
Science,English,and math 7th

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22/01/02 11:52(更新日時)

I will start from now on



No.3364176 21/09/01 00:47(スレ作成日時)



No.1 21/09/02 20:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Continuation of the last response in the 6th

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a huge star will melt the earth after five billion years》

…so its fuel decreases and its cinders accumulates. As helium is heavier than hydrogen central part on the sun becomes heavier gradually.

As being heavier, it’ll learn to be smashed little by little? It won’t.

When being heavier, the way of burning the atomic nucleus becomes better inside the sun, so the temperature rose and pressure occurs. Then the pressure can support the thing which is crushed.

No.2 21/09/02 20:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a huge star will melt the earth after five billion years》

Therefore as its size doesn’t change, the way of burning becomes better gradually. It has been thought the way of shining on the sun increases in the future, but the situation doesn’t continue forever, for atomic nucleus on hydrogen around the center of the sun will be missing before long.

But it doesn’t always mean that even if the atomic nucleus on hydrogen will be missing, the fuel will disappear at once, for after atomic nucleus on hydrogen burns up…

No.3 21/09/02 21:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a tremendous star will melt the earth after five billion years》

…for after atomic nucleus on hydrogen burns up atomic nucleus on helium begins to burn this time. When atomic nucleus on helium burns other atomic nucleus on chemical elements like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen are formed. Those atomic nucleus become cinders this time.

As to the star like the sun, after atomic nucleus on helium burned up, its cinders don’t begin to burn again.

When there is nothing to be burned in the central part on the sun, gravitational…

No.4 21/09/02 21:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a tremendous star will melt the earth after five billion years》

…gravitational balance on the sun is broken and the surface on the sun begins to swell. It’s a stage on the sun of red huge star then. The sun reaches the stage after some five billion years.

The sea evaporates from the surface on the earth until then and inside the earth becomes cool.

Though the author said like that, the sun is so hot that the earth will be melted, its inside is cool? I don’t know why it is.

Then the earth will be a dead star…

No.5 21/09/02 22:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a huge star will melt the earth after five billion years》

Then the earth will be a dead star geologically.

After five billion years, the surface on the sun will be melted so much that the sun will be filled with the sea of magma like when the earth was born, but the magma evaporates from the surface on the sun, and the sun becomes smaller gradually in the future.

At last all the magma evaporates, and the sun scatters in the outer space as gas.

【Protection for the earth which is irreplaceable for us】

No.6 21/09/05 01:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Protection for the earth which is irreplaceable for us】

Unusual climate and global warming in the scale of the world. It seems that the earth is in the middle of an uproar.

Lots of varied wild animals have been on the verge of ruin. What will happen in the earth where we live from now on?

The book is developed, being based on the three next content.

1 the latest report on a great uproar on the earth

2 the latest report on our companies which disappear from the earth.

3 Mr. Mori spoke on the earth when looking at it from the outer space.

【A great uproar on the earth】

No.7 21/09/05 02:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《What’s happened on the earth just now?》

Unusual climate in the scale of the earth has been appealed for a long time. A record uproar has happened all over the world in 1995.

Destruction on the ozone layer has been violent still more, and a ozone hole over the Antarctic becomes twice as wide as European continent.

It has been suggested that there is a possibility that a viral disease which used to be in the tropical regions alone will spread over the world.

What causes the great uproar? What will happen on the earth from now on?

No.8 21/09/05 02:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《Area on ozone hole becomes twice as wide as the European continent》

Though the book said it was the latest report, it was published after 1995. Some quarter century ago. It doesn’t always mean that I try to threaten readers, but I’m afraid the situation has been more serious at present.

Phenomenon of all amount of ozone has decreased over Antarctic every year from September to November from the end of the 1970s.

It looks as if the ozone over the Antarctic disappeared in the shape of circle there, so we call the phenomenon ozone hole.

No.9 21/09/05 02:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《Area on the ozone hole becomes twice as wide as European continent》

After that the scale on the ozone hole becomes larger more and more, and after 1989, the one which was the big scale appeared every year.

The biggest ozone hole twice as big as European continent which includes the territory on the old Soviet Union.

Freon was exhausted on the ground and it causes a specific chemical reaction over the Antarctic. Then a large amount of chlorine gas is released, so the whole amount of ozone becomes less extremely.

The chlorine gas becomes active by the…

No.10 21/09/05 03:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《An area on the ozone hole becomes twice as big as European continent》

The chlorine gas becomes active by the sunlight in spring, and destroys the ozone layer rapidly.

Freon has been used for refrigerator or when washing semi conductor. It was in 1995 when there was possibility that the Freon broke the ozone layer. It was suggested by a chemist who received Nobel Prize.

Vienna treaty or Montreal protocol were adopted so as to protect the ozone layer in the latter of 1980s.

No.11 21/09/05 03:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《An area on ozone hole becomes twice as big as European continent》

Measure of decreasing specific Freon by half until the end of 20th century started in 1989. It was done in the scale of the world.

It has been foreseen that the ozone hole over the Antarctic would expand after some years, but after that an effect appear and become reduction slowly.

But it has been thought the ozone hole doesn’t disappear for a half century from 1995 at least.

《The amount of ozone has decreased in the northern semi sphere as well》

Except for tropical zone, not only in the…

No.12 21/09/05 03:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

Except for tropical zone, not only in the Antarctic but in the almost all of the whole area on the stratosphere 成層圏, the ozone layer tends to decrease from 1980s, especially in the north latitude 30 degrees, the tendency of decreasing ozone layer becomes larger every year. Northern semi sphere like Canada, Siberia, and Hokkaido prefecture is serious.

It has been thought if having destroyed on the ozone layer in the Mid latitude region, it has a bad influence on varied creatures.

No.13 21/09/05 04:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

The ozone layer in stratosphere absorbs harmful ingredient on the ultraviolet from the sun, but when the amount of ozone decreases, the harmful ingredient on the ultraviolet which reaches on the ground increases.

It causes skin cancer, cataract 白内障, and immunity drops.

When decreasing no more than 1% on the whole amount of ozone layer, it has been foreseen patients who suffer from skin cancer increases by 2%.

As to dropping immunity, there has never been reported concretely at present, but…

No.14 21/09/05 07:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

…but it has been expected in the future enough.

To make matters worse, if the mid latitude region becomes the climate like the subtropical zone like at present, it has been expected region of a mosquito which transmits malaria, and virus in sub tropical zone survives expands, so there is fear that a contagious disease making immunity drop spread over.

Moreover, except for humankind, influence on amount of harvest on grain , a drop on its grade and decrease on plankton has been thought.

No.15 21/09/05 08:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

Vienna treaty and Montreal protocol have been adopted so as to protect ozone layer in stratosphere at the latter in 1980s, but after that it turned out the destruction on the ozone layer was made progress more than we expected, so a schedule on controlling the amount of Freon was strengthened in 1990 and in 1992.

It was planned Freon was abolished in the whole world including developing countries in 2005. If going well as planned, the peak of destruction on the ozone layer in the …

No.16 21/09/05 08:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

…the peak on destruction of ozone layer in the stratosphere was around 1998, and after that it would be to restoration slowly.

When looking at the international movement, it seems that the problem on Freon has already been solved, but the ones which were substituted for Freon spurred on the global warming, and tropospheric ozone 対流圏オゾン which causes photochemical smog tends to increase Furthermore, other harmful gas which have never been controlled has increased rapidly.

Lots of problems…

No.17 21/09/05 12:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

Lots of problems still remains at present.

Moreover lots of money is necessary so as to do away with Freon in developing counties, but there isn’t enough money for it, so it has been thought cooperation between international society would be significant more and more from now on.

《A huge iceberg which flows out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

It was January in 1995 when a tremendous crack was discovered at Larsen iceberg of eastern area in Antarctic peninsula. The crack…

No.18 21/09/05 12:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A huge iceberg which flows out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

The crack which covers dozens of kilometers expands gradually, and a part of the ice shelf was separate from January to February, and changed into a tremendous iceberg and flowed out.

It was estimated its length was 200 kilometers, width 35kilometers, thickness 200 meters. Its area was so vast that it’s as big as the whole Kanagawa prefecture.

It has been reported one after another lately that the gigantic iceberg flowed out around Antarctic. Needless to see the sinking on…

No.19 21/09/05 13:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A huge iceberg which flows out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

Needless to see the sinking on the Titanic, flowing out on the gigantic iceberg is dangerous existence extremely for ships which sail on the sea.

A laboratory in America continues to watch the tremendous iceberg using artificial satellite around Antarctic from the latter in 1970s. An object for watching is major axis is over some 280 kilometers.

When looking at the record on the iceberg which flowed out in the past, the big scale was the next one. The ice shelf collapsed on …

No.20 21/09/05 15:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A tremendous iceberg which flows out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

The ice shelf collapsed and covered of which length was 210 kilometers and of which width was 90 kilometers, and three huge iceberg flowed out. Each of three was almost the same size. Its length was 70 kilometers and width was 70 kilometers.

In 1987, other super huge iceberg of which length was 154 kilometers and of which width was 36 kilometers and other four tremendous ones flowed out. After that, the vast iceberg flowed out a few times in a year, and the situation…

No.21 21/09/05 15:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A vast iceberg which flowed out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

…and the situation doesn’t change so much.

Does it happen owing to the global warming? If thinking so, it’s rash. Even if one of them was super tremendous, it accounts for just 0.02 % in the whole area of the Antarctic continent.

But if the earth goes to the global warming, it has been thought its sign appears remarkably extremely. Researchers in English observatory of the Antarctic thought the collapse on the ice shelf connects with a change on climate like the global warming.

No.22 21/09/05 15:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A gigantic iceberg which flowed out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

A reason why we have been worried about is it has been thought that our activity of the humankind promotes the global warming. We must not miss every sign on the global warming so as to control the activity on the humankind appropriately.

We need to strengthen the watch on the huge iceberg and on the polar region.

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high does it rise?》

Sandy beach of shore makes up for some 20%…

No.23 21/09/05 16:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high does it rise?》

Sandy beach of shore makes up for some 20% on the shore all over the world. Lots of them shows us tendency to erode for dozens of years in the past. The one which shows us tendency of going ahead accounts for no more than below 10% in the shore of sandy beach. Its main cause is slow rise on the surface of the sea.

For example, at seashore on the Atlantic Ocean in America it has been reported that the surface of the sea has risen from 30 to 40…

No.24 21/09/05 16:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high does it rise?》

…the surface of the sea has risen from 30 to 40 centimeters for a century in the past, and the most serious place reaches a thousand centimeters.

The temperature on the earth has risen from 0.4 to 0.5 degrees for a hundred years in the past. Ice sheet retreats with the global warming and water of melting ice flows into the ocean. As temperature on the surface of the water rose and cubic volume on the sea water swells.

Those changes make the…

No.25 21/09/05 16:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high does it rose?》

Those change make the surface of the sea rise gradually. Though the data on tidal observatory in the world are uneven, there has been lots of reports that the tide level has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. The speed of the surface of the sea tends to accelerate a little.

How high does the surface of the sea rise in the future?

If controlling on exhausting gas by global warming like carbon oxide doesn’t make…

No.26 21/09/07 19:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

If controlling on exhausting gas by global warming like carbon oxide doesn’t make progress very well, it was expected by the IPCC in 1990 the surface of the sea will rise to around 66 centimeters until 2100.

IPCC is an abbreviation of intergovernmental Panel on Climate change. It is made up with specialists and researchers on change of climate all over the world. It belongs to the United Nations.

IPCC showed us an amended scenario on…

No.27 21/09/07 20:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeter for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rose?》

IPCC showed us an amended scenario on exhausting gas by global warming with a rise on temperature in 1992.

According to the scenario, when the density on the carbon dioxide in the air becomes double, it is estimated the temperature will rise by 2.5 ℃ by 2100.

The expectation on low temperature is 1.5 ℃, and the high temperature is 4.5 ℃.

With the rise on the temperature, the surface of the sea will rose around 48 centimeters until 2100.

No.28 21/09/07 20:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

The value which is expected the lowest on the surface of the sea is 16 centimeters, and the highest one is 90 centimeters.

The value on expectation is four times as fast as the speed on rising the surface of the sea for a hundred years in the past. The speed on the rising the surface of the sea is apt to become fast gradually every year.

It is estimated it is possible its speed is almost 1 centimeter a year in the 22nd century.

Its speed is…

No.29 21/09/07 21:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past.How high will it rise?》

Rising on the surface of the sea has various influence on the sea shore each place of the world.

For example, promotion of retreating on a cliff, a sink on a shore reef 岩礁, erosion on the sea shore, expansion on an inlet and bay, islands made up with coral reel sinking in the water, salt water wedge 塩水くさび reaching upper stream on the river, density on salt in groundwater increases.

The salt water wedge is seawater goes upstream against a river…

No.30 21/09/07 21:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 15 to 10 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

The salt water wedge is a phenomenon that seawater goes upstream in the river or advances into aquifer 滞水層, and density on the salt increases there.

In a seashore of sandy beach which is apt to retreat at present, a dike on sea shore, a pier and breakwater 離岸堤 are combined, the combination prevents coastline from retreating.

The breakwater is a structure which is formed off the coast parallel to the coastline. Its effect is two. Getting rid of…

No.31 21/09/07 21:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

Getting rid of waves and making the force on waves weak.

Rising on the surface of the sea will make artificial seashore of sandy beach increase more and more, so natural seashore is facing a crisis of disappearing in the future.

Expectation on the global warming for a longer time has been done recently. Its model is the one like the next.

Atmosphere in which an amount of carbon dioxide becomes twice after seventy years, and it becomes four times…

No.32 21/09/07 22:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

…and it becomes four times as dense as at present after 140 years and after that carbon dioxide doesn’t increase at all.

Then the temperature will rise from 3.5 to 7 ℃ after five hundred years. Considering thermal expansion alone, it is estimated the surface of the sea will rise from 1 to 2 meters.

If adding melting water by ice sheet to the sea water, it has been thought the surface of the sea will rise 1 centimeter every year for hundreds of years

No.33 21/09/07 22:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

We the humankind have developed a coastal city, a harbor, an industrial area, and agricultural land for a long time until at present. If wanting to maintain them, we need to reduce the amount of exhausting gas on the global warming like carbon dioxide and to make the global warming on the climate of the earth and the rise on the surface of the sea be late for anyway.

《How long will the valuable tropical forest exist?》

The area on the forest make…

No.34 21/09/08 01:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable forest exist?》

The area on the forest makes up for from 30 to 40% at the area of land on the earth at present. The forest has played a significant part for varied creatures for stability on climate, or as a place where oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged.

But we the humankind who scattered the whole earth have destroyed a large scale of forests each place in the world, especially the most serious was a tropical forest recently.

The tropical forest has distributes over green belt between north tropic and south tropic, as the equator…

No.35 21/09/08 01:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable forest exist?》

The center on the tropic is the equator.

Four hundred and fifty million hectares were lost from 1960 to 1990, and 1500 hectares have disappeared a year at present. The area where there are big lost is Brazil, Indonesia, and Zaire. Why was it done?

The area was diverted to a pasture in Brazil, deforestation and the area was diverted to the field which was burned off in the Southern East Asia, and gathering wood for fuel in Africa.

There are plenty of kinds of animal and plant which inhabit the forest in the tropical area.

No.36 21/09/08 02:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable tropic forest exist?》

In addition, seeds on lots of crops have been gained from the tropical forest and it has been thought plenty of unknown resource exist there. Losing the forest means destroying a treasure house of gene.

Moreover destruction on the forest has bad influence over climate.

The forest absorbs plenty of water from the underground and transpires in the atmosphere. It’s played a part as tremendous pump.

If the forest disappears, it causes a decrease on the amount of rainfall and the temperature goes up. To make matters…

No.37 21/09/08 02:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable tropical forest exist?》

To make matters worse, water retaining capacity on the soil decreases, even a little rainfall causes often flood. The flood causes serious disaster in Philippine.

Furthermore, destruction on the tropical forest made a large amount of carbon stored in trees and their soil release, and it spurs the global warming on.

Japan is a country which imports wood more than any others in the world. There are lots of forests destroyed by importing woods to Japan in Southern east Asia.

As to an area on the forest, there are…

No.38 21/09/08 08:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable tropical forest exist?》

As to an area on the tropical forest, there is 1.2 hectares a single person in developing countries in 1960, but with increase on the population rapidly, it decreased to 0.6 hectare in 1990. To make matters worse, it was expected it would be 0.2 hectare in 2020.

Japan which is the biggest country for importing wood in the world should take into account for protection on wood in developing countries more carefully.

We the Japanese should protect primeval forest which is running short in the tropical forest and…

No.39 21/09/08 18:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable tropical forest exist?》

…and we should help the people for the greatest possible effort around the tropical forest on funds and technical skill so as to lead their lives without destroying the forest.

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes epidemic on unknown virus》

Ebola fever was prevalent so much at Zaire in Africa in 1995. A dramatic symptom like bleeding from the whole body and high death rate threatened the people in the world.

It was caused by Ebola virus and has been thought that it hid in the depth of the tropical forest.

No.40 21/09/08 18:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

It has been mysterious with regard to the place where the virus hides and a route how the people were infected.

Except for the Ebola virus, emerging virus which causes serious sickness was found one after another during a few decades until 1995. Each of them is unknown virus which we the humankind have never met before, so there are few effective vaccines and treatment for the emerging disease.

The hosts on the virus are wild animals which inhabit the tropical forest like monkeys, mice.

No.41 21/09/08 19:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

As a result the virus was shut by deep forests, but as the society becomes modern and population increases, we the humankind started to destroy forests in a large scale in order to expand farmland and to secure wood, then came across the emerging virus which was sealed in the forests for a long time.

It has been expected that the humankind would encounter unknown virus still more, and it has been thought the emerging virus which was prevalent once would be epidemic again in the future .

No.42 21/09/08 19:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

To make matters worse, the global warming causes possibility there is a dangerous sign that the epidemic peculiar to the tropical area is prevalent in the Mid-latitude region, for mosquitos and mites ダニ which used to inhabit the tropical area alone and carried disease can learn to inhabit the Mid-latitude region, especially it has been expected a habitat on the mosquito which carry malaria would expand to the northern area in widely more than at present.

As a result the place where…

No.43 21/09/08 19:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

As a result it has been expected that the place where malaria is epidemic would expand considerably, and Japan islands are also included in dangerous zone where the disease is prevalent, of which center is southwest islands.

When the temperature goes up, there is fear that emerging disease dengue bleeding fever is prevalent in Mid-latitude region. Actually Hantavirus Plumonary Syndrome was epidemic at southwestern in America March in 1993, and it was caused El Niño phenomenon.

No.44 21/09/08 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

As the temperature went up unusually in the Pacific Ocean and El Niño was caused. Trees bore a large amount of fruits unusually thanks to the high temperature, and rodents 齧歯類 which carried Hantavirus ate the fruits as feed and increased rapidly then.

We the humankind try to strangle with our own hands automatically. As Japan is island country, we the Japanese aren’t interested in emerging disease very much, but it has been reported patients who were infected overseas and returned to Japan.

No.45 21/09/08 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

The number of the patients is over a hundred a year.

Without thinking the situation in foreign countries as something that had nothing to do with us, we need to found watching system and researching system against the unknown virus as developed country.

In addition we should change the society which consumed and produced a large amount of things and leads to destruction on the ecosystem so as that the humankind continues to flourish.

The author said like that.

《Mt. Kokonoe erupted…》

No.46 21/09/08 20:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Mt. Kuju erupted. An earthquake at southern area in Hyogo prefecture of which seismic intensity was 7.2. Inspection on Japan which has shaken violently》

Japan was filled with news on eruption and earthquake in 1995. Was Japan island in the period on activity of volcano and earthquake?

Mt. Kuju erupted in Oita prefecture after two hundred fifty seven years. Activity on Sakurajima was also so active that no less than forty thousand hundred tons of volcanic ashes fell for no more than two days August in 1995.

Sakurajima didn’t erupt more than two hundred days…

No.47 21/09/08 21:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Inspection on Japan which shook violently》

The subtitle was so long that I omitted it.

…as a large amount of volcanic ashes fell after a long time and there was voice of being worried about a great eruption, but average on amount of falling volcanic ashes for twenty years in the past was ten million ton, so there were several times on the eruption of the scale of this time in the past.

The number of eruption on volcano was six times from January to November in 1995. The number of volcano which researchers recognized unusual activity was twelve.

No.48 21/09/08 21:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Inspection on Japan which shook violently》

Its number is the one in average year, but there were few eruption from 1991 to 1994 except for some volcanoes which often erupted like Unzen, Aso, Sakurajima, and Suwanose island.

As there were other eruption like Kujuusan and Yakedake it seems that volcanic activity becomes active again. Earthquake broke out all over the world and no less than 10% of them occurred around Japan, and the earthquake of which seismic intensity was 7 broke out a few times a year. There were other earthquake which is the same scale of…

No.49 21/09/08 21:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Inspection on Japan which shook violently 》

There were other earthquakes which were the same scale of seismic intensity lately, so it is said the area around Japan has been in a period on activity of earthquake.

《Unusual climate and global warming causes something wrong on rhythm of creatures》

The Meteorological Agency observes creatures every season. For example, a cherry blossom comes into flower, Maple tree turns red, a first buzzing on a large brown cicada アブラゼミ.

Observing on twelve kinds of plants and eleven kinds of animals make the Meteorological…

No.50 21/09/08 22:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Unusual climate and global warming causes something wrong on rhythm on creatures》

Observing twelve kinds of plants and eleven kinds of animals makes the Meteorological Agency inform seasonal changes, but varied something unusual began to be reported from 1980s.

Coming into flowers on plums and Yamahagi become earlier and turning yellow on ginkgo 銀杏 and turning red on maple tree become later. As to coming into flower on Yamahagi, it continues to be faster than an average year in the whole Japan after 1986.

Plum and dandelion comes into flower earlier…

No.51 21/09/08 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Unusual climate and global warming begin to cause something wrong on rhythm on creatures》

It has been thought Plum and dandelion come into flower earlier owing to influence over warm winter and ginkgo turns into yellow and maple tree turns red thanks to warm autumn, but as to the climate for a decade when there was unusual on Yamahagi, there were varied things like warm winter, intense heat, and cool summer, so no one can specify each of cause. Climate change in a scale of the earth like becoming warm may have something to do with the unusual things.

No.52 21/09/10 20:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Unusual climate and global warming begins to cause something wrong on rhythm of creatures》

How does global warming have influence over Japanese vegetation or coming into flower on cherry? It has been simulated.

According to data on estimation by Environmental Agency, when the temperature goes up by 1 ℃ by global warming, it is said southern limit on beech ブナ is in Kyushu area at present will go north to around Hokuriku area.

Though the sentence continued, I’m not sure that how it was dangerous concretely, for its study began to start when this book was…

No.53 21/09/10 20:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

Continuation of the last response.

…for its study began to start when the book was published. I find it boring, so I’m going to start the next topic.

《The earth has been in the middle of something unusual》

Our earth has come across various environmental change from four billion six hundred million years ago when the earth was born.

Homo sapiens which was ancestor for us the humankind appeared some two hundred thousand years ago, and after that the situation becomes clear by analysis on core of ice by observatory base in Antarctic.

Information on change of…

No.54 21/09/10 20:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The earth has been in the middle of something unusual》

Information which shows us the change on climate for some two hundred twenty thousand years in the past remains at the core of ice in the observatory base of which depth was 2546 meters.

Researching isotope 同位体 on heavy hydrogen which is included in the core of the ice makes us know the change on temperature.

What is the isotope?

Atom is made up with an atomic nucleus and electrons, and the atomic nucleus is made up with protons 陽子 and neutrons.

Number of proton is added to the number of neutron is…

No.55 21/09/10 22:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The earth has been in the middle of something unusual》

The number of proton is added to the number of neutron is equal to the mass on the atomic nucleus.

There are some atoms of which mass is different, and we call it the isotope. Why is the mass different? The number of neutron is different.

When researching the ration on the isotope on the heavy hydrogen at the core of the ice in Antarctic, the change on the temperature for long ago becomes clear.

The author said like that, but why? It wasn’t described so I don’t know why it was.

I’m going to return…

No.56 21/09/10 22:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The earth has been in the middle of something unusual》

I’m going to return my main topic.

According to the data, a glacial period in which the temperature was low extremely was twice, and there was an interglacial period 間氷期 which was the same climate like present time between the glacial period.

The glacial period which was chill came to an end one hundred forty thousand years ago and warm interglacial period continued some thirty thousand years.

After that the chill glacial period started some one hundred ten thousand years ago and continued some some…

No.57 21/09/10 22:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The earth has been in the middle of something unusual》

…and the chill glacial period continued some one hundred thousand years until ten thousand years ago.

We have been in warm interglacial period at present.

If analyzing an air bubble at the core of the ice, we can know the density on carbon dioxide or methane in the atmosphere.

When watching the change on temperature, density on carbon dioxide or methane, it turned out that there is interrelation between them.

Density on methane and carbon dioxide were high in the interglacial period when it was warm.

No.58 21/09/10 22:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《We have been in the middle of something unusual》

On the other hand, the density on methane and carbon dioxide became low in the chill glacial period.

Even if there was none of activity on humankind, the change on carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere kept pace with the change on the temperature.

We know the change on density of the gaseous body is related to the change on climate closely.

《Accumulation by polluted material causes the great uproar on the earth》

The humankind in the early days ate wild nuts like other animals and obeyed the surrounding

No.59 21/09/10 23:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Accumulation by polluted material causes the great uproar on the earth》

We the humankind used to live in the early days like that. After that the humankind used the fire and did agriculture, so changed the surrounding artificially, but its influence was slight for a long time, and was limited to a small area where it lived then.

As a result, without being disturbed by activity on the humankind, the earth changed according to providence in the nature.

Even if a large scale of construction like the Great Wall of China was done, its influence was limited its...

No.60 21/09/10 23:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Accumulation by polluted material causes the great uproar on the earth》

…its influence was limited to its neighborhood alone.

Industrial revolution started about the middle of the 18th century, after that a large amount of fossil fuel started to be burned.

Its influence was in the local area alone, air pollution was around place on the industrial area alone. We thought for a long time.

When burning, carbon dioxide was released, but its density was so low that it didn’t have bad influence over creatures direct, so its influence was overlooked, but…    

No.61 21/09/11 23:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Accumulation by polluted material causes the great uproar on the earth》

…but even if a pollution which causes a slight influence in a short term is accumulated, a terrible uproar will be caused. It has been recognized in various situations on environment after the Great World War Ⅱ. It’s example is Minamata disease.

Organic mercury was exhausted from a factory and its density was so thin that its influence over creatures seemed to be unbelievable, but polluted material was concentrated to high density by food chain through plankton and fish, and a tragedy of…

No.62 21/09/11 23:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Accumulation by polluted material causes the great uproar on the earth》

…and a tragedy of Minamata disease was caused.

Same thing has happened at the carbon dioxide and Freon in the atmosphere.

When being exhausted, it was a slight pollution but it was accumulated for a long time, so there has been a big probability that it entraps the earth into irreparable tragedy.

《A rapid uproar extremely is caused by activity on humankind》

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to increase for two hundred fifty years until lately after the industrial revolution.

No.63 21/09/11 23:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A rapid uproar extremely is caused by activity on humankind》

Density on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere started to increase 0.15 ppm a year from the beginning in the 19th century, it was 0.6 ppm a year in 1950s, and 1.8 ppm in 1990s.

To tell the truth, when looking at the numerical value alone, I’m not sure how serious it is.

The earth has gone through the density of some 80 ppm on the carbon dioxide in the past, but the change was done gradually for thousands of years.

On the other hand the change which we’ve faced at present is a rapid one which happens…

No.64 21/09/12 00:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A great uproar extremely is caused by activity on humankind》

…the change which we’ve faced at present is a rapid one which happens in a short term like a hundred years. Its ratio on the change is dozens of times.

To make matters worse, methane in the atmosphere has also increased rapidly. Methane is a gaseous body which promotes the global warming like carbon dioxide. It also continues to increase from the industrial evolution.

We can’t ignore the great damage to the global warming by methane any more.

《Can creatures get over the rapid change?》

No.65 21/09/12 00:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Can creatures get over the rapid change?》

It’s the biosphere which we’ve been worried about that it would be confused a lot thanks to the rapid change on the surrounding of the earth.

With the global warming, the temperate plants move to high latitudes. As to the one of which speed was fast comparatively, its speed was 100 kilometers a year. The one of which speed was slow was 30 kilometers a year.

On the other hand it has been estimated that the movement on a climatic zone to high latitudes is some 1000 kilometers for a hundred years.

No one can…

No.66 21/09/12 00:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Can creatures get over the rapid change?》

No one can guarantee whether or not plants all over the world can follow the change safely, but if the plants can’t, animals which coexist with the plants will be damaged. It’s inevitable.

As a result, diversity on the creatures will be damaged extremely.

《As to the estimation on the global warming, there is something vague》

It is certain that the humankind have consumed a large amount of fossil fuel so much that carbon dioxide increases, and it makes the climate on the earth warm.

If carbon dioxide continues to…

No.67 21/09/12 05:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《As to the estimation on the global warming, there is something vague》

If carbon dioxide continues to increase as it was, it becomes double in 2100, according to the research by the government. Then it has been estimated that the temperature would rise from 1.5 to 4 ℃.

