11/10/25 17:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

Hello 中学生さん😃

As for the word,頑張る, I'll express it this weekend. Please wait for it.


No.29 11/10/25 18:06

>> 28 あーい🙌

No.30 11/10/25 19:45

>> 27 Hello 小学生さん🙋 I'm sure I have to apologize you for my rude comm…
no worries!
never mimd:P

No.31 11/10/29 08:34
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Extra version. Japanese word,頑張る】


To be exact,an English word which corresponds to a Japanese one,頑張る isn't.


It's just that we use the right phrase in the right place.


For example,let's suppose you took part in a full marathon race.


Before starting the race I'm sure you'll be encouraged with your friends or acquaintance like that『Good luck』😁


When the race was in its middle stage and you are running smoothly.Then your companions'll call to you『Keep up with it!』


The race has reached the final stage and your are going to finish the race.Then your colleagues will cheer you.『You are almost there!』


As for my Japanese in this response, I gave the general meaning my English, and I'm going to express its detail next time.🙋


No.32 11/10/29 09:37
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 31 【Extra version, Japanese word,頑張れ】Ⅱ

As to a free translation,it means next one.Without being tied to each word,saying it in English,taking whole of meaning or its nuance.🙋


When trying to start to do something,your companions will call to you『Good luck』.

何かを始めようとする時、あなたの仲間は呼び掛けるだろう 『Good luck』

To be precise,except for『good luck』,no words correspond to 頑張れ, I'm sure.

正確に言えば『good luck』に対応する日本語が無いのだと思う。😚

As for the other two phrases,they are same.


When doing something and carrying on it smoothly,others say like that. Keep up with it.It means maintain its pace.

何かをしていて、それが滞りなく続いてる時人々は言う『Keep up with it』そのペースを保て、と言うような意味。

When you're about to finish it,it means your purpose is going to be achieved,so others say『You're almost there』I translate it word for word.あなたは、ほとんどそこにいる。

それを終えようとしている時、あなたの目的は達成されようとしている。応援している人々は言う『You are almost there』直訳すれば、ほとんどそこにいる。🙋

  • << 34 【Extra version, Japanese word,頑張れ】Ⅲ If you are encouraged with others,you will say『Thank you』and will have a comment something. あなたが何か励まされたら『ありがとう』と言って何かコメントするだろう。😃 If you are afraid you don't have enough confidence to do it,but you have to,you'll tell the others you will do your best. あなたが何かをやる十分な自信がなくて、しかしそれをやらなければならないなら『全力を尽くすよ』と言うだろう🙋 Contrary to it,if you have enough confidence,you told them like next. 逆にあなたが十分な自信を持っていれば、次のように言うだろう。😃 ①『No sweat』 ②『It's a piece of cake』 As for ①,you find it so easy that you'll do it with easy,so you won't sweat. ① 直訳すれば、汗もかかない ② 一切れのケーキ 直訳 ①は、それはとても簡単なので、楽勝でできるのがわかってる。汗もかかない😁 As for ②,it means same.As to an phrase,a piece of cake,I'm going to describe. ②も①と同じ意味。A piece of cake,という語句について述べる。🔤 Even if we have little appetite,we can eat a piece of cake easily,so its meaning has included being easy,I'm wondering. どんなに食欲が無くても、ケーキ一切れ位食べられるだろう、それで意味が簡単という事を含むようになったのだろうか😚

No.33 11/10/29 10:53
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 6 【Verbs of be such as am,is,and are】Ⅱ 【am,is, and are などのbe動詞】 Cont… Continuation


Tom is tall.

Mike is short.



The book is easy.

The book is difficult.



I've expressed some examples, and they mean A=B.B used to be noun, but it's adjective this time.


【English which makes us annoy about number,the singular one and plural one】


To use the right verbs of be.


There are sorts of verbs of be,so we have to use the right one in the right place.


As for sentence of A=B,when A which corresponds a subject in the sentence is a singular number,we use『is』for its verbs of be as a general rule.


However when its subject is I,we use am,and when its subjects are the plural,we use are.


When its subjects are plural,we use are. When its subject is you,we use are,whether it's the singular number or the plural one.


  • << 36 『English which makes us annoy about the number,the singular one and the plural one】 数(複数、単数)にうるさい英語 As for English nouns,there are countable ones of which spellings change,according to its singular or plural. 英語の名詞には、単数と複数で形が変わる可算名詞(数えられる名詞)がある。🙋 When a subject changes,its verb of be also does.English makes us annoy about number like it. 主語が変わるとそのbe動詞も変わる。英語はその様に数にうるさい😩 We are going to make sure that we use the right verbs of be in the right person,according to its subject,or when its subject is plural,the noun changes,using some examples. Be動詞の使い分け、主語が複数になった時の名詞の変化を、例文で確認する。 When its subjects are singular 主語が単数 I【am】a firefighter 私は消防士です He【is】a soccer player 彼はサッカー選手です You【are】a student あなたは生徒です She【is】a pianist. 彼女はピアニストです。 It【is】a notebook それは、ノートです When its subjects are plural 主語が複数の時 We【are】【firefighters】 私達は消防士です。 You【are】【students】 あなた方は生徒です。 They【are】soccer players. 彼等はサッカー選手です。 They【are】【pianists】 彼等はピアニストです They【are】【notebooks】 それらは、ノートです

No.34 11/10/29 18:57
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 32 【Extra version, Japanese word,頑張れ】Ⅱ As to a free translation,it mean… 【Extra version, Japanese word,頑張れ】Ⅲ

If you are encouraged with others,you will say『Thank you』and will have a comment something.


If you are afraid you don't have enough confidence to do it,but you have to,you'll tell the others you will do your best.


Contrary to it,if you have enough confidence,you told them like next.


①『No sweat』

②『It's a piece of cake』

As for ①,you find it so easy that you'll do it with easy,so you won't sweat.

① 直訳すれば、汗もかかない

② 一切れのケーキ 直訳


As for ②,it means same.As to an phrase,a piece of cake,I'm going to describe.

②も①と同じ意味。A piece of cake,という語句について述べる。🔤

Even if we have little appetite,we can eat a piece of cake easily,so its meaning has included being easy,I'm wondering.


No.35 11/10/30 21:47
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【To 中学生さん】

Good evening,中学生さん.How are you?😃


As for response of 頑張る, I'm afraid it may be too difficult.


I'm sure when studying something and reading a textbook, we don't have to keep it in mind at once.


However,as proverb says『Rome wasn't built in a day』,we have to make an effort to be a great English speaker.


Have a pleasant evening.


  • << 38 こんばんは😊 英語は難しい・・単語がわからないんだもん💦 でもレスは読んでるよ

No.36 11/11/06 07:44
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 33 Continuation 続き Tom is tall. Mike is short. トムは背が高い マイクは背が低い … 『English which makes us annoy about the number,the singular one and the plural one】


As for English nouns,there are countable ones of which spellings change,according to its singular or plural.


When a subject changes,its verb of be also does.English makes us annoy about number like it.


We are going to make sure that we use the right verbs of be in the right person,according to its subject,or when its subject is plural,the noun changes,using some examples.


When its subjects are singular


I【am】a firefighter


He【is】a soccer player


You【are】a student


She【is】a pianist.


It【is】a notebook


When its subjects are plural






They【are】soccer players.






No.37 11/11/06 09:44
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 36 【Continuation of last response of mine】


As for the article,a or an,have another meanings, but at first,let's learn next thing. It means single.

a や an には他の意味もあるけど、まずは次の事を覚えよう。一つを意味する、と言う事。😃

As a rule,we usually add s to plural forms. I'll express in details later.

原則として、s を名詞の複数形にはつける。これは、後で詳しく述べる。🔤

Even if it's singular or plural,you,the pronoun,itself doesn't change at all.

単数でも複数でも、you と言う代名詞その物は変わらない

However,when it's plural,its complement of noun also changes into plural


【Verbs of Be convey existence of subject】


As for another typical usage of verbs of Be, it's accompanied with phrases which means its place at the back of the Verb of Be.


It means next thing.X,a subject is in,on,under or beside something.For example,when telling others where a person is,we'll use like next.
Richard is in the park.



  • << 51 【Verbs of be convey existence of subject】 When there is an expression which means its place,a preposition + noun is at the back,we should translate the verbs of be ,~にいる.Then they will be natural Japanese. 場所を表す表現「前置詞+名詞」が後ろにある時、be 動詞を「~にいる」と訳すと自然な日本語になる😃 When its subject isn't a human,it's a thing,we can also adopt this expression for it. 主語が人間ではない時、物である時も、この表現を使える☝ Example My key is on the chair. My key is its subject,and the phrase of on the chair is an impression which means its place. My key が主語、on the chair が場所を表す表現。🙋 My key is singular,so its verb of be becomes is,and a thing which we want to pay an attention is next one. 私の鍵は単数、だからそのbe動詞は is。そして注目したいのは次の事。☝ When the verb of be shows its meaning ~にいる、ある,we have to make up with the phrase of「prep.+ noun」which means its place at the back of the verb. be 動詞が、いる、あるを示す時、be動詞の後ろにその場所を示す「前置詞+名詞」という語句をbe動詞の後ろに補う。😃 Let's see another examples of which verbs of be mean いる、ある。 Be動詞がいる、あるを示す他の例文を見てみよう。🔤

No.38 11/11/06 22:58

>> 35 【To 中学生さん】 Good evening,中学生さん.How are you?😃 こんばんは、中学生さん。元気?😃 As … こんばんは😊



  • << 40 【To 中学生さん】 Good evening.As you told, English may be hard.😃 こんばんは。中学生さんの言う様に、英語は難しいかもしれない。 As to English words,I recommend that you should learn things next to you,for example next one.☝ 英単語では、身近にあるものを覚える事を勧める。例えば次の様な🙋 Head,face,forehead,eyebrow,eyelash,eyelid,eye,nose,ear,cheek,mouth,lip,teeth,tongue and jaw.They are parts of our face. 頭、顔、額、眉毛、睫毛、まぶた、目、鼻、耳、頬、口、唇、歯、舌、そして顎。我々の顔の一部。 How about being able to write and read them in English,at first? After you can master them completely,you only have to learn the upper part of,then the lower one. まず、それを英語で読み書き出来るようしてみては?それから、上半身、次は下半身と言う具合に😊 Once you've learned them,you should try to use them in everyday conversation,though I'm afraid we don't have enough chance to do it. 一度覚えたら、日常会話でも使う様にする。難しいけどね💦 I've never tried,but I've heard a cd in which there is English grammer,and it's very unique,for a person sings the English grammer. まだ実際に聴いたわけではないけど、英文法のCDがある。ユニークなのは、英文法を歌っている事。 I'll tell you its name and author next time. CDのタイトル、作者は次回😃

No.39 11/11/06 23:01



  • << 41 I'm sorry.I've already send you my response. ゴメン、もうレスしちゃった💦 A title of the book with the CD is 歌って覚える英文法 完全制覇 CD付き 作者 泉忠司 CD付きの本の題名と作者           Good night and have a nice dream.🌠 お休み。いい夢みろよ🙋

No.40 11/11/06 23:55
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 38 こんばんは😊 英語は難しい・・単語がわからないんだもん💦 でもレスは読んでるよ 【To 中学生さん】

Good evening.As you told, English may be hard.😃


As to English words,I recommend that you should learn things next to you,for example next one.☝


Head,face,forehead,eyebrow,eyelash,eyelid,eye,nose,ear,cheek,mouth,lip,teeth,tongue and jaw.They are parts of our face.


How about being able to write and read them in English,at first? After you can master them completely,you only have to learn the upper part of,then the lower one.


Once you've learned them,you should try to use them in everyday conversation,though I'm afraid we don't have enough chance to do it.


I've never tried,but I've heard a cd in which there is English grammer,and it's very unique,for a person sings the English grammer.


I'll tell you its name and author next time.


  • << 42 Thank you😃 どうしましたか?って何て言うの?

No.41 11/11/07 00:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 39 なるべく短い文で教えてちょ😊 本当の素人、ど素人だから おやすみなさーい🌛 I'm sorry.I've already send you my response.


A title of the book with the CD is 歌って覚える英文法 完全制覇 CD付き 作者 泉忠司
Good night and have a nice dream.🌠


No.42 11/11/08 00:47

>> 40 【To 中学生さん】 Good evening.As you told, English may be hard.😃 こんばんは。中… Thank you😃


No.43 11/11/08 01:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 42 Thank you for your response.


①Is anything(something)the matter?

②What's the matter(with you)?



What's the matter with you,中学生さん?😃

No.44 11/11/08 01:10

>> 43 このくらいの単語もわかんないよ💦どうしよう・・

No.45 11/11/08 01:23
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 44 でも『分からない』と言う状況を、自分で自覚出来てるなら、どこがどう言う風に分からないか、と言う事が問題だと思う。😃


Is anything(something)the matter?



No.46 11/11/08 01:36
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

Is anything(something)the matter.


Something is matter.





No.47 11/11/08 01:40

>> 46 さっきの読み方を知りたい😃

No.48 11/11/08 01:51
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 47 母はmother

matter はマター。ただ、英語の発音は普通は発音記号で表すので、カタカナで書いても正確には伝わらない。😩


No.49 11/11/08 02:01

>> 48 わかりました🙌おやすみなさい

No.50 11/11/08 02:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 49 Good night🙋

No.51 11/11/13 03:55
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 37 【Continuation of last response of mine】 最後のレスの続き As for the article,… 【Verbs of be convey existence of subject】

When there is an expression which means its place,a preposition + noun is at the back,we should translate the verbs of be ,~にいる.Then they will be natural Japanese.

場所を表す表現「前置詞+名詞」が後ろにある時、be 動詞を「~にいる」と訳すと自然な日本語になる😃

When its subject isn't a human,it's a thing,we can also adopt this expression for it.



My key is on the chair.

My key is its subject,and the phrase of on the chair is an impression which means its place.

My key が主語、on the chair が場所を表す表現。🙋

My key is singular,so its verb of be becomes is,and a thing which we want to pay an attention is next one.

私の鍵は単数、だからそのbe動詞は is。そして注目したいのは次の事。☝

When the verb of be shows its meaning ~にいる、ある,we have to make up with the phrase of「prep.+ noun」which means its place at the back of the verb.

be 動詞が、いる、あるを示す時、be動詞の後ろにその場所を示す「前置詞+名詞」という語句をbe動詞の後ろに補う。😃

Let's see another examples of which verbs of be mean いる、ある。


No.52 11/11/13 07:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 51 【Verbs of be which convey existence of subject】


Stephanie is at the desk.

Pat is in that room.

Your hat is on the table.

If the key is plural,its sentence changes like next.


My keys are in my bag.

Its subject,my keys,are plural,so its verb of be becomes are.When expressing in Japanese,we don't have to be worried about singular or plural, but as for English, it's troublesome,so we have to be careful of it.

主語の my keys は複数だから、そのbe動詞はareになる。日本語で表す時は、複数でも単数でも悩む必要はない。英語ではそれが煩わしいので、気をつけなければならない。😃


Stephanie and Greg are at the desk.

Pat and Tom are in that room.

Your hats are on the table.

One of pronouns,you,expresses both singular and plural,so it means two kinds of translation.

代名詞の一つ、you は単数も複数も表すので、2種類の言い方になる。あなたの帽子、或いはあなた方の帽子。

Let's be careful of next things. The number of subject, singular or plural,decides its verbs of be.


No.53 11/11/13 08:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 52 【Continuation of the last response of mine and a negative sentence】

Verb of be which is accompanied with the phrase of its place conveys being.           場所を表す語句を伴うbe動詞は、~にいる、ある、を表す                『How to make the negative sentence in which verbs of be are used』


We've learned next thing so far. We can express『A=B』or『A is there』,using sentence in which there is verb of be.


Let's remember how to make a negative sentence,using the verb of be. The sentence means A isn't B.



He is not a teacher.

How to make a negative sentence,denying verb of be,is very easy.We only have to put a denial word,not,behind the verb of be.


Affirmative sentence肯定文

You are a student.

Stephanie is at the desk.

Negative sentence

You are not a student.

Stephanie isn't at the desk.☝

No.54 11/11/19 18:57
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 53 【Negative sentence and how to make an interrogative sentence,using verbs of be】


As for shape of verbs of be + not,we frequently pronounce it,shortening it.

Be動詞 + notという形は、省略して発音する事が頻繁にあります。

is not →isn't

are not → aren't

I am not →I'm not

As to『I'm not』,we don't express I amn't,for it is hard for us to pronounce m and n in succession.

I'm not は、I'mn't とはなりません。mとnを連続して発音するのは難しいからです。☝

As to interrogative sentence in which we use verbs of be,we can ask its existence.

Be 動詞を使った疑問文ではその存在、『いますか?』『ですか』などを問う事が出来ます。

How to make the interrogative sentence is easy,it's just that we only have to replace its subject with its verbs of be,and add ? to an end of the sentence.

疑問文の作り方は簡単です。主語とbe 動詞を入れ替えて、文末に?を付けるだけです。🙋


Is Alex in the park?

If we'll be able to ask with the interrogative sentence,we need to know how to answer it,but you don't have to be worried about it. It's easy.              


No.55 11/11/19 23:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 54 【How to make an interrogative sentence,using verbs of be】            
If someone asks us some questions,using verbs of be,we'll answer like next.

We show the person Yes,or No clearly,and answer with the verbs of be.Then its subject is pronoun.

Yes か No を明確に示し、be 動詞を使って答える。その時主語は代名詞にする。😃


Yes, he is.

No,he isn't.

You are students.

Are you students?

Yes,we are

No,we aren't.

Let's learn next things.

①An affirmative sentence.

Subject,verbs of be ~

② A negative sentence

Subject,verbs of be,negative word,it means not.

③ An interrogative sentence

Verbs of be,subject,~ ?


① 肯定分:主語、be 動詞

② 否定文:主語、be動詞、否定語、not.

③疑問文:be動詞、主語 ~?

How to answer the interrogative sentence.

Yes,subject (pronoun,verbs of be.

No,subject(pronoun), verbs of be,negative word.


Yes,主語(代名詞),be 動詞

No,主語 be動詞、否定語

No.56 11/11/20 08:32
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【What is an ordinary verb】



Alex lives in New York.

Except for verbs of be,we call another one an ordinary one. As for difference between the verbs of be and the ordinary one, its meaning and how to make a sentence.


As to role of verbs,the ordinary verb express their activities,or behaviors more definitely than verbs of be.


As for how to make a sentence,both verbs follow their subjects,so their basic word orders don't change.


However,as to how to make an interrogative sentence,or negative one,the ordinary verb is different from the another.


『How to make an affirmative sentence』

       I live in Tokyo.        
At first,we put its subject,I


最初に主語の I を置く。

Next,we put its verb which expresses reside,live.


No.57 11/11/27 01:17
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 56 『How to make an affirmative sentence,using an ordinary verb』


Next,we put a verb which expresses to reside.Verbs of be express only its existence,and we adopt an ordinary verb,live,so as to describe it more definitely.

次に住んでる、という事を表す動詞を置く。be動詞はその存在を表すだけ。より明確に表すために、一般動詞、live を使う😃

Then we use a preposition which expresses its place,in.We use it like next,in Tokyo.

それから、場所を表す前置詞、in を使う。次のように。東京で。


I live in Tokyo.

As for orders of its subject,verb,and other phrase,it's as same as the ones of be.



I go to school

『Except for I or you,when its subject is the thrid person』

『I や You以外で、主語が三人称単数の時』

We've recognized it when we use the verb of be,as for its number,English is troublesome,so when using also the ordinary verb,we have to adopt it carefully.

be 動詞を使った時認識したけど、英語は数を表す時は煩わしい。だから一般動詞も注意深くを使わなければならない😊

It means the s of third person,singular number,and present tense.


No.58 11/11/27 09:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 57 『Except for I and you,when its subject is the third person,the singular number,and the present tense』

I と you 以外、つまり主語が三人称、単数、現在の時』

When using an ordinary verb,if its sentence is affirmative and the present tense,and its subject is the third person and the singular number,there is a rule in which we must add s to its verb.

一般動詞を使う時、文が肯定文で現在形、主語が三人称単数なら、動詞に s を付けなければならない、という決まりがある。😃

Let's see how to make the sentence as a concrete example with next.



Alex lives in New York.

① At first,we put its subject, Alex

① 初めに、主語のアレックスを置く

② Next,we put an ordinary verb which means to reside,live.


As to a way how to make the sentence until this,please remember when its subject is I.

ここまでの文の作り方は、主語が I の時を思い出して下さい😺

However as I told you,when its subject is the third person,the singular number,and the present tense,we have to add s to its verb.

しかし前述のように、主語が三人称、単数、現在なら、動詞に s を付けなければなりません。😃

No.59 11/11/27 20:23
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 58 『Except I and you,when its subject is the third person,the singular number,and the present tense』

『I と You 以外で、主語が三人称、単数、現在の時』

When changing Alex into a pronoun, neither it's I nor you.It's he.In short,it's the third person,the singular number,and the present tense.

アレックスを代名詞にすると、I でも You でもない。He,三人称、単数、現在である。🙋

Therefore,we have to add s to the live,obeying a rule,and we put a phrase,in New York,at an end of the sentence.

それ故にルールに従って、live の後に s を付け加えなければならない。ニューヨークで、という語句は文の最後に置く😃


She listens to music.

He goes to the park.

As the example above the one shows,he goes to the park,s of the third person,the singular number,and the present tense changes into es.

上の例文、he goes to the park、が示すように三人称、単数、現在の s は es に変わる。😃

When an end of verb is s,x,o,ch,and sh,we express the third person, the singular sentence,and the present tense like next.

動詞の最後がs,x,o,ch,そして shの時は、次のように三人称、単数、現在を表す。

Instead of s,we add es to the verb.

s の代わりにesを動詞につけ加える。😺

By the way,how are you,中学生さん?


  • << 62 【A negative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used】 【一般動詞が使われてる否定文】 Example I don't live in Tokyo. As for how to make a negative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used,it's a little different from another one in which verbs of be are used. 一般動詞が使われてる文の否定文の作り方は、be動詞が使われてる文とは少し異なる。😃 Therefore,if we just put not just behind the ordinary verb,we can't make the negative sentence. だから、一般動詞のすぐ後にnotを置いただけでは、否定文を作れません😃 As to how to make the negative sentence in which the ordinary verb is used,we adopt 『do』which is typical of the ordinary verb for the sentence. 一般動詞が使われてる否定文の作り方は、一般動詞を代表する『do』を使う😺 『When neither its subject is the third person singular,nor the present tense』 『主語が三人称単数現在ではない時』

No.60 11/12/03 21:37




No.61 11/12/04 23:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 60 【To 中学生さん】

Thank you for your response.


I think almost all of the people aren't suitable for study.


However,as to myself,I'm forced to study English.


I have nothing.Neither I'm married nor I have close friends. I don't have a strong point,in addition,my job in which I'm engaged is a thing like a partーtime job.


However,there is English beside me,and it supports myself.


As for time when we try to start something,it depends on,I'm sure

It was an age of 45 when I started to study English.Some people started earlier,and others latter,moreover another ones don't it at all.


Unless we are genius,we have to exchange something with another to win something valuable,for example,time,or exertion and so on


No.62 11/12/10 06:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 59 『Except I and you,when its subject is the third person,the singular nu… 【A negative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used】



I don't live in Tokyo.

As for how to make a negative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used,it's a little different from another one in which verbs of be are used.


Therefore,if we just put not just behind the ordinary verb,we can't make the negative sentence.


As to how to make the negative sentence in which the ordinary verb is used,we adopt 『do』which is typical of the ordinary verb for the sentence.


『When neither its subject is the third person singular,nor the present tense』


No.63 11/12/10 07:02
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 62 【A negative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used】Ⅱ


When neither its subject is the third person singular,nor the present tense such as I,You,We and They,if we try to make the negative sentence in which the ordioary verb is used,We put『don't』or『do not』of negative words in front of the verb.

主語がI,You,We,They など三人称単数現在ではなく、一般動詞が使われてる否定文を作るなら、否定語の don't か do notを動詞の前に置く。🔤


I don't live in Tokyo.

I'm going to say each word of example above in detail.


I 主語、一人称
don't 否定語

live 一般動詞
in Tokyo 場所を表す言葉


We do not go to the park.

They don't listen to the music.

The words of do not is frequently shortened into don't

do notという単語は頻繁に、don't に短縮 される😺

『When its subject is the third person singular,and the present tense』


No.64 11/12/10 19:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 63 【A negative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used】

When its subject is the third person singular,and the present tense,and if we try to make a neagtive sentence in which an ordinary verb is used,we put negative words in front of the verb.


However,it isn't『do not』or『don't』but『does not』or『doesn't』that we use the negative words.

しかし、使う否定語はdo not,または don't ではなく、does not,または doesn't🙋

In addition,we don't add s which means the third person singular and the present tense to the verb,so the ordinary verb becomes an original form.

さらに、三人称単数現在を表すs を一般動詞には加えず、一般動詞は原形に戻ります。


Alex doesn't live in New York

Alex 主語 三人称、単数

does not 否定語

live 一般動詞

in New York 場所を表す言葉


He does not go to the park

In this case,we add es to the do,so we don't have to put es the next verb,go

この場合、es を do に加えるので、次の動詞の go につける必要はない。😃


She doesn't listen to music.

We can also abbreviate Words of does to doesn't

does notも doesn'tと短縮出来る

No.65 11/12/18 22:05
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 64 【Continuation of the no.64】


So,insted of s which means the third person singularly,and the present tense,we use an original form of verb.

それで、三人称単数現在を意味する s の代わりに、動詞の原形を使います😃

『An interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used』


As to an interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used,it's different from other one in which verbs of be are used.

一般動詞が使われてる疑問文は、be 動詞が使われてる疑問文とは違います。😁

Then we use do and make the interrogative sentence.

その時は、do を使って疑問文をつくります。🔤

When neither its subject is the third person singularly,nor the present tense,and when making the interrogative sentence in which the ordinary verb is used,we put do at the beginning of the sentence,and end it with ?.

主語が三人称単数現在ではなくて、一般動詞が使われてる疑問文を作る時は、do を文頭に置き、?で終えます。😺


Do you live in New York?

Do 主語が三人称単数現在でない場合、一般動詞が使われてる疑問文の文頭にdoを置く

you 主語

live 一般動詞

in New York 場所を表す言葉

No.66 11/12/25 20:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 65 『An interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used』


When its subject is the third person singular,and the present tense,we start its interrogative sentence like next.


At first,we put a word of does at the beginning of the sentence and ? at the end of the sentence.

まず、文頭に does を置き、文末に ?を置く。


Does he go to the park?


Does 主語が三人称単数現在の時、文頭に置く

he 主語

go 一般動詞

to the park 場所を表す言葉

When someone ask us something,using do,we have only to answer,using it.


Do you live in New York?

Yes,I do/No,I don't.



As for English expression,they hate to repeat the same word.Instead of it,they use other word,do then.

英語の表現は、同じ言葉を繰り返して使う事を嫌う。その代わりに、他の単語、do を使う。🙋

When someone asks us something,using does,we only have to answer,with it.


No.67 11/12/25 21:31
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 66 『An interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used』


Does Charlie go to the park?
Yes,he does./No,he doesn't.


Do you go to the park?

Yes,I do./No,I don't.



When someone asks me something,I answer with a word,I.

誰かが私に何かを尋ねたら、私は.I という言葉で答える。

When someone ask us something,we answer with a word,we.

誰かが我々に何かを尋ねたら、我々は、we という言葉を使って答える。🙆

Does she listen to music?

Yes,she does./No,she doesn't.



Does Alex live in New York?
Yes,he does./No,he doesn't.

『A personal pronoun』


We've studied the next English rule.When its subject changes,an ordinary verb also does.


A personal pronoun which becomes a subject such as I,he,she and so on changes in a sentence,according to its usage and number.


  • << 69 『A personal pronoun』 『人称代名詞』 As for personal pronouns,there is the nominative しゅかく which becomes the subject in a sentence. 人称代名詞には、文中で主語になる主格がある🙋。 There is the possessive case which is put in front of a noun.It shows us a relation of possession. 名詞の前に置かれる所有格がある。所有の関係を表す。😃 There is the objective case which becomes an object for verb and preposition. It's equal to Japanese words,「~を/~に」and so on. 動詞と前置詞の目的語になる、目的格がある。日本語の「~を/~に」などにあたる ☝ Each personal pronoun has both a singular and plural.         それぞれの人称代名詞は、単数、複数がある。😺

No.68 11/12/26 00:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【To 中学生さん】

Hi! 中学生さんHow are you?I've been expressing this thread,but I'm afraid my thread isn't useful for you.


When trying to study something,we often find it hard or boring.


I hope my thread gets rid of the feeling from you,but it seems to be impossible with my English ability.


I've thought speaking English is originally a fun,for English is one of languages like Japanese,so when having a chat with our friends in Japanese,we can enjoy it.


I wish I could let you recognize how pleasant English is some day.            

No.69 12/01/01 05:30
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 67 『An interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb is used』 『一般動詞が… 『A personal pronoun』


As for personal pronouns,there is the nominative しゅかく which becomes the subject in a sentence.


There is the possessive case which is put in front of a noun.It shows us a relation of possession.


There is the objective case which becomes an object for verb and preposition. It's equal to Japanese words,「~を/~に」and so on.


Each personal pronoun has both a singular and plural.

No.70 12/01/01 09:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Column.Magic e】

Please look at next five words.

make, write, use, these, those

Do you become aware that there is a common point in those spelling?

All of them end with e.However,as for the e,neither we pronounce イー nor エー

その単語は、全て e で終わります。しかしながら、この e を イー或いはエーとは発音しません。☝

Why is there the e which we don't pronounce?

何故、発音しない e があるのでしょうか?😥

The e which is at the end of the words indicates a rule of pronunciation.

単語の末尾の e は発音の、ある決まり事を示しています。😁

When there is the e at an end of the word,we frequently pronounce vowel(a.i.u.e.o)which is in front of the e with a way of reading its alphabet.

単語の末尾に e がある時は、e の前にある母音(あ、い、う、え、お)をアルファベットの読み方で発音する事が多いのです。🔤

Therefore then we pronounce those vowels like next.


A is エィ,i is アィ,u is ユー,e is イー and o is オゥ

Aは エィ、iはアィ、uはユー、eはイー、そしてoは オゥ😃

No.71 12/01/01 19:26
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 70 【Column.Magic e】

As for a,we pronounce〔ェア〕I want to express its sound with a phonetic symbol,but I can't do it with my cellphone.

a は〔ェア〕と私達は発音します。その音を発音記号で表したいけど、俺の携帯では出来ない📲

We pronounce〔エィ〕when we say a of make.

make の a を言う時、エィと発音します。🔤

When we say i,we frequntly pronounce i.

i を言う時よくiと発音します😃

However as to another i of write,we pronounce アィ.When we say the word,we pronounce ラィトゥ.

しかしながら、write のもう一つの i は アィと発音する。write と言う時、ラィトゥと発音します😁

As for u of use,we pronounce ユー,so when we say the word,we pronounce ユーズ,though when it's a noun,we pronounce ユース

use の u はユーと発音し、useはユーズと発音します。名詞ならユースと発音します😉

As to e of these,we pronounce イー,so when we say the word,we pronounce ジーズ

these の e は イーと発音し、these を発音する時はジーズと言います

As for o,we usually pronounce ア/オ.

o は私達は通常ア、オと発音します。

However as to another o of those,when we say the word,we pronounce ゾーズ

しかしながら、those の e を言う時時、ゾーズと発音します。

Therefore we call the e at the end of word magic one.

それゆえに、単語の末尾にある e を、マジックe と呼びます。🙌

No.72 12/01/06 21:07


 ☆     ∧_∧
⊂ニニ( ^ω^)ニつ   E)
┏┓┏┓ ノ _/_ /
☆ ∧_∧┃┗┛EAR ☆
 と  ⊃ ┗┛
 (_)_)     ☆


No.73 12/01/07 15:12
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 72 Hello,中学生さん。How are you?


You are really good at A.A I'm sure it's a kind of a gift.


As for the word of gift,some of the Japanese may occur to them a present,but there is another meaning in English.


It's a talent.As to its origin of the word,I'm sure it means that it's a gift which the god gives the human.If I had the gift like you,I would have a good time.


I'm going to go on writing this thread until I finish expressing a book of『やり直しの中学英語』


It'll take a long time,for I've reached no more than page 32,contrary to it,the book has no less than page 260.


I'll do it patiently.Have a nice afternoon.


No.74 12/01/08 00:18

>> 73 たまにだけど、覗きにくるからね✋
Good night🌠

No.75 12/01/08 11:19
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【We can't make light of varied expressions with nouns】


There may be some people who think like next.


Comparing with usages of verbs,nouns don't seem to be hard,so we don't have to study them once more.


However,have they remembered difference between countable nouns and uncountable ones,and usages of many and much which express numbers and quantities of the nouns clearly?

しかしながら、彼等は数えられる名詞と数えられない名詞の違い、名詞の数や量を記述する many や much の用法を明確に覚えているでしょうか?😃

We'll be able to tell lots of intentions which are varied other people if we master how to use the nouns correctly.


Please review them enough,and have a good command of a variety of expressions with nouns.


Hi,中学生さん whenever you come here,you are welcome so much.


No.76 12/01/14 10:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Countable nouns and uncountable ones】


『What is the noun?』


The nouns are words which express names of things such as a book,reading,or other ones of concepts such as life and freedom.


When speaking English,we use the nouns as the subject,object,and complement.


As for the nouns,it's important for us to distinguish between countable ones and uncountable ones.



Time is money.

例文 時は金なり

There are two nouns such as time and money in the example.


I'm going to start from the time at first.


There are varied words which express time such as a second,ten seconds,a minutes,two minutes,an hour,and three hours.

時間を表す言葉は a second 一秒、ten seconds 十秒、a minute 一分、two minutes 二分、an hour 一時間、three hours 三時間、などいろいろあります。😺

We can express them by counting each of them.


No.77 12/01/14 11:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 76 『What is the noun?』


I'm going to talk about the money,and there are also in a variety of words which express the money such as a bill,four bills,a coin,and four coins.

お金について話します。お金を表す言葉も、a bill 一紙幣、four bills 四紙幣 a coin,一硬貨、five coins、五硬貨など、いろいろあります。💰

We can count them concretely,and we call the nouns which we can count one by one the countable ones.


Contrary to it,we can't count another words which contain all kinds of them and express the concept such as the time and money.


We call them uncountable nouns.


『Countable nouns』


I'm going to start from the countable nouns.When speaking Japanese,whether the book is one or two,or even if they are a lot,the noun which expresses the book itself doesn't change at all.


No.78 12/01/21 02:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 77 『A countable noun』


However when speaking English,the noun of book changes,according to whether it's singular or plural.


At first,I'm going to make sure a singular form of a noun.


As you recognize when looking at the example which I expressed before,we frequently put a or an in front of the singular form of a noun which means one.

前述の例文を見ても分かるように、一つである事を示す単数形の名詞の前に、a または an をよくつけます😁

Let's try not to forget to put a or an the singular form of the noun which appears for the first time.

初めて出てきた名詞の単数形には、a または an を付け忘れないようにしましょう☝

As for how to use the a and an in the right place,we put the an a word from which starts a vowel such a,i,u,e and o,for when reading them together, we find it easy to say.
a と an の使い分けは、a,i,u, e and o などの母音で始まる単語には an を付けます、というのはそれらを繋げて読む時、言いやすいからです🔤

No.79 12/01/21 08:34
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 78 『A countable noun』


On the other hand,as to the plural form of the noun which means more than two,we put s or es at the end of the word and show it's the plural.

一方、二つ以上を示す複数形は、名詞の最後にs,または es を付けて複数であることを示します。😁

As for other words which end with o,s,x,chand,sh,we put es at the end of the word,and as to another words which end with consonant + y,we change the y into i and put es.

O,s,x,ch,そして sh で終わる他の単語は、名詞の最後に es を付けて複数であることを示します。子音+yで終わる他の単語は、yをiに変えてesを 付けます😺

Comparing with Japanese language,English is troublesome about whether it's the singular or plural,so we should be careful of the number of the noun.


『A meaning in which the a or an has』

『a,または anが持ってる意味』              
As for a meaning of the a or an,at first please recognize it means one.

a または an の意味は、まず一つを意味する、と認識してください🙋

  • << 82 『A meaning in which the a or an have』 『A か an が持っている意味』 Without the a or an,we can recognize whether a thing is singular or plural,for example,there are some words such as book or books. a または an がなくても、単数なのか複数なのかは分かる。例えば、book,または、books のような言葉がある。😃 When we put s at the back of a word,it means that the word is plural,so without a,when looking at book,we can recognize it's a singular and one. s を単語の後ろに付けると複数を意味する。だから、a が無くても book を見れば単数、1である事が分かる。🙋 In short,the a or an mean one,but have another meanings. 要するに、a,または an は 1と言う事を意味するけど、他の意味もある。🔤 We put the a or an in front of a singular noun which appears in our topics for the first time,or another ones which are vague. a または anを、初めて話題に出て来た単数名詞、または曖昧な単数名詞の前に置く。😺 In this case,there are some other things to which are similar,for instance,a matter and human,first of all,it's one of them. この場合は、類似している物は、例えば物事、人など他にもあるけど、取り敢えずその中の一つ、と言う事。😃

No.80 12/01/28 03:08

>> 79 はーい、先生😉


No.81 12/01/29 10:27
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 80 To 中学生さん

Thank you for your response and how are you?



