Let’s enjoy English 14th

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燻し銀三( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
23/09/17 14:46(更新日時)

I’m going to start the 14th from now on. Instead of me, メイちゃん did for it several times, but recently she has never responded to me, so I’m forced to do for myself.

What’s happened to her? I’m worried about. I hope she’s all right and when seeming this thread, I’ll be happy if she send me the message.

Before long the book written by Akira Ikegami of which title is Giants who’ve moved the world will be over. There are several books written by him and I’m going to express it in English, at least until 20th.

After that, I’m going to start the other thread again.

I hope メイちゃん return here. Without her, I couldn’t continue this thread until now. She always supports me and I’ve been encouraged with her, but she suddenly hasn’t come here recently.



No.3838053 23/07/22 13:25(スレ作成日時)



No.1 23/07/22 13:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

《What is the Islam revolution in Iran?》

…and announced the establishment on the Islam republic in Iran by the referendum April. The reign by the Islamic jurist which Khomeini advocated has started.

Khomeini had the title called the great Ayatollah which is the highest rank in the Islamic jurist. It means that the one who has the title of the great Ayatollah is appropriate for the most prominent leader.

The Islam revolution in Iran started as democratic one, but the Islam militias has gained the control of initiative after that.

No.2 23/07/22 13:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

The Islam militias purged the influential force seeking for democracy and the other of communist party close to Soviet Union and established the Islam nation.

《Conference on the specialists chose the most prominent leader》

The nation elects the President in the election in the Islam republic of Iran, but the religious conservative influential force judges whether or not it has the quality for running in the Presidential election.

The one who has the weak Islam feature, and the other who is democratic can’t run in the Presidential election.

No.3 23/07/22 14:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

《The conference on specialists chooses the most prominent leader》

Six Islam jurists are the member on the religious conservative influential force and they are appointed by the most prominent leader. Then who chooses the most prominent leader? It’s the organization called the conference on specialists. The member on the conference of specialist are elected by the nation in the election. In short, the nation choose the most prominent leader in the indirect election as a formality.

But the one who goes up for the member on the conference of…

No.4 23/07/22 14:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

《The conference on specialists chooses the most prominent leader》

But the one who goes up for the election has to pass the inspect by the religious conservative influential force. In short, the people who could pass through the inspect choosing the most prominent leader choose the most prominent leader.

The conference on specialists can dismiss the most prominent leader as official stance, but actually it’s impossible.

《Not only the national force but the defending team on revolution》

The most prominent leader reigns over the three…

No.5 23/07/22 15:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

《Not only the national force but the defending team on revolution》

The most prominent leader reigns over the heads of three branches of government. It’s not only the supreme commander on the national force but the chief commander in the defending team on revolution, but the organization of the defending team on revolution is hard to understand for us the Japanese. In short, it’s a watchman for the national force.

At the last stage on the Islam revolution in Iran, the national force didn’t obey the order from the king, so the king was…

No.6 23/07/22 15:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

《Not only the national force but the defending team on revolution》

…so the king was forced to run away outside his own country. Ordinary nation is constricted and becomes a soldier. It gathers and the national force is formed. If the politics doesn’t go well and the life on the nation becomes hard, the soldiers are dissatisfied with the government. If generals can control the feeling on the soldiers, the revolution becomes possible. The revolutionary government has organized the defending team on revolution which is the second national force…

No.7 23/07/22 15:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

《Not only the national security but the defending team on revolution》

The revolutionary government organized the defending team on revolution so as to prevent the revolution from breaking out again. The second national force is made up with the member whose ambition on Islam is strong in the Islam extremists. If the national forces disobeyed, the defending team on revolution will smash the national forces. It’s the personnel for crisis management.

《He is the successor for Khomeini》

After Khomeini was dead in 1989, Khamenei was elected as…

No.8 23/07/22 16:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khamenei who is the most prominent leader】

《He is the successor to Khomeini》

I’ve made a mistake. As to the big headline, it’s not Khomeini but Khamenei. I’m sorry for it.

