
Let’s enjoy English! 4

レス500 HIT数 1800960 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
18/09/17 04:05(更新日時)

I’ve studied English for about a decade,and hoped that my English ability improves,though I’m not sure of it.

While I’m sure I can manage to make myself understood in English,I can’t use the right word in the right place according to the time,the place and the occasion.

When being in an official place,there should be the way of speaking which fits to the place,but I don’t know it at all. Fortunately or not I’m not sure,but I’ve had little chance to do so far,so it seems that I won’t be worried about it in the future,but I’m sure I have to bear it in my mind,to my sorrow I’m not a splendid English speaker.

I’ve wanted to express everything in English,but needless to say I find it hard to do. When finding something interesting to express,it doesn’t always mean that I can start it at once,for there is other one in which I’m engaged then.

The later I’ve started it,the older the information becomes,it can’t be helped. Where am I going? Roughly speaking there are still 400 letters which I can express. I don’t know why it is.

The number of letters is usually limited within 1000,but it seems to be 1400 at this time. The more letters I can express,the better I feel,though I doubt whether I can express the number of 1400 letters this time here.

I’ve been get used to the number of 1000 letters,so this time I find it long. It is by far warmer today,spring has come,I’m wfondering.

No.2610789 18/03/04 14:45(スレ作成日時)



No.101 18/05/11 01:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the President of Nihon TV station resign?】

《When its program was broadcast the program had a problem.》

Gifu prefecture was very surprised at the program and investigated what the subcontractor said,but there had never been the fact at all,and it demanded Nihon TV station investigate the content of the program and correct it.

And the Nihon TV station researched again,the one who testified was used to be a director in a construction firm and he admitted that his testimony was a lie.

He showed the staff on the Nihon TV station the record of sending money to the bank as evidence,but it was actually forged.

《The one who gave false evidence was arrested.》

Gifu prefecture complained to the police about the man that Gifu prefecture took a large amount of time to research and was obstructed its work by the man,so he was arrested by the police.

He said to the police like that.“If speaking the story to the TV station,I thought the TV station would give me a reward.”

No.102 18/05/12 06:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the President of Nihon TV station resign?】

《When its program was broadcast it had a problem.》

The TV program apologized that its broadcast was in the wrong.

Its President said like that,“There seemed to be lots of problems from the way of collecting information to the way of dealing with the wrong broadcast.I’m going to take responsibility for it and resign,and I want all the staff to understand it’s a serious problem.”

Even after the wrong broadcast,there had never been enough reflection on the broadcast in the TV station,so the President seemed to got angry with it.

《Collecting information to support its truth is essential.》

The staff on collecting information believed in what the man said easily,and there was a problem in it. The false evidence showed that Gifu prefecture committed such the crime,and the staff thought as if the man had been a champion of justice,so they ended up believing in the false evidence.

They should have doubted once and at the same time…

No.103 18/05/12 07:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the President of Nihon TV resign?】

《Collecting information to support its truth is indispensable.》

The staff should have doubted at least once and at the same time should have investigated whether or not what the man said was true.

Mass media has to make sure whether or not saying is true. We call it collecting information to support its truth. Both a newspaper company and a TV station have to do it. It’s a basic thing.

If they collected enough information to support the truth,the staff could have recognized what the man said was questionable,but they neglected it. There was a problem in it.

When making a mistake,everyone needs to correct it and to take responsibility for it,but it had not been done enough,so the president himself took responsibility for it.

By the way,at last I can move to other topic. I’m going to start a book of which title,『Understanding the Japanese economy newspaper smoothly.』though I’ve never subscribe even a newspaper,but I’m interested in it.

No.104 18/05/12 08:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The basic knowledge which we should know at least.》

When listening to a popular scholar saying on an interesting economic thing we may have impressed and understood it,but after 30 minutes,if trying to remember it,we can’t even the plot of the scholar’s explanation.

Or though trying to study on economy so as to speak in a meeting in our company,we couldn’t keep our resolution longer than a day or two,for we don’t have base of basic knowledge on economy.

It seems that lots of people don’t know the scale of the Japanese economy,its growth rate,a return 利回り from a national debt of Japan and America during a decade. They seem to have no idea on the value of gold and crude oil,of course I’m also one of them.

Without knowing interest rates,foreign exchange,trade balance,and unemployment,it’s impossible for us to catch any movements in society,but do we know the number which is the base of basic things?

For example,the scale of Japanese GDP,rate of unemployment…

No.105 18/05/12 11:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Basic knowledge which we should know at least.》

For example,the scale of Japanese GDP,the rate of unemployment,return of national debt of Japan for a decade,both of the price of gold and crude oil. Can we answer them exactly?

How much is the inflation–adjusted economic growth rate 実質経済成長率?

IMF announces the growth rate of the economy on the whole world and on eachthe growth rate on each nation once each three month. In Japan,it has been reported in details. Do you know that?

Every if we don’t know them a bit at presen,it’s all right. As long as reading through this book once,we’ll learn to understand events in the world perfectly.

It’s just that we need a magnifying glass so as to understand the actual economic world. It’s this book.