As to the estimation on the most appropriate numerical value, the temperature which would go up is by 2.5 ℃. The expectation on the global warming is shown by simulation being based on physical law.

As to the proper reasoning, it was made sure by a comparison with the observatory data in the…

No.68 21/09/12 05:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《As to the estimation on the global warming, there is something vague》

…it has been made sure by the observatory data in the past, but the credibility on the estimation of the observatory data, there is room for improvement. The most important theme is an effect on minute particles of sulfur oxide floating in the troposphere 対流圏. It is called aerosol in the troposphere.

The aerosol in the troposphere causes not only a local air pollution but appeases the global warming by increase on the carbon dioxide. The effect on controlling the global warming by the…

No.69 21/09/12 06:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the estimation】

《As to the estimation on the global warming, there is something vague》

The effect on the controlling the global warming by the aerosol in the troposphere is two.

The first is the aerosol which means minute particles on sulfur oxide themselves reflect extra radiation from the sun and decreases the amount of energy which will absorb by the earth. As to the first estimation, we can rely it on pretty.

The second is the aerosol has influence over clouds and it changes particles made up with clouds. It controls the global warming indirect.

The aerosol which…

No.70 21/09/12 06:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《As to the estimation on the global warming, there is something vague》

As to the aerosol which means minute particles on sulfur dioxide, they divide large particles made up with clouds into small ones. When small particles made up with clouds increases, reflection on the sun by the cloud increases, as a result, the amount of energy which the earth absorbs decreases.

A meteorological satellite observed thick clouds along with a route by ship, so the effect over the aerosol is clear. There is smoke from the chimney on ships. The meteorological satellite can’t…

No.71 21/09/12 06:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《As to the estimation on the global warming, there is something vague》

The meteorological satellite can’t observe the smoke from ships, but minute particles on sulfur oxide included in the smoke had influence over the smoke in the sky, so the ability on reflection by the cloud increased. As a result, the meteorological satellite could observe it.

But as to the influence by the second effect, we can’t grasp how much it is done. Making progress on the research for the phenomenon is essential so as to heighten the credibility on the global warming.

No.72 21/09/12 08:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The key on the rise of the surface of the sea is in change of snowfall in Antarctic》

Credibility on estimation of the surface of the sea with the rise on temperature isn’t enough. The surface of the sea rises with the rise on the temperature has been made sure by a theory or data in the past.

But the main reason that it is limited to the credibility on estimation for its amount is lacking of information on snowfall in Antarctic.

In Antarctic where the temperature is extremely low, even if the global warming breaks out, melting snow doesn’t increase, but…

No.73 21/09/12 11:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The key on the rise of the surface of the sea is in a change on snowfall in Antarctic》

…but snowfall increases, as a result, an accumulation of snow also increases in Antarctic.

Without being clear how the snowfall changes with the global warming, we can’t estimate the surface of the sea exactly.

There is other problem.

Rising on the surface of the sea in the scale of the earth was some 10 centimeters in the past, and half of them has been estimated swelling on account that the temperature on the seawater rose.

How much does the temperature on the seawater…

No.74 21/09/12 12:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The key on the rise of the surface of the sea is in a change of snowfall in the Antarctic》

How much does the temperature on the seawater including ocean of depth rise in the 21st century? There isn’t enough observatory data on it, so we can’t estimate it easily.

《To enrich the observatory data and EKO have been longed》

EKO is an abbreviation of Earth Keeping Operation.

A Technical satellite of platform on observation for the earth was launched in 1996, of which center was a corporation on development for the outer space. The satellite was called ADEOS.

No.75 21/09/12 12:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《To enrich observatory data and EKO has been longed》

The aim on the artificial satellite is watching the surrounding on the earth like the global warming, destruction on the tropical rain forest, destruction on ozone layer, decrease on the tropical rain forest.

It carries a spectroscope measuring the amount of ozone, and implement of observing the density on gas of greenhouse effect.

Launching the artificial satellite makes the observatory data which is lacking in enrich and realization on estimation of observation for unusual climate.

No.76 21/09/12 12:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《To enrich the observatory data and EKO has been longed》

The summit on the earth was done at Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and 155 countries signed a treaty of framework for change on climate. It came into effect March in 1994. Its aim was preventing the global warming from breaking out.

Regulation on exhaust of the carbon dioxide is expressed in the treaty, but doesn’t include almost any concrete duty, so we’ve expected we are worried about that there is no effect on the treaty.

An exhaust on the carbon dioxide is related to economic development for each country.

No.77 21/09/12 13:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《To enrich observatory data and EKO has been longed》

Forcing the duty on regulation of exhausting for the carbon dioxide on each country is almost impossible, but we have to avoid the crisis that the whole earth falls into the great uproar owing to the activity by the humankind.

So the United Nation have to found Earth Keeping Operation and to take into action forcefully so as to maintain the surrounding on the earth.

【Companions which are about to disappear from the earth】

《The number of animals which become extinct is more than six hundred, and others…》

No.78 21/09/12 18:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which are about to disappear from the earth】

《The number of animals which become extinct is more than six hundred and the ones which are endangered species some six thousands》

Lots of creatures have disappeared from the earth like dodo, Japanese wolf, and quagga. Extinction has never been a thing in the past. Other animals which are familiar with us in zoo have been in the verge of extinction like African elephant, black rhino, Siberian tiger and orangutan.

《Species become extinct four thousandth times as quick as dinosaurs》

The Prime Minister Castro asked research…

No.79 21/09/12 18:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which are about to disappear from the earth】

《Species become extinct four thousandth times as quick as dinosaurs》

The Prime Minister Castro in Cuba asked research workers on birds each of foreign country including America to investigate the last habitat for a kind of woodpecker in Cuba thoroughly spring in 1986.

It was no more than three of the woodpeckers which they could recognize their existence. The Prime Minister specified the habitat as protective area at once and forbade logging, but the trace of existing on the woodpecker disappeared spring in 1993.

It was a big…

No.80 21/09/12 19:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which are about to disappear from the earth】

《Species become extinct four thousandth times as quick as dinosaurs》

It was a big woodpecker of which full length on the body was 50 centimeters and used to inhabit the U.S.A.widely, but decreased thanks to logging primeval forests, so they have never been observed after 1948.

The people who concerned the woodpecker hoped the population on the woodpecker which were left in Cuba alone to exist, but it has been thought it becomes extinct at last. We have to add to the name of bird which vanished in the death register in the past.

No.81 21/09/12 20:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which are about to disappear from the earth】

《Species become extinct four thousandth times as quick as dinosaurs》

Lots of other animals which become extinct are added to the item for extinct species in red list. Endangered species or extinct species are registered in the red list.

Extinct species increases more and more in the present time. It is well known that dinosaurs perished one after another sixty five million years ago. Some research workers calculate the speed on become extinct on dinosaurs then was one four thousandth at present.

It is the time of a large…

No.82 21/09/12 20:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which disappear from the earth】

《Species become extinct four thousandth times as quick as dinosaurs》

It is the time of become extinct in a large scale which has never been in the history of creatures. There is an estimation that as if half on the whole kinds of creatures became extinct until the end in the 21st century.

I’m going to express some species which became extinct.


It used to inhabit Mauritius Island east to Madagascar. Its full size was 1 meter and its weight was 20 kilogram. It was gigantic as bird but it belonged to pigeon.

It didn’t have any…

No.83 21/09/12 21:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which disappear from the earth】


Dodo didn’t have any foreign enemy, so it didn’t have to fly, as a result its wing degenerated, but after discovery by humankind, it became edible or a stuffed animal owing to its humorous shape, so it became extinct within no more than two hundred years.

『Passenger pigeon』

It was in northern area in North America in summer and moved to around the Mexican Gulf in winter. The large flock of birds were over two billion. When passing through the sky over the people it became dark for a long time because of the large flock of birds.

No.84 21/09/12 21:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which disappear from the earth】

『Passenger pigeon』

But forest which was its habitat was cleared one after another and it was over hunted for edible or material for a down quilt, so it decreased rapidly and became extinct in 1914.


Thirteen kinds of Moa which was various size used to be in New Zealand. The most gigantic Moa reached no less than 3 meters. Even the biggest ostrich which exist at present is 2.5 meters at most.

After 1600, 30% of it became extinct. After 1800, no one could see its shape. It is said it died out because of over hunting by the Maori.

No.85 21/09/12 21:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which disappear from the earth】


Though forming a flock at savanna or at plain in South Africa and seemed to be numberless then. It was a kind of zebra. Its height from the ground to the shoulder was 1.4 meters. Its stripe was half of its body alone.

The Dutch immigrated there in 1652 and aborigines became their slave, and quagga became edible for the slave, and over hunted as material for leather bag and leather shoes, so the wild quagga disappeared in 1878.

It was raised at a zoo in Europe but the last one died in 1883.


It used to inhabit Australia.

No.86 21/09/14 22:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions which disappear from the earth】  


It’s a carnivorous animal and a marsupial 有袋類.

People brought dingoes belong to dogs, and the habitat of the フクロオオカミ was taken by dingoes and it disappeared from Australia.

Its last habitat was Tasmania, but it was got rid of because it attacked sheep. After the last one was dead in a zoo in 1933, there has never been a certain record of its existence.

《Animals disappeared from Japanese Islands where there is rich and plentiful nature》

An insistence that Japanese wolves don’t become extinct goes on and on even at present.

No.87 21/09/14 22:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappeared from the earth】

《Animals disappeared from Japanese Islands where there is rich and plentiful nature》

The Japanese wolf was small and primitive. The last one in a record was it was caught and killed in Nara prefecture in 1905, but some cases that it may have been the Japanese wolf continued after that, but unfortunately none of the cases have never been made sure by some taxonomists 分類学者 .

To distinguish between the Japanese wolf and a dog which becomes a wild is hard from a limited data, and it has never been unclear why it became extinct.

Various guess have…

No.88 21/09/15 21:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《Animals disappeared from the Japanese Islands where there is rich and plentiful nature》

Why did it become extinct? It has been unclear. There are some opinions on the extinction.

For example,a new contagious disease brought by foreign dogs like distemper, deer which was its feed decreased, a development had influenced over it multiply, but its decisive reason has been unclear even at present.

The Japanese Islands is long from the north to south and there are lots of rainfall, so there are various wild creatures there, but modernization in Meiji…

No.89 21/09/15 21:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《Animals disappeared from the Japanese Islands where there is rich and plentiful nature》

…but modernization in Meiji era and economic development after the World War Ⅱ had influence over the Japanese wolf greatly, and its extinction broke out in the process of the two of great changes.

The process was shown on Japanese otters カワウソ.

It is said it had seen at a river in Tokyo in the Meiji era and it survived in Nagano prefecture before the World War Ⅱ, but it has been unclear whether or not it survives in Shikoku area at present.


No.90 21/09/15 21:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear form the earth】

《Animals disappeared from the Japanese Islands where there is rich and plentiful nature》

It was hunted in excessive numbers owing to its fur, or fish which was its feed decreases, so if the energy on seeking its feed is bigger than energy of getting its feed, its extinction is just a matter of time.

To make matters worse, natural seashore disappeared, and artificial river increased so much that a place for making its nest decreased.

In addition, people invaded into an area where the Japanese otter took into action, so it put a pressure the on…

No.91 21/09/15 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《Animals disappeared from the Japanese Islands where there is rich and plentiful nature》

…so it put pressure on the otters, especially the ones which have been influenced by development easily are animals on islands, for the islands are isolated, so they became the habitats for animals which survived until people came there.

But once people came there with other foreign animals, an ecosystem collapses and valuable species which survived become extinct easily.

The Ogasawara Islands belongs to Japan in 1876, and its forest became below one tenth...

No.92 21/09/15 22:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《Animals disappeared from the Japanese Islands where there is rich and plentiful nature》

…and its forest became below one-tenth in 1895 and its population increased ten times as much as it was. It was five thousand.

People and new animals like rats, dogs, cats and other domestic animals caused the extinction on the animals in Ogasawara islands.


It used to inhabit main land alone. Its specimen has been arranged…

I’m very sleepy and to my sorrow, I can’t get over my sleepiness. I’m going to bed from now on. I’m sorry for it.

No.93 21/09/16 22:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】


Its specimen has been preserved in British Museum, but it has been unclear why it became extinct or its mode of life. Other オオコウモリ is on the verge of extinction.


It used to inhabit in Ogasawara Islands alone. It was collected in 1899, and after that no one could make sure its existence.

Its full length was 43 centimeters. It has been thought the development destroyed forests and it became extinct. People who moved to the islands handled the bird as food, so it is said it was one of reason why it became extinct.

No.94 21/09/16 22:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】


Its full length was 20 centimeters. It also used to inhabit Ogasawara Islands alone. The ones which were on the ground were collected in 1828, and it was recognized as new kind then.

After that when being researched, there is a record that a bird which was like オガサワラガビチョウ was seen, but after that none of them has been seen, so it has been thought it became extinct.

The bird wasn’t outstanding very much it has never been thought it was hunted in excessive numbers, so the reason on extinction has been mysterious.


It used…

No.95 21/09/16 22:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】


It used to inhabit each area of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, but its fur was so good and its liver was such a good medicine for tuberculosis 結核 that it was hunted in excessive numbers

Last one which was collected and was recognized as ニホンカワウソ in 1947, and it is said a few numbers existed in Shikoku, and excrement and tracks on ニホンカワウソ has been discovered in Kochi prefecture lately.

But the number of them which exist seems to be few extremely. It is classified endangered species.

『Wild tiger exists no less than from 5000 to 7400』

No.96 21/09/17 22:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

『Wild tigers exist no less than from 5000 to 7400』

It was at the end of 1960s when all the people paid attention to the crisis on tigers. An information that no less than 1800 tigers survived in India which was the most influential for tigers was shocking to us then. It means Bengal tiger.

A news on Bali tiger came to an end a long ago, and Persia tigers approached extinction limitlessly, to make matters worse, Javanese tigers were the same situation.

Protection on Bengal tiger was made progress by decision of Gandhi Prime Minister who was …

No.97 21/09/17 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

『Wild tigers exist no less than from 5000 to 7400』

Protection on Bengal tiger was made progress by decision of Indira Gandhi who was the Prime Minister and by strong support of WWF. WWF is an abbreviation of World Wide Fund for nature.

International well known protective area for tigers including Corbett National Park were prepared in India then, but a tremendous habitat and severe control on protection for tigers were necessary.

As a result, 9 special protective area for tigers were provided from 1973 to 1974, and increased to 17 until 1985.

No.98 21/09/17 23:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《The number of wild tigers are no less than from 5000 to 7400》

No one is allowed to settle down on the special protective area and even going into there is allowed a part of the special protective area alone conditionally.

The special protective area is different from other protective area and national parks in the past, it has a core area and a buffer zone.

The core area is a perfect protective area. It’s the heart of the special protective area, and the buffer zone is a neutral zone. The double structure has raised an effect on the protection.

No.99 21/09/17 23:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《The number of wild tigers are no less than from 5000 to 7400》

As to the number of tigers, there were only 268 in 9 special protective area in the beginning. The special protective area increased to 18 in 1989, and the tigers also increased to 1327 until 1989, and it was over 4000 in the whole India.

But its number recovered to 4500 in 1990s, then poaching 密漁 started to increase. The main aim for poaching used to get its fur, but this time the poaching was done for trading bone of tiger. It was sold in high price as material for Chinese medicine.

No.100 21/09/19 06:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《The number of wild tigers are no less than from 5000 to 7400》

The poaching was done for even Siberian tiger in Russian of which number was from 150 to 200. Every snow season there was always sacrifice by the poaching in Russian territory. It was so serious damage on tigers in Russia that WWF in America sent people and fund to Russia in haste and joined forces with Russia so as to prevent the poaching from defending then in response with an immediate demand from Russia.

Siberian tigers are close to extinction limitlessly in China and are just…

No.101 21/09/19 07:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《The number of wild tigers are no less than from 5000 to 7400》

…and are just below 10 in North Korea.

Amoy tigers which are distributed in China alone are from 30 to 80. Sumatran tigers are from 600 to 650, and Malaysian tigers are from 1050 to 1750, so the whole number on wild tigers are from 5000 to 7400.

Washington treaty was concluded November in 1994, then a suggestion about protection on tigers were one of focus on the treaty, but it regulates international trade alone.

Even if repeating an empty slogan over and over again, no one can…

No.102 21/09/19 07:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《The number of wild tigers are no less than 5000 to 7400》

…no one can protect wild tigers. It shows us clearly the activity on protection of Bengal tigers.

Indian government and WWF committed a large number of people and invested a large number of money and continue activity on protection persistently more than twenty years. WWF spent ninety and four thousand dollars from 1993 to 1994.

《African elephants continue to decrease even at present》

International investigation on the number of African elephants are continued. Its first total outcome…

No.103 21/09/19 07:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《African elephants continue to decrease even at present》

Its first total outcome was reported in 1993, but its minute investigation was hard, so it’s just an outline, for lots of cases were counted by the amount of dung and witness, and it was the base, so other regions were estimated being based on the count.

If the place was an open area, the census on elephants were done from the sky by airplane, but in forests the research was forced to be dependent the amount of dung and information by local people alone.

The result on the research, the…

No.104 21/09/19 07:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear form the earth】

《African elephants continue to decrease even at present》

As the result on research, it turned out that the number on elephants in forests were less than we expected until then.

The typical one was Zaire. It used to be said its number was no less than some three million at one time, but after that the estimation on its number was just three hundred thousand from 1970s to 1980s. To my surprise, the research on this time it was estimated no more than sixty four thousand.

It was said the whole number on elephants in Africa was from…

No.105 21/09/19 20:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《African elephants continue to decrease even at present》

It was said that the whole number on African elephants were from five hundred fifty thousand to sixty twenty hundred thousand. Lots of people who concerned African elephants said they increased a little in 1993. It seems to be some sixty fifty thousand.

A baby is counted as one, their period for pregnancy is twenty two month, breast-feeding the baby for a few years and become mature sexually from the age of ten to fifteen. Its breeding ration is very low.

Stopping trade on African elephants…

No.106 21/09/19 20:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《African elephants continued to decrease even at present》

Stopping trade on elephants started in 1990, so it’s just babies which increased then.

Investigation on the number of elephants started in 1970s so as to grasp the situation on poaching, and rough estimation then was two million and seventy hundred thousand.

Considering the number on the elephants at present, tendency for decreasing seems to remain, but there has been a strong demand that the elephant increases so much that wanting to decrease its number in the area of Southern Africa.

No.107 21/09/19 20:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《African elephants continue to decrease even at present》

It is certain that increasing elephants too much by concentration in small area broke out in Kenya or Uganda in 1960s.

Elephants were made to decrease in Uganda, after that the poaching made elephants damage, so their number in Uganda are some two thousand, so it is far from recovery there.

On the other hand, elephants weren’t made to decrease in Kenya, but lots of them were dead because of a drought, to make matters worse poaching was done after that, but some six thousand have survived…

No.108 21/09/19 20:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《African elephants continue to decrease even at present》

…but some six thousand of elephants have survived in Kenya, the number on elephants is more than any other area.

Decrease on elephants was on account that people made use of the land, it was argued among the people once, but there have never been the opinion lately. It is said there is land which can accommodate the number five millions of elephants in the whole Africa at present.

The biggest cause on decrease of the elephants is poaching which is organized internationally, but…

No.109 21/09/19 21:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《African elephants continue to decrease even at present》

But each country in Eastern Africa said long years are necessary to exterminate the poaching from bitter experience in the past. Ominous clouds are threatening over African elephants owing to economic demand.

When the humankind didn’t want the elephant tusk, elephants were everywhere in Africa, but destruction on vegetation didn’t break out then. Natural balance in natural world makes increasing too much a trivial thing in the past.

Elephants aren’t too much nor so big in the natural world.

No.110 21/09/19 21:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Our companions disappear from the earth】

《Some 10% on birds, 16% on mammal are on the verge of extinction》

A hunter went to a small town at Saigon in Vietnam so as to sell a horn and skin of Javanese rhino in 1988. It is said the Javanese rhino became extinct in Vietnam at the end of 19th century, and there has never been the news on rhino in the 20th century, but it was discovered again then.

Javanese rhino which used to distribute southern Asian continent widely disappeared from everywhere, and the ones which we knew were the ones at the west end of Javanese island alone then.

No.111 21/09/20 06:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I’m going to express other topic.

【Mr.Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《The latest image on the various face of the earth picked up by the space shuttle》

The earth which is our native place is a beautiful planet surrounded by water and atmosphere, but it has been pointed out lately it has a lot of problems.

《An aurora which he looked at from the space shuttle》

The aurora which he looked at in the outer space was more impressive than any other thing. The aurora was below the space shuttle, but upper place of the curtain on the light expanded the height…

No.112 21/09/20 06:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《An aurora which he looked at from the space shuttle》

…but the upper place of the curtain on the light expanded the height where the space shuttle flew, so the shuttle flew across the curtain of the light.

The aurora which we looked on the ground shakes without a break, so Mr. Mori said the aurora gave him an impression of musical performance of orchestra, on the other hand the aurora which he looked at from the outer space was quiet as if it had been a baroque music, though I’ve never listened to the music like that.

No.113 21/09/20 06:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when he looked at it from the earth】

《The area of sea around Bahamas is one of the most beautiful sea in the world》

Islands of Bahamas which float on the blue sea. The biggest island of Andros was front of the image and the Florida peninsula was lower left.

The sea where there is coral reef is light blue. When the depth of the sea changes, the color of the sea does into deep blue. Its contrast is very beautiful in the area of sea around Bahamas, so we can say it’s one of the most beautiful sea in the world.

The area of sea water is so clear that we...

No.114 21/09/20 07:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at the earth from the outer space】

《The area of sea around Bahamas is one of the most beautiful sea in the world》

The area of sea water is so clear that we can see even at the bottom of the sea where the depth of the water is shallow.

The area of the land is little when looking at it from the whole earth, and the sea accounts for 70% on the surface of the earth. Almost all of the sea are deep blue, and there are little on the shining blue like the area of sea around Bahamas. Except for this place, the sea around Hawaii was beautiful.

No.115 21/09/20 07:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《The area of sea around Bahamas is one of the most beautiful sea in the world》

Pollution on the sea becomes various problem, but when looking at those sea, it makes me think there are areas of sea which aren’t polluted so much still more.

The author said like that.

《A tremendous maelstrom 大渦巻き in the atmosphere, it’s a hurricane》

There is a photograph on hurricane taken November in 1994. The hurricane caused a deluge in Spain and France then.

When looking at the surface of the earth, typhoon or hurricane of which…

No.116 21/09/20 11:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《A huge maelstrom in the atmosphere. It’s a hurricane》

When looking at the surface on the earth, it was a typhoon or hurricane of which we are aware first of all. The typhoon has a big structure of which diameter is no less than hundreds of kilometers. It is swirling and white as if a cream was whipped.

When Mr. Mori flew in the outer space, he saw two typhoons. An area around the typhoon was a clear sky very well, and he could recognize the typhoon moved little by little every day, especially the clear one was its eye.

No.117 21/09/20 11:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《A gigantic maelstrom in the atmosphere, it’s a hurricane》

There was an actual hole in the place where there was its eye, and there was no any cloud in the least. The tremendous whirlpool on the typhoon made him feel an energy which included in the atmosphere, Mr. Mori said like that.

《A scene when the sun set is impressive》

When being on board the space shuttle, the speed that the sun sets is sixteenth times as fast as on the earth. As a result, the color of the atmosphere changes in a flash.

The surface on the…

No.118 21/09/20 13:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《A scene when the sun sets is impressive》

The surface on the ground became pitch-black or the atmosphere looked still red from the shuttle before the sun set completely.

When the sun set more, the color of the surface on the ground became a blue belt. The blue belt became thin from its end and melted into the darkness in the outer space finally. Then the blue in the atmosphere was so beautiful that I couldn’t express it.

When looking at the layer on the atmosphere it was thin and I sometimes found it fleeting.

No.119 21/09/20 13:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《The scene when the sun sets is impressive》

The scene of sunset showed us varied situations in the atmosphere. There is a photo on the sunset. The photo was sunset in South Africa, and was taken from the sky. It looked that the atmosphere was divided into some layers.

The part which looked white is the most upper place on the stratosphere 成層圏, and particles on sulfuric acid or ammonium sulfate floated thanks to eruption by Mt. Pinatubo or Mt. Hudson.

There is a violet belt in the middle. Dust or aerosol in the…

No.120 21/09/20 18:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《The scene when the sun sets is impressive》

Dust or aerosol are crowded together from the troposphere 対流圏.

The red one of the lowest part seems to be the smoke by burning off the fields.

《A witness on violent eruption in Kamchatka peninsula from the outer space》

The space shuttle was launched September in 1994. The day on launching, a mountain in Kamchatka peninsula erupted. The last eruption was fifty years ago. A crew in the space shuttle took a photo on the eruption right away.

The thick smoke rising from the…

No.121 21/09/20 18:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《A witness on violent eruption in Kamchatka peninsula from the outer space》

It was said the thick smoke rising from the mountain reached the height of 18 kilometers and southern east on the Pacific Ocean was covered with the smoke. The smoke spread over no less than 1000 kilometer.

The mountain which erupted was 4750 meters above sea level and was in the center of Kamchatka peninsula.

The ones who were on board the space shuttle could see volcanoes raise the smoke here and there on the earth. It was an evidence that…

No.122 21/09/20 19:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《A witness on violent eruption in Kamchatka peninsula from the outer space》

It is an evidence that the earth is alive.

When flying in the shuttle, the thick smoke was rising from the volcano in Kamchatka and from Mt. Etna in Sicily island, Mr. Mori said like that.

Needless to say, he could also see the thick smoke was rising from Mt. Sakurajima. It was regrettable that Mt. Pinatubo was covered with cloud, so he couldn’t see the thick smoke rising from the mountain in Philippine.

When something unusual happened like…

No.123 21/09/20 19:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《A witness on violent eruption in Kamchatka peninsula from the outer space》

When something unusual happened like the eruption on volcano, crews in space shuttle observe it from over the sky immediately.

An earthquake broke out off eastern area of Hokkaido prefecture October in 1994, then the space shuttle flew over the sky and watched damage by tidal wave then.

《Deserts all over the world have different expressions each other》

The Sahara Desert in the center of Algeria spread out below Mr. Mori. The photograph was…

No.124 21/09/20 19:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《Deserts all over the world have different expression each other》

The photograph was taken to the direction of northern west, and Mr. Mori said he could see Mt. Atlas around horizon far from there. The top on the Mt. Atlas was covered with snow. It was unusual that there were clouds over the Sahara and the clouds caused rain the desert.

The desert was brown, and there was a red part among the brown. It was called テイフェルーニ dune.

An arid region like the desert, a semi-desert, or steppe makes up for one third on the...

No.125 21/09/20 20:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《Deserts all over the world have different expression each other》

An arid region like the deserts, semi-desets, and steppes make up for one third on the land of the earth. While abundant green like tropical rain forest or coniferous forest zone exist, there are lots of arid regions. It’s a characteristic on the earth.

There are deserts each country, and each of color, geographical feature is different and has the characteristic.

The deserts in Africa, Saudi Arabia, and North America are red. The ones in Central Asia…

No.126 21/09/21 20:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《Deserts all over the world have different expressions each other》

The ones in Central Asia is close to brown. If we get used to looking at it, when looking at its geographical feature or color alone, we can recognize the desert where it is, can’t we?

The author said like that, but they look all the same, I’m wondering.

《The Aral Sea which is disappearing a lake. I’ve watched it from the outer space》

Mr. Mori said he saw the Aral Sea of which area on lake decreases every year. There is Turkmenistan in front of the lake

No.127 21/09/21 20:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《The Aral Sea which is disappearing lake. I’ve watched it from the outer space》

We call it Aral Sea, so I thought it was the sea when hearing its name, but it seems to be a lake. Why is it called sea?

There is a black part in the right front from the lake. Two rivers flow into the lake, and one of them is Amudarya, and the black part is its delta. Cultivated land by irrigation develops there.
Other river was called Syrdarya.

It is said that water from the two rivers was used for irrigation so much that the area..

No.128 21/09/21 21:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《The Aral Sea which is disappearing lake. I’ve watched it from the outer space》

It is said that water from the two rivers were used for irrigation so much that it causes the decrease on the area of the lake.

A place around the lake, especially the mouth of Amudarya looks white. As the lake retreats the bottom of the lake is exposed. Then the crystal of the salt was separated from the salt. Pollution by the salt is extremely severe there.

Some places where an investigation is done form the outer space concentratedly...

No.129 21/09/21 21:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Mr. Mori talked on the earth when looking at it from the outer space】

《The Aral Sea which is disappearing lake. I’m watching it from the outer space》

Some places where the investigation is done from the outer space concentratedly by the space shuttle are fixed, and the Aral Sea is one of them.

When looking at the lake from directly overhead, I find it something weird. The photo was taken April in 1994, and a part of the lake froze then.

The lake of which size is the fourth place in the world is about to vanish thanks to what we the humankind have done.

Mr. Mori said like that.

No.130 21/09/21 22:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

Watching the earth from the outer space means that observing the earth from different viewpoint altogether until at present. Then we can catch an expression on the earth clearly which we can’t know from the earth easily in the orbit where the earth rotates.

