
Science,English,and math 7th

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22/01/02 11:52(更新日時)

I will start from now on



No.3364176 21/09/01 00:47(スレ作成日時)



No.1 21/09/02 20:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Continuation of the last response in the 6th

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a huge star will melt the earth after five billion years》

…so its fuel decreases and its cinders accumulates. As helium is heavier than hydrogen central part on the sun becomes heavier gradually.

As being heavier, it’ll learn to be smashed little by little? It won’t.

When being heavier, the way of burning the atomic nucleus becomes better inside the sun, so the temperature rose and pressure occurs. Then the pressure can support the thing which is crushed.

No.2 21/09/02 20:54
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a huge star will melt the earth after five billion years》

Therefore as its size doesn’t change, the way of burning becomes better gradually. It has been thought the way of shining on the sun increases in the future, but the situation doesn’t continue forever, for atomic nucleus on hydrogen around the center of the sun will be missing before long.

But it doesn’t always mean that even if the atomic nucleus on hydrogen will be missing, the fuel will disappear at once, for after atomic nucleus on hydrogen burns up…

No.3 21/09/02 21:41
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a tremendous star will melt the earth after five billion years》

…for after atomic nucleus on hydrogen burns up atomic nucleus on helium begins to burn this time. When atomic nucleus on helium burns other atomic nucleus on chemical elements like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen are formed. Those atomic nucleus become cinders this time.

As to the star like the sun, after atomic nucleus on helium burned up, its cinders don’t begin to burn again.

When there is nothing to be burned in the central part on the sun, gravitational…

No.4 21/09/02 21:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a tremendous star will melt the earth after five billion years》

…gravitational balance on the sun is broken and the surface on the sun begins to swell. It’s a stage on the sun of red huge star then. The sun reaches the stage after some five billion years.

The sea evaporates from the surface on the earth until then and inside the earth becomes cool.

Though the author said like that, the sun is so hot that the earth will be melted, its inside is cool? I don’t know why it is.

Then the earth will be a dead star…

No.5 21/09/02 22:11
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The future on the earth and humankind】

《The sun which becomes red and a huge star will melt the earth after five billion years》

Then the earth will be a dead star geologically.

After five billion years, the surface on the sun will be melted so much that the sun will be filled with the sea of magma like when the earth was born, but the magma evaporates from the surface on the sun, and the sun becomes smaller gradually in the future.

At last all the magma evaporates, and the sun scatters in the outer space as gas.

【Protection for the earth which is irreplaceable for us】

No.6 21/09/05 01:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【Protection for the earth which is irreplaceable for us】

Unusual climate and global warming in the scale of the world. It seems that the earth is in the middle of an uproar.

Lots of varied wild animals have been on the verge of ruin. What will happen in the earth where we live from now on?

The book is developed, being based on the three next content.

1 the latest report on a great uproar on the earth

2 the latest report on our companies which disappear from the earth.

3 Mr. Mori spoke on the earth when looking at it from the outer space.

【A great uproar on the earth】

No.7 21/09/05 02:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《What’s happened on the earth just now?》

Unusual climate in the scale of the earth has been appealed for a long time. A record uproar has happened all over the world in 1995.

Destruction on the ozone layer has been violent still more, and a ozone hole over the Antarctic becomes twice as wide as European continent.

It has been suggested that there is a possibility that a viral disease which used to be in the tropical regions alone will spread over the world.

What causes the great uproar? What will happen on the earth from now on?

No.8 21/09/05 02:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《Area on ozone hole becomes twice as wide as the European continent》

Though the book said it was the latest report, it was published after 1995. Some quarter century ago. It doesn’t always mean that I try to threaten readers, but I’m afraid the situation has been more serious at present.

Phenomenon of all amount of ozone has decreased over Antarctic every year from September to November from the end of the 1970s.

It looks as if the ozone over the Antarctic disappeared in the shape of circle there, so we call the phenomenon ozone hole.

