Let’s enjoy English! 4

レス500 HIT数 1801058 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
18/09/17 04:05(更新日時)

I’ve studied English for about a decade,and hoped that my English ability improves,though I’m not sure of it.

While I’m sure I can manage to make myself understood in English,I can’t use the right word in the right place according to the time,the place and the occasion.

When being in an official place,there should be the way of speaking which fits to the place,but I don’t know it at all. Fortunately or not I’m not sure,but I’ve had little chance to do so far,so it seems that I won’t be worried about it in the future,but I’m sure I have to bear it in my mind,to my sorrow I’m not a splendid English speaker.

I’ve wanted to express everything in English,but needless to say I find it hard to do. When finding something interesting to express,it doesn’t always mean that I can start it at once,for there is other one in which I’m engaged then.

The later I’ve started it,the older the information becomes,it can’t be helped. Where am I going? Roughly speaking there are still 400 letters which I can express. I don’t know why it is.

The number of letters is usually limited within 1000,but it seems to be 1400 at this time. The more letters I can express,the better I feel,though I doubt whether I can express the number of 1400 letters this time here.

I’ve been get used to the number of 1000 letters,so this time I find it long. It is by far warmer today,spring has come,I’m wfondering.

No.2610789 18/03/04 14:45(スレ作成日時)



No.401 18/08/29 19:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

The movement of cooperation of city between Japan and America as sister is hard to do,for the atmosphere of racial discrimination is dense there.

Louisiana has been in the sediment of crime and racial discrimination,but New Orleans alone has held the brilliant status of international city. Attraction of jazz in a live house is full of the Frecch quarter.

The French quarte which the French made then vanished because of accidental big fire twice. The look of the town where the Spanish built then has been left there. The Spanish used to control there then. There is a narrow street made of stone pavement where gas lamps are burning, there are buildings of two storied which face on the street.

Delicate workmanship of iron is added to the Iron fence on the balcony of the part of the two story,and original country yards of flower and green are beautiful.

French quarter is the central place in New Orleans. France,…

No.402 18/08/29 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing and racial discrimination》

France,Caribbean,Spain and America are mixed,and original atmosphere has been created in the French quarter.

The place where we can hear Dixieland jazz is preservation hall which aims at preserving jazz.The hall is famous. The hall is shabby and little which is as if it were a warehouse. There are no seats there.The audience stand or sit on the floor,but the hall is full of the enthusiasm of the black people who continue to play jazz as if it shook their spirits.

Historic data on Jazz are in a museum of Louisiana,and the trumpet of Louis Armstrong has been exhibited there. A streetcar is decorated near the museum. A word of desire is shown on the body. The streetcars of curious names like desire or tomb used to run in New Orleans. Ruined vehicles of disused cars there,they are fittable for the decadant atmosphere there.

A Streetcar Named Desire of which stage is New Orleans and which was written by Tennessee …

No.403 18/08/30 21:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and radial discrimination》

A Streetcar Named Desire of which stage is Louisiana and which was written by Tennessee Williams,and which was made into a movie in 1952.

A woman who wore heavy make up got off at the station of New Orleans,and visited her sister,riding a streetcar named desire. Her final destination was a mental hospital. As to Vivian Leigh who performed the leading part,it was her first socially undesirable character.

The Bourbon street which runs the French quarter from the eats to west seems to divide into two place,its south is almost safe,but there are lots of atrocious crimes 凶悪犯罪 in the north,selling and buying the drug has been done there,a local journalist whispered me,the author said like that.

Rice cooked with meat,fish,vegetables of the style of New Orleans is the local dish,jambalaya,which is the typical Creole dish,and it reminds us of a song of Carpenter.

Creole culture is also resistance for the view of…

No.404 18/08/30 22:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

Creole culture is also resistance against the sense of American value,and it appears as various independent activities.

The people in Louisiana regarded the New Deal policy which tried to escape from the great panic as ineffective and put their original reformation into effect so as to save the class of the poorest.

The law which goes against the principle of separation of church and state and education of the Creation in the Bible had been obligation in the state until 1987.

The strict law in which forbidding being pregnant and having abortion in the state was formed in 1991.

In Baton Rouge,a Japanese high school student was shoot death on the way to the party of Halloween October in 1992,and its murderer was innocent in the criminal court,and was guilty in the first civil trial. There has been lots of crimes which are related with a race,for a law in which lawful self–defense has been permitted widely…

No.405 18/08/30 23:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

…for a law in which lawful self–defense is permitted widely,unusually has been ready for the people.

The state belongs to a new industrial zone called Sun Belt,except for sightseeing of Jazz,a challenge to the industry has just started,it’s not enough. It’s an observation of businessmen in the local Japanese sightseeing.

K.K.K.which appealed anti Jew,anti the black and white supremacy 白人至上主義 recovered in the whole America around 1980,and the one who led the movement were two new leaders in Louisiana,David Duke and BIll Wilkinson.