《Going across over the aurora》

When flying to the outer space by the space shuttle in 1992, Mr, Mori.said he witnessed a lot of wonderful scenes over and over again, in particular, aurora at which he looked form the orbit on the earth was impressive.

When looking at the photo…

No.131 21/09/26 00:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Going across over the aurora》

When looking at the photo taken from the shuttle, some of them are red or green, but the aurora which I looked at was almost white light.

As the aurora generates around the place over some 80 kilometers from the ground, when looking at it from the outer space, there was space between the aurora and the surface of the ground, and stars shone there, so I found it impressive, the author said like that.

The curtain of light made up with aurora looked white vaguely in the beginning, but when eyes got…

No.132 21/09/26 00:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Going across over the aurora》

…but when eyes got accustomed to the aurora, we learned to look at its minute structure gradually.

When the space shuttle moved, it did as if it had gone across the aurora, then the ones in the space shuttle could look at the curtain of the aurora. After passing the aurora, we the ones in the space shuttle could look at the opposite side of the aurora.

Without being in the outer space, no one could go through it.

When looking at clouds from the outer space, I found it very interesting, and could….

No.133 21/09/26 01:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Going across over the aurora》

…and could sometimes understand how the atmosphere moved. The one which caught my eye more than anything was a typhoon.

As its diameter is hundreds of kilometers, it takes time for the space shuttle go across, but as its height was no more than 10 kilometers from the ground, it looked as if it had clung to the ground and swirled there.

On the other hand, as cumulonimbus 積乱雲 reached at the height of 20 kilometers it looked higher than the typhoon and other clouds. When looking at the clouds closely…

No.134 21/09/26 01:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Going across over the aurora》

…we could grasp there was a high pile of clouds there as if they had been pie skins. If the light from the sun shone on the clouds, the clouds made shadow over its upper layers and the clouds looked three dimensional then.

Geographical feature on the ground looked different if the angle on the light from the sun was different. When the sun shone diagonally, we could look ups and downs on the ground clearly.

For example, as to the Grand Canyon, we could look at unevenness on the ground. It depends on…

No.135 21/09/26 01:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Going across over the aurora》

It depends on the light on the angle from the sun.

As to the water flowing on the river of the Grand Canyon, when the light reflected on there, the surface on the river shone. The ones in the space shuttle could see the course of the river clearly as if they had been veins.

We have never been conscious of the water of inland usually, but then we could see it vividly.

《Looking at working on people from the outer space》

When looking at the change on the scene below us the ones in the space shuttle…

No.136 21/09/26 02:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Looking at working on people from the outer space》

When looking at the change on the scene from Philippine, Indonesia, Taiwan to Japan below us, it seemed that there were plenty of green in Asia.

As for Japan, if looking at it from the outer space, the places where people were active were limited and it proved that almost all its territory is covered with green. Japan is a country which has lots of green overwhelmingly among developed countries.

When the author flew, there was always clouds over the tropical rain forest in the…

No.137 21/09/26 02:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Looking at working on people from the outer space》

When the author flew, there was always clouds over the tropical rain forest in Southern east Asia, it’s just that we could see blackish green between the clouds.

On the other hand, as there was little clouds over Amazon, we could see several white smoke burning forests. The white smoke lingered there.

When looking at the earth form the outer space, I thought the earth was big and plenty of nature still remained.

On the other hand, there were some places where we could see…

No.138 21/09/26 02:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Looking at working on people from the outer space》

…there were some places where we could see working on people clearly.

Needless to say, we can’t see the shape on people from the outer space, but as to a big city, ratio on reflection of light was different altogether, we could see it well, for lots of structure concentrated there, it looked white.

The author said he looked at a large scale of building or at a structure of which shape was square stuck out on the sea.

Could he see them so clearly? I’m wondering.

But the one which…

No.139 21/09/26 02:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Looking at working on people from the outer space》

But the ones which was more characteristic were fields. As to a place where a forest was cleared and became the field, we can see difference between fields and forests clearly. The author said the ones in the space shuttle could see fields of which shape were geological everywhere in Siberia, America, and Canada.

As the fields are by far bigger than part of city, we could see clearly we the humankind have eroded the green.

We couldn’t see green any more at night. The one which we…

No.140 21/09/26 03:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significances of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Looking at working on people from the outer space》

The one which we could see was the light from a city, in short a working on people alone.

As to an environmental problem, when Mr. Mori flew, acid rain over Europe was the problem, but he couldn’t see the acid rain influenced over there from the outer space, but the mouth of a big river was polluted with household effluent everywhere.

When looking at the scene, he said he thought the humankind started soil the earth.

However it is fact that the earth is by far bigger than…

No.141 21/09/26 06:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Looking at working on people from the outer space》

However it is fact that there is an impression the earth is by far bigger than working on people.

When flying over Mt. Himalaya, Mr. Mori said he could understand its folding action well and felt the plate collided, so the mountain was formed by pushing up actually.

In addition he can see desert spread over with overwhelming area all over the world. He can see a large scale of expression on the earth from the outer space.

《Why do we the humankind go to the outer space?》

No.142 21/09/26 06:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Why do we the humankind go to the outer space?》

A technical skill of remote sensing of observing the earth by artificial satellite has developed so much lately that it has brought us valuable information, but it is significant to watch the earth from the outer space with our own eye actually, for the eye of our own is very sharp and when having a good eye for the outer space, we can see minute character on the earth so much. Even if analytical ratio raises, as if its ratio didn’t go down.

When in the time of a space station, we’ll …

No.143 21/09/26 07:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Why do we the humankind go to the outer space?》

When in the time of a space station, we’ll learn to stay in the outer space for a half year. If being interested in the earth, when looking at it a half year will pass at once, won’t it?

Mr. Mori said after watching the earth from the outer space, he said he learned to be interested in the history on the earth and a role on creatures of the earth.

Each of specialist on meteorology, oceanography, geophysics, geology, geography, biology and environmental science stay in the space…

No.144 21/09/26 07:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Significance of watching the earth from the outer space】

《Why do we the humankind go to the outer space?》

Specialists on each field stay and watch the earth from the space station for a long time, a new discovery must have been then.

There is an argument why we the humankind go to the outer space, but it is significant to watch the earth from the outer space with our own eye and to think over the earth and creatures from a new point of view.

By the way, as there is a book which I’ve wanted to read, this thread of my own is limited in a weekend alone for a while. After reading, I’ll return

No.146 21/10/03 08:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A new ターヘルアナトミア】


An epoch making book on dissection 解剖 was published in Japan in 1774. It was ターヘルアナトミア. It expressed a situation inside of a person’s body exactly then.

After that, more than two hundred years have passed, and the inside of the human body has been clear minutely by progress of medical science at present.

When looking at fine organs functioning inside the human body, we can understand its mechanism well.

How does the heart send blood all over the body? Why can intestines 腸 do food which was eaten for suitable digestion? How does the kidney produce urine?

No.147 21/10/03 08:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A new ターヘルアナトミア】


Those organs function with minute mechanism extremely.

When looking at them more closely, each of organs is made up with lots of cells. An eye has cells for watching a thing. A liver has cells which secretes 分泌 digestive juice and counteracts poison. A bone has cells which continued to produce new bones.

More than 270 kinds of cells of which shape and function is different achieve each of function. It is done each of organs. Each of organs have played a part professionally with the help of each of cells.

As to the human body, the more we know, the more we…

No.148 21/10/03 08:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A new ターヘルアナトミア】


As to the human body, the more we know, the more interesting we find it. All of the things on the human body have been expressed in the book. To be exact, its title is 人体新書, it’s a magazine called Newton.

Moreover, a system on Immunity which protects the human body from a disease-causing germ from the outside or unexpected course on our organs inside the human body evolved from other organs of other different creatures were expressed in the book.

The author said like that.

Here we go.

【An illustrated reference book on human body】

We have various organs…

No.149 21/10/03 08:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An illustrated reference book on human body】

Our body has various organs inside the body like heart, lung, liver and kidney. Without taking a rest any moment, they’ve played an important part so as that we can lead our every body life healthily.

With the progress on medical science, as to the structure on organs of a person, it has been clear so minutely. Being aware of the structure makes us understand how the organs function with a mechanism. We can grasp their skillful mechanism.

Marvelous organs which have lots of mechanism have been expressed in the first chapter. Brain, heart…

No.150 21/10/05 05:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


No.153 21/10/05 20:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )




No.157 21/10/05 21:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


No.158 21/10/10 07:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What I’ve thought】

This thread is mainly expressed by English, but it depends, for a lady established it for me, so I’m grateful to her for it, so it is sometimes expressed by Japanese alone.

Without her, I can’t express anything here.

If she is in difficult, I’m ready to help her, for I’m much indebted to her.

On the other hand, there may have been the one who is looking forward to read my English response. I’m sorry for it.

If no one supports me at all, I’ll be disappointed at it, so I’m grateful for the person to support me. Thank you very much.

No.159 21/10/10 08:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【All illustrated reference book on human body】

Brain, heart, lung, trachea, stomach, intestines, liver, antidotal enzyme of the liver, pancreas, kidney, bone, muscle, blood vessel and lymph vessel, the cell of immunity, eye, ear, nose, tongue.

Those things are index in the first chapter, and I’m going to express one by one from now on.


《A neuron has been in charge of handling high level information in the brain》

When making use of a laptop for a long time, its electric power is consumed a lot, and the laptop produces heat, so the brain of a person needs a large amount of energy.

No.160 21/10/10 08:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A neuron has been in charge of dealing with high level information in the brain》

The brain of a person needs a large amount of energy when taking action. While the brain accounts for no more than 2% in the weight of the whole body, the brain consumes some 20% of energy in the body in average a day. It is equal to 500 kilocalorie, two bowlful of rice.

A neuron has been in charge of dealing with high level information in the brain. Neurons are connected with network each other, and information has been exchanged with electric signal and material which transmits through nerves.

No.161 21/10/10 08:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A neuron has been in charge of handling high level information in the brain》

The brain has some kinds of cell called glial cell. The one gives the neuron nutritions, the other gets rid of an alien substance from the neuron, and another coils itself around an axon 軸索 of the neuron and becomes insulating film. The insulating film makes the speed of sending signal quick.

There are some a hundred billion neurons in the cerebrum 大脳, and no less than a hundred thousand of them are dead a day, and as the cell of neuron doesn’t divide, the neuron continues to decrease in its whole life.

No.162 21/10/10 09:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The common knowledge has overturned! The neuron has increased》

The neurons continued to decrease, it used to be the common knowledge, but it overturned in 1998. It proved that neurons were born in hippocampus 海馬. The neuron itself doesn’t divide, but the before one which becomes neuron exists, and the before one produces neurons.

It has been unclear how the new neuron plays the part in the brain, but in experiment on a mouse, the new neurons are related to a memory. There is other report that new neurons were born in the cerebral cortex 大脳皮質 of monkeys, but there is an objection…

No.163 21/10/17 04:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The common knowledge has overturned. The neuron has increased》

…but there has never any conclusion.

As to a person, the cerebral cortex 大脳皮質 is in charge of high level function of creative activity like language and memory and its study from now on has been expected.

A professor who has been in charge of the study said like the next.

If the study makes progress in the future, it will be applied for treatment of sickness on brain like an disorder of blood vessel on the brain. There seems to be several ways.

For example, after increasing the one which becomes the neuron outside…

No.164 21/10/17 04:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The common knowledge has overturned. Neuron has increased》

…after increasing the one which becomes neuron outside the body and implanting it into the brain, or making the one which becomes the neuron activate. It means of quickening that new neuron is born.


《A heart makes its own rhythm for itself and pulsates》

All the internal organs are loyal servants to the brain, it seems that lots of people have an image like that, but it’s very dangerous for the human body to be dependent on the brain everything.

The heart is connected with its life directly, so if the brain can…

No.165 21/10/17 05:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A heart makes its own rhythm for itself and pulsates》

…so if the brain can make the heart stop on purpose, it is risky extremely.

It doesn’t always mean that well-regulated pulsation on the heart is done from an order of the brain regularly. There is a cell which is equivalent to a pace maker, and the pace maker orders to the whole heart. It’s above the right atrium of the heart 右心房.

A person which has sickness on its heart needs a real pace maker so as to stimulate electronically the heart regularly. The real pace maker serves as the one which is above the right atrium of the...

No.166 21/10/17 05:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A heart makes its own rhythm for itself and pulsates》

The real pace maker serves as the cell which is above the atrium of the heart.

From six thousand to twelve thousand of liter of blood spread over the whole body a day.
Each of muscles on the cell of the heart has ability of contracting for itself. If each of them contracts without being unified, enough blood isn’t sent to the whole body.

The one which is equal to the pace maker directs each of muscle to contract, and it is enable to lots of cells of the heart to contract at once, but all of the cells of the heart contract…

No.167 21/10/17 05:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A heart makes its own rhythm for itself and pulsates》

…but all of the cells of the heart contract all together, it isn’t good. Upper half and lower half on the heart doesn’t contract by turns, the blood isn’t sent efficiently. There is a time lag on the contraction of the heart.

The heart has an elaborate system in order to accomplish the contraction of time lag. Changing the speed of sending signal, so it is enable the upper half and lower half of the heart to contract with the time lag.

At first the signal is sent from the one which is equal to the pace maker to the upper…

No.168 21/10/17 19:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A heart makes its own rhythm and pulsates》

At first the signal is sent from the one which is equal to the pace maker to the upper half of the heart on the both part of right and left rapidly, and the upper half of the heart starts to contract.

But when the signal reaches the border between the upper half and lower halfway of the heart, the speed of transmitting the signal becomes slow quickly, so the signal doesn’t reach the lower half at once.

When the upper half of the heart finishes contracting and the blood is sent to the lower half enough, the signal reaches around the…

No.169 21/10/17 19:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A heart makes its own rhythm for itself and pulsates》

…the signal reaches around the entrance of the lower half of the heart. Then the speed on the signal becomes fast and the signal is sent to the whole of the lower part of the heart without stopping.

Thus this time the lower part of the heart starts to contract and the blood is sent to the whole body and the lung.

The blood which goes to the lung receives oxygen at the lung, and returns to the heart, then is sent to the whole body.


《Eleven thousand liter of air is sent to the lung a day》

No less than eleven thousand…

No.170 21/10/17 19:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Eleven thousand liter of air is sent to the lung a day》

No less than eleven thousand liter of air is sent to the lung of the human body so as that we can breathe. There is the oxygen in the air which was breathed in the lung, and the oxygen is handed to the blood, and the blood is prevalent to the whole body.

A cell in the human body releases carbon dioxide, and the carbon dioxide is handed to the lung through the blood, so the carbon dioxide is released outside from the human body by breathing.

It is said that numberless of germs and viruses drift in the air and pathogen 病原体…

No.171 21/10/22 22:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Eleven thousand of liter is sent to the lung a day》

…and a pathogen always raids the lung. It is a pneumonia which is caused an inflammation in the lung by the pathogen, especially the inflammation caused by tubercle bacillus 結核菌 used to be the top of a cause of death in Japan. It’s a tuberculosis 結核.

The ratio on the person who suffered from the tuberculosis has decreased sharply by prevention and treatment of the whole Japan, but new type of bacillus has appeared, and modern treatment has never been effective to the new type, so the sickness has been paid attention again.

No.172 21/10/22 23:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Eleven thousand liter of air is sent to the lung a day》

The lung has always been exposed to such the danger that we can call it the front defending infection, so the lung develops immunity system well which drives back an intruder.

【Trachea, bronchial tube 気管, 気管支】

《Trachea and bronchial tube are the front of defending infection which fight with intruders》

Inside of the trachea and bronchial tube are covered with viscous liquid 粘液. An antibody which unites with the pathogen and makes its function lose exists in the viscous liquid, and it prevents us from being infected.

No.173 21/10/22 23:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Trachea, bronchial tube】

《Trachea and bronchial tube are the front of defending infection which fight with intruders》

The antibody has diversity so as to compete with pathogens which are almost infinitive. When the pathogen intrudes, the antibody which is exclusive and suitable for driving back the pathogen is released.

Or bacillus and a small elian substance is caught by the viscous liquid, and cilia 繊毛 of the cell pushed back it to the mouth, and the bacillus or the small elian substance are spat out from the mouth. It’s a phlegm 痰.

One of immune cell, macrofuzzy, has played an…

No.174 21/10/24 00:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Trachea, bronchial tube】

《Trachea and bronchial tube are the front of defending infection which fight with intruders》

One of immune cells, macrofuzzy, has played an important role. It’s one of white blood corpuscle 白血球.

Gas is exchanged in an organization like a bag and the organization is in the end of the bronchial tube. It’s called an alveolus 肺胞. The macrofuzzy moves inside of the respiratory tract 気道 and the alveolus at will and are greedy at bacteria and alien substances which intrude and eat them one after another.

The macrofuzzy has weapons like activated oxygen and nitric oxide.

No.175 21/10/24 00:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Trachea and bronchial tube】

《Trachea and bronchial tube are the front of defending infection which fight with intruders》

The nitric oxide is 一酸化窒素, and the macrofuzzy makes use of the weapons and destroys the cell membrane of and DNA on the bacteria.


《The stomach has gastric juice 胃液 which is hydrochloric acid 塩酸 and melts even a metal》

The gastric juice is a liquid of strong acid, and the liquid of strong acid is often used in an experiment of chemistry. The main component on the gastric juice is the hydrochloric acid and melts even the metal.

If the wall of the stomach…

No.176 21/10/24 00:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The stomach has gastric juice which is hydrochloric juice and melts even a metal》

If the wall of the stomach touches the strong acid direct, it will be crumbled at once. The wall of the stomach is covered with the viscous liquid 粘液 and avoids the gastric juice and prevents itself from digesting.

However if drinking and feeling a stress too much, an injury and hole will be made in the wall of the stomach. It’s a gastric ulcer 胃潰瘍.

The gastric juice has digestive enzyme which breaks down protein. It’s called pepsin, but even if the stomach is extracted by an operation, other….

No.177 21/10/24 01:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The stomach has gastric juice which is hydrochloric juice and melts even metals》

…other internal organs secrete digestive juice and digestion on food is done. When taking it into account, the role on the gastric juice is sterilizing food.

《Food is stored for four hours in the stomach》

When the food goes into the stomach, three layers of muscle move and the food and gastric juice is mixed up. After that the stomach stores the food for four hours so as to send the food the intestines.

The temperature inside the human body is about 37 degrees. It’s as if there was the room in the…

No.178 21/10/24 01:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Food is stored for four hours in the stomach》

It’s as if there was a room in the middle of summer. If leaving alone it, the food will be rotten.

The stomach is the first checkpoint for the food, and takes advantage of strong hydrochloric acid and kills harmful pathogens, so prevents the food from being rotten. It defends other digestive organs after that.

However there is bacterium which escapes from the strong acid and survives. It’s helicobacter pylori, what is called ピロリ菌, which has been paid attention lately as a cause on the stomach ulcer.

The inside the stomach has…

No.179 21/10/24 01:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Food is stored for four hours in the stomach》

The inside the stomach has nature of such the strong acid that it had been thought none of microbes inhabit there, so we were surprised at the ピロリ菌.

Why can the ピロリ菌 survive among the environment of strong acid? Its mystery has been given clear explanation from the study of molecule level recently.

ピロリ菌 takes in urea 尿素 from the place around it. The urea is composed from a harmful ammonia in the liver. ピロリ菌 takes advantage of special enzyme and makes alkaline ammonia from the urea, and counteracts the acid around it, so escapes from…

No.180 21/10/24 02:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Food is stored for four hours in the stomach》

Thus the ピロリ菌 escapes form influence on the acid like that.


《intestines are the second brain which is in charge of digestion》

As to a role on the intestines, in short it digests food which was sent from the stomach and absorbs, and ejects waste materials as excrement, but it has other important function.

The intestines judge a chemical element in the food at once and issue order other internal organs around it so as to digest. It doesn’t always mean that it receives the order from the central nerves. It’s a function…

No.181 21/10/24 02:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Intestines are second brain which are in charge of digestion》

It’s a function from intestines themselves which are independent.

The intestines are called little brain or second brain among the researchers lately. A hydra is a primitive creature which doesn’t have any brain and its whole body is said the intestine. There are some researchers on hydra have a theory that the brain was born from nervous cell on the intestines.

There is a cell like a sensor here and there on the inner wall of the intestines. It detects a chemical element in the food on the upper part of the cell.

No.182 21/10/24 02:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Intestines are second brain which are in charge of digestion》

The cell secretes hormone and passes information on the food to other internal organs like pancreas, liver and gallbladder and makes them act appropriately.

The hormone is a material which sends information to other remote organization and causes physiological phenomenon.

As to the cell of sensor is more than ten kinds so as to correspond with various chemical elements.

For example, if lots of protein is included in the food, the intestines make the pancreas secrete digestive enzyme so as to digest the food.

No.183 21/10/24 03:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Intestines are second brain which are in charge of digestion》

If lots of fat is included in the food, the intestines make the gallbladder shrink and causes gall which helps digest the fat in the intestines.

When detecting harmful material, a large amount of intestine juice is secreted from the inner wall of the intestines themselves, and drove the harmful material out of the intestines. It’s diarrhea.

Or when the gastric juice of strong acid comes into the intestines by mistake, a large amount of water and bicarbonate of alkali acid are secreted, so the acid is counteracted.

No.184 21/10/24 03:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Intestines are second brain which are in charge of digestion》

If leaving alone the gastric juice, it’s so strong that it damages inside the intestines.


《Liver is a chemical factory on multipurpose in the body》

The intestines are internal organs which digest and absorb, the lung is the one which breathes, the kidney is the one which makes urine. What is done in the liver?

More than five hundred of chemical reaction are done in the liver. It has such the complicated functions that it’s hard to express with a single simple phrase.

If I must find something good to…

No.185 21/10/24 03:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Liver is a chemical factory on multipurpose in the body》

If I must say something good to understand its function, it’s a chemical factory on multipurpose in the body or a distribution center for nutrients.

While development on artificial internal organs like the heart and and kidney has made progress, it is said that a realization on the artificial liver is hard, for the liver is more complicated than any other internal organs.

It is thought the one which has a possibility isn’t a perfect artificial liver but partly artificial liver of hybrid in which living liver is made use of.

No.186 21/10/24 06:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Liver is a chemical factory on multipurpose in the body》

Metabolism is composition and decomposition on sugar content which is necessary for activity on life. If trying to do the metabolism like the liver, it is said a chemical factory of one building is necessary.

One of important functions on the liver is the metabolism and storage on three major nutrients like sugar content, fat and protein.

For example, the sugar content which was absorbed in the intestines is sent to the liver through a blood vessel and is broken down into a grape sugar which is made use of energy source.

No.187 21/10/24 07:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Liver Ⅰ】

《Liver is a chemical factory on multipurpose in the body》

In addition, extra sugar contents are pasted together and were changed into glycogen which is suitable for storage. The glycogen which was stored is changed into the grape sugar again when the body needs and is released into the blood.

It is said the whole number of cells are sixty trillion, and the liver supplies all the energy for the cells stably.

Gall 胆汁 helps digest and absorb the fat in the small intestine, and the composition on the gall is an important role on the liver. Jaundice 黄疸 is the whole body becomes…

No.188 21/10/24 07:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Liver Ⅰ】

《Liver is a chemical factory on multipurpose in the body》

Jaundice is that the whole body becomes yellow as sign on sickness in the liver. It is well-known, though except for sickness on the liver, the phenomenon occurs. A pigment included in the gall increases in the blood because of a disorder on function in the liver.

《Liver is made of half million of liver lobule 肝小葉》

The liver is the internal organ which is in charge of various roles. Its basic unit is a liver lobule, and the liver lobule gathers together and the liver is made. No less than a half million of liver lobule…

No.189 21/10/24 07:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Liver Ⅱ】

《Liver is made of a half million of liver lobules》

No less than a half million of liver lobules gather together in the single liver, besides no less than a half million of cell on the liver are included in the single liver lobule. A blood vessel including nutrient and other one including enough enzyme go to the central vein through capillary vessels 毛細血管.

Then the cells on the liver and the capillary vessels exchange materials actively, and various chemical reactions occur.

Thus indispensable material for our activity on the life is sent to the blood.

【Antidotal enzyme in…】

No.190 21/10/24 08:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Antidotal enzyme in the liver】

《P450 is antidotal enzyme which turns an artificial harmful material into harmless》

Modern society is filled with various chemical elements, and lots of them are harmful to the human body. Strange to say, an antidotal enzyme which changes harmful artificial chemical elements into harmless in the liver. Even if the harmful material doesn’t exist in the natural world, it is done. The group of enzyme is called cytochrome P 450.

As almost all of the harmful material is hard to dissolve in the water, once being taken into the human body, it is hard to excrete.

No.191 21/10/24 08:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Antidotal enzyme in the liver】

《P450 antidotal enzyme which turns artificial harmful material into harmless》

P450 makes molecule of oxygen stick to the harmful material, and the harmful material becomes easy to dissolve in the water, so it is easy to excrete from the human body.

A single person has no less than 60 kinds of P450. While an enzyme acts on a specified material, the P450 does various materials. It’s so flexible that it counteracts the poison against the artificial materials.

There is iron ion near the structure on molecule of P450, and there is space for the harmful material…

No.192 21/10/24 14:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Antidotal enzyme in the liver】

《P450 antidotal enzyme which turns artificial harmful material into harmless》

…and there is space for harmful artificial material near the iron ion, and the harmful material receives antidotal reaction there. There is a secret in the space why the group of enzyme on P450 can correspond to lots of harmful materials, for lots of P450 of which size or shape are different delicately exist there.

On the other hand, P450 sometimes turns some materials into a carcinogen 発癌物質. The one which is included in a burned meat or the other which is included the smoke from…

No.193 21/10/24 15:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《P450 antidotal enzyme which turns artificial harmful material into harmless》

The one which is included in a burned meat and the other which is included in the smoke from cigarette causes the cancer by encountering with P450.

Furthermore, P450 is related to side effect or effectiveness on medicine. The medicine is an alien substance for the human body, and the P450 changes into other one which is driven out of the body easily.

There is a professor in university who makes database on gene of information making P450. He said like the next.

As to a person of which gene on P450…

No.194 21/10/24 15:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《P450 antidotal enzyme which turns harmful artificial material into harmless》

As to a person of which gene on P450 doesn’t act on well, the medicine remains in the human body as long as the person is alive, so it sometimes causes the side effect.

If the study on the relation between the medicine and P450 makes progress in the future, when making use of an individual information on the gene and giving medicine effectively will be possible, giving effective medicine which is suitable for a patient will be possible.

It has been thought like that at present.



No.195 21/10/24 15:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Pancreas is a headquarter on the system of overcoming hunger》

Pancreatic juice is made in the Pancreas. It’s a strong digestive juice which digests lots of materials like starch, protein and fat. Actually even if being extracted a sickened stomach from the human body, the pancreatic juice can make up with gastric juice enough.

There is a tube where the pancreatic juice is sent from the pancreas to the duodenum 十二指腸. If the tube is closed, the pancreatic juice dissolves the pancreas itself. It’s an acute pancreatitis, and it shows us how strong the pancreatic juice is.

No.196 21/10/24 16:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Pancreas is a headquarter on the system overcoming hunger》

The pancreas has other important role which controls the blood sugar level. Sugar content in the blood is an energy source for all the cells, so if we’re short of the sugar content in the blood, it’s very serious.

For example, if the blood sugar level becomes quarter of the normal one, the brain receives a great shock and falling into a coma.

On the other hand, if the blood sugar level is too high, the blood vessel or the nerve are damaged, so the blood sugar level must always remain appropriately.

The pancreas…

No.197 21/10/24 16:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Pancreas is a headquarter on the system overcoming hunger》

The pancreas secretes hormone which makes the blood sugar level become low or high. The one which makes the blood sugar level become low is called insulin, and the one which becomes high is glucagon. Those hormones make the sugar blood level maintain appropriately.

For example, if the blood sugar level becomes high after a meal, the insulin secretes from the pancreas, and the insulin urges the liver to make glycogen by using the blood sugar. As a result taking sugar content is urged in the fatty tissue or in the muscle.

No.198 21/10/24 23:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Pancreas is a headquarter on the system overcoming hunger》

Thus the blood sugar was consumed and the blood sugar level drops.

In the time when we’re short of food, the function of without wasting food was very important one. It prepared for the hunger, but the system on overcoming hunger of which center is the pancreas has ended up being harmful at present, for it is the time of eating well.

The way of thinking has been paid attention recently.

Fatty issue prepares for the hunger and becomes gigantic, and it turned out that the fatty issue has secreted material which...

No.199 21/10/24 23:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Pancreas is a headquarter on the system overcoming hunger》

…and it turned out that the fatty issue secretes material which prevents the insulin from acting on us. If the insulin is obstructed, the blood sugar level doesn’t drop easily. Though the pancreas did its best so as to make up for it, the pancreas lost its strength at last. The blood sugar level remains high and it can’t drop.

It has been thought recently it’s one of scenario of suffering from diabetes.

【Kidney Ⅰ】

《Kidney makes a drum of raw urine a day》

The size of a kidney is the same as a clenched fist, and its…

No.200 21/10/25 00:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Kidney makes a drum of raw urine》

…and its shape is like a broad bean そら豆, and there are two of them, right and left in the body.

