
A fourth diary in English

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スチャラカ一郎( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
12/05/15 20:12(更新日時)

I'm going to start a fourth English diary from now on, but this time, a good title doesn't occurr to me,so I named it simple one.😃

I'm sure lots of things which I've wanted to express leave up in the air 中途半端, so I have to finish them one by one.😤

At first, I have to complete expression about art.After that, I'm wondering if I start to describe Greek myth and world heritage mainly.💡

Oh! I also want to express the Christanity.I have a lot of things to express.I can't express all the things what I want to with the fourth diary.😚

I don't have to make a haste. If I feel tired, I will take a rest.😁

Here we go!

No.1653340 11/08/15 12:01(スレ作成日時)



No.151 11/10/26 00:19
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is called a speed learning】

A way of learning English seems to be popular among lots of people,according to its commercial. It says the people who has experienced its way have risen above thousands of people.I'm wondering if lots of people are deceived.😏

Its catchphrase is we only have to let English of its teaching materials 教材 go in one year and out the otherききながす.🔤

If it's true,I'm sure its company doesn't always stick to only English. It should expand its business to other languages.😒

When learning a language, we have to do lots of things. For example,learning plenty of words by heart,studying its grammer,and even being familiar with culture of a country of its language.Without doing them at all,few people can master the language,I'm sure.😏

Contrary to it, I've never heard news in which its company was charged with fraud 詐欺.I'm wondering if its way is shrewd.In addition,a popular pro golfer appears on its commercial.I'm sure super learning is a fishy 胡散臭い story.😏

No.152 11/10/26 21:32
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【White cliff in Dover is fossil of ocean's creatures】

A port town of Dover which faces the sea has been famous for its cliff for a long time. When watching from the sea,we can enjoy a scene in which a castle of Dove built in the 12 century on the cliff.🌅

The white cliff is mdae from calcium carbonate 炭酸カルシウム which is material of chalk.😃

The calcium carbonate is fossil of marine creature at the time when dinosaurs were alive.☝

After the creatures were dead,their shells were piled up in the seabed and they changed into stratum 地層 of calcium carbonate.🙋

The seabed rose and changed into land later,so white cliff in Dover has been completed.😺

By the way, I've never been abroad,so needless to say I've never seen the cliff.I wish I could see the real thing with my own eyes some day.😍

To my sorrow, I'm afraid my hope doesn't seem to come true.😚

No.153 11/10/26 22:41
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Permanent neutrality country,Switzerland is a military power】

Switzerland is wellーknown as a permanent neutrality power,so we are apt to misunderstand neither there is army or military service 兵役 in the country.☝

There is a system of militia 市民軍 in the country, and all the male in the country are to given basic military training for 17 weeks when they are at the age of 20.🔫

In addition they are received training for three weeks at the age from 21 to 31.Then they have to receive eight times.😃

They are summoned as a soldier regularly at the age from 33 to 50.There is a national defense army which is composed of about 10 thousand of people even at a time of peace.No less than 630 thousand will be mobilized in case of emergency within 24 hours.😲

Unexpectedly,the parmanent neutrality country is the super military power, but it's neutral country,so it does'nt conclude any treaty with any countries, so it has to prepare for emergency.😤

No.154 11/10/26 23:42
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【In fact,distance between the U.S.A. and Russia is no more than 85 ㎞】

Speaking of a country which lies between America and Russia,lots of people may think it's Canada,or Japan, but actually they aren't.😃

As long as we pay attention to each capital,Washington D.C and Moscow,it may be hard to recognize,but America is next to Russia, and the two country face each other actually.🇺

As for distance between those two capitals,it's no less than 7842㎞,as to distance Alaska and チュトコ peninsula in the Bering Sea is no more than 85㎞.

The two countries used to be so tense that they were an explosive situation,for they faced at point blank range 至近距離 such as 85㎞.😨

By the way, I tried to express preposition, and I completed it.I took another look at it and tried to send my comment,then I made a mistake in pressing a button of my cell phone.📲

A screen of my cellphone became blank,so did inside my head.😢

I'm going to express preposition next time.🙋

No.155 11/10/28 17:48
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 150 【Preposition,by】Ⅴ I made a mistake.As for my last comment,I wanted t… 【Preposition,by】Ⅵ

I'm going to show you some different ways of using the word,by.😃


⑮Yutaka Take won the Japan Cup by a neck.

In this situation,by corresponds to『how much』rather than『how』.


⑯He escaped by the skin of his teeth.

As for the phrase behind by,it's expressed how risky he was.It means Japanese phrase,in the nick of time 危機一髪,but an English expression is more desperate than Japanese one,for there isn't a skin of teeth at all in the world.😚


⑰He stood by me.

Except for means or a way,basic image of beside spreads over varied directions figuratively,so our imaginations have to be open all the way.エンジン全開😤

An image of being one's side 味方になる is closely connected with another one,being beside something.As for the phrase,stand by,we adopt it for a variety of situation figuratively.🙋


⑱Stand by for action

⑲I can't stand idly by while people are starving.

To be continued.bye😁

No.156 11/10/28 18:41
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 155 【Preposition,by】Ⅶ

I've expressed some usages of by, and there are lots of other ones,but I'm sure it will be all right as long as we recall the basic image,being beside something.🙋


⑳I was attacked by the dog.

Unexpectedly,the one whic causes something comes from the basic image,being beside something.😲

It means an accident that I was attacked by the dog was caused under the influence of the dog.The meaning of being beside something includes another one,under its influence directly.🐶

It's important that how to use this by,so I'm going to add it to my explanation.🙋

As for the passive voice 受動態,we don't always adopt by its sentence.We use another right words such as in,at or with,according each situation.


