
Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/01/22 11:54(更新日時)

I’m going to start a new thread from now on. Whenever starting,I find it complicated to think of the title on the thread. Even if what kinds of title,it doesn’t matter for me,for it’s just that it’s in English.

I’ve put effort into expressing on America,being based on the book,アメリカ50州を読む,written by 浅井信雄,I’ve wanted to finish it as soon as possible,for there are lots of things which I’ve wanted to do on the English,lots of books to read,and plenty of things to express in English.

After finishing expressing on America,I’m going to read some books. It takes me a lot of time to finish reading them,so I’m afraid I can’t come here so often,at most twice a week.

When reading finishing them,I’m going to return,though no one may wait for me.

To my sorrow,my health has been failing as a result of being an old age. I’ve suffered from gout,to make matters worse,fluid has accumulated on my right knee,and I have a pain in my right knee,especially when going down the stairs. I may disappear suddenly one day.

18/10/08 21:38 追記
I’ve expressed on America mainly at present. When finishing it,I’m going to devote myself to read a book,but I’ll make it a rule to come here to express myself in English at least twice a week.

20/01/22 11:54 追記
As to reading science book,it used to be limited to express myself in English,but I've wanted to read it recently somehow.,

No.2711512 18/09/17 04:36(スレ作成日時)



No.301 19/03/25 20:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A lie in a dream】

《A phenomenon of adhesion》

The thought in unconscious state looks illogically like that, but it doesn’t mean that each thought connects each other at random. It looks like they aren’t related each other at all, but they are. The author said he was going to show it his readers in the book.

《外連合 and superstition》

A barber suffered from schizophrenia 精神分裂病. He paid a visit to a shrine in the neighborhood one day. When going up the stone steps, he suddenly struck at an old man who followed behind him and hurt him.

There were plenty of other visitors to the shrine around two of them, and they held down the barber.

The old man spat on the stone steps, and the barber saw it, and he got angry with him. He thought the old man should go to the hot spring of ツバキ and take a rest there.

A person who had abnormal character seems to cause that kind of crime.

The name of the hot spring and the action of the old man was connected, the connection is called the 外連合.

No.302 19/03/25 20:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A lie in a dream】

《外連合 and a superstition》

We often see the 外連合 in the dream.

By the way, the 外連合 changes into a superstition and goes into our everyday life. For example, when thinking of 4, we the Japanese are apt to imagine a death. It’s a good example for the 外連合.

Actually, even if it's in a modern hospital,there is no hospital room of which number is 4. The though is connected with the 外連合 and a feeling in unconscious state.

Two different things are united because they resemble from a emotional standpoint, and we identify them in the dream. It’s clear in the dream which the psychologist analyzed.

《Embodiment on an abstract idea》

There isn’t any abstract idea in unconscious world. We say dream, but we don’t say we think on the dream, for the dream develops as a concrete idea.

An abstract idea of kindness doesn’t appear in the dream as it is. For example it appears with the form that your friend who you think he is kind pats you on the head in the dream.

No.303 19/03/25 21:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A lie in a dream】

《An embodiment on an abstract idea》

A youth loved a woman. He was worried about whether he got married to her or he should obey his stubborn father who was a clergyman. Then he dreamed like the next.

There was a road in front of him, and the road forked off in two directions. It seemed that the one road was to his father’s house, and the other was to the places where he had various memories with her.

The dream was over then, but he remembered the place was the one where he said he loved her.

Expressing the abstract idea concretely is a characteristic in the unconscious world, and the abstract idea is often expressed with something concrete in the syndrome of the schizophrenia.

When a famous Swiss psychiatrist dealt with a patient and the patient tried to say,“I want to leave the hospital. I’ve wanted freedom”, but he said “I’m Switzerland.” It’s the expression for the abstract idea in the concrete way, for lots of people have thought the country has a freedom.

No.304 19/03/25 22:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we did to ourselves】

《A strength on a hint》

When someone tries to have an effect on others, a hint is always related to it.

A French psychologist said that the hint is a transference from an idea, and an American one defined on the hint that without having an appropriate aim,accepting an idea with confidence.

When coming down with an illness, if a doctor’s manner was noncommittal and the patient received an impression which was something unclear, the patient imagined various things and felt anxious.

The value of the hint makes the manner of the patient turn for healthy direction rather than vanish the syndrome on the illness.

The hint makes the patient’s thought turn aside from the pain, and makes the patient believe it recovers from the illness. We call it a supporting manner for the patient.

No.305 19/03/25 22:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we do to ourselves】

《A strength on a hint》

The one who suffers from the illness, especially the nervous one sometimes falls into primitive state mentally or becomes regression 退行,and make much of superstition.

Considering its mental situation, what even a slight hint is useful for the patient isn’t so illogically.

Instead of the cause of the illness, the hint tries to get rid of the syndrome on the illness. When the patient recovers from the illness with the hint to some extent, it’s convinced that the illness itself was removed from the patient, and imagines its healthy situation lively and it comes to life.

When an imagination collides with a will, the imagination always excels the will. The imagination and the hint are frequently more powerful than the will and a reason.

《A sales and the hint》

In short, the hint is a lie for ourselves. How about this instance?