It has been cold very much recently,though it's natural,for it's winter.


Let's be careful not to have a cold each other.


By the way,as for 『貼り付け』of A.A,can I do with only a cellphone?


Neither I have what's called スマホ,nor a personal computer.


When handling the personal computer in an internet cafe,it sometimes happened to stop functioning.


Then both I and the personal computer were forced to be frozen.


I'm going to speak about the word of freeze in the near future.


It's cold,but fine where I live.How about weather,what's it where you live?


Have a splendid day off!


  • << 83 こんばんは✋先生 AA(アスキーアート)は携帯でやってるよ😄検索してみて!いろいろあるから 私んとこも寒いよ💦北国だもん また来る✋Good night🌛

No.82 12/01/29 11:22
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 79 『A countable noun』 『加算名詞』 On the other hand,as to the plural form … 『A meaning in which the a or an have』

『A か an が持っている意味』

Without the a or an,we can recognize whether a thing is singular or plural,for example,there are some words such as book or books.

a または an がなくても、単数なのか複数なのかは分かる。例えば、book,または、books のような言葉がある。😃

When we put s at the back of a word,it means that the word is plural,so without a,when looking at book,we can recognize it's a singular and one.

s を単語の後ろに付けると複数を意味する。だから、a が無くても book を見れば単数、1である事が分かる。🙋

In short,the a or an mean one,but have another meanings.

要するに、a,または an は 1と言う事を意味するけど、他の意味もある。🔤

We put the a or an in front of a singular noun which appears in our topics for the first time,or another ones which are vague.

a または anを、初めて話題に出て来た単数名詞、または曖昧な単数名詞の前に置く。😺

In this case,there are some other things to which are similar,for instance,a matter and human,first of all,it's one of them.


No.83 12/01/30 01:26

>> 81 To 中学生さん Thank you for your response and how are you? 中学生さんへ。 レスあ… こんばんは✋先生



また来る✋Good night🌛

No.84 12/02/04 08:22
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 83 To 中学生さん

Thank you for your message and I'm sorry to be latd for my response.        


Oh! You've lived in a northern province,haven't you?


I'm afraid it may be hard for you to lead your life at least for a few months,for it seems to be very cold where you live.


Please take care of yourself not to have a cold.


I'm going to start to express English grammer from now on.


『A meaning which a or an have』

『a,または an が持つ意味』

If changing a next sentence,『I'm a teacher』into Japanese exactly,it means like next.

次の文章、『I'm a teacher』を正確に日本語にすると、次のようになります。😃

There are some other teachers,and he is just one of them.


However we don't usually say like that in Japanese,so we just say like next.『彼は教師です』


No.85 12/02/05 04:30
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 84 『A meaning in which the a or an have』

『A または、an の持つ意味』

When using the a or an,we have to be careful of it,for the Japanese language doesn't have the way of expression.

A,または an を使う時は気をつけなければなりません。日本語にはない表現の方法なので😃

There is another word,the,which we put in front of nouns.It's like the a or an.

the というほかの単語もあり、それも名詞の前に付けます。Aやanと似てます😁

The is the word which indicates specific one.I'm going to express its way later.

The は特定の言葉を示す物です。後で記述します🙋

Please compare an usage of the with the one of the a or an then,so you'll find it easy to understand,I'm sure

その時に、Theと a または an の用法を比較してみて下さい。分かり易いと思います。👍

『Uncountable nouns』


Roughly speaking,we can classify uncountable nouns like next.


《Kinds of the uncountable nouns》

Some liquid and air which don't have concrete forms such as water,milk,coffee, oxygen, hydrogen,and carbon dioxide



No.86 12/02/11 04:02
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 85 『Uncountable nouns』


Things which we regard them as being together or a set.For instance,advice,information,furniture,luggage, baggage,and so on.


When expressing things which don't have thdir own shapes such as natures or conditions,we don't count them like 『one,two』,but we regard them as a set.                

In addition,as for things which we can count as solid body such as a desk and bag,if each of them expresses the whole one such as furniture luggage,baggage,we look upon them as sets,so they are uncountable nouns.


Only a thing which there isn't anywhere else like next ones such as a person's name,a country's one,a language's one,a month's one,a day's one,a season's one,and a sports' one.


As for countries' names,Japan,China,and Korea


No.87 12/02/11 09:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 86 『Uncountable nouns』


As to the language's name, Japanese, Chinese, Korean,and English.


As for the sports' name, soccer, and baseball,but we sometimes say a Japanese,two Japanese and so on,for then we can count them.When saying plural Japanese vaguely,we express them like Japanese or Japanese people.


We put neither a nor an to the uncountable nouns,and the nouns don't have any plural forms.

不可算名詞には、a も an もつけないし、複数形もありません。😊

We deal with the each noun as singular,and its verb of be,we adopt is,like a proverb,time is money                それぞれの不可算名詞は単数として扱い、be動詞は is です。ことわざの時は金なり、のように💰

When using the,a couple of speaker and listener,and other couple of writer and reader have common recognition for it.I'm going to show you some examples in the next time.

the を使う時は、話し手と聞き手、書き手と読み手に、その言葉に対して共通認識があります。次回その例を示します。😁

No.88 12/02/19 03:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 87 『the which we indicate a specific noun』


① a noun which has already appeared

① 前に出てきた名詞


My father gave me a book and memo pad.The book is very interesting.


The book is a word which is in a former sentence.          the bookは前文に出てきた単語😃            
② A situation in which a noun is ornated from its back .Then it's limited and pinpointed



The garden of his house is very large.


The garden isn't only limited to but pinpointed his.


③ Another situation in which the noun is only one then.


For instance,when being in a room,let's suppose that someone asked you like next.



Can you open the door?


While as for a or an,it means that there are the same ones such as a thing or person,first of all,it's one of them,the indicates a specif one.

a 叉は an は、物や人など同じものがあるが、取り敢えずその中の一つ、the は特定の物を示す🙋。

No.89 12/02/19 04:54
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

Some words which express a number or an amount of a noun.


『many or much which express the number or amount』


Roughly speaking,while there are two kinds of nouns such as the countable ones and uncountable ones,there are some words which express the nouns.


Many or much are typical words which mean that a thing is a great deal,or a large number.

many 叉は muchは沢山、多くの、と言う意味の代表的な言葉です。🙋

While we use the many for the plural form of the countable ones,we adopt the much for the uncountable ones.

many は、加算名詞の複数形、数えられる名詞に使い、muchは数えられない名詞に使います。🔤

When using the many or much in a negative sentence like not many or much,it means that there is little,or there are few.

many 叉は much を not many 叉は not much のように否定文に使う時は、『あまり~ない』と言う意味になります。😃


I don't have many books.


Does Bob have much money?


No.90 12/02/25 20:42
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 89 『a lot of/ lots of』

The phrase of a lot of,or lots of mean that things ard many,or other thing is much,and we can use both phrases for both of countable nouns and uncountable ones.

a lot of または、lots of の語句は、「沢山の/多くの物がある、」と言う事を意味し、数えられる名詞、数えられない名詞の両方に使えます😃


① Bob has a lot of books.


② Bob has a lot of money.


③ You have lots of CDs.

君は沢山の CDを持ってます。

④ We have lots of time.Let's have a break.


As for ① or ③,a lot of or lots of are used for countable nouns such as book or CD.

①または③は、a lot of、または lots of は本、CDのような数えられる名詞に使われてます。💿📖

As to ② or ④,those two phrases are used for uncountable nouns such as money or time.

②または④では、a lot ofまたは lots of は、お金、時間など数えられない名詞に使われてます。💰⏳

It seems that we use a lot of or lots of rather than many or much so often at affirmative sentences in conversations of everyday life.

many や much よりも a lot of や lots of を、日常生活の肯定分では、多用するようです。🙋

No.91 12/02/26 01:49
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

『There is~/There are』

When saying a definite thing or specific ones to which some words such as the,my,this,or that stich are certain places,or a person is there,we put their subjects at the beginning of a sentence.😃

はっきりした物 the,my, thisまたはthatなどがつく特定の物、或いは人がいる、と言う事を言う時、主語は文頭に置きます       

My keys are on the desk.

Contrary to it,when expressing a noun which appeared in a topic for the first time or indefinite one is there,we don't sometimes put their subjects at the beginning of the sentence.


Instead of the subjects,we put there at the beginning of the sentence as a temporary subjects.


The there plays an important part for the speaker's partner to urge something,「Hey」or 「Look」

その there は話し手の相手に「ねえ」とか 「ほら」とか注意を促すやくわりをしています。😊

No.92 12/03/04 09:46
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 91 『There is/There are』


There is a textbook on the shelf.

There is ある

a textbook テキストが

on the shelf 棚に

We have to change verbs of be,according to a number of a true subject which comes after the phrase of there is,or there are.

There is または There are という語句の後にくる、本当の主語の数に合わせて、be 動詞も変えなければなりません。😃

The noun,a book,is single,so the verb of be is also is.

その名詞である本は単数なので、be 動詞も is となります。🙋

Besides,we put a in front of the subject.

さらに、主語の前に a をつけています。

The a means the next one.When adopting it as a topic,we aren't sure of which one,for there are other things which resemble.It's one of them

その a は次の事を意味します。話題として取り上げるが、どれをさして言っているかは、明らかではない。似たものはほかにもある。話題として取り上げるのは、その中の一つである。📖

『Sentences of there is or there are in which we use some words such as many,some and so on』

many,some などの単語を使った、there is,または there are の文

No.93 12/03/04 11:24
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 92 『Continuation of the last response of mine』


When adding some words such as many or some to nouns,verb of be also become is,are and so on.

Many some などの単語を名詞に加えると、be 動詞も is,are などになります。😃


There are many boys in the room.


There is some water in the bottle.


As to the first example,the subject is the phrase of many boys,so the verb of be becomes are,according to its number.

最初の例文では、many boys という主語を表す語句は、その数により are となります

As to the next one,the verb of be is also is,for the water is an uncountable noun.


We use some for both plural nouns and uncountable ones.It means that they don't specific ones.


As for the phrase of some books,we often come across a translation like next,several books.

some books という語句では、幾つかの本、しような訳をしばしば見かけます。😃

A nuance of the phrase of some books don't always mean how many books they are.

some books という語句のニュアンスは、必ずしも本が何冊あるかではないです。

No.94 12/03/11 19:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 93 『Continuation of No.93』

As to a nuance of『some books』,there are several books.They are plural.They aren't so many.Even if we say some books or several ones,it seems to be same.

some books の言葉の微妙な意味合いは、数冊の本がある。複数。そんなに多くはない。いくつかの本でも何冊かの本でも、同じようだけど。😚

When expressing things which are two or three,we use a few and a noun which mean plural.

2つか3つの物を表す時は、a few 複数を意味する名詞を使います😃


There are a few pencils on the desk.


I have a few friends in England.


『A negative sentence and an interrogative one in which we use the phrase of there is/are』

『There is/are を使った疑問文、否定文』

The sentences of there is/are are also the ones in which verbs of be are the center,so it'll be easy to make a negative sentence or an interrogative one,I'm sure.

There is/are の文もまた、be動詞を中心としているので、否定文、または疑問文を作りやすいと思います😁

Let's change the sentence of『There is a textbook on the shelf』into a negative and interrogative ones.

『There is a book on the shelf』という文を否定文と疑問文にしてみましょう。☝

No.95 12/03/11 20:32
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 94 『Continuation of the No.94』

At first,we put not at the back of the verbs of be,and make the negative sentence.

まず、not をbe動詞の後ろに置いて、否定文を作ります。🔤

There is not a textbook on the shelf.


In the next place,we put the verb of be at the beginning of the sentence,and make the interrogative sentence.


Is there a textbook on the shelf?


Yes,there is./No,there is not or isn't


As for the interrogative sentence of there is/are,we use when we ask whether or not it's there.

There is/are の疑問文は、そこにそれがあるかどうか尋ねる時に使います。😁

We can use the phrase,especially when asking someone a road or place,so please try it when you travel abroad.


If someone ask you,『Is there a post office near here?』,for instance,you'll answer like next.


『Yes.There is one in front of that store.』


No.96 12/03/18 09:12
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Column of the sun and the moon】

As for a reason why we always put the in front of『sun』and 『moon』,I'm afraid if I say each of them is only one,it may be in the wrong.         


While the sun is a fixed star which is a center of planets,the moon is the other one which revolves around the planets


Each of them isn't always only one.It's said Saturn has some moons,but why do we add to the?

それぞれに必ずしも唯一の物、と言うわけではありません。土星も幾つかの月があると言われてます。では何故 the をつけるのか?☝

As to we human beings on the earth,speaking of the moon about which is talked among us,it means the specific one.


Needless to say,the specific fixed star is the sun.


By the way,as for those expressions,they are in a reference book,やり直しの中学英語


I'm sure lots of people had thought both of the sun and the moon were only ones untilthe 20th century.


No.97 12/03/18 09:56
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Words which express nouns and verbs vividly】


Adjective,adverb,and preposition are words which add explanations to nouns and verbs.


My grandmother was a girl.


When adding other words such as very,pretty and,tall to the word of girl,and putting another words such as fifty years ago at the end in thesentence,the sentence will become vivid.


We can imagine the grandmother used to be clearly.                 祖母のかっての姿を鮮やかに、思い浮かべる事ができます。😁              
Let's put together adjectives and adverbs and make our expressions more various.


No.98 12/03/25 03:52
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【How to use an adjective and their combinations】

『What is the adjective?』 『形容詞とは何か』            
An adjective is a word which expresses shape,figure,looks,contents of a thing or a person.


The thing and person mean nouns.In short,the adjective is the word which expresses the noun.


『How to use the two kinds of adjectives』


As for how to use the adjective,there are two kinds.


We put the adjective in front of and behind a noun and express it.Its part is a modifier.


We put behind a verb,mainly the ones of be,and express its subjective which means the noun.Its part is a complement.


No.99 12/03/25 08:19
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 98 『Adjective which plays a part of a modifier』


As to how to use the adjective,it has a role as the modifier which is put in front of the noun directly and expresses the word.



Pat is a great singer.


An adjective of great expresses what kind of singer Pat is in front of the noun.


An order of the Japanese and the English don't change in the example,so it is easy to understand I'm sure.


We can use the adjective over and over again and adopt with an adverb.



① A single adjective.    Tom bought a secondhand car.

① 単独の形容詞


② Using the adjective two times        That tall young man is our teacher.

② 形容詞を二回使います。


③ Using the adjective and an adverb

Natalie is a very cute girl.



No.100 12/04/01 19:48
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 99 『Adjective which plays a part on a modifier』


Some adjectives ornament the nouns at their backs.Roughly speaking,they are made of plural words,and we use them as the phrase of adjective.



We saw a tree full of flowers


Let's look at the example from its beginning.

We saw a tree

I'm sure you can understand it easily.




What kind of tree did we look? The phrase of adjective which was made of the adjective,preposition,and noun,the phrase of『full of flowers』expresses the tree at the back of the sentence.

どんな木を我々は見たのか?形容詞、前置詞、名詞で構成されてる形容詞句、『full of flowers』が木を表しています。🔤

We Japanese never ornament a word at the back when speaking our mother tongue,so I'm afraid you find it hard.


No.101 12/04/08 06:51
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 100 【Adjective which plays role on a complement】


When playing a part on a complement,the adjectives frequently express nouns behind verbs.Then the verbs are mainly the one of. be



She is wonderful


The adjective explains what kind of person she is in the example,being behind the verb of be.


It means she is excellent.As for the verb's position,it shows us difference between English and Japanese.



His house is big


This room is small.


Our car is new.


『Adjective's combination』              『形容詞の組み合わせ』          
If putting together the complement and modifier,the expression will become more varied so much.


No.102 12/04/08 07:38
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 101 『Adjective's combination』



His new bike is expensive.


Let's make certain its subject.It's his new bike.The word of new which is the adjective plays part on a modifier,and expresses the noun, the bike.

主語を確認しましょう。His new bike が主語です。new という単語が修飾語の役割をして、名詞のbikeを説明してます😃

Then let's make sure its verb.The example shows us the price of the bike is high,so its verb is the one of be.


Its subject is the third person singular,and the present,so we use is for the verb.

主語は三人称単数現在なので、動詞には is を使います😃

Lastly we add its complement,expensive to the example.Thus we can use the adjective over and over again in one sentence.

最後に補語となる expensive を例文に加えましょう。このように、一つの文に形容詞を何度でも使う事ができます。👍

No.103 12/04/15 08:10
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 102 『Adjective's combination』



His old watch is precious.



The red flowers are beautiful.


A word of old ornaments other one of watch,putting verb of be between other adjective of precious,and the adjective expresses watch at first example.


A word of red ornaments other one of flowers,putting verb of be between beautiful,and the adjective of beautiful expresses flowers at the next example.


『What's adverb?』


While an adjective expresses a noun,an adverb adds detailed explanation to a verb.


Roughly speaking,things in which the adverb expresses are the next three kinds.①Time and place ②Degree and state ③Frequency and the number of times

大雑把に言って、副詞が表すのは次の三種類です。①時間、場所 ②程度、様子 ③頻度、回数🙋

No.104 12/04/15 09:22
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 103 『Adverbs which expresses time in detail』


As for adverbs which express time,we put them behind verbs or at the end of the sentence basically.



I was a student three years ago.


Without the phrase of three years ago,readers can't recognize when I was a student.


In short,the adverb of three years ago adds an explanation of time to the word of was.


In this way, according to the tense,shapes of verbs change when speaking English.


Therefore showing others when it happened,or indicating others when the times are means that as a result they express verbs.


No.105 12/04/22 09:32
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 104 『Adverb which expresses time in detail』


In this way,English is speech to which we add explanations more and more at the back of the sentence.


Therefore,when reading English,let's try to ask yourself like next.『When did it happen?』,so you'll be able to find it easy to understand English so much.          



I went shopping after work.


『When did you go there?』『After work』


『Adverb which expresses its place』


Expressions which mean their places such as sets of prepositions(at,on, and in) and nouns are one of advers,for the expression adds explanations to verbs

前置詞(at,on,そして in)と名詞の組み合わせなどの、場所を表す表現も、動詞に説明を加える副詞の一つです。🙋


Your hat is on the table.


The example means its place like next.「Where is my hat?」「On the table」


No.106 12/04/22 10:27
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 105 『Adverb which expresses place in detail』



I went to the museum.


The example means next.「Where did you go?」「To the museum」


『A sentence in which time and place are combined』


In the next,let's combine two kinds of adverbs.They are time and place.


When expressing something in English,we usually describe in an order such as place and time.Let's make sure in the next example.



I played tennis in the park yesterday.


The example means next one.「Where?」「In the park」「When?」「Yesterday」


English is the speech in which we increase our explanations.If going deeply into your conversation,it'll be useful very much.


No.107 12/04/29 11:55
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 106 『Adverbs which express degree or state』


When telling others that we like something,we often revise the sentence,and say like next.「we like it very much.」


The word of 「very」expresses how much we like it.It means that the sentence describes degree of our liking.



I like cats very much.


The example expresses how much we like the cats with the phrase of「very much」

例文は、私がどれ位猫が好きかと言う事を、「very much」という語句を使って表してます。😺


He works hard.


The word of「hard」expresses how he works.It means that the example describes state in which he works.


As to adverbs which express degree or state,we also put them behind verbs,or at the end of the sentence.


No.108 12/04/29 12:55
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 107 『Adverbs which express degree or state』


Alex plays the guitar very well.


The example expresses his skill on the guitar.「As for his skill on the music instrument,how much is he?」「His skill is very well.」



She runs very fast.


The example expresses her speed of running.「How does she run?」「Very fast」


『Adverbs which express frequency,or the number of the times』


As for adverbs which express frequency,or the number of the times,there are several kinds such as sometimes,always and so on.

頻度や回数を表す副詞は、sometimes、または always などいくつかあります。🔤

We adopt the adverbs so as to express the next things.What percentage of behaviors are they being taken action? Or what percentage of the things do they happen?


No.109 12/05/06 01:10
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 108 『Adverbs which express frequency,and the number of the times』


As for adverbs which express frequency,and the number of the times,there are next words.I displayed from the ones of which frequency is much.always,usually,often,sometimes,rarely,and never    


As to the adverbs which express frequency,and the number of the times,their basic positions are next ones.Please be careful of its position.😃


①at the back of verbs of be

② in front of an ordinary verb

③between an auxiliary verb and the ordinary one.





Tom is sometimes free.


② I often go to the park.


③ He will always be busy next week.


No.110 12/05/06 08:15
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 109 『Adverbs which express frequency,and the number of the times』



My mother is always busy.
At the back of the verb of be


My father usually goes to bed at eleven.

In front of the ordinary verb.



She often studies history.

In front of the ordinary verb.



I rarely wear a hat.

In front of the ordinary verb.



I'll never be late again.

Between the auxiliary verb and the ordinary verb.

もう二度と遅れないつもりです。 (=これから一度も遅れない)


『Prepositions' parts』


Prepositions have often appeared in front of us.Let's collect some of them.


Preposition is a part of speech which is put in front of nouns literally.

前置詞は文字通り名詞の前に置かれる品詞です。 😃     

Roughly speaking,it plays the next two parts as a set of『preposition+ noun』


No.111 12/05/13 02:13
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 110 『Prepositions' part』


As to the two parts of the preposions,I'll show you them with the next example.



Put the book on the shelf.


A phrase of on the shelf works on a verb of put,and the phrase shows us a position where the book is put concretely.

on the shelf という語句はputという動詞に働きかけ、本の置かれている場所を具体的に示してます。😃

In shnrt,it plays a part of adverb which modifies the verb of put.


I'll show you other example in which the same phrase,on the shelf,includes.

同じ語句、on the shelf を含む他の例文です。🔤

Look at the book on the shelf.


If it means 棚の上で本を見る,I find it hard on to make sense.


We should think the phrase of on the shelf plays part of adjective which modifies a noun of the book.It's more natural.

On the shelfという語句は、名詞を修飾する形容詞としての役割を果たしてます。この方がより自然です😃

No.112 12/05/13 09:38
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 111 『Preposition's part』


When modifying the verb or noun in Japanese,棚の上に,or,棚の上の,we say like those.


Contrary to it,when using English,we adopt on for both the cases.It seems that we find it hard to distinguishe difference between them.


Therefore,for instance,when using the word of put,let's try to think a thing or place which we put.What's it? Or where is it?

だから、例えばput という単語を使う時、置く物、置く場所を考えるようにしましょう。それは何か? あるいは、それはどこか?😃

When using English,it'll be useful to understand it if we try to think about information which reaches to us,reading,or listening to it.We should think how the information changes.


No.113 12/05/20 05:26
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 112 『An image of preposition』

As for the prepositions,it is important for us to extinguish an usage of adjective fron other of adverb.


However,to understand the world of which each preposition has is more important than it.


If we can imagine them,we'll find it easy to grasp sentences or phrases in which the prepositions are used.


Please grasp changes of the prepositions' meaning so as to understand the prepositions.


At first,it's describing or grasping space.When using the prepositions,they show their places then.


In the next place,the prepositions express time,and describe abstract world.They also express movement,according to their combinations


No.114 12/05/20 11:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 113 『An image of preposition』


I'm going to express basic prepositions such as at,in,and on,according to change of their meanings.


『Worlds of at and in』


《Grasping space.》


There is an illustration like next.There are two balls.The one is in a box,and the other is near the box.


I'm going to say those situations in English.The one is 『The ball is in the box.』,and the other is『The ball is at the box』


When using the at,it doesn't mean that the ball clings to the box,moreover it isn't in the box.


It's just that we regard the box as a point which is a mark.


Contrary to it,when using the in,we think of the box as space or frame which have their contents.Then we tell others being their insides.


No.115 12/05/27 05:44
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 114 《Grasping space》

As for grasping space,when using at,it means one dimension.It's a point.


Contrary to it,when using in,it's three dimension.The in stands for space,scoop,and limit.

それに対して、in を使う時は三次元。空間、範囲、枠を表します😁




The meeting starts at 9:00a.m.


This project started in 2009


When using 9:00a.m,we regard a short time zone as a point,so we adopt the at.

Contrary to it,when using 2009,it means the project started in a scoop,or period,so we use the in.

それに対して2009年を使う時は、ある範囲、期間に、そのプロジェクトが始まった事を意味します。だから in を使います。😃

《Using the right word in the right place》


at→what's time,noon,or night

at→ 何時、正午、夜


at three,at noon,or at night


The night is originally time when we sleep.When sleeping,we feel as if the time passed in an instant,so we use the at.

夜は本来寝る時間です。寝ると時間は瞬間的に過ぎるようにかんじます。だから、at を使います🙋

No.116 12/05/27 08:31
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 115 《As to time,using the right word in the right place》


in→ year,season,month,morning,afternoon,and evening.

in → 年、季節、月、午前、午後、夕方


in 1972,in spring,in January,in the morning,in the afternoon,and in the evening


on→date,or day of the week.



on 19,or on Monday




(1) in,its situation,and case

in とその状況、場合

As for being in a situation,or case,when using the in,we regard the situation and case as scoope and limit.



That is not important in this case.


In that situation,his actions were right.


(2)in and clothing →wearing a clothes

(2)inと服装 服を身に付けて

Its image is a person fits in the clothes



She looks wonderful in a blue dress.


It means she wears the blue dress,so the speaker thinks she is wonderful.


No.117 12/06/03 16:11
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 116 《Derivation》


at:point,aiming at something



Look at that sign!


A word of look originally means that turning our eyes toward something.As to a place where we throw,we use the at.We can use it like next.

look という言葉は、もともと何かに目を向ける事を意味します。どこを目掛けているか、という事で at を使います。次のようにも使えます。😃


He threw a stone at the bottle.


【On's world】

【On の世界】

①Grasping space:two-dimension.(a line or face)Touch the line or face.              


There is a picture on the wall.


It means that the picture touches the wall.As long as there is gravitation on the earth,we frequently use the on as a thing which is from the upper part.

絵が壁と接触してる事を意味します。地球に重力がある限り、on を上からのものとして、頻繁に使います。🔤


There are a lot of books on the desk.


It means that the books touch the desk.


No.118 12/06/09 16:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 117 【On's world】

【on の世界】

② time:touch=Corresponds to something


If thinking of Japanese expression such as on that day,you can find it easy to understand.


We use the on for date or day of the week such as on May 1st,on Wednesday,or on a hot day.☀



I worked outside on a hot day.


I usually go shopping on Sunday.


③ Derivation:pressure from upper part

③ 派生:上部から圧迫


Children depend on their parents.


The example's image is their children are on parents and they weigh heavily on their parents.


【What we compare the one with the other makes our impression varied】


My lecture will go into a chapter of comparison from next time.


No.119 12/06/10 07:53
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

Comparing with others makes our expressions more vivid.😃

While with only a sentence of『That ground is large』,we can't recognize about its size concretely,with other one of『The ground is as large as Tokyo baseball studium』,we can imagine its size concretely.


I'm going to express positive degree 原級 which describes same size,comparative one which tells difference,and superlative one 最上級 which means what is called No.1


『Positive degree which expresses same size』


《What is an expression of comparison?》



Alex is tall


The example is simple and easy to understand,but we can't recognize about his height concretely.


To be continued.

続きます 🙋

No.120 12/06/10 08:56
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 119 《What is an expression of comparison?》


I'm going to continue the last response of mine.


Thus,lots of adjectives such as tall,short,big,or small are subjective(personal opinion).


As to its degree,we can't often tell others very much.


Then if comparing with somebody or something others,and adding expressions of comparison,we'll find it easy to understand what it means.That is why we compare a thing with others.


《Positive degree which expresses same one》


If wanting to express something is same degree in English,we use 『as adjective/adverb as》

もし、何かが同じ程度の物だと、英語で表したいなら、as 形容詞/副詞 as を使います。😃

Those adjectives and adverbs are positive degree,and a whole expression of『as adjective/adverb as』is also the positive degree.

これらの形容詞、副詞は原級で、『as 形容詞/副詞 as』という表現全体もまた、副詞です。😃

  • << 123 『Positive degree which express a thing which is same degree』 『同じくらいを表す原級』 As for content of the part of『』in the last lecture of mine,I'm sureI made a mistake. 自分の最後の抗議の『』の部分で、間違えてしまいました。😳 I described『Positive degree which express same one』 It means I expressed replica,but what I wanted to express is other one. 自分は『原級は全く同一の物を記述する』としてしまった。それは複製について述べている事になる。でも、自分の言いたい事は、他の事だ😳 《as adjective as》 《形容詞と同程度》 As for a sentence of positive degree of adjective,we make like next. 形容詞の原級の文は、次のように作ります。😃 At first,we have to think of a sentence which is a base. まず、基になる文章を考えなければ😃 Alex is tall. アレックスは背が高い However,we have to express how tall he is. しかし、彼がどれくらい背が高いか、表さなければなりません。😃 Next,we put a word of as which express same degree.Please regard the as as a signal which appears an objection for comparison. 次に同じ程度を表す as という単語を置きます。この as は、比較の対象が現れる合図だと思って下さい。😃 Alex is as tall アレックスは同じくらい背が高い。 Who does the sentence compare with? その文章は誰と比較してるか?😃

No.122 12/06/14 05:19
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 121 Thank you for your response.


As to the main point of this thread,though I hate to say,I don't make much of listening skill.


Please read my thread carefully.


No.123 12/06/17 08:22
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 120 《What is an expression of comparison?》 《比較表現って何?》 I'm going t… 『Positive degree which express a thing which is same degree』


As for content of the part of『』in the last lecture of mine,I'm sureI made a mistake.


I described『Positive degree which express same one』 It means I expressed replica,but what I wanted to express is other one.


《as adjective as》


As for a sentence of positive degree of adjective,we make like next.


At first,we have to think of a sentence which is a base.


Alex is tall.


However,we have to express how tall he is.


Next,we put a word of as which express same degree.Please regard the as as a signal which appears an objection for comparison.

次に同じ程度を表す as という単語を置きます。この as は、比較の対象が現れる合図だと思って下さい。😃

Alex is as tall


Who does the sentence compare with?


No.124 12/06/17 11:06
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 123 《as adjective as》

《 形容詞と同じくらい》

Then we put other as behind the adjective and follow the objection with which we compare.

それから、もう一つの as を形容詞の後ろに、そして比べる対象を続けます。😃

Alex is as tall as his father.


Even if coming across an complicated sentence,I'm sure you'll understand it as long as you follow its order,so without losing your presence of mind,please grapple with it.


《as adverb as》

《as 副詞 as》

As to adverb,we can make an expression of comparison of same degree with the same order of adjective.


At first,we make a sentence which is being based.


My father gets up early.


Next,we put as in front of the adverb(early).The as is the signal which appears a thing of comparison later.

次に、副詞(early)の前に asを置きます。その as は後で比較対象が現れる合図です。🔤

Then we put other as behind the adverb and follow the thing of comparison.

それから、他の as を副詞の後ろに置き、比較対象を続けます。😃

No.125 12/06/24 09:29
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 124 『Exercise』

Let's change the next sentences into other ones with an expsession of degree.


①His room is large


②This book is easy.


③Tom speaks Japanese well.


④She runs fast


①His room is as large as mine.


When speaking English,to repeat same words in a single sentence isn't desirable.If expressing 僕の部屋 with my room,a word of room is being repeated,so we should use other word,mine.

英語を話す時、同じ言葉を一つの文で繰り返すのは、望ましくありせん。僕の部屋を my roomで表すと、roomが繰り返されるので、他の言葉、mineを使うべきです😃

②This book is as easy as that one.


The word which we should use isn't that book but that one,avoiding same word,room.

同じ言葉、roomを避けるため、使うべき言葉は that book ではなくて that oneです。

③Tom speaks Japanese as well as Alex


④She runs as fast as John.


『We'll express difference,using degree』


No.126 12/06/24 18:35
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 125 『We express difference,using degree』


《A not as adjective/adverb as B》


What A isn't as ~ as B is when comparing A with B,they aren't something same.

A は Bほど ~ ではない、とはA と B を比べた時、それらは同じではない、と言うことです。

It's just that we change a sentence of degree as adjective/adverb as into negative one.

原級 as 形容詞/副詞 as の文を否定文にするだけです。

As to both sentences of be verbs and ordinary ones,we express like that.



My room is not as small as yours.


My sister doesn't get up as early as my mother.



When speaking English,repetition of same word in a single sentence isn't desirable.


Therefore we express like next.『Your room isn't as large as mine』


We express something which belongs to someone with personal pronoun such as yours,his,hers,and theirs.


To be continued.😃

No.127 12/07/01 10:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 126 Notes



This ball isn't as big as that one


We frequently use other pronoun such as the one.

one のような代名詞も頻繁に使います😃

『A times as…as B』


With an expression of as degree as,we can say X is twice as large or small other.

As 原形 as と言う表現を使って、Xは他の物より二倍大きい、または小さいという事が出来ます😃

As to its size or degree,if it's twice,we have to put twice in front of the first as.

大きさ、程度が二倍なら twice 二倍 を一番目の as の前に置かなければなりません。😃

If it's more than three times,we must put a number of its multiple and times in front of the as.If it's 50%,we put half.

三倍以上ならば、倍数を表す数字と times を as の前に置かなければなりません。半分なら half です。😺


My room is twice as large as yours.


This bridge is five times as long as that one.


He has half as many books as mine.


【The comparison degree which expresses the difference】


No.128 12/07/01 11:11
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 127 【The comparison degree which expresses the difference】


With the comparison degree,we express the difference straightforwardly like the next sentence.


Then we use adjective and adverb to which we add er.We sometimes adopt other word,more.

その時 er を加えた形容詞、副詞を使います。他の言葉、more を使う事もあります。😃

『Adjective/adverb + er than』


①At first,we have to think about a sentence being on its base like the positive degree.


Alex is tall,but how tall?


② We add er to the adjective,tall directly.The er expresses difference,and please regard it as a sign which appears an object for comparison later.

er を形容詞である tall に直接付け足します。er は違いを表し、後で比較対象が現れる合図だと思って下さい。😃

Alex is taller       アレックスは、より背が高い、だれより?
              ③ We put than between the adjective and the object for comparison.

than を形容詞と比較対象の間に置きます。

Alex is taller than Dick


taller 形容詞+ er

than ~より

Dick 比較対象

No.129 12/07/08 06:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 128 『More adjective/adverb than』

『more 形容詞/副詞 than』

When changing comparatively a long adjective,and adverb of which shape is the adjective+ ly into the comparative degree,we put more in front of the adjective and adverb.

比較的長めの形容詞や、形容詞+ly という副詞を比較級にする時、その形容詞と副詞の前にmoreを置きます。

With a sentence in which comparatively a long adjective,beautiful used,we'll watch an expression of the comparative degree in which more is adopted.

比較的長めの形容詞、beautiful を使った文で、moreを使った比較級の表現を見てみます。

① At first,we have to think of the sentence which is being based on like the positive degree and the comparative one + er

① まず、原級、比較級+er のように、ベースとなる文を考えます。

② We put more in front of the beautiful.

more を beautiful の前に置きます。

The more means difference,and please look upon the more as a sign which appears an object for comparison later.

その moreは違いを表し、後で比較対象が現れる合図だと思って下さい。😃

This flower is more beautiful…how beautiful is it?


No.130 12/07/08 09:11
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 129 『More adjective/adverb than』

『More 副詞/形容詞 than』

③ We have put the object for the comparison at the back of the than.

比較の対象を than の後ろに置きます。😃

Then we express the object with that one,avoiading repeating the same word.

その時、同じ言葉を繰り返す事を避け、比較対象を that one で表します。

This flower is more beautiful than that one


With the same order,we can make other comparative degree of adverb like ly+ adjective.

同じ手順で、ly + 形容詞のような副詞の比較級を作れます。


Tom speaks Japanese more slowly than Alex.



As for comparatively long adjectives,they are some two syllables words and more than three syllables ones.


The syllables are expressed with a mark of・.All of words in dictionary are punctuated with ・.😃


For example,beautiful is expressed like next,beau・ti・ful.It's three syllables.

例えば beautifulは次のようにbeau・ti・fulと表します。3音節です。

To be continued.


  • << 136 Notes As for the words of two syllables,while early changes into earlier or earliest,we put more or most in front of famous and careful. 二音節の言葉は、early は earlier,earliest と変化するけれど、famous,careful は more,most を前に置きます😃 『irregular change』 『不規則な変化』 There are the comparative degrees which change irregularly.They are next ones. 不規則に変化する比較級もあります。次の物です。😃 good/well → better           bad/badly/ill → worse many/much →more little → less Example My grades are better than hers. 僕の成績は彼女の成績より良いhers は her grade です。 He drank more beer than Dick. 彼はディックよりたくさんビールを飲みました 『The comparative degree which means that X is… than any other 』 『Xは他の何より/誰より…だ、という意味の比較級』 The superlative degree is an expression that X is the most ….I'm going to show you the comparative degree which is close to the superlative degree. 最上級は、Xは一番…だ、と言う表現です。最上級に近い意味の比較級を、示してみます。😃 A/the comparative degree of adjective or adverb/than any other B A は他のどのBより 形容詞/副詞だ

No.131 12/07/14 02:53

>> 130 Hello✋



No.132 12/07/14 04:40
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 131 To 中学生さん😃

Hi! Thank you for your response. Your question is too difficult for me to answer exactly,I'm afraid,for I've heard there is no custom of 暑中見舞い in Europe and the U.S.A.