…Khamenei was elected as the successor for the supreme commander, for he was engaged in the President under Khomeini and Khomeini admired his ability.

But Khamenei isn’t as high rank clergyman as Khomeini then, making his position high suddenly and reformed the constitution so as to make Khamenei who wasn’t in the highest rank be the supreme commander. Unluckily, he couldn’t get the big title, the great Ayatollah…

No.9 23/07/22 17:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khamenei who is the most prominent leader】

Unluckily, Khamenei couldn’t get the big title, the great Ayatollah like Khomeini. He might have had the inferiority complex to Khomeini.

《Sitting at the feet of Khomeini》

Khamenei was born at a town called Mashhad in Iran in 1939. His father was the clergyman whose ancestor was Azerbaijani, and his mother was also the daughter of a high rank clergyman.

Young Khamenei learned the Islam at the theological school in Mashhad. He must read the Koran written in Arabian so as to study the Islam, so he acquired the Arabian language then, though ….

No.10 23/07/22 17:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khamenei who is the most prominent leader】

《Sitting at the feet of Khomeini》

…though Persian language is spoken in Iran.

Both of the Arabian and Persian is expressed from the right to the left. It’s complicated a little, the Persian language is written by the Arabian letters. He mastered the theology at Najaf in Iraq for a while since 1957, for there are lots of believers on the Shia of Islam not only in Iran alone but they live in the west half of Iraq, and there are high level theology school in Najaf as well.

After that he moved to Qom which is the sacred place for Iran and…

No.11 23/07/22 17:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ali Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

《Sitting at the feet of Khomeini》

…and learned the theology of Shia under Khomeini. He joined in the movement on anti king in Qom urged by Khomeini, but was oppressed and was cast into the jail often.

When the revolution was successful, he held the important posts in the defending team on revolution or the national force. He has been trusted as khomeini’s right-hand man and was elected the President in 1981 and was done again in 1985.

《Khamenei is the guardian on the value system》

How has Khamenei reigned over Iraq? He said like the next.

No.12 23/07/22 18:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Khamenei who is the most prominent leader】

《Khamenei is the guardian on the value system》

The responsibility on the supreme commander is maintaining the Republican institution in Islam. The one who manages to maintain and is responsible for the Republican Institution in Islam is the heads of the three rights.

The supreme commander supervises the activity on the heads and if the heads on the three rights try to take into action beyond range which is necessary to maintain the system, stopping it is the duty on the supreme commander.

The thing to which he should leave the person in charge…

No.13 23/07/22 18:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Khomeini who is the most prominent leader】

《Khomeini is the guardian on the value system》

…and protecting the fruit on the revolution accomplished by Khomeini is his duty. Khomenei seems to have thought like that.

While President Ahdeymanedjad who was the hard liner was born, President Rouhani who was the moderates was born under Khomenei. There is the will which leaves it to the ones who are in charge as much as possible there, but without permission from the supreme commander, the President can’t do what he wants to do.

It turned out that the agreement on the nuclear weapon has…

No.14 23/07/22 18:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Khomenei who is the most prominent leader】

《Khomeini is the guardian on the value system》

It turned out that the agreement on the nuclear weapon was done by direction and support by Khamenei lately. Where is Iran going to advance from now on? There is the thought on Khamenei who disappeared from the front stage behind the movement.

《Taking on the Sunni》

The relation between Saudi Arabia and Iran has deteriorated. What is Khamenei trying to do then as the supreme commander in the Shia in Iran?

The speech by Khamenei is introduced at the website on radio at the end of 2015 like the next.

No.15 23/07/22 19:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Khamenei who is the most prominent leader】

《Taking on the Sunni》

America has tried to cause opposition among the Muslims, and its example is foundation on the groups of terrorists like ISIS, and those groups by the funds and the political support on the countries belong to America and the present tragedy was caused by the world of Islam.

Khamenei said that the main target on the hegemonic front is causing the civil war among the Islam and annihilating the infrastructure of each country in Islam like Syria, Yemen and Libya. We shouldn’t be silent nor give in those conspiracies..