There are plenty of salespersons who try to sell its goods fiercely.

No.306 19/03/25 23:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we do to ourselves】

《A sales and the hint》

If thinking a commercial on radio or TV as a kind of the salesperson, it means that we have been surrounded by the salespersons day and a night.

By the way, if we become the salesperson, how can we find customers and how can we make them buy the goods? Then the customers don’t feel like buying the goods, or they don’t think they want to buy it in the least.

We’ll explain the goods to the customers very hard, and we may think that how useful for them to buy the goods,but it doesn’t go smoothly.

The customers don’t want to listen to us and even if they listen to us, the more we are enthusiastic, the less they listen to us.

A handbook on selling a pair of shoes says like that. When trying to sell women a pair of shoes, the salesperson must say,“Women’s leg is more fascinated for men than any other things in the world.” Then the salesperson must sigh then. The handbook continues.

“We’ve studied so as to make the women’s….”

No.307 19/03/26 19:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we do to ourselves】

《A sales and the hint》

“We’ve always studied so as to make the women’s legs look more beautiful.”,the one phrase catches the women’s motivation and we can accept the orders from the women, and the handbook continued.

“I can give you a thing which you’ve wanted more than any other thing.” It's the phrase which attracts the customer the most when facing the customers.

A salesperson who deals with cosmetics can’t say fluently like that. It seems to be too shy to say,but it doesn’t devote to be the salesperson, so it feels shy, the handbook said.

If shrinking from the situation, it seems that it can’t become the salesperson at all.

《At first, the salesperson should give a hint for itself.》

There is a clause for a performance on sales in the handbook for a salesperson. The handbook says without directing skillfully as a performer who is different from itself as it is, it can’t succeed in its sales.

Witthoud performing especially conspicuously,it…

No.308 19/03/26 20:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we do to ourselves】

《At first, the salesperson should give a hint for itself.》

Without performing especially conspicuously, I can make others understand my sincerity. If there is a one who thinks like that, it’s too naive to be accepted in the severe world in the sales, the handbook asserted.

It has a good command of a performance so much that it’s not aware of the performance. It’s a tragedy for the salesperson.

There are some people who say that if wanting to succeed in as the salesperson, it has to master a hypnotism.

When the salesperson gives a hint for a customer, it can’t make others sleep like the hypnotism, so it seems to be hard in various ways, but if facing other with strong confidence, the customer will be forced to be paid attention to the salesperson.

Without being conscious of it, an ordinary function on the brain becomes weak, and the customer nods as the salesperson says.

Thus the salesperson can control the customer as it likes for a while.

No.309 19/03/26 20:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we do to ourselves】

《At first, the salesperson should give a hint for itself》

At first itself needs to be fallen into a hypnotic trance in order to give a hint for others and to male them fall into the hypnotic trance, said the handbook like that.

The goods with which it deals are wonderful, the one who doesn’t buy the goods suffers a loss. The sales person should give a hint for itself,and believe itself, and this autosuggestion makes the salesperson have confidence on its goods. Then its way of sales becomes powerful,the handbook said like that.

However if there is the one who doesn’t think its goods are by far better than any other ones. What should the one do?

If convincing itself always that the goods in its company is the best in the world, it can think the goods are the most wonderful in the world without being conscious of it.

Then it learns to think that without buying the wonderful goods, it’ll suffer a loss. It leanrs to think at the bottom of its heart.

No.310 19/03/26 21:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we do to ourselves】

《At first, the salesperson gives a hint for itself》

As a result, the salesperson can have a powerful confidence to its customers. If persuading the customer to buy its goods with the powerful confidence, it attracts attention from the customer,and it can make the customer fall into a slight hypnotic trance.

《A lie on perceptivity》

One day I went to the president for a claim to get a raise, and went into the president’s office. The president said that if the situation didn’t improve, he had to make some of us the employees dismiss.

This phrase showed me something hostile suddenly. The president himself looked someone who was filled with hostility. Though he looked reliable a few minutes ago, he looked the one who seemed to say that if being unable to like his way, go out of the room.

There are plenty of lies on our perceptivity.

If we have little information on other’s character or action on everyday life, we tend to interpret the other with…

No.311 19/03/26 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we do to ourselves】

《The lie on perceptivity》

If we have little information on other’s character or other’s action everyday life, we tend to interpret the other with our imagination, and we decide,“It must have been”, as we please.

It seems that the more unclear the character on the object for the perceptivity is, the more we are liable to think like that easily.

If having a friendly feeling for other's looks or something sensible, we have a high opinion of its intelligence and character, and as to the one who is in high social standing,or the one who is something influential,in general it is well known we perceive it’s taller than as it is.

When a company went bankrupt,and an employee who worked for the company wasn’t responsible for the bankruptcy, the employee was sometimes regarded unfairly.

When a subordinate made a mistake, others also doubt its superior on its character sometimes. Then individual factor and social factor are confused and we perceive it as…

No.312 19/03/26 22:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie which we do to ourselves】

《The lie on perceptivity》

Then individual factor and social factor are confused, and we perceive it as false information.