When looking up the phrase of 暑中見舞い in dictionary,it's Japanese is like the next.


When suffering from intense heat in summer,we ask our relatives or acquaintances how they lead their lives.


However,even if they don't have the custom like that,they will be able to recognize what we want to say,I'm sure.


It has been hot for a while,so please take care of yourself.


As for expressions,there are lots of difference between Japan and Europe and the U.S.A.


If you recognize them,I'm sure you will have a fun.


Have pleasant consecutive holidays.


No.133 12/07/14 10:45

>> 132 やっぱり英語は難しいね💦

No.134 12/07/14 19:49
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 133 To 中学生さん😃

Thank you for your response.


I'd heard studying English is learning foreign customs in high school.


Without recognizing them,there are lots of expressions which we can't grasp exactly,I'm afraid.


As for me,English is a kind of way with which I express myself,moreover I have a fun then.


As for you,A.A is equivalent to my English,I'm wondering.


Have a pleasant evening


No.135 12/07/15 09:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 134 To 中学生さん

Good morning.I'm afraid I may have said something unpleasant in my last response.


I'm afraid you were offended with my remark.I have to apologize you for it.I'm sorry.


No.136 12/07/15 18:27
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 130 『More adjective/adverb than』 『More 副詞/形容詞 than』 ③ We have put the … Notes

As for the words of two syllables,while early changes into earlier or earliest,we put more or most in front of famous and careful.

二音節の言葉は、early は earlier,earliest と変化するけれど、famous,careful は more,most を前に置きます😃

『irregular change』


There are the comparative degrees which change irregularly.They are next ones.


good/well → better           bad/badly/ill → worse

many/much →more

little → less


My grades are better than hers.

僕の成績は彼女の成績より良いhers は her grade です。

He drank more beer than Dick.


『The comparative degree which means that X is… than any other 』


The superlative degree is an expression that X is the most ….I'm going to show you the comparative degree which is close to the superlative degree.


A/the comparative degree of adjective or adverb/than any other B

A は他のどのBより 形容詞/副詞だ

No.137 12/07/22 10:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 136 『The comparative degree which means that X is … than any other』


《A adjective or advbrb's comparative degree than any other B》

《A 形容詞か、副詞の比較級 than any other B》


The any means optional and intentional.The other means something else.If its subject,A is singular,B is also singular.

any は任意、無作為、other は何か他の物を意味します。主語の A が単数なら B もまた単数です。😃

Both of singular and plural forms of noun come after the any,so we should be careful.


Then we compare the A with each of the B,so the B is singular.In short,the comparative degree is comparing single one with other one as a principle.

その時、Aと他の一つ一つの B と比較してます。だから、B は単数です。要するに、比較級は原則として、一つの物と他の一つの物を比較します。😃

By the way,I'm afraid I may have made a mistake again.

⭕ compare A with B

❌ compare with A


When being the B is plural form,it means the most adjective/adverb,so we express it with the next superlative degree.

B が複数形の時、最も形容詞/副詞だ、という意味です。次の最上級で表します😃

No.138 12/07/22 18:26
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 137 『The comparative degree which means that X is … than any other』



Dick is taller than any other boy in his class.


Dick is the tallest of all the boys in his class.


I'm going to change the next sentences into the comparative degree's ones.


His room is large.


His room is larger than mine.


As for an adjective of which last alphabet is e,we only have to add r at the end of the adjective.It becomes the comparative degree.
最後のアルファベットが e の形容詞は、r をその形容詞の最後に加えればいいだけです。それが比較級になります。😃

Instead of my room,we adopt mine in order to avoid repeating the same word.

同じ言葉を繰り返すのを避ける為に、my room ではなく mine を使います。😃

This book is difficult


This book is more difficut than that one.


Difficut is three syllables such as dif fi cult,so we have to put more in front of the adjective.

difficultは dif fi cult のように三音節なので、形容詞の前に more を置かなければなりません。😃

No.139 12/07/29 05:44
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 138 『The comparative degree means that X is … than any other』

『Xは、他の誰よりも/何よりも… だ、という意味の比較級』

Continuation of the last response of mine.


Instead of that book,we use that one in order to avoid repeating.

繰り返しを避ける為に、that book ではなく that one を使います。😃

Yuki runs fast.


Yuki runs faster than any other girl in her class.


The comparative degree of adverb,faster + than any other

副詞の比較級、faster + 他の誰よりも

Mt.Fuji is high.


Mt.Fuji is higher than any other mountain in Japan.


『The comparative degree which means X is … than any other 』


The superlative degree means that X is No.1 about something,but instead of the superlative degree,we are going to express it with the comparative degree this time.


A comparative degree of adjective and adverb than any other B

A は他のどの B より形容詞、副詞だ

No.140 12/07/29 06:41
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 139 I made a mistake.As for the expression after the example of Mt.Fuji,I'd already expressed it.It is shameful of me to do that.


《the adjective/adverb + est in/of …》


We are going to make sure example of the superlative degree like positive one and comparative one.


Alex is tall


When making a sentence being based on,we do it like the positive degree and comparative one.


Alex is the tallest


We put the in front of the adjective and attach est at the back of the adjective directly.

the を形容詞の前に置き、estを形容詞に直接くっつけます。😃

Please regard the as a sign which means No.1

the は一番を意味する合図だと思って下さい。🔤

Alex is the tallest in his class.


We put an extent in which we compare at the back of the sentence.


No.141 12/08/05 08:44
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 140 《the adjective/adverb + est in/of… 》


Continuation of the last reponse of mine.


We put a range in which we compare an one with other at the back of the adjective,or adverb,using in.

ある物と他の物を比較する範囲を、in を使って形容詞/副詞の後に置きます😃

Alex is the tallest in his class.


When using the superlative degree,we frequently put range,or object in which we compare at the end of the sentence,using in or of.

最上級を使う時、in や of を使って、比べる範囲や対象を文末に置く事が多いです。😃

most adjective/adverb in/of

most 形容詞/副詞 in/of

When changing comparatively long adjective or adverb of the adjective + ly into the superlative degree,we put the most in front of the adjective or adverb.

比較的長い形容詞、形容詞 + ly の副詞を最上級に変える時、その形容詞/副詞の前に most を置きます😃

Let's express English,using the superlative degree in which we adopt the most.

most を最上級に使い、英語を表してみましょう🙋

When making a sentence being based on,we do like the positive degree or comparative one.


No.142 12/08/05 20:54
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 141 《most adjective/adverb in/of…》

《most 形容詞/副詞 in/of…》

This flower is beautiful.


It's a sentence being based on.We put the most in front of the adjective,beautiful.The most is a sign which means No.1

基となる文です。most を形容詞、beautifulの前に置きます。most は一番という意味です。😃

This flower is the most beautiful.


We put objections with which we compare at the back of the adjective.We put them with of.

比べる対象を、形容詞の後ろに置きます。of と一緒に置きます😃

The flower is the most beautiful of all.


Instead of『of all flowers』,we adopt『of all』,for we avoid repeating the same word,flower,when speaking English.

of all flowers ではなく of all を使います。英語を話す時は、同じ言葉、flower を繰り返す事を避けます。😃

《special superlative degree,it means irregular conjugation》


The comparative degree which changes irregularly becomes the irregular superlative one.


good/well →better → best

bad/badly/ill→ worse →worst

many/much →more →most

little → less→least

No.143 12/08/12 07:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 142 『Continuation of the last remark of mine』



Alex speaks Japanese the best in his famiy.


『Using the right in and of in the right place』

『in と of の使い分け』

As for the in and of which are put at the back of the superlative degree,there are some rules.

最上級の後ろに置かれる in,of の使い分けにはルールがあります😃

The in expresses three-dimensional space or range originally.

in は元々、三次元の空間、範囲を表します。😃

In short,it resembles a box,and the in means its outer frame.

簡単に言えば、in は箱に似ていて、その外枠を意味します😃

Contrary to it ,the of has other image of holding the box in your hand or arm,and taking out its contents from our hands or arms it freely.It means an element which consists of its contents.

一方、of は箱を手や腕で持っていて、自由に中身を自由に取り出せるイメージがあります。箱の中身を構成するイメージです。😃

We can use both of the in and of at one sentence.

In と of は一つの文の中で、使えます。


Monica runs the fastest of all the girls in her clss.


No.144 12/08/12 13:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 143 『Using the right in and of in the right place』

『in と of の使い分け』

In,its extent or places.It means its outer frame.

in その範囲、場所。外枠を意味します。


in Japan,in the world,in my family,in your class,and so on


Of and plural,it means number,a word of all,or plural noun.It's structural element.

Of 複数。数字、all という単語、複数名詞を意味します。構成要素の事です。😃


of the three,of all,of his classmates,and so on.


《one of the superlative degree》


When using the superlative degree,it doesn't always mean the only No.1.


For instance,it is hard for us to select the most well-known singer,limited to only one.


However,we can express it,making use of an ambiguous way like one of the superlative degree.


To be exact,we use a way of saying one of the superlative degree + plural noun.

正確には、one of the 最上級,複数名詞、という言い方を使います。😃

No.145 12/08/19 08:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 144 《One of superlative degree》


If we want to say『the most famous singer』,we try to say『one of the most famous singers』



He is one of the most famous singers in the world.


It's just that one of plural things,so we adopt plural noun after the phrase of『one of』

複数の物の一つなので、one ofと言う語句の後に複数名詞を使います。😃

《How to make the comparative degree and superlative degree.They are fixed changes》


As for the fixed change,it's just that we only have to change at the end of adjective,obeying the rules

Its base is we add er to the adjective of the comparative degree,and est to the one of the superlative degree.

基本は er を比較級の形容詞の後ろに、est を最上級の形容詞の後ろにつけるだけです😃

As to the adjectives which end with e,it's just that we add r,or st to the positive degree.

e で終わる形容詞には、原級にr または st を加えます。😃

No.146 12/08/19 09:59
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 145 《How to make the comparative degree and superlative degree.They are the fixed changes》

I should have shown examples for basic changes and others which end with e at the last response.






The changes which end with e




When the word ends with a consonant and y,we change the y into i and add er or est.

単語がyで終わる時は、yをiに変えてer または est をつける



When the word ends with short vowel and consonant,we put the last consonant again,and add er or est to it.

単語が短母音と子音で終わる時は、最後の子音を重ね、それにer,est を加えます。



When the word is longer adjective,or adverb which ends with ly,we put more, or most in front of the positive degree.

単語が長い形容詞 または lyで終わる副詞は、原級の前に more または mostを置きます

beautiful,more beautiful,most beautiful

careful,more careful,most careful

No.147 12/08/26 13:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 146 【A column】

『My room is narrow?😱』

It seems that using right adjectives in the right place is a little difficult


When saying 高い in Japanese,is it tall or high in English?            
日本語で、高いと言う時、英語では tall、それとも high ?😣

As for the tall,it means the one which we can see from its lower part to the top.

tall は下から上まで見える、と言う事を意味します。

       For example,there is a slender thing.When erecting and expressing it,tall is suitable rather than high.                 例えば、細い、すらっとしたものがあります。それを立てた時、highよりも tallの方がよいです。🙆                  When using,a tall person,a tall tree,and a tall building,they seem to fit.

a tall person,a tall tree,そして tall building のように使うと、ピッタリするようです。😃

Contrary to it,as to the high,we pay attention to its top.It seems to be something tough,solid.Therefore we feel as if we couldn't see from its lower part to the top.


High mountain seems to be appropriate.

high mountain などがしっくりときますね😃

No.148 12/08/26 20:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 147 【A column】

When looking up to 狭い in a Japanese-English dictionary,you'll come across narrow.

「狭い」を和英辞書で調べると、narrow が出てくるでしょう。

『My room is small』If not being large your room,instead of narrow,we use small.

『My room is small』

部屋が広くない、狭い、と言う時は narrow ではなく small を使います。

When using narrow,we adopt like next.

『This road is too narrow for a truck to pass through』

narrow を使う時は次のように使います。


In short,narrow means its width is narrow.When saying its area is small,we adopt small.

要するに、narrowは 幅が狭いと言う事です。面積が狭い時、smallを使います😃

Expression of time.Past,present time,and future


We often talk with others about old memory in the past,or dreams in the future.


If someone ask us「What are you doing?」,we'll answer「I or we are doing ◯◯」


We'll study the past tense,the future tense in which we use auxiliary verbs,the progressive form,and imperative one in the next lesson.


No.149 12/09/09 02:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 148 《The past tense of be verbs》

We don't always talk about present circumstances.We frequently speak about in the past.


Therefore,we need to master how to express about the past without fail.


When using the past tense,we have to be careful,for their spellings are different,according to the singular forms or plural ones.



He is a teacher.➡ The present tense

彼は先生です。➡ 現在形です。

He was a teacher ➡ The past tense

彼は先生でした。➡ 過去形です。

When its subject is I,its past tense is was,so we adopt was.

主語が I の時は過去形は was です。だから was を使います。😃

Contrary to it,when its subject is you,we use were,even if its subject is singular form or plural one.

一方、主語が you の時は複数でも単数でも、were を使います。💡

No.150 12/09/09 04:06
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

《When using the be verbs,how to use the right present tense and the past one in the right places》


Let's be careful of its number and tense in the sentence which includes the be verbs.


The number mean whether a subject is a singular form or a plural one.The tense means whether it's the past tense or a present one.


The next sentences are same meaning,but their subjects are different.The one is the singular form,and the other is the plural one.



I was a firefighter.


We were firefighters.


You were a student.


You were students


He was a soccer player.


They were soccer players.


She was a pianist.


They were pianists.


No.151 12/09/16 08:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 150 《When using the be verbs,how to use the present tense and the past one in the right places》


Be verbs which mean being somewhere are also the same changes.


The examples of which subjects were singular forms are the formers,and the others of plural ones are the latters



Stephanie was at the desk.


Stephanie and Greg were at the desk.


Pat was in that room.

Pat and Tom were in that room.


Your hat was on the table.

Your hats were on the table.


As for the example,「Your hats were on the table」,it has two means.

Your hats were on the table は2通りの意味があります。「あなたの帽子がテーブルの上にあった。」「あなたがたの帽子がテーブルの上にあった」

We need to guess their meaning from their contexts.


No.152 12/09/16 09:49
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 151 【Past tenses and imperative forms of ordinary verbs】


『Verbs which change regularly』

Roughly speaking,as for the ordinary verbs in the past tense as long as they change regularly,we have only to add ed to the verbs.



The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m


The meeting started at 9:00a.m.


一般動詞、start+ed →started

However,others are different.I'll show you simple rules.


① Base.We add ed to the verb.

基本 動詞に edをつける


② The ones which end with e.We add only d to the verbs.

believe→believed live→lived

③ A simple vowel on which has a stress + consonant.We pile up the last consonant and add ed to the verbs.


stop→stopped tap→tapped

④ Consonant+y.We change the y into i and add ed to the verb.



No.153 12/09/23 11:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 152 《Verbs which change irregularly》


There are some ordinary verbs of which past tense change irregularly.


Although they are irregular,they have some patterns.Let's make sure of them.


①Verb of which part of vowel changes


②Change of its vowel and the end of the word also change into d,or t

② 母音の変化、語尾がd またはtになるもの

bring→broughtthink→thoughtteach→taught have→had

③The ones which don't change



④Things which change into special one



No.154 12/09/23 18:51
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

《An imperative sentence》


All the imperative sentences don't mean a severe order or compulsion like『Do this!』


We can change of its manners of speaking with our tones.For example,they are an order,request,and suggestion.


However,without judging from our tones,we can distinguish the difference between them.There are some kinds of imperative sentences.


①An original form of verb→
『Do something』

Then instead of doing,we usually use the original form of the verb.I showed the English example for the sake of convenience.



②Don't and the original form of verb.It's the imperative sentence of prohibition.

don't 動詞の原形。禁止の命令文。~してはいけない。

③ Please and the original form of the verb.It means a request.

Please 動詞の原形。依頼。どうか、~して下さい。

No.155 12/09/30 09:48
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 154 《An imperative sentence》


④Let's,an original form of a verb.It means an invitation.

Let's 動詞の原形。勧誘、誘いを意味します。

When replying,we do like next.『Yes,let's』or『No,let's not』


We use the imperative sentence because an other does'nt behave yet like we order.


We use an original form of a verb because its behavior isn't settled yet like the past tense.Then we don't use a subject of the sentence.


When using a basic imperative sentence,we start the sentence from the original form of a verb.



Come here on time.


Be a good boy.

The original form of be verb is be,so we say like『Be ~』


When using the imperative sentence of prohibition,we add the original form of the verb behind don't.


No.156 12/09/30 17:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 155 《An imperative sentence》

We can use both don't and the original form of the be verb,be at the same time.

don't と be動詞の原形、be を同時に使う事が出来ます。😃

Except for this imperative sentence,the word of don't never stands next to be in any sentences.

この命令文以外に、don't が be と並ぶ文はありません。😃


Don't touch me


Don't be noisy


We can use please both at the beginning and at the end of a sentence.Both of them almost mean same.

Please は、文頭、文末、両方に使えます。どちらも殆ど同じ意味です。😃


Please leave me alone.


Be quiet,please.


Please don't hesitate to call me.


Let's is a contracted form of Let us.

Let's は Let us の短縮形です


Let's go shopping.


Yes,let's/No,let's not


Let's not open the box.


Yes,let's./No,let's not.


No.157 12/10/07 09:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 156 《An imperative sentence》

When saying『Let's not do something』,but we want to do it,we'll say『No,let's』in Japanese.


Contrary to it,when saying we do something,if we acknowledge it,we answer with not『No』but『Yes』in English.


⭕ Yes,let's

❌ No,let's

《What is an auxiliary verb?》

What is an auxiliary verb?We put it in front of the original form of the verb.


Then we add our feelings,our sense of value,guess to its action or condition.We call it the auxiliary verb.


The auxiliary verbs are will,can,may,should,must,and so on.When making a sentense with the auxiliary verb,there is a basic rule like next one.


Subject,auxiliary verb,original form of verb


No.158 12/10/07 21:57
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【What is an auxiliary verb?】

There is one thing about which we should be careful.When using the auxiliary verbs,they never change their forms even if the number or personal pronoun of their subjects do.


We're going to start from will which means a kind of determination.It's a strong will.

決意を意味する will から始めます。強い意志と言っても良いと思います😃

【Will which means one's determination】

The auxiliary verbs are the ones which add a verb to our feelings or sense of value.


The feeling of the will means will.For example,it has a feeling that I've just decided it just now.

will の表す感情は意志です。それは例えば「たった今決めた!」というような感じです。😃

Then while my feeling is strong,I have never any definite plans on my determination at all.



I will study overseas.

I = 主語、will = 助動詞、study = 動詞の原形


  • << 165 【Will which means guess something】 If I say that I'll study abroad,it's my own will. もし、私は留学するつもりです、と言ったならそれは私自身の意志です。 However if the other says like that,we can't recognize its will definitely,so it doesn't seem that we can use the will. しかし、他者が言ったなら、その意志を明確に私達が知る事はできません。私達は will を使えないように思えます😣 However,we can use it even if their subjects are others or things. しかし、たとえ主語が他者や物事でも、willを使う事が出来ます Then we guess what they think,and express their remarks,so we call the will the guess. その時、私達は彼等の考えている事を推測して述べるので、その willを 推測と呼びます。 Example She will lend us money. 彼女は私達にお金を貸してくれるだろう My cat will eat the food. 私の猫がその食べ物を食べるでしょう It will rain 雨が降るでしょう When its subject is the third person singular,and present,we don't put s at the back of its ordinary verb.It's an original form. 主語が三人称単数現在でも、s を 動詞の後につけません。動詞は原形です。 【will which means a simple future】 We frequently adopt the will for a vague future too. will は漠然とした未来にもよく使います。

No.159 12/10/08 03:03
社会人159 ( ♀ )

It's unbelievable that I've come up with this kind of wonderful idea here! Surprired to know this thread but I'm so happy to meet you. So interesting and awesome is your doing!

Can I join you even if I'm totally Not 中学生?

Because actually, for me too, I must explain someone about English grammer in English as my work, so I'd love to learn better way how to teach it.

May I sometimes suggest my idea or question on teaching it here if it doesn't bother you?

Anyway I'll come here again soon!
See you later.

No.160 12/10/08 07:21
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 159 Thank you for your message,社会人さん😃

Few people came here,besides no one has visited me recently,so I'm happy to receive your message.How do you do.🙋

Oh! Your job is teaching English others in English?I hope my thread will something helpful.💦

To my sorrow,I'm not day off today,so even if I receive your message,I'm afraid my response will be late🙏

However,you are welcome.Please don't hesitate to come here.😃

Have a nice day!☀

No.161 12/10/09 18:59
社会人159 ( ♀ )

Thank you for replying me😃
Your thread will be helpful for me and moreover also for 中学生.
They are sure to be able to understand English grammer in English although it's sometimes,hard, and it's quite useful,I think.

Your thread gives me a power for my challenge!
To be honest, I'm trying to teach my student or support them to do activities in English, but almost always give up doing it halfway and start to use Japanese💦

I'm going to keep trying.

Anyhow,it's encouraging to see you here.
Keep in touch🎵

No.162 12/10/10 00:46
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 161 Hi! Thank you for your message😃

I'm sure our situations are different . 😃

When expressing English in this thread, I have enough timeto to do it. 😃

Contrary to it, when teaching English your students in your class , your time is limited.In addition, you have to deal with each child and whole the class,I'm wondering. 😱

It's so hard that I can not do them,I am sure.💦

Good night . Have a nice dream🌠

No.163 12/10/20 08:47
社会人159 ( ♀ )

Thank you for your reply.
I'm sorry my late reply.

As you said, sometimes it's hard to manage class because some students can't totally understand my saying or don't have interest in English.

But It also can be a lot of fun to cooperate with them to make their class interesting, even if I can't finish the class with All English.

Whatever I say, my aim is All English;I try hard!

Now,it's fun for me to read your thread of the past little by little.

Have a nice weekend☀

No.164 12/10/21 13:28
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 163 Thank you for your message.😃

I also think it hard to have English class for an elementary school children.For example,the third person singular and present,tense,verbs of be and so on.😥

The children are worried about those English rules,for it's different from our mother tongue so much.😫

A variety of guestions may have made great contribution to us human race,but when having English class,the children's questios may prevent them from learning English,I'm afraid.😠

Without learning English rules,they can't speak English exactly.🔤

However,the more you face difficulties,the happier you'll be when overcoming the hardships,I'm sure.😃

English classes in an elementary school have just started,so lots of the teachers have been groping in the darkness 暗中模索,I'm wondering.😣

I'm sure you've been in difficulties.Good luck.💪

By the way,I'm happy to hear you've read my thread.I've been afraid no one has read recently😂

Have a nice afternoon🙋

No.165 12/10/21 14:40
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 158 【What is an auxiliary verb?】 There is one thing about which we shoul… 【Will which means guess something】

If I say that I'll study abroad,it's my own will.


However if the other says like that,we can't recognize its will definitely,so it doesn't seem that we can use the will.

しかし、他者が言ったなら、その意志を明確に私達が知る事はできません。私達は will を使えないように思えます😣

However,we can use it even if their subjects are others or things.


Then we guess what they think,and express their remarks,so we call the will the guess.

その時、私達は彼等の考えている事を推測して述べるので、その willを 推測と呼びます。


She will lend us money.


My cat will eat the food.


It will rain


When its subject is the third person singular,and present,we don't put s at the back of its ordinary verb.It's an original form.

主語が三人称単数現在でも、s を 動詞の後につけません。動詞は原形です。

【will which means a simple future】

We frequently adopt the will for a vague future too.

will は漠然とした未来にもよく使います。

No.166 12/10/21 18:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 165 【Will which means a simple future】


We will be 35 years old next year.


As for the example,it has been already fixed,so we don't have to guess it.


Besides,we've never decided it just now.It means a vague future,so we call it the will of simple future.

加えてそれをたった今決めたわけでもありません。漠然とした未来を表すので、単純未来の will と言います

However if our average life expectancy is very short,the example may mean my strong determination.


【be going to and will】

A phrase of be going to original form of verb is similar to the will.

be going to 動詞の原形と言う語句は will と似ています。

Be going to the original form of verb means that one is moving toward a place where it does something.

Be going to 動詞の原形は、それが行われる場所に向かっていく事を意味します。

Be going to is the progressive form,and has a nuance that its subject moves toward its future.

be going to は進行形で、その主語は未来に向かって行く、という微妙な意味合いを持ってます。

  • << 168 【be going to and will】 We can also express our will or guess with the phrase of be going to like will. 私達は自分の意思、推量を will のように be going to でも表します。 However its nuance is a little different from the will. しかし、その微妙な意味合いは will とは少し違います😃 《be going to of will to an original form of a verb》 A nuance that the one is going somewhere on the way comes from other one. 向かっていく途中というニュアンスから、他のニュアンスがでてきます😃 Therefore we use the be going to with an adverb which expresses time. だから時間を表す副詞と一緒に使います。 Then,the adverb makes its plan clear. その時、その副詞は予定を明確にします。 Example I'm going to study overseas next year. 来年僕は留学する 《be going to of guess to an ordinary form of a verb》 Example It's going to rain 雨が降るだろう Its subject is it which express things,and it expresses guess. 主語は物事を表す it で、推量を表します。 A person who speaks has a ground of definitive expectation which it can see. 話してる人には、その人が見ている明確な根拠があります。 For example,it saw black clouds,so it may have expected it rained. 例えば黒い雲を見たので、雨が降ると思ったのかもしれません☔

No.167 12/10/21 20:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To 中学生さん

How are you? 中学生さん.I hope you are fine.


I've studied English for years,so fortunately I can understand English sentences to some extent.


However,to my sorrow I can't understand others think,so without recognizing,I'm apt to end up making others upset about me.


I'm afraid my remarks made you be hurt.I have to apologize it for you.I'm sorry for it.


Have a nice evening😃


No.168 12/10/28 11:37
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 166 【Will which means a simple future】 Example We will be 35 years old… 【be going to and will】

We can also express our will or guess with the phrase of be going to like will.

私達は自分の意思、推量を will のように be going to でも表します。

However its nuance is a little different from the will.

しかし、その微妙な意味合いは will とは少し違います😃

《be going to of will to an original form of a verb》

A nuance that the one is going somewhere on the way comes from other one.


Therefore we use the be going to with an adverb which expresses time.


Then,the adverb makes its plan clear.



I'm going to study overseas next year.


《be going to of guess to an ordinary form of a verb》


It's going to rain


Its subject is it which express things,and it expresses guess.

主語は物事を表す it で、推量を表します。

A person who speaks has a ground of definitive expectation which it can see.


For example,it saw black clouds,so it may have expected it rained.


No.169 12/10/28 12:36
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 168 【be going to and will】

《Be going to of guess to an ordinary form of a verb》

Contrary to it,when will is adopted,it's a situation like the next one.


When hearing a weather forecast,we expect vaguely that it rains,we use will then.We say like next,it'll rain.

天気予報を聞いて雨が降るだろう、と漠然と思う時、will を使います。It will rain と言います☔

It has a nuance like next.Though the weather forecast says so,I don't have a clear feeling like that,for I've seen the weather with my own eyes.


As to difference between will and be going to,we don't have to be worried about it so much.              
Will と be going to の違いについては、そんなに悩む必要はありません😃

However,we can use the right word in the right place,our English expressions are so varied that we'll have more fun when speaking English.


No.170 12/11/04 09:23
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 169 【be going to and will】


I'm going to buy some CDs tomorrow.


What are you going to do this evening?


My father isn't going to have breakfast this morning.


Look! The picture on the wall is going to fall.


In this situation,its speaker looks the scene with its own eyes.


It's very cold today.It's going to snow in the afternoon.


In this situation,there is a ground that it's very cold,so the speaker expects it's going to snow.


【Review of auxiliary verb】

Auxiliary verb is put in front of an original form of a verb.


It supplements speaker's feeling,guess,and its sense of value.


Except for will,we're going to learn other auxiliary verbs such as can,may,should,and must together.

will 以外の can,may,should,そして must を、まとめて学んでいきます。

No.171 12/11/04 10:49
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 170 【Review of auxiliary verbs】


I can ride a horse.


He can ride a horse.


Peculiarity of a sentence in which auxiliary verb is used


When its subject is the third person singular,and present time,its auxiliary verb remains its form.


When its subject is the third person singular,and present time,its ordinary verb also remains its original form.


It means that we never add s or es to the verb.

e や esを、動詞には、絶対つけない、という事です。

【Auxiliary verbs which move toward future】

Roughly speaking,the auxiliary verbs are divided into two.


The ones are the auxiliary verbs' original meanings,and the others are guess or estimate.


As to the others,the original meanings change into them.


No.172 12/11/11 08:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 171 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】

As to can,its original meanings is an ability


Contrary to it,other of which original meaning changes is possibility.


As for may,its original meaning is permission.

As for should,its original meaning is a advice.


Both of the may and should are guess,with regard to others of which original meanings changes are guess.


       However,to be exact,there is difference between the may and should.               しかしながら、正確に言えば、may と shouldには違いがあります                   Each degree of guess is different.The should is stronger than the may.              推測の程度が違います。should は may よりも強いです。                As to must,its original meanings are obligation,order,and determination.


On the other hand,other of which meaning changes is also guess.


No.173 12/11/11 10:05
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】

However,the must is stronger than any other two,the may and should,in regard to the degree of guess.

しかしながら、推測の程度では、must は他の2つ、may や should よりも強いです。

《Usage of its original meaning》

Next examples are usages of original meanings.


Speakers express they should or may do something from now on.


As to can,it seems to be hard to understand,but it means that the speaker can do something with its ability which they possess at present time.

can は分かり難いようですが、話し手が現在持っている能力で、何かをやれるという事です。


I can play the guitar.


It means that the speaker is allowed to play the guitar from now on.


You may stay here.


It means that the person to who is talked may stay here from now on.In short,it means a thing in the future


  • << 176 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward its future】 《The usages of their original meanings》 Examples You should study hard. あなたは一生懸命勉強すべきです I must achieve my goal. 私は目標を達成しなければなりません 《Usages of guess and estimate》 Let's make sure the usages of their guess and estimate. 推測、推定の意味を確認しましょう😃 When a subject is a thing,or another person,it has a tendency to become the meaning of guess or estimate like will. 主語が物、他人の時、will のように推測、推定の意味になる傾向があります An example I can't believe it.But it may be true. 信じられない。だけど本当かもしれない。 As to the can't,its subject is I,so I'm sure you can recognize it's an original meaning. can't は主語がI なので、本来の意味だと分かると思います。 As for the next sentence,『It may be true』,its sentence is it,so the may means guess or estimate. 次の文章、it may be true は主語が it なので推測、或いは推定を意味します。 We need to remember both the original meaning of the auxiliary verbs and other ones of guess and estimate. 助動詞の本来の意味と、推測、推定の意味を覚えておく必要があります。

No.174 12/11/11 10:46
社会人159 ( ♀ )


Today,I have a question.Would you mind?

I wonder I could tell
the difference among "have to",“must"and “should".

That means,I teach "have to" is also Auxiliary verbs as the other two.
The differences among,them seem to be slightly small when we translate it to Japanese,but actually,it seems that there are the big differences in nuance among them when native speakers use them, like in subjective or objective meaning.

How I understand the image of them,I wonder?
Would you teach me?

No.175 12/11/11 12:29
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 174 Thank you for your message.How are you?

As for the difference between the auxiliary verbs,I'm going to express in the near future.😃

According to a reference book which I've adopted,must means that the one needs to do something at any cost.😤

On the other hand,have to means that the one needs to do something under the pressure of necessity.

As to should,there is no expressions about a difference of their nuances in the reference book.💦

So I asked a desk clerk of a English language school it.He answered like the next.

As for degree of its necessity,must is the strongest one,have to is the next.Should is the weakest.

I hope my remarks are helpful to you.💧

Children in the elementary school have studied difficult things,I'm sure.Both of the schoolchildren and teachers have made an great effort.💮

Considering at that time when I went to the elementary school,it's shameful of me.😳

Have a good afternoon!🙋

No.176 12/11/18 14:29
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 173 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】 However,the must is s… 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward its future】

《The usages of their original meanings》


You should study hard.


I must achieve my goal.


《Usages of guess and estimate》

Let's make sure the usages of their guess and estimate.


When a subject is a thing,or another person,it has a tendency to become the meaning of guess or estimate like will.

主語が物、他人の時、will のように推測、推定の意味になる傾向があります

An example

I can't believe it.But it may be true.


As to the can't,its subject is I,so I'm sure you can recognize it's an original meaning.

can't は主語がI なので、本来の意味だと分かると思います。

As for the next sentence,『It may be true』,its sentence is it,so the may means guess or estimate.

次の文章、it may be true は主語が it なので推測、或いは推定を意味します。

We need to remember both the original meaning of the auxiliary verbs and other ones of guess and estimate.


No.177 12/11/18 15:53
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】

《Usages of their guess or estimate》

For instance,as to may,if becoming aware of its two meanings,original one and the others of guess or estimate,judging from words which are used in the sentence or context,we can understand which one is appropriate.

例えば may は、2つの意味、本来の意味と推測、推定の意味が分かっていれば、文の中で使われてる語句や文脈から判断して、どちらが適切か分かります。


『You may go with him.』It means permission.


『You may be late for school』It means the guess.


Tom can't be strong.


It's a denial of possibility.


She should come here.


It means the guess.


He must be rich.


It means the strong guess.


When expressing the guess or estimate,if we say their ground or reason later,our remarks will become persuasive.


  • << 182 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】 《Usages of guess and estimate》 I'm wondering if I'm qualified to continue this thread,for I have little knowledge about English,however I hate to stop in the middle of the thread,in addition,I love English,so I will continue.😤 Examples Tom can't be strong.He lost the game again. トムが強いはずがないよ。彼はまた試合に負けたんだよ She should come here.She said so. 彼女はここに来るはずだ。彼女がそう言ったんだよ。 He must be rich.He bought a new sports car. 彼は金持ちに違いない。新しいスポーツカーを買ったんだもの 《Negative sentence and interrogative sentence》 Let's make sure of a negative and interrogative sentences of the auxiliary verbs. 助動詞の否定文、疑問文を確認しましょう😃 We do like be verbs basically.The auxiliary verbs may be easier rather than the be verbs,for we don't have to be worried about using singular or plural numbers for the right places. 基本的にはbe動詞のように作ります。むしろ助動詞の方が、be動詞より簡単かもしれません。単数、複数の使い分けに悩む必要はないので。 However,we should be careful of the next two things. ただし、次の2つの事に注意しなければなりません。

No.178 12/11/18 18:19
社会人159 ( ♀ )

Hello and thank you for answering my questioh!
Im sorry to get back to you late.

I also look up the reference book written by English language schoo,
there is an example situation,where a doctor advise quiting smoking to patient.
It says "must" has the image that one's will to do it,
"should" means one's advice to someone.
> "have to" means that the one needs to do something under the pressure of necessity.
as you explained to me.
But addition to it,there are nuances below,if "have to"is used by the other,the one who is said it doesn't have the choice not to do something.
But about "must",one can have a choice to do or not as well as"should".
According to the book,"must"and "should" express only objective will, althogh "have to" has the nuance as obligation to others in the position of the speaker.

As opposed to a refference books by Japanese,which explain the level of strength among those Auxiliary verbs.
So it's confusing for me and also for students.

  • << 180 Hello! Thank you for your message.😃 Your remarks are useful for me.Though I've expressed thread about English grammer,I'm afraid I haven't studied very hard.It is shameful of me😳 As for the must,when using it to other as advice,degree of its strength is too strong,but as you told,when the doctor adopted the must for the patient,it's suitable. While the must is subjective,though according to a judgement of a speaker,have to is objective.The have to means that the one is forced to do something. In an informal situation,the have to seems to be desirable.Instead of the must,we substitute the have to for a thing in the past,or in future,according to my dictionary.🔤 By the way,as you told,teaching English for schoolchildren seems to be very hard,but it has just started recently,so your experience will be a foundation of teaching English for school children in the future.Good luck.🙋 Good night and have a nice dream.🌠
  • << 181 Hello,and how are you?😃 As for the auxiliary verbs,I'm also confused.Though I've expressed this thread so far,I'm a non native speaker concerning English.😳 It's just that I've expressed,being based on a reference book,so I'm sure I can't be helpful to you.I'm sorry for it.🙏 However an other also has expressed his thread in English.He is by far kinder and has more knowledges about English than me.His trade mark is 🔥🚀 I recommend you should ask him your questions.He seems to have talked with plenty of native speakers for a long time,so I'm sure he'll be helpful to you.I'm sorry,chef🙏 Have a good afternoon☀

No.179 12/11/18 18:31
社会人159 ( ♀ )

And I teach junior and senior high students now so I have no idea about the teacing in elementary school.
But it may be hard to teach there,I think,because the teachers can't teach them with abstract expression like junior high or high school.