David Duke used to be an activist in Neo Nazis. He ran for the election of governor of Louisiana January 1991. Though he wasn’t elected,he obtained high number of votes which was 39 %.

Its background was expansion of the black power and difficulty of life of the white people in the middle class by recession,and lots of people were worried about that obtaining the high number of votes…

No.406 18/09/01 11:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

…and plenty of people were worried about that obtained the high number of votes stimulates a new racial friction and it gets in the way of the state’s economic development.

The gathering of the political party of the preliminary election for the President in 1996 was heralded other states,and the people in the world took interest in it,it is said that it’s done so as to encourage the people who stagnated in the state.

Truman Capote who was an author was from Louisiana and became a standard bearer of a new journalism by his work,In Cold blood,or Breakfast at Tiffany.

The criminal in the Cold blood killed the four family members in the house,it’s just $ 40 of cash which he found in his house. It was 1957 when it’s the time for credit card and check then..

小泉八雲 who used to be Lafcadio Hearn was a reporter in New Orleans before he came to Japan.

New Orleans Saints which is a strong team in American football has …

No.407 18/09/01 12:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

New Orleans Saints which is a strong team in American football has a headquarter called Louisiana super dome,which is the 27th story floor. The headquarter can accommodate 76.000 people.

With Creole,the word of Cajun is frequently used. Acadians who emigranted from France to the southern east in Canada,Acadian,and other Acadians who were driven from England,and came to Louisiana. The Acadian was corrupted,訛る and becomes Cajun.

The Cajun has scornful nuance,but it has been familiar with the American for the food in which a crawfish of seasoning strongly with spice as original culture of cooking.

A sightseeing cruiser called Cajun Queen plies in the Mississippi River.

【The state of Maine】

《The place of avoiding summer and rest and relaxation in the last days.》

The southernmost tip of America is Key West in Florida,but the northernmost tip is Quoddy Cape in the state of Maine. The sun rises earlier than any …

No.408 18/09/01 19:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place of avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

The sun rises earlier in Maine than any other state in America,and the nickname of the state is the entrance for the morning sun in America. Some America express the whole American mainland with the way of saying from Maine to California.

Except for Alaska,Maine belongs to the northern east most in the coast,and encroaching upon the neighboring north country,Canad. The state is what is called the northernmost tip in New England. The scale of the space is the 39 place,and the population is in the 38 in the whole America,so it isn’t the large state in America.

However its forest area accounts for about 90 % in America,and its natural view is so beautiful that plenty of tourists have been attracted. Maine is proud of it,and the phrase of vacation land is shown in the license number of the car.

Magnificent summer villas which the rich in the whole America possess are lined up in the coast,some …

No.409 18/09/01 19:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place of avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

…some people call the state Florida for avoiding the summer. The place where the ones retired from their jobs spend the rest of their life quietly there. Kennebunk port which is the southernmost tip is one of the most beautiful coasts,houses of colonial style where the captains left for the Atlantic Ocean took a rest have been preserved there.

The ex–President Bush has a summer house there,taking advantage of his spare time in public service,he flew back from Washington,setting sail in off shore and enjoyed fishing. Even if an international crisis broke out,he intentionally stayed in Kennebunk port so as to perform his political pose,business as usual,without making a haste,without making a big fuss,doing everything as usual.

A coup d’ stat of conservative group broke out in the Soviet Union,the ex–President stayed at Kennebunk port. If returning to the White House in flurry,unrest might be …

No.410 18/09/01 20:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

…unrest might be caused among the people in America,and it looked as if there had been possibility that the coup d’ Etta succeeded,so the ex–President showed his staff his instructions in secret,he fished in the sea with a look of innocence.

The blessing from the sea is a lobster,a big edible one. They can catch it along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to North Carolina. Plenty of lobsters inhabit in the shallow seabed of which depth from 50 to 200 meters off shore in Maine.

The famous Acadia national park lies in the center of the coast,and there is a fishing village called Stonington west to the Acadia park,about 40 % of the population,about 2.000 people,of the fishing village are engaged in the fishing industry on the lobster.

With the industry of sawing,and paper making depends on the large scale forest,the fishery industry is main industry in the state. Liver of a fishing…

No.411 18/09/01 20:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days.》

A liver of fishing frog 鮟鱇,and a sea urchin have been imported to Japan recently. The people in Maine think strangely that we the Japanese are happy when we eat the marine products. When talking about the marine products,some of them look displeased.

Part of Massachusetts separated,and the state of Maine was born in 1820. Why did it separate? It shows us the political situation of America in early days.

The state which adopted the slavery and other state which didn’t had to keep delicate balance in order to maintain the federation in those days.

When the state of Missouri in the South which adopted the slavery joined America,they had to increase one more state which didn’t adopt the slavery from the northern area so as to keep the balance,so they separated the Massachusetts into two. The state of Maine became the one which didn’t adopt the slavery. They call it the compromise of Missouri.

