レッツ エンジョイ イングリッシュ 19th

レス500 HIT数 6864 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
2024/09/29 11:05(更新日時)


I’m going to start a new thread from now on, though it’s just that it’s the continuation from the previous one. The topic which I’ve handled will be over soon, and after that what kind of topic should deal with?

After reaching 20th, I’m going to stop when it’s convenient, and to start other thread. My English is expressed on being based on a book, but I express what I think sometimes, but please be careful when reading what I think, for it’s something poisonous, something negative, so I’m afraid after reading you are forced to be discouraged with my English.

I don’t think I want to hurt others by reading my English, but what I think is full of something poisonous, so after reading, my English makes you feel something uncomfortable. I’m sorry for it.

Here we go!


No.4085073 2024/06/30 16:02(スレ作成日時)



No.101 2024/07/13 22:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the riot broken out in China?】

Except for China, the news on the riot in other nations is reported sometimes. There must have been a defect on the safety valve in the nation.

《Democracy doesn’t trust any statesman》

Choosing statesmen in the election and making the statesmen work, and if it doesn’t go well, changing the statesmen at once. It’s the democracy, and the democracy doesn’t trust statesmen at all from the beginning.

If trusting the statesman, it means leaving everything to the statesman, but it’s a person, so it has something immature, and tends to be tempted, so…

No.102 2024/07/13 22:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the riot broken out in China?】

《Democracy doesn’t trust any statesman》

…so choosing the statesman in the election and making it work for the time being. If it doesn’t work so much or thinks of its own benefit alone, it’s all right as long as making it fail in the next election.

Leaving a person who we can make retire whenever we like to the politics. It’s the democracy, and the democracy doesn’t trust the statesman at all.

《Starving to death doesn’t occur in the nation of democracy》

The one who is an economist from India and won the Nobel prize in economics said like the next.

No.103 2024/07/13 22:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the riot broken out in China?】

《Starving to death doesn’t occur in the nation of democracy》

The people don’t starve to death in the nation of democracy.

India which is the economist was from is severe gap between the rich and poor, and there have been lots of poor people there, but none of them have never starved to death.

As India is the nation of democracy, if practicing politics making the people starve to death, the statesman will fail in the next election, so the statesman practices politics hard so as not to make the people starve to death.

Lots of people starved to death…

No.104 2024/07/13 22:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the riot broken out in China?】

《Starving to death doesn’t occur in the nation of democracy》

Lots of people starved to death at a county in Africa, on the other hand, the other nation of which people lead wealthy life there. Though the environment of their life is different, in the nation where there was a stupid dictator the people sometimes starved to death.

The dictator whose name Mao Zedong failed in the politics in China in 1950s, and food shortage occurred and it is said no less than three million of people starved to death then.

Mao Zedong was forced to take the …

No.105 2024/07/13 23:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the riot broken out in China?】

《Starving to death doesn’t occur in the nation of democracy》

Mao Zedong was forced to take the responsibility for it, and he was taken off the stage for a while, but as there is none of the democratic election in China, no one could make him retire from the politics.

After that, Mao Zedong tried to regain the power by using young people who were obedient to him. The young people were called the red guard.

It is called the Great Cultural Revolution, but it wasn’t cultural at all, and lots of the people divided into enemy and friend in China and fought

No.106 2024/07/13 23:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the riot broken out in China?】

《Starving to death doesn’t occur in the nation of democracy》

Then lots of people were dead again, but without making him retirie from statesman as the top leader in the Communist Party, and he was dead as the top leader. After his death, killing each other stopped for the first time then.

As the Communist Party has controlled China at present, if criticizing Mao Zedong, it means criticizing the way of the Communist Party.

As to the evaluation on Mao Zedong, he did both of good and bad things, but good things were more than bad things. He caused the…

No.107 2024/07/13 23:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the riot broken out in China?】

He caused the situation in which millions of people were dead in his own nation, but his responsibility has never been sought.

