彼氏にカマかけたらクロ 別れるべきか

English and so on

レス500 HIT数 11961 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/07/17 21:10(更新日時)

【Difference in the life habit has prevented us from communicating】《Its key word is a straw》

If trying to say tatami in a Japanese-style room in English I find it hard fairly. We can just say it's a straw mat it looks like primitive somehow. Some people say it's a tatami floor as it is but even if it's the tatami of floor it doesn't ring a bell somehow.If wanting to say on its space like 六畳間 we're forced to say it's a six-mat room.

Even if being advised to sit down in a place where there is neither sofa nor chair it's natural for the Western people to be confused. Then the tatami is grasped as a sense of the floor.

Speaking of the straw there is an idiom of the last straw. When being loaded on a camel on the back with full of goods,moreover one straw was loaded. Then all of the things were ruined. The idiom is originated from the episode that a small amount of things ruins all of the things. When feeling limited the idiom is also used metaphorically like the next.

It was the last straw or it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The one which is used on the roof is a thatcher and we call the roof the thachered roof.

When being in difficulty we feel like relying on a trifle thing. Then we say a drowning man will catch at a straw. Speaking of light yellow it's straw color. When indicating the color of the hair we use the phrase.

No.2390926 16/10/22 12:05(スレ作成日時)



No.201 18/06/10 07:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I’m sure we try to judge for ourselves the case when the slang is used,and whether or not we can use it. The author said at the end of the preface like the next.

He hoped that all the readers enjoyed this book and began to take an interest in English newly,“go for it”,and “keep in there.”

【A little bird told me.】

It means I won’t tell you who told me. One day a bird flew over me and perched on the shoulder and whispered me. In short,it’s the phrase which we can’t say the source of what we’ve talked. I’m wondering who talked to me. The situation is like that.

There are some number of face on the phrase. The number of the face which means its frequency is three. The face is ordinary. When the face is ordinary,it’s an ordinary phrase. When the face is angry one,the phrase includes anger. When the face is happy,the phrase is used in a happy situation.


A: How did you find out about Gary’s girlfriend?

B: A little bird told me.

【Act your age.】It means…

No.202 18/06/16 09:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Act your age!】

It means ordering to not to so childish. The number of face which shows us its frequency is two,and it’s angry,so when using it,he or she is angry or irritated. Ordering behave yourself with your age. It’s used not only to a child,youth but a grown-up who is selfish and childish,but the phrase criticizes other,so we must not use for a superior.


Stop whining like a little kid! Act your age!

【Age before beauty.】

It means older people can go first. When making a way for orders,the phrase is used. It’s a witty expression. Your age should be respected than my youth and beautifulness. We should use for a close relationship. The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and it’s an ordinary face,so it’s an usual phrase.

In general,the phrase of after you is frequently used. It’s a pleasant and polite expression and it's used for everyone.

A: [Holding the door open]After you,sir.

B: Thank you very much.

【All hands on deck!】

It means that…

No.203 18/06/16 09:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【All hands on deck!】
It means that everyone has to help now. The hand is a crew member on a ship. It’s originally an order for all the members to gather on deck. It means doing the duty by all the members. Its number of face which shows us frequency is two and ordinary.


All hands on deck. Someone go tell Maria that we’re going to have a meeting now.

【All systems (are)go.】

It means that all preparations are complete. It's started from a technical term in a space flight in America in 1960s. No sooner had the phrase of an astronaut and scientist was on TV than it becomes popular among them.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary,so it’s an usual phrase.

The system is all the apparatus for launching a rocket,and the go means that it’s ready. Are is all right whether or not there is.

A: Ready to go,Allison?

B: All systems go. Let’s hit the road.

【All the best (to someone)】

It means that my best wishes to you/someone. When saying …

No.204 18/06/16 10:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【All the best(to someone).】

When parting from others ,we the Japanese say じゃあね ,the phrase is close to the Japanese. After the best,a word of wishes that a feeling for other’s happiness is omitted.

When adding to and a name of a one like “All the best to Bob”,it’s a phrase of greeting to a third party who wasn’t there then. The number of face is three and is ordinary,so it’s an usual phrase.


A: It was great seeing youn again,Mr.Jones.

B: Same here,Mr. Carter. All the best.

When asking someone who isn’t there then to tell to give its best regard.

A: I have to get back to the office now.

B: Fine,Alice. All the best to Bob.

【All right,already.】

It means OK! OK! When being said a thing which we’d already recognized,or being made us hurry,they talked back others. Then they were irritated. Even if we are irritated,we must not use it for a superior.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and it’s angry,so when saying they are angry or irritated.

No.205 18/06/17 09:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【All right already.】


A: Come on! We are going to be late!

B: All right already! I’m hurrying as fast as I can.

【And how!】

It means yes. It’s emphasized agreement like that’s right,of course. The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary,so it’s an ordinary phrase.


A: Are you looking forward to going to Hawai next month?

B: And how!

When being recommended something,saying it as its answer.

A: Would you like another glass of wine?

B: And how!

【Another day,another dollar.】

It means that’s the end of today’s work. When a work of a day is end,or trying to finish it,they whisper to themselves. It’s also a way of informing the duties on the day was over to the colleagues around them.

