レッツ エンジョイ イングリッシュ 18th

レス500 HIT数 4602 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
24/06/30 13:53(更新日時)

ヒア ウイ ゴー

When trying to post with English alone, it seems I can’t post my sentence, but it’s all right as long as Japanese language is included.

By the way, when I‘ve finished そうだったのか!中国, the one which I would express is the book written by Akira Ikegami, of which title is 一気にわかる世界情勢 2024..

But I can’t finish it yet. When I can finish, it will be in June. Half of 2024 will be over then, so I’ve wanted to post by far earlier, for the more early the information is, the better, I’m sure.

Whether good or bad, things which I’ve wanted to express is something endless, but the speed of expressing myself in English can’t keep up with it, so the latest information which I’ve wanted to express becomes older and older.

When reaching 20th, I think I’ll start English, science and math starts.


No.4032199 24/04/21 01:24(スレ作成日時)



No.51 24/04/28 20:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a huge unequal society】

《Coming across a beggar in the square of Tiananmen》

When going over the street from the square in Tiananmen and entered the city area, the author was surrounded by the children of beggars, though expecting it, it was shocking, he said like that.

But a luxurious sports car of which price is no less than millions yen ran through beside the children of beggar. It‘s the real state of affairs in contemporary China, which becomes the most unequal society in the world at present

A jointed session by the Communist Party and other political organization….

No.52 24/04/28 20:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a tremendous society with inequality】

《Coming across beggars in the square of Tiananmen》

A joint session by the Communist Party and other political organization was held in Beijing in 2007 and members who attended the session held a press conference and actual situation in China was uncovered one after another.

Poorest segment of population which needs for a help is hundred million, and as to the annual income, it’s no more than ten thousand yen in Japanese currency for some twenty million people of them.

The number of government employee who was charged by corruption were…

No.53 24/04/28 20:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a huge unequal society】

《Coming across beggars in the square of Tiananmen》

The number of government employee who were charged with corruption were more than forty thousand for a year in 2006, and the ones who were punished against a regulation were no less than ninety seven thousand, some a hundred thousand in the Communist Party, making up for 1.4% in the whole number of Communist Party.

The amount of money of eating and drinking at the public expense by the government employee for a year reached one trillion and a half yen in Japanese currency. The expense of trip abroad..

No.54 24/04/28 21:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a gigantic society with inequality】

《Coming across beggars in the square of Tiananmen》

The cost of tripping abroad at the public expense was the same amount. Though the tremendous gap is caused, the society which the corruption has spread over.

The author said he was going to adopt the problem with farming villages, corruption spread over the whole China and environmental problem increasing its seriousness so as to depict the actual situation in China in this chapter.

《Migrant workers who supported the city》

The Mao Zedong Memorial Hall located to the side of the square…

No.55 24/05/04 11:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a huge city with inequality 】

《Migrant workers who supported the city》

The Mao Zedong Hall located to the side of square at Tiananmen in Beijing. The body of Mao Zedong is laid out, and if standing in a long line, everyone can looked at it.

When the author stood in the long line, men who got sun burned cut in the line. They were covered with dirt and their shoes were made of cloth. They were migrant workers working away from their local home to the city. They were the ones who worked in jobs of dirty, dangerous and demanding. It’s equal to 3K in Japan. It seemed to be their

No.56 24/05/04 11:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a city with inequality】

《Migrant workers who supported the city》

It seemed to be their day off that day, so they wanted to take one look at the body of Mao Zedong in the metro police of Beijing, so the author decided to go easy on them.

In the city of Beijing the redevelopment continued for the Olympic soon, and it was those migrant workers who supported the construction site where crane stood together in large numbers.

But even if they worked harder, they weren’t allowed to live in Beijing, for they didn’t have the family register in Beijing. They who worked in the city…

No.57 24/05/04 12:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a city with inequality】

They who worked in the big city are what we call the racket, they are illegal. The family register is different between the city and farm village, and the ones who had the family register in the farm village weren’t allowed to live in the city.

《The family register is different between the city and the farm village》

The family register is different between the city and the family village. It was Mao Zedong who established the system.

