
Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/01/22 11:54(更新日時)

I’m going to start a new thread from now on. Whenever starting,I find it complicated to think of the title on the thread. Even if what kinds of title,it doesn’t matter for me,for it’s just that it’s in English.

I’ve put effort into expressing on America,being based on the book,アメリカ50州を読む,written by 浅井信雄,I’ve wanted to finish it as soon as possible,for there are lots of things which I’ve wanted to do on the English,lots of books to read,and plenty of things to express in English.

After finishing expressing on America,I’m going to read some books. It takes me a lot of time to finish reading them,so I’m afraid I can’t come here so often,at most twice a week.

When reading finishing them,I’m going to return,though no one may wait for me.

To my sorrow,my health has been failing as a result of being an old age. I’ve suffered from gout,to make matters worse,fluid has accumulated on my right knee,and I have a pain in my right knee,especially when going down the stairs. I may disappear suddenly one day.

18/10/08 21:38 追記
I’ve expressed on America mainly at present. When finishing it,I’m going to devote myself to read a book,but I’ll make it a rule to come here to express myself in English at least twice a week.

20/01/22 11:54 追記
As to reading science book,it used to be limited to express myself in English,but I've wanted to read it recently somehow.,

No.2711512 18/09/17 04:36(スレ作成日時)



No.251 19/03/14 20:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie is a modern sickness. It runs over the whole globe】

《Background on the lie.》

Why was the phrase humorous? Needless to say, it connects with distrust on the politics. Even if statesmen pledged to do something helpful for us, it proved to be worthless,and we have been dissatisfied with it.

Our dissatisfaction received the phrase as irony. There is a side on the phrase like that, but I don’t think it’s alone,said the author like that,

The phrase became a vogue word,and there is a deep ironic eye to the human’s original shape in the background,

When hearing that phrase we weren’t always indignat at it, and we didn’t receive it as a ring which connected with politics. We rather feel the weight of the word of the lie in the existence of our own, though it’s just two letters.

The author expressed the three types of lies. They are different on the way of expressing and their content, but all of them were connected with the most influential person in the nation.

Moreover the …

No.252 19/03/14 21:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The lie is a modern sickness. It runs over the whole globe.】

《A background on the lie》

Moreover the news was reported by journalism which was the influential one in our mind. Those things are common points. What do they mean?

The bigger the lie is on the scale, the more influential it has a magical power and it changes our view of the world.

Except for a morbid mythomania 虚言症, when telling a lie, there must have been something profitable, and it turns out that we should investigate the background in which the lie was told or the lie had to be told rather than look closely the lie itself.

【 Demagogism which is a terrible lie】

《An origin of a word on demagogism》

We easily use the word of demagogism, what is called デマ,but the word seems to have deeper meaning a little more. It means agitating the people.

It’s demagogue in French, and demagogue in German. Each of origin of a word is Latin, and have a meaning of a leader for the people. The leader has to be an agitator in a way.

No.253 19/03/14 22:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demagogism which is a terrible lie】

《An origin of a word on demagogism》

If it has been grasped historically like that,it’s a horrible a little, especially the demagogism which is profitable for specific people like a politician is very terrible.

Both sides on the West and East were nervous on the political nature in the middle of the Cold War,but the author said he was going to express on the phenomenon of demagogism everywhere in the pure psychological view of point.

《Influence on demagogism》

A big accident that there were some thirty casualties was caused in a subway of New York. It’s just a commuter rush hour,so there were lots of casualties, but its cause was simple.

Carriages emitted sparks and made a sudden stop on account of a breakdown in an electric circuit. Then one of passenger cried like the next.

“Oh! Awful. It’s an atomic bomb!” The voice made lots of other passengers be confused and they tried to break the windowpane in the carriage and to get out of the it.

No.254 19/03/14 22:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demagogism which is a terrible lie】

《An influence on the demagogism》

The passengers tried to get away without a thought for anyone else then, so the disaster was caused May in 1953.

We the Japanese can’t imagine it, but those kinds of other accidents seemed to break out. Why did they happen?

Speaking of 1953,it is said a terror against the Soviet Union reached the peak in the U.S.A. They were interested in atomic and hydrogen bomb so much that they frequently did air–defense drill or drill for evacuation each place before the hydrogen bomb in the Bikini Atoll.

Therefore the passengers misunderstood the momentary spark for the light of spark for the flash of light on the atomic bomb.

If the passenger who cried the atomic bomb was a secret agent in a country, it’s an other story, but it mustn’t have been.

If so, was the passenger alone who cried like that in the wrong? It’s not. If there had been some cool people there, the accident might not have…

No.255 19/03/15 00:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demagogism which is a terrible lie】

《An influence on the demagogism》

If there were some cool people there, the accident may not have happened then. Heroes frequently appear in a movie of Hollywood, but unfortunately, there weren’t any hero there, so the disaster was caused.

In short it’s the influence on the demagogism which changed all the passengers in the subway into riots.

《Background and foundation on the demagogism》

Needless to say the demagogism which the author said here means agitation. There was stable background and foundation on demagogism in which the single phrase of the atomic bomb from the passenger conveyed all the other passengers.