The phrase of another dollar doesn’t have special meaning. Its nuance is having worked today and having earned money of the day.

The number of the face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary one,so it’s an ordinary phrase.

No.206 18/06/17 17:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Another day,another dollar】


A: Well, another day,another dollar.

B: Interested in having a beer on the way home?

【Any port in a storm】

It means that any relief is welcoming during difficulties. When being in difficulties,any kind of help is acceptable. A ship which comes across a heavy storm wants to reach any kind of port if it can survive. It’s similar to a proverb that a drowning man will catch at a straw.

The number of face of which frequency is one and ordinary.


A: I really hate to borrow money from my parents.

B: Any port in a storm,you know.

【Anything goes.】

It means that there are no rules or restrictions. There was a musical called Anything goes which was hit in 1930s. A great American composer,Cole Porter ,took charge in music on the musical. The phrase comes from the musical. A song of the same title is in the musical.

A: What’s like in New Orleans during Mardi Gras?

B: Anything goes. They party 24 hours a day.

No.207 18/06/17 18:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Anything goes.】

The Mardi Gras is a feast of the Christians. It’s the last day in a carnival.

The number of face of which frequency is one and ordinary.

【Anything you say.】

It means that I’ll go along with you. It’s the form of phrase that I’ll accept or do anything you say is omitted. When wanting to say that I’ll agree with what you say in its entirely,or I’ll do anything what you ask,please say it.

The number of face of which frequency is there and ordinary.


A: Could you pick up a newspaper at the kiosk for me?

B: Anything you say. Which one do you want?

【Are we square?】

It means asking,is the situation fair to everyone? The square means being fair. When having a meal with some friends in a restaurant,and splitting the cost of the meal,the phrase makes sure whether or not all of them paid fairly. Not only the cost of eating and drinking but all the situation in which the money is related to,we can use the phrase anywhere.

The face of number of which…

No.208 18/06/23 07:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Are we square?】

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: That was a great meal. Are we square,Jim?

B: I believe we are. Let’s come here again sometime.

【(Are you)going my way?】

It means asking,can I go with you? We the Japanese ask when going back home,which direction do you return? It’s the phrase like that.

When returning from a job,meeting,or party or moving to other place,suggesting,if we go to the same direction,shall we go to the place together? If other uses a car,it means asking to the person to be in the car.

There is an expression when asking to be in the same car,it’s “How about a lift?” The lift means giving someone in a car. The phrase proposes that the person gets me on its car.

When we propose the other gets on our car,we say,give you a lift?


A: Are you going my way?

B: Sure. Get in.

When asking to be in the car,using the lift.

A: I’m leaving now. See you.

B: How about a lift?

A: Sure. My car’s…

No.209 18/06/23 07:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【(Are you )going my way?】

A: Sure. My car is out front.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary one.

【Back to square one.】

It means that we have to start all over again. In a game in which they use a square board,there is a rule to return to a starting point,and the phrase is from it. The square one is the first corner,the starting point which the game begins.

When a thing becomes complicated too much or they can’t carry it out,they return to the starting point and start from the place again,they use the phrase. They sometimes add it’s at the beginning of the phrase.

There is similar phrase,back to the drawing board. When a designer drawing,it uses the drawing board. First of all the it draws its idea on the drawing board,and if it doesn’t go smoothly,it’s forced to begin from the starting point.

The number of face of which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.


A: Did the boss like your idea?

B: No. Back to square one.

No.210 18/06/23 11:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Back to square one.】


When announcing to start again,making use of the phrase of the drawing board.

A: The story I wrote was rejected. Back to the drawing board.

B: Better luck next time.

【Be my guest.】

It means help yourself,or go ahead. If translating literally, it means my guest which I entertain,but when wanting to take priority to other person mainly like as you pleased,or after you,the phrase will be used.

There is a book of which title is Be my guest,which was written by the founder of the Hilton Hotel, Conrad Hilton in 1957. It means proposing to stay the hotel authentically .

The number of face of which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary one.


A: Would you mind if I used your telephone?

B: Not at all. Be my guest.

【Bear with me.】

It means have patience. Asking to being lenient against me,please put up with me,stand with me,or wait a just moment.

When making others listen to a long and boring story,or waiting for a while …

No.211 18/06/24 12:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Bear with me.】

…or making others waiting for a while,the phrase will be used.


A: Aren’t you finished with that job yet?

B: Bear with me. I’m making progress.

The number of face of which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary.

【Beat it.】

It means ordering to go away. In short,it means get out,leave me alone,or get lost. When using the phrase,without choosing any person to which we use the phrase,they’ll misunderstand how rude and how violent we are. If saying it among others who are intimate as a joke,it’s all right.

The number of face of which shows us its frequency is two and it’s angry,so when being angry with something,it will be used.


A: Bob,want to hear a great story?

B: Beat it! I’ve got work to do.

【Beats me.】

It means that I give up or I don’t know. It’s an abbreviation that it beats me. The beat meaning making other be tired,or having someone stumped.

When being unable to find out its answer at all or we don’t know on a thing …

No.212 18/06/24 13:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Beats me.】

…or we don’t know on a thing at all,the phrase will be used. Its accent is put on the me.

The number of face of which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.

A: How is he going to pay for his new car?