No.9 21/09/05 02:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《Area on the ozone hole becomes twice as wide as European continent》

After that the scale on the ozone hole becomes larger more and more, and after 1989, the one which was the big scale appeared every year.

The biggest ozone hole twice as big as European continent which includes the territory on the old Soviet Union.

Freon was exhausted on the ground and it causes a specific chemical reaction over the Antarctic. Then a large amount of chlorine gas is released, so the whole amount of ozone becomes less extremely.

The chlorine gas becomes active by the…

No.10 21/09/05 03:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《An area on the ozone hole becomes twice as big as European continent》

The chlorine gas becomes active by the sunlight in spring, and destroys the ozone layer rapidly.

Freon has been used for refrigerator or when washing semi conductor. It was in 1995 when there was possibility that the Freon broke the ozone layer. It was suggested by a chemist who received Nobel Prize.

Vienna treaty or Montreal protocol were adopted so as to protect the ozone layer in the latter of 1980s.

No.11 21/09/05 03:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《An area on ozone hole becomes twice as big as European continent》

Measure of decreasing specific Freon by half until the end of 20th century started in 1989. It was done in the scale of the world.

It has been foreseen that the ozone hole over the Antarctic would expand after some years, but after that an effect appear and become reduction slowly.

But it has been thought the ozone hole doesn’t disappear for a half century from 1995 at least.

《The amount of ozone has decreased in the northern semi sphere as well》

Except for tropical zone, not only in the…

No.12 21/09/05 03:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

Except for tropical zone, not only in the Antarctic but in the almost all of the whole area on the stratosphere 成層圏, the ozone layer tends to decrease from 1980s, especially in the north latitude 30 degrees, the tendency of decreasing ozone layer becomes larger every year. Northern semi sphere like Canada, Siberia, and Hokkaido prefecture is serious.

It has been thought if having destroyed on the ozone layer in the Mid latitude region, it has a bad influence on varied creatures.

No.13 21/09/05 04:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

The ozone layer in stratosphere absorbs harmful ingredient on the ultraviolet from the sun, but when the amount of ozone decreases, the harmful ingredient on the ultraviolet which reaches on the ground increases.

It causes skin cancer, cataract 白内障, and immunity drops.

When decreasing no more than 1% on the whole amount of ozone layer, it has been foreseen patients who suffer from skin cancer increases by 2%.

As to dropping immunity, there has never been reported concretely at present, but…

No.14 21/09/05 07:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

…but it has been expected in the future enough.

To make matters worse, if the mid latitude region becomes the climate like the subtropical zone like at present, it has been expected region of a mosquito which transmits malaria, and virus in sub tropical zone survives expands, so there is fear that a contagious disease making immunity drop spread over.

Moreover, except for humankind, influence on amount of harvest on grain , a drop on its grade and decrease on plankton has been thought.

No.15 21/09/05 08:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

Vienna treaty and Montreal protocol have been adopted so as to protect ozone layer in stratosphere at the latter in 1980s, but after that it turned out the destruction on the ozone layer was made progress more than we expected, so a schedule on controlling the amount of Freon was strengthened in 1990 and in 1992.

It was planned Freon was abolished in the whole world including developing countries in 2005. If going well as planned, the peak of destruction on the ozone layer in the …

No.16 21/09/05 08:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

…the peak on destruction of ozone layer in the stratosphere was around 1998, and after that it would be to restoration slowly.

When looking at the international movement, it seems that the problem on Freon has already been solved, but the ones which were substituted for Freon spurred on the global warming, and tropospheric ozone 対流圏オゾン which causes photochemical smog tends to increase Furthermore, other harmful gas which have never been controlled has increased rapidly.

Lots of problems…

No.17 21/09/05 12:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The great uproar on the earth】

《The amount of ozone has decreased in northern semi sphere as well》

Lots of problems still remains at present.

