
Let’s enjoy English! 4

レス500 HIT数 1800959 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
18/09/17 04:05(更新日時)

I’ve studied English for about a decade,and hoped that my English ability improves,though I’m not sure of it.

While I’m sure I can manage to make myself understood in English,I can’t use the right word in the right place according to the time,the place and the occasion.

When being in an official place,there should be the way of speaking which fits to the place,but I don’t know it at all. Fortunately or not I’m not sure,but I’ve had little chance to do so far,so it seems that I won’t be worried about it in the future,but I’m sure I have to bear it in my mind,to my sorrow I’m not a splendid English speaker.

I’ve wanted to express everything in English,but needless to say I find it hard to do. When finding something interesting to express,it doesn’t always mean that I can start it at once,for there is other one in which I’m engaged then.

The later I’ve started it,the older the information becomes,it can’t be helped. Where am I going? Roughly speaking there are still 400 letters which I can express. I don’t know why it is.

The number of letters is usually limited within 1000,but it seems to be 1400 at this time. The more letters I can express,the better I feel,though I doubt whether I can express the number of 1400 letters this time here.

I’ve been get used to the number of 1000 letters,so this time I find it long. It is by far warmer today,spring has come,I’m wfondering.

No.2610789 18/03/04 14:45(スレ作成日時)



No.500 18/09/17 04:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of New Hampshire】

《There are few brilliance and few prominent people there. An article of superb is the scene on the water》

More than half of the revenue of the state has been supplied with indirect taxes like gambling tax,and liquor tax. They call the taxes dirty one or the one which has a crime. They regard it as unearned money which they win without working.

There are such a plenty of the white that there are few racial disputes,and the situation for working is stable,and it seems to be desirable for the management to the companies. It’s useful for the formation on the conservative climate.

The white is 98 %,and the black is 0.6 %,according to the national census in 1990. It’s almost the state of the white. The labors in factories are the French who are from Quebec in Canada.

The biggest city in the state is Manchester,and its population is about one hundred thousand. The capital of the state is Concord,and it has a disparaging name 蔑称,bad–looking state.

No.499 18/09/17 03:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of New Hampshire】

《The brilliance and prominent people are scarce there. An article of superb is the scene on the water》

The Merrimack River which runs the length of the state has supported the state’s economy as energy resource for promoting industry. Manchester which is the most famous industrial city in the state is close to the Merrimack River. It is described that lots of the factories are operating,being held by the river.

Textiles,parts of automobile,and home appliances 家電製品 have been produced there,and some of Japanese companies advanced there. Minebea,Hitachi Cable,and Kirin Beer have their office in Bedford which is suburb of southern west of Manchester. The company of KWI which is a Coca bottler is a subsidiary company for the Kirin Beer.

According to the staff in the Kirin Beer,they don’t have to pay income tax,and consumption tax there. It’s charm for the companies which advanced there. More than half of the revenue of the state has been supplied with…

No.498 18/09/17 02:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of New Hampshire】

《The brilliance and prominent people are scarce there. An article of superb is the scene on the water》

The people had confronted the state’s economy which was in depression,and had been worried about what to do. Which was better,Republican Party or Democratic Party? After all they chose the Democratic Party then.

A place name which we the Japanese are familiar with is a port town,Portsmouth. A peace conference which made the Russo–Japanese War come to an end was held there,and the Portsmouth treaty was signed in 1905.

After the conference,Jutaro Kobayashi who was a representative from Japan contributed ten thousand dollar to the state,and the money has been succeeded to the state as charity fund at present.

Kobayashi was from Nichinan city in Miyazaki prefecture,and the Nichinan city ties with Portsmas as sister. There is a record that a ship which put up the American flag was built for the first time in a shipbuilding company in Portsmas

No.497 18/09/16 17:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of New Hampshire】

《Both the brilliance and prominent people are scarce there. An article of superb is the scene on the water.》

The first preliminary election for the Presidental one in the whole America is done in New Hampshire. With Louisiana and Iowa which start the meeting of the party member very early,New Hampshire also becomes the heart of the news in the world once four years. The state is commonly known as the state of kicking off.

The state made a history in the election of 1992. Clinton fought a candidate from the Democratic Party in the preliminary election,and was defeated,but it’s Clinton alone who lost in the preliminary election in this state,and won the Presidental Election after the World War Ⅱ.

The Republican Party has been strong in the state,but they abandoned the incumbent President,Bush who belonged to the Republican Party,and gave Clinton four delegates. Clinton won by a narrow margin 僅差.

The people had confronted the state’s economy which was…

No.496 18/09/16 16:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where the casino and a nuclear test have coexisted together》

An American movie,Casino, was put in on a film in 1995. There was a line セリフ that the casino also becomes Disney Land. It means Las Vegas becomes a town where young and old of both sexes,even a hadicapped one can enjoy themselves there.

【The state of New Hampshire】

《Both the brilliance and prominent people are scarce. An article on superb is the scene on the water》

The Presidental election is always done November of the year of Olympic,and they call the election the one of marathon,for the period in which a delegate is chosen every state starts from February. The delegate limits the candidates from political parties in the nationwide meeting.

The formality is a meeting of a party member,and a preliminary election. The former is also called caucuses,but it has nothing to do with a Russian area,Caucuses at all. It’s just that the caucuses means the meeting of political member.

No.495 18/09/16 16:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where the casino and a nuclear test have coexisted together》

A policy that abolishing nuclear waste has made a work go ahead by digging out bedrock and making a semipermanent facilities for abolishing nuclear waste in the state.

The federal government has possessed no less than 87% of the land in the state,so a national policy decides the state’s future easily. The state has been unsatisfied with it.

It is Las Vegas alone which revises a telephone directory twice a year in the cities of America,according to an English publication,Economist,for changing the population and movement of the people so frequent that rich and fall on the place of casino is busy.

When comparing the number of tourist and the rate of staying at an inn with those in the previous year,both of them increased in 1994 when this book was written.

Even if the casino industry collapses in other state,it is said that Las Vegas alone can survive. American movie,Casino was put…

No.494 18/09/16 15:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where the casino and a nuclear test have coexisted together》

The political party of silver of which background was the mining industry took lead in the political world in the state,and the university of Nevada state which was founded in 1864 has the speciality of mining which is set up in the school of Reno. The university has its campus in Las Vegas.

The vein of comstock which means the resource of silver declined at the end of the 19th century,after that rich and fall on the each mining in the state shook the economy greatly. The economy shifted from the unstable management of mining to the casino economy in 1930s.

After the World War Ⅱ,the places where an experiment for a nuclear weapon and a missile was founded were set up in the state. There have still been some people who have suffered from aftereffect on radioactivity.

A policy that abolishing the nuclear waste has made a work go ahead by digging out bedrock and making a semipermanent…

No.493 18/09/16 14:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where the casino and a nuclear test have coexisted together》

It shows us the histories each place in the U.S.A.

The area of Nevada which had been influenced over Mexico belonged to the United State,and joined the United States formally as the 36th state in 1864. The 1864 was in the middle of the Civil War,so the state has a nickname,the state which was born from the war.

The background which urged the state to join the United States is a vein 鉱脈 of gold and silver was discovered in the place near Virginia City between Carson City and Reno in 1859,especially the silver resource of which deposits on the silver was said it was the most in the world was called a vein fo Comstock.

California Bank and Central Pacific Railway managed the vein of gold and silver,and the new rich 成金 like John Macky were born. A great many theaters,clubs and banks advanced in Nevada. The political party of silver of which backbone was the mining industry took the lead…

No.492 18/09/16 09:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where the casino and a nuclear test have coexisted together》

…but after 1945,the annual revenue in the state has been stable at higher level,so without paying their taxes,both the corporate body 法人 and individuality have been there. The gamble economy is after 1931,and the development on Nevada has other history before 1931.

The word of Nevada means having snow capped in the Spanish. The Sierra Nevada Mt.lies in the border between the state of California means the snowcupped mountain,and the phrase has been used for the name of the state as it is.

It was about 12.000 years ago when the human being arrived at the place which seemed to be sterile for the first time. The trace remains each place,and the most famous one is the Lost City east to Las Vegas.

It was 1776 when the Spanish arrived there as the European ancestry of the white for the first time,so it was the year when the bell of the Declaration of Independence rang out through Philadelphia.

No.491 18/09/16 09:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where the casino and a nuclear test have coexisted there》

…and the show on the firework on the New Year’s Eve is forbidden,for it stirs up the mass psychology 群衆心理,and risky.

It seems to be vacant as if it were a mirage which appeared in the desert,but entertainers in the first class have dreamed of appearing in the dinner show in Las Vegas and have made effort for it.

Thus it is fact that the state has succeeded in directing the world that some professional gamblers who have a pistol concealed in the pocket on the breast,and ordinary people,even children have fun there.

The charm makes the tourists gather from all over the world,almost half of the population in the state are engaged in the service industry,but the problem is whether or not the local people in Nevada are rich.

Annual income a person in the state was $ 23.257 in 1995,and it ranked in the 7th in the whole America,so they are pretty affluent,but after 1945,the annual revenue in…

No.490 18/09/16 08:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where the casino and a nuclear test have coexisted there》

The nightless city isn’t only the casino,but there are churches for wedding ceremony which don’t shut the door at night here and there,and couples for wedding ceremony have gathered from the whole America. Its cost is from dozens to hundreds of dollars. The phrase of marriage industry is also used among the people.

The procedure for getting divorce is also so easy,and it’s also a business which making money. Both of the percentage on getting married and getting divorce often exceed the average of the whole America.

Prostitutes who make a day trip by bus in the highway 18 connecting between Los Angels and Las Vegas cluster together,and it seems to be allowed tacitly. A rumor of busing and selling drug doesn’t cease at all there.

It became the talk that the replica of the ancient Egyptian King,Pharaoh,was completed at the end in 1993,and the show on the firework on the New Year’s Eve is…

No.489 18/09/16 08:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where casino and a nuclear test have coexisted together》

After the World War Ⅱ,the casino industry in Las Vegas has developed,with a city called Reno in the west end of the state,the Casino doesn’t remain the center of the tourist industry,but secures the position of main industry in the state.

The desolate town in the desert has changed into the amusement city in the first class in the world which doesn’t lose the light around clock. The machines for the game have been computerized and companies of Japanese ancestry have advanced there. It seems to reflect the times.

One of Japanese staff who work there advises the gamble fans against the gamble in the casino like the next.

He said,“Every machine has a mechanism of being able to win at least once,so if making a money once,stop being worried about the same machine,and changing to other one,please. Otherwise,please stop gambling that day then.”

The nightless city isn’t only the casino,but the…

No.488 18/09/16 04:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where Casino and a nuclear test coexist together》

Dustin Hoffman played the part of the man who was the autism with humor and touching performance. The story was he made a big money on the roulette in Las Vegas.

The population on Nevada are about 1.2 million. The capital of the state,Carson City is in the western end of the state. It’s a little city which has an administrative organ alone. The biggest city is Las Vegas which is the end of southern east of the state.

Mormonism came to Las Vegas from the state of Utah and made the city,it’s Las Vegas. There is a station of the Pacific railway there. It’s in the middle of the desert,so it can’t developed,so the assembly in the state made the Casino legalize in 1931.

Then the Hoover dam was started to build in the Colorado River between Utah and Nevada,and the people concerned building the dam rushed to Las Vegas for an amusement,and the place was active at once.

After the World War Ⅱ,the Casino…

No.487 18/09/16 04:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《A place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment》

A fight against a hard grassy plain and weather used to be a romantic for a female in those days.

【The state of Nevada】

《The desert where Casino and a nuclear test coexist together.》

Speaking of Nevada,it’s Las Vegas of an amusement area. There are quite a few people who hate the state,for the state has an image of gambling,but no one can deny the gambling is the chief support in the economy.

When arriving at the international airport in the suburb,some people are surprised at the others who stuck close to a slot machine in the terminal of the building. Whether they were warming up right after arriving at the airport or they tried to their last luck with the money which was left for them when waiting for a plane for returning their home land.

There is a scene on Las Vegas in a movie of Rain Man. A man who was autism demonstrated extraordinary gift on numbers alone in the movie. Dustin…

No.486 18/09/16 03:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political alignment》

An author named Willa Cather depicted the life of the farmer in the western frontier and won the Pulitzer Prize. She spent her girlhood there. Actors of Marlon Brando,Robert Taylor,and Henry Fonder were from the state.

The family life of a settler was so hard that it has nothing to do with an elegance or a dream. Willa Cather who sought for the theme depicted a heroine who helped her family members who struggled in Nebraska and worked hard in the agricultural job.

Even if other people around her were worried about her because she became rough and lost her elegance owing to the life of a settler,but she not only her grandfather who loved his granddaughter didn’t care about it.

A male youth frowned at her,“Her muscle looks like a man,and she does a big yawn.”,but her grandfather laughed at him and said,“A woman like her helps a man who get along in the world well.”

The fight against a hard…

No.485 18/09/16 03:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment》

…they could get the public land with free of charge with the law. The law made their dream in which they were independent in their own land come true,and spurred the Western frontier to start so much,and there has been the first farmland in the state.

The agriculture has been main source of income in the state,almost half part of the population in labor work in a realm with regard to the agriculture,the trend of the price on the farm products have greatly influenced over the life in the state.Annual income a person in the state in 1995 was $ 20.179,and was the 25th rank in America.

There is headquarter for the strategies in the American Air Force in Ohama which is the biggest city in the state. The championship for baseball in the university of the whole America there every year,the first Japan–U.S. baseball match was done there in 1973.

An author name Willa Cather depicted the life of the …

No.484 18/09/16 02:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment.》

…a large part of the residents went to other places on account of a long time drought and sandstorm before the 16th century.

French and Spanish fur traders arrived there in the 18th century as the first white of the European ancestryan,making use of the Missouri River,and they had a good relationship with the Native Indians then,but the white demanded for a tremendous land after the bill on Kansas and Nebraska was approved,the contention between the Native Indians was intensified,and the western area in the state became a main battlefield.

The Native Indians were almost defeated by the 1890,and were driven into settlements in Nebraska,South Dakota,and Oklahoma.

The Homestead Act which means a farmland of self–employed in 1862 made the white increase,

Whoever Americans who is more than 21 years old live in a public land of which space is 160 acre and cultivate for five years,they could get…

No.483 18/09/15 23:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment》

George W Norris tried to electrified a farming village,and the public corporation of development on the Tennessee River basin is the fruit of his deed.

Theodore Sorensen who was a Presidental aide for Kennedy President wrote the biography for Kennedy. The presidental aide was also from Nebraska.

The state alone has adopted a one–chamber system 一院制 in America,and tries to do speedy political decision.

Except for the transcontinental railway,road network has developed,they can drive to Saint Louis,Chicago,and Minneapolis by truck in a day,the road network connects with Denver,Salt Lake City,and San Francisco in the west. All of them are distribution routes for agricultural products.

The human being has lived there from A.D. 10.000,they seemed to grow the corn,and soybeans from earlier time.

Judging from the presumption on excavation for the ruins,a large part of the residents went to other…

No.482 18/09/15 22:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment》

…but the changing of alliance on the political power under the process on the approval of the bill,so it led to the big political realignment.

A powerful political party broke up. A part of it joined the Democratic Party,and the other part of the political party and other political parties were integrated into the Republican Party.

In this way,1854 was a turning point of the two major political parties,and it was the prelude 序曲 for the last confrontation to the Civil War.

The conservative climate is solid in the state of agriculture,but an unexpected progressive members of the assembly were from the state.

William J Bryan who was a candidate for the President three times from the member of the House of Representatives,from a minister of the state was always a supporter for the ones who were engaged in agriculture.

George W Norris who was called a fighting liberal was a Senator. He tried …

No.481 18/09/15 21:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment》

…so the Senator divided the area of Nebraska into two places so as to win the support of approval for the slavery from the members in the assembly who were from the southern states.

Whether the slavery was right or wrong depended on the local referendum 住民投票. The item that the sovereign was in the resident was incorporated into the law.

If the local referendum was done,the number of the people is so indispensable that both the south and north sent settlers there,and violent maneuvering for being majority was competed,and it developed into murdering each other in order to decrease the number of the opponents. Then Kansas was slurred by Kansas of bloodshed.

Nebraska was also filled with tension,but it could avoid the bloodshed,and the bill was approved,Nebraska joined America in 1867 as the 37th state formally,but the changing of alliance on the…

No.480 18/09/15 21:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment》

When a new state was born in America in the beginning,whether the state adopted the slavery or not was a big problem. One of criteria is Missouri Agreement approved in 1820. Its content was like the next.

America bought a large amount of the land from France in Louisiana Purchase in 1803. The Missouri River and the Rocky Mt. belonged to America then. There was a boundary line which was allowed to the slavery between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mt.

A movement that making the enormous land of the area of Nebraska incorporate into America was born in the middle of the 19th century. A bill on Nebraska and Kansas was submitted by a Senator. He tried to construct a transcontinental railway with the background of the development on the Western frontier.

According to the Missouri Agreement,the slavery was forbidden in the area of Nebraska,so the Senator divided Nebraska into two places so as…

No.479 18/09/15 20:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment》

It’s Gerald Ford who became the head of the White House without doing the Presidential election.

A candidate for President unites with a candidate for Vice President,so the Vice President who is promoted to the President has experienced of the Presidential election,but Ford was different from them.

The Vice President Agnew resigned owning to his scandal October in 1973,and the President RIchard Nixon nominated Ford who was born in Nebraska and was the member of the House of Representatives from Michigan as the successor of the Vice President.

Next year,Nixon resigned as President because of the Watergate Affair,and Ford became the first President without being voted in the history.

There is still a special mention on the state in the political history. It became a triggering device that a theory of number clamoured and made the political realignment make progress.

When a new state was …

No.478 18/09/13 23:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place and corn has induced the political realignment》

One of nicknames is the state of cornhuskers トウモロコシの皮むき人,and the other is the state of beef. The name of a American football team which is in the Nebraska University in Lincoln in its capital is also the Cornhuskers. The people love the American football team enthusiastically,ant the team won a championship in a big athletic meet like Orange Bawl,Sugar Bowl.Japan has also imported lots of Omaha Beef.

While the eastern south area which is close to the Missouri River has plenty of rain is a farming area,the western and central area which are connecting with the Rocky Mt.is stock farming. A statue that the one who planted the seeds have been set up at the roof in the assembly hall for the state meetin. The state is filled with the smell of agriculture everywhere.

The state of agriculture is unfamiliar with us the Japanese,but a rare President in the American history was born there. It’s Gerald Ford…

No.477 18/09/13 22:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both ambassadors of pro–Japanese group and anti–Japanese group were born under the gigantic sky》

…and the smoke jumpers extinguish the fire. It’s special occupant where there are lots of fires in forest in the mountain like the state of Montana and the states in the Rocky Mt.

The occupant has been founded and belongs to the department of agriculture in the Federal Government in 1940. They are about five thousand. Though it’s a dangerous job,there are some females who are engaged in the work.

Its training is so hard that plenty of them suffer a setback. When a fire dragged on,they continued to work more than a month,they are supplied by transport by air.

There are few the forest fire in the mountain in wintertime,then they learn at university,working for a rescue in a winter mountain,and coaching skiiing.

【The state of Nebraska】

《The place of corn and beef has induced the political realignment》

Nebraska which lies in the middle plain has two nickname.

No.476 18/09/13 22:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both ambassadors of pro–Japanese group and anti–Japanese group were born under the tremendous sky》

Jannette Rankin was famous for movement of anti–Japanese group,and she alone voted for against the bill that the U.S.A.joined in both of the World War Ⅰ and Ⅱ. It is easily to misunderstand,but she supported that America was at war with Japan.

As to the political trend,the Democratic Party of which foothold is the labor union in the southern west of a mining city,Butte,used to be strong,but the Democratic Party was defeated in the Presidents Election in 1995.

Max Baucus who was a Senator was a famous hard –liners against Japan,when a top–level meeting broke down over a numerical target,he insisted the revenge by what is called Super 301,but Mansfield advised,mutual understanding,which is more necessary than the revenge,said Mansfield.

There have been smoke jumpers who jumped from a high place in the sky to a place where a fire broke out in the mountain and …

No.475 18/09/13 20:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both of ambassadors of pro–Japanese group and anti–Japanese group were born under the huge sky》

The average of annual income including Washington D.C.in the whole America was $ 17.185 in 1995.

Sightseeing is the fourthe industry which is next to agriculture,mining industry,and forestry,and the sightseeing in the Montana attracts two million people at least from outside the state.

Idaho,Wyoming,and Montana have possessed the Yellow Stone National Park jointly,and the park has five entrance,and
there are three entrance in Montann. Waterton Glacier International Peace Park stretche over the state and Canada. They call it the crown in the continent,and they can see the sight of the glacier.

Gary Cooper who was born in the state of capital,Herena, appeared in the movie of High Noon,and,Love in the afternoon.

First female member of the House Representatives was Jannette Rankin who was from the state. She was famous for an antiwar movement who was born in…

No.474 18/09/11 23:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both of ambassadors of pro–Japanese group and anti–Japanese group were born under the tremendous sky》

…and it is said the state is attractive for the Native Indian. The ratio of the Native Indian on the population is 6 percent,and it is comparatively lots. On the other hand,the black is 0.3,and the ancestry of the people who live in Asia and the coast of the Pacific Ocean is 0.5 percent in 1990,so both of the rates are low.

Main industry is agriculture,and the main product is wheat,rye,feed,and beet 甜菜. The growth of manufacturing is slow itself,but the energy crisis in 1970s made the development on the fuel of the underground like coal,crude oil and natural gas make rapid progress,but it was a brief space of time. The price of imported petroleum dropped in 1980s,the energy industry was stagnant in the state.

An annual income a person in 1995 is $ 17.185,and it’s in the 44th place in the whole America. The average of the annual income including Washington…

No.473 18/09/11 22:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both of ambassadors of pro–Japanese group and anti Japanese group were born under the gigantic sky》

Roughly speaking,when looking at the change on the population,two hundred and forty thousand in 1900,three hundred and eighty thousand in 1910,and fifty hundred and fifty thousand in 1920.

As to the movement on the population according to the national census,about seventy hundred and eighty thousand in 1980,and seventy hundred and ninety thousand in 1990. The pace of increase on the population has dropped obviously.

On the other hand,as to the population on the Native Indian,thirty thousand in 1980,and forty thousand in 1990. As to the percentage alone,the rate of increase is pretty. It is presumed that not only the increase of the birthrate,but plenty of people moved there from outside.

It is said that the place where the Native Indian defeated the seventh cavalry and the place has the glorious tradition for the Native Indian,and the places are .

No.472 18/09/11 22:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both ambassadors of pro–Japanese group and anti–Japanese group were born under the huge sky》

…for then Louisiana Purchase made the greater part of Montana belong to America. The state joined America in 1889 as the 41th state,until then the most dramatic incident was the seventh cavalry division 騎兵隊 was destroyed completely. They call it the Battle of the Little Bighorn

The stage of the battle was the bank of the river of the Little Bighor in the southern area in 1876. The seventh cavalry division of which members were about 260 people attacked the garrison town 駐屯地 of the Native Indian,but was counterattacked.

However after 4 month,the battle continued in the whole Montana,and the Native Indian surrendered,and they were confined to the settlement with a cultural and military view of point.

After the 1880s,when the railway was arranged,agriculture and stock farming 牧畜 were stimulated newly and the population increased. When looking at the change on the…

No.471 18/09/11 20:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both ambassadors of pro–Japanese and anti–Japanese were born under the tremendous sky》

…and they join at the place where they go out of the border of eastern area.

It is recently that the past of this area has been clear. Judging from plenty of ruins,the climate of the stretch of Montana used to be the tropics from 60 million to 100 million years ago. Gigantic glaciers went south from the direction of Canada four times from two million years ago,

Then the northern Montana was covered with the glacier,and its temperature dropped,but the glacier retreated completely ten thousand years ago,and complicated landform has been left.

The trace of the resident of human being dates back from four thousand years to ten thousand years ago. It is presumed that they crossed the Bering Sea from the north.

The French arrived there in the middle of the 18th century as the first white,but it was 1803 when its history started to record,for then Louisiana Purchase has made…

No.470 18/09/11 19:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both ambassadors of pro–Japanese and that of anti–Japanese were born under the huge sky》

…and the sky clears up in the words of the song. The ex ambassador hung the picture of the Montana in his office room in the embassy,and he used to say frequently that he felt indebted to Montana too much to repay.

As to the character of the state,it seems that its industry has been undeveloped,but there has been abundant resources there. For example,there is the coal reserves which supply for the whole America about for 5 hundred years. In addition,the state is blessed witn copper,zinc 亜鉛,manganese,tungsten,petroleum,natural gas and forest resource.

The name of the state means that there are lots of mountains in Latin words. The western area in the state is the Rocky Mountains,and the eastern is a plain,so the rivers flow from the west to the east. They are the Missouri River and the Yellow Stone RIver,and they join at the place where they go out from the border of the…

No.469 18/09/11 19:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Montana】

《Both of ambassadors of pro Japanese anti–Japanese and that of anti–Japanese were born under the enormous sky.》

Michael Mansfield who was raised in Montana was one of the most prominent statesmen,and used to be the American ambassador to Japan. Then being asked,“What’s the thing which isn’t in Japan but is in Montana,and is familiar with you?”. He answered,“It’s that sky which spread over infinitively.”

He was born in New York,but graduated from the Montana State University,and he had been a member of the House of Represntatives for a decade from Montana,and a Senator for 24 years. He had been an American ambassador to Japan from 1977 to 1988. Both the Carter government in the Democratic Party and the Reagan government in the Republican Government trusted him. He was a rare statesman.

He showed others the song for the state of Montana,and there is the phrase,brilliant glory in the western area,and the sky is always blue and…

No.468 18/09/09 19:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though the people are suspicious,they are ahead of the times with full of energy》

…and Rolla is famous for the graduate school of high level mining industry. The state is highly spoken of as the one which is enthusiastic for education. The university has adopted video screen and two–way software so as to attract the youth. We can guess that the university isn’t the institution for special study alone.

【The state of Montana】

《Both ambassador of a pro–Japanese and other of an anti Japanese were born under the enormous sky.》

When flying from Tokyo in a plane,and arrived an airport in Tottori prefecture,unconsciously,“How big the sky is!”,I admired,for there are few high–rise buildings there,the author said like that. A nickname of Montana is a state of huge sky,and it is shown in the license plate of an automobile,and we can accept it at once,for tremendous sky has spread over in the state.

Michael Mansfield who was raised in Montana was the most prominent…

No.467 18/09/09 19:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though the people are suspicious,they are ahead of the times with full of energy》

…and axes and arrowheads have been found in Missouri. As to the state name,Missouri,when the European arrived there at the end of the 17th century,the Native Indian seemed to use the word,it means the owner of a big canoe.

Missouri has a nickname of the state show me. It means that show me the proof,do it actually. It is said that they are suspicious and don’t work well with others. The Civil War made the family members cut into pieces,the one was a supporter,and the other was an enemy then,so they had experienced there was always hostility next to them. It is said that they have been influenced under the experience,but at the same time it is said it caused a spirit of self–reliance.

The Missouri university was founded in 1839,and has four campus,Columbia,Kansas City,Rolla,and Saint Louis. There is a graduate school for journalism which is the oldest in the world,and…

No.466 18/09/09 18:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though the people are suspicious,they are ahead of the times with full of energy》

…and economic foothold moved to the place around Saint Louis,the population and employment decreased of which center was the city. It has been discussed as model of collapse for the city,as to the racial structure,the white was 50.9 %,and the black 47.5%.

Kansas City which is the east coast of the Missouri River at the west end of the state started as place which traded for fur,after that it has developed a place which suffered outfits for the people who go to the western area.

With the background of enormous farming zone,it becomes a large scale base for distribution of grains and domestic animals,and it plays a part of financial city in the Central America. There is other Kansas City to the opposite bank in the state of Kansas. It’s different administrative unit,but the two of Kansas form cooperative economic area.

Tombs of the people who lived four thousands years ago…and

No.465 18/09/09 12:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though the people are suspicious,they are ahead of the times with full energy》

It was in 1927 when the nature of enterprising was demonstrated fully. Charles Lindbergh who was from Michigan succeeded in crossing the Atlantic Ocean with a small plane for the first time in the world.

A businessman in Saint Louis helped make the small plane with the aid of fund. The airplane was named Spirit of Saint Louis,and its body has been displayed in Smithonian aerospace museum of Washington D.C.at present.

The production on automobile and airplane have prospered in the places around Saint Louis. In a company of producing a beer which is famous for Budweiser,Anhewser Busch,everyone can do a tour of the factory and tasting the beer with free of charge.

As for the professional baseball,very strong team,Saint Cardinals is popular among the people in Missouri. Those are the glories in Saint Louis.

After the World War Ⅱ,the companies started to move to other places,and…

No.464 18/09/09 12:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though the people are suspicious,they are ahead of the times with full of energy》

Saint Louis is the town where the French opened for trading fur,it was named Saint Louis which is associated with the French King Louis Ⅸ. After that,a variety of ancestry like German,Italian,Scandinavian,and Polish arrived there. The nature of cosmopolitan and enterprising has been formed there.

The Olympic Games and international exposition were held in the city for the first time in America in 1904,and it made the whole world know the name of the city at a stroke.

There is an expression that an ice cream was born for the first time in the international exposition in Saint Louis in a part of guidebooks for tourists,but it’s in the wrong. It was brought America from Europe in 18th century,and its mass production started in the middle of the 19th century,but the one which the ice cream was on the cup of cone appeared in the international exposition

It was in 1927 when the…

No.463 18/09/09 11:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though the people are suspicious,they are ahead of the times with full energy》

Saint Louis is a place where the west coast of the Mississippi River and the Missouri join. In Louisiana purchase by Jefferson,its object was the land which is west from the Mississippi River to the east to the Rocky Mountains. Saint Louis had been the west end of America until then,but after the Louisiana Purchase,it becomes an entrance for the western area.

The famous Gateway Arch was completed in 1965,remembering the people who went over a large river and moved to the strange large western area for reclamation with their dreams and ambitions. There is a reference house in the underground of the bridge of which design is simple and is made of stainless.

When going to the museum of westward expansion,we can embody its actual situation. There is an observation room at the top of the arch of which height is 200 meters,and we can look over the whole city and the Mississippi River.

No.462 18/09/09 10:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though it’s suspicious,it’s ahead of the times with full of energy》

The state of Missouri ties with Nagano prefecture as sister,Independence does with Higashimurayama,Saint Louis with Suwa,Kansas with Kurashiki. Those American cities have something which make us the Japanese feel charm and friendship.

Walter Cronkite who was deemed to make a model of TV caster was born in Saint Joseph. Thomas Eliot who was a poet was born in Saint Louis and he was naturalized English citizen.

Adventure of Tom Sawyer and Adventure of Huckleberry Finn,both of the basis are in the experience of the author of Mark Twain’s boyhood in Hannibal. Hannibal is full of the momentous on Mark Twain.

Saint Louis which is the east end of the state and Kansas which is the west end of the state are big cities which contrast each other. It seems that Saint Louis has the character of eastern America,and Kansas western America.

Saint Louis is a place where the west coast of the Mississippi…

No.461 18/09/09 09:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though it’s suspicious,it’s ahead of the times with full of energy》

John Danforth who was a Senator had lots of remarks what is called Japan bashing. He used to be a lawyer,a judicial chief in the state,or a clergyman,so some people said his remark looked like a sermon.

Truman Harry who was the 33th President was born in Independence which is the west in the state. He is also unforgettable for us the Japanese. Dropping the atomic bomb,Truman Doctorine which started the Cold War put into motion,Marshall Plan was put into effect,and dismissal of General MacArthur. Those things were carried out resolutely under the Truman Government.

Marshall plan was the European revival plan which was done by American aid.

It is said when Truman was a Senator,he invited a public construction work,and tried to lead the profit for his local area. There is the Truman library,and museum in his homeland. His formal documents at the time he was the President have been kept.

No.460 18/09/09 08:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Missouri】

《Though it’s suspicious,it’s ahead of the times with full of energy》

Speaking of Richard Getphardt who is one of hard liners against Japan,everyone who watches the relation between Japan and America knows him. He appeared in the central political world from assemblyman in the city of Saint Louis in Missouri. He was in charge of general affairs in the House of Representatives autumn in 1994.

He had been considered to be a candidate for the President from the Democratic Party for a long time,and his existence would be big for Japan in the future. The author said about 25 years ago. Is it so?

A conference between Japan and America was open in Hawaii summer in 1991. The author said spent his time with Richard for several days.

At the time when there was no conference while Japanese representatives played golf alone,Richard enjoyed swimming,playing tennis,jogging,and taking a walk with his wife.

John Danforth who was a Senator had lots of remarks of what is…

No.459 18/09/09 08:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mississippi】

《The history which is decorated with discrimination for the black and poverty》

…and made special steel,they call it electromagnetic steel sheet,and sold wholesale to America,but the Japanese and Japanese goods were rare. They found the Japanese and Japanese goods a curiosity. Japanese companies advancing from Japan were a few over the whole state when this book was written. I’m not sure of the situation at present.

Richard Wright who spent his boyhood in Jackson and moved to Paris in his later years was a powerful black author,and his works are Native Son,Black Boy etc.

Elvis Presley who was born in Tupelo which is northern east of the state. He was a famous singer of rock and roll when singing,he twisted his body at the waist. His hit song,Love me tender,or Heart Break Hotel are familiar with us the Japanese.

【The state of Missouri】

《Though it’s suspicious,it’s ahead of times with full of energy》

Speaking of Richard Getphardt who is one…

No.458 18/09/09 05:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mississippi】

《The history which is decorated with discrimination for the black and poverty》

The residence of the human beings dates back to about 2000 years ago. A Spanish explorer arrived at the beginning of the 16th century,and the French and the English appeared,and the state of Mississippi was born in 1817. As you know,there is the Mississippi River in the state. The name of the state originated from words of the Native Indian. It means a great river.

A port town of Vicksburg which faces the Mississippi in the west end of the state was the stage for the Civil War which decided the result of the war with Gettysburg which was the site of a hard fought battle.

After a hard fight over a year,the north army succeeded in surrounding the enemy,and the enemy fell to the north army in 1863. There is a national military park which commemorates the war in the city.

Japanese companies advanced into Vicksburg. The company manufactured steel materials from Japan,and made …

No.457 18/09/09 04:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mississippi】

《The history which is decorated with discrimination for the black and poverty》

Thousands of the white students arrived Mississippi from the whole America for the movement that they recommended the black register a qualified voter,and the white students agreed to abolish the discrimination. There was an experience of a black in a magazine in 1964 like the next.

A teacher of the black in a public school recognized he would be fired if he registered for an election. A housekeeper,a labor in a factory,a farmer have the same situation,as long as they are the black. The experience continued.

New voter registration list is in the local newspaper every week,and a title of Mr. Mrs. and Miss is added to the white alone,so everyone finds the black easily.

The Civil Rights Act formed,and after three days a black checked into a hotel in the capital of Jackson in Mississippi for the first time. It was such a big news that it appeared in the paper.

No.456 18/09/09 04:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mississippi】

《The history which is decorated with discrimination for the black and poverty》

Realization for putting ahead the equality and resistance against it caused to shake the state before and after the conversion. For example,the crisis for the famous Mississippi University. It was open in 1848,and has had tradition,and the author,Faulkner was enrolled at one time,but it didn’t admit the black to be to enter.

When a judgement was given by the Federal Court that a lawsuit of accepting of entering the university for the black youth,it was the climax to the confrontation,and the judgement admitted the black youth to be enter the university.

The White House committed the regular army and suppressed the resistance and guarding the black youth severely by an official of the federal was done from the registration,going to the university,learning. It was done until his graduation.

Thousands of the white students arrived the Mississippi from the whole America…

No.455 18/09/08 20:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state fo Mississippi】

《The history which is decorated with the discrimination for the black and poverty》

…and moreover they had never felt ashamed of themselves. Even William Faulkner who won the Nobel prize for literature and was from Mississippi talked on the black like the next.“I'll make it realize it’s the black!”,the record of his remark on the discrimination for the black has been left,according to the book of America written by Neil Pierce.

The black had to wait for a wave of big change until after the World War Ⅱ,until 1960s. When the late President Kennedy who was enthusiastic about abolition of discrimination was assassinated,it is said that there were quite a few the white who were overjoyed in the state then.

The ex–President Johnson who succeeded to the wish of Kennedy signed the Civil Right Act in which the same rights are admitted to both the white and the black in 1964,and it’s the watershed 分水嶺 in the history. Realization for putting ahead the equality and …

No.454 18/09/08 17:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mississippi】

《The history which is decorated with discrimination for the black and poverty》

…and the structure in which the white controls the black continued. Soon the white was divided into several classes,and quite a few the poor white are born.

There have been plenty of the black,and it has never changed both at present and in the past. The number of the black was over the majority of the population in the state in 1830s. The white was 48 %,and the black 52 % then.

The black who became despondent because of the poverty escaped from the state,but the white was 63.5%,and the black 35.6%,according to the national census in 1990. Except for Washington D.C.the rate of the black is the most in the whole America as a level of state.

In a delta region,there are plenty of towns and cities of which residents are almos all of the black,and it was the symbol for the extreme poverty.Newspaper,radio,and TV had supported the racial discrimination for a long time,and they had…

No.453 18/09/08 17:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mississippi】

《The history which is decorated with discrimination for the black and poverty》

After the Civil War,the state became the poorest one in the whole America,and the worst situation remains until now.

In spite of the population,there are lots of churches unusually,for there have been plenty of people who have wanted to release from actual agony by a religion. It has been explained it to us like that.

Whenever religious books are usually conspicuous in a bookstore in America,in the capital of the state,Jackson,while there are little bookstores,it seems the religious books which we see in the bookstore are in particular so many.

It’s a developing state in which farming accounts for the most part of the economy overwhelmingly,the production for soybeans and raw cotton is high. The state is popularly known as a kingdom for the raw cotton.

It was slaves and peasants of the black who had supported the state of agriculture,and the structure in which the white …

No.452 18/09/08 16:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class,and there are some unique people in culture and politics》

The publishing world has been active and it is said it’s the turn of the publishing companies of the small and medium size at present.

【The state of Mississippi】

《The history which is decorated with discrimination for the black and poverty》

It is said a hope has appeared a little in Mississippi,but the truth of the matter is that the people had lost hope until recently.

Some people say there is moral,income,education,and crime,but whichever we take,Mississippi is the worst. Except for the moral,all of them are proven to be in numbers.

The characteristic of Mississippi is poverty and racial discrimination,and it has strong negative image. In addition,its history has been decorated with the poverty and racial discrimination.

The state was main battlefield for the Civil War,and was damaged by the war. After that,the state became the poorest one in the…

No.451 18/09/08 15:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class,and there are some unique people in culture and politics》

Its economic level is better than the middle class,steady outcome has come to fruition on the culture and politics from the economic lever of which is better than middle class.

A little publishing company called Gray Wolf sold a book of which price was $ 20 for about eight thousands in 1994,and the American publishing world was surprised at it.Its author was Tim Winston who is an Australian. He wasn’t familiar with the American at all.

Major publishing companies which make much of an profit stops the publishment of low profit,and reducing and integrating the publishing company has made proceed in America when this book was written.

Small and medium–sized independent group of publishing companies published books about which the companies were worried whether or not it was a good book,threading the space of reducing and integrating the publishing companies

No.450 18/09/08 15:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economic is better than the middle class. There are some unique people in culture and politics》

Saint Pole forms twins city with Nagasaki city,and Minneapolis does with Ibaraki city of Osaka prefecture.

An author,Francis Scott Fitzgerald was born in Saint Pole,his work,The Great Gatsby was made into a movie,which expressed American dream with a sad feeling,and it was the talk in America.

Judy Garland who appeared in the Wizard of Ozu was born in Grand Rapids which is northern area of the state.

Sinclair Lewis who was an author of a Nobel prize winner expressed boring and conservative nature of Sauk Center which was his birthplace in his work,Main Street,and there are arguments both for and against his works,for unexpected part of an innovative state was disclosed in his work.

The population of 94.4 % is the white and 2.2 % is the black in 1990,and there has been little racial disputes. Its economic level is better than the middle class,steady…

No.449 18/09/08 14:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class. There are some unique people in culture and politics》

Except for farming and mining industry,the state has put more effort into the industry of high technology recently,technical experts on computer have been dispatched from Japan to the state.

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing of which headquarter is in the capital of the state,Saint Pole,has succeeded greatly in a scotch tape which is famous for an adhesive tape.

An annual income a person is $ 21.495,and it takes the 19the place in the whole America,so its economic level is high,for economic activity has been developed in variety of fields with well–balanced way.

Saint Pole and Minneapolis have faced each other across the Mississippi River,and they are twins city. The both of the cities have the Minnesota Twins of a professional baseball team of American League jointly.