B: Beats me. Maybe his parents give him some money.

【Behind you!】

It means that watch out! Look out behind you!

The phrase of after you is urging others to go ahead,so if being said “Behind you”,we think we can,we’re in the wrong. When someone is coming form behind us,we block the person,or something dangerous approaching others,saying them to be careful of it.

When someone blocks our way,we sometime use the phrase for it,asking us to pass through .

The number of the face of which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: Behind you.

B: Sorry. I didn’t realize I was in your way.

【Big deal!】

It means a kind of question,asking,what’s so impressed?

The Phrase is expressed a spiteful feeling,it doesn’t matter at all. If being translated…

No.213 18/06/24 13:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Big deal!】

If being translated literally,it’s wonderful,but the phrase is used as antonym. Instead of saying others who are talking with us,when talking a rumor on a third party,the phrase will be used.

However if we used it frequently,I’m afraid others doubt our personality.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and angry,so when being angry on something,the phrase will be used.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and angry,so when being angry on something,the phrase will be used.

A: We’re going to Hawaii on vacation.

B: Big deal! Everyone goes there now!

When having a comment on someone,it’s the next one.

They paid me ¥1.000 to wax the car. Big deal! It took me three hours to finish the job.

【Bottoms up!】

It means cheers! The bottom means the bottom of a glass,so if raising up the bottom,it means that let’s gulp down the liquor. It’s a calling for toast.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and …

No.214 18/06/30 09:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Bottoms up.】

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and its face is happy,so it’s used in a happy situation.


A: You’re still working on your first beer? Come on,bottoms up.

B: I’m trying to take it easy tonight.

【Break a leg.】

It means good luck. The phrase is used for a person who is going to stand on the stage from now on. On the contrary,a phrase which prays for luck plainly is expected unlucky,so adopting the opposite expression,and hoping its success on the stage.

The phrase is an encouragement for good luck for the people who are going to be in front of others.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary.


A: I’m really nervous about my speech tonight.

B: Don’t worry,Alan. It’ll be fine. Break a leg.

【Break it up.】

Stop fighting.(also humorous)

When a third party stops fighting or quarreling…

No.215 18/06/30 12:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Break it up!】

When a third party stops fighting,or quarreling,the phrase will be used. It’s sometimes used as joke for a couple who necks in public.

The face of number of which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: Break it up. This is a public halfway,you know.

B: I was just straightening Bob’s necktie.

A: Sure,you are!

【Bully for you!】

It means good or big deal. When admiring other’s success or effort,the phrase will be used. According to a situation,or a way of saying,it’s used for ironical expression,it’s big deal.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary.

Conversation,when it’s used as the meaning of good.

A: I finally told Elizabeth to quit being such a nuisance.

B: Well,bully for you. She deserves it.

When it’s used as the meaning of big deal.

A: By looking at prices in different stores,I saved 60 yen on these peaches.

B: Bully for you!

【Butt out.】

It means going away,or mind your own business. The butt means…

No.216 18/06/30 14:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Butt out】

The butt is abbreviation of buttocks 尻. As a phrase of butt in has an imagination that a meddlesome person tries to squeeze its buttocks into others,it means meddling in others who doesn’t have nothing to do with itself. Instead of the in,the out has learned to be used,so it means not to stick your nose into other people’s affairs.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and it’s angry,so when it used,the person who used it is angry about something.


A: I think you and Tom should get married.

B: Butt out,Maria! What we do is none of your business.

【Can do.】

It means it’s possible. It’s an abbreviation of I can do that. It seems to be a phrase which used among the army. It’s the answer that I can do it,I’ll do it,or I understand it.If being unable to do it,they say no can do.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary one.

No.217 18/07/01 19:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can do.】


A: Will you be able to finish this by Friday?

B: Can do.I’ll have it in your hands by Thursday night.

【Can it!】

It means saying,shut up or stop talking about that. When wanting other to hold its tongue or to stop talking,the phrase will be used. It looks like a slang. The can means a metal container in which food or drink is preserved without air,and putting a lid on the can.

Without choosing others who we use the phrase, I’m afraid it’ll turn out to be very rude.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and its angry,so the phrase is used when being angry about something or someone.


A: Listen to this story I just heard.

B: Can it! Can’t you see I’m busy?

【Can too!】

When someone said that you can’t do a thing,you said back you can,the phrase is used. It seems to appear in bandy words 押し問答 among children frequently.

It seems to be a childish expression,but it doesn’t always mean a grown−up doesn’t use the phrase.

No.218 18/07/01 19:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can too!】

A grown−up uses the phrase in an aggressive situation,saying like the next. “Yes,I can do it. Please look I can do it myself with your own eye.” The way of saying seems to be polite a little but the person is offended by something or somebody.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary,but I’m sure it depends on. When the grown−up uses,it seems to be indignant.


A: But you can’t pick up the rock!

B: Can too!

A: Can not!

B: Can too!

【Can’t beat that!】

It means that nothing is better than that. It’s an abbreviation that you can’t beat that. In short,it says that no one can do better than that.

When hearing other’s satisfactory situation,or delightful thing which has happened recently,wanting to tell,“There’s nothing better than that.”,or “Bully for you!”,the phrase is used. It’s a positive expression which the American like.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and happy,so when being happy…

No.219 18/07/01 20:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can’t beat that!】

…so when being happy,the phrase will be used.