I look forward to your new threads and will keep on reading them.
It's awesome for you to update your lecures every weekends!
See you next week♪

No.180 12/11/18 22:42
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 178 Hello and thank you for answering my questioh! Im sorry to get back to… Hello! Thank you for your message.😃

Your remarks are useful for me.Though I've expressed thread about English grammer,I'm afraid I haven't studied very hard.It is shameful of me😳

As for the must,when using it to other as advice,degree of its strength is too strong,but as you told,when the doctor adopted the must for the patient,it's suitable.

While the must is subjective,though according to a judgement of a speaker,have to is objective.The have to means that the one is forced to do something.

In an informal situation,the have to seems to be desirable.Instead of the must,we substitute the have to for a thing in the past,or in future,according to my dictionary.🔤

By the way,as you told,teaching English for schoolchildren seems to be very hard,but it has just started recently,so your experience will be a foundation of teaching English for school children in the future.Good luck.🙋

Good night and have a nice dream.🌠

No.181 12/11/25 11:46
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 178 Hello and thank you for answering my questioh! Im sorry to get back to… Hello,and how are you?😃

As for the auxiliary verbs,I'm also confused.Though I've expressed this thread so far,I'm a non native speaker concerning English.😳

It's just that I've expressed,being based on a reference book,so I'm sure I can't be helpful to you.I'm sorry for it.🙏

However an other also has expressed his thread in English.He is by far kinder and has more knowledges about English than me.His trade mark is 🔥🚀

I recommend you should ask him your questions.He seems to have talked with plenty of native speakers for a long time,so I'm sure he'll be helpful to you.I'm sorry,chef🙏

Have a good afternoon☀

No.182 12/11/25 13:28
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 177 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】 《Usages of their gues… 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】

《Usages of guess and estimate》

I'm wondering if I'm qualified to continue this thread,for I have little knowledge about English,however I hate to stop in the middle of the thread,in addition,I love English,so I will continue.😤


Tom can't be strong.He lost the game again.


She should come here.She said so.


He must be rich.He bought a new sports car.


《Negative sentence and interrogative sentence》

Let's make sure of a negative and interrogative sentences of the auxiliary verbs.


We do like be verbs basically.The auxiliary verbs may be easier rather than the be verbs,for we don't have to be worried about using singular or plural numbers for the right places.


However,we should be careful of the next two things.


No.183 12/11/25 14:13
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 182 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】

《Negative or interrogative sentences of the auxiliary verbs》

① When making a negative sentence,we put not behind the auxiliary verb.


When making an interrogative sentence,we put the auxiliary verb at the beginning of the sentence.



He can't ride a horse.


May I have your name?


If we translate the sentence word for word,it means『May I own your name?』


This expression is so polite that I'm sure we should learn it by heart,for it's useful for us.


『May I have your name』is more appropriate rather than『What's your name』as English conversation of grown-ups.

May I have your name? のほうが What's your name? より大人の英会話としては、適切です。


Tom won't lend us money.


Will Tom lend us money?


  • << 187 【Auxiliary verbs】 《Negative and interrogative sentences of the auxiliary verbs》 Examples I must not tell you the truth. 私はあなたに真実を言ってはいけない。 Must I tell you the truth? 私はあなたに真実を言わなければならないですか? 《An interrogative sentence which gets a permit》 I said a phrase of『May I have your name』is a polite expression when asking someone its name. May I have your name と言う語句は、名前を尋ねる時には、丁寧な表現だと言いました。 When getting a permit with a carefree way,we frequently use can then. 気軽に許可を取る場合、can をよく使います。 While as to an polite expression,we use may,as for a carefree way,we use can. 丁寧な言い方に関しては may,気軽な言い方に関しては can を使います。 Examples Can I borrow your pen? ペンを借りてもいい? Sure.Go ahead. もちろん。どうぞ。 Go ahead means like the next.The phrase urges someone to do something. go ahead は次のような意味です。誰かに何かを促す An affirmative sentence. Subject・An auxiliary・an original form. 肯定文 主語・助動詞・動詞の原形 Negative sentence Subject.auxiliary,not・original form. 否定文。 主語・助動詞,not・開放

No.184 12/11/25 19:32
社会人159 ( ♀ )

Hello how's going?

Thank you for your sincere answer and thinking together about my question..
I absolutely never think your thread is not reliable.
You replies are so polite and humble I'm always moved.

But I am also thankful for your information.
I suppose to ask him about it but I don't get used to use my new phone so will do it in near future!

Good night!

  • << 190 Hello.How are you?😃 I hope your question will be solved.😃 It's getting colder and colder,and this year approaches its end,so I'm sure you're very busy.😱 Let's take care of ourselves lest we should have cold.Gond night and have a nice dream🙋

No.185 12/12/04 00:59


No.186 12/12/04 01:00

向こうに顔を出そうかと思ったけど、せっかく私の為にここ建ててくれたから( ^∀^)こちらに来てみたよ

  • << 188 Thank you for your message.I've never seen for you a long time.How are you?🙋 メッセージありがとう。久しぶりだね。元気かな?🙋 It's regrettable that too sleepy to be up any more. 残念だけど、眠くてこれ以上おきていられない🙏 I'll,send you my response tomorrow.Good night.Have a nice dream. 明日、レスする。お休み。良い夢みろよ😁
  • << 192 Good evening😃 こんばんは Oh!You've bought a what is called smart phone.Is it easy to use? スマホを買ったの?使い易いのかな?🙋 I've heard it has multiple functions,so it's more useful than the old fashioned cellphones,I'm sure.📱 多機能だと聞いてるし、旧式の携帯よりずっと便利なんだろうね。 When expressing something in English,I have a lot of fun,so I can continue to study English. 英語で何かを表現するのは、とても楽しいよ。だから英語の勉強を続けられる。🔤 I wish you could recognize it😊 中学生さん、今はフリーターさんだね、がその楽しさを分かってくれたらなあ。😊 To my sorrow,I don't have enough ability to let you know how pleasant English is.I'm sorry for it. 悲しい事に、英語がどんなに楽しいか、と言う事を知ってもらうほどの能力がない。残念😠 Good night.Have splendid dream.🌠 お休み。素敵な夢をみてね😃

No.187 12/12/04 02:05
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 183 【Auxiliary verbs which move toward the future】 《Negative or interrog… 【Auxiliary verbs】

《Negative and interrogative sentences of the auxiliary verbs》


I must not tell you the truth.


Must I tell you the truth?


《An interrogative sentence which gets a permit》

I said a phrase of『May I have your name』is a polite expression when asking someone its name.

May I have your name と言う語句は、名前を尋ねる時には、丁寧な表現だと言いました。

When getting a permit with a carefree way,we frequently use can then.

気軽に許可を取る場合、can をよく使います。

While as to an polite expression,we use may,as for a carefree way,we use can.

丁寧な言い方に関しては may,気軽な言い方に関しては can を使います。


Can I borrow your pen?


Sure.Go ahead.

Go ahead means like the next.The phrase urges someone to do something.

go ahead は次のような意味です。誰かに何かを促す

An affirmative sentence.

Subject・An auxiliary・an original form.



Negative sentence

Subject.auxiliary,not・original form.



  • << 189 【Auxiliary verbs】 《An interrogative sentence which gets a permit》 《許可を得る疑問文》            An interrogative sentence An auxiliary verb・subject・original form? 疑問文 助動詞・主語・原形?        As to how to make the interrogative sentence,it's just that we only have to change word orders of an affirmative sentence.                疑問文の作り方は、肯定文の語順を変えるだけです                     Contracted forms. 短縮形 will not→won't cannot→can't or cannot should not→shouldn't must not→mustn't 《Impressions which are similar to the auxiliary verbs.They are useful》 《助動詞に類似する表現。役に立ちます》 We have made sure that the be going to and will are impressions which resemble. be going to と will は類似表現だという事を確認しました😃 In this way, there are impressions to which are similar in the auxiliary verbs. このように、助動詞には類似表現があります。 I'm going to express about can and must. can と must について記述します。 can ≒ be able to must ≒ have to I'm going to express detailed explanations of them in the next time. 詳細は、次回にします。😳

No.188 12/12/04 02:19
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 186 向こうに顔を出そうかと思ったけど、せっかく私の為にここ建ててくれたから( ^∀^)こちらに来てみたよ Thank you for your message.I've never seen for you a long time.How are you?🙋


It's regrettable that too sleepy to be up any more.


I'll,send you my response tomorrow.Good night.Have a nice dream.


No.189 12/12/04 21:22
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 187 【Auxiliary verbs】 《Negative and interrogative sentences of the auxil… 【Auxiliary verbs】

《An interrogative sentence which gets a permit》

An interrogative sentence

An auxiliary verb・subject・original form?



       As to how to make the interrogative sentence,it's just that we only have to change word orders of an affirmative sentence.                疑問文の作り方は、肯定文の語順を変えるだけです                    
Contracted forms.


will not→won't

cannot→can't or cannot

should not→shouldn't

must not→mustn't

《Impressions which are similar to the auxiliary verbs.They are useful》


We have made sure that the be going to and will are impressions which resemble.

be going to と will は類似表現だという事を確認しました😃

In this way, there are impressions to which are similar in the auxiliary verbs.


I'm going to express about can and must.

can と must について記述します。

can ≒ be able to

must ≒ have to

I'm going to express detailed explanations of them in the next time.


  • << 201 【Auxiliary verbs】 I made a mistake again.As for the last subtitle,I have to correct it. また、間違えました。小見出しについて、訂正しなければなりません😳 Impression→❌ Expression→⭕ 《Expressions which are familiar to the auxiliary verbs.They are useful》 《助動詞の類似表現。役にたちます》 If we must show you difference between can and be able to,can is an expression which originally shows us its ability. can と be able to の違いを敢えて示すなら、can は本来その能力を示します。😃 Contrary to it,be able to has nothing to do with its ability. それに対して、be able to はその能力とは関係ありません。 Be able to is other expression which shows us a situation in which we can do something. be able to は何かが出来る状況にあると言う事を示す表現です。😃 Are you be able to come to the party? ≒ Can you come to the party? As to a Japanese expression of パーティーに来る事が出来る,strictly speaking,be able to is suitable for it. パーティーに来る事が出来ると言う日本語の表現には、厳密に言えばbe able to が適してます。😃 The situation has nothing to do with its ability. その状況は、能力とは関係ありません。

No.190 12/12/04 21:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 184 Hello how's going? Thank you for your sincere answer and think… Hello.How are you?😃

I hope your question will be solved.😃

It's getting colder and colder,and this year approaches its end,so I'm sure you're very busy.😱

Let's take care of ourselves lest we should have cold.Gond night and have a nice dream🙋

No.191 12/12/04 22:24


  • << 193 Good evening.😃 Both I and you have sent messages right now,so we ended up missing each other. 二人ともメッセージを送ったので、行き違いになっちゃったね😱 How are you? 元気?😃

No.192 12/12/04 22:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 186 向こうに顔を出そうかと思ったけど、せっかく私の為にここ建ててくれたから( ^∀^)こちらに来てみたよ Good evening😃


Oh!You've bought a what is called smart phone.Is it easy to use?


I've heard it has multiple functions,so it's more useful than the old fashioned cellphones,I'm sure.📱


When expressing something in English,I have a lot of fun,so I can continue to study English.


I wish you could recognize it😊


To my sorrow,I don't have enough ability to let you know how pleasant English is.I'm sorry for it.


Good night.Have splendid dream.🌠


  • << 195 地道に頑張ってるね! 文法と会話って違うでしょ。先生は海外に行ったことありますか?

No.193 12/12/04 22:40
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 191 お話ししに来たよ。こんばんわ Good evening.😃

Both I and you have sent messages right now,so we ended up missing each other.


How are you?


No.194 12/12/04 22:54
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To フリーターさん

In spite that you've visited here,my comment resembles a preach.I have to apologize it for you.I'm sorry for it.


  • << 196 大丈夫だよ。今年もあと少しで終りだね(^-^)v 風邪ひかないようにお互い頑張りましょ

No.195 12/12/04 23:02

>> 192 Good evening😃 こんばんは Oh!You've bought a what is called smart ph… 地道に頑張ってるね!

No.196 12/12/04 23:06

>> 194 To フリーターさん In spite that you've visited here,my comment resembl… 大丈夫だよ。今年もあと少しで終りだね(^-^)v 風邪ひかないようにお互い頑張りましょ

No.197 12/12/04 23:35
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 196 To フリーターさん

To my sorrow,I've never been to any foreign countries in the least.😚


As you told,when speaking English,I'm sure we don't always need a perfect English grammer.


Without considering English grammar,even if we say only some English words,we may happen to make ourselves understood in English,though it depends on.


No.198 12/12/05 00:27
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To フリーターさん

In general,it's said a best way in order to improve English abilities is making friends with English native speakers.


As to myself,I used to go to an English language school,but it doesn't always mean I have plenty of experiences in which I've talked with a lot of English native speakers.


Therefore,I'm afraid I can't say admirable things very much,but without studying English grammer at all,if we try to make ourselves understood in English,I'm afraid we'll end up facing plenty of difficulties.


I've heard there is a cd of English grammer.The English grammer becomes a music in the cd,so it may be easy to learn the English grammer by heart.


However,a title of the cd doesn't occurrs to me at all.


No.199 12/12/05 21:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 198 To フリーターさん

Good evening😃

The name of the cd has occured to me.It's『歌っておぼえる英文法』cd付き。著者 泉忠司 \1500


Without studying English grammer,you may be a splendid English speaker,but you need acute intuition and strong feeling for mastering English,I'm sure.


It reminds me of Kimutaku who tried to make himself understood in English on the television.


He talked to a foreign singer in English on a television program of popular songs on the last day of the year,what is called 紅白歌合戦


Some people criticized him in ミクル,though I don't know its detail,for I didn't watch the television program.He seemed to have failed to make himself understood in English, according to their remarks in the ミクル


To be continued.


No.200 12/12/05 23:05
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 199 To フリーターさん

Even if he failed to do it,his trial is admirable,I'm sure.Moreover,he challenged for it,not being afraid of a mistake.


Contrary to it,there were some people who criticized him.Even though he succeed in doing it,they would find fault with him like next,I'm sure.『He puts on air』😒


I'm sure you'd never feel like that,for I'm always encouraged with you,but others don't always feel like you.


Expressing ourselves in English means we have to confront the hardships in a sense,I'm sure,though it may be exaggrated a little.


Have a wonderful evening!🙋


No.201 12/12/09 10:26
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 189 【Auxiliary verbs】 《An interrogative sentence which gets a permit》 《… 【Auxiliary verbs】

I made a mistake again.As for the last subtitle,I have to correct it.



《Expressions which are familiar to the auxiliary verbs.They are useful》


If we must show you difference between can and be able to,can is an expression which originally shows us its ability.

can と be able to の違いを敢えて示すなら、can は本来その能力を示します。😃

Contrary to it,be able to has nothing to do with its ability.

それに対して、be able to はその能力とは関係ありません。

Be able to is other expression which shows us a situation in which we can do something.

be able to は何かが出来る状況にあると言う事を示す表現です。😃

Are you be able to come to the party? ≒ Can you come to the party?

As to a Japanese expression of パーティーに来る事が出来る,strictly speaking,be able to is suitable for it.

パーティーに来る事が出来ると言う日本語の表現には、厳密に言えばbe able to が適してます。😃

The situation has nothing to do with its ability.


No.202 12/12/09 17:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 201 【Auxiliary verbs】

《Expressions which are similar to the auxiliary verbs.They are useful》


However,as for how to use the can,we don't always use it in the right place strictly,so we don't have to be worried about it so much.

しかしながら、can の使い方に関しては、必ずしもそれほど厳密に使い分けているわけではないので、そんなに気にする事はありません。😃

There is one more important thing.☝


As to the expression of be able to original form of a verb,be verbs are adopted in it.

be able to 動詞の原形と言う表現には、be動詞が使われてます。

Therefore,as for both relation between the be verb and its subject,for example,I am,you are he is and so on,and how to make a negative or interrogative sentence,we use the be verbs as they are.

だから、be 動詞と主語の関係でも、(例えば、I am,you are,he is など) 否定文、疑問文の作り方でも、be 動詞は今までどおりに使います。

No.203 12/12/16 20:20
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 202 【Auxiliary verbs】

              《Expressions which are similar to the auxiliary verbs.They are useful》

              I'm going to express difference between must and have to an original form of a verb.

must と have to 動詞の原形、の違いについて述べます。


You must work harder ≒ You have to work harder.


The two examples mean almost same,but,must means at any cost,and have to the ordinary form of the verb does being under the pressure of necessity.

2つの例文は、殆ど同じです。しかし、must は何が何でも、have to 動詞の原形は、必要に駆られて、と言う意味です。

Needless to say,when using the have to the original form of the verbs,if its subject is the third person singular and the present time,have changes into has.We need to be careful of it.

言うまでもなく、have to 動詞の原形を使う時は、主語が三人称単数になればhave は has になります。注意する必要があります。😃

However,when being a negative sentence,both of must and have to mean different.

しかしながら、否定文の時にはmust と have to は異なった意味となります。

No.204 12/12/16 21:38
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 203 【Auxiliary verbs】

《Expressions which are similar to the auxiliary verbs.They are useful》


must not an original form of a verb.It means that forbidding someone to do something.

must not 動詞の原形は、あることをする事を禁ずる事です。😃

On the other hand, don't or doesn't have to the original form of the verv means that a person needn't to do it.

それに対して、don't または doesn't have to 動詞の原形は、それをする必要がない、と言う事です。

If trying to translate a phrase of don't have to the original form of the verb,the one doesn't have anything with which the one tries to do.

don't have to 動詞の原形を直訳すると、これからする事を持ってないと言う事です。

The phrase of don't have to the original form of the verb means that we needn't to do anything.It's something loos,it seems.

don't have to 動詞の原形という語句は、何もする必要はない、何か緩やかな感じがします。😚

Contrary to it,must not the original form of the verb means stopping something strictly.It's an order of prohibiting.

これに対して、must not 動詞の原形は、何かを強く禁じる事、禁止の命令です。

No.205 12/12/23 09:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 204 【Auxiliary verbs】


《Expressions which are similar to the auxiliary verbs.They are useful.》



You must not open the door.


You don't have to open the door.


In our conversation,we use the have to like next.

会話の中では、have to を次のように使います。😃

Must I finish the work today?


No,you don't have to.


Even if in the interrogative sentence we uses the must,if we answer,“No,you must't”,we'll feel it strange.

疑問文で must を使っていても、No,you must't 終わらせてはいけない、と答えたら変です。😥

When using the auxiliary verbs,our feelings are indicated in the sentence.


When answering the interrogative sentence,we don't always reply with the same phrase in which we use the interrogative sentence.


Let's use the auxiliary verbs and their similar expressions so as to tell others our feelings.


No.206 12/12/23 09:28
みのや+(慎三)* ( 30代 ♀ nj8a1b )


  • << 208 To みのやさん Thank you for your response,みのやさん みのやさん、レスありがとう😃 Have a wonderful afternoon. 素敵な午後を。☀

No.207 12/12/23 12:42
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Auxiliary verbs】

《We can't put two auxiliary verbs in one sentence.》


We have to pay attention to the next thing when using the auxiliary verbs.


When using will in a sentence in which may or can are adopted,we express the sentence with the similar expressions.

may や can が使われてる文に、will を使う時は、類似表現を使って表します😺

will be able to V,the V is an ordinary form of a verb.It means that the one will be able to V.

will be able to V,Vは動詞の原形です。V出来るでしょう、という意味です。😃

will have to V


You will be able to access English teachers online.


I will have to do my homework tomorrow.


He will have to wait for the result.


As for the auxiliary verb which is behind the will,whatever its subjects are,it's similar to the ordinary form of verb like have to.

will の後の助動詞は、主語が何でも have toのように動詞の原形に類似した物になります。

  • << 212 【Auxiliary verbs】 【助動詞】 《We can't put two auxiliary verbs in one sentence.》 《一つの文に2つの助動詞を使わない》 Even if its subject is he or she,we never express like will has to. 主語が he でも she でも、will has to のように表す事はありません。😃 【The progressive form】 【進行形】 《What is the progressive form?》 《進行形とは?》 When translating the progressive form into the Japanese language,we do we are doing something. 進行形を日本語で訳す時、何かをしている、と訳します。 It means in the middle of behavior which is being under way. それは進行中の真っ最中の動作、と言う事です。😃 The behavior isn't finished yet,for it's being under way. 進行中ですから、その動作はまだ終わってません。 We use the progressive form when we are doing something,or something is being under way. 何かを行っている時、何かが行われている途中である時に、進行形を使います。 Being under way also means something moving somewhere,so we use the progressive form for a future which plans to do something. 進行中とは、何かがどこかへ向かっている、とも意味するので、予定されている未来の事を表す時にも使います。 Example My sister is cooking now. 私の姉は、今料理を作ってます🍳

No.208 12/12/23 12:54
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 206 中学生ではないが、私も見たいです… To みのやさん

Thank you for your response,みのやさん


Have a wonderful afternoon.


No.209 12/12/23 13:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To 社会人159さん

Hello.How are you? I hope you are fine.😃

I'm afraid my remark offended you.Considering your great effort in which you've made in your place of work,I should have taken heed of what I'd said.🙏

However,when learning English,I'm sure talking with others in English is useful for us in order to improve our English,not being afraid of making mistakes.😃

Needless to say,we have to be careful of our remarks, otherwise I'm afraid we can't make ourselves understood in English,so then studying English is indispensable,especially English grammar.😃

By the way,this year approaches its end,so winter vacation of schools have just begun,I'm wondering.❄

However,teachers who are engaged in the schools seem to have a lot of things to do,I'm sure.Please take care of yourself.😃

Have a comfortable afternoon.🙋

No.210 12/12/24 09:38
社会人159 ( ♀ )

Happy Christmas eve, Mr.,

I'm sorry I didn't reply so long.

No way! You can't have offended me.
I apologize for worrying you so much. I'm just lazy so I've left the issue in limbo although I myself asked you about it.

Actually it's been solved because a native speaker taught me about it. So I should have told you sooner. I'm so sorry.
He said "Must" contains the meaning someone's will in hi's or her action , and "have to" means the situation which makes someone do something without his or her will.
Thanks to your remarks, I can understand it in a different way from which I had in the past and more fully than ever before. I mean I want to say thank you!

I always admire your effort and I'm happy to see your fans and followers also study and enjoy your lesson.

Have a nice day!

No.211 12/12/24 22:27
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 210 To 社会人159さん

Thank you for your message and merry Christmas🙋

Oh! Your question has been solved.When hearing it,I'm also relieved.😃

Their differences are just whether or not its will is included.Once we can recognize them,they are simple.😃

Your information is useful.Thank you very much.Have a comfortable Christmas,and merry Christmas!🎅

No.212 12/12/30 15:41
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 207 【Auxiliary verbs】 【助動詞】         《We can't put two auxiliary verb… 【Auxiliary verbs】


《We can't put two auxiliary verbs in one sentence.》


Even if its subject is he or she,we never express like will has to.

主語が he でも she でも、will has to のように表す事はありません。😃

【The progressive form】


《What is the progressive form?》


When translating the progressive form into the Japanese language,we do we are doing something.


It means in the middle of behavior which is being under way.


The behavior isn't finished yet,for it's being under way.


We use the progressive form when we are doing something,or something is being under way.


Being under way also means something moving somewhere,so we use the progressive form for a future which plans to do something.



My sister is cooking now.


No.213 12/12/30 22:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 212 【The progressive form】


《How to make the progressive form》


Let's watch the example carefully.


My sister 主語

is be動詞

cooking Ving

now 時を表す

The be verb means its tense,and the cooking means the subject's behavior.


When putting the ing behind the verb directly,a feeling that someone is in the middle of the behavior.

ing を動詞の後ろに直接つけると、動作の真っ最中であると言う感じが出ます。😃

The feeling also means that someone is doing something,being full of life.



Ken and Alex are running in the park(now.)


① Its subjects are plural and the sentence expresses the present tense,so the be verbs are.

主語は複数で、文は現在の事を表してます。be動詞はare です。

② We put the ing behind the ordinary verb.


As for the run,we lay n behind the verb,and put the ing.

run は n を重ねて、ing を付け加えます。

No.214 13/01/06 08:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 213 【The progressive form】


《How to make the progressive form》


③ We add words which indicate time appropriately.


Be verb,the are is the present tense,so we don't always have to put now.

Be 動詞である are は現在形なので、now を必ずしも付ける必要はありません。


I am reading a book in the library.


They are swimming in the river.


【The progressive form of the past tense】


We express actions which were moving forward at a point in the past when describing the progressive form of the past tense.


Then we make the be verbs the past tense.

be 動詞は過去形にします。

When expressing the progressive form of the present tense,its be verbs are the present tense such as is am are.

現在進行形を表す時は、be 動詞は現在形のis am are です。

In the progressive form of the past tense,be verbs are also the past tense such as was or were

過去進行形では、be 動詞もまた was were などの過去形となります

No.215 13/01/06 09:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【The progressive form】


《The progressive form of the past tense》


I am studying science now.


I was studying science at five


We put adverbs which express time like at five at the end of the sentence.

at five のような 時を表す副詞は、文末に置きます


She was cooking at that time.


They were running in the park at five yesterday.


《Negative and interrogative sentence》


It seems that sentences of the progressive form are the ones in which be verbs are centered.

現在進行形の文章は、be 動詞を中心にした文章のようです。

Therefore,as for the interrogative and negative sentences of the progressive forms,we do as we make the interrogative and negative sentences of the be verbs.

だから、進行形の疑問文、否定文は be 動詞の疑問文、否定文のように作ります。

Interrogative sentence


Be verbs subject V+ing ?

Be 動詞 主語 動詞ing?

Negative sentences


Subject be verb not Ving

主語 be 動詞ing

No.216 13/01/13 05:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 215 【The progressive form】


《Negative and interrogative sentence》


When answering to the interrogative sentence,we do like the next.


Yes,subject(a pronoun)be verb.

はい、主語(代名詞)be 動詞

No,subject(a pronoun)be verb not

いいえ、主語(代名詞)be 動詞 not

Let's change the next English sentences into a negative and interrogative ones.

As for the interrogative sentences,let's answer with no for①,and with yes for②         ①の疑問文にはNoで、②はYesで答えてみましょう             
①He was watching TV in the living room.


②Monica and Alex are running in the park.


①He wasn't watching TV in the living room.


Was he watching TV in the kitchen?


No,he wasn't


②Monica and Alex aren't running in the park.


Are Monica and Alex running in the park?


Yes,they are.


No.217 13/01/13 06:23
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Progressive form】


《Interrogative and negative sentences》


When answering,we replace Monica and Alex with a pronoun,they,and we reply.


《How to put ing》


I'm going to express how to add ing to ordinary verbs.

一般動詞への ing の付け方を述べます。

①Base⇒put ing

①基本⇒ing をつける。



②The ones which end with e⇒Getting rid of the e,and put the ing.

② e で終わる物⇒e を取って、ing を付ける。




③ A short vowel+ a consonant⇒adding the last consonant,and putting the ing.

③短母音 + 子音⇒最後の子音を重ねて、ing を付ける


run 走る⇒running


④ The words which end with ie⇒replacing the ie with y and adding the ing.

ie で終わる単語⇒ie を y に変えて、ing を付ける


lie 横になる⇒lying

die 死ぬ⇒dying

  • << 222 【Progressive form】 【進行形】 《How should we say it in Japanese?》 《日本語ではどう言うの?》 Let's try to say the next English sentence in Japanese. 次の英文を日本語にしてみましょう😃 『He is dying』 Dying is a progressive form of a word of die,so,he is dead,I'm wondering. dying は die の進行形だから、彼は死んでいる、だろうか?😥 No,it's that he is in the middle of dying,to be exact,he isn't be dead yet. いいえ、彼は死に行く真っ只中にある。正確に言えば、まだ死んでいません。😃 In this way,when expressing a behavior of a progressive form in which we feel it'll end at once,we say the next nuance in Japanese. このように、動作の進行形の中で、その動作はすぐに終わるだろう、と感じる時は次のようなニュアンスで、日本語にします。🙋 The one is about to do something. その人は、まさに何かをしようとしている。😃 【Basis of a conversation which is an interrogative sentence】 【会話の基本である疑問文】 While some people understand how to make an interrogative sentence with be or ordinary verbs completely,others don't have any confidence very much when using an interrogative. be 動詞、一般動詞を使った疑問文の作り方は、しっかり分かっているけど人もいれば、疑問詞を使う時、あまり自信がない、という人もいます。😃

No.218 13/01/18 00:17


No.219 13/01/18 18:35
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 218 To 中学生さん

A happy new year and thank you for your response.


As you've told,some people have visited here.


The more people come here,the happier I feel.


May this year become splendid for you!


It's in the middle of winter,so let's take care of ourselves lest we have colds.


No.220 13/01/18 20:44

>> 219 スレタイを見たら454日前に建てられたスレなんだね、ここ。


No.221 13/01/19 21:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 220 To 中学生さん

Thank you for your response and encouraging words.


Time flies.More than a year has passed since I started this thread.


Both English and sign language are languages,so the more we use them, the more we become proficient in the speaking of them.


I wish you could find how pleasant they are, though the sign language is not familiar with me,so I can't do a big talk, but they are common,I'm sure.


It's just that I skied a few times,so I'm not good at it.


When skiing,we do with our feet,but as for me,do I use what parts of my body?I'm wondering.


I'm afraid I'll glide on the snow with my bottom.It's just that I fall down on the snow.


Have a pleasant night.


No.222 13/01/20 11:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 217 【Progressive form】 【進行形】 《Interrogative and negative sentences》 《… 【Progressive form】


《How should we say it in Japanese?》


Let's try to say the next English sentence in Japanese.


『He is dying』

Dying is a progressive form of a word of die,so,he is dead,I'm wondering.

dying は die の進行形だから、彼は死んでいる、だろうか?😥

No,it's that he is in the middle of dying,to be exact,he isn't be dead yet.


In this way,when expressing a behavior of a progressive form in which we feel it'll end at once,we say the next nuance in Japanese.


The one is about to do something.


【Basis of a conversation which is an interrogative sentence】


While some people understand how to make an interrogative sentence with be or ordinary verbs completely,others don't have any confidence very much when using an interrogative.

be 動詞、一般動詞を使った疑問文の作り方は、しっかり分かっているけど人もいれば、疑問詞を使う時、あまり自信がない、という人もいます。😃

No.223 13/01/20 12:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Basis of conversation which is an interrogative sentence】


I'm going to express kinds of interrogatives and how to use them as carefully as I can in the next chapter.


Sentences in which interrogatives such as who,what,why,where,how,when,which and how are used are c conversations of basic.


Please master a tag question and indirect question and improve your abilities of conversation.


Let's enjoy English!


《Changing and moving English word order》


Let's make sure how to make an interrogative sentence and,changing and moving English word order in this time.


If we understand how to change and move English word orders perfectly,a possibility that we can use the interrogative at will will rise more highly.


  • << 225 《Changing and moving of English word order》 《英語の語順変化と移動》 Example Who is he? He is Richard. 彼は誰ですか? 彼はリチャードです。 An interrogative corresponds to the who in the example. 疑問詞は、例文の who に当たります。😃 We use the interrogative so as to ask others something unclear. 何か不明な物を問う為に、疑問詞を使います。😃 At first,we have to pay attention to the next thing. まず、次の事に注意しなければなりません。😃 We always put the interrogative at the beginning of a sentence. 疑問詞は必ず文頭に置きます。 A way of English is we bring a theme which we want to ask at the beginning of the sentence. 英語では、問いたい主題を文頭に持ってきます😃 The next words are kinds of the interrogative. 次の語が疑問詞です。 Who→誰が/は what→何/どんな where→どこに/どこへ/どこで when→いつ which→どちら/どれ/どの whose→誰の/誰のもの why→なぜ how→どのように/どのような/どれくらい 《How to make a sentence in which we use the interrogative》 《疑問詞を使った文の作り方》

No.224 13/01/26 11:04
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To 中学生さん

Hello! How are you? I'm always grateful to you for your warm encouragement.


I'm sure learning English resembles mountain climbing in a sense.


The view from a top of mountain is especially splendid,I'm sure.


When finishing climbing the mountain,and then what we can experience the view is by far more wonderful than the photograph or TV.


Without taking a step forward,anybody can't reach our goal,but no one can force to climb the mountain.


You may already have started walking,if so,I have to apologize.


I've also starting to climb the mountain,so I've never reached its peak.


I'm not good at an example,so I'm afraid I can't make myself understood.


Have a nice day!


No.225 13/01/27 08:23
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 223 【Basis of conversation which is an interrogative sentence】 【会話の基本である疑… 《Changing and moving of English word order》



Who is he? He is Richard.

彼は誰ですか? 彼はリチャードです。

An interrogative corresponds to the who in the example.

疑問詞は、例文の who に当たります。😃

We use the interrogative so as to ask others something unclear.

At first,we have to pay attention to the next thing.

We always put the interrogative at the beginning of a sentence.

A way of English is we bring a theme which we want to ask at the beginning of the sentence.


The next words are kinds of the interrogative.









《How to make a sentence in which we use the interrogative》


No.226 13/01/27 11:01
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 225 《How to make a interrogative sentence in which we use the interrogative》


We are going to recognize difference between English and Japanese,at the same time,we are going to make sure how to make the interrogative sentence in which we use the interrogative.


An affirmative sentence.

He is Richard.


An interrogative sentence.

Is he Richard?

When using English sentence,its word order changes.


A part of「he is」changes into「Is he」

he is の部分が is he になります。

Contrary to it,when using Japanese,its word order doesn't change.


It's just that we add か at the end of the sentence.


I'm going to make an interrogative sentence,using the interrogative,who.「Is he who?」Oh,it's somehow funny!

疑問詞 who を使って疑問文をつくります。Is he who?あれ?何かへんですね💦

When using who,and asking you who Richard is,we bring the who at the beginning of the sentence.

who を使ってリチャードが誰かと聞く時は、who を文頭にします。😃

No.227 13/02/03 09:31
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 226 《How to make an interrogative sentence in which we use an interrogative》


When expressing an interrogative sentence in which we use an interrogative in Japanese,it's like the next one.



If we replacing a Japanese interrogative, 誰 with a name of Richard,the sentence can make sense.


Thus there is obvious difference between the English language and the Japanese one.


When making the interrogative sentence in which we use the interrogative,what we need to do is like the next two things.


First,we put the interrogative at the beginning of a sentence.


After that,we make the interrogative sentence,following English basis.

《An apology》

As for an expression of difference between the English language and the Japanese one,I'm afraid it's hard to understand.

No.228 13/02/03 22:30
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 227 《How to make an interrogative sentence in which we use an interrogative》



Who are the people over there?


What is this?

It's a present for you.


What do you want for your birthday?


I want a pretty bag.


Then I'm going to make some interrogative sentences in which we use interrogatives such as where or when.

それでは、where when などの疑問詞を使った疑問文を作ります。

At the same time,we are going to make sure connections of verbs, tenses,and prepositions.


In the next,I'm going to show you examples in which we use main prepositions.


Stephanie lives in Australia.

Where does she live?


① A preposition of in which indicates a place and Australia means オーストラリアに in Japanese.
場所を示す前置詞 in とオーストラリアで、日本語では、オーストラリアに、という意味です。

No.229 13/02/11 08:45
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 228 《The present sentence of an ordinary verb and a preposition in which shows us its position》

① To be concrete, we want to ask where,it means we want to know a part of in Austin,so we move the interrogative at the beginning of the sentence.

具体的に私達は『どこに』と尋ねたいのです。『in Australia』という所を知りたいのです。だから、疑問詞を文頭に移動します。

② Its subject is the third person singlar,and the sentence in which an ordinary verb was used is the present tense.

Therefore,we make an interrogative sentence of word order of does S V.
だから、does 主語 動詞の語順で疑問文を作ります。

We use the ordinary verb in the sentence,and replace Stephanie with she.It becomes『does she live』

一般動詞を文中に使い、ステファニーはsheに置き換えます。『does she live』となります。

③ When somebody asks us『Where does she live?』we answer like the next.『She lives in Australia』


By the way,its examples and explanations are separated,so I'm afraid it's hard to understand…


I'll try to be careful💦

No.230 13/02/11 09:46
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

《The past tense of the ordinary verb and the preposition in which shows its position》



Tom played tennis in the park.


Where did he play tennis?


He played it in the park.

① 《In the park》means its place.We want to know the part of《in the park》with the interrogative,where,to be concrete.

《In the park》は場所を意味します。公園で、という事です。具体的に《in the park》という部分を where という疑問詞で尋ねたいのです。

We move the where of the interrogative at the beginning of the sentence.

疑問詞の where を文頭に移動します。

② A verb of the past tense was used in the sentence.