No.16 23/07/22 20:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Khamenei who is the most prominent leader】

《Taking on the Sunni》

Instead of it, we should continue to resist with sagacious way to various conspiration.

Khamenei said the infrastructure in countries on Islam, and it means the basis on the influential force in Shia. The supreme commander in Iran admits the movement on the improvement of the relationship among the moderates President, he announced to fight resolutely as the leader in Shia of Islam.

The supreme commander who doesn’t stand out at a glance, but we can’t lift our gaze from him.

【Influential persons who are fascinate power】

No.17 23/07/22 20:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Influential persons who are fascinated by power, instead of afterword】

Influential persons who have moved the world. When looking at the process on their growth, it is clearly shown why they have thought like that.

For example, Vladimir Putin was born and brought up in Leningrad which has the horrors of war, so he is forced to have the trauma the nation must be strong. In addition he saw the process on the extinction on the country of socialism in which he had the confidence like Soviet Union, and East Germany. Strong will not repeating the same mistake must have been born then.

No.18 23/07/22 21:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Influential persons who are fascinated by power, instead of afterword】

Angela Merkel has also gone through the collapse on East Germany which was her motherland, so she must have had the thought Germany must be strong, but Germany is the democratic country, so without going through the democratic process, her own thought and her insistence can’t come true. She’s known it enough. The accumulation of her experience has made her change into the leader in strong Germany supporting EU.

Though her big decision of accepting refugee from the Middle East was applauded from the all over the world…

No.19 23/07/22 22:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Influential persons who are fascinated by power, instead of afterword】

…but Merkel was criticized by her own nation severely and has been driven into a predicament. Political leaders have to take into action in the severe surrounding extremely.

Hillary Clinton felt resentful toward the weak position on women from the childhood and the resentment has made her prod to take into action. Her life used to go well when being an excellent lawyer and the First Lady in America, but she suffered from her husband’s scandal and Barrack Obama who was unexpected ambush blocked her way. The setback has…

No.20 23/07/22 22:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Influential persons who are fascinated by power, instead of afterword】

But the setback has formed her at present. As to Hillary Clinton, I think it’s impossible for her to be the President, considering her age, but if she can come true her wish, it’s marvelous.

The author took up six people and Xi Jinping alone in China who has been promised his future would be all right from his childhood, but as his father lost his position he fell into great misery at a time, but as he went through his setback, he has been in the position at present, but his existence is going to resemble Mao Zedong….

No.21 23/07/22 22:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Influential persons who are fascinated by power】

…but his existence recently is going to resemble Mao Zedong who tormented his father. The author said he’s thought of irony in the history.

After controlling the political power, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is going to show his colors more and more. He must have thought he wishes the glory in the past could return again. It means the revival on the Ottoman Empire.

Both of Russia and China have lost the glory in the past. Leaders in the country which carries the glory in the past try to get back the glory, and President Erdogan is the typical one.

No.22 23/07/22 22:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Influential persons who are fascinated by power, instead of afterword】

It’s Khomenei whose real image has never been clear among the political leaders in the world. He is the supreme commander in Iraq. He used to be not outstanding in the beginning as successor of Khomeini who was the hard liner. He’s approved of the course of making Iran revive in the international society. He starts the policy as if he aimed at reviving the glory of Persian Empire.

When looking at them, the ones who’ve moved the world are the ones who are difficult to deal with. How should Japan get along with them?

No.23 23/07/22 23:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I’m going to start to express myself in English, being based on the book of which title is 速すぎるニュースをゆっくり解説します、written by Akira Ikegami from now on. This is its preface, but when the book is written, the President in America was Trump, so it’s old as information, I’m afraid of it.

If President Trump was born…when thinking of the strong power on the American President, the author said he was filled with horror.

The author used to say whoever is elected the President in America November in 2016, the crack in the American society will be severe. What the author said seemed to be true.

No.24 23/07/22 23:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


President Trump withdrew from TPP and from Paris Agreement, and while he called the name of the Prime Minister Trudeau in Canada who reproached Trump‘s unilateralism 一国主義, the Prime Minister in Germany, and the President Macron in France, he spoke highly of Kim Jong-un in North Korea and made much of relation between him and President Putin in Russia. He tried not to criticize the crown prince Muhammad in Saudi Arabia who has the suspicion of being involved on killing the reporter.

