
English and so on

レス500 HIT数 11956 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/07/17 21:10(更新日時)

【Difference in the life habit has prevented us from communicating】《Its key word is a straw》

If trying to say tatami in a Japanese-style room in English I find it hard fairly. We can just say it's a straw mat it looks like primitive somehow. Some people say it's a tatami floor as it is but even if it's the tatami of floor it doesn't ring a bell somehow.If wanting to say on its space like 六畳間 we're forced to say it's a six-mat room.

Even if being advised to sit down in a place where there is neither sofa nor chair it's natural for the Western people to be confused. Then the tatami is grasped as a sense of the floor.

Speaking of the straw there is an idiom of the last straw. When being loaded on a camel on the back with full of goods,moreover one straw was loaded. Then all of the things were ruined. The idiom is originated from the episode that a small amount of things ruins all of the things. When feeling limited the idiom is also used metaphorically like the next.

It was the last straw or it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The one which is used on the roof is a thatcher and we call the roof the thachered roof.

When being in difficulty we feel like relying on a trifle thing. Then we say a drowning man will catch at a straw. Speaking of light yellow it's straw color. When indicating the color of the hair we use the phrase.

No.2390926 16/10/22 12:05(スレ作成日時)



No.151 18/04/21 07:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Lumbago 腰痛 isn’t in the waist but in the back for the Western people.】《The keyword is back and disc》

If wanting to say ギックリ腰 in English,it’s slip disc,and if suffering from it,they say, “I had a slip disc.”

There seem to be lots of people who have been worried about the lumbago in the Western countries. They have done varied trials as its treatment. A therapeutic system relying on manipulation of bones and muscles 整体術 of which main part is massage called osteopathy is one of their treatment.

The treatment in which needles are stabbed in the body is called acupuncture 鍼治療,and a kind of massage is called shiatsu as it is,or reflexology.

As for the clothes,the Japanese way of saying waist is making sense in English. Whether or not trousers are fit for the waist,they say, “These trousers are tight around waist”,or “loose around waist.”

There is a way of saying below the belt. In boxing attacking the place is forbidden,so if saying, “That’s the below belt”,it means it’s an offense.

No.152 18/04/21 08:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Lumbago isn’t in the waist but in the back for the Western people.】《The keyword is back and disc.》


A: What’s wrong with your back,John?

B: I’ve had a bad back since I slipped a disc in my early twenties.

A: How did you do that?

B: I was helping a friend lift some furniture,then I felt a sharp pain in the back.

A: Then you couldn’t move.

B: You said it.

【If trying to say the color of the eye,black eye,it doesn’t make sense at all in English.】《The keyword is eye.》

An eye is one of two organs of our body that we use to see something. If using it as verb,it means looking hard at something. For instance,the policeman was eyeing that man suspiciously,it means the policeman watched the man as a dubious character.

There is famous phrase in the code of Hammurabi,目には目を,It’s an eye for an eye,and adding the word of teeth,and saying,“An eye for an eye and a teeth for a teeth.”

Except for one of human’s organ,the eye means a place where a thread is through on a needle,or…

No.153 18/04/21 09:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If trying to say the color of the eye,black eye,it doesn’t make sense a bit in English】《The keyword is eye.》

Except for the one of the human’s organs,the eye means a place where a thread is through on a needle,or black dot on the surface on potato and so on. A riddle was born from the word like the next. “What has an eye,but can’t see ?” The answer is a needle.

If saying being all eyes,it means watching carefully. If saying, “Our children were all eyes at the circus.”,it means our children were looking at the circus eagerly.There is a similar saying,be all ears,it means listening at it carefully.

There is a Japanese proverb,the eye is as eloquent as the mouth,it says eyes talk in English. There is a similar phrase which means that money can solve difficult things. Money’s influence is enormous. It says money talks in English.

When looking at something actually,but pretended not to do,they say turning a blind eye to something. When unable to overlook something no more,then…

No.154 18/04/30 03:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If trying to say the color of the eye,black eye,it doesn’t,make sense a bit in English.】《The keyword is eye.》

When being unable to overlook something no more,they say“I can’t turn a blind eye to it any longer.”

When trying to say the color of the eye,if saying,“I’ve got black eyes.”,its meaning becomes different altogether,for the black eyes mean being bruise around the eye on account of a fighting and so on. If trying to say the color of the eye,it’s not black but dark brown.

They frequently wink. When saying something humorous or joking,if winking immediately,looking at other’s face,it’ll be effective. It gives them a real lift in their conversation. We should learn the timing with the language,the author said like that.


A: You know John and Mary are always late.

B: I’ve noticed. They come to work at 9:10,or even at 9:20 sometimes.

A: But the boss just turns a blind eye.

B: I know. I wonder why he pretends not to notice.

A: Haven’t you heard? John is his…

No.155 18/04/30 04:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

A: Haven’t you heard? John is his cousin and Mary is his wife’s niece.

B: That explains it!

【Using the 足 and 脚 in the right place exists in English.】《The keyword is leg and foot.》

There is difference between the 足 and 脚 in Japanese,and the difference is also in English,足 is a foot and 脚 is a leg. As for the ones of animal,the way of calling it changes. The one of a dog or cat is a paw.

The thin hard layer that covers the end of our fingers and toes is called a nail,and hoof of other animal is equivalent to the nail of the human.

The one of a chair and table is a leg,and the leg is also used for animal,for example,a three-legged stool,or four legged animal.

As for the human,the upper part of the ankle is the leg and the lower part of the ankle is the foot. When pronouncing,we should be careful lest we confuse ankle with uncle.

The back part of our foot below our ankle is a heel. A curved structure of bones in the middle of our foot is arch.