He assumed the reins of government by getting his foothold and was supported by farmers, but once gaining power, he…

No.58 24/05/04 12:23
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a city with inequality】

《The family register is different between the city and family village》

…he founded the nation due to the sacrifice of the farmers, taking away agricultural product from them and supplying it to the city and making progress on industrialization.

The system on the family register in the farm village has been adopted so as to sacrifice farm villages.

The family register is different between the city and farm village, the one who had its family register in the farm village can’t get the family register in the city as a rule

The city has to have….

No.59 24/05/04 12:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a city with inequality】

《The family register is different between the city and the family village》

The city has to have the farm village be engaged in the agriculture so as to secure its food, so if the farmers are away from the farm village and flow into the city, the city would have a hard time, so the family register is divided.

If happening to be born in the family village, it would be tied down to the family village until being dead as a rule. It‘s a class system in the present day. The child who was born is in the family register of its mother.

If a woman in the…

No.60 24/05/04 12:52
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a city with inequality】

《The family register is different between the city and family village》

Even if a woman in the farm village gets married to a man in the city, their child will be at the family register in the city. If remaining the family register in the farm village, even if living in the city, it can’t receive the compulsory education, for the compulsory education is the responsibility in the government where there is the family register.

As a result, it’s hard for the man who has the family register in the city to get marry to the woman who has the family…

No.61 24/05/04 13:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a city with inequality】

《The family register is different between the city and farm village》

…it’s hard for the man who has the family village in the city gets marry to the woman who has the family register in the farm village, and the class system which separates the love between men and women has existed.

The policy of development and openness by Deng Xiaoping has made the city develop, on the other hand, the farm village has been left behind from the development.

If comparing the income between the city and farm village, the income in the city is triple as much as the…

No.62 24/05/04 13:36
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a city with inequality】

…roughly speaking, the income in the city is triple as much as the one in the family village, and the earning differential between the city and the farm village will continue as long as the two of them are separated by the family register.

《The farm village wasn’t in the social security》

The official pension system has hardly arranged at the farm village in China. When hearing it, some people would be surprised at it, for we have had an image China is a nation of socialism, so it’s unbelievable fact.

Before the policy of developing and opining has…

No.63 24/05/04 13:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a city with inequality】

《The farm village wasn’t in the social security》

Before the policy of developing and opening has carried out, the authority decided the place where the one who lived in the city worked regardless of its hope, but it would get job somewhere as long as graduating from school.

When being able to get a job, the company which it belonged to would take care of its pension. After being in the mandatory retirement, it can relieve the income which is equal to some 60% when working.

On the other hand, the farm village had the means of production, so the …

No.64 24/05/04 14:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China which is a society with inequality】

《The farm village wasn’t in the social security》

…so the nation doesn’t have to take care of the farm village, and the idea has left the situation farmers don’t have the pension alone.

There seem to be other nations where there isn’t the social security for farmers overseas, but if they possess the farm land of their own, they would have their property to some extent.

On the other hand, at the farm village in China, all the personal property belonged to the People’s Commune, and there was hardly the property which the farmer itself possessed.

No.65 24/05/04 15:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a society which is with inequality】

《The family village wasn’t in the social security》

The land is still national ownership and it’s just the tenancy rights which farmers are given, so even if being old they can’t sell the land.

Though there is the system of public assistance for the part of the people like handicapped ones or a single mother family, if an ordinary farmer is too old and to work, it’s forced to be depend on its family members.

So a small and medium sized company started of piling up the fund and of founding pension system, but lots of farmers don’t join in it.

No.66 24/05/04 16:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a society which is inequality】

《The family village wasn’t in the social security》

The heritage from Mao Zedong remains there. They call those problem in the farm village 3農、the Chinese character of 農 is taken from agriculture, farm village and farmer in their language, and it means the low profitability in agriculture, the devastation in the farm village, and low income and high burden for farmers.

The number of farmer is some six hundred and forty million in China. The population in China is one billion and there hundred million, so the farmers make up for some 60% in China.