《From bullet to ballot》

As various people have lived, varied conflicts occur from the interest. Then a war broke out at once long time ago. Firing a gun and killing each other. Some people killed their rivals and became the leaders.

But choosing the leader with the election, no one needs to kill each other. We call it from the bullet to the ballot. It’s just that playing on words in English, but introducing the ballot, so…

No.108 2024/07/13 23:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Why has the riot broken out in China?】

…so no one needs to bleed uselessly any more.

【Elections chooses the one who uses the tax】

When going shopping, we pay the consumption tax. We pay the tax. What and how is the tax used for? The election chooses the one who uses the tax.

《Though doing of its own things for itself…》

Please thinking of the time long long ago when there was neither of election, the government office nor the police. If being alive then, what should we do? We have to do everything around us for ourselves.

Building our own house, and making a road in front of our house…

No.109 2024/07/14 00:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Though doing our own things for ourselves…》

We have to do those things for ourselves, and if the river near to our houses is about to overflow, we have to take a measure for ourselves. If a thief or robbery come to our house, we’ll be in trouble, so locking the door on the house tightly, we may have armed tightly with a gun, hammer and a wooden sword for ourselves. We don’t feel at ease forever.

《Offering money with others》

Though wanting to build a bridge over the river next to our house, but each of us can’t do it for ourselves.

No.110 2024/07/14 00:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Offering the money with others》

The people who lived on the side of the river and others who lived on the other side of the river would join forces and build the bridge, and all of those people have to offer the cost of material on the bridge.

Employing the people who always patrol so as to prepare for the thief and robbery is indispensable. In case of a fire, we have to employ people who rushed to the fire with a pump and a horse. Then we need money. It’s the tax. There is a thing which we can’t do for ourselves, so offering money and making…

No.111 2024/07/14 02:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Offering money with others》

…so offering money and making others do the thing which we can’t do with the offering money. The money is the tax and the people who are employed with the money are public employees.

Paying the salary to the public employees from the tax and making the civil employees do their job. Without watching the civil employees whether or not they work enough, some of them may have slacked off.

But the ones who offering the tax are too busy in doing their own job to check whether or not they work hard, so choosing a…

No.112 2024/07/14 02:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Offering money with others》

…so choosing a representatives from us and how about making the representative check whether or not the civil employees do their job enough. The representatives who are chosen like that are statesmen.

In short, the statesmen check the way of using the tax which we pay. How should the tax be used? Deciding the way of using the tax is the job for the statesmen.

When statesmen run for the election and announced their campaign pledge then. It means when being elected, it will use our tax for their campaign pledge.

No.113 2024/07/14 03:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

So we choose the statesman who tries to use the tax with the way of our convincing with the election.

《The first eligible voters were tax payers alone》

It was in 1980 when the general election in which choosing the member of the National Assembly.

Making both of the House of Representatives and the House of Peers in the National Assembly and the member on the House of Representatives alone were elected at the election.

Special people who were called aristocrat in Japan were pointed out to the member of the House of Peers. It was the member of…

No.114 2024/07/14 07:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The first eligible voters were taxpayers alone》

It was the member of the House of Representatives alone, so they are called representatives. It’s 代議士 in Japanese, for they discuss as the representatives of the Japanese nation. Then it was men alone who could be the representatives, so it includes 士 which means a man in Japanese. 代議士 means the member of the House of
Representatives at present.

On the other hand, the member of the Council is called a Diet member.

At the first election in Japan, the one who got the right to vote was limited.

No.115 2024/07/14 08:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The first eligible voters were taxpayers alone》

It was men at the age over twenty five who pay the tax of fifteen yen direct. If converting fifteen yen then to the present value, it’s several hundred thousand yen, but they accounted for no more than 1.1% in the population, considering it, his annual income is dozens of million.

Then the right to women was limited, and it was thought that women should be at home, and the important right to move the politics in the nation wasn’t given to women.