21 John was killed by a car.

22 John was killed in an accident.

As for the sentence of 21,by was adopted,for death of John was caused under a direct influence of the car. In this situation,the car is the one which acted.The car itself acted something bad to John.🚗

  • << 159 【Preposition,by】Ⅷ However,when using by in the sentence of 22,instead of in,I'm sure it seems to be strange,for it means the accident itsel didn't anything to John, but John was killed in the situation of accident.💀 Example 23 English is spoken in Canada. 24 The street was covered with snow. 25 John was surprised at my father's sudden passing. As for 23,is a situation that English is spoken caused under the direct influence of Canada? Needless to say,it isn't.😃 It happens at the place of Canada.How is another situation that the street was covered?☝ Is the situation caused by snow? It was covered,using the snow.⛄ By the way,as to an expression of example 24,I'm sure it's hard to understand.The book,ネイティブ・スピーカーの前置詞 seems to say the situation isn't caused by snow.Is it so? I'm sure its example isn't so good.😥 As for example25,it isn't a performer but a cause.😃

No.157 11/10/28 19:23
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Going for a drink】

When being hungry,I'm apt to feel like drinking and going for a drink,though whenever next morning comes,I'll always regret of doing those,especially when going for a drink.😳

『I shouldn't have gone there. It's just a waste of money. I'll stop it』😤

To my sorrow,my oath has always been broken so far.The one who has strongーwill is called a person with an iron heart.Nothing can crush its will.😲

Contrary to it, it's shameful of me to be a lack of will power.I used to be determined to stop going for a drink from next time. I'm wondering how many times I made up my mind to give it up.😣

Today is Friday.I'm day off tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.The more I try to stop it,the more,I want to go.I've expressed this response in order to take my mind off 気を紛らす going for a drink, but it's a backfire 逆効果😍

It seems a street illuminated by neon lights ネオン街 invites me.This response of mine approaches an end.What should I do?😩

No.158 11/10/31 20:16
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A payday給料日 】

Today is my payday,even if it's a tiny one.I'm wondering if I go for a drink,for I only have to go to a factory at 9:00 in the morning tomorrow,so I'm sure I have enough time to drink.😁

I'm sure it's hard to accomplish something valuable, but it's easy to take the line of least resistance 易きにつく😥

I've wanted to be a splendid English speaker,though I'm not sure whether or not I'm the one.🔤

However, I'm sure I can make myself understood in English,unless I'm drunk so much,though I'm forced to use body language often.😳

I want to find next aim,for without it, I can't continue to make an effort.I'm lenient 寛大 with myself,but severe to others,so I'm apt to suggest that others should do something hard.I'm sure I'm the poor one.😳

I'm wondering if I have to take a rest,even if I'm engaged in doing my favorite thing,it means Engalish,though I frequently take a break.😳

I'm going to enjoy drinking at bar.Have a wonderful evening,everyone🍻

No.159 11/11/01 19:34
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 156 【Preposition,by】Ⅶ I've expressed some usages of by, and there a… 【Preposition,by】Ⅷ

However,when using by in the sentence of 22,instead of in,I'm sure it seems to be strange,for it means the accident itsel didn't anything to John, but John was killed in the situation of accident.💀


23 English is spoken in Canada.

24 The street was covered with snow.

25 John was surprised at my father's sudden passing.

As for 23,is a situation that English is spoken caused under the direct influence of Canada? Needless to say,it isn't.😃

It happens at the place of Canada.How is another situation that the street was covered?☝

Is the situation caused by snow? It was covered,using the snow.⛄

By the way,as to an expression of example 24,I'm sure it's hard to understand.The book,ネイティブ・スピーカーの前置詞 seems to say the situation isn't caused by snow.Is it so? I'm sure its example isn't so good.😥

As for example25,it isn't a performer but a cause.😃

No.160 11/11/01 21:43
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 159 【Preposition, by】Ⅸ

As for 25,if someone was hiding itself 物陰に隠れる,and it frightened you, it was the performer,so then we adopt by,like that

You were frightened by someone.😚

A thing which causes a situation under its influence is expressed with the preposition,by.☝

Some phrases such as『by mistake』or『by accident』come from a meaniog of direct influence.🙋


26 Be here by seven o'clock.

The usage of by is frequently expressed,comparing with the one of till.Both of the prepositions by and till are translated into Japanese word まで, but each meaning is clearly different.😃


27 I'll be here till seven o'clock.

Till means a situation continues for a fixed period of time 一定期間.Contrary to it,by means a time limit.🙋

It means an event happens before and after at time of its criterion.By which means like that doesn't have an another meaning of till,for till means a thing continues all the time,for a fixed period of time.😃

No.161 11/11/02 02:33
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【I can't sleep…】

I can't sleep. I've often heard after drunk and fall asleep, but I'm sure it depends on.😚

As for me,if being tired so much and lacking of sleeping time then,I will fall asleep,even if I drink a little.😃

Otherwise,as for me, I'm liable to wake up at unexpected time,and after that I can't often sleep😚

If going on stopping drinking for a while, I will fall asleep every night,though I'm afraid I won't be able to asleep very much a few days.😣

The one who loves drinking often does what is called やけ酒. When being sad or regrettable something,it says it drinks in order to forget a bitter experience, but it's suspicious whether or not drinking gets rid of it.😠

Even if I'm drunk so much, I will be sober next day,so I can't forget my saddness in the end, and if I can no more than one night,even if I'm so drunk,my saddness isn't so serious,but why do I often drink so much?😚

I wish I could invent a wonderful excuse which make all the people be convinced,including myself.😂

No.162 11/11/02 03:14
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Preposition and so on】

I've expressed some prepositions so as to improve my English ability, but to tell the truth, I sometimes find it boring,though I can't help it,for I'm wondering if it's learning something.😚

No one asks me to do it,so if I hate to do it,it's just that I only have to give it up. I've expressed with my own will.😫

Contrary to it,when I express what I want to, I find it comfortable,though complain something bad doesn't look so good.😚

I have few friends,and even though I have,it isn't interested in English at all.😠

Therefore I'm apt to feel stressful.I'm sure others have a lot of things to do.Without being English,they'll lead their lives.I'm wondering if I envy them.We tend to compare with others.Some people look happy and others don't.😚

Whenever we thought it, I'm wondering if we are a little sorrowful and happy.😔

No.163 11/11/02 19:23
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


For is a preposition which has a variety of meaning like by.For is adopted for some idioms such as『look for』『stand for』and『go for a walk』😃

It seemed that lots of people couldn't have thought why its place was for in a sentence since they were students.🔤

Trying to learn an usage of for by heart at random isn't always the best plan.We need to grasp an image of for, and not only it makes us understand its meaning but also use its varied usages at our will.😁

As for a basic image of for,it means a direction.In other word,it's toward.🙋


①Is this a train for Kobe?

②I always set off for work early

Some of prepositions which means directions are to and for,but to be exact,each meaning is different.😁

There are two illustrations which express image of for and to in a book,ネイティブ・スピーカーの前置詞.As to one illustration of to,there is a way which leads to its destination,and a person goes toward it.It means it has arrived there.