While we don’t have to learn deeply and minutely,the one who wants to do deeply and minutely as if we made use of a telescope or microscope find its easy to read when reading the economic newspaper as long as we read through this book.

No.106 18/05/13 11:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Basic knowledge which we should know at least.》

A number, and technical terms which are useful if we know are selected carefully in this book,and the author told the readers them in plain words as easy as it possible.

Even if reading it slowly,it takes a few days at most to read through it. If reading it twice,you are perfect,but economic phenomenon goes on changing day by day.

Let’s check the number which you remember in this book in the economic newspaper every week and updating it,or others must take off their hat to you in your workplace.

The author said like that. Is it so? Does the thing go smoothly? I’m doubtful about it.

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we can take advantage of it in our work.】

《Four elements,p,d,c,a cycle rotates with the number.》

If being good at the number with the economic newspaper,we can make use of it in our job. When working, being based on the number and we always judge and take into action.

There are some…

No.107 18/05/13 11:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we’ll be able to make use of it in our work.】

《Four elements,p,d.c.a cycle rotates with the number.》

There may have been some people who are poor at math,but please don’t have to be worried about it a bit. We don’t need a difficult calculation and equation a bit.

For example,a disposable diaper 紙おむつ and a canned beer have been bought all together frequently in a supermarket. Do you know it?

The disposable diaper is so bulky that a young father in thirties tends to be in charge of buying it,then he buys his beer together.

There was a supermarket which found it from data of sales,and it provided a special counter for the beer beside the place where the disposable diaper was sold. Needless to say,its attempt was a great success.

The relation between the disposable diaper and the canned beer verified from the data of sales has been common knowledge in the retailing business.

In a major convenience store,a rice ball of plum…

No.108 18/05/13 12:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we’ll be able to make use of it in our job.】

《Four elements,p,d,c,a cycle rotates with the number.》

In convenience stores managed by major company,a rice ball of plum pickles 梅干し was sold so much in hot summer that it sold out at once. All the convenience stores were near ports.

Judging from the information they analyzed,the plum pickles which isn’t easy to be damaged is better than other packed lunch or other rice ball of sea urchin ウニ on board the ship at high temperature in summer.

The convenience chain stores framed a hypothesis from a nature of the area,weather at once. They stocked a large amount of rice ball of plum pickles in the chain store at the harbor where fishing boats started on weekend,and the demand was takin in the chain store.

Thus the number is deeply related with the economic phenomenon. Framing the hypothesis,it’s a plan of four element,so we call it p,and then we take into action. As doing something…

No.109 18/05/13 13:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we'll be able to take advantage of it in our work.】

《Four elements of p,d,c,a, rotates with the number.》

As doing something effective,it means the d of the four elements. Comparing the two numbers and verifying them. The one number is the result and ther other one is the goal. We need to check them carefully. It’s the c of the four elements.

Finding things which we should improve from the verified result and raising accuracy of the number. As taking action so as to improve,it’s the a of the four elements.

Even if the hypothesis framed from the number is against our expectation and we can’t obtain any success,we can raise the accuracy of the number and verify from other number again. It raises the possibility which we gain brilliant result. The number becomes a scientific base which we can verify.

The p,d,c,a cycle which is indispensable for our work goes on and at the same time we have to check the number. Being based in…

No.110 18/05/13 13:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we’ll be able to make use of it in our work.】

《Three knacks when understanding the number.》

Being based on the number is different from the one with a guess so much that the possibility that it appears again rises.

When reading the newspaper,if paying attention to the number and reading articles,we’ll be able to grasp the articles more deeply and be good at the number.

If being good at the number,there is no doubt that it’s useful in our work actually. I’m going to say three knacks for grasping the number.

1『A number in the past.』

After looking at the present number,we should do the number in the past,and the change of the number for the past a decade is desirable.

What can we understand from the changing number and if framed a hypothesis,what is it? If we can think of it,our boss will have a better opinion of us.

2『A number in attribute like age,or area.』

The number is different according to age and regional difference…

No.111 18/05/13 14:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we’ll be able to take advantage of it in our work.】

『A number in an attribute like age and regional difference.』

The number is different according to ages and regional difference of the objection of research,so we should classify them according to its attribute.

For example,finding an area where the average salary is the lowest in Japan and it’s the highest in Japan. If there is a correlation between them,what is its background?

『The number in foreign countries.』

After looking at the number in our country,please trying to pay attention to the one in foreign countries. If knowing the change of population,space,GDP,GDP for a single person,the inflation–adjusted economic growth rate,it’s all right.

Element which makes up with the GDP,and what rises in the GDP? If being able to recognize them,we’lol be able to be a splendid salaried worker of professional.

The author recommends that we should make it a rule to write down the…

No.112 18/05/13 21:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

The author recommended we should get into the habit of making it a rule to write down the number on a notebook. His acquaintance have had record on interest rate,foreign exchange,and ocean freight over decades. We can do it in a few minutes,so please start it from today,the author said like that.

【I’m going to see the economic situation with GDP.】

《The GDP is a basic thing which we make sure the economic situation.》

It is a page of economic indicator which we should make sure in the economic newspaper every day,especially an important indicator is the GDP.

GDP is as if it were a barometer with which we can see the economic situation.

