Science,English,and math Ⅱ

No.19 17/03/31 20:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Medical outline】

《If others are dead,what should we do?》

For example,if being aware of cause of the death of a near relative like a grandfather,its relatives will be relieved. If unable to being aware of the reason why he was dead,its relatives' remain being worried about his death. As a result it's important for others who are still alive to research the cause of the death.

《An anatomy》

Researching the cause of the death used to be a good chance for studying from a medical point of view. It had been said that the anatomy was a basis for the medical science from the time of Hippocrates. The general idea hadn't changed until the end of the 21th century.

A phrase that a corpse is an active master for studying the medical science has been said in China too,so as to the anatomy, it's no doubt that learning from the corpse was natural from the standpoint of the medical science in the world.

When doing the anatomy,the corpse is mutilated,its internal organs are taken away from the…





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