レッツ エンジョイ イングリッシュ 18th

レス500 HIT数 4601 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
24/06/30 13:53(更新日時)

ヒア ウイ ゴー

When trying to post with English alone, it seems I can’t post my sentence, but it’s all right as long as Japanese language is included.

By the way, when I‘ve finished そうだったのか!中国, the one which I would express is the book written by Akira Ikegami, of which title is 一気にわかる世界情勢 2024..

But I can’t finish it yet. When I can finish, it will be in June. Half of 2024 will be over then, so I’ve wanted to post by far earlier, for the more early the information is, the better, I’m sure.

Whether good or bad, things which I’ve wanted to express is something endless, but the speed of expressing myself in English can’t keep up with it, so the latest information which I’ve wanted to express becomes older and older.

When reaching 20th, I think I’ll start English, science and math starts.


No.4032199 24/04/21 01:24(スレ作成日時)



No.251 24/05/22 16:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《Mr. Trump has been brought into…》

…and the number of them are so many that they are called the Grand Court of Cassation.

On the other hand, the number of jury who judged the sued defendant whether or not it’s guilty is twelve, and we call it the petit jury.

The juries in the petit jury sat on the courtroom in the court and listened to points from the prosecutor, lawyer, witness, defendant, and judge whether or not the defendant is guilty. Then the conclusion must be with one consent. When their opinion didn’t reach an agreement…

No.252 24/05/22 17:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen at the Presidential election in America?】

《Mr. Trump has been brought into…》

…a discussion will be done with taking time, but then if it doesn’t come to a consensus, the juries in the petit jury are chosen again newly and the court trial is done from the scratch.

When the opinion from juries reaches an agreement smoothly, its conclusion will be announced. We call it the verdict. If the verdict is guilty, the judge sentenced how long it is in prison, but some states juries sentence the verdict.

On the other hand, the judgement in the Great Court of Cassation is done by…

No.253 24/05/22 17:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《Mr. Trump has been brought into…》

…the judgement in the Great Court of Cassation is done by majority, but the final decision is done by the petit jury, so it’s all right the Great Court of Cassation has only to issue with the level that there is high possibility of being guilty.

As the indication was done under the system, lots of nations think Mr. Trump should be sat in judgement.

At the same time, there have been lots of enthusiastic his supporters in America and they’ve believed in his insistence that the indication was done…

No.254 24/05/22 17:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen at the Presidential election in America?】

《Mr. Trump has been brought into…》

…and they’ve believed in his insistence that the verdict was done because the Biden government fears Trump would be reelected. The supporter on Trump have thought the repeated indictments is the evidence on the conspiracy, and it’s made their unity strengthen.

Therefore, in spite of being indicted with four criminal cases, it doesn’t seem there has been the serious damage on the political influence over Mr. Trump at present.

Executives in the Republican Party have said the attorney general who…

No.255 24/05/22 18:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《Mr. Trump has been brought into…》

Executives in the Republican Party have said the attorney general who was the rogue and far-left of the extremist has made use of the authority in the politics, or the previous Trump President will defeat the ridiculous suit and accomplish his reelection.

The more Mr. Trump was indicted, the more enthusiastically his supporters support him, and it doesn’t seem they cause being away from Trump.

Even if he was guilty in the trial, it is possible for him to run for the Presidential Election…

No.256 24/05/22 18:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen at the Presidential Election in America?】

《Mr. Trump has been brought into…》

…it is possible for him to run for the Presidential election, according to the constitution in America, so he will surely appear in the election.

The Presidential election in America doesn’t limit to the thing in a single nation, for if he is elected, America will stop supporting Ukraine, and the war may have been stop at the form of being advantageous to Russia.

The situation in the military force staying in the both of South Korea and in Japan and the relation America and NATO will change…

No.257 24/05/22 18:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

…and there is the possibility the situation in the world moves so much.

Even if whether or not being in the position on the President in America, he has had a great influence over the politics in America, and has caused the large amount of the confusion. It’s Mr. Trump,

《The President in America is elected by electors direct. What are the electors?》

Do you know the system on the Presidential election in America? To tell the truth, the election will have been carried out with the way of roundabout a little.

If being able to…

No.258 24/05/22 18:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《What are the electors?》

If being able to understand the system, we’ll be able to grasp easily the news on the Presidential election in detail which will be reported from now on, so let’s know it in this chance, the author said like that.

The nation in Japan is at the age of eighteen, it will be a qualified voter automatically, and when an election is done, its voting paper will sent to it from the board of election.