The author said the researchers made an experiment. They placed famous works on art and sentences, and fixing both a famous and nameless name of authors to the work on art or sentences at random.

The researchers made the students mark, and the students had high opinion on the sentences and the work on the art which the famous name was fixed.

When sneezing,a spit happened to be spluttered by accident and it was done intentionally,physical damage is the same,but the thing which was perceived was different.

【Hysteria and the lie】

《Hysterical character》

A word of hysteria has an unpleasant nuance. When saying she is very hysteric, it’s the worst insult for the woman.

Speaking of hysteria, it occurs to us a woman who is thin and wears a pair of glasses of gold rims, and tends to be angry with a trifle thing and is jealousy.

No.313 19/03/27 03:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A hysterics and the lie】

《A hysteric character》

We are apt to imagine the woman like that,but it’s a terrible misunderstanding, and the character isn’t only in men but in women, moreover,the word of hysteric isn’t always a bad one.

The one who is the hysteric character is like the next.

1 It’s a vain one who tries to make itself look more capable than as it is.

2 It’s a strong–minded one and self–centered.

3 It’s easily influenced by a suggestion,and immature. It’s a will–wreaked one.

The one who has that kind of character is sensitive to something fashionable on the surface. It likes a dance and a gambling and is a wasteful one frequently. It looks passionate,but actually it’s a cold–hearted.

It tries to varnish over the cold hearted mind and pretends to be passionate. It’s easily influenced by a suggestion,and is easily controlled by mass psychology.

When a revolutionary appears, that kind of one follows the revolutionary blindly.

If expressing on the hysteric character…

No.314 19/03/27 03:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A hysterics and the lie】

《A hysteric character》

If expressing on the hysteric character like that, an image of person who is disgusting will appear, but the one can do a splendid job as long as it can make full use of its character,and everyone has some of the hysteric characters.

That kind of character is acquired and it includes elements which we need to survive in the modern society.

It is the hysteric reaction which that kind of character appears in a conspicuous way.

The author said he was going to express on the hysteric response concretely in the next chapter, a phenomenon of escape.

In general,it’s trying to solve a frustrated situation with an unconscious lie.

《A hysteric character and sexual instinct》

The author said the word of hysteric makes us imagine a woman, but whether or not women are more than men in relation to the hysteric character has been unclear.

A theory on a scholar says the one who has the hysteric character is immature on sexual instinct…

No.315 19/03/27 04:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A hysterics and the lie】

《A hysteric character》

A theory on a scholar says the one who has the hysteric character is immature on sexual instinct,especially women are different on each of situations. It depends.

Sexual development is completion of motherhood for women. It isn’t related with unmarried,and with whether or not she has a child actually. The women who is the hysteric character hasn’t developed the motherhood enough.

It is said that a womanlike character appears both on the body and the mind in the men who have the hysteric character.

He started to imagine as usual. He imagined a gorgeous love which reached the situation he wished. He pursued a daydream in which he was fallen in love by a daughter of either the nobility or a banker on a street.

It’s a one passage in Bel–Ami written by Maupassant. His character is hysteric one which has the woman character.

《An unconscious lie》

They are something cheeky,clever,and can judge quickly. They know how to get things done.

No.316 19/03/29 02:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A hysterics and the lie】

《Uncoscious lie》

They have talent suited to the occasion. They can take such steps as the occasion demanded,so everywhere they are, others make much of them.

Even if their knowledge is learning about something by listening to what people say, they have extensive knowledge.

For example they can do music, perform a drama,do a dance,compose a tanka,write a novel.

Hysterical people frequently make use of their talent to do everything well and culture which is extensive but shallow,and make their talent look more better than as they are, and associate with elder people well. The association aims too high. They aren’t absurd at all.

We find it hard that those people mistake an imagination for reality, but it's a fact that their desire which comes from wanting to be applauded causes an inlluence, but at the same time we find it hard that they believe in their imagination seriously.

We need to reconsider the hysterical people once again, the author said.

No.317 19/03/30 16:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A hysterics and a lie】

《An unconscious lie》

In general, the hysterical people know how to get things done. They are shrewd and very cunning. They aren’t always lazy ones,and they are cultured. Lots of them are excellent in one thing.

Concluding the hysterical people are lazy indiscriminately like a morbid mythomania is in the wrong, but their minds have the temptation to try for a quick and easy profit, without making an effort but doing something smart and reaching a profitable thing.

It becomes the strength of dependence, and the strength of dependence controls others,and the strength of dependence changes into techniques which make use of others, and flattery.

Considering those things,we tend to think their imaginary wish may be one of the methods which they take advantage of, but the trouble is that it doesn’t mean they do it on purpose.

They don’t think they plunge others into a difficult situation. They almost tell a lie unconsciously. Unstable will and too big desire of …

No.318 19/03/30 17:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A hysterics and a lie】

《A way of distinguishing the hysteric personality from other one》

Unstable will and too big desire of wanting to be applauded make them tell the lie.

If being related to those people,it will be tiresome. The author expressed the way of distinguishing them from ordinary ones. It’s not only the way of distinguishing them from ordinary ones, but an important character on the hysteric people.