Saint Pole forms twins city with Nagasaki city….

No.448 18/09/08 00:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class. There are some unique people in culture and politics》

…and Bob Dylan sang a song of protest from the young in 1960s of counterculture. The counterculture is the culture which opposes to the main culture or the culture of existing structure. Blowin’ in the wind is his typical song.

There was a culture for the young which reached its peak in America in 1960s like hippie culture or Wood Stock in 1969. There has been an opinion in which we can see the typical one of the counterculture in the hippie one or Wood Stock. The opinion has been generalized.

The trace of human being residence data’s back more than 10 thousand years. The French who arrived there as the first white European announced its possession in the latter of the 17th century. Soon the Spain,and the England gave their name for the possession,and they fought for the possession.After that all the Minnesota belongs to the U.S.A.

Except for farming and…

No.447 18/09/07 23:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class,and threr are some unique people in culture and politics》

The iron ore has been shipped from Duluth of the coast of the Lake Superior.

Hibbing is the place where a bus of Grayhound was born. At first it used to be a small business of single route and 4 kilometers of one way,but a high speed bus has run around the highway in the U.S.A.and it has developed so much that a railway has declined. A running grayhound is painted on the body of the bus.

It seems that looking at the bus of the Grayhound alone makes the American feel a special thought of traveling the American Continent lightly. Its headquarter is at Phoenix in Arizona at present.

A port town,Duluth and Hibbing are related to Bob Dylan who is charismatic legendary singer of folk song. He was born in Duluth,and spent his childhood in Hibbing. The executive of a company handling records picked out him in New York,and he sang a song of protest from the young…

No.446 18/09/07 22:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class,and there are some unique people in culture and politics.》

Speaking of the place where the people in the state own a summer house,it seems to be the shore of a lake. When being in autumn which is the season for a vacation,they start to move for the shore of the lake all together.

Why are there lots of the lakes there? Because there are plenty of glacial lakes which were covered with glacial gone south from Canada. Resource of iron had been hidden underground of complicated geographical features.

The production on iron ore of the Musabi Range in the northern east area is the most in the U.S.A.and in the southern west of the same range in Hibing,we can see an large scale of opencut 露天掘り on the iron ore.

More than half of the iron in the whole America had been produced in the state for the past century,the people in the state take pride in the product of the iron.

The iron ore is shipped from Duluth of the coast …

No.445 18/09/07 00:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is more than the middle class,ant there are some unique people in culture and politics.》

There is the source point of the Mississippi in Itasca. When standing on the basin of the great plain and looking around,I had an emotion there is nothing at all,said the author like that.

It is very cold in winter time. It’s lowest temperature in the past is 51℃ below the freezing point. Thermal pedestrian overpass have been set up for pedestrians in the city of Minneapolis.

The name of the state means the color of the blue sky in the language of the Native Indian. The state is popularly known as the land of ten thousand lakes,and it shows the character of the state very much. A license plate of the car in the state the phrase of ten thousands lake is shown.

Actual number of the lakes are 15.291,except for Alaska,the area of the river is more than any other state in a America,and damp areas are also tremendous. Speaking of the place where the summer…

No.444 18/09/06 21:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is more than the middle class,and there are some unique people in culture and politics.》

Wind of innovation has been blowing strongly from the time of the 20 century in the state,because miners and farmers are organized. It’s a foothold populism which supports the Democratic Party.

The political world in the state at present is the fight between two major political parties,and the movement for the Native Indian has been organized in Minneapolis,and the movement for the Native American’s right and claim has been done.

There are plenty of miners and farmers,for there has been abundant mineral sources and the state for agriculture. The author said it’s the state for agriculture,but how is it? He doesn’t show its ground enough. Are the people who are engaged in agriculture more than any other state? Or is the amount of agricultural product more than other states in America?

There is a source point of the…

No.443 18/09/06 20:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is more than the middle class,and there are some unique people in culture and politics.》

Washington D.C.where lots of the black liberal suppoted Mondale,but the result of the election was a humiliating defeat,but Mondale thought a home town was fantastic.

Hubert Humphrey who is equivalent to a superior for Mondale,and he was from South Dakota,but he served as a mayor in Minneapolis which is the biggest city in Minnesota,he became Senator in 1949,and was the Vice President under the Johnson administer.He mad an attempt to be the President often,but it didn’t succeed.

Eugene McCarthy was defeated by Humphrey was candidacy for the President from the Democratic Party. He was a liberal leader who had influenced on anti war movement for the Vietnam War all over the America.

After the World War Ⅱ,when trying to move forward the liberal trend in America,those three of Mondale,Humphrey,and McCarthy played a big role in the U.S.A.

The wind of…

No.442 18/09/06 19:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

…and Robert McNamra became the Secretary Defense. He computerized the Vietnam War,bur they thought he couldn’t understand the mind of the Vietnamese.

Apocalypse Now 地獄の黙示録 is a movie in which agony of the American in the Vietnam War was expressed. The director of the movie was Francis Coppola who was born in Michigan.

【The state of Minnesota】

《The economy is better than the middle class,and there are unique people in culture,and politics.》

Walter Frederick Mondale who used to be the American Ambassador in Japan was from Minnesota. He became the Senator from the public prosecutor general 検事総長 in Minnesota,he chose a woma for a candidacy of Vice President for the first time as the Candicacy for the President from the Democratic Party.

Mondale and the female candidacy for the Vice President fought the electoral campaign together,and the result on the victor of level in the state was Minnesota alone. Washington …

No.441 18/09/05 01:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

…and in spite of increasing atrocious crimes after the murder case,the trial of recovery on death penalty has failed.

Cornflakes have been developed as healthy food,and its headquarter is in Battle Creek,and the headquarter of Dow Chemical which has produced from the clastic wrap,it means what is called サランラップ which is the name of goods,to a napalm bomb for the Vietnam War is in Midlands.

The Detroit museum has possessed widely from the great collection on Italian art to the masterpiece of Oukyo Maruyama,龍虎. It is said Kafu Nagai learned the French at Karamazoo College in 1904,and after four years he wrote あめりか物語.

Detroit Tigers in baseball,and Detroit Lions in football are poplar among them.

Gerald Ford who was born in Nebraska was a popular player in football. He became the President,and after retiring,moved to California.

Robert McNamra who was born in California became the president of the Ford in Detroit…

No.440 18/09/05 01:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

…but they fell behind the Japanese automobile which moved in the American market area with being small car in the time of saving energy in the 1970s. It was in 1990s when Detroit caught the chance of recovery.

At the time when a taxi refused to take the Japanese often,a tragedy in which a Chinese ancestry of American was mistaken for a Japanese,and was murdered happened at a bar in Detroit. An excellent documentary movie,“Who murdered Vincent Chin?” which got the root of the accident of the racial discrimination against the Asian ancestry.

After 1970s,atrocious 凶悪 crimes increased so terribly in Detroit that they called the place the capital for murder in the world. There is the biggest prison in the world which is surrounded by strong fences in Jackson.

However,Michigan has decided the abolition of the capital punishment for the first time in the whole America in 1846,and in spite of increasing the atrocious …

No.439 18/09/05 00:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

A workman who tightened a screw alone all day appeared in the movie. His nerve on the hand paralyzed,and his hand became the same one like a thing which tightened the screw,so it screwed everything,even the nose of his colleagues.

The state used to start as the one for agriculture,but its source of revenue became lumber,iron ore and copper in the northern peninsula in the latter of the 19th century,and when its peak was over,the auto industry appeared as the Savior.

The attraction of the auto industry in the city made the population exceed the one in the farming village for the first time,according to the national census in 1912.

However,about half of labors in all the industries lost their jobs because of the Panic,and it led to a remarkable progress of the labor union of the whole automobile.

The plant of the automobile changed into the one for weapons in the World War Ⅱ,and they got through the crisis,but they…

No.438 18/09/04 15:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American life》

It was in 1892 when Henry Ford completed a automobile for the first time,and then model T was sold at reasonable price in 1908,and it was moving very well,thus the time of a popular priced car started then,what is called Big 3 like General Motors,Ford,and Kreisler assembled.

Labor style of modern society was born from Detroit. Ford introduced an auto mobile assembly plant of the conveyor –belt system in 1913.

The body of a car which was in the middle of assembling moved on a stand of the conveyor–belt moved one after another,the labors were shared the simple works in front of the assembling stand and were pressed with the work of the conveyor–belt system.People were used by machines,and the human hands were decreased but the unemployed increased.

Charlie Chaplin who heard the story appealed in the movie of Modern Times was the loss of human nature with mechanization of pursuing efficiency in the modern times.

No.437 18/09/04 13:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American lifestyle》

…especially nearly half of the population in the state concentrates in the block of Detroit City.

The automobile has changed American way of life,and it has given them a sense of unity that everyone can move the huge territory at will. The symbol of big family and consumption is the culture of automobile. If so,Detroit has inscribed the American history in the 20th century.Needless to say it’s Toyota city with which ties up Michigan as sister city.

The record that the Native Indian who hunted on the land and lake lived in the area of Michigan dated back in B.C.9000. The French of the white people arrived for the first time in 1618,and a French of Antoine Cadillac started a town structure in Detroit at 1701.

Detroit was attacked by the Native Indian in 1767,and the name of the chief in the Native Indian was Pontiac. American high class car like Cadillac and Pontiac were named after historical people in Michigan.

No.436 18/09/04 13:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Michigan】

《The starting point of American style》

The state faces the four lakes of the Great Lakes. There is the Lake Superior in the north,the Lake Huron and Erie in the east,and the Lake Michigan in the west. The length of the coast is no less than 3570 kilometers. In spite that it’s the state of inland,its coastline is longer than any other ones of the other states.

Political border spreads out over the pretty area of the four lakes which face the coasts,where the government of the state exercises the judicial power there. The state has no less than about 35 thousand lakes of inland and ponds.

There is a way of saying that Michigan is made of two peninsulas. The small northern peninsula which is jutting out in the east from Wisconsin,and the large southern one which stretches out for the north from Ohio and Indiana.

Most of the main cities are in the southern peninsula like Lansing of the capital of the state,Detroit which is the city of auto industry,especially…

No.435 18/09/04 12:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

…and the green belt has been well–known as the oldest park in America called Boston Common. The sign of Oneida Football Club has been left in the park,it’s the oldest soccer team which was built in 1862. Except for England,it’s the oldest in the world.

【The state of Michigan】

《Starting point of American lifestyle》

When the author tried to get in a taxi in the city of Detroit,the taxi driver refused him. American auto industry was damaged by the advance of Japanese motorcar then. It was start of what is called Japan bashing.

It is said that two things which make the individuality of the state of Michigan is the lakes which are border between Canada and automobiles. There is another report which holds that the name of the state is originated from the words of the Native Indian,a Great Lake. The phrase of Great Lake State is shown in a license plate of a car in Michigan.

The state faces four…

No.434 18/09/04 11:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

A company of Polaroid which produces an instant camera,a one of Gillette which handles a razor,and the other one Raytheon which deals with from a missile to a microwave oven. They are typical companies in Boston. Boston is a thing like a tractor which pulls American economy like New York.

Dividing an electoral district profitably for itself alone is called a gerrymander,for it was done in the time of Eldridge Gerry of a governor,so we call it so.

Boston where the history of American independent has been inscribed provided the place for playing soccer in the World Cup summer in 1994,and the new history was added to Boston. Special trains for the spectators who loved soccer made a round trip between the stadium and Boston one after another without taking a rest.

Boston has had a deep relation with soccer. Puritans set up a green belt in the center of the city in 1634,and it has been well–…

No.433 18/09/04 11:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusettts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

First white people from Europe arrived there in the 15th century,there were five kinds of Native Indians there. The name of the state is originated from a phrase of the Native Indian,at the large hill.

The English arrived there with a ship of May Flower in 1620,and established the first colony the place called Plymouth where they landed for the first time,and the large hill means the southern area of hill where they looked from Plymouth. It is said like that.

The contention between the power of the colonies and the English power over 150 years was over in 1770s. The place joined the United States as sixth state in 1788.

Neither agriculture nor fishing industry can support the population which increased steadily in early days,soon manufacturing industry in which they treated a textile or shoe started,and has been a prominent state of industry by the end of the 19th century.

A company of …

No.432 18/09/04 10:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collection of successes》

…according to Walter Issacson who wrote the biography of Kissinger.

There is one more university which attracts the students studying abroad from the world,It’s MIT,Massachusetts Institution of Technology. It doesn’t put only its effort into an engineering department,but into social science,and cultural science. With the background of research for software in the MIT,the industry on military affairs,and technology have been established

Mount Holyoke university has been built in 1837,as the first women’s college in the whole America,Amherst College where Kanzo Utimura,and jo Niijima learned,and there are other prestigious universities like Boston university,and Tufts University.

After the last glacier retreated about 15 thousand years ago,the complicated geographical features has been left and is ranged with the Appalachian mountains.

First white people from Europe arrived there in the 15th …

No.431 18/09/04 09:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

The Harvard University has been established in Kenbridge in 1636,a priest of which name is John Harvard cooperated with a donation of collection of books. His name becomes the one of the University.

Reformations were repeated with organization of curriculum,from compulsory system to selective one,combination of ordinary subject and technical one,the system which the Harvard University adopted had a great impact on the other universities in the world then.

The graduate school for management which has plenty of students studying abroad has been enriched,and Harvard Yenching Institute attached to the university has abundant data on China and Japan.

Kissinger who learned in the Harvard and became a professor there began writing that everyone has the time one of possibilities in the youth which seems to be infinite comes true in the beginning of his dissertation 学位論文,according to Walter Isaccson …

No.430 18/09/04 08:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

…and Robert Kennedy who was a judicial chief and was assassinated,and was the youngest brother of John F Kennedy and was a Senator.

Samuel Morse who was Scottish emigrant and invented Morse Code for a telegraphic communication. Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone. A boxer of unbeatable champion in heavyweight division,Rocky Marciano. There are lots of famous people. Many talented men and women in the state.

The author said like that,and there are plenty of other celebrities which the author expressed,but I’m too inexperienced to know most of them,and I’m not interested in them,so I’m going to omit them.

It’s the Harvard University which produced the elites in Massachusetts. It’s one of the universities of IVy League. The universities of the IVY Leagues are 8 distinguished universities in America,and the Harvard university is the oldest in the eight ones. It has been established…

No.429 18/09/04 06:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university,and great collections of successes》

…but as for the individual income,it’s about twenty one thousand and one hundred dollars,and it’s in the third rank in the whole America. A single word which shows the feature of this state which is an aggregate 集合体 of the rich is there has been lots of successes.

At first,as for the President,the second President,John Adams,and his son,the sixth President,John Quincy Adams,they are rare Presidents who are a parent and a child. The father was a person who has rendered distinguished service for establishing the country of America,his name has been left in the whole America as road and place name.

There are other Presidents like John F Kennedy who is the 35th and George Bush who is the 41th.

There is no end to the number of the Cabinet minister like Vice President or Senator,but everyone knows Henry Kissinger who was German emigrant and the Secretary of the State,and Robert Kennedy who was the…

No.428 18/09/04 05:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,University,and great collections of successes》

It was Boston where John Manjiro learned the English. It’s the center of New England,or it’s an ancient city which has developed as important foothold for American culture,and it has a good reason that it’s a sister city with Kyoto.

The event of tea party in Boston is worthy of special mention in the American history. The people in Boston attacked a ship of the East Asian Company,and threw away the tea in the sea on account of discontent with the heavy tax for the black tea. It made the time of independence from England accelate.

There are abundant in the Eastern art in the Boston museum,lots of woodblock print of raw lumber 版画原木 on Hokusai Katsushika has been discovered there,with Ernest F Fenollosa who gathered,the museum has deep connection with Japan.

The amount of individual income in the state in 1995 is $ 163.9 billion,it’s in the 10th rank in the whole America,but as for the one for…

No.427 18/09/04 05:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb in the capital of the federation》

…moreover if going into more eastward,and being in Prince George District in the state of Mary Land,it’s the town of white rich.

An average income a year of families on the black in the district is 40 thousand,if comparing it with the average income in the whole America,30 thousand,or the average income of the black,19 thousand,the black in Mary Land are very wealthy.

The population on the black in Mary Land was over majority 1992,but the black who wanted to protect vested interests 既読権益 become conservative,its consciousness is approaching the white people,but the white avoided the black and left from there. That’s the difficulty for the racial discrimination.

【The state of Massachusetts】

《Japanese art,university and great collection of successes》

Boston bag,the orchestra of symphony on Boston,or Boston marathon. The capital of the state of Massachusetts has been familiar with us the Japanese.

No.426 18/09/02 21:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


We used to think no one can cure the alcoholism. When falling into the alcoholism once,even if being conscious that the liquor was harmful,the one who suffers from the alcoholism can’t run away from an eager desire for drinking,it ruined itself,being at a loss what to do.

Two people who suffered from the alcoholism meet in 1935. They had been worn out physically and mentally by the liquor. When talking about themselves or the liquor,they were released from the eager desire for drinking. Without drinking they found it all right in that day.

They visited other one who suffered from the alcoholism,and tried the same way,the other one could win the life without drinking. It’s a start of Alcoholics Anonymous アルコール依存性の自助組織,and various shape of group like Alcohol Anonymous has spread all over the world.

A person who seemed to be unable to recover recognize it’s powerless,and connecting with others. Those things make it recover. Dependency is a strange sickness.

No.425 18/09/02 21:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


The pattern of the life which has been grown for a long time won’t change even if receiviing a treatment and stop drinking,and the withdrawal symptom 離脱 is settled.

When being tired,being indignant with something,or finding it something hard,the one who suffers from alcoholism can think of nothing,except for the liquor. Otherwise it can find a way which doesn’t depend on the liquor,it returns to the former life.

In short,otherwise it finds a way which depends on others.it goes back to the former life easily. The effective thing for the alcoholism is the ones who suffer from alcoholism talk each other. It’s a group of self–help.

An alcoholism in the comic said in the book like the next.

When thinking of being able to cure by itself,it’ll drink again. When struggling with the liquor by itself,no one can get over it. We the alcoholism are powerless against the liquor. Without being aware of it,we can’t stop drinking at all.

We used to think no one can cure the….

No.424 18/09/02 20:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


I’ve loved reading a comic,and there is an expression on alcoholism in it. I’m going to quote it.

The alcoholism has a thing in which replaces a person with a liquor. We the people are the creature who live with a group. Without depend on others,we can’t lead our life.

However,when being the alcoholism,the person who suffers from alcoholism replace the liquor with everything,when leading its life,it depends on the liquor for everything.

When being tired,it drinks. When being angry with something,it does. When coming across something hard,it does. It does so as to dispel something displeasant.

The liquor says nothing,and it talks back nothing,it accepts an agony of the person dispassionately. The person used to make use of the liquor so as to socialize with others,but without being aware of it,it makes use of others so as to drink.

When being conscious of it,its human relations are broken,and solitude alone is left for it.

No.423 18/09/02 17:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb in the capital of the federation》

…the ex–Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida had an important conference with a foreign leading figures in his home in Kanagawa prefecture,and the ex–Prime Minister Hosokawa has a summer house in Kanagawa prefecture. Both the Kanagawa prefecture and the state of Mary Land have been the bed suburb for the capital.

Mansfield who used to be the American ambassador to Japan said to the persons concerned the ones who looked for foreign city which would tie with Kanagawa prefecture as sister city.“Except for Mary Land,there is nothing”,he recommended like that. Both the state and prefecture have joined hands as sister city since 1981.

A house where Babe Ruth who was a king in the baseball,a lodging of Edgar Allan Poe who was a detective story writer are tourist spots.

A town where the poor black live spread over the place which is east to the federal assembly hall,moreover if going into more eastward and…

No.422 18/09/02 16:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb for the capital of the state in the federation》

There have been high standard research organization for medical treatment like Johns Hopkins university,its attached hospital,and the national research for sanitation in the state. Quite a few Japanese talented people were flowed out of the institutions.

There are such a lot of the rich who are intelligents that we can get talented people who we need easily,according to a Japanese pharmaceutical company which advanced for research on biotechnology,in response to eager invitation for attracting Japanese companies in the state.

The state resembles Kanagawa prefectrure in Japan with a standpoint that the level of education,culture,and income and it’s close to the capital.

Though it’s not match for the mountain cottage of Camp David,the ex–Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida had an important conference.…

No.421 18/09/02 15:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

Even a conversation in a public telephone was guided in the underground of the N.S.A.the National Security Agency,and was recorded,according to James Bamford.

There is a military school for the navy in Annapolis of the old Mary Land as governmental organization. The campus which received a sea breeze from the Chesapeake Bay has had old tradition since 1845,when saying being from Anapolis, it means being a graduate of the military school for the navy,so the military school for the navy looks like the symbol in the capital of the state.

One of crews of the Japanese Marine Self–Defence Force visited Annapolis in a training battleship in the open sea and watched the scene of the military drill in which they were frisking and said,they are more easygoing than I expected.

There have been high standard research organization for medical treatment as Johns Hopkins University and attached hospital…

No.420 18/09/02 13:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

…the ex–President Reagan who were operated for a skin cancer on his face waved his hand from the wind of the hospital. A thing like an adhesive plaster was put on his nose then. Its photo was fresh in our memory when the book was written. The ex–President Bush had experience of being in the hospital during being in office.

We can’t miss the National Security Agency as organization of the government. While it’s important,it’s not well known,for it has a history in which it was so important that the existence itself was treated as secret information. We can see the building on which antennas are bristling from a distant place,but a sign of keep out prevent us from approaching it.

The main duty in the organization are deciphering a code,intercepting a radio message,and preventing an espionage. Its organization is bigger than that of CIA in the state of Virginia which is west to Mary Land.

No.419 18/09/02 12:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

…I find it suitable to call it the new Mary Land as back room of the state,especially Bethesda is a bed suburb for high officials,said the author like that.

The stretch of the place is away from the traffic routes for the general public,so the class of the poor and needy who commit a crime easily find it hard to approach there,so they regard the place as eminent upper–class residential area where the price of real estate is high.

The phrase that the class of the poor and needy who commit a crime easily isn’t my own remark,but the author’s. Whether the one is rich or poor,committing a crime has nothing to do with it,I’m sure. The expression of the author is prejudice,I’m afraid.

The naval hospital in Bethesda expresses us the hospital which has for the President’s exclusive use. It’s the conspicuous hospital which has a tall tower,the ex–President Reagan who was operated for a skin cancer on his…

No.418 18/09/02 12:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

The last checkpoint stops the traffic with strict fences,except for the parties who are concerned direct,everyone is order to go back.

Charles Ⅰ who was a king in England gave a baron a land in the 17th century. The land was named after a queen,Maria Henrietta,which is Mary Land at present. Today’s Whole state of Delaware,and part of Washington and Pennsylvania were ceded from Mary Land in the beginning.

The state has both of characters of the south and north,but has original nature as the central coast. The center of the function on the state is in Annapolis which is the capital in the state and in Baltimore which is the commercial city. The place reminds them of the old Mary Land.

However,as to the places which are near the Washington D.C.like Bethesda,Silver Spring,or Chevy Chase,I find it suitable to call it the new Mary Land as back room of the state,especially Bethesda is a bed suburb for…

No.417 18/09/02 09:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bed suburb for the capital in the federation》

…then a group of reporters were forced to wait for the result of the negotiation in Thurmont,a town at the foot of a mountain then. Its extension is the glorious temporary agreement for self–government in Palestine,said the author like that.

I’m sure not only the author but all of the people in the world hoped that the agreement would bring a peaceful situation in Palestine,but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to go well,but it has nothing to do with this response of mine,so I’m going to return the main topic.

The ex–President Frnaklin Roosevelt built it as vacation house in the 1942,named it Shangri–La,and Eisenhower changed it into Camp David,for David was the name of his grandson.

When driving on the mountainside,there are some checkpoints on the way to the mountain cottage. There is the last checkpoint around the eight stage in the climb to the top of the mountain. The last checkpoint stops…

No.416 18/09/02 09:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bed suburb for the capital in federation》

…and there has been important institutions and organizations for the federal government. If it’s the conspicuous characteristic for Mary Land,except for the back room for the federal government,there is no nickname.

At first,the famous mountain cottage for the President,Camp David,in the slightly elevated mountain which is about 120 kilometers from the north of the capital. The mountain cottage is separated from neighbor towns,so it’s an ideal place for a negotiation in secret,and essential conferences which controlled the international politics has been done there.

The ex–President Carter invited the head of Egypt and Israel there,and they concluded the agreement of Camp David which brought the turning point on the peace in the Middle East. The negotiation was exceptional long one which was two weeks,then a group of reporters were forced to wait for the result of the negotiation in Thurmond,a town…

No.415 18/09/02 08:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

…then the ex–President Bush thought of a catch phrase which was common through the world with a President aide in Kennebunk Port so as to unify the international public opinion. The President aide said,“How about New World Order?”The President said,“It’s effective,let’s use if from now on.”

It’s the backstage that they led the public opinion then. A professor in Colombia University disclosed it. After that,the phrase made the world move.

【The state of Mary Land】

《A high–ranking bedroom suburb for the capital in federation》

In spite that the state is in the place where it holds Washington D.C.which is the capital for the federation from the north,east,and south,the state has been under the more influence of the capital than the state has had an impact on the capital,for lots of memebers in the staff of the federal government have resided there,and there has been important institutions and …

No.414 18/09/02 07:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

The rise of the stateman of the Democratic Party,Edmund Muskie,filled the state with atmosphere of the Democratic Party. Its background is the change of population that the value of New England was caused unrest by the inflow of French American from Quebec.

Muskie was elected to the governor in Maine in 1954 and 1956,he’d been a Senator for 12 years since 1960,and the ex–President Carter asked him politely to be a minister of the state,so he was. He used to be Polish emigrant. When he arrived America,he introduced himself as チャネルチュキー,but the one in Immigration Bureau said it’s hard to say. Let’s change it into Muskie,so his family name was changed then.

The biggest city in the state,Portland,has tied up with Shinagawa ward as sister city. Why? Edward Morse who is famous for shell mound in Omori was born in Portland.

When the Gulf War brought about in 1991,the ex–President Bush thought of a…

No.413 18/09/02 07:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

To be concrete,I’m not sure of the value of the Yankee,though.

As to the structure of population with each race,English Amercican is 41 %,Irish American 12 %. They seem to be the Yankee.

The word of Yankee means originally the American in northern area in the U.S.A.according to the Wikipedia.

French American is 23 %,and they are the same kind of the ones who are in Quebec of Canada where is next to the border of the northern west border.

Needless to say,the main political parties are the Republican and Democratic Parties,but an independent candidate defeated both the political parties and was elected to the governor of the state in 1974. We can see the liking of the eligible voters who assert themselves at will.

The basic political climate in Maine historically had been conservative or for the Republican Party throughout since the state joined America.

The rise of statesman in the …

No.412 18/09/02 06:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days.》

The state is blessed with the source of water,and it had been dependent on a hydraulic power generation over 3 century,but they put their effort into nuclear power generation for recent decades. Concerned the anxiety of radioactive contamination often,asking the people whether or not they should adopt the nuclear power generation by the local referendum,the strength for supporting the development of the atomic energy has never been shaken.

Yankee nuclear power generation in Wiscasset had produced 59 % of electric demand,it exceeds so much the thermal power generation which is 11 % and the hydraulic power which is 19 %.

As it had been used for the name of the nuclear power generation,we can see the proper noun of Yankee here and there. There have been lots of the Yankees who embody a simple and moderate sense of value in emigrants of New England from England in early days.

To be concrete…

No.411 18/09/01 20:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days.》

A liver of fishing frog 鮟鱇,and a sea urchin have been imported to Japan recently. The people in Maine think strangely that we the Japanese are happy when we eat the marine products. When talking about the marine products,some of them look displeased.

Part of Massachusetts separated,and the state of Maine was born in 1820. Why did it separate? It shows us the political situation of America in early days.

The state which adopted the slavery and other state which didn’t had to keep delicate balance in order to maintain the federation in those days.

When the state of Missouri in the South which adopted the slavery joined America,they had to increase one more state which didn’t adopt the slavery from the northern area so as to keep the balance,so they separated the Massachusetts into two. The state of Maine became the one which didn’t adopt the slavery. They call it the compromise of Missouri.

No.410 18/09/01 20:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place where avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

…unrest might be caused among the people in America,and it looked as if there had been possibility that the coup d’ Etta succeeded,so the ex–President showed his staff his instructions in secret,he fished in the sea with a look of innocence.

The blessing from the sea is a lobster,a big edible one. They can catch it along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean from Maine to North Carolina. Plenty of lobsters inhabit in the shallow seabed of which depth from 50 to 200 meters off shore in Maine.

The famous Acadia national park lies in the center of the coast,and there is a fishing village called Stonington west to the Acadia park,about 40 % of the population,about 2.000 people,of the fishing village are engaged in the fishing industry on the lobster.

With the industry of sawing,and paper making depends on the large scale forest,the fishery industry is main industry in the state. Liver of a fishing…

No.409 18/09/01 19:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place of avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

…some people call the state Florida for avoiding the summer. The place where the ones retired from their jobs spend the rest of their life quietly there. Kennebunk port which is the southernmost tip is one of the most beautiful coasts,houses of colonial style where the captains left for the Atlantic Ocean took a rest have been preserved there.

The ex–President Bush has a summer house there,taking advantage of his spare time in public service,he flew back from Washington,setting sail in off shore and enjoyed fishing. Even if an international crisis broke out,he intentionally stayed in Kennebunk port so as to perform his political pose,business as usual,without making a haste,without making a big fuss,doing everything as usual.

A coup d’ stat of conservative group broke out in the Soviet Union,the ex–President stayed at Kennebunk port. If returning to the White House in flurry,unrest might be …

No.408 18/09/01 19:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Maine】

《The place of avoiding summer,rest and relaxation in the last days》

The sun rises earlier in Maine than any other state in America,and the nickname of the state is the entrance for the morning sun in America. Some America express the whole American mainland with the way of saying from Maine to California.

Except for Alaska,Maine belongs to the northern east most in the coast,and encroaching upon the neighboring north country,Canad. The state is what is called the northernmost tip in New England. The scale of the space is the 39 place,and the population is in the 38 in the whole America,so it isn’t the large state in America.

However its forest area accounts for about 90 % in America,and its natural view is so beautiful that plenty of tourists have been attracted. Maine is proud of it,and the phrase of vacation land is shown in the license number of the car.

Magnificent summer villas which the rich in the whole America possess are lined up in the coast,some …

No.407 18/09/01 12:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

New Orleans Saints which is a strong team in American football has a headquarter called Louisiana super dome,which is the 27th story floor. The headquarter can accommodate 76.000 people.

With Creole,the word of Cajun is frequently used. Acadians who emigranted from France to the southern east in Canada,Acadian,and other Acadians who were driven from England,and came to Louisiana. The Acadian was corrupted,訛る and becomes Cajun.

The Cajun has scornful nuance,but it has been familiar with the American for the food in which a crawfish of seasoning strongly with spice as original culture of cooking.

A sightseeing cruiser called Cajun Queen plies in the Mississippi River.

【The state of Maine】

《The place of avoiding summer and rest and relaxation in the last days.》

The southernmost tip of America is Key West in Florida,but the northernmost tip is Quoddy Cape in the state of Maine. The sun rises earlier than any …

No.406 18/09/01 11:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

…and plenty of people were worried about that obtained the high number of votes stimulates a new racial friction and it gets in the way of the state’s economic development.

The gathering of the political party of the preliminary election for the President in 1996 was heralded other states,and the people in the world took interest in it,it is said that it’s done so as to encourage the people who stagnated in the state.

Truman Capote who was an author was from Louisiana and became a standard bearer of a new journalism by his work,In Cold blood,or Breakfast at Tiffany.

The criminal in the Cold blood killed the four family members in the house,it’s just $ 40 of cash which he found in his house. It was 1957 when it’s the time for credit card and check then..

小泉八雲 who used to be Lafcadio Hearn was a reporter in New Orleans before he came to Japan.

New Orleans Saints which is a strong team in American football has …

No.405 18/08/30 23:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

…for a law in which lawful self–defense is permitted widely,unusually has been ready for the people.

The state belongs to a new industrial zone called Sun Belt,except for sightseeing of Jazz,a challenge to the industry has just started,it’s not enough. It’s an observation of businessmen in the local Japanese sightseeing.

K.K.K.which appealed anti Jew,anti the black and white supremacy 白人至上主義 recovered in the whole America around 1980,and the one who led the movement were two new leaders in Louisiana,David Duke and BIll Wilkinson.

David Duke used to be an activist in Neo Nazis. He ran for the election of governor of Louisiana January 1991. Though he wasn’t elected,he obtained high number of votes which was 39 %.

Its background was expansion of the black power and difficulty of life of the white people in the middle class by recession,and lots of people were worried about that obtaining the high number of votes…

No.404 18/08/30 22:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

Creole culture is also resistance against the sense of American value,and it appears as various independent activities.

The people in Louisiana regarded the New Deal policy which tried to escape from the great panic as ineffective and put their original reformation into effect so as to save the class of the poorest.

The law which goes against the principle of separation of church and state and education of the Creation in the Bible had been obligation in the state until 1987.

The strict law in which forbidding being pregnant and having abortion in the state was formed in 1991.

In Baton Rouge,a Japanese high school student was shoot death on the way to the party of Halloween October in 1992,and its murderer was innocent in the criminal court,and was guilty in the first civil trial. There has been lots of crimes which are related with a race,for a law in which lawful self–defense has been permitted widely…

No.403 18/08/30 21:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and radial discrimination》

A Streetcar Named Desire of which stage is Louisiana and which was written by Tennessee Williams,and which was made into a movie in 1952.

A woman who wore heavy make up got off at the station of New Orleans,and visited her sister,riding a streetcar named desire. Her final destination was a mental hospital. As to Vivian Leigh who performed the leading part,it was her first socially undesirable character.

The Bourbon street which runs the French quarter from the eats to west seems to divide into two place,its south is almost safe,but there are lots of atrocious crimes 凶悪犯罪 in the north,selling and buying the drug has been done there,a local journalist whispered me,the author said like that.

Rice cooked with meat,fish,vegetables of the style of New Orleans is the local dish,jambalaya,which is the typical Creole dish,and it reminds us of a song of Carpenter.

Creole culture is also resistance for the view of…

No.402 18/08/29 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing and racial discrimination》

France,Caribbean,Spain and America are mixed,and original atmosphere has been created in the French quarter.

The place where we can hear Dixieland jazz is preservation hall which aims at preserving jazz.The hall is famous. The hall is shabby and little which is as if it were a warehouse. There are no seats there.The audience stand or sit on the floor,but the hall is full of the enthusiasm of the black people who continue to play jazz as if it shook their spirits.

Historic data on Jazz are in a museum of Louisiana,and the trumpet of Louis Armstrong has been exhibited there. A streetcar is decorated near the museum. A word of desire is shown on the body. The streetcars of curious names like desire or tomb used to run in New Orleans. Ruined vehicles of disused cars there,they are fittable for the decadant atmosphere there.

A Streetcar Named Desire of which stage is New Orleans and which was written by Tennessee …

No.401 18/08/29 19:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

The movement of cooperation of city between Japan and America as sister is hard to do,for the atmosphere of racial discrimination is dense there.

Louisiana has been in the sediment of crime and racial discrimination,but New Orleans alone has held the brilliant status of international city. Attraction of jazz in a live house is full of the Frecch quarter.

The French quarte which the French made then vanished because of accidental big fire twice. The look of the town where the Spanish built then has been left there. The Spanish used to control there then. There is a narrow street made of stone pavement where gas lamps are burning, there are buildings of two storied which face on the street.

Delicate workmanship of iron is added to the Iron fence on the balcony of the part of the two story,and original country yards of flower and green are beautiful.

French quarter is the central place in New Orleans. France,…

No.400 18/08/29 18:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination》

…soon the French established the control in the enormous are which was between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountain,they named it Louisiana,which means the state belonged to Louis ⅩⅣ.

Napoleon sold the place for America in 1803,the price of about 2.1 million square kilometers of the price was no more than $ 15 million. Then the President,Thomas Jefferson, heightened his fame of historical advantageous deal,and has been appreciated that he made American territory expand toward west extremely.

With cruel labor of the black people,a plantation of sugarcane and raw cotton developed so much that the super rich was born one after another.

The French and the Spanish who settled there in the early period cultivated their original cultures,they and their descendants are called Creole,and New Orleans is the symbol of Creole culture.

New Oleans is the biggest city in Louisiana,but the capital is Baton Rouge.

No.399 18/08/29 18:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing and racial discrimination》

…it’s the racial construction of the population in Louisiana,from the most one. The history and character of the state has been reflected there. The fragrance of France and dark shadow of black people. There is a way of looking at the state like the next.

Southern area where there are lots of French ancestry of Americans who are Catholics and Northern area where there are plenty of African ancestry of American who are Protestant. They contend for rights and interests on petroleum and natural gas in the Mexico bay which accounts for no less than 40 % in the revenue of the state.

The state had the delta zone of the mouth of the Mississippi River,and was a marsh of which average sea level was no more than 30 meters,there used to be a few villages of the Native American in the beginning.

The Spanish and the French arrived there from the direction of the sea one after another from the 16th century,soon the French…

No.398 18/08/29 17:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kentucky】

《The fame which is glorious for the racing force and bourbon.》

Martha Collins who was the first female governor from the Democratic Party in 1983 especially tried to attract Japanese companies,Toyota motors company and its affiliated companies advanced there in 1988. Yamazaki Mazak Corporation which is engaged in sales and import of machine tool has been active since the first half in the 1970s.

Muhammad Ali who used to be a champion of heavyweight of professional boxer were born in Louisville. He lived and died a pious Muslim,at the same time,he joined the movement trying to expand the right of the black people.

“It seems that white is good and black is bad. Why is the house of the President white and is the list of criminal a black list?” he said like that and it’s well known.

【The state of Louisiana】

《Jazz,right wing,and racial discrimination.》

African American is 28 %,French American 20 %,and English American 18 %,it’s the racial construction in …

No.397 18/08/29 17:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kentucky】

《The fame which is glorious for the racing horse and bourbon》

…the place adopts opencut with destruction of environment,the state became the poorest area in the U.S.A.and the state can’t get out of the worst rank. The economy was in difficulty and the demand for the coal went down so much that the unemployed increased there.

The opencut is the way of digging an ore. Without digging a pit of mine,digging out at the underground from the surface of the earth as if it swirled. It’s the primitive way of digging,and the local used the way of mining gem like diamond or emerald,but with a heavy industrial machine,a big scale of development like the iron ore in Australia was possible.

The economy of the people in the state and the level of welfare are low in the 50 state of the whole America. In that situation,Loisiville University was founded in 1798,and it is proud of being the oldest university.

Martha Collins who is the first female governor from the Democratic…

No.396 18/08/29 12:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kentucky】

《The fame which is glorious for the racing horse and bourbon》

Kentucky was worried about what to do then. Which state shoul it support? After being irresolute,it took the northern side. It caused oppositions among families and the people in the state,it often developed into situation in which they killed each other.

The state had an image of Eden in the West,but it changed into the place of bloodshed in the darkness. The name of the state,Kentucky has two means in the language of Native Indian,the one is the place of tomorrow,and the other is the place of darkness and bloodshed.

While the white people account for 92 %,the black 7.1 %,according to the National census in 1990,it’s related with the situation that the management of plantation of original southern didn’t take root there.

Eastern mountain area is the place where the coal is produced more any other state,but productivity for the labor is low,to make matters worse,the place adopts opencut 露天掘りwith…

No.395 18/08/29 12:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kentucky】

《The fame which is glorious for the racing horse and bourbon》

There has been a trace of 6 kinds of Indian used to live in the western area,the white people from the eastern area explored the central and eastern area in the 18th century. Kentucky was the first state which joined the United States for the first time west to the Appalachian Mountains in 1792.

Daniel Boone was one of the explorers in the white,and was a legendary one. He played a leading part in the settlement the imigrants from the east coast.

Kentucky used to be the state which adopted to the slavery. It lay near Mason Dixon which divided America into the southern states which adopted the slavery and other northern states which didn’t,so Kentucky has two kinds of character of both the north and south.

When breaking out the Civil War,Abraham Lincoln who was the head or the northern influential group,and Jefferson Davis who was the head of the southern group,both of the two were from Kentuckey.

No.394 18/08/29 11:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kentucky】

《The fame which is glorious for the racing horse and bourbon.》

It was Bourbon county where a bourbon in which more than 51 % of corn was mixed with rye,and barley was made for the first time in 1789,it was done by chance.

A minister in the Baptist made a whiskey for himself. The barrel in which the whiskey was brewed happened to be a white oak which was scorched,the whiskey had something smell,but unexpectedly,when drinking,it was pretty well.After that,inside the oak was a side of white oak which was scorched on purpose learned to be used.