No.67 24/05/04 16:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is which is a nation with inequality】

Though China is a tremendous agricultural nation, it has the problem on agriculture, the farm village has been exhausted, and farmers have suffered from their lives.

《The letter to the Prime Minister》

The secretary of the Communist Party in Hubei 湖北 province sent a letter to the Prime Minister Zhu Rongji 朱鎔基 in 2000, for he couldn’t contain himself on the miserable situation in the farm village where he was engaged in any more.

After reading the letter, the Prime Minister has learned to tackle what is called the problem of 3農 seriously.

No.68 24/05/04 16:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a nation with inequality】

《The letter to the Prime Minister》

The farm village written down in the letter isn’t special one. How is the situation at the farm village in China. The author said he was going to show the part of the letter.

The letter told the fact lots of people have gone away to work in the city because the farmer can’t make ends meet on the work of the field, so no less than 65% of the cultivated land has been left alone in the village, and continued like the next.

Whether or not farmers cultivate the field, they have to pay the inhabitants tax, 人頭税. What is the。。。

No.69 24/05/04 17:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always an equal big nation】

《The letter to the Prime Minister》

What is the 人頭税?

It‘s the tax system which isn’t in Japan, but the tax is imposed each of residents in China. If there are five of family members, even if they don’t have any income, they have to pay the tax for five people. The letter by the secretary continued.

An old man held my hand, and said he wanted to die in tears. A child knelt down and appealed it wanted to go to school.

The number of executive on the Communist Party who were supported by the tax were one hundred and twenty in 1990, but it’s reached…

No.70 24/05/04 17:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《The letter to the Prime Minister》

…but it was over three hundred and forty at present. A government officer squeezes out the money from farmers, and farmers are covered with mud so as to squeeze out agricultural product from the field. How can the farmer endure the money of share?

If being born in the city, it doesn’t have to pay the 人頭税, but if being born in the fam village, it has to pay it every year. How unfair it is!

The direction from Zhu Rongji 朱鎔基 who received the letter on the field survey was done, and it turned out all the contents on…

No.71 24/05/04 17:45
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

…and it turned out that all the contents in the letter was true, but the secretary who wrote to was harassed from executive in the prefecture and couldn’t stay in the village any more, so retired from the secretary and went away from the village.

《The farm village in China before the Revolution》

There is a book of which title is 中国農民調査 in Japanese. Two Chinese authors investigated the area of farm village in China and summarized.

Young Mao Zedong made the authors research the farm village in China from 1920s to 1930s and summarized the poor situation

No.72 24/05/05 09:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《The farm village in China before the Revolution》

Mao Zedong made use of the summary on the research so as to built his revolutionary theory. About seventy years passed from it, how is the situation at the farm village in China? It’s a reportage on the farm village in Anhui 安徽 province. The author said he was going to show us the part of the reportage.

A farmer made an accusation against the secretary on the Communist Party in the village that he padded the tax from the people in village his own pocket, and the secretary got angry with it, and…

No.73 24/05/05 12:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《The farm village in China before the Revolution》

…and the police in the local area arrested the farmer with suspicion of complete fabrication by the direction from the secretary, and policemen lynched the farmer at a police box and killed him in 1993.

In other village, as an executive of the Communist Party stole the tax from the people in the village, twelve representatives from the farmers started the inspection on account book. The instant it happened, the deputy village mayor got angry so much that he attacked the farmers and killed four of them

No.74 24/05/05 12:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《The farm village in China before the Revolution》

…and one of them was injured seriously, but the newspaper and TV station in the local area treated as an event of accidental homicide by fighting. Without listening to the situation from the victims, both of the court and prosecutor finished the judgement as the event of negligent homicide in 1998.

Those events are enumerated in the single province like Anhui 安徽. It has happened in China at present. What’s difference between the time when Mao Zedong researched the village and the present time?

No.75 24/05/05 12:32
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

The book of 中国農民調査 was published in China in 2004 and lots of people paid attention to it, but it was prohibited to publish after two months. It seemed that the content on the book must not be informed to the people in China.