No.412 18/09/02 06:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days.》

The state is blessed with the source of water,and it had been dependent on a hydraulic power generation over 3 century,but they put their effort into nuclear power generation for recent decades. Concerned the anxiety of radioactive contamination often,asking the people whether or not they should adopt the nuclear power generation by the local referendum,the strength for supporting the development of the atomic energy has never been shaken.

Yankee nuclear power generation in Wiscasset had produced 59 % of electric demand,it exceeds so much the thermal power generation which is 11 % and the hydraulic power which is 19 %.

As it had been used for the name of the nuclear power generation,we can see the proper noun of Yankee here and there. There have been lots of the Yankees who embody a simple and moderate sense of value in emigrants of New England from England in early days.

To be concrete…

No.413 18/09/02 07:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

To be concrete,I’m not sure of the value of the Yankee,though.

As to the structure of population with each race,English Amercican is 41 %,Irish American 12 %. They seem to be the Yankee.

The word of Yankee means originally the American in northern area in the U.S.A.according to the Wikipedia.

French American is 23 %,and they are the same kind of the ones who are in Quebec of Canada where is next to the border of the northern west border.

Needless to say,the main political parties are the Republican and Democratic Parties,but an independent candidate defeated both the political parties and was elected to the governor of the state in 1974. We can see the liking of the eligible voters who assert themselves at will.

The basic political climate in Maine historically had been conservative or for the Republican Party throughout since the state joined America.

The rise of statesman in the …

No.414 18/09/02 07:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

The rise of the stateman of the Democratic Party,Edmund Muskie,filled the state with atmosphere of the Democratic Party. Its background is the change of population that the value of New England was caused unrest by the inflow of French American from Quebec.

Muskie was elected to the governor in Maine in 1954 and 1956,he’d been a Senator for 12 years since 1960,and the ex–President Carter asked him politely to be a minister of the state,so he was. He used to be Polish emigrant. When he arrived America,he introduced himself as チャネルチュキー,but the one in Immigration Bureau said it’s hard to say. Let’s change it into Muskie,so his family name was changed then.

The biggest city in the state,Portland,has tied up with Shinagawa ward as sister city. Why? Edward Morse who is famous for shell mound in Omori was born in Portland.

When the Gulf War brought about in 1991,the ex–President Bush thought of a…

No.415 18/09/02 08:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

…then the ex–President Bush thought of a catch phrase which was common through the world with a President aide in Kennebunk Port so as to unify the international public opinion. The President aide said,“How about New World Order?”The President said,“It’s effective,let’s use if from now on.”

It’s the backstage that they led the public opinion then. A professor in Colombia University disclosed it. After that,the phrase made the world move.

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bedroom suburb for the capital in federation》

In spite that the state is in the place where it holds Washington D.C.which is the capital for the federation from the north,east,and south,the state has been under the more influence of the capital than the state has had an impact on the capital,for lots of memebers in the staff of the federal government have resided there,and there has been important institutions and …

No.416 18/09/02 09:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bed suburb for the capital in federation》

…and there has been important institutions and organizations for the federal government. If it’s the conspicuous characteristic for Mary Land,except for the back room for the federal government,there is no nickname.

At first,the famous mountain cottage for the President,Camp David,in the slightly elevated mountain which is about 120 kilometers from the north of the capital. The mountain cottage is separated from neighbor towns,so it’s an ideal place for a negotiation in secret,and essential conferences which controlled the international politics has been done there.

The ex–President Carter invited the head of Egypt and Israel there,and they concluded the agreement of Camp David which brought the turning point on the peace in the Middle East. The negotiation was exceptional long one which was two weeks,then a group of reporters were forced to wait for the result of the negotiation in Thurmond,a town…

No.417 18/09/02 09:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

…then a group of reporters were forced to wait for the result of the negotiation in Thurmont,a town at the foot of a mountain then. Its extension is the glorious temporary agreement for self–government in Palestine,said the author like that.

I’m sure not only the author but all of the people in the world hoped that the agreement would bring a peaceful situation in Palestine,but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to go well,but it has nothing to do with this response of mine,so I’m going to return the main topic.

The ex–President Frnaklin Roosevelt built it as vacation house in the 1942,named it Shangri–La,and Eisenhower changed it into Camp David,for David was the name of his grandson.

When driving on the mountainside,there are some checkpoints on the way to the mountain cottage. There is the last checkpoint around the eight stage in the climb to the top of the mountain. The last checkpoint stops…

No.418 18/09/02 12:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

The last checkpoint stops the traffic with strict fences,except for the parties who are concerned direct,everyone is order to go back.

Charles Ⅰ who was a king in England gave a baron a land in the 17th century. The land was named after a queen,Maria Henrietta,which is Mary Land at present. Today’s Whole state of Delaware,and part of Washington and Pennsylvania were ceded from Mary Land in the beginning.

The state has both of characters of the south and north,but has original nature as the central coast. The center of the function on the state is in Annapolis which is the capital in the state and in Baltimore which is the commercial city. The place reminds them of the old Mary Land.