A: Another company offered me a better salary and more days off.

B: Can’t beat that? You’re going to take the job,aren’t you?

【Care for another?】

It means asking,do you want another? The care doesn’t always mean minding something alone. When wanting to get something,or wanting to do something,or being interested in something,the phrase will be used.

When wanting to say,“Shall we go for lunch?”,if saying,“Care for some lunch?”,it’s all right. The phrase is mainly used by a waiter,waitress in a restaurant,a bartender in a bar,or a host in a party.

If saying it politely,it’s “Would you care for another (of what you are having now)?” If someone uses the phrase in a fantastic restaurant to us,we don’t have to be at a loss at all as long as we know it.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: Care for another?

B: Yes…

No.220 18/07/07 08:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Care for another?】


B: Yes,I believe I would.

【Care to?】

It means asking,would you like to?

It’s one of the shortest phrase to ask someone to do something together. For example,when you and your friend looked at some people who enjoyed skating,asking your friend whether or not we skate. The phrase is suitable for the situation.

It is clear that inviting your friend,“Would you care to join the others and skate?” It’s so short that it’s easy to understand,but it’s an abbreviation of “Would you care to?”,so it’s more polite than asking,“Want to?”,or “Want to?”

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: I’m ready for a cup of coffee,and this looks like a nice place. Care to?

B: Sure. Let’s go in.

In this case,it’s an abbreviation of care to go in and have coffee.

【Cat got your tongue?】

It means asking,why are you silent?

There are plenty of expressions in which a cat is used not only in the Japanese but in the English.

No.221 18/07/07 09:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Cat got your tongue?】

The phrase is used for the people who can’t speak because of being shy,or for the ones who stammered owing to something awkward,asking them,has the cat got your tongue? Mainly it’s frequently used for younger people and children.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary.

A: What’s the matter–cat got your tongue?

B: No,I just don’t feel like talking.

【Catch you later.】

It means see you later. When parting with others,the phrase is used. The word of catch means stopping someone after you have been chasing and not let it get away,but it’s used as meaning of communicating in the phrase. It means making contact each other with a telephone or an e–mail.

However it doesn’t always mean that they promise of making contact. Instead of saying good–by among intimate friends,the phrase is used.

The face of number which its frequency shows us four and ordinary.

A: I’m got to get back to work. Catch you later.

B: Okay. Take care.

No.222 18/07/07 09:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


It means Ok,yes,or got it. It’s mainly used frequently when working. For example,let’s suppose that we get together the things we use in an event,the stations where the people were,or some procedures in a check list.

When two people who take charge in the event make sure whether or not there are some omissions in the check list before the event,the one read item on the check list one by one,and the other makes sure them and say,yes,or all right. Then the one who makes sure uses the phrase.

The face of number which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.

A: Let’s see if we have everything we need. French bread?

B: Check.

A: Wine?

B: Check.

A: Cheese.

B: Check.


It means saying toast. It’s probably the most familiar saying when starting drinking. In a party like congratulating something happy,we can hear the phrase everywhere. It’s not cheer,but cheers. It’s the plural

The number of face which shows us its frequency is five and its face is happy,so…

No.223 18/07/08 02:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


…so when using the phrase,all of them feel happy.


Does everyone have a drink? Good. Cheers!

【Clear the deck.】

It means preparing for action.

Other phrase like all hands on deck,the phrase has been born on the deck of a ship. It’s a technical term of a ship on the ocean,and it’s probably from the navy.

In short,it means saying to put the deck in order and preparing for a fighting. Except for a naval ship,it means that clearing unnecessary things from the deck before tackling a big business.

The phrase has turned into other meaning that clearing all the small things and preparing for everything before starting something important.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: We’ve got a big job to do today,everybody.

B: Clear the deck!

One more conversation.

A: When do you leave for vacation?

B: Tomorrow,and I’m trying to clear the deck before I take off.

【Clear the way!】

It means asking to get out of the…

No.224 18/07/08 02:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Clear the way!】

It means asking to get out of the way,please. If translating literally,it means getting rid of unnecessary thing in front of us. As an image of the phrase shows,asking to make room for us to pass.

The phrase is frequently used by a waiter,waitress in a restaurant,a bodyguard,a policeman and the one who is engaged in moving as business.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.

A: There’s a piano coming through. Clear the way!

B: I’ll just stand over there.

The situation when a bodyguard who protected a Celebrity used the phrase.

A: “Clear the way.please.”,the bodyguard said.

B: “Oh,look! Isn’t that Tom Cruise?”,the one who saw the scene said.

【Close,but no cigar.】

It means that you were almost successful,but the result was a failure.

The phrase is come from a program at a carnival in the U.S.A. The program is a contest of strength by males. Bringing down a hammer on a weight and trying to make the weight reach the bell which is…

No.225 18/07/08 03:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Close,but no cigar.】

Bringing down a hammer on a weight and trying to make the weight reach a bell which is the top on the column. Then the weight rings the bell,they can get a cigar as prize.

The more powerful the males are,the higher they can make the weight reach. When the weight reached the bell,but it didn’t ring the bell,the M.C. said “It’s close,but no cigar.”