I'm going to express to next time.😃

  • << 166 【Preposition,for】Ⅱ As to one more preposition,to,it means being bound for somewhere. It doesn't always mean arriving there.Difference between to and for reflect each meaning.😃 Example ③I went to England ④I left for England As for ③,it means I've actually been to England, but ④ is different.④ says that I just went toward England,but it means I may not have been there because I lost my wallet at Narita airport.🇬 Example ⑤I gave a book to John ⑥She bought a doll for Manami ⑤means the book undoubtedly passed into John's hand and contrary to it,⑥means I may have dropped the doll on my way to home, so I may not have given.🙋 Besides,for,being toward,often includes conscious one.In short,when being toward something,we have our targets and aims in our ways それなり or our consciousness is apt to being attracted there.Contrary to it,to which just means its direction doesn't have a nuance like for.🔤

No.164 11/11/02 20:20
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Drawing lines by the Great Powers of the Europe and the United States their own way have caused some borders of straight lines in Africa】

There are plenty of countries in Africa and as to their borders,lots of them are straight lines.😃

Those borders of some countries were set by the Great Powers of the Europe and the United States with policiy of dividing up Africa.🇺

The people in Africa didn't fix their borders,but the Great Powers of the Europe and the United States did.🇬

Division of Africa by the Great Powers was settled on with a treaty of Congo in 1884.At first,some colonies of the Great Powers were divided with straight lines mainly at the central Africa.🇺

Then the Great Powers didn't take the people who lived in Africa into account at all,so one tribe ended up being separated into two,or another tribes which opposed each other were brought together into one country.😥

Those situations remains even after the colonies became independent, so varied troubles are being caused.💀

No.165 11/11/02 21:51
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Changing a plan】

As for my rotation,I was going to be on night shift tomorrow.It means I only had to start working at 11:30 in the afternoon tomorrow,so I had a lot of time to do.🎊

However,the rotation has changed.I'm a day shift tomorrow,so I have to work from 9:00 tomorrow.I planned to go for a drink tonight.I'd been looking forward to doing it until my rotation changed.🍻

I'm wondering if my body is made from liquor. If it were so,I would be careful of myself,especially when a dry―weather advisory 異常乾燥注意報 was informed,otherwise, I would be 燃え上がる ablaze in an instant🔥

I want to express something amusing,but to my sorrow,nothing occurred to me at all.😂

My temporary company'll have a year―end party 忘年会 this weekend.It seems to be early,but it will be hard to reserve in December,so it's intend to do it,though I have nothing to do with it,for I won't go there,for I hate to associating with others.😃

It's just that I want to drink with the one who I feel at home,though I'm called eccentric and stubborn

No.166 11/11/04 17:24
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 163 【Preposition,for】 For is a preposition which has a variety of meanin… 【Preposition,for】Ⅱ

As to one more preposition,to,it means being bound for somewhere. It doesn't always mean arriving there.Difference between to and for reflect each meaning.😃


③I went to England

④I left for England

As for ③,it means I've actually been to England, but ④ is different.④ says that I just went toward England,but it means I may not have been there because I lost my wallet at Narita airport.🇬


⑤I gave a book to John

⑥She bought a doll for Manami

⑤means the book undoubtedly passed into John's hand and contrary to it,⑥means I may have dropped the doll on my way to home, so I may not have given.🙋

Besides,for,being toward,often includes conscious one.In short,when being toward something,we have our targets and aims in our ways それなり or our consciousness is apt to being attracted there.Contrary to it,to which just means its direction doesn't have a nuance like for.🔤

No.167 11/11/05 12:54
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 166 【Preposition, for】Ⅲ


⑦These flowers are for you

It means those flower were facilitated for you.In short,it means being toward something.It's a basic meaning.Needless to say,even if it's not a concrete one,it's all right.🙋


⑧Let me carry this box for you

If it's toward a kind of abstract help like ⑧,it's all right.For often,or frequently contains nuance of benefit or blessing,for it may be natural,considering its direction of being toward something☝

By the way,as to its basic image,we have been toward something,but let's reverse position between them this time,so another meaning appears. It means how we think a thing is.


⑨Climbing Mt. Fuji was a wonderful experience for us.

⑩It was tough for me to leave Japan.

⑪AIDS stands for『Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

As for ⑪,for has expanded from being toward something to expressing another one.😃

Not only we usually adopt for the preposition,for,the idiom,but also next examples.🔤

No.168 11/11/05 18:58
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 167 【Preposition, for】Ⅳ


⑫What is the word for『kakkoii』in English?

⑬Red is for danger.

We use the preposition,for like ⑫,⑬.


⑭This is a special spoon for serving Spaghetti

It's a natural course of events 成り行き that the direction of being toward something becomes an intention of being toward its aim.Its usage contains some idioms such as go for a walk,or house for sale.😃


⑮I'm looking for my keys.

When for which is expressed its aim is expanded,it becomes another meaning of in order to look for something,or so as to seek for something.😺

I'm sure you can grasp image of some phrases such as『wait for』,『long for』or『apply for』.😁

By the way,how about next one?


⑯Who's for the beer?

Does the word,for,pass an image of seeking a beer to you?🍺


⑰I paid five dollars for the book.

⑰means I paid five dollars in order to get it. It expresses my aim.Another preposition,at,also expresses its price,but its nuance is different from the one of for☝

No.169 11/11/05 20:35
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 168 【Preposition, for】Ⅴ

At which expresses its price has a nuance of a point,so it's different from other preposition,for.💰

You should sense next hard sentences immdiately, but how do you feel actually?😁


⑱I wouldn't go bungeeーjumping for anything.

⑲I wouldn't marry him for all the world.

Both sentences have nuance such that I would do nothing about it absolutely,even if I could get something valuable.😤


⑳Are you for or against the plan?

We seem to learn to need a lively imagination from here.Actions of being toward something or going against another one involve metaphor of an approval or objection.Those situations are similar to the Japanese one.It doesn't always mean other expressions are formal.😚


21『Shall we go out for a drink?』『I'm all for it』

It means the person agreed on a suggestion completely.