The blood is purified by the kidney and urine is made. It is made with unnecessary water and component. The urine is sent to the bladder through the ureter 尿管.

When the urine is collected in the bladder enough, its information is sent to the cerebrum. Then the cerebrum issue an order of urination, and the bladder shrinks, so we urinate.

The amount of raw urine made by the kidney a days is equal to a single of drum, 170 liter, but real urine which…

No.201 21/10/25 21:36
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Kidney makes a drum of raw urine》

…but real urine which is made in the kidney a day is no more than 1.5 liter, for the kidney absorbs 99% of the raw urine again.

It seems to be useless at first sight, but as the large amount of the raw urine is made, the component on the raw urine is able to be increased or to be decreased minutely. The component on the total amount of the raw urine which is made use of is able to be changed so much.

Kidney isn’t only the organ which excretes waste as urine but is in charge of making use of unnecessary thing in the body. It’s the organ which…

No.202 21/10/25 23:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Kidney Ⅰ】

《Kidney makes a drum of raw urine》

Kidney is the organ which is in charge of recycling.

《Useful material in the raw urine is absorbed again in the tubule 尿細管》

At first, the blood is purified in an organ like a ball made of thread in the kidney. The organ is called 糸球体. Then the component of the cell like a red blood corpuscle, a white blood corpuscle, a blood platelet and a big protein can’t pass through the filter.

After the raw urine was purified, almost all of useful sugar content and amino acid are absorbed again in the tubule. In addition, a component which is …

No.203 21/10/27 01:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Kidney Ⅱ】

《Useful material in the raw urine is absorbed again in the tubule》

In addition, a component which is indispensable for maintaining the life like calcium, ion, and water is controlled well in relation to the amount of absorption again. Furthermore, an exquisite feedback system which controls the purification in the organ like the ball made of thread automatically exists in the kidney.

The raw urine which was purified in the organ like the ball made of thread comes back through the tubule of which shape U near the organ like the ball made of thread.

Then two blood vessels which…

No.204 21/10/27 01:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Kidney Ⅱ】

《Useful material in the raw urine is absorbed again in the tubule》

Then two blood vessels which are connected with the cell like the ball made of thread and the tubule are stuck. Information on the blood and raw urine is acquired from the place where they are stuck, so the amount of purification is controlled.

If the amount of the raw urine is too much, the blood vessel which comes into the cell like the ball made of thread shrinks, so the amount of raw urine decreases.

If the blood pressure in the cell like the ball made of thread is low….

No.205 21/10/27 01:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Kidney Ⅱ】

《Useful material in the urine is absorbed in the tubule》

If the blood pressure in the cell like the ball made of thread is low for the purification, a material called renin is secreted, and the material makes the blood pressure raise and the amount of purification increases.

A professor who specializes in the kidney in university said like the next.

It has never been clear how the material called renin is secreted from the wall of the blood vessel which comes out of the cell like the ball made of thread. The place is one of the most mysterious in the human body.


No.206 21/10/27 02:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Old bone is broken and is replaced for new one》

The bone is alive. We have an inorganic image on the bone, but the old bone has always been replaced for the new one like the other organs.

Old bone is bitten by osteoclasts 破骨細胞 and osteoblasts 骨芽細胞 forms the bone again. It’s indispensable function which prevents the bone from deteriorating.

The bone not only supports the body but stores calcium. Calcium is indispensable material for the life which is in charge of sending information in the cell.

For example, muscle shrinks due to a change on density of calcium ion.

No.207 21/10/27 02:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Old bone is broken and is replaced for new one》

The bone releases calcium in the blood and supports the activity on life. It plays an important role like that.

On the other hand, a bone marrow which is a soft tissue in the bone has a different function from the bone itself. There are cells which make other cells on blood like the red blood corpuscle and white blood corpuscle, or another cells which make bone, fat, cartilage 軟骨 in the bone marrow.

It turned out that those cells in the bone marrow can change into various other cells in the organ beyond their original ability.

No.208 21/10/27 02:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Old bone is broken and is replaced》

It has been clear according to recent study.

The one who specializes in the cell and reproduction said like the next.

It proved that the cells in the bone marrow divide into skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and a nerve cell. It seems that the cell in the bone has more multi function for specialization than we expect.

《The bone is strong because of the union on collagen》

The bone is so strong that it can withstand an impact from the outside a little.

If comparing it with a building, a steel frame is equivalent to a fiber in collagen, and …

No.209 21/10/27 03:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The bone is strong because of the union in collagen》

…and concrete is equal to a chemical compound on calcium. If there is the calcium alone in the bone, the bone will be weak.

As to molecular mechanism on the toughness of the bone, it was unclear for a long time, but an interesting result on the study was reported in 2001 that an union in collagen is one of factor on the toughness of the bone.

If receiving an impact on the bone, the union among the collagen is broken, an energy will be scattered, so the whole network of the collagen is protected.

When the union is formed again…

No.210 21/10/27 03:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The bone is strong owing to the union in collagen》

When the union is formed again, more complicated one is done, so it has been thought that the bone becomes stronger.


《Muscle is made of two kinds of fiber》

There is the one who is good at a marathon, or other who is good at a sprint, but almost none of us are good at both of the competitions, for the muscle which is used in each of the races are different.

It’s a fast muscle which is necessary for the sprint, for the muscle contracts powerfully.

On the other hand, the muscle which is advantageous for the marathon is…

No.211 21/10/27 10:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Muscle is made of two kinds of fiber》

…the muscle which is advantageous for the marathon is slow one. If comparing it with the fast muscle, the slow one is forced to shrink slowly and weakly, but it can do an exercise for a long time.

If the movement on shrinkage continues, a lactic acid 乳酸 which makes us feel tired is apt to pile easily. When the lactic acid is piled to some extent, the muscle can’t shrink. It’s the reason why the fast muscle doesn’t have stamina.

On the other hand, the slow muscle has lots of protein which stores oxygen. When the muscle breaks down an energy…

No.212 21/10/27 10:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Muscle is made of two kinds of fiber》

When the muscle breaks down an energy called glycogen without having any oxygen, the lactic acid is made, but as the slow muscle has lots of protein which stores oxygen, the glycogen is broken down into water and carbon dioxide completely, so the lactic acid is hard to be piled. It’s the reason why the slow muscle has stamina.

The protein in the slow muscle which has lots of oxygen plays a role of catching oxygen with the red blood corpuscle in the blood. The protein is called myoglobin. The myoglobin resembles hemoglobin. Myo means the muscle

No.213 21/10/27 11:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Muscle is made of two kinds of fiber》

Hemoglobin makes the blood red, and the myoglobin also makes the muscle red, so the slow muscle has another name, red muscle. If comparing, the fast muscle is white, so it’s called white muscle.

Almost all of the muscles is mixed with red one and white one, so the muscle looks pink.

When the fiber in the muscle is divided, it turned out that two kinds of slender fiber line up alternatively. They slide each other, so the whole muscle can shrink. They are like a telescope which expands and contracts. The two of fibers look like a molecular…

No.214 21/10/27 11:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Muscle is made of two kinds of fiber》

The two of fibers look like molecular linear motor. Its size is very tiny, micro.

【Blood vessel and lymph vessel】

《Blood vessel and lymph vessel which are set up in the whole body》

If tying all the blood vessels together including capillary vessels 毛細血管, its whole length reaches no less than 6000 kilometers. Speaking of 6000 kilometers, it’s almost same length as the radius on the earth.

The blood passes oxygen and nutrient to the cells on the whole body and receives carbon dioxide and waste from the cells. The cell on immunity in the…

No.215 21/10/27 11:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Blood vessel and lymph vessel】

《Blood vessel and lymph vessel which set up in the whole body》

The cell on immunity in the blood fights against a pathogen which invades into the human body.

Capillary vessel of which diameter is no more than hundredth millimeters spreads over the whole body including inside the bone. The place where there is none of the blood vessel limits to a cartilage, the crystalline lens in the eye, and conjunctiva 結膜.

Except for the blood vessel, lymph vessel is also set up in the whole body. Lymph fluid which flows in the lymph vessel is light yellow liquid.

No.216 21/10/27 15:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Blood vessel and lymph vessel】

《Blood vessel and lymph vessel which set up in the whole body》

The lymph fluid is a liquid component which the red blood corpuscle is removed from the blood. The liquid component which oozing from the capillary tube goes into the lymph tube, then it’s called the lymph fluid.

The lymph fluid contains the cell on immunity which fights against the pathogen like the blood.

【Cell of immunity】

《Cell of immunity which always fights against cancer cells》

The immune cell basically attack an alien substance which isn’t made in the body like virus and bacterium.

No.217 21/10/27 17:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell of immunity】

《Cell of immunity which always fights against cancer cells》

An ordinary cell changes into the cancer cell, but it proved that the immune cell attacks the cancer cell, so it means that the cancer cell is also alien substance for the human body, especially the immune cell called natural killer, NK, always patrols around the human body, and whenever it finds the cancer cell, it attacks and prevents us from being cancer.

It is said even if having never suffering from any sickness, the cancer cell is always born, but it doesn’t always appear as sickness, for the immune cell…

No.218 21/10/27 17:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell of immunity】

《Cell of immunity which always fights against cancer cell》

…for the immune cells prevent the cancer cell from increasing, but the immune cell isn’t always almighty, so the cancer cell covers its surface with a chain of sugar content. It prevents the immune cell from recognizing it’s the cancer cell. Thus the cancer cell tries to escape from the attack by the immune cell, using every trick.

So a trial of making the immune cell more active and using it for the treatment on cancer has been paid attention recently. How is it done?

The immune cell is taken from the human body

No.219 21/10/27 18:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell of immunity】

《Cell of immunity which always fights against cancer cells》

After that increasing the number of immune cells and raising its function, and returning the immune cells to the human body. The cancer is cured like that. The cure has been done with a combination of the treatment in the past in the actual medical spot.

《Making antibody which organizes various genes》

An immune cell called B-cell drives antibody into the pathogen as if the antibody was a missile and kills the pathogen. A gene which makes the antibody of B-cell can organize for itself again so as to resist…

No.220 21/10/27 18:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell of immunity】

《Making antibody which can organize various genes》

A gene which makes antibody of B-cell can organize again for itself so as to compete with numberless of pathogen which continues to evolve. The gene is a plan for a life, so it doesn’t change easily in an ordinary cell, but the B-cell rewrites the gene which is the plan for the antibody, so masters an ability of making a tremendous number of antibody.


《Eye doesn’t miss even a grain of light》

Eyes are often compared with a camera, but as to a viewpoint of catching a video, it’s closer to a video camera.

No.221 21/10/28 21:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Eye doesn’t miss even a grain of light》

The light which goes into the eye is through a crystalline which plays a part as lens, and is collected at a retina 網膜 which is equivalent to a film. The stimulation is changed into an electric signal by a work on the photoreceptor cells of retina, and the electric signal is sent to the brain.

When taking a picture, without holding the camera steady, the picture will be blurred, so the camera has function preventing us from happening like that, and our eyes have the same function.

If opening a book in front of us, and shaking our head, then…

No.222 21/10/28 22:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Eye doesn’t miss even a grain of light》

…then even if trying to read the book, we can do it as long as we shook a little. Why can we do it?

There is the semicircular canals 三半規管 in the inner part of the ear, and it recognized the movement of the head, so the cerebellum 小脳 handles the information, so the muscle which sticks to the eyeball makes the eyeball move to directions which are opposite to the movement on our head.

Sensitivity on light and shade of the eye is so very good. It’s marvelous. The pupil is equivalent to a diaphragm 絞りon the camera. The pupil is expanded and…

No.223 21/10/28 22:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Eye doesn’t miss even a grain of light》

The pupil is expanded and contracted, so the light which goes into the eye is controlled. It is done until some 16 times. Furthermore, in the retina its sensitivity changes into million times by the exquisite mechanism of the photoreceptor cells 視細胞.

As to the photoreceptor cells, there are two kinds. The one which distinguish difference between colors and the other which recognizes light and shade.

Why can our eyes recognize even a slight light in the darkness? Its secret is in a molecule called rhodopsin in the photoreceptor cell which …

No.224 21/10/28 23:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Eye doesn’t miss even a grain of light》

Its secret is in a molecule called rhodopsin in the photoreceptor cells which recognizes light and shade. Its sensitivity is so high that it is said it can detect even a photon which is a grain of the light.

When receiving the light, the rhodopsin changes its structure on the molecule and sends its signal to the cell. The signal is sent to intermediaries one after another, and every time when the signal is received, the number of molecule which receives signal increases.

Finally, this signal becomes a half million times a second.


No.225 21/10/28 23:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Dancing cell amplifies the signal on sound》

When diving into the pool, we can seldom hear the sound on the water, for the greater part of vibration in the air which is sound wave is reflected on the surface of the water.

There is an inner ear in the ear, and the inner ear is filled with lymph fluid, so the sound wave is rebounded if as it is, but three occicles 耳小骨 which is the most tiny bone in the body transmits the sound wave which was sent from the eardrum to the inner ear powerfully. It’s the function on lever 梃子.

But to my sorrow, I’m not sure that how the lever functions…

No.226 21/10/31 01:36
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Dancing cell amplifies the signal on sound》

…I’m not sure that how the level functions in this situations, so I can’t express it in detail.

It’s inner hair cell which changes the vibration on sound into an electrical signal in the inner ear. It’s the cell having hairs.

When a sound wave shakes in the inner ear, a flow is caused in the lymph fluid and the hair in the inner hair cell detects the flow and sends the signal to the nerve. It has been thought like that.

Outer hair cells which is other one having hairs plays an important role. It heightens our sensitivity on the sense...

No.227 21/10/31 02:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Dancing cell amplifies the signal on sound》

Outer hair cell heightens our sensitivity on the sense of hearing some thousand times. If it's damaged, we’ll be difficulty in hearing. The outer hair cell sticks the hair to a film called a tectorial membrane 蓋幕.

When the vibration of the sound in the inner ear is sent and the place around the outer hair cell shakes, the hair detects the vibration, so the electric current flows into the outer hair cell.

Then the outer hair cell expands and contracts in a direction of amplifying the vibration around the place of the outer hair cell as...

No.228 21/10/31 02:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Dancing cell amplifies the signal on sound》

Then the outer hair cell expands and contracts in a direction of amplifying the vibration around its place as if it danced.

To my surprise, the outer hair cell synchronizes a sound wave of high frequency on 20 kHz and expands and contracts. In short it can do movement of expanding and contracting twenty thousand times a second.

The protein which is in charge of expanding and contracting on the outer hair cell as a motor. Its existence was recognized in 2000. The protein detects an electrical potential and changes its shape quickly.

No.229 21/10/31 02:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Dancing cell amplifies the signal on sound》

The protein is a kind of a high quality motor made of molecule.

A professor who studies the mechanism in the inner ear has thought like the next.

The speed on the movement of expansion and contraction in the outer hair hair is by far quicker than the cell on heart muscle which also expands and contracts in the same way. If its study makes more progress, industrial application like a raw material on micro machine will be possible in the future. The micro machine is very tiny machine.

《The cell having hairs is in charge of balance》

No.230 21/10/31 03:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The cell having hair is in charge of balance》

There is the semicircular canals 三半規管 next to cochlea 蝸牛. Three tubes of which shape is a loop is stuck to the root of the semicircular canals, and the cell having hair detects the movement on rotation in the head.

Let’s suppose that there was some water in a washbasin. When rotating the washbasin, the water in the washbasin hardly rotates, so when we rotate our head, the inner wall in the semicircular canals moves, but the lymph fluid which is in the semicircular canals hardly moves.

It means that then the lymph fluid flows the place…

No.231 21/10/31 10:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The cell having hair is in charge of balance》

It means that the lymph fluid flows the place around the cell having hair and the flow makes the hair lean, so we can detect that our head rotate.

When our head is tilted, it is detected by a bag of which shape is a ball and the other of which shape is an egg between the semicircular canals and cochlea 蝸牛. There is the cell having hair there, and a small stone is on the cell having hair. It’s a otolith 耳石.

When our head is lean, the otolith is lean, so the hair of the cell having hair is also lean. The otolith is on the cell having hair.

No.232 21/10/31 10:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《The cell having hair is in charge of balance》

As a result, we can detect our head is lean.

《Small muscle protects us from a big sound》

The sound wave makes the ear drum vibrate, and the vibration is sent to three occicles 耳小骨. The last of the three occiles sends the vibration to the cochlea through the lymph fluid, at last the sound wave reaches us.

The occiles has some muscles, and the muscles play a part as cushion when suddenly big sound comes there. The muscles protect our ear.


《Can a person detect pheromone?》

The nose of a person is inferior to the one of a dog but…

No.233 21/10/31 10:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Can a person detect pheromone?》

…but it’s a sharp organ which detects molecules on smell in the air. Even if the molecules are no more than ten billionth in the air of 1 liter. In addition, it is said we distinguish the smell from three thousand to ten thousand of kinds.

A hollow spreads over inner part on the hole of the nose, and the cells which feel the smell are collected there. When catching the molecules on the smell, its stimulation is sent to the brain.

On the other hand, a report has been done recently one after another. Can we smell pheromone, can’t we? The report said.

No.234 21/10/31 11:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Can a person detect pheromone?》

As to insects, pheromone is a secretion which urges them reproduce. As to a person, a dormitory effect is well known. When living in a small space like the dormitory, a menstrual period is in harmony among women. It has been thought they have been influenced on the pheromone.

A mouse has the exclusive organ which detects the smell, and we the people have its trace in the nose, but it seems that its nerve isn’t connected with the brain. The organ has almost degenerated.

It has been mysterious that whether or not we the people have the organ which…

No.235 21/10/31 11:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Can a person detect pheromone?》

It has been mystery that whether or not people have the organ which detects pheromone, but an interesting result on study was reported in 2000. Mouses have a gene which receives the pheromone, and a similar gene has been found from a person.

The one who specializes in the pheromone has framed a hypothesis like the next.

The mammal has an exclusive organ for the pheromone, but fish has the organ which detects the smell and the other which detects the pheromone in the same place. Two of them are intermingled in the same place. In the process of…

No.236 21/10/31 14:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Can a person detect pheromone?》

In the process of evolution, it had been thought the organ which detects the pheromone departed from the organ which detected the smell.

The part of organ which detects the pheromone may have been left in the nose of us the people. There is a possibility that we the human race detect the pheromone.

By the way, when taking off and landing by airplane, we are sometime hard to listen to. Then opening our mouth enough and expanding the entrance on Eustachian tube 耳菅, difference on pressure both of outside and inside disappears from…

No.237 21/10/31 15:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《Can a person detect pheromone?》

…difference on pressure both outside and inside disappears from our ear drum, so we can listen to sound easily, for the nose and ear are connected.


《A receptor which detects taste is discovered》

Saliva is digestive juice which breaks down starch, but the food reaches the stomach, the effect on saliva vanishes then. A professor in university said that the saliva turns the starch into sweet sugar content and improves our taste, urging our appetite. Its role is bigger than the digestive juice.

The sense of taste is detected by the chemical…

No.238 21/10/31 15:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A receptor which detects taste is found》

The sense of taste is detected by a chemical sensor which exists on the inner wall on the tongue and mouth. It’s called taste buds 味蕾. Its shape resembles a bud on flower, so we call it like that.

There is a cell on the taste in the taste buds, and the receptor on taste of the surface on the cell detects the material of taste, and its stimulation is sent to the brain by the nerve beneath the cell on taste.

How does the cell on taste send the signal on taste to the brain? What’s the process? Does the cell taste work out against what kind…

No.239 21/10/31 15:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A receptor which detects taste is found》

Does the cell on taste work out against what kind of material?

There are lots of things which we can’t understand in the level of molecules.

Basic element on palate 味覚 is salty taste, sweetly taste, bitter tasty, sour tasty, and taste. The taste is familiar to us the Japanese.

We find the soup stock on sea tangle こんぶ good, and it has been discovered its origin is glutamic acid which is a kind of amino acid in Japan in 1908. The original taste is named UMAMI, and the UMAMI has been used as international word which originated from Japan.

No.240 21/10/31 16:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


《A receptor which detects the taste is found》

The study which made the UMAMI be recognized as the fifth sense of taste was reported in 2000. The origin on UMAMI, molecule on the receptor made of amino acid was identified then.

Besides, each of people has different gene of the receptor on taste. It seems to cause difference on the sense of taste among the people.

The amino acid is the origin on protein and is indispensable nutrient for a life. The ability which detects the UMAMI played an important role in a severe competition for evolution. It has been thought like that.

No.241 21/10/31 16:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An illustrated reference book on cells in the human body】

The first chapter is over and we looked at various organs in the body. Lots of cells gather and the organs are made. Our body is made of a large amount of cells of which shape and function is different.

The eye has a group of cell which functions its role, and the liver has the same one. Each of cells has played a specialized role.

On the other hand, an almighty cell which changes into all kinds of cell has been paid attention. It’s iPS cell, it was made from the cell on the skin of a person.

What’s kind of the cell is the iPS…

No.242 21/10/31 16:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An illustrated reference book on the cells in human body】

What’s kind of cell is the iPS cell? What’s kind of possibility in it?

The second chapter begins from now on. Its content is like the next.

Cells which makes a person. Both of shape and function is an infinitive variety. All kinds of cell which hide themselves in our body are introduced thoroughly.

The iPS cell which can change into every kind of cell. Almighty cell which is able to be born again is made from its own body.

【Cells which make a person】

《Both of shape and function is an infinitive variety. All kinds of cells…》

No.243 21/10/31 16:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cells which make a person】

《Both shape and function is an infinitive variety. All kinds of cell which hide themselves in our body are expressed thoroughly》

Our body is made of cells which are more than 270 kinds. Lots of cells gather together and both our brain, our eye, our intestine, our bone and muscle are made.

There is a cell of which head has hair, other cell which is like a thin film, and another which expands lots of projections. Its shape has its own. Not only the shape but its function is various.

In the eye, cells which detect the light and shade from a light, and color.

No.244 21/10/31 17:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cells which make a person】

《Both shape and function is an infinitive variety. All kinds of cell in our body are expressed thoroughly》

The trachea has a cell which secretes viscous liquid so as to bind alien substance, and other cell which sweep it out of the human body.

The liver has cells which can play three parts of metabolism, secreting digestive juice, and detoxification. Groups of cell which gather there in each of organs and function, so play their own part in the body.

By the way, what is the metabolism? In short, an old thing changes into a new one. Then some energy is consumed.

No.245 21/10/31 17:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cells which make a person】

《An illustration》

There is an illustration on a nerve cell. The nerve cell sends a piece of information on stimulation to the brain or to the spinal cord. Its color is red. Lots of projections are expanded so as to send or to receive information from other cells, so its shape is original.

There are other groups of cell which support the nerve cell in the brain and in the spinal cord. Their color are green or blue.

【Stem cell on the surface of the skin】

《Stem cell divides in its whole life》

There is a cell which continues to divide forever in the human body.

No.246 21/11/02 05:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Stem cells on the surface of the skin】

《Stem cell divides its whole life》

It’s a stem cell. It’s specialized to some extent, but doesn’t reach the final shape nor final function, so it can divide in its whole life.

The existence on the stem cell has been known on the surface of the skin, on the intensional epithelium 腸上皮 or on the bone mallow from a long ago, but it has been discovered recently one after another from various organizations or from various organs like a cornea 角膜 in the eye, in the heart, or in the nerve.

The cell of intensional epithelium has a function of absorbing water…

No.247 21/11/02 22:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Stem cells on the surface of the skin】

《Stem cell continues to divide in its whole life》

The cell of intensional epithelium 腸上皮 has a function of absorbing water and nutrient and defends the organization in the intensional tube and builds a barrier of viscous liquid so as to avoid excessive response for immunity against bacteria in the intenstines.

The cell is dead and disappears owing to unexpected external cause or its life span, but the stem cell divides and a new cell is born, so the cell which is replaced with the dead one is supplied to the organ and organization.

For example…

No.248 21/11/02 23:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Stem cell on the surface of the skin】

《Stem cell continues to divide in its whole life》

For example, the surface of the skin comes off as dirt, but the skin doesn’t vanish thanks to the stem cell which is on the surface of the skin.

The skin is divided into three layers. From the surface of the skin, it’s epidermis 表皮, dermis, 真皮, and subcutaneous tissue 皮下組織. The stem cell of the epidermis is the lowest layer on the epidermis.

The dirt on the skin is dead cell of the epidermis which comes loose and falls. Without being born the cell on the epidermis and it continues to be dead…

No.249 21/11/02 23:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Stem cell on the surface of the skin】

《Stem cell continues to divide in its whole life》

…the epidermis could have disappeared at once, but as to the surface on the skin, the stem on the epidermis divides and new cell is born one after another, so it doesn’t vanish.

【Stem cell on the epithelium 上皮 of the small intestine】

《The number of cells have been kept due to the stem cell》

As to the surface on the small intestine, the stem cell on the epithelium of the small intestine makes a new cell replace without stopping.

There is a projection and a cavity in the small intestine. The surface…

No.250 21/11/02 23:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Stem cell on the epithelium of the small intestine】

《The number of cell has been kept thanks to the stem cell》

The surface made of the unevenness is covered with the cell on epithelium of the small intestine.

The stem cell on the epithelium of the small intestine is in the cavity. The cell which divides from the stem cell moves to the top of the projection or the bottom of the cavity, and becomes various cells on the epithelium of the small intestine.

When the stem cell divides and the new cell is born, in the projection the old one is pushed up to the summit. Then the oldest cell…

No.251 21/11/04 06:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Stem cell on the epithelium of the small intestine】

《The number of cell has been kept owing to the stem cell》

Then the oldest cell falls out from the summit of the projection.

Thus the surface of the small intestine has been replaced with the new cell without stopping. The cell which fell out is carried away from the human body with the bodily wastes.

Except for the stem cells on the surface of the skin and the epithelium of the small intestine, there are still lots of other stem cells in the human body.

When an affected area is cutting off from a liver by an operation, the liver…

No.252 21/11/04 06:36
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Stem cell on the epithelium of the small intestine】

《The number of cell has been kept due to the stem cell》

…the liver which became small will revive, and it has been thought that the stem cell on the liver is related to the revival.

Thus our body has always kept the number of some 270 kinds of cell because of the stem cell. The study on the stem cell has been done in the field on the regenerative medicine.

【The surface and inside on the body】

《The surface on the cell becomes a wall and defends the inside of the body》

When watching our completed body, we’re aware that the cell is…

No.253 21/11/04 06:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The surface and inside of the body】

《The surface on the cell becomes a wall and defends the inside of the body》

…we’re conscious that the cell is roughly divided into two with a common point. The way on dividing it is whether the cell is inside on the body or it is outside.

Each of the cell on the surface of the body sticks fast each other so as to defend the inside of the body from a foreign enemy which invades from outside of the body, and makes up with organization called the epithelium 上皮.

Inside of the mouth, stomach, and lung is connected and becomes one, and it connects with…

No.254 21/11/04 07:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The surface and inside on the body】

《The surface on the body becomes a wall and defends the inside of the body》

…and the part of the inside of the body connects with the surface on the body. Unexpectedly, even the inside of the liver and the kidney are connected with the surface on the body, so we call all of them the surface of the body.

On the other hand, the muscle, bone, and blood aren’t exposed on the outside of the body, so they are real inside of the body.

By the way, the author said like that, but those internal organs are really inside of the body, so it doesn’t ring a bell.

No.255 21/11/04 07:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A cell on the skin】

《The skin has cells and mechanism which detect various stimulations》

Roughly speaking, the surface on the skin is connected with the internal organs each other and faces outside of the body.

Except for defending the inside of the body, the skin secretes sweat and regulates the body temperature through a sweat gland.

In addition, there are special cells on the skin. The one on the shape resembles an onion, and the other has a structure of layers like a ミルフィーユ. The onion detects a pressure sensation, and the ミルフィーユ touching sensation.

The cell on the outmost layer of…

No.256 21/11/04 07:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A cell on the skin】

《The skin has cells and mechanism which detect various stimulations》

The cell on the outmost layer is called the layer of keratin, the keratin is filled with protein. The protein piles up like a scale うろこ. The keratin is already dead, and falls out as dirt before long.

【A cell on the lung】

《A cell in 肺胞 builds the wall of some five thousandth millimeter》

The lung has no less than some six thousand million 肺胞 in total. It’s a tiny bag extremely. Its size is 0.06〜0.3 millimeter. It’s surrounded by capillary tubes.

When taking a breath of the air, the air is…

No.257 21/11/04 08:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A cell on the lung】

《A cell in the 肺胞 builds the wall of some five thousandth millimeter》

…the air is separated from the blood with a wall in the body, and the thinnest part of the wall is no more than some five thousandth millimeter. It’s the border between the inside and the outside of the body.

The oxygen is taken and the carbon dioxide is discharged through the wall. Dust and bacteria invade with the breathing air in the 肺胞, but those alien substance is got rid of by macrophage in the 肺胞.

【Cell in the trachea】

《A cell having hair discharges alien substance from the trachea》

No.258 21/11/04 08:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the trachea】

《A cell having hair discharges an alien substance in the 肺胞》

The trachea is a passage for the air connecting from the throat to the lung. When breathing in, we absorb various alien substance like dust and bacteria then, so the trachea has mechanism which exchanges the alien substance.