The Ohio River flows in the north,and the Mississippi in the west,transportation,and distribution was propered in the state. They were trade routes to the west and south. Kentucky is surrounded by 7 other states, it’s rare. The ones which surrounded are,turning clockwise from the north,Indiana,Ohio,West Virginia,Virginia,Tennessee,Missouri,Illinois. Eastern part is close to the Appalachian Mountains.

There has been…

No.393 18/08/27 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kentucky】

《The fame which is glorious for the horse racing and bourbon》

The breed of race horse started immediately after the Civil War,at the same time a wedding of females in Kentucky and males who weren’t from Kentucky increased,for plenty of rich people who tried to make money with the breeding of race horse in Kentucky came there from other states. The center of the breeding is Lexington.

There had been about two hundred and twenty thousand of horses like thoroughbred,Arabia,and Standardbred. The scene in which the cattle is put out to pasture comfortably in a huge fence which is painted white is only in Kentucky.

The one which makes the name of Kentucky be known to the whole America is bourbon whiskey. It is Kentucky where the bourbon whiskey was made for the first time. Wild Turkey,Early Times,and Jim Bean which is also popular among the Japanese are made in Kentucky,and about half of the bourbon in the whole America is done in the State.

It was Bourbon…

No.392 18/08/27 22:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kentucky】

《The fame which is glorious for the horse racing and bourbon》

Not only the people in America but the lovers of the horse racing all over the world think of Kentucky once a Year,which is the first Saturday on May. It’s the day of Kentucky Derby. The first Derby was done in 1875,so it has history of about 140 years.

The Derby is done in the biggest city,Louisville,in Kentucky for ten days before the first Saturday on May and other ten days after Saturday. Even if it’s the biggest city in Kentucky,its population is no more than about 0.27 million,but it grows livelier labeled as Derby Festival. There is even a proverb,Without watching the Kentucky Derby,dont say you watch something!

Excellent horses are raised,and it has developed the horse racing. The stretch of the central north in the state is the place where ideal pasture grows,and breeding for racehorse has been done enthusiastically,and it’s high income of earning rate for farmhouse of breeding.

No.391 18/08/27 21:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forgotten a song for reformation》

The movie of Wyatt Earp was shown in the U.S.A.in 1994. Kevi Cosner played part of Wyatt Earp pretty fairly.

【The state of Kentucky】

《Fame which is glorious for Derby and bourbon》

When hearing Kentucky,it makes some people long for somehow,it reminds them of the melody of a song,My Old Kentucky Home. Stephen Foster wrote the music which was composed by him for his own words.

The place he composed the melody was the house of his cousin,and the house has existed even now in Bardstown which has been in the north in Kentucky from long ago. Tourists sometimes visit there. They say the home is exaclly the one which they long for,what we call 我が家 in Japanese.

One of things which attracts people to Kentucky is a horse racing. It is said the first horse racing was done in the state in 1783. Not only the people in America but the lovers of the horse racing all over the world think of Kentucky once …

No.390 18/08/26 20:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forgotten a song for reformation.》

…and there is a pancake in the frying pan. They run its course,tossing up the pancake in the frying pan.

It’s an original sports event in Kansas,the American said like that and thinks it’s worthy of special mention. The author said he found it amusing but at the same time he thought it something sad.

The real face of Wyatt Earp is left much in the Dodge City more than Arizona. He met Doc Holiday there,and they vowed they would be lifelong friends.

Doc Holiday suffered from tuberculosis 結核 and a master of shooting gun speedy. He was engaged in dentist in a room of a hotel and raked in the money 荒稼ぎ by gambling.

As to Earp himself,his income of dealer for gambling is better than the one of his main occupation,Sheriff. Earp did not only gambling,but stole the cattle. He is an outlaw,but the one like police who maintains the order of the town. He seemed to be a dishonest policeman as it is.

No.389 18/08/26 20:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forgot a song for reformation.》

A powerful statesman in the central political world is Robert Dole of ex Senator who became a candidate for the President from the Republican Party. He fell from the stage for the speech in the middle of the Presidential electoral campaign. He behaved abominably 醜態を演じる of old age.

Political violent change in the past considered, the state impresses us to feel that the state has used up the energy of reformation which influences over America.

Religious enthusiasm is so strong that Prohibition law used to exist from 1880 to 1948. As for buying liquor,there has been restriction for it even at present.

There has never been powerful team which plays an active part in professional world.

A competition of international pancake is held in a town called liberal every year. Females who wear apron and scarf are its players. They run the course of character of the S,then they have to hold a flying pan and…

No.388 18/08/26 19:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forgot a song for reformation》

…but the companies finished the most difficult part of the situation at the end of the 19th century. A journalist,William White who won a Pulitzer Prize wrote the worries of Kansas is too be conservative extremely. It is said that there is no news which is sent all over the world in Kansas.

Eisenhower whose slogan is I like Ike was elected the 34th President. He was born in Texas,and his family moved to Kansas when he was two years old. He led his childhood in Abilene.When he was the President,he made the Korean War suspend hostilities. After his death,his body was returned to Abilene.

A building in which the date of Eisenhower was collected was built in Abilene. Memos and document which is related with Ike is essential for the research of the Cold War. The Ike is his nickname.

A powerful statesman in the central political world is Robert Dole who became a candidate for the President from the …

No.387 18/08/26 18:48
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forgot a song for reformation》

The recognition against the Japanese is late in the state. Speaking of Japan,they can’t distinguish between Japan,China and Vietnam,said a Japanese who is in the company which is engaged in producing the part of light airplane.

The tendency of political climate in agricultural zone is that the Republican Party of conservative is strong. The railway industry has developed there after the Civil War. The Republican Party insisted on advantageous taxation system for the railway industry,and expanded the influence of the Republican Party.

The American of ancestry of Scandinavia,Germany,and Russia who immigrated in 1880s seemed to sympathized with the conservative Republican Party.

The momentary movement of populisme arose among farmer who were cautious for modern companies,for bank or railway of the modern companies were unfamiliar with the farmers,but the companies finished the…

No.386 18/08/26 18:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forgot a song for reformation.》

…Russian immigrants who fled from cruel reign of the imperial Russia introduced a wheat which fitted for the soil in Kansas. Adding to the mechanized way of agriculture of in the 20th century,the yield of the wheat grew up into the top class in America,and it developed into the center of grain belt in the U.S. A.Kansas is popularly known as the bread basket in the world,it has been born from the situation.

The yield of wheat is in the second place in the whole America,kind of corns 9th place,and soybeans 11th place.

Its capital is Topeka,but the biggest city is Wichita,though its population is no more about 0.3 million,according to the national census in 1990. Kansas is the state of prairie and agriculture has been prospered,so Wichita is unique.

Production of private planes has started before the World War II in Wichita ,the sales of light plane like Cessna,or Beech is active. The recognition…

No.385 18/08/26 17:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Louisiana Purchase』

On the other hand,France faced a revolt by Saint Domingue. The Saint Domingue is French colony. It’s present Haiti. Then France felt England was menace,so it found it hard to maintain the Louisiana,so the right of possessing Louisiana was sold to America. It is said it is a good bargain for America.

I’m going to return to my main topic from now on.

When getting the Louisiana,the report of searching Kansas said the place doesn’t fit for a permanent home,and agriculture.

When deciding the border of the state,slaughter happened frequently,for they had two options. The state which adopted the slavery and the state which didn’t . Kansas of bloodshed of bad name has been recorded in the American history because of the slaughter.After all,Kansas joined America as state which didn’t adopt the slavery in 1861,but the slaughter heralded the Civil War.

Establishing the railway urged the population to increase,Russian emigrants who fled from cruel reign of Russia of …

No.384 18/08/26 16:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forgot a song for reformation》

The Dodge CIty used to be the place where famous sheriffs like Wyatt Earp or Bat Masterson played active part,so the place is a fovorite town for the one who love a cowboy movie.

It was ten thousand years ago when Native Indian settled in the Kansas,though then no one called the place like that. When the Spanish came there in 16th century,the Native Indian ran after the cattle. The Kansa means people in south wind,and it’s changed into Kansa later.

After the control for the place changed from Spain to France,America got the place,so to speak,as a part of Louisiana Purchase. What is the Louisiana Purchase?

Spain was conquered by Napoleon Ⅰ in 1800,and Spain transferred Louisiana to France. When getting the information on Louisiana,America found it was a menace,and the then President Jefferson made the ambassador negotiate with France for purchase a part of the place of Louisiana.

No.383 18/08/26 16:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forgot the song for reformation》

In short,we can see the horizon easily as it is without being obstructed from anything.

Cattle come together with the prairie. Kansas Pacific Railway which connects Kansas with the southern area and Santa Fe railway passed through Kansas,so Kansas was the starting point of the transportation for the cattle.

After the Civil War,since the latter of the 19the century,they used to carry away and collect the cattle. They loaded the cattle on the train at the stations like Dodge City or Abilene,and sent it to the eastern area.

The Dodge City is still a big scale of trading place for cattle at present,and the look of the town when it was developed as distribution center of the cattle has been recreated,and an event in which the manners and customs in those days are recreated is held every July.

The Dodge city is the stage where the famous sheriffs like Wyatt Earp or Bat Masterson played an active…

No.382 18/08/26 14:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response』

Speaking of the pipe smoking,it’s the symbol for resistance against the right to be free others’s passive smoke.

【The state of Kansas】

《The naval of America which has forget a song for a reformation.》

They say that the the prairie is the only tourist attraction boringly,but unexpectedly it’s characteristic state. It has some nicknames,but the naval of America is the most appropriate.

When looking at a map of American continent and looking for the state which is the center of America,we can recognize it's Kansas at once.

There is a little town called Lebanon on the border between Nebraska and Kansas. There lies the center point of America in the place near the Lebanon,except for Hawaii and Alaska,but when drawing a map,or surveying the land,its starting point is the county of Osborne,which also belongs to Kansas.

After all,the thing which send us the atmosphere of the state is the prairie,for we can see the horizon which goes down far away.

No.381 18/08/26 12:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa】

《The soil of top–class which is paid attention once four years》

Herbert Hoover who is from Iowa is the 31th President in America.

John Wayne who succeeded in the Western cowboy movie was also from Iowa. He was dead on account of cancer,but there has been a rumor that he was exposed to radiation by a nuclear test in the desert.

The conservative tendency appears each direction in politics and society. The state became the stage of the novel,The Bridge of Madison County,so some people regard it as the political climate of the conservative tendency.

The judicial chief in the state declared in 1993 that the people who are engaged in developing 現像 a flim finds a photo of a nude of a child,they have to report it to the authorities. The presen law forbids the nude of child,so the conservative power has put pressure on the people in the state.

A championship of torunament of pipe smoking has been open in Des Moines every August. Speaking of the pipe smoking,it’s the…

No.380 18/08/26 11:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa】

《The soil of top class which is paid attention once four years.》

…it’s the victory of the Democratic Party after for a long time.

In the year of Presidential election once four years,Iowa becomes the place which sends a news for all over the world. The electoral campaign makes progress with the pile of gathering of a party members each state and preliminary elections.

The gathering of the party members in Iowa has usulally been done first in the United States,and after the other electoral campaigns have been influenced under its result psychologically,though it was done after Louisiana in 1996.

Des Moines which is the capital of the state is the biggest city in the state,and its population is about 1.9 million. The biggest newspaper,Des Moines Register has been issued there. The author visited its branch office in Washington D.C.so as to cover the political situation of Iowa. He said he had impression that the political prospect was accurate extremely.

No.379 18/08/26 11:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa】

《The soil of top–class which is paid attention once four years》

…and making distribution of agricultural products all over the United States smoothly.

The population is about 2.7 million,and 95 % is the white people.the black is no more than 1.7 %,Native Indian 0.3 %,according to the national census in 1990.

German ancestry which accounts for abou 40 % is easy to be noticeable,houses and landscapes of Dubuque which is a city on the west coast of the Mississippi has been influenced under German culture strongly,the city has a nickname,American Heidelberg.

After the Civil War,except for the time of panic in 1920s,the Republican Party is strong in the political climate. When looking at the number of votes obtained in the Presidential election after the World War II,it was 1964 when the Democratic Party won in the Presidential election owing to the avenging battle for Kennedy’s assassination.

Clinton pushed through over Bush and became the President in 1992,it’s …

No.378 18/08/25 23:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa】

《The soil of top class which is paid attention once four years.》

The army of the black hawk took up their position in the eastern area,but was defeated,and was taken their land by force. They were forced to move to the western area.

After being a part of territory of the state of Michigan and Wisconsin,it joined the United States formerly as the 29th state in 1846.

Abundant soil seemed to attract the emigrants strongly in early time,they not only came from neighboring states,but from the south and north state like Carolina,Virginia and New York.

Iowa is the first state of liberty caused by buying Louisiana. The state of liberty means that the state where the slavery has been abolished. The people of Iowa have been proud of the state where they live.

They fought in the Civil War for the justice of abolishing the slavery,but at the same time,they had utilitarian calculation of securing sailing in the Mississippi River at will,and making distribution of…

No.377 18/08/25 23:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa】

《The soil of top–class which is paid attention once four years》

Iowa university which is famous for the research of speech pathology 言語病理学 named each sports team. By the way,what is the speech pathology?

A person who is engaged in the speech pathology is called a speech language pathologist. The abbreviation is S.L.P. The job of the S.L.P.is the next ones.

They help the people who have a difficulty in words,communicating with others,chewing and swallowing food. Those difficulties and disabilities are varied.

For example,when development of language is late,being unable to pronounce exactly,sickness or accidents when being a grown–up prevent them from understanding or speaking the language.

With aging,dropping the muscular strength,the cases that they have difficulty in chewing food and in swallowing food have increased.

The L.S.P. offer supports which maintains or improves their ability to the people who have the disability through the treatment,inspection.

No.376 18/08/25 21:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa.】

《The soil of top–class which is paid attention once four year》

…and the place which is called Iowa later belonged to America,but the view hasn’t changed at all from when the white people came there for the first time. It’s said that the space spread out boundlessly then.

The name of the state,Iowa,is the one of the Native American. It means a beautiful land or a person as if it slept. The names express the atmosphere of the state.

The state has some nicknames like the state of corn,the state of bread basket,and the state of a hawk eye. We can understand the two of them,but what is the last one?

The army of immigration of the white people made war on the armed Native American in 1832. Then the eyes of the Native American were so sharp that as if they had been the ones of the hawk,so the state has the nickname. The white people called the Native American the hawk eye or the black hawk,and named the war the black hawk war.

Iowa university which is famous for …

No.375 18/08/25 21:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa】

《The soil of top–class which is paid attention once four years.》

This is the time when we’ve taken advantage of biotechnology or high technology for the agriculture. Besides,the state has held anxieties of dropping the price of the farm and unstable price of agricultural product,so it's gone ahead with a long term diversification for the industry.

The state has plunged into recognizing gambling officially on the ships in the Mississippi and the Missouri River from 1991 as a part of bringing up the tourist industry.

The humanbeing who came to the land for the first time about 12.000 years ago were primitive hunting people,before long Native American settled down along the Mississippi River and started agriculture.

The French came to there as the first European white people in the latter of the 17th century,they saw some of footholds of the Native Americans there.

After receiving control by France and Spain,America bought the Louisiana in 1803,and the place …

No.374 18/08/25 20:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa】

《The soil of top–class which is paid attention once four years.》

When Khrushchev who was the chief secretary in the Soviet Union visited each place in America for the first time,he went to a farm in the suburb of the state in order to watch a model of American agriculture.

He saw the efficient way of big scale of agriculture with his own eyes,and was inwardly very surprised. Later when he met Mao Zedong,he advised to the President of China,“America is different from what you’ve said, it isn’t a paperーmache tiger. We must not underestimate the country.” There is an episode like that.

Japanese company,味の素 has established a subsidiary company to the southern east to the capital of the state of Des Moines. The company produces a kind of amino acid which is added to a feed from corn,and sells it to the whole America and Canada.

An executive of the company said the situation that they were covered with the domestic animals,“A person against a pig,and eight cows!”

No.373 18/08/25 19:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Iowa】

《Top–class of soil which is paid attention once four years.》

The novel was made into a movie and became the talk in America whether it’s the permanent love or illicit love. Its main stage is a countrified 鄙びた suburb in Iowa.

The state is in a grass plain,so there isn’t any mountain,and flat land spreads out there. It’s a continental climate which has humidity,there is big difference between the cold and warm,they are often attacked by violent thunderstorm in brief springtime.

It’s a typical state of agriculture which is between the Mississippi River and Missouri River. One–fourth of the soil of top–class concentrated on Iowa,95 % of the land has been made use of for the agriculture.

The yield of corn,soybean,and barley is always in the top–class in the whole America. About three–thirds of the people in the state seem to be engaged in the agriculture,tourists can look at a rural landscape which look like just America.

When Khrushchev who was the chief …

No.372 18/08/25 19:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Indiana】

《Pastoral solid bed rock which is proud of people who died in battle》

Michael Jackson was born in Indiana.

There is the University of Norte Dame in Indiana,and it’s the most influential university in America.

Newspaper of U.S.A. Today reported Gary in Indiana is the Killing Field in America. The killing field is the title of a movie in which a massacre by the group of Pol Pot in Cambodia.

The population of Gary was 119.125 in 1993,and the number of people who were murdered were 102. To be exact 85.6 of people a hundred were killed in 1993. It was worse than Washington D.C.which is notorious,for Washington D.C. was 77 people.

The background of the massacre is too much drugs and guns and too less jobs. At night lots of the residents stand a table against the door from inside of the room,and go to the bedroom.

【The state of Iowa.】

《The soil of top–class which is paid attention once four year.》

The Bridge of Madison County was the big bestseller in America.

No.371 18/08/25 13:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Indiana】

《Pastoral solid bed rock which is proud of people who died in battle.》

…for Indiana is main place for the traffic,moreover it’s been under the leadership of the consistent Republican Party,there is little restriction for the companies. It has a big merit for the companies.

Muncie which lies in northern west in the state is a little typical city in the central west of other states,it has been an objection for research by plenty of social scientists since the prominent field research by Mr. and Mrs. Lyndo. The result of the field research is the city is conservative and the speed of change is slow.

Lots of Hoosier have said James Dean who was an actor in a movie is one of prominent people who are from Indiana. He was born in Marion which is eastern north in the state. He appeared in the movie,East of Eden,as if he had been a comet in 1955,after appearing in,Rebel Without a Cause,and,Giant,he was involved in a traffic accident and disappeared.

Michael Jackson …

No.370 18/08/25 01:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Indiana】

《The pastoral solid bed rock which is proud of people who died in battle.》

They joined the United States one after another as divided state from beginning to the middle of the 19th century.

It was 1800 when the state became the territory of America,it was so appropriate for the name of the state there were plenty of the Native Indians who they had to control,and the territory joined the United States in 1818 as the 19th state.

There was a car which is sold from GM called Pontiac,and it was the name of the leader of the Native Indian who played active part dauntlessly in the latter of the 18th century.

Gary isn’t only well known for farm products like corn,soybean,and wheat,but steel manufacturing of the USX. The main force of the auto industry is in a racing car and producing parts of ordinary car,and its leadership has been taken by Detroit in Michigan.

Advance of Japanese county in which center is relation to electronics is active,for Indiana is the main…

No.369 18/08/24 20:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Indiana】

《The pastoral solid bed rock which is proud of people who died in battle.》

Lots of residents went in and out there from the 14th century to the 16th century,but its reason has never been clear.

Frenchmen from Canada explored the place where becomes the state of Indiana in the latter of the 17th century as the first white people of the European,and opened the first place where fur is traded in the first half of the 18th century,but its control was seized by England in the latter of the 18th century.

Moreovert hrough the Declaration of Independence in 1776,the army of the United States advanced from east,and secured the place where is surrounded by the state of Ohio,the Mississippi River,and Great Lakes as northwest territory. It includes the state of Indiana,Ohio,Illinois,Michigan,Wisconsin,and part of at present Minnesota. They joined the United States one after another as divided state from the beginning in the 19th century….

No.368 18/08/24 20:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Indiana.】

《The pastoral solid bed rock which is proud of people who died in battle.》

An trial of coming true an utopia of social structure at New Harmony in 1852. It was done by an English socialist,but it failed in no more than three years,for there is trend which doesn’t grow up that kind of thing.

The fact that the society of ex–servicemen in America is especially strong in the state is appropriate for the conservative trend. They use the way of saying proudly that a soldier in Hoosier opened the muzzle first in the World War Ⅰ,and he was the first person in the battle.

The number of people in Hoosier who died in battle in the Civil War were about 24.000,about 3.300 in the World War Ⅰ,and ten thousand in the World War Ⅱ. They regard it as proof of the Hoosier who are faithful for their duty.

The situation in the state in the ancient time hasn’t clear,but lots of remains where hunting people and fishermen seemed to use since B.C.1.000 have discovered.

No.367 18/08/24 19:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Indiana】

《The pastoral solid bed rock which is proud of people who died in battle.》

Oh! I made a mistake. At the response of Indiana,for the subtitle,instead of deadlock,or dead rock,I should have used a bed rock. I’m embarrassed.

Right wing the K.K.K. used enormous control power in the politics of the state so much that the black liberal influence had been suppressed thoroughly in the first half in 20th century,so it is said they could avoid serious racial discrimination then.

A newspaper reported the members of the K.K.K. admitted the crime in the court that they attacked a couple of the black in the state of Indiana December in 1993. The K.K.K. has still lived.

When looking at the number of votes obtained concerned the Presidential election in the state after the World War Ⅱ,the candidacies form the Republican Party had almost commanded since Dewey. The only exception is Johnson of the Democratic Party who won in the avenging battle for Kennedy in 1964.

No.366 18/08/24 18:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Indiana.】

《The pastoral dead rock which is proud of people who died in battle.》

…when the book was published aorund1990.

Ground breaking ceremony 起工式 for a ceremonial of ex President,Kennedy and Martin Luther King was done in Indianapolis,the capital of the state,May in 1994. The ex President,Clinton also ran to the ceremony. Both of kennedy and King were assassinated in 1968.

Kennedy who announced his candidacy in Presidential election heard King was assassinated in the middle of his campaign in the states. He said his heart was breaking with grief.

Both of Kennedy and King were symbols in the liberal time. It is said that he expressed he would go around America for electoral campaign,and wanted to think deeply about what he’s in the Conservative party.

Cornfields have spread over the state of Indiana,where two kinds of pastoral charm in the central west and conservative bigot 頑迷 exist.

Right wing k.k.k. has used enormous controlling power in the politics of the…

No.365 18/08/24 18:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Indiana.】

《The pastoral 牧歌的 solid deadlock which is proud of people who died in battle.》

Indiana 500 has started since 1911,and has been done in the suburb of Indianapolis every May. The automobile race of 500 miles is the most prominent race by formula cars.

The word of Hoosier comes together with the state of Indiana. The origin of the word has various views. One of them are an earnest hard worker,of an unaffected honest man,but it sometimes changes into a contempt word of hick 田舎者.

It used to mean the labor who Samuel Hoosier who was engaged in building the Ohio Canal gathered,and it changes into commonly known as the name of the people in the state,and the state itself is popularly known as the state of Hoosier. Original kindness in the state is called Hoosier hospitality.

The name of Indiana means Indian land,for there used to be varied Native Indians there,but the population of the Native Indian accounted for no more than 0.2 % of the state in 1990 when the….

No.364 18/08/24 17:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Illinois】

《The place where we learn a way of associating with other races.》

There is the report that the Japanese consulted with the Japanese about making use of the labor union so as to divide the American domestic.

Chicago Bears is famous as football team,and Chicago Cubs,and Chicago White Socks as baseball team. Hemingway was born in Chicago.

James Johns who was from Illinois was in charge of defense on the coast of the Pearl Harbor February in 1941. As receiving surprise attack from the Japanese army,gigantic black smokes went up then. He said he thought like the next, being possessed with deep fear.

Our life will change,even our society,culture has gone over one watershed 分水嶺. We won’t return in the least.

His expression became a novel,and was made into a movie,its title From Here to Eternity.

【The state of Indiana】

《The pastoral 牧歌的 solid deadlock which is proud of the number of people who died in battle.》

Indiana 500 is the biggest event in Indiana.

No.363 18/08/24 16:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Illinois】

《The place where we learn a way of associating with other races.》

The newspaper of company which is typical in the central west is Chicago Tribune,which gave a historic false report when a candidate,Truman,who belonged the Democratic Party was with other candidate in a close match for Presidential election. The newspaper company hastily reported Truman was defeated in the front page before the they knew the final result .

Hugh Hefner who issued the first Playboy in 1953 was born In Chicago. He sold the magazine with nude photos to males of what is called オタク in the city,and its sales was over 7 million.

The way of Nielsen which is introduced into an investigation for an audience rating for TV was developed by the company of N.L.Nielsen in Chicago.

There is an old university called North Western which was established at Evanston in 1851. A Japanese went abroad there. There is a repot that Japanese government consulted with the Japanese about making use of…

No.362 18/08/24 15:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Illinois.】

《The place where we learn a way of associating with other races.》

With the northern area being industrialized,lots of African American people came into the state from the southern states,the character of Illinois has been decided since then.

In spite of the policy of being Americanized which is supported by the federal government,each nation has its original society which has a newspaper,festival,a worshiper,and museum and original identity. Illinois is the place like a miniature of epitome of Japan.

A TV personality who was born in Chicago is Dave Spector, he said that there are sorts of nations and races in the elementary school which he used to go,so many men,so many mends. There are ethnic days in the elementary school. On the day of Japan,the American of Japanese ancestry wear kimono and go to the school. The students learn Japanese culture.

He said they mastered a way of associating with other races from the time when he was a child.

The newspaper …

No.361 18/08/24 13:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Illinois.】

《The place where we learn a way of associating with other races.》

The strong charm of Illinois is an unrestrained city where varied races have been intermingled. For example,the time of Al Capone who was active behind scenes. He took advantage of the enforce of prohibition law became the boss in the underworld. Sears tower which is the biggest one in the world,though it seems to have other name at present. The city is called the one of contradiction,or the one which has two faces.

The leader of the mail− order sales 通信販売 which has the catalog like a telephone directory,Sears Roebuck,which started from the mail−order sales of a clock by two people who were the man changed from a railroad worker,and the other a watch repairer. It’s a city of success story where everyone has the chance of succeed in something.

Chicago is the city of core for agriculture,so it has developed as the largest exchange for grains in the world,with being industrialized in the…

No.360 18/08/24 12:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Illinois.】

《The place where we learn a way of associating with other races.》

Lincoln had lived in Illinois for 31 years from 1830,and there is his house and tomb in the capital,Springfield. The house is simple and two story,and his tomb is a public cemetery of Oak Ridge.

Lincoln opened a law office in a town of Illinois. The town is called Lincoln with the consent of Lincoln himself. There is the nickname of the place of Lincoln in a license plate of a car in Illinois.

Varied Native American lived in Illinois around 8.000 BC,and the record of cultivation of plant and the use of pottery in about 2000 was confirmed.

The French started to go in and out from Illinois in 17the century,and the place becomes the territory of America in 1783. It was 1855 when Chicago and the East Coast was connected with railway.

The name of the state is excellent people in the Native American.

Chicago is one of the biggest cities in America,but its population is less than 300 million.

No.359 18/08/23 00:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Illinois.】

《The place where we learn a way of associating with other races.》

…or conservative tendency which refuses the change is strong there.

It is Reagan Ronald who was born in a little village of the state. The author visited the village just before Reagan won the Presidential election at the end of October in 1980. Its population is about 800,neither there was a hotel nor an airport.

After he graduated a local college,he became an announcer for a sports program,and he went in the movie world in California. Then he became the governor of California,and the only President of the Republican Party who was from Illinois.

He seemed to embody the political climate of his hometown,and adhered to the position of conservative and anti communism. He used to call the Soviet Union an empire of devil,and show us the hatred for the communism.

Abraham Lincoln wasn’t from Illinois and was born in Kentucky. He did his best to liberate the slavery and was assassinated. He lived…

No.358 18/08/23 00:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Illinois.】

《The place where we learn a way of associating with other races.》

If crossing the American continent with the railway,how many days do we need? It’s a four−day trip. The author said he started from the Union station of the Capital,Washington D.C.at night,spent the night in the train.and arrived in Chicago before noon. He waited for hours for changing the railway,and he spent two night in the railway,and arrived Oakland which is suburb of Los Angels

Chicago is the distance of one third from the east of the American Continent,and it is regarded as big city in the central area
like New York in the east and Los Angels in the west.Chicago is in Illinois,but the capital of the state isn’t the big city,Chicago,but Springfield.

The feature of the states of central area is being separated from the West Coast which takes a change before others.or from the East Coast which goes to the forefront of political change,and it changes slowly or the tendency of …

No.357 18/08/22 21:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Idaho】

《Two kinds of political climates of the state of potato》

…and radioactive waste material has been stored up there. The accident which the waste leaked happened there. Actual situation of disposing the industrial waste was announced by the effort of a Senator who was elected from Idaho.

The conclusion said economic efficiency had more priority than the consideration for the safety,but the safety for the nuclear power generation had been discussed in Idaho before it became the problem in the whole America.

There is the house where a great writer of Hemingway used to live in Ketchum. He shot himself with a shotgun in despair in Ketchum July in 1961. His kins have lived there recently.

There is the Rocky Mountain of Rushmore in which the faces of the four ex Presidents have been craved. Its artist was born in Idaho.

【The state of Illinois】

《The place where we learn of a way of associating with different races.》

If crossing the American continent with the …

No.356 18/08/22 20:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Idaho.】

《Two kinds of political climates in the state of potato.》

The output of the silver accounts for about 40 % in the whole America.

There is the Idaho city where gold was discovered in the middle of the `19th century at the Boise which is the capital of the state. People crowed there owing to the gold rush,and the place stimulated the population to increase,but it was renounced. It becomes the completely ghost town,but is the noted place for sightseeing.

Hells Canyon which is the border with the state of Oregon and is burrowed with the snake river has the canyon of which depth is about 2.400 meters.

The hell means the place where the souls of bad people are believed to punished after death. The canyon is literally the deepest in America.

There is the nuclear power planet which is the first in America at Arco of the central south of the Idaho,and there is a laboratory for the atomic energy which is east to the nuclear power planet,and radioactive waste…

No.355 18/08/20 23:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Idaho.】

《Two kinds of political climates in the state of potato.》

The inhabitants in the south of the state has been influenced by a place like the headquarters of the Mormon at Salt Lake in Utah even recently.

The number of the Mormon increased to the 30 % of the state,but actual influential power has exceeded the ratio of the population. It seems to stimulate tendency of the conservative or to support for the Liberal

The Mormon competed with the other Mormon in north central region for the political influence and they often confront.

Silver and zinc 亜鉛 were discovered in the northern and central area in 1880s. Labor dispute had often happened in the silver mine in 1890s,and the fight of the labors got worse in Coeur D‘Alene silver min so bad that the relation between the fighter and the authorities which tried to suppress the labor strained.Then the martial law 戒厳令 was proclaimed,and assassination of the governor by dissatisfied labor occurred then.

The output of…

No.354 18/08/20 22:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Idaho.】

《Two kinds of political climates in the state of potato.》

The population of the state is about a million,according to a national census in 1990. The ratio of the black people is no more than 0.3 %. Boise is the capital of the state,and is the largest city in the state,but its population is no more than about 120.000. It reflects the state of agriculture. The number of Japanese people who live there are about 2700.

Idaho has actually the history which has different cracks.

While the politics and social influence of the ascetic 禁欲的 Mormon has been great in the southeast in the state,liberal trait that they do what they want with their own ways has been strong in the place which jets out in the north. Some town permits selling sex tacitly.

The Mormon came from Utah in 1860,and made a community in the southeastern area of Idaho,and started farming there. It’s the first permanent settlement in Idaho.

No.353 18/08/20 21:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Idaho.】

《Two kinds of political climates in the state of potato.》

The name of state,Idaho,means a jewelry in the sun or the rising sun in the language of native Indian. The one who appealed to the federal government that the place should be the territory of America seemed to choose the name for the state.

It is said that the trace that the human being lived there was before 15.000 years,and native Indians had lived for various hunting lives until the English arrived there in 1805.

England and America reached an agreement like the next 1846. The place north of north latitude 49 degrees belonged to England,south of north latitude 49 becomes American territory. The place has been the 43th state in the U.S.A. through being the territory in 1890.

Agriculture is the mainstream of the state,so it has had merit,for it could avoid a problem which was caused suddenly increase of population.

No.352 18/08/20 21:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Idaho.】

《Two kinds of political climate in the state of potato.》

About 75 % of the harvest is cut and is frozen for French fries or becomes instant.mashed potatoes. When traveling around America,then if eating a hamburger and French fries,the French fries may be the potato in Idaho.

By the way,the Salmon river is famous for its strong stream,and plenty of people meet with a disaster,and the stage of the movie of RIver of no return was produced in Idaho, and Marilyn Monroe stared in the movie.

Except for the potato,hop which becomes the bitter taste of a beer,sugar beet,barley,broad bean are leading agricultural produces.

There are lots of highlands which are over 1.000 meters above sea levels,the farmland has been selected,about one third of the whole state is the farmland.

It was around 1860 when the agriculture started in earnest,and a great part of the state economy has gone overwhelmingly for the agriculture since 1980s.

The name of the state,Idaho means a…

No.351 18/08/19 19:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Idaho】

《Two kinds of political climates in the state of potato.》

The phrase of Idaho,famous potato,is shown in the license plate of an automobile in Idaho,so the potato is so well known,but except for the potato,there is something which we should pay attention to in the state.

The yield of the potato in the state takes the first place or the second one in America. Its size is big and has a light dry texture ほくほくして美味しい. Its taste is refined and it has an excellent reputation,and is exported all over the world.

Its color is reddish brown,so when saying it an adjective of russet is added to the potato. The cultivation and development of that kind of potato has started in 1920s.

Idaho lies the west to the Mt.Rocky. Three rivers flow from east to west in the state. Their names are from the north,Clearwater,Salmon,and Snake. About of 90 % of production of the potato is grown up in the irrigation site along the Salmon River. About 75 % of the harvest is cut and is frozen…

No.350 18/08/19 16:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Hawaii.】

《The history of Japanese–American woven miserable things and political power.》

The tourist industry is the biggest source of revenue,the number of tourist a year is over 7 million. Military expenditure on the headquarters of the military on the Pacific Ocean has also supported the economy in the state.

The Democratic Party has been strong there. Two seats of the Upper House of the Federal has been occupied by the Democratic Party. One of them is Daniel Inoie who lost his right arm in the World War Ⅱ has been playing active part as Senator. He is the first Senator of Japanese American in the whole America since 1962.

George Ariyoshi was elected to the governor of the state in 1974. He was also the first governor of Japanese American in the whole American.

【The state of Idaho】

《Two kinds of political climates in the state of potato.》

When hearing the state of Idaho,except for a potato,what do we the Japanese think of? Aidaho,the famous potato,in the …

No.349 18/08/19 15:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Hawaii.】

《The history of Japanese–American wove with miserable things and political power.》

With renew of the agreement,they promised that Pearl Harbor was loaned by America.

America seemed to think that there was no reasonable lands any more in the western area,and declared disappearance of frontier line. America had reclaimed the vast Western Area thoroughly,so there was no land to reclaim in the western area. Then they turned their eyes to the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea far away.

America made war on Spain and won Philippine,Guam,and Puerto Rico,and made Spain renounce the right for Cuba. With background of the big expansion,America megered with Hawaii as the territory of America in 1900,in the form of receiving the request from the President.

After the World War Ⅱ in 1959,Hawaii joined the America as the fiftieth state. It’s the latest state in the U.S.A. America regarded Hawaii as an important place with a strategic point of view on the Cold War.

No.348 18/08/19 15:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Hawaii.】

《The history of Japanese–American woven with miserable things and political power.》

Kamehameha Ⅳ introduced the Chinese as workforce for the sugarcane,and in the reign of Kamehameha Ⅴ the Japanese emigration to Hawaii started. Then succession of Kamehameha ended,and Kalakaua Ⅰ became the king. He visited Japan and met Meiji Emperor. His sister became the queen,then the kingdom of Hawaii was over.

She wrote the lyrics of the Aloha Oe,and she realized Hawaiian nationalism,but she gave up the throne by the pressure from America. Hawaiian Republic was established in the next year,it’s a bloodless coup by America. In fact there had been various intervenes from America side then.

With increase of the white people who managed the plantation of sugarcane,the relation between America and Hawaii became deep. An agreement that they guaranteed America as a market for sugar was concluded in 1876. With renew of the agreement,they promised that Pearl Harbor was loaned by…

No.347 18/08/19 14:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Hawaii.】

《The history of Japanese–American woven with miserable things and political power.》

The hierarchical society collapsed gradually,the population decreased by sickness like smallpox,tuberculosis,or venereal disease. Liquor and firearm changed the value and being way of the society into varied ones.

Kamehameha,one of lords in Hawaii island,expanded his influence little by little,and conquered Maui and Oahu island. He established Hawaiian kingdom in 1810,and he became the first king in the dynasty of Kamehameha. The dynasty continued five generations.The open of church of Protestant was allowed,and the propagation of Christianity was done then.

Kamehameha Ⅲ established the system of constitution of monarch 立憲君主制 in the first constitution. He opened a public school,opened the plantation of sugarcane,and published newspaper. He abolished feudal possession of the land,and allowed the private possession of the land.

Kamehameha Ⅳ introduced the Chinese as workforce…

No.346 18/08/19 14:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Hawaii.】

《The history of Japanese–American woven with miserable things and political power.》

The oldest aborigines which arrived there with a canoe from South Pacific or Southeast Asia from 1.000 to 1.400 years ago. They were Polynesian ancestry. Those pure aborigines are over about 5.000 in 1990,and they have dispersed around little islands which are separated from the economy of Hawaiian economy. They are particular about the preservation of their cultural identity.

The people outside the Hawaii saw the place where the aborigines live for the first time in 1778. It was done by English mate 航海士,James Cook,his popular name is Captain Cook,though he was killed with the trouble of the aborigines in the next year,it was how the history of Hawaii changed.

Then hierarchical society had been maintained under a hereditary lord in the main Islands. After that the contact with other people who came from the outside world caused a big change in the pure culture.

No.345 18/08/19 13:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Hawaii】

《The history of Japanese–American woven with miserable things and political power.》

…we can ski there.

The population of Hawaii was about 1.1 million in 1990. The white people accout for about 30 % of the population. It’s the only state where the white people is less than majority. The people which live in Asia or in the country which faces to the Pacific Ocean are about 60 %. The black people are 2.5 %.

Its tendency is conspicuous in the capital of the state,Honolulu. The population of the capital of the state is about three hundred thousand. The white people account for about 25 %,and the people of Asian and the Pacific Ocean is about 70 %. Four–fifths of the population in the whole state is in Oahu island.

Honolulu,Hiroshima city,and Naha city are sister cities. The stage where the Pacific war started in the Pearl Harbor,and its final stages were Hiroshima and Okinawa. There is deep thought of both the Japanese and America in the sister cities.

No.344 18/08/19 13:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Hawaii.】

《The history of Japanese–American woven with miserable things and political power.》

They were crushed with grief so much that some of them committed suicide. When standing in the group of the cemetery of the Japanese at Kurtistown of Hawaii Island,it seems that the record of tears and sweat has been inscribed there. I can’t believe Honolulu which is filled with peaceful scenes with the Japanese,the author said like that.

The state alone is away from the continent. It’s an aggregate 集合体 of islands of 132 which lies in the North Pacific. The total area of 132 islands is smaller than Shikoku area a little.

Main islands are six. If saying from the bigger one,Hawaii,Maui,Oahu,Kauai,Molokai,Lanai,Niihau,and Kaho’olawe. All of them are result of a submarine volcano,the Mt.Mauna Loa of which height in the Hawaii island is about 4.000 meters is the biggest active volcano in the world.

Unexpectedly it snows around the summit of the Mt.Mauna Kea in the Hawaii Island…

No.343 18/08/19 12:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Hawaii.】

《The history of Japanese American woven with the miserable things and political power.》

Hawaii exists in the memory and sensitivity of the Japanese with the languid けだるい melody of Aloha Oe,but the place didn’t used to be familiar with us the Japanese in the beginning.

It was 1868 when the Japanes–American emigrants went to Hawaii for the first time. It’s the first year of the Meiji era. It’s 元年,so they were called ガンネンモノ in Hawaii then. They were pioneers who were filled with hardships.

They were tempted to go to Hawaii like that. “There are lots of snakes in Hawaii. They are sold at good price. There is no any other profitable job than it.”,so 153 Japanese people went from Yokohama to Hawaii in 1868.