On the other hand, in America, even if reaching to the age of the right of vote, the one who is registered in the…

No.259 24/05/22 19:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《What are electors?》

…the one who is registered in the board of election as the qualified voter beforehand alone is able to vote. As it is indispensable to show of the will of voting positively for itself, there have been lots of enthusiastic supporters who cheers in the election campaign.

In the Presidential election, both of the candidate on the President and the one on the vice President comes together as a set, and they vote both of them.

If a contingency happens on the President, the vice President is to be the President.

No.260 24/05/22 19:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《What are electors?》

So adopting the way that the vice President is also elected by the nation.

The Presidential election is done in fifty states and in Washington in original way. The qualified voters chose a candidate who they want to make it to be elected and vote, but the one who is chosen actually isn’t the President but the one who is called the Presidential electors.

The candidate on the President came forward its supporters as the group of electors in advance, and they learn to be chosen as a whole.

As getting into the…

No.261 24/05/22 19:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《What are electors?》

As getting into the spirit every time some people may have misunderstood the nation elected the President direct, but it’s an indirect election in fact.

The number of those who voted for the Presidential election on behalf of the residents, and the those who are chosen in each state are decided, according to its population.

For example, there are three of those in the Presidential election in the state of which population is small like Alaska or in Washington which is the capital, on the other hand, in the…

No.262 24/05/22 20:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America? 】

《What are the ones who vote for the President on behalf of residents?》

…on the other hand, the ones in the state of which population is large like California there are no less than fifty ones who vote for the President on behalf of residents.

Let’s suppose that the Presidential election was the one on one battle between Biden and Trump in 2024, for example, how is the Presidential election done in the California state?
The author said he was going to look at it.

The qualified voters will vote either Trump or Biden in California.

No.263 24/05/22 20:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《What are the ones who vote for the President….》

As a result, if the one who voted for the candidate on Biden is more than on Trump by even one, all the ones who voted for the candidate of Biden will be elected from the fifty four in California. We call it a winner will take all.

Strictly speaking two of state of Maine and Nebraska alone are distributed with the rate of voting exceptionally, but as to other states, the way of the winner will take all has been adopted.

The number of those who voted for President on behalf of the…

No.264 24/05/26 09:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《What are the ones who vote for the President…》

The number of those who vote for the President on behalf of the nation is 538 in the whole America and the candidate who can get 270 which is the more than half of number is elected as the President.

The one who votes for the President on behalf of the nation would vote the candidate on the President who it supports December and its vote counting is done January in the next year, but as they’ve already decided to vote either of the candidates, the one who is elected as the President…

No.265 24/05/26 10:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen at the Presidential election in America?】

《What are the ones who vote for the President…》

…the one who is elected as the President in America is decided November.

The one who is decided to vote to the rival candidate who it didn’t supported until then is possible, actually there used to be the one in the past, but it didn’t make a difference.

Why does the Presidential election in America adopt the circuitous way like that?

When the Presidential election began, there were lots of immigrants so much that the literacy rate on the English used to be low extremely then.

No.266 24/05/26 10:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen at the Presidential election in America?】

《What are the ones who vote for the President…》

Though there was a newspaper then, the qualified voters had rarely chance of knowing the way of thinking on the candidate and the policy which the candidate put up. It used to be thought the nation who didn’t have enough knowledge on the politics couldn’t elect a good President adequately.

As a result, choosing the people whose ability of reading and writing the English, and making them vote the candidate on behalf of the nation, the way has been adopted.

The literacy rate on the…

No.267 24/05/26 10:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《What are the ones who vote for the President…》

The literacy rate on the English has been high at present, so it’s all right if the direct election is carried out, but the election system is established in the constitution, so it is hard to change, and the nation supports the way that the candidate on the President who travels around and developers the election camping in the whole America, so the traditional way is maintained.

As to the system of the winner take all, the one who can get the number of votes than the other one…

No.268 24/05/26 12:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《What are the ones who vote for the President…》

…the candidate who can get the votes more than the other one can’t always be elected as the President, for candidates who could get the highest vote weren’t elected five times in the history of America in the past.

Al Gore belonged the Democratic Party got more than George Bush belonged to the Republican Party by some half million of votes at the ordinary ballot in the Presidential election in 2000, but he fell behind to make sure of electoral college in the winner take all system.

No.269 24/05/26 12:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【My situation at present】

The other who lived in the place where I did would move to other place, so he gave three cans of beer as warm regards, though it doesn’t mean I and him are close.

The problem is I don’t have the refrigerator, so the beer will be warm soon. I must express this thread, but I’m sure I couldn’t bring to nought his kindness, so I’m forced to drink at once.