No.156 18/04/30 05:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Using the 足 and 脚 in the right place exists in English.】《The keyword is foot and leg.》

The arch is 土踏まず. The bottom surface of our foot is a sole. I’m going to express the way of calling the lower part of the leg. The back of our leg,between our ankle and knee is a calf.

The place where our leg bends in the middle is an knee. The top part of our leg,above our knee is a thigh,and the hip is above the leg. In general the leg is from the ankle to the thigh.

Speaking of the knee,as to the way of calling,the one when kneeling is an knee,and the one when sitting down is a lap,so there is a riddle for children.

“What disappears when you stand up?” Its answer is the lap.

What is called 弁慶の泣き所 is a shin. For example,they say,“I got kicke on my shin while playing football.”

When faultfinding,they sometime say pull one’s leg. It means teasing.

A: John says he's going to Barcelona.

B: He must be joking.

A: Really. He says he's taking Mary.

B: Now I know he’s pulling your leg. Mary…

No.157 18/05/02 15:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』
B: Now I Know he is pulling your leg. Mary is going to Okinawa with me.

A: Maybe she’s going to Barcelona after Okinawa.

B: Are you trying to pull my leg now?

【It’s not always for a contraceptive 避妊薬 alone. There is a pill for a sleeping drug.】《The key word is medicine.》

There are sorts of medicines. The general term is the medicine,but if it’s used for treatment,it’s a medication. When using it they say,taking some medications.

Other ones are a tablet which is small amount of medicine in solid form that we swallow,and pill which is small round piece of medicine that we swallow.

Speaking of sleeping pills,it’s the medicine which urges us to feel sleepy. When adding the, the pill,it means a contraceptive. If using it regularly,they say she’s on the pill.

Separation the dispensary from the clinic 医薬分業 has been done thoroughly in America,without prescription from the clinic,anyone can’t buy the medicine at all there.

The prescription is an…

No.158 18/05/02 16:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There isn’t always a contraceptive alone. There is a pill for the sleeping drugs.】《The keyword is medicine.》

Before starting,there is one thing I have to say. I’ve sometimes adopted English-English dictionary lately,for I find it hard to express with my English ability alone. I’ve tried to say soon,but I couldn’t until now. I’ve tried to refrain from using it as less as possible,though.

The prescription is an official piece of paper on which a doctor has written the name of the medicine that we need. When being unable to buy it,they say “you can only get those pills on prescription”,and if being able to do,they say,“You can buy them over the counter.”

The medicine which lessens the pain is called painkiller,and other one which lower our fever is called aspirin. Cough drop is the one which tries to stop coughing. A tranquilizer is the one which makes us calm. A laxative is the one which makes the body get rid of solid waste material easily.

Without prescription,they can buy those…

No.159 18/05/02 17:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【There isn’t always contraceptive alone. There is a pill for a sleeping drug.】《The keyword is medicine.》

Without the prescription,they can buy the painkiller,aspirin,cough drop,tranquilizer,and laxative.

The way of calling the place where the medicine is sold is different between America and England. Drugstore is in the U.S.A.and there is a pharmacy where medicine is prepared in the drugstore.

Chemist or chemists’ is equivalent to the drugstore in U.K.and dispensary is equal to the drugstore there.


A: A friend of mine recommended these pills. His doctor prescribed them. Is it possible to buy them here?

B: I’m afraid not. We’re not allowed to sell those pills over the counter.

A: So I can only get these pills on prescription then?

B: That’s right.

A: Thank you just the same.

【Even if it’s a wonderful doctor,when being used as verb,it’s terrible.】《The keyword is doctor.》

While doctor is one of the highest rank in society,when being used as verb,sarcastically…

No.160 18/05/03 04:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Even if it’s a wonderful doctor,when being used as verb,it’s terrible.】《The keyword is doctor.》

While doctor is one of the highest ranki in society,when being used as verb,sarcasticallly it doesn’t always mean good. It means evading to say collect the figures or manipulating the figures. If saying,“he knows how to doctor the figures.”,it means that he knows how to evade to say correct the figures.

When using the doctor for something to drink or to eat,it means mixing food or drink with something poisonous,or putting medicine in the food or drink. If using for animal,it means gelding 去勢,or removing the function from having a baby. I find it terrible.

If saying,“Someone must have doctored this drink.”,it means that someone must have added something poisonous to the drink. If saying,“We had those dogs and cats doctored.”,it means those animals are being gelded,but in general,instead the word of fix seems to be used.

If saying family doctor,it means going to see a specific doctor or…

No.161 18/05/03 05:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Even if it’s a wonderful doctor,when being used as verb,it’s terrible.】《The keyword is docror.》

If saying a family doctor,it means going to a specific doctor or a specific hospital when being sick. If the family doctor is for a hotel,it’s called a house doctor,and they say,“There is a house doctor in this hotel.” If standing by at hotel always,they say,“There’s a doctor on call for twenty-four hours.”

When making a reservation for receiving a check-up over the telephone,they say,“Can I make an appointment to see a doctor sometimes tomorrow?”

If being an emergency,telephoning to a hospital and saying,“Put me through to the emergency desk please.”


A: I don’t believe he is in the black.

B: Neither can I. He bought a new car and a mink coat for Mary.

A: I think he’s got a good account.

B: Or perhaps someone who knows how to doctor the figures.

A: What do you mean?

B: Simple. Add a few naughts and charge it to expenses.

By the way,be in the black means having …

No.162 18/05/03 05:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Be in the black means having money in its bank account,though I’ve never heard it until now. When making money,it was written in black ink,otherwise being written in red ink,so they say so,I’m wondering. I find it interesting.