The number of face which shows its frequency is one and ordinary.


A: DId Alan win the tournament?

B: Close,but no cigar. Karen took first place and Alan took second.

The phrase for the one who guessed the price of a brand–new computer.

A: I’ll bet that the computer costs $ 1200.

B: Close,but no cigar. It was $ 1300.

【Cold enough for you?】

It means asking,“how do you like this cold weather?”

It’s an abbreviation of a question which asks, “Is this cold weather cold enough for you?” It’s a colloquial English.

When it is only natural for being cold,but instead of saying it is cold alone…

No.226 18/07/14 03:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Cold enough for you?】

…but instead of saying it is cold alone,treated themselves to a witty conversation which is a humor of the American. The one who are said answer varied ways.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.


A: Morning,John. Could enough for you?

B: Yeah,I’m ready to move south.

When speaking to the one who is commuting just then.

A: Cold enough for you,Elaine?

B: Brrr. I hope it warms up soon.

【Come again?】

It means asking,“What did you say?”

Without knowing it the phrase is beyond our imagination. We may mistake the phrase for the one which doesn’t have the question mark,asking to come again.

In short,it means that,I didn’t hear or I didn’t understand what you said,so please say it again.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.

A: I’ll meet you at the south entrance at 11:30.

B: Come again?

A: I said let’s meet at the south entrance at 11:30. Okat?

B: That’s fine,

【Come and get…】

No.227 18/07/14 05:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Come and get it.】

It means that it’s time to eat.

It’s informal phrase among family members or intimate relationship. It means a meal is ready for you,so come here before the meal gets cold.

Without giving themselves in the air,there is the same kind of expression,“Soup on.”,it means that the soup has been completed,and come here before the soup gets cold.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary.


A: Come and get it.

B: Boy,am I hungry.

【Come off it.】

It means ordering to quit pretending. It comes from a slang which was born in America around 1900. The slang means that the one who put on airs and wielded the powers is reduced to poverty.

The nuance includes that it has comes down in the world really,but making itself look big and acting big. At present when using it,we reprove others.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and it’s angry,so when being angry,the phrase is used.

A: I don’t think that dress is very …

No.228 18/07/14 06:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Come off it.】


A: I don’t think that dress is very attractive on her.

B: Come off it,Julie. You’re just jealousy.

When using it a mother calls her child’s attention,the phrase is used.

A: I don’t see why I have to do that job.

B: Come off it,Henly. Everyone takes turn doing it,and now it’s your turn.

【Come on!】

It has several meaning. The first means that you can,good luck,the second means asking not to say no,and the third is calling to hurry and do something as it was told.

As to the short phrase which frequently appears our everyday life conversation ,we can use it in varied scenes. The one is encourages a one who has been make effort on something. For example the phrase is used for cheering its member of a team of sports.

The second one is getting permission and request of asking something and helping,the phrase will be used.

The third one is ordering someone to do something quickly,saying to do something as quickly as possible.

The number of face which…

No.229 18/07/15 04:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Come on!】

The number of face which shows us its frequency is five and ordinary.

Conversation 1

A: I don’t know if I can run 10 km or not.

B: Come on,Pat! You can do it!

Conversation 2

A: I was planning to watch TV tonight.

B: Come on! The party will be fun!

Conversation 3

A: Come on! We’re late.

B: Okay,okay,I’m coming.

【Come right in.】

It means that you are welcome to come in.

The phrase is used by a host to a guest who arrived to the party . Then the host shows the guest his welcoming feeling.
He tries to say,“I’m happy that you come here. Please come in.” The right is emphasizing.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.

A: Good evening,Mr. and Mrs. Franklin.

B: Good evening. We’re delighted you could come. Come right in.

The next conversation at a workplace where there are some personal offices there.

A: Are you busy,Frank?

B: No,Alice. Come right in.

【Coming through(,please).】

It means asking,please let me pass.

In a public…

No.230 18/07/15 05:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Coming throug(,please).】

In a public place like a crowd,or crowed elevator,as pushing its way through the crowd,the phrase is used. In short,trying to say,“I’m coming through,and would appreciate your letting me pass.”

Other phrase,out please is also often used. It asks to make way for it so as to go out.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.

Conversation.In a narrow aisle of a plane.

A:Coming through,please.

B: Sorry. Let me move out of your way.

【Could I get by(,please)?】

It also means,asking others to let me pass politely.

When wanting others to make way for us in a public scene,the phrase will be used like other phrase of coming through. In short,it wants to say,“Would you please give me enough space to pass by?”

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.

Conversation from the inner part of a crowded elevator.

A: Could I get by,please?

B: Sure,no problem.

【Could you hold?】

It means asking to stay on the…

No.231 18/07/15 05:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Could you hold?】

It means asking to stay on the phone for a moment politely.

The phrase is used when making a phone. The hold means maintaining the situation,and in this phrase,it means holding the line. In short,without hanging up,waiting for a moment.

When telling an operator in a company,it uses the phrase and shows us not to hang up and to wait for a while.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.


A: I’d like to speak to Mr. Johnson,please.

B: Could you hold,please?