The author said it was caused by the executives in American government in the former part in 1950s. Not only the statesmen,but soldiers, businessmen,and journalists cried loudly every minute.

Not only servicemen, but soldiers,businessmen,and journalism cried like the nsxt.

The Soviet Union will invade,they will fell on the ground …

No.256 19/03/15 03:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demagogism which is a terrible lie】

《A background and foundation on the demagogism》

The Soviet Union will invade some day, they will fall the atomic bomb on the ground, the war between the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union is impossible to avoid. They cried day after day.

Those demagogism annoyed the American so much. Those victims in the disaster in the subway was a pitiful symbol for their annoyance.

By the way, the author asked us what is the demagogism before definiting the lie.

When spreading over us, it connects with the change and crisis in the society. It’s the characteristic on the demagogism.

In short, as to a groundless rumor, instead of conveying the contents of a speaker the others direct as it is, the contents are through another and changes indirect,and changed contents are conveyed as it is, and the rumor sometimes becomes a big scale. We call it the demagogism.

Both the demagogism and the rumor don’t convey us the truth. False information is conveyed us. As to it…

No.257 19/03/15 04:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demagogism which is a terrible lie】

《A fixed idea and the demagogism》

False information is conveyed. As to it, the rumor and demagogism are in common.

The demagogism is terrible, and when it came to the surface with the form of the accident in the subway in the U.S.A.,we can recognize it, but without being formed like that,it remains in others’ minds and doesn’t vanish.

There is an experiment which shows its fact. It’s like the next. It’s the experiment in which American attitude for the Soviet Union.

There were two groups of students. The one was friendly for the Soviet Union,and the other was critical to the nation.

When doing the experiment, the experimenter made the two groups of students read two kinds of data. The one was friendly for the Soviet Union, and the other was anti Soviet Union.

The experimenter added notes to each data like the next. Some data were false ones, and others were verified facts, and another uncertain rumors.

After making the students read the…

No.258 19/03/15 05:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demagogism which is a terrible lie】

《A fixed idea and demagogism》

After making the students read the data, it turned out that the notes didn’t have any influence over the students.

In short, as to the students who were anti Soviet Union,they accepted a critical data to the Soviet Union whatever they read the data without thinking. Whether or not they were demagogism or whether or not they were verified data, it didn’t matter.

If checked the result of the experiment against the reaction of the passengers in the subway of New York, we find it something interesting.

The passengers were made to hear that the atomic bombs fell down day by day, and a single cry of the atomic bomb made them believe it uncritically.

The process in which the demagogism of a big false doesn’t become the false is closely connected with mass communication which is a modern monster. I’m going to express it gradually from now on,said the author like that.

No.259 19/03/16 17:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the othe who takes advantage of the lie.】

《A false big scoop.》.

The author said someone is profitable by the lie, so the lie was born. If there is someone who is profitable for the lie, there must have been other who makes use of the lie.

There used to be a new item on an interview of 伊藤律 on a newspaper in the big newspaper company.

After the World War II, lots of people were expelled from public offfice by what is called red purge. 伊藤律 was one of them and was executive members in the Communist Party.

It is said that he went into hiding and worked secretly underground,but it is said that a reporter in the big newspaper company succeeded in interviewing him strictly secretly.

Its question and answer was all over the papers in a large scale. Needless to say, it was a big scoop,but it turned out that it was completely disinformation soon,so the readers were surprised at it again.

No.260 19/03/16 17:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie】

《A false big scoop》

In short, the readers made the unreasonable false news report read then. The readers were surprised at it and at the same time,they had doubt,why did the reporter in the big newspaper company such a thing?

It was simple. His desire for success in the life made him do the thing. The reporter tried to win something profitable,so the false report was caused, but why did the reporter in the big newspaper company tell the transparent lie? It’s very strange.

The author said the reporter must have had hysterical character extremely. I’m going to express on the hysteria later.

It seems that the journalism was forced to tell a lie then. We were shocked at it,said the author.

《An ability on the lie of mass communication》

The phrase of mass communication has been frequently used. The phrase of mass communication shows us the essence of what is called journalism like newspaper,broadcast, and publication.

No.261 19/03/17 07:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie】

《An ability on the lie for mass communication》

Even if the bad lie by the big newspaper company was distorted extremely, we can recognize the mass communication can tell a lie. It can do every kind of lie. Even if it doesn't try to tell a lie, it sometimes does it finally.

The author said he was sorry for to make the mass communication appear as a leading part in this chapter that the one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie, but the essence of the mass communication appears,without being asked.

《Mass communication and advertisement》

By the way, what is the mass communication? I’m going to express on it a little more. The word of communication originally means sharing something common with others. It originates from Latin.

Our language is the most useful in the form of expression on the communication, and the human being alone use it exclusively.

A speaker and a listener have to exits in the …

No.262 19/03/17 08:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《Mass communicaion and advertisement》

A speaker and a listener have to exist in the communication. The relation on the speaker and the listener enlarges more and more in the mass communication.

The speaker becomes a systematized organization, which is the press gives the listeners information like a newspaper company, the news media, and a publish company.