So,we make the interrogative sentence with the word order of did S V

だから did 主語 動詞の語順で、疑問文を作ります。

We replace Tom with its pronoun,he,so it becomes《did he play》

トムを代名詞のhe に置き換えます。did he play となります。

③ When answering,we replace tennis with it,and do like the next.He played it in the park.

答える時は、テニスを it に置き換えて、次のように答えます。


  • << 234 《The past tense of the ordinary verb,the preposition,on,which indicates its place,and a adverb, yesterday,which shows its time》 《一般動詞の過去形、場所を表す前置詞、on、時間を表す副詞、yesterday》 Examples You put my bag on the desk yesterday. 君は昨日僕のバッグを机に置きました。 We are going to make an interrogative sentence from now on.We ask its place and time.Then we use where and when. これから疑問文を作ります。場所と時を問います。その時、where と when を使います。😃 I ask you its place. 場所を問います。 Where did you put my bag yesterday? 昨日どこに僕のバッグを置いたの? I put it on the desk yesterday. 僕はそれを昨日机の上に置いたよ。 A phrase which indicates its place is on the desk.It's the preposition and the noun. 場所を示す語句は on the desk です。前置詞と名詞です。 We want to ask its place concretely,so we use the where. 場所を具体的に問いたいので、where を使います。 The ordinary verb,put,is used in the sentence.It's adopted as both the present and past tense. 一般動詞の put が文中に使われてます。現在形としても過去形としても使います。 Yesterday is also used in the sentence,so the put is the past tense. yesterday も文中に使われているので、put は過去形です。

No.231 13/02/13 22:17


No.232 13/02/14 02:49
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 231 If you read the sentences of my thread carefully,I'm sure you can recognize what I say.


I said like the next.『Please refrain from asking questions which have nothing to do with this thread.』


I hate to say it,I'm never kind at all,and I don't have enough time to answer your question.


How about asking others your question in other sites?


I'm sure they are by far kinder and more intelligent than me.


No.233 13/02/14 15:11

>> 232 すいませんでした スレ違いですよね。

No.234 13/02/17 08:32
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 230 《The past tense of the ordinary verb and the preposition in which show… 《The past tense of the ordinary verb,the preposition,on,which indicates its place,and a adverb, yesterday,which shows its time》



You put my bag on the desk yesterday.


We are going to make an interrogative sentence from now on.We ask its place and time.Then we use where and when.

これから疑問文を作ります。場所と時を問います。その時、where と when を使います。😃

I ask you its place.


Where did you put my bag yesterday?


I put it on the desk yesterday.


A phrase which indicates its place is on the desk.It's the preposition and the noun.

場所を示す語句は on the desk です。前置詞と名詞です。

We want to ask its place concretely,so we use the where.

場所を具体的に問いたいので、where を使います。

The ordinary verb,put,is used in the sentence.It's adopted as both the present and past tense.

一般動詞の put が文中に使われてます。現在形としても過去形としても使います。

Yesterday is also used in the sentence,so the put is the past tense.

yesterday も文中に使われているので、put は過去形です。

No.235 13/02/17 11:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 234 《The past tense of the ordinary verb,the preposition,on,which indicates its place,and an adverb,yesterday,which shows its time.》


Therefore,we make an interrogative sentence of the ordinary verb.


Its word order is did S V like did you put?.

語順は 『あなたは置いたの?』となり、 did 主語 動詞です。

When answering it,we were asked with a word of you,its subject becomes I.

You と尋ねられたので、答える時は主語は I になります。

My bag also changes into your bag,but we replace the word with a pronoun,it.

my bag は your bag になりますが、代名詞 it に置き換えます。


When did you put my bag on the desk?


I put it there yesterday.


Yesterday is also an adverb which indicates a time when I put my bag.

yesterady は私がバッグを置いた時を示す副詞です。

What we want to ask concrete is when you did it,so we place the interrogative,when,at the beginning of the sentence.

私達が具体的に問いたいのは、あなたがいつバッグを置いたか、です。そこで疑問詞、when を文頭に置きます。

No.236 13/02/24 09:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 235 《The past tense of the ordinary verb,the preposition,on,which indicates its place,and an adverb,yesterday,which shows us its time》


We are going to make an interrogative sentence.It's the next one.→did you put?

疑問文を作ります。次のような物です。did you put?

When answering,we don't repeat,『on the desk'』but use other word,there

答える時は on the desk を使わずに there を使います。

I put it there yesterday.

『There』includes meaning of the prepositions such as in,on,at,and to.They play part of adverb.

there は in,on,at そして to など前置詞の意味も含まれてます。副詞の役割をします。

We don't have to put『on』in front of『there』in the sentence.It's same in relation to other words,here and where

on を文中の there の前に置く必要はありません。here や where でも同じです。


Come here again tomorrow.


Where do you work?


Where are you going?


I'm going to Ikebukuro.


Its conversation was the one when happening to come across your friend in a town.


No.237 13/02/24 10:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 236 《The past tense of the ordinary verb,the prepositions,and adverbs.》


It's the next thing that your friend wanted to know in your conversations.


It's a place where you are going,so we put the interrogative,where,at the beginning of the sentence.

あなたが行こうとする場所です。だから、疑問詞 where を文頭に置きます。

Then,we're going to make the interrogative sentence.


When speaking Japanese,there happens to be no subjects in our conversations,but we need it in English conversations.


A speaker talked with a person in front of the speaker,so its subject is you.

話し手は、目の前にいる人と話しているので、主語は you です。

And,the person,it's you,was in the middle of being bound for its destination,so we use the progressive form,be verb,the ordinary verb and ing.

話し手の前にいる人、あなたですが、目的地に向かっている所です。そこで進行形、be動詞、一般動詞 ing を使います。

Word order of the progressive form is『are you going?

進行形の語順は are you going? です。

  • << 251 『The past tense of the ordinary verb,prepositions,adverbs』 『一般動詞の過去形、前置詞、副詞』 If being asked with the you,we answer with the I.         you で尋ねられたら、I で答えます。 We need to be careful of the next thing.We always have to put to to behind the going. 次の事に注意する必要があります。going の後に to をつけなければなりません。 However,when using the where,we don't have to use the to. しかし、where を使う時は to. を使う必要はありません。 Examples Where did you come from? どこから来たの I came from Saitama. 埼玉から来たんだ It's a place that we want to ask,so we put the where at the beginning of a sentence. 私達が知りたいのは、場所なので where を文頭に置きます。 Then,as using the came,so we adopt the did,and we make an interrogative sentence. came を使っているので、did を使って疑問文を作ります。 Its word order is『did you come?』 語順は『did you come?』です。 However,the where doesn't include a meaning of from,so we never fail to put the from behind the come. しかし、where は from,~から、という意味がありません。だから、必ず from を come の後ろに置きます。 When answering,we say like the next.『I came from~』 答える時には次のように言います。I came from~

No.238 13/02/24 11:38
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To 社会人 159さん

Hello!How are you?😃

I'm afraid your situation is serious,for this is a season of taking entrance exam.Some of your students have reached their final stages.😥

You teachers have been always demanded for only brilliant success,I'm afraid you have been facing varied hardships.😥

I'm not sure what to do,in addition,I have little knowledge of teaching children English.😫

However,if you get over your hardships,I'll also feel happy,though easy said than done.💦

It's been very cold recently,so please take care of yourself.Have a nice day.🙋

  • << 252 It's been a long time since my last reply. Thank you for your caring and warm message. About entrance exam of my high school students, the results are varied and some have not come and let me know theirs yet... I've done as much as I could do for them for this year, and no matter how we worry, the results depends on the students theirselves. We just have to encourage and wait now with pray. Well, I finished my class to junior high students the day before yesterday . Although I've relieved, on the other hand felt sad for parting. It's a deeply moving moment that I have every year. Even if there have been a lot of hardship through the year, it makes my time and work worthwhile. I've been encouraged here so I am very grateful for your thread and messages with care. I hope you will have nice spring and new fiscal year,too.

No.239 13/03/02 08:17


No.240 13/03/02 08:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 239 To フリーターさん

Good morning and thank you for your response.


As you told,the time has passed quickly.


It seems that it has been unnaturally cold this year.


Though it snowed this year here,but it's not so much.


The trouble is that the colder,the harder and slower I get out of huton.


How comfortable being in the huton!


I'm afraid you live in a heavy snowfall area.


Please take care of yourself lest you catch a cold.

風邪をひかぬように、体に気をつけて下さい 🙋

Have a wonderful day!


No.241 13/03/02 13:04

>> 240 フリーター=中学生だからね

No.242 13/03/02 13:42
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 241 Needless to say,I recognize what is called handle name of your is 中学生さん。😃

I'm sure the people who live in a snow country have perseverance.Unless they can't do snow shovelling so often.⛄

雪国に住んでる人は我慢強いよね、でなきゃ雪掻きなんて頻繁にできないよね              I used to live in Fukui prefecture.Then it was by far colder than where I live just now.


Are you good at skiing, skating,and making 鎌倉?


No.243 13/03/02 18:49
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To 中学生さん

I'm wondering which way I address to you,but I'll call you 中学生 from now on.


To tell the truth,I'd not been interested in English so much until 45 years old.


Needless to say,nehther I could read nor write English then.


However,when learning English,I have the fun just now.


However,it may be only me,besides you're not myself.


I'm apt to speak to you a little strictly in relation to learning English.


Please forgive me.


I'm afraid it may be impolite of me to say the next things.


I'm sure there must be a lot of things which are more wonderful than learning English.


The important thing is that it isn't others but yourself who discover something splendid.


To be continued.


No.244 13/03/02 19:32
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To 中学生さん

You may have already discovered it,if so,it's not polite of me to say it.I have to apologize you for it.


The earlier you can find something splendid,it means that a thing in which you are absorbed,the better.


I don't know anything about you,you may have already found it.


Even if you've not discovered it yet,you don't have to make a haste,I'm sure.life is long.


My remarks may be a thing like preaching,so please don't upset about me.


Have a comfortable evening.


No.245 13/03/02 23:53


No.246 13/03/02 23:59

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No.247 13/03/03 00:17
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 246 あなたの注文は、つぎの状況にしたがって最新の物となりました。あなたの注文を選ぶ為に、下記にアクセスして下さい。コメントは、あなたの注文の為です。質問があれば、このイーメイルにして下さい。





No.248 13/03/03 00:23

>> 247 もう注文はしたの。でも届いてなくて

  • << 250 It means that when you send your e-mail,I'm wondering if you have to do it in English. イーメイルする時は、英語でしなければならないのかな? Then you should say like the next. 次のように言ってみてね Though I ordered,the goods have never been delivered to me. 注文したけど、まだ商品が届かないよ。 If it's not effective,I'm sure you should consult with a person in 消費者センター and so on. 効果がなかったら、消費者センターかなんかに相談してみた方がいいよ。😃 I hope your goods have delivered earlier. 中学生さんの注文した商品が早く届くといいね。😃 Good night and have a nice dream. お休み。良い夢みてね💤

No.249 13/03/03 00:36


No.250 13/03/03 00:47
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 248 もう注文はしたの。でも届いてなくて 助かりました!どうもありがとうございますm(。_。)m こちらが日本人なんだから先生みたいに英語と日… It means that when you send your e-mail,I'm wondering if you have to do it in English.


Then you should say like the next.


Though I ordered,the goods have never been delivered to me.


If it's not effective,I'm sure you should consult with a person in 消費者センター and so on.


I hope your goods have delivered earlier.


Good night and have a nice dream.


No.251 13/03/03 09:38
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 237 《The past tense of the ordinary verb,the prepositions,and adverbs.》 《… 『The past tense of the ordinary verb,prepositions,adverbs』


If being asked with the you,we answer with the I.
you で尋ねられたら、I で答えます。

We need to be careful of the next thing.We always have to put to to behind the going.

次の事に注意する必要があります。going の後に to をつけなければなりません。

However,when using the where,we don't have to use the to.

しかし、where を使う時は to. を使う必要はありません。


Where did you come from?


I came from Saitama.


It's a place that we want to ask,so we put the where at the beginning of a sentence.

私達が知りたいのは、場所なので where を文頭に置きます。

Then,as using the came,so we adopt the did,and we make an interrogative sentence.

came を使っているので、did を使って疑問文を作ります。

Its word order is『did you come?』

語順は『did you come?』です。

However,the where doesn't include a meaning of from,so we never fail to put the from behind the come.

しかし、where は from,~から、という意味がありません。だから、必ず from を come の後ろに置きます。

When answering,we say like the next.『I came from~』

答える時には次のように言います。I came from~

  • << 253 『The past tense of the ordinary verbs,prepositions,and adverbs』 『一般動詞の過去形、前置詞、副詞』 When asking others' hometown,instead of the past tense,we use the present tense. 出身地を尋ねる時は、過去形ではなく現在形を使います。 Examples Where do you come from? どこの出身? I come from Japan. 日本です。 Then,we're going to see some other examples.They include how to use other interrogatives. それでは、他の例文を見てみます。他の疑問詞の使い方も含まれてます。 We add a what to a noun,and make the interrogative sentence. what を名詞に付けて疑問文を作れます。 Examples What kind of music do you like? あなたはどんな種類の音楽が好きですか? I like Rock'n'Roll 私はロックンロールが好きです。 When using a which,we ask you the one which you choose. which を使う時、選択する方を選びます。 We add a choice such as A or B at the end of a sentence. AかBか、という選択肢を文末に置きます。 Besides,we add the which to a noun,and we can make an interrogative sentence. which を名詞に付けて疑問文を作れます。 Examples Which is your book,this one or that one? こちらとあちら、どちらがあなたの本ですか? This one is mine. この本が私の物です。

No.252 13/03/03 10:16
社会人159 ( ♀ )

>> 238 To 社会人 159さん Hello!How are you?😃 I'm afraid your situation is… It's been a long time since my last reply.
Thank you for your caring and warm message.

About entrance exam of my high school students, the results are varied and some have not come and let me know theirs yet...
I've done as much as I could do for them for this year, and no matter how we worry, the results depends on the students theirselves. We just have to encourage and wait now with pray.

Well, I finished my class to junior high students the day before yesterday . Although I've relieved, on the other hand felt sad for parting. It's a deeply moving moment that I have every year.
Even if there have been a lot of hardship through the year, it makes my time and work worthwhile.

I've been encouraged here so I am very grateful for your thread and messages with care.
I hope you will have nice spring and new fiscal year,too.

  • << 254 To 社会人159さん Hello and thank you for your response.😃 I should told you words of appreciation,but an appropriate English remark doesn't occur to me,so I say in Japanese.ご苦労様😃 The harder you face plenty of hardships,the happier you are when you can get over them,I'm sure.☺ I'm also sure what you have done is worthy of praise.I'm wondering if you feel as if you were your students' mother.When looking back on their school days,without you they won't remember their memories,I'm sure.🙋 Spring isn't only a parting season,but meeting one,so your new children will wait for you when a new school term begins.😃 It has been cold in spite of spring,so let's take care of ourselves lest we catch cold.🙌 Have a good afternoon.👍

No.253 13/03/03 10:26
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 251 『The past tense of the ordinary verb,prepositions,adverbs』 『一般動詞の過去形… 『The past tense of the ordinary verbs,prepositions,and adverbs』


When asking others' hometown,instead of the past tense,we use the present tense.



Where do you come from?


I come from Japan.


Then,we're going to see some other examples.They include how to use other interrogatives.


We add a what to a noun,and make the interrogative sentence.

what を名詞に付けて疑問文を作れます。


What kind of music do you like?


I like Rock'n'Roll


When using a which,we ask you the one which you choose.

which を使う時、選択する方を選びます。

We add a choice such as A or B at the end of a sentence.


Besides,we add the which to a noun,and we can make an interrogative sentence.

which を名詞に付けて疑問文を作れます。


Which is your book,this one or that one?


This one is mine.


  • << 255 【How to make interrogative sentences in which the interrogatives are used】 【疑問詞が使われてる疑問文の作り方】 If adding whose to a noun,we can make an interrogative sentence. whose を名詞に付ければ、疑問文を作れます。 Example Whose bag is this? これは誰のカバンですか? It is hers. 彼女のものです When answering,we change this into it,and her bag turns into hers. 答える時は、this は it に、her bag は hers になります。 Why is the interrogative which we ask others their reasons and purposes. why は理由や目的を聞く疑問詞です。 When answering,we put because at the beginning of a sentence,and say its reason. 答える時は because を文頭に置き、理由を言います。 Example Why was Tom absent yesterday? トムはなぜ昨日休んだの? Because he was ill. 病気だったからよ How is the interrogative in which we ask the others their ways or means. how は方法、手段を聞く疑問詞です。 When using the how,we can adopt it with varied adjectives or adverbs. how を使う時は、さまざまな形容詞、副詞と一緒に使えます。 Example How did you go home yesterday? 昨日はどうやって家に帰ったの? By bus. バスでだよ。 By vehicle means a way of transportation. by 乗り物で、交通手段を意味します。🚌

No.254 13/03/03 15:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 252 It's been a long time since my last reply. Thank you for your ca… To 社会人159さん

Hello and thank you for your response.😃

I should told you words of appreciation,but an appropriate English remark doesn't occur to me,so I say in Japanese.ご苦労様😃

The harder you face plenty of hardships,the happier you are when you can get over them,I'm sure.☺

I'm also sure what you have done is worthy of praise.I'm wondering if you feel as if you were your students' mother.When looking back on their school days,without you they won't remember their memories,I'm sure.🙋

Spring isn't only a parting season,but meeting one,so your new children will wait for you when a new school term begins.😃

It has been cold in spite of spring,so let's take care of ourselves lest we catch cold.🙌

Have a good afternoon.👍

  • << 256 Thank you for your reply. I will keep believing students I will meet in the future and trying to make them enjoy English. You,too, take care!

No.255 13/03/10 10:51
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 253 『The past tense of the ordinary verbs,prepositions,and adverbs』 『一般動… 【How to make interrogative sentences in which the interrogatives are used】


If adding whose to a noun,we can make an interrogative sentence.

whose を名詞に付ければ、疑問文を作れます。


Whose bag is this?


It is hers.

When answering,we change this into it,and her bag turns into hers.

答える時は、this は it に、her bag は hers になります。

Why is the interrogative which we ask others their reasons and purposes.

why は理由や目的を聞く疑問詞です。

When answering,we put because at the beginning of a sentence,and say its reason.

答える時は because を文頭に置き、理由を言います。


Why was Tom absent yesterday?


Because he was ill.


How is the interrogative in which we ask the others their ways or means.

how は方法、手段を聞く疑問詞です。

When using the how,we can adopt it with varied adjectives or adverbs.

how を使う時は、さまざまな形容詞、副詞と一緒に使えます。

How did you go home yesterday?


By bus.


By vehicle means a way of transportation.
by 乗り物で、交通手段を意味します。🚌

  • << 257 【How to make interrogative sentences in which interrogatives are used】 【疑問詞が使われてる疑問文の作り方】 Example How much is this? これはいくら(どれくらいのお金)ですか? It is 1.050yen. それは、1.050円です。 How much is used to be how much money,but money is omitted. how much は how much money でした。money が省略されたのです。 How old 何歳 How often どれくらい頻繁に How long どれくらいの長さ/期間 How many plural noun どれくらい多くの(複数名詞) How far どれくらいの距離 Examples What do you want? あなたは何が欲しいの? I want a toy. おもちゃだよ        We put the what at the beginning of the sentence.          What は文頭に置きます          Then we connect the interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb,want of the present tense was used,『do you want?』with the what.          それから現在形の一般動詞、want が使われてる疑問文と what をつなげます。  Which do you like better,soccer or baseball? あなたは、サッカーと野球、どちらが好きですか? I like soccer better. サッカーです。⚽ We put the which at the beginning of the sentence. Whichは、文頭に置きます。 Other explanation is too long to write this time.I'll do it the next time. 他の説明は長くて今回は出来ません。次回にします。😃

No.256 13/03/10 11:01
社会人159 ( ♀ )

>> 254 To 社会人159さん Hello and thank you for your response.😃 I should told … Thank you for your reply.

I will keep believing students I will meet in the future and trying to make them enjoy English.

You,too, take care!

  • << 258 Please go for it,but take it easy.😃 Have a good evening🙋

No.257 13/03/10 11:36
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 255 【How to make interrogative sentences in which the interrogatives are u… 【How to make interrogative sentences in which interrogatives are used】



How much is this?


It is 1.050yen.


How much is used to be how much money,but money is omitted.

how much は how much money でした。money が省略されたのです。

How old 何歳

How often どれくらい頻繁に

How long どれくらいの長さ/期間

How many plural noun どれくらい多くの(複数名詞)

How far どれくらいの距離


What do you want?


I want a toy.
       We put the what at the beginning of the sentence.          What は文頭に置きます          Then we connect the interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb,want of the present tense was used,『do you want?』with the what.          それから現在形の一般動詞、want が使われてる疑問文と what をつなげます。 
Which do you like better,soccer or baseball?


I like soccer better.


We put the which at the beginning of the sentence.


Other explanation is too long to write this time.I'll do it the next time.


  • << 259 【How to make an interrogative sentence in which interrogative is used】 【疑問詞が使われてる疑問文の作り方】 We connect which with the interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb,like is used,do you like better? which と一般動詞が使われてる疑問文、do you like better? を繋げます。 Then we have to put the better,for two things are compared in the sentence. その時、better を置きます。2つの物が文中で比較されてるので。 Options of A or B is needed in the interrogative sentence in which the which is used,so we add soccer or baseball at the end of the sentence. A か B という選択肢が which が使われてる疑問文には必要なので、soccer or baseball と文末に加えます。 Example Whose pen is this? これは誰のペンですか? We put the interrogative,whose,at the beginning of the sentence. 疑問詞 whose を文頭に置きます。 Then we add the pen to the whose. その時、pen を whose につけます。 The sentence asks us a person who owns the pen.Who is it? 文は、ペンを所有してる人を尋ねてます。その人は誰ですか?と。 A be verb,is, used in the sentence,so we make its word order,is this? be 動詞、is が使われてるので、語順を is this? にします。

No.258 13/03/10 18:06
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 256 Thank you for your reply. I will keep believing students I will mee… Please go for it,but take it easy.😃

Have a good evening🙋

No.259 13/03/17 18:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 257 【How to make interrogative sentences in which interrogatives are used】… 【How to make an interrogative sentence in which interrogative is used】


We connect which with the interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb,like is used,do you like better?

which と一般動詞が使われてる疑問文、do you like better? を繋げます。

Then we have to put the better,for two things are compared in the sentence.

その時、better を置きます。2つの物が文中で比較されてるので。

Options of A or B is needed in the interrogative sentence in which the which is used,so we add soccer or baseball at the end of the sentence.

A か B という選択肢が which が使われてる疑問文には必要なので、soccer or baseball と文末に加えます。


Whose pen is this?


We put the interrogative,whose,at the beginning of the sentence.

疑問詞 whose を文頭に置きます。

Then we add the pen to the whose.

その時、pen を whose につけます。

The sentence asks us a person who owns the pen.Who is it?


A be verb,is, used in the sentence,so we make its word order,is this?
be 動詞、is が使われてるので、語順を is this? にします。

No.260 13/03/17 19:28
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 259 【How to make an interrogative sentence in which an interrogative is used】


When answering,we replace the this with the it,and change the mine like the next.It's mine.

答える時は this を it に、my pen を mine にします。次のようになります。

It's mine



How can I get to the station?


You can get there by train.


We put the interrogative,how,at the beginning of the sentence.

how を文頭に置きます。

The can is used in the sentence,so we make the interrogative sentence,can I get to the station?

can が文中に使われてるので、can I get to the station? という疑問文を作ります。

get to a noun which means a place means reaching the place.

get to 場所を表す名詞で、その場所に着く、という意味です。

When answering,we replace to the station with the there.
答える時は、to the station を there に置き換えます。

There includes the to,so we don't have to put the to.

there は to ~へ、という意味が含まれているので、to を置く必要はありません。

A compact answer like by train is also all right.

by train と簡潔に答えても良いです。

  • << 266 【How to make an interrogative sentence in which an interrogative is used】 【疑問詞が使われてる疑問文の作り方】 Example How often do you play tennis? どれくらい(の頻度で)テニスをしますか? I play tennis once a week. 一週間に一度テニスをします。 As asking its frequency,we start a sentence from how often. 頻度を尋ねてるので、how often から文を始めます。 We connect how often with an interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb,the play was used,do you play tennis? how often と一般動詞、play が使われてる疑問文、do you play tennis? をつなげます。 When answering,we say like the next. 答える時は、次のように言います。 Once a week. 一週間に一回 Twice a week. 一週間に二回 Three times a week. 一週間に三回 How far is it from here to your house? ここからあなたの家まで、どれくらいの距離がありますか? It's about 1 kilometer from here to my home. ここから私の家まで約1キロです      。 When asking its distance,we start the sentence with the how far. 距離を尋ねる時は、how far で文を始めます。 We connect the how far with the interrogative sentence in which be verb of the present tense was used. how far と be動詞が使われてる文をつなげます。

No.261 13/03/21 22:10


Sorry! There seems to be a problem connecting to our database. Please give us a few minutes to remedy the problem. Thank you.

No.262 13/03/22 00:02
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 261 ごめんなさい。私達のデータベースに繋がる為に、問題があるようです。問題解決の為に、2.3分下さい。有り難う御座います。



Has the problem been solved?



No.263 13/03/22 00:16

>> 262 ううん。荷物は届かず。連絡も取れないまま


No.264 13/03/22 00:52
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 263 効果があるかどうかは分からないけど、催促したほうがよいね。

A few minuets?You're kidding!Far from a few minuets! I've ended up waiting for the goods no less than a few days.You can't put any faith in what you've said.







No.265 13/03/22 01:01

>> 264 あはっ(笑)先生、上手!

No.266 13/03/24 06:51
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 260 【How to make an interrogative sentence in which an interrogative is us… 【How to make an interrogative sentence in which an interrogative is used】



How often do you play tennis?


I play tennis once a week.


As asking its frequency,we start a sentence from how often.

頻度を尋ねてるので、how often から文を始めます。

We connect how often with an interrogative sentence in which an ordinary verb,the play was used,do you play tennis?

how often と一般動詞、play が使われてる疑問文、do you play tennis? をつなげます。

When answering,we say like the next.


Once a week.


Twice a week.

Three times a week.


How far is it from here to your house?


It's about 1 kilometer from here to my home.

ここから私の家まで約1キロです      。
When asking its distance,we start the sentence with the how far.

距離を尋ねる時は、how far で文を始めます。
We connect the how far with the interrogative sentence in which be verb of the present tense was used.

how far と be動詞が使われてる文をつなげます。

No.267 13/03/24 07:38
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 266 【How to make an interrogative sentence in which an interrogative is used.】


When answering actually,we do more compact like the next.


It's about 1 kilometer.

A subject of the sentence which expresses its distance is it.

距離を表す文章の主語は、it です。

【A sentence of which subject is the interrogative】


When the interrogative is the subject,the sentence behind the interrogative isn't the interrogative one.

We put the interrogative at the beginning of the sentence,and its word order is a form of subject and verb.


When being a be verb or an ordinary one,its word order is the same.


We usually handle the interrogative as the singular number,its verb is also the form of the singular.



Tom is running in the park.

I'm going to change this sentence into the interrogative one in the next time.


No.268 13/03/31 07:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 267 【A sentence of which subject is an interrogative】


Who is running in the park?


Tom is.


When answering,the phrase of running in the park behind Tom is,we omit it.

答える時、Tom is の後ろの running in the park の句は省略します。


Ken knows the fact.


An interrogative sentence of the example.


Who knows the fact?


Ken does.


When answering, instead of repeating the phrase of knows the fact,we use does.

答える時、knows the fact の句を繰り返す代わりに、does を使います。

【A sentence of a tag question which means of calling its special attention,or confirmation】


When calling its special attention,or confirming,we use a sentence of a tag question such as『is it?』or『isn't it?』


When calling its special attention,we lower its intonation.


When confirming,we raise its intonation.


No.269 13/03/31 17:44
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 268 【A sentence of a tag question which means calling special attention,or confirmation】


When having a conversation with others,we frequently use the sentence of the tag question.                  会話をする時、付加疑問文をよく使います。               Therefore if we understand how to adopt it,it'll be convenient for us.


If adding an interrogative sentence of two words at the end of a sentence,it'll be the one of the tag question.


Being the two words means that omitting repetition behind the subject.


If the sentence is an affirmative one,its tag question will be the interrogative sentence of negative.


Contrary to it,if the sentence is negative,its tag question will be the affirmative one.


No.270 13/04/07 07:48
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 269 【A sentence of tag question which means calling special attention or confirmation】


When happening to see something terrible,we don't always say『It's terrible』but we often say『It's terrible, isn't it?』in Japanese.


The sentence of tag question resembles it.


《A sentence of tag question for an affirmative one》


When using an ordinary verb,we add don't/doesn't/didn't and a pronoun at the end of a sentence.

一般動詞を使う場合、don't/doesn't/didn't 代名詞を文末に付けます。


You walk to school,don't you?


The second person,an affirmative sentence in which an ordinary verb is adopted,an interrogative sentence which means negative.


There is a phrase of walk to school after other one of don't you? However we omit it.

don't you の後に walk to school の語句が続きますが、省略します。

No.271 13/04/07 08:36
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 270 【A sentence of tag question which means calling special attention or confirmation】


As feeling it troublesome,I omit a subtitle.



Dick lives near here,doesn't he?


The third person singular,an affirmative sentence in which the ordinary verb is used,the interrogative sentence of negative.


We replace Dick with he in the sentence of tag question.

付加疑問文では、ディックを he に置き換えます。

《The sentence of tag question in which an auxiliary verb is used》


A cotracted form of the auxiliary verb and not,and a pronoun?

助動詞 not の短縮形+代名詞?


You can play the guitar,can't you?


An affirmative sentence in which the auxiliary verb is used and the interrogative sentence of negative.


The auxiliary verb doesn't change its form even if the subject's person or number change.


No.272 13/04/07 09:18
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 271 【A sentence of tag question which means calling special attention or confirmation】


The sentence of tag question of the present perfect tense


haven't/hasn't the pronoun?

haven't/hasn't 代名詞?


Helen has seen Mt.Fuji,hasn't she?


The third person singular,an affirmative sentence of the present perfect sentence,an interrogative sentence of negative.


A sentence of tag question for a negative sentence.


Alex didn't come to the party,did he?


The third person singular,the negative sentence of the past tense,and an affirmative sentence of negative


You haven't read the book,haven't you?


The second person,a negative sentence of the present perfect tense,and an interrogative sentence of affirmative.


No.273 13/04/14 02:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 272 【A sentence of tag question which means calling special attention or confirmation】


《Form of the tag question》


When being an affirmative sentence,its tag question is an interrogative sentence of negative.


We add its subject,to be exact,its pronoun,at the end of the sentence,and omitting a part behind the subject.


When being a negative sentence,its tag question is an interrogative sentence of affirmative.


We omit a part behind its subject,it means its pronoun.


Verbs and pronouns of the tag question dependss on number and person of its subject.


【Word order of an indirect interrogative sentence】



Do you know where Richard lives?


No.274 13/04/14 03:13
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 273 【Word order of an indirect interrogative sentence】


《What is the indirect interrogative sentence?》


The interrogative sentence which starts from an interrogative is incorporated into other sentence of an indirect interrogative sentence like the example.


As for the word order behind the interrogative,we don't have to do lik an ordinary interrogative sentence.


We do like the word order in an ordinary affirmative or negative sentence.


Let's confirm the example.


When asking like the next,『Where does Charlie live?』,its word order is the interrogative and the interrogative sentence.


However,the interrogative sentence was used in other one as an object of the know.

しかしながら、その疑問文は他の文の中で、know の目的語として使われてます。

No.275 13/04/14 07:17
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 274 【Word order of an indirect interrogative sentence】


《What is the indirect interrogative sentence?》


When asking somebody what we can't recognize indirectly, word order behind the interrogative isn't an interrogative sentence's,but an affirmative sentence's.


Where does Richard live?

The example is the interrogative sentence's word order,for it's the interrogative sentence.


Do you know where Richard lives?

know →verb

where Richard lives?→an object of which order word is the affirmative sentence's.

know →動詞

where Richard lives? →肯定文の語順の目的語。

Then we never fail to add s of the third person singular,and the present tense to the live.

それから、三人称単数現在の s を live に必ず付けます。


Do you remember who he is?


remember → verb

who he is →an object of which order word is an affirmative sentence

who he is→肯定文の語順の目的語

No.276 13/04/21 08:10
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 275 【Word order of an indirect interrogative sentence】



What do you mean?


I don't know what you mean.


A part behind the interrogative is the word order of a negative sentence.


By the way,I've expressed this thread,being based on a reference book,「やり直しの中学英語」


Its subtitle is「Word order of an indirect interrogative sentence」,so I've expressed like that.


However,all of the examples aren't the indirect interrogative sentences.


A clause which includes the interrogative is an objective in the examples.Please understand it.



Why didn't he come to the meeting?


Please ask him why he didn't come to the meeting.


The part behind the interrogative is the word order of a negative sentence.


No.277 13/04/21 09:02
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 276 【Word order of an indirect interrogative sentence】


When the interrogative is a subject,its verb comes after immediately.


Even if the sentence is the indirect interrogative sentence,its word order doesn't change.



What is in the bag?


What → a subject

is → a verb

what → 主語

is → 動詞

Can you guess what is in the bag?


Its word order doesn't change.


【Uncertain infinitive which is going to a future】


A lot of people seem to think that they find it hard to understand an infinitive.


『We've somehow remembered there are three usages.We adopt them as a noun,adjective,and adverb.』


『However,what is the infinitive in the world?』


I'm afraid their worries doesn't seem to be done away with.


No.278 13/04/21 10:02
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 277 【Uncertain infinitive which is going to a future】


It's natural for them to think that they are poor in the infinitive,for they went forward when they couldn't grasp what the infinitive is.


I'm going to to express on the infinitive which is going toward the future so as to understand it as easily as I can.


May myself not being a braggart!


【What is the infinitive?】


Speaking of the infinitive,we used to learn three usages such as the noun,adjective,and adverb.


Secondly,we'd read their examples,and translate into the Japanese,so English class on the infinitive was over.


Almost all of the people seemed to be like that.


However,if we can understand the infinitive enough,it'll be all right.

  • << 286 【What is an infinitive?】 【不定詞って何?】 《The infinitive and a finite verb》 《不定詞と定詞》 Three is a finite verb which is a pair of the infinitive. 不定詞と対になる、定型動詞があります。 If comparing the infinitive with the finite verb,it'll be useful for us in order to understand the infinitive. 不定詞と定型動詞を比べると、不定詞を理解するのに、役に立ちます。 The finite verb is a fixed verb.It means that its subject's person or tense are fixed in a sentence. 定型動詞とは、定められた動詞です。文の中で主語の人称、時制が定められてます。 In other words,the verbs change their forms,according to their persons or tenses. 言い換えれば、その動詞は人称、時制によって変わると言う事です。 Example She studies math every day. 彼女は毎日数学を勉強します。 Please pay attention to the example. 例文に注目して下さい。 The example tells us a definite thing with an ordinary verb of the study that she studies math every day. 例文は一般動詞の study で彼女は毎日数学を勉強している、という確定的な事実を我々に伝えてます。 Example She studied math yesterday. 彼女は昨日数学を勉強しました。 I'm going to express about the last example in the next time. 最後の例文については、次回に記述します。

No.279 13/04/27 03:35


No.280 13/04/27 03:49


No.281 13/04/27 04:41
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 280 To フリーターさん

Good morning and thank you for your response.


As you've told,I've already been 52 years old.


It's strange,for I'd graduated from high school just recently.


Without recognizing,more than 30years have passed.


Whenever I watch Sazaesan,I'm wondering why its characters don't change.


Have a nice dream and have a good time in what is called in GW.


No.282 13/04/27 04:46

>> 281 はい!


No.283 13/04/27 05:48
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 282 By the way,it approaches its end in relation to one more other thread of mine.


Needless to say,I'm going to continue it until response No.500.


It's just that a theme which I've tried to expressed comes to an end at a long vacation in this summer if things go well.


Do you want me to express something for you?


If it's too difficult,I will find it impossible.


I'd tried to express what is called the cell of IPS in English,but it's impossible.


If I could do it easily,I would also win the Nobel prize without difficulty.


When you'd come here for the first time,you said you wanted to understand the theory of Galois,and have you wanted to understand it?


No.284 13/04/27 12:11
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 283 To 中学生さん

I've forgotten to say!


I'll also express in Japanese only just this time.


Have a wonderful day!


No.285 13/04/27 12:20
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To 社会人さん

Good afternoon.How are you?I'm afraid you have been busy,for a new term has just started.😥

Please take it easy and be careful not to have a cold.😺

Have a comfortable a long day off!☀

No.286 13/04/28 11:36
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 278 【Uncertain infinitive which is going to a future】 【未来に向かう不確定な不定詞】 … 【What is an infinitive?】


《The infinitive and a finite verb》


Three is a finite verb which is a pair of the infinitive.


If comparing the infinitive with the finite verb,it'll be useful for us in order to understand the infinitive.


The finite verb is a fixed verb.It means that its subject's person or tense are fixed in a sentence.