However when reaching there,there were no snakes at all. They worked in the field of sugarcane 26 days a month,and its income was no more than $ 4. They had to work for three years there.

No.342 18/08/19 11:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia.】

《The southern empire which is familiar with them has had influenced all over the world.》

However the economic world was cold to the proposal. Margaret said after her death,she wanted to burn the dump.

At the beginning of 1994,two bills of one dollar were sticked to the wall of the dump with the Scotch Tape,and its photograph was run at the local newspaper. The newspaper said it was shaking contribution in the wind. The old apartment was burnt and collapsed with the bills September in the same year.

Franklin Roosevelt who used to be the President suffered from polio used regularly the hot spring at the warm springs of the west in Georgia. He established the fund for the treatment of the polio.

【The State of Hawaii】

《The history of Japanese–American woven with miserable thing and political power.》

We the Japanese feel a sense of the more closeness to Hawaii than any other state in America. Hawaii exists in the memory and sensitivity of the Japanese with…

No.341 18/08/19 10:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia】

《The southern empire which is familiar with them has influenced all over the world.》

There are two things which Atlanta has had impact on the world. The one is Coca Cola which has been sold in no less than 140 countries. And the other is the TV of CNN which a businessman in Atlanta,Ted Turner has started in 1980,especially the news casting of the CNN which has been 24 hours has demonstrated power which controls the recent international politics.

The golf tournament has been done in Augusta every year since 1934.

There used to be an old apartment house called dump in Atlanta. The word of the dump isn’t a good name very much,for it means a shabby house,or a dumping ground.

What should they handle the dump? The Atlanta Olympic was near at hand then,it became a problem. The place where Margaret Mitchell wrote her work,Gone with the wind,there. She also called the old apartment house the dump. If rebuilding the dump into a museum,it would cost $ 500 million.

No.340 18/08/19 09:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia】

《The southern empire which is familiar with them has influenced all over the world.》

…but there is obvious difference between the area of big city like Atlanta and a farming village.

Direct flights from Japan poured into Atlanta,the advance of Japanese companies has been remarkable. Its number is more than 300 in the whole state,even around Atlanta,it’s almost 200. “There are plenty of companies. Its number is next to California.” the office of JETRO in Atlanta emphasized like that.

The workforce is good and reasonable,there are a few labor disputes,in addition,the real estate and living expenses are also reasonable. The place is blessed with a good condition.

Atlanta Olympic was held at Atlanta in 1996. The bank of Atlanta Federal expected its economic effect was from $ 4 billion to 5 billion,but It won’t last so long. Employees who were engaged in retailing increaased temporally but the social structure and the area can’t be changed.

There are two…

No.339 18/08/18 19:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia】

《The southern empire which is familiar with them has influenced all over the world.》

The story like a joke has spread over the Japanese people.

When Ronald Reagan who prevented Carter from being selected the President was holdiing the parade for the inauguration as President in Washington D.C. in 1981,Carter who lost in the election returned to Plains when raining. He was greeting the local people,putting up an umbrella.

The author seemed to watch the scene on the TV then. He said he can’t forget the desolate scene.

An image of poor state of agriculture had been firmly established,but from the latter of 1970s when the Carter governor which adopted the policy of racial integration,the elite of the white people leanred to come in the Georgia ,and the state has changed into the industrial area of Sunbelt.

The economic growth rate has caught up with the average of the whole America in 1980s,but there is obvious difference between the area of a big city…

No.338 18/08/18 18:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia.】

《The southern empire which is familiar with them has influenced all over the world.》

…and Jimmy Carter adopted the policy of moderate racial integration and administrative reformation,and the social anxiety cooled down. He became the first President who was from Georgia,then the Vice–President,Walter Mondale,served as an ambassador in Japan from 1993 to 1996.

The Carter President was born in a lonely village,plains of which population was no more than 700. He used to manage a peanut plantation. The yield of the peanut in the state is higher than any other state in America.

When he visited Japan and talked with Japanese Prime Minister,Masayoshi Ohira for the first time. The Japanese Prime Minister said,“I was born in a poor peasant who made rice in Shikoku area.” When he started to talk the story of his life,the American President said,“I used to be a farmer in a little plantation of peanut.”

It is said after that they opened up to each other.

No.337 18/08/18 18:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia.】

《The Southern Empire which is familiar with them has influenced all over the world.》

…and big companies owned by the black people are striking.

The State had been the inner citadel 牙城 for the Democratic Party during 100 years from the latter in the 19th century to after the World War II,but the member of the Republican Party was sent to the House of Representatives for the first time in 1964,the challenge from the Republican Party continues. It makes a recovery from the white people who fears the political stream of the liberal black.

The white labor in a farming village of the south and the small and medium city learned to vote the candidate from the Conservative party in a presidential election positively. Then violent clash between the liberal and the conservative,racists and the ones who claimed the right for the black people expands occurred,and social anxiety had been intensified.

Jimmy Carter became the governor of the State in 1971,and he adopted…

No.336 18/08/18 17:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia】

《The southern empire which is familiar with them has influenced all over the world.》

When the Spanish arrived there for the first time as white people,the Native Indians lived in both the mountain area and the river area. After being a colony of direct control under England,the place joined in the United States in 1788.

The King of England,Georgia Ⅱ allowed to be the colony in 1732,the name of the State becomes Georgia. Its nickname is the State of Southern Empire. We can understand the pride of the central State which represents the Southern area of America.

The population of the State is almost occupied with the white and black people,and other races are a few. The population of the black people reached 47 % in 1880,but it dropped to 27 % in 1990,according to the national census,but as for Atlanta,the population of the black people is over 67 %,for there are plenty of the black people who have succeeded in the American society,and big companies which the…

No.335 18/08/18 16:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia.】

《The southern empire which is familiar them has influenced all over the world.》

…after that the administration of Atlanta city has mainly been done by the black people.

Andrew Young who often spoke for the feelings of the developing countries served under the Carter Democratic Party as an ambassador to the United Nations,and he was elected to the mayor of Atlanta in 1981. He was a black of a liberal statesman.

The Georgia is the largest State in the east to the Mississippi River,and is the nostalgic place for the America. George on my mind which Ray Charles of a soul singer of a black sings is the song for the State.

A mansion of a owner of a big plantation who used to handle lots of the black slaves,its white front column,the rocking chair which shook on the veranda,where a dog walked around and birds sing. The American seem to miss the scene.

It is 12.000 years ago when the human being residented there. When the Spanish arrived there for the first time…

No.334 18/08/18 14:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia.】

《The southern empire which is familiar with us has influenced all over the world.》

The one which had gone with the wind seems to be the value and culture of the southern state of the slavery and the style of the Southern life. Aftereffect on the slavery of the black people has still lingered effect in Georgia,on the other hand,prominent elite of the black people were born there.

Atlanta University was founded in 1865,and its aim is higher education for the black people.

King,Martin Luther who guided the movement for the right of the black people and winned the Nobel Prize for peace was born in Atlanta. He was a clergyman.

He organized the great march in Washington in 1963,and made a speech. He said,instead of the color of the skin,the children should be evaluate with its own personality. I want to my wish to be materialized. Its my dream. His remark won popularity.

Maynard Jackson was elected to the mayor of Atlanta as first black people in 1971,after…

No.333 18/08/18 13:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Georgia】

《The southern empire which is familiar with us influenced all over the world.》

Margaret Michell wrote a novel,Gone with the Wind,of which background was the Civil War. The scene of the story was the Southern area of America. The author was born in Atlanta which is the capital of the State of Georgia.

The novel winned some glorious prizes and was made into a movie. Vivian Leigh who was a new face performed a part of Scarlet O’Hara,and after that she suddenly had been known as a good actress.

When going to the Grant Park in Atlanta City,we can see the three dimensional panorama,Cyclorama,in which Atlanta was gone up in flames dramatically reappeared.

To tell the truth,I’ve never been abroad,and I’ve never heard the cyclorama until now,so I have little knowledge on it. I’m wondering it’s a kind of an image of video. It is projected on the circular ceiling,maybe. Oh I’m afraid I may be in the wrong,if so I’m sorry about it.

The one which had gone with the wind…

No.332 18/08/18 12:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Florida.】

《The southerneast most tip of America where hot wind attacks from the Caribbean Sea.》

Needless to say,the boom of big scale of amusement park in Japan was situmulated by the Walt Disney World. It’s just the stuffed animal. A person is in it. Lots of grownups are absorbed in it. I can’t understand why.

There is the famous damp area of Everglades which is southern in the Florida peninsula. Countless vegetables and animals grew up there,and immense primitive world as if the earth had been created at the time used to spread in the past,but environmental disruption has been serious because of chaotic development and environmental pollution of industrial waste.

If wanting to recognize the situation,we have only to drive the Tamiami trail and Everglades Park.

Alligators and poisonous snakes live in the damp area. An American airplane of which passengers and crews of 109 made an emergency landing there in 1996. I find it terrible,but I’m not sure its detail at all.

No.331 18/08/18 11:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Florida.】

《The southeastern most tip of America where hot wind attacks from the Caribbean Sea.》

The Cuban who was rise on the economy paid attention to the politics,it was natural. The union of the Cuban vote caused a mayor of the Puerto Rico in Miami in 1970,the mayor of the Cuban in 1981.

The Cuban was minority but it had influenced over others,and the African American people were majority but were driven into the weak on the economy. The friction and conflict between them frequently happened. It’s a new tendency. Crime on the drug had gone ahead with them.

Florida,Key West,and Miami are characterized by the Walt Disney World which is 35 kilometers to the southwest of Orland. When the Disney World was open in 1971,the total number of rooms in the hotels in Orland were about 5000,it became about 12.000 in the next year,and two years after it became 25.000.

The number of going into the kind of amusement park a year seems to reach 25 milllion in Japan 1990.

No.330 18/08/14 01:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Florida.】

《The southeastern most tip of America where hot wind attacks from the Caribbean Sea.》

Miami has a nickname,northern Havana. They can listen to the rhythm of music of rumba and mambo,and enjoy drinking rum,and eating Cuban dish. They can visit the art museum of Cuban culture. There is a memorial tower for the victims in the Bay of the Pigs.

Except for the service industry and commerce,the Cuban who have found a position where they can use their ability to the full on the trade with the Central and South America,so it is said that the Cuban has rendered the most distinguished service.

One of Japanese staff who was engaged in the real estate and constructed buildings in the office said like the next. If thinking of Miami as a resort area,it’s in the wrong. If New York is a place to contact with Europe,and California is the one for Asia,Miami is also the place to contact with the Central and South America.

The Cuban who was on the rise on the economy paid …

No.329 18/08/13 22:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Florida.】

《The southeathern most tip of America where hot wind attacks from the Karribean sea》

…but the movement of the people and the thing were violent in the era of the Cold War between the East and the West,for after the Cuban revolution was accomplished by Castro,political refugees rushed to Florida from Cuba. The Cuban who was called golden refugees like a doctor and teacher reached more than 2 hundred thousand.

The Kennedy Government trained them and made them invade from the bay of Pigs into Cuba and tried to overthrow the Cuban government,but failed to do.

The political refugees gave up going back home and changed into parmanent residents,on the other hand the Soviet Union started to help Cuba,and it developed into the Cuban crisis of confrontation between America and Soviet with the nuclear weapon.

Miami which developed as health resort and tourist spot swallowed such the plenty of the Cuban that the city’s atmosphere changed into the Latin suddenly.

No.328 18/08/13 18:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Florida.】

《The southern most tip of America where hot wind attacks from the Caribbean Sea.》

A house where Hemingway wrote his works remains as museum in Key West. It’s the Spanish colonial style. There is other residence which Hemingway used in Havana,and it also becomes the museum.

The author said he visited both of the museums,stuffed animals which he shot down in Africa were decorated there.and there are bookshelves even in the restroom,plenty of books were lined on the bookshelves.

We can recognize the stretch of the place including Florida and Cuba used to be the single world. It seemed that Hemingway did willful creative activity,making a round trip between the two residences by yacht. Without having the surrounding,his works like the old man and the Sea or Islands in the stream would never be born.

People visited and things came to Florida with the hot wind from the Caribbean Sea. It has never changed both at present and in the ancient time.but the movement …

No.327 18/08/13 05:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Florida】

《The southern most tip of America where hot wind attacks from the Caribbean Sea.》

The lithograph was based on bright orange,but it had atmosphere which makes us feel something lonely,the author said. There was no one in the lithograph. It’s just a bicycle which rested against the wall. There is an explanation of the house of the southern most tip on the lithograph.

After the Spanish explored the stretch of Florida in the 16th century,except for a short period,the Spanish established the rule there,but it was ceded to America in 1819. Until then the people who come there so as to salvage the wrecked ships or seeking treasures from Spain,Bahama,and Cuba gathered the Key Wes. There were even pirates among them.The museum which deals with the wrecked ship shows the remains of their dreams.

The monument of the southern most tip of America says it’s 90 miles to Havana the capital of Cuba. It takes an hour by car.

A house where Hemingway wrote his works…

No.326 18/08/13 04:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Florida.】

《The southern most tip of America where a hot wind attacks from Caribbean Sea.》

The peninsula and the Key West used to be connected with the railway which expanded over the sea,but it was cut because of the big hurricane in 1953.

It’s the time of popularly priced car at present,so the railway has been abolished,but it was reborn as marine highway. They makes use of the foundation of the railway,connecting key Largo which is the nearest from the peninsula to the Key West with 42 bridges,and the railway has changed into the marine highway.

When driving for the Key West,the body of the car is sometimes shaken by the strong wind from south as if it were turned over.

When arriving the Key West and going to the southern most tip of the island,there is a house,and there is a monument,and there is an indication that it’s the place where is the southern most tip of America on the monument.

There is a lithographe on which the house like monument is engraved,said…

No.325 18/08/13 04:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Florida.】

《The southern most tip of America where a hot wind attacks from the Caribbean Sea.》

Where is the southern most tip of America? When looking at a map,it’s the State of Texas and the State of Florida which come out southern more than any other States of America. It seems that the way of coming out is same,but Florida is the topography which confuses us.

The sea is dotted with lots of islands toward southern west from the southern end of the Florida peninsula,and the tip of the dotted islands is the southern most tip of America,it’s Key West.

The wind and waves,and the people arrived Florida from each country in Caribbean Sea in the past. Even the powder of drug has reached Florida recently.

Its name of the State means the feast of flowers in Spanish,but the author said he wanted to name it the land where a hot wind in the Caribbean Sea with a point of view on international relation of America.

The peninsula and Key West used to be connected with the …

No.324 18/08/05 04:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of State Dupont is more fittable.》

The Rehoboth Beach is the shortest course from the Washington D.C. so it has a nickname of the capital in summer,but the seawater isn’t clean very much.

Miyagi prefecture has formed relationship with Delaware as sister,and the biggest interest in the Delaware is the companies advance there,for the State has advantageous system for the corporate body,so they call it the State for the corporation.

Neither indirect tax nor taxes for the assets are imposed,and an electric bill is lower by from 15 to 20 %than other States. Permission for advance of companies has been done promptly.

Financial institutions outside the State has learned to be treated well since 1981,so a Japanese major insurance company bought the insurance company in the State.

A Japanese city bank also established a paper company there,and the paper company was the base for raising opaque money.

【The State of Florida.】

《The souther most tip of …》

No.323 18/08/05 03:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of Dupont is more fittable.》

There hasn’t been only the fight for the leadership within the family,but political strifes separated into the Democratic Party and Republican Party have broken out one after another.

The State has a nickname of the one of corporation. A company which establishes there and the records of the company is registered there,and its operation is developed in foreign countries is called the company of Delaware,for they are well treated like low corporation tax,so there has been lots of companies which are blessed with the benefit.

It’s the wisdom of the State which has poor resource so as to secure the source of revenue.

Some Japanese companies have its branches in Delaware,for the procedure for establishing the company is extremely easy and the staff in the company don’t have to stay in the State.

The capital of the State is Dover in the central part. Rehoboth Beach in the Southern area is the shortest course from …

No.322 18/08/05 03:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of Dupont is more fittable.》

…and the chemical products have been main ones at present.

A Teflon flying pan is hard to burn and to stick. Even if making an error,it wasn’t political fatal to the former Reagan,so they called him the President of Teflon,and the former Clinton President who went through scandal involving in woman and money was labeled the President of Teflon.

The connection of the Dupont Family with every field like politics,education,newspaper,and finance has deepened. While it makes a contribution to the prosperity to the local area,its profit always comes back to the Dupont Family.

The Delaware university has been founded in 1743,and it used to be argued whether it’s the university or a laboratory for the Dupont.

Speaking of the Dupont Family,it is,said the number of the Family is thousands,no one can grasp the number exactly. The Dupont Family is far from an union of monolithic 一枚岩. There hasn’t been the fight for the …

No.321 18/08/05 02:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of Dupont State is more fittable.》

There has been lots of furniture the Dupont collected in the Winterthur Museum,and it recalls the past luxury.

There is a splendid health resort of Varadero which takes about 20 minutes by car from the capital Havana of Cuba. It’s the vacation house which The Dupont developed before the Cuba Revolution. The green on the golf course spreads out from the garden of the health resort.Delaware,Dupont,and Cuba always appear together in my head ,the author said like that in the book.

The company of Dupont invested its profit in foreign companies actively and has grown up as a multinational corporation in earlier time.

A subsidiary company 子会社 which was founded in China opened a branch in Kobe in 1929. It was the first step for the advance into Japan.

Not only the gunpowder but chemical products which are connected with everyday life cellophane,plastic,artificial gum,nylon,polyester,and Teflon have been sought,and …

No.320 18/08/05 02:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of Dupont is more fittable.》

There had been several wars like the one against England,Civil War,the war between America and Spain,and the World War I. Each time the war broke out,the company of Dupont made a vast profit,especially the Civil War laid the foundation of the company.

There is the Mason–Dixon Line which is a boundary between Pennsilvania,Delaware,West Virginia,and Maryland. The company is the south to the Mason–Dixon Line,and sided with the Southern area which adopted the slavery,but when the Civil War brought about,the company suppoted the Northern area and played an important role as the gunpowder magazine for the Northern area then.

The history of breakthrough on the company of Dupont has been recorded in the Hayley Museun in the city of Wilmington,but it’s prosperity from the gunpowder,so some people recognize the tragedy and hypocrisy on the humankind from the record of the display on the museum.

Lots of furniture the Dupont…

No.319 18/08/05 01:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of Dupont State is fittable.》

The ship of the captain named Delaware who was the Governor General of Virginia approached the coast which encroached the land,the gulf was named Delaware,the name of the State is originated from it.

Emigration from Sweden and Holland continued,but there had been such the little resource that the development for agriculture was delayed then.

French nobleman,Pierre Dupont built a factory of gunpowder along the Brandywine River which flows near Wilmington in 1802,and it decided the fortune of the State.

The water of the river as if sweet beverage were flowing is indispensable condition for producing the gunpowder. The author said he felt it out of place. The son of the Dupont succeded in producing the gunpowder,so the company of Dupont is by far bigger existence than the company of Boeing in Washington. Some people say the name of Dupont State is more fittable as joke.

The war against England,the Civil War…

No.318 18/07/29 08:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of Dupont State is fittable.》

The author said he was invited to each place,but the most impressed places were gorgeous mansion,institutions,and art museum in regard to the outstanding big company,Dupont in the U.S.A. and the name of the River Brandywine.

The author and his colleagues went from Washington D.C. to Delaware by train,it wasn’t far distance,but they arrived more than an half hour late. His colleagues complained like the next.

“The Japanese tourists are impatient with it and can’t put up with it. You should correct it first of all.”

Needless to say,there is no airport. It takes about 20 minutes from Wilmington of a coastal city in Delaware to Philadelphia in Pennsylvania which is next to Delaware,so it is low necessity to build the airport in Delaware.

An English ship which was bound for the colony of Virginia went south the Atlantic Ocean in 1610. The ship came across a storm on the way,and approached the coast. The captain named…

No.317 18/07/29 07:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of Dupont State is fittable.》

In short,its area is second from the bottom. Roughly speaking,it’s third–fourths of Shikoku District. Its population is no more than 660 thousand. It’s the 46th in the whole America.

The number of qualified voter who elects the President is different according to the State,but at least it’s three. The number of the qualified voter is three in Delaware. The number of Senator who has big influence on the central government is elected two like other State.

The author was invited from the government of the State and visited there,for they wanted to consult with him about a thing. What should they do so as to attract Japanese tourists to Delaware?

Japanese tourists go to both New York and the capital Washington DC without giving second glance Delaware which is as if it were buried among the bottom of gorge. Why? It’s simple,for there isn’t much tourist attraction there.

The author was invited each place,but the most …

No.316 18/07/29 07:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Connecticut.】

《The munition and education have made the State no.1 in regard to the average income.》

The prominent people who are from the State is Harriet Beecher Stowe,who is the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Louis Tiffany who is engaged in jeweler’s shop. The Tiffany has prospered by him,maybe. To tell the truth,I’m not interested in the Tiffany very much,so may be one of them who prospers the Tiffany.

Ralph Nader who brought up a consumer movement to a strong political influence. John Pierpoint Morgan who established the Morgan & Co. which became prominent big company.

【The State of Delaware.】

《The name of Dupont State is fittable.》

It is said that Delaware is the top but at the same time is the lowest rank. It’s one of the 13 States which declared independence from England in 1776. The top means that the Delaware ratified the American constitution at first and joined the State at first in 1787.

However its area is the 49th in the whole America.

No.315 18/07/28 11:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Conneticut.】

《The munition and education have made the State no.1 in regard to the average income.》

Being independent from England was accepted at the Congress of the State in 1776,and the constitution in the State was ratified in 1788,and it becomes the fifth State then.

The politics in the State has been done by the both the Democratic and Republican Party since 1850s,and the Republican Party controlled the politics from the Civil War to 1920s. The Democratic Party succeeded in making recovery 1930s,for the governor of the State pushed forward the policy which considered the lobor,the old,and the people with low income in the time of the panic.

The eligible voters had been divided into three,the Democratic Party,the Republican,and others who didn’t support two of the political parties from 1980s to 1996,after Clinton became the President when this book was written.

Prominent people who are from the State is Harriet Beecher Stowe who is famous for the author of…

No.314 18/07/28 08:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Conneticut.】

《The munition and education have made the State no.1 with regard to the average income.》

…so he edited the dictionary and textbook made up with spelling or meaning of original American style,and popularized what he edited in the U.S.A. He made the patriotism and nationalism to the language elevate.

The thing that there are plenty of rich people who are enthusiastic for education makes the impression of the State uplift greatly.

If going over the western border of the State,it’s New York,and elite employees who work in Manhattan live in Conneticut and make up with bed town which is filled with atmosphere of high class.

It is said that the first residents in this area used to be the Native Americans about ten thousand years ago. A Dutch went against the Conneticut River and set foot in the place as the first white man in the 17th century,then it is said that there were the about seven thousand of Native Americans there.

Being independent from England…

No.313 18/07/28 05:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Connecticut.】

《The munition and education have the State no.1 in regard to the average income.》

…and voluntary class in high school in the State have also come true entirely since the latter of the 19th century.

There is prominent Yale university which has established in New Heaven in 1701. It’s a base of higher education which is equal to Harvard University. The former President of Goerge Bush is also from the Yale Universtiy.

Noah Webster which is well known for the editor for dictionary was born in the Connecticut,and one of the dictionaries he edited has been evaluated as the best maintainance in relation to the American English. It had been edited in 1828 and developed into the Webstar Great Dictionary,and plenty of the Japanese have also made use of it.

Webstar who used to join the independent war between Britain had a strong recognition that America should be independent in regard to its language,so he edited the dictionary and textbook which had American…

No.312 18/07/22 12:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Connecticut.】

《Munition and education have made the State no.1 with regard to the average income.》

…and the nuclear powered submarine,the Nautilus launched from a naval base called Groton.

Judging from the nature of the economy in the State,it is natural for the unemployment rate dropped in the War of Korean and Vietnam.

It’s different from the history which is filled with the smell of the smoke of powder,the State has put more effort into the education so much.

Puritans who immigrated at the time of settlement believed in a phrase that the Bible was the only resource of the truth from the God,and literacy is only necessary condition for their faith.

A town which consisted of 50 families used to have a duty that they have to employ a school teacher,and other town which was made up with 100 families had to open an elementary school. Voluntary class in all the public elementary school,junior high school and high school in the State have come true in its entirely …

No.311 18/07/22 11:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Connecticut.】

《Munition and education have made the State no.1 as to the average income.》

The company had tried to produce weapons as storehouse for the arms in the time of the war for the independence,and it promoted the technical innovation.

Samuel Colt who invented a gun called Colt of which magazine revolves was born in Connecticut,and opened the first factory there. The famous gun is the one which shoots six times continuously. Gunmen in the Western area made use of it so much. They call it Peacemaker,though it is doubtful whether or not it could make the peace there.

The economy in the State were heavily damaged by the World Panic,but the munition in the World War Ⅱ made it recover. They produced submarines,fighters for the navy,helicopters and little firearms more and more,and the production of bearing accounted for no less than 80 percent of the whole America.

After the World War Ⅱ,they produced a unclear powered submarine for the first time in the world…

No.310 18/07/22 10:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Connecticut.】

《Munitions and education have made the State no.1 as to the average income.》

The ones who are engaged in the insurance business in Japan are sometimes dispatched there for their study and training for the insurance business.

In the beginning,it started from maritime insurance and it is said that the starting point of an idea on the insurance business is to corresponds to the risk that they export commodities. Both of the fire insurance and automobile insurance have been put into effect in the State for the first time.

The newspaper of the Hartland was first issued in 1764,and it’s the oldest in the U.S.A. and has continued to issue.

The machine industry has developed from the early time,and a jet engine,helicopter,typewriter and home appliance are the main force.

Xerox which is a company for a compound machine is in Stanford which is the end of the southern west in the State. The company used to try to produce weapons as storehouse for the arms…

No.309 18/07/22 10:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Connecticut.】

《Munitions and education have made the State no.1as to the average income.》

The name of the State means the Connecticut River which runs from the south to the north in the State. A nickname of the State is the one of constitution. It shows us the history of the State.

The basic proceeding rule was established in 1636,and it’s the actual first constitution for the State,and it is said when the constitution for the U.S.A. was drafted,the constitution of the Connecticut was so helpful.

The richest people in the U.S.A. live there,and it is worthy of mention. The unique policy for the tax in the State that it would rather makes much of the consumption tax and corporation tax than income tax is paid attention.

The insurance business prospers in this State. It originated in the State Capital,Hartford and almost 70 headquarters of the insurance companies center on the place,so the State has also the nickname of insurance capital. The ones who are engaged in…

No.308 18/07/22 05:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response』

…and the passengers are forced to see the scattered wreckage of the train far below the valley.

Originally the railway used to carry away gold and silver which were dug from the mine. There is a phrase of travel to yesterday on the ticket for the railway.

【The State of Connecticut.】

《Munitions 軍需 and education make the State no.1 as to the average income.》

The river called the Thames flows. There is a town called Greenwich,and there are place names like Manchester,Windsor,and Stratford.

It seems to be the topic on England,but it doesn’t ,it’s the one for the State of Connecticut. The people who migrated from England in the beginning of the American history seemed to name the places,longing for their homeland.

There is even New London,New Britain,and this State is situated in a part of New England.

It seems that the State name is from a word of the Native American of Mohican. It means being on a shore of a river as if it were a long tide.

No.307 18/07/22 05:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado.】

《The top of the U.S.A.》

JETRO,Japan External Trade Organization,opened its 7th office in Denver,it seems to be discussed on harmony with the environment on advance by Japanese companies.

Political interest in the area of the Rocky Mountain is in regard to the development on resource,the land and water,if the Federal Government intervenes in those things,it seems that they tend to feel repelled,exceeding the political party or a faction.

The narrow gauge railway which runs along 72 kilometers between Durango and Silverton is thrilling tourist attraction,with which the enthusiasts on the railway are pleased.

When a steam locomotive runs slowly with a grand whistle and black smoke,treading its way through the steep hillside and valley,passengers enjoy themselves for picturesque scenery and tale a photograph.

It has completed in 1882,and after that accidents happened sometime,and the passengers are forced to see the scatttered wreckage of a train far below…

No.306 18/07/21 08:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado.】

《The top of the U.S.A.》

The NORAD dug a strong bedrock in the mountain underground and established the headquarter in order to resist against the attck on the atomic bomb. It integrated with the Canadian Air Force and commanded both of them.

The radar network against the air defense which was connected with the military satellite,the system launching missiles,and the strategic Air Force had had always been ready for a fight.

However when the Cold War was over,whether or not the big scale of the military facilities should be reduced. It used to be a big problem for both of the State of Colorado and the Federal government.

The high technology industry which is with regard to the war industry gathered in Denver in the time of the Cold War,for it can take advantage of the land where the air is pure,but in the middle of the end of the Cold War and recession,the State has been eager for invite the foreign companies for their survive.

JETRO,the Japan External…

No.305 18/07/21 07:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado】

《The top of U.S.A.》

When trying to make a place for an international assembly or to establish researching city in Japan,it’s remarkable that some cities refer to Aspen like 湘南国際村 in Kanagawa prefecture.

Aspen used to prosper greatly as a town for silver miner,it was so active,what is called silver rush. While it cost so much for mining the silver,it didn’t pay,so they gave up the sliver mining.

As a result,the town was deserted at one time,but it has been reborn as the town for the concert and assembly in summer and a ski ground in winter.

The organization of the Federal Government which is deeply related with the Rocky Mountain has the headquarters for air defense in the North America. They call it NORAD,which used to take a central part in the strategy on atomic weapon against the Soviet Union in the time of the Cold War.

The NORAD dug out a strong bedrock in the mountain deep underground and established the headquarter so as to resist against the …

No.304 18/07/16 12:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado.】

《The top of the U.S.A.》

…it means that they look down the stage from the seat for the audience on the slope of the hillside. At night in summer when looking from the stage to upward,dark forest waves,and they can overlook the bright night view of Denver far away. Moreover looking up again,there are countless stars in the sky.

Then violent sound of rock‘n roll crept up from the stage to the seat with cool breeze. The audience were impressed with the rock‘n roll which they listened to in the Rocky Mountains.

Speaking of music,the musical festival in Aspen which is held every summer attracts enthusiast to the music from the world. Not only various concerts,but seminars with regard to the music are held.

There are lots of international assemblies in which statesmen,financiers,and scholars participate at Aspen in summer,and there are lots of Japanese who were at present at the assembly.

When trying to make a place for the assembly or to establish researching…

No.303 18/07/15 22:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado.】

《The top of the U.S.A.》

It is said that the motive of the crime is the antipathy for the rich and impudent Japanese students studying abroad. Time has changed and I sympathized the new heartbreak of the American of Japanese ancestry,the author said like that.

There is a town called Boulder in Colorado. It takes about 20 minutes by car from Denver to north. Yuko Arimori who was a female marathon runner won the gold medal in the Olympic Games and she chose the place for her training,and the place was attracted attention by the mysterious murder case of a girl called JonBenet. The place is familiar with the Japanese. There is a campus of Colorado University which is above average.

When going westward from Denver,there is the Rocky Mountain,and there is a site for a concert in a park called Red Cross which is associated with the tremendous red sandstone. They’ve made use of its hillside for the seat of the audience,so when being seated,it means they look down…

No.302 18/07/15 22:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado.】

《The top of the U.S.A.》

The governor continued talking,“Without hesitating,please come here.”

It is said that thousands of the Americans of Japanese ancestry got together,and they cooperated with the State who made an effort for the war devotedly and even after the war they worked diligently and did their best for development of the economy and culture on the State.

There is a place called Sakura Square of which nickname is a little Japanese town where a bust of Ralph Carr made of bronze has been built by the American of Japanese ancestry. They expressed their thanks to the governor‘s firm American spirit in which he prepared for the political risk.

Japanese students studying abroad who drank and made merry in the midnight in a park were attacked by four American people in 1990. It was caused because of the hate crime,the crime from racial prejudice.

It is said that the motive of the crime is the antipathy for the rich and impudent Japanese students …

No.301 18/07/15 21:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado.】

《The top of the U.S.A.》

There are plenty of the Federal Government‘s land like a national park in the Rocky Mountain,and facilities or officials of the Federal Government are conspicuous. They call Denver little Washington D.C. and there is a place called the Washington park where the garden of the house George Washington was born was reproduced.

They modeled the assembly hall of the State on that of the Federal Government of Washington D.C. and the part of the doom which shines with the gold foil alone is unique. It shows off the characteristics of Colorado where the mineral resource is produced plentifully.

When the World War II brought about the persecution against the American of Japanese ancestry went bad,the governor of Colorado,Ralph Carr,addressed the Japanese like the next.

“The American of Japanese ancestry are also the ones who swear allegiance to the U.S.A. It’s just that their race is same as our enemy. They don’t have to be worried about it.”

No.300 18/07/15 18:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado.】

《The top of the U.S.A.》

…and it has been covered with the red color. Colorado joined in America in 1876 after a century the country was established,so it has a nickname of the State of the anniversary of a hundred years.

Except for the Rocky Mountains including the Mt.Elbert which is the tallest in the U.S.A. there is nothing to say,and average latitude in the State is the highest in the America,so some people call the State the top of the U.S.A. The way of calling is suitable.

The place used to be the Native Indian’s sphere of influence,but Spain conquered it in 1706,and the eastern area belonged to the America in 1803,and the western part also belonged to America through the war between Mexico in 1848.

Takayama city in Gifu prefecture ties with Denver as sister. Both of the cities are in highland. Denver is 1600 meters above sea level and has a nickname of Mile High City.

There are lots of the Federal Government‘s land like a national park in the Rocky…

No.299 18/07/15 17:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Colorado.】

《The top of the U.S.A.》

…and the State prevents the nature from destroying by lots of people who tried to live there,and the State of Colorado is also the typical one,so it makes much of both of the nature and the communication between the people.

When the crisis in the Gulf broke out summer in 1990,the former President Goerge Bush was attending an international meeting in a city of the Rokie Mountains. The international meeting in the cool air is one of salespoint in the State.

The President was surprised and confused to hear the news of the crisis in the Gulf,but was encouraged by then English Prime Minister,Thatcher,who tapped him in the back and said,“George,don’t flinch away from it! Please do firmly what you think it is right!” After that his strong and consistent attitude was fresh in my memory,the author said long long ago.

The Colorado means a red color in Spanish. It means the Colorado River where red earth and sand flew into and it was …

No.298 18/07/15 17:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s a forefront of a popular thing in which the people are interested in and it led a collapse for the city.》

The library which is proud of a splendid equipment has a nickname of Disney Land in the political world,and there is a videotape of discussion on TV in which he was defeated by Kennedy.

“I don’t have to hide it anymore.” As his remarks show,everyone can listen to the record which is proof of his hiding maneuvering for the affair of Watergate in the library.

【The State of Colorado.】

《Top of the U.S.A.》

There is a city where the Olympic Games decided to be open once but it cancelled. As each country has struggled in order to open the Olympic Games at present,so it is hard to imagine it,but it is the capital of the State,Denver in Colorado which did it so as to protect the city from destruction of the environment.

The States along the Rocky Mountains are populated so little that they call the places the empty states,and the nature has been…

No.297 18/07/14 19:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s a forefront of a popular thing in which the people are interested in and it led a collapse for the city.》

Other celebrities from California is Steinbeck who wrote The Grape of Wrath,a football player O.J.Simpson who was arrested with the suspicion of murdering his wife.

The ones who played an active part after moving to California was Raymond Chandler who was an author and wrote Big Sleep and Long Good–by. Elizabeth Taylor who is actress famous for her times of getting divorce.

Nagoya and California are a sister cities. Except for them,more than 50 cities in the State have relation with Japanese city as sister. The coast of the Pacific Ocean and its opposite shore,Japan have a close distance each other.

There is a simple house like a farmhouse where the former President Nixonin was bonr in the eastern suburb of Los Angels. NIxon library on which large amount of money of $ 21 million was spent was open next to the plain house in 1990.

No.296 18/07/14 19:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s a forefront of popular things in which the people are interested in and led a collapse for the city.》

The large–scale of the State University of California has nine campuses,and no less than about 150 thousand students registered in the university. There are Japanese students studying abroad and they are more than a thousand,and some of them moved to other inland university,saying too much the Japanese to study.

The Presidents who were born in the State was Richard Nixon,and other Presidents who were from other State but its politcal base was California was Herbert Hoover,and Ronald Reagan.

As to the Celebrities from California,the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,Earl Warren,who was in charge of his report on Assassination on Kennedy,the Chief Justice decided the assassinatin was done by a single criminal.

Marilyn Monroe whose way of walking and being dead have been spoken among the people,and actress of Clint Eastwood,and Robert Redford…

No.295 18/07/14 18:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s in a forefront in a popular thing which the people are interested in and it led a collapse for the city.》

…but the American of Chinese ancestry made a fortune by their effort and diligence,and has made a great scale of China Town in San Francisco.

It is said that everything fashionable starts from California,the State led the American society on its manners and customs as the birthplace of a hamburger in McDonald,jeans,and a motel,but increasing criminal and environmental pollution on the water and air with the megalopolis has been remarkable since 1960s,the white people have tried to avoid them and started to escape from the place since 1990s.

While its total personal income won the first rank in the whole America,the personal income itself took the 12th. In short,a billionaire and the poor coexist there,the rich who displays the political power like the one who are engaged in the motion picture world in Hollywood are easily conservative.

No.294 18/07/14 13:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s a forefront in a popular thing which the people are interested in and it led a collapse for the city.》

The gold was discovered before the peace treaty between Mexico was signed. The place where the gold was discovered has a nome of El Dorado at present. The fierce gold rush started from 1949,and total output on the gold for the hundred year since the discovery is said about $ 2 billion.

The California joined in America as the 31th State in 1850,emigrants for the gold not only from other States but from foreign countries like China had increased.

The number of American of Chinese ancestry was over 25 thousand ,which was about one–tenth of the population in the State, in 1952 and their existence attracted attention so much that it caused the persecution for them.

The labor of American of Chinise ancestry was introduced into the Construction for the railroad of Central Pacific. They started from a poor wage,,but they could make a fortune by their …

No.293 18/07/14 12:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s a forefront in a popular thing which the people are interested in and it led a collapse for the city.》

The State has several nicknames,but the Gold State is the most suitable.

The history of the place of the humanbeing resides dates back more than 10 thousand years ago. When Spanish expenditure party arrived there in 1533,more than 300 thousand of Native American divided into 105 tribes,and it is said more than 100 languages and dialects had been spoken among them. Those variation in the limited place is rare in the world.

After that,Portegeese,English,and Russian expenditures also arrived there at the beginning of the !9the century. The place was under control by Mexico in 1812,but America won the war between the Mexico from 1846 to 1848,and received the cession of the present California,and America paid Mexico about $ 1800.

The gold was discovered near the capital of the State,Sacramen ,before the State Peace treaty between Mexico was…

No.292 18/07/14 12:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s a forefront in a popular thing which the people are interested in and it led the collapse for the city.》

…for it’s the gush that the American of the black and Spanish ancestry were inpatient to the other American of Korean ancestry who had grown economic power and its population more and more.

In the middle of the World War Ⅱ,more than 93 thousand American of the Japanese ancestry had been isolated in a concentration camp in the desert,though they were the American residents. It left an blemish on the American history on the democracy. After 50 years,the Federal Government paid them guarantee money and it came to an end.

It is said that the name of the State is from the name of an imaginary island in a novel which a Spanish writer wrote in the !6th century. It means an island close to the Heaven.

In the time of the western area of development,the place was surely a brilliant State close to the Heaven,for the gold rush symbolized it. The State…

No.291 18/07/13 00:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s in a forefront on a popular thing which the people are interested in and it led collapse for the city.》

Its population is about 30 million and the white people account for about 70 percent,the black about 7 percent,and other people who are from Asia about 9 percent. Asian people are more than the black people,for California faces the Pacific Ocean,the author is wondering.

One more feature of the State is Spanish people make up for about 25 percent of the whole population. The detail of the population of the Asian people roughly speaking,American of Philippine ancestry is 730.000,Chinese 700.000,Japanese 310.000,and Korean,Vietnam and Indian after them.

In Los Angels which is the biggest city in California,the black people account for about 14 percent,and Spanish 39 percent. Korean is after Philippine in the Asian people.

A riot broke out in Los Angels in 1992,and shops managed by the Korean were attacked then,for…

No.290 18/07/13 00:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of California.】

《It’s in a forefront on popular thing which the people are interested in,and it led collapse for the city.》

…the Death Valley is 86 meter below sea level and there are some deserts. It means that the landform is up and down extremely. The Sierra Club which has been formed so as to protect the nature of the Sierra Nevada mountain range has the Mount Whitney and the National Park of Yosemite is a famous environmental group and its calendar with splendid seasonal photograph is popular among the people all over the world.