Though I don’t do nothing wrong, but I’m forced to feel something guilty, but to feel something pleased.

Which is wrong, me or the one who brought the beer o me? Needless to say, it’s me.

Cheer up all of you!

No.270 24/05/26 13:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election 】

《What are the ones who vote for the President …》

Hillary belonged to the Democratic Party got more Trump by more than some two million voters in 2016, but Trump could make sure 306 people which surpasses the victory condition which is the majority of the electoral college of 238 people, and he could win her. In short, the nation used to elect Hillary as a whole then.

But what’s the electoral college?

Draftsman on the constitution used to try to think of the system so as to maintain balance on the profit between 13 states and whole nation.

No.271 24/05/26 13:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

『What’s the electoral college? 』

As a result, qualified voters elected the Common persons in the election, on the other hand the state legislature which is elected by the nation like the Common persons chose the members of Senator, so each state sent representatives to the electoral college and the President and the vice President were chosen there in the past.

After that the constitution has been amended so as to be more democratic, the member of Senator in the Federal has learned to be elected by the qualified voters direct in 1913, and the one who chooses the President direct is the…

No.272 24/05/26 13:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

『What’s the electoral college?』

…and the one who chooses the President direct is the electoral college, but the nation chooses the member of the electoral college. How is the system?

After the general election on the President is carried out November, the electoral college gather December. Almost of the member in the electoral college votes of its own, being based on the votes by the qualified voters in the state on the fifteenth day December and the Federal Congress counts the vote officially next January.

The number of member on the electoral college of each state is equal to the Common…

No.273 24/05/26 17:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

『What’s the electoral college?』

The number of the member of the electoral college is equal to the one on the Common Persons which is decided to being based on according to the census…

The expression continues, but I’m going to omit it, but the important thing is the next one.

Let’s suppose that a candidate wined by a hair in a state and the state had lots of the members of the electoral college. Even in this case, the candidate can get all the vote from the member of the electoral college, and if he candidate lost big in other small state, its vote from the ordinary qualified voters may….

No.274 24/05/26 18:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


…its votes from the qualified voters may have been less than its opposing candidate in the other state, but the candidate maintains an edge against the opposing one on the number of vote from the electoral college.


A large amount of commercial is broadcast during the election campaign in America, and the opposing candidate is frequently criticized or condemned officially in the CM. For example the people forms a committee so as to support a candidate and gathers a fund and makes a CM criticizing the opposing candidate broadcast. It has never been unusual.

But other people who…

No.275 24/05/26 18:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《What are the ones who vote for the President…》

But the other people who support the opposing candidate resists against it and forms other committee and makes other CM criticizing violently broadcast.

There has been the criticism that the election campaign is the one in which they condemn each other, but the condemnation doesn’t seem to disappear from the election campaign at all, for America is the nation which makes much of liberty of freedom.

As a result, the one who is trained during the election campaign in which the…

No.276 24/05/26 18:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

…the one who is trained during the election campaign in which the condemnation is done severely and can get over is qualified as the President in America, so it will be chosen as the formal candidate at the party convention summer.

《The midterm election comes to an end with the division and the approving rate is neck and neck at present》

The Presidential election is done every four year in America and a midterm election is also done during it. There is the Upper House and the Lower House in America like Japan, and all the members…

No.277 24/05/26 18:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《The midterm election comes to an end with division…》

…and all the members in the Lower House and the third on the members in the Upper House are reelected in the midterm election.

The member on the Upper House is the representative from the state. Two people are elected from each state, and its constant number is one hundred, and its term of office is six years, and one third of the member is reelected every two year.

On the other hand, the member on the Lower House is the representative from the nation, aiming at being equal….

No.278 24/05/26 19:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《The midterm election comes to and end with the division…》

…aiming at being equal among the nation and the congressional seat is divided according to the ration on the state. Its constant number is 435 and its term of office is two years.

By the way, the number of the member on the Lower House is 465, and the general election is done at the time when its term is expired or the Upper House is dissolved in Japan.

On the other hand, the Upper House doesn’t dissolve, and half of the member, 248 is reelected, and its term of office…

No.279 24/05/26 19:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The midterm election comes to an end with the division…》

…and its term of office is three years.

The midterm election which was done in 2022 is as if it were the report card in school which the nation in America evaluated the Biden government.

The large amount of the media expected the election on the Upper House would be a close battle and the Republican Party would win overwhelmingly on the one of the Lower House before the election.

But the Democratic Party has won the Upper House and the Republican Party has occupied the…

No.280 24/05/26 19:36
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The midterm election has come to an end with division…》

…and the Republican Party has occupied the majority in the Lower House, but the difference on the congressional seat was a little.