There is a cell like a cup and the one called 線毛 on the epithelium of the cell. A granule 顆粒 including viscous liquid is made in the cup. The granule moves to the surface on the cell and secretes the viscous liquid outside of the body.

線毛 on the epithelium of the cell is the one having…

No.259 21/11/04 12:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in trachea】

《A cell having hair discharges alien substance in the 肺胞》

線毛 on the epithelium of the cell is the one having hair on its surface. The hair is called 線毛, and its length is from 5 to 10 micrometer, and its diameter is 0.2 micrometer. The micro means a millionth. It’s a slender projection and can move flexibly as if it were a whip.

The alien substances which come into the trachea like the dust or bacteria are caught by viscous liquid which is secreted by the cell like the cup. The hairs on 線毛 of the epithelium of the cell synchronize and trail out in the same direction all…

No.260 21/11/04 13:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the trachea】

《A cell of having hair discharges alien substance in the 肺胞》

The hairs which are 線毛 on the epithelium of the cell synchronize and trail out in the same direction all together, so the alien substance caught by the viscous liquid is sent back to the mouth.

Thus the viscous liquid including the substance alien is thrown out as phlegm finally.

【Cell in the salivary gland】

《A cell which makes viscous liquid and enzyme in the mouth》

As oxygen is taken in our body, it is nutrient by meal which we have to take from outside the body so as to live.

The cells are lined up…

No.261 21/11/04 13:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the salivary gland】

《A cell which makes viscous liquid and enzyme in the mouth》

Cells which digest food and absorb nutrient are lined up in the digestive tube from the mouth to anus.

There are cells which specialize in making viscous liquid and enzyme which are component for saliva in the mouth. Each of cells don’t exist as single one, but gather and make a structure as gland.

The salivary gland is the shape of a cluster of grape, and there is the cell which make the viscous liquid and enzyme in the part which is equivalent to the fruit. The viscous liquid and enzyme are…

No.262 21/11/04 13:36
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the salivary gland】

《A cell which makes viscous liquid and enzyme in the mouth》

After the viscous liquid and enzyme are made, they are secreted to the trachea and change into saliva. The amount of saliva which is secreted a day is from some 0.7 to 1.5 liter.

《The component on saliva is made in the most inner part of the salivary gland》

There is a final place in the most inner part of the salivary gland. Cells which make component on the viscous liquid and enzyme for the saliva gather in the final place. Its structure is like a bag.

The main component on the viscous liquid is…

No.263 21/11/04 13:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the salivary gland】

《The component in the saliva is made in the most inner part of the salivary gland》

The main component on the saliva is a glycoproteins which the protein and sugar are united. The protein and sugar are made in each of different places on the cells of final place, and both of them are united in Golgi body. It has been thought like that.

The glycoproteins go into the granule 顆粒 for secretion, and is secreted soon.

What is the Golgi body?

The protein is passed from other cell, but it’s imperfect then, so it can’t function enough, so the protein is processed in…

No.264 21/11/04 14:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

『Golgi body』

…so the protein is processed in varied way in the Golgi body and changes into the one which functions properly each place on the body. The Golgi body plays a part as distribution center for the protein.

A tag is added to the protein in the Golgi body so as to reach the same kind of protein in the body. The proteins which have the tag are gathered at one place in the Golgi body and are sent to the places where they are needed.

【Cell in the small intestine】

《The cell in the small intestine which has some thousand of slight soft hair》

The food which is decomposed in the…

No.265 21/11/04 14:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the small intestine】

《The cell in the small intestine which has some thousand of slight soft hairs》

The food which is decomposed in the stomach is done again into smaller pieces in duodenum and other intestine and is absorbed in the body. The surface on the small intestine has complicated unevenness so as to heighten effect on absorption. A device is done in order to expand its surface area as possible as for the absorption.

There are pleats like a ring on the inner wall of the small intestine, and are soft hairs on the surface. The soft hair is called a villus. No less than some…

No.266 21/11/04 19:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the small intestine】

《The cell in the small intestine which has some thousand of slight soft hairs》

No less than some thousand of the slight soft hairs spread all over the surface on the inner wall of the small intestine. It has been guessed the surface area on the small intestine of which whole length is some 8 meters reach some 340 square meters.

The nutrient which was digested is absorbed from the part where there are the slight soft hairs. After that the nutrient moves within the small intestine, before long it goes outside the cell and goes into the capillary tube.

No.267 21/11/04 20:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the small intestine】

《The cell in the small intestine which has some thousand of slight soft hairs》

Except for the cell which absorbs the nutrient, there is the one which secretes viscous liquid, the other which secretes hormone, and another which secretes enzyme having antibacterial action in the small intestine. Each of them helps the work on the small intestine.

【Cell in the liver】

《A single cell which performs three parts》

The liver secretes a liter of bile 胆汁 a day. The bile is secreted in the duodenum through the bile duct, so the cell in the liver is connected with the…

No.268 21/11/04 20:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the liver】

《The cell in the liver which performs three parts》

…so the cell in the liver connects with the intestine by the bile duct and is the part of the surface of successive body.

A person of adult liver reaches some 1500 gram, and is the biggest organ. The blood which is supplied to the liver is from 1 to 1.8 liter a minute.

The liver is mainly made up with two kinds of cell, the one is hepatocyte 肝細胞, and the other is the cell which takes fat.

Except for making the bile, the hepatocyte saves lipid and glucide which are absorbed from food, and changing poisonous substance…

No.269 21/11/04 20:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the liver】

《The cell in the liver performs three parts》

…and changing a poisonous substance into harmless one. The function on the hepatocyte is varied. As a result, all of small organs in the cell develop so much.

Vitamin A is saved in the cell which takes the lipid.

Except for the two cells, there is the one like macrophage in the liver. It swallows a red blood corpuscle which becomes too old or bacteria and digests them.

《The hepatocyte which is a hard worker》

Main function on the hepatocyte is three. The one is saving lipid and glucide, and when it is needed, two of them…

No.270 21/11/04 21:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the liver】

《The hepatocyte which is a hard worker》

…when it is needed two of the lipid and glucide are released, and protein is composed there and is released. It has a function of metabolism.

The second is the bile is composed and is released.

The third is changing poisonous substance into harmless one, so there are lots of little organs in the cell of the liver and all of them develop enough.

【Cell in the kidney】

《Capillary on the kidney in which a cell like the legs of octopus coils around》

Oxygen and nutrient which are taken from outside the body is used in the whole…

No.271 21/11/07 02:36
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the kidney】

《Capillary on the kidney in which a cell like the legs of octopus coils around》

Oxygen and nutrient which are taken from the outside the body is used in the whole body as energy source for out activity. Then as a result, wastes are caused from the activity on the cell, and the kidney functions of separating urine from the blood.

An unit where the urine is made in the kidney is called nephron. The nephron is made by a renal corpuscle 腎小体 and tubule 尿細管. The origin on the urine is filtered out from the blood by the 腎小体. It’s made up with the thing like a ball made of…

No.272 21/11/07 02:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the kidney】

《Capillary on the kidney in which a cell like the legs of octopus coils around》

腎小体 is made up with a lump of capillary, and a bag including the lump of capillary. The origin on the urine is filtered out from the lump of capillary to the bag.

A cell which has legs like the veins of leaf coils around the lump of capillary. The leg like the veins of leaf has a slender projection, and it plays a part on the filter.

The lump of capillary separates liquid which is no less than amount of 150 liter a day from the blood, and it becomes raw urine 原尿.

It doesn’t always mean…

No.273 21/11/07 05:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the kidney】

《Capillary on the kidney in which a cell like legs of octopus coils around》

It doesn’t always mean that the raw urine is ejected as it is. The ones which must not be ejected is absorbed in tubule 尿細管 again and the remains become urine. 99% of the raw urine is absorbed and the one which is ejected as urine is no more than 1%, 1.5 liter.

【Cell in the ovary 卵巣】

《Oocyte 卵母細胞 becomes mature in a fixed period》

If thinking of the course for an embryo 卵子 or sperm, we can regard both of the ovary and testis as the continuous surface on the body.

The embryo which is…

No.274 21/11/07 05:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the ovary】

《Oocyte becomes mature in a fixed period》

The embryo which is ejected from the ovary is sent to the womb through the oviduct 卵管. Then if it comes across the sperm which is ejected from the testis and swam to the womb on the way, a fertilization is caused then.

The Oocyte becomes mature over and over again in a fixed period in the ovary. The Oocyte is the one which becomes the embryo soon. It’s covered with an ovarian epithelium cell. The Oocyte forms the ovarian.

When looking at the situation on mature of the Oocyte, its size is 40 micrometer. Micro means millionth.

No.275 21/11/07 06:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the ovary】

《Oocyte 卵母細胞 becomes mature in a fixed period》

The Oocyte sleeps in a situation of the primitive ovary from the woman who has the Oocyte was a newly born infant to the puberty 思春期.

After the puberty, the ovary epithelium cell which surrounds the ovary starts to increase, and a layer is formed. Furthermore, a film of the ovarian is formed the outside. The size of the ovary cell becomes from some 60 to 80 micrometer. We call it the second ovary.

After that, the ovary epithelium cell increases, the ovary cell also becomes bigger which is over 100 micrometer. We call it…

No.276 21/11/07 06:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the ovary】

《Oocyte becomes mature in a fixed period》

We call it Graf cell. The Graf cell continues to grow up and finally the ovary epithelium cell becomes thin and breaks, the ovary cell is released from the inside. It’s an ovulation 排卵. As to a person, the ovulation happens once 28 days.

【Cell in the testis 精巣】

《It takes some sixty four days until the sperm is made》

There is a curbed testicular tube which makes the sperm in the testis. It’s winding. Its whole length is some 250 meter in the single testis.

The sperm is made in the spermatogonia 精素細胞 on the wall of the…

No.277 21/11/07 06:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the testis】

《It takes some sixty four days until the sperm is made》

The sperm is made in the spermatogonia on the wall of the testicular duct. In short, the spermatogonia is the stem cell which makes the sperm.

A cell which is divided from the testicular tube becomes the sperm which has a tail finally. It is said it take some 64 days that the spermatogonia changes into the sperm. The structure on the sperm is divided into the head and tail. When swimming, it moves its tail.

There is the enzyme in its head. When fertilization with an embryo, the enzyme melts the film on the embryo.

No.278 21/11/07 07:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the eye, nose, and tongue】

《There are cells which detect the element on light, smell and taste in specialized way》

Organs which receive stimulation from the outside is in the border between the surface and inside of the body, and the information is sent to the brain through the nerve.

The eye is an organ which receives light. The light which passes through the crystalline lens makes an image on the retina 網膜. There is the one which reacts with light and shade from the light, and other which does with the color from the light like red, blue and green.

The nose detects smell.

No.279 21/11/07 11:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the eye, nose and tongue】

《There are cells which detect the elements of light, smell and taste in specialized way》

There are an olfactory cell 嗅細胞 on the surface of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. It has hair in the upper place. When the element on the smell which is melt in the mucous membranes sticks fast to the hair, the information on the smell is sent from the olfactory cell to the brain.

The tongue detects a taste. Mainly a mechanism which exists on the mucous membrane of the tongue sends the information on taste to the brain. We call the mechanism a taste bud 味蕾.

No.280 21/11/07 12:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the eye, nose, and tongue】

《There are cells which detect the element on light, smell and taste in specialized way》

The taste bud is made up with several cells, and there is a taste hair which unites the element on the taste on the upper part of the cells.

【Cell in the ear】

《Hair on the cell having hair catches sound》

The ear is an organ which detects balance, weight and acceleration on its body. The true self on the sound is a vibration in the air. When a thing moves violently, the air shakes, and the vibration becomes the sound. The tone from an musical instrument or a sound…

No.281 21/11/07 12:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the ear】

《Hair on the cell having hair catches sound》

The tone on a musical instrument or voice from a person is making the air vibrate on purpose.

The sound is received in an ear drum at first. The ear drum vibrates because it responds with the vibration in the air. The vibration in the air which is sent to the ear drum is transmitted to place like a snail in the inner ear through some bones.

There is two kinds of thing in the place like the snail. The one is filled with lymph liquid of outside, and the other is full of the lymph liquid of inside. The sound is sent to the…

No.282 21/11/07 14:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the air】

《Hair on the cell having hair catches sound》

The vibration in the air is sent to the outside which is filled with lymph liquid like the snail.

There is a spiral instrument which detects the sound in a cochlear duct 蝸牛菅. The spiral instrument has a cell having unwavering hair which is arranged with the form of w or v of alphabet.

When the vibration in the air is sent to the lymph liquid, it is also sent to the spiral instrument. Then the vibration makes a film covering the upper place on cell having hair and unwavering hair on the cell having hair move, so the…

No.283 21/11/07 14:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the air】

《Hair on the cell having hair catches sound》

…so the information on the sound is sent to a nerve fiber just under the cell.

Thus the sound which is the vibration in the air is caught by unwavering hair on the cell having hair finally, so we can recognize the information as the sound.

Except for the snail which detects the sound, the inner ear has significant parts which plays. Vestibule 前庭 and semicircular canals 三半規菅.

The vestibule is a part which detects a balance, weight and acceleration in a straight line to the body. On the other hand, the semicircular canals is…

No.284 21/11/07 14:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the ear】

《Hair on the cell having hair catches sound》

…the semicircular canals is a place which detects acceleration on movement of rotation.

【Cell in the blood】

《Varied blood corpuscles are made from the same stem cell》

The blood vessel is a route on transportation for material which is instituted in the whole body. The blood vessel which carries the blood from the heart is an artery. After having started from the heart, the artery branches off one after another delicately, they become capillary vessel like a fine net finally.

The capillary vessel changes into the one which…

No.285 21/11/07 14:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the blood】

《Varied blood corpuscles are made from the same stem cell》

The capillary vessel changes into the one which carries the blood to the heart. It’s a vein. The vein joins from the capillary vessels one after another, so it becomes thick and returns to the heart finally.

The vein has a valve which prevents the blood from flowing backward.

The blood is a component made up with liquid in which a red blood corpuscle, white blood corpuscle, and blood platelet 血小板 are mixed in blood plasma 血漿.

The red blood corpuscle carries oxygen from the lung to cells, carries carbon…

No.286 21/11/07 15:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the blood】

《Varied blood corpuscles are made from the same stem cell》

…the red blood corpuscle carries carbon dioxide from cells to the lung.

The white blood corpuscle is the cell which has something to do with defending the body.

The blood platelet plays a part of stopping the blood in a wound.

Thus varied blood corpuscles and blood platelet are made from the same stem cell in the bone marrow.


The artery is made up with three layers covering endothelial cell 内皮細胞. A thick artery near the heart has an elastic fiber, and endures a change on the blood pressure.

No.287 21/11/07 15:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the blood】


The artery of middle size has lots of smooth muscle 平滑筋, and changing the diameter on the blood vessel and keeps a fixed blood pressure. The smooth muscle is classified with an involuntary muscle and is controlled by the autonomous nervous system.


When comparing it with the artery, vein has such the less smooth muscle and so less elastic that its wall on the blood vessel is thin, the flowing blood looks blue and see-through.

There is an inner film which expands like a pleat in the vein. It’s a valve which prevents the blood from flowing backward.

No.288 21/11/07 15:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the blood】

『Corpuscles which go into the blood from the capillary vessels in the bone marrow』

New red blood corpuscle, white red blood corpuscle, and blood platelet are made in the stem cell making blood of the bone marrow.

Corpuscles made in the bone marrow make a hole in the capillary vessels in the bone marrow for themselves and go into there. They are on the stream of blood and are flowing over the whole body.

How do the corpuscles make the hole? Why can’t an imperfect corpuscles which is on the way of differentiation make the hole? We can’t understand in detail at present.

No.289 21/11/07 16:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the bone】

《Osteoblasts 骨芽細胞 secretes calcium for the bone》

Bone and muscle determine the appearance on a person. Basic shape on the person is made by the bone, and all kinds of movement on the person are caused by the muscle. Both of the bone and muscle are made by cells.

The bone is mainly made by inorganic matter like calcium phosphate リン酸カルシウム, calcium carbonate 炭酸カルシウム, and cell on bone.

There are projections from the cell on the bone and are connected each other but are buried in the bone. They make a mysterious pattern like a ripple on the surface of the bone, but the …

No.290 21/11/07 16:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the bone】

《Osteoblasts secretes calcium for the bone》

…but the cell on the bone isn’t buried in the bone from the beginning. The osteoblasts 骨芽細胞 secretes calcium around itself, so the cell on the bone is made. With the perfection on the bone, the osteoblasts are surrounded by the calcium which was secreted for itself and is buried completely. It’s the cell on the bone.

【Cell in the muscle】

《Muscle has a skeletal muscle, heart muscle and smooth muscle 平滑筋》

The muscle has three kinds like the skeletal muscle, the heart one and the smooth one.

The skeletal muscle is the one…

No.291 21/11/09 23:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the muscle】

《There are three kinds of muscle, a skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and smooth muscle》

The skeletal muscle is the one which sticks to the bone and makes the limbs move. We can move it with our own will. A single fiber on the skeletal muscle is made with a single cell which has lots of nuclei. Its feature is we can see a horizontal stripe on the fiber.

The heart muscle is the one which makes the heart pulsate. Each of cells on the heart muscle branches off one by one, and every tip of the cell connects with other cells on the heart muscle. As a result, those cells on the…

No.292 21/11/09 23:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the muscle】

《There are three kinds of muscle, skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and smooth muscle》

As a result, those cells on the muscle connect as if they were a lattice and forms the shape well which is like a round bag. As the cells on the muscle connect like the lattice, contracting the heart muscle makes the capacity on the upper half of the heart and the lower half reduce.

The upper half is called an atrium 心房, and the lower half is a ventricle 心室.

Except for ordinary cell on the heart, there are special cell on the heart muscle. It’s the heart muscle which decides the pace…

No.293 21/11/10 00:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the muscle】

《There are three kinds of cell in the heart, skeletal muscle, heart muscle and smooth muscle》

It’s the heart muscle which decides the pace on the pulsation of the heart and the other which responses with the reaction on the stimulation from the heart muscle and conveys a message the pace on pulsation to other ordinary cells in the heart.

The heart keeps a normal rhythm on the pulsation by the special work on the cell of the heart.

The smooth muscle is the one which is in a digestive tube and a thick blood vessel. We can neither move nor…

No.294 21/11/10 00:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the heart】

《There are three kinds of muscle in the heart, skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and smooth muscle》

We can neither move nor stop the smooth muscle with our own will. It’s different from the skeletal muscle.

【Cell in the lymph node】

《Macrophages swallow an alien substance in the lymph fluid》

There are some organs like like lymph vessel, lymph node, spleen 脾臓, tonsil 扁桃腺, and thymus 胸腺 so as to defend our body from an alien substance which invades like bacteria in the human body.

Both the lymph node and spleen play a part on the filter. The lymph node does on the way of …

No.295 21/11/10 00:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the lymph node】

《Macrophages swallow an alien substance in the lymph fluid》

The lymph node plays a part as filter on the way of the lymph vessel and the spleen does on the way of the blood vessel. Each of them purify the lymph fluid and blood.

The lymph vessel starts as capillary lymphatic vessel in a passage for the lymph fluid in all the cells and gathers gradually, so becomes the lymph vessel. It connects with the vein under the collarbone 鎖骨.

The main component in the lymph fluid is a lymphocyte リンパ球 which is in charge of immunity. B cell and T cell is included in the...

No.296 21/11/10 23:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the lymph node】

《Macrophages swallow an alien substance in the lymph fluid》

T cell and B cell are included in the lymph fluid and are in charge of the immunity.

The lymph node is an organ of which size is a broad bean そら豆, and is on the way of the lymph vessel. The lymph fluid of which number is no less than from 300 to 600 in the human body.

Macrophages are waiting for alien substances among cells and they catch the alien substance which pass through the lymph fluid and swallow them.

【Cell in the spleen 脾臓】

《There is a capillary vessel which has lots of opening in the spleen》

No.297 21/11/10 23:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the spleen】

《There is a capillary vessel which has lots of opening in the spleen》

The spleen functions of filtering an alien substance like a trash or bacteria in the blood vessel. There is a special capillary vessel between artery and vein in the spleen.

There are cells of which shape is a slender stick, and each of them sticks out a short projection and connect each other with the short projection. The slender sticks stand in a line, and there is the opening between the slender sticks. Its shape is as if it were a duck board すのこ.

There are macrophage, lymphocyte, and others …

No.298 21/11/14 01:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the spleen】

《There is a capillary vessel which has lots of openings in the spleen》

There are macrophages, lymphocyte, and other lots of cells which are related to immunity on the special capillary vessel, and they are waiting for alien substances and old red blood corpuscles which go in and out of the opening in the spleen so as to catch and eat them.

Thus the blood is purified.

The alien substance which is dealt with in the lymph node and spleen is recognized as antigen 抗原. Immune reaction is caused by the antigen, so immune cell which attacks the alien substance which means…

No.299 21/11/14 02:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the spleen】

《There is a capillary vessel which has lots of openings in the spleen》

…so immune cell which attacks the alien substance which means the antigen starts to increase.

【Cell in the nerve】

《There are no less than one hundred and forty billion nerve cells in a person》

It is said the human body is made with some two hundred seventy kinds and sixty trillion of cells, but it doesn’t always mean it isn’t a simple aggregate on the cells. Each of the cells are related to each other and join forces, so the human body exists as a person.

It is the nerve and hormone which…

No.300 21/11/14 02:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the nerve】

《There are one hundred and forty billion nerve cells in a person》

It is the nerves and hormone which combine and adjust all the cells.

There are two kinds of nerves. The one is a center nerve which is in the brain and in the backbone. The other is a peripheral nerve which contacts between the center nerve and each part of the body.

There is the motor nerve which connects with muscle, autonomous nerve which connects with internal organs, and a sensory nerve which connects with sensory organ. Both of the center nerve and peripheral nerve are made up with nerve cells…

No.301 21/11/14 02:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the nerve】

《There are one hundred and forty billion nerve cells in a person》

Both of the center nerve and the peripheral nerve are made up with nerve cells and others which support the nerve cells.

The nerve cell is a shape like the next. Two kinds of projection expand from a cell which has nucleus. One of the projection receives a stimulation which means an information from other cells and other projection sends the stimulation to the other cells.

There is synapse between the projection which sends the information to the other cells and the other cells which receive the...

No.302 21/11/14 02:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell in the nerve】

《There are one hundred and forty billion nerve cells in a person》

There is a synapse between the projection which sends the information to the other cells and other cells which receive the stimulation. It is said that there are some one hundred and forty billion nerve cells in the human body. The one of which projection is long reaches a one meter. It’s a sciatic nerve 坐骨神経.

The nerve cell is called neuron, and is an unit which carries on a nerve action. In short, lots of the neurons connect and becomes a complicated circuit made up with nerve. It’s the nervous system.

No.303 21/11/14 03:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell which secretes hormone】

《Roughly speaking there are three kinds of cell which secrete hormone》

A substance which is secreted from a cell and has an influence over a specific cell through the blood vessel is called hormone. The hormone is different from the nerve and moves over the whole body with the blood.

A cell which has a thing for receiving the hormone can receive hormone. Others which don’t have can’t receive.

When comparing the nerve with the hormone, let’s suppose that the nerve was a fixed-line phone. On the other hand, the hormone was a cell phone which contacts with...

No.304 21/11/14 03:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell which secretes hormone】

《Roughly speaking, there are three kinds of cell which secrete hormone》

On the other hand, the hormone was a cell phone which contacts with wireless.

While sending the information in the nerve, a nerve fiber which resembles a telephone wire is indispensable, sending information with the hormone, a thing like an antenna is essential.

Cells which secrete the hormone develop at various organs in the human body, and the cells are roughly divided into three, according to the hormone which is secreted.

The one is the hormone which secretes as steroid. It’s in …

No.305 21/11/14 03:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell which secretes hormone】

《Roughly speaking, a cell which secretes hormone is three kinds》

The hormone which is secreted as steroid is in adrenal cortex 副腎皮質, ovary, and testis.

The second is the hormone which secretes protein and is distributed through pituitary 下垂体 and pancreas. As to the place on pituitary, roughly speaking, it’s between the eye and the ear, according to an illustration on the book which I’m expressing just now.

The third is the one which changes from hydrogen atom into hydrocarbon. It’s in adrenal medulla 副腎髄質, and in thyroid gland 甲状腺.

No.306 21/11/14 04:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cell which secretes hormone】

《Roughly speaking, there are three kinds of cell which secrete hormone》

The thyroid gland is around the throat. The cell which secretes the hormone in the thyroid has a strange way of secreting. It secretes a substance once and absorbs it again and processes it. After that it is secreted to the blood vessel.

【iPS cell which can change into every kind of cell】

iPS cell can make an almighty cell which is able to be reborn again. It can change into every kind of cell and can make it from its own body.

There are various cells of which shape and function is…

No.307 21/11/14 04:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS which can change into every kind of cell】

There are various cells of which shape and function arel different in the body, but each of the cells divided from the same fertilized egg originally.

After having divided, the cell changes into the one which is in charge of a special role. The fertilized egg has an ability which becomes into every kind of cell, but the more it divides, the less the ability of dividing becomes. After the cell is divided, it doesn’t have almighty nature which becomes into every kind of cell.

But Shinya Yamanaka professor in Kyoto university has made the iPS cell

No.308 21/11/14 14:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which can change into every kind of cell】

The professor has succeeded in it with additional genetic operation. As the iPS cell is made from its own cell, so there is no problem on ethics nor rejection, so everyone hopes it will make a great contribution to a medical treatment in the future.

【What is a stem cell?】

Do you know a creature called planaria? It’s classified as platyhelminth 扁形動物, and wherever it’s cut off from the body, each part which was cut off can revive as a single one. A cell which is in charge of the revival is the stem cell.

By the way, what about us?

No.309 21/11/14 14:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What is a stem cell?】

How about our human body?

A fertilized egg on a person has an ability like that, but every time its division makes progress, the ability is limited and all the ability is lost completely. The division is done.

As a result, for example, when all the fingers are cut off, the fingers don’t revive from the part where they were cut off, but a person who is a grownup has also the stem cell.

The skin on the person has the stem cell, so when the skin is damaged and is lost, its function is able to be made up with.

Intestine has its own stem cell, and hair has the same one.

No.310 21/11/14 14:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What is a stem cell?】

But the stem cell can’t provide us almighty cell which make up with all the functions like the planaria. Thus it is said that the stem cell has a limited revival ability in a divided organization.

On the other hand, in the beginning of the embryo on a person, after a fertilization cells on the embryo divide several times, it has a cell which can change into every kind of cell inside the body. It can change into every part of the body and is a kind of almighty cell, though it can’t change into a placenta 胎盤.

In this situation, taking up the cell from the lump of the…

No.311 21/11/14 15:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What is a stem cell?】

…taking out the cell from the lump of cell direct inside the embryo and put it in a test tube and cultures it. The way was thought up.

The cell which is cultured like that is called ES cell, Embryonic Stem Cells. The ES cell is the typical one for the stem cell.

【ES cell which is made from the embryo in the beginning】

《ES cell is almighty like a fertilized egg》

The ES cell which is got from inside the embryo is pluripotent 多能性, so it can change into every kind of cell, but it can’t change into the placenta alone, for the placenta is made from layers on the cell…

No.312 21/11/14 15:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【ES cell which is made from the embryo in the beginning】

《ES cell is almighty like a fertilized egg》

…for the placenta is made from layers on the cell outside the embryo in the beginning so as to take nutrient from the mother’s body.

Taking out the cell from the embryo in the beginning and culturing it in a special condition in order to make the ES cell. Then a lump of ES cell appears. It is called a colony, and the colony increases limitlessly and divides into various cells according to the cultural condition.

But if making the cell return to the womb, it can’t make the placenta…

No.313 21/11/14 15:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【ES cell which is made from the embryo in the beginning】

《ES cell is almighty like an fertilized egg》

…so none of baby is born.

It has been thought that a medical treatment for revival is possible with the use of the ES cell, but it has never been realized at present, for there is an ethical problem and rejection, though its experiment has started in the U.S.A.October in 2010. It isn’t a practical use, but it is applied for a person for the first time.

What is the ethical problem?

As to the ES cell, a couple who received an artificial insemination 人工受精 offers an embryo in the beginning.

No.314 21/11/14 15:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【ES cell which is made from the embryo in the beginning】

《ES cell is almighty like an fertilized egg》

The embryo is cultured in a test tube and broken up, then each of them which was broken up is taken out.

Ethical problem is there isn’t few voice that destroying the embryo so as to study is regarded as questionable.

On the other hand, there is other problem on immune reaction.

When making a cell and an organ from the ES cell and transplanting them into a patient’s body, the cell and organ are regarded as alien substance by the immune system on the patient, so they are excluded.

No.315 21/11/14 16:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


As to the last phrase in the last response, to be exact, there is possibility that they are excluded.

【iPS cell which is made from the skin】

《Without using the embryo, an ultimate almighty cell, which is the iPS cell》

Thus there are difficult problems on the development of the study for the ES cell, so lots of researchers tried to think of a new almighty cell which gets rid of the two problems. One of them is Shinya Yamanaka professor in Kyoto university.