As to its climate it’s so varied that its area is divided into 6 zones where they live. In short,it is hard to say on the State of California itself clearly.

California is third largest State after Alaska and Texas in the U.S.A. its population has been more than New York since 1970 ,according to a national census,the State has gone on holding the position of the most population in the U.S.A.

No.289 18/07/12 02:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arkansas.】

《The poor place of rice–producing where the President was from at last.》

…and the place has been more bauxite than any other state since 1887,and needless to say,it prompts the industry of the aluminum .

Petroleum was discovered in 1921 in Eldorado which is closed to the State of Louisiana . The Eldorado means a place of very great wealthy,but its origin has never been clear.

Though the petroleum has been produced,the gold has never been done,so some local people have thought the place isn’t worthy of its name.

【The State of California.】

《It’s in a forefront on popular thing which the people are interested in,and it led collapse for the city.》

While there are 15 states and one special ward in the coast of the Pacific in the mainland of the U.S.A.,there are no more than 3 States in the coast of the Pacific,for the coastline of the California is long.

Except for the grand coastline,there are mountains and valley. The Mount Whitney is 4418 meters …

No.288 18/07/12 01:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arkansas.】

《The poor place of rice–producing where the President was from at last.》

There are five national parks and it is no less than 48 that the number of the national park of the State. It shows us how much the State is blessed with natural.

We should call the State the one of agriculture in the southern of the whole America,and agricultural product on rice,broiler,raw cotton,is the top ranking in the whole America. “I’m from the poorest State,but I’m proud of it rather than being ashamed of it.”,the former President Clinton said like that.

Except for the agriculture,there are some topics which we should pay attention in the economic field. Diamond was discovered in the suburb named Murfreesboro in the southwest of the State in 1906,and it has been a production center of the diamond even still now.Though its mineral product is low,its actual place has been open to the tourists.

There is a place called bauxite in the Little Rock where the bauxite was discovered…

No.287 18/07/11 22:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arkansas.】

《The poor place of rice–producing where the President was from at last.》

The number of black people account for 16 % in the State,according to the national census in 1990,and they make up for about 50 % in Pine Bluff,so some disputes sometimes broke out between the white and the black.

A riot for objection for discrimination against the black people brought about in Arkansas 1957. While the governor of オーバル フォーバス insisted on the education separating the black people and the white people,the President Aizenhower made the federal army intervene,and accomplished the coeducational by force,but フォーバス could support from the white people overwhelmingly and reigned over the political world in the State.

They regard the western area of the hill as liberal and the eastern area as conservative. The conservative east area is equivalent to the farming village where they are engaged in rice crop and cultivation of cotton flower. There are five national parks,and four…

No.286 18/07/11 21:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arkansas.】

《A poor place of rice–producing where the President was from at last.》

The name of the company which was engaged in real estate managed by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton was the White Water development,which was an object of the suspicion. The word of white which the people feel nostalgia has been used in various things.

France contended with Spain for the control of the western area of the middle River of Mississippi in the middle of the 16the century,but it has belonged to the United States in 1803,and it’s what’s called Louisiana bought up by the Amrrica. It had been American territory for 17 years since then,and joined in America formally as the 25the State in 1812.

When joining in the America,the State of Arkansas used to be what they called the one of slaves,and lots of the slaves of black people were brought into both eastern and southern area in the State.

The number of the black people account for about 16 % in the State ,according to the national…

No.285 18/07/08 23:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arkansas.】

《A poor place of rice–producing where the President was from at last.》

There was a discord between the members on the state ligislature of Arkansas whether they should adopt アーカンソー or アーカンザス in relation to the way of pronouncing,and it has been アーカンソー,and its spelling is as it is. There is the Arkansas River which flows from the northwest to the southeast in the State. They call it アーカンザス. How tiresome it is!

The history in which the humanbeings lived there dates back to B.C.10.000. Their place of residence was a cave or a shade of a rock in the White River basin which flows from the north to the southeast. We can say its starting point of the State history is with the White River.

Speaking of the White River,it reminds us of the suspicion of the white water about which the Clinton Government was worried. The name of the company which was engaged in real estate managed by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton is the White Water…

No.284 18/07/08 22:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arkansas.】

《A poor place of rice producing where the President was from at last.》

…so the young Clinton advocated anti war then. He studied abroad for Oxford University,but his political opponents attacked him that his studying abroad was done so as to evade being conscripted 徴兵 for the Vietnam War when he ran for the President.

He served five terms as a governor of the State of Arkansas,after that he became a member of the White House in 1993. He was the first official who was concerned in the State of Arkansas.

He used to yell regrettably like that in a campaign speech for the Presidency,“Japanese Prime Minister showed us his sympathy. Has the America fallen dreadfully low so much?”

Arkansas is probably an only State which establish the way of pronouncing the name of the state in the state legislature. The name of the Arkansas is from a word of the Native America,it means the people in the downstream. There used to be other spelling,Arkansaw.

There was a discord…

No.283 18/07/08 21:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arakansas.】

《The poor place of rice producing where the President was from at last.》

…Fulbright graduated from the Arkansas University and became a professor,even the president in the university. He has been engaged in the teaching profession there until 1944.

In the next year,he was selected a Senator from the Arkansas,at once he started to take action so as to set up the law of Fulbright. Selling American surplus supplies to each country,and allotting its profit for interchange of the culture and personnel between the America and each country.

It has fostered plenty of pro–Americans all over the world. As a result he won a strong voice on the American diplomacy after the World War Ⅱ as Senator.

It was the young Bill Clinton who was interested in the politics deeply when he worked under the office for Fulbright who was the Senator. He was a student in a university then. He was born in 1946,and was greatly influenced by Fulbright who belonged to the Liberal side…

No.282 18/07/08 11:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arkansas.】

《A poor place of rice producing where the President was from at last.》

Mackrthur became a general of the army which is the greatest position as serviceman,but he tried to expand the war into China after a hard struggle in the Korean War,so then the President Truman regarded his action as danger,and MacKrthur was removed from his post.

After returning to America,he ended his speech at a federal council with a famous phrase,“Old soldiers never die,they just fade out.” When being young,he used to be full of love with a female,trying to deceive his strict mother. It has been disclosed after his death.

There is a park in the city of Little Rock,and they call it the MacKurthur Park,but the memorial hall in which date on MacKurthur is got toghther had been constructed to Norfolk which is a naval port in the State of Virginia when the book was published.

While Fulbright James was from Missouri,he graduated from the Arkansas University,and became a professor in…

No.281 18/07/08 09:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arkansas.】

《A poor place of rice–producing where the President was from at last.》

Speaking of the Arkansas,there are three famous people who are familiar with us the Japanese,MacArthur,Fulbright,and Clinton. Each of the three names symbolize various sides on the relation between Japan and America after the World War Ⅱ.

The General MacArthur was related with the war between Japan,with the administration on occupation in Japan after the Great War,and with the commanding the Korean War.

The Senator of Fulbright who invited lots of Japanese people for studying abroad in America with the system of scholarship grant 奨学金. He fostered lots of talented people in the world of politics,economy and scientific field.

The former young President,Clinton who didn’t have memory on the war against Japan. Each of three people took a role.

MacArthur Douglas was born Little Rock which is the capital of the State. He became the general of the army which is the greatest position as…

No.280 18/07/08 09:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arizona.】

《The Grand Canyon and the wealthy last days of the old.》

The Hopi Indian of Native is the oldest tribe who live in the State of Arizona.

Attracting companies has become active after the World War Ⅱ,some of prominent companies have formed a corner of an industrial area of the Sunbelt. The IBM,Motorola,and General Elecrolic have advanced into the Phoenix or Tombstone,and it escalated the increase of the population.

However there is big economic difference between the rich ones who moved from other States and the permanent residents. An income a person in the State is the 35th in the whole America in 1995.

With the increase of the wealthy people in the State,the policy tends to reduce the budget for welfare there. It has been conservative.

Tombstone, southeast of the State is the famous place where a sheriff named Wyatt Earp had a gunfight in the OK corral.

【The State of Arkansas.】

《A poor place of rice producing where the President was from at last.》

No.279 18/07/08 01:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arizona.】

《The Grand Canyon and the wealthy last days of the old.》

Some of the white old have purchased their graveyard very early and created new life style of their last days.

The temperature is high there,but the development of technical skill of an air conditional which is comfortable for the humanbeings has made possible an establishment of desirable environment for the old. The Sun City has taken the lead of a model community. Other cities like Tucson,Yuma,and Chandler attract people those places is sun shine. There are plenty of people who have moved from other States there.

The population of the State is about 3.5 million according to the national census in 1990,it’s three times as many as that in 1960. It has grown rapidly.

While the white people accounts for no less than about 80 percent of the population,the black is no more than 3 percent. On the other hand the Native American is 5.6 percent. It’s higher than any other State in America. The Hopi Indian…

No.278 18/07/07 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arizona.】

《The Grand Canyon and the wealthy last days of the old.》

The output on the copper of two–thirds in the whole America is done in Arizona. Mines of copper scatter every place in southern area of the State,and gold,silver,led,and turquoise are produced there.

Several dams were constructed in the river of Colorado,Gilda,and Salt in the 20th century so as to make use of water resource efficiently. There are several famous dams like Theodore Roosevelt,Hoover,Davis,and it made an irrigation 灌漑 farming develop rapidly.The product on raw cotton,fruit,and corn prosper,and it is natural for the natural good condition to the production.

The Sun City northwest to the Capital of the State,Phoenix has been established because of the good natural climate. It’s an artificial city for the people who are in the retirement. There is a hospital,shopping center,restaurant,golf course and institution for pastime and education there. The white old alone can live there.

No.277 18/07/07 21:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arizona.】

《The Grand Canyon and the wealthy last days of the old.》

After the war between Mexico,a special envoy named Gadsden negotiated on purchasing the place which is equivalent to the present Arizona and New Mexico from Mexico in 1853.

Arizona used to be a part of the State of New Mexico,and was separated from Arizona in 1863 as territory,and joined in the United State of America formally in 1912. It’s a new State which is the 48th,and the last State in the mainland of America.

The name of the State,Arizona is from the language of native Indian,and means a place of a little spring. When expressing the State of Arizona,five of Cs are adopted. Copper,cattle,cotton,cacti サボテン,and climate.

The driving force of the State of Arizona is the mining and manufacturing industries which has started from the latter in the 19th century.

As to an output of mineral on non fuel system,Arizona was in the fifth rank in the whole America in 1948. The product on copper was the …

No.276 18/07/07 20:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arizona.】

《The Grand Canyon and the wealthy last days of the old.》

The Phoenix University is famous for its unique strong point. Without going to university at all,they can graduate from the university owing to what is called an online campus which started by a PC in 1989.

Its students are not only each place in the whole America,but every place in the world like Taiwan,Portugal ,and Canada. The students handle the response with a professor and a debate with other students and send their report in the PC.

It’s a dream campus for the one who wants to continue working and to get a degree. I’m sure it’s not unusual at present,but when this book was published,it seems to be an epoch making thing.

Mexico was independent from Spain in 1812,and possessed Arizona and New Mexico,but after the war between America in 1846 and Gadsden Purchase,the border between Mexico and America has been settled.

What is the Gadsden Purchase? After the war between Mexico,a special envoy 大使 …

No.275 18/07/07 19:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arizona.】

《The Grand Canyon and the wealthy last days of the old.》

The author said a turbulence always caused the plane crash there,according to the news report.

The trace of the most ancient place where the human being lived is more than twelve thousand years ago. They crossed the Bering Strait and reached there. We can know the part of their life from the remains which was discovered Sun Pedro Ravine southeast of the State.

The ancient people learned the way of a primitive agriculture from the present Mexican area until B.C. 500,and developed several kinds of culture. The place is deeply related with the Mexican area on the historic and geographic point of view.

It seemed that both of their livelihood and culture declined until the 14th century on account of a serious drought,but the strong Apache Indians who got over the drought came across the Spanish as the first white people in Europe in the middle of the 17th century.

The Phoenix University is proud of its…

No.274 18/07/07 19:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arizona.】

《The Grand Canyon and the wealthy last days of the old.》

Smooth tablelands and plateau of Colorado are vast. The Colorado River which flows from the north to the west cut those places and formed a ravine,which is the famous Grand Canyon.

The State of Arizona’s nickname is also the State of the Grand Canyon,and there is the mention of its nickname on a number plate of a car.

The length of the ravine is 320 kilometers,and the biggest width is 29 kilometers,and the deepest part is more than 1.6 kilometers. It’s a magnificent natural view,and it is specified a natural park as natural attraction of which the State of Arizona is proud.

The Spanish discovered the ravine in the 16th century,but tourists can look at the Navaho |ndians live there from distance even now.

A sightseeing flight by small propeller plane through the winding ravine is the sales point there. When the author stayed there he read the news story on a plane crash several times for 5 years.

No.273 18/07/03 00:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Arizona.】

《Grand Canyon and the last days for the old.》

…they have a strong thought of decentralization of power 地方分権,therefore,even if Arizona isn’t so big,it occupies a large amount of space on the Americans’ spirits. On the other hand we the Japanese seem to have impression that there are deserts and trifle remote region on the State of Arizona.

A Japanese professor in Arizona pointed out like that. Surely,dried climate of the desert spreads,and varied cactuses grow there. They trade the cactus and the cactus is also as souvenir.

A geologist who had an interview with the author at the Arizona University said,“Ups and downs on a desert on Arizona looks like the evenness on the moon.”

The geologist was invited from Egypt,and had an image in his head that both of the desert in Arizona and Egypt and surface on the moon are connected with each other.

By the way,I feel so sleepy that I can’t stand it anymore. see you again.

No.272 18/07/02 23:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【State of Alaska.】

《The place where it isn’t densely very much has plentiful natural views.》

Japanese army captured the Aleutian Islands and the Cold War against the Soviet Union has made America wake the strategic value for Alaska.

Alaska became American territory in 1912,and America had left it alone for a long time,but the territory was upgraded to the 49th State in 1959 on account of its strategic value.

Large scale base for the Army,the Navy and the Air Force and alarm system against a missile were arranged immediately then,but the Cold War was over,and the strategic base has to be reduced,so it seems to be a big problem.

The State University of Alaska of which base is Fairbanks is well−known for its research for geophysical science 地球物理学.

【The State of Arizona.】

《Grand Canyonn and rich last days for the old.》

In general when we the Japanese look at America,we tend to have an innate respect for a big city,on the other hand,as for the American spiritual climate,they have …

No.271 18/07/02 22:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Alaska.】

《The place where it isn’t densely very much has plentiful natural view.》

It backs up how the people and the nature have been maintained as they are.

Roughly speaking,there is the Eskimo in the dried tundra area which is the northern slope,there is the Native American in an inland south to the Brooks Range,and there are Eskimo,the Native American,and Aleut in the coast of the Pacific Sea where the climate is mild and the humidity is high.

The problem on the right of the native for the land and resource has appeared because of discover of the gold and petroleum,but there has never been satisfied settlement for the native.It is said that the natives who suffered from mental disorder have increased under overwhelming control from the white people .

Japanese army captured the Aleutian Islands and the Cold War against the Soviet Union has made the American government wake the strategic value for Alaska.

No.270 18/07/01 08:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Alaska.】

《The place where it isn’t densely populated very much has plentiful natural views.》

…and it is estimated that they became the ancestors of the Native American. Russia made a Danish explorer named V.Berling examine the northern area on the Pacific Sea and landed on the Alaska,and made sure the fact with his own eyes that the Asia Continent is apart from the American Continent. There is the sea betweeen them. His name remains in the Berling Strait,Berling Sea,Berling Island,and Berling Glacier.

When V.Berling arrived at Alaska,the native people like Eskimos,Native Indian,and Aleut lived there. The ratio of native people is about 15 percent at present,and it’s the highest in all the fifty states in America. New Mexico is about 8 percent and it’s next to Alaska.

The gold rush made the non native people being attracted to Alaska,but their number wasn’t over majority of the population of the State of Alaska until right before the World War II broke out.

No.269 18/07/01 07:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Alaska.】

《The place where it isn’t densely populated very much has plentiful natural views.》

A tanker belonged to the Exxon of petroleum company was stranded along the coast of Alaska,and no less than 11 million gallon of the crude oil contaminated along the coast and near sea.

The company tried to purify the coast and the near sea with the great cost of $ 3 billion and three years. Strong wind helped them to purify,and the company insisted that the bad influence on the fishery industry had been removed.

There was no black trace because of the pollution when trying to watch from in the sky,according to the New York Times.but specialists said that the amount of the fishery decreases owing to the outflow of the crude oil.A verdict which ordered compensation of $ 5 billion was issued to the company in 1994.

Roughing speaking,the people went over from Siberia to Alaska between 40 thousand and 10 thousand years ago,and it is estimated that they became the ancestor of…

No.268 18/07/01 07:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Alaska】

《The place where it isn’t densely very much has plentiful natural views.》

Almost all of Japanese companies which have advanced into Anchorage,the biggest city in Alaska,are related to petroleum. Not only Alaska exports liquefied natural gas to Japan,but is a base which offers fishery resources like a salmon to Japan. Their emotion against Japan seems to be friendly,but the place has such the little information that they seem to be ignorant of Japan.

The price on the petroleum was floundering at the bottom,and it caused to be recession in the Alaska when the book was written. It was connected with temporal outflow of population.

There was one more damage by the petroleum,which a tanker was stranded and crude oil flowed out in Alaska in 1989. The ecosystem on the coast along the Alaska Bay was destroyed over the wide area. What the development should match the environment has been the greatest theme in the State of Alaska.

A tanker which belonged to the…

No.267 18/06/30 08:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Alaska.】

《The place where it isn’t densely populated very much has plentiful natual views.》

…but the height of anxiety of the revolution made Russia come to a deadlock on its colonial policy and the country lost the interest in the land and gave out the land with the cheap price.

The main industry in Alaska has been the petroleum since 1970s,and more than 80 percent of the financial affairs on the State depends on the income of the petroleum.

The pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez of which whole length is no less than 1270 kilometers was completed in 1977,the efficiency of transporting the petroleum comes true. The amount of producing and exporting the petroleum was over Texas in 1987.

However the government of the State which has a big expenditure is what is called a big government,it’s a distorted economic structure. The future on Alaska depends on whether or not it can train a effective civil department.

Almost all of the Japanese companies which have …

No.266 18/06/30 07:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Alaska.】

《The place where it isn’t populated densely very much has plentiful natural views.》

…for the Secretary of America was enthusiastic about buying Alaska which was just cold,but an oil field was discovered in Prudhoe Bay which face the Arctic Ocean in the next year,and then a gold mine was also discovered in Nome and Fairbanks,and no less than about one hundered thousand people rushed there with a gold rush then.

The Secretary of the America who bought Alaska was dead without seeing the signs of activity in Alaska,but Alaska has lots of nicknames,and the Great Land State is one of them. It’s a spectacular one. The name of the State is from the word of the native people,it means a mainland or peninsula.

On the other hand,it means that Russia ended up having a stupid deal. As a part of a eastern policy,Russia established a company of Russia and America in Alaska. Alaska traded fur,but the height of anxiety for the revolution made the country come to dead end on…

No.265 18/06/30 06:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alaska.】

《The place where it isn’t densely populated very much has plentiful natural view.》

Without being destroyed by development,rare and abundant view remained there.

The place where from the west to the east is long has four time zones. The Alaska faces Russia between the Bering Strait which is the end of the west of the State. Little Diomede Islands which belongs to Alaska and Big Diomede Islands which belongs to Russia has below threee kilometers.

The highest peak in the America is the South Peak of the Mount McKinley which is south of the state. It has 6194 meters. Its name is associated with the name of the former President, William McKinley.

There used to be the time when Alaska was called a refrigerator for Seward. When America bought the Alaska from Russia with the price of $ 720 million,William Henry Seward who was the Secretary of the America became the target of being ridiculed by the people all over the world, for he was enthusiastic about buying …

No.264 18/06/24 09:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alaska.】

《The place where isn’t densely populated very much has plentiful natural view.》

The westernmost tip of the American continent is Wrangell of cape in the Attu.

Alaska is the northernmost tip of the America which is divided by Canada from its homeland,and has various peculiarity. First of all it’s the largest area in the America,it’s four times as big as the Japan. The state of Texas is the second largest,but the Alaska is about twice as big as the Texas.

On the other hand its population is no more than about half a million. The population is the least next to the state of Wyoming. Its population density is the lowest in the America,but not being densely populated is considered to be most valuable condition at present.

Not being populated densely is able to protect nature,permafrost of tundra,mountains covered with glacier,coniferous forest 針葉樹林,magnificent basin system like the Yukon River,lost of lands,lakes,marshes. Without being destroyed by development…

No.263 18/06/24 08:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alabama.】

《The heart of the southern area aims at being the New South.》

The state university of Alabama has peculiarity on the education for the black people and plenty of books on the education.

In the northern area,Huntsville,a research institute for a missile has been established after the World War Ⅱ and NASA has set up some bases for the space development project.

As to the education for the black people,I’m not sure that the author tried to point out,so I omit it.

【The state of Alaska.】

《The place where isn’t densely populated very much has plentiful natural view.》

Japanese army used to occupy a part of the State of Alaska in the middle of the World War Ⅱ. The ones who hasn’t gone through the war may have thought it unexpected,needless to say,it’s Attu which is the west end of Aleutian Islands,and finally the Japanese army died an honorable death rather than surrender by a violent attack of the U.S.army.

The North most tip of the American continent is…

No.262 18/06/24 06:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of Alabama.】

《The heart of South Area aims at being the New South.》

The change of his attitude reflects the expansion of the right and political power of the black people for 12 years.

Martin Luther King said that Birmingham was the worst city of racial discrimination in the America. It is 1970s when the first mayor of the black people appeared there.

The rate of the number of votes obtained in the Presidential election in Alabama in 1996 was described in the book,but it was about three decades ago,so I omit it.

Well–known people who is from Alabama are the next ones.

Hank Williams who was a singer−songwriter of country music. His great hit was Jambalaya. Nat King Cole who sang a song of which title was Pretend with sweet voice. Willie Howard Mays who was a professional baseball player. The number of homer was 660. It was in the third place in the America when the book was written. Joe Louis who was a professional boxer and was the champion of the heavyweight division.

No.261 18/06/23 06:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alabama.】

《The heart of Southern Area which aims at being the New South.》

The scene of the racial discrimination moved to cities where the black people gathered after the World War Ⅱ,the racial discrimination was improved under the influence of the movement by a clergyman,Martin Luther King from 1950s to 1960s.

However unfortunately there is no doubt we tend to imagine the State of Alabama has the racial discrimination thanks to George Wallace who insisted on forever racial discrimination and took office as a governor of the State of Alabama in 1963.

George Wallace declared openly they discriminated not only today,tomorrow but forever in the future at his inaugural speech in the State of Alabama in 1963,but it changed into the next remarks after 12 years that all the staff of the government of the State of Alabama will consider all the people like the white and the black and it will continue from now on.

The change of his attitude reflects expansion of the right…

No.260 18/06/23 00:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The State of AlAbana.】

《The heart of Southern Area which aims at being the New South.》

…the Birmingham has grown to be a typical industrial place of which center is steel manufacturing,and a company of U.S steel which is present the USX has advanced into the state. The production on petroleum,coal,and natural gas has been active.

As for the farming,a cotton growing reduced because the price fell in the 20th,but the State has converted into diversification on the spot,and the cultivation on soybean,peanut and corn and stock farming have been successful.

Thus the appearance for the New South has been arranged,but we can’t say it’s actual result isn’t enough,and its average income a year ranked in 41st,it seems to be floundering.

The State which it thin from the south to the north,and in the half of the south which has tradition of cotton growing,the people in the South are more conservative than the North and there has been deep rooted racial discrimination in the South.

No.259 18/06/23 00:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alabama.】

《The heart of Suothern area which aims at being the New South》

The number of the dead in the state of Alabama by the American Civil War is estimated more than 25 thousand people.

Though the data is old a little,the whole population in the state is about 440 thousand,the white people account for about 73 percent and the black people 25 percent.

Its capital of the state is Montgomery,and its biggest city,Birmingham,the white people is about 63 percent and the white people is about 36 percent,so the black people is by far more than the white people,according to the data in 1990. It’s about no less than 30 years ago…

The Birmingham is a big industrial city like the one in England,and the one in Alabama has tied up with the city of Hitachi in Ibaragi prefecture as sister.

The state aimed at a development in which there was balance between agriculture and industry,in the middle of seeking the New South,the Birmingham has grown a typical industrial center…

No.258 18/06/17 08:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alabama】

《The heart of Southern area which aims at being the New South.》

About 80 percent of white people who were engaged in farming possessed the land,and about 30 percent secured the slaves,and 1 percent managed a plantation and used more than fifty slaves until 1860.

The number of the slave was about 42.000 in 1820s,and it became 440.000 in 1860s. It became ten times in four decades. The number of the slave account for no less than 45 percent of the population in the state of Alabama then.

Lincoln took office as President and the next year in 1862 Alabama withdrew from the Northern Federal and established the republic of Alabama. Then Southern group was formed. I’m wondering it developed into the American Civil War.

The army of the Southern group was defeated in the American Civil War,and Alabama returned to the Northern Federal then. The land in the America went to ruin on account of war damage.

No.257 18/06/17 08:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alabama】

《The heart of Southern area which aims at being the New South.》

Most part of the area of Alabama was under control by the Native American in the beginning of the 19th century. The army of immigrant defeated the army of the Native America for the first time in 1814,and plenty of other immigrants from the states in the North and the West came in.

The Alabama state received the same treatment as regular state in 1817,and joined in the United States as the twenty second state in 1819.

The people who lived in neighboring northern area were attracted to the fertile land and came to Alabama,at the same time other rich white people came in a prairie schooner 米国の西部開拓時代の幌馬車 with slaves and domestic animals from the neighboring eastern area.

The white people who depended on the labor of slaves in the great farmland of cotton growing were against the emancipation of slaves from start to finish.

About 80 percent of white people who were engaged in farming possessed…

No.256 18/06/17 07:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alabama】

《The heart of Southern area which aims at being the new South.》

The Dixie hart is becoming the nickname of the American Southern area gradually,so it’s adopted in the license plate in a car ,and the Dixie is an abbreviation of Dixieland.

The name of the state,Alabama comes from a name of a tribe of native America,or from a phrase of the Native American of opening bushes,but it seems to be unclear.

The place where there is a government office of Alabama is Montgomery. They call the place of the birthplace of Dixie,and they take pride in their tradition as the central state in the Southern area.

The time when the human being started to live is thought to be from about 9.000 to 10.000 years ago. They discovered a charcoal which was remained in a trail of a bonfire in a cave called Russell. The time when they got out of the cave is about the A.D 1.000.

The Spanish,the French,the English and the Native America had struggled for dominance since the 16th century.

No.255 18/06/17 01:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state of Alabama】

《The heart of Southern area which aims at being the New South》

The Alabama university which was founded in Tuscaloosa in 1831 has set up Saturday school for the Japanese children so as to open class of supplementary tuition with free of charge. The city wants to invite the Japanese companies there,and the whole area has the warm hospitality to the foreign people in its background.

A person who everyone knows in the world is from the state of Alabama. She was born in Tuscumbia. She had been suffering from triple trouble like the disability on watching,hearing and speaking since she was two years old,but devoted her life to welfare. She is Helen Keller.

She could master the ability of speaking by a training,and could have a degree in the university through many hardships. She is the first person who has possessed some handicaps. She made a great contribution to improvement for welfare of the Japanese handicapped people so much.

Dixie hart becomes the …

No.254 18/06/17 00:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The state fo Alabama.】

《The heart of the Southern area which aims at being the New South.》

I’m going to start to express on America,being based on a book,アメリカ50州を読む地図,from now on.

Some Japanese people think there is extreme Southern hospitality in the state of Alabama. Some Japanese companies like Victor have advanced into the city of commerce and indusry,Tuscaloosa. The common anxiety the Japanese have been worried about is school and illness.

The city of which population is no more than about 77 thousand have dealt with the anxiety of the Japanese like the next.

The side of hospitals invited the Japanese families to the hospital and guided the hospital and introduced them to the chief doctors which belonged to each section.

The city issued official notice that they have to recognize the face of the Japanese families well and treat them. They have a recognition of the condition of desirable medical treatment that patients trust the doctors who the patients know by sight.

No.253 18/06/13 21:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【In conclusion of the response on the globalization.】

We sometimes get a news that Japanese government has discussed on acception of the immigrants so as to make up for being lacking of the workforce owing to a declining birthrate.

However,Japan is an island country,and it is,if anything,unsociable,and there is the problem like those,we should be careful of the discussion on acceptiong the immigrants.

If the culture fuses each other and we can make friends with the people in other countries,it’s the best thing,but it seems to be difficult.

By the way,I’ve put a great effort into expressing myself in English here,but I’m going to refrain from doing it,twice a week,Saturday and Sunday,for I have lots of books to read. Without reading it intensively,I’m apt to forget its story,but it doesn’t mean that I’ll go on reading forever.

After a few month and so on,I’ll put an effort into expressing myself in English here again,for there are also lots of books to express. See you,all of you.

No.252 18/06/13 20:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demerit on the globalization,part II,workforce in low price from foreign countries.】

Children of migrant workers may be bullied by Japanese children at school,then what will happen?

If the people belong to the same country who work hard are persecuted,they’ll unite with the same nation. They’ll try to live in the same area as much as possible and help each other. It’s a natural action for creatures so as to protect themselves.

It’ll turn into opposition between the two groups. In short it cause to disturb the peace in the area. The situation is so dangerous that it is possible that it’ll escalate a terrorism.

Actually those oppositions have happened in Europe which has accepted plenty of immigrants.

Germany accepted lots of immigrants and the German Prime Minister announced officially that they failed in the policy of accepting the Immigarnts entirely.

Thus it is possible that accepting the workforce in low price from foreign countries may lead to a very difficult situation.

No.251 18/06/13 20:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demerit on the globalization,part II,workforce in low price from foreign countries.】

While they used to get the monthly salary of two hundred fifty thousand yen,they can’t get any money at all then.

The problem which occurs to us at once is unemployment rate increases,expenditure from the country like the unemployment insurance increases,and the tax revenue goes down.

Besides it is possible that the problem may change into the one which is hard to solve,for the people who lost their job don’t think like the people who deprived them of their jobs.

Some Japanese may say that they lost their job because of the foreign people among their pals. Others may think that they wish they could go back their homeland.

If the people who are dissatisfied with the foreign people increase so much,what will happen?

The Japanese who got lost the job may discriminate against the people who deprived them of their jobs. An act of violence may happen out of spite 腹いせ.

Children of migran workerst…

No.250 18/06/13 19:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demerit on the globalization,part II,workforce in low price from foreign countries.】

This time without moving the base of making product,the case in which employing foreign people in low price from developing countries.

Instead of the Japanese which the company has paid them two hundred fifty thousand yen of month salary,foreign people in some countries work hard with the monthly salary of one hundred fifty thousand yen.

The company can save no less than one hundred fifty thousand yen every month.

Instead of the Japanese,if the company employs plenty of foreign people,the company can go down its cost of making product.

It is often said that the cost which the company has to pay is the personnel expenses is the heaviest burden,but as a result a problem like the next will happen.

The Japanese of which monthly salary was two hundred fifty thousand lost his job because of the foreign people of which monthly salary was two hundred fifty thousand yen.

While they got two hundred…

No.249 18/06/13 19:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demerit of a domestic base for making product becomes useless.】

In short,all the money which benefits Japan goes into foreign countries.

If the company goes into economic action there,the company pays its tax to the foreign countries,and Japanese tax revenue decreases.

As a result,if the company moves its base of making product to the foreign countries,a problem of the hollowing out of Japanese industry happens.

WIth the problem,the industry which is related with the company also will have been influneced.

Without moving the base of making product,if calling workforce in low price from foreign countries in Japan,what will happen? Let’s think over the situation.

【Demerit on the globalization. Workforce in low price from the foreign countries.】

There is one of merits on the globalization. Calling workforce in low price into Japan from foreign countries makes us the Japanese make product in low cost.

This time without moving the base of making product,the case in which the…

No.248 18/06/13 06:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demerit of domestic base for making product becomes useless.】

Moving the base of making product overseas meaning that the domestic base of making product which we’ve used until then becomes useless.

The full time staff who worked until then and the factory in Japan became disused,the enterprise closed the factory and the full time staff was dismissed from the enterprises,and the unemployment increases.

The Japanese government allows unemployed people for the unemployment insurance,economic burden increase in Japan,and the unemployed people can’t pay the tax,so the tax revenue decreases.

Moving the base of making product in foreign countries,the enterprise rents the land overseas and orders the people who are engaged in constructing work for building a factory in foreign countries.

As to the people who work in the factory,a small part of people like the leaders and executives are taken from Japan,but others are employed in China.

In short,the money which benefits Japan goes into…

No.247 18/06/13 05:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Merit of making product with a low cost from other country.】

《Using foreign workforce in low price,we can make product with a low cost.》

The A is sold at the price at 3.000 yen. Its profit is 1.000 yen,but the salary for the full time staff and the price of the land is very high in Japan.

An enterprise seeks for profit more and more basically,it examines what they should do so as to make profit. It turned out the enterprise can make product with a cost of 1.000 yen in neighboring country,China. The difference is 1.000 yen,and the profit is 2.000 yen.

If making product in foreign countries,there seem to be lots of obstacles,but the globalization has make progress,we can find market easily in foreign countries.

The enterprise moved the base of making product to China. As a result the enterprise can make profit so much,for the profit is double. If ending like that,it’s a happy end,but there is continuation from it.

【Demerit of the globalization. The domestic base of making …】

No.246 18/06/11 23:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demerit on globalization】

『Infectious disease spreads』

We may infect a contagious disease from a distant country like Africa,the disease is so bad that we can’t even imagine it. It is possible we infect in Japan.

『Burden to the environment.』

If goods which was a great hit all over the world appeared,the possibility that its material is overhunting because of the globalization.

I’ve expressed briefly,so some of them may be hard to understand,so I’m going to explain the problems to you with examples,but the demerits on the globalization is expressed with its merits,so I have to show you its merits before the demerits.

【Merit. Making product with a low cost from other countries.】

《Using foreign workforce in low price,we can make product with a low cost.》

Let’s suppose there is goods of which name is A. The A is popular among the people. Its cost used to be 2000yen,for the personnel expenditure,the rent for the factory,and the cost of material. The A is sold at the price of …

No.245 18/06/11 23:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demerit on the globalization】

《Competition with good in low price becomes severe.》

Even if making good goods,a consumer doesn’t always buy it,so the company which has no ability to compete goes bankrupt.

『Destruction on the traditional culture.』

Leaving out whether it’s good or bad,the way which we used to choose and a tradition from long ago isn’t accepted. For example,the seniority system 年功序列,and lifetime employment.

『Discrimination is caused』

The Japanese who lost the job discriminate foreign people who get the job.

『Peace and order aren’t maintained』

Confrontation between the Japanese who lost the job and foreign people who got the job.

『Financial crisis spreads』

The economy is connected closely because of the globalization,and if financial crisis happens,its damage spreads quickly,and the damage will have influenced on plenty of countries.

『Infectious disease spreads』

We may infect a contagious disease from a distant country like Africa which we can’t imagine…

No.244 18/06/11 22:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demetio on the globalization】

《Paying no attention to the human rights and severe environment on labor》

In a country like a developing one which development of legal system isn’t done,employing the people in actual place with the severe environment in which paying no attention to the human rights.

As a result,an image against the Japanese goes down.

『Outflow of technical skill』

Moving the base of making product to foreign countries and hiring foreign people in Japan makes the technical skill outflow in other countries.

『Being lacking of workforce』

Management of companies are oppressed because of lacking of workforce which can correspond to the globalization,and being unable to bring up the workforce.

『Competition with goods in low price becomes severe』

Foreign goods of which quality is so so and are made with a workforce in low price competes with Japanese goods of which quality is high and are made with a workforce in high price.

If making a good product,a consumer….

No.243 18/06/11 21:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Demerit on the globalization】

《Wages go down and unemployment rate increases.》

Low price of workforce comes in Japan from foreign countries and Japanese wages of which personnel expense is high go down and some Japanese lose their job.

『The gap between the rich and the poor expands and wealth is centered.』

The people who lost their job because of other workforce in low price and the people who were replaced with excellent foreign people become poor.

Simple work and physical labor in which we don’t have to need high skill are replaced with foreign people.

The top management who use workforce in low price and succeed in expanding its profit and and talented people who have advanced skill,the two of them become rich.

It is possible that the time when even foreigner has to command of a good technique.

『Paying no attention to the human rights and severe environment on labor.』

In a country like a developing one which development of legal system isn’t done,employing the people…

No.242 18/06/11 20:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A problem on globalization】

《Where does the cost of a hundred million yen?》

A company which moves the base of making product can make money,but we the Japanese aren’t satisfied with the situation.

When the globalization makes progress,the money moves from the point of view on a fund.

When the globalization makes progress,not only the money,the people,the things but the culture and various information go out and come in among the countries.

As to the globalization,while there are good things there are bad things,so I’m going to express on demerit for the globalization,though I’ve made a mistake on the title of 【】

I should have named ,what is the globalization? I’ve been so absorbed in expressing myself in English that I couldn’t recognize it.

【Demerit of the globalization.】

『The hollowing out of Japanese industry 産業の空洞化現象』

Moving the base of making products to foreign countries causes a close on factories and increase unemployed people in Japan.

『Wages go down.』

No.241 18/06/11 19:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A problem on globalization】

《Where does the cost of a hundred million yen?》

As the globalization makes progress so much that the factory is built in foreign countries and the lands in foreign countries are sold,the ones who are engaged in construction work in foreign countries receive order for building the factory,and the people in the actual place are employed.The electricity and the gas which the factory makes use of is paid for the actual place.

In short,the cost of a hundred million yen was passed to the Japanese companies or Japanese people before the globalization made a progress,and Japanese tax revenue also went up.

After the globalization made a progress,the cost of a hundred million yen was passed to the factories in foreign countries or the foreign people and Japanese tax revenue went down.

In short,the money crosses the border and moves to other place. Basically,the funds move from a rich country to a poor country.

A company which moves its base of making product…

No.240 18/06/10 14:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A problem on globalization】


When the factory started to work,lots of electricity was spent. As a result,lots of Japanese people like landowners,the one who was engaged in real estate,the one who was engaged in construction work made a profit.

In addition,an electric power company made a profit and there has been plenty of Japanese employment ,and Japanese tax revenue also went up.

On the other hand,the globalization made a progress,as the factory is built in foreign countries,the foreign ground is sold,and the people who are engaged in the construction work in foreign countries accept the order for building the factory,and the people in the actual place in foreign countries are employed.

As to the energy like gas and electricity which the factory uses,when using it its money is paid to the foreign countries.

In short,before the globalization made a progress,its cost was passed to Japanese companies and Japanese people,so the tax revenue also went up in Japan.

No.239 18/06/10 13:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A problem on globalization.】


…and when selling the goods,the company wants to sell it as high as possible,then it can make a lot of profit,so the company begins to make the product in a rising country where the wage is low so as to drop the personnel expenses which commands large part of the cost on producing the goods.

If there is nothing,no one can make any product. The company needs a factory,office and the people who work at the actual place. Needless to say,it uses lots of energy like gas and electricity.

For example,let’s suppose it cost a hundred million yen in order to make the factory,and an office and to employ those people.

Before the globalization makes progress,the factory was built in Japan. As a result,some lands for the factory were sold in Japan,and the Japanese who were engaged in the construction work received an order for building the factory,and Japanese people were employed for building the factory.

When the factory started to work,lots…

No.238 18/06/10 13:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A problem on globalization.】

《A thing.》

It’s a mechanism of the tariff which protects a domestic product.

The tariff is good for protecting the domestic product,but selling the Japanese product to foreign countries,they impose the tariff on the Japanese product .

Raising the tariff means going against the globalization,so the international society sometimes puts pressure on the country which raised the tariff.

Globalization making a proceed means going down the tariff or abolishing the tariff with a point of view on trade.


Globalization is making the space,distance and barrier which separate some countries smaller. As a result,people can move easily,and a thing like an imported one becomes reasonable to buy,regardless of the domestic product or overseas product. It’s the same in regard to the money.

For example,a company sells its goods and service and makes a profit. When laying in goods it wants to drop the cost as low as possible,and when selling the goods,it …

No.237 18/06/10 05:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A problem on globalization.】


…for we sometimes have to show them as step against crime prevention,immigration,and terrorism.

As a result,if globalization makes a progress,the inspection under the Immigration law is eased,and the border between the couuntries are
abolished,with a point of view on the movement of people.

《A thing》

Then I’m going to watch a thing,for example,a trade. We impose a tariff 間税 on a imported goods so as to protect the products and farm products in our country.