A fortune or service have been made in our county. Its total amount of additional value for a year is the GDP. American economist,Kuznets thought of the GDP more than eighty years ago. He is well known for receiving a Nobel prize in 1971.

《More than 3% of economic growth in the world every year. It’s ideal …》

No.113 18/05/13 21:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【I’m going to see the economic situation with GDP.】

《The ideal value for the economic growth of GDP is more than 3% in the whole world every year.》

Going on increasing weight and decreasing weight is a problem,the weight which maintains healthy condition is ideal,but,the economy is different.

As for the GDP,if it’s bigger than the last year,we judge the economy grew,and if the GDP is same as the last year,it means the economy is stagnant.

However,if the economic growth is too sharp,it’s also a problem. Both of steep rise and sharp reduce on the economic growth is a problem.

As to the growth rate of the GDP which is satisfactory,roughly speaking,it’s from 1 to 3% in a developed country,and from 5 to 7% in a rising nation. As to the whole world,without being more than 3 % of the economic growth every year, it is said it’s dangerous.

It’s over 3% a little at present,according to IMF,we manage to think it’s safe.

《Japanese GDP remains stagnant no less than a quarter of a century.》

No.114 18/05/13 22:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【I’m going to see the economic situation with GDP.】

《Japanese GDP remains stagnant no less than a quarter of a century.》

GDP is run on the upper left of the page of economy indicator on Monday edition of the economic newspaper. There are two kinds of number there. The one is the inflation–adjusted economic growth rate,and the other is the nominal economic growth rate.

Each of them is a little more than 50 billion yen. Roughly speaking,Japanese GDP is 50 billion yen. By the way,Japanese GDP has been 50 billion yen for a quarter of a century. In short, Japanese economy remains stagnant.

Needless to say,it is hard to say the economic situation is healthy. There has been a rumor that the we make GDP 60 billion yen,but what will happen in the future?

The way of calculating the GDP. It’s a country which has two companies alone. The one sells an ice cream and the other a

The former one laid in materials with 100 yen and sells the bread with 150 yen,and sold 200 bread a year.

No.115 18/05/14 19:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

《Continuation of the last response.》

The amount of product:(price 150yen –original cost 100)×amount of the bread which was sold 200=10,000yen

The latter one laid in materials with 80yen and sold an ice cream with 100yen,and sold a thousand ice creams a year.

The amount of product: (price 100yen –original cost 80yen)×amount of the ice cream which was sold 1.000 =20,000yen.

The GDP: the amount of the product of the former plus the latter’one so it’s 30.000yen,so the GDP is 30.000yen.

【Let’s reexamine the GDP from a point of global view.】

《We can recognize whether or not a country is wealthy with the GDP per person.》

When trying to understand the number,we should take an interest in the number in the past,in the one in the attribute,and the one in foreign countries.said the author.

As to the attribute and foreign countries,it means we reexamine the number again from a view of global point,but if comparing with the GDP alone,recognizing the economic situation is hard to grasp,for…

No.116 18/05/14 20:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Let’s reexamine the GDP from a point of global view.】

《We can recognize whether or not a country is wealthy with the GDP per person.》

…for the population is different altogether. If wanting to know whether the country is rich or poor,we should compare the GDP per a person with other one in other country.

For example,there has been a news that China got ahead of Japan with regard to the GDP,but Chinese population is 10 times as much as that of Japan,as for the GDP per person,China is one–fourth of Japan.

《If comparing our country’s GDP with other’s,we should use dollar.》

When the GDP is shown,we the Japanese use yen,but when comparing a country’s GDP with other’s,IMF uses dollar,and if converting Japanese GDP into dollar, what's happened?

Japanese GDP has been about 50 billion yen for a quarter of a century,it hasn’t changed very much,but if converting the Japanese GDP which was showed with yen into dollars…

When Naoto Kan or Yukio Hatoyama were the Prime Minister,the GDP used…

No.117 18/05/14 20:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Let’s reexamine the GDP with a point of global view.】

《If comparing our GDP with other country’s,we should use dollar.》

When Naoto Kan and Yukio Hatoyama were the Prime Minister,Japanese GDP was 0.6 billion dollars,but it’s a little more than 0.4 billion dollar at present. It has decreased.

It is said that the economic situation has been better since Mr.Abe becomes the Prime Minister,but when converting into dollars,the scale of economy becomes smaller.

As to the GDP per person,it used to take the third place in the world in 1959,but it dropped to 26th 2017. By the way,the first place is a small country in Europe,Luxembourg,which is in the middle of winning in a walk.

However,while Japanese population used to be about 45 million in 1900,it’s one hundred and twenty million at present. It is said it becomes 45 million again in 2100.If the economic scale of 50 billion yen continues,it seems that we have to say it's excellent.

Element which makes up with the GDP depends on.

No.118 18/05/14 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

Our country’s personal spending accounts for no less than 60 % in the GDP,so it means that the personal spending has boosted the GDP.

【Is Japan a trade surplus country or a trade deficit country?】

《The imagination in the past is different from the present situation.》

Do you know Japanese amount of trade? Its scale has been from 7 billion to 8 billion yen lately. The number is also run at the page of economic indicator in the economic newspaper.