Election is deciding the one who uses the way of tax

No.116 2024/07/14 08:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The first eligible voters were taxpayers alone》

So the ones who got the right to vote were limited to the people who pay tax to some extent then, but the job on statesmen is related to the whole nation, so the ones who paid the tax alone shouldn’t decided it, so the right to vote was given to all men whose age was over twenty five in 1925, and the election was done in 1928.

As it isn’t limited to the taxpayers alone, so it’s called the universal suffrage, but men alone joined in the election, so we should call the universal suffrage for men.

No.117 2024/07/14 08:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

The movement in which the right to vote should give to women as well became active in 1920s, but it wasn’t permitted then.

《After the war, both of men and women whose age is over twenty were the eligible voters》

It was after the World War Ⅱ was over when the right to vote was given to women, and the age was dragged down as well, and the right to vote was given to both of men and women at the age of over twenty.

If being a Japanese, as long as having the nationality in Japan, the right to vote is given to everyone whose age is over eighteen.

No.118 2024/07/14 09:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《…both of men and women whose age were over…》

As the right to vote is given to everyone automatically, we don’t feel like being grateful for it so much, but it has been given to us after the long movement in which the right to vote should be given to everyone. There has been the history on the right to vote.

There has been various discussion over the right to vote at present.

For example, there are foreign people who have the right of permanent residence in Japan. How about giving the right to vote to them? Foreign people who live in Japan work…

No.119 2024/07/14 09:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《…both of men and women whose age were over…》

…and get income to some extent, so pay tax. When going shopping, they pay consumption tax, so they have the right to choose statesmen who decides the way of using the tax.

On the other hand, some people say like the next. The Japanese should decide the thing in Japan. Foreign people decides it is something strange.

Or as the national election is deciding the politics in the whole nation of Japan, the right to vote should limit to the Japanese alone, but as to a local election, is it all right that…?

No.120 2024/07/14 10:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

…suggest it should be all right if the foreign people who have the right of permanent residence and live in the district can vote. Some people say like that.

《We can’t choose public employees》

We employ public employee with the tax we paid, and make them work which is indispensable for our daily life, so we should make them take the employment exam, but ordinary people have their own jobs, so adopting the public employees has learned to be left to other public employees who specialized in it.

But we can’t choose the public employees direct.

No.121 2024/07/14 11:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《We can’t choose public employees》

We can’t see whether or not the public employees who we employ are decent ones, and nor watch them enough, so we choose statesmen and statesmen supervise the job on the public employees and order the public employees to do their work.

For example, as to a city office, the personal section in the city hall carries out the employment exam and employs the member of staff in the city office. Residents choose the mayor in the election and the mayor orders the member of staff in the city hall to do their work.

No.122 2024/07/14 11:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《We can’t choose public employees》

Moreover we choose the member of city council so as to check whether or not the mayor work enough. Members of the city council supervise the work on the mayor, and watch how the member of staff in the city hall work as representatives from residents. It’s not only the city hall but the town hall, village hall and the prefectural office. Roughly speaking, all of them do the same things.

As to the central bureaucracy, it’s a little more complicated. We choose Diet members and the Prime Minister is chosen from the …

No.123 2024/07/14 11:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

…and the Prime Minister is chosen from the Diet members, and it chooses other ministers. The gathering of the Prime Minister and other ministers is the Cabinet. The ministers who are chosen like that become the top of each of public office, and direct, order, and supervise the work on the member of staff in the public office.

《Using the tax in a planned way》

How should the tax we paid be used? It should be done in a planned way, so we need the public office which manage the tax, how is the tax used? It’s the Ministry of Finance. National Tax…

No.124 2024/07/14 12:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Using the tax in a planned way》

The National Tax Agency belonged to the Ministry of Finance gathers tax and the department of Budget Bureau makes the plan on the way of using the tax. It’s the budget bill.

When making the budget bill, listening to the requests from the central bureaucracy. The people in the public office who are engaged in the job which is important for us the nation request the money which the public office needs to the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Finance makes the budget bill, considering the balance with others.