In short, he criticized the leaders in democratic countries, and has sympathized with dictators.

No.25 23/07/22 23:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


The President who doesn’t like the international collaboration withdrew from TPP, and announced withdrawal from the Paris agreement which advanced the step against the global warming.

On the other hand, he tried to build the wall on the frontier between America and Mexico, and refused to sign the bill on budget in which the expense on the building of the wall wasn’t included, the federal government was forced to close from at the end of 2018 to the beginning of 2019. The crack in the American society is severe more and more.

Moreover he moved the American embassy in Israel to…

No.26 23/07/23 03:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Moreover, he moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, it dragged anger from each country in Arab, so America can’t become engaged in the peace in the Middle East any more. The President has expanded the crack aMing other countries.

The change on the world is so quick that the author said he was forced to be surprised at it. Even if the euro crisis surged to Europe like a big wave, they could overcome it in cooperation between France and Germany.

But the Prime Minister Merkel accepted such the large amount of refugees that the criticism heightened against her, and she…

No.27 23/07/23 03:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


…and she announced she wouldn’t go up for the next election. She was pressed to be retired actually.

On the other hand, the President Macron in France won the Presidential election with the position of in the middle course which is neither on the left nor the right, the German hated his atmosphere on elite, and the people in yellow vest which is the symbol for the labor joined in the protest to him almost everyday.

Japan seemed to be peaceful, the Abe government alone is the strongest, and the phrase of 忖度 was popular among the Japanese. What happened to the world, to Japan?

No.28 23/07/23 03:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


We’re swamped with news which shakes violently the world every day, but we should date back a little from at present, and think of it without hasting, what is at the background of the news? It’s the aim on this book, the author said like that.

【America has shaken violently. What is the Trumpism?】

America has been divided up its society with businessmen who don’t have any ideology, and all over the world has been played with it. Dating back the presidential election which the author couldn’t expect, and we’re going to look at the real intention on what is called America first.

No.29 23/07/23 03:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born. Muslims are forbidden to go into America】

A random shooting incident broke out at California in America December in 2015 and fourteen people were murdered then. The terrorism was done by a couple of Muslim who were over influenced by the Islamic State. It was the solitary murder, though it’s the couple.

They possessed rifle and five guns and got three guns lawfully and did the other two from the residents next to them where they used to live before. Besides, explosive for nineteen hand made pipe bomb was discovered from their home.

No.30 23/07/23 04:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born. Muslims are forbidden to go into America】

It turned out that the couple practiced shooting on the suburb in Los Angels before the several days on the terrorism, according to the investigation by FBI.

When hearing it, the President Trump dropped the bomb. He said Muslim should be forbidden to come into America.

Lots of candidates from the Republican Party developed a heated discussion so as to be appointed as candidate from the Republican Party at the Presidential election in 2016. Trump’s radical remarks were supported and other …

No.31 23/07/23 04:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born. Muslims are forbidden to come into America】

…and other candidates were pulled apart from Trump. Then he said like that. He grasped the anxiety among the conservative class skillfully. He insisted that Muslim should be prohibited in full scale, completely until the representatives understand what happened.

Muslim can’t come into America! It seems to be shocking remark, but we should be careful of his remark. It would be done until the representatives understand what happened. If being able to understand what’s happened, some of them…

No.32 23/07/23 04:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born. Muslims are forbidden to come into America】

…some of them would be allowed to come into America with conditions. Trump prepared for the way out. He caught the heart on the conservative Christianity who had a feeling of anti Muslim with the shocking remark and left the way for solving the problem earthly.

But is the problem Muslims? The problem is guns filled with the whole America, isn’t it?

Synchronized terrorist attacks broke out in France as well, and an automatic rifle was used then, but the rifle came from Libya where the…

No.33 23/07/23 04:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The president who used the violent language was born. Muslims are forbidden to come into America】

…but the rifle came from Libya where the civil war broke out through the Mediterranean Sea, and reached France or it was made in Soviet because the Soviet Union collapsed and the guns flowed out. In short the gun was brought in from outside France illegally.