Each of the amount of money on export an import is run,and if calculating,(the amount of money on export minus the amount of money on import),we can know whether it’s surplus or deficit. We should always be careful of the background behind both approximate amount of the money on export and import.

Has the trade balance in Japan surplus or deficit lately?

I’ve thought that almost all of us learned in school that resource was so scarce in our country that our improvement trade maintained our country.

No.119 18/05/14 22:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is Japan a trade surplus country or a trade deficit country?】

《The image in the past is different from the present situation.》

Foreign countries used to criticize our export like a local downpower,so we may have had an impression that ou country is always a trade surplus.but our country’s trade fell into a deficit since around 2011.

A nuclear power plant disaster happened after the large scale of earthquake disaster in Tohoku region,so the price on import of natural gas piled up, and some people said it increased 0.3 billion yen a year.

We were 0.11 billion yen in the red on the natural gas in 2015,but if comparing it with the one in the previous year,the amount of the money on deficit decreased sharply owing to low price of crude oil.

《Japan used to be a trade deficit country.》

We can look at trade balances in detail after the World War Ⅱ from 1950 to the present time in a homepage of the Ministry of Finance.

If looking at the amount of money on export and import in 1950s…

No.120 18/05/14 23:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is Japan a trade surplus country or a trade deficit country?】

《Japan used to be a trade deficit country.》

If looking at the amount of the money both on the export and import in 1950s,the import was 348 billion yen and export was 298 billion yen,so our country’s trade was fairly in the red. Japan used to be originally a county of trade deficit.

The tendency continued for a while,and the next year of the Tokyo Olympic in 1965,the export was ahead of the import for the first time after the World War Ⅱ

After that our country went through the oil crisis,it saved up foreign currency and foreign investment from our country expanded,and our country has been be proud of foreign currency reserves 外貨準備高 which is eminent and external net assets which is the first place in the world.

As a result our country’s debt is …

By the way,I’m a little tired and sleepy,so I have to take a rest. Good night everybody...

No.121 18/05/15 19:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is Japan a trade surplus country or a trade deficit country?】

《Japan used to be a trade deficit country.》

As a result,while our country’s debt is twice as much as our GDP,the whole world relies on yen in emergency as stable currency.

【A thing which we can understand from an unemployment rare in Japan.】

《Japanese unemployment rare is low in the world.》

There are some indexes on a labor in the economic indicator. The author said what he wants to make sure the most in the economic indicator is the absolute unemployment rate.

The number of unemployed people who want to work divided by the population of labors is the absolute unemployment rate.

The management of Japanese way of lifetime employment and rapid economic growth,and inflation to some extent continued after 1945,so there was few chance that unemployment becomes a social problem continuously.

There has never been a situation that a town was filled with unemployed people,and it became a social problem like other countries.

No.122 18/05/15 20:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A thing which we can understand from unemployment rate in Japan. A problem hidden among the number.】

《Japanese unemployment rate is low in the world.》

It means that unless picking and choosing a job,we can manage to find any job. Actually when looking at the number,the unemployment rate changes around 3 percent.

《Irregular employees account for no less than 40 percent in the total number of employees.》

There is a problem in the part which isn’t shown on the number.

The total number of the employees are about 57 million,and 60 percent of the employees are regular ones,and the rest of the 40 percent is in an unstable employment agreement like a temporary staff,a contract worker,or part–time 嘱託. In short they are non fulltime workers.

It was said that discharging a labor is hard to do in Japan. Japanese companies’ family consciousness and the way of Japanese management hadn’t made the employees discharged easily even if the business was slow. There had been the tendency in Japan.

No.123 18/05/15 21:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A thing which we can understand from unemployment rate in Japan. A problem hidden in the number.】

《Non permanent workers account for no less than 40 percent of the total of the employees.》

There was a discussion that we the Japanese couldn’t fight against other countries with regard to economy,so the employers have adopted variable cost,so non permanent workers have accounted for no less than 40 percent ot the whole labor.

On the other hand,if the economy remains stagnant,and the achievement of the business isn’t satisfactory,the employer is admitted to discharge the employee in the U.S.A.

On the contrary,a person who is talented and is asked to work for the company takes a firm stand against the employers. Actually it seemed that the unemployment rate rose to about 25 percent in the great panic in the U.S.A.in 1930s.

In the European economic crisis,the number of unemployed people rose in some countries like Portugal,Ireland,Greece,and Spain in Europe,and the average of the …

No.124 18/05/15 21:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What we can understand from unemployment rate in Japan. A problem hidden in a number.】

《Non permanent workers account for no less than 40 percent of the total of employees.》

…and the average of unemployment rate was over 20 percent each country in Europe,and unemployment rate on the youth reached no less than 50 percent at one time.

It’s possible that the number of 3 percent on the unemployment rate in our country may have been a better situation.

【We can see the economic situation with the number of companies which went bankrupt.】

《Both of bankruptcy and debt of total amount tend to decrease.》

All the enterprises don’t continue to exist forever. The ones who don’t keep up with the time and the others who don’t have any demand give up its business or go bankrupt.