In other words,the verbs change their forms,according to their persons or tenses.



She studies math every day.


Please pay attention to the example.


The example tells us a definite thing with an ordinary verb of the study that she studies math every day.

例文は一般動詞の study で彼女は毎日数学を勉強している、という確定的な事実を我々に伝えてます。


She studied math yesterday.


I'm going to express about the last example in the next time.


No.287 13/04/28 19:31
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 286 【What is an infinitive?】


《The infinitive and a finite verb》


A verb of the study was changed into its past tense,and the example told us she studied math yesterday as a certain fact.

動詞の study は過去形になり、例文は彼女が昨日数学を勉強した、という事を確実な物として伝えます。

When using the finite verb,it means when we don't use the infinitive,we change the verv and fix its form so as to tell others a definite or certain thing.


On the other hand,the infinitive is a verb which doesn't change even if the subject's person or change.


There are two kinds of the infinitive.


The one is to and an original form of a verb,and the other is only the verb of the original form.


The to of to and the original form of the verb is originally the one of preposition.

to と、動詞の原形の to は元々、前置詞の to です。

No.288 13/04/28 22:45
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 287 【The infinitive is intend to go for a future】


The to has a nuance of going toward an uncertain goal.
to は確定してない目標に向かって行く、というニュアンスがあります。

In short,it means going for the future.



My dream is to be a doctor.


A part of to be a doctor in the sentence is the goal.

文中の to be a doctor,医者になる事が目標だという事です。

We can understand it has a feeling of going toward the future.


The infinitive has three usages.I'm going to express them in order to grasp the infinitive more deeply.


【The infinitive's usage as a noun】


If remembering the noun's role,I'm sure we can understand what the infinitive's usage is as a noun.


The noun plays a part as a subject,complement,or object in a sentence.


No.289 13/05/05 07:27
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 288 【The infinitive's usage as a noun】


Please compare a sentence in which be verb is used with other one of the infinitive.

be 動詞が使われてる文と、不定詞が使われてる文を比べてみて下さい。

My brother is a teacher.

Its subject is my brother,and its complement is a teacher.

主語は、my brother で、補語は a teacher です。

My dream is to be a musician.


①A phrase of my dream plays a part as the subject in the infinitive's sentence.


②Its verb is a be of the present tense,is.It means =.

②動詞は、現在形のbe 動詞、is です。意味は=です。

③A phrase of to be a musician is the infinitive,and complement.

to be a musician と言う語句が不定詞で、補語です。

The phrase means becoming a musician.


When putting ①.②,and ③ together,it means that my dream = to be a musician.

①、②、③を合わせれば、私の夢 = ミュージシャン、となります。

The sentence shows us the speaker's feeling in which it's bound for an uncertain future.


No.290 13/05/05 08:20
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 289 【Infinitive's usage as a noun】


By the way,we've often heard the next thing.


If being able to say a thing which the one does in Japanese,it's the infinitive's usage as a noun.


However,we can't understand a feeling or uncertainty being bound for the future in the infinitive with the explanation.


Besides,we can't grasp difference between the infinitive and a gerund.


Let's continue to studying English,remaining understanding a sense of the infinitive firmly.


【The infinitive which plays a part as a complement】



①My duty is to work hard.


②His plan is to give everyone a chance.


Its subject is my duty,and its complement is to work hard in relation to ①


No.291 13/05/05 19:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 290 【An infinitive which plays a part as a complement】


The word of duty shows us the speaker's determination that it'll fulfill something valuable.

duty と言う言葉には、話し手の何か価値のある事を果たす、という決意が示されてます。

The word of duty and the infinitive seem to be congenial.

duty という言葉と不定詞は相性が良いようです。

②Its subject is his plan,and its complement is to give everyone a chance.

②主語は his plan,補語は to give everyone a chance です。

The word of plan is also the one we'll make for our future.

plan という言葉もまた、未来に向けて立てるものです。

It and the infinitive also seem to be congenial.



The goal of our project is to improve the quality of education.


A part of subject is the goal of our project.

主語の部分は、The goal of our project です。

Its verb is a one of be,and it's the present tense.

動詞は be動詞の is,現在形です。

The part of complement is to improve the quality of education.

補語の部分は、to improve the quality of education です。

No.292 13/05/12 07:42
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 291 【An infinitive which plays a part as a complement】


If thinking the infinitive of an image in which going for the future,we'll be able to master the usage of the infinitive quickly.


【Infinitive which plays a part as an object.】



I like soccer.


The example may not be hard to grasp as long as we understand how to use an ordinary verb.


However there is one thing which is unclear.


Even if every time we read the example,it's unclear how the speaker like soccer.


We're not sure whether the speaker playing soccer,or it like watching soccer on TV.


Does it mean that he likes soccer in a stadium?


So we adopt the infinitive and change the object in order to be more concrete.


No.293 13/05/12 09:45
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 292 【An infinitive which plays a part as an object】


I like to play soccer.


I'll compare the last example,『I like soccer』 with this one.

最前の例文 『I like soccer』とこれを比べてみます。

Both subjects→I

Both verbs→like

両方の主語はI、両方の動詞は like です。

The former object is soccer and the latter is to play soccer.

前者の目的語は soccer,後者の目的語は to play soccer です。

In this way,adding an explanation to the sentence with the infinitive,we can show others we like to play soccer.


Besides,we can tell them nuance that I'll have played soccer in future too.



I want the book.


I want to read the book.


As not possessing just now,so feeling of wanting it after this arises to the speaker and the feeling and future are compatible.

No.294 13/05/12 20:34
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 293 【An infinitive which plays a part as an object】


Therefore when we adopt the word of want,we use the form of 『want to an original form of an ordinary verb』and express our feelings that we hope to do something.                 それゆえに、want という単語を使う時は『want to 動詞の原形 』という形で使い、何かをしたいという我々の気持ちを表します。                 
The sentence that I want to read the book has a nuance like the next.


I want to read the book more and more from now on.


Don't you think the words such as decide,plan,and hope have strong feeling which go for the future?

decide,plan,そして hope などの単語は、未来に向かう強い気持ちを持ってる気がしませんか?

The form of to, original form of an ordinary verb and the three words are also compatible.

to 一般動詞の原形とその三つの単語もまた、相性が良いのです。

They belong to the words like the want.

その三つの単語は、want のような単語の仲間みたいな物です。


My brother likes to sing karaoke.


I decided to study abroad.


No.295 13/05/19 09:35
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 294 【An infinitive which play a part as an object】



I'm planning to go to Europe next year.


We hope to see your great performance in Japan.


【An infinitive which plays a part as a subject】


The last usage of noun of the infinitive is playing part as subject.


Please read the next sentence.


①Soccer is a lot of fun.


Needless to say,we can express vaguely soccer is a lot of fun like above the sentence.


However,when using the infinitive,we can explain its situation to you more clearly.


②To play soccer is a lot of fun.


Let's compare ① with ②.


①Soccer → subject

is → a verb

a lot of fun → complement

サッカー → 主語

is → 動詞

a lot of fun → 補語

No.296 13/05/19 10:59
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 295 【An infinitive which plays a part as a subject】


②To play soccer → subject

is → verb

a lot of fun → complement

サッカーをする事 → 主語

~である → 動詞


As a phrase of the infinitive of to play soccer plays a part as the subject,we can recognize“ playing soccer is a lot of fun”more definitely.



To get up early is very good for your health.


To learn new things is interesting.


However,it doesn't always mean that we frequently use the infinitive as the subject.


There are plenty of forms in which we put it formally in the sentences,and we set the infinitive at the end of sentences.

形式的に it を置き、文の終わりに不定詞を置く場合が多いのです。

It's connected with an kind of English rule that we put what we want to emphasize,or to focus on at the end of sentences.


No.297 13/05/19 18:31
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 296 【An infinitive which plays a part as a subject】


We call the it temporary subject,and the infinitive put at the end of sentences real subject.

その it を仮主語、文末の不定詞を真主語と呼びます。


To play tennis is a lot of fun.


If using the it,the example is the one like the next.

it を使うと例文は次の様になります。

It is a lot of fun to play tennis.


If translating the example literally,it'll be the next one.



The it means playing tennis.Then we put what we want to emphasize at the end of the sentence.

その it はテニスをする事、という意味です。強調したい事は、文末に置きます。

Then let's say the next sentences in other way.


To play soccer is a lot of fun.


It is a lot of fun to play soccer.

The two sentences mean same,but I'll translate the one in which the infinitive is used literally.



No.298 13/05/26 01:24
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 297 【An infinitive which plays a part as a subject.】


A phrase of the infinitive plays a part as the subject,we can understand that the sentence expresses what playing soccer is plenty of fun clearly.



To get up early is very good for your health.


To learn new things is interesting.


However,there are a few chances in which we actually use the infinitive as the subject.


Its reason is why there are so many next cases.


At first,we put it formally,and the infinitive at the end of a sentence.

まず、it を形式的に、不定詞を文末に置きます。

It has to do with the whole English rule.We put a thing which we want to emphasize,or to focus on rear of the sentence.


We call the it a temporary subject,and the infinitive which is put at the end of a sentence true subject.

その it を仮主語、文末の不定詞を真主語と呼びます。

No.299 13/05/26 02:36
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 298 【An infinitive which plays a part as a subject.】



To play tennis is a lot of fun.

It is a lot of fun to play tennis.


The two sentences mean same.


Its formal subject is the it,and true one is to play tennis.

仮主語は it、真主語は to play tennis です。

Let's say the next sentences in other way in which we use the formal subject,it.

次の文を形式主語、it を使って言い換えてみましょう。

To play soccer is a lot of fun. ⬇

It is a lot of fun to play soccer.


Its formal subject is the it,and true one is to play soccer.

形式主語は it、真主語は to play soccer です。

To get up early is very good for your health.

It is very good for your health to get up early.

早く起き起きる事は、あなたの健康にとって非常に良い                 To learn new things is interesting.

It is interesting to learn new things.


No.300 13/05/26 08:54
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 299 【An infinitive's usage as an adjective】


It means that the infinitive plays a part as an adjective.


The adjective expresses on nouns.


An example

I have a lot of things to do.


If saying the example word for word,it's the next one.


“I have.”“What is it?”


“A lot of things.”“What kinds of things are they?”


“The things which I have to do.”It means that I'm going to do plenty of things in the future.


The infinitive expresses on the noun in front of it in the example.


The infinitive plays a part as the adjective,so we call it the infinitive's usage as the adjective.


We can judge sentences of the infinitive which plays a part as the adjective not only by Japanese sentences,but by English ones.


No.301 13/06/02 07:30
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 300 【An infinitive's usage as an adjective】


Let's look at the example once again.


I have a lot of things to do.


Don't you think anything lack in the sentence?


In fact,things of an object which means what a subject does is missing behind the phrase of to do.

主語が何をするか、という意味の things 事、という目的語が、to do という語句の後ろにないのです。

However,it's national,for in short,the sentence says briefly like the next.


There are a lot of things in front of me.I have to do them.


However,the sentence of the infinitive says the subject,it means I,have a lot of things,and it supplements the sentence with other phrase of to do,so the sentence doesn't need the object.

しかし不定詞の文は、主語である私が、沢山の事がある、と言ってます。それを他の語句、to do しなければならない、で文を補っているのです。それで、その文には目的語は必要ないのです。


I have a friend to help.


When reading the example,we can recognize two things.


No.302 13/06/02 09:04
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 301 【An infinitive's usage as an adjective】


Continuation of the last response of mine.


We can recognize the next things.


The phrase of to help expresses on other phrase of a friend.The phrase says what kind of the friend it is.

To help という語句は、a friend という他の語句を表してます。どんな友人か、という事を言ってます。

An object which means that the subject,it means I,helps the one who it's is missing.


One of features of usage of the infinitive as the adjective is the next thing.


The infinitive,it means to and original form of a verb,lacks its object.

その不定詞、to 動詞の原形には、目的語が欠けているという事です。

Moreover,a noun which is ornamented with the phrase of to and original form of a verb is substantial object.

加えて、to 動詞の原形で修飾される名詞が、実質的な目的語という事です。


I have a friend to help me.


The example is also the infinitive as the adjective.Can you recognize difference?


No.303 13/06/02 19:46
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 302 【An infinitive's usage as an adjective】


The phrase of to help says on other phrase of a friend.It means that the former phrase expresses what kind of the friend it is.

to help という語句は別の語句、a friend という語句について、述べてます。その友人はどんな友人であるかを言ってます。

There is a word of me behind the phrase of to help.

me という単語が to help の後ろにあります。

It means that the sentence expresses a person who its subject,it means I,helps.


Whether there is the word of the me or not makes the two sentences different one.

me という単語があるか、無いか、という事が2つの文を違う物にしています。

How the phrase of to help express other one of a friend?

どの様に、to help という語句は、別の語句、a friend を表してるのでしょうか?

The latter example means there is a friend who helps me.


Therefore a relation between the phrase of a friend and other one of help is equal to a subject and a verb.

だから、a friend という語句と help という語句の関係は、主語と動詞に等しいのです。

  • << 306 【An infinitive usage as an adjective.】 【不定詞の形容詞的用法】 Let's make sure difference between two usages of the infinitive with the next examples once more. 次の例文で、2つの形容詞的用法の違いを、もう一度確認してみましょう。 Example ①Here is a picture to show you. ここにあなたに見せる写真があります。 ②This is a picture to show you my life in Japan. これは、日本での私の生活を示す写真です。 Verbs like show or give can have two objects. show や give のような動詞は、2つの目的語を持てます。 A word order of the ① is originally “show you a picture” ①の語順は元々、show you a picture です。 Words of you and a picture are objects. you と a picture が目的語です。 The phrase of to show ornaments other phrase of a picture behind it in the both examples. 2つの例文で、to show という語句が、 a picture という他の語句を後ろから修飾してます。 However,while ② has my life which is correspondent to object,① doesn't. しかし、②は目的語に当たる my life があるけど、①にはありません。 A phrase of in Japan is an adjective which ornaments other phrase of my life. in Japan という語句は、my life という語句を修飾してます。

No.304 13/06/08 02:08

Γ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄Γ ̄|
|     |__」
` ̄ ̄)  / /
  / /__∧∧
・/ (_|\(・ω・)
(    (ヽ ̄`ヽ
__| |__,へ ̄\
|_    ゝ_)__)
 / /ヽ (・ω・)
`/ / |(ノ|  |)

__| ̄| ̄ ̄|__
|_   ̄ ̄ヽ∧∧∩
 /  /⌒| (・ω・)ノ
`/  | |(ノ|__L
` ̄|_|_ト、__|__|

No.305 13/06/08 07:00
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 304 To フリーターさんへ

Good morning and thank you for your wonderful message.


It seems that your ability of AA improves a lot.


You seem to be good at handling PC.How I envy you!


To my sorrow,I have little knowledge on the PC.


When going to a what is called netcafe long ago,I tried to operate the PC.


Then the PC happened to freeze.It suddenly stopped functioning,but I didn't recognize what happened!


I was afraid I broke the PC,but I didn't do something wrong!However considering its situation…I was also forced to be freezed.


It's shameful of me!


Have a pleasant day off!


No.306 13/06/09 02:29
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 303 【An infinitive's usage as an adjective】 【不定詞の形容詞的用法】 The phras… 【An infinitive usage as an adjective.】


Let's make sure difference between two usages of the infinitive with the next examples once more.



①Here is a picture to show you.


②This is a picture to show you my life in Japan.


Verbs like show or give can have two objects.

show や give のような動詞は、2つの目的語を持てます。

A word order of the ① is originally “show you a picture”

①の語順は元々、show you a picture です。

Words of you and a picture are objects.

you と a picture が目的語です。

The phrase of to show ornaments other phrase of a picture behind it in the both examples.

2つの例文で、to show という語句が、 a picture という他の語句を後ろから修飾してます。

However,while ② has my life which is correspondent to object,① doesn't.

しかし、②は目的語に当たる my life があるけど、①にはありません。

A phrase of in Japan is an adjective which ornaments other phrase of my life.

in Japan という語句は、my life という語句を修飾してます。

No.307 13/06/09 03:23
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【An infinitive usage as an adjective】


I'm going to show you some nouns which are frequently adopted with the infinitive usage as the adjective.



I don't like his plan to raise consumption tax.


I don't like


What's it?


His plan.


What kind of the plan is it?


To raise consumption tax.


The phrase of to raise consumption tax ornaments other phrase of his plan.

to raise consumption tax,消費税を上げるという語句は、his plan 彼の計画という語句を修飾してます。

As I expressed before,the word of plan is toward the future,so we often use it with the infinitive usage,to and a an original form of a verb.

以前述べたように、plan という単語は未来に向かっています。だから、よく不定詞、to 動詞の原形と共に使います。

The phrases such as time to,way to,or need to are used with the infinitive usage as the adjective.

time to するための時間、way to する方法、need to する必要性、などの語句が、不定詞の形容詞的用法と一緒に使われる事が多いです。

  • << 309 【An infinitive usage as an adjective.】 【不定詞の形容詞的用法】 The phrase behind the to supplements and embodies the noun.Please look at the next example. to 以下の語句が名詞を補足し、具体化しています。次の例文を見て下さい。 I have time to go to a movie. 私は映画を見に行くための時間があります。 The phrase behind the to supplements what kind of the time it is. to 以下の語句が、どんな時間であるかという事を補足してます。 When memorizing how to use it,you can express a thing with varied ways,and you'll find it useful. この使い方を覚えると、表現の幅が広がり、便利ですよ。 Examples I don't have much time to do my homework. 私には、宿題をするための時間があまりない。 This is the best way to learn English. これが英語を身につける、最も良い方法です。 I feel the need to learn English. 私は英語を学ぶ必要性を感じる。 【An infinitive usage as an adverb】 【不定詞の副詞的用法】 The last one is the infinitive usage as an adverb. 最後は不定詞の副詞的用法です。 We use the infinitive with various ways,so we may sometimes find it hard. 不定詞は色んな使い方をします。時には、大変だと思うかもしれません。

No.308 13/06/09 07:00
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

To 中学生さん

Hi!How are you?


To my joy,I could finish expressing on science,roughly speaking,it means electricity,in my other thread.


I've just started describing on arithmetic,or math this time.


My crib is『算数・数学が好きになる本』Its author is 芳沢光雄, published by 講談社現代親書 this time.


I find it easy to read and understand,though I've just read no more than 1 page.


The book starts from a way of thinking a number.


For example, there are sorts of general ideas with regard to 1.

例えば、1 については色んな概念がある。

The one seems to mean a lot of things as an nuit of number,area,or weight.

1 は個数、面積、重さなど沢山の事を意味するみたい。😚

There seem to be some parrots which say the number from 1 to 10,but none of them can understand the general idea of the number.

1 から 10 の数字を言えるオウムはいても、数の概念を理解できるオウムはいない。🐥

No.309 13/06/09 20:41
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 307 【An infinitive usage as an adjective】 【不定詞の形容詞的用法】 I'm going … 【An infinitive usage as an adjective.】


The phrase behind the to supplements and embodies the noun.Please look at the next example.

to 以下の語句が名詞を補足し、具体化しています。次の例文を見て下さい。

I have time to go to a movie.


The phrase behind the to supplements what kind of the time it is.

to 以下の語句が、どんな時間であるかという事を補足してます。

When memorizing how to use it,you can express a thing with varied ways,and you'll find it useful.



I don't have much time to do my homework.


This is the best way to learn English.


I feel the need to learn English.


【An infinitive usage as an adverb】


The last one is the infinitive usage as an adverb.


We use the infinitive with various ways,so we may sometimes find it hard.


No.310 13/06/16 01:19
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 309 【An infinitive usage as an adverb】


However if making use of the infinitive usage at will,our English expressions will expand drastically. Let's make a great effort.


《One of typical infinitive usage as the adverb,which expresses a purpose》


The adverb expresses on verbs basically.


Almost all of our behaviors have purposes .


If someone says“I've been to the station”,aren't you worried about why?


When expressing its purpose,we can take advantage of the infinitive usage.


The infinitive usage's general idea is going toward its future.


The purpose means that we are going to do something from now on,it means the future exactly.


The purpose and the infinitive usage are very congenial.


No.311 13/06/16 02:24
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 310 《One of the typical infinitive usage as an adverb,which means a purpose.》



I went to the station to pick him up.


Even if there is a noun of the station in front of the infinitive usage,the infinitive usage of to pick him up have nothing to do with the phrase of the station.

不定詞の用法の前に、名詞の the station があったとしても、不定詞の to pick him up と駅と言う語句は何も関係ありません。

It means that the infinitive usage isn't the one of adjective.


If the phrase of to pick him up expresses on the station behind it,the station is there so as to meet him.

もし to pick him up という語句が the station を後ろから表してるなら、その駅は彼を迎える為にそこにある、という事です。

There must never be the station like that.


Instead of it,please think of the purpose of the behavior in which I have been to the station.


The phrase of to pick him upsupplements the verb of went.
to pick him up という語句は、went という動詞を補足してます。

No.312 13/06/16 07:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 311 《One of the typical infinitive usage as an adverb,which means a purpose.》



I went to the bookstore to buy a dictionary.


Tom studied hard to pass the exam.


I'll go to the airport to see off my friend.


Let's check the examples by turns.


I went to the bookstore.


What's the purpose?

To buy a dictionary.The all three infitives in the examples express their purposes.


Tom studied hard.


What's the purpose?

To pass the exam.

I'll go to the airport.


What's the purpose?


To see off my friend.


《The infinitive usage which expresses its cause,or ground.》


When expressing a cause or ground,we frequently adopt the infinitive usage as the adverb.


No.313 13/06/16 21:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 312 《An infinitive usage which expresses a cause or ground》


For example,we use the next phrases such as,happy to,sad to,clever to,or careless to for the infinitive usage as the adverb.

例えば、不定詞の副詞的用法には、happy to~ ~して嬉しい,sad to~ ~して悲しい、clever to~ ~するとは賢い、careless to~ ~するとは不注意だ、などの語句を使います。

Phrases behind the to express causes of the happiness and sadness,or grounds of the cleverness or carelessness.

to の後ろの語句で嬉しさ、悲しさの原因、賢い、不注意の根拠を表します。


I'm happy to see you.


We were sad to hear the news.


He must be clever to solve the problem.


I was careless to make this kind of error.


Let's check the examples by turns.


I'm happy




to see you,it means that I've seen you.

to see you,は、あなたに会えたから、という意味です。

We were sad




to hear the news,it means that we'd heard the news.

to hear the news,は私達はそのニュースを聞いたから、という意味です。

  • << 319 【An infinitive usage which expresses a cause or ground.】 【不定詞の副詞的用法】 He must be clever.Why? 彼は賢いにちがいない。何で? to solve the problem.It means its ground is he solved the problem. to solve the problem,は、その根拠は彼はその問題を解いたから、という意味です。 I was careless.Why? 私は不注意でした。何で? to make this kind of error.It means its ground is I made this kind of error. to make this kind of error.は、その根拠はこんな間違いをしたから、という事です。 【We descrive vivid situations with a gerund.】 【動名詞で生き生きとした様子を表す】 A gerund plays a part as a subject,object and complement. 動名詞は、主語、目的語、補語としての役割をします。 However,there seem to be plenty of people like the next. しかしながら、次の様な人達が多いようです。 Even if playing the same role,there is sometimes difference between the gerund and infinitive in relation to each meaning,though the same verb is used. 同じ役割をはたしていても、動名詞と不定詞では意味が違う事もある。同じ動詞を使ってるのに。 There are some verbs in which we have to use properly in the right place in regard to the two usages. 動名詞と不定詞に使い分けが必要な動詞もある。

No.314 13/06/22 04:27


No.315 13/06/22 04:47


No.316 13/06/22 05:41
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 315 To 中学生さん

Good morning and thank you for your response.


I make it a rule to express some responses every weekend.


When waking up,I'll finish them as fast as I can,I'll do what I want to do other things after that.👍


I've felt tired a little,I'm going to bed again,I'm wondering.


It's meaningless…


No.317 13/06/22 05:44

>> 316 アハッ、おやすみなさい

No.318 13/06/22 06:10
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 317 To 中学生さん

When you'd visited,it's just that I happened to express other responses of mine.


I've set up 着レス,so I can recognize someone comes here,but if expressing my responses at ミクル,I can't suspend,for I have to start to describe from the first part again later.


It doesn't mean I tried to ignore you.


Good night,or good morning in this situation in English,I'm wondering.

この場合、英語では good morning か good nightかな…😚

Have a wonderful day off!


No.319 13/06/23 00:49
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 313 《An infinitive usage which expresses a cause or ground》 《原因、根拠を表す不定詞の… 【An infinitive usage which expresses a cause or ground.】


He must be clever.Why?


to solve the problem.It means its ground is he solved the problem.

to solve the problem,は、その根拠は彼はその問題を解いたから、という意味です。

I was careless.Why?


to make this kind of error.It means its ground is I made this kind of error.

to make this kind of error.は、その根拠はこんな間違いをしたから、という事です。

【We descrive vivid situations with a gerund.】


A gerund plays a part as a subject,object and complement.


However,there seem to be plenty of people like the next.


Even if playing the same role,there is sometimes difference between the gerund and infinitive in relation to each meaning,though the same verb is used.


There are some verbs in which we have to use properly in the right place in regard to the two usages.


No.320 13/06/23 01:31
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 319 【We describe vivid situations with a gerund.】


They continue like the next.“Eventually,we ended up understanding neither the gerund nor the infinitive.”


I'm going to give an explanation of the gerund which has the vivid image to you.


At the same time,I'm going to express difference between the gerund and infinitive enough,so please do away with the worry from which you have been suffering for a long time.


《What is the gerund?》


As we can recognize from its name,the gerund is an usage in which we add ing to a verb and use as a noun.

名前からも分かる様に、動名詞は ing を動詞に加えて、名詞として使う用法です。

Being the noun means that we can adopt the gerund as a subject,object,or complement in sentences.


The gerund's form is verb and ing.It's as same as the progressive form.

動名詞は、動詞ing だから、進行形と同じ形です。

No.321 13/06/23 18:47
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 320 【What is the gerund?】



He is watching TV now.


The word of watching of the progressive form in the sentence is watch and ing.

文中の進行形の単語、watching は、watch と ing です。

When using the word as the gerund,it's the same form,and both the gerund and the progressive form have the same basic image.


In a word,it's a vivid feeling.I'm going to express it, comparing with the infinitive.


As we made sure the infinitive's role as an object,it also applies to the gerund.



①They enjoyed soccer.


② They enjoyed playing soccer.


When reading ①,we aren't sure whether they enjoyed playing soccer,orseeing soccer.


We changed its object so as to be more concrete and clear. It's ②.


No.322 13/06/30 04:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 321 【What is the gerund?】


I'm going to give you a little detailed explanation of the gerund with the examples.


①They enjoyed.What was it?It was soccer.


②They enjoyed.What was it? Playing soccer.


How they enjoyed became clear in regard to the ②.


Even if adding ing to the verb,the verb doesn't lose its function,so we can adopt the soccer as an object for the playing.

ing が動詞に付いても、その動詞の働きは無くならないので、playingの目的語として、サッカーを使う事が出来ます。


I enjoyed talking with you so much.


Did you finish writing a letter?


I gave up smoking last year.


【The gerund which plays a part as a subject】


The gerund also plays a role as a subject.


We are going to check the examples in turn.


No.323 13/06/30 05:37
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 322 【The gerund which plays a part as a subject】



Playing a video game is sometimes good.


The word of playing,the gerund,is the subject.

動名詞の playing という単語が主語です。

However,other word of a video game is the object for the playing,so we think the phrase of playing a video game as the subject.

しかしながら、a video game という他の単語が playing の目的語です。だから playing a video game という語句を主語として考えます。

The is means =,and the present tense.

is は = を意味し、現在形です。

The sometimes is an adverb,and the good is an adjective and a complement in the sentence.

sometimes は副詞で、good は形容詞で文中では補語になります。


Learning English is important.


The learning,the gerund,is a subject.

動名詞のlearning が主語です。

However,the English is the object for the learning,so we look upon learning English as the subject.

しかしながら、English は learning の目的語です。learning English を主語として考えます。

The important is an adverb and the complement in the sentence.

important は形容詞で文中では補語です。

No.324 13/06/30 11:52
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 323 【The gerund which plays a part as a complement】


We are going to make sure the gerund which plays a part as a complement with examples.



My hobby is growing flowers.


My hobby is the subject.

my hobby が主語です。

is means =,and the present tense.

is は=を意味し、現在自制です。

Needless to say,the hobby itself can't take action,so growing flowers isn't the progressive form,but the complement.

言うまでもなく、趣味そのものは行動を起こせません。だから growing flowers は進行形ではなく、補語です。

For example,if making a sentence of she cooks the progressive form,it's she is cooking.

例えば、もし she cooks という文を進行形にするなら、she is cooking です。

However,the example doesn't mean that the hobby itself grows flowers,so the sentence isn't the progressive form.


No.325 13/07/07 03:49
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 324 【The gerund which plays a part as a complement】


If we want to say,私が花を育てている、it's “I grow flowers.”

もし、私が花を育てている、と言いたいなら、I grow flowers です。

Then if you spread water or fertilizer on the flowers,the progressive form like the next,“I'm growing flowers” is also formed.

その時、あなたが花に水や肥料をやってれば、進行形 I'm growing flowers も成り立ちます。


Seeing is believing.


It's a proverb which means that even if we hear on a thing many times,seeing it with our own eyes actually is by far easier to understand.


The gerunds are used for both its subject and complement.


The seeing of the gerund is a subject.

動名詞の seeing が主語です。

The is means =,and the present tense.

is は=を意味し、現在時制です。

The believing of gerund is a complement.

動名詞の believing が補語です。

【Is the gerund's conjugation the same as the ones of the infinitive?】


No.326 13/07/07 05:06
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 325 【Is the gerund's conjugation the same as the ones of the infinitive?】


The gerund isn't only its subject,but complement like the infinitive in the sentence of“Seeing is believing.”Why?

Seeing is believing の文で seeing ばかりでなく believing も、不定詞のように文中で、主語、補語となってます。何故でしょう?

It's connected with a feeling of the gerund which means being in the middle of something,or vivid description.


Seeing means that we have already seen it,so believing means that we've already believed it.

seeing は私達はすでにそれを見ている事、そして believing は、私達はそれをすでに信じている事を意味します。

Contrary to it,what about the infinitive?


The infinitive means an uncertain future.If we say that to see is to believe,what does it mean?

不定詞は不確実な未来を意味します。to see is to believe ならどのような意味でしょうか?

To see means trying to see,and to believe means trying to believe.

to seeは、見ようとする、という意味で、to believe は、信じようとする意味です。

No.327 13/07/07 08:38
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 326 【Is the gerund's conjugation the same as the one of the infinitive?】


Therefore,the sentence of“ seeing is believing”is different from other one of“To see is to believe”with regard to their meanings.


I'm going to express difference between the gerund and Infinitive concretely next time.


【The gerund and infinitive】


Noun usages of both the gerund and infinitive play part as a subject,object,and complement.


Both of them can do the same things,so they seem to resemble very much.


However,there is difference between the gerund,a verb-ing,and infinitive,to and the verb's original form.

しかし、動名詞、動詞 ing と 不定詞、to 動詞の原形には違いがあります。

It's just that the gerund looks like the infinitive.


No.328 13/07/14 01:20
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 327 【Almost same meaning of the gerund and the infinitive】


Even if its object is the gerund or infinitive,its meaning is almost same in relation to verbs such as like,begin,and start.

like,begin,start などの動詞は、目的語が動名詞でも不定詞でも、ほとんど同じ意味です。

like verb ing,or to original form of the verb.It means being fond of doing of the verb.

like 動詞ing,または、to 動詞の原形。動詞の行為を好む事を意味します。

begin/start verb,ing or to original form of the verb.It means going into action of the verb.

begin/start 動詞 ing または 動詞 to 動詞の原形。動詞の行動を始める事を意味します。


I like going shopping.= I like to go shopping.


We started working here last year.= We started to work here last year.


【When using the gerund or infinitive,it doesn't always mean they are the same meaning.】


Roughly speaking,there is difference between the gerund and infinitive in the next two cases.


No.329 13/07/14 02:15
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 328 【When using the gerund or infinitive,it doesn't always mean they are the same.】


Compatibility between the verb and two of the gerund,or infinitive.


Being behind the prepositions like in,on,at,to,or of

in,on,at,to または of などの前置詞の後になる時。

There is difference between the gerund and infinitive in the two cases.


【In spite of the same combinations of verb,each meaning is different.】


stop verb ing.It means giving up an action of the verb.

stop 動詞 ing.動詞の行為を止める、と言う意味です。

stop to an original form of the verb.It means standing still so as to do the action of the verb.

stop to 動詞の原形。動詞の行為を行う為に、静止する事を意味します。


I stopped smoking.


I stopped to smoke.


The verb of stop adopts the gerund,verb,ing as an object.It means we stop what we have done until now.

stop という動詞は動名詞を目的語として取り上げます。これまでやってきた事を止める、と言う意味です。

No.330 13/07/14 16:57
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 329 【In spite of same combinations of verb,each meaning is different.】


Contrary to it,the word of stop can't adopt the infinitive,to,an original form of the verb as the object.

stop という単語は不定詞、to 動詞の原形を目的語として取れません。

Then the infinitive means that the one is going to do form now on.It's an usage as adverb.


The phrase of stop,to,and the original form of the verb means halting in order to an action of the verb.

stop,to 動詞の原形の語句は、動詞の動作を行う為に立ち止まる、という事です。

【Some phrases of verb and ing and to and original form of the verb which we need to use in the right places.】

【動詞 ing、to 動詞の原形で、使い分けが必要な語句】

Next words mean abandoning what we've done until now.


finish verb and ing


give up verb and ing


stop verb and ing


No.331 13/07/21 05:34
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 330 Roughly speaking,there are two kinds of verbs in which we need to use the right ones in the right places in relation to gerund and infinitive.The ones are compatible with only gerund,and others are used only with the infinitive.


I'm going to express the verbs which are used with only the infinitive.


It means hopes in which we have in the future.


want to and an original form of a verb.It means that the one has a hope in which it wants to do something.

want to 動詞の原形。何かをしたいという願望です。

We use hope and wish like the form of the want.As for the phrases behind the to,we do like the want.

hope と wish も want のような形で使います。to 以下の語句も want のようになります。

When using hope as the verb,it means that the one wants something to happen or be true and to believe that it is possible or likely.
hope を動詞として使う時は、何かが起こって欲しい、本当であって欲しい、あり得る、或いはありそうな事だと思いたい、という事です。

  • << 333 【Some words of verb,ing and the,to,an original form of another in which we need to use in the right places.】 【動詞 ing と、to 動詞の原形の使い分けが必要な単語】 Some words about which we make up our minds to do something in the near future. これからの事について決める単語 decide to an original form of a verb. decide と言う単語と to 動詞の原形。その動詞の原形の行為を行う、と決めると言う事です。 When using a word of plan as infinive,we do like the decide. plan という単語を不定詞として使う時、decide のように使います。 Please follow the decide in relation to the phrase behind the plan, plan 以下の語句は decide に倣って下さい。 【Some cases in which we put some gerunds behind some prepositions.】 【動名詞を前置詞の後に置く場合】 Then we always put verb and ing behind the prepositions such as in,on,at,to,or of. その時、in,on,at,to 叉は of などの前置詞の後には、必らず動詞 ing がきます。 Example Kenya is good at speaking English. ケンヤは英語を話すのが得意です。 The at is the preposition,and the speaking is the gerund. at は前置詞で、speakingが動名詞です。

No.332 13/07/21 06:23
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Before starting…】


Before starting,there is something I want to say once again.


I was born in Japan and have never been abrnad,so needless to say,I'm not what is called a native speaker in regard to English.


It's just that I love English,therefore to my sorrow my English isn't very good,comparing with the English native speakers.


Even if I'm poor at English,without trying to express myself in English,I remain a bad English speaker forever.


Though I hate to say,I have nothing, except for English.


Even if giving up English,I'll never be dead,but it's just that I find it boring when leading my everyday life.


I've suddenly lost my confidence with regard to my English,I have a comment like that.


No.333 13/07/28 06:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 331 Roughly speaking,there are two kinds of verbs in which we need to use … 【Some words of verb,ing and the,to,an original form of another in which we need to use in the right places.】

【動詞 ing と、to 動詞の原形の使い分けが必要な単語】

Some words about which we make up our minds to do something in the near future.


decide to an original form of a verb.

decide と言う単語と to 動詞の原形。その動詞の原形の行為を行う、と決めると言う事です。

When using a word of plan as infinive,we do like the decide.

plan という単語を不定詞として使う時、decide のように使います。

Please follow the decide in relation to the phrase behind the plan,

plan 以下の語句は decide に倣って下さい。

【Some cases in which we put some gerunds behind some prepositions.】


Then we always put verb and ing behind the prepositions such as in,on,at,to,or of.

その時、in,on,at,to 叉は of などの前置詞の後には、必らず動詞 ing がきます。


Kenya is good at speaking English.


