
Let's enjoy English!Ⅱ

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燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
15/03/07 20:23(最終更新日時)

I'm going to start a new thread from now on.Whenever I started to express the new threads,I used to do something interesting here,but to my sorrow,it doesn't occur to me anything at all.😳

Needless to say,I'm sure it'll be all right even if I start with only one phrase“I'm going to begin from now on”😃

However I hate it,for almost all of the other space remain as it is.How wasteful it's!😚

However,to my sorrow,my expressions aren't always worth reading.😂

By the way,the rainy season is over,I'm wondering.It means that an intense heat has started this year.Whenever I heard the word of the intense heat,I think I'll lose my weight.☝

It's regrettable that I need not have been worried about it until now.😂

I wish I could go for a drink! A beer garden may be suitable for this night,for there is the Star Festival 七夕 tonight,though I'm afraid I can't recognize both of the Vega and Altair 織り姫と彦星⭐

Moreover,when being too much drunken,instead of watching the stars,I'll go for other bar…🍻

14/06/22 00:16 追記
I've wanted to fill this thread with English within a year,but I find it impossible.

I'm going to describe financial crisis in the past,and superb views in the world in the near future.

14/09/07 21:19 追記
I've expressed myself in English for a few years in order to improve to my English ability,but to my sorrow,it has limit,for it's just self-education.What should I do?😥

No.1971806 13/07/07 18:35(スレ作成日時)  



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