《Though the tax on agriculture was abolished…》

Though there isn’t the social security in China, farmers have suffered from the heavy burden. The tax which farmers have to pay is divided into national tax and the tax on a village.

As to the national tax, the government office of the National Tax Agency collects the tax from….

No.76 24/05/05 12:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《Though the tax on agriculture was abolished…》

…the government office of the National Tax Agency collects the tax from the people in Japan, on the other hand, 郷鎮銀行 which is the tip of administrative agency acts on behalf and collects the tax, but the 郷鎮銀行 often adds to original tax at will. It never ceases.

The tax on agriculture was 7% at most in China but the government in China has abolished it in 2006, but the burden which is imposed on farmers has never changed at all, for the 轟沈政府 collects various tax at will in the village, and its real…

No.77 24/05/05 13:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

…and its actual condition has never been clear. It seems that the 郷鎮銀行 and the secretary in the Communist Party get a large amount of the money from the tax.

By the way, 郷鎮 means the tip of autonomous organization in the area which is equal to a prefecture in Japan. 郷 is the place which is big comparatively, and 鎮 is comparatively small.

《A local area bears the expense on the compulsory education》

It is in 1986 when the system of compulsory education is carried out in china, it’s not so long ago, and the education wasn’t compulsory until then.

No.78 24/05/05 13:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《A local area bears the expense on the compulsory education》

The compulsory education is also nine years in China. It’s same as Japan,

The expense on the compulsory education is free of charge in Japan, but they have to bear the expense on the compulsory education in China.

As to the compulsory education in Japan, the nation bears half, and a prefecture does more half, on the other hand, in China the local government bears, and the local government which is short of funds collects from residents.

Moreover, a family which makes its child go to….

No.79 24/05/05 13:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《A local area bears the expense on the compulsory education》

Furthermore, a family which makes its child go to school requires some money not only on school fees but on test or fuel, it costs lots of money in various names. As the large amount of money is indispensable, the child in a poor family has to give up school.

But school can get so little income that a teacher is worried about its little salary and can’t stand it and goes to the city as a migrant worker, so some school suffers from being short of teachers.

《A riot breaks out each place》

No.80 24/05/05 15:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《A riot broke out each place》

As farmers have had a hard time like that farmers who couldn’t stand the tyranny any more often broke out a riot. It’s an uprising by farmers in the present day, but the inconvenient thing for the authority isn’t reported, so it has hardly been clear. Furthermore, in an inner place whee traffic condition isn’t good, the uprising by farmers should be brushed under the rug.

The dissatisfaction isn’t in the area of the farm village alone. Both of the police, prosecutor, and the press have to receive direction from the…

No.81 24/05/05 15:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《A riot broke out each place》

As both of the police, prosecutor, and the press have to receive direction from the Communist Party, executives at the Communist Party in local area have done as they like. Without getting caught by the discipline committee, no one can adopt it as problem.

Thus the dissatisfaction on residents sometime explodes in the city as a riot.

Thee was an event that a staff of woman whose age was 18 received a sexual molestation in the hotel and was dead in Sichuan 四川 province in 2006.

But the police in the local area announced…

No.82 24/05/05 15:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《A riot broke out each place》

But as the police in the local area announced she was dead because of acute alcohol poisoning, the rumor that the culprit was an executive in the Communist Party from Sichuan province who went to drink in the hotel, but the police protected spread among the people.

Lots of residents who got angry with the response on the police and the hotel until then rushed into the hotel and behaved violently.

The commotion was so big in the city that the police couldn’t ignore it. In the next day from the riot, the police admitted…

No.83 24/05/05 15:55
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《A riot broke out each place》

…the police admitted the fact of the assault and a male employee in the hotel was arrested.

It isn’t clear whether or not the executive from Sichuan province was involved in the event, but an executive at the police in the local area was involved in the management on the hotel illegally, and the executive in the police tried to erase the fact, and dealt with it as death from sickness.