The communication which shares something common with others is sent to countless listeners who coexist without stopping through a media like the newspaper, the broadcast,and a magazine.

When being sent, a fixed effect is caused, and a profit making corporation and an enterprise in the society which makes much of the industry systematizes the speaker in the mass communication. They think up various devices, so a publication is born.

In short, the mass communication is both harmful and helpful for us. It depends. I expressed on publication, but it doesn’t …

No.263 19/03/17 08:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《A publication on commodities》

…but it doesn’t always mean that I try to say the publication is telling a lie,said the author like that and continued.

However there are plenty of people who accept that the publication is telling a lie. In fact there is a Japanese phrase, 羊頭狗肉. There is the publication which is false, but the publication means complicated a little more psychologically.

Coming to a conclusion is earlier a little, but it becomes clear that there is a good lie and a bad lie.

As to a goal of publication, it makes lots of people believe, have information, and take in action, and the expression on the publication becomes a large scale,the one who sends us the publication makes the publication maintain dignity, and repeats the publication.

The publication on commodities has a meaning like that.

The most primitive way of publication is calling passersby direct with a loud speaker and changing them…

No.264 19/03/17 09:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《A publication on commodities》

The most primitive way of publication is calling passersby direct with a loud speaker and changing them customers. The publication tells them a new supermarket is open, or a detergent which is very economical amount is sold.

Even if released from the noise in the town and coming home,we can’t relive easily, for more powerful publication than the loud speaker is waiting for us there.

《A harmful lie and helpful lie》

“You’re so beautiful that you can use it!” The publication from the cosmetic with dignity to repetition one,“As to a camera,it’s excellent …”

Even if we don’t recognize any authority on a single suggestion, we tend to feel as if we were given new information, something new and useful.

We listen to the publication on the commodities and the publication says how splendid the goods are and it’s better than any other ones.

No.265 19/03/17 12:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie】

《A harmful lie and helpful lie》

Thus, the publication on the goods is branded in the brain of ours, so if the publication is done more carefully, we’ll have no doubt and no criticism on the value for the goods in the least.

If thinking it with a simple way, there is a big trap there. There is a lie there. A consumer who bought the goods decides originally whether or not there is the value on the goods.

If a company which makes the good decieds it,it’s meaningless. The company should offer the exact data on the value, except for it, the company should avoid its subjectivity, but no one is angry with it, and even if it is, everyone laughs at it. Why?

It is a harmless lie, and it doesn’t damage us at all, moreover it’s sometimes useful for us. The one who makes a useful lie and makes use of it may become the last winner in our society in the future.

A bank advertises like the next. Saving up money alone stabilized…

No.266 19/03/17 16:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《A harmful lie and helpful lie》

Saving up money alone stabilizes the life in its old age. We can’t say there isn’t any lie in the words at all.

There is no guarantee that the value of money doesn’t change and the advertisement takes no account of a thing on human’s mind and health, but we can get a kind of feeling on relief from the advertisement.

In addition, if there is no plan for it, the advertisement makes us reflect on it, so both sides of the one who sends the information and the other who receives the information aren’t caused a loss.

The lie which isn’t caused any loss each other. There is one side of the lie which the author tries to express from now on.

《A rumor serves as helpful for our feelings》

The author expressed that the demagogism is a modern sickness, and we can recognize this modern sickness is a form which a rumor expands extremely in everyday experience.

Our conversation everyday life…

No.267 19/03/17 16:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie】

《A rumor serves as helpful for our feeling》

It is no exaggeration that almost all of our conversation everyday life is made up with rumors. Whenever talking with our friends,we talk or listen to worthless or serious rumors.

The worthless rumor is a groundless one which we do with our friends without having clear aim so as to kill our time.

Talking with others like that resembles exchanging a few words about the weather. It shows others something affectionate each other. In the social conversation, we’re forced to say something in order to fill in the time, but it’s just it’s a kind of rumors.

Almost all of the rumors and gossips are more serious. They have deep aim and take an important role. As to the role, neither the speaker nor the listener can say anything, but they believe that the rumor is important.

It looks like a mysterious reason reduces their intelligent unstability and individual anxiety then.

No.268 19/03/17 17:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the one who takes advantage of the lie】

《Social crisis and demagogism》

The demagogism is important social psychological problem in every times,especially there is sense of impeding crisis, the tendency is apt to increase.

Whenever there is a social tension, an erroneous news spread all over the society. In the middle of a war, the demagogism makes the people feel anxious, happy more than necessity, even the safety on the nation is threatened.

When hearing the demagogism, the nation sometimes feel hostile toward its own country. Even if the war was over,its bad influence is destructive.

《Distortion on demagogism》

We must not overlook the demagogism that it’s a mischief with an ordinary people on impulse. The situation is more serious and more dangerous.

The demagogism causes distortion in the process of recollection, oblivion, imagination, and sophistry こじつけ. We can see them in lots of forms on…

No.269 19/03/17 19:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie】

《Distortion on demagogism》

We can see them in lots of forms on communication by the human.

For instance,I take up a legend as an instance. The legend is a tradition of a great deed or an occurrence by a family, a race or a nation. Motives which support the tradition changes the tradition itself as the time passes. When the demagogism spreads we can see it. Basically they are the same one.