Moreover lots of money is necessary so as to do away with Freon in developing counties, but there isn’t enough money for it, so it has been thought cooperation between international society would be significant more and more from now on.

《A huge iceberg which flows out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

It was January in 1995 when a tremendous crack was discovered at Larsen iceberg of eastern area in Antarctic peninsula. The crack…

No.18 21/09/05 12:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A huge iceberg which flows out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

The crack which covers dozens of kilometers expands gradually, and a part of the ice shelf was separate from January to February, and changed into a tremendous iceberg and flowed out.

It was estimated its length was 200 kilometers, width 35kilometers, thickness 200 meters. Its area was so vast that it’s as big as the whole Kanagawa prefecture.

It has been reported one after another lately that the gigantic iceberg flowed out around Antarctic. Needless to see the sinking on…

No.19 21/09/05 13:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A huge iceberg which flows out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

Needless to see the sinking on the Titanic, flowing out on the gigantic iceberg is dangerous existence extremely for ships which sail on the sea.

A laboratory in America continues to watch the tremendous iceberg using artificial satellite around Antarctic from the latter in 1970s. An object for watching is major axis is over some 280 kilometers.

When looking at the record on the iceberg which flowed out in the past, the big scale was the next one. The ice shelf collapsed on …

No.20 21/09/05 15:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A tremendous iceberg which flows out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

The ice shelf collapsed and covered of which length was 210 kilometers and of which width was 90 kilometers, and three huge iceberg flowed out. Each of three was almost the same size. Its length was 70 kilometers and width was 70 kilometers.

In 1987, other super huge iceberg of which length was 154 kilometers and of which width was 36 kilometers and other four tremendous ones flowed out. After that, the vast iceberg flowed out a few times in a year, and the situation…

No.21 21/09/05 15:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A vast iceberg which flowed out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

…and the situation doesn’t change so much.

Does it happen owing to the global warming? If thinking so, it’s rash. Even if one of them was super tremendous, it accounts for just 0.02 % in the whole area of the Antarctic continent.

But if the earth goes to the global warming, it has been thought its sign appears remarkably extremely. Researchers in English observatory of the Antarctic thought the collapse on the ice shelf connects with a change on climate like the global warming.

No.22 21/09/05 15:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《A gigantic iceberg which flowed out one after another. What’s happened in Antarctic?》

A reason why we have been worried about is it has been thought that our activity of the humankind promotes the global warming. We must not miss every sign on the global warming so as to control the activity on the humankind appropriately.

We need to strengthen the watch on the huge iceberg and on the polar region.

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high does it rise?》

Sandy beach of shore makes up for some 20%…

No.23 21/09/05 16:09
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high does it rise?》

Sandy beach of shore makes up for some 20% on the shore all over the world. Lots of them shows us tendency to erode for dozens of years in the past. The one which shows us tendency of going ahead accounts for no more than below 10% in the shore of sandy beach. Its main cause is slow rise on the surface of the sea.

For example, at seashore on the Atlantic Ocean in America it has been reported that the surface of the sea has risen from 30 to 40…

No.24 21/09/05 16:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high does it rise?》

…the surface of the sea has risen from 30 to 40 centimeters for a century in the past, and the most serious place reaches a thousand centimeters.

The temperature on the earth has risen from 0.4 to 0.5 degrees for a hundred years in the past. Ice sheet retreats with the global warming and water of melting ice flows into the ocean. As temperature on the surface of the water rose and cubic volume on the sea water swells.

Those changes make the…

No.25 21/09/05 16:58
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high does it rose?》

Those change make the surface of the sea rise gradually. Though the data on tidal observatory in the world are uneven, there has been lots of reports that the tide level has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. The speed of the surface of the sea tends to accelerate a little.

How high does the surface of the sea rise in the future?