If lots of them judge that being in poor health is something profitable for them, they will appeal they are ill owing to the weather.

They become migraine 偏頭痛, and bad smell, something filthy,or blood make them feel nauseated,feel dizzy,or they lose their consciousness.

In general we call it hypochondria 心気症. They are worried about they suffer from tuberculosis 結核, Hansen’s disease,or syphilis 梅毒. They are very frightened for the disease.

They want medicine excessively, and lots of them have a strange habit of loving being injected. Others don’t drink much and …

No.319 19/03/31 01:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A hysterics and a lie】

《A way of distinguishing hysteric personality from ordinary ones》

Others don’t drink much and feel sick at once when drinking.

It has been unclear why those symptom like a neurosis appear, but every symptom which they make use of something profitable for them, and they change into their convenient sickness and exaggerated gesture in front of us. We need to remember it.

【Phenomenon of escaping】

《The lie is unreasonable response》

An animal which is shut up in a room doesn’t try to get out of the room with reasonable way. Needless to say, it doesn’t have the ability to do it. It depends on its instinct without any special plans,and rushes around the room in total confused. It manages to try to get out of the room.

A butterfly and a moth which happen to flutter in a room is its instance. They fly around the room unreasonably and bump against the door and window,but the one which repeats the unreasonable action isn’t the butterfly,moth and other animals alone.

No.320 19/03/31 02:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A phenomenon of escaping】

《The lie is unreasonable response》

We the human tend to take into action unreasonably instinctively like other animals. When a big earthquake or big fire break out, there are some people who are thrown off balance. We have that kind of element more and less.

Both hysteria,hysteric people,and a morbid mythomania are based on instinctive unreasonable hysteric response like that.

A mythomania tells a lie. When the lie is about to be exposed,it tells other lie so as to hide its former lie. The lie which is made of the lie. The lie which is filled with the lie. When repeating the lie,they expect something lucky happens. It’s a typical hysteric response.

《Useful sickness》

Hysteric people are the same ones. They try to escape from something tiresome in front of them with unreasonable way just for the occasion desperately. The escape by the hysteria is outstanding and extreme.

They feel sick at once, but it’s not a feigned illness nor a lie.

No.321 19/03/31 10:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A phenomenon of escaping】

《A useful sickness》

They have headache,they have poor appetite,and are easily exhausted. They can’t sleep very much at night. While this sickness is pain for them subjectively, it’s a kind of magic objectively. There was an example like the next.

A woman’s husband was flirtatious 浮気っぽい,and he often caused a trouble. She was so shy that she couldn’t tell her worry anyone,and she was thrown off balance.

Strange to say, when her husband was away overnight and didn’t come home, she always felt ill. A doctor couldn’t discover why she was ill,but she suffered from a terrible headache and chills actually.

She returned her parents’ home and stayed there for a while. Then her husband wrote to her. He said he wanted to divorce her.

The author said he was sorry for her,on the other hand there is a way of thinking like the next.

Her illness may have been painful for her, but her illness prevented her from quarreling with her husband and feeling unpleasant.

No.322 19/03/31 21:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A phenomenon of escaping】

《A useful sickness》

She was divorced because of her sickness. She could say good–by to the faithless husband. It is certain that it’s a magic way. If saying it in a cold way, it’s one of example in the hysteric syndrome. There is other example. The author showed it.

There was a school boy in university. He fell in love with a daughter of a diplomat,and she became pregnant. Both of their homes were strict. If their parents knew she was pregnant,they would disinherit both their son and daughter.

He suddenly became insomnia and his mental situation wasn’t ordinary. It seemed to be a nervous breakdown which deteriorated so much or an early stage of schizophrenia. The author went to see his parents.

He explained the situation to his parents in detail as much as possible. His parents who were worried about their son were surprised at it, but they could understand why their son fell into the situation.

No.323 19/03/31 21:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A phenomenon of escaping】

《A useful sickness》

As their parents thought if their son got married to her,he would recover from his illness, so his father busied himself with his son’s marriage with the daughter of the diplomat.

His son was absent from school for six months and got married to her after a year. When being absent from school, others sympathized with him. He went on a trip for his health. The author said he was envious of the son.

Far from being inherited. The son could get married to the daughter owing to his illness.

《A thing which is common in the lie and the sickness》

It is clearly hysteric response. There is the sickness which solves a difficult situation, but it’s not a feigned illness, and the hysteric person doesn’t try to tell a lie that it’s ill and it tries not to cheat others.

For example, let’s suppose that the hysteric person had to attend a meeting tomorrow, but he didn’t think he wanted to do. Then he seemed to think like the next.

No.324 19/03/31 22:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A phenomenon of escaping】

《A thing which is common in the lie and the sickness》

“I wanted not to attend the meeting tomorrow, but attending to the meeting is my duty and responsibility. I’m such a moralist that I can’t tell a lie and I can’t be absent from the company without a reason. ”

He continues. “『By the way,』I’ve had a terrible headache since yesterday. I can’t stand it any more. I’m sorry, but I have to be absent from the company.”

As a result,without having guilty conscience, he can attain his desire of wanting not to attend the meeting squarely. There is a phrase of by the way in his remarks. It may have been fortunately or and.