The inflation was so serious as of 2022 that the expectation that the Republican Party would win overwhelmingly was born.

The author said he traveled around each place in America so as to interview the midterm election, and ate the set of 豚骨ラーメン and 餃子 in New York and was astound at its price, for it was 5400 yen in the Japanese money.

No.281 24/05/29 07:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《The midterm election has come to and end with division…》

豚骨ラーメン is 1 dollar 16 dollar, 餃子 12 dollar, the value added taxed in the New York State 2 dollar, adding to 20% of chip, and it was 36 dollar in total. Then 1 dollar was 150 yen, so it was 5400 yen in Japan.

The value added tax is a kind of indirect one like the consumption one, and when buying a thing or service, it’s imposed on.

Then the Japanese yen was low the price was like that, but when the author listened to the lots of people at the interview in New York, they…

No.282 24/05/29 07:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The midterm election has come to an end with division…》

…they seemed to have the problem because of being the cost of living increase. Then the dissatisfaction against the incumbent President would rise.

As Mr. Biden belongs to the Democratic Party, so the mass media expected the movement lots of the qualified people would vote to the candidate in the Republican Party instead of the one in the Democratic one.

But the Republican Party wasn’t good as the prediction from the mass media, and one of reason was Mr. Trump traveled …

No.283 24/05/29 07:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《The midterm election has come to an end with division…》

…and one of reason was said Mr. Trump traveled around all over the America so as to make the speech in support the candidate.

There seemed to be lots of people who thought if the Republic Party gains a great victory, Mr. Trump would got carried away. He has passionate supporters, on the other hand he has the hates.

It seems that the people who were feared his revival voted to the candidate in the Democratic Party. It is the Republic Party to Mr. Trump belongs was defeated…

No.284 24/05/29 08:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《The midterm election has come to an end with division…》

…rather than the Democratic Party won, but the Republic Party has the majority in the Lower House, so it doesn’t always mean that Mr. Biden is evaluated overwhelmingly.

The cost of living increase has advanced as of December in 2023 when the author wrote the book. As users on the services of eating out due to the coronavirus pandemic, the demand on the foodstuff by cooking at home has increased, as early retirees increases the labor has decreased, and the price on the …

No.285 24/05/29 08:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The midterm election has come to end with division…》

…as the price on the resource energy roses with the invasion in Ukraine by Russia.

As the wage on workers has risen owning to being lacked of manpower, so we can’t judge the reason why the cost of living increase has been high,but the people whose life are hard have increased certainly.

The opinion research anticipating the showdown between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump again in the Presidential election was done October in 2023 and what was the result?

41 of the qualified…

No.286 24/05/29 08:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

41% of the qualified people supported Mr. Biden, and 45% of them Mr. Trump. The difference on 4% is within the margin of error, so the actual approval rate has been neck and neck.

『What is the super Tuesday?』

The super Tuesday is the climax for choosing candidates in the Presidential election in America once every four year. The super Tuesday means the day for the deciding match. The primary election and the caucus meeting so as to appoint the candidates from the Democratic Party and the Republic Party is done on the Tuesday.

No.287 24/05/29 09:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

『What is the super Tuesday?』

It is done at the beginning on Tuesday either February or March concentratedly in lots of states, so it has been called like that. The primary election and caucus meeting was done in 24 states in chorus in the past, and then it was called mega Tuesday.

The general loose on the nomination contest is done with the super Tuesday every time and the final candidate is narrowed down.

The third day March was the super Tuesday in the Presidential election in the last time in 2020 and the primary election for…

No.288 24/05/29 09:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

『What is the super Tuesday?』

…and the primary election for the President in the Democratic Party was done 14 states like Texas and California. There were four strong candidates in the beginning, but it took on the appearance the head to head race between Joe Biden who was the previous vice President and Bennie Sanders who was the Senator.

In short, Mr. Biden won at the 10 states and was the candidate on the President from the Democratic Party and challenged to Mr. Trump who was the incumbent President, winning the incumbent one,..

No.289 24/05/29 11:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

…winning the incumbent President and being the forty sixth President. It was the fifth day March was the super Tuesday in the Presidential election of 2024. Both of Biden and Trump have won as the expectation before.

《The polarization in the society of America has been serious》

The President Biden who won on the Presidential election in 2024 said instead of polarization, he’s vowed to be the President who aims at uniting in the victory declaration.

The previous President Trump divided the nation between the friend and foe and…

No.290 24/05/29 11:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The polarization in the society of America has been serious》

…and attacked the one as who he regarded the enemy thoroughly and strengthened his approval rate. The President Biden has recognized the polarization in the society of America becomes serious under the control by the Trump government and said like that.