If controlling on exhausting gas by global warming like carbon oxide doesn’t make…

No.26 21/09/07 19:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

If controlling on exhausting gas by global warming like carbon oxide doesn’t make progress very well, it was expected by the IPCC in 1990 the surface of the sea will rise to around 66 centimeters until 2100.

IPCC is an abbreviation of intergovernmental Panel on Climate change. It is made up with specialists and researchers on change of climate all over the world. It belongs to the United Nations.

IPCC showed us an amended scenario on…

No.27 21/09/07 20:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeter for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rose?》

IPCC showed us an amended scenario on exhausting gas by global warming with a rise on temperature in 1992.

According to the scenario, when the density on the carbon dioxide in the air becomes double, it is estimated the temperature will rise by 2.5 ℃ by 2100.

The expectation on low temperature is 1.5 ℃, and the high temperature is 4.5 ℃.

With the rise on the temperature, the surface of the sea will rose around 48 centimeters until 2100.

No.28 21/09/07 20:29
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

The value which is expected the lowest on the surface of the sea is 16 centimeters, and the highest one is 90 centimeters.

The value on expectation is four times as fast as the speed on rising the surface of the sea for a hundred years in the past. The speed on the rising the surface of the sea is apt to become fast gradually every year.

It is estimated it is possible its speed is almost 1 centimeter a year in the 22nd century.

Its speed is…

No.29 21/09/07 21:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past.How high will it rise?》

Rising on the surface of the sea has various influence on the sea shore each place of the world.

For example, promotion of retreating on a cliff, a sink on a shore reef 岩礁, erosion on the sea shore, expansion on an inlet and bay, islands made up with coral reel sinking in the water, salt water wedge 塩水くさび reaching upper stream on the river, density on salt in groundwater increases.

The salt water wedge is seawater goes upstream against a river…

No.30 21/09/07 21:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 15 to 10 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

The salt water wedge is a phenomenon that seawater goes upstream in the river or advances into aquifer 滞水層, and density on the salt increases there.

In a seashore of sandy beach which is apt to retreat at present, a dike on sea shore, a pier and breakwater 離岸堤 are combined, the combination prevents coastline from retreating.

The breakwater is a structure which is formed off the coast parallel to the coastline. Its effect is two. Getting rid of…

No.31 21/09/07 21:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

Getting rid of waves and making the force on waves weak.

Rising on the surface of the sea will make artificial seashore of sandy beach increase more and more, so natural seashore is facing a crisis of disappearing in the future.

Expectation on the global warming for a longer time has been done recently. Its model is the one like the next.

Atmosphere in which an amount of carbon dioxide becomes twice after seventy years, and it becomes four times…

No.32 21/09/07 22:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

…and it becomes four times as dense as at present after 140 years and after that carbon dioxide doesn’t increase at all.

Then the temperature will rise from 3.5 to 7 ℃ after five hundred years. Considering thermal expansion alone, it is estimated the surface of the sea will rise from 1 to 2 meters.

If adding melting water by ice sheet to the sea water, it has been thought the surface of the sea will rise 1 centimeter every year for hundreds of years

No.33 21/09/07 22:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《The surface of the sea has risen from 10 to 15 centimeters for a hundred years in the past. How high will it rise?》

We the humankind have developed a coastal city, a harbor, an industrial area, and agricultural land for a long time until at present. If wanting to maintain them, we need to reduce the amount of exhausting gas on the global warming like carbon dioxide and to make the global warming on the climate of the earth and the rise on the surface of the sea be late for anyway.

《How long will the valuable tropical forest exist?》

The area on the forest make…

No.34 21/09/08 01:27
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable forest exist?》

The area on the forest makes up for from 30 to 40% at the area of land on the earth at present. The forest has played a significant part for varied creatures for stability on climate, or as a place where oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged.

But we the humankind who scattered the whole earth have destroyed a large scale of forests each place in the world, especially the most serious was a tropical forest recently.