22 You can't see the wood for the trees.

It means while you can see the trees, you can't see the wood.🌱

  • << 174 【Preposition,for】Ⅵ As to the preposition,for,of22,it means a cause.Words often have a reverse meaning. For example,let's think it,applying for Japanese.😃 There is a phrase『for you』,and we can say it in other words『to you』.I'm going to show you another example. 23 The student was suspended for three days for fighting in class. In other words,fighting in class caused him a suspension for three days.It means a reverse direction.🙋 For which means a cause is similar to 23.I'm going to show you some examples which displays how to use the preposition to you.It means a cause. 24 Pavarotti is famous for his wonderful voice. 25 John couldn't come for some reason. 26 The teacher blames me for everything. 27 I always wear a moneyーbelt for fear of getting robbed. As for next one which is indispensable to taking an exam,for means the cause,though it's hard to grasp, for the subjunctive mood 仮定法 is adopted.😚 If it were not for(But for)your assistance,we would never have made it.

No.170 11/11/05 21:29
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【My coーworker】

The other day,when working in a factory,my coーworker fell down and was in hospital because his blood vessel in the brain was damaged.🏥

He is paralyzed on the right side of the body. I'm afraid I can't go for a drink with him forever.🍺

I make it a rule to go to see how he is doing見舞い every weekend,though there is little thing which I can do for him.I feel a little guilty about him.🏥

While he suffers from his bad condition,I don't at all,and I'm sorry for it,but needless to say whether or not I ruin my health has nothing to do with that.😥

Fortunately? he was comparatively in a better condition,so he could sit in a wheelchair,though he couldn't manipulate it at his will.🏥

I will take him in the wheelchair in the hospital next time.Otherwise his world is forced to be limited only in the small bed in the hospital.😔

I'm sure I should be grateful that I'm healthy.Being healthy isn't natural at all. It's just that I'm lucky.😃

No.171 11/11/06 13:14
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Taking an entrance exam】

When watching a bulletin board of ミクル,I came across a thread in which a mother worried about her son.👩

He'll take an entrance exam at high school,but unfortunately, his school records doesn't seem to be good more than she expected,though it's not herself but her son who takes the entrance exam.😚

My remarks may be an idealistic theory,butstudying isn't the one which is forced to do.😚

If he changes his minds suddenly, and starts to study hard so much,I'm wondering what makes him do.😚

Being a third grade in junior high school may be serious in his life, I'm sure,but the more the mothers become serious,the more I become calm.😚

It means I'm just an outsider,but if I'm forced to study something like that, I'll learn to hate to study,even if they love their children more than anything and they are anxious about their beloved ones.😚

I've often heard leading our lives are competitions,so my idea may be in the wrong,but where are their sons going for?😚

No.172 11/11/06 13:59
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 171 【Taking an entrance exam】Ⅱ

I hope the children will be able to find what they want to do,and then studies which they will have cultivated so far will be useful for them.😃

If they can make the most of those period when they can study,their lives will be the fantastic ones,needless to say,it's limited them to their own selections,I'm sure,for they aren't puppets,but humans.😃

As for their futures,they are too young to to advance toward what kind of direction by themselves,so grown-ups suggest that the children should go.😃

As proverbs say,time flies or art is long,but life is short,we never have infinite time,but too much is as bad as too little, so we have to take a rest sometimes.😊

When keeping on running,we can't see the scenes around us,so we have to stop for a moment sometime,so we can recognize where we are.😃

However,I can't sometimes recognize where I am,esecially when being drunk too much.🍺

Have a nice day,everyone😁

No.173 11/11/06 19:12
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【My desire which causes me distress and gives me a temporary pleasure】

I'm sure I must be just a fool,for I can't often resist my desire.I often want to act with my own desire recently,though it just that I want to go for a drink.😍

While desires to do something pleasant is endless,I don't have enough money to satisfy my pleasure,so I have to endure my absurd desire.😳

The pleasure which I can win only during one night will disappear next morning,but I can't often resist it. It's fruitless.😚

I hope to overcome my desire and to devote myself to studying English, but the temptation often prevents me from accomplishing my plan, but how sweet the temptation is.😍

I usually want to act,being based on my logical mind, but I frequently find it hard.😳

However I can get over my desire to go for a drink at least tonight,for I can't withdraw my money from my account tonight,for too be late to do it,so I'm forced to give it up.😂

It's shameful of me to express it.😚

No.174 11/11/07 09:30
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 169 【Preposition, for】Ⅴ At which expresses its price has a nuance of a … 【Preposition,for】Ⅵ

As to the preposition,for,of22,it means a cause.Words often have a reverse meaning. For example,let's think it,applying for Japanese.😃

There is a phrase『for you』,and we can say it in other words『to you』.I'm going to show you another example.

23 The student was suspended for three days for fighting in class.

In other words,fighting in class caused him a suspension for three days.It means a reverse direction.🙋

For which means a cause is similar to 23.I'm going to show you some examples which displays how to use the preposition to you.It means a cause.

24 Pavarotti is famous for his wonderful voice.

25 John couldn't come for some reason.

26 The teacher blames me for everything.

27 I always wear a moneyーbelt for fear of getting robbed.

As for next one which is indispensable to taking an exam,for means the cause,though it's hard to grasp, for the subjunctive mood 仮定法 is adopted.😚

If it were not for(But for)your assistance,we would never have made it.

No.175 11/11/07 10:39
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 174 【Preposition,for】Ⅶ

As for last example, I call it No.28.I happened to forget adding its number to the example. I'm sorry for it.🙏

As to example 28,it means your assistance is a reason of his success.Needless to say,another usage of for which ties a sentence to another is similar to a meaning which shows its reason.😃


29 I was frightened, for it was dark.

30 He is responsible for quality control.

At last,we approach an end,and we are going to the most difficult one.As I expressed,a feeling of which consciousness is attracted comes from its basic image of being toward something.😃


31 He is responsible.

As for the example of 31, it's too vague to recognize his responsibiliy definitely,but responsible has another meaning,reliable,so if you want to say he is trustworthy, it's all right.🙋

Otherwise, we need to adopt the preposition,for,for the example of 31, so it becomes clear where his responsible is.The example shows it's the quality control.👍

No.176 11/11/08 08:56
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 175 【Preposition, for】Ⅷ


32 She is pretty tall for a Japanese girl.

The example doesn't only say she is tall. It means being limited to an extent of Japanese girl,she is tall.😃


33 It's cold for this time of year.

34 She is very small for a tyrannosaur.

35 He is so fluent he could pass for a native speaker.

It seems to be a piece of cake,doesn't it? When using the preposition,for and saying a small elephant,but it's larger than a big sumo wrestler,and a big mouse is smaller than another sumo wrestler,oh I'm afraid it may be too doggedly しつこい a little.😚

Under those situation,a speaker says it's small, but what does a speaker pay attention for? 😃

For shows it clearly.If saying only『he passes』,we can't make ourselves understood correctly.For expresses how he passes.🙋

It seems to be long a little.I have to get my ideas in shape.まとめる. For limits its topic to its range whicg is paid attention.