On the other hand, the terrorist in America, the gun was got lawfully in America. If the terrorist is an American, it can get the large amount of firearms for the terrorism.

The terrorism in France is called home grown terrorism.

No.34 23/07/23 05:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born】

A French who was born and brought up in France became the terrorist. It was shocking for the French. In America, everybody can get the firearm made in America as they wish. It’s so to speak home grown firearms. It seems to be impossible to prevent the terrorism from breaking out in advance in this situation.

《The country where they have the liberty of possessing the gun》

There is often news of random shooting incident in America. Some people may have thought the random shooting incident occurred again in America, but it’s the…

No.35 23/07/23 05:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The country where they have the liberty of possessing guns》

The terrorism affected by the Islamic state, so it’s shocking and caused anxiety among lots of people, but the crime of random shooting which isn’t the terrorism is too many in America.

Even if limited in 2015 alone, the random shooting incident occurred at black church in South Carolina and nine people were shot to death June.

When broadcasting the news on TV in Virginia August, the woman news reporter and man camera man were shot up. The cameraman was shot and fell down.

No.36 23/07/23 07:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The country where they have the liberty of possessing the gun》

The shocking image because the cameraman was fell down and the broadcast was interrupted was broadcast in Japan as well.

The gun was shot randomly in the campus of community college which is equivalent to junior college in Japan in Oregon October and ten people were dead. America is the country where the random shot incident broke out so much, for America is the nation which makes much of the liberty of possessing the gun.

Why can they get the gun at will in America?

No.37 23/07/23 07:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The country where they have the liberty of possessing gun》

The ground that they can get the gun at will is the next sentence described in the constitution of the United States of America.

Disciplined militia is indispensable for the safety of the liberal country, so the right that the militia have or carry the gun has to be protected. What does mean the militia here?

America used to be the colony for England, and it won the war against the English army and accomplished its independence. Then the Americans had the gun in their hand.

No.38 23/07/23 07:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【1 The President who used the violent language was born】

《The country where they have the liberty of possessing guns》

The sentence has been added to the constitution from that kind of conscience as amendment.

But the militia is the national guard which each of state possesses, so it doesn’t allow to an individual to arm itself. It’s the first insistence, and it allows to the individual to arm itself. It’s the second insistence. The dispute between the two insistence continued.

The Federal Supreme Court sentenced it allows to arm itself. Possessing the gun for the American is the right…

No.39 23/07/23 08:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The country where they have the liberty of possessing guns》

Possessing the gun is the right guaranteed by the constitution for the Americans. It‘s the National Rifle Association which continues to insist the right loudly. The NRA has maintained the influence over the politics by the power of abundant money. If being the assembly member who insisted on regulating guns, the NRA donated its rival candidate in the same election district and made a large amount of CM broadcast on TV and made the rival candidate fall to gain a seat.

No.40 23/07/23 08:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅰ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The country where they have the liberty of possessing guns》

As a result, the assembly member who insists on regulating guns become few.

The Republican Party is opposed to the trial not to sell guns to the people who are on the black list as dangerous person from airline companies so as to stop boarding. In spite of it, they insist on fighting against the terrorism. It’s contradictory, but the group of being opposed to regulating guns isn’t aware of the contradiction, or even if being aware of it, they ignore it…?

No.41 23/07/23 08:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born. It’s all right if Japan possesses the nuclear weapon and defend】

The author said he wasn’t surprised at the Trump’s remark easily, but he was astonished at it, for answering the interview from New York Times, and he said he allows Japan to possess the nuclear weapon.

In the middle of choosing the candidate for the presidential election in the Republican Party in America, the interview was published March in 2016.

Without increasing defense budget for the U.S.Army to stay Japan, Trump said he‘d rethink Japan-U.S.Security Treaty and…

No.42 23/07/23 08:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born. It’s all right if Japan possesses the nuclear weapon】

…and withdraw the U.S.Army from Japan. As to defending Japan, Japan possesses the nuclear weapon and defending itself then it’s all right.