【Count me in.】

It means literally asking to count me among participants. When wanting to take part in an event in which some people join like a meeting for a picnic,camp,or club and a contribution for charity,they speak to others with the phrase.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: Are you interested in joining our wine tasting party?

B: Sure! Count me in.

When being asked to contribute…

No.232 18/07/16 03:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Count me in.】


When being asked to contribute for some money,accepting it pleasantly.

A: Bill,we’re taking up a collection to buy a farewell present for Rita. Would you be willing to contribute?

B: Gladly. Count me in.

【Count me out.】

It means asking not to include me in the plan. It’s an antonym expression of count me in. It refuses other‘s invitation,and it has an impression of being blunt a little. It's adopted not only to reject for participation in a party or in an event but avoiding to work on a holiday or dining together someone hard for you to deal with.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: We’re planning a picnic for this Saturday. Want to join us?

B: Count me out. I have to attend a wedding. But thanks for thinking of me.

In a situation in which you are reluctant.

A: A group of us are going to Karaoke tonight. Want to come,too?

B: Count me out. I’m a terrible singer.

【Cut it out!】

It means saying…

No.233 18/07/16 04:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Cut it out!】

It means saying to stop doing that. When being done something unpleasant and wanting to stop it,the phrase will be used even if other doesn’t recognize it or does it on purpose.

We should use it for close ones for us,our inferiors or a child alone. We must not adopt the expression for our superiors including our parents.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and it’s angry,so when being angry,the phrase will be used.

Conversation. When using the phrase for a sound which someone other makes.

A: Hey! Cut it out! Can’t you see I’m trying to get some sleep?

When being said something uncomfortable and wanting to stop saying it.

A: I think you’ve got a crush on Sarah.

B: I don’t! Cut it out!

【Dear me!】

It means saying,oh no! The phrase expresses a surprise,impatience,or other feeling of regret,discouragement,confusion,or contempt which isn’t so serious. Mainly a female often uses.

The number of face which shows us its…

No.234 18/07/16 04:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Dear me!】

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary.


When expressing its surprise or impatience.

A: Jane,did you realize it’s already ten o’clock?

B: Oh,dear me! I have to get ready.

When expressing regret or disappointment which isn’t so serious.

A: Dear me! Is this all milk we have?

B: No,there’s another carton in the refrigerator.

【Dig in!】

It means urging to eat. The expression is urging to eat something. It’s used for close friends or family member. We must not use if for our guests nor in a formal situation.

The dig means excavating. The expression compares a knife and fork to a tool which we dig the ground.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: Wow! This pizza looks great!

B: Yeah! Dig in,everybody!

When recommending that your friends eat your big pizza of which you’re proud.

A: Dig in!

B: This is great stuff. What’s in it?

【Do I ever!】

It means I certainly do…

No.235 18/07/21 08:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Do I ever!】

It means that I certainly do. When being asked,“Do you…?”,saying yes. The ever is emphasis of the phrase. In short it means saying needless to say I’ll do it.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.


A: Do you like to hear live jazz?

B: I do ever! I go to jazz clubs almost every weekend.

When being invited to an event which you wanted to go so much.

A: Want to go to the NBA game here in Tokyo?

B: Do I ever! Think we can get the tickets?

【Do it ASAP.】

It means asking to do it as soon as possible.

The ASAP is an abbreviation of as soon as possible,and four of first letter are taken. We say each alphabet each other. The phrase doesn’t include threat nor strong feeling. It’s just that wanting to it at once.


A: Greg,we just got an important order. Do it ASAP.

B: Sure.

The phrase is used everyday life.

A: Here are the paint and brushes for the wall. Do it asap.

B: Gotha.

The number of face which…

No.236 18/07/21 19:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Do it ASAP.】

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.

【Do tell.】

It means responding to something,“Oh,really?” When not taking interested in a remark of other’s,they chime in like that. It sometimes includes an ironic nuance a little.

For instance when hearing a news which wasn’t related with us very much,the phrase is used. It’s just that they inform others they aren’t interested in it,or they feel it’s boring,so it doesn’t mean that it’s impolite.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary.


A: The newspaper says computer prices are going down.

B: Do tell.

In this case the one who doesn’t plan to buy a computer isn’t interested in the topic at all.

【Do you follow?】

It means asking,“Understand what I’m saying?” The follow means tagging along after something,so the phrase asks,“Can you tag along after what I’ve said?”

When explains something to others,if feeling others can’t understand what you said the…

No.237 18/07/21 19:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Do you follow?】

…then the phrase will be used.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.


A: Install the software,press the function and control keys simultaneously,then reboot. Do you follow?

B: No. Let me write that down.

After showing the route,the phrase is added.

A: Turn right at the light,go 50 meters and it’s on your right. Do you follow ?

B: Go it. Thanks.

【Do you read me?】

It means asking,“Do you understand ?” The phrase used to be adopted in a conversation of wireless like the next.

“Do you read me?” “Yes,I read you loud and clear.”

The expression was the phrase in which addressing invisible one. Every day life conversation,they use like the next. “There is a thing which I intend to convey you. Can you understand it,can’t you?”

When a warning,order,or a bad news are conveyed,the phrase is frequently used.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: Your father will be home…

No.238 18/07/22 17:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Do you read me?】


A: Your father will be home in an hour,and I want your room cleaned up by then. Do you read me?

