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No.146 12/09/09 23:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Civil war of more than 20years has brought about devastation》

Instead of hope,oppressed lives have come to Afghan people.Taliban demanded that Afghan male grow beard,mustache,or whiskers.😃

Contrary to it,Taliban demanded that Afghan female wear プルカ.プルカ is clothes which covers whole her body.They were forbidden to enjoy amusements.😫

We can't deny that Taliban's movements arisen from traditional Islamic sense of values has brought a kind of stable situation to the chaotic places.☝

However Taliban received abundant money from ビンラディン so as to expand its territory,so Taliban refused to turn him in to America.😠

As a result,Taliban was expposed to American air raid 空爆,and attack of anti-Taliban's power.At last,Taliban collapsed.😃

More than ten million mines 地雷 have been buried in Afghanistan in the civil war which continued 20years.No less than 6.2 million refugees escaped from Afghanistan.Their average life expectancy 平均寿命 is 45years.😱





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