There is a big difference between telling a lie and being absent from the company and being worried about the meeting and being absent from the company.

The society criticizes the lie and we feel guilty for the lie, but the society sympathizes with the sickness,and doesn’t criticize. It means it can’t be helped, for it feels ill. But there is …

No.325 19/04/02 19:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A phenomenon of escaping】

《A thing which is common in the lie and the sickness》

But there is greatly common in between the lie and the sickness. Both of them solve the problem,avoiding facing the difficulty and depending on unreasonable way.

It doesn’t always mean that both of the wife of the unfaithful husband and the schoolboy who fell in the daughter of the diplomat don’t have ability to solve a problem reasonably. They have enough ability to do, but they try not to use it.

Without using their ability with their own will, they try to solve the problem with a magic way. Here is common character from hysteric sickness to hysteric nature.

《Imperfection of development on character》

A hysteric person who is excellent has a high ability, but except for the strong point, almost all of them have unstable will, including mythomania.

They are speculative,and always expect a piece of luck. They hate to work steadily and love a chancy work like uncertain trade which looks flamboyant.

No.326 19/04/02 19:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A phenomenon of escaping】

《Imperfecton of development on character》

They are rash, frivolous,glib,and thoughtless. A psychaitrist says they are imperfect of development on character,or they are infantile and childish.

The author said when expressing like that he remembered some people who play an active part in the field of mass communication. Others say they are rash,and frivolous, and they look glib and thoughtless.

However they hardly have those element and the author was interested in that they act the image of the sort of person. He said like that and continued.

If so we may have had an unfinished dream for it. We may have sought for unconscious escape from the feeling of alienation 疎外 which surrounds around our lives. But we can’t mention it here, so I’m going to express it in the next chance.

By the way, the author didn’t say on the next time clearly, so I’m wondering he doesn’t say in the book which I’ve expressed just now.

【A place where the lie and the truth】

No.327 19/04/02 20:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A place where the lie and the truth】

《A child’s daydream and the lie》

A Swiss psychologist has made various experiments or observed on children who tell a lie. According to his report, he thinks that the children who tell a lie are more vain than others.

For example, he made some children give a test for expressing its desire. Its result was like the next. Some of desires are wanting to get marry to a good–looking guy. All the children who don’t tell a lie don’t have the desire.On the other hand all the other children who tell a lie have the desire.

When asking how do you feel on yourself, all the children who don’t tell a lie didn’t say they are beautiful, on the other hand 67% of the other children who tell a lie they are.

The answer of wanting to be a beautiful woman seems to be an expression of wanting to be applauded like a star,a hero or a leader. As to the tendency, they are children,so it seems to be natural for them more or less.

The desire of wanting to be applauded…

No.328 19/04/02 21:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A place where the lie and the truth】

《A child’s daydream and the lie》

The desire of wanting to be applauded itself shouldn’t be criticized, especially stimulating children’s ambition is effective.

The desire of wanting to be great or to be famous becomes a driving force or advance for us and is significant if it works in positive way. If ending up a fanciful desire,it’s nonsense.

We have to teach the children without making effor none of us become great nor famous.

《Cheating is also a hysteric response》

Overestimating something great or something famous in the public is in the wrong,but it seems that we can accomplish it to some extent with our effort. It’s a kind of prize, but as to the desire of wanting to be applauded of children who tell a lie, it ends up being a fanciful desire. It isn’t accompanied by any effort.

When children lead their life in high school or university, an illegal action like cheating becomes a problem.

As to the cheating,without making an effort…

No.329 19/04/02 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There is the place between the lie and the truth】

《A cheating is also a hysteric response.》

Oh! I’ve made a blunder in regard to the headline of 【A place where the lie and the truth.】I’m ashamed of making a mistake like that. It makes no sense at all.

To return to my main topic, I’m going to start to express again.

As to the cheating,without making any effort which we have to do,without facing the difficulty , taking the lion’s share 甘い汁を吸う. It’s one of hysteric response. We have to prevent them from getting into the habit of cheating. It’s the same case of the lie.

Without facing the difficulty and we can take the lion’s share, we are in the habit of avoiding the difficulty, and the children are in the habit of cheating.

《A response of attitude on being fond of fighting》

What kind of relation is between the lie and imagination on children? A professor made some children who were sent to a reform school write a composition and investigated them.

A bus which you got on…

No.330 19/04/02 23:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There is the place between the lie and the truth】

《A response on attitude of being fond of fighting》

There is a sentence like that. A bus which you got on collided with a truck. After that the professor made the children add other sentences with their imagination.

As a result, it turns out that the children who tell a lie aren’t imaginative ones. It is expressed when being a grown up,it's the same. A response on attitude of being fond of fighting was found in children who tend toward a criminal act strongly.

They imagine dangerous fancy of being fond of fighting that hitting a driver, complaing to the conductor of the bus,or demanding some money in damage.

Imagination is fun originally, but they try to add a protest to others even in their imagination. Their protest isn’t for injustice in the society.

The author said he felt the children’s cold feeling that they couldn’t forgive even a tiny injury on the tip of their little finger.