The number of the company which goes bankrupt is closely related with the economy situation. The better the economic situation is the less the number of the company goes bankrupt. The worse,the more it increases.

No.125 18/05/15 22:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the number of companies which went bankrupt.】

《Both of bankruptcy and total amount of debt tend to decrease.》

By the way,Japanese government has appealed lately that the number of companies which went bankrupt decreased. What’s its actual number?

When looking at the page of economic indicator in the economic newspaper,it’s 10536 in 2013,and 8684 in 2015,actually it’s decreased.

The largest number of the companies which went bankrupt after the bubble economy was 19.164 in 2001 when Japanese government announced Japan suffered from deflation for the first time after the World War Ⅱ. The number is more than twice as much as that in 2015.

Roughly speaking,the companies from 1500 to 2000 went bankrupt every month in 2001. The number of the companies which went bankrupt was less than 700 for the first time since 1990s. It was 693 November in 2016.

The total amount of debt has decreased since 2015,and we used to be aiming at 150 billion yen a…

No.126 18/05/15 23:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the number of companies which went bankrupt.】

《An outcome from アベノミクス and our hope from now on.》

…and we used to aimed at being 150 billion of the total amount of debt a month,but it’s been around a hundred billion yen at present.

The number of companies which went bankrupt and total number of debt have decrease like that because of outcome of what is called アベノミクス.

You may have heard of three arrows in the アベノミクス,and it seems that two of the three have gone smoothly.

Bold financial policy has made the interest rate low,and the market has been filled with money,and it’s the first arrow. In this situation,even if a company which has lots of borrowed money or of which management is went into financial difficulties,they can manage to continue its business.

The second arrow is a mobile economic policy. The Japanese government should make the demand on a tentative plan…

No.127 18/05/16 20:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the number of the companies which went bankrupt.】

《An outcome from アベノミクス and our hope form now on.》

Japanese government should make demand with a plan from a large scale of budget of economic step. In short it will make a business itself be born. As a result,the number of companies which go bankrupt and the total amount of debt will decrease.

The third arrow, if a growth strategy which arises private investigation goes well,Japanese economy will be on track,and as to its outcome,we have to watch from now on.

【Consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of the GDP.and we see how much the economy recovers with the consumer spending.】

《If a personal consumption doesn’t expand,the economy won’t recover.》

Each of us and family member spend some money so as to lead life,and we call the money consumer spending.

As consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of the component in GDP,if the consumer spending doesn’t extend,the economy won’t recover.

No.128 18/05/16 21:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of the GDP and we see how the economy recover with the consumer spending.】

《Everyone has tried to supress its consumption.》

The consumption spending has been shown with increase/decrease rate on the economic newspaper,but its real number has never been indicated,but it seemed it used to be about one hundred thousand yen a month in 1973.

After that it became double,two hundred thousand yen a month in five years,and its amount of money reached its peak at the end of the bubble economy. It rose to a little more than three hundred thirty thousand yen in 1993,and after that it has decreased every year.

The consumer spending has been around two hundred eighty thousand yen for the past few years,and it’s as same as the latter in 1980s.

There seems to be several reasons for the low consumer spending,but its major cause is an income doesn’t expand.

After the bubble economy,enterprises have replaced …

No.129 18/05/16 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of GDP and we see how much the economy recovers with the consumer spending.】

《Everyone has tried to supress its consumption.》

After the bubble economy,enterprises have replaced a regular employment with non regular employment,and personnel expenses has been reduced,,the money which is spent on consumption decreased.

In addition,lots of people who are in such an unstable position of non regular employment has been in fear of their future,so expansion of consumption seems to be hard.

Besides,we can’t expect social security which accounts for 30 percent of the national budget expands,so we’re forced to secure our funds for ourselves in our old ages.

Expansions of earned income or reduction of tax is short cut to the expansion for the consumption spending,but all things considered in the present economic situation,tax increase may happen,but reduction for tax won’t.

In short,everyone has tried supress the amount of money which should be…

No.130 18/05/16 22:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response』

In a word,everyone has tried to supress the amount of money which should be spent on the consumption. Will there be the expansion for the number in near future. We need to watch its trend.

【We can see the economic situation with a consumer price index 消費者物価指数.】

《We can recognize it whether it’s inflation or deflation as if it were the temperature of a person.》

The consumer price index is called sometimes CPI. It’s, as it were,equivalent to a clinical thermometer for the economic situation.

When being in a bad healthy condition,and going to hospital,at first we take our temperature. When wanting to inspect the economic situation,the CPI is useful like the clinic thermometer.

For instance,the temperature of our body is too low,it’s dangerous because of hypothermia 低体症. The situation is deflation in a point of economic vies.

Contrary to it,if the temperature is high,it is possible of fever. When the temperature is too high,it’s equivalent to….

No.131 18/05/16 23:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the consumer price index.】

《We can recognize it whether it’s inflation or deflation as if it were the temperature of the person.》

When the temperature is too high,it’s equivalent to inflation.

When the whole economy is upturn simply,the CPI tends to go up,and it goes bad,the CPI is also apt to down turn. As to the CPI,if understanding like that,it’s all right.

Japan is apt to be hypothermia,and the Bank of Japan aims at rising the number of the CPI and is in the middle of a tough fight.