He and other researchers succeeded in making a new almighty cell from the cell on the skin of a person October in 2007.

No.316 21/11/14 16:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which is made from the skin】

《Without using any embryo, it’s an ultimate almighty cell, which is the iPS cell》

Making the new almighty cell from the skin was done for the first time by the professors. What kind of thing is it?

The cell on the skin on a grown up and the ES cell is different altogether on the both of its shape and function, for a combination on genes which work actively each cell is different so much. It’s a combination on the protein.

Yamanaka professor thought like the next.

If pinpointing the genes which work actively in the ES cell and sending the same genes…

No.317 21/11/14 17:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which is made from the skin】

《Without using any embryo, an ultimate almighty cell, which is the iPS cell》

…and sending the same genes to the cell on the skin, the cell on the skin becomes the same situation as the ES cell, doesn’t it?

How was the gene sent there? A thing which carries the gene is already used in a genetic medical treatment, and it was used then. The one which carries the gene is called retrovirus.

By the way, the expression seems to be hard, besides, I’m hungry, and want to eat something, so I’m going to stop today.

Thank you for reading and have a good evening.

No.318 21/11/14 22:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which is made from the skin】

《Without using the embryo, an ultimate almighty cell, which is the iPS cell》

Other study was very useful so as to pinpoint the genes. The study was the next one.

The nucleus of a cell was divided, but the component in the cell of the ES cell can make the nucleus of the cell be the first situation which wasn’t divided.

As accepting the result on the study, Yamanaka professor supposed that the first genes were included in the component of the cell in the ES cell, and specified 24 genes which were necessary and indispensable from some hundred genes…

No.319 21/11/14 22:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which is made from the skin】

《Without using any embryo, an ultimate almighty cell, which is the iPS cell》

…and specified 24 genes which were necessary and indispensable from some hundred genes which were distinguished in the ES cell. Yamanaka professor verified the 24 genes one by one and reached four genes finally. It takes almost five years.

He reported that without using the embryo, he succeeded in making the almighty cell be born with a mouse for the first time in the world August in 2006. He named the almighty cell iPS cell. It’s an abbreviation of induced Pluripotent Stem…

No.320 21/11/14 22:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which was made from the skin】

《Without using any embryo, an ultimate almighty cell, which is the iPS cell》

The iPS cell is an abbreviation of induced pluripotent Stem cell. Furthermore, he reported he made the iPS cell on a person for which we were waiting for eagerly be born November in 2007.

『Yamanaka professor pinpointed the four genes in the next way』

He used the retrovirus which carried the gene, and made the retrovirus send 24 genes which were candidates to the cell on the skin one by one, but failed. None of the 24 genes caused the first situation by single one alone.

No.321 21/11/15 00:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which is made from the skin】

『Yamanaka professor pinpointed 24 genes in the next way』

He sent the 24 genes which were the candidates for the ES cell to the cell on the skin at once, so the cell on the skin became the first situation. It indicates that the combination on genes is included in the 24 genes which were necessary to become the first situation.

In the next, he sent 23 genes to the cell of the skin at once. There were 24 candidates for the first situation in the ES cell, and got rid of the single one alone, and sent all others to the cell of the skin. Then there were…

No.322 21/11/15 00:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which was made from the cell on the skin】

『Yamanaka professor pinpointed four genes in the next way』

Then there were two cases. The one caused the first situation, and the other didn’t. When the first situation wasn’t caused, the gene which was got rid of has high possibility which was indispensable for the first situation.

The Yamanaka professor deduced four genes which was indispensable for the first situation from the elimination.

When combined the four genes alone and sending them to the cell on the skin, the first situation was caused, and a cell which resembled the ES cell…

No.323 21/11/15 00:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【iPS cell which was made from the cell on the skin】

《Yamanaka professor pinpointed four genes in the next way》

…and a cell which resembles the ES cell well appeared. It’s the iPS cell.

The retrovirus which carried the gene has a possibility causing cancer, so we can’t preserve it for a long time. Instead of the retrovirus, plasmid was used. It’s a DNA of which shape was a ring and was in the cell like a colon bacillus 大腸菌. It is by far safer than the retrovirus.

I often used the phrase of the first situation. It means the first situation before the cell is divided. It’s 初期化 in Japanese.

No.324 21/11/15 06:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【After the iPS cell was discovered, the competition between international society becomes severe】

《Outcome on the study after the iPS cell》

Sixth international meeting on the stem cell was held in America in 2008. A debate on the iPS cell started in the evening, but even after the debate was over, questioners had a long line, and it prevented Yamanaka professor from leaving the meeting place.

Yamanaka professor has been paid attention from all over the world, and he was in the center of the topic in the national meeting this time. There are some noteworthy outcomes on the study which…

No.325 21/11/15 07:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Outcome on the study after the iPS cell】

There are some noteworthy outcomes on the study which were reported in the academic meeting like the next.

《The iPS cell which takes over the nature on a patient》

The iPS cell was made from the cell on the skin of patients who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, or who suffered from Parkinson’s disease. Some groups on the study in America and Germany reported like that.

The cell has a feature of taking over the nature on the patients. For example, if using the cell of the patient who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, we’ll learn to make the nerve…

No.326 21/11/15 07:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Outcomes on the study after the iPS cell】

《The iPS cell which takes over the nature on a patient》

…we’ll learn to make the nerve cell on the brain of the patient who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease when it is necessary. It is well known that Alzheimer’s disease transforms the nerve cell on the brain when its syndrome makes progress.

If using the cell originating from a person, especially taking advantage of the cell of the patient itself and developing its medicine, we can investigate the effect on the medicine and the side effect more efficiently than using cell on other animals.

No.327 21/11/15 07:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Outcome on the study after the iPS cell】

《The iPS cell which takes over the nature on a patient》

Moreover, we can make the situation on the cell in the human body reappear, so it’s useful for the study on mechanism which causes a disease.

《Making kinds of cell change directly in the body》

One of the study which was paid the most attention was a direct programming to the beta-cell of the pancreas. It was done by American researchers.

The beta-cell is the one which secretes insulin, and insulin makes the blood sugar level drop. The researchers made a mouse which lost the beta-cell by...

No.328 21/11/15 07:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Outcome on the study after the iPS cell】

《Making kinds of cell change direct in the body》

The researchers made a mouse which lost the beta-cell by gene manipulation, and sent some genes to the cell of the pancreas. Then kinds of cell changed direct in the body, reprogramming was done directly. The beta-cell which was lost came to life again then.

The way of sending genes to the cell and changing its kind was done when the iPS cell was made. When making the Pluripotent stem cell 多能性幹細胞 like the iPS cell from the beta-cell outside the body, there are lots of process of making, and its…

No.329 21/11/15 08:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Outcome on the study after the iPS cell】

《Making kinds of cell change direct in the body》

…and its efficiency was also bad until then, but the researchers changed kinds of cell direct in the body and showed us a possibility of solving problems.

《International competition becomes severe》

By the way, if using a retrovirus which carries the gene, genome is damaged and there is possibility of causing cancer.

What is the genome?

A gene is added to chromosome, and the word of genome was born. The genome is all the information on the gene in DNA.

Instead of the retrovirus, other substances…

No.330 21/11/15 12:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Outcome on the study after the iPS cell】

《International competition becomes severe》

Instead of the retrovirus, other substances were used, and protein was used and the iPS cell was made, for the genome is hard to be damaged by those things, but we have to make sure enough whether or not we can make use of them efficiently in the cell of a person.

On the other hand, there is a report that the iPS cell was made from not only the cell of the skin but the cell of fat, and the cell of blood. Furthermore, the study on medical treatment using the iPS cell has been made progress.

An effect on…

No.331 21/11/15 12:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Outcome on the study after the iPS cell】

《International competition becomes severe》

An effect on medical treatment like Parkinson’s disease or hemophilia 血友病 by the iPS cell was made sure. Then a mouse was used.

On the other hand, clinical application by using the iPS cell has started in America, so the clinical application by using the iPS cell may come true in the near future.

It seems that the study on the iPS has made progress by far quicker than we expected. A professor said like the next.

The iPS cell was made and it was a breakthrough, and the study and development on the iPS…

No.332 21/11/15 13:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Outcome on the study after iPS cell】

《International competition becomes severe》

…and the study and development on the iPS cell for the clinical application will accelerate as bio technology in the future. On the other hand, lots of mysterious things remain. While a cell was divided, it returned to the embryo with a slight factor like genes. Why? Our interest as science is no end.

The professor said like that.

The author said the researchers make the practical use on iPS cell in the medical field quicker and we hope it will open a new way to the science.

【Immune system on the human body】

No.333 21/11/15 13:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Immune system in the human body】

Our body has been exposed to a pathogen like virus or bacteria constantly. When the pathogen invades into our body, an immune cell challenges a fight against the pathogen bravely and defends our body.

As to the immune cell, there is a macrophage which swallows bacteria and digests it, a killer of T cell which makes a cell infected with the bacteria commit suicide, and B cell which marks the pathogen for attack by using antibody.

The cells which have each strategy develop skillful teamwork. It’s a microscopic defensive war.

【A quest for immunity】

No.334 21/11/15 13:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A quest for immunity】

《From a discovery on vaccine to a solution on the mechanism of immunity》

Immunity is a defensive system in our body which defends our body from various pathogens. We the human being have defended from infectious disease like virus by a medical treatment by using immune ability from the time when we didn’t know on its mechanism.

An English doctor, Edward Jenner did an epoch making report at the end of the 18th century. Smallpox 天然痘 was prevalent in Europe then, and Jenner was aware of the next thing.

There were some people who were engaged in agriculture suffered …

No.335 21/11/15 13:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A quest for immunity】

《From a discovery on vaccine to a solution on mechanism of immunity》

There were some people who were engaged in agriculture suffered from cow pox, but they didn’t suffer from the small pox.

The cow pox is an infectious disease by a virus which is classified as the pox virus like the small pox, but its symptom on a person is slight.

Jenner made his son be inoculated 接種 against the cow pox, and after that he made his son be inoculated against the small pox. Then his son didn’t suffer from the small pox, for he took the virus of the cow pox in his body and got a power.

No.336 21/11/15 14:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A quest for immunity】

《From a discovery on vaccine to a solution on mechanism of immunity》

The boy got the power which opposed against the virus on the small pox, in short he got an immunity.

Taking a weak pathogen in the body and preparing for stronger pathogen which would invade into the body. It’s an inoculation 予防接種 and vaccine.

By the way, what’s difference between the vaccine and inoculation?

The vaccine is a weak poisonous virus, and the inoculation is taking the vaccine in the body, according to an expression in the internet.

The mechanism on immunity has been studied closely…

No.337 21/11/15 14:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A quest for immunity】

《From a discovery on vaccine to a solution on mechanism of immunity》

The mechanism on immunity has been studied closely in the latter of the 19th century.

When putting blood in a container and the blood is exposed to the air and leaving it alone in the temperature of the room, the blood coagulates 凝固 gradually, and yellow liquid is separated from the thing which the blood coagulates. We call the yellow liquid a blood serum 血清.

There was the blood serum on the blood taken from an animal which was infected by diphtheria. Shibasaburo Kitazato who was a Japanese…

No.338 21/11/15 16:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A quest for immunity】

《From discovery on vaccine to a solution on mechanism of immunity》

Shibazaburo Kitazato who was a Japanese bacteriologist and a German one inoculated the blood serum on the blood of animal which was infected with diphtheria to other animal which was infected with the same disease. Then the sickened animal got well.

They thought substance which opposed against a toxin in the virus was included in the blood serum.

On the other hand, a Belgian bacteriologist discovered other substance which destroyed the virus in the blood serum.

Then as to a part which is in charge…

No.339 21/11/15 16:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A quest for immunity】

《From a discovery on vaccine to a solution on mechanism of immunity》

As to a part which is in charge of immunity, there were two opinions then, the one was a molecule in the blood, and the other was a cell.

An experiment was done like the next by a French biologist. He stabbed a pin to a starfish, and the pin was swallowed by a big cell of the starfish, so he insisted on the theory of cell.

But it turned out that the immunity functions under close team play between the molecule and the cell at present, and the author expressed its mechanism in detail.

No.340 21/11/15 16:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity and adaptive immunity】

《Immunity system is divided into a first unit and a second unit》

Various cells work out in our body in order to exclude a pathogen which invades in our body from the outside, but it doesn’t always mean that each of cells move around at will. Each of them is in charge of its role with a close team play, joined force, and defend our body.

The author said he was going to show us the member of the unit which was in charge of the immunity.

The immunity system is roughly divided into two stage. The immunity which confronts an invader at first is innate…

No.341 21/11/15 17:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity and adaptive immunity】

《Immunity system is roughly divided into two stage》

The immunity which confronts an invader at first is innate immunity, but the first immunity can’t repulse all the invaders, so the second immunity takes over the others, and the second one is called adaptive immunity.

Cells which function are different kinds each of response on the immunity.

The innate immunity is in creatures from a long ago when they evolve. An invertebrate animal 無脊椎動物 defends its body with the innate immunity alone.

The one which plays an active part in the innate immunity…

No.342 21/11/15 17:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity and adaptive immunity】

《Immunity system is roughly divided into two stages》

The one which plays an active part in the innate immunity is phagocytes 食細胞 like macrophage, a granulated ball like 好中球 and so on. The phagocyte swallows a pathogen like a virus and digests it in the cell.

There are some pathogens which aren’t excluded by the first stage, and the second stage which is the adaptive immunity takes over the other pathogens and attack them.

The adaptive immunity is more evolved immunity system than the innate immunity and a vertebrate animal alone has it.

No.343 21/11/15 17:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity and adaptive immunity】

《Immunity system is roughly divided into two stages》

As the adaptive immunity is different from the innate one, each of cells has a target which it attacks, and it is fixed firmly. Leading parts in the adaptive immunity is T-cell and B-cell. Those cells take over their job from a cell like a stick belongs to the phagocyte 食細胞.

The cell like a stick which swallowed a pathogen moved from an infected place to a lymphatic organ where there is the T-cell, and showed a part of the pathogen which the cell like a stick swallowed to the T-cell.

Thus the T…

No.344 21/11/18 03:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity and adaptive immunity】

《Immunity system is roughly separated into two stages》

Thus the T-cell knows of face the one which invades the body and be able to function so as to attack it. After that the T-cell becomes a killer T-cell and travels around the body and looks for the cell which becomes the pathogen.

The cell which becomes the pathogen also holds the part of pathogen on the surface of the cell, so the cell is found by the killer T-cell, and the killer T-cell which detects the infected cell kills it.

And there is other T-cell which becomes a helper. It makes B cell…

No.345 21/11/18 03:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity and adaptive immunity】

《Immunity system is roughly separated into two stages》

The helper T-cell makes other cells like the B-cell, macrophages and the killer T-cell work.

On the other hand, the B-cell secretes a protein called antibody and attacks the pathogen and its toxin. To my surprise, there are sorts of antibodies, and its shape is in an infinitive variety. Each of antibodies has an adaptive shape in order to attack the pathogen.

The pathogen and toxin which invade the body stick to the hand of the antibody which stick out on the surface of the B-cell. The B-cell…

No.346 21/11/18 03:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity and adaptive immunity】

《Immunity system is roughly divided into two stages》

The B-cell alone has antibodies which fit to the toxin, and increases with the help of the helper T-cell and becomes mature. It’s divided. The B cell which divided secretes one after another the same antibody as on the surface of it.

The antibodies which were secreted go out of the lymphatic organ and go around the body. Whenever they discover the pathogen, they stick to it. The pathogen which is stuck by the antibody can’t function, so it becomes a target for attack by the macrophages.

No.347 21/11/18 04:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cells which work in the innate immunity】


It swallows bacteria like the pathogen or other cell which was broken and old and digests them. It shows the T-cell the part of pathogen which it digests.

《The cell like a tree》

Oh! I made a mistake. I used to express a cell like a stick before. It was in the wrong. It’s not the cell like a stick but the cell like a tree. I’m sorry for it.

It also swallows the pathogen and shows the T-cell the part of the pathogen which it digested like the macrophage, but its ability of showing is by far stronger than the macrophage. It’s from dozen…

No.348 21/11/18 04:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cells which work in the innate immunity】

《A cell like a tree》

Its ability of showing T-cell is from dozen times to hundredth times stronger than the macrophage.

《Granulocytes 顆粒球》

It has three kinds and each of them swallows and digests the pathogen. They belong to the white blood corpuscle, and their number is more than others in the white blood corpuscle, especially 好中球 accounts for more than 90% in the granulocytes.

There are granules among the granulocytes, and the granule is an enzyme which kills the pathogen. Active enzymes are used so as to kill the pathogen.

The 好中球 has a…

No.349 21/11/18 04:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cells which work in the innate immunity】

《A cell like a tree》

The 好中球 has a protein which makes the pathogen be damaged, and secretes the protein which acts on killing a parasitic worm. In addition, 好塩基球 secretes histamine C, and the histamine C increases permeability in the blood.

Permeability is a nature on an organic or inorganic film which makes water or liquid go through. A sneeze, nasal inflammation 鼻炎, or asthma are caused by the histamine.

【Other cells which work in the adaptive immunity】

《Killer T-cell》

T-cell is mainly stimulated by the cell like the tree and is divided.

No.350 21/11/18 05:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cells in the adaptive immunity】

《Killer T-cell》

The killer T-cell travels around the human body and discovers a cell which is infected with the pathogen and secretes a protein, and the infected cell commits suicide by the protein.

《Helper T-cell》

It is stimulated by the cell like the tree and is divided like the Killer T-cell. It makes the B-cell stimulate and makes it be divided. It makes macrophage and the killer T-cell work.


A projection is stuck out of the film of the B-cell and when the toxin is united with the projection, the B-cell starts to divide, and secretes other…

No.351 21/11/19 01:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Cells in the adaptive immunity】


…and secretes other protein called antibody, and the protein is the same shape of the projection. The protein sticks to the pathogen and prevents the pathogen from functioning or urges the pathogen to be swallowed by the cell which eat the pathogen.

【Division of immunity cell】

《All the immunity cells are born from a single kind of cell》

There are immunity cells in a great variety. How were they born?

All of the immunity cells are sometimes called the white blood corpuscles. Those white blood corpuscles, red white corpuscles, and blood…

No.352 21/11/19 02:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Division of immunity cell】

《All of the immunity cells are born from a single cell》

Those white blood corpuscles, red white corpuscles, and blood platelets are flowing in our blood vessels. Each of them has different function and different shape each other, but if following their origin, all of them are born from a single one called a hematopoietic 造血 stem cell. It exists in the bone marrow of a grownup or in the liver of an unborn baby.

The hematopoietic stem cell is divided and changes into other immunity cell like the red blood corpuscle, granulocytes, 顆粒球 macrophages and B-cell.

No.353 21/11/19 02:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Division of immunity cell】

《All of the immunity cells are born from no more than single a single cell》

Some of the hematopoietic stem cells move to the thymus 胸腺 on the way. The one which moves to the thymus is divided into the T-cell after that. Moreover, if the T-cell and B-cell are stimulated by a pathogen and they will be divided.

A thing like a selective examination for the cell is done in the bone marrow or in the thymus. Both of the T-cell and B-cell have to distinguish a protein which exists from the beginning in the body from the pathogen which invades in the body.

No.354 21/11/19 02:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Division in the immunity cell】

《All of the immunity cells are born from no more than a single cell》

Otherwise the T-cell and B-cell will attack an indispensable one in the body by mistake, so they are checked so as not to attack the indispensable thing in the body from the time when they were in the bone marrow or in the thymus.

When being exposed to the indispensable things, if two of them respond with them, the T-cell and B-cell which are inferior goods will be destroyed, or their functions are forfeited. They have a thing like hand on the surface of the cell. They recognize the…

No.355 21/11/19 02:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Division in the immunity cell】

《All of the immunity cells are born from no more than a single cell》

The T-cell and B-cell recognize the protein and pathogen with their hand, their hands are made to be changed as long as they are inferior goods.

As to the T-cell, the one which can’t respond with the pathogen invading from outside the body will be removed. B-cell is stimulated by the T-cell, so the selective examination is done for the T-cell alone.

The T-cell and B-cell go out of the bone marrow and thymus before long and they come across proteins which they have never met until then.

No.356 21/11/19 03:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Division in the immunity cell】

《All of the immunity cells are born from no more than a single cell》

If they respond with the protein by mistake, they will be killed or their function will be forfeited, but unluckily, the selective examination isn’t always perfect, and some of them can escape from it.

The ones which can escape from the selective examination travel around the body and respond with the protein, we’ll suffer from an autoimmune disease like rheumatism.

【T-cell and B-cell go in circles around the blood and lymph fluid】

T-cell and B-cell were born in the bone marrow and thymus.

No.357 21/11/19 03:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【T-cell and B-cell go in circles around the blood and lymphatic fluid】

After that where are two of them in the body?

A place where we can see lots of mature T-cell and B-cell is in a peripheral 末梢 lymphatic organ like lymph node, or spleen, but it doesn’t always mean that those cells don’t stay still in one place alone. They go circle around the blood and lymph fluid with the flow.

The lymph fluid is liquid which flows in the lymph duct. The lymph duct connects with other one and blood vessels.

When going in circles around the body and coming across the pathogen shown by other cell in the…

No.358 21/11/19 04:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【T-cell and B-cell go in circles around the blood and lymph fluid】

When going in circles around the body and coming across the pathogen shown by other cells like the other cell which resembles tree and the helper T-cell, the killer T-cell goes to the place where the cell was infected in order to kill the cell which was infected with the pathogen. The B-cell returns to the bone marrow.

【Innate immunity】

《The first unit which is the innate immunity swallows the pathogen and digests it》

A pathogen which invades from outside the body goes in the body through the skin and a mucous membrane.

No.359 21/11/19 05:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity】

《The first unit which is the innate immunity swallows the pathogen and digests it》

The first response against the invaded pathogen takes place. It’s the innate immunity.

A protein called antibacterial peptide is secreted from the epithelium mucous membrane. Its typical antibacterial peptide destroys the cell membrane on the pathogen.

A leading part in the innate immunity is a phagocyte. The phagocyte is a cell which eats other cells like the macrophage, 好中球, the cell like a tree.

The phagocyte usually goes in circles around the body with the flow of blood, but when…

No.360 21/11/19 05:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity】

《The first unit which is the innate immunity swallows the pathogen and digests it》

…but when finding an invader, the phagocyte swallows and digests it. The phagocyte recognizes molecules which a parasitic worm, bacteria, and fungi have, and distinguish the ones from the others which are in the body originally.

好中球 has lots of digestive enzymes in the body, after swallowing the pathogen, it destroys not only the swallowing the pathogen but itself like a suicide bombing. The dead body on the 好中球 or the pathogen is a pus 膿.

Furthermore, the 好中球 secretes the digestive enzyme…

No.361 21/11/19 05:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Innate immunity】

《The first unit which is the innate immunity swallows a pathogen and digests it》

好中球 secretes digestive enzyme, macrophage emits a signal, and a group of some twenty kinds of protein called 補体系 leads the phagocyte one after another to a place where the cell was infected.

Then the blood vessel is expanded and lots of phagocytes gather there, so the wound is swollen and becomes red, so inflammation occurred.

Macrophage and the cell like a tree swallow the pathogen and digest them, and holding the part of the pathogen on the surface of the cell, and moves the peripheral…

No.362 21/11/19 05:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

…the phagocyte moves to the peripheral lymph organ.

【Killer T-cell】

《Killer T-cell makes the infected cell commit suicide in the adaptive immunity》

When the pathogen isn’t able to be got rid of enough in the innate immunity, the leading part on the attack is moved to the adaptive immunity.

At first, the cell like a tree which holds the part of the pathogen on the surface of the cell moves to the peripheral lymph organ and comes across the T-cell. The information on the pathogen is told to the T-cell and the T-cell is stimulated, so it divides.

Division on the T-cell are two kinds.

No.363 21/11/19 06:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Killer T-cell】

《Killer T-cell makes the infected cell commit suicide in the adaptive immunity》

The one is divided into the killer T-cell and the other is the helper T-cell. Which one to divide is determined from the time when it was in the thymus.

The killer T-cell kills the cell direct which was infected with virus and bacteria in the body. The cell like a tree passed the true character on the pathogen to the killer T-cell. After division, the killer T-cell travels around in the body in order to come across the infected cell.

MHC is in charge of an important role when the killer T-cell…

No.364 21/11/19 06:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Killer T-cell】

《The killer T-cell makes the infected cell commit suicide in the adaptive immunity》

MHC is in charge of an important role when the killer T-cell finds the infected cell. MHC is an abbreviation of major histocompatibility complex. It’s a kind of protein.

When a cell is infected with a pathogen, the part of the pathogen is stuck out on the surface on the cell. The MHC sticks out the pathogen as if it were an arm.

For example, the cell is infected with a virus, and the virus is broken down minutely in the cell. The part of the virus is stuck to the MHC and is stuck out to the…

No.365 21/11/19 19:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Killer T-cell】

《The killer T-cell makes the infected cell commit suicide in the adaptive immunity》

The part of the virus is stuck to the MHC and is stuck out to the surface of the cell.

The killer T-cell also has a thing like the arm and recognizes the MHC and pathogen on the infected cell with its arm. When the cell like a tree shows the pathogen, the killer T-cell recognizes it with its arm.

Thus when the killer T-cell recognizes the same pathogen on the surface of the infected cell with the one which was shown by the cell like a tree before, the killer T-cell secretes a protein.

No.366 21/11/19 19:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The infected cell received the protein and starts a program of killing itself, and the cell commits suicide then.

【Helper T-cell】

《The helper T-cell urges the immune cell to function》

The helper T-cell is one more T-cell and its function is different from the killer T-cell. It stimulates B-cell, macrophage, and the killer T-cell and urges them to function. The author expresses how the helper T-cell makes the B-cell work like the next.

The B-cell originally fixes antibody to the surface of the cell. The pathogen sticks to the antibody soon, and is taken inside the B-cell and is broken down.

No.367 21/11/19 21:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Helper T-cell】

《The helper T-cell urges immune cells to function》

After that, the pathogen is stuck to the MHC and is stuck out to the surface of the cell, but we have to be careful of the next thing.

The MHC which the B-cell has is different from the MHC which the infected cell has. The MHC which is stuck out by the infected cell is recognized by the killer T-cell, and the MHC which is done by the B-cell is recognized by the helper T-cell.

A pathogen is shown on the surface of the B-cell and the helper T cell recognize it is the same one which was shown by the cell like a tree before.

No.368 21/11/19 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Helper T-cell】

《The helper T-cell urges immune cells to function》

Then the helper T-cell sends the B-cell molecules. The molecules make the B-cell increase and urge the B-cell to divide.

Thus the B-cell is stimulated by the helper T-cell and increases. It divides and secretes antibody.

By the way, macrophage has the same MHC with the one which the B-cell has, so when being infected by virus, MHC and the part of pathogen are shown on the surface of the cell. It is indicated to the B-cell.

Originally, virus is swallowed by the macrophage and is digested, but some of them can survive.

No.369 21/11/19 22:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Helper T-cell】

《The helper T-cell urges immune cells to function》

Even if after being swallowed by the macrophages, some of germs can survive in the body of the macrophage. They are troublesome. The helper T-cell which recognized the pathogen on the surface of the cell moves to the place where the cell was infected and urges the macrophage to function.

In addition, when the cell like a tree shows the T-cell a pathogen, it uses the same MHC.

【Antibody in the B-cell】

《The antibody is so varied that each of them can response with any kind of invaders》

The B-cell is one more leading part…

No.370 21/11/20 23:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Antibody in the B-cell】

《The antibody is so varied that each of them can response with any kind of invaders》

The B-cell is other leading part in the adaptive immunity.

The antibody is stuck out on the surface of the cell in the B-cell. When a pathogen clings to the antibody, the B-cell is divided and increase. As to the T-cell, it has to be near the pathogen, otherwise, it can’t function against the pathogen.

On the other hand, the B-cell secretes the antibody and the antibody travels around the human body, so the B-cell can function to the pathogen which is far away from the B-cell.

No.371 21/11/20 23:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Antibody in the B-cell】

《The antibody is so varied that each of them can respond with any kind of invaders》

After being exposed to the pathogen, the B-cell divides. Can all the B-cell which is divided then secretes antibody? Do they become the ones who join the battle and do good job at once? It doesn’t mean that all of them can.

The B-cells are stimulated by united the pathogen and divide. Some of them become memory cell. The memory cell doesn’t secrete the antibody nor attack at once then, but when the same pathogen goes into the body again, it becomes a ready fighting power at once…

No.372 21/11/21 00:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Antibody in the B-cell】

《The antibody is so varied that each of them can respond with any kind of invaders》

…so the memory cell secretes the antibody at once this time, so when suffering from infectious disease, responsive immunity become quicker in the second time than the first time.

We receive an inoculation 予防接種, then a pathogen of which poison becomes weak or is lost is injected, and our body prepares for the next infectious disease. It’s the principle on the inoculation.