Once someone is in the wrong, they start to…

No.331 19/04/03 05:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There is a place between the lie and the truth】

《A response on attitude of being fond of fighting》

Once someone is in the wrong, they start to struggle against others,or fight each other at once. The children who commit a crime has the cold feeling like that.

It is regrettable that we can’t see through all the influence on the children’s mind which is given by their environment. Cold feeling or rebellious spirit have been deeply ingrained in their mind. We’re not sure why they have been.

We’re not sure whether others’ affection around them are lacked in or they can’t feel the affection by nature. Whether or not either of them are true, we are forced to expect those children continue to have the habit of being fond of fighting, and falling into the crime of rebellion and protest. The author said he found it sad.

《Delusion on some children》

Some children insist that their parents have been partial to their siblings alone,and ignored them. But it starts from an imagination as …

No.332 19/04/04 01:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There is the place between the lie and the truth】

《A delusion on some children》

But it starts from an imagination as hysteric response, and they try to satisfy their desire with the imaginative way, but it looks they believe the imagination.

With the imagination some of them ran away from the reform school and invaded their own houses and threatened their mothers and extorted money from them.

The author call their persecution complex 被害妄想 what is call にんじん妄想. The にんじん isn’t a carrot. It seems to be a masterpiece for children, though I’m not interested in it.

The ones who are possessed by the delusion always complain on something and have distorted thought. They disobey their parents and their superiors excessively and resist. They pretend they become desperate and take to misconduct.

Their behaviors look as if they were criminals for a protest, but lots of them are compulsive thieves and threatening is in the habit of doing their action before they are possessed by the delusion.

No.333 19/04/04 02:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie】

《A self–centered lie》

There are some phrases. A lie made of the lie. The lie is filled with the lie from the start to the end. Both its case and contents are the lie. They try to pretend to look the lie true with other lie,and think of another lie. The lie continues limitlessly.

An ordinary person hardly does it but the mythomania does it everyday. It’s developed its lies in all directions. Its remark resembles a kind of creative action rather than the lie. It’s self centered and the mythomania has to be a star and a hero in its creative action.

It dramatizes for itself blatantly in its script of its creative action. It’s dramatization is flamboyant. It doesn’t mind dramatizing for its social position,a school which it graduated,its birth,or its career so as to look itself great.

Then if others watch it, it looks cheerful and personable. It talks on and on without restraint. Its expression makes threatical one so much and is …

No.334 19/04/04 20:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie】

《A self centered lie》

Its expression is theatrical one and is exaggerated and looks unnatural. Sometimes there is the one who is depressed,but its theatrical way is the same. It’s always worried about something exaggeratedly or appealed that it’s suffered from a bad sickness or that it feels as if it went mad.

《A liar who commits suicide.》

No less than 43 % of the liars who are depressed have tried to commit suicide. A scholar who is called Kraepelin researched it. To my surprise, their suicides are a kind of plays.

They set an exaggerated preparation and write a pathetic will,but almost all of them don’t commit suicide.

Some of them try to do it. They fear the pain of the death and go on a fast 断食 or pierce a needle to its blood vessel, but they usually fail to do it. It’s what is called a sham suicide.

We call it the suicide, but it’s not an urgent one. Showing their desperate behaviors make others sympathize with them.

No.335 19/04/04 20:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie】

《The case of a star》

And if the sham suicide make others be cheated a difficult situation which the mythomania faces and the cheating leads to a breakthrogh to the difficult situation, it’s by far better, the mythomania seems to think like that.

The author expressed on a movie actress. When she became popular, she attempted suicide. The newspapers were full of her stories about attempting suicide. Moreover the newspaper said she disappeared. The news caused great excitement in Japan then.

Why did she attempt suicide? Other actress was assigned to her part which the actress supposed to play the leading role. The one played the leading role and instead others do. It’s not rare.

However the fighting for the leading role changed into the form of suicide or disappearance for the first time, so some people gossiped that the company which produced the movie plotted.

The company which produced the movie could not have done it. Its source…

No.336 19/04/04 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie】

《The case of a star》

Its source of the problem is the character of the actress who attempted suicide.

It is the desire of wanting to be applauded in the bottom of the mind of the person who wanted to be the actress of the movie, and the author thought the actress who attempted suicide had personality of hysteric character.

She tried to escape from her difficult situation with her lie. It was said she had a passionate person, and lots of people told her lively romance each other. She was popular once, but she disappeared before the general public recognized it.

No one knew in detail, but the author said others around her learned to watch her on account of her character. After that her family quarrel became a gossip in a weekly magazine,and she became a person who was much talked about.

She lived with a couple of her younger sister and her husband in the same premises. She couldn’t get along with the couple, and had a terrible fight…

No.337 19/04/04 22:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie】

《The case of a star》

She couldn’t get along with the couple and had a terrible fight with it. It was something dishonorable. The author said he didn’t think it was a sham 狂言, but the rumor of carrying out a knife and causing the trouble made him feel something unusual.

Why did the author express on the actress like that? He guessed that she had a tendency of a morbid mythomania. Its character is fighting against others easily and is always dissatisfied with something or someone.