The tropical forest has distributes over green belt between north tropic and south tropic, as the equator…

No.35 21/09/08 01:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable forest exist?》

The center on the tropic is the equator.

Four hundred and fifty million hectares were lost from 1960 to 1990, and 1500 hectares have disappeared a year at present. The area where there are big lost is Brazil, Indonesia, and Zaire. Why was it done?

The area was diverted to a pasture in Brazil, deforestation and the area was diverted to the field which was burned off in the Southern East Asia, and gathering wood for fuel in Africa.

There are plenty of kinds of animal and plant which inhabit the forest in the tropical area.

No.36 21/09/08 02:08
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable tropic forest exist?》

In addition, seeds on lots of crops have been gained from the tropical forest and it has been thought plenty of unknown resource exist there. Losing the forest means destroying a treasure house of gene.

Moreover destruction on the forest has bad influence over climate.

The forest absorbs plenty of water from the underground and transpires in the atmosphere. It’s played a part as tremendous pump.

If the forest disappears, it causes a decrease on the amount of rainfall and the temperature goes up. To make matters…

No.37 21/09/08 02:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable tropical forest exist?》

To make matters worse, water retaining capacity on the soil decreases, even a little rainfall causes often flood. The flood causes serious disaster in Philippine.

Furthermore, destruction on the tropical forest made a large amount of carbon stored in trees and their soil release, and it spurs the global warming on.

Japan is a country which imports wood more than any others in the world. There are lots of forests destroyed by importing woods to Japan in Southern east Asia.

As to an area on the forest, there are…

No.38 21/09/08 08:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable tropical forest exist?》

As to an area on the tropical forest, there is 1.2 hectares a single person in developing countries in 1960, but with increase on the population rapidly, it decreased to 0.6 hectare in 1990. To make matters worse, it was expected it would be 0.2 hectare in 2020.

Japan which is the biggest country for importing wood in the world should take into account for protection on wood in developing countries more carefully.

We the Japanese should protect primeval forest which is running short in the tropical forest and…

No.39 21/09/08 18:28
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【An uproar on the earth】

《How long will the valuable tropical forest exist?》

…and we should help the people for the greatest possible effort around the tropical forest on funds and technical skill so as to lead their lives without destroying the forest.

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes epidemic on unknown virus》

Ebola fever was prevalent so much at Zaire in Africa in 1995. A dramatic symptom like bleeding from the whole body and high death rate threatened the people in the world.

It was caused by Ebola virus and has been thought that it hid in the depth of the tropical forest.

No.40 21/09/08 18:43
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

It has been mysterious with regard to the place where the virus hides and a route how the people were infected.

Except for the Ebola virus, emerging virus which causes serious sickness was found one after another during a few decades until 1995. Each of them is unknown virus which we the humankind have never met before, so there are few effective vaccines and treatment for the emerging disease.

The hosts on the virus are wild animals which inhabit the tropical forest like monkeys, mice.

No.41 21/09/08 19:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

As a result the virus was shut by deep forests, but as the society becomes modern and population increases, we the humankind started to destroy forests in a large scale in order to expand farmland and to secure wood, then came across the emerging virus which was sealed in the forests for a long time.

It has been expected that the humankind would encounter unknown virus still more, and it has been thought the emerging virus which was prevalent once would be epidemic again in the future .

No.42 21/09/08 19:35
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

To make matters worse, the global warming causes possibility there is a dangerous sign that the epidemic peculiar to the tropical area is prevalent in the Mid-latitude region, for mosquitos and mites ダニ which used to inhabit the tropical area alone and carried disease can learn to inhabit the Mid-latitude region, especially it has been expected a habitat on the mosquito which carry malaria would expand to the northern area in widely more than at present.

As a result the place where…

No.43 21/09/08 19:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

As a result it has been expected that the place where malaria is epidemic would expand considerably, and Japan islands are also included in dangerous zone where the disease is prevalent, of which center is southwest islands.

