
Let's enjoy English!

レス500  HIT数 25385 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( Oe38xe )
13/07/07 10:31(最終更新日時)

Let's enjoy English!

I will start a new thread of English from now on,for I've loved English so much that I've wanted to express everything in English.😃

I've changed my handle name,for there have been some discords with others in this bulletin board of ミクル.🙎

I don't like arguing with others very much,but I'm sometimes forced to quarrel with others.I can't help it.😒

By the way,I have several books to read at first,so I have to finish reading all of them before I devote myself to this thread.📖

As for the last English thread of mine,its number of hit were over 10000,so I've been very happy,for my goal was more than 10000.🙋

However,all of the people who read my thread aren't always interested in my English.My friends used to come here in order to talk something with me.🙋

However my enemies watch this thread with a vigilant eye 虎視眈々 so as to abuse us.😚

Therefore I shut this thread this time.I'm sorry for it.They come so as to disturb me.😣

13/03/02 21:05 追記
I make it a rule to open and shut this thread,according to necessity.Just now when I express this sentence,my thread is open.😃

Though nobody has visited here until now…💧

13/07/07 09:33 追記
If I express once more,this thread will be over.Then I'll establish the next one at once.😃

I'm wondering what kinds of topics I should adopt.I'm looking forward to it.🙌

No.1794167 12/05/17 21:56(スレ作成日時)  




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