However,as to the places which are near the Washington D.C.like Bethesda,Silver Spring,or Chevy Chase,I find it suitable to call it the new Mary Land as back room of the state,especially Bethesda is a bed suburb for…

No.419 18/09/02 12:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

…I find it suitable to call it the new Mary Land as back room of the state,especially Bethesda is a bed suburb for high officials,said the author like that.

The stretch of the place is away from the traffic routes for the general public,so the class of the poor and needy who commit a crime easily find it hard to approach there,so they regard the place as eminent upper–class residential area where the price of real estate is high.

The phrase that the class of the poor and needy who commit a crime easily isn’t my own remark,but the author’s. Whether the one is rich or poor,committing a crime has nothing to do with it,I’m sure. The expression of the author is prejudice,I’m afraid.

The naval hospital in Bethesda expresses us the hospital which has for the President’s exclusive use. It’s the conspicuous hospital which has a tall tower,the ex–President Reagan who was operated for a skin cancer on his…

No.420 18/09/02 13:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

…the ex–President Reagan who were operated for a skin cancer on his face waved his hand from the wind of the hospital. A thing like an adhesive plaster was put on his nose then. Its photo was fresh in our memory when the book was written. The ex–President Bush had experience of being in the hospital during being in office.

We can’t miss the National Security Agency as organization of the government. While it’s important,it’s not well known,for it has a history in which it was so important that the existence itself was treated as secret information. We can see the building on which antennas are bristling from a distant place,but a sign of keep out prevent us from approaching it.

The main duty in the organization are deciphering a code,intercepting a radio message,and preventing an espionage. Its organization is bigger than that of CIA in the state of Virginia which is west to Mary Land.

No.421 18/09/02 15:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

Even a conversation in a public telephone was guided in the underground of the N.S.A.the National Security Agency,and was recorded,according to James Bamford.

There is a military school for the navy in Annapolis of the old Mary Land as governmental organization. The campus which received a sea breeze from the Chesapeake Bay has had old tradition since 1845,when saying being from Anapolis, it means being a graduate of the military school for the navy,so the military school for the navy looks like the symbol in the capital of the state.

One of crews of the Japanese Marine Self–Defence Force visited Annapolis in a training battleship in the open sea and watched the scene of the military drill in which they were frisking and said,they are more easygoing than I expected.

There have been high standard research organization for medical treatment as Johns Hopkins University and attached hospital…

No.422 18/09/02 16:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb for the capital of the state in the federation》

There have been high standard research organization for medical treatment like Johns Hopkins university,its attached hospital,and the national research for sanitation in the state. Quite a few Japanese talented people were flowed out of the institutions.

There are such a lot of the rich who are intelligents that we can get talented people who we need easily,according to a Japanese pharmaceutical company which advanced for research on biotechnology,in response to eager invitation for attracting Japanese companies in the state.

The state resembles Kanagawa prefectrure in Japan with a standpoint that the level of education,culture,and income and it’s close to the capital.

Though it’s not match for the mountain cottage of Camp David,the ex–Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida had an important conference.…

No.423 18/09/02 17:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb in the capital of the federation》

…the ex–Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida had an important conference with a foreign leading figures in his home in Kanagawa prefecture,and the ex–Prime Minister Hosokawa has a summer house in Kanagawa prefecture. Both the Kanagawa prefecture and the state of Mary Land have been the bed suburb for the capital.

Mansfield who used to be the American ambassador to Japan said to the persons concerned the ones who looked for foreign city which would tie with Kanagawa prefecture as sister city.“Except for Mary Land,there is nothing”,he recommended like that. Both the state and prefecture have joined hands as sister city since 1981.

A house where Babe Ruth who was a king in the baseball,a lodging of Edgar Allan Poe who was a detective story writer are tourist spots.

A town where the poor black live spread over the place which is east to the federal assembly hall,moreover if going into more eastward and…

No.424 18/09/02 20:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I’ve loved reading a comic,and there is an expression on alcoholism in it. I’m going to quote it.

The alcoholism has a thing in which replaces a person with a liquor. We the people are the creature who live with a group. Without depend on others,we can’t lead our life.

However,when being the alcoholism,the person who suffers from alcoholism replace the liquor with everything,when leading its life,it depends on the liquor for everything.

When being tired,it drinks. When being angry with something,it does. When coming across something hard,it does. It does so as to dispel something displeasant.

The liquor says nothing,and it talks back nothing,it accepts an agony of the person dispassionately. The person used to make use of the liquor so as to socialize with others,but without being aware of it,it makes use of others so as to drink.

When being conscious of it,its human relations are broken,and solitude alone is left for it.

No.425 18/09/02 21:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


The pattern of the life which has been grown for a long time won’t change even if receiviing a treatment and stop drinking,and the withdrawal symptom 離脱 is settled.