【When being something allergic,What’s happened to the nose in the Western?】《The keyword is allergy and allergic.》

When having allergy for something,or being unable to fit something to them,they use an adjective,allergic then. If disliking cold milk,they say,“I’m allergic to cold milk.”

When hating cats,dogs,or someone,they say,“I’m allergic to cats.” ,“I’m allergic to dogs”,or “I’m allergic to him.” Then we can also use allergy. For example,then they say,“I have an allergy to dogs.”

Both of the words are used for both of the situations when hating something and having allergy constitutionally.Hay fever is caused by one of constitutional allergy.

When having a cold and something is the matter with the nose,they call it a sinus trouble.

No.163 18/05/03 14:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When being something allergic,what happens to the nose in the West?】《The keyword is allergic and allergy.》

When being unable to stop to shedding their tears,they say“My eyes keep watering.”,they use water. On the other hand,when being unable to stop running mucus 鼻水,they say,“My nose keeps running.”

Medical condition that makes breathing difficult is asthma. The asthma is related to allergy. An example in which asthma is used,“My son is asthma.”


A: It’s so bad.

B: Have a nice cool glass of milk.

A: Sorry. I’m allergic to cold milk. I really envy people who can drink anything they like.

B: Don’t worry.We’ve got plenty of iced tea in the refrigerator too.

A: That sounds great!

【When trying to offer a topic in which a female is interested,diet…】《The keyword is diet.》

In general,they are very interested in their weight in the West,and dieting has been well done. Restricting a meal is called diet. For example,as to a female who restrict a meal,they say she’s dieting.

No.164 18/05/03 15:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When trying to offer a topic in which a female is interested,diet…】《The keyword is diet.》

For example,as to a female who restricts a meal,they say,“She’s dieting.”or“She is on a diet.”

Why do they diet? Some people do because of their health and figures. The figure means the shape of the human body. They make much of maintaining their shape of the body.Other people diet so as to cure their illness. It’s serious.

When the feeling that wanting to be thin becomes very strong,some people can’t keep any food and before long they learn to refuse the food abnormally. They call the situation anorexia,or anorexia nervousa 拒食症.

It is said that there are plenty of people who suffer from the anorexia who are from middle class of good family. The opposite one to the anorexia is bulimia.

While showing its weight,kilogram is used in Japan,pound or stone are adopted in the West. The stone is equivalent to 14 pounds,6.35 kilogram. The stone is mainly used in British.

Some stroes which handle…

No.165 18/05/03 15:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【When trying to offer a topic in which a female is interested,diet…】《The keyword is diet.》

Some stores which handle natural food or health food have appeared at a street corner in the West lately,and they also pay attention to the Japanese food.

A person who don’t eat meat or fish called vegetarian. Food of which center is grain and vegetable so as to live long is called macrobiotic food,and the people who practice living long with the macrobiotic food,they say,“He is a macrobiotic.”


A: Have you seen Mary recently? I’ve heard she’s gone very thin.

B: That’s what I’ve heard too. Dieting and dieting. It’s no good,you know.

A: Well,dieting itself can be good for you,but Mary has gone to the extreme.

B: Yeah. She is in danger of having anorexia.

【No one can smoke with tobacco alone】《The keyword is tobacco and cigarette.》

Japanese タバコ comes from a Portuguese,tabaco,and tobacco is an English. In fact there are all sorts of tobaccos. For example,cigarette,cigar,the one…

No.166 18/05/03 21:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No one can smoke with a tobacco alone.】《The keyword is tobacco and cigarette.》

For example,cigarette,cigar,the one for a pipe,chewing tobacco,a snuff 嗅ぎタバコ,and so on. As a result,if wanting to express each of them,there is each way of calling it.

Speaking of tobacco in Japan,it usually means a cigarette. When buying it some people buy a pack of cigarettes,or packet of cigarettes,though both of them mean the same. Others buy with a cartoon.

When pronouncing cigar,we have to be careful of it.for we stress on the second syllable. It has so strong scent that smoking it is forbidden in public transportation like plane. The one for pipe is also handled like the same way.

As for the one for pipe,without using the word of tobacco,they say smoke a pipe,or have a pipe. As to the chewing tobacco, when enjoying it,they put it in the mouth and chew it.

As for the snuff,they put the powder of the tobacco on the back of the hand,and approaching its nose to the snuff. When enjoying it the…

No.167 18/05/03 22:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【No one can smoke with a tobacco alone.】《The keyword is tobacco and cigarette.》

As for the snuff,when enjoying it they approach their nose to the snuff and inhale its scent from the nose.

The movement that eradicating damage from smoking has spread out all over the world. The seats are separated into the one who smoke and other who don’t in a restaurant.

Even if in a private house,any people can’t smoke in a party,except for a specific place. As long as asking a permission,“May I smoke?”,everyone used to be able to smoke almost everywhere,but the situation has been different lately.

When asking,“May I smoke?”,others often answer,“I’d rather you didn’t .”,but heavy smokers just go on and on,and some of them go on smoking without stopping. The way of smoking is chain-smoking,and the one who adopts the way is called a chain smoker.


A: David’s wife died a year ago today. Tragic,wasn’t it?

B: Mm…poor David. They were so devoted.

A: I know. He hasn’t got over it.…

No.168 18/05/03 23:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

A: Every time I see him,he’s smoking.

B: I know. He took up chain-smoking just after the funeral.

A: Isn’t is sad!

【親知らず,Can you say it in English?】《The keyword is tooth.》

One of the white hard things in our mouth that we use for biting is a tooth and its plural form is teeth. The last syllable is th,so when pronouncing,it’s tiresome a little. Pressing the tip of our tongue against the back of the teeth on the upper ward,and breathing out between the tip of the tongue and the teeth and we pronounce. It’s the knack of pronouncing the th.