By the way, the antibody which is secreted by the B-cell is a single kind alone. On the other hand, the kind…

No.373 21/11/21 00:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Antibody in the B-cell】

《The antibody is so varied that any of them can respond with any kind of invaders》

On the other hand, the kind of pathogens which go into the human body is immeasurable. To tell the truth, a large amount of kinds of antibody, which means the B-cell have already been made in our body.

So the B-cell which has an antibody fits the pathogen which goes into the body increases, divides. It secretes antibodies, or becomes the memory cell.

It has been thought like that. It’s called clone selection theory.

【Variation on the antibody】

《Recombination on gene causes…》

No.374 21/11/21 00:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Variation in the antibody】

《Recombination on gene causes varied antibodies》

It is said a large amount of kinds of antibody are prepared in our body originally. Its more than ten trillion. How are the enormous amount of kind of antibody ready for?

The antibody is a protein which is made by a plan of genes.

By the way, when trying to express it in English, I find it hard to do, so I’m going to omit it. I wish I could be aware of it before starting to express. I’m sorry for it.

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

It’s a new medical treatment in which immunity is made use of. There is…

No.375 21/11/21 00:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

There is few side effects and combination with other medical treatment shows its effect in the medical treatment.

The immunity attacks an enemy which is a pathogen goes from outside the body, but its enemy isn’t the pathogen alone. Cancer cells which change into unusual one in the body receive attack from the immunity.

It was shown clearly that cancer cells are attacked and excluded by the immune system in the body in the middle of the 1980. At first a material called interleukin which increases the T-cell has been discovered then.

The interleukin was…

No.376 21/11/21 01:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

The interleukin which increases the T-cell was composed and was injected to patients who suffered from the cancer. Then the cancer of a part of patients reduced clearly, but the interleukin doesn’t function the cancer cells direct. It makes the T-cell increase, and the T-cell attacked the cancer cells and excluded them. It was demonstrated then.

The T-cell doesn’t attack an ordinary cell but do the cancer cells alone. What makes the T-cell attack the cancer cell as guide?

A Belgian immunologist started from a study on melanoma which is a cancer on a mole.

No.377 21/11/21 01:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

He discovered molecules on the cancer as a guide, which is the pathogen on the cancer, after that lots of the pathogens on cancers have been discovered. In addition, the cell like a tree which shows the T-cell the pathogen on the cancer, and various cells which attack the cancer cells have also been discovered.

《An immune cell which is needed alone is strengthened outside the body》

Applying the immune system to a medical treatment against sickness for the people practically has been paid attention at present, and is popular among us.

No.378 21/11/21 01:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《An immune cell which is needed alone is strengthened outside the body》

The medical treatment by immune cell means a combination of medical treatment by immune and the medical treatment on cells. What is the medical treatment on cells?

Taking out cells and organs from the body of a patient, dealing with them outside the body, processing and increasing and heightening its function. After that, the cells and organs are returned to the body. The medical treatment on cells is done like that.

For example,culturing a cell on cartilage 軟骨 in joint outside the…

No.379 21/11/21 04:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《An immune cell which is needed alone is strengthened outside the body》

…culturing the cell on cartilage in a joint outside the body and taking advantage of it for a damaged joint, so the joint is cured. Or culturing the cell on skin outside the body, and applying it to a remedy for a burn on damaged skin. It’s the medical treatment on cells.

In the medical treatment on cells, a cell which functions to an immune cell is used. It’s the medical treatment on immune cell.

The medical treatment on immune cell has been done against the cancer in wide area.

No.380 21/11/21 04:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《The immune cell which is needed alone is strengthened outside the body》

Medical treatment on immune cell has also been used for a part of infectious disease on virus. The Cell which has been taken advantage are the T-cell, or the cell like a tree. The T-cell kills cancer cells direct, and the cell like a tree conveys information on pathogen of the cancer cell to the T-cell, and issues a command for attack against the cancer cell.

The medical treatment has been taken advantage of the cancer from the latter half in 1980s.
Then various immune cells which…

No.381 21/11/21 04:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《The immune cell which is needed alone is strengthened outside the body》

Then various immune cells which is increased by interleukin is injected into the human body. The interleukin increases the T-cell, but except for the T-cell, there are cells which attack the cancer cells like NK cell and others.

Each of the cells is limited to the cancer cell which each of them can attack. For example, the T-cell attack the cancer cell which sticks out a molecule called MHC and a pathogen on the surface of the cell.

But the cancer cell sometimes hides the MHC, for…

No.382 21/11/21 04:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《The immune cell which is needed alone is strengthened outside the body》

…for the cancer cell defends itself from the T-cell. Then the cancer cell isn’t attacked by the T-cell any more, but the NK cell can attack the cancer cell, using other molecule on the surface of the cell as guide.

Therefore, being based on the feature of the cancer cell in the human body or on the symptom on the cancer, choosing an appropriate cell from various cells and increasing it, so it has been taken advantage of the treatment at present.

《A medical treatment against cancer …》

No.383 21/11/21 05:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《A medical treatment against cancer which is less side effect than any other medical treatment》

How is the medical treatment on immune cell done actually?

At first taking dozens milliliter of blood from a patient, and using a medicine which is suitable for a kind of necessary cell, and increasing the cell in a culture solution. Finally the T-cell which has strong offensive ability in the large amount of culture solution which is more than 2 liter. Its number from five billion to ten billion.

The amount of the blood on a grownup is some five liter.

No.384 21/11/21 05:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《Medical treatment against cancer which is less side effect than any other ones》

The number of the T-cell which is increased in the culture solution is twice the ones in the blood of a grownup.

After washing off the medicine which was used for the culture solution enough, the cell is injected into the patient repeatedly. When the medical treatment is done against the patient, the patient has a slight fever involving immune response, but as the one which is injected is the cell from the patient itself, it’s different from a composed medicines, so its side…

No.385 21/11/21 05:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《Medical treatment against cancer which is less side effect than any other ones》

…so its side effect is less.

The medical treatment against cancer in the past is a surgical operation, radiation treatment, or chemical treatment used to be adopted.

The surgical operation is getting rid of a focus 病巣 on the cancer by a surgical knife. The radiation treatment was caused damage on the patient by applying radiation. The chemical treatment is an anti cancer drug which is poisonous was used.

Those medical treatment can’t avoid damage against normal cells and…

No.386 21/11/22 02:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《Medical treatment against cancer which is less side effect than any others》

…and its side effect used to be strong. It was problematic in the past. On the other hand, the medical treatment by immune cell is less side effect, and it’s a strong point.

But the medical treatment by immune cell isn’t standard one against cancer, so health insurance wasn’t applied for the medical treatment February in 2011, so its effect should be appreciated in the future.

As to the medical treatment against cancer, combining various medical treatment, joining forces, and…

No.387 21/11/22 03:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《Medical treatment by immune cell which is less side effect than any other ones》

…and handling the cancer. The ones who are engaged in the medical treatment will fight with all their strength.

None of other medical treatment takes the place of the one by immune cell, so the one by immune cell is combined with other medical treatment and has been made use of it so as to get better result.

In general, as to development on medical supplies, Japan is often behind America and Europe, but the medical treatment by immune cell has been done well in Japan, so…

No.388 21/11/22 03:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《Medical treatment by immune cell which is less side effect than any other ones》

…so Japan is a developed countries in relation to the medical treatment by immune cell. Clinical tests have been done in Japan. Liver cancer and lung cancer often relapse after an operation, but the medical treatment by immune cell makes it decrease. It has been demonstrated in the clinical tests.

FDA approved of the medical treatment on vaccine of the cell like a tree as appropriate medical treatment against the prostate 前立腺 cancer in America April in 2010. FDA is an…

No.389 21/11/22 03:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《The medical treatment by immune cell which is less side effect than any other ones》

FDA is an abbreviation of Food and Drug Administration.

The clinical test which took no less than 14 years demonstrates the medical treatment by immune cell prolongs the life of a patient with the medical treatment by immune cell, but the technical skill is the one which was 14 years ago, so it isn’t always the latest one.

Immunology is constantly advancing, being based on the knowledge until at present, the medical treatment by immune cell has a great possibility…

No.390 21/11/22 04:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

…the medical treatment by immune cell has a great possibility of developing more effective way on treatment.

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《It appeared in the medical setting quickly》

The medical treatment by immune cell has been handled as a technical skill in the medical treatment like an operation, so it’s different from medical supplies 医薬品.

As to the medical supplies, it takes a lots of time until it’s approved officially, for clinical tests are done under official regulation and safety and effectiveness has to be demonstrated, so it takes a lots of time.

No.391 21/11/22 04:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《It appears in the medical setting quickly》

On the other hand, as to the technical skill in the medical treatment, doctors can always adopt its latest technical skill, so it is possible to offer it to the medical setting quickly, but there is no official regulation against it, it’s different from the medical supplies, so it doesn’t always mean that good and safe medical treatment has been done.

As to the medical treatment by immune cell, a cell is taken from the body and is cultured outside the body, and is processed. After that it’s returned to the body.

No.392 21/11/22 04:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Medical treatment by immune cell】

《It appears in the medical setting quickly》

As a result, faculties and institutions in which safety is guaranteed like the medical supplies, and controlling production and quality thoroughly. Those things are indispensable. Its management system should be founded quickly.

【Origin and evolution on the human body】

A person is a creature who was born through a long evolution. We have organs inside the body. Our organs evolve from other ones in other creatures. What’s kind of organs? What’s kind of creatures?

No.393 21/11/22 04:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the human body】

Origin on the organs and the process on the evolution of the human being is introduced from now on.

It is said an organ which has the oldest origin is the intestine, and the ear used to be the one which detects a current and was distributed on the surface of fish.

The author said he was going to express unexpected history which is inscribed on our body.

Its content is like the next.

Creatures linking to a person.

Origin and evolution with regard to intestine, mouth, backbone, tooth, nose, eye, ear, and lung. Evolution and skeleton on upright…

No.394 21/11/22 05:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the human body】

Evolution on the skeleton and upright bipedal walking. Special evolution on the throat of a person. History on the organ and evolution of the human body. There are still more mysteries on the evolution of the human body.

【Creatures linking to a person】

《The human body is filled with the history on evolution》

As the evolution makes progress for a long time little by little, it is hard to reproduce in a laboratory. As a result, we need to verify the most reliable process on evolution logically, being based on various clue so as to investigate the…

No.395 21/11/22 05:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Creatures linking to a person】

《The human body is filled with history on evolution》

…being based on various clues so as to investigate the organ and evolution on the human body.

A fossil which is the clue on the evolution is that a dead creature is buried among sediment 堆積物. It happens to be preserved fortunately.

In short, the creatures which remains as fossil is only a part of the whole evolution, so the fossil which was in the middle of the evolution isn’t discovered, it often happens. Moreover hard tissue like tooth, bone changes into a mineral, it’s the fossil, but soft tissue like…

No.396 21/11/26 04:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Creation linking to a person】

《The human body is filled with history on evolution】

…but soft tissue like an internal organ isn’t usually left as the fossil, so it is hard for us to get a clue on the evolution form the fossil. In this case, if comparing the organ on a creature which is alive at present with the one on a creature which is dead in the past, we can get its clue.

A fossil which is alive at present of which shape doesn’t change from the far past is a valuable source of information. Moreover, the human body of our is filled with the history on evolution. For example…

No.397 21/11/26 04:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Creatures on linking to a person】

《The human body is filled with history on evolution》

For example, the tailbone which is the remain on the tail of the monkey is on the human body. A comparison on various generation of creatures from a fertilized egg to an adult organism gets the clue on evolution for us.

For example, the remains on the fin of fish appears in the unborn baby in the beginning. It seems to show our ancestor evolves from the common ancestor of the fish.

If following the evolution on a vertebrate animal which has a backbone, we reach a jawless fish. As the jawless fish…

No.398 21/11/26 04:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Creatures on linking to a person】

《The human body is filled with history on evolution》

As the jawless fish didn’t have its jaw, so it couldn’t bite its prey nor crush it into bits. After that, the fish which had the jaw evolved from the jawless fish, and other fish which had fleshy fins appeared. Its four fins are original form on our limbs.

Furthermore, the amphibians appeared from the fish which had the fleshy fins and advanced into the land. After long long years from the amphibians, the mammals, the primates 霊長類, and a person appears.

The author said he was going to express the…

No.399 21/11/26 04:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The author said he was going to express the origin and evolution of the concrete organ from the next page.

【An origin and evolution on intestine】

《The intestine which is the oldest organ on its origin》

As to the organ in the human body which is the oldest on its origin, a professor on the university said like the next.

The intestine is older than any other organ. We can see its the most primitive shape in a hydra.

The hydra has a body like a tube of which size is no more than 5 millimeters, and has a mouth and feelers on the upper end of the tube. It’s an aquatic one. Its whole body is…

No.400 21/11/26 05:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An origin and evolution on the intestine】

《The intestine which is the oldest organ on its origin》

The whole body on the hydra is the intestine.

When a food is in it, the intestine secretes an appropriate enzyme and digests the food. When a harmful thing is in, the intestine excludes it. It is done by the cell like a sensor on the intestine.

The thing like the sensor on the cell of the intestine is a projection like hair. The projection distinguishes a component on the food and secretes substance around it as signal. The signal is a command of secreting a kind of digestive enzyme around…

No.401 21/11/26 05:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An origin and evolution on the intestine】

《The intestine which is the oldest organ on its origin》

The signal is a command of secreting a digestive enzyme around the intestine.

The function on the intestine of which center is the cell like the sensor is the one which we can see in not only the vertebrate animal but in the invertebrate creatures like insects, squid, octopus, in earthworm, in addition in the hydra which is the oldest on its evolution as multicellular organism.

Each of vertebrate animals evolved from the insects separately from the past a long ago. For example, the origin on…

No.402 21/11/26 05:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An origin and evolution on the intestine】

《The intestine which is the oldest organ on its origin》

…the origin on the eye is different altogether between the vertebrate animals and insects, but as to the intestine, both the vertebrate animals and insects has the same origin.

After the evolution, various digestive organs were born from the intestine. A cell which stored nutrient separated from the intestine and became a primitive liver.

In the jawless fish, a cell which secretes a hormone separated from the intestine. The hormone adjusted sugar contents in the blood. The cell became…

No.403 21/11/26 12:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An origin and evolution on the intestine】

《The intestine which is the oldest organ on its origin》

The cell became a pancreas in the jawless fish after that. When the jawless fish had its jaw, the front part of the intestine swelled as a place which stored the food for a while. It was the stomach.

Moreover, there is the cell like the sensor in the intestine of the hydra, and a nerve cell received the information with the cell like the sensor and issued a command other organs around it.

As to some kinds of hydra, the nerve cell crowds together on the entrance of the intestine as if it were…

No.404 21/11/26 12:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the intestine】

《The intestine which is the oldest organ on its origin》

As to some kinds of hydra, the nerve cell crowds together on the entrance of the intestine as if it were a towel worn as a headband. The nerve cell clusters together around the mouth of the intestine, so the professor framed a hypothesis like the next.

Gathering on the nerve cell which is made up on the entrance of the intestine is thought to be an original form on the brain of the vertebrate animals or insects. As a result, we can say the brain is born from the intestine.

The whole body of the…

No.405 21/11/26 13:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the intestine】

《The intestine which is the oldest organ on its origin》

The whole body of the hydra is a thing like the intestine. Its structure is simple as if a tube had feelers. It seems to be a plant at first sight, but it eats a living crustacean 甲殻類. It has been thought a creature linking the vertebrate animals was born from the creature which has the simple structure like the hydra.

As to a lamprey ヤツメウナギ belong to the jawless fish, cells which secrete insulin gathers on the epithelium and is separated. It’s the primitive pancreas. The insulin is a hormone…

No.406 21/11/26 13:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the intestine】

《The intestine which is the oldest organ on its origin》

The insulin is a hormone which decreases sugar content in the blood. Though I expressed the cell which secretes the insulin gathers on the epithelium and separate, but I said the content of the book as it was, so I’m not sure of its real shape. I’m sorry for it.

As fishes have a jaw and can swallow a big prey, the front part of the intestine swells, and a stomach developed as storehouse for foods for a while.

When our ancestors went on land, their excrement has to be stored, so the large…

No.407 21/11/26 13:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the intestine】

《Intestine is the oldest organ on its origin》

…so the big intestine has developed. The primitive intestine like the hydra becomes a digestive organ which has various organs.

Why does the excrement have to be stored? If a predator follows and know the place where its prey is at once, the prey will be easily killed.

【Origin and evolution on the mouth】

《A mouth and anus used to be the same one originally》

A hole which takes in food is indispensable as long as it’s an animal. If thinking like that, the mouth is an organ of which origin…

No.408 21/11/26 13:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the mouth】

《A mouth and anus used to be the same one originally》

…the mouth is the organ of which origin is old like the intestine.

As to the ones like the hydra and jellyfish, a single hole isn’t only the mouth but the anus. When taking in the food and exhausting unnecessary things, the single hole alone is used.

As to our remote ancestor, it is said the mouth and anus used to be the same one, but the primitive intestine made other hole on its opposite side, after that the one hole becomes the mouth and other anus, so the food is conveyed to one direction alone.

No.409 21/11/26 18:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the mouth】

《The mouth and anus used to be the same one originally》

A hint on the evolution is hidden in the process of occurrence on the vertebrate animal.

An fertilized egg grew up and became a round embryo. Its part of the surface sank as if it had got into its inside and formed the original form on the anus. Sinking inside of the body made a hollow. It was the original form on the intestine. A hole was made on the opposite side of the hollow. It was the original form on the mouth.

It has been thought the same thing happened in the process of the evolution.

No.410 21/11/26 18:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the mouth】

《A mouth and anus used to be the same one originally》

By the way, as to the feature on the mouth of the mammals, it can chew.

As to lots of reptiles and amphibians, their nostril was connected to their cell on the mouth, so when the food was in the mouth, they can’t breathe. As a result, they are forced to swallow the food without chewing it, though the amphibian can breathe with its skin.

On the other hand, the mammal can acquire a partition between the mouth and nose by its evolution, so it can breathe when the food is in the mouth. Besides, it can…

No.411 21/11/26 18:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the mouth】

《A mouth and anus used to be the same one originally》

Besides, the mammal can digest the food efficiently by chewing it, but after that, the function of chewing degenerates in the process to the evolution of a person.

When comparing on a profile between a person and an anthropoid 類人猿 like a gorilla, the jaw on the person becomes short. When eating the food, the person learned to use a tool and fire. It’s equal to a digestion outside the body.

In short, the person doesn’t need to have the function of chewing.

The mouths of other mammal are stuck out…

No.412 21/11/26 19:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the mouth】

《A mouth and anus used to be the same one originally》

While mouths of other mammals are stuck out forward, the one of the person is flat, for there is the reason on the evolution according to an illustration on the book.

【Origin and evolution on the backbone】

《The original form on the backbone appeared on the evolution explosively in the Cambrian period》

A person belongs to the vertebrate animal which has the backbone, but how far can we date back the origin on the backbone?

There is the original form on the backbone in the fossil of a creature in...

No.413 21/11/26 19:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the backbone】

《The original form on the backbone appeared on the evolution explosively in the Cambrian period》

There is the original form on the backbone of the fossil of a creature in the Cambrian period. Roughly speaking, the Cambrian period was forty million from a half billion years ago.

The original form on the backbone is called a notochord 脊索. It’s a flexible organization like a bar through the body.

When generating, the notochord appeared and the backbone is formed around the notochord in the vertebrate animals. It has been thought the creature on the…

No.414 21/11/26 21:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the backbone】

《The original form on the backbone appeared on the evolution explosively in the Cambrian period》

It has been thought the creature is the one which remains the form of the remote ancestor to other creatures.

We can see lots of strange creatures which become distinct in the Cambrian period, for example, the one which had five eyes and a long protuberance 突起 like the trunk of an elephant.

It has been thought various kinds of creature were born explosively then, so it is often expressed as a great explosion on the evolution, and the great explosion on…

No.415 21/11/26 21:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the backbone】

《The original form on the backbone appeared explosively in the evolution in the Cambrian period》

…and the great explosion on the evolution has decided the basic design on the vertebrate animals.

The backbone on the fish which is in the water is straight basically, but when going on shore as amphibians, the backbone is curved from around the center due to the gravitation.

As the backbone has a structure like an arch, its internal organs are able to be suspended under the arch efficiently. Or amphibians in the beginning, its head which is ahead of…

No.416 21/11/27 04:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the backbone】

《The original form on the backbone appeared explosively in the evolution of the Cambrian period》

Or in the beginning, the head of amphibian which was ahead of the backbone remained to be close to the ground, but as to more evolved amphibian, its backbone was curved up from around the neck, so it could lift its neck up from the ground.

Those two curves have been received to the mammals as well, moreover one more curve on the backbone around the waist was added to the ancestor of the person. The backbone under the neck is the shape of arch, but it was…

No.417 21/11/27 05:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the backbone】

《The original form on the backbone appeared in the evolution explosively in the Cambrian period》

…but the backbone was curved to opposite direction around the waist. As a result, the weight of the upper half of the body reaches its feet direct. We can stand up straight stably because there has been the secret on the evolution of curving backbone around the waist.

【Origin and evolution on the tooth】

《The tooth used to be the surface on the body originally?》

The skin on a shark is so rough that there is a Japanese phrase, 鮫肌. It’s so rough that it’s …

No.418 21/11/27 05:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the tooth】

《The tooth used to be on the surface of the body originally?》

The skin of the shark is so rough that it’s used for grating wasabi. Why is it so rough? There is its secret in the scale. When investigating the inside structure, it has nature of ivory among the one of enamel. In short, its structure resembles the tooth of a person.

Likewise, the surface of the fossil on the jawless fish is covered with things like small tooth in the Paleozoic era 古生代. The thing like the small tooth is covered with the organization made by enamel, and it’s an origin to...

No.419 21/11/28 01:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the tooth】

《The tooth used to be the surface of the body originally?》

…and it’s origin to our tooth is an influential theory. It means that small teeth around the mouth remains as they were and become our teeth.

The scale of the shark has been thought to be the small teeth on the jawless fish, so it seems our teeth and the scale of the shark are relatives each other.

By the way, as to the teeth on amphibian and lots of reptiles, considering a single individual, each of teeth is cone. Its shape seems to be the same, but some dinosaurs which are ancestor on the…

No.420 21/11/28 02:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the tooth】

《The tooth used to be on the surface of the body originally?》

…but as to some dinosaurs which are ancestors for the mammals, the ones which had some kinds of teeth appeared. 盤竜類 which had a thing like a sail on the back had canine tooth 犬歯 on its fossil.

After that, some shapes of teeth was made on the mammals, for example, the canine tooth of biting food, or a front tooth on the person. The kinds of the tooth became varied in regard to some creatures.

On the other hand, a chewing function on the person degenerated. If comparing the teeth between the…

No.421 21/11/28 02:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the tooth】

《The tooth used to be on the surface of the body originally?》

If comparing the tooth between the person and an anthropoid like a gorilla, the canine tooth doesn’t outstanding on the person. As to the way of lining up the tooth, it was the shape of U in the alphabet on the anthropoid, but it has changed into a parabola because the jaw on the person becomes small.

Some people doesn’t teeth any wisdom tooth which is the third molar tooth in their whole life, and it’s one of example of degenerating biting function.

【Origin and evolution on the nose】

No.422 21/11/28 03:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the nose】

《As the nostrils were pierced and the nose belongs to the respiratory organ》

The nostrils are two, if deciding like that, it’s in the wrong, for our remote ancestor used to have four nostrils. The nose on the person isn’t only an organ which tells a smell, but through which the air passes for breathing.

But as to the nose on a fish which breathing with its gills えら, the nose is used for feeling a smell in the water alone but isn’t used for breathing, and the fish has four nostrils in total, two holes on the one side of the face. The one is water comes in…

No.423 21/11/28 03:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the nose】

《Nostrils were pierced and the nose belongs to the respiratory organ》

The one is water comes in and the other water is out, but coming in and coming out alone, only two is all right, I’m wondering. Why four? I’m not sure of it, and the author didn’t say anything about it.

The nose on the fish is a simple tube which has holes on its both ends, and there is gathering of cell which smells in the tube.

When did the nose belong to the respiratory organ? It started from an amphibian which carried out of going shore? No.

It seems to start from the ones which…

No.424 21/11/28 03:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the nose】

《Nostrils are pierced and the nose belongs to the respiratory organ》

It starts from the ones which belonged to ハイギョ, the fish which breathing with its lung. Then the nostrils were pierced through the part of ceiling, and the nose prepared for belonging to the respiratory organ.

The nostrils used to be four, then where are other two? Other two moved to the eye in the process of evolution. When going on shedding tears, a runny nose is easily caused, for a tube runs from the eye to the nose, and overflowing tears are poured into the nostrils. The tube was…

No.425 21/11/28 04:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the nose】

《The nostrils are pierced and the nose belongs to the respiratory organ》

The tube was diverted from the one on the face of the fish when our ancestor was the fish.

By the way, when the ancestor on the mammals appeared, the leading part on land used to be the dinosaurs. It has been thought the ancestor on the mammal which was like a small mouse was active at night so as to escape from the dinosaurs. As a result, the sense of smell has developed so much.

But after that, the ones which belonged to anthropoid appeared. They lived on the tree in the daytime.

No.426 21/11/28 04:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the nose】

《The nostrils were pierced and the nose belongs to the respiratory organ》

As a result, while the sense of sight is important for the anthropoid, the sense of smell degenerated, and there is a person on the extension of the evolution.

In general, while a muzzle of the mammals sticks out forward so much, the jaw becomes small because the chewing function degenerated on the person. After that the one which is left is the one which protrudes from the face, the nose, which is an original feature on the person.

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

No.427 21/11/28 06:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

《Evolution on the eye covered with mysterious things》

Is the eye more mysterious than any other organ in the human body, isn’t it?

A crystalline lens of which thickness changes and adjusts the focus. The iris 虹彩 adjusts the amount of light which comes in the eye. The retina 網膜 which is equivalent to the film on a camera. We are forced to admire how the eye elaborate is.

Darwin is famous for the theory of evolution. He wrote the Origin of Species, and said in his book like the next.

I find it hard to think at first sight a complicated organ like the eye…

No.428 21/11/28 08:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

《Evolution on the eye covering with something mysterious》

I find it hard to think at first sight a complicated organ like the eye evolved step by step by natural selection.

He said like that and treated the evolution on the eye.

How the eye on vertebrate animals has evolved is covered with mysterious things. What kind of process did it go through?

ナメクジウオ which belongs to headless one. Its form is close to the ancestor of vertebrate animal. A photoreceptor cell 視細胞 which detects the light is distributed along around the center of its body, but it…

No.429 21/11/28 08:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

《Evolution on the eye covering with something mysterious》

…but the ナメクジウオ doesn’t have any complicated organ like the eye.

On the other hand, ヤツメウナギ of jawless fish which has be thought it evolved from the headless one has a structure of perfect eye. There are big distance between ナメクジウオ and ヤツメウナギ. How did the ヤツメウナギ evolve form the ナメクジウオ?

The middle evolution on the eye which fills with the space between two of them has been unclear. It looks as if a perfect eye had appeared in the history of the evolution.

How about the eye except for vertebrate…

No.430 21/11/28 09:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

《Evolution on the eye covering with something mysterious》

How about the eye except for vertebrate animals? For example, the eye on a squid which is the mollusks 軟体動物 has the crystalline, retina, cornea, and iris, so it looks exactly like the one in the vertebrate animal.

But the relation on the eye between the vertebrate animal and the mollusks is like the one on wing between a bird and a bat. Two of them resemble each other, but each of origin is different.

As to the eye on the mollusks, if comparing the living ones at present, we can know each step on…

No.431 21/11/28 09:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

《Evolution on the eye covering with something mysterious》

…we can know each step on the evolution.

At first, as to the mollusks, a group of cell on the sense organ lining up on its surface got dented, and the group of cell on the sense organ became a primitive eye. Moreover, when the evolution made progress, the part which got dented became a sunk eye of which shape was a ball, and the crystalline was made in the ball. At last, the cornea was completed, so the perfect structure on the eye like the one on the squid was formed.

As to the eye on vertebrate…

No.432 21/11/28 09:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

《Evolution on the eye has been covered with something mysterious》

As to the eye on the vertebrate animal, it has been thought it evolved through the same step, but when looking at the generation on each embryo, all the structure on the eye of mollusks is formed from the epidermis 表皮 including the retina.

On the other hand, as to the retina on the vertebrate animal, a part of brain approaches the epidermis and the retina is formed.

It seems to take more time to solve the mystery on the evolution of the vertebrate animal.

Each of the evolution on the…

No.433 21/11/28 10:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

《Evolution on the eye has been covered with something mysterious》

Each of evolution on the mollusks is different exactly.

As to the eye of カサガイ, its layers of sensor organ is dented softly, but as to the オウムガイ, it becomes a hole, a snail has even the crystalline. Both octopus and squid have a perfect structure on the eye, so they can easily stand comparison with the eye on the vertebrate.

As to the vertebrate animal, there are some layers of nerve cell in front of the photoreceptor cell which receives the light. It means that there are extra films on…

No.434 21/11/28 10:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the eye】

《Evolution on the eye covering with something mysterious》

It resembles that there are extra films on the film of a camera.

On the other hand, as to the mollusks,the light goes into the photoreceptor cell in the retina directly, so it is sometimes said the eye on the mollusks is more rational than the vertebrate animal.