The at is the preposition,and the speaking is the gerund.

at は前置詞で、speakingが動名詞です。

No.334 13/07/28 07:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 333 【Some cases in which we always put gerund behind some prepositions】


The phrase of be good at verb and ing means doing very well.

be good at 動詞 ing は動詞の行為をする事が得意だ、という事です。

Its antonym is be poor at verb ing.It means not doing very much.Both of them are idioms.If learning them by heart,you'll find it useful.

反対語は be poor at verb ing.動詞の行為をする事が苦手という事です。両方とも慣用句で、覚えてると、便利ですよ!


Alex is poor at playing tennis.


She is fond of listen to music.


【We're moving ahead so as to understand both the gerund and infinive more profoundly】


Please look at these two sentences.Can you understand difference between them?


I remember playing with Sara in the park last year.


Please remember to play with Sara in the park today.


No.335 13/07/28 20:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 334 【We're moving ahead in order to grasp both the gerund and infinive more profoundly.】


Remember verb ing means a recognition of an action of the verb.

Remember 動詞 ing は動詞の行為を覚えてる、と言う事です。

Remember to an original form of the verb means without forgetting,doing the action of the verb.

Remember to 動詞の原形は、忘れずに動詞の行為をする事です。

If we simply memories that the gerund means past,is it all right?


However,the gerund doesn't always mean past.


The question is shelved,and we're apt to be forced to learn the usages by heart.


I'm afraid that the accumulation of the kinds of little questions make us hate English.


  • << 343 【We're moving ahead so as to grasp both the gerund and infinitive more profoundly】 【動名詞と不定詞のさらなる理解のために】 Without learning them by heart,let's make the most of the theories and our sensitivities,and try to understand English. ただ丸暗記をするのではなく、理論と私達の感性を最大限に生かして、英語を理解するよう、努めましょう。 Our understandings will grow and deepen into unexpected directions. 思いがけない方向に、理解が広まったり、深まったりしますよ。 First of all,we need to understand difference between the gerund and infinitive surely. まず、動名詞と不定詞の違いをしっかりと理解する必要があります。 A verb,ing has a feeling of being full of energy. 動詞 ing は生き生きとした感じをもっています。 To,an original form of a verb means it aims at the future,and uncertain. to 動詞の原形は、未来志向、不確定という事です。 Judging from the history,it seems that the gerund and present participle were mingled each other,and they become verb,ing of the same form. 歴史上、動名詞と現在分詞混ざり合い、同じ形の、動詞 ing になったようです。

No.336 13/07/30 15:06


Seller,am interested in purchasing your item How many pieces you have?,kindly get back to me via Email if you still have it available for sale am ready to offer you $200.00USD

No.337 13/07/30 20:42
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 336 売り手の方。あたなのオークションの品物を買いたい。何品ありますか?まだ、都合がつくなら、eメールで返信してください。二万米ドル差し上げます。






No.338 13/07/30 20:54

>> 337 先生、ありがとうございます。それっていくらなの?

No.339 13/07/30 21:23
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 338 I'm sorry to inform,but I can't have dealing with you.






No.340 13/07/30 21:39

>> 339 先生、$200.00ってなってるけど、200ではなくて20000?

No.341 13/07/30 21:59
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 340 20.000ドルと表示されてるね😃



No.342 13/07/30 22:11

>> 341 やめておきます。


No.343 13/08/04 06:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 335 【We're moving ahead in order to grasp both the gerund and infiniv… 【We're moving ahead so as to grasp both the gerund and infinitive more profoundly】


Without learning them by heart,let's make the most of the theories and our sensitivities,and try to understand English.


Our understandings will grow and deepen into unexpected directions.


First of all,we need to understand difference between the gerund and infinitive surely.


A verb,ing has a feeling of being full of energy.

動詞 ing は生き生きとした感じをもっています。

To,an original form of a verb means it aims at the future,and uncertain.

to 動詞の原形は、未来志向、不確定という事です。

Judging from the history,it seems that the gerund and present participle were mingled each other,and they become verb,ing of the same form.

歴史上、動名詞と現在分詞混ざり合い、同じ形の、動詞 ing になったようです。

No.344 13/08/04 07:15
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 343 【We're moving ahead in order to understand both the gerund and infinitive more deeply】


When reading the next sentence,“I'm playing with Sara.”if you can imagine what I'm doing vividly,you can accept the gerund of the same form also expresses the feeling of coming to life,can't you?

つぎの文、I'm playing with Sara.を読んで、私がしている事を鮮明に思い浮かべる事が出来るなら、同じ形の動名詞もまた、生き生きとした感じを表すと言う事は納得できますよね。

As to the sentence of“ I remember playing with Sara.”the gerund,playing and remember are put together,and described the situation..

I remember playing with Sara. という文では、動名詞の playing が一緒になって、その状況を描写しています。

In short,it means that I was playing with Sara.I remember it vividly as if it were just now.


to the original form of the verb has an image of trying to reach a place where we do the action of the verb.

to 動詞の原形は、動詞の行為の場所にたどり着こうとするイメージです。

We won't forget what we're going to from now on.In a word,without forgetting,we'll do.


No.345 13/08/04 20:18
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 344 【The passive voice,a participle,and the present perfect tense】


It seems to take a little more time than the other lessons this time.


First of all,we'll start from the passive voice.Next,the present and past participle which ornament a noun,the present perfect tense in the end.


The way of impressions of the present perfect tense isn't familiar with us Japanese,so plenty of people may have understood it with difficulty.


Let's grasp the form of the present perfect tense's sentence,and the situation in which we use the usage.


Let's learn to have a good command of it.


【What is the passive voice?】


I'm sure I want you to understand a phrase of the active voice so as to grasp the passive voice.


No.346 13/08/11 01:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 345 【What is the passive voice?】


While we understand others,we are understood by the others.


We call the former expression in which we understand the active voice.


On the other hand,we call the latter one in which we are understood the passive voice.


The basic form of the English passive voice is the next one.


A subject,be verb,a past participle of an ordinary verb,and by.


We have to use the appropriate be verbs in the right places then.


The be verbs change according whether its subject is singular or plural,or its tense is present,past,or future.

be 動詞は主語が単数か複数か、時制が現在か、過去か、未来かという事で変わります。

There are no objects behind the past participle.


I'm going to express you an example in the next time.


No.347 13/08/11 06:19
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 346 【What is the passive voice?】



He is liked by his classmates.


He → subject

He → 主語

is →be verb.The singular and the present tense.

is →be 動詞。単数、現在時制。

liked → the past participle of an ordinary verb.

liked →一般動詞の過去分詞

There is no object behind the past participle.


In the first place,we have to understand a relation between its subject and verb.


He is the subject which is the third person,regular,and the present tense.

he は三人称、単数、現在時制である主語です。

The verb is is,which shows us what kind of situation the subject is at present time.

動詞は is です。主語が現在どんな状況か、という事を我々に示してます。

The part of he is means his situation in which he is.

he is という部分は彼が置かれている状況、という意味です。

liked is behind the is of the be verb,but there isn't any object behind the liked.The liked is the past participle of the passive voice.

liked は be 動詞の is の後にありますが、liked の後には目的語がありません。その liked は受動態の過去分詞です。

No.348 13/08/11 18:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 347 【What is the passive voice?】


He is liked


By whom?By his classmates.



This desk is used by our teacher.


The subject → this desk

主語 → this desk

is → be verb

is → be 動詞

used →the past participle of an ordinary verb which doesn't have an object.

used → 目的語を持たない一般動詞の過去分詞

English is spoken by a lot of people around the world.


The subject → English

主語 → English

is → be verb

          is → be 動詞            
used → the past participle of the ordinary verb which doesn't have any objects.


around the world →the phrase adorns the people which is immediately in front of it.

around the world →この語句は直前にある people を修飾してます。

Please try to understand from the first part rather than latter one in the sentence,and you can have a good command of practical English ability.


No.349 13/08/18 05:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 348 【A relation between the active voice and the passive voice.】


The active voice: His classmates like him.


The passive voice:He is liked by his classmates.


In the sentence of the passive voice,the object,him,changes into the subject,he,in the passive voice.

受動態の文では、能動態の目的語、him が主語 he になります。

Therefore,the object,him,is omitted,and the verb,like, changes into liked.

だから、目的語の him は省かれ、動詞 like、好き、は liked 好かれる、になります。

The liked doesn't play the role as an ordinary verb,we have to use other verb for the subject.

その liked は通常の動詞の役割を果たさないので、主語に対する他の動詞を使わなければなりません。

We adopt be verb.Then we need to be careful of its tense.

be 動詞を使います。時制に注意する必要があります。

When changing a sentence of the active voice into the one of the passive one,we need to be careful of the three next things.


A phrase behind the by in the passive voice is a subject in the active voice.

受動態の by の後ろの語句が、能動態の主語です。

No.350 13/08/18 06:17
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 349 【A relation between the active voice and the passive voice.】


We have to be careful of its verb.Whether or not it's the third person,singular.


We also need to pay attention to the tense.Which tense is it,the past,present,or future .


The subject in the passive voice is the object in the active voice.


We're going to change a sentence of the next passive voice into the one of the active one.


This desk is used by our teacher.


Our teacher uses this desk.


We have to make sure the next three things.


Its subject is our teacher.

主語は、our teacher です。

The subject is the third person,regular.The be verb in the passive voice is the present,so the verb is uses.

主語は三人称単数、受動態の文の be 動詞は is,現在時制なので、動詞は uses です。

This desk is the object.

This desk は目的語です。

No.351 13/08/19 23:21
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 350 【A relation between the active voice and the passive voice】


Let's change a sentence of the passive voice into the one of the active voice.


English is spoken by a lot of people around the world.


A lot of people around the world speak English.


A lot of people around the world is the subject.

A lot of people around the world が主語です。

The central point of the phrase,“A lot of people around the world”is the people,and it's plural.

A lot of people around the world の語句の中心は people で、複数です。

The is in the passive voice is the present tense,so the ordinary verb is also the speak.

受動態の is は現在時制だから、一般動詞も speak となります。

The English is the object.

English が目的語です。

【Past tense of the passive voice.】



This book was written by a famous actor.


We change the be verb into the past tense in a sentence of the passive voice of the past tense.

受動態の過去形の文は、be 動詞を過去形にします。

No.352 13/08/25 07:59
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 351 【Past tense of the passive voice】


Let's change the next two sentences into others of the past tense.


① These books are written by a famous actor.

② He is liked by his classmates.

①These books were written by a famous actor.


Its subjects are plural.We change the are into were in a sentence of the past tense.

主語は複数です。過去形の文では、are を were にします。

② He was liked by his classmates.


Its subject is singular.We change the is into the was in a sentence of the past voice.

主語は単数です。過去形の文では、is を was にします。

【Negative and interrogative sentence of the passive voice.】


When being in a negative sentence,we put not of a negative word behind be verbs,in front of a past participle.

否定文の時は、否定語の not を be動詞の後ろ、過去分詞の前に置きます。

When being in an interrogative sentence,we exchange orders of be verb and subject.

疑問文の時は、be 動詞と主語の順番を入れ換えます。

No.353 13/08/25 10:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 352 【Negative and interrogative sentences of the past voice.】


Let's change the affirmative sentences into the negative and interrogative ones. Please don't forget to change its subject into a pronoun when answering for the interrogative sentence.


The affirmative.

This desk is used by our teacher.



The negative.

This desk isn't used by our teacher.



The negative

Is this desk used by our teacher?


Yes,it is./No,it isn't.


The desk is a thing and singular,so its pronoun is it.

the desk は物、単数なので、代名詞は it です。

Let's change the next affirmative sentences of the passive voice into negative and interrogative ones.When answering for the interrogative ones,please use with yes or no.

次の受動態の肯定文を、否定文、疑問文にしましょう。疑問文に答える時は、yes か no を使って下さい。

No.354 13/08/25 18:30
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 353 【Negative and interrogative sentences of the passive voice.】



Tom is liked by his classmates.


Tom isn't liked by his classmates.

Is Tom liked by his classmates?

Yes,he is/No,he isn't.

The Tom is the third person and singular,so when answering,its pronoun is he.

Tom は三人称単数なので、答える時は代名詞は he です。

These cars are used by your brother.


These cars aren't used by your brother.

Are these cars used by your brother?

Yes,they are./No,they aren't.

The these cars are the third person and plural,so we answer with a pronoun,they.

these cars は三人称複数なので、they で答えます。

This letter was written by my grandmother.


This letter wasn't written by my grandmother.

Was this letter written by my grandmother?

Yes,it was.No, it wasn't.

We replace this letter with it.

this letter は it に置き換えます。

No.355 13/09/03 21:47
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 354 【Negative and interrogative sentences of the passive voice.】


Tom and Lois were taken to the zoo by their father.


Tom and Lois weren't taken to the zoo by their father.

Were Tom and Lois taken to the zoo by their father?

Yes,they were./No,they weren't.

We replace Tom and Lois with they.

Tom and Lois は they に置き換えます。

English is spoken by a lot of people around the world.


English isn't spoken by a lot of people around the world.

Is English spoken by a lot of people around the world?

Yes,it is./No,it isn't.

We replace English with it.

英語を it に置き換えます。

【The passive voice in which a part behind by is omitted.】

【by 以下が省略される受動態】

We don't always put the next parts in a sentences of the passive voice.


Behavior which is expressed with a part behind the by.

by 以下の部分で表される振る舞い。

A person who takes action.We express it with the next form.By someone.


No.356 13/09/03 22:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 355 【The passive voice in which a part behind by is omitted】

【by 以下が省略される受動態】

We sometimes omit them.


Please grasp the next two things as basic conditions in which behind the by is omitted.

次の2つの事を、by 以下が省略される条件として、押さえておいて下さい。

The phrases behind the by are general one like indefinite,or natural one.For example,us,them,you,people one.
by 以下の語句が、不特定、当たり前なもの。例えば、us them,you,people,one.

Behind the by isn't clear.

by 以下が不明の場合

Please read the next sentence.

English is spoken in Australia.



The sentence doesn't specify the people who speak English,for it's natural that Australian people,it means a general people,speak English.


Strictly speaking,there is a phrase of『by them』at the end of the sentence,but it's omitted,for they are nations,and general people.

厳密に言えば、文末 by them があるけど省略されてます。they は国民であり、一般の人々だからです。

No.357 13/09/04 00:11
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 356 【The passive voice in which a part behind the by is omitted.】

【by 以下が省略される受動態】

Let's translate the following next examples into Japanese.


① Her clothes are all made in France.

We're going to try to understand from the former part.


Her clothes → subject

are → be verb

made → a past participle

Her clothes → 主語
are → be 動詞

made → 過去分詞

It means the next.



in France フランスで

By them is omitted in the example.It means that the people who make the clothes are left out.

by them が例文の中で省略されてます。服を作ってる人々が省かれていると言う事です。

Them means the whole people who make the clothes,so omitting it is natural.

them は服を作ってる人々全般を意味します。だから、省略するのは当然です。

② A lot of books are piled up on that shelf.

We're not sure who did it,but in any case,let's suppose that there were a lot of books heaped up.


A lot of books → subject

are → be verb

piled → the past participle

A lot of books → 主語

are → be 動詞

piled → 過去分詞

No.358 13/09/08 11:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 357 【The passive voice in which a part behind the by is omitted.】

【by 以下が省略される受動態】

Using a preposition,on,we express that being on something.

前置詞 on を使って、何かの上に、と表します。

on that shelf.


【Past particl which adopts various prepositions.】


We made sure the passive voice doesn't always by before.

受動態は、必ずしも by を使うのではない事を以前確認しました。

In addition,we need to recognize we can also make sentences with the prepositions except for the by with regard to the passive voice.

さらに、by 以外の前置詞を使って、受動態の文を作れる事も認識する必要があります。

There are the past particles of the passive voice which are compatible with specific prepositions.


For example,there is an idiom of『 be made in』.We use it like this.A subject was made in place.

例えば、be made in と言う慣用句があります。こんな風に使います。主語は場所 製です。

We used to adopt the form like that before.The example of『Her clothes are all made in France.』corresponds to it.


No.359 13/09/08 15:57
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 358 【Past particles which adopt varied prepositions】


There are other forms of the passive voice which are expressed with『past particles and prepositions except for the by』

『過去分詞、by 以外の前置詞』で表される他の受動態の形もあります。

be surprised at~


be interested in~


be pleased with~


be satisfied with~


be covered with~


I'm going to show you their examples one by one.


I was surprised at the nexs.


The at is a preposition which means aiming at an point.

その at は一点を目掛けて、という意味です。

The example means I was surprised at that moment when I heard the news.When using the at,we caught the time or place as the point
例文は、私はその知らせを聞いた瞬間驚いた、という意味です。at を使う時、その時間、場所を点として捉えます。

I'm interested in Bob's story.


The is the preposition which means its space,sphere or limit.

in は、空間、範囲、枠を意味する前置詞です。

The in shows us the place of my interest's sphere or frame.

in は私の興味の範囲、枠の場所を示してます。

No.360 13/09/15 07:19
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 359 【Past participles which adopt varied prepositions】


My daughter is pleased with the doll.


With is a preposition which express a relation like the one goes and back or makes around trip.

with は行ったり来たり、往復するするような関係を表す前置詞です。

It's feeling is the exact opposition of on which has something to do with others unilaterally.

on の一方的に関わっていく、という感じ方とは対照的です。

We often translate it into being together.The situation that the daughter and the doll are always together flashes across our minds.

with は、~と一緒に、とよく訳します。その娘さんがいつも人形と一緒にいる状況が、目に浮かびます。

We are satisfied with his plan.


Its feeling is as same as the one in the phrase of be satisfied with something.

その感じ方は、be pleased with の with と同じです。

It has a feeling of being content with his plan,and havin something to do with him.


The ground was covered with snow.


It has a feeling that the ground and the snow are close together.


No.361 13/09/15 08:35
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【What is a participle?】


We've studied about the participle until now.


The one is the present participle which makes a sentence of the progressive form.


The other is the past participles which makes a sentence of the passive voice.


I'm going to show you both examples of the progressive form and passive voice.


The progressive form.She is sleeping on the sofa.


The passive voice.she is loved by everyone in her class.


What is common to the two examples?The participles are behind the be verbs,and explain pronoun of she,a subject,to us.

2つの例文に共通しているのは何でしょうか?分詞は、be 動詞の後にあり、主語である代名詞、she を説明しています。

We are going to review how to use the adjective in the next examples.


Cute explains the girl to us behind the be verbs in the first example.

cute は最初の例文の中で、be 動詞の後ろで girl を説明しています。

No.362 13/09/15 09:57
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 361 【What is a participle?】


The cute adorns the girl, being put in front of the noun directly in the next example.

cute は girlの前に直接置かれ、次の例文で girl を修飾してます。


The girl is cute.


She is a cute girl.


Both the present and past participles have the next functions.


Being behind the be verbs,the participle explains a noun to us.It's the progressive form and the passive voice.

be 動詞の後ろで、名詞を説明します。進行形、受動態です。

Clinging to the noun direct,the participle explains the noun to us.


The participle adorns the noun direct like an adjective,even if there are no be verbs.

例え be 動詞が無くても、分詞は形容詞のように、名詞を直接修飾します。

Let's make sure the form that the participle adorns the noun in turn from the next time.


By the way,I work in a factory.I've produced parts of an automobile.


Orders for the part are so much that I'm forced to work even on Saturday.


No.363 13/09/15 19:53
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 362 【The present participle which adorns a noun in front of it.】


The present participle is two forms.


The one is adorning a noun in front of it,and the other is ornamenting the noun direct behind it as,a phrase.


A form of verb and ing has a feeling of being lively and doing something.

動詞 ingは、 生き生きとした、何かをしている感じです。


A sleeping baby is cute.


In Japan, running water is clean.


The running water means tap water.


Adjective which we use as a phrase adorns a noun behind it.


When a phrase is also accompanied behind the present participle,the present participle adorns the noun as a series of phrase behind it.


As being used as ornament of the participle,we frequently come across the form.They are overwhelmingly many.


No.364 13/09/22 06:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 363 【The present participle ornaments behind a noun.】


English is a language adding expressions at the back of a word one after another,so you may be forced to feel no more than a single sentence is too long!


However,if getting used to the ornaments behind a word or phrase,you'll grasp English more deep.



Look at the baby sleeping on the bed.


What kind of situation is the baay in?


It's sleeping.


Where is it?


On the bed.


The example happens to be an imperative sentence.


We put a verb and ing behind the noun,it means the baby,and ornament the noun.We express on the baby.

動詞と ing を名詞、baby の後ろに置いて修飾します。baby について説明してます。

Sleeping on the bed is a phrase,and expresses on the baby.A single word ornaments the noun in front of it.

sleeping on the bed は語句で babyを説明してます。一つの単語は前から修飾します。

No.365 13/09/22 07:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 364 【The present participle which ornaments a noun behind it.】


Contrary to it,a single participle and other phrase ornament the noun behind it.We need to recognize it enough.



My teacher is the person standing by the door.


Do you know the girl cleaning the floor?


The girl dancing with Nick over there is my sister.


Who is the boy playing tennis in the park?


【The past participle which ornaments a noun】


Needless to say,the second one in which the participle ornaments the noun is the past participle.


If it's a single one,it ornaments the noun in front of it,and if the particle and other phrase,it does behind it.


We also use the past participle like the present one in relation to it.


No.366 13/09/23 05:33
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 365 【The past participle which ornaments a noun.】


The past participle which ornaments a noun has no object.We need to recognize it enough.


There are two kinds in regard to the past particle.The one which changes regularly and the other irregularly.


It has a feeling that something has already been done.


It plays a part as an adjective.


【The part participle which ornaments a noun in front of it】



I like boiled eggs.


Then the eggs have already been boiled when a speker says


Broken glass isn't recyclable.


The broken glass means that it has already been destroyed.

the broken glass は既に割れてしまっている、と言う事です。

A word of broken is a past participle of break.

broken という単語は break の過去分詞です。

It changes into broke,and broken.

break は、broke broken と変化します。

No.367 13/09/29 10:05
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 366 【The past participle which ornaments a noun in front of it.】


There are other idioms used frequently in everyday life like the boiled egg.


a used car 中古車

fried chicken フライドチキン

It has a feeling that someone had already adopted the car in regard to the used car.

used car は、その車を既に使った、と言う感じがあります。

By the way,to be exact,we call フライド・ポテト French fries in English.It's not a fried potato.

余談ですが、正確にはフライド・ポテトは、英語で French fries です。fried potato ではありません。🍟

【The past participle which ornaments a noun behind it.】


This time,to the point is the past participle and phrases ornamente a noun behind it.


Let's pay attention to it,and look at an example in detail.


Tom read a book written by a famous actor.


Tom read a book.What kind of a book is it?


It was written by a famous actor.


No.368 13/09/29 11:00
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 367 【The past participle which ornaments a noun behind it.】


Its basic form is a sentence of an ordinary verb.


The read's present and past form is the same.Its subject is the third person and singular,but s isn't behind the verb,so the sentence is the past tense.

read の過去形と現在形は同じです。主語は三人称単数だけど、s が動詞の後ろについてません。だから、文は過去形です。

We put the past participle of written which doesn't have an object behind the book,and the past participle adorns the book behind it.

目的語の無い過去分詞、written を book の後ろに置いて修飾します。

A phrase of by a famous actor adorns a word of the written,and other one of written by a famous actor ornaments other word of the book.

by a famous actor という語句が written という語句を、written by a famous actor という他の語句が book を修飾してます。


Is she the teacher liked by every student?


I'm going to express in detail in the next time.


No.369 13/09/29 18:18
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 368 【The past participle which adorns a noun behind it.】


The example is an interrogative sentence.


Liked which doesn't have an object is behind the teacher.

目的語を持たない liked が teacher の後ろになります。

Liked by every student is the past participle and a phrase,and it ornaments the teacher behind it.

liked by every student が過去分詞と語句で、teacher を後ろから修飾してます。


I got a house built twenty years ago.


What is the language spoken in the country?


The two examples are the forms in which there are no phrases behind by ~ .

2つの例文は by 以下の語句が無い形です。

The part of built twenty years ago adorns the house behind it as a series of phrase in the first example.

最初の例文では、built twenty years ago の部分が house を後ろから、一連の語句として修飾してます。

What of an interrogative is used in the second example.

疑問詞の what が2つ目の例文では使われてます。

The part of spoken in the country adorns the language behind it.

spoken in the language の部分が後ろから、the house を修飾してます。

No.370 13/10/06 19:04
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 369 【The past participle which ornaments a noun behind it.】


Let's translate the next Japanese sentences into English.



①The man talking with Alex is my father.

The phrase of talking with Alex adorns the man behind it.It's the point.

talking with Alex の語句が the man を修飾してます。それがポイントです。

When chatting,we use the talking.It's the present participle.

おしゃべりをする時 talking を使います。現在分詞です。

As for a language,we adopt speak.We use it like the next.

言語に関しては次の様に speak を使います。

speak a language,or speak English.



Do you know the girl dancing over there with Alex?

The phrase of dancing over there ornaments the girl behind it.The with means together.

dancing over there という語句が、girl を後ろから修飾してます。with は 一緒に、という意味です。


③Who is the boy running with a dog?

No.371 13/10/07 01:45
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 370 【The past participle which ornaments a noun behind it.】


As for ③,who of an interrogative is used in the sentence.

③では、疑問詞の who が文中に使われてます。

The phrase of running with a dog adorns the boy behind it.

running with a dog という語句が the boy を後ろから修飾してます。


④This is the dish broken by Mary.

The phrase of broken by Mary ornaments the dish behind it.

broken by Mary という語句が、the dish を後ろから修飾してます。


⑤Do you want to buy a car made in Germany?

The phrase of made in Germany ornaments the car behind it.

made in Germany という語句が、the car を後ろから修飾してます。

The made in something means the one which made something.

made in ~は、~を作った物で、~製と訳します。

There are plenty of other cars made in Germany,and as needing one car,we use a car.

ドイツ製の車は他にも沢山あります。一台の車を買いたいので、a car を使います。


⑥These are the pictures taken by my sister.

  • << 385 【What's the present perfect form?】 【現在完了形って何?】 Speaking of the present perfect form,plenty of people may have been worried about it so much. 完了形と言うと、随分と悩まされた人も多いかもしれません。 As we've frequently heard,there are hardly Japanese expressions which is equivalent to the perfect form,even if we find it hard to understand,it can't be helped. よく耳にするように、日本語には完了形に当たる表現が殆どありません。分かりにくくても、仕方ないです。 If we express how the present perfect form is in Japanese,it'll be like the next. 完了形がどの様な物か日本語で表現すると、次の様になります。 Activities or situations in the past also continue until just now. 過去の動作、状態が今現在までも続いている。 Please pay attention to the form of have/has and the past participle form of verb in order to distinguish its sentences among other ones. 完了形の文と他の文を見分ける為に、have/has 動詞の過去分詞形に注意して下さい。 I'm going to express the situations and forms in which we use the present perfect tense,and the nuance about it so as to grasp it and have a good command of it. 現在完了形を理解し使いこなす為に、その形、それがどういう状況で使うか、そのニュアンスについて記述します

No.372 13/10/07 01:51

>> 371 先生、こんばんわ

No.373 13/10/07 02:11
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 372 To 中学生さん

Good evening and I haven't seen you for a long time.How are you ?


Though having fallen into asleep,I happened to wake up.


It seems that autumn has come,and it's cool both in the morning and evening.


I'm sure the place where you live is by far colder than the place where I live.


Please take care of yourself lest you take a cold.


No.374 13/10/07 02:20

>> 373 わたしは北国だよ、先生もなの?あっという間に今年も終わっちゃうよ

No.375 13/10/07 02:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 374 To 中学生さん

The place where I live isn't always a northern country.


Therefore,it's warmer than your place, but it's a basin,it's surrounded with mountains.It's said that it's colder in winter and hotter in summer.


As you told,this year is also approaching an end.The more years passed,the faster I feel.


It's exactly time flies.


No.376 13/10/07 02:46

>> 375 また来ますね!

No.377 13/10/07 02:53
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 376 Good night! Have a wonderful dream!


No.378 13/10/07 15:09
社会人159 ( ♀ )

It's been a long time since you responsed last time.
I sometimes read your thread but I don't work at school. ActuallyI had a baby this summer.
Child are is also a new challenging job and adventure for me but I want to enjoy it.
I have a child are leave now and will back to school next year.
I always read your topics with respect.
Take care and see you later!

  • << 380 To 社会人159さん Hello.Thank you for your message and congratulation!‼㊗🎊😃🎉🍻💐 You have a baby,and become a mother.It's wonderful.👶 It means you have to play three kinds of part as mother,wife and teacher at once,but I'm sure you'll be able to overcome them,for you're full of vitality.👍 However,please take it easy,dear great mother!🙋

No.379 13/10/07 15:13
社会人159 ( ♀ )

I'm sorry but let me correct my mistakes.
× child are
⚪︎ child care

No.380 13/10/08 01:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 378 It's been a long time since you responsed last time. I sometimes… To 社会人159さん

Hello.Thank you for your message and congratulation!‼㊗🎊😃🎉🍻💐

You have a baby,and become a mother.It's wonderful.👶

It means you have to play three kinds of part as mother,wife and teacher at once,but I'm sure you'll be able to overcome them,for you're full of vitality.👍

However,please take it easy,dear great mother!🙋

No.381 13/10/08 08:27
社会人159 ( ♀ )

Thank you for your lovely and heartwarming message! It encourages me a lot. I won't give up my dairy poor sleep...!

I don't be sure of myself to be a great mother and play three roles, but my baby and my students will tell me how to be, I think.

Have a nice day!

No.382 13/10/08 11:15
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 381 Hello and thank you for your message.😃

You mean that your baby and students show you how to be a great mother and teacher,don't you?😃

In a sense,it seems to be by far more difficult than learning or teaching English,for you have to find its answer by yourself.👶

While if you try to compromise,you can as you like,if you try to seek your ideal,it'll be hard.It depends on yourself.Considering the situation around children,the way where you try to go on seems to be hard.😥

When being exhausted,please take a rest.Please take it easy.☀

Have a comfortable day!🙋

No.383 13/10/08 18:49
社会人159 ( ♀ )

Yes, that's what I wanted to say.

The thing I am concerned now is balance to be a mother with to be a teacher. Maybe it will be difficult, anyway, all I must do is to do my best.
I am a bit nervous but I want to go Pore Pore -Take it easy and go slowly-.

Thank you for your cheering me up!

No.384 13/10/09 12:45
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 383 Your situation looks like a marathon,though it's one of the longest, hardest and the most valuable things.😃

The marathon in Olympic Games is no less than 42.195 kilometers.It's so long and hard that I find it hard to reach the goal.😱

Contrary to it,it's no more than 42.195 kilometers.As long as we trained enough,and have both powerful physical and emotional strength,it isn't always impossible.😃

Your trial is by far harder than the marathon,I'm sure,for even if it's hard,it takes several hours to reach the goal,but I find it hard to go on making an effort for a long long time.💦                     Please take it easy lest you should be out of breath,for your trial has just started recently.🙋

Good luck,mother!😺

No.385 13/10/13 07:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 371 【The past participle which ornaments a noun behind it.】 【名詞を後ろから修飾する過… 【What's the present perfect form?】


Speaking of the present perfect form,plenty of people may have been worried about it so much.


As we've frequently heard,there are hardly Japanese expressions which is equivalent to the perfect form,even if we find it hard to understand,it can't be helped.


If we express how the present perfect form is in Japanese,it'll be like the next.


Activities or situations in the past also continue until just now.


Please pay attention to the form of have/has and the past participle form of verb in order to distinguish its sentences among other ones.

完了形の文と他の文を見分ける為に、have/has 動詞の過去分詞形に注意して下さい。

I'm going to express the situations and forms in which we use the present perfect tense,and the nuance about it so as to grasp it and have a good command of it.


No.386 13/10/13 08:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 385 【The base of the present perfect form】


He has lost his mobile phone.


It's the sentence of the perfect form that has and the past participle of a verb is behind its subject.

has と動詞の過去分詞が主語の後にきている、完了形の文です。

The past participle was used in the passive voice.Let's make sure difference between the perfect form and passive voice here.


The form of the passive voice is be verb and the past participle,so there is no object behind the past participle,but there is in the perfect form.

受動態の形は、be 動詞と動詞の過去分詞で、目的語は過去分詞の後にはないけど、完了形にはあります。

It has the object like his mobile phone in the example.

例文の his mobile phone の様に、完了形は目的語があります

【The situation in which we use the perfect form.】


What kind of situation do we use “He has lost his mobile phone”

どんな状況で “He has lost his mobile phone を使うのでしょうか?

No.387 13/10/13 18:22
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 386 【The situation in which we use the present perfect.】


I said the present perfect form is the next one before.“Activity or situation in the past continue until just now.”


Let's express the situation in simple English sentences which we've learned until now.

He is looking for his mobile phone,but he can't find it.


He is searching for his mobile phone,he is in the middle of the search,but he can't discover it.When expressing it with the present perfect form,it becomes like the example.
In short,the situation in which he lost his mobile phone continues until now,for he can't find it.


I'm going to express a difference between the past form and the present perfect one in the next time.


No.388 13/10/20 12:14
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 387 【Difference between the past tense and the present perfect one in relation to their sense.】


The sentence of“He has lost his mobile phone.”is just that we've expressed what it happened in the past.

He lost his mobile phone という文は過去に起こった事を述べているだけです。

We aren't sure of his present situation.We can't recognize whether he can find his mobile phone or not.


On the other hand,the situation continues with regard to the present perfect form.The situation continues from the past to the present time.


【Negative and interrogative sentences of the present perfect form】


A subject,have/has not[haven't/hasn't],and the past participle of a verb.It's the negative sentence.

主語,have/has not[haven't/hasn't そして 動詞の過去分詞。これが否定文です。

Have/Has,a subject and the past participle of a verb.It's the interrogative sentence.

Have/Has 主語、そして動詞の過去分詞。これが疑問文です。

No.389 13/10/20 17:37
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【The present perfect form】


When answering a question of the present perfect form,we do like the next.


Yes,the subject,it means a pronoun,have/has.

No,the subject,it means the pronoun, haven't/hasn't.



The present perfect form is a situation which started before continues until just now.


To be strict,there are three kinds of usage.Continuation,experience,and completion.


【Usage of continuation of the present perfect form.】


It seems that we find it easy to grasp an image of the usage of the continuation in which shows us a situation.


Then we also use adverbs which indicate how long time it is in the usage.There are three typical ones.


No.390 13/10/20 21:21
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 389 【Usage of continuation of the present perfect form.】


The three adverbs are for, since,and how long.

3つの副詞は、for,since そして、how long です。

The for means a period.The since is a starting point.

for は、ある期間を意味します。since は、起点です。

When asking a period,we frequently use the phrase of“how long”

期間を尋ねる時、私達は頻繁に how long どれ位の期間、を使います。


She has stayed in Canada since last year.


①She has stayed                   
When translating the ① literally,the situation in which she stays in Canada still continues.


② in Canada カナダに

② expresses the place where she stays.

② は、彼女が滞在している場所を表します。

③since last year 去年から

③ is the phrase which means the time.We can recognize the situation about how long its period passes.

③ は時間を表す語句です。どれ位の期間が過ぎたかについて分かります。

The example means that she stayed in Canada last year.A year has passed.The situation of her staying still continues just now.


No.391 13/10/27 10:27
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 390 【Usage of continuation of the present perfect form.】


We can add not only a noun,adverb,but a sentence as a phrase behind the since.

since の後には、名詞、副詞ばかりでなく、文節として文も加える事が出来ます。

When using a form of how long and an interrogative sentence of the perfect form,we can ask other how long its period continues.

how long と完了形の疑問文で、どれ位の期間が続くのか、と尋ねる事が出来ます。


You have lived in Tokyo for about four years.It's an affirmative sentence.

Have you lived in Tokyo for about 《four years?》It's an interrogative sentence.


We want to ask a part of《》others.


How long have you lived in Tokyo?


I have lived here since last year.


When the other asks us with how long,we can answer with both for or since.It means the passage or extent of the time.

how long で尋ねられた時、for,since の両方を使って答えられます。時間の流れ、範囲を意味します。

No.392 13/10/27 11:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 391 【Usage of continuation of the present perfect form.】



Bob has been tired since yesterday.


I have enjoyed cooking since I was a kid.


I have known him for about five years.


My uncle has lived there for a long time.


How long have you lived in Kyoto?


Since last year.


Since I was a student.


For a long time.


For four years.


【Usage of experience of the present perfect form】


It doesn't mean that we just did it in the past in the usage of the present perfect form.


It has a nuance like the next.We did it in the past.We continue to hold its experience until now.


Therefore,we frequently use ever and some adverbs in the usage of experience.

だから、経験用法の中で ever と他の副詞も頻繁に使います。ever はこれまでに、と言う意味です。

No.393 13/10/27 22:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 392 【Usage of experience of the present perfect form.】


Except for the ever,there are other adverbs used frequently in the usage of experience of the present perfect form.

ever 以外で、現在完了形の経験用法で頻繁に使われる、他の副詞があります。

never means not once.

never は、一度も~ない、という意味です。

Both never and ever are used in front of the past participle.

never も ever も過去分詞の前で使われます。

Before means at an earlier time than just now

before は今より、早い時、以前という事です。

Once means on one occasion only,and twice is two times.

once は一回、twice は二回です。

~times means more than three times.