《Achievement of aim for the アベノミクス has disappeared from our view.》

I’m going to see the real number on the CPI on the economic indicator.

It went up by 0.8 percent in 2013 when comparing it with the previous year,and it went by 2.8 percent in 2014,but it wasn’t so good,the number was same as the previous year in 2015,and it went down by 0.2 in 2016.

The situation means returning to deflation.

アベノミクス declared 2 percent of inflation,and aimed at…

No.132 18/05/17 23:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the consumer price index.】

《The achievement of aim for the アベノミクス has disappeared form our view.》

アベノミクス declared 2 percent of inflation and aimed at increasing the salary of the nation and trying to connect it with expansion of consumption,but when looking at the number alone,we are forced to think that アベノミクス has been away from its achivement.

It seems that tax increase of 8 percent of consumption tax has worked on the economic situation even just now.

Japan and each country in Europe can’t escape from the situation of the rate of zero that the price goes up and deflation that the price goes down. The situation continues for a long time.

For instance,America has 0.1 percent in 2015,comparing it with the previous year,and in Euro sphere of Europe with England, it’s 0,0,

Rising nations have high economic growth rate relatively,especially some countries which aren’t blessed with resource tend to elevate the inflation. The rising country…

No.133 18/05/17 23:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with consumer price index.】

《アベノミクス has been away from its achivement.》

The rising countries means BRICs which was popular way of saying,taking the initial from the countries like Brazil,Russia,India,China and South Africa. Other new countries like Indonesia,Vienna,Turkey,and Mexico are included.

【Other numbers which we should make sure with the economic indicator.】

《We should pay attention to American employment.》

Lots of professional on economy hardly wait to look at the economic indicator was run,and stay and wait for its publish in the evening of the first Friday night every month.

It’s so important number that there used to be the service to inform the number no more than some seconds earlier for readers who were in charge of a fee.

If there is unusual number there,it will be explained in the next morning edition of the economic newspaper,for then it’ll have greatly influence on stock price and foreign exchange.

There used to be 43…

No.134 18/05/18 00:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Other numbers which we should make sure with the economic indicator.】

《We should pay attention to American employment.》

It’s increase and decrease on American employment except for agricultural department.

Lots of people can hardly wait for the publish running,and they stay and wait for it in the evening first Friday every month,for it’s so important number that there used to be service to inform no more than some seconds earlier for readers who are in charge of a fee.

If there is an unusual number there,it will be explained in a morning edition in the next day,for then it’ll have greatly influenced on the stock price and foreign exchange.

There used to be 43 thousand May in 2016,and plenty of people were surprised at the number and the atmosphere that the interest rate goes up vanished at a time.

Its appropriate number is from 200 million to 300 million a year,and two thousand hundred is proper a month.

America which is one of movers and shakers of world finance…

No.135 18/05/18 01:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Other numbers which we should make sure with the economic indicator.】

《We should pay attention to American employment.》

…so,what America adopted new employees previous month is very important,for the number rebounds on Japanese interest rate,foreign exchange,and the movement in stock price at once.

《独ifo景況感指数 and the number of cars are sold in Japan.》

独ifo 景況感指数 which we should pay attention on the page of Europe in the economic newspaper. It’s the number of index on economy which German think tank announces,and it’s equivalent to a short–term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan 日銀短観. If it’s firm tone,we can say Europe is all right.

The scale of economy of Germany isn’t only big extremely in the Europe,but there are lots of cases in which other countries around Germany supply for Germany and it pays its business,

The number of standard is the one in 2005 and it’s 100,and it’s 111.0 December in 2016,so it’s firm tone.

On the other hand,we must keep an eye on the number…

No.136 18/05/18 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Other numbers which we should make sure with the economic indicator.】

《独 ifo 景況感指数 and the number of cars are sold in Japan.》

On the other hand we must keep an eye on the number of cars are sold in Japan,for the auto industry has great influenced on around things.

It is said that 5 million of cars are sold,it’s all right. 5.692 million of cars were sold in 2013in Japan,and 5.297 million in 2014. The number was less than 5 million in 2015,it’s 4.938 million.

There is a trend among the young who have been away from driving a car,a problem on mileage,and so on. Those things are behind the situation in which lots of people who drive a car have decreased.

【Interest rate of national debt of 10 years shows us the criterion of Japan.】

《National debt is a bond which a nation issues so as to provide the money for a budget.》

The national debt of 10 years is the one of which period is for ten years to redeem a government bond. Its rate of return 利回り is shown in the economic newspaper.

No.137 18/05/18 21:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The interest rate of national bond of which period for redeeming is ten years indicates the criterion of the nation.】

《National debt is a bond which a nation issues in order to provide money for the budget.》

It is said that the financial standard of the national debt of which period the bond is redeemed is ten years indicates the finance of the nation,for we can estimate approximate growth rate of inflation.

The national debt is a bond which a nation issues. Why does the nation issue the bond? The nation has to make up for a deficit in revenue which the nation can’t provide with the national budget.

Paying the interest rate and the day of the bond expires are fixed. If buying the national debt,we can receive its interest rate periodically,and when being redeemed,we can receive the amount of money which is mentioned on the national debt.