【Origin and evolution on the ear】

《Is the Origin on the ear an organ which detects a current distributing on the surface on the fish?》

The ear is an organ which controls the sense of hearing, the sense of rotation, the sense of balance.

No.435 21/11/28 10:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the ear】

《Is the origin on the ear an organ which detects a current distributing on the surface of the fish?》

A thing of which shape resembles a snail is in charge of the sense of hearing. The semicircular canals 三半規菅 covers the sense of rotation, and the vestibule 前庭 of the ear does the sense of balance. Inner part of the ear including those three parts is called the inner ear.

What’s kind of the thing on the origin of the inner ear?

Though its origin has been unclear at present, there is a theory that a sense organ on the fish at present is its origin.

No.436 21/11/28 14:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the ear】

《Is the origin on the ear an organ which detects a current distributing on the surface of the fish?》

The sense organ is called a lateral line 側線.

It looks that a single or several lines run on the side body of some fishes. They are the lateral lines. They are scales and holes in the scale.

There is a sense organ in the inner part of the hole among the scales, and the sense organ has hair. When water comes in from the hole, the water makes the hair sway. The sway on the hair makes the fish detect a change on current, water pressure...

No.437 21/11/28 14:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the ear】

《Is the origin on the ear an organ which detects a current distributing on the surface of the fish?》

The sway on the hair makes the fish detect both a change on the current and water pressure and sound in the water. It is detected by the lateral line.

The lateral line is useful for finding out a place where a prey is or swimming stably. The lateral line used to be on the head of the early vertebrate animals, and it buried in the body and becomes the inner ear. It’s the theory that the origin of the inner ear is the lateral line.

There is also the cell…

No.438 21/11/28 14:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the ear】

《Is the origin on the ear an organ which detects a current distributing on the surface of the fish?》

There is also the cell having hair in the inner ear of a person. As to the sense of hearing, a sound wave makes the lymphatic fluid sway and the cell having hair detects it. The sound wave is a vibration in the air, and the lymphatic fluid is a body fluid which is filled among tissues.

As to the sense of rotation and the sense of balance, the cell having hair detects a flow on the lymphatic fluid caused by the movement on the body.

The origin on the 耳小骨…

No.439 21/11/28 14:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the ear】

《Is the origin on the ear an organ which detects a current distributing on the surface of the body?》

The origin on the 耳小骨 which connects between the eardrum and the inner ear is interesting as well. The 耳小骨 is made up with three little bones which convey the vibration in the air to the inner ear with which lymphatic fluid is filled efficiently.

In fact, it has been thought the two bones of the 耳小骨 used to be the bones on the joint of the jaw of reptiles, but the two bones learned not to be used, so they were converted into the 耳小骨.

Besides, if dating..

No.440 21/12/05 03:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the ear】

《Is the origin on the ear an organ which detects the current distributing on the surface of the body?》

…if dating back, the bone on the jaw of the vertebrate used to be the one on the gills えら of jawless fish. The 耳小骨 also has a long history.

【Origin and evolution on the lung】

《The lung was born as a bag which sprung out of the intestine》

It is the lung which is indispensable for the vertebrate to go on land, but where is the origin on the lung? Its hint is on a loach どじょう. The loach is out of the surface of the water and…

No.441 21/12/05 03:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the lung】

《The lung was born as a bag which sprung out of the intestine》

…and the loach absorbs the air from the mouth and can do the oxygen with the intestine in which developed the capillary vessel, so even if there isn’t enough oxygen in the water, it can survive there by the intestine respiration. A bubble is sometimes out of the tail of the loach and it’s a proof that the it can do the intestine respiration.

To tell the truth, it has been thought the primitive lung is the front part of the primitive intestine was swollen. We can see the one which is close to…

No.442 21/12/05 03:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the lung】

《The lung was born as a bag which sprung out of the intestine》

We can see the one which is close to the primitive lung in a lungfish.

The lungfish is the one which breathes with the gills, but can do with its lung as well. To my surprise, it estivates 夏眠 in the mud in the dry season.

In some season, the current on the water disappears and the oxygen suddenly decreases on the water. A freshwater fish which used to be in the poor surroundings was suitable for breathing the oxygen with the lung, so the primitive lung was born.

A specialist said like that.

No.443 21/12/05 04:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the lung】

《The lung was born as a bag which sprung out of the intestine》

The difference is breathing with the gills or doing with the lung. It seems to be epoch-making,but to my sorrow it doesn’t ring a bell, for needless to say, neither I’m the specialist nor the fish which used to breathe with the gills.

In general,we the human being including lots of creatures watch a thing with our eyes on the face, but if learning to be able to watch with the top of the head, I’ll be surprised.

It’s the same thing, I’m wondering.

After the fish, a film made up with muscle…

No.444 21/12/05 04:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the lung】

《The lung was born as a bag which was sprung out of the intestine》

After the fish, a film made up with the muscle was formed under the lung in the mammals. It’s the diaphragm 横隔膜. The diaphragm goes up and down in a person and the capacity on the breast skeleton increases and decreases, so the air goes in and comes out from the lung.

By the way, lots of fish have an air bladder ウキブクロ which is a bag including the air, and adjust the buoyancy in the water. It’s the bag which can include the air, so it’s alike the lung.

Does the air bladder have anything to…

No.445 21/12/05 04:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the lung】

《The lung is the one which sprung out of the intestine》

Does the air bladder have anything to do with the lung when evolving?

In fact, it has been thought the air bladder is evolved from the primitive lung. Actually cartilaginous fish 軟骨魚 like a shark of which origin on evolution was old doesn’t have the air bladder.

The fish which acquired the primitive lung returned from the poor surrounding to the deep sea and converted the primitive lung into the air bladder, the specialist said like that.

『The heart has changed its role due to the birth of the lung』

No.446 21/12/05 15:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The origin and evolution on the lung】

『The heart has changed its role thanks to the birth by the lung』

The heart used to be the pump which sent the oxygen to the grill when being the fish, but when the lung was born, the heart has changed into other kind of pump, which receiving the blood lacking of the oxygen from the whole body and sending it to the lung. The blood which was received in the lung is sent to the whole body by the pump of the heart.

As to the fish, it has a single atrium 心房, and a single ventricle 心室, as to the amphibian, two atriums and the single ventricle, and…

No.447 21/12/05 15:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Origin and evolution on the lung】

『The heart has changed its role owing to the birth by the lung』

…and the mammals has a wall in the ventricle, so it has two atriums and two ventricles, so the blood on the vein and the one in the artery isn’t mixed. The blood in artery has oxygen and nutrient and was sent to the whole body. On the other hand the blood in vein has waste and carbon dioxide from the whole body.

【Evolution on walking upright and its skeleton】

《A reason why walking upright is possible》

A big event on the evolution has made a person part from the monkeys is walking upright.

No.448 21/12/05 15:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Evolution on walking upright and its skeleton】

《A reason why walking upright is possible》

A specialist said it has been thought at first walking upright happened, after the degeneration on canine tooth 犬歯, and development on the brain occurred.

Why did the ancestor of a person start walking upright? It has been a big mystery and there are several opinions.

One of the specialists who has studied the fossil on our ancestor said it has been thought walking upright has started so as to carry a fruit to a female as a present from far away. Anyway, walking upright has started in order to…

No.449 21/12/05 16:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Evolution on walking upright and its skeleton】

《A reason why walking upright is possible》

Anyway walking upright has started in order to having always something in its hand.

As to the skeleton, there is difference between a person who walks upright and other primates 霊長類 in varied ways.

At first, the vertical length on pelvis 骨盤 becomes short, but its width is bigger, and its depth is deepened. The form on the skeleton can make the heavy internal organ support from the lower part. The change on the shape of the backbone is also important.

The structure on joint of the knee is also ….

No.450 21/12/05 16:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Evolution on walking upright and its skeleton】

《A reason why walking upright is possible》

A structure on the joint of the knee is significant as well.

The joint on the knee is made up with the bone in the thigh. The part where the bone in the thigh and the one in shin touches each other.

Without being dependent on the power on the muscle, a person can stand up straight for a long time, stretching its feet straight on account of the structure on the joint of the knee.

If pushing the back of the knee abruptly on the person who stands up, it loses its balance. What is called 膝カックン.

No.451 21/12/12 03:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Evolution on walking upright and its skeleton】

《A reason why walking upright is possible》

It is also a proof that we’re not always dependent on the power of muscle alone when standing upright.

Contrary to it, as for an infant whose structure locking the muscle on the knee is immature, it’s hard to lose balance with the 膝カックン because it stands with the tense muscle.

As for a person, as the thigh bone on the both sides of left and right lean inside from the hip joint, both of legs under knee become near to the center line on the body. As a result, the grounding point on the both of legs…

No.452 21/12/12 03:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Evolution on walking upright and its skeleton】

《A reason why walking upright is possible》

As a result, the grounding point on the both of legs becomes near, so we can walk upright easily.

On the other hand, as for a chimpanzee, as its thigh bone doesn’t lean inside, so the grounding point on the both of legs become far, whenever walking its body sways left and right.

Thus there is a reasonable structure which is suitable for walking upright on the skeleton of the person everywhere.

『Ancestor of a person didn’t do the knuckle walking?』

Both of chimpanzee and…

No.453 21/12/12 03:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Evolution walking upright and its skeleton】

『Ancestor of a person didn’t do the knuckle walking?』

When walking,both a chimpanzee and gorilla touch both of the back of the hands on the ground. We call it the knuckle walking. It’s indispensable for skeletal structure fixing fingers, palm of the hand and wrists.

It used to be said that our ancestor did the knuckle walking, but there is none of the skeletal structure on the fossil of the ancestor of the person at all, so the theory of doing the knuckle walking for our ancestor is negative at present.

『Supporting a heavy head』

As having a …

No.454 21/12/12 04:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Evolution walking upright and its skeletal】

『Supporting a heavy head』

As having a heavy head and posing upright, the person has evolved of supporting the heavy head above the backbone.

As a result, while a place where the backbone and the skull connects is near the back with regard to an anthropoid, it is center on the person.

To tell the truth, I’ve never thought of the skeletal structure on walking upright until now, so it doesn’t ring a bell very much.

【Special evolution on the throat of a person】

《Why can we speak?》

A person can handle language at will because of having the brain…

No.455 21/12/12 04:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Special evolution on the throat of a person】

《Why can we speak?》

A person can handle language at will owing to having the brain which possesses high intellect.

The cerebral cortex 大脳皮質 on the person has a motor language center and sensory language center.

If the motor language center is damaged, even if a word occurs to us, we can’t express it with our own voice.

If the sensory language center is damaged, when listening to some phrases, we can’t understand them at all.

There is a structure which is equal to the speech center on the brain of our ancestor which was alive before one …

No.456 21/12/12 04:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Special evolution on the throat of a person】

《Why can we speak?》

There is a structure which is equal to the speech center on the brain of our ancestor which was alive from one million and eighty hundred thousand years to fifty thousand years ago. We can see it with its fossil.

But as it has the speech center which was alike the person, can it speak like us? It has been unclear.

The Cro-Magnon which is close the modern person left behind the wall painting. It developed its intellect to some extent, so it could left behind the culture like that, some specialists said like that.

No.457 21/12/12 05:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Special evolution on the throat of a person】

《Why can we speak?》

By the way, the physical structure on vocalization on the person is different from other mammals and anthropoids.

A tube is a place where the air passes through and connects with upper place of the trachea is called the larynx 喉頭. Its ahead is connected with pharynx 咽頭. The pharynx is a tube between the nasal cavity 鼻腔 and the gullet 食道.

There are some pleats around the center on the pharynx. We call it the vocal cords and the vibration on the vocal cords causes a sound.

As to the person, when the sound passes through…

No.458 21/12/12 08:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Special evolution on the throat of a person】

《Why can we speak?》

As to the person, when the sound passes through the mouth, the vibration is changed by the tongue, lip and teeth, so all sorts of voices are caused.

On the other hand, as to other mammals except for the person, ahead of the pharynx 咽頭 which is between the nasal cavity and the gullet is higher place than the person. It’s immediately at the back of the nasal cavity.

As a result, the vibration in the air caused by the vocal cords passes through the nose vainly, so the mammals which except for the person can issue the sound…

No.459 21/12/12 08:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Special evolution on the throat of a person】

《Why can we speak?》

…so the mammals except for the person can issue sounds like howling, barking, yelping and so on, but they can’t do all sorts of articulation 調音 like the person. It is said like that.

Then why does the pharynx on the person go down?

When starting walk upright, the backbone becomes the center on the skull, besides its chewing function degenerates and the alignment of its teeth retreats, so the space on the pharynx becomes small. It’s forced to go down. It has been thought like that.

【History on evolution of the human organ】

No.460 21/12/12 08:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【History on evolution of the human organ】

《Organs which have various origin of both new and old gather, and the human body is made up》

Each course on evolution and origin have been handled by every organ on the human body until just now on the book. There are sorts of the organs in the human body.

The intestine was born before the vertebrate creatures appear, so it means that it has the history no less than half billion years.

On the other hand, the history on the lung and limbs which is indispensable on going land for the vertebrate creatures is some four hundred million years.

No.461 21/12/19 05:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【History on evolution of the human organ】

《Organs which have various origin of both new and old gather, and the human body is made up》

There are also lots of forms and natures which are acquired after a person started walking upright steady.

The arch of a foot 土踏まず, chin which is a place of protruding in the lower joe, the nose which is a projection on the face, a woman’s breast, the red lip. They have the history of no more than from seven million to two hundred thousand years.

Those both new and old various organs are together and are in harmony. It’s the human body.

No.462 21/12/19 05:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【History on evolution of the human body】

《Organs which have various origins of both new and old gather, and the human body is made up》

On the other hand, there is a single organ which is filled with various history of both new and old. One of them is a brain. From the time when our ancestor used to be a fish, the brain has evolved by adding a new part to the old one.

The surface on the cerebrum is covered with grayish white layer. It’s a cortex 皮質, and there is old cortex and new one. The old one is a center on instinct and emotion. On the other hand, the new one is the part which has …

No.463 21/12/19 05:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【History on evolution of the human body】

《Organs which have various origins of both new and old gather and the human body is made up》

On the other hand, the new cortex is the part which has developed rapidly after being the mammal and is in charged of high function on the brain, which is in charge of the spiritual activity.

The brain is the single organ but it’s filled with the long long history.

【There are still mysteries on the evolution of the human body】

《Why has a person abandoned the useful fur and been naked?》

The author has expressed origin and evolution of each organ for the…

No.464 21/12/19 05:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on the evolution of the human body】

《Why has a person abandoned the useful fur and been naked?》

The author has expressed origin and evolution on the each organ of the human body, especially the evolution which make us become the human being. Typical ones have been introduced, but lots of mysteries on the evolution of the human body still exist.

For example, the breast of a woman swells even if it’s not the time of breast-feed a baby. The ability of breast feeding a baby has nothing to do with the size of the breast. It is a mystery how the size of the breast is…

No.465 21/12/19 06:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on the evolution of the human body】

《Why has a person abandoned the useful fur and been naked?》

It is a mystery how the size of the breast is advantageous.

A Holstein which is the milk cow has been reformed repeatedly, and its breast is big exceptionally, but the big breast which is the mass of subcutaneous fat 皮下脂肪 peculiar to the person.

As to the breast of the person, there has been an opinion that a sex appeal on the hip changes into the size of the breast. In addition, an outstanding red lip is also peculiar to the person, so there has also been the…

No.466 21/12/19 10:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

…so there has been still the opinion that the outstanding red lip is the evolution on the result of the sex appeal, but the truth remains mysterious at present.

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《Why has the useful fur disappeared from the person?》

When expressing the mystery on the evolution of the person, there is a thing which we can’t avoid. Why does the person become naked?

Needless to say, we the people belong to the mammal. Speaking of a beast, it means ケダモノ in Japanese, for its origin is its body is covered with the fur.

As it’s suggested like that…

No.467 21/12/19 10:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《Why has the useful fur disappeared from the person?》

…in general, the mammal is covered with the fur. The fur is so useful that it’s against the cold and keeps out of the sun, but in the process of the evolution, the person has lost its fur naked, to be exact its body is covered with fuzz 産毛 which is thin and short.

Why and when has the person been naked? It’s a big mystery.

Except for the person, there are other mammal which doesn’t have any fur, for example, large mammal like an elephant or a rhino. The bigger the mammal is…

No.468 21/12/19 10:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《Why has the useful fur disappeared from the person?》

The bigger the mammal is, the less the surface on the body for its weight becomes, as a result, it has been thought generating the heat is hard, so after getting rid of the fur, generating the heat becomes easy.

On the other hand, there are some mammal which live in the water like a dolphin and manatee, and they have no fur. The fur is useful for keeping warm because the air between the fur has an effect of insulating the heat, but in the water its effect is lost.

As a result…

No.469 21/12/19 11:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《Why has the useful fur disappeared from the person?》

As a result, it has been thought lots of the mammal in the water have lost their fur.

But neither the person has a big body like the rhino, nor it lived in the water, so the reason why it has lost the fur remains mysterious.

A specialist says, the fur is hard to be left as fossil, so it has been unclear when the person lost its fur.

Various opinions have been proposed over the mystery when the fur disappeared from the person. There is an adventurous opinion that the…

No.470 21/12/19 16:26
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《Why has the useful fur disappeared from the person?》

There is an adventurous opinion that the ancestor of the person used to be aquatic. According to the adventurous opinion, though living in the water, the head alone was out of the water, so the hair on the head is left so as to protect the head from the direct rays of the sun.

Other specialist said the reason why the person becomes naked like the next.

An anthropoid can’t walk a long distance under the burning sun, but the legs of the ancestor of the person became long and it…

No.471 21/12/20 06:17
メイ ( 3sn71b )









m(_ _)m



No.472 21/12/20 21:13
メイ ( 3sn71b )






m(_ _)m


No.473 21/12/20 21:53
メイ ( 3sn71b )





m(_ _)m


No.474 21/12/21 08:18
メイ ( 3sn71b )













No.475 21/12/21 08:42
メイ ( 3sn71b )













m(_ _)m

No.476 21/12/21 09:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )




過去に嫌な、理不尽な事があってそれをずっと引きずって行くのは、良いのか悪いのか….? ケースバイケースだから、一概に間違ってるとは言えないよね。🤔




今日の夜11時から12時の間はどうかな? 都合が悪ければここにレスしてくれれば良いし🙂

  • << 478 🌃銀三さん、こんばんは。(*^^*) 実はもうすぐウチのがゴルフから帰って来るので、その前に。😅 私はそんな訳で、ここにしばらくレス出来ずにいましたので、11月は、10回もカラオケへ行ってました。🎤🎶 カラオケ店も24時間営業に戻り、朝7時から午後2時まで歌ってます💦😅 家を朝6時半に出るので、カラオケへ行く日は、夜中の3時半起きです。そうまでして歌いたいです。 ご近所さんは、私がバイトしてると思ってるみたいです。そうなりますよね、月に10回、朝から往復時間入れて8時間いない訳なので。😅 で、今月はまだ3回しか行ってなくて、4回目が明日なんです💧 つまり今夜は午後11時半~深夜0時の間には休みたいので(それでも睡眠3時間半)、 出来れば新スレ、午後11時の2~3分前から開けますので、15分以内位に1レスして下さると助かります💦🙏 私もお風呂と歯みがき終わらせるので(子供みたいですネ😄)、 出来たら、そんな感じでお願いします。 m(_ _)m もうカラオケ店に住もうかしら。😁 こちらに書いて、何度もすみません。🙏 よろしくお願いします。🍀 (^_^)/~~

No.477 21/12/21 09:32
メイ ( 3sn71b )

>> 476 わー、銀三さん、お久しぶりです。














No.478 21/12/21 19:35
メイ ( 3sn71b )

>> 476 オッハー、久しぶり😊 この掲示板では、色々あったからメイちゃんも精神的に不安定だったのかな?😓 でも、その辺の事は当事者じゃない… 🌃銀三さん、こんばんは。(*^^*)










m(_ _)m





No.479 21/12/24 16:40
メイ ( NKJ81b )







色々ごめんなさいね。m(_ _)m

No.480 21/12/24 17:17
メイ ( NKJ81b )







ごめんなさいね。m(_ _)m


No.481 21/12/26 02:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )




No.482 21/12/26 02:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《Why has the useful fur disappeared from the person?》

…and the ancestor of the person could walk the long distance effectively. The person who can walk the long distance has lost the fur and evoluted by evaporating sweat and going down its body temperature.

Thus the body of the person disappeared fur so as to evaporate the sweat in a tableland of Africa at night, so its subcutaneous fat 皮下脂肪 has developed in order to heighten the effect on keeping warm.

《The person has developed as if it had left the nature of the child of…》

No.483 21/12/26 03:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《The person has developed as if it had left the nature of the child of the anthropoid?》

The author said he was going to express a hypothesis of showing lots of features peculiar to the human kind at the same time. It’s called neoteny 幼形成熟説.

As to a typical example on the neoteny, ウーパールーパー is famous. It has another name, African salamander which belongs to a newt イモリof the amphibians.

In general, as to a larva on the African salamander, gills stick out around the neck, and does bronchial respiration えら呼吸. It breathes with the gills.

No.484 21/12/26 03:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《The person has evolved as if it had left the nature of the child of the anthropoid?》

While it breathes with the gills in the water when being the larva, the gills disappear and it breathes with its lung when being the adult.

On the other hand, as for the African salamander, it becomes mature without disappearing the gills. It becomes the adult remaining the shape on the larva.

By the way, as to a profile, the person is different from the anthropoid so much. For example, the bone above the eye on the anthropoid protrudes more…

No.485 21/12/26 04:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《The person has evolved as if it had left the nature of the child of the anthropoid?》

For example, as to the anthropoid, the bone above the eye and the bone on the tip of the mouth protrude more than the person obviously. On the other hand the profile of a baby on the anthropoid like a chimpanzee takes after the person.

As to the baby on the anthropoid, two of the places don’t protrude very much.

The more the chimpanzee becomes mature, the more different its face becomes. Its face becomes different from the person.

No.486 21/12/26 10:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still more mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《The person has evolved as if it had left the nature of the child of the anthropoid?》

So the theory on neoteny expresses that the person belongs to the anthropoid and it becomes a grownup and evolved maintaining the nature of the child.

The theory on neoteny for the evolution of the human kind says it can express other various natures on the person. For example, its body hair is thinner, its skull is on the backbone which is right above, its head is bigger, and its teeth are smaller.

If comparing the person with the…

No.487 21/12/26 10:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《The person has evolved as if it had left the nature of the child of the anthropoid?》

If comparing the person with the chimpanzee, the person takes twice time to be sexual maturity, and the theory on neoteny expresses it’s because the juvenile form remains as it was.

The specialist says like the next.

We can see the neoteny of being mature with the juvenile form every place on the history of the evolution, on the other hand, the theory on neoteny can express some parts on evolution of the person, but it can’t other parts. In short…

No.488 21/12/26 10:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《The person has evolved as if it had left the nature of the child of the anthropoid?》

In short, the theory on neoteny isn’t always almighty, the specialist says.

There is a negative point of view on the theory of neoteny for the person, so its argument is divided.

《The person isn’t the final goal on the evolution》

The author says like the next.

He’s expressed the process on evolution that the primitive organs reached the ones of the human kind, so it seems his expression gives us as if the final goal on…

No.489 21/12/26 11:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of the human body】

《The person isn’t the final goal on the evolution》

…so it seems that his expression gives us as if the final goal on the evolution were the person, but it isn’t. The author said he wanted to emphasize it at the end.

A primitive lung has evolved into the one on the vertebrate animal, at the same time it’s reached other evolution as air bladder ウキブクロ in fish.

The person has evolved from the fish, but it doesn’t always mean that the fish is primitive, for the fish continues evolving originally.

Though it isn’t always the final…

No.490 22/01/02 05:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【There are still mysteries on evolution of human body】

《The person isn’t the final goal on evolution》

Though it isn’t always the final goal, all the creatures which have lived at present are at the peak on each evolution.

While there are various histories on each organ of the person, there are original histories on each organ of each creature.

By the way, I’ve adopted the topic on scientific magazine, Newton, and there are some of the latest research which is epoch-making, and the latest news. I’m going to express it from now on.

【A success on launching satellite for observation on…】

No.491 22/01/02 05:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A success on launching artificial satellite for observation on the sun】

《The artificial satellite was launched for observation on the sun which no one has never seen until at present》

Solar orbiter which is the artificial satellite for observation on the sun was launched from the military base on the Air Force of Florida in America the ninth day February in 2020. It was done by the rocket belonged to the Air Force, though the artificial satellite itself belonged to the ESA, which is an abbreviation on European Space Agency.

The artificial satellite is going to change its orbit by the…

No.492 22/01/02 05:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A success on launching artificial satellite for observation on the sun】

《The sun which no one has never seen will appear》

The artificial satellite is going to change its orbit by the gravitation of the heaven body in two years. It’ll be done twice on the Venus, and once on the earth.

There is a place which is nearest to the sun. It’s on the oval orbit inside the orbit on the revolution on the Mercury. The artificial satellite will go there.

After that it’ll change its orbit again by the gravitation on the Venus, and approach the sun nearer, so the orbit on the artificial satellite will…

No.493 22/01/02 06:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A success on launching artificial satellite for observation on the sun】

《The sun which no one has never seen appears》

…so the orbit on the artificial satellite will reach the orbit on the revolution of the earth finally. As a result, it can observe the sun which no one couldn’t see.

The artificial satellite is carrying various apparatus for observation. They measure magnetic field, electric field, and plasma near the artificial satellite, and cameras which take photograph on the sun from far away.

We’ve expected we can learn the activity on the sun more detailed by the apparatus.

No.494 22/01/02 06:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Analysis on the brain of a mouse which is suffering from the Aspergers syndrome】

《A technical skill in which we can compare the person with the mouse on the brain in the same condition has been developed》

I’ve expressed on the development on the development of the space the last response, and this time is the science on nerve.

Asperger’s syndrome is a kind of handicap. The one who suffers from the handicap can’t communicate with others very well.

When trying to analyze the brain on the mouse, the mouse has to be put under anesthesia so as to prevent it from moving. On the other hand…

No.495 22/01/02 06:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Analysis on the brain of a mouse which is suffering from Aspergers Syndrome】

《Using the brain on both of a mouse and a person and comparing both of them on the same condition》

On the other hand, when it was analyzed on the person, it was awake. It wasn’t sleeping, so the researchers couldn’t compare with the result both of the brains on the mouse and the person exactly in the past.

A tool which fixes the head of the mouse has been developed, so the researchers succeeded in analyzing the brain on the mouse without putting under anesthesia.

As a result,it turned out to be the next thing.

No.496 22/01/02 10:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Analyses on the brain of a mouse which is suffering from Aspergers Syndrome】

《Using the brain of a mouse and a person and comparing both of them in the same condition》

When the mouse which is suffering from the Aspergers Syndrome sniffs the smell of other mice, it turned out that its response on the brain is weaker. The mouse distinguish others with their smell mainly.

When making normal mouse sniff the smell of other one, not only 嗅球 which is an organ of being aware of the smell, but 海馬 which is in charge of memory play an active role. On the other hand, the mouse which is suffering…

No.497 22/01/02 10:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Analyses on the brain of a mouse which is suffering from Aspergers Syndrome】

《Using the both brains of the mouse and the person and comparing both of them in the same condition》

On the other hand, as to the mouse which is suffering from the Aspergers Syndrome, it’s 嗅球 alone which plays an active role.

The outcome on this time makes the researchers compare the result on the analyses of the brain of the mouse with the one of the person, so we’ve expected more development on the research of the Aspergers Syndrome from now on.

【Actual movement on atoms】

《The situation in which atoms…》

No.498 22/01/02 11:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Actual movements on atoms】

《The situation in which atoms unite and separate is shown as an image》


We can see the situation on atoms at present when using a microscope between atoms with the development on nanotechnology, but we couldn’t catch the situation in which atoms made up molecules unite and separate as an image, so more development on technical skill was asked.

But a doctor at university in Germany has succeeded in it for the first time in the world.

There is a thin tube. We call it a carbon nano tube. Doctors shut molecules of rhenium in the tube and applying…

No.499 22/01/02 11:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Actual movement on atoms】

《The situation in which atoms unite and separate is shown as an image》

…and applying electronic beam on the carbon nano tube. Then two rhenium atoms which make up rhenium molecule moved within the tube and changed distance between two atoms every moment. They unite and separated. Its image was caught vividly.

The size on molecule is very minimum. It’s half millionth of a hair. The doctor said the technical skill which catches the minute response is useful for solving mechanism on various chemical reactions.

【The fossil on the most ancient of the fungi】

No.500 22/01/02 11:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The fossil on the most ancient of the fungi】

《The fossil on the fungi which was from seven hundred million to eight hundred million years ago was discovered. It was found out from a rock which was gathered in Africa》

Almost all of the fungi like a mold and a mushroom breaks down organic matter in the ground and takes nutrition. The organic matter which was broken down is indispensable for the plant which does photosynthesis, so without existing the fungi, none of plant could inhabit on the earth.

The most ancient fossil on the fungi is the one which existed some four hundred million…




6/10 カテゴリの統合(6月20日、26日実施)




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