When being tired,being indignant with something,or finding it something hard,the one who suffers from alcoholism can think of nothing,except for the liquor. Otherwise it can find a way which doesn’t depend on the liquor,it returns to the former life.

In short,otherwise it finds a way which depends on others.it goes back to the former life easily. The effective thing for the alcoholism is the ones who suffer from alcoholism talk each other. It’s a group of self–help.

An alcoholism in the comic said in the book like the next.

When thinking of being able to cure by itself,it’ll drink again. When struggling with the liquor by itself,no one can get over it. We the alcoholism are powerless against the liquor. Without being aware of it,we can’t stop drinking at all.

We used to think no one can cure the….

No.426 18/09/02 21:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


We used to think no one can cure the alcoholism. When falling into the alcoholism once,even if being conscious that the liquor was harmful,the one who suffers from the alcoholism can’t run away from an eager desire for drinking,it ruined itself,being at a loss what to do.

Two people who suffered from the alcoholism meet in 1935. They had been worn out physically and mentally by the liquor. When talking about themselves or the liquor,they were released from the eager desire for drinking. Without drinking they found it all right in that day.

They visited other one who suffered from the alcoholism,and tried the same way,the other one could win the life without drinking. It’s a start of Alcoholics Anonymous アルコール依存性の自助組織,and various shape of group like Alcohol Anonymous has spread all over the world.

A person who seemed to be unable to recover recognize it’s powerless,and connecting with others. Those things make it recover. Dependency is a strange sickness.

No.427 18/09/04 05:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb in the capital of the federation》

…moreover if going into more eastward,and being in Prince George District in the state of Mary Land,it’s the town of white rich.

An average income a year of families on the black in the district is 40 thousand,if comparing it with the average income in the whole America,30 thousand,or the average income of the black,19 thousand,the black in Mary Land are very wealthy.

The population on the black in Mary Land was over majority 1992,but the black who wanted to protect vested interests 既読権益 become conservative,its consciousness is approaching the white people,but the white avoided the black and left from there. That’s the difficulty for the racial discrimination.

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university and great collection of successes》

Boston bag,the orchestra of symphony on Boston,or Boston marathon. The capital of the state of Massachusetts has been familiar with us the Japanese.

No.428 18/09/04 05:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,University,and great collections of successes》

It was Boston where John Manjiro learned the English. It’s the center of New England,or it’s an ancient city which has developed as important foothold for American culture,and it has a good reason that it’s a sister city with Kyoto.

The event of tea party in Boston is worthy of special mention in the American history. The people in Boston attacked a ship of the East Asian Company,and threw away the tea in the sea on account of discontent with the heavy tax for the black tea. It made the time of independence from England accelate.

There are abundant in the Eastern art in the Boston museum,lots of woodblock print of raw lumber 版画原木 on Hokusai Katsushika has been discovered there,with Ernest F Fenollosa who gathered,the museum has deep connection with Japan.

The amount of individual income in the state in 1995 is $ 163.9 billion,it’s in the 10th rank in the whole America,but as for the one for…

No.429 18/09/04 06:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

…but as for the individual income,it’s about twenty one thousand and one hundred dollars,and it’s in the third rank in the whole America. A single word which shows the feature of this state which is an aggregate 集合体 of the rich is there has been lots of successes.

At first,as for the President,the second President,John Adams,and his son,the sixth President,John Quincy Adams,they are rare Presidents who are a parent and a child. The father was a person who has rendered distinguished service for establishing the country of America,his name has been left in the whole America as road and place name.

There are other Presidents like John F Kennedy who is the 35th and George Bush who is the 41th.

There is no end to the number of the Cabinet minister like Vice President or Senator,but everyone knows Henry Kissinger who was German emigrant and the Secretary of the State,and Robert Kennedy who was the…

No.430 18/09/04 08:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

…and Robert Kennedy who was a judicial chief and was assassinated,and was the youngest brother of John F Kennedy and was a Senator.

Samuel Morse who was Scottish emigrant and invented Morse Code for a telegraphic communication. Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone. A boxer of unbeatable champion in heavyweight division,Rocky Marciano. There are lots of famous people. Many talented men and women in the state.

The author said like that,and there are plenty of other celebrities which the author expressed,but I’m too inexperienced to know most of them,and I’m not interested in them,so I’m going to omit them.

It’s the Harvard University which produced the elites in Massachusetts. It’s one of the universities of IVy League. The universities of the IVY Leagues are 8 distinguished universities in America,and the Harvard university is the oldest in the eight ones. It has been established…

No.431 18/09/04 09:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

The Harvard University has been established in Kenbridge in 1636,a priest of which name is John Harvard cooperated with a donation of collection of books. His name becomes the one of the University.

Reformations were repeated with organization of curriculum,from compulsory system to selective one,combination of ordinary subject and technical one,the system which the Harvard University adopted had a great impact on the other universities in the world then.

The graduate school for management which has plenty of students studying abroad has been enriched,and Harvard Yenching Institute attached to the university has abundant data on China and Japan.