No.125 2024/07/14 12:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

The Cabinet decides a broad policy, making the budget bill, announced things which the Cabinet focus on in the next year before the Ministry of Finance makes the budget bill, and the Ministry of Finance makes the budget bill, being based on the broad policy.

《Three kinds of diet session》

The budget bill becomes a formal budget in the National Assembly. Diet members who were chosen in the election by the nation discuss it in the National Assembly and decides the budget. We call it the ordinary diet session. As it’s decided to hold every year…

No.126 2024/07/14 13:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Three kinds of diet session》

…so the word of ordinary is included. As there is the ordinary one, there are others which aren’t ordinary. It’s a special one and extraordinary one.

The general election for the House of Representatives was done, and members of assembly who were elected newly choose the Prime Minister in the special one.

On the other hand, the extraordinary one is the National Assembly which is held temporarily. When economy is down, creating a special budget as economy boosting measure, the extraordinary diet session is held.

No.127 2024/07/14 13:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election which chooses the one who uses the tax】

The extraordinary one is often done so as to deliberate the budget bill temporarily. The budget compensates the one which was decided at the ordinary diet session, so we call it a supplementary one.

Even if what kind of budget, its origin is the tax from the nation, so the representatives who were chosen from the nation with the election need to deliberate and to decide it.

《The tax is used for the cost on the compulsory education》

The budget in the nation is used for various things, especially the important ones is education and welfare.

No.128 2024/07/14 13:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election is the one which chooses the tax】

《The tax is used for the cost on the mandatory education》

What kind of school to go, and what kind of education to receive is a matter for the individual and its family. Even if going to public school near from its house, or to private school far away, it’s the choice of its own, but we can’t say do as you please, for there are some families who can’t afford the fee in private school.

If the one who doesn’t have much money doesn’t have to go to school, the society will be filled with people who can’t read and write, nor make an easy calculation.

No.129 2024/07/14 14:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The tax is used for the cost on the compulsory education》

It seems that they can’t find a job easily, and without being able to work, some of them may have been in trouble when leading their life, and committed a crime, then the society is apt to be unstable.

When going shopping at a super market or at a convenience store, the clerk of those stores calculate the money quickly. If buying something of which price was two thousand and four hundred yen, and handing over the bill of five thousand yen to the clerk, the clerk did a mental calculation…

No.130 2024/07/14 14:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Education chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The tax is used for the cost on the compulsory education》

…the clerk did a mental calculation at once, saying its change is two thousand six hundred yen, and returned the money to us. We find it natural, but looking around the world it seems to be different, there is the one who can the mental calculation quickly everywhere in Japan. It’s wonderful thing.

For example, when going shopping in America and buying something of which price was twenty four dollars, and handing the bill of fifty dollars to the clerk, it would calculate like the next.

No.131 2024/07/14 14:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The tax is used for the cost on the mandatory education》

If adding six dollars, it’s thirty dollars, and ten dollars is done, it’s forty dollars, and ten dollars once a time, it’s fifty dollars, so they are the change for you.

They calculate like that, for they can’t do the mental calculation of subtracting, so they handed the change, doing the addition.

There have been the clerk who handed over the change to us with the mental calculation quickly every store in the whole Japan. It’s marvelous thing, for both of elementary school and junior…

No.132 2024/07/14 15:00
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The tax is used for the cost on the compulsory education》

…for as both of elementary school and junior high school are the compulsory education, we the Japanese have studied enough. As there have been the people like those in the whole Japan, the economy developed greatly in Japan.

In short, all of the people in the society study basically, and their society develops. If being able to read, write, to calculate, we can get a job easily, and the people who commit a crime because there is no job for them will decrease, and the society will be stable

No.133 2024/07/14 15:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The tax is used for the cost on the mandatory education》

So using the tax from the nation, the making the cost for children to go to elementary school and junior high school free of charge, so children can study there. The cost of building school where children study in elementary school and junior high school, the salary of teachers, and textbook are supplied with the tax.