She was always buoyant and cheerful, but sensitive and responded others’ attitude and behaviors excessively. As a result others thought she was an enthusiast.

She was so self–centered that she thought whenever something happened she had to be its center. She had always high demand for others around her, so she couldn’t make friends with others easily.

《Unstable will and a crime》

The scholar called Kraepelin said an unstable will is one more character on …

No.338 19/04/04 23:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie】

《Unstable will and a crime》

The scholar called Kraepelin said an unstable will is one more character on a morbid mythomania. It always tries something and sees how it turns out. It always loses its presence of mind.

It Develops a plan hastily and does anything. If its plan doesn’t go well,the morbid mythomania gives it up at once and moves to other plan. Some of them have a habit of changing their job frequently.

It does various things and doesn’t live in one place in peace. “Whenever something good occurs to me, I’m forced to do it.” It often says like that, and without any prospect nor any plan,it does whenever something occurres to it.

For example,without thinking up its income, it buys rings,perfume, dresses excessively. It runs short of money right away, and its life ends in failure and commits a crime.

Roughly speaking,70 % of them break the law, according to the statistics of Kraepelin. As to the content of the crime which…

No.339 19/04/04 23:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie】

《Unstable will and a crime》

As to the content of the crime which its males committed is mainly a fraud. There is few thefts on their crime. Buying something without paying any money,skipping out on a restaurant bill, a fraud on insurance, marriage swindle, a fraud on renting a house,or not paying the rent for a house.

Whichever the morbid mythomania does, its speech is eloqunent and it expresses on its career and social standing excessively,and wins the confidence from others.

It’s a kind of talent. It’s more splendid creative ability than any other author on a script of TV drama. For example, there is a person like the next.

《A made–up story which doesn’t have any motive》

There was a male whose age was 34. He was advertised that he’d studied on child psychology and became a teacher in a kindergarten.

When he learned to go and come freely at a study room in a university,he called himself a member of the staff at the study room…

No.340 19/04/07 00:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie】

《A made–up story which doesn’t have any motive》

He called himself a member of the staff at the study room and ordered some books and equipment parts for the study and sold them.

He could speak of fairy tales and played the organ. He could talk about child psychology. He planed to build an institution to protect minors who committed a crime and collected money for it.

However he drank with the money and his interest changed to other. His tendency demonstrated in the sexual relation with some women,and he was closed related with them at random. He didn't worried about breaking his promise and destroy his marriage life at all.

Without stammering a bit he told a lie one after another, he couldn’t understand himself why he talked about the made–up story.The made–up story which doesn’t have any motive is a morbid mythomania itself.

There many kinds of lies, but there is one more important lie. The author said he was going to express…

No.341 19/04/07 00:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The mythomania is a sickness of telling a lie.】

《A made–up story which doesn’t have any motive.》

The author said he was going to express on the important lie in the next chapter,so I’m going to express on the new chapter,effectiveness on the lie from now on.

【A good lie and an indispensable lie】

《A lie which a doctor speak of》

We don’t always call the one who tells a lie a liar. If interpreting the word of the lie in a broad sense,an empty compliment is also a kind of the lie, but when speaking of the empty compliment, we don’t call the person who spoke the empty compliment a liar.

Even if the liar has to be criticized, lots of people doubt whether or not speaking of the empty compliment should be criticized as a moral question.

The author said he was going to express on a good lie and an indispensable lie here.

As recognizing the situation enough,we sometimes call the white the black, and it’s a lie, but even if we recognize a true thing enough, we have to say it in other way

No.342 19/04/07 02:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A good lie and an indispensable lie】

《A lie of which a doctor speak of》

Sometimes we have to tell a lie. When recognizing a patient suffers from cancer, none of doctor tells it easily. Even if it doesn’t suffer from the cancer, none of the doctor tells a patient who faces its death its sickness becomes so worse and too be late to cure.

It’s a lie which we should tell. If the doctor makes the patient think it can’t be cured, it won’t have any chance of recovering.

The last leaf is a short story written by O. Henry. A patient saw a scene from its sickroom. As a cold wintry wind wailed the leaves of the tree fell one by one. The patient saw it and became less energetic.

When all the leaves fall, I’ll be dead. The patient thought like that. An old painter sympathized with it and tied a picture of the leaf to the branch. It’s a typical good lie.

The author said what the doctor tells a lie to its patient is its duty.

《The lie which a teacher tells》

Sometimes a teacher needs…

No.343 19/04/07 02:53

>> 342 Patients should know the truth about what is going to happen in the near future.

No.344 19/04/07 05:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


To the person who response to 342.

Thank you for your message and nice to meet you.

As you told, the patients should know it in the near future sooner or later. Recently doctors may have told the patients on their syndrrome, but when the book was written, we tried not to speak to the patients like that, I’m wondering.

Science has developed so much that the cancer doesn’t seem to be an incurable disease lately, but when the book was written it was the incurable disease.

It is said that illness arises from sickness of the spirit, so the doctors used to make much of the patients’ mental situation, I’m wondering, though I doubt how much it’s effective.

I’m not sure whether or not the lie by the doctor for the patients are effective, but the author thought like that at least, and lots of people didn’t used to think they should make the patients know it, though it’s just a matter of time, I’m wondering.