~times は3回以上です。

Many times is equivalent to often,or frequently.

many times は何回も。たびたび、頻繁に、という事に該当します。

The adverbs like before,once,twice,~times,or many times are used at the end of a sentence.

before,once,twice,~times または many timesの様な副詞は文末に使われます。

When using how many times,we ask other the number of times.We use the phrase at the beginning of a sentence.

how many times を使う時は、回数を尋ねてます。文頭に使います。

No.394 13/11/03 12:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 393 【Usage of experience of the present perfect form.】


We frequently use a word of ever.It means like the next originally.

私達は ever を頻繁に使います。元々は次の様な意味です。

It's a word which expresses an optional time.“Whenever it's,it's all right.”or“being at any time.”


When using the word with the present perfect form,it has nuance like the next.Whenever it's all right,if being from the past to the present time.


When translating it into the Japanese,it seems to be appropriate for us to say until now.


What we should learn it by heart as an expression which we frequently use is have ever been to a noun which indicates a place.

よく使う表現として、覚えておくべきなのは、have ever been to 場所を示す名詞です。

The been is the past participle of be verb.When using the been,it means the one was there in the past,and has held an experience of it

been は be動詞の過去分詞です。been を使う時は、過去にそこに居た。その経験を持ち続けている、と言うことです。

No.395 13/11/04 04:15
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 394 【Usage of experience of the present perfect form.】


We put ever in front of been.

been の前に ever がきます。


Have you ever been to Australia?


Yes,I have.I went there last month


Have you ever learned a form of the interrogative sentence when you studied the usage of continuation,haven't you?


I'm sure you can make sure there is the ever in front of the been.

ever が been の前にあるのも確認出来たと思います。

When asking like that,the other is usually worried about when you went there.


Let's try to answer concretely like the last march in the example,if possible.

できれば、例文の last March の様に具体的に答えましょう。


I have never had so much fun.


I have lived in New York before.


How many times have you played golf?


Only once or twice.

No.396 13/11/10 10:15
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 395 【Usage of completion of the present perfect form.】


The usage of the completion of the present perfect form means thata situation which was over before continues until now,but it doesn't mean a behavior itself continues.


【Difference between the past and the present perfect form.】


Let's make sure of difference between the past and the present perfect form.


When asking you like the next,“Did you finish your homework?”,then we use the past form.


When using the past form,we make sure whether or not you finished.


It's just a thing in the past,so it doesn't have anything to do with the present situation very much.


Contrary to it,when asking you like the next,“Have you finished your homework?”,then we use the present perfect form.


No.397 13/11/10 11:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 396 【Difference between the past form and the usage of completion of present perfect form.】


The present perfect form means that a situation which was over before continues until the present time.


It means that the situation in the past is connecting with the present one.


In other words,it has nuance like the next is added to the present perfect form.


The nuance is “Are you free now?”or“Let's go out to play somewhere,shall we?”The nuance of going for the future is added to the present perfect eorm.



Monica has just read the book.


I have now written a new novel.


Tom has already come to the party,but Dick has not come yet.


No.398 13/11/10 13:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 397 【Difference between the past form and the usage of completion of the present perfect form.】


We have to be careful of postitions of adverbs like just,now,already,yet,not yet in the examples.

例文の just,now,already,yet,not yet などの副詞の位置に気をつけなければなりません。

When someone asks us“Have you finished it yet?”instead of the way of saying in the examples,we frequently say briefly, concisely like the next in ordinary conversations.


“Are you finished?”


“Not yet.”


The phrase of not yet is a useful expression.Let's make use of it.

not yet という語句は便利な表現です。使ってみましょう。

【One of Japanese expressions,過去は水に流す???】


General idea of time that the past which was over and the present perfect form which continues until the present time aren'j expressed clearly in the Japanese.


No.399 13/11/10 18:42
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 398 【One of Japanese expressions,過去は水に流す???】


For example,let's suppose I was sick.Both I was sick in the past and I have been sick for a week,their predicates 熟語 are equivalent to was in Japanese.


However,when speaking English,we use the right word in the right place clearly.


We frequently use the Japanese phrase,過去は水に流す,Japanese disposition that we throw away a thing in the past into the water and make it wash away,besides ignoring it has something to do with vague expressions of general idea in relation to time.It may not always be in the wrong.


I wish I could carry away plenty of troublesome thing in the past!


No.400 13/11/17 01:59
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 399 【A conjunction and relative pronoun which make our English abilities improve by one more step】


A review of English in junior high school has also reached the last chapter.


We are going to review a conjunction which connects some sentence,and a relative pronoun.We aim at improving our English abilities.


It seems that there are plenty of people who had been worried about the relative pronoun.


Please read explanations on the relative pronoun carefully and do away with consciousness of which you aren't good at English.


If you can understand usage of the relative pronoun,your ability of understanding English sentences will improve exceedingly.


【What is that of a conjunction?】

【接続詞の that って何?

When thinking or saying something,if its content is long,it'll frequently be sentence.


No.401 13/11/17 03:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 400 【What is that of a conjunction?】

【接続詞の that って何?】


I think that you are right.


When connecting a sentence that I think with other one which is content of thinking,“I am right”,we use that as a conjunction.

僕は思う、という文と思っている内容の文、君が正しい、をつなげる時 that を接続詞として使います。

The sentence behind the that is the think's objective case.

that 以下の文は think の目的格です。

Other verbs like say,tell,hope,and expect take a phrase as the objective case.

say,tell,hope そして hope などの動詞は目的格として文節を取ります。

We often omit the that,so we can say like the next.

その that をしばしば省略する事があります、だから次の様にも言えます。

I think you are right.

When a content which expresses its subject is long and becomes a sentence,we can use the that behind be verbs as the conjunction.We can also leave it out.

主語を説明する内容が長くて文になる時、that を接続詞として be 動詞の後ろで使えます。省略する事も出来ます。


The problem is(that)Tom is too serious.


I think(that)he will come here.


We hope(that)she will get ahead.


No.402 13/11/17 22:15
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 401 【What is that of a conjunction?】

《接続詞の that って何?》


She told me(that)she didn't want to see anybody.


The point is(that)parents are responsible for their children's education.

【Conjunctions which express on the time like when,before or after】

【時間を説明する接続詞、when,before,または after】

First of all,please look at the next sentence as a review.

I lived in Italy two years ago.

A phrase of two years ago plays a part as an adverb which gives an account of the lived of a past verb.

two years ago という語句は、lived という過去の動詞を副詞として、説明してます。

In short,the two years ago describes when the subject lived.

要するに、two years ago は、主語がいつ住んでいたかを説明してます。

When expressing this when with a sentence,its form is the when and the sentence.

この when を文で述べる時、when、文となります。

We can use the when at a place where other is likely to ask when? as the conjunction which connects sentences.

いつ?と相手が尋ねてきそうな所で、when を文をつなげる接続詞として、使えます。

  • << 407 【Conjunctions which express on the time like when,before or after】 【時間を説明する接続詞,when,before after】            The example expressed the time when I lived behind the when.It was when it was a child. 例文は、私が住んでた頃を behind 以下で説明しています。それは子供の時です。 After putting the when and a sentence at the beginning of the whole one,and making its time clear,we can also go on with our talk. when と文を文頭に置き、時を明確にした後で、話を続ける事も出来ます。 When expressing,we frequently put a comma before starting the other next sentence like when a sentence,other one. 文を表す時、when 文、別の文、という様に次の文に入る前にコンマを打つ事が多い。 Except for the when,we can use other words of before or after as conjunctions which express on the time. when 以外にも before や after などの他の単語も、時を表す接続詞として使えます。 Examples My sister walks to school when it's sunny. 僕の妹は、晴れてる時には、歩いて学校に行きます。 When I got up,my son was watching TV. 私が起きた時、息子はテレビを見てました。 I must finish my work before my boss comes back. 上司が帰ってくる前に、仕事を終えなければなりません。 I'll go shopping after I finish my homework. 宿題が終わった後に、買い物に行こう。

No.403 13/11/23 03:42


No.404 13/11/23 04:05
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 403 To 中学生さん。

Thank you for your response.


As you've told,this year is also approaching an end.Passing time is so fast that I'm forced to breathe a sigh.


Let's take care of ourselves lest we should have a cold each other,especially the place where you live is extremely cold,I'm afraid.


Please warm yourself and go to bed.Good night.Have a nice dream!


No.405 13/11/23 04:43



No.406 13/11/23 10:45
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 405 To 中学生さん

Oh!Snow shovelling!It makes you be tired!


I'm sure snow shovelling is a hard work and endless.Generally speaking,the people in northern area are patient,You're also the same!.


I'm wondering if you're good at winter sports like skate,ski,or building a snowman.


Strictly speaking, building the snowman may not belong to the sports.


Have a pleasant day!


No.407 13/11/24 07:12
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 402 【What is that of a conjunction?】 《接続詞の that って何?》 Examples She told… 【Conjunctions which express on the time like when,before or after】

【時間を説明する接続詞,when,before after】           
The example expressed the time when I lived behind the when.It was when it was a child.

例文は、私が住んでた頃を behind 以下で説明しています。それは子供の時です。

After putting the when and a sentence at the beginning of the whole one,and making its time clear,we can also go on with our talk.

when と文を文頭に置き、時を明確にした後で、話を続ける事も出来ます。

When expressing,we frequently put a comma before starting the other next sentence like when a sentence,other one.

文を表す時、when 文、別の文、という様に次の文に入る前にコンマを打つ事が多い。

Except for the when,we can use other words of before or after as conjunctions which express on the time.

when 以外にも before や after などの他の単語も、時を表す接続詞として使えます。


My sister walks to school when it's sunny.


When I got up,my son was watching TV.


I must finish my work before my boss comes back.


I'll go shopping after I finish my homework.


No.408 13/11/24 07:54
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【If or because of conjunctions which connect sentences of condition or reason】

【条件や理由の文をつなげる接続詞、if , because】

When adding a condition,or saying a reason in a sentence,we use if or because as a conjunction.

文中で条件を加えたり理由を言ったりする時、if や becauseを接続詞として使います。


We will play soccer if it's sunny tomorrow.


The sentence behind the if expresses a condition of playing soccer.

if 以下の文はサッカーをする条件を述べてます。

We can also use both the if and because at the beginning of a sentence.

if,because も文頭で使えます。


You must study hard if you want to pass the exam.


If it rains tomorrow,I'll stay home.


She isn't able to come to the party because she is very busy.


【What is a conrdinate conjunction?】


A conrdinate conjunction connects the same parts of speech or things which have same roles.


No.409 13/11/24 19:12
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 408 【What is a conrdinate conjunction?】


In short,we line up the ones of equal rank in the conrdinate conjunctions.


And,or and but are the conrdinate conjunctions,and I'm going to express each meaning.

and,or そして but が等位接続詞です。それぞれの意味を記述します。

① A and B.The ones of equal ranks stand in a row in the form.

① A と B.その形では等しい位の物が並列しています。

② A or B.The form forces us to choose one of the two.
② A または B。この形は、2つのうちの一つの選択を、私達に強いてます。

③ A but B.The form is 逆接 or comparison.

③ A だが B。その形は、逆接、または対比です。

We often use a form of not A but B.
しばしば、A ではなく B、という形も使います。


Tom and Bob are brothers.


What's are connecting in the example?


The and connects nouns of two subjects which are Tom and Bob.

andは Tom と Bob という主語である名詞をつなげてます。

We have to recognize the things connecting together in order to grasp the coordinate conjunction.Then let's think of its meaning.


No.410 13/12/01 06:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 409 【What is a coordinate conjunction?】



I play baseball and soccer.


The and connects the nouns of objects.

and は目的語の名詞をつなげてます。

This book is thin but useful.


The and connects adjectives of complements.

and は補語である形容詞をつなげてます。

He asked me a question in Chinese,but I wasn't able to answer it.


The and connects the sentences.

and は文をつなげてます。

He isn't a student,but a teacher.


The and connects nouns of complements.

and は補語である名詞をつなげてます。

Your key is in your bag or on the desk.


The and connects phrases of a preposition and a noun.

and は前置詞と名詞である語句をつないでます。

【How to use the coordinate conjunction when connecting more than three.】


When lining up more than three,we usually conect them with a conma,and put and or or in front of the last one.

3つ以上並べる時は、コンマでつなげて、最後の語句の前に and か or を置きます。

①,②…(,)and ③

①,②…(,)or ③

No.411 13/12/01 08:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 410 【How to use the coordinate conjunction when connecting more than three.】


We can omit the last conmas in front of the and or or.

amd 叉は or の前の最後のコンマは、省く事が出来ます。


He is strong,brave,and kind.


You need a pen,pencil,or marker.


【How to use an imperative sentence plus and/or】

【命令文 + and/or の使い方】

Let's grasp how to use an imperative sentence plus and/or.

命令文 + and/or の使い方も押さえておきましょう。

The imperative sentence of do something,and…after that what will happen? The speaker's guess,or estimate are expressed.


The imperative sentence of do something,or…after that without doing it,what will happen? The speaker's guess or estimate are expressed.



Hurry up,and you can catch the train.


The phrase of catch the train has nuance of being in time for the train barely.

catch the train はギリギリ電車に間に合う、というニュアンスがあります

No.412 13/12/01 19:35
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 411 【How to use an imperative sentence plus amd/or】

【命令文 + and/or の使い方】


Hurry up,or you'll miss the train.


It means that you seem to choose whether you hurry up,or be late for the train.


Go straight on,and you'll see the station.


Study hard,or you'll not graduate.


The imperative sentence plus or has a nuance that we should select to do something.Without doing it,we will fail to do it.

命令文 + or は何かをする事を選択すべきで、そうしないとそれを出来ない、というニュアンスがあります。

【What is a relative pronoun?】


A relative pronoun indicates a noun appeared before like other pronouns such as he,she,they,or it.


Without separating sentences into two with a conma,the pronoun adds direct information to the noun.


We call the noun added to the information an antecedent.


No.413 13/12/08 12:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 412 【What is a relative pronoun?】


The relative pronoun indicates a noun which appeared before like other pronouns.


Without separtating into two sentences,we add information immediately after the noun of an antecedent.


“Do you know the girl?”For example,if somebody asks you immediately like that,how do you feel?


Don't you feel like digging deeply enough like the next.“What kind of the girl is she?”


The relative pronoun seizes an opportunity which cancels the digging.Therefore we put the information directly after the antecedent.



Do you know the girl who is cleaning the room?


①The girl received an explanation is the antecedent.

説明を受けてる the girl が先行詞です。

②The who of the antecedent indicates the girl.

関係代名詞である who が the girl を示します。

No.414 13/12/09 00:48
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 413 【What is the relative pronoun?】


The phrase of is cleaning the room is the girl's information.

is going cleaning the room 部屋の掃除をする、と言う語句が the girl の情報です。
【Difference between an interrogative and the relative pronoun】


Let's make sure difference between an interrogative and the relative pronoun,making use of the who.

who を使って、疑問詞と関係代名詞の違いを確認しましょう。

We use the who of the interrogative like the next.

疑問詞の who は次の様に使います。

When asking our company what kind of person it is,we use the who of the interrogative.

相手に誰か尋ねる時、疑問詞の who を使います。

A part behind the who is an interrogative sentence,except that the who is a subject.

whoが主語以外の時、who の後は疑問文です。

On the other hand,other who of the relative pronoun is like the next.

これに対して、関係代名詞の who は次の様な物です。

The part behind the who isn't a word order of the interrogative sentence.

who 以下の文が疑問文の語順にならない。

There is a noun which makes up for information in front of the who.

who の前に情報を補う名詞がある。

No.415 13/12/09 18:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 414 【Who,which is a subjective relative pronoun】

【主格の関係代名詞 who】

I've expressed about the relative pronoun briefly,but I'm going to describe it more minutely.



I want to talk to the boy who is dancing on the stage.


When looking at the information of the boy carefully in the example,the who is a subject of the phrase of is dancing.

例文の the boy の情報をよくみると、who が is dancing の語句の主語になってます。

Therefore,we call the who a subjective of the relative pronoun.When its antecedent is a person,we use the who.

だから、その who を関係代名詞の主格と呼びます。先行詞が人の時、who を使います。

I want to talk to the boy


who is he?


He is dancing on the stage.


As stated above,when we translate an English sentence into the Japanese,let's try to understand from its former part.


No.416 13/12/15 08:01
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 415 【Who,which is a subjective relative pronoun】


①The boy is the antecedent.It received an explanation.

The boy は先行詞で、説明を受けています。

②The who of a relative pronoun refers to the boy.

関係代名詞の who は the boy を指している。

③The phrase of“is dancing on the stage”is information of the boy.

“is dancing on the stage”ステージで踊っている、という語句が the boy の情報です。

Did you recognize what difference between the Japanese and English?


Each order which expresses the noun is different.


When being long,its expression is done from the latter part in English,but we do from the former one in Japanese.


If expressing from the former part,we don't have to use a word which means the who connects with other phrase.

前から説明すると、誰かを意味する、他の語句とつなげる単語、who を使う必要がないのです。

There is a thing to which I have to add,but too long to express here,so I'll do in the next.


No.417 13/12/15 09:28
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 416 【Who,which is a subjective relative pronoun】


If thinking that somehow we can translate it into the Japanese,it's all right,there is a fear that after all we end up not being able to understand the relative pronoun itself.


Let's try to understand English sentences from the former part as we think the English words or phrases,thinking“What kind of parts do they play?”



A doctor is a person who treats sick people.


Alexander Graham Bell was the man who invented the telephone.


When we can't recognize clearly whether it's male or female,let's use a person.

男か女か、はっきり分からない時は.person を使いましょう。

We've especially learned to express both the male and female equally in relation to a job in English nowadays.


No.418 13/12/15 18:04
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Which,which is a subjective relative pronoun】

【主格の関係代名詞 which】

When its antecedent is except for a person,we use a which.Basically,we adopt it like the who which is also the subjective relative pronoun.

先行詞が人以外の時、which を使います。基本的に主格の関係代名詞 who の様に使います。


I have a book which is popular among young people.


①The expressed book is the antecedent.

記述されてる book が先行詞です。

②The which of the relative pronoun refers to a book.

先行詞の which は a book を示してます。

③The phrase of“ is popular among young people” is information of a book.

is popular among young people 若者に人気がある、という語句が a book の情報です。

The which is a subject behind it,so it's also the subjective relative pronoun.

その which は後ろの is の主語ですから、関係代名詞の主格です。


I want to have a house which has a beautiful garden.


He has read all the books which are on the bookshelf.


No.419 13/12/22 11:51
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 418 【Which,which is a subjective relative pronoun】

【主格の関係代名詞 which】

I'm going to mention a thing of which we should be careful when using the subjective relative pronoun.


Didn't you recognize that there is a difference between the forms of verbs behind the which in the two examples?

2つの例文で which の後ろの動詞の形が違ってるのに気づかなかったですか?

The one is the has in the first first example.It's a singular,and the other are in the second example.It's a plural.

最初の例文の動詞は has。単数です。二番目の例文の動詞は are。複数です。

The form of verb behind the subjective relative pronoun changes,adapting a number of an antecedent.


While the form of subjective relative pronoun itself,it means the who or which,never changes even if its antecedent is singular or plural,when its antecedent is plural,its verb is used as the plural.

先行詞が単数でも複数でも、関係代名詞 who, which の事ですが、その物の形は変わりません。でも先行詞が複数の時は動詞も複数になります。

No.420 13/12/23 18:47
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 419 【Which,which is a subjective relative pronoun】


He has read all the books which are on the bookshelf.

Both the books and which are plurals,so we use the are.

books も which も複数なので are を使います。

If an antecedent is a singular noun,the verb behind the subjective relative pronoun will be also the singular.


I want to have a house which has a beautiful garden.

Both a house and which are singulars,so we use the has.

a house も which も単数なので、has を使います。

When the subjective relative pronoun is who,it's the same.

主格の関係代名詞が who 時でも同じです。

A doctor is a person who treats sick people.

Both a person and who are singulars,so we use the treats.

a person も who も単数なので treats を使います。

【Relative pronoun of an objective case, which,except for its antecedent is humankind】


The relative pronoun of an objective case plays a part of an object of the sentence behind the antecedent.


No.421 13/12/23 19:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 420 【Relative pronoun of an objective case,the which,except that its antecedent is humankind.】

【先行詞が人以外の、目的格の関係代名詞 which】


This is the book which you must read.


Without using the relative pronoun,let's separate the example into two sentences.


This is a book.You must read it.


The it in the second sentence is a book in the first sentence.

二番目の文の it は 一番目の文の a book の事です。

The it is the object behind the verb.

その it は動詞の後の目的語です。

I'm going to explain the example to you in detail from now on.


①The expressed book is the antecedent.

①記述されてる the book が先行詞です。

②The which of relative pronoun is the book.

②関係代名詞 which は the book です。

③We use the which as an object of the sentence that you must read.The sentence is the book's information.

その which を you must read あなたは読まなければなりません、という文の目的語として使ってます。その文は the book の情報です。

No.422 14/01/05 23:10
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 421 【Relative pronoun of objective case,the which,except that its antecedent is a person】

【先行詞が人以外の目的格の関係代名詞 which】

When being into one sentence with the relative pronoun,the objective which should be behind the read is at the beginning of the second sentence,and it changes into the which.

関係代名詞を使って一つの文にすると read の後ろにあるべき目的語が2つ目の文の文頭に来て、which になります。

Please remember when using the which as an interrogative,we place it at the beginning of the sentence.We also set the relative pronoun the alike.

which を疑問詞として使う時、文頭に置く事を思い出して下さい。関係代名詞も同様に文頭に置きます。

The which is put in front of the second sentence of “you must read” in the example.

which は例文では2つ目の文 you must read の前に、置かれてます。

When using a the relative pronoun of a subjective case,we frequently put it at the beginning of the second sentence originally,so we may not mind it at all,for it's a subject.




No.423 14/01/05 23:54
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 422 【Relative pronoun of an objective case,the which,except that its antecedent is a person】


We need to move the object which is behind the verb from the former place to the beginning of the sentence,then changing into the relative pronoun of the objective case.Please be careful of it.

動詞の後ろにある目的語を、元の場所から文頭に移し目的格の関係代名詞 which になって文頭に来ます。この事に気をつけて下さい。


The textbook which you gave me is very useful.


Do you recognize a difference between the former example and this one?


There is the relative pronoun just behind the subject.Let's understand from the former part.


①The textbook is an antecedent.

①the textbook が先行詞です。

②The relative pronoun,the which means the textbook.

②関係代名詞である which は textbook を意味してます。

③The which is an object of a sentence,“you gave me”.It's the information of the textbook.To be continued.

which は you gave me の文の目的語です。textbook の情報です。続きます。

No.424 14/01/06 19:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 423 【Relative pronoun an objective case,the which,except that its antecedent is a person】


③An objective case which should be behind the sentence of“you gave me”moves to the beginning of the whole sentence,and changes into the which.

③you gave me という文の後ろにあるべき目的格が、文頭に移動して which になります。

④A verb to the whole subject“the textbook”is the is.

④全体の主語 the textbook の主語は is です。

【Relative pronoun of an objective case,the who,its antecedent is a person】


When its antecedent is a person,we use who or whom in relation to the relative pronoun of an objective case.

先行詞が人の時は、目的格の関係代名詞は who または whom を使います。


A patient is a person who a doctor treats.


Who is the person?

There is information behind the who.

who の後ろに情報があります。

A doctor treats him or her.


No.425 14/01/12 02:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 424 【Relative pronoun of an objective case,who,it's antecedent is a person】

【目的格の関係代名詞 who or whom.先行詞は人】

Pronouns change.For example,he turns into him,they changes into them and so on,so who also becomes whom.
代名詞は変化します。例えば he は him,they は them などに。だから who も whom になります。

However,even if it's the objective case,instead of the whom,we usually use the who lately.

しかしながら、目的格でも whomを使わずに、最近は who を通常使います。

There are sentences of which relative pronouns are just behind their subjects.



The woman who Tom introduced to me was a famous singer.


Instead of the who,we can also adopt the whom in the example.

例文中、who ではなく whom も使えます。

The Tom is both a subject and antecedent.There is the relative pronoun,the who,just behind the Tom,and there is no an object for a verb of the introduced.

Tom は主語であり先行詞です。そのすぐ後ろに関係代名詞の who があります。動詞の introduced の目的語がありません。

No.426 14/01/12 03:32
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 425 【Relative pronoun of an objective case,who or whom,the antecedemt is a person】

【目的格の関係代名詞 who または whom。先行詞は人】


Kyoto is the place which I want to visit.


The book which you lent me yesterday is very interesting.


He is the teacher who every student likes.


【Usage of that】

【that の用法】

Instead of the who,or which of subjective or objective case,we can use that as the relative pronoun.

主格、目的格の who,which の代わりに that を関係代名詞として使う事ができます。

When adopting the that,we don't have to choose like the who.It's all right whether or not its antecedent is a person.

that を使う時は who や who の様に使う必要はありません。先行詞が人でも、人でなくてもかまいません。

However,when its antecedent is the person,some people prefer the that to the whom.

但し先行詞が人の時は、that より whom を好む人もいます。

Some of us,the Japanese,hate to use a way of saying,『that』for the person.Those situations may resemble.


No.427 14/01/12 21:52
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 426 【Usage of that】

【that の用法】

When using something limited words such as all,every,and only and others with the superlative degree like the or est for an antecedent,adopting that is sometimes desirable.

先行詞に all,every,そして only などの限定された言葉、the や est などの最上級がついてる時は、that を使うのが好まれる事があります。


He has read all the books that are on the bookshelf.


We also use the that as an objective case of relative pronoun like the example.

that は例文の様に、関係代名詞の目的格としても使います。


Kyoto is the place that I want to visit.


The textbook that you gave me is very useful.


【Omission of objective case's objective case】


We can omit relative pronoun of objective case.One noun is just next to other,so we can recognize a

No.428 14/01/19 08:58
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 427 【Omission of relative pronoun of objective pronoun】


We can omit relative pronoun of objective case,for even if without using the relative pronoun,a noun adjoins other one,so we can recognize its pause.


【Whose,relative pronoun of the possessive case】

【所有格の関係代名詞 whose】

It's said a whose is the possessive case of the relative pronoun,we use it at the place of other possessive case of pronouns like his,her,its,their,and so on.

whose は関係代名詞の所有格と言われ、his,her,its,their などの代名詞の所有格の位置で使います。

Therefore,when using,we adopt it as form of the whose and a noun.

だから、使う時は whose と名詞の形で使います。

It's all right that its antecedent is both a person and a thing.



We need a teacher whose passion for education is real.


Let's separate the example into two sentences in order to understand easily.


To be continued.


No.429 14/01/19 09:37
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 428 【A whose,relative pronoun of the possessive cases】

【所有格の関係代名詞 whose】

We need a teacher.His or her passion for education is real.


You can recognize the his or her are the possessive case of a teacher,can't you?

his 叉は her は a teacher の所有格だと言う事は分かりますね?

When someone says“we need a teacher”I'm sure we want to ask it what kind of the teacher it is.


Instead of the his or hers,we use the whose,connect with other sentence,and express on『 a teacher』directly.

his や her を使わないで whose を使い、文をつなげて a teacher の説明を直接します。


This is a book for learners whose native language is not English.


If separating the example into two,the second sentence will start from a phrase of their native language.

例文を2つにすると、第二の文は their native language の語句から始まります。

However,instead of using their,we adopt the whose,and express on the learners direct.

でも their を使わないで whose を使い、learners について説明しています。

No.430 14/01/19 22:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 429 【Whose,relative pronouns of the possessive case】

【所有格の関係代名詞 whose】

Thus,when adding varied expressions to a noun directly,the relative pronoun is very useful.


I recommended you should master it by all means.



①A dog is an animal which is kept as a pet by many people.


②A pilot is a person who is able to fly an airplane.


③Medicine is a substance which you take to cure illness.


④A nurse is a person who cares for sick people.


⑤A patient is a person who a doctor treats.


①Its antecedent is an animal,and relative pronoun is which.

先行詞は an animal で、関係代名詞は which です。

When an antecedent isn't except for a person,the relative pronoun is the which.Behind the which,it's the passive voice of be verb and past participle.

先行詞が人以外の時は、関係代名詞は which です。behind 以下は be 動詞と過去分詞の受動態です。

No.431 14/01/26 21:34
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 430 【whose,relative pronoun of the possessive case】

【所有格の関係代名詞 whose】

②Its antecedent is a person,and the relative pronoun is the subjective case,who.Be able to verb means that a person can do a deed of the verb.

②先行詞は a person。関係代名詞は主格の関係代名詞 who です。be able to 動詞で、動詞の行為が出来る、という意味です。

③Its antecedent is a substance,and the relative pronoun is the objective case,which.The phrase of to cure illness is an usage of adverb of an infinitive,which means an intention,in order to heal sickness.

③先行詞は a substance、関係代名詞は目的格の関係代名詞、which です。to cure illness は目的を表す副詞的用法です。病気を治すため、という意味です。

④Its antecedent is a person,and relative pronoun is the subjective case,who.Care for means taking care of someone.

先行詞は a person、関係代名詞は主格の who です。care for は世話をする事です。

⑤Its antecedent is a person,and the relative pronoun is the objective case,whom.

先行詞は a person です。関係代名詞は目的格の whom です。

No.432 14/01/26 22:21
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【To 中学生さん】

Hi!How are you?I hope you aren't come down with an illness.


I'm afraid you were offended by my remark,if so,I have to apologize to you for it.I'm sorry.


If I had created an atmosphere in which you could speak English more freely,it would have been all right,but to my sorrow,I'm not equal to it.


This thread is over for the present,for I've finished expressing my English reference book,but I don't close it yet,so if you have something to inquire concerning English, please don't hesitate to ask me it.See you again and thank you.


No.433 18/09/01 04:53

>> 432 こんばんは


No.434 18/09/01 06:53
名無し ( 50代 ♂ )

To 433 433さんへ

Thank you😊

No.435 18/09/02 12:34

Hello,Is there anything the matter with you?

No.436 18/09/02 13:08
名無し ( 50代 ♂ )

To 小学生さん in No.435

Thank you for your message. There is nothing special. It’s just that I’ve received a response,so I answered to it. I was sure no one has paid attention to this thread,but when receiving a response,I’m happy.

No.437 18/09/02 19:01

I'm sure of improving your communication in English.

No.438 18/09/02 20:18
名無し ( 50代 ♂ )

To 小学生さん in no.437

Thank you for your message,and I was encouraged with your message,for I’m afraid I’m thoughtless,so after saying something impolite,or something bad,I tend to repent of it,but it is no use complaining about things in the past.

No.439 18/09/03 18:02

Let bygones be bygones!

No.440 18/09/04 00:53
名無し ( 50代 ♂ )

To the 小学生さん in no 439

Thank you for your message. It is no use crying over the spilt milk,though,I’m sure I have to be careful of my remak. Thank you for your encouragement.

No.441 18/09/05 18:05

A stitch in time saves nine!

No.442 18/09/06 19:52
名無し ( 50代 ♂ )

小学生さん in no.441

Thank you for your message.

Too be tired to feel like studying English yesterday because of the overtime work. After the work,I ate out and came home and took a shower. After that when being idling way my time,I sat at in front of my IPad so as to respond to the ミクル,but to my sorrow,my English study didn’t make progress,so I went to bed.

You seem to love a proverb. I’m sure art is long and life is short,so I’m sure I have to study English harder,for example,expressing myself in English here,or reading plenty of English books,but it has never gone well as I expect.

No.443 18/09/12 20:44

Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, knowledge in the safe that someone might do the same for you!

No.444 18/09/13 16:46

>> 443 × knowledge in the safe
○safe in the knowledge
追加:someoneの前にone day

No.445 18/09/13 19:46
名無し ( 50代 ♂ )

To 小学生さん in no 443 and 444

Thank you for your message. Oh,I’m afraid I’m not so kind as you said,it’s just manners to the one who visited to my thread,though I used to use a violent words sometimes. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Have a good night.

No.446 18/09/14 19:15

Anyone who has never make mistakes has never tried anything new.

No.447 18/09/15 01:03
名無し ( 50代 ♂ )

Thank you for your message.

If there is nothing new,I’m sure it’s boring.

Whether it’s a mistake or not,we can’t understand until we die. Even if it’s a big mistake,it may start a big success. It depends.

No.448 18/10/20 07:41

Crumbling infrastructure seen holding nation's safety for ransom. As critical conduits begin to creak, government realizes its money troubles are only beginning...

No.449 18/10/21 04:15
名無し ( 50代 ♂ )

To 小学生さん in no.448

Thank you for your message.

I’ve never watched TV nor any newspaper so often lately,as a result,to my sorrow,I know but little of the world.

When infrastructures are destroyed by disaster and something,lots of money is invested,but I’m not sure whether or not it’s useful. I’m sorry not to send an accurate comment.

No.450 21/04/06 07:29
1000 ( 30代 ♀ Nzg71b )



No.451 21/04/06 08:42
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )


Good morning, and I’m pleased to meet you.


It’s just that her handle name was 中学生 in this bulletin board, ミクル, so I’m sure she was a grown-up. I’m never pedophilic at all.


When being a teenager, I took an entrance exam for several universities, but I failed to them. To my sorrow, one of them is Hosei University.


No.452 21/04/07 19:30
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )

To 1000 san


I hope you can lead a fruitful student life.


Being different from others is apt to be paid attention, but even if being in difficulty, I don’t think we are in the wrong because of our handicap alone.


Please do your best with a strong determination, and if you are tired, please take a rest enough.


No.453 21/04/12 19:37
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )

To 1000san


How are you? Corona has been sweeping all over the world, so I’m sure we should be careful of it.

元気でやってる? コロナが蔓延してるから、気をつけなくちゃね。😷

How do you start tp study in University?


Without receiving class from a teacher direct, will it be done a thing like a video telephone?


All things considered at present, it can’t be helped, but it seems to be hard in varied ways.


Please take care of yourself and do your best, but take it easy.


No.454 21/04/21 13:59
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )

To 1000san


Hello, and how are you? Have you the university already started?

こんにちは、元気? 大学はもう始まったのかな?😊

It doesn’t always mean that I refuse to accept from your message, so whenever you want to come this place, please do it, but if you have been offended by my remark, I have to apologize it for you.


You have to study so hard that I’m sure you’ll be in difficulty, but please do your best.


No.455 21/04/25 23:07

You scratch my back and I'll scratch your back.

No.456 21/04/25 23:28

>> 455 your back→yours

No.457 21/04/25 23:44
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )

To 小学生さん

How are you? I've not seen you for a long time. I hope you're fine.
Good night.

No.458 21/04/27 20:15
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )

To 1000san


Hello and how are you? I hope you are all right.

こんにちは、元気? 元気だと良いけど😁

Have you ever been to a place where a group for self help for the people on Asperger syndrome?


We the one who are in Asperger syndrome tend to be worried about by ourselves without being able to consulting with anyone on Asperger syndrome.


But if going there there are some people who are worried about Asperger like us,


When talking with them, you can relax.


No.459 21/04/27 20:27
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )

To 1000san


It doesn’t always mean that even if going there, your trouble is brought to a settlement, but I’m sure no one blame you because you are Asperger syndrome.


If you can make friends with someone who has the same trouble, you are encouraged with it, I’m sure.


No.460 21/05/11 21:08

I am what I am. I have always and I will always.

No.461 21/05/11 22:06
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )


Hello and thank you for your message.

To tell the truth, too abstract to understand very well, but I’m sure you have your own belief.

Do I have my belief? I’m not sure, but something makes me express myself in English, so it may have been the thing like the belief. I’m not sure whether or not it’s good, but the something is myself, my blood, my flesh, and my spirit.

I’m sorry that my expression is too abstract to understand as well.

No.462 21/05/30 22:06

I'll see what I can found.

No.463 21/05/30 22:09

>> 462 I'll see what I can find.

No.464 21/06/01 00:22
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )


Thank you for your message.

Please find something wonderful. Good luck.

No.465 21/06/04 00:27

One good turn deserves another.

No.466 21/06/09 23:33
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )


I hope it’s good for you. Please keep up it with.

No.467 21/07/01 03:54

Every cloud has a silver lining.

No.468 21/07/01 23:02
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )


Thank you for your message.

There is sunlight around cloud, it’s the silver lining, so even if it looks bad, there is something lucky in it.

I’m afraid you’re in something difficulty. Please good luck and do your best. The sun appears and shine on you in the future, I hope so.

No.469 21/07/14 20:51

To err is human. Don't beat yourself up for mistakes.

No.470 21/07/15 20:04
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )


Thank you for your message.

I don’t think I beat myself up for mistake, for I’m sure I don’t think I made a mistake like that. I’m all right.  

No.471 21/09/16 21:03

When one door closes, another one opens.

No.472 21/09/20 20:32
名無し ( 60代 ♂ )


Thank you for your message.

As you told, if a door is closed, other one is open, and the door isn’t always a single.

By the way, if you are offended by me, I’m sorry for it, but to tell the truth, what you said is always too abstract to understand for me.

Could you please speak more concretely?




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