For example,let's suppose that domestic beef was sold with 500 yen per 100 gram,then American beef which is as delicious as the domestic one was imported in Japan. It cost 100 yen per 100 gram.

If there is no problem on safety for the American beef,we’ll buy it,but then Japanese edible meat production farmhouse can’t make a living,so adding the tariff,300yen to its price,and the American beef is sold with 400 yen.

Then we have to choose either the domestic beef or American beef.

No.236 18/06/09 23:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A problem on globalization.】

I’m going to put the problem in order as easily as possible to understand.

I’m sure I have to start from the meaning of the globalization,and I’m going to express on the border and globalization at first.

Without passing the inspection under the Immigration law,and if crossing the border,we’ll be arrested. When the globalization makes progress,it is possible to go over the border and to go into other country at will. The EU is the situation like that.

Without a passport nor a visa they can go into or go out of other countries which conclude the agreement of Schengen in Europe,but some other countries like England doesn’t conclude the agreement,so they need a passport.

As to the third country like Japan,when going into the country which concludes the agreement,each time we go over the country,we don’t have to show them our passport,though we have to possess the it,for we sometimes have to show them it as step against crime prevention,immigration and…

No.235 18/06/09 22:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response』

Instead of the price,nor the quality,the way of the Don Quixote is letting us the consumer buy its goods and making us have a good time. Business isn’t laying in goods reasonably and selling it in high price alone.

【A problem on globalization.】

We’ve frequently heard a word of globalization lately like,“Let’s promote the globalization!”,or “Don’t fail to keep up with the globalization.”

If the globalization has been made a progress, the flow of people,things,and the money will be so active that it has plenty of merits. We’ve received a good impression vaguely,but is the globalization so good?

The world is complicated and everything has both good part and bad part.

When watching something in a short term,it seems to be good,but it isn’t in a long term,and something seems to be good for a company,but it is in the wrong for the nation.

I’m going to put the problem on the globalization in order…

No.234 18/06/09 08:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A department store,GMS,and what is after that?】

《The start of retailing was in Japan.》

The GMS has survived,being born a new way of selling,but the situation in the future seems to be something anxious,for the peak of sales in the industry was 1.9 trillion yen in 1997,and the peak had continued for about two decades,but the sales tends to decrease. It remains about 1.3 million yen a year.

It is the category killer of Don Quixote of which sales has increased. A way of showing goods is called a compression exhibit,it seems that the goods are shown at random and the rayout of the goods are hard to choose.

It seems against the hard and fast rule of the theory in the super market,but its aggregate market value 時価総額 and profit is on a par with 肩を並べる MITSUKOSHI ISETAN.

There is a theory that the Don Quixote is on the extended line of the place where we enjoy recreation like a Game Center,karaoke,or pachinko It means that the entertainment has been given to us as recreation…

It’s a

No.233 18/06/09 06:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A department store,GMS,and what is after them?】

《The start of retailing was in Japan.》

The sales with a tag price in cash started at Etigoya in Nihonbashi in the Edo era,it has been introduced in a thing like standard textbook on marketing written by Philip Kotler.

After that it is start of a department store that without being ordered,average size of various suits or overcoats were sold for the customer in France.

The system of retailing had swept over the world and it used to be the way of selling goods until 1970s,as to the department store, the news on decreasing the sales and giving up the business goes on.

《Rise and fall on the GMS and supermarket.》

The rise after the department store is general merchandised stores of which typical one is Daie,and Yokado. It was born each place in Japan,and grew sharply,and in foreign countries the GMS had developed as a motto of EDLP,which is abbreviation of everyday low price.

The GMS has survived,being born a new way of selling like…

No.232 18/06/09 05:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you explain 401 k to us?】

《The system was established being based on the pension system in the U.S.A.》

Various systems have disappeared in the name of the global standard,or performance based system.

As to the defined contribution pension system,if choosing the objection for investment well,it’s a good system. It is a perfect chance for learning for the investment.

Though it is self responsibility,if choosing the one which has something risky,the steady efforts will be paid off after 40 years.

40 years…can I be alive then?

【A department store,GMS,and what is after them?】

《The start of retailing was in Japan.》

We the consumer have taken advantage of the retailing everyday life,but sometimes a category killer or game changer appear,and they change the style of the business.

The category killer is a speciality store of large scale which makes a good assortment of goods overwhelmingly and its good bargain. The game changer is the existence which changes the society so much.

No.231 18/06/09 02:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you explain 401 k to us?】

《The system was established being based on the pension system in the U.S.A.》

There is feeling of security for relief which doesn’t drop below the principal,but we can’t hope that the effect of making use of the money owing to the low interest rate.

The amount of money which we paid is fixed in the Defined Contribution pension,but the amount of the pension which we receive isn’t fixed,so the diversified investment in which the stock is incorporated into it appropriately is an orthodox way.

In general,no less than 60 percent of the people who work in the first class of companies got married between the employees under the system called the Japanese style of management or the companies of Japanese style.

The females retired from their job after the marriage,and when her husband reached the retirement age,public funds,or if being in a major company,fixed company pension had been provided all their life. The system had been established.

Various …

No.230 18/06/09 01:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Can you explain 401 k to us?】

《The system which was established being based on the pension system in the U.S.A.》

…but the others like a company or the government are at a loss what to do,so it is that the Japanese style,401 k,which was being based on the system and the 401 k was adopted in the U.S.A.

I’m going to go over the pension in the past first of all. Paying the insurance fee and the money was made use of by the government or companies. The pension will be provided after the retirement at the age limit.

However,the pension from the major companyies seems that the pension supports the system was hard because of the present low interest and the long life expectancy.

On the other hand,taking advantage of the fund in the 401 k is done by the self responsibility. In short,the amount of the pension depends on the effort of its own effort.

It is said that more than half of personal financial fortune is the deposit in cash. There is the feeling of security for relief on the …

No.229 18/06/08 23:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

The strategy of blue ocean is offering goods and service of which originality is high in the market where there are no rivals. We compare the strategy to a place which we swim comfortably in the sea where there are no sharks.

【Can you explain on 401 k?】

《The system which is established being based a pension system in the U.S.A.》

We expect that the people who are over 20 join in the government pension plan or employee’s pension plan. The two of them used to be the typical pension,but the people who join in the 401 k have increased lately. The 401 k is the Defined–Contribution Pension Law 確定拠出年金.

While life expectancy goes on to expand,there is a risk of a long life. The long life should be joyful originally,but lacking of the fund makes us confronts the situation in which we’re in difficulty in our old age. It means there is the risk on the people who pay the pension.

The risk for a person who pays the pension is also serious,but the others ….

No.228 18/06/08 23:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the strategy of blue ocean?】

《Unbundle and the strategy of blue ocean.》

Selling the glasse for the people who have good eyesight is as if we swam in the sea comfortably where there is no sharks. We call it the strategy of blue ocean.

We should choose to relax and swim in the blue sea pleasantly where there are no sharks at all rather than developing a cutthroat competition .

The way of thinking on the blue ocean used to be influential in the society and a book in which the strategy was shown became a bestseller.

Needless to say,even if it’s the strategy of blue ocean,as the time passed,the sharks gathered there one after another,and the place becomes the sea of blood,a red ocean.

The strategy of red ocean is developing a war of attrition in a market where there are plenty of rivals. We compare the market to the sea of red blood where there are plenty of sharks.

The strategy of blue ocean is offering goods and service of which originality is high in the market there…

No.227 18/06/08 22:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the strategy of blue ocean?】

《Unbundle and the strategy of blue ocean.》

Then what is called QB house of which sales point is attending to a personal appearance for ten minutes is paying.

There is a business in which we dismantle all the service and sell its essence. We call it unbundle,and the QB house is equivalent to the unbundle.

The unbundle means that we untie something which was wrapped and sell the part of it. If we can discover the unbundle everyday life,we may succeed in it as business.

Changing an idea a little may make us grasp the chance of a big success. For example,glasses.

The glasses are goods for people who have bad eyesight. Then we change the idea. If we let the people who have good eyesight buy the glasses,does the market become double?

The idea has made the company of JINS expand its scale suddenly. Functional glasses which shut out the blue light from PC or smart phone has been a great hit.

Selling the glasses for the people who have good …

No.226 18/06/08 22:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『The divided Diet.』

When the divided Diet dissolved,the government which is the ruling party makes a bill pass freely,and the government controls the political power .

【What is the strategy of blue ocean?】

《Llearning success and failure on a company.》

When succeeding in stimulating something in which we want to do,a company goes well on everything,and expands its business,and if judging something in the wrong,even if it’s a super major company,it will disappear easily.

If learning the business administration 経営学,we can approach a secret on a success and a essence of a failure. There are various hints on the success and failure hidden in the actual lives of ours. It’s something pleasant when learning the business administration.

《Unbundle and the strategy of blue ocean.》

Let’s think over the indusrty of haircutting. When going to a barber,our aim is cutting our hair. There is nothing else,so is a business of cutting the hair with a charge of one thousand yen paying?

No.225 18/06/08 00:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『The divided Diet』

…for they haven’t respected the nation’s will.

Then the divided Diet appears.

The number of a Diet member from the ruling party is more than that of any party in the House of Representatives.

The number of a member of the Opposition is more than that of any party in the Upper House. It’s the divided Diet.

When the two situations are opposite,it’s also the divided Diet.

As to the opinion,the ruling party and the opposition tend to be so different that in the divided Diet the law which was approved in the House of Representatives was disapproved in the Upper House. It has frequently happened.

If the ruling party and the opposition don’t get along with each other,whichever the ruling party introduces a law,the opposition disapproved all of them. It is ridiculous .

The politics doesn’t go smoothly at all,so the divided Diet has a problem. I hope they discuss whether the law is good or bad for the nation.

When the divided Diet is dissolved, the government…

No.224 18/06/07 23:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『The divided Diet.』

The House of Representatives is stronger than the Upper House. What does it mean?

For example, a law is approved in the House of Representatives,and it is also asked whether it is approved or disapproved in the Upper House. If it’s approved in the Upper House,the law will be in force in the future,but if it’s disapproved in the Upper House,what will happen?

Then is the law invalid? It isn’t . It is asked whether it is approved or disapproved in the House of Representatives again.

If it is approved again then with the approval more than two–thirds,it is approved,and the law will be in force in the future.

It means that the Diet disregards of the Upper House,and if so is the Upper House useless? Howevr it has never been done actually,for the disapproval in the Upper House is a result of a discussion by the Diet members who were elected by the nation,so no one can make light of the disapproval easily.

If making light of it easily,they will be criticized,for they…

No.223 18/06/07 23:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『The continuation of the last response.』

If it’s the intention of the America,we need to show the country we have undertaken too much,anyway,we can’t look away from the movement on the TPP in the future.

『The divided Diet.』

I’m going to express on the divided Diet.

The Liberal Democratic Party alone won in the Upper House Election in 2013 ,and it won the majority both on the Upper House and the House of Representatives,so the divided Diet was dissolved then.

What is the divided Diet? Why is the divided Diet so bad?

The Diet which establishes a law has two kinds,the one is the House of Representatives,and the other is the Upper House.

There is lots of difference between them,but main difference is like the next.

Its term of office. The House of Representatives are 4 years,and the Upper House are 6 years.

The House of Representatives has dissolution,but the Upper House doesn’t .

The House of Representatives are stronger than the Upper House. It’s vital on the divided Diet.

No.222 18/06/07 22:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America has seceded from the TPP. How does the TPP develop from now on?】

《Does the negotiation between Japan and America on the agreement?》

How is America going to do on the TPP in the future? If the American diet is divided,there seemed to be possibility that America may join in the TPP,but the President belongs to the Republic,so the divided Diet ねじれ国会 was dissolved.

The divided Diet causes a possibility of improving way of creating a plan on various problems that Japanese agriculture,and balance on the food which we provide for ourselves,but I’m not sure what would happen to the TPP.

There is a possibility that it becomes an agreement between America and Japan,and more severe negotiation than the TPP starts.

American new government may disclose its real intention that Japan has chosen the one which was good for Japan alone and hasn’t undertake unfavorable thing for Japan under pretext of the Cold War. America demands that we should have undertaken more severe things.

No.221 18/06/07 21:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America has seceded from the TPP. How does the TPP develop from now on?】

《America has seceded from the TPP,so Japan was sidestepped.》

…We expected the merits like that,and inefficiency which the management of Japanese style has,and a factor which prevent us from being globalization,two of them have been obvious,so it’s also one of merits.

On the other hand there were some fear like that.

Influx of low price of farm products will give the Japanese farming destructive damage. The safety for eating will be threatened. Abolishing the customs will cause deflation .

Japanese government estimated that it would no less than 1.4 trillion yen would be added to the GDP,but there was an deep–rooted opinion which was opposed to the TPP,it said there could have a mechanism which was advantageous to America on the field of agriculture,insurance,medical treatment,or merger and acquisition 企業買収.

《Does the negotiation between Japan and America on the agreement start?》

What is America going…

No.220 18/06/07 20:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

…so,we should pay attention to the movement of England,how does it overcome this hardship?

【The U.S.A.has seceded from the TPP. How does is the TPP develop from now on?】

《America seceded from the TPP,so Japan has been sidestepped.》

Mr.Trump has taken office as President in the U.S.A. America decided to seceded form the TPP.

Japan has also decided to join in the TPP on account of the strong pressure from the U.S.A.

American severe pressure made the negotiation between Japan and America reach the agreement,and Japan was forced to ram the bill. 強行採決 through the Diet,so it seems that Japan was sidestepped by the America.

Dropping a customs barrier as low as possible,and promoting the trade,it’s the TPP.

Abolishing the customs cause the price of farm products and dairy goods like meat and vegetable low,the export of Japanese products like automobile,or home appliance 家電 will increase because of liberalization of trade,we expected the merits…

No.219 18/06/07 00:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【England seceded from the EU. The prospect on the European economy in the near future.】

《The industry of airline seems to confront a problem.》

…but after England seceded from the EU,it is expected they seem that they have to confront something inconvenient.

London used to be the financial center in the world until the EU seceded from the EU,but after that we have to watch London from now on.

Is there other city which is substitute for London in the continent? Or does London become a special ward actually? Scotland is independent from England,and Edinburgh will take place of London? We can’t take away off our eyes from London.

Europe has been thrown into a commotion because of a problem whether or not they should allow immigrants to be there,with a point of economic,there has been problems like the deflation or the problem of management on a major bank.

However the Europe has overcome various hardships with their wonderful intellectual until now,so we have to pay attention to…

No.218 18/06/06 23:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【England seceded from the EU. The prospect on the European economy in the future.】

《There has been some movements in which they are worried that it has a harmful influence on the economy because England seceded from the EU.》

Howevr they feared a harmful influence on the economy because England secede from the EU,and the pound dropped suddenly.

On the other hand,the currency of the EU,the euro used to slump because of the Greek crisis.

《The industry of airline seems to confront a problem.》

England has seceded from the EU for the first time,and its accompanying preparation has never made a progress.

For instance,the industry of airline in which division of labor 分業 in the EU has formed will confront a big problem in the near future.

In the area of the EU,they could go and return as they want,so they don’t have to be worried about customs and regulation. Each country divided the labor,and at the end France assembled the airplane in its country,but after England seceded from the…

No.217 18/06/06 22:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【England seceded from the EU. The prospect on the European economy in the future.】

《There has been some movements in which they are worried that it had a harmful influence on the economy because England seceded from the EU.》

The EU is a tremendous aggregate in which no less than 57 countries have joined. Its population is in the third place in the world. Its area is the seventh largest in the world.

It’s a political community with all the joined countries,they make it a rule to use their common currency,the euro,but the euro hasn’t never been introduced into a part of countries like England or Sweden.

In the beginning,England planed to introduce the euro,but it shelved 見送る the introduction owing to an objection of the assembly.

It had never taken part in the introduction of the euro thanks to the debt crisis on Greece and Portugal ,so it had been said England seceding from the EU would not cause a big confusion.

However,they were worried about a harmful economic on the situation…

No.216 18/06/06 20:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should understand the number on a statement of accounts like this.】

《The way of watching a balance sheet and cash flow statement.》

The third one is the cash flow statement,and it has been paid attention recently. As the name shows us,it’s a movement of the money.

In the page of on the cash flow on a business trade 営業,the quantity of goods laid in 仕入れ高 and sales are shown. The amount of money on the sales should be bigger than the quantity of goods,so its number is plus.

There is other cash flow on an investment,or cash flow on financial affair.

【England seceded from the EU. The prospect on the European economy in the future.】

《There have been some movements in which they are worried that it has a harmful influence on the economy because of the England seceded from the EU.》

One of the greatest news in 2016 is England seceded from the EU. We were surprised at it and feared that what will happen in the future.

I’m going to go over on the EU.

The EU is a tremendous aggregate…

No.215 18/06/06 19:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should understand the number on a statement of accounts 決算報告 like this.】

《We pay attention to the sales and the net profit with a statement of profits and losses.》

…but the key to the net profit is an increase of the sales.

While the sales expands,there is little profit,for when the business succeeded in and increasing branches or investment in plant and equipment prevent the profit from expanding,but we expect the profit will rapidly increase after that.

On the other hand,selling its goods desperately like dumping,leads to a hellish situation.

Thus,if pursuing the change on the sales and profit,we can understand the present situation on the company to some extent.

《The way of watching a balance sheet,and cash flow statement.》

The second list is called a balance sheet. It shows us how much there is fortune in the comapny,and how much there is debt in the company.

The difference between the assets and debt becomes the capital,the profit in the past,or the one in this term.

No.214 18/06/06 19:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

…so it’ll be safe even if it falls into a critical phase.

【We should understand the number on a statement of accounts like this.】

《We pay attention to the sales and net profit with a statement of profits and losses 損益計算書.》

Lots of Japanese companies settle accounts in March and September. After about a month,their settlements of accounts 決算 are announced. Plenty of settlements of accounts are announced publicly on the economic newspaper in an accounting period,and it’s done in the site of their own company .

There are three lists on the statements of accounts. The one is the statement of profits and losses. We also call it P/L,profit and loss. In short it’s a way of recognizing the profit.

At first,we look at the sales in the P/L,and the net profit is also an important number. If pursuing the change on the two numbers,we can imagine the present situation on the company.

A company’s mission is an expansion of the profit,but the key to the …

No.213 18/06/05 23:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should get used to an abbreviation which we frequently come across in the economic newspaper.】

《Japanese ROE is so low that foreign countries criticize it.》

And the A’s debt is 40 million yen. The net profit divided by the net worth,3 million yen divided by 10 million yen,and multiplying its value by 100 is equal to 30 percent. The ROE becomes high.

The B’s total fund is also 50 million yen,and its own money is also 50 million yen. It has no debt. The net profit divided by the net worth,3 million yen divided by 50 million yen,and multiplying its value by 100 is equal to 6 percent,the ROE becomes low.

Thus,even if its own money isn’t so much and lots of debt,as long as its business goes smoothly,its ROE becomes high.

On the other hand,if a company of which debt is zero and of which deposit in cash is plenty,and the ratio on the net worth is high,its ROE becomes low,so we should be careful,but the company has lots of money in cash,and has no debt,so it will be safe even if …

No.212 18/06/05 23:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should get used to an abbreviation which we frequently come across in the economic newspaper.】

《Japanese ROE is so low that foreign countries criticize it.》

…but when the ROE is over 10 percent,and some companies which pay directors bonus appear now and then recently.

The net profit in this term divided by the net worth 自己資本,and its value is A. Multiplying the A by 100 is the ROE.

The net profit in this term is reducing the expense from the profit. It’s final net profit in the term.

The net worth is a fund of a company. A capital which is provided with investors and profit until then. The company doesn’t have to return two of them.

As to the fund in the company,except for the net worth,there is a debt which the company has to return.

There is something which we should be careful of the ROE. For example,there are two companies,A and B. When the profit is same…

The A’s total fund is 50 million yen. Its own money is 10 million yen. Its profit is 3 million yen. Its debt is …

No.211 18/06/05 22:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should get used to an abbreviation which we frequently come across in the economic newspaper.】

《Japanese ROE is so low that foreign countries criticize it.》

On the contrary,few people invest in the business in which using 1 million yen and its profit is no more than 10 thousand yen. In short it’s 1 percent it’s too low.

Appropriate profitability depends on the content of the business and its situation. As to investing in stock,there is a factor of a risky situation and a personal way of thinking,we can’t say easily on the ROE whether or not it’s appropriate.

In general all over the world has criticized that Japanese companies’ ROE is low.

While the stock on 日本郵政、かんぽ生命、郵貯銀行 have been popular among the Japanese investors so much,they haven’t among the foreign investors,for the ROE is in the 3 percent.

If the company’s ROE is less than 10 percent,the foreigh investors tend to hesitate to invest in the stock. One of reason may be the nationality,but when the ROE is over 10…

No.210 18/06/05 22:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should get used to an abbreviation which we frequently come across in the economic newspaper. This time ROE.】

《ROE shows us how much the company is profitable .》

ROE has become a word which appears frequently like the CSR recently. Not only in the stock market but in an entrance exam and in an interview have been full of the phrase.

The ROE is an abbreviation of Return on Equity. If trying to say it with easy words,how much is the funds? And how much is the profit? In short,the ROE is a number which indicates the profitability.

After using the funds and profit which we’d saved up and watch how much we make money. When investing in equities 株式投資,the ROE is one of typical index.

As to the ROE,it doesn’t always mean that the higher the better. For example,when using 1 million yen,and its profit is a half million yen. The business is fishy,isn’t it? In short,when the ROE is 50 percent,it’s too high.

On the other hand,few people invest in the business in which using 1 million…

No.209 18/06/05 21:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Thirty abbreviation of three alphabets which we frequently come across in the economic newspaper.】

『PER』It’s abbreviation of price–earnings ratio. What times the stock price is the profit? The phrase shows us it as an index.

『TOB』When there is an one who wants to buy a whole listed company,the phrase appears.

『ESG』It’s environment,society,and governance. Listed companies are interested in their profit first of all. The second one is the ESG.

『AAA』A ranking of a country,company,or institution which doesn’t seems to collapse at all.

『SPC』It’s a company which provides other company with some money. It’s not the company on the commercial law,but the phrase appears in the field of the economy and finance.

『M&A』It’s an abbreviation of merger and acquisition. In short buying a company. We have been familiar with the phrase.

『RMB』It’s a Chinese currency in English. Chinese way of reading. Please don’t say,“What’s it?”

No.208 18/06/05 20:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Thirty of abbreviation which we frequently come across in the economic newspaper.】

『POS』…for whenever I bought a rice ball,it input me as a middle–aged person.

『LNG』It’s an abbreviation of liquid natural gas. It was extremely playing an active part when the nuclear power plant was suspended. A taxi runs with the LNG.

『TSE』It’s Tokyo securities stock exchange. The one in New York is NSYE.

『FDI』I’m wondering if it’s an abbreviation fo Foreigh Direct Investment. It’s the most important in the economy in rising country .

『ETF』The Bank of Japan has bought it with the REIT 不動産投資信託. It’s actualy a stock. The REIT is an abbreviation of real estate investment trust. Some people buy various real estates with the money from investors and return to the investors the income of the rent and profit by selling the real estate.

『WTI』It’s an abbreviation of West Texas Intermediate. An important famous oil type like the North Sea Brent. It’s an index in the price of crude oil in the world.

No.207 18/06/04 23:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Thirty of abbreviation which we frequently come across in the economic newspaper.】

『COO』It’s,so to speak,a Vice President. The way of saying is popular among us at present.

『CPA』It’s abbreviation of a certified public account 公認会計士.

『CSR』Social responsibility for a company. The listed companies advocate as their slogan.

『GDP』A total of added value of fortune or service in a country a year.

『VAT』It means consumption tax. They use the word in Europe.

『ROE』The way of saying has been popular among the companies in Japan recently. It means that how much they spend the money and how much they make money.

『KPI』An index which we evaluate an achievement of a company,and it’s the most important index.

『SPA』Mechanism of a retailer who has succeed. Instead of laying commodity from a wholesale store,making the commodity for itself.

『POS』When goods are sold,its information is controlled. The author said like that. The genius for management is a convenience store,for whenever I bought…

No.206 18/06/04 22:56
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Thirty of abbreviation which we frequently come across in the economic newspaper.】

『LCC』A ticket which an airline offers us with a good bargain. When being in a business trip,if being told to use the LCC,please don’t ask,“What’s it?”

『Ph.D』It’s a doctor’s degree. There are some people who print the Ph.D on its calling card 名刺.

『MBA』It’s an abbreviation of Master of Business Administration. Lots of executives at major companies in the U. S. A.are qualified.

『BOJ』It’s a central bank in Japan. Foreigners call our central bank BOJ.

『FRB』It’s a central bank in the U.S.A.

『ECB』It’s a central bank in Europe. They call it BCE in France or Italy.

『IMF』If being in a monetary crisis,it’ll help,but when going into action too much earlier,the situation happened to be worse.

『CEO』It’s a President of a company. Some people use the abbreviation.

『CFO』If calling it in a way of old fashioned.it means a senior managing director who is in charge of financial affair.

『COO.』It’s,so to speak…

No.205 18/06/04 21:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should get accustomed to an abbreviation which we frequently come across in the news. This time is CSR.】

《The CSR is a central keyword of managing company.》

ESG is one of criterion when we invest,we should think over it. The ESG is an abbreviation of Economy,Social,Governance,especially Europe is enthusiastic over the ESG. If an enterprise makes light of the ESG,Europe doesn’t invest in it in the least.

For example,a company which deals with tobacco,or antipersonnel mine 対人地雷,the company isn’t any target of investment for the Europe.

On the other hand there has been a basic thought which is a model of our behavior in Japan since long long ago even if we fall into a hardship. If saying it word for word,three directions are all right. It's the one which Omi merchants used to say.

The three directions is the one who sells and the other who buys and the last one is the society. When three of them are all right,everything is all right,I’m wondering. It has never been carried out…

No.204 18/06/04 20:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should get accustomed to an abbreviation which we come across in the news. This time is CRS.】

《CRS is the central keyword of managing company.》

…and it shows us how earnest it develops the CRS on its homepage.

For example,a whole company cleaned the shores of a river even it its staff were day off,and other staff in other company make a contribute in the society. The society seems to begin to look like the time of CRS.

The CRS has have influenced on the stock market so much that SRI which pays attention to the earnestness of the CRS has been the center of public attention.

The SRI is an abbreviation of social responsibille investment.

When choosing an objection for investment,the one who invests in a company makes much of not only how it grows economically,or how sound it manages itself,but how it tackles the environment,human right,and social problem. In short the one who invest in the company make much of how the company controls itself.

ESG is one of criterion when…

No.203 18/06/03 20:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We should get accustomed to an abbreviation which comes across on the news. This time is CRS.】

《If recognizing,the abbreviation makes the world around us change.》

A newspaper reporter puts an article in order on the condition that all of us understand each of three alphabets. In the beginning,we may find it hard to deal with the three alphabets,but they are just the phrases. It’s whether or not we recognize it.

As long as we know them,it becomes easy,moreover,the ones which are used frequently are at most 30. If we understand the thirty of three alphabets well,the world around us looks different.

《The CSR is a central keyword of managing companies.》

It’s an abbreviation of corporated social responsibility. The abbreviation which frequently comes across us is the CSR. It means that a company tries to be a good company in the society. Please look at the homepage on a listed company,

Every company secures the pages for the CSR,and it shows us how earnest it develops the CSR on...

No.202 18/06/03 19:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A knack of reading on each day.】

《Economic indicator and expectation on this week on Monday.》

Howevr even if the newspaper says the dollar and yen are at a deadlock⁉︎ It happens to change so much. Even thought the newspaper says the stock price moves in firm tone⁉︎ We must not trust it easily,especially when doing stock investment,if there is the same opinion,we are apt to push ahead confidently,but put too much confident of ourselves tends to be a fatal mistake.

Whether or not a result was the one which we expected,or it’s different from the expectation,if it’s different,why? If being able to think over those things,it’s better.

【We should get used to an abbreviation which frequently comes across on the news. CRS.】

《If recognizing,the abbreviation makes the world around us change.》

Various abbreviation appear in the economic newspaper. We understand easily that both of JAL and ANA are the name of airline,but do you know CEO,COO or CFO? How about ECB,BOE,FRB or,BOJ?

No.201 18/06/03 18:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A knack of reading on each day.】

《We get a good information slowly and carefully in a weekend.》

If taking interest in the information on an article,we should make a clipping of it. We can start an argument from the scrap as keynote in the society. Going on doing it becomes something powerful.

《An economic indicator and expectation on this week on Monday.》

A Monday supplement has also peculiarity. The financial market is day off in the previous day,so there is a page of economic indicator. GDP,consumer spending,average of stock price of Nikkei,the exchange rate of the yen is on the page of the Monday supplement.

All the data on the goods,interest rate,and economy is on the page are put together,and they are easy to understand.

On the page of a market this week,an expectation on the interest rate,exchange rate,stock on this week runs. The general way of watching the market price in the society is on the page. In short,the consensus is put together well.

However even if the yen…

No.200 18/06/03 18:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A knack of reading on each day.】

《We get a good information slowly and carefully in a weekend.》

For example,while it’s important,it has low news value,or articles which a journalist took much time and collected the information. Those kind of news appear on Saturday and Sunday,especially on Sunday,the news filled with information which may be correspondent to a paperback if reading it carefully.

The author said there is the one which he recommended especially. It’s a column of translation in the leading newspaper named Financial Times which the economic newspaper company bought.

The most prominent intellectual people in the world develop an witty argument on the paper,and it’s translated easily to read,so we can get plenty of good information there.

Possibly if reading for the first time,we may not understand it very much,but we should go on reading it at least for a year. We can accumulate the information as same amount as an economic critic does.

If taking interest in the …

No.199 18/06/03 17:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of reading the economic newspaper in which we’re not indifferent to the economy.】

『Three of the most important news for us alone.』

…the relation between the going up the price on the beer and the tax,they are all right.

If choosing among the thing which is close to us,and stimulating our curiosity,a field of vision in which we see the economy will expand gradually.

Then we can have lots of topics about which we can talk with others. When we know something,we tend to speaki it in front of others. If we can know the topic so much that we can talk with others on the topic,the topic will become our knowledge,including the number.

【A knack of reading on each day.】

《Getting a good information slowly and carefully in a weekend.》

If glancing at the economic newspaper,it seems to be the same,it seems to be difficult as ever,but it has rhythm on the information everyday. If we know the tendency of the news,or special section each day,we’ll find it easy to read.

No.198 18/06/02 23:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The way of reading the economic newspaper which we’re indifferent to economy.】

『Jotting down some numbers every day.』

…whenever the numbers appear on the page,we jot it down. If paying attention to the numbers becomes our habit,we’ll look forward to reading the newspaper everyday,and the sense of the number is trained,

The author recommends that we should check the number on the exchange rate of the yen,average stock price of Nikkei,a Short–term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan 日銀短観.

『Three of the most important news for us alone.』

The author said a good way of taking interest in the news. Even if looking at the newspaper for no more than five minutes,we can feel something. We pick up the big three news for us alone.

They don’t have relation to common knowledge in the society,for they are the big news for us alone. For instance a settlement of accounts of which company produces our favorite thing,a new model of Shinkansen,a relation between going up the price on the…

No.197 18/06/02 22:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

When there is news in which we’re interested on the other page,if looking for the news correspondent to the one in which we’re interested and read it,we can get deeper knowledge from the news.

『Expanding our knowledge with the page of economic class.』

There is a page of economic class in the economic newspaper from Monday to Friday. A recognizing authority in a field clears up the problem in the society on. the page of economic class and easy economics.

There are lots of so timely topics that we should skim through the page by all means.

『At first looking at a headline alone.』

There is a way of reading each page. The one is skimming through a headline alone. If we’re interested in the headline,we try to read its outline. If wanting to get more information,we read its main sentences.

《Jotting down the number everyday》

Without feeling like reading the newspaper,we should pick up a few numbers on something in which we’re interested,whenever…

No.196 18/06/02 22:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A way of reading the economic newspaper in which even a beginner isn’t indifferent to the economy.】

《A way of reading the economic newspaper makes us an expert on the economy.》

I’m going to show you the way of reading the economic newspaper which we aren’t indifferent to the economy,especially I recommend a beginner on the economic newspaper,so please try to do it,said the author like that.

『Reading the front page alone carefully everyday』

A day when we have little time,a day when we’re tired,or a beginner on the economic newspaper should read the front page carefully,for the front page is summary tha important items is put together. If wanting to read it quickly,the front page is the most suitable.

Even if we have little time or how much being tired,we need to read the front page word for word. There are some news in detail on other pages. When there is news in which we’re interested on the other page,if looking for the news correspondent to the one which we’re interested and…

No.195 18/06/02 21:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A way of reading the economic newspaper in which even a beginner isn’t indifferent to the economy.】

《The amount of the information on the economic newspaper a day is equivalent to two paperbacks.》

Even if the advertisement is half of the newspaper,the newspaper has 40 pages. If folding up the newspaper four times,roughly speaking,its size becomes the paperback.

The 1 page on the economic newspaper is equal to 16 pages of the paperback,and it’s 40 pages,so it’s equal to the paperback of which number of pages are 640.

However,we can’t spend hours on reading the newspaper everyday. It’s too heavy a burden for us as routine everyday,but we don’t have to be worried about it,for we don’t have to skim through all the information.

When being used to reading the economic newspaper,we learn to understand a page where the information is shown,and what kind of information it is,which information we need,or whether or not to omit to read it.

《A way of reading the newspaper which becomes…》

No.194 18/06/02 20:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

The number in the form of the inflation adjusted economic growth rate on the whole world,on the main countries of developed ones and rising ones are placed in the economic newspaper January,April,July,and October,

If we’re interested in the number so much that we look forward to watch the newspaper and restless so much January,March,July,and October,we’ll be really something,the author said like that.

【A way of reading the newspaper in which even a beginner isn’t indifferent to the economy.】

《The amount of the information on the economic newspaper a day is equivalent to two paperbacks.》

How much do you spend the time on reading a paperback? The one who can read faster may take less than one hour,but the other who takes much time when reading the theme and the sentences may takes more than 10 hours.

The amount of the information on the economic newspaper is equal to the two paperbacks.

Even if the advertisement is half of the newspaper…

No.193 18/06/02 20:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The pace that the world economy has expanded.】

《Do you know the prospect of the world economy?》

The rate that the world economy expanded in 2017 was expected 3.4 percent.

When the rate that the world economy expands is below 3 percent,if the world economy was an airplane,it would be in danger of falling,but it’s 3.4 percent,so it’s not so bad.

In the report of IMF,the rate of change from the former investigation is announced,so trying to look at the change carefully and to expect the situation in the future.

《Making sure not only the thing in number but the change.》

If we were an economist,we would need to read the prospect on the world economy everywhere,but it is enough for us to recognize that there is an announcement like that,the whole world has paid attention to not only the number,but the change from the former announcement.

The number in the form of the inflation–adjusted economic growth rate 実質経済成長率 on the whole world,on main countries of developed countries and….

No.192 18/05/30 01:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The pace that the world economy has expanded.】

《Do you know the prospect of the world economy?》

Someone let out a staff of a brokerage firm the number in secret,and it was exposed and they were arrested, or Bloomberg also informed a contractor which paid for a special fee of the number by a few second earlier . It’s against the law. There have been several cases.

We should skim through an important report,the prospect for the world economy which has been announced by IMF every three month. An economic magazine or prominent newspaper announced the report at the beginning of January,April,July,and October. When looking at it,it is obvious that the direction which the world turns.

By the way,when being on board the plane,have you ever been worried about its speed per hour? Without trying to make a landing,if it’s too slow,the plane will fall.

The prospect of the world economy makes us inform the speed of which the world economy expands. It was expected 3.1 percent in 2017. It was…

No.191 18/05/29 23:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How much is the rate of self support in Japan?】

《How much is the rate of self support in the world?》

FAO has announced that it’s worried about the country of which rate of self support for the grain is below 30 percent like Japan,or Holland.

We want the situation in which the rate of self support for the grain goes down more than present number,so we should aim at being the rate of self support for the grain is 100 percent like England,said the author.

【The pace of the world economy has expanded.】

《Do you know the prospect on the world economy?》

There are lots of things in number in Short–term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan 日銀短観,statistics for employment in the U.S.A. The things in number has been announced every month,or every three month.

The feeling of the people who watch the economic newspaper swing back and forth between joy and despair,for the announced number makes the foreign exchange or stock price change so much.

Someone leaked a staff in a brokerage firm…

No.190 18/05/29 22:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How much is a self sufficiency in Japan?】

《How much is the grain self sufficiency in the world?》

The bitter experience has made the England control the self support for the grain lately,and the rate of self support becomes 100 percent statistically in 2011.

A kitchen garden 家庭菜園 has been popular among the English,and they cultivate the farm product for themselves. Lots of people who are engaged in the kitchen garden have exchanged the farm products with their companies,and completed their self sufficiency,being based in the home.

The rate of self support for the grain. of China,Germany,Brazil,India,Sweden,America,Russia,Thailand is more than 100 percent.

As to the farming major like France,Canada,Argentine,Australia,its rate of self support for the grain is so high that the grain is left so much and they export it.

Even Swiss which is a snowy country provide the grain for themselves. Its rate of self support for the grain is 50 percent.

FAO has announced that it’s worried…

No.189 18/05/29 00:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How much is a grain self sufficiency in Japan?】

《A farmhouse has been decreased to one fifth if comparing it with the one 60 years ago.》

While almost all of the people have eaten the rice in Japan,the number of people who have eaten bread seem to increase,so the two of them are comparable.

Japan has imported farm product and it costs about 7 trillion a year. The amount of money of the import in Japan is about 83. 8 trillion yen in 2014,so its about10 percent is the farm product.

Almost all of the Japanese food depends on foreign countries,but if something makes us stop depending on the import of foreign countries,it’s obvious that we’ll be up to our neck in being short of food.

《How much the grain self sufficiency in the world?》

England used to push forward industrialization from the recognition that it imported the food from the continent,but Napoleon blockaded the continent,or Nazi Germany conquested the continent in the past.

The bitter experience has made them control…

No.188 18/05/28 23:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

The consumption has been in the middle of floundering in Japan,so the 5 trillion yen will be very helpful.

【How much is the food self sufficiency ratio in Japan? 】

《A farmhouse has decreased to one fifth if comparing it with the one 60 years ago.》

How many are people who are engaged in farming in Japan at present? It accounts for a little more than 2 percent in the whole labor,about 1.7 million people.

The number of the people who were engaged in agriculture used to be about 10 million 60 years ago,so its number has decreased to one fifth.

Besides,the average age of people who are engaged in farming is close to 65,which in general we regard it the advanced age.

In a word,the advanced aged of 1.7 million have supported the food for the rest of people of 0.12 billion. To make matters worse,our country has been unstable because of the nuclear power plant disaster and TPP,and the self sufficiency for grain has below 30 percent.

No.187 18/05/28 23:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Foreign travelers who visited Japan has increased lately.】

《The effect of inbound is no less than 3.7 trillion yen!》

It’s estimated that the money which a foreign traveler spent on its travel to Japan is about one hundred and forty seven thousand yen in 2016,and if multiplying the number of the foreign traveler who visited to Japan by 147.000 is about 3.5 trillion yen. Japanese economy couldn’t ask for a better economic effect than this.

On the other hand,the number of the Japanese people who visited foreing countries ,what is called outbound,was 17 million in 2016. The outbound and inbound maintained the balance to the consumption in 2015,and there was a news that it had been 55 years since the income and expenditure on the travel was in the black .

It seems that Japanese government includes the number of foreign travelers who visit to Japan is 40 million in its way of thinking. Then it is expected the consumption which is over 5 trillion yen. Domestic consumption…

No.186 18/05/27 18:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Foreign travelers who visit Japan has increased lately.】

《A bright topic in the Japanese economy,what is called inbound.》

The stock market in China went down sharply summer in 2015,and it was whispered that there was possibility of decrease on foreign people’s visiting in Japan then,but it has a little impact on Japan,and the number of foreign tourists have increased satisfactorily.

There seem to be the next reasons of increase on visiting of foreign tourists. Yen remains weak,a condition of issuing a tourist visa is eased,airline companies of good bargain are popular among them,good impression on Japan has been established.

《The effect of the inbound is no less than 3.7 trillion yen!》

Needless to say,Japanese GDP has been greatly influenced by the foreign tourists,for the individual consumption accounts for 60 percent of the GDP which is 500 trillion yen.

It is estimated that the money which the foreign people spent on their travel to Japan is a little under one hundred and…

No.185 18/05/27 17:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Foreign travelers who visit Japan has increased lately.】

《A bright topic in the Japanese economy,what is called inbound.》

Before starting there is a thing which I have to say. As for the number of billion,I’m afraid I’ve made a mistake. It seemed that I confused 10億 with 10兆. It’s a terrible mistake. I’m sorry for it.