No.177 11/11/08 10:45
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 176 【Preposition,for】Ⅸ


33 For all I know(as far as I know),he is innocent.

For in the example limits its topic to an extent which I know.😃


34 I've lived here for ten years.

The former for cuts out of a thing to which is paid attention from a vague one,considering it,we may find another for which shows period easy.🙋


35 I've lived here.

It's too vague to grasp exactly. For limits its range to the topic.The example shows the period of ten years.Moreover,we can adopt the preposition,for,for a place.


36 Go straight down this road for another 2 kms.

The for limits an extent to an action of going straight.➡

As to for,when looking up,for,in a dictionary,there are lots of usages such as price,period, and aim,but native speakers have merely a vague image which being toward something.😃

I'm sure,the more you use for with the image,the more you learn to have a good command of it,so we don't have to be confused by the for🙋

No.178 11/11/09 19:34
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I'm sure lots of people know meaning of in.It means being its inside,it's all right, but please add it to a feeling of being surrounded threeーdimensionally.😃

In other words in has a feeling of being inside.Then it approaches an image of in.🙌


① Mary is in the room.

In which means being inside has varied meanings, but there is little difference between them.😃

When expressing them, I'll do it,dividing them into a place and a time for convenience of explanation,but you don't have to do it. In always means a feeling of being surrounded,or feeling of being inside.🔤

Places which mean in are various.For example it spreads from concrete ones such as in the park and in the room to abstract one such as in love.Let's get used to using in which means a variety of places.😁


② Naoko is in her pajamas.

Wearing clothes means its body is in it.It's a basic image of in.As for a pair of glove or hat which cover only a part of our bodies,we can use the preposition.

No.179 11/11/09 20:33
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )



③ In the city of London you can still see men in bowler hats.

As for③ there are some people who are worried about usagd of in.In shows a part of a thing. Why?However it's natural for us to use in like that.😃

A book,ネイティブ・スピーカーの前置詞,explains an image of in to us,using next two phrases and three illustrations.🔤
As for two illustrations,two men sit on the edge of each chair,one is on a stool, and the other on a sofa.As for both situations,the book says simply on the chair.😚

However when we sit,using the chair,its expression doesn't always limit to『 on the chair』☝

As to next illustration,a person sinks into the sofa. Needless to say,we can see its head and foot, but it looks as if it were being surrounded by the chair.You have only to grasp the feeling of being surrounded. It doesn't matter even if it's not being surrouded completely.😚

We are going to look a little more complicated『places』which is exprerssed with in next time.😺

No.180 11/11/10 20:03
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 179 【Preposition,in】Ⅲ


④ They stood in line.

As to a similar phrase,there is『in a circle』.Not only when expressing a circle or line,but formation,we adopt 『in』for them.Why?As for『in』,except for being inside,is there a difficult theory?😚

No,there isn't at all. The book,ネイティブ・スピーカーの前置詞 ,expresses it with a illustration,using the example ④ like next.😃

There are eight faces of boys,and seven of them are lined up.One of them isn't,and it says it's out of line.Seven faces are in a rectangle, and both the rectangle and the seven faces are gray as if they were surrounded three dimensionally,though it's just the illustration,so it's just flat.💦

As you know, I'm not good at explaining something to others,therefore my expressions may be hard to understand, so please read the book,ネイティブ・スピーカの前置詞, though you don't always have to buy it.Without purchasing it,you only have to read it at a bookstore.Oh I'm afraid I've gotton off the subject.😩

No.181 11/11/10 20:55
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 180 【Preposition,in】Ⅳ

As for the example ④,the book,ネイティブ・スピーカーの前置詞 says,we can understand an inside which doesn't exist actually with the illustration.🔤

We can receive a sense of native speakers with the illustration more clearly than learning the phrase,in line =一列になって by heart mechanically,the book says.😃


⑤ We are in love.

As for places which are expressed with in,they aren't always actual ones.You only have to regard them as places.🙋

As to the example ⑤,we are deeply immersed in a situation such as love.It means we are fall in love.😍

As for a phrase of the state of affairs such as『in this situation』,they tie to places directly.😃


⑥ We are in trouble.

⑦ We are in deep water.

⑧We are in deep shit.

As to the word of trouble, it's also a kind of situation,so『in』is just for it.What should we do if we were immersed in the shit?Not only the situation,but also figurative places, we can adopt『in』for them.🙆

  • << 183 【Preposition, in】Ⅴ I'm going to show you some examples all together. ⑨ Urawa is in the south of Saitama. ⑩ I read it in a book. ⑪ This is the brightest pupil in the school. ⑫ She took part in a language exchangingー programming last summer. ⑬ He made a lot of money in business. There are some other phrases such as,in surprise,in pain, in admiration,and in the dark.😃 When using the preposition, in,if we regard its place as a human,in expresses its character from the person.😃 Example ⑭ She loved the clown in him. Besides,we can imagine its place from the context文脈. Example ⑮ She's never in when I phone. ⑯ Bright colors are in this year. ⑰ Your test results aren't in yet. As for ⑮,it means she isn't at home when I call her up. As to ⑯,Bright color is popular among us this year. As for ⑰,the results of the test have never been announced yet. ⑱ This in itself is important. As to ⑱, I'm going to express next time.🙋

No.182 11/11/13 22:06
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【English and myself】

I've been learning English for years,and to my joy,I've learned to be able to express myself in English so so.😃

However, I've never thought I'm smart,for I have an inferiority complex with me,and I'm afraid I'm lacking in something important as a human.😔

I'm sure everybody learns to speak English as long as it studys the language enough,for even a stupid one like me can do.🙋

I've heard that an excellent cameraman can see through almost everything with its finder. I wish my English could be like that.😳

When trying to express something in English,at first I have to try to understand it correctly.It's useful for me to grasp it, for I have to concentrate my attention on it.😃

When reading Japanese sentences, I often end up understanding only superficial, but expressing in English prevents me from doing that,maybe,though when reading Japanese sentences,it's just that I may be careless.😚

No.183 11/11/14 20:16
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 181 【Preposition,in】Ⅳ As for the example ④,the book,ネイティブ・スピーカーの前置詞 says… 【Preposition, in】Ⅴ

I'm going to show you some examples all together.