Kissinger who learned in the Harvard and became a professor there began writing that everyone has the time one of possibilities in the youth which seems to be infinite comes true in the beginning of his dissertation 学位論文,according to Walter Isaccson …

No.432 18/09/04 10:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collection of successes》

…according to Walter Issacson who wrote the biography of Kissinger.

There is one more university which attracts the students studying abroad from the world,It’s MIT,Massachusetts Institution of Technology. It doesn’t put only its effort into an engineering department,but into social science,and cultural science. With the background of research for software in the MIT,the industry on military affairs,and technology have been established

Mount Holyoke university has been built in 1837,as the first women’s college in the whole America,Amherst College where Kanzo Utimura,and jo Niijima learned,and there are other prestigious universities like Boston university,and Tufts University.

After the last glacier retreated about 15 thousand years ago,the complicated geographical features has been left and is ranged with the Appalachian mountains.

First white people from Europe arrived there in the 15th …

No.433 18/09/04 11:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusettts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

First white people from Europe arrived there in the 15th century,there were five kinds of Native Indians there. The name of the state is originated from a phrase of the Native Indian,at the large hill.

The English arrived there with a ship of May Flower in 1620,and established the first colony the place called Plymouth where they landed for the first time,and the large hill means the southern area of hill where they looked from Plymouth. It is said like that.

The contention between the power of the colonies and the English power over 150 years was over in 1770s. The place joined the United States as sixth state in 1788.

Neither agriculture nor fishing industry can support the population which increased steadily in early days,soon manufacturing industry in which they treated a textile or shoe started,and has been a prominent state of industry by the end of the 19th century.

A company of …

No.434 18/09/04 11:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

A company of Polaroid which produces an instant camera,a one of Gillette which handles a razor,and the other one Raytheon which deals with from a missile to a microwave oven. They are typical companies in Boston. Boston is a thing like a tractor which pulls American economy like New York.

Dividing an electoral district profitably for itself alone is called a gerrymander,for it was done in the time of Eldridge Gerry of a governor,so we call it so.

Boston where the history of American independent has been inscribed provided the place for playing soccer in the World Cup summer in 1994,and the new history was added to Boston. Special trains for the spectators who loved soccer made a round trip between the stadium and Boston one after another without taking a rest.

Boston has had a deep relation with soccer. Puritans set up a green belt in the center of the city in 1634,and it has been well–…

No.435 18/09/04 12:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

…and the green belt has been well–known as the oldest park in America called Boston Common. The sign of Oneida Football Club has been left in the park,it’s the oldest soccer team which was built in 1862. Except for England,it’s the oldest in the world.

【The state of Michigan】

《Starting point of American lifestyle》

When the author tried to get in a taxi in the city of Detroit,the taxi driver refused him. American auto industry was damaged by the advance of Japanese motorcar then. It was start of what is called Japan bashing.

It is said that two things which make the individuality of the state of Michigan is the lakes which are border between Canada and automobiles. There is another report which holds that the name of the state is originated from the words of the Native Indian,a Great Lake. The phrase of Great Lake State is shown in a license plate of a car in Michigan.

The state faces four…

No.436 18/09/04 13:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American style》

The state faces the four lakes of the Great Lakes. There is the Lake Superior in the north,the Lake Huron and Erie in the east,and the Lake Michigan in the west. The length of the coast is no less than 3570 kilometers. In spite that it’s the state of inland,its coastline is longer than any other ones of the other states.

Political border spreads out over the pretty area of the four lakes which face the coasts,where the government of the state exercises the judicial power there. The state has no less than about 35 thousand lakes of inland and ponds.

There is a way of saying that Michigan is made of two peninsulas. The small northern peninsula which is jutting out in the east from Wisconsin,and the large southern one which stretches out for the north from Ohio and Indiana.

Most of the main cities are in the southern peninsula like Lansing of the capital of the state,Detroit which is the city of auto industry,especially…

No.437 18/09/04 13:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

…especially nearly half of the population in the state concentrates in the block of Detroit City.

The automobile has changed American way of life,and it has given them a sense of unity that everyone can move the huge territory at will. The symbol of big family and consumption is the culture of automobile. If so,Detroit has inscribed the American history in the 20th century.Needless to say it’s Toyota city with which ties up Michigan as sister city.

The record that the Native Indian who hunted on the land and lake lived in the area of Michigan dated back in B.C.9000. The French of the white people arrived for the first time in 1618,and a French of Antoine Cadillac started a town structure in Detroit at 1701.

Detroit was attacked by the Native Indian in 1767,and the name of the chief in the Native Indian was Pontiac. American high class car like Cadillac and Pontiac were named after historical people in Michigan.

No.438 18/09/04 15:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American life》

It was in 1892 when Henry Ford completed a automobile for the first time,and then model T was sold at reasonable price in 1908,and it was moving very well,thus the time of a popular priced car started then,what is called Big 3 like General Motors,Ford,and Kreisler assembled.