B: Okay,Mom.

【Don’t bu too sure.】

It means that I’m not in agreement with you.

When someone asserted something without being well–grounded,denying it in a roundabout way,“Your opinion isn’t always certain.”

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.


A: I’m sure my daughter isn’t sleep with her boyfriend. She is only 18!

B: Don’t be sure. KIds today grown up faster than we did.

【Don’t bother.】

It means that that’s not necessary. When you don’t want to make others to be worried about something unnecessary,or to give them trouble,the phrase is used. It says you don’t have to do it.

If saying “Don’t bother me.”,it means don’t disturb me,so it’s easy to confused with them. We need to be careful of it.


A: Would you like me to call before I leave?

B: Don’t bother. I’ll just work until you get here

No.239 18/07/22 18:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t bother.】

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.

【Don’t burn your bridge.】

It means that advising not to cut off past connection. It’s an advise not to drive yourself into a situation in which you can’t go back.

Long ago,soldiers in an army needed to drive themselves into a situation in which they can’t turn back and roused themselves into action. Then they burnt down the bridge which they finished crossing. The phrase originated from it.

The situation in which we can’t go back changes into other one at present. It says don’t drift away form others,for the time when we need their help always comes to us in our workplace or our private human relation.

In short as resigning from our job,we intend never to return the workplace,the company,and the group,but we must not make others get angry.

For myself, when quitting my job,I want to set on the factory where I’ve worked. Fortunately or not,I’m afraid I can’t carry on it at all.

No.240 18/07/22 18:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t burn your bridge.】

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: I’m probably going to take that new position.

B: Well,don’t burn your bridge. Some day you may want to come back.

【Don’t get any ideas!】

It means that saying not to start scheming.

When being aware that someone tried to make use of our information,and trying to plot something wrong or something dishonest,the phrase will be used.

For example,when parents go out at night on Friday,leaving their son their home,they warn their son like the next.

“Don’t give a party and make a noise and don’t do any game which is something dangerous”

The phrase isn’t used for seniors. The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: I just got a bonus,and I know how I’m going to spend it.

B: Now,don’t get any ideas. We need that money to pay our bills.

【Don’t give me that!】

It means that saying not to tell me that nonsense. The that frequently …

No.241 18/07/29 02:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t give me that!】

The that frequently indicates other’s remark,excuse,and expressing the situation. It means that I can’t trust you. I can’t be deceived easily.

The number of face which shows us its frequncy is three and angry,so when feeling angry about something,the phrase is used.


A: I was late because I had an emergency job to do.

B: Don’t give me that! You’re probably late because you forget our meeting time.

【Don’t hold your breath.】

It means that it will take longer than expected. Hold one’s breath means be worried about the course of events,and watching it as if they forgot to breathe.

Even if being concerned about and being impatient on something,it’ll take some time to know its result. Nothing bad often happens in the end. We don’t have to do in such a hurry. The phrase says like that,it's a piece of advice.

The number of face which shows us its frequncy is three and ordinary.


A: Do you think Jelly will call me?

B: Don’t hold your…

No.242 18/07/29 03:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t hold your breath.】


B: Don’t hold your breath. My advice is to forget about him.

A piece of advice for your colleague in the workplace.

A: Do you think we’ll get a pay raise?

B: Don’t hold your breath. Especially in this economy.

【Don’t I know it!】

It means that I’m very aware of it.

Do you think I don’t recognize it? It is clear that I’m conscious of it. Its nuance is like that. I don’t have to be said by others. I’ve recognized it very well.

The phrase is usually used for a thing which isn’t pleasant and trivial thing.

The number of face which shows us its frequncy is one and ordinary.

A: It seems like you’re busy whenever I see you.

B: Don’t I know it! I’m ready for a holiday.

【Don’t mention it.】

It means that you’re welcome. It’s one of answers for thank you,or I’m sorry. It’s a single word to show consideration for others so as to appreciate their thoughtfulness.

The way of saying seems to be old a little,but if using it for the old in…

No.243 18/07/29 03:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t mention it.】

…but if using it for the old in formal situation,it gives them decent impression. No problem or you’re welcome are frequently used than the phrase in the U.S.A.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.


A: I really appreciate your helping me carry those.

B: Don’t mention it. I’m glad to help you anytime.

【Don’t mind if I do.】

It means that I gladly accept. I’ll do that gladly.

When receiving pleasant invitation,or being recommended something to eat or to drink,they answer positively like that. In short,I’m ready to do it.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: How about another glass of iced tea?

B: Don’t mind if I do.

An answer to an invitation for a tea.

A: Would you like to stop by our Saturday afternoon for a cup of coffee?

B: Don’t mention if I do. I’ll come by around three.

【Don’t mind me.】

It means that just ignore what I’m doing. The phrase is used for…

No.244 18/08/04 16:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t mind me.】

The phrase is used for the one who is busy in doing something,or other who tackles something,saying,“I have been doing as I please,so please leave me alone.”

It’s not only showing consideration for others,but an expression including irony when being treated without consideration,or being ignored,saying,“You don’t have to be worried. Please leave me alone.”

For example,when your colleagues were talking something confidentially,they recognize you and stopped talking suddenly,the phrase will be used at once. Then the phrase includes nuance that they are unpleasant ones.