As is commonly said,we have to bite the tip of the tongue,but we don’t have to do it.

A person whose job is to look after people’s teeth is a dentist. A dentist who straightens the tooth is orthodontics 歯列矯正医. The word is long and hard to learn by heart a little,but it resemble the dentist somehow,so we should remember it.

A clasp which is to put on the tooth so as to straighten the tooth is called brace.

No.169 18/05/05 11:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【親知らず,can you say it in English?】《The keyword is tooth.》

When puttin on the brace,they say,“she wearing brace.” It means that the alignment of her teeth is in the middle of being straightened.

One of the four teeth at the back of our mouth that don’t grow until we are an adult is a wisdom tooth. The description is extracted from English–English dictionary. Without using it I find it hard to express.

When there is the wisdom tooth in the mouth,they say,“I’m having a wisdom tooth breaking through.”

When cutting the teeth,they use the teeth as verb,and they say teethe. When teething,a child tends to be fretful,so speaking of teething troubles,it means the pain in early time,and if using it figuratively,it means undergoing great difficlty because of founding something.

It seems to be important to receive the medical examination in dentist regularly so as to maintain the tooth hygienically,and they call it a dental check–up.

When removing the tartar 歯石,they say,“I had my teeth….”

No.170 18/05/05 12:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【親知らず,can you say it in English?】《The keyword is tooth.》

When removing the tartar,they say,“I had my teeth scaled.”

A small brush with a handle that we use for cleaning our teeth is a toothbruhs. Substance that we put on a brush and use for cleaning our teeth is a toothpaste. Both the toothbrush and toothpaste alone aren’t enough to clean our teeth,A dental floss that a type of thread that is used for cleaning between the teeth is necessary,and if wanting to massage the gum,rubber up is essential.

A false teeth which they can put on or put off with their own way is called a denture.


A: You look depressed. What’s the matter?

B: I’m having a wisdom tooth breaking through. It aches.

A: Oh! That’s awful. Have you been to a dentist?

B: Yes,but he said there’s nothing he can do at this moment.

A: Sorry to hear that.

【English shoulder’s expression is as good as the mouth】《The keyword is shoulder.》

The part of our body between our neck and the top of our arm is a…

No.171 18/05/06 05:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【English shoulder’s expression is as good as the mouth】《The keyword is shoulder.》

The part of our body between our neck and the top of our arm is shoulder,and we have both of them,so when using,we have to add s at the end of the words.

As for our shoulders,when feeling hard and something uncomfortable,we the Japanese say,“I have stiff shoulders.”

Speaking of head and shoulders,it’s an idiomatic phrase,and threr are various meaning. For example,it means a photograph above the shoulders alone,or a portrait.

The phrase means the head and shoulder sticks out,so it’s better exceptionally in one thing. Speaking of the shoulder,it’s not only the part of the body but of a road,so there is a phrase of a hard shoulder.

The hard shoulder means that a narrow section of road at the side of a motorway where cars are allowed to stop in an emergency.The motorway is a wide road for fast traffic.

When using it as verb,it means carrying a thing on our shoulder. When undertaking works or …

No.172 18/05/12 16:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【English shoulder is good at expressing itself like the mouth.】《The keyword is shoulder.》

When undertaking a work or responsibility,they use the shoulder as verb.

When saying I’ll shoulder all expenses,it means that I’ll accept to pay all the expenses.

There has been a custom of knocking the shoulder lightly so as to massage away the stiffness in the shoulder,we the Japanese call it 肩たたき,and we frequently see it in a barber shop in Japan,but there has never been the custom in the U.S.A. If starting to knock the shoulder lightly at a barbershop suddenly,they will be surprised very much.

There has been other meaning of 肩たたき in the world of Japanese businessmen. If trying to say it in English,knocking the shoulder lightly and feeling him out about whether or not he’ll leave the company.The meaning of the word, 肩たたき is closed meaning to sound someone out.

If saying letting a shoulder come near other shoulder,it means being good friends. They say it shoulder to shoulder. If saying we…

No.173 18/05/12 18:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【English shoulder is good at expressing itself like the mouth.】《The keyword is mouth.》

If saying we sat shoulder to shoulder,it means that we sat together and then we let our shoulders come near each other and we are good friends.

When refusing some offer coldly,they use the shoulder,and say,she gave the cold shoulder to him. If spelling cold–shoulder,it’s used as verb and it changes into like this,she cold–shouldered.

Judging from the example,it seems that the idiom is sent from a female to a male,though I’m not sure of it.

A: I feel a little sick.

B: O.K. Let’s pull over along the hard shoulder there.

A: Hard shoulder?

B: Yes,that strip of road at the edge of motorway. We can stop there in emergency.

A: Oh. Look,he’s changing his wheel.

『They can use a part of the body and express themselves like the next.』

1 He’s living from hand to mouth. It means that he’s living from day to day.

2 He’s head over heels in love. It means that he was charmed altogether.

3 We’re busy…

No.174 18/05/12 19:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『They use a part of the body and express themselves like the next.』

3 We’re busy keeping our head above water. It means that we’ve led our life with great difficulty.

4 Don’t split hairs any more. It means that saying not do put too much some importance on subtle ditinction.

5 Let your hair down. It means saying to take it easy.

6 I need the hair of the dog (that bit me last night). It means that a pick–up to cure a hangover.

7 he pulled a long face. It means that he looked sad.

8 Be all ear. It means ordering to listen very carefully.

9 Be all eyes. It means ordering to watch closely

10 That’s an eye for an eye. It means that if being harmed by someone,they think they should revenge the same amount of damage which they received.