The inbound means a foreign tourist. It has been used among the travel agencies until now,but it seems that ordinary people have also started to use it in the past five years.

The number of the foreign tourist was over 24 million people in 2016,roughly speaking,no less than two million of foreign people visit Japan every month.

The number of foreign people of each country is the next one. 6.3 million from China, 5 million from South Korea,4.1 million from Taiwan,1.8 million from Hongkong,and the next one is 1.2 million from the U.S.A.in 2016.

The tourists from China are overwhelming,and the whole situation goes smoothly. Stock market in China went down sharply…

No.184 18/05/27 17:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Income differential has expanded in Japan.】

《The number of people who commit suicide is apt to decrease,but…》

If comparing the number of people who killed themselves in Japan with the one of each country in the world,which is more,Japan,or other countries in the world?

The population which is a denominator 分母 is different,so no one can say it easily.

In general,if comparing the number of the people who committed suicide per hundred thousand,roughly speaking,it seems to be possible to be compared with the number among each country in the world.

Anyway,it is about time we seriously thought of a way of reducing the people who commit suicide from the point of view of social welfare and its system.

【Foreign travelers who visit Japan has increased.】

《What is called inbound,which is a bright topic in the Japanese economy.》

While there have been lots of gloomy topics like dropping of real wage,plenty of public debt,the effect of what is called inbound is encouraging topic for us.

No.183 18/05/27 16:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Income differential has expanded in Japan.】

《Gini coefficient is the income differential which is shown in number.》

It seems that the Gini coefficient has gone up in our country. Its one of reason is the next.

Roughly speaking,there are employee of which number is a little more than 50 million,including 20 million of non–regular employee.

The non–regular employees’ pay leve is low,and their lifetime wage is also extremely low in many cases.

《The number of people who commit suicide in Japan tends to decrease,but …》

There are some people who choose to kill themselves owing to the economic problem. The economic problem takes the second place which drives the people to commit suicide statistically.

The number of the people who killed themselves had been over 30 thousand a year in the past a decade,but it's reported it decreased to 25 thousand lately,but the number seems to be unusual,said the author like that.

If comparing the Japanese number with the one in foreign countries…

No.182 18/05/27 16:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Income differential has expanded in Japan.】

《Gini coefficient is the income differential which is shown in number.》

On the other hand,a king alone monopolizes the wealth and the rest of all the nation don’t have any income and is the one like a slave,then the Gini coefficient is 1.00.

The middle of Gini coefficient is 0.5 and it’s the next situation. 10 percent of people in the upper class takes 75 percent of the wealth,and the people of 90 percent share the rest wealth of 25 percent.

If this situation continues,a feeling of unfairness prevails all over the nation,it may be possible that a riot happens.

When looking at the real situation that while there are some people of which annual income are a thousand million yen,there are lots of people of which annual income is no more than two million yen,I’m forced to think the Gini coefficient has risen in our country.

Actually the Gini coefficient is a little over 0.38 in 2014. What causes the situation?

No.181 18/05/26 22:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought.】

The thing which I’m going to express from now on is something negative,so if wanting to be encouraged with my expression,please refrain from reading my remarks,though there is no one like that

I don’t know why I was born,but luckily or not I was born. I’m sure there isn’t anything significant in life,but once being born,I’m forced to live. Without being dead,I’m forced to live.

It is said that about 4.6 billion years have passed since the earth has been born,and the whole universe is so large that its scale is beyond my imagination.

A feeling of a tiny one like me is meaningless,even if the one is great or marvelous it’s meaningless in the tremendous universe and in the tremendous time.

I’m not sure whether or not there is worth of living in relation to myself,but I don’t think I want someone else to decide whether or not | should live.

If wanting to die,I’ll ,and if wanting to live I’ll . Except for myself,no one can decide it even if I’m meaningless.

No.180 18/05/26 21:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Income differential has expanded in Japan.】

《Gini coefficient ジニ係数 is a income differential which is showed in number.》

It used to be said that all of the one hundred people belonged to the middle class at a time in Japan,but it was a thing in the past.

While there is a super wealthy class,one of six children is in a poor family. The phrase of social polarization has been spoken among us,and the phrase has touched our hearts then.

There is the one which measures an income or the degree of concentration on wealth in relation to the one which is shown in numbers. We call it a Gini coefficient.

The Gini coefficient has frequently been taken up among an arguement on the social polarization as a topic,so we should remember it,the author said like that.

For instance,if the whole nation get the same amount of income,the Gini coefficient is 0.00. On the other hand,a king alone monopolizes the wealth and the rest of all the nation don’t have any income and the one like a slave,its Gini…

No.179 18/05/26 20:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How many are the aged in Japan?】

《The aged make up about 25 percent of the whole Japanese population.》

The tendency of decreasing the birthrate and aging population has never stopped,and the ranking on the GDP a person has gone down suddenly in the world. It’s 26th place in the world. The aged who have little money have increased in the town.

America seemed to be declined at one time.but recovers with the power of immigrants and the English,which they have made use of the main language in the world,though as to the immigrants,the President has took a firm stance against them.

England has also recovered,for not only an oil field but the English which is its mother tongue are helpful for the recovery.

By the way,how does the Japan get over the difficult situation? Anyhow,the fourth one of the Japanese nation is over sixty–five,and half of them are over seventy–five. We need to recognize them,the author said like that.

【Income differential has expanded in Japan.】


No.178 18/05/26 20:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How many are the aged in Japan?】

《An image of the aged depends on the times.》

On the other hand,the expenditure on the social security like medical treatment or the one which is with regard to the pension accounts for about no less than 30 percent of the national budget.It’s six times as less as the national defense expenditure,but we have to be alert on it.

Our neighboring countries like South Korea and China have been vigorous at present,but it is said they will reach the decreasing birth rate and aging population like Japan.

By the way,it is said that the population of the aged who are over sixty is over 20 million in China. The aged accounts for 15.5 percent in Chinese population. Its scale is different from Japan so much.

《The aged make up about 25 percent of the Japanese population.》

As to Japan,the aged who are over sixty–five account for 25 percent of Japanese population,and it seems that half of them are over seventy–five.

As the tendency of decreasing the birthrate…

No.177 18/05/26 19:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『A continuation of the last response.』

The day when a department on clothing of a supermarket is replaced with manufacturing retailing on clothing may come true completely.

【How many are the aged in Japan?】

《An image on the aged depends on the times.》

I’ll reach the age of sixty in a few years,so does it mean that I’m an old man?

In the times when we could receive a pension in sixty the one who was sixty may have been the aged. The mandatory retirement age of a principal in an elementary school or in a junior high school used to be fifty–five about a half century ago.

The one who is sixty becomes the mandatory retirement age recently in a major company,but in some companies it's employed again until sixty five,and it continues to work as part time until seventy.

We aren’t surprised at it because the Japanese average life expectancy has expanded,and the vigorous aged who go on working after the mandatory retirement age have increased,it’s a good thing.

On the other hand an …

No.176 18/05/26 19:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How much is the sales volume on all the convenience stores a day in Japan?】

《Estimating and making a guess what we’ve wanted to know.》

The total amount of individual consumption in Japan is about 30 billion yen,so the one billion is also a big number.

On the other hand,the GMS,general merchandise store market which is mother organization for the convenience store has been in the middle of a hard fight.

The peak of the total amount of the sales on the GMS was around 1996,it was 1.7 billion yen,but after that it’s decreased more and more,it’s around 1.3 billion yen at present.

While as to the sales on food is maintained from 0.6 to 0.7 billion yen which remains stable or increases slightly,as for the clothing,it’s fatal. The sales on the clothing becomes below half before,the tendency of dropping down has never stopped.

If looking at the sales of UNIQLO which has suddenly grown economically since 1997,it’s clear at the glance that the GMS on the clothing has failed. The day may…

No.175 18/05/26 18:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How much is the sales volume on all the convenience stores a day in Japan?】

《Estimating and making a guess the number of the convenience stores.》

The sales volume of a convenience store a day is from 500 thousand yen to 700 thousand yen. The average sales a day is 600 thousand yen,and the convenience stores are open all the year around,and there are about 50 thousand of convenience stores in Japan.

When calculating the average of sales volume a day,the number of day which the convenience stores are open,and the number of the convenience stores,we can make a guess that the total sales on all the convenience stores a year in Japan is about a billion yen.

Even if we can’t estimate at all,if calculating the one which we can make a guess,we can estimate it. If wanting to raise the accuracy of the estimation,inputting some basic number which are keys and updating the numbers periodically.

The total amount of individual consumption in Japan is about 30 billion yen,so the one…

No.174 18/05/26 18:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How much is the sales volume on all the convenience stores a year in Japan?】

《How many are there the convenience stores in Japan?》

There had been about 56 thousand of convenience stores in japan as of 2016. Then Family Mart which was in the third rank in the industrial world and the Circle K Thanks which was in the fourth place integrated into one company,and the new convenience store closed in on Seven Eleven which had more stores than any other one, so there are plenty of topics in the industrial world.

By the way,the first convenience store in Japan is a Seven Eleven which was open in Tokyo prefecture in 1974. In the beginning,a Japanese paid the royalty for the American company and managed the convenience store,but it’d purchased its head store in the America in the process of developing its business.

《Estimating and making a guess on the number of the convenience stores.》

Do you think how much a convenience store has sales volume a year? The sales volume of the convenience…

No.173 18/05/26 17:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the company of the biggest total amount of current price in Japan or in the world?】

《American companies repeat innovation.》

American markets are so severe that refusing an innovation is forced to retire from the market,but the FANG is related with all the things which are popular among us,and always repeat the innovation.

Japanese companies could have also been good at developing unique goods. Instead of Apple or Dyson,there are some companies in Japan which could have plenty of chance to succeed in the development on the new goods. A weakness in the society of Japanese style of companies may have caused the failure.

It is regrettable but the company in the first place in the America is actually the synonym for the first rank in the world.

【How much is the sales volume on all the convenience stores a year in Japan?】

《How many are there the convenience stores in Japan?》

There have been about 56 thousand of convenience stores in…

No.172 18/05/26 16:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the company of the biggest total amount of current price in Japan or in the world?】

《American companies which repeat innovation.》

The profit after the tax is reduced is about a half billion yen,it’s as big amount of money as the Japanese national defense expenditure in 2015.

By the way,speaking of a big company,it used to be always the one of iron or petroleum in the past,but it is the society of internet at present. The company of which the total amount of current price is high are Apple,Google,Amazon,Facebook,and Microsoft. The stock of ICT,Information of Communication on the Technology.maybe,occupy a higher rank.

There is a phrase in relation to the situation,FANG. It is said that even if they sell other things,they must not sell anything on the FANG in the American stock market in 2015,

The FANG is initial of Facebook,Amazon,Netflix,and Google. They are a group of company which have carried out new technical innovation except for their main business.

No.171 18/05/26 01:03
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the company of the biggest total amount of current price in the Japan or in the world?】

《The bigger the total amount of current price is ,the better its evaluation is.》

Calbee is a confectionery 製菓 company,and its total amount of current price has expanded sharply for several years,and the mass media has oftentaken up its top management as topic.

We think that the total amount of current price has expanded,for the top management who heightens the value of the comapny is excellent.

The bigger the total amount of current price is,the less chance that other companies try to buy.

《American companies which have repeated innovation.》

Apple is the company which takes pride in its biggest total amount of current price in the world at present,though Alphabet which is a holding company for Google went ahead of Apple in 2016.

Apple’s total amount of current price is close to 7 billion yen,it’s three times as big as that of TOYOTA. The profit after the tax is reduced is about…

No.170 18/05/26 00:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese national budget and the amount of tax revenue.】

《The item of the account.》

…but the tax revenue is no more than is 1.2 billion yen that addition of major companies and other small companies which haven’t been listed to the stock exchanger and of which profit is no more than millions yen. It’s too few.

Actually there have been plenty of companies which try every conceivable means to avoid the tax.

The rest of the tax revenue is about 1.1 billion yen. The inheritance tax is included in the rest,and a heavy tax has greatly been imposed on the inheritance since 2015. Its amount of tax payment had moved around 0.15 billion yen for years.but it may increase from now on.

The local tax is about 3.5 billion yen.

【What is the company of the biggest total amount of current price in Japan,or in the world?】

《The bigger the total amount of current price is,the bigger its evaluation is.》

TOYOTA has the biggest total amount of current price in Japan. It’s about 2.1 billion yen.

No.169 18/05/25 23:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese national budget and the amount of tax revenue.】

《The item of the account.》

…so the rest of the tax revenue is about 1.5 billion yen.

The third largest amount of the tax revenue is a corporation tax. There has frequent been an argument that the rate of corporation tax in Japan is the highes level in the world. Contrary to it,there has been other argument that the amount of collected money of the corporation tax has been too little. Both of the arguments are right.

If looking at the tax rate itself,it is said that it’s below 30 percent,but it’s still high tax rate,but if looking at the amount of the money,it is no less than 1.2 billion yen which is the tax revenue from the group of companies which have saved more than 30 blilion yen.

Even if limited to some companies which are listed to the stock exchanger,the profit of each company reaches no less than 5 billion yen,but the tax revenue is no more than 1.2 billion yen that addition of other small companies which aren’t …

No.168 18/05/25 22:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese national budget and and the amount of tax revenue.】

《Roughly speaking,the national budget is ten billion yen,and the tax revenue is 6 billion yen.》

The scale of the tax revenue used to be about 6 billion yen 25 years ago. It's about 5.8 billion yen at present,so the tax revenue has decrease for the 25 years.

On the other hand,the expenditure of the national budget has increased about 10 million yen. It’s increased by 40 percent. The amount of money on debt of the national budget is about 17 times as large as the tax revenue a year.

《The item of the account.》

The income tax from the taxation of the source 源泉課税 accounts for about 30 percent of the national budget which is about 5.8 billion yen. The income tax is about 1.8 billion yen at present.

The first on the list of the tax revenue is the consumption tax,and it’s about 1.71 billion yen. A part of the consumption tax has been passed in local areas as a tax money allocated to local government 地方交付税,so about 1.5 …

No.167 18/05/25 21:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The value of yen in which we want to make sure in an exchange rate.】

《Japanese economy slowly goes downhill,but the yen has been popular among the people in the world.》

…so the other countries don’t think Japan has shown a loss. They may have thought that Japan is a rich country of which economic growth rate has been low.

There seems to be a phrase that Japanese yen buying in the emergency, When the Financial market in the world is confused,the price of the yen will go up.

If comparing it before the Lehman Brother failure,the rate of main currency agains the yen became half at one time.

We should have made use of the high value of yen and invested in foreing countries,but we made products and tried to export to foreign countries as ever,but the foreing countries couldn’t buy the Japanese products of which value became double,so the whole Japanese depression continued.

【How does the price of crude oil have influenced on the economy?】

《Japanese economy depends on import of…》

No.166 18/05/25 21:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why do we make much of gold?】

《Even a nation makes much of possessing the gold.》

Sometimes inflation happened the value of money dropped or they have gone through a redenomination,so French central bank seems to like the gold.

Redenomination is revaluation or devaluation of the unit of money when the number of digit on the unit of the money becomes too large. France did the redenomination of one–hundredth in 1960.

The French used to spend the franc which was a weak currency,then it is said that no less than thirty pounds of lump of gold was carried away from its central bank and was sent to Senegal which belonged to France in 1939 before the Germany army occupied Paris.

When the currency disappears,it may possible be the gold which supports us the human being finally.

The gold isn’t bulky like the crude oil,and for example,if having about the lump of gold of 20 kilogram,then everyone would always be blessed with the value of about one hundred million yen .

No.165 18/05/23 23:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why do we make much of the gold?】

《The pride of the gold.》

At the time of the Cold War between the Western bloc and the Easten bloc,when there was a settlement against China and the Soviet Union,the two of them were arranged by the gold finally.

When there is an social anxiety like inflation,lots of people are apt to choose the gold. By the way how much is the gold?

Ounce is used in a gold coin,and gram is used in a lump of gold in relation to the weight of the gold.

As to the current price,500 gram is 2.5 million yen,and 1 kilogram is 5 million yen. Roughly speaking in short the price of the gold is 5000yen a 1 gram.

《Even nation makes much of possessing the gold.》

There are some gold bloc in the big safety in the central bank of each country.

While some people say possessing the gold which isn’t interest at all is old fashioned,there are plenty of countries which want to possess the gold in the central bank of the country.

No.164 18/05/23 22:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How does the price of the crude oil have influence on the Japanese economy?】

《The price of the crude oil changes with an economic situation and the quality of the crude oil.》

The quality of the crude oil is different among the producing area like agricultural produce such as an orange and an apple.

The crude oil produced in the western area of Texas state in the U.S.A.is the typical one,and we call it west Texas intermediate,WTI. The price of other oil is determined with the criterion of WTI.

【Why do we make much of the gold?】

《The price of gold.》

Except for the crude oil,there is one more important strategic commodity for a country. As long as we have it,we can exchange it with everything. It’s gold.

Silver is also all right,but the gold is the most useful,and the way of exchanging with other things a final one.

At the time of the Cold War between the Western bloc and the Eastern bloc,when there was settlement against China or the Soviet Union,two of them were arranged with …

No.163 18/05/23 21:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How does the price of the crude oil have influence on the Japanese economy?】

《The price of the crude oil changes with the economic situation and quality of the crude oil.》

As you can imagine,when an economic growth is remarkable,the price of the crude oil will goes up. For example the price of the crude oil went up to about 150 dollar at the time of the brisk market lately in 2008 just before the Lehman Brother failure.

After that the price dropped in the thirties dollar,it went down below thirties dollar in 2016.

1 barrel is 159 liter,42 gallon. An oil drum ドラム缶 has a capacity of 200 liter,so 1 barrel is less than the oil drum a little. The price of the crude oil changes from 3.500 yen to 15.000 yen.

The crude oil of of a little more than 3 million of oil drum have been consumed in Japan a day,so Japan is a prominent nation which consumes the crude oil in the world.

The quality of crude oil is different among the producing area like agricultural produce such as an orange….

No.162 18/05/23 21:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How does the crude oil have influenced on the Japanese economy?】

《Japanese economy depends on the import of crude oil.》

Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor in Hawai December in 1941. There seem to be lots of background behind the attack,but main reason for the attack was the embargo 禁輸 on import of the crude oil against Japan. If we could mine the crude oil in Japan.the war may not have happened.

The situation hasn’t changed so much even at present. While the amount of using the crude oil a day is 4 million barrel,the amount of producing the crude oil in Japan is no more than ten thousand barrel a day. If stopping the import of the crude oil,it’ll give the Japanese economy a fatal blow.

We remember the price of the petroleum a liter vaguely,but do we know the price of the crude oil? It changes every moment. 1 barrel was around 55 dollar February in 2017.

《The price of the crude oil changes with the economic situation and the quality of the crude oil.》

As you can imagine,when the…

No.161 18/05/23 20:27
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The value of yen in which we want to make sure in an exchange rate.】

《Japanese economy slowly goes downhill,but the yen has been popular among the people in the world.》

…so the other countries don’t think Japan has shown a loss. They may have thought that Japan is a rich country of which economic growth rate has been low.

There seems to be a phrase that Japanese yen buying in the emergency, When the Financial market in the world is confused,the price of the yen will go up.

If comparing it before the Lehman Brother failure,the rate of main currency agains the yen became half at one time.

We should have made use of the high value of yen and invested in foreing countries,but we made products and tried to export to foreign countries as ever,but the foreing countries couldn’t buy the Japanese products of which value became double,so the whole Japanese depression continued.

【How does the price of crude oil have influenced on the economy?】

《Japanese economy depends on import of…》

No.160 18/05/23 19:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The value of money in which we want to make sure in an exchange rate.】

《Japanese economy slowly goes downhill,but the yen has been popular among the people in the world.》

Overseas asset is foreign exchanges,securities,and buildings,and the debt against overseas is borrowed money,and investment against Japan.

Net oversea asset is determined by subtracting the debt against overseas from oversea assets. Japanese net overseas asset is highest in the world,so Japan has greatly influenced on various countries,they say Japan is an economic power.

Japanese net overseas asset had taken first place until 2015 for straight 25 years,it has increased to about 34 billion yen. Allotment 配当,interest,and profit of loss and sales have come in Japan from the net overseas asset every year.

It seems that Japan has held gigantic deficit financing,and the national debt has managed the deficit. About 90 percent of the national debt has been possessed by the Japanese,so other countries don’t think…

No.159 18/05/21 22:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The value of yen which we want to make sure in an exchange rate.】

《Japanese economy slowly goes downhill,but the yen has been popular among the people in the world.》

Japanese economy remains stagnant for a long time. Without recovering being stagnant may continue from now on,but the yen has maintained the position of favorite currency for the people in the world as ever. Why?

When the economy goes smooth,we the Japanese invested in oversea,and fortune has been saved,so Japanese net overseas asset 純資産 remains the first place in the world.

What is the net overseas asset?

The net overseas asset is the number in which the total of fortune overseas. For example,let’s suppose we had 1.000 building in the U.S.A.

Except for them,if there is no fortune in relation to overseas,the net overseas asset is 1000.

Then let’s suppose that we borrowed 200 from the company in India. Then the net overseas asset is 1.000–200=800

Overseas asset is foreign investment,securities 有価証券 or buildings …

No.158 18/05/21 21:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The value of yen which we want to make sure in an exchange rate.】

《We should be careful of the Australian dollar.》

As to the yen,I dollar was fixed at 360ye,1 pound was 1.000yen. We’ve adopted the floating exchange rate system 変動相場制 at present,so the exchange rate is one of numbers which we want to make sure.

Do you know how much 1 dollar is? If being able to answer it correctly,it’s cool,but it’s not yen against dollar alone in the exchange rate which we want to make sure in the exchange rate. We should grasp approximate value of the yen against several currency like euro,pound in the countries of G7,the group of 7 developed countries,and won of Korean currency,CNY of Chinese currency,and OG dollar.

OG dollar in Australia is very important. It doesn’t belong to the G7.but we the Japanese possess the OG dollar with the scale of billions yen.

No.157 18/05/21 21:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the total amount of current price in stock exchanger in Tokyo?】

《The relation between the total amoun of current price in stock exchanger in Tokyo and other index.》

The expansion of the total amount of current price tends to go ahead more than other index.

On the contrary,if the economy goes down,the total amount of current price starts to decrease.

While the total amount of current price in stock exchanger in Tokyo goes down to 70 percent of the GDP in a weak market,it goes up to no less than 130 percent of the GDP when the economy goes smoothly.

When there is an energy in economy,the total amount of current price goes up higher than we expect,so we should be careful.

There is that kind of relation between the total amount of current price and GDP in other countries.

【The value of yen which we want to make sure in an exchange rate.】

《We should be careful of the Australian dollar so much.》

The currency used to be the fixed rate system in the past. As to the yen,1…

No.156 18/05/21 20:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the total amount of current price in the stock exchanger in Tokyo?】

《The relation between the total amount of current price in the stock exchanger in Tokyo and other index.》

The stock price of the Nikkei average has suddenly risen up from eight thousand yen to twenty thousand yen since 2012.

At the same time,the total amount of current price of the First Section in the stock exchanger in Tokyo has expanded from 25 billion yen to 60 billion yen at one time.

Thus,the total amount of current price of the First Section in the stock exchanger in Tokyo is often connected with the stock price of the Nikkei average,there is no doubt it’s connected with the TOPIX.

In addition,the total amount of current price of the First Section in the stock exchanger in Tokyo and GDP have a strong correlation.

Though the GDP has never expanded lately,as long as the economy goes smoothly,the stock price also rises up,and the total amount of current price also becomes bigger.

The expansion of…

No.155 18/05/21 19:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is the total amount of current price in the stock exchanger in Tokyo?】

《There are some companies which are listed in the stock exchanger in Tokyo. Addition of total amount of current price of those companies.》

Adding today’s all the stock price of current price. We call it the total amount of current price. The total amount of current price in the First Section of stock exchanger in Tokyo is a little under 58 billion yen.

It means it costs us a little under 58 billion yen to buy all the companies listed on the First Section of stock exchanger of Tokyo.

The way of calculating the total amount of current price is simple. Multiplying stock prices of each company by the number of the stock which have already been issued. Then the total amount of current price of the company is calculated.

As to the companies listed in a stock exchanger,if adding the amount total of current price on each company simply,the total amount of current price in stock exchanger is computed separately.

No.154 18/05/21 19:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【TOPIX to which specialists on the economy have paid attention.】

《We should pay attention to emerging market.》

On the other hand there is an emerging market in which plenty of new firms are listed. It means a stock market for new firms.

NASDAQ 総合 in the U.S.A.is famous,and there is JASDAQ and 東証 mother in Japan.

【What is the total amount of current price in the stock exchanger in Tokyo?】

《There are companies which are listed in the stock exchanger in Tokyo. Addition of total amount of current price of those companies.》

The phrase of total amount of current price has been used in the stock market frequently. It’s important number to recognize a scale of a company and a stock exchanger.

The way of thinking is the one which is used in a high–class sushi shop,current price. For example,there are five 大トロ of which current price is two thousand yen,its total amount of current price is ten thousand yen.

Adding today’s all the stock price…

No.153 18/05/20 16:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【TOPIX to which specialists on the economy have paid attention.】

《TOPIX reflects all the companies listed on the First Section in stock exchanger in Tokyo.》

…to my sorrow,I have little knowledge on the word of exchange trend fund. Investing in the index itself means we can get securities for the index,can’t we?

The newer thing I try to express,the more unfamiliar phrase I come across.

There is investment trusts 投資信託 in which we can invest 日本郵政、簡保生命、郵貯銀行. We can also invest in a thing which itemized like crude oil,gold,palladium,and get the securities for them.

Securities for almost all of things appear and listed on the market and new index will be born from now on.

Except for Japan and America,other stock markets of each country have each index. German DAX,French CAC are famous,and Hang Seng index in Hong Kong,general index in Shanghai,VN in Vietnam in the newspaper.

《We should pay attention to emerging market.》

On the other hand there is an emerging market in which new firms…

No.152 18/05/20 16:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【TOPIX to which specialists on the economy have paid attention.】

《TOPIX has reflected all the companies listed on the First Section in stock exchange of Tokyo.》

The TOPIX is useful to recognize the movement in the Tokyo market intuitively,and is helpful to know the actual situation on the stock market.

When the Nikkei average rises,the TOPIX usually does. There is an index which comparing the movement of Nikkei average with the one in TOPIX.

While the Nikkei average is limited to 225 companies,the TOPIX which reflects the movement all the companies puts special emphasis on financial sector,and if the stock price of finance rises,the TOPIX does. It’s the TOPIX’s feature.

Roughly speaking,if economic growth continues,both the Nikkei average,TOPIX,and the New York Dow reflect the growth as trend. The opposite is also true.

We can invest in the TOPIX and Nikkei average themselves at present. We can invest in the index itself at present. We call it exchange trend fund,but…

No.151 18/05/20 15:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How do we calculate the Dow–Johns average and the Nikkei average?】

《TOPIX and Nikkei average.》

The stock exchange in Tokyo announced its original one which reflected all the companies listed in the First Section,and the average of 東証 ダウ which was popular among the investors becomes the Nikkei average and the company of economic newspaper has announced it.

Instead of 30,the Nikkei average has chosen 225 companies,and has started from around 100yen in 1949. It reached forty thousand yen in the peak of the bubble economy of 1989.

The Nikkei average has changed around nineteen thousand yen at present.

【TOPIX to which specialists on the economy have paid attention.】

《TOPIX has reflected all the companies listed in the First Section of stock exchange in Tokyo.》

In general,the TOPIX has not been well–known as the Nikkei average,but specialists on the economy or finance rather pay attention to the TOPIX than the Nikkei average.

No.150 18/05/20 07:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【How do we calculate the Dow–Johns average and the Nikkei average?】

《The Dow–Johns average is value average of American powerful companies.》

The Dow–Johns chose 30 companies which were listed in stock exchange in New York and announced the average of the stock price on the 30 companies as the Dow–Johns average every day.

These 30 companies are a group of typical American powerful ones at present,but they are replaced sometimes.

They’ve thought 30 companies alone weren’t enough,they couldn’t survey the whole stock market,so S&P,a rating company has announced five hundred companies at present.

《TOPIX and the Nikkei average.》

A stock exchange in Tokyo has started in Japan after the World War Ⅱ and tried to adopt the way of the index in New York,and started what is called 東証ダウ. It is said the company bought the way of calculating the stock price from the Dow–Johns then.

The stock exchange in Tokyo announced its original one which reflects all the companies listed on the First…

No.149 18/05/19 21:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Relation between us and negative interest rate.】

《We have been in the time when the worst interest rate in the history of the human kind.》

Buying a strong safe and putting our money in it is better rather than saving our money in a bank or buying the national debt. Actually the stock of a company which makes a safe has risen lately.

But there are lots of people who buy such of plenty of national debt that they have some plans,I’m sure.

【How do we calculate the Dow–Johns average and the Nikkei average?】

《The Dow–Johns average is average value of American powerful companies.》

We’ve heard of the Dow–Johns average,Nikkei average,and there are word of TOPIX. Can we explain them in details?

If there is a market,then there is a market price and index which pursues the price movement. Typical index in the stock market is the Dow–Johns average in New York.

A company called Dow–Johns used to issue a newspaper near a stock exchanger in New York in the 19th century. The company chose…

No.148 18/05/19 21:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Relation between us and negative interest rate.】

《Policy of negative interest rate makes the interest rate in an ordinary account in a bank drop.》

…for the policy of the Bank of Japan has greatly influenced on our housing loan and interest rate.

While dropping the interest rate of housing loan is good for a family budget,dropping the interest rate of a bank is bad.

We should keep an eye on carefully that how the policy of the negative interest rate makes progress. There are lots of things from which we should learn the policy of negative interest rate in Europe.

《We have been in the time when the worst interest rate in the history of human kind.》

The return of the national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade is around zero,but its average used to be 6 percent since the Meiji era.

Even if how much we buy the national debt,it seldom bears few interest rate at present. It has been the lowest interest rate in the history of the human being.

Buying a strong safe and…

No.147 18/05/19 20:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Relation between us and negative interest rate.】

《Policy of negative interest rate makes the interest rate in an ordinary account drop.》

Even if saving the money in the bank,it’s interest rate is no more than 10yen. The interest rate in an ordinary account was 0.001 percent January in 2017.

There was a historical occurrence for Japan in 2016. It’s the policy of negative interest rate by the Bank of Japan.

The interest rate in an ordinary account used to be 0.02 percent until then,but the introduction of negative interest rate made each bank drop the interest rate in an ordinary account to 0.001 percent which was the lowest until then.

The policy of negative interest rate has already been introduced into Europe. In the negative interest rate,a bank doesn’t bear interest rate to a current account in the Bank of Japan,but imposes a fee for the current account.

It seems to have nothing to do with us at all,but it has,for the financial policy by the Bank of Japan has greatly…

No.146 18/05/19 19:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparison among the return of national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade each country.】

《We should watch other national debts of which period for redeeming is a decade like America and Germany have issued.》

Essential national debt in Europe is German one and is a leader in the financial market in Europe.

English national debt is called Gilt,and it has had a long history,but it has never been regarded as importance recently. We should keep an eye on Australia national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade.

【The relation between us and negative interest rate.】

《Policy of negative interest rate makes the interest rate in an ordinary account drop.》

Typical income which we receive is payment for our labor and interest rate. Instead of ourselves,we make the money work and its payment is the interest rate.

If saving a million yen in a bank,how much does it bear the interest rate after a year?

Even if saving the money in the bank,its interest rate is no more…

No.145 18/05/19 18:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparison among the return of national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade each countries.】

《Both of national debt of developed countries and rising nations》

…when comparing Argentine national debt with Japanese one,redeeming the Argentine national debt seems to be hard.

While the interest rate is low,it means that it doesn’t appeal to anyone as objection for investing,it’s high,it means we are forced to be worried about whether or not it will redeemed without any trouble.

If Turkish national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade issued in yen then and its interest rate is 4 percent,Turkish national debt is more reliable than the Argentine one. Needless to say we should keep an eye on changes after a decade then.

《We have to be careful of other national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade like America and Germany issue.》

Except for Japan,the main national debt is American one,we call it U.S.treasure. Essential one in Europe is German national …

No.144 18/05/19 18:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparison among the return of national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade each country.】

《Both of national debt of developed countries and rising countries.》

…the theory is the same,but we can’t put too much confidence in the other country’s national debt.

Argentine whicy issued national debt in yen declared that it went into default for foreign bonds in 2001. The default is formal failure to pay money that you owe at the right time.

Argentina has existed as nation at present,and lots of people who have bought the national debt want Argentina to pay back the money,but it seems to be hard. Part of the money will be returned at best.

When Argentina national debt in yen was issued in Japan,needless to say Japanese national debt was also issued every month.

For example,then if the interest rate of our country’s national debt is 2 percent and that of Argentine national debt is 5 percent,redeeming Argentine national debt safely seems to be hard when comparing it with the…

No.143 18/05/19 17:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Comparison among the return of national debt of which period for redeeming is decade each countries.】

《Both of national debt of developed countries and rising countries.》

Japan also used to issue its national debt in English pound in the Meiji era and spent it on a war expenditure for the Russo –Japanese war,but Japanese government has issued its national debt in yen at present. Japanese yen has been used all over the world at present,we don’t have to use other country’s currency.

America has also issued plenty of national debt in dollar and we have never seen America used other country’s currency for its natioanal debt.

On the other hand,the government of rising nations haven’t accumulate rich enough in their own countries and issue its national debt in other country’s currency sometimes.

For example,there is Mexican government national debt issued in yen,Brazilian government national debt issued in yen,and Turkish government national debt issued in dollar,and their theory…

No.142 18/05/19 17:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Interest rate of national debt of which period for redeeming is a decade indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《Japanese balance brought forward to the national debt is about one hundred billion yen.》

…and its balance brought forward reaches one hundred billion yen. How can we escape from this situation? Is it impossible? I’m worried about it,the author said like that.

The Bank of Japan makes it rule to buy the national debt of eight billion a year,and if this pace continues,the national debt will disappear from the market.

This situation continues for almost two decades,but the Japanese national dead has never fallen suddenly.

【Comparison among the return of national dead of which period for redeeming is a decade each country.】

《Both of national debt of developed countries and rising nations.》

Instead of its own country's currency,we can buy our national debt with other country’s currency. If it’s country’s currency is main currency,it doesn’t have to use other country’s.

No.141 18/05/19 00:01
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Interest rate of national debt of which period for redeeming is three years indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《Interest rate of national debt or its return for general investors.》

Though the interest rate is 3 percent,but it’s actually 1.33 percent.

When buying it with the price of 0.95 million yen,its interest rate is 4.67 percent. When 1 million yen,it’s 3 percent,and when 1.05 million yen,it’s 1.33 percent. When the price of the national debt went up,its return went down.

《Japanese balance brought forward on the national debt is about a hundred billion yen!》

Japanese government continued to issue the national dead since the Meiji era,but stopped issuing from being defeated in the war in 1945 to the Tokyo Olympic.

Issuing the national debt has restarted so as to recover from the slump after the Tokyo Olympic,but comparing it with the present amount of money,it was slight.

But the issue of the national debt is steadily increasing,and its balance brought forward reaches 100…

No.140 18/05/18 23:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Interest rate of national debt of which period for redeeming is ten years indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《Interest rate of national debt or its return for general investors.》

For example,let’s suppose that we bought a national debt of which face value is a million yen,the interest rate is three percent,and the period for redeeming is three years. When buying,its price was a million,and we can receive 1.09 million yen after 3 years,so if calculating it at an annual rate,its return is 3 percent. It’s same as the interest rate.

When buying it with 0.95 million yen fortunately,we can receive 1.09 million yen when the national debt is mature after three years. The face value is 1 million yen and its interest rate is 0.09 million yen.

109–95=14,its interest rate is 3 percent but it’s return is 4.67 percent.

On the other hand,when buying the national dead of the same face value with the price of 1.05 million yen,we can 1.09 million yen when the national debt is mature. 109–105=4

No.139 18/05/18 23:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Interest rate of the national debt of which period for redeeming is ten years indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《Interest rate of national debt or return for general investors.》

Without being clear the relation for us,we can’t understand the outline of the national debt. The face value of the national debt is the one which is mentioned on the surface of the national debt,and when reaching the time the national debt is mature,it will come back to us as cash. It means it’s a guaranteed money.

Plenty of people may think it’s natural,but the price of the national debt changes according to the market like a stock,so the amount of money when buying it isn’t always same as the face value. Sometimes it’s higher than the face value,and it’s lower sometimes.

As a result when buying the face value is 1 million yen,we can buy it with the price of 0.95 million yen or with the price of 1.05 million yen.

For example,let’s suppose that we bought a national debt of which face value is a…

No.138 18/05/18 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The interest rate of the national bond of which period for redeeming is ten years indicates the criterion of Japan.】

《National debt is a bond which a nation issues in order to provide money for the budget.》

If the interest rate is 6 percent,we can receive it twice a year by 1500yen,though the interest rate is so low,and it’s 0.1 percent when this description was written.

We can sell the national debt every time like a stock,but the selling price is the current price 時価.

If the interest rate of the national debt in the market is higher than the one which we bought in the past,the national debt won’t be sold more than five thousand yen.

On the other hand the interest rate in the market goes down,the national debt will be sold more than five thousand yen.

《Interest rate of national debt or return for a general investors. 》

When buying the national debt and investing in it,the most tiresome is the relation between the price of national debt and its interest rate. Without being…

No.137 18/05/18 21:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The interest rate of national bond of which period for redeeming is ten years indicates the criterion of the nation.】

《National debt is a bond which a nation issues in order to provide money for the budget.》

It is said that the financial standard of the national debt of which period the bond is redeemed is ten years indicates the finance of the nation,for we can estimate approximate growth rate of inflation.

The national debt is a bond which a nation issues. Why does the nation issue the bond? The nation has to make up for a deficit in revenue which the nation can’t provide with the national budget.

Paying the interest rate and the day of the bond expires are fixed. If buying the national debt,we can receive its interest rate periodically,and when being redeemed,we can receive the amount of money which is mentioned on the national debt.

There are several kinds on the national debt on which period for redeeming is ten years. Its face value is from fifty thousand yen a bond.

No.136 18/05/18 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Other numbers which we should make sure with the economic indicator.】

《独 ifo 景況感指数 and the number of cars are sold in Japan.》

On the other hand we must keep an eye on the number of cars are sold in Japan,for the auto industry has great influenced on around things.

It is said that 5 million of cars are sold,it’s all right. 5.692 million of cars were sold in 2013in Japan,and 5.297 million in 2014. The number was less than 5 million in 2015,it’s 4.938 million.

There is a trend among the young who have been away from driving a car,a problem on mileage,and so on. Those things are behind the situation in which lots of people who drive a car have decreased.

【Interest rate of national debt of 10 years shows us the criterion of Japan.】

《National debt is a bond which a nation issues so as to provide the money for a budget.》

The national debt of 10 years is the one of which period is for ten years to redeem a government bond. Its rate of return 利回り is shown in the economic newspaper.

No.135 18/05/18 01:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Other numbers which we should make sure with the economic indicator.】

《We should pay attention to American employment.》

…so,what America adopted new employees previous month is very important,for the number rebounds on Japanese interest rate,foreign exchange,and the movement in stock price at once.

《独ifo景況感指数 and the number of cars are sold in Japan.》

独ifo 景況感指数 which we should pay attention on the page of Europe in the economic newspaper. It’s the number of index on economy which German think tank announces,and it’s equivalent to a short–term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan 日銀短観. If it’s firm tone,we can say Europe is all right.

The scale of economy of Germany isn’t only big extremely in the Europe,but there are lots of cases in which other countries around Germany supply for Germany and it pays its business,

The number of standard is the one in 2005 and it’s 100,and it’s 111.0 December in 2016,so it’s firm tone.

On the other hand,we must keep an eye on the number…

No.134 18/05/18 00:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Other numbers which we should make sure with the economic indicator.】

《We should pay attention to American employment.》

It’s increase and decrease on American employment except for agricultural department.

Lots of people can hardly wait for the publish running,and they stay and wait for it in the evening first Friday every month,for it’s so important number that there used to be service to inform no more than some seconds earlier for readers who are in charge of a fee.

If there is an unusual number there,it will be explained in a morning edition in the next day,for then it’ll have greatly influenced on the stock price and foreign exchange.

There used to be 43 thousand May in 2016,and plenty of people were surprised at the number and the atmosphere that the interest rate goes up vanished at a time.

Its appropriate number is from 200 million to 300 million a year,and two thousand hundred is proper a month.