There are several kinds on the national debt on which period for redeeming is ten years. Its face value is from fifty thousand yen a bond.

No.138 18/05/18 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The interest rate of the national bond of which period for redeeming is ten years indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《National debt is a bond which a nation issues in order to provide money for the budget.》

If the interest rate is 6 percent,we can receive it twice a year by 1500yen,though the interest rate is so low,and it’s 0.1 percent when this description was written.

We can sell the national debt every time like a stock,but the selling price is the current price 時価.

If the interest rate of the national debt in the market is higher than the one which we bought in the past,the national debt won’t be sold more than five thousand yen.

On the other hand the interest rate in the market goes down,the national debt will be sold more than five thousand yen.

《Interest rate of national debt or return for a general investors. 》

When buying the national debt and investing in it,the most tiresome is the relation between the price of national debt and its interest rate. Without being…

No.139 18/05/18 23:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Interest rate of the national debt of which period for redeeming is ten years indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《Interest rate of national debt or return for general investors.》

Without being clear the relation for us,we can’t understand the outline of the national debt. The face value of the national debt is the one which is mentioned on the surface of the national debt,and when reaching the time the national debt is mature,it will come back to us as cash. It means it’s a guaranteed money.

Plenty of people may think it’s natural,but the price of the national debt changes according to the market like a stock,so the amount of money when buying it isn’t always same as the face value. Sometimes it’s higher than the face value,and it’s lower sometimes.

As a result when buying the face value is 1 million yen,we can buy it with the price of 0.95 million yen or with the price of 1.05 million yen.

For example,let’s suppose that we bought a national debt of which face value is a…

No.140 18/05/18 23:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Interest rate of national debt of which period for redeeming is ten years indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《Interest rate of national debt or its return for general investors.》

For example,let’s suppose that we bought a national debt of which face value is a million yen,the interest rate is three percent,and the period for redeeming is three years. When buying,its price was a million,and we can receive 1.09 million yen after 3 years,so if calculating it at an annual rate,its return is 3 percent. It’s same as the interest rate.

When buying it with 0.95 million yen fortunately,we can receive 1.09 million yen when the national debt is mature after three years. The face value is 1 million yen and its interest rate is 0.09 million yen.

109–95=14,its interest rate is 3 percent but it’s return is 4.67 percent.

On the other hand,when buying the national dead of the same face value with the price of 1.05 million yen,we can 1.09 million yen when the national debt is mature. 109–105=4

No.141 18/05/19 00:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Interest rate of national debt of which period for redeeming is three years indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《Interest rate of national debt or its return for general investors.》

Though the interest rate is 3 percent,but it’s actually 1.33 percent.

When buying it with the price of 0.95 million yen,its interest rate is 4.67 percent. When 1 million yen,it’s 3 percent,and when 1.05 million yen,it’s 1.33 percent. When the price of the national debt went up,its return went down.

《Japanese balance brought forward on the national debt is about a hundred billion yen!》

Japanese government continued to issue the national dead since the Meiji era,but stopped issuing from being defeated in the war in 1945 to the Tokyo Olympic.

Issuing the national debt has restarted so as to recover from the slump after the Tokyo Olympic,but comparing it with the present amount of money,it was slight.

But the issue of the national debt is steadily increasing,and its balance brought forward reaches 100…

No.142 18/05/19 17:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Interest rate of national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《Japanese balance brought forward to the national debt is about one hundred billion yen.》

…and its balance brought forward reaches one hundred billion yen. How can we escape from this situation? Is it impossible? I’m worried about it,the author said like that.

The Bank of Japan makes it rule to buy the national debt of eight billion a year,and if this pace continues,the national debt will disappear from the market.

This situation continues for almost two decades,but the Japanese national dead has never fallen suddenly.

【Comparison among the return of national dead of which period for redeeming is a decade each country.】

《Both of national debt of developed countries and rising nations.》

Instead of its own country's currency,we can buy our national debt with other country’s currency. If it’s country’s currency is main currency,it doesn’t have to use other country’s.

No.143 18/05/19 17:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparison among the return of national debt of which period for redeeming is decade each countries.】

《Both of national debt of developed countries and rising countries.》

Japan also used to issue its national debt in English pound in the Meiji era and spent it on a war expenditure for the Russo –Japanese war,but Japanese government has issued its national debt in yen at present. Japanese yen has been used all over the world at present,we don’t have to use other country’s currency.

America has also issued plenty of national debt in dollar and we have never seen America used other country’s currency for its natioanal debt.

On the other hand,the government of rising nations haven’t accumulate rich enough in their own countries and issue its national debt in other country’s currency sometimes.

For example,there is Mexican government national debt issued in yen,Brazilian government national debt issued in yen,and Turkish government national debt issued in dollar,and their theory…

No.144 18/05/19 18:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparison among the return of national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade each country.】

《Both of national debt of developed countries and rising countries.》

…the theory is the same,but we can’t put too much confidence in the other country’s national debt.

Argentine whicy issued national debt in yen declared that it went into default for foreign bonds in 2001. The default is formal failure to pay money that you owe at the right time.