⑨ Urawa is in the south of Saitama.

⑩ I read it in a book.

⑪ This is the brightest pupil in the school.

⑫ She took part in a language exchangingー programming last summer.

⑬ He made a lot of money in business.

There are some other phrases such as,in surprise,in pain, in admiration,and in the dark.😃

When using the preposition, in,if we regard its place as a human,in expresses its character from the person.😃


⑭ She loved the clown in him.

Besides,we can imagine its place from the context文脈.


⑮ She's never in when I phone.

⑯ Bright colors are in this year.

⑰ Your test results aren't in yet.

As for ⑮,it means she isn't at home when I call her up.

As to ⑯,Bright color is popular among us this year.

As for ⑰,the results of the test have never been announced yet.

⑱ This in itself is important.

As to ⑱, I'm going to express next time.🙋

  • << 185 【Preposition,in】Ⅵ As to ⑱,the author of the reference book says like next. It doesn't always mean it's so important, but lots of students have asked me,so I added my explanation,to the example,of in.😃 『This in is really its basic image,it means it limits to being its inside.It means we don't consider,except for it.By the way I hardly come across another shape such as in himself』 Example ⑲ I'll finish it in two months.          A sense of being inside which the prep.in, extends to time naturally.We keep comparatively longer time such as『in January』or『in the morning』 Example ⑳ Manami was born in 1994. 21 I can run 200 meters in about 2 seconds. Needless to say,except for concrete year,month,or time,we can adopt the in for the time. 22 They really messed up the house in my absence. 23 In her teens and 20s she loved to party all night. 24 The cherry trees are in bloom. As for 24, I have to add my comment to it next time.😃

No.184 11/11/14 22:19
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Forest which propagates 繁殖 by forest fire in Australia】

A forest fire or burning dead grass are called bush fire in Australia,and there are a lot of plants and animals which are suitable for what is called the bush fire.The typical one is a tree of バンクシア.🍀

When being burned by a fire,the バンクシア will be dead,but then its hard shell will open,and its seed fall on the ground.A young tree sprouts after the fire dies down.🌱

In other words,when being the forest fire,the vegetation propagates,making use of it.🔥

As for animals,they are also alive,making use of the what is called bush fire.☝

For example,there are parakeet インコ of which name is grand parrot in grassy plain 草原 of heath near the beach.🐥

The bush fire in the grassy plain controls the grass so as not to grow so much.😃

However I don't know why growing grass so much isn't suitable for the birds.😳

No.185 11/11/14 23:23
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 183 【Preposition, in】Ⅴ I'm going to show you some examples all toge… 【Preposition,in】Ⅵ

As to ⑱,the author of the reference book says like next.

It doesn't always mean it's so important, but lots of students have asked me,so I added my explanation,to the example,of in.😃

『This in is really its basic image,it means it limits to being its inside.It means we don't consider,except for it.By the way I hardly come across another shape such as in himself』


⑲ I'll finish it in two months.
A sense of being inside which the prep.in, extends to time naturally.We keep comparatively longer time such as『in January』or『in the morning』


⑳ Manami was born in 1994.

21 I can run 200 meters in about 2 seconds.

Needless to say,except for concrete year,month,or time,we can adopt the in for the time.

22 They really messed up the house in my absence.

23 In her teens and 20s she loved to party all night.

24 The cherry trees are in bloom.

As for 24, I have to add my comment to it next time.😃

No.186 11/11/15 20:26
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 185 【Preposition,in】Ⅶ

As for 24,please be careful of the word of blossom.It's a uncountable noun.It doesn't mean being in a concrete flower,but means a time when it comes into flower 開花時期🌸

The troublesome in,especially for us Japanese,is the one which expresses future.
I have to show you how tiresome in is.


25 See you in five minutes.

As to 25,instead of in,we can't adopt after for the sentence.We have to use in on the situation.As for『after』,I'll express it in the near future.😃

The prep.in,is the last point of which the period is shown.The opposite of ago is in.😃

26 I saw you three months ago.

27 I'll see you in three months.

Needless to sax,it doesn't always mean we have to use the prep.in for just the last point of which the period is shown.Even if it's very short,it's all right.In addition,we can't use another prep.after then.😃

No.187 11/11/15 21:21
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 186 【Preposition,in】Ⅷ


28 The space shuttle will take off in 1 minutes 35 seconds.

As for 28,we use the prep,in,for a strict situation.

29 I'll come around in an hour or so.

As for 29,in means about.

30 It's in the microwave. It'll be ready in about 15 seconds.

As for 30,we use in for a very short time.

31 The building will still be standing in a hundred years.

As to 31,we use in for very long period. Why does the usage come from the basic image of in? The author says like next.😚

『Its explanation is so complicated that I'm afraid it'll give you a lot of trouble,so I omit it.What? Did you say actually I don't know it at all? fu fu fu(his laughter)By the way,as to myself,to my sorrow,I don't know anything about it at all.😂

  • << 191 【Preposition,in】Ⅸ When saying we'll do something less than 30 minutes,to avoid using in will be less likely to cause trouble.As for usage of in,its mainstream is the last point of its period,so then we should say like next. Example 32 I'll finish it within 5 days. We should adopt within which means clear for the situation.😃 Example 33 Tom put it in the box. In which means a feeling of being inside also expresses its direction,toward inside. Example 34 Come in 35 Oh,no! The boat's taking in water.                 By the way,as to an idiom of take in,not only it means bring in something but also being deceived by something. Example 36 Don't be take in by his smooth talk. 37 I'm interested in biology. A basic image of in which means being inside spreads out being inside of some extent. 38 I'm interested As for 38,without a help of context,it's meaningless.Adding a phrase,in biology,to the 38,shows others I'm interested in what kind of extent.😚

No.188 11/11/17 22:47
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A tour of factory】

I used to work at a factory which makes parts of automobiles,but I'm forced to work at another one because of a deluge 洪水 in Thailand.🌊

