
Let's enjoy Englis Ⅵ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
20/03/22 04:17(最終更新日時)

I've studied English for about a decade,for I have fun,it's just that is, though sometimes others have criticized my English,it can't helped. I've tried to improve my English ability, but I can't find something efficient.

However if we can find it easily, no one takes pains when learning English,I'm sure.

Being skilled at English is wonderful,but is it a final goal?

Studying is learning from others or from books. Without doubt, trusting being taught from others,and enjoying remembering something useful,and when possessing plenty of knowledge. It's a sensivity who is skilled at learning,but so what?

The wisdom of us the human being is ahead of it. Learning something useful is just a starting point.

However most of the people acquire plenty of knowledge and are immersed in being one of the elite,and the end.

The study we learning at school has already existed in the society,and learning it is just basic thing, but the wisdom of the human being is ahead of it.

Making use of the wisdom,we think of something which is ahead of the wisdom,create something useful which doesn't exist in the society.

Needless to say, we aren't a dog nor a cat. We obtain the knowledge,and convey the next generation the knowledge,and the next generation challenges the next stage. We are the ones which convey the will others.

Needless to say,it's not my thought. It was written in a comic book.

20/03/22 01:57 追記
Number of letters are limited to 600, but I think the more, the better. It used to be 1400, then 1000, and this time 600. It cannot be helped.

20/03/22 02:18 追記
Without knowing, corona virus seems to spread over the world, though I've never worn mask,gargled nor washed my hands, but fortunately or not I'm fine. Eventually everyone will be dead in the future.

No.2990753 20/01/21 19:47(スレ作成日時)  



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