Labor style of modern society was born from Detroit. Ford introduced an auto mobile assembly plant of the conveyor –belt system in 1913.

The body of a car which was in the middle of assembling moved on a stand of the conveyor–belt moved one after another,the labors were shared the simple works in front of the assembling stand and were pressed with the work of the conveyor–belt system.People were used by machines,and the human hands were decreased but the unemployed increased.

Charlie Chaplin who heard the story appealed in the movie of Modern Times was the loss of human nature with mechanization of pursuing efficiency in the modern times.

No.439 18/09/05 00:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

A workman who tightened a screw alone all day appeared in the movie. His nerve on the hand paralyzed,and his hand became the same one like a thing which tightened the screw,so it screwed everything,even the nose of his colleagues.

The state used to start as the one for agriculture,but its source of revenue became lumber,iron ore and copper in the northern peninsula in the latter of the 19th century,and when its peak was over,the auto industry appeared as the Savior.

The attraction of the auto industry in the city made the population exceed the one in the farming village for the first time,according to the national census in 1912.

However,about half of labors in all the industries lost their jobs because of the Panic,and it led to a remarkable progress of the labor union of the whole automobile.

The plant of the automobile changed into the one for weapons in the World War Ⅱ,and they got through the crisis,but they…

No.440 18/09/05 01:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

…but they fell behind the Japanese automobile which moved in the American market area with being small car in the time of saving energy in the 1970s. It was in 1990s when Detroit caught the chance of recovery.

At the time when a taxi refused to take the Japanese often,a tragedy in which a Chinese ancestry of American was mistaken for a Japanese,and was murdered happened at a bar in Detroit. An excellent documentary movie,“Who murdered Vincent Chin?” which got the root of the accident of the racial discrimination against the Asian ancestry.

After 1970s,atrocious 凶悪 crimes increased so terribly in Detroit that they called the place the capital for murder in the world. There is the biggest prison in the world which is surrounded by strong fences in Jackson.

However,Michigan has decided the abolition of the capital punishment for the first time in the whole America in 1846,and in spite of increasing the atrocious …

No.441 18/09/05 01:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

…and in spite of increasing atrocious crimes after the murder case,the trial of recovery on death penalty has failed.

Cornflakes have been developed as healthy food,and its headquarter is in Battle Creek,and the headquarter of Dow Chemical which has produced from the clastic wrap,it means what is called サランラップ which is the name of goods,to a napalm bomb for the Vietnam War is in Midlands.

The Detroit museum has possessed widely from the great collection on Italian art to the masterpiece of Oukyo Maruyama,龍虎. It is said Kafu Nagai learned the French at Karamazoo College in 1904,and after four years he wrote あめりか物語.

Detroit Tigers in baseball,and Detroit Lions in football are poplar among them.

Gerald Ford who was born in Nebraska was a popular player in football. He became the President,and after retiring,moved to California.

Robert McNamra who was born in California became the president of the Ford in Detroit…

No.442 18/09/06 19:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

…and Robert McNamra became the Secretary Defense. He computerized the Vietnam War,bur they thought he couldn’t understand the mind of the Vietnamese.

Apocalypse Now 地獄の黙示録 is a movie in which agony of the American in the Vietnam War was expressed. The director of the movie was Francis Coppola who was born in Michigan.

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class,and there are unique people in culture,and politics.》

Walter Frederick Mondale who used to be the American Ambassador in Japan was from Minnesota. He became the Senator from the public prosecutor general 検事総長 in Minnesota,he chose a woma for a candidacy of Vice President for the first time as the Candicacy for the President from the Democratic Party.

Mondale and the female candidacy for the Vice President fought the electoral campaign together,and the result on the victor of level in the state was Minnesota alone. Washington …

No.443 18/09/06 20:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is more than the middle class,and there are some unique people in culture and politics.》

Washington D.C.where lots of the black liberal suppoted Mondale,but the result of the election was a humiliating defeat,but Mondale thought a home town was fantastic.

Hubert Humphrey who is equivalent to a superior for Mondale,and he was from South Dakota,but he served as a mayor in Minneapolis which is the biggest city in Minnesota,he became Senator in 1949,and was the Vice President under the Johnson administer.He mad an attempt to be the President often,but it didn’t succeed.

Eugene McCarthy was defeated by Humphrey was candidacy for the President from the Democratic Party. He was a liberal leader who had influenced on anti war movement for the Vietnam War all over the America.

After the World War Ⅱ,when trying to move forward the liberal trend in America,those three of Mondale,Humphrey,and McCarthy played a big role in the U.S.A.

The wind of…

No.444 18/09/06 21:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is more than the middle class,and there are some unique people in culture and politics.》

Wind of innovation has been blowing strongly from the time of the 20 century in the state,because miners and farmers are organized. It’s a foothold populism which supports the Democratic Party.

The political world in the state at present is the fight between two major political parties,and the movement for the Native Indian has been organized in Minneapolis,and the movement for the Native American’s right and claim has been done.