11 He turned a blind eye to it. It means that he pretended to look at it.

12 I’m keeping my nose to the grindstone. It means that I’m working hard.

13 Don’t poke your nose into someone else’s business. It meas saying to stop meddling in others…

No.175 18/05/13 07:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『They use a part of the body and express themselves like that.』

13 Don’t poke your nose into someone else’s business. It means saying to stop meddling in other’s business.

14 Lend me a hand. It means asking to help me.

15 Keep her at arm’s length. It means keeping other at a distance.

16 I’ve got it off my chest. It means telling other what I’ve thought without hiding.

17 Stop pulling my leg. It means asking to stop to playing a joke on me.

18 That’s a pain in the neck. It means that it’s the source of its distress.

19 He has it at his finger’s tips. It means that he is well informed about something.

20 He has athlete’s foot. Oh! I can’t say it in other words in English. It’s 水虫.

21 Let’s not talk about it behind his back. It means suggesting that we should abstain from saying something bad when a person on the topic isn’t here.

【If being ignorant of it,we’ll be embarrassed. Should we drink or refuse something to drink when parting from an opposite sex?】《The keyword is date.》

No.176 18/05/13 08:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Without being ignorant of it,we’ll be embarrassed, Should we accept or refuse something to drink when parting from other.】《The keyword is date.》

デート comes from English word,date. It means originally a particular day of month or year,and it becomes a promise to meet someone. The promise that two of sweethearts meet and have a fun.

The date has meaning of a person who meet you. When asking it they say,“Who was your date?”

When asking a date they say like the next,for example,“Would you like to go out on a date next Saturday evening?”

If wanting to dance with her then they say,“I made a date for a dance with her.”

When dancing and having a fun and some people gathered there,they drink,eat,or dance. They enjoy themselves. We the Japanese call the situation a dance party,but they call it dance without adding the party at the end of the dance.

If asking someone to go there,they say,“Let’s go to a dance.”

Without having enough information each other,if going out on a date each other…

No.177 18/05/13 09:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Without being ignorant of it,we’ll be embarrassed it. Should we accept or refuse something to drink when parting form an opposite sex?】《The keyword is date.》

Without having enough information each other,if going out on a date with an opposite sex,they call it a blind date.

In spite of having a sweetheart,there are some people who go around with other opposite sex and betray its sweet hear. They call it two–timing.

If a nasty male said to a female,“Would you like to come upstairs?”,the female should be careful about it so much,for there is usually his bedroom upstairs.

If being said,“Would you like to see my etching?”,it means being invited to his bedroom in a roundabout way.

It is said that in Englihs culture saying almost of everything clearly comparatively,but in the situation,they say vaguely.

Then showing your tact and how about saying like that?“Oh,thank you,but I’d rather have some coffee here.“

After the date,the male frequently accompanies the female to her home,and…

No.178 18/05/19 00:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Without being ignorant of it,we’ll be embarrassed it. Should we accept or refuse something to drink when parting from an opposite sex?】《The keyword is date.》

After the date,the male frequently accompanies the female to her home,and if he uses a car,he says,“Lem me drive you home.”,and if being on foot,“Let me walk you home.”

Then she offers him a coffee sometimes in her room,but he should not stay there for a long time. It’s an etiquette which we the male should obey.

When being at a party,if recommending something to drink before parting from each other,they say,“Would you like one for the road?” It seems to say from something kind,but it also means to urge to go home early in a roundabout way.


A: Are you enjoying yourself?

B: Yes,very much so. But I’m afraid I’ve got to go. It’s getting rather late.

A: Come on. Can’t you stay a little longer?

B: No,I’m afraid not. I’ll miss the last bus.

A: I see. Have another drink for the road through?

No.179 18/05/19 02:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If trying to win a female,a male should adopt this way.】《The keyword is beautiful.》

Speaking of being extremely attractive to look at,an English word of beautiful occurs to us at once,but when there is the one who is beautiful,we say she is beautiful. Is it suitable for the situation?

When saying like that,the beautiful means being deeper than the Japanese phrase,美人,and comprehensive beauty,though when hearing the comprehensive beauty,clear image doesn’t occur to me at all.

If adding to the beautiful,the beautiful means that people who are beautiful.

If wanting to say its looks is good,she’s good–looking girl or she’s nice–looking girl.

The meaning of being charming is attractive,and we can say she is attractive,and the attractive is also used for a male as it is,And they say like the next,“John is a young attractive man.”

Pretty or lovely is used for a meaning rather having an attractive face,and those words aren’t made use for a male.

When admiring the female imprudently in …

No.180 18/05/19 07:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If trying to win a female,a male should adopt this way】《Keyword is beautiful》

When admiring a female inprudently,it causes a misunderstanding in Japan,but when seeing the female.praising is an etiquette in the West. Unexpectedly we can admire her easily in English.

If not being get used to admiring her,not admiring herself,but praising her costume and belongings.

For example,“What a lovely sweater you’re wearing!”,or “You look real cool in that dress.”

The way of saying cool used to be heard once frequently,but it seems out of fashion a little.

Praising her hairstyle is also all right,“I like your hairstyle.” or,“Your hairstyle is beautiful.”,but we should abstain from taking up sexual things as topic.

For example,saying sexy in public isn’t desirable. At best we can say on a third party who isn’t in front of us then,“She looks very sexy in her jeans.”

When praising the female,they often use sweet,“You are sweet.”,or “Oh,how sweet of you. ”

When being well–dressed,or cool,we …

No.181 18/05/20 08:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If trying to win a female,a male should adopt this way】

《Keyword is beautiful.》

When being well–dressed or cool,we the Japanese call it smart,but in English,it means having a fine brain,though the word of smart is used as the meaning of neat–looking in England.

Just the moment he met her he loved her,in this situation,they say he fell in love with her at first sight.