The distortion on the demagogism which we usually see is the same one which appears in a testimony at a trial, reminisce, a talk full of wits,bioautography, proverb, and a famous phrase.

The author says he is going to express the reason gradually why the distortion happens,and he tries to seek the real form on the demagogism.

Anyway, all the lies and demagogism are operated by hidden motives. There is a thing which applies to all the demagogism. Whenever the demagogism is told, we think as if it were true.

No.270 19/03/17 20:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《Distortion on demagogism》

There are some people who warns before starting to talk a main subject,“It’s just a demagogism, but what I’ve heard is…” It’s also the demagogism.

Communication on information is usually done by some words when we talk,but the demagogism is often printed on the newspaper or on the magazine or the demagogism goes over the air waves like a radio or TV.

If it’s the one who is a sensible and is in responsible position on mass communication, it should be careful of the demagogism and try to avoid the false communication…

《A way of distinguishing between the demagogism and a true thing》

Someone has been always sacrificed in almost all of the parts in the rumor. The trouble is that the one who is a leading part in the rumor is frequently depicted realistically on its character and action.

The demagogism is whispered when there isn’t any positive.…

No.271 19/03/19 02:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《A way of distinguishing between the demagogism and a true thing》

The demagogism is whispered when there isn’t any positive evidence. This criterion distinguishes between the demagogism and a news and separates the unclear from a piece of information.

However, we can't easily judge which positive evidence to trust, so we can’t easily clarify whether what we heard is true or not. A news story which is done by an authoritive newspaper company is received by all readers as positive evidence which we can trust.

However when the readers are away from the news story and talking with others on the news story as a topic, the demagogism is born.

If the oral information is accordance with the news story altogether, it’s all right, but otherwise the news story itself becomes the evidence which we can’t trust and it changes into the demagogism.

So we have to judge whether or not the new story is far from us so as to…

No.272 19/03/19 03:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《A way of distinguishing between the demagogism and a true thing.》

So we have to judge whether or not the news story is far from us so as to decide whether what we hear is the turth or not. Whenever the demagogism is said, its ground is unclear like it is said or it seems…and its true self never appears.

When the one which is presented as the positive evidence is synonymous we should be careful of it as demagogism. As to a story from an authority, we should think it’s a fishy story.

《We should adopt skepticism》

A speaker sometimes has a positive evidence, but then we have to judge whether or not it has correct information on what it said.

A scientist doesn’t say demagogism on its special study, and a doctor doesn’t believe unscientific remedy or doesn’t tell demagogism on unlikely epidemic.

Everyone has relatively positive evidence on its special field. But no one is sure how much it has detailed information…

No.273 19/03/19 20:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie】

《We should adopt skepticism》

But no one is sure how much it has detailed information or how correct it knows on the information. A third party doesn’t recognize it.

Nobody can be specialist for all the things, so we tend to be allured by the demagogism. Even if there is reliable objective evidence, we can’t examine what all of things we’ve heard,being based on the evidence.

As a result we need to doubt when hearing a rumor so as to protect us from the demagogism. We should adopt the skepticism.

《The demagogism which causes a laugh》

Lots of talks which spread like the demagogism are the fruit of imagination which is made so as to cause a laugh rather than we should judge whether or not it’s true.

We talk so as to release our suppressed feeling like racial hatred or political criticism.

As to the situation which it spreads or its function, the demagogism and a joke resemble, and we’re surprised at their resemblance

No.274 19/03/19 21:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《The demagogism which causes a laugh》

I’m going to express a story which spread at a despotic 独裁 state in the Eastern Europe.

When a man walked along the bank on a deep river, he heard a high pitched voice suddenly. The other was drawning, so the one jumped into the river and saved the other.

The other who was saved gave his name. “I’m Stalin. You’ve saved my life,so I’m going to grant your hope whatever you do.” The one who saved said like the next.

“There is one thing which I hope. Please tell nobody that I’m the one who saved you.”
Its name depends. It’s Hitler or Mussolini according to the country where the story spread.

It’s neither the demagogism nor a story with comic ending, but lots of people were sent to Siberia ,or to a concentration camp in Germany or exiled in Italy because they were tipped off about that they talked the story.

《The demagogism and humor》

The episode shows us the demagogism and…

No.275 19/03/19 21:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《The demagogism and a humor》

The episode shows us the demagogism is very close to a humor psychologically. Both of them are tools which express individual feeling. The speaker doesn’t notice that it has the feeling on the surface.

No one confess that it’s a slave to having sex, but its feeling appears in an obscene story or gossip. Some people talk with others on the having sex as a joke or a scandal and release their suppressed feeling.

When the humor has a clear will like the dictator in the episode, we call it a tendency of wit.

Instead of saying it hates black people, it says a joke of looking down on them. There are some people who don’t think like that, but they sometimes joke easily. Even if they aren’t aware of it, Its feeling inclines to the tendency of hating black people.

A joke which criticizes,makes fun of, or insultes a victim is as same as the demagogism. It’s useful for purifying its feeling.