After the World War Ⅱ, America feared Japan armed itself with the nuclear weapon and adopted the plan of defending Japan with the nuclear umbrella in the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.

If other country attacks Japan with the nuclear weapon, America will counterattack it with the nuclear weapon. It’s guaranteed, and it worked as deterrent against…

No.43 23/07/23 09:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born. It’s all right if Japan possesses the nuclear weapon】

…and it worked as deterrent against attack to Japan with the nuclear weapon. Whether or not he knew the sequence of events in the past, Trump said like that. If Japan armed itself with the nuclear weapon, what’s happens to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty?

The author said he was forced to think like that, but there is the possibility that being surprised at it itself is to adjust his pace, for the time when allowing Japan to arm itself with the nuclear weapon is the time when…

No.44 23/07/23 09:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born. It’s all right if Japan possesses the nuclear weapon】

…is the time when American national power declines. He added the prerequisite to his remark. In short, if Trump becomes the President, America won’t decline and it means Japan won’t armed itself with the nuclear weapon.

His remarks seem to be shocking, but if thinking of it carefully, some of them aren’t so shocking, they are varied. For example, his remark on prohibiting Muslim to come into America. To tell the truth, it’s forbidden until the representatives understand what happens

No.45 23/07/23 09:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born】

It means that if being able to take a stance preventing the terrorist from sneaking in the Muslims who hope to come into America, allowing them to come into America.

By the way, what is the nuclear nonproliferation treaty? The treaty prohibits the country which has the nuclear weapon from selling the nuclear weapon to other countries or from helping to make the nuclear weapon. It’s the national treaty which prevents every country from making use of the nuclear power, except for making peaceful use of it.

《The more sensational the…》

No.46 23/07/23 10:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The more sensational the talk is, the more carefully they listen to it》

Why does Trump repeat the violent language? In fact he added the condition being able to justify himself to his remark later carefully. Trump himself is proud of it in his book like the next. To my surprise, the remarks on Trump is what is called the flaming internet marketing 炎上商法. What’s the flaming internet marketing?

Making a gimmick on purpose which will be criticized in the world of internet and causing its listeners to be outraged and making a topic and…

No.47 23/07/23 10:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The more sensational the talk is, the more carefully they listen to》

…and trying to increase selling. Trump wrote in his book like the next.

The thing he learned on the Mass Media is they always have a hunger to catch the news. The more sensational the talk is, the more enthusiastically they adopt it.

The author said Trump has a point. The Mass Media has been right through, and is played into his hand, and he continued like the next.

In short, if being different from others, asserting itself more than necessary, doing something…

No.48 23/07/23 10:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The more sensational the talk is, the more carefully they listen to》

…doing something bold, or doing something controversial, the Mass Media will adopt it. He said he always did something different from others, and without being worried about being the point in dispute, he always makes a deal ambitiously. He is the one who is successful at an early age and led the luxury life. As a result, the Mass Media has learned to write his article gladly.

The author said the thing which Trump has done is more than asserting himself.

No.49 23/07/23 10:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The more sensational the talk is, the more carefully they listen to》

Without being worried about being the point in dispute is right, the author said. Trump continued.

He said he isn’t a popular one in the Mass Media. Both of something good and something bas on himself has been written by the Mass Media, but from the point of view on a businessman, the more written by the Mass Media, the better.

He pointed out if doing advertising only 1 page on the New York Times, it costs a large amount of money, but written by the Mass Media…

No.50 23/07/23 11:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Ⅱ The President who used the violent language was born】

《The more sensational the talk is, the more carefully they listen to》

…but written by the Mass Media on himself means being able to do advertising without spending any money.

When each of other candidates spent the large amount of money on its own CM on TV, he’d never did advertising for himself. Even if something bad, if adopting by the Mass Media as ordinary article, it’s effective on advertising greatly.

Furthermore, he stated point-black like the next at last.

The effectiveness on advertisement is a bluff. Challenging the….





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