A: I’ve just run into Miss. Smith.

B: Who’s Miss. Smith?

A: My sister’s homeroom teacher. She’s just beautiful.

B: Is she?

A: Yes,I’ve never seen such an attractive lady. I almost fell in love with her at first sight.

B: I’m rather familiar with that reaction of yours to a good–looking girl.

【Natural way of kissing from a friend to a sweetheart.】《The keyword is kiss.》

As we the Japanese nod or put our hand on the shoulder as a greeting,the Westerner embrace each other friendly,bring close to their faces each other,and kiss as you know.

They kiss on the cheek,on the forehead,on the hand.

No.182 18/05/20 08:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Natural way of kissing from a friend to a sweetheart,】《The keyword is kiss.》

I’ve thought the way of kissing is only one but it isn’t. When kissing on the cheek lightly,they call the situation,have a peck on the cheek.

The peck means that a bird picks at something with its beak,and when it is used as noun,it means a light kiss. The English way of saying is as if a bird picked at the cheek slightly. It’s a heartwarming scene. It has been done among close friends as token of friendly or affectionate feeling.

We the Japanese who aren’t used to the custom tend to be puzzled for a moment. We don’t have to be ready to kiss them,but if being kissed from others,we should accept the situation naturally. We should be adaptable.

If being embarrassed more than it needed and showing sign of running away,others who try to kiss us will be perplexed more than us.

What they usually do every day life is the kiss before going to bed at night. They call it a good–night kiss. When asking to do it,…

No.183 18/05/20 09:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Natural way of kissing from a friend to a sweetheart】《The keyword is kiss.》

When asking to kiss before going to bed at night,they say,“Now,give me a good–night kiss.” A child kiss its parents on the cheek slightly and go to bed.

When doing it from themselves,they say,“Now.let me give you a good–night kiss.”

There is other idiom on the kiss,the kiss of death,and the kiss of life.

The former means a thing which ruins something violently,and the latter is artificial respiration 人口呼吸,so it's used figuratively,something which revive a person.

A: I wish I were you!

B: Why?

A: Your husband always kiss you on the cheek when he goes out to work. He’s so romantic.

B: But my husband hasn’t bought me a new dress for years!

A: I’d rather have a peck on the cheek than a new dress.

【The word of couple has never been monopolized among sweethearts】《The keyword is couple.》

Speaking of avec which we the Japanese use every day life,it seems to old–fashioned. We’ve used an English word…

No.184 18/05/26 02:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The word of couple has never been monopolize among sweethearts.】《The keyword is kiss.》

We’ve usually used an English word,a couple with the angular Japanese phonetic syllable カタカナ.

English couple means a set of a man and a woman,needless to say,it also means two people who are married.

Speaking of a phrase of a couple of,it indicates a number,strictly speaking the number is two, but in general,it’s used in a broad sense,a few.

For example,if saying,“I’ve got a couple of things to do this morning.”, it means that there are a few things which I have to do this morning.

As for the way of saying,we should be careful of its pronunciation. It’s not カップルオブ,but カポー.we hear the native speakers say like that. If pronouncing it with the stress on the カ,we’ll be able to say it rhythmically

Whatever doing in the West,they do with a couple. It’s a base. A mother and her child is together,and a father alone behaves by himself. It’s a Japanese style,but it’s not general in the West. A wife …

No.185 18/05/26 06:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The word of couple has never been monopolized among sweethearts alone.】《The keyword is couple.》

A mother and a child is together and a father is apart from them,and they take action each other. Its Japanese style,but it’s not general in the West.

Two people who are married always take action together,and usually left their child with a baby sitter.

When not only the couples but the two of them get along with each other,they call the situation,“We’re on the same wavelength.”

When trying to do something with a unit of a couple,there is a person who doesn’t fit in a couple,and they call it an odd man out. It is commonly what they called being left without a partner.

There is a way of an idiomatic phrase of in a couple of shake,it means at once. They say,“I’ll be there in a couple of shakes.”


A: How are you getting along with John?

B: Fine. John and I always seem to agree. I seem to know how he feels about things.

A: Lucky you.

B: How about you and Tom?

A: …

No.186 18/05/26 07:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』


A: On the contrary,we might not be on the same wavelength. Now we quarrel all the time.

B: We used to quarrel,too,but no more.

【A gift and a present. There is subtle difference between them.】《The keyword is gift.》

In general,it is said we the Japanese is give a person a present too much. Without any special intention,if being given a present,some of the Western people are happy and others are confused frequently.

Without any reason,when receiving a present,it doesn’t seem to be comfortable.

If trying to say Japanese custom of the present in English,the one which is sent in summer is called a summer gift,and the one in winter season is a year–end gift.

The money given from a senior to a junior in a new year is called a gift of money. The one in Christmas is a Christmas present,and the one on a birthday is a birthday present.

Each of cases,they seldom seem to use a word of gift.

When being during a trip,we usually buy …

No.187 18/05/27 08:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Gift and present. There is a subtle difference between them.】《The keyword is gift.》

When being during a trip,we often buy something for someone so as to thank him or her. It’s a gift. The place where the gift is sold is a gift shop.

An object that we buy or keep to remind ourselves of a special occasion or a place we have visited is a souvenir.A thing which causes us to remember a memory is a keepsake.

There is an interesting impression which means finding fault with something which we received. It’s looking a gift horse in the mouth. When looking at the teeth,we can recognize an horse’s age,so it means evaluating the horse which we have received.

The gift has meaning of a talent. If saying,“Children have a gift of imitation.”,it means that children are good at imitating.If saying,“He’s gifted.”,it means that he’s talented by nature.