No.276 19/03/19 22:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《The demagogism and a humor》

To put it in a plain language, talking makes the pressure in its chest go away and it feels refreshed.

It is hard to distinguish between the hostile demagogism with with and a story with comic ending which is full of the humor. As to the function, it’s almost the same. They are partial and harmful to a victim.

Difference between them are their degree whether or not the story is built on a clear evidence.

《The demagogism that Japan surrenders》

Around the middle of August in 1945 at the time when Japan was defeated in war was at hand, a newspaper reporter made an experiment at Washington. It was written on an American newspaper like that.

The most imaginary demagogism that Japan surrendered completely was told by two newspaper reporter in Washington, and the demagogism came back with a terrible surprise from the American navy authority after six hours.

The demagogism was …

No.277 19/03/19 23:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie】

《The demagogism that Japan surrendered》

The demagogism was created at a bar in Washington in the midnight before two days Japan surrendered. It was based on Hitler’s theory that the bigger we tell a lie, the more the others believe the lie.

“We’d written an imaginary story which far exceeds our imagination for fun in order to try the theory.” One of the newspaper reporter who reported on the experiment said like that.

《The emperor left for Washington》

Its outline is the Japanese emperor left for Guam Island so as to meet MacArthur who was the supreme commander in the Allied Force and the commander in the fleet. Then the Japanese emperor was under escort of a combat plane,Kamikaze. The story continued.

The two American generals and the Japanese emperor got on a big American transport plane from the Guam Island and left for Washington.

Its climax is the Japanese emperor was about to reach the White House so as to …

No.278 19/03/19 23:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who takes advantage of the lie】

《The emperor left for Washington》

The climax was the emperor was about to reach the White Hourse so as to sign a clause on surrender under presence of Truman President.

One of the newspaper reporter who invented the demagogism called a general in the navy,for the newspaper reporter thought that the general must have spread the demagogism. The newspaper reporter came home with expectation of its sensation.

Its response appeared at once, but the demagogism caused such a great excitement that even the newspaper reporter himself who called up the general was very surprised at it.

One lady called up the other newspaper reporter who created the demagogism after about six hours. She was very excited. She said she was received telephone from her husband who was a navy general and worked at SAN Diego.

She told him on the demagogism in detail, being out of breath, though she believed it’s true. After that how far did…

No.279 19/03/20 00:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The one who makes a lie and the other who makes use of the lie】

《The emperor left for Washington》

After that how long did the demagogism spread? It must have spread until that the fact that Japan surrendered became clear. The demagogism reached to the White House and lots of people made a fuss over the demagogism.

If receiving the story at face value, as to the speed which the demagogism spreads, the more tense they are the quicker it spreads.

In short,the one who created the demagogism made an experiment on the demagogism, but we can’t understand how much the first story was distorted and how the demagogism was conveyed one after another, so it’s incomplete as an experiment.

The author has expressed on the lie in very strained situation, but without being in the strained situation, we tell a lie and are told the lie. Why?

I’m going to express on the lie in a human relation.

【Why does a person tell a lie?】

《A lie on a morbid mythomania 虚言症》

No.280 19/03/21 00:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a person tell a lie?】

《A lie on a morbid mythomania 虚言症》

There seem to be various kinds of lies. Some are good lies and others are bad ones. In addition there are medium ones. Neither they are useful nor harmful.

When hearing the word of the lie, we tend to think it’s bad. We think it’s an anti societal lie. First of all, we think the lie is bad,but why does a person tell a lie?

Needless to say there is a person who is suffering from sickness. We call it a morbid mythomania.

Otherwise an ordinary person sometimes tells a lie. When telling the lie,it causes something disadvantage or trouble to others, so the lie is bad.

To return to main topic, why does a person tell a lie? We need to know what the morbid mythomania is so as to clarify the psychology on the person who tells the lie.

A person who is the morbid mythomania tells the lie fluently even if it isn’t anything profitable. It’s different from an ordinary person. It’s not anything profitable,but it tells the lie.

No.281 19/03/21 01:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a person tell a lie?】

《The lie on a morbid mythomania》

It doesn’t always mean that it has a rich imagination. Far from it! Its imagination is inferior to ordinary ones. Moreover a young women are like that. Each of them looks harmless and innocent, but they tell a lie uncorcernedly.

《The relation between the lie and imagination》

When there is a theme,and we have to make up a story which is eccentric and sheer nonsense as much as possible,it isn’t the one who can do it is a morbid mythomania but an ordinary one.

The one who is suffers from the sicknesss of the morbid mythomania can’t imagine unworldly unrealistic story, for example,on unknown world far away in the Galaxy, it can’t do it at all.

If so,is the one who is the morbid mythomania doesn’t have an imaginary ability in the least? It isn’t always correct. It has the imaginary ability very much in a sense. Its imagination belongs to the world and is the most human like.

It’s not unrealistic unworldly at all,it’s …

No.282 19/03/21 02:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a person tell a lie?】

《The relation between the lie and an imagination》

It’s not unrealistic unworldly at all, it’s an imagination which belongs to worldly affairs, and we can frequently see it in our neighborhood.

For example,someone makes much money with a stock,or some people are in love with each other, but there is remarkable characteristic on the imagination.