The flood makes some factories stop their operations.😱The factory at which I use to work is one of them.               I belong to a section of press, and I work as a carrier.When starting making products, we need its material with a cart,and when finishing the press, we have to carry it away with the cart somewhere.As to my job,I have to do both of them.😃             
There happens to be a tour of the factory by elementary schoolchildren.When being the schoolchildren around us workers,we can carry neither the material nor the finished goods 完成品,for the cart may bump against them and they may be hurt.The upper levels of the factory seem to think that.😒
Contrary to it,as for a speed of making product,it never changes,therefore the more schoolchildren in the factory,the less the materials there are,the more finished goods are,the more my burden are😚

No.189 11/11/18 02:04
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 188 【A tour of factory】Ⅱ and so on

As for the tour of the factory, I'm sure it's just the factory tries to let an outsiders look it was nice.😚

Because of the the gesture of the factory which let them think it was nice,a lot of extra works are apt to fall on the carriers like me.😚

I'm wondering if some of the schoolchildren are cheated and they'll be engaged in this factory in the future.😚

By the way,the factory produces heating which makes use of gas. It's a seasonal goods,so it doesn't always the factory is busy through a year.😃

As long as the factory at which I used to work recovers from the flood, I can come back there, but I'm not sure of its time exactly.😚

We'd recovered a bad influence under the great earthquale in the Tohoku region, but we are forced to face to another difficulty.How unlucky we are😥

No.190 11/11/22 03:40
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Twenty doors】

Twenty doors.The word used to be a title of television program on quiz.😃

At first,a person who prepares the quiz imagines a thing,and its solvers 解答者 ask the person twenty questions.😚

For example,they ask like next.😺

『Is it in this room?』or『Is it the one which we can put on?』and so on.The solvers can ask the person twenty times,in short,twenty doors mean twenty questions.🙋

Needless to say,the person has to answer it exactly, but the more the solvers know its answers the more they are liable to get very impatient with its answers.😱

As to a real charm of the quiz are feeling irritated and a kind of katharsis.😃

The katharsis is a kind of feeling of refreshing.After feeling irritated,the solvers know its right answer,then they feel refreshing as if they were suddenly awakened to the truth.🙌

All of you who read this response,how about building a new thread of twenty doors?😃

I hate to be a スレ主,so I won't.😚

No.191 11/11/22 21:14
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 187 【Preposition,in】Ⅷ Example 28 The space shuttle will take off in 1 … 【Preposition,in】Ⅸ

When saying we'll do something less than 30 minutes,to avoid using in will be less likely to cause trouble.As for usage of in,its mainstream is the last point of its period,so then we should say like next.


32 I'll finish it within 5 days.

We should adopt within which means clear for the situation.😃


33 Tom put it in the box.

In which means a feeling of being inside also expresses its direction,toward inside.


34 Come in

35 Oh,no! The boat's taking in water.
By the way,as to an idiom of take in,not only it means bring in something but also being deceived by something.


36 Don't be take in by his smooth talk.

37 I'm interested in biology.

A basic image of in which means being inside spreads out being inside of some extent.

38 I'm interested

As for 38,without a help of context,it's meaningless.Adding a phrase,in biology,to the 38,shows others I'm interested in what kind of extent.😚

No.192 11/11/22 21:51
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 191 【Preposition, in】Ⅹ


39 Kuwait is rich in oil

40 Florence is a city rich in culture.

As for usage of in of 39,40 they are similar to 37.38


41 Please speak in English.

Needless to say,41 doesn't mean that speak English,being its inside.It means that Speak English of which extent.Next one is also same.


42 You can write the answers in pen or pencil.

Please pay attention to the word of pen and pencil which are uncountable nouns.It doesn't mean that keeping the pen and pencil in your mind and being inside of the two things.😃

It means that being extent of a way which is pen.


43 You must apply in writing.

44 When will your next book be in print?

45 The life-jackets vary in size,so choose carefully.

No.193 11/11/23 08:06
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I'm going to express a preposition,with from now on.With seems to be more complicated than other prepositions,for it has a secret of its birth.😱

The secret makes us feel hard to use the preposition.With expresses not only together but an direction.😃

Needless to say,as for the preposition,a meaning of together is predominant,but if we can't recognize a nuance of direction, we can't often grasp the preposition very much.😠

We used to adopt the with for another meaning of against,or toward long long ago.What the with has the meaning of direction seem to be related to it.😺


① I am quite satisfied with that.

At first,I'm going to start from the meaning of direction.The usage of with is its basic image.We use the preposition not only the phrase,be satisfied with,but another ones,be pleased with,or,be annoyed with such as feeling of some emotions.☝

If we regard the with as only the meaning of together,we may have a difficulty in understanding it.😃

No.194 11/11/23 08:50
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 193 【Preposition,with】Ⅱ


② All these girls are in love with Tom.

It means that they love Tom.Some people may think its usage is unexpected, but it's not uncommon.😃

We frequently come across the usage.For example,next phrases such as familiar with,acquainted with,angry with,amused with and so on.😃


③ He is strict with children.

④ He has a way with children.

④ means that he knows how to deal with children.As long as we grasp the nuance of direction,we can also understand both of ③,④.👍


⑤ What's the matter with him?

I'm going to expand the nuance of direction.It seems our attentions turn to him from the nuance of being toward,so another meaning,being concerned about something comes from.😃


⑥ It's all right with me.

⑦ What's wrong with me?

By the way,the main usage of with which means close relations between things and people comes from the meaning of toward or against.


⑧ Britain has a treaty with America.

⑨ I discussed my idea with the publishers.

No.195 11/11/24 19:25
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 194 【Preposition,with】Ⅲ


As for connections,they aren't always good relations.For good or ill,they are just connections.🙋


⑩ They broke with tradition and tried something new.

⑪ He quarreled with his friend

⑫ Will you go out with me?

At first,we're going to start from a place.With expresses not only close relations but also being together.Needless to say,being together doesn't limit to only a person.😃


⑬ Leave your luggage with me.

⑭ How about your dressing with your salad?

As to a phrase which is familiar with us, catch up with,means close relation and being together.😺


⑮ Are you with me?

⑮ means are you with what I say? In short,it means an interrogative sentence.Do you understand me?The meaning of being together has spread out.😃


⑯ Look at her clothes.She's just not with it

As for ⑯,it means a fashion.Not being together means being out of date.😫

No.196 11/11/24 20:31
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 195 【Preposition, with】Ⅳ

⑱ This tie goes really well with that shirt.