By the way,when receiving a present in the West,they say,“May I open it now?”,and open it in front of the one who gave you the present,and show…

No.188 18/05/27 08:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Gift and present. There is subtle difference between them.】《The keyword is gift.》

…and show the person who sent you the present you are happy. It’s an etiquette. When wrapping the present,they usually buy a wrapping paper and a ribbon and wrap the present for themselves.


A: I really don’t like it. It’s too big. Where will I put it? And the color’s awful.

B: Fred. They thought you’d like it. Besides,don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

A: I think I’d rather have a horse.

B: Fred!

【If using the word of flowery in a speech,we should do it moderately.】《The keyword is flower and blossom.》

Speaking 花 in English,there are two kinds,flower and blossom.

The blossom is the one for a fruit like an apple,plum and cherry,and the flower is a natural one which comes out in a field. It’s equivalent to 草花 of the Japanese.

There is a shrub which is a small bush with woody stems and a plant in a park. Things which is decorated at the park in the Western companies is the…

No.189 18/05/27 09:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If using a word of flowery in a speech,we should do it moderately.】《The keyword is flower and blossom.》

Things with which are decorated at the park in the Western countries is flower,blossom,shrub,plant,tree,and lawn.

While a potted plant or pot plant is ,so to speak,an artificial one,natural one is wild flower. If learning the name of flowers
which we often see by heart,it’ll be useful unexpectedly. For example,dandelion,lily of the valley スズラン,pansy,and thistle アザミ.

As for me,even if I learn them by heart in English,when looking at them actually,I’m afraid I can’t recognize them though.

When the flower becomes an adjective,flowery,there are two kinds of meaning. The one means literally that there are lots of flowers and they are beautiful.

The other means that there are too much flattering compliments in a speech or sentence. If saying,“He’s famous for his flowery speech. ”,it means his speech is well–known for lots of rhetoric.


A: His speeches are always far…

No.190 18/06/02 09:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If using s word of flowery in a speech,we should do it moderately.】《The keyword is flower and blosssom.》


A: His speeches are always far too ornate.

B: I know. Quotations from Shakespeare,reference to Latin Greek poetry.

A: Virgil tonight or a little Homer,perhaps.

B: I hope not. I want to get home early.

A: You know he’s famous for his flowery speeches. It won’t be over before ten.

B: Then,let’s sneak out.

【If being said she always wears heavy makeup…】《The keyword is make-up.》

To put powder, color etc on your or somebody’s face to make it look attractive. We call it make-up. When a female goes out with someone,she seems to say,“Now,let’s put on some make-up and go out.”

If wanting to say,“She always wears heavy make-up.”,they say “She always puts a lot of make-up on.”

The word of make-up is also used as verb. If wanting to say being busy in making-up,they say,“I’m busy makeing up at the moment.”

The make-up also means a layout on the papers.


No.191 18/06/02 10:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being said she always wears heavy make-up…】《The keyword is make-up.》

Orthopedic surgery 整形手術,especially being done so as to be beautiful by a female is called plastic surgery. The orthopedic which makes the whole face look young and beautiful is called face lift. If wanting to be operated of face lift,they say,“I’d like to have a face lift.”

Speaking of facial,it means various treatments for the face in order to make it look attractive.

The plastic surgery isn’t always being beautiful. A wound on the body or on the face by an accident or burn are cured and covered by the surgery.

For example,they say,“He burned himself very badly,so he needs plastic surgery.”

The place where a care for the hair and the face is called a hairdresser or beauty parlor,especially the one for the toe is called chiropodist,or pedicurist.


A: Mary has complained about her wrinkles for years.

B: She looks fine to me.

A: She wanted to have a face lift a couple of years ago. She said…

No.192 18/06/02 10:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being said she always wears heavy make-up… 】《The keyword is make-up.》


A: She said she wanted to look like thirty again.

B: But she’s over fifty. You can take away the wrinkles,but what about everything else!

【English style,a declaration on love is “you know”?】《The keyword is sweetheart.》

A pair of a male and a female who love each other are called sweetheart. A girlfriend or a boyfriend are also used in the same way. If it’s just a friend,they call it a friend.

Speaking of a friend,a friend of mine or one of my friends seem to be better than my friend,for the phrase of my friend gives a impression that it has no more than one friend.

A lover is a sweetheart of a male,the one of a female is love,but the lover is a partner in a sexual relationship with somebody who they are not married to,according to EnglishーEnglish dictionary.

When calling the female from the male,he says many time,“Hurry up,love.” The sweetheart is usually also used like that from the male…

No.193 18/06/03 06:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【English style,a declaration on love is “you know”?】《The keyword is sweetheart.》

The sweetheart is usually also used from the male to the female,on the other hand,a word of darling,is used from the female to the male. For example,she said to him,“Hold me,darling.”

The author said he had seen a news on a questionnaire that when an English male declared his love for a female,a phrase which he used. Unexpectedly, “you know.”is more than“I love you.”

If it’s done in the U.S.A.it may have been different. In general,it seems that the English frequently say moderately.

Not only the declaration its love but saying on the relation between the male and the female,they usually understatement,or euphemism. The euphemism is speaking in a roundabout way.

For example,if saying,“They’re rather intimate.”,it means the relation between them is deep. If saying,“They’re having an affair.”,it means a forbidden deep relation.

If saying,“He’s been cheating on his wife.”,it means that he is unfaithful…

No.194 18/06/03 07:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【English style,a declaration on love is “you know.”】《The keyword is sweetheart.》

…it means that he is unfaithful to her.

By the way,if saying a Japanese male leads dissipated life 道楽 typically,we say 飲む、打つ、買う。On the other hand,they say it’s wine,women,and song in English.


A: Have you heard about Mary?