The one who is the morbid mythomania always appears in the common imagination. It becomes the center of public attention in the imagination. For example, it says like the next.

“I’m an illegitimate child of a very rich person, and unexpectedly I’m going to get a large fortune by inheritance.”

Sometimes there is one more characteristic on the imagination. In short, the imagination doesn’t end as it is, and it’s made use of so as to bring to settlement on a real problem.

It swindles out of other’s money under a false promise of a marriage. Then it uses the story being illegitimate child of a very rich person…

No.283 19/03/21 06:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a person tell a lie?】

《The relation between the lie and an imagination》

Then it uses the story of being illegitimate child of the very rich person and getting a large fortune by inheritance as excuse for the solution.

If reading a popular novel too much, that kind of imagination may have occurred to us, but we don’t think we try to put practical use for the imagination in our real life, but some of people who are morbid mythomania can do it.

《A factor on the lie of the morbid mythomania》

If inferring the psychology of the morbid mythomania who tells a lie fluently, it seems that. its motive of wanting everything to go well amusingly is hidden as big factor.

Its feeling is buoyant and cheerful. Its imagination is so active that it’s carried away by a sudden impulse of speaking enthusiastically. When facing others, it can’t fall silent. It’s forced to speak something.

Anyway,it's friendly eccentircally. It’s a big…

No.284 19/03/21 07:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a person tell a lie?】

《The relation between the lie and an imagination.》

Anyway the one who is the morbid mythomania is friendly enthusiastically, ant it’s big characteristic, and its being friendly means being affable to strangers alone. It’s curt and high–handed to a member of its family.

Whenever facing others,it always tries to deal with them humorously at any cost. It’s very sensitive to the human relation.

The sensitivity feels an unbearable pressure for a situation which chills over the company or for a silent situation when unable to keep up the conversation.

It wonders to itself in its mind,“I want to break through the situation no matter what! Without being able to do it,everyone hates me!” So it’s forced to tell a lie from its mouse as if it were a flood.

We can understand what it feels a little, but we don’t feel like riding out the situation by telling the lie. We are different from it in this point.

By the way, there is other factor which makes it tell …

No.285 19/03/21 08:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a person tell a lie?】

《A desire of being applauded》

By the way, there is other factor which makes a one who is the morbid mythomania tell a lie. It’s an existence of feeling on being the center of attention. It’s a desire of being applauded by others.

When talking with others, if others are drawn into our story and listen to us, we’re very pleased. Everyone is the same, especially the morbid mythomania is very happy remarkably.

Whether or not it’s true doesn’t matter a bit, but it has to be pleased. The story must make them praise and respect the morbid mythomania, so it’s very kind in this point.

If coming across its friend who is out of work and is in trouble, it feels like helping its friend. It says to its friend that it’ll talk with its uncle who runs a business on its friend.

It doesn’t matter whether or not it has that kind of uncle, and its friend is encouraged with its talk. Then the atmosphere in the situation becomes happy and its friend respects him.

No.286 19/03/21 19:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why does a person tell a lie?】

《A desire of being applauded》

Its friend is grateful to the morbid mythomania and the morbid mythomania becomes a good man then.

Instead of its own effort, it tries to get worldly reliance with things which isn’t reliable just for the occasion,and tries to make money with the easy way. Without making effort, it prefers to take the line of least resistance.

However it doesn’t always mean that we don’t have that feeling.

The word of the desire of being appluauded is used for bad meaning, but we can’t overlook the fact that our feeling of wanting to be a star makes us tell the lie.

Even we ordinary people have hidden desire of wanting to be a star even if telling the lie in the bottom of our heart.

The author said something profitable makes us tell the lie, but it seems that the desire of
being applauded which we can’t remove is in the bottom the desire of something profitable.

No.287 19/03/21 19:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A matchmakers will 仲人口 and contraction with lies each other】

《A matchmakers will and flattery》

There is a phrase of matchmakers will. We say it’s a typical thing which isn’t reliable. The author expresses its acquaintance. A matchmaker showed its acquaintance a marriage proposal. The matchmaker told the acquaintance like the next.

“He is perfect man, but when meeting him, I’m afraid you’ll be worried about a few things, so I’m going to tell you them.”

“He’s suffered from conjunctivitis 結膜炎 for a few days, so he has a bandage over his eyes,but he’ll get well soon, so please don’t worry about it.”

“He knocked his head against the angle of a desk, and has a bump こぶ in the forehead, but it’ll be cured in a few days.”, but those things were outright lies.

The man was almost blinded because he was in an accident with a falling rocks when he was a schoolboy in junior high school.

As to the bump, it’s a kind of sarcoma 肉腫,and he had to be operated for it. It couldn’t be cured easily.

No.288 19/03/21 20:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A matchmakers will and a contract
with lies each other】

《THe matchmakers will and a flattery》

Fortunately, the man was rich and had a pleasant personality, so even if it’s the matchmakers will,it wasn’t always unhappy for its acquaintance, but it was ridiculous.

There is hardly the ridiculous thing like that, but a thing which the matchmakers brings us is only half true at best. We should think like that.