The cost for children to go to school is supplied with the tax from the people who don’t go to school, for it’s useful for the whole society.

But as to the cost of the…

No.134 2024/07/14 15:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

But as to the cost of the supplementary teaching material and of school lunch is paying their own expenses.

There may have been some people who want to study at private school, and then its family members or the one who want to study at private school pay its fee for themselves and it goes to private school. It means that it’s all right if paying its fee for itself.

《The cost on the social welfare is suppled with the tax》

The cost on the social welfare is as important as the one on the compulsory education. If suffering from disease, and we…

No.135 2024/07/14 15:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The cost on the social welfare is supplied with the tax》

…and we have to pay our medical expenses for ourselves, if so, we are forced to be worried about, if suffering from disease, we can’t pay the medical expenses, what should we do?

Without being able to go to hospital even if being in sick, aggravating the illness and we may have been dead, and the whole society becomes unsteady.

When going to hospital and receiving the treatment there and paying its medical expenses at the reception, then the amount of the money on the medical expenses is…

No.136 2024/07/14 16:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The cost on the social welfare is supplied with the tax》

…then the amount of the money on the medical expenses are the part of the money which costed actually, it’s no more than 30% on the money costed on the medical expenses, and the rest of the medical expenses are paid from the health insurance. The system is included in the social welfare.

When being old and being unable to work any more, please managing it with your saving, if the nation adopts the policy like that, what should we do? All of us will continue to save money without stopping…

No.137 2024/07/14 16:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The cost on the social welfare is supplied with the tax》

All of us will continue to save money without stopping for our old age, and are anxious about our life until we are dead.

But if the nation adopts the system that when being old and being unable to work any more, we can receive the pension, we will be relieved a little, but the pension has been a serious problem lately, for some people who may have not received pension in the future show up, and the people who were angry at it and worried about it have increased. If the system on the….

No.138 2024/07/14 16:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

If the system on the pension was firm, the problem wouldn’t happen. If the system on the social welfare is firm, the society will be steady. We can understand its meaning.

As to the pension system, how much the tax should be used so as to pay the pension? The way of using our tax is very important.

《The cost on defending our nation》

One of serious problems in the National Assembly is the cost of defending our nation by the Self Defense Force. The Self Defense Force has exited so as to prevent our nation from being attacked by other nations.

No.139 2024/07/14 17:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The cost on defending our nation》

As the Self Defense Force has the large amount of powerful weapon, making other nations think if fighting against Japan it seems to suffer from serious damage, and defending our nation from being attacked by other nations.

If thinking of it like that, the cost of defending nation is like a premium in life insurance or damage insurance. The premium in the insurance for the emergency. If nothing serious happens, we are relieved, and it’s over.

No one would complain as the premium was wasteful, so the cost of…

No.140 2024/07/14 17:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《The cost on defending nation》

…so the cost of defending nation is same as the premium in the insurance, but as there has been a discussion of being too much the premium in the insurance, whether or not the cost on the defending the nation is too much causes a big discussion as the way of using our tax.

Where and how much money should be used as the cost of defending nation? As to the way of using our tax, the member of the National Assembly who we chose at the election discuss it over seriously is natural.

《Overseas deployment on the Self…》

No.141 2024/07/17 07:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Overseas deployment on the Self Defense Force》

The new problem has been cause on the cost of the defending nation lately.

The Self Defense Force has learned to be sent to overseas from Japan so as to join in the Peacekeeping Operation.

Using the tax to the defending nation is all right, but how about the cost that the Self Defense Force goes overseas? Why should we the Japanese pay the cost for ?

The discussion has been done.

The issue of sending the Self Defense Force overseas is the issue the way of using the tax which we pay.

No.142 2024/07/17 07:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Overseas deployment on the Self Defense Force》

Some people say the tax should be used for our nation alone, but if contributing to the international society, the estimation on Japan becomes better, so it’s effective as the way of using the tax, the others say like that.