Or let’s suppose that when having a meal with two friends,they began to quarrel without caring about you. Then you can say that “Oh,don’t mind me. Go right ahead and fight.”

In short the phrase shows others have bad manners.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and ordinary.


A: Don’t tell me. I wont tell anyone what I saw.

B: It’s not what I think.

No.245 18/08/04 16:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t rock the boat.】

It means that asking others not to disturb a stable situation.

The rock means shaking and moving its shift. It’s an idiom that causing trouble the time when they have to do . It uses as negative sentence.

The phrase means that there is such a good and stable condition,so asking others not to disturb it,not to cause unnecessary trouble.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.

A: I think it’s time to make some improvements.

B: Don’t rock the beat,Karen. Everything's fine the way it is.

【Don’t speak too soon.】

It means that you may be wrong.

It isn’t wise to say something at once. We should make a preminary inspection before we announce.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.


A: It looks like we’ll finish this painting job in plenty of time.

B: Don’t speak too soon. We still have to put on the second coat.

Paying attention a careless remak of your friends.

A: We probably don't…

No.246 18/08/04 17:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t speak too soon.】

The continuation of the last remark.

A: We probably don’t need umbrellas today.

B: Don’t speak too soon. Do you see those dark clouds to the south?

【Don’t sweat it!】

It means saying to others not to be worried about it. The sweat means perspiring. The phrase means that we don't have to take pains on it.

The phrase encourages others who is worried about that it has lost something important,or it has failed something necessary.

It’s frequently used among young people,especially among students. The phrase is used for the one who has failed in an examination or the other who is worried about a trouble between their friends.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: I’m sure I failed the exam.

B: Don’t sweat it! You did your best and that’s all you can do,right?

Making a friend who made a mistake feel relieved.

A: Sorry! I spilled my drink all over your floor.

B: Don’t sweat it. I can easily wipe it up.

No.247 18/08/13 00:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Don’t tell a soul.】

It means that don’t spread this gossip.

When wanting not to tell a rumor nor any information to anybody,the phrase is used. A soul means a person.

The number of face which shows its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: What’s up Annie? You look worried.

B: Don’t tell a soul,but Laurie just got fired.

When confiding its secret to other,the phrase will be used like the next.

A: Why did you want to talk to me?

B: Don’t tell a soul,but I think I’m pregnant.

【Drop by.】

It means come see me. The phrase says you don't have to get in touch with me beforehand,but please come to see me without reserve whenever you like.

The phrase is used in intimate relationship even if your room is in a mess a little,you don’t have to be worried about it. It’s short and casual,but if we know it,it’s very useful.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is two and ordinary.


A: I may be in your neighborhood this Saturday.

No.248 18/08/13 01:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Continuation of the last response.

B:Drop by. I should be home most of the day.

【Drop dead.】

It means go away. It’s a rude retort to a rude person.

It seems that we have few chances to use the phrase everyday. The expression shows others a strong angry. It is frequently used in a movie and among young people who are violent.

The phrase is used for the one who makes noise,or when being indignant for something.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and it’s angry.


A: You want to me help you? After all the lousy things you’ve done to me. Drop dead!

When the situation isn’t so serious as we expected.

A: Let’s go get some pizza.

B: Drop dead,Rick! Can’t you see I’m cramming for my exam?

【Drop it.】

It means that stop talking about that subject. When asking not to talk others about uncomfortable matter any more. When choosing a topic,they say picking up a topic of conversation,but the phrase is opposite the picking up the topic up the topic of

No.249 18/08/13 03:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Drop it.】

…but the phrase is opposite the picking up the topic of conversation,it’s throwing away the topic of conversation,and there is one more meaning.

Have you ever been heard the phrase in an action movie in which a police detective stared in? The phrase is ordering others to throw away an weapon.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is one and it’s angry,so when being angry,the phrase is used.


A: Come on,the exhibition will be great.

B: Drop it,Pete! I can’t stand stuffy old museum.


It means ordering to watch out and get down.

We the human sometimes stoop so as to protect ourselves from something dangerous,or someone perilous. The phrase lets other know something dangerous approaches. It’s such an emergency that when using the phrase,they frequently yell.

For example,a ball of the baseball came flying at the head,a crow was about to attack at a person,or when cutting a class,a teacher was about to catch it,the phrase will be used.

No.250 18/08/13 14:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Stooping in a half sitting posture looks like a duck,it’s origin from the situation.

The number of face which shows us its frequency is three and ordinary.

A: Duck! Here comes your mother.

B: Thanks for the warning. She’d be really angry if she saw me here.

When warning others to be careful at a dangerous place,the phrase is used.

A: Duck! The doorway here is really low.

【Easy does it.】

Roughly speaking,it seems to be two meaning. The one is be careful and move slowly. The other is don’t get so excited.

When wanting to draw attention for others to be careful of using it and to do it cautiously.

Or when wanting to calm down others,saying them not to get excited like that and to calm down.


At a scene where a trader brought the new sofa indoors.

A: This doorway is really narrow.

B: Easy does it. Take your time.

Other one.

A: That man makes me so angry!

B: Easy does it,Nancy. There is no sense in getting upset.





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