Going with is equal to matching.In other words,as being together,so it goes smoothly.🙌


⑲ I have no money with me.

The meaning of being together which with shows owning something.For instance,when we say a person and a thing are together,it means he or she possesses something.😃

In addition,the meaning of with spread so much the prep. expresses its part or feature.With spread so much that we can't usually think it in Japanese.

I'm going to show you some phrases and sentences which have with in it.

⑳a house with a swimming pool,21a girl with long,blond hair,22 a song with beautiful lyrics,

23 My homestay family treated me with kindness.

24 I listened to him with amusement.

25 He brushed back his hair with his hand.

As to 25,it regards his hand as a tool, and when using the tool,we have to hold it,so it's natural for us to use with then.🙋

  • << 203 【Preposition,with】Ⅴ Example 26 Nancy killed him with a knife. As to 26,you master how to use a preposition which is similar the with,don't you?😃 It's by which expresses its means or way.I'm going to show you an example from now on,but it's unnatural as English.😚 Example 27 Nancy killed him by a knife.❌ Let's recall next phrases such as by car,by train,and by phone,in which there isn't article.😃 By just means its way or means.In short,it means by a way of car,or phone,so it doesn't mean a concrete car,or phone.By means a person behaves how.😃 Contrary to it,as for with,we focus on next thing.What kind of thing does the person use.We focus on with which expresses a tool.🙋 If we express 27,using by,it's next. Example 28 Nancy killed him by stabbing him(with a knife)

No.197 11/11/24 21:28
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An atomic bomb and a nuclear power plant.Fear of both two】

While Japan is only a country which was exposed to radiation in the atomic bomb in the world,our country is the third power of nuclear power plant in the world.😃

As for we Japanese,aren't those two facts inconsistent with us?😒

As for its number,the nuclear power plants are more than those of prefectures in Japan,but there aren't any nuclear power plants in the big city such as Tokyo,Osaka,and Nagoya at all.Doesn't anybody think it strange?😏

When a person travelled in France,he happened to see a nuclear power plant there.It was when the person moved by train.🚇

He saw a mass of concrete of which shape was peculiar from a window of the train.It stood in an area for agriculure.😚

Its shape was as if a glass had been turned upside down.It sent out smoke from its upper part.It was in the middle of the 1990s, and the nuclear power plant was in harmony with scenes in France then.🇫

  • << 199 【An atomic bomb and a nuclear power plant.Fear of both two】Ⅱ Few ordinary travellers seem to have chances to see the nuclear power plant,for the institution is built by seashore where any tourists won't go in the least.😚 The institution isn't popular among the Japanese, for almost all of us think NIMBY. NIMBY is abbreviation of not in my backyard.😥 We've wasted electric power for a long time,looking away the institution which we hate.Moreover,an electric power company has also encouraged us to waste,saying what is called オール電化.😔 However,we've watched the merciless institution with a great earthquake on 3.11,though we've known it through TV.😱 We've watched an atomic bomb and the nuclear power plant which appeared from nuclear fission 核分裂,and we've recognized how dreadful those two are at last.😨 『An extraction from Japan times,vol 30』

No.198 11/11/25 19:20
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Day off】

I'm wondering if I won't go to a factory next Saturday,for I'm just a temporary staff,so even if I work hard,I'll leave there some day.😚

Neither I get a raise nor I win promotion,but I can't help it,so I don't have to work so hard,for I'm just a temporary staff.😚

No one has asked me to do the job.It's my own choice,and whether or not I work is also my own choice.😁

The trouble is that a good excuse doesn't occurred to me at all.😱

What I try to do is to neglect my job,so even if I made excuse to gloss 言い繕う over my absence,I would feel guilty,for I'm just timid😳

In addition,I'm not good at telling a lie. I'm wondering if I'll go to the factory next Saturday,though I hate it.😫

I wish the factory would be on fire,or would be carried away with flood and would return as it is when I go there on Monday.😁

It's impossible😂

No.199 11/11/26 02:14
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 197 【An atomic bomb and a nuclear power plant.Fear of both two】 While Ja… 【An atomic bomb and a nuclear power plant.Fear of both two】Ⅱ

Few ordinary travellers seem to have chances to see the nuclear power plant,for the institution is built by seashore where any tourists won't go in the least.😚

The institution isn't popular among the Japanese, for almost all of us think NIMBY. NIMBY is abbreviation of not in my backyard.😥

We've wasted electric power for a long time,looking away the institution which we hate.Moreover,an electric power company has also encouraged us to waste,saying what is called オール電化.😔

However,we've watched the merciless institution with a great earthquake on 3.11,though we've known it through TV.😱

We've watched an atomic bomb and the nuclear power plant which appeared from nuclear fission 核分裂,and we've recognized how dreadful those two are at last.😨

『An extraction from Japan times,vol 30』

No.200 11/11/28 21:06
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Work at a factory】

I work at a factory which produces heatings.I'm engaged in preparing for a cart for its products,and carrying the cart on which the products are away.😃

Sometimes I have to prepare for materials for the products.The workers are engaged in working at an equipments of press.They set the material on the equipments,and the products are made.😺

Without the materials,they can't make product,so if I'm late in preparing the materials,the production will be forced to stop,and some workers will be enraged at me.😠

However I can't understand why they will.If production stops,they'll have only to start it again.Even if it stops,it'll be for a few minutes at most.It doesn't matter at all,I'm sure.😚

However my boss told me like next.『When working,some people make one set,therefore when the production stops for a minute and four people are engaged in the work,it's a waste of 4 minutes.』😣

In short,without making us work so hard,the company won't be satisfied with us.😂

  • << 201 【Work at a factory】Ⅱ As I told,I have to carry carts away so often.There are some space for the carts,and each cart has each place,so I have to carry it away there.😃 I have to place the carts side by side in a straight.One day,my boss took me the place where there are some carts.I'd carried some of them just then.☀ He told me like next,pointing at the cart which I carried,and said.『Please place it in straight』😃 As he pointed out,the cart was put in oblique 斜め slightly,but it didn't mean that the cart prevented others from moving,so it was no problem,I was sure.😱 When being busy carrying the carts, I don't have enough time to make sure its position.😣 Whenever I've experienced something bad,I make it a rule to feel happy,for it means that I discover a good topic in English. If I work there for a long time, I'll get a lot of topics.😂



6/10 カテゴリの統合(6月20日、26日)


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