The National Assembly in America consists of the two major political parties like the Democratic one close to the liberal and the Republic one close to the conservative.

But the political idea on the both of the…

No.291 24/05/29 11:48
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The polarization in the society of America has been serious》

The political idea on the both of the parties used to be closer to the moderation than at present and to have lots of common places in their way of thinking in the past, but the political ideas were polarized and they have been unsuited each other recently.

As a result, the people wha have the liberal way have supported the Democratic Party more and more on the other hand, the people who have the conservative way have united under the Republic Party.

Supporters on the…

No.292 24/05/29 12:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《The polarization in the society of America has been serious》

Supporters on the Democratic Party have been opposed to the discrimination on the minority like LGBTQ.

LGBT is an acronym consisting of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender which is identity disorder, the distinction of sex doesn’t agree the feeling and when being born. Except for those four words, q has been added recently. What does it mean?

It means the people of asexual who aren’t in love with both of men and women, it’s called X gender. As to its own..l

No.293 24/05/29 12:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《The polarization in the society of America has been serious》

As to its own distinction of sex, it thinks it’s neither a man nor woman. As there have been various people their recognition on their distinction of the sex or its sexual intention are unsteadied, so the q has been added nowadays.

Lots of the supporters on the Democratic Party have the tolerant way of thinking on immigrants.

On the other hand, the supporters on the Republican Parties have thought their positions are threatened by the minority in the society. Workers ….

No.294 24/05/29 13:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election in America?】

《The polarization on the society of America has been serious》

White workers in low income have joined in the supporters in the Republic Party by Trump boom, and the supporters in the Republic Party ask not to allow the immigrants to come in America.

As to the blood and guts between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East, the supporters in the Republican Party support Israel absolutely and are cold to the people in Palestine.

On the other hand some of the supporters in the Democratic Party support Israel, but they are opposed to…

No.295 24/05/29 13:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The polarization on the society of America has been serious》

…they are opposed to cause victims from ordinary citizens.

Under the coronavirus pandemic, the division among the nation in America has been shown clearly.

Lots of supporters in the Democratic Party thought they should obey the scientific judgement by specialists and positively wore mask and vaccination.

But lots of the ones in the Republican Party made much of the personal choice and were opposed to wear mask and the vaccination. The previous President Trump didn’t…

No.296 24/05/29 13:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The polarization in the society of America has been serious》

The Previous President Trump didn’t wear the mask, so his name used to come up often in our conversation. It is said if wearing the mask, he feared he didn’t get any courage to stand up against the virus.

In the lots of area where there were governor or mayor from the Democratic Party, wearing the mask was forced to do when going out, but the other places where the governor or mayor from the Republic Party, the order was issued, wearing the mask was forced to do wasn’t….

No.297 24/05/29 14:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The polarization on the society of America has been serious》

…wearing the mask was forced to do wasn’t allowed as duty, so it sometimes developed into a trial.

In general, with the polarization on the society serious, the power on the nation goes into decline, for being unable to unite the power on the people.

It has learned to be said lately the polarization on the society in America at present is equal to the one at the time of the Civil War between the states.

The civil war won’t happen in America at present definitely, but…

No.298 24/05/29 14:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The polarization on the society of America has been serious》

…but there has been the movement of trying to solve the politic argument with the undemocratic way broke out like the case that the Federal Parliament was attacked and occupied in 2021.

If the function in the politics of America which is the super power isn’t operated enough, the nation authoritarianism like China and Russia get into the swing of things surely. To be concrete, as to Taiwan and Ukraine, China and Russia may have gone with something big.

It would have…

No.299 24/05/29 15:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

It would have had a big influence over the security on Japan greatly, so we should pay attention to movement on the politics in America from now on, in particular the Presidential election in 2024.

《The reinforcement on the regulation concerned gun has never been advanced in America. Why?》

It seems to reflect on the disruption in the society, the cases of heavy criminal have broken out with the quickest pace in America from 2023 with upcoming for a decade.

A single man shot the gun randomly at some places like a bowling alley.

No.300 24/05/29 16:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【What will happen in the Presidential election of America?】

《The reinforcement on the regulation on America…》

It was done on the 25th day October in 2023, and eighteen people were dead, thirteen people were injured then.

According to the gun violence archive which is the nonprofit organization in America and compiles the statistics on the damage by gun, more than four people were dead in the case by shooting gun randomly have reached no less than 33, including the case, in 2023.

The case of shooting gun randomly breaks out frequently because lots of people have the gun. It’s hard to for…





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