There are plenty of miners and farmers,for there has been abundant mineral sources and the state for agriculture. The author said it’s the state for agriculture,but how is it? He doesn’t show its ground enough. Are the people who are engaged in agriculture more than any other state? Or is the amount of agricultural product more than other states in America?

There is a source point of the…

No.445 18/09/07 00:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is more than the middle class,ant there are some unique people in culture and politics.》

There is the source point of the Mississippi in Itasca. When standing on the basin of the great plain and looking around,I had an emotion there is nothing at all,said the author like that.

It is very cold in winter time. It’s lowest temperature in the past is 51℃ below the freezing point. Thermal pedestrian overpass have been set up for pedestrians in the city of Minneapolis.

The name of the state means the color of the blue sky in the language of the Native Indian. The state is popularly known as the land of ten thousand lakes,and it shows the character of the state very much. A license plate of the car in the state the phrase of ten thousands lake is shown.

Actual number of the lakes are 15.291,except for Alaska,the area of the river is more than any other state in a America,and damp areas are also tremendous. Speaking of the place where the summer…

No.446 18/09/07 22:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class,and there are some unique people in culture and politics.》

Speaking of the place where the people in the state own a summer house,it seems to be the shore of a lake. When being in autumn which is the season for a vacation,they start to move for the shore of the lake all together.

Why are there lots of the lakes there? Because there are plenty of glacial lakes which were covered with glacial gone south from Canada. Resource of iron had been hidden underground of complicated geographical features.

The production on iron ore of the Musabi Range in the northern east area is the most in the U.S.A.and in the southern west of the same range in Hibing,we can see an large scale of opencut 露天掘り on the iron ore.

More than half of the iron in the whole America had been produced in the state for the past century,the people in the state take pride in the product of the iron.

The iron ore is shipped from Duluth of the coast …

No.447 18/09/07 23:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class,and threr are some unique people in culture and politics》

The iron ore has been shipped from Duluth of the coast of the Lake Superior.

Hibbing is the place where a bus of Grayhound was born. At first it used to be a small business of single route and 4 kilometers of one way,but a high speed bus has run around the highway in the U.S.A.and it has developed so much that a railway has declined. A running grayhound is painted on the body of the bus.

It seems that looking at the bus of the Grayhound alone makes the American feel a special thought of traveling the American Continent lightly. Its headquarter is at Phoenix in Arizona at present.

A port town,Duluth and Hibbing are related to Bob Dylan who is charismatic legendary singer of folk song. He was born in Duluth,and spent his childhood in Hibbing. The executive of a company handling records picked out him in New York,and he sang a song of protest from the young…

No.448 18/09/08 00:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class. There are some unique people in culture and politics》

…and Bob Dylan sang a song of protest from the young in 1960s of counterculture. The counterculture is the culture which opposes to the main culture or the culture of existing structure. Blowin’ in the wind is his typical song.

There was a culture for the young which reached its peak in America in 1960s like hippie culture or Wood Stock in 1969. There has been an opinion in which we can see the typical one of the counterculture in the hippie one or Wood Stock. The opinion has been generalized.

The trace of human being residence data’s back more than 10 thousand years. The French who arrived there as the first white European announced its possession in the latter of the 17th century. Soon the Spain,and the England gave their name for the possession,and they fought for the possession.After that all the Minnesota belongs to the U.S.A.

Except for farming and…

No.449 18/09/08 14:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class. There are some unique people in culture and politics》

Except for farming and mining industry,the state has put more effort into the industry of high technology recently,technical experts on computer have been dispatched from Japan to the state.

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing of which headquarter is in the capital of the state,Saint Pole,has succeeded greatly in a scotch tape which is famous for an adhesive tape.

An annual income a person is $ 21.495,and it takes the 19the place in the whole America,so its economic level is high,for economic activity has been developed in variety of fields with well–balanced way.

Saint Pole and Minneapolis have faced each other across the Mississippi River,and they are twins city. The both of the cities have the Minnesota Twins of a professional baseball team of American League jointly.

Saint Pole forms twins city with Nagasaki city….

No.450 18/09/08 15:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economic is better than the middle class. There are some unique people in culture and politics》

Saint Pole forms twins city with Nagasaki city,and Minneapolis does with Ibaraki city of Osaka prefecture.

An author,Francis Scott Fitzgerald was born in Saint Pole,his work,The Great Gatsby was made into a movie,which expressed American dream with a sad feeling,and it was the talk in America.

Judy Garland who appeared in the Wizard of Ozu was born in Grand Rapids which is northern area of the state.

Sinclair Lewis who was an author of a Nobel prize winner expressed boring and conservative nature of Sauk Center which was his birthplace in his work,Main Street,and there are arguments both for and against his works,for unexpected part of an innovative state was disclosed in his work.

The population of 94.4 % is the white and 2.2 % is the black in 1990,and there has been little racial disputes. Its economic level is better than the middle class,steady…




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