They recognize the lie tacitly each other and go ahead with it, it’s the marriage proposal. If thinking over when the contract of the lie is done, it’s an engagement in arranged marriage, it’s too harsh way of putting it.

It defines the lie strictly, so we don’t have to be worried about it, the author said like that. Let’s think over a matter which is less serious.

For example, there is the flattery which is social courtesy. The courtesy in the human society includes an element on the lie to some extent, and we need it.

When hearing an obvious flattery, we would be hurt. But…

No.289 19/03/21 22:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A matchmakers will and a contract with lies each other】

《The matchmakers will and a flattery》

But without any lies the courtesy isn’t formed. The flattery is a kind of lie, but we need it to some extent as lubricating oil for the human relation in the society.

A Chinese famous thinker said like the next.

《Three principles on Chinese culture》

We’ve often doubted what is the culture for the Chinese, and I’ve found it’s made up with the next three things.

1 Telling a lie.

2 Having an ability of telling a lie as if we were jentlemen.

3 Making an interpretation on both our lie and others’ humorously and retaining the presence of our mind and trying not to become enthusiastic too much about anything.

The truth is surely important,and at the same time being pure is worthy in our life, but the human society where we lead our lives isn’t a paradise.

If saying or putting into practice what we think in our mind or a thing which we think is right as it is, it may have ruined ourselves.

No.290 19/03/21 23:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The speed which the lie travels】

《An experiment on the speed of the lie》

In short we need the lie absolutely.

There are two sharp eyed men at the waiting room in Sapporo station May in 1943 when Japan was inferior in the World War Ⅱ. They talked each other secretly like the next then.

“An American who wore a red cloak and a pair of clogs made of magnolia wood showed up…”

They talked a ridiculous thing seriously. They were police detectives. They tried to make a experiment on how fast the demagogism traveled. What about the result on the experiment?

The demagogism on the red cloak reached Tokyo after 24 hours the two police detectives were talking in the Sapporo Station.

It took 24 hours from Sapporo to Tokyo then, so the demagogism got on the train and left for Tokyo the moment the demagogism was talked.

A rumor that an announcement by the headquarters in the Japanese armed force was nonsense was spread then, and the Japanese air forced and the police were worried about it.

No.291 19/03/24 04:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The speed which the lie travels】

《An experiment on the speed to the lie.》

They tried to study the process and speed of the lie traveled, and made the experiment. The distance between Tokyo and Sapporo is 1026 kilometers, so its speed is about 43 k.p.h. Needless to say,it doesn’t mean it’s absolute number, but it’s so fast.

《No lecture and the natural discovery on a bad mood of a wife》

The author said he remembered an episode on his friend who was a professor in university with the experiment,

One day the professor was walking a street of Nihonbashi for the Tokyo station with a package of a foreign book which he bought at Maruzen. The street was so crowded that he couldn’t reach his destination easily.

Then a wonderful beauty was walking beside him in the same direction with the same speed for a while.

He had to teach a lecture in the afternoon,and hurried out of the crowd and reached the classroom. Then there was a Chinese character of no lecture on the black board. Moreover…

No.292 19/03/24 11:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The speed which the lie travels】

《No lecture and the natural discovery on a bad mood of a wife》

Moreover it was late for the lecture only fifteen minutes, but there was no one in the classroom. The professor was depressed and came home,and found his wife was in a bod mood unusually.

As to the sufferings which the professor went through that day was next one.

The Chinese character of no lecture which was written on the black board was done by a student.

As the professor didn’t appear on time, some students were making noise. Someone said it may be no lecture, and it turned into a decision of no lecture.

Some students started to come home, and all the others stood up. One of them wrote, No lecture, on the black board, so everyone was sure there was no lecture,and all of the students came home.

Why was his wife in a bad mood?

When she was outside the house, she came across a girl student who lived in the neighborhood and attended his lecture. The school girl asked his wife.

No.293 19/03/24 12:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The speed which the lie travels】

《No lecture and the natural discovery on a bad mood of his wife》

“There was no lecture. What happened to the professor?” The girl student asked.

As his wife thought,“Oh dear!”, other wife in the neighborhood came to her. She heard a thing on the professor from the one who came home from Ginza like the next.

“Someone saw the professor with a beautiful woman.”

《Reflection and assimilatio on itself》

How was the story made up? The author said he was going to take apart the process of travelling the demagogism.

First of all, there is reflection on itself. It is said love is blind, and that kind of power forms the rumor powerfully.

Desire and expectation which are common for everyone decides a direction for the rumor.

As to the professor, the students expected the no lecture, and he was late for the lecture so much that all the students guessed it might be no lecture, and it was warped. It must be no lecture.

No.294 19/03/24 12:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The speed which the lie travels】

《Reflection and assimilation on oneself》

We should think that the demagogism is reflection on the people who convey the demagogism rather than the truth itself.

When fearing for something, a withered eulalia grass 枯れ尾花 looks a ghost.

The second thing is giving meaning for everything. When there is something unknown or something which is beyond our comprehension, we feel like giving meaning it and stabilizing it. We want to connect it with something which we’ve known enough until now.