All the people aren’t so strong as you, so all of them can’t face the death.

No.345 19/04/07 06:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To 342

【A good lie and an indispensable lie】

《The lie which a teacher tells》

Sometimes a teacher needs to tell a lie,for it sometimes pretends to praise a child on purpose so as to encourage it.

Even if a picture which the child drew was poor,if the teacher admired that the picture was well done and was an good marker, the child may have been encouraged and improved its skill of painting gradually.

It’s the obvious lie,but it shouldn’t be criticized in the social and virtuous way.

The teacher organized three groups of schoolchildren in the fourth grade at an elementary school. Their ability is almost the same, and the teacher made them practice for addition in the same problems. The three groups were in three classrooms separately.

The teacher always praised the first group,scolded the second group,and neither praised nor scolded the third group. The teacher went on it for five days.

While the first group improved its record steadily, the second group also improved at one time…

No.346 19/04/07 08:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A good lie and an indispensable lie】

《The lie which a teacher tells》

While the first grrop improved its record steadily, the second group also did at one time,but it remained stagnant halfway and it wasn’t effective. The third group raised its record until the third day, but after that its record dropped.

The lie which multiples the ability should be given a welcome, said the author like that.

《A modest lie and a lie of antonym》

The empty compliment is also kinds of the lie,but the author has already expressed, so I’m going to omit it. There is other lie as the virtue of modesty.

When giving something wonderful for someone, we the Japanese tend to say like that,“It’s a small present…” the way of saying is an example for the lie as the virtue of modesty.

However it isn’t the small and cheap one, but telling a lie like that, so some rationalists speak ill of the modest lie.

It looks humble but it doesn’t actually. There isn’t any absurd expression in foreign countries…

No.347 19/04/07 09:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A good lie and an indispensable lie】

《The lie which a teacher tells》

There isn’t any absurd expression in foreign countries, the rationalists said like that, but it isn’t always correct.

There is an expression which resembles the small present in America. It’s a bit of surprise to you. It’s American way for modesty.

They say it looks humble but it doesn’t, but the criticism isn’t always to the point. The way of using antonym has developed in Japan from a long ago.

It originates from Zen. When showing someone beloved something affectionate, we the Japanese tend to say 馬鹿野郎 sometimes. It’s an example for the way of using the antonym.

The lie for modesty is indispensable in our life like the empty compliment,and being blamed for it is something wrong,the author said like that.

《A lie in heroism》

By the way, there isn’t a bad lie. It’s the one in heroism. When protecting an unfortunate friend, some people tell a lie even if they know it’s the lie. When their friends made a …

No.348 19/04/07 09:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A good lie and an indispensable lie】

《A lie in heroism》

When one of their friends made a mistake,they came forward and say they did it. It’s an example of the lie in heroism.

A gang of hooligans turns itself in to the police and acts as substitute for the gang leader is out of question, but that kind of lie isn’t always wrong.

We don’t have to praise the heroism excessively, but we can’t think of the heroism as a bad deed.

《The time when we need a lie》

If being a prisoner in war and being asked from enemy various things, we tell a lie and we try not to cause disadvantage situation for our country. A diplomat has to tell a lie when it is peaceful with the same reason.

It seems that a minister can’t help telling a lie to a newspaper reporter sometimes. The former prime minister, Hayato Ikeda said he didn’t tell a lie,but he could say one more thing.“I’m going to tell a lie when I have to do it.”

It seems that there are various lies which we need and which is good,but …

No.349 19/04/07 11:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A good lie and an indispensable lie】

《The time when we need the lie》

…but a word of the lie reminds us of something wrong, for we tell the good and indispensable lie unconsciously, so when asking others whether telling a lie is wrong or right, there seems to few people who think the lie is in the wrong.

The author said he is interesting in the thought which comes from utilitarianism rather than coming from morality.

《The lie is an ethical matter》

In short, telling a lie itself isn’t in the wrong,but the lie causes disadvantage situation or makes others be in difficultuy is in the wrong.

The way of thinking for the lie is almost same with regard to both children and grownups. When asking 459 children whether telling a lie is right or wrong in Germany,159 children answered it’s in the wrong. 187 said it’s not, and 113 said it depends on.

The ones who don’t think telling a lie is in the wrong is more a little, and there was other question why telling a lie is in the wrong.

No.350 19/04/07 12:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

《A good lie and an indispensable lie》

【The lie is an ethical matter】

Lots of children answered that telling a lie causes a loss or it doesn’t make money, and they thought telling a lie to their supporters or their beloved is in the wrong,otherwise it’s all right.

There was other similar investigation. The children thought the lie was a matter on technical skill when leading their lives. They didnt think the lie is ethical problem in the least according to the investigation.

As a result the ground that telling a lie is in the wrong isn’t ethical reason, but cowardly conduct.

Anyway,it turned out that telling a lie is in the wrong because it's harmful in the society or it makes them prevent from leading community life. None of them deny it with an ethical point of view.

Those are investigation on children, but as to the investigation on grownups,the result doesn’t seems to be big difference between the children and grownups, the author said like that.




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