Argentina has existed as nation at present,and lots of people who have bought the national debt want Argentina to pay back the money,but it seems to be hard. Part of the money will be returned at best.

When Argentina national debt in yen was issued in Japan,needless to say Japanese national debt was also issued every month.

For example,then if the interest rate of our country’s national debt is 2 percent and that of Argentine national debt is 5 percent,redeeming Argentine national debt safely seems to be hard when comparing it with the…

No.145 18/05/19 18:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparison among the return of national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade each countries.】

《Both of national debt of developed countries and rising nations》

…when comparing Argentine national debt with Japanese one,redeeming the Argentine national debt seems to be hard.

While the interest rate is low,it means that it doesn’t appeal to anyone as objection for investing,it’s high,it means we are forced to be worried about whether or not it will redeemed without any trouble.

If Turkish national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade issued in yen then and its interest rate is 4 percent,Turkish national debt is more reliable than the Argentine one. Needless to say we should keep an eye on changes after a decade then.

《We have to be careful of other national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade like America and Germany issue.》

Except for Japan,the main national debt is American one,we call it U.S.treasure. Essential one in Europe is German national …

No.146 18/05/19 19:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparison among the return of national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade each country.】

《We should watch other national debts of which period for redeeming is a decade like America and Germany have issued.》

Essential national debt in Europe is German one and is a leader in the financial market in Europe.

English national debt is called Gilt,and it has had a long history,but it has never been regarded as importance recently. We should keep an eye on Australia national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade.

【The relation between us and negative interest rate.】

《Policy of negative interest rate makes the interest rate in an ordinary account drop.》

Typical income which we receive is payment for our labor and interest rate. Instead of ourselves,we make the money work and its payment is the interest rate.

If saving a million yen in a bank,how much does it bear the interest rate after a year?

Even if saving the money in the bank,its interest rate is no more…

No.147 18/05/19 20:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Relation between us and negative interest rate.】

《Policy of negative interest rate makes the interest rate in an ordinary account drop.》

Even if saving the money in the bank,it’s interest rate is no more than 10yen. The interest rate in an ordinary account was 0.001 percent January in 2017.

There was a historical occurrence for Japan in 2016. It’s the policy of negative interest rate by the Bank of Japan.

The interest rate in an ordinary account used to be 0.02 percent until then,but the introduction of negative interest rate made each bank drop the interest rate in an ordinary account to 0.001 percent which was the lowest until then.

The policy of negative interest rate has already been introduced into Europe. In the negative interest rate,a bank doesn’t bear interest rate to a current account in the Bank of Japan,but imposes a fee for the current account.

It seems to have nothing to do with us at all,but it has,for the financial policy by the Bank of Japan has greatly…

No.148 18/05/19 21:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Relation between us and negative interest rate.】

《Policy of negative interest rate makes the interest rate in an ordinary account in a bank drop.》

…for the policy of the Bank of Japan has greatly influenced on our housing loan and interest rate.

While dropping the interest rate of housing loan is good for a family budget,dropping the interest rate of a bank is bad.

We should keep an eye on carefully that how the policy of the negative interest rate makes progress. There are lots of things from which we should learn the policy of negative interest rate in Europe.

《We have been in the time when the worst interest rate in the history of human kind.》

The return of the national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade is around zero,but its average used to be 6 percent since the Meiji era.

Even if how much we buy the national debt,it seldom bears few interest rate at present. It has been the lowest interest rate in the history of the human being.

Buying a strong safe and…

No.149 18/05/19 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Relation between us and negative interest rate.】

《We have been in the time when the worst interest rate in the history of the human kind.》

Buying a strong safe and putting our money in it is better rather than saving our money in a bank or buying the national debt. Actually the stock of a company which makes a safe has risen lately.

But there are lots of people who buy such of plenty of national debt that they have some plans,I’m sure.

【How do we calculate the Dow–Johns average and the Nikkei average?】

《The Dow–Johns average is average value of American powerful companies.》

We’ve heard of the Dow–Johns average,Nikkei average,and there are word of TOPIX. Can we explain them in details?

If there is a market,then there is a market price and index which pursues the price movement. Typical index in the stock market is the Dow–Johns average in New York.

A company called Dow–Johns used to issue a newspaper near a stock exchanger in New York in the 19th century. The company chose…

No.150 18/05/20 07:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How do we calculate the Dow–Johns average and the Nikkei average?】

《The Dow–Johns average is value average of American powerful companies.》

The Dow–Johns chose 30 companies which were listed in stock exchange in New York and announced the average of the stock price on the 30 companies as the Dow–Johns average every day.

These 30 companies are a group of typical American powerful ones at present,but they are replaced sometimes.

They’ve thought 30 companies alone weren’t enough,they couldn’t survey the whole stock market,so S&P,a rating company has announced five hundred companies at present.

《TOPIX and the Nikkei average.》

A stock exchange in Tokyo has started in Japan after the World War Ⅱ and tried to adopt the way of the index in New York,and started what is called 東証ダウ. It is said the company bought the way of calculating the stock price from the Dow–Johns then.

The stock exchange in Tokyo announced its original one which reflects all the companies listed on the First…




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