As a result, something hard to understand and something difficulty are removed, and it becomes the general one.

《Exaggeration and irresponsibility》

The third thing is an exaggeration. While something difficulty is removed, something impressive and something desirable are emphasized and exaggerated.

The professor came out of the Maruzen and was walking without looking to either side when he was in time for the class then. Those things were removed.

No.295 19/03/24 15:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The speed which the lie travels】

《Reflection and exaggeration》

Contrary to it, the woman who happened to walk with the professor for a while was getting a great deal of attention. Actually the woman may have turned into the young and beautiful one in the rumor and the rumor may have changed the one in which they talked each other closely.

The fourth thing is irresponsibility which carries the rumor. A person who spreads the rumor has irresponsible manner.

The conversation is often done for increasing the closeness rather than telling its content in a social scene.

In short, the conversation is done for fun, and the rumor graduallly becomes funny,and not only the plot but the punch line 落ち of the rumor is made.

As it is said that there is no smoke without fire, the rumor has the truth to a little, and we have to be careful of the process which the truth changes into the warped one, for the process hides the necessity on the society and the era for demagogism.

No.296 19/03/24 16:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A lie in a dream】

《A theory of Freud》

The author said he should think over the lie in the mind of the human once again, for except for the things which appeared from the mind and he talked over, there are lies of which we are unaware is in the mind of the human.

We tell a lie even in a dream. Lots of desires with which we aren’t satisfied are suppressed under consciousness.

When sleeping, the work of the consciousness stops and the suppression becomes weak, the dream is filled with the desire then.

It means that the unconsciousness appears, and Freud said the dream is a shortcut for recognizing the unconsciousness.

However a thing which is thought when we are in unconscious state is different from other thing when we are in conscious state, so as a result, it means that we aren’t satisfied with the desire as it is.

In addition, Freud thought even if when sleeping, the suppression doesn’t vanish entirely, so the desire changes its form and we’re satisfied with the desire.

No.297 19/03/24 17:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A lie in a dream】

《A theory of Freud》

The dream looks sheer nonsense, for it has a reason which the author has expressed like that. By the way, what kind of rule controls the content on the dream?

There is a self evident truth that a desk is the desk itself, but the plain truth isn’t always accepted in the dream. The desk changes into other thing and the changed one often appears in the dream.

A psychologist in Freud school analyzed a woman’s dream. She strangled a puppy in her dream, but she had never thought of killing it at all actually.

She sometimes strangles a pigeon and a chicken for herself and cooks it,but she hates it so much. She tries to finish it as soon as possible.

When she talked with the psychologist until that part she remembered killing the puppy in her dream. Then her posture in her dream was the one when she strangled the chicken.

《Transference in the dream.》

When being asked various questions, she confessed him that she hated her sister in–law so much.

No.298 19/03/24 17:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A lie in a dream】

《Transferrence in the dream》

She said her younger sister in–law broke into the conversation between her and her husband as if she had been the pigeon with a cheeky manner.

Several days before she dreamed that she strangled her sister in – law, she quarreled with her younger sister in – law violently, and drove her out of the room and said like the next.

“Go away! I wouldn’t being bitten by a ped dog.”

The psychologist thought her hatred for her sister in – law and her desire that she wanted to punish her sister– in law made her dream like that.

Both the pigeon, the dog and her sister –in law are mixed in her dream,especially her sister –in law was short and fair skinned and she had the impression that her sister in – law took after the puppy in her dream.

We recognize that the interpretation on the dream is positive because of her confession that she broke into the conversation between her and her husband as if.…

No.299 19/03/24 18:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A lie in a dream】

《A transference in the dream》

We recognize that the interpretation on her dream is positive owing to her confession that her sister in – law broke into the conversation between her and her husband as if she had been the pigeon in rude manner.

She hoped that her younger sister died unconsciously, but needless to say, she wasn’t aware of it and didn’t recognize she had that kind of desire in her mind, for such a terrible thing is against a morality.

However she surely thought she wanted to kill her in her mind, and her dream was filled with her desire, but the morality doesn’t lose its control for the suppression even in the dream.

Instead of dreamed that she killed her sister in – law, she dreamed of strangled the pigeon and the dog which she identified as her sister – in law.

We can say those replacements by the morality is the lie unconsciously. Anyway different things of the puppy and her younger sister were identified there.

Her younger sister is her…

No.300 19/03/24 19:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A lie in a dream】

《A transference in the dream》

Her younger sister is her younger sister herself in the conscious state,but she and the puppy are the same thing in her dream. We can think that the hatred for her younger sister was moved to the puppy in her dream.

The situation is expressed with a word of transference. There are other lies in the dream.

《A phenomenon of adhesion》

A person dreamed of his friend. His friend was a one of mixed racial origin 混血, the black and the white, and strange to say his body was a monkey in his dream. When waking up, the person thought of his dream.

The day before he dreamed of it,he actually saw the one of mixed racial origin, and remembered a child who enjoyed imitating the monkey.

Different things of the human and an animal changed into a mixed one in his dream. We call the phenomenon that two images are put together an adhesion.

The thought in unconscious state is illogically like that, but it doesn’t mean that each thought connects…




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