There is other opinion that there are some people who are in trouble, so we should send the Self Defense Force even if how much it costs.

If the estimation on Japan overseas goes up, it’s all right, but if the Self Defense Force goes overseas makes the estimation on Japan…

No.143 2024/07/17 07:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Overseas deployment on the Self Defense Force》

…but if the Self Defense Force goes overseas makes the estimation on Japan drop in the international society, it means the tax is used wastefully, the way of thinking is also formed.

It turned out that various things becoming the discussion on the National Assembling is eventually the way of using our tax, for we the nation in Japan have chosen the member on the National Assembly as the people who use the way of our tax.

If thinking like that, the one who doesn’t go to the election is saying…

No.144 2024/07/17 08:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses our tax 】

…the one who doesn’t go to the election is saying the tax I paid is used as you like it, it means like that.

《Public works become a problem》

Public works are also the problem in the National Assembly, there aren’t enough roads, and the bridge is indispensable more, if there is the local area like that, our tax is used for for the public works like that.

But even if an expressway is completed, there is almost no one who use it, so the expressway is always empty, some people say as there has already been enough roads, but ordering to build more…

No.145 2024/07/21 02:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses our tax】

…but ordering to build more is done so as to make building contractors make more money, some people have begun to say.

Building a necessary road or bridge is important, but what is necessary for us? It is open to debate. As our tax is used, a fair way of using is necessary, but what is fair? It’s always the problem.

《Statesmen make use of public works》

Roads and bridges which each of us can’t build, and the tax was born so as to build them. We’ve chosen statesmen who decide the way of using the tax with election. Statesmen judge how much the…

No.146 2024/07/21 02:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Statesmen make use of public works》

Statesmen judge how much public works are necessary and decide whether or not it is included in the budget. It’s natural until this point, but a reversal phenomenon has learned to happen.

Public works which is necessary for the nation should have decided by statesmen, but statesmen have learned to decided the public works for their own profit.

If building a wonderful road in its electoral district, and announcing it was done by the statesman, eligible voters would vote it in the next election. Statesmen who…

No.147 2024/07/21 07:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election chooses the one who uses the tax】

《Statesmen make use of public works》

There are lots of the statesmen who think like that, or some of them decide the expenditure on the tax of the public work and making the building contractor make money and receiving the political donation.

We chose statesmen so as to decide the public work so as to be beneficial all of us, but statesmen learn to decide the public works for their own profit alone. It’s the opposition of our intention, but it’s all right as long as we make them fail in the next election, for the ones who choose statesmen in the …

No.148 2024/07/21 07:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Election choose the one who uses the tax】

…for the ones who choose the statesmen are the main characters in the nation and more powerful than any other.

【Being able to change everything with the result of the election】

Don’t you think the election is fair? In fact, we can change the result of the election as we like with its way

《The way of winning in the election easily》

Election is the competition in which candidates compete with each other so as to win votes from eligible voters as much as possible under the fixed rule. Some of them are against the rule in the election, but…

No.149 2024/07/21 07:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Being able to change everything with the result of the election】

《The way of winning in the election easily》

….but the election itself is carried out with the fair rule, it seems lots of people think like that, but if changing the rule on the election, its result will be different one altogether. In the first place, how should we decide the rule on the election? It’s a problem.

For example, let’s suppose a person thought of wanting a candidate who belongs to its political party to win an election easily. What should it do?

Putting together the region where there are lots of supporters..

No.150 2024/07/21 11:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Being able to change everything with the result of the election】

《The way of winning election easily》

Putting together the region where there are lots of supporters on the political party and turning it into the electoras district.

There has been the one who did the same thing actually. The governor Elbridge Gerry in Massachusetts thought of fixing the electoral district candidates from the political party he belonged to would be elected easily in 1812.

Putting together the regions where there were lots of supporters for the political party and changing it into a single electoral region.




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