B: No,what’s happened?

A: She’s got a divorce again.

B: Oh,no! Why?

A: Her husband is a playboy,you know.

B: But she knows that,didn’t she?

A: Yes,but she didn’t know he was such a man for『wine,women,and song.』

【Difference between Japanese playboy and English playboy.】《The keyword is handsome.》

Speaking of handsome in Japan,it means a good looking guy,but it’s also used for a female in English. Then it’s nuance isn’t just good looking but attractive in a strong healthy way.

When using the word of handsome for the money,it means that it’s a substantial sum of money.

In general,speaking of a male who is popular among females in the West,as it were, a handsome man…

No.195 18/06/03 07:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Difference between Japanese playboy and English playboy.】《The keyword is handsome.》

…as it were,an image of an attractive man is the one who is tall,dark,and handsome,and being handsome is included. Dark means being sunburn and healthy.

A male who is lionized among females is called lady’s man.

When they only say,“He is a playboy.”,or “I don’t like his playboy lifestyle.”,its nuance is different from the one which we the Japanese usually use.

The playboy has the nuance that he leads a luxurious life and without working,he can maintain his life.

Speaking of a lady–killer,a way of saying of lady’s man or a one for the ladies is used. For example,when being a party plenty of females gathered around a male,they speak ill of him behind his back,“He is a one for the ladies.”

A male with a strong builds is called well–built,and even if being fat,they call him stout in a roundabout way.

As to a female who is fat,they call her plump in an indirect way. In general it’s an etiquette…

No.196 18/06/09 09:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Difference between Japanese playboy and American playboy.】《The keyword is handsome.》

In general,it’s an etiquette that we don’t say on the appearance of others,though if saying he is popular among men or women,it won’t be obstacle to the human relation.


A: Tell me more about your boyfriend.

B: About what?

A: Anything. What’s he like?

B: Well,he’s tall,dark and handsome.

A: Oh,is he? I envy you. What’s he doing?

B: He’s still a law student.

A: Is he? Is he going to be a lawyer?

B: Very like,yes.

【Is your marriage a love match or arranged match?】《The keyword is bachelor.》

A ceremony for wedding is called a wedding ceremony. After that there is a party which we call a wedding reception. We have to be careful that a word of marriage isn’t used for two of the phrases.

The wedding ceremony is done in church and the wedding reception is done somewhere else or at the house either the bride or the bridegroom.

When two people get married a woman is called a bride…

No.197 18/06/09 10:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is your marriage a love match or arranged match?】《The keyword is bachelor.》

When two people get married the woman is called a bride,and the man is called the bride.

A person who takes a message between the two people who get married is called go–between,or mediator.

A couple who is a newly married one is called a newlyweds,and the trip for the newlyweds is called a honey–moon,and during the honey–moon,they are called a honey–moon couple.

On the other hand the one who is single,a male is called a bachelor,especially the one who chose to be the single is called a confirmed bachelor.

As to a middle aged female who is single,there is a way of old maid,but it’s a slanderous 中傷的 way,so it’s safe for not using.

If there is a chance we have to say,we should express an objective fact,she’s not married,or she is unmarried,or she’s still remains single.

After being in love with each other and get married,others call it a love match. On the other hand,someone else arranged their …

No.198 18/06/09 10:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is your marriage a love match or arranged match?】《The keyword is bachelor.》

On the other hand,someone else arranged their encounter and they get married,others call it an arranged match,but they don’t have any custom like that,so if adding an explanation according to the situation,it’s easy to understand.

For example,“Our first date was arranged by my aunt’s friend. Then we hit it off with each other.” The phrase of hit off meaning being like–minded in colloquial phrase.


A: May I ask a personal question?

B: You can try.

A: I’m just wondering if you’re married.

B: No,I’m still a bachelor.

A: For many particular reason?

B: No,it’s just that I’ve had no luck.

By the way,this is the end of a book of which title,英単語おもしろ事典,but it doesn’t always mean this thread itself is over,though there are lots of books to read,so I have to refrain from expressing myself in English here soon.

The title is we can’t understand the English like this. See you later,all of you.

No.199 18/06/10 06:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


One day a Japanese was invited to an American’s home,and was having a pleasant chat with the Americans in English which the Japanese was good at. They began to talk on a plan to go for an exhibition of kilt.

The Americans asked the Japanese,“Does it suit you?”,the Japanese thought the Americans talked on the clothes which the Japanese wear to the exhibition,but he was unclear on it. He wasn’t sure what they talked then.

There are plenty of simple and short expressions in English like that. Moreover it’s a phrase which native English speakers use many times a day.

Each of the Phrases itself is so easy that even a student in junior high school knows it,so we can use it easily,but if trying to understand the connecting the word one by one is wasting time,for connecting the basic words changes into other phrase which we the Japanese can’t imagine at all.

Beyond any doubt it’s the English without knowing it we can’t understand. Selecting the phrases which the native…

No.200 18/06/10 07:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


Selecting the phrases which the native speakers use everyday life carefully,especially 368 phrases which is high frequency of use,and they are introduced into the book.

If the one who have had experience of interchange with the native speakers,some of them are familiar with him or her. The phrases which the author introduced are limited within five words. Without dictionary,we understand the words.

Those phrases appear everyday life of English conversation,but the frequency is divided more minutely with the number os the face. Its number from one to five. The more the face is the more it’s used.

Even if they have high frequency,some of them are limited to the scene,surrounding,occupation,and status,so we have to pay attention to the conversations and the commentary.

As a general rule slangs which we shouldn’t use are excluded,but other ones which native speakers frequently use and we should know are introduced into the book. Please judge for ourselves the case whe…





  • レス新
  • 人気
  • スレ新
  • レス少


