
Let’s enjoy English! Ⅴ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/01/22 11:54(最終更新日時)

I’m going to start a new thread from now on. Whenever starting,I find it complicated to think of the title on the thread. Even if what kinds of title,it doesn’t matter for me,for it’s just that it’s in English.

I’ve put effort into expressing on America,being based on the book,アメリカ50州を読む,written by 浅井信雄,I’ve wanted to finish it as soon as possible,for there are lots of things which I’ve wanted to do on the English,lots of books to read,and plenty of things to express in English.

After finishing expressing on America,I’m going to read some books. It takes me a lot of time to finish reading them,so I’m afraid I can’t come here so often,at most twice a week.

When reading finishing them,I’m going to return,though no one may wait for me.

To my sorrow,my health has been failing as a result of being an old age. I’ve suffered from gout,to make matters worse,fluid has accumulated on my right knee,and I have a pain in my right knee,especially when going down the stairs. I may disappear suddenly one day.

18/10/08 21:38 追記
I’ve expressed on America mainly at present. When finishing it,I’m going to devote myself to read a book,but I’ll make it a rule to come here to express myself in English at least twice a week.

20/01/22 11:54 追記
As to reading science book,it used to be limited to express myself in English,but I've wanted to read it recently somehow.,

No.2711512 18/09/17 04:36(スレ作成日時)  



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