The thing like the riot is hardly reported, so it isn’t clear how many of riots broke out, but a protest stage like a rally and…

No.84 24/05/05 16:25
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

…but a protest stage like rallies and demonstration by the people broke out in the whole China in 2006 and the number of the protest stage reached more than one hundred ten thousand, and it is said some twelve million people joined in the protest stage, according the report from Hong Kong.

It means more than three hundred of protest stages broke out every day.

《Corruption spreads out》

Chen Liangyu 陳良宇 who was the top on the city of Shanghai and the secretary at the Communist Party was dismissed in 2006. His suspicion is illegal siphoning on the..

No.85 24/05/05 16:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《Corruption spreads out》

His suspicion is illegal siphoning on the fund of the social security in the city. A businessman in the city of Shanghai who is close to Chen received finance of fifty seven billion yen from the fund of the social security and spent the money on the development for real estate, and handed over a reward to Chen Liangyu. 陳良宇. There was a suspicion like that.

A resident tried to accuse of injustice over dealing with the land by the businessman but he was restricted by the police. In addition the businessman who was arrested…

No.86 24/05/05 17:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《A corruption has spread out》

…the businessman who was arrested with other case and was in prison sent something profitable to the chief warden in the prison where he was and he was treated as special guest. It has come to light.

Corruption has spread out to the end of the world, even if accusing of it, the police is also corrupted, so it doesn’t only become a crime, but the police has been muzzled.

But there is a place in the center which receives the report on a scandal or corruption in a local area. It’s a room receiving petition in Beijing.

No.87 24/05/05 17:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《Corruption has spread out》

The people rushed to the room receiving petition from the whole China so as to appeal an injustice and tyranny by executives in local areas.

Executives who took a bribe in local area fear of being made a direct appeal and often tried to stop it. An official staked out near place of the room receiving petition and abducted the people who came from local areas so as to make a direct appeal or to petition, and brought them back to the local area.

《A mining accident broke out one after another》

An reporter who came to an…

No.88 24/05/05 17:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China isn’t always a big equal nation】

《A mining accident broke out one after another》

A reporter who came to an illegal coal mine in Shanxi 山西 province so as to interview was attacked and was murdered in 2007. The coal mine owner ordered its subordinates and the reporter was killed. The coal mine didn’t gain the permission of digging, it’s an illegal coal mine.

There are lots of coal mines which don’t have a formal permission in China. Being collision with the local government and the illegal coal mine was overlooked and paying money to the local government and the mining is continued.

No.89 24/05/05 17:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t equal nation】

《A mining accident broke out one after another》

As the illegal coal mine doesn’t conduct safe measure enough, a rockfall accident and a coal dust explosion never cease. The number of the deceased by mining accident reached some four thousand and seven hundred for a year in 2006, but the deceased were over ten thousand in 1995, so the number of decease has decreased.

But as to the illegal coal mine, it is possible that the fatal accident itself was swept under the carpet. There is a guess the number of the decease is more than twenty thousand actually.

No.90 24/05/05 18:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t an equal nation】

《A mining accident broke out one after another》

Without the freedom of the press, the fact on injustice and corruption has never been known to the people, so the injustice and corruption would never corrected forever. More than ten people were dead in the coal mine every day.

As the Communist Party controls everything, the separation of three powers which is common knowledge in a modern nation isn’t established in China. Without being established the system everyone is equal under a law, the corruption and injustice would continue from now on.

No.91 24/05/05 18:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t an equal nation】

《Environmental destruction has made progress》

There is one more serious problem which China has. It’s environmental destruction. Including Beijing, the sky over big cities in China grows hazy everywhere due to atmospheric pollution. The water in river isn’t clear and small and medium sized river gives off a vile smell.

The author visited Tibet in 2006 and saw a river flowing in high land was dirty and he was shocked at it, for he imaged the clean stream at high land in Japan as he liked.

Including Beijing, sixteen cities in China are in the worst…

No.92 24/05/05 18:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t an equal nation】

《Environmental destruction has made progress》

Including Beijing, sixteen cities in China are in the worst twenty in the world which has serious atmospheric pollution, according to the investigation by the World Bank in 2001. The cause of the atmospheric pollution is coal. Lots of energy source in China is still the coal. A large amount of sulfur oxides has been spread over in the atmosphere by burning the coal.