When the temperature goes up, there is fear that emerging disease dengue bleeding fever is prevalent in Mid-latitude region. Actually Hantavirus Plumonary Syndrome was epidemic at southwestern in America March in 1993, and it was caused El Niño phenomenon.

No.44 21/09/08 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

As the temperature went up unusually in the Pacific Ocean and El Niño was caused. Trees bore a large amount of fruits unusually thanks to the high temperature, and rodents 齧歯類 which carried Hantavirus ate the fruits as feed and increased rapidly then.

We the humankind try to strangle with our own hands automatically. As Japan is island country, we the Japanese aren’t interested in emerging disease very much, but it has been reported patients who were infected overseas and returned to Japan.

No.45 21/09/08 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Destruction on the tropical forest causes prevalent on unknown virus》

The number of the patients is over a hundred a year.

Without thinking the situation in foreign countries as something that had nothing to do with us, we need to found watching system and researching system against the unknown virus as developed country.

In addition we should change the society which consumed and produced a large amount of things and leads to destruction on the ecosystem so as that the humankind continues to flourish.

The author said like that.

《Mt. Kokonoe erupted…》

No.46 21/09/08 20:49
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Mt. Kuju erupted. An earthquake at southern area in Hyogo prefecture of which seismic intensity was 7.2. Inspection on Japan which has shaken violently》

Japan was filled with news on eruption and earthquake in 1995. Was Japan island in the period on activity of volcano and earthquake?

Mt. Kuju erupted in Oita prefecture after two hundred fifty seven years. Activity on Sakurajima was also so active that no less than forty thousand hundred tons of volcanic ashes fell for no more than two days August in 1995.

Sakurajima didn’t erupt more than two hundred days…

No.47 21/09/08 21:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Inspection on Japan which shook violently》

The subtitle was so long that I omitted it.

…as a large amount of volcanic ashes fell after a long time and there was voice of being worried about a great eruption, but average on amount of falling volcanic ashes for twenty years in the past was ten million ton, so there were several times on the eruption of the scale of this time in the past.

The number of eruption on volcano was six times from January to November in 1995. The number of volcano which researchers recognized unusual activity was twelve.

No.48 21/09/08 21:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Inspection on Japan which shook violently》

Its number is the one in average year, but there were few eruption from 1991 to 1994 except for some volcanoes which often erupted like Unzen, Aso, Sakurajima, and Suwanose island.

As there were other eruption like Kujuusan and Yakedake it seems that volcanic activity becomes active again. Earthquake broke out all over the world and no less than 10% of them occurred around Japan, and the earthquake of which seismic intensity was 7 broke out a few times a year. There were other earthquake which is the same scale of…

No.49 21/09/08 21:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Inspection on Japan which shook violently 》

There were other earthquakes which were the same scale of seismic intensity lately, so it is said the area around Japan has been in a period on activity of earthquake.

《Unusual climate and global warming causes something wrong on rhythm of creatures》

The Meteorological Agency observes creatures every season. For example, a cherry blossom comes into flower, Maple tree turns red, a first buzzing on a large brown cicada アブラゼミ.

Observing on twelve kinds of plants and eleven kinds of animals make the Meteorological…

No.50 21/09/08 22:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【A great uproar on the earth】

《Unusual climate and global warming causes something wrong on rhythm on creatures》

Observing twelve kinds of plants and eleven kinds of animals makes the Meteorological Agency inform seasonal changes, but varied something unusual began to be reported from 1980s.

Coming into flowers on plums and Yamahagi become earlier and turning yellow on ginkgo 銀杏 and turning red on maple tree become later. As to coming into flower on Yamahagi, it continues to be faster than an average year in the whole Japan after 1986.

Plum and dandelion comes into flower earlier…




6/10 カテゴリの統合(6月20日、26日実施)




  • レス新
  • 人気
  • スレ新
  • レス少


