コロナワクチンによる健康被害 出てると思う

A diary of a drunkard in English

No.17 10/06/06 13:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ Oe38xe )

ENIAC Ⅲ and others

After The World War Ⅱ,the development of the ENIAC continued. As for those enormous equipments in those days,the more accurate they were, the more we used to be worrid about their trouble.😔

Unexpectedly,in those days the ENIAC almost used to be without big trouble. It was just a few vacuum tube was broken in a week.😉

By the way, I went to a eye clinic,for I had a pain in my left eye.The doctor showed me a photograph which magnified of my eye.I was injured on my surface of my eyeball.👀

The doctor said the injury was big, but the injury wasn't on the iris,so I can see things well without any troubles.😁

I'm sure I don't lose my eyesight at all.I'm relieved.The injury of my eye reminds me of a woman who used to send me some messages in the former diary,「A diary in English」.👩

She also used to suffer from the sickness of her eyes.Suddenly she stopped sending me message, but I hope she leads a happy life.😃




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