If coming to Japanese Islands with northwest seasonal wind, the large amount of sulfur oxides changes into acid rain and acid snow and…

No.93 24/05/05 18:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t an equal nation】

《Environmental destruction has worsened》

…and pours on the side of the Japan Sea and causes the pine to wither on the coast, and photochemical smog in summer.

Using a large amount of the coal as fuel and it caused to exhaust the large amount of carbon oxide, but China doesn’t have a duty of reducing the green house gas at Kyoto protocol in which stopping the global warming is fixed.

It isn’t always the material of atmospheric pollution alone which comes to Japan with northwest seasonal wind from winter to the beginning of spring. Yellow dust has…

No.94 24/05/05 19:13
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t an equal nation】

《Atmospheric pollution has worsened》

Yellow dust has increased every year. Needless to say the infection over China like Beijing is worse than Japan and it’s as if it were a sandstorm. Its cause is desertification in China.

The area which changes into the desert makes up for no less than 18% in the whole nation, according to the investigation by forestry department.

At the time of the Great Leap Forward by Mao Zedong, forest was cut down and wood was used in a blast furnace as fuel, the area on forest has decreased sharply.

After that without…

No.95 24/05/05 19:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t an equal nation】

《Atmospheric pollution has worsened》

After that without planting trees in the confusion of the Great Revolution, China rushed into the course of development and openness by Deng Xiaoping, the forest continued to be cut down so as to expand farm land.

Intellectuals were denied by the Great Revolution and were sent to the area of farm village, so the human resource who tackled an environmental problem scientifically was insufficient in the central government. The people are worried about the adverse legacy from Mao Zedong there.

The pollution on…

No.96 24/05/05 19:47
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t an equal nation】

《Environmental pollution has worsened》

The pollution on the river by waste liquid from factories is also serious. The control on water quality is lax and a regulation has hardly been done, so the large amount of polluted material has been discharged into the river.

If the polluted material is flowed at the upper stream and residents make use of the water so as to drink in the lower stream, residents would end up dinking the polluted water, so it’s reported that there is a village where the risk of getting cancer is high unusually each place.

No.97 24/05/05 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【China is a big but isn’t an equal nation】

An unannounced inspection on the pollution by the local government is leaked to the factory beforehand, and the device of cleaning drainage at the time of the investigation alone is done. Being collusion with the local government is serious there. As the committee at the Communist Party in the local area is involved in it, mass media doesn’t report the true situation on the pollution. Lacking of the freedom of press and separation of three powers has caused the serious environmental problem.

【Military expansion is advanced】

《Success in the…》

No.98 24/05/05 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Military expansion has advanced】

《Success in the experiment of destroying satellite》

China succeeded in an experiment of destroying the artificial satellite which went around the earth in 2007. It was destroyed by rocket.

The artificial satellite which was targeted was an aged weather satellite belonged to China. It went around on the orbit in the outer space of which height was eight hundred fifty kilometers from the ground.

A ballistic missile was launched from Sichuan Province, making a warhead collide with the artificial satellite and destroyed. The destroyed artificial…

No.99 24/05/05 20:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Military expansion has advanced】

《Success on the experiment of destroying the satellite》

The destroyed artificial satellite was scattered over the outer space as rubbish. It’s debris. The debris drift on the orbit which goes around the earth.

As there is a fear that the debris collides with the artificial satellite or space station in other nation and caused damage, so China has been criticized from other nations.

The success on the experiment by China has showed us China can destroy the artificial satellite collecting information in other nation at any time if getting serious.

No.100 24/05/05 20:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Military expansion has advanced】

《Success on the experiment of destroying satellite》

The military strategy in America is founded, being based on the information sending from lots of intelligent artificial satellites or from the artificial satellites collecting information.

But it turned out there is a possibility that those things are destroyed at any time.

There are artificial satellites collecting information on the ground around Japan Island as well. Its height is five hundred kilometers from the ground.

The height on the artificial satellite which China succeeded in destroying is…





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