America which is one of movers and shakers of world finance…

No.133 18/05/17 23:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with consumer price index.】

《アベノミクス has been away from its achivement.》

The rising countries means BRICs which was popular way of saying,taking the initial from the countries like Brazil,Russia,India,China and South Africa. Other new countries like Indonesia,Vienna,Turkey,and Mexico are included.

【Other numbers which we should make sure with the economic indicator.】

《We should pay attention to American employment.》

Lots of professional on economy hardly wait to look at the economic indicator was run,and stay and wait for its publish in the evening of the first Friday night every month.

It’s so important number that there used to be the service to inform the number no more than some seconds earlier for readers who were in charge of a fee.

If there is unusual number there,it will be explained in the next morning edition of the economic newspaper,for then it’ll have greatly influence on stock price and foreign exchange.

There used to be 43…

No.132 18/05/17 23:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the consumer price index.】

《The achievement of aim for the アベノミクス has disappeared form our view.》

アベノミクス declared 2 percent of inflation and aimed at increasing the salary of the nation and trying to connect it with expansion of consumption,but when looking at the number alone,we are forced to think that アベノミクス has been away from its achivement.

It seems that tax increase of 8 percent of consumption tax has worked on the economic situation even just now.

Japan and each country in Europe can’t escape from the situation of the rate of zero that the price goes up and deflation that the price goes down. The situation continues for a long time.

For instance,America has 0.1 percent in 2015,comparing it with the previous year,and in Euro sphere of Europe with England, it’s 0,0,

Rising nations have high economic growth rate relatively,especially some countries which aren’t blessed with resource tend to elevate the inflation. The rising country…

No.131 18/05/16 23:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the consumer price index.】

《We can recognize it whether it’s inflation or deflation as if it were the temperature of the person.》

When the temperature is too high,it’s equivalent to inflation.

When the whole economy is upturn simply,the CPI tends to go up,and it goes bad,the CPI is also apt to down turn. As to the CPI,if understanding like that,it’s all right.

Japan is apt to be hypothermia,and the Bank of Japan aims at rising the number of the CPI and is in the middle of a tough fight.

《Achievement of aim for the アベノミクス has disappeared from our view.》

I’m going to see the real number on the CPI on the economic indicator.

It went up by 0.8 percent in 2013 when comparing it with the previous year,and it went by 2.8 percent in 2014,but it wasn’t so good,the number was same as the previous year in 2015,and it went down by 0.2 in 2016.

The situation means returning to deflation.

アベノミクス declared 2 percent of inflation,and aimed at…

No.130 18/05/16 22:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response』

In a word,everyone has tried to supress the amount of money which should be spent on the consumption. Will there be the expansion for the number in near future. We need to watch its trend.

【We can see the economic situation with a consumer price index 消費者物価指数.】

《We can recognize it whether it’s inflation or deflation as if it were the temperature of a person.》

The consumer price index is called sometimes CPI. It’s, as it were,equivalent to a clinical thermometer for the economic situation.

When being in a bad healthy condition,and going to hospital,at first we take our temperature. When wanting to inspect the economic situation,the CPI is useful like the clinic thermometer.

For instance,the temperature of our body is too low,it’s dangerous because of hypothermia 低体症. The situation is deflation in a point of economic vies.

Contrary to it,if the temperature is high,it is possible of fever. When the temperature is too high,it’s equivalent to….

No.129 18/05/16 21:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of GDP and we see how much the economy recovers with the consumer spending.】

《Everyone has tried to supress its consumption.》

After the bubble economy,enterprises have replaced a regular employment with non regular employment,and personnel expenses has been reduced,,the money which is spent on consumption decreased.

In addition,lots of people who are in such an unstable position of non regular employment has been in fear of their future,so expansion of consumption seems to be hard.

Besides,we can’t expect social security which accounts for 30 percent of the national budget expands,so we’re forced to secure our funds for ourselves in our old ages.

Expansions of earned income or reduction of tax is short cut to the expansion for the consumption spending,but all things considered in the present economic situation,tax increase may happen,but reduction for tax won’t.

In short,everyone has tried supress the amount of money which should be…

No.128 18/05/16 21:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of the GDP and we see how the economy recover with the consumer spending.】

《Everyone has tried to supress its consumption.》

The consumption spending has been shown with increase/decrease rate on the economic newspaper,but its real number has never been indicated,but it seemed it used to be about one hundred thousand yen a month in 1973.

After that it became double,two hundred thousand yen a month in five years,and its amount of money reached its peak at the end of the bubble economy. It rose to a little more than three hundred thirty thousand yen in 1993,and after that it has decreased every year.

The consumer spending has been around two hundred eighty thousand yen for the past few years,and it’s as same as the latter in 1980s.

There seems to be several reasons for the low consumer spending,but its major cause is an income doesn’t expand.

After the bubble economy,enterprises have replaced …

No.127 18/05/16 20:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the number of the companies which went bankrupt.】

《An outcome from アベノミクス and our hope form now on.》

Japanese government should make demand with a plan from a large scale of budget of economic step. In short it will make a business itself be born. As a result,the number of companies which go bankrupt and the total amount of debt will decrease.

The third arrow, if a growth strategy which arises private investigation goes well,Japanese economy will be on track,and as to its outcome,we have to watch from now on.

【Consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of the GDP.and we see how much the economy recovers with the consumer spending.】

《If a personal consumption doesn’t expand,the economy won’t recover.》

Each of us and family member spend some money so as to lead life,and we call the money consumer spending.

As consumer spending accounts for 60 percent of the component in GDP,if the consumer spending doesn’t extend,the economy won’t recover.

No.126 18/05/15 23:16
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the number of companies which went bankrupt.】

《An outcome from アベノミクス and our hope from now on.》

…and we used to aimed at being 150 billion of the total amount of debt a month,but it’s been around a hundred billion yen at present.

The number of companies which went bankrupt and total number of debt have decrease like that because of outcome of what is called アベノミクス.

You may have heard of three arrows in the アベノミクス,and it seems that two of the three have gone smoothly.

Bold financial policy has made the interest rate low,and the market has been filled with money,and it’s the first arrow. In this situation,even if a company which has lots of borrowed money or of which management is went into financial difficulties,they can manage to continue its business.

The second arrow is a mobile economic policy. The Japanese government should make the demand on a tentative plan…

No.125 18/05/15 22:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【We can see the economic situation with the number of companies which went bankrupt.】

《Both of bankruptcy and total amount of debt tend to decrease.》

By the way,Japanese government has appealed lately that the number of companies which went bankrupt decreased. What’s its actual number?

When looking at the page of economic indicator in the economic newspaper,it’s 10536 in 2013,and 8684 in 2015,actually it’s decreased.

The largest number of the companies which went bankrupt after the bubble economy was 19.164 in 2001 when Japanese government announced Japan suffered from deflation for the first time after the World War Ⅱ. The number is more than twice as much as that in 2015.

Roughly speaking,the companies from 1500 to 2000 went bankrupt every month in 2001. The number of the companies which went bankrupt was less than 700 for the first time since 1990s. It was 693 November in 2016.

The total amount of debt has decreased since 2015,and we used to be aiming at 150 billion yen a…

No.124 18/05/15 21:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What we can understand from unemployment rate in Japan. A problem hidden in a number.】

《Non permanent workers account for no less than 40 percent of the total of employees.》

…and the average of unemployment rate was over 20 percent each country in Europe,and unemployment rate on the youth reached no less than 50 percent at one time.

It’s possible that the number of 3 percent on the unemployment rate in our country may have been a better situation.

【We can see the economic situation with the number of companies which went bankrupt.】

《Both of bankruptcy and debt of total amount tend to decrease.》

All the enterprises don’t continue to exist forever. The ones who don’t keep up with the time and the others who don’t have any demand give up its business or go bankrupt.

The number of the company which goes bankrupt is closely related with the economy situation. The better the economic situation is the less the number of the company goes bankrupt. The worse,the more it increases.

No.123 18/05/15 21:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A thing which we can understand from unemployment rate in Japan. A problem hidden in the number.】

《Non permanent workers account for no less than 40 percent of the total of the employees.》

There was a discussion that we the Japanese couldn’t fight against other countries with regard to economy,so the employers have adopted variable cost,so non permanent workers have accounted for no less than 40 percent ot the whole labor.

On the other hand,if the economy remains stagnant,and the achievement of the business isn’t satisfactory,the employer is admitted to discharge the employee in the U.S.A.

On the contrary,a person who is talented and is asked to work for the company takes a firm stand against the employers. Actually it seemed that the unemployment rate rose to about 25 percent in the great panic in the U.S.A.in 1930s.

In the European economic crisis,the number of unemployed people rose in some countries like Portugal,Ireland,Greece,and Spain in Europe,and the average of the …

No.122 18/05/15 20:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A thing which we can understand from unemployment rate in Japan. A problem hidden among the number.】

《Japanese unemployment rate is low in the world.》

It means that unless picking and choosing a job,we can manage to find any job. Actually when looking at the number,the unemployment rate changes around 3 percent.

《Irregular employees account for no less than 40 percent in the total number of employees.》

There is a problem in the part which isn’t shown on the number.

The total number of the employees are about 57 million,and 60 percent of the employees are regular ones,and the rest of the 40 percent is in an unstable employment agreement like a temporary staff,a contract worker,or part–time 嘱託. In short they are non fulltime workers.

It was said that discharging a labor is hard to do in Japan. Japanese companies’ family consciousness and the way of Japanese management hadn’t made the employees discharged easily even if the business was slow. There had been the tendency in Japan.

No.121 18/05/15 19:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is Japan a trade surplus country or a trade deficit country?】

《Japan used to be a trade deficit country.》

As a result,while our country’s debt is twice as much as our GDP,the whole world relies on yen in emergency as stable currency.

【A thing which we can understand from an unemployment rare in Japan.】

《Japanese unemployment rare is low in the world.》

There are some indexes on a labor in the economic indicator. The author said what he wants to make sure the most in the economic indicator is the absolute unemployment rate.

The number of unemployed people who want to work divided by the population of labors is the absolute unemployment rate.

The management of Japanese way of lifetime employment and rapid economic growth,and inflation to some extent continued after 1945,so there was few chance that unemployment becomes a social problem continuously.

There has never been a situation that a town was filled with unemployed people,and it became a social problem like other countries.

No.120 18/05/14 23:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is Japan a trade surplus country or a trade deficit country?】

《Japan used to be a trade deficit country.》

If looking at the amount of the money both on the export and import in 1950s,the import was 348 billion yen and export was 298 billion yen,so our country’s trade was fairly in the red. Japan used to be originally a county of trade deficit.

The tendency continued for a while,and the next year of the Tokyo Olympic in 1965,the export was ahead of the import for the first time after the World War Ⅱ

After that our country went through the oil crisis,it saved up foreign currency and foreign investment from our country expanded,and our country has been be proud of foreign currency reserves 外貨準備高 which is eminent and external net assets which is the first place in the world.

As a result our country’s debt is …

By the way,I’m a little tired and sleepy,so I have to take a rest. Good night everybody...

No.119 18/05/14 22:38
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Is Japan a trade surplus country or a trade deficit country?】

《The image in the past is different from the present situation.》

Foreign countries used to criticize our export like a local downpower,so we may have had an impression that ou country is always a trade surplus.but our country’s trade fell into a deficit since around 2011.

A nuclear power plant disaster happened after the large scale of earthquake disaster in Tohoku region,so the price on import of natural gas piled up, and some people said it increased 0.3 billion yen a year.

We were 0.11 billion yen in the red on the natural gas in 2015,but if comparing it with the one in the previous year,the amount of the money on deficit decreased sharply owing to low price of crude oil.

《Japan used to be a trade deficit country.》

We can look at trade balances in detail after the World War Ⅱ from 1950 to the present time in a homepage of the Ministry of Finance.

If looking at the amount of money on export and import in 1950s…

No.118 18/05/14 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

Our country’s personal spending accounts for no less than 60 % in the GDP,so it means that the personal spending has boosted the GDP.

【Is Japan a trade surplus country or a trade deficit country?】

《The imagination in the past is different from the present situation.》

Do you know Japanese amount of trade? Its scale has been from 7 billion to 8 billion yen lately. The number is also run at the page of economic indicator in the economic newspaper.

Each of the amount of money on export an import is run,and if calculating,(the amount of money on export minus the amount of money on import),we can know whether it’s surplus or deficit. We should always be careful of the background behind both approximate amount of the money on export and import.

Has the trade balance in Japan surplus or deficit lately?

I’ve thought that almost all of us learned in school that resource was so scarce in our country that our improvement trade maintained our country.

No.117 18/05/14 20:59
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Let’s reexamine the GDP with a point of global view.】

《If comparing our GDP with other country’s,we should use dollar.》

When Naoto Kan and Yukio Hatoyama were the Prime Minister,Japanese GDP was 0.6 billion dollars,but it’s a little more than 0.4 billion dollar at present. It has decreased.

It is said that the economic situation has been better since Mr.Abe becomes the Prime Minister,but when converting into dollars,the scale of economy becomes smaller.

As to the GDP per person,it used to take the third place in the world in 1959,but it dropped to 26th 2017. By the way,the first place is a small country in Europe,Luxembourg,which is in the middle of winning in a walk.

However,while Japanese population used to be about 45 million in 1900,it’s one hundred and twenty million at present. It is said it becomes 45 million again in 2100.If the economic scale of 50 billion yen continues,it seems that we have to say it's excellent.

Element which makes up with the GDP depends on.

No.116 18/05/14 20:30
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Let’s reexamine the GDP from a point of global view.】

《We can recognize whether or not a country is wealthy with the GDP per person.》

…for the population is different altogether. If wanting to know whether the country is rich or poor,we should compare the GDP per a person with other one in other country.

For example,there has been a news that China got ahead of Japan with regard to the GDP,but Chinese population is 10 times as much as that of Japan,as for the GDP per person,China is one–fourth of Japan.

《If comparing our country’s GDP with other’s,we should use dollar.》

When the GDP is shown,we the Japanese use yen,but when comparing a country’s GDP with other’s,IMF uses dollar,and if converting Japanese GDP into dollar, what's happened?

Japanese GDP has been about 50 billion yen for a quarter of a century,it hasn’t changed very much,but if converting the Japanese GDP which was showed with yen into dollars…

When Naoto Kan or Yukio Hatoyama were the Prime Minister,the GDP used…

No.115 18/05/14 19:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

《Continuation of the last response.》

The amount of product:(price 150yen –original cost 100)×amount of the bread which was sold 200=10,000yen

The latter one laid in materials with 80yen and sold an ice cream with 100yen,and sold a thousand ice creams a year.

The amount of product: (price 100yen –original cost 80yen)×amount of the ice cream which was sold 1.000 =20,000yen.

The GDP: the amount of the product of the former plus the latter’one so it’s 30.000yen,so the GDP is 30.000yen.

【Let’s reexamine the GDP from a point of global view.】

《We can recognize whether or not a country is wealthy with the GDP per person.》

When trying to understand the number,we should take an interest in the number in the past,in the one in the attribute,and the one in foreign countries.said the author.

As to the attribute and foreign countries,it means we reexamine the number again from a view of global point,but if comparing with the GDP alone,recognizing the economic situation is hard to grasp,for…

No.114 18/05/13 22:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【I’m going to see the economic situation with GDP.】

《Japanese GDP remains stagnant no less than a quarter of a century.》

GDP is run on the upper left of the page of economy indicator on Monday edition of the economic newspaper. There are two kinds of number there. The one is the inflation–adjusted economic growth rate,and the other is the nominal economic growth rate.

Each of them is a little more than 50 billion yen. Roughly speaking,Japanese GDP is 50 billion yen. By the way,Japanese GDP has been 50 billion yen for a quarter of a century. In short, Japanese economy remains stagnant.

Needless to say,it is hard to say the economic situation is healthy. There has been a rumor that the we make GDP 60 billion yen,but what will happen in the future?

The way of calculating the GDP. It’s a country which has two companies alone. The one sells an ice cream and the other a

The former one laid in materials with 100 yen and sells the bread with 150 yen,and sold 200 bread a year.

No.113 18/05/13 21:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【I’m going to see the economic situation with GDP.】

《The ideal value for the economic growth of GDP is more than 3% in the whole world every year.》

Going on increasing weight and decreasing weight is a problem,the weight which maintains healthy condition is ideal,but,the economy is different.

As for the GDP,if it’s bigger than the last year,we judge the economy grew,and if the GDP is same as the last year,it means the economy is stagnant.

However,if the economic growth is too sharp,it’s also a problem. Both of steep rise and sharp reduce on the economic growth is a problem.

As to the growth rate of the GDP which is satisfactory,roughly speaking,it’s from 1 to 3% in a developed country,and from 5 to 7% in a rising nation. As to the whole world,without being more than 3 % of the economic growth every year, it is said it’s dangerous.

It’s over 3% a little at present,according to IMF,we manage to think it’s safe.

《Japanese GDP remains stagnant no less than a quarter of a century.》

No.112 18/05/13 21:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

The author recommended we should get into the habit of making it a rule to write down the number on a notebook. His acquaintance have had record on interest rate,foreign exchange,and ocean freight over decades. We can do it in a few minutes,so please start it from today,the author said like that.

【I’m going to see the economic situation with GDP.】

《The GDP is a basic thing which we make sure the economic situation.》

It is a page of economic indicator which we should make sure in the economic newspaper every day,especially an important indicator is the GDP.

GDP is as if it were a barometer with which we can see the economic situation.

A fortune or service have been made in our county. Its total amount of additional value for a year is the GDP. American economist,Kuznets thought of the GDP more than eighty years ago. He is well known for receiving a Nobel prize in 1971.

《More than 3% of economic growth in the world every year. It’s ideal …》

No.111 18/05/13 14:25
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we’ll be able to take advantage of it in our work.】

『A number in an attribute like age and regional difference.』

The number is different according to ages and regional difference of the objection of research,so we should classify them according to its attribute.

For example,finding an area where the average salary is the lowest in Japan and it’s the highest in Japan. If there is a correlation between them,what is its background?

『The number in foreign countries.』

After looking at the number in our country,please trying to pay attention to the one in foreign countries. If knowing the change of population,space,GDP,GDP for a single person,the inflation–adjusted economic growth rate,it’s all right.

Element which makes up with the GDP,and what rises in the GDP? If being able to recognize them,we’lol be able to be a splendid salaried worker of professional.

The author recommends that we should make it a rule to write down the…

No.110 18/05/13 13:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we’ll be able to make use of it in our work.】

《Three knacks when understanding the number.》

Being based on the number is different from the one with a guess so much that the possibility that it appears again rises.

When reading the newspaper,if paying attention to the number and reading articles,we’ll be able to grasp the articles more deeply and be good at the number.

If being good at the number,there is no doubt that it’s useful in our work actually. I’m going to say three knacks for grasping the number.

1『A number in the past.』

After looking at the present number,we should do the number in the past,and the change of the number for the past a decade is desirable.

What can we understand from the changing number and if framed a hypothesis,what is it? If we can think of it,our boss will have a better opinion of us.

2『A number in attribute like age,or area.』

The number is different according to age and regional difference…

No.109 18/05/13 13:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we'll be able to take advantage of it in our work.】

《Four elements of p,d,c,a, rotates with the number.》

As doing something effective,it means the d of the four elements. Comparing the two numbers and verifying them. The one number is the result and ther other one is the goal. We need to check them carefully. It’s the c of the four elements.

Finding things which we should improve from the verified result and raising accuracy of the number. As taking action so as to improve,it’s the a of the four elements.

Even if the hypothesis framed from the number is against our expectation and we can’t obtain any success,we can raise the accuracy of the number and verify from other number again. It raises the possibility which we gain brilliant result. The number becomes a scientific base which we can verify.

The p,d,c,a cycle which is indispensable for our work goes on and at the same time we have to check the number. Being based in…

No.108 18/05/13 12:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we’ll be able to make use of it in our job.】

《Four elements,p,d,c,a cycle rotates with the number.》

In convenience stores managed by major company,a rice ball of plum pickles 梅干し was sold so much in hot summer that it sold out at once. All the convenience stores were near ports.

Judging from the information they analyzed,the plum pickles which isn’t easy to be damaged is better than other packed lunch or other rice ball of sea urchin ウニ on board the ship at high temperature in summer.

The convenience chain stores framed a hypothesis from a nature of the area,weather at once. They stocked a large amount of rice ball of plum pickles in the chain store at the harbor where fishing boats started on weekend,and the demand was takin in the chain store.

Thus the number is deeply related with the economic phenomenon. Framing the hypothesis,it’s a plan of four element,so we call it p,and then we take into action. As doing something…

No.107 18/05/13 11:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we’ll be able to make use of it in our work.】

《Four elements,p,d.c.a cycle rotates with the number.》

There may have been some people who are poor at math,but please don’t have to be worried about it a bit. We don’t need a difficult calculation and equation a bit.

For example,a disposable diaper 紙おむつ and a canned beer have been bought all together frequently in a supermarket. Do you know it?

The disposable diaper is so bulky that a young father in thirties tends to be in charge of buying it,then he buys his beer together.

There was a supermarket which found it from data of sales,and it provided a special counter for the beer beside the place where the disposable diaper was sold. Needless to say,its attempt was a great success.

The relation between the disposable diaper and the canned beer verified from the data of sales has been common knowledge in the retailing business.

In a major convenience store,a rice ball of plum…

No.106 18/05/13 11:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Basic knowledge which we should know at least.》

A number, and technical terms which are useful if we know are selected carefully in this book,and the author told the readers them in plain words as easy as it possible.

Even if reading it slowly,it takes a few days at most to read through it. If reading it twice,you are perfect,but economic phenomenon goes on changing day by day.

Let’s check the number which you remember in this book in the economic newspaper every week and updating it,or others must take off their hat to you in your workplace.

The author said like that. Is it so? Does the thing go smoothly? I’m doubtful about it.

【If being good at a number at the economic newspaper,we can take advantage of it in our work.】

《Four elements,p,d,c,a cycle rotates with the number.》

If being good at the number with the economic newspaper,we can make use of it in our job. When working, being based on the number and we always judge and take into action.

There are some…

No.105 18/05/12 11:11
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《Basic knowledge which we should know at least.》

For example,the scale of Japanese GDP,the rate of unemployment,return of national debt of Japan for a decade,both of the price of gold and crude oil. Can we answer them exactly?

How much is the inflation–adjusted economic growth rate 実質経済成長率?

IMF announces the growth rate of the economy on the whole world and on eachthe growth rate on each nation once each three month. In Japan,it has been reported in details. Do you know that?

Every if we don’t know them a bit at presen,it’s all right. As long as reading through this book once,we’ll learn to understand events in the world perfectly.

It’s just that we need a magnifying glass so as to understand the actual economic world. It’s this book.

While we don’t have to learn deeply and minutely,the one who wants to do deeply and minutely as if we made use of a telescope or microscope find its easy to read when reading the economic newspaper as long as we read through this book.

No.104 18/05/12 08:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


《The basic knowledge which we should know at least.》

When listening to a popular scholar saying on an interesting economic thing we may have impressed and understood it,but after 30 minutes,if trying to remember it,we can’t even the plot of the scholar’s explanation.

Or though trying to study on economy so as to speak in a meeting in our company,we couldn’t keep our resolution longer than a day or two,for we don’t have base of basic knowledge on economy.

It seems that lots of people don’t know the scale of the Japanese economy,its growth rate,a return 利回り from a national debt of Japan and America during a decade. They seem to have no idea on the value of gold and crude oil,of course I’m also one of them.

Without knowing interest rates,foreign exchange,trade balance,and unemployment,it’s impossible for us to catch any movements in society,but do we know the number which is the base of basic things?

For example,the scale of Japanese GDP,rate of unemployment…

No.103 18/05/12 07:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the President of Nihon TV resign?】

《Collecting information to support its truth is indispensable.》

The staff should have doubted at least once and at the same time should have investigated whether or not what the man said was true.

Mass media has to make sure whether or not saying is true. We call it collecting information to support its truth. Both a newspaper company and a TV station have to do it. It’s a basic thing.

If they collected enough information to support the truth,the staff could have recognized what the man said was questionable,but they neglected it. There was a problem in it.

When making a mistake,everyone needs to correct it and to take responsibility for it,but it had not been done enough,so the president himself took responsibility for it.

By the way,at last I can move to other topic. I’m going to start a book of which title,『Understanding the Japanese economy newspaper smoothly.』though I’ve never subscribe even a newspaper,but I’m interested in it.

No.102 18/05/12 06:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the President of Nihon TV station resign?】

《When its program was broadcast it had a problem.》

The TV program apologized that its broadcast was in the wrong.

Its President said like that,“There seemed to be lots of problems from the way of collecting information to the way of dealing with the wrong broadcast.I’m going to take responsibility for it and resign,and I want all the staff to understand it’s a serious problem.”

Even after the wrong broadcast,there had never been enough reflection on the broadcast in the TV station,so the President seemed to got angry with it.

《Collecting information to support its truth is essential.》

The staff on collecting information believed in what the man said easily,and there was a problem in it. The false evidence showed that Gifu prefecture committed such the crime,and the staff thought as if the man had been a champion of justice,so they ended up believing in the false evidence.

They should have doubted once and at the same time…

No.101 18/05/11 01:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the President of Nihon TV station resign?】

《When its program was broadcast the program had a problem.》

Gifu prefecture was very surprised at the program and investigated what the subcontractor said,but there had never been the fact at all,and it demanded Nihon TV station investigate the content of the program and correct it.

And the Nihon TV station researched again,the one who testified was used to be a director in a construction firm and he admitted that his testimony was a lie.

He showed the staff on the Nihon TV station the record of sending money to the bank as evidence,but it was actually forged.

《The one who gave false evidence was arrested.》

Gifu prefecture complained to the police about the man that Gifu prefecture took a large amount of time to research and was obstructed its work by the man,so he was arrested by the police.

He said to the police like that.“If speaking the story to the TV station,I thought the TV station would give me a reward.”

No.100 18/05/11 00:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the President of Nihon TV station resign?】

《When its own program was broadcast the program had a problem.》

…for its program had a problem and the President took responsibility for it. The problem has shown us how essential to collect information on the program whether or not the testimony is true.

The program used to be broadcast every Saturday at 6 p.m. It took various questions in the society and its audience rating used to be high and was the representative program for the TV station.

The content of the program in question was like the next.

An office of contractor in Gifu prefecture pretended to ask a subconstructor a construction,though it wasn’t done actually,the office paid the money for the subconstructor and after that made the subconstructor pay back the money to the office. The office had hidden the money as bribe.

A constructor in Gifu prefecture said at an interview anonymously in the program,then his face was also hidden on the screen.

Gifu prefecture …

No.99 18/05/10 23:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Temporary staff used to be a social question. Why?】

《The word by the temporary staff used to be limited to a handful people.》

The work on the factory had not been permitted by the temporary staff,for instead of full–fledged staff,if the factory employs only the temporary staff,there had been fear that technical experts who had a long experience disappeared.

However,the work on the factory by the temporary staff has been admitted since 2004,for its aim is being able to adopt various ways of working,but when the market is dull once,the factory discharges the temporary staff easily.

It has been discussed that permitting the work by the temporary staff entirely may have been in the wrong.

【Why did the President of TV station of Nihon TV resign?】

《When Its own program on news was televised,the program had a problem,and the President took the responsibility for the program.》

The President of Nihon TV station resigned in 2009,for its program which broadcast was in the wrong and the…

No.98 18/05/10 21:33
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Temporary staff used to be a social question. Why?】

《When the market is dull,there are some people who lose their job suddenly and easily. They lose even a place to live.》

Lots of temporary staff live in an apartment house where the temporary company prepares for them,and the temporary company says some of them that the factory broke off their work and ask them to get out from the apartment house. Losing both of the places to live and to work. How miserable and unstable the temporary staff are!

《The work by the temporary staff used to be limited to a handful of people.》

The work by the temporary staff used to be limit to a few work for specialists on computer. There are no specialists on computer in an ordinary company,so when the company needs the specialists the company asked the specialists to come there.

The work on the factory had not been permitted by the temporary staff,for instead of the full–fledged staff,if the factory employees only the temporary staff,there will have…

No.97 18/05/10 20:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Temporary staff became a social question. Why?】

《When the market is dull,there are some people who lose their job suddenly and easily. They lose even a place to live.》

…and the temporary company pays its stuff some money which the temporary company received from the factory. The money which the temporary staff receives is less than the money which the temporary company does from the factory.

While If fhe factory tries to discharge a full–fledged staff,it’s hard,if the factory tries to do the same thing to the temporary staff,it’s just that the factory has only to say that the contract is over.

When the factory notices the temporary company that it doesn’t need the temporary staff any more,the work of the temporary staff will be broken off. It’s what is called 派遣切り.

Then as long as the temporary company gets other job for the temporary staff,the temporary staff can go on working,but otherwise,it suddenly becomes unemployed.

Lots of the temporary staff live in an apartment house…

No.96 18/05/10 00:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Temporary staff became social question,why?】

《When the market is dull,there are some people who lose their job easily and suddenly, They even lose the place to live.》

Regular employees contract with the company regularly and can work until mandarory retirement age as a general rule. They can’t be fired easily,and their position has been protected enough.

What is called 期間工 also contract with the company and work,but the period when they work is fixed from the beginning,and the period in which they contract is over they lose their job. They know it enough, If they work conscientiously,and the company evaluates enough,they have a chance to be employed as regular staff.

On the contrary,it doesn’t mean that the temporary employees contract with the company. They enter into sigh with a temporary company and are dispatched from the company to the factory.

The factory pays the money to the temporary company,and the temporary company paid its stuff some money from the money they…

No.95 18/05/10 00:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Temporary staff became a social question,why?】

《When the market is dull,there are some people who lose their job easily and suddenly,besides they lose even the place to live.》

When the market was dull at the autumn in 2008,temporary staff who work at a factory lose its work one after another. It’s what we call 派遣切り.

People who lose a place to live appeared one after another and it became a social question. The temporary staff used to be accepted partly in the past,but it was accepted in its entirely when this description was done,so 派遣切り became the social question.

There are some people who work at factories where a motorcar or home appliance are made, Except for full fledged employee,there are people called what is called 期間工 or temporary staff. They are also called irregular staff,for comparing them with the regular ones,they work on very unstable condition.

No.94 18/05/09 23:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The biggest motorcar company in the world went bankrupt.】

《In spite of unable to being sold the car,the burden with pension was heavy…》

…other cars which were made by Germany or Japan began to be bought gradually in America,and the benefit in the GM started to decrease so less that the company couldn’t manage to raise the money to develop the car which got good mileage or a hybrid car which moves with gasoline and a battery.

On the other hand,a Japanese car gets good mileage,so when the price of gasoline rises,people bought the Japanese cars,but they didn’t from the GM.

Resting on the glory in the past and neglecting effort usually. It’s what the GM had done.

GM decrease both the number of the plant and employee and tackles its reconstruction,but it hadn’t popular any hybrid car. Without making a popular car which is green to the environment,no one seems to triy to buy any cars.

【Temporary staff becomes a social question,why?】

《When the market is dull,there are some people …》

No.93 18/05/09 22:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The biggest motorcar company in the world went bankrupt.】

《No one hadn’t bought the car from the company so much that the burden with pension and health insurance for a full fledge employee so much.》

The motorcar was sold more and more and the company could make money so much that the company could pay a retired full fledge employee pension of plenty of money or even if the company could pay its full fledged employees,its family members or the one who retired from the company lots of money so as to enrich the system of the health insurance.

Then they said it’s not the company of General Motors but Generous Motors . The company went bankrupt and was nationalized company for the time being,so they say it becomes Government Motors.

《In spite of not being sold,the burden for pension was heavy…》

When the car was sold more and more,paying the money for the health insurance was being able to do,but other cars which were made by Germany or Japan began to be sold little by little…

No.92 18/05/09 21:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The biggest motorcar company in the world went bankrupt.】

《No one hadn’t bought the car from the company so much that a burden with pension and health insurance for a full fledged employee was so much.》

…and the companies pressed the GM to pay back them the money as soon as possible,but if paying back the money,the GM would lose its money which the motorcar company continue to work,so the company asked the court to put off them the money the company borrowed.

After that the plan of reconstructure plan for the motorcar company was arranged,and the court accepted it July and the motorcar was born as a new company then.

The GM was born in 1908,and it’s about a century ago. It produced and sold varied motorcars like Buick,Cadillac,and Chevrole. The company had been ranking 1 with regard to the number of selling the motorcar continued 77 consecutive until 2008 when Toyota was ahead of the GM.

The motorcar was sold more and more,and the company paid a retired full–fledged…

No.91 18/05/09 20:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The biggest motorcar company in the world went bankrupt.】

《No one hadn’t bought the motorcar so much that the burden with pension and health insurance for a full fledged employee was too much.》

When hearing the American moorcar company went under,we tend to think that the company went bankrupt and disappeared,but it didn’t.

There is a court which handles a bankruptcy of enterprise in the America,and the court specialize in it. The motorcar company asked the court to postpone paying the debt until the plan for rebuilding the management was arranged.The procedure is prescribed on the law on bankruptcy,and they call the situation going bankruptcy.

It doesn’t always mean that the motorcar company vanishes but it continues making the motorcar under the administration. The procedure resembles the civil rehabilitation law.

No one had tried to buy the car from the GM,and it ran the company and borrowed plenty of money from great many of companies,and the companies pressed the…

No.90 18/05/09 01:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is a New Green Deal?】

《Thinking over the environment and stimulative measurement for economy newly.》

Some people have pointed out that the measurement for the environment alone doesn’t become enough stimulative measurement against the economy,but we should follow the idea of changing the economic structure with a new plan.

【The biggest motorcar company in the world went bankrupt.】

《The motorcar hadn’t been sold so much and burden with pension and health insurance for a full-fledged employee was too much.》

GM who was the biggest company in the world for a long time until Toyota was ahead of it went bankrupt June in 2009.

Even if going bankrupt,it doesn’t that the company vanishesbu,butt the biggest company changes into a small ones and starts again.

While it was defeated by Japanese cars which get good mileage,the burden of pension and health insurance for regular employees was too much.

When hearing the American motor company went under,we tend to think that the company…

No.89 18/05/09 00:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is a Green New Deal?】

《Thinking over the environment and stimulative measures newly.》

Mr.Obama has respected Mr.Roosevelt and continued the study of the New Deal for a long time. As a result Mr.Obama came out with a Green New Deal,and the green means being good for the environment.

In short,he tried to putting effort into measures against the environment and made it link with the stimulative measures for economy.

The former Bush President wasn’t eager for the global warming because there was the petroleum industry behind him. On the contrary,the former Obama President was enthusiastc for the measurement against the global warming.

Mr.Obama tried to increase an energy which didn’t depend on the thermal power like a window power generation. If the new energy department developed, new companies are born and new jobs may be easily found. It’s the Green New Deal.

However there has been criticism that it’s too ideal. Some people pointed out that measurement for the environment …

No.88 18/05/09 00:19
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is a New Green Deal?】

《It’s stimulative measures which makes much of the environment by the Obama Government.》

But the Democratic Party thought that it doesn’t matter even if it’s a big govrnment,so it built roads and constructed dams all over the America.

The government let the young plant trees each place all over the America,and creating a condition when learning, the young could learn.

There has been a point of view that the New Deal was so effective that the economy recovered. On the other hand there has been other way of thinking that its effectiveness was limited,and it wasn’t the New Deal but the World War Ⅱ made the world economy recover.

Besides,there has been other point of view like the next. The invasion to other counries by Nazi Germany started in Europe,and plenty of money with people came to America,so American economy recovered.

《Thinking over the present environment and a new stimulative measures.》

Mr.Obama has respected Mr.Roosevelt and continued…

No.87 18/05/08 23:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is a Green New Deal?】

《It’s stimulative measures for economy which makes much of the environment by the Obama Government.》

When stock prices fell suddenly at the stock market in New York of America in 1929,the world economy fell into a serious crisis. We call it the world financial crisis.

Then American President belonged to the Republican Party. He didn’t think the government should intervene the economy in its country,and without taking stimulative measures,the economy in the world went bad further.

American people were disappointed at the President so much that they chose Roosevelt who was belonged to the Democra tic Party at a presidential election in 1932.

The policy with which the Roosevelt President came out was a New Deal. It was making a fresh start. He thought that he tried to convert the American economy altogether.

The Republican Party was what is called a small government and tried not to offer any funds for a public enterprise at all,but the Democratic Party…

No.86 18/05/08 22:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Suntory integrated with Kirin on business.】

《It’s all right if the name of the goods is the same.》

The two companies used to deliver the goods to the stores which the goods were sold respectively,but when integrating,they can share the delivery and decrease its cost drastically.

As it becomes a big company,its proficiency improved so much that it can purchase other companies each place in the world. It tries to develop into more gigantic company,

《How would other companies react?》

The beer company of Asahi and Sapporo used to be a single one but it was divided into two in 1949. Then Kirin was added to them,and the structure of the big three companies continued. Suntory found market not only whiskey but beer a market and it became the structure of big 4,and continued until recent.

Suntory integrated with Kirin,and what were Asahi and Sapporo going to do? We should pay attention to the two companies. What kind of steps would they come out with?

Oh! I feel like drinking a beer!

No.85 18/05/08 21:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Suntroy has intrigued with Kirin on business.】

《What does the holdings mean?》

Suntory had a closed game with regard to beer and been in the black when this description was done.

Turnover of beer and juice had neve gone up owing to the aging population combined with the diminishing number of children,so each company had struggled with their management.

So the companies didn’t expect that their turnover rise in Japan,and was putting a great deal of effort into advance for over overseas.

《It’s all right if a name of goods aren’t over.》

There were some people who may have be worried about what’s happened the name of the goods which has the name of the company. Two of the companies of the holdings integrated on business,so the name of the goods remained as it was.

For example,if Isetan and Mitsukoshi integrates on business,the department store which has the name of Isetan or Mitsukoshi manage as they are. It’s the same thing.

As to a beer or juice,Suntory and Kirin delivered them…

No.84 18/05/07 22:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Suntory integrated with Kirin on business.】

《Gigantic food industry will be born.》

It became clear that Kirin Holdings which was famous for Kirin beer integrated with Suntory which was well–known the canned coffee September in 2009.

Kirin Holdings was the biggest company in food industry,and Suntory Holdings ranked second. When integrating two of them,a gigantic food industry was born. Its turnover was about 0.38 billion yen,and the number of employees were about 55 thousand.

《What does the holdings mean?》

The holding means a kind of a parent company. It possesses shares of several group companies and pays the closest attention to the whole management of the group companies.

Kirin had ranked at the top in beer industry in Japan for a long time,but Asahi was ahead of Kirin in relation to the turnover on beer. Kirin had gone through many hardships on its management.

Suntory has ranked at the top in whiskey industry,but it had a close game with regard to beer,and but the company…

No.83 18/05/07 21:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A popular talent was in hospital owing to tuberculosis.】

《When the ability of immunity we contract it.》

They went to foreign countries where there were plenty of patients of tuberculosis or doing a part–time job where lots of people went in and out and inhaling tubercle bacillus. After that they were undernourished and being fatigue owing to irregular life and the ability of immunity was low,they fell ill.

The talent became popular and it was busy at its work and became fatigue,I’m wondering.

When we contract tuberculosis,its condition is same as the cold,and we tend to make light of the situation,but if coughing or having a slight fever continues,we need special medical attention.

There has been good medicine which is very effective for tuberculosis. Taking a rest and going on taking medicine more than half a year we’ll recover. We don’t have to be worried about so much,but we have to be careful of the illness,for it’s not the one in the past.

The next one is topics of economy.

No.82 18/05/07 21:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A popular talent was in hospital because of tuberculosis.】

《When the ability of immunity is low,we contract it.》

…and the shell becomes a core,so to speak,it’s as if the core were tied,if expressing in Japanese,it’s 核を結ぶ、so we call the illness 結核 in Japanese.

When I was an elementary schoolchild,we were examined whether or not we had immunity against tuberculosis. It’s called a tuberculin reaction. If having not the immunity,we were inoculated with ワクチンを接種する a vaccine called BCG.

Without examining with the tuberculin reaction,at present we are inoculated with BCG when we were infants.

Lots of people who contract tuberculosis in Japan are the aged. When being young they contracted a tubercle bacillus 結核菌,but they didn’t fell ill because the immunity functioned then,but when being old,the ability of immunity becomes weak,and they fall ill.

At the same time falling ill of the young becomes conspicuous. They went to foreign countries where there were lots of patients of…

No.81 18/05/07 20:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A popular talent was in hospital on account of tuberculosis.】

《No less than 25 thousand of people fall ill every year.》

There were about 25 thousand of people fell tuberculosis in 2007 according to an investigation by the authorities. Roughly speaking,same number of new patients appear every year.

There are 19.8 people who fell ill per 100 thousand in Japan,4.4 in Canada,and 4.5 in America,so the percentage of falling ill in Japan is high as developed country.

The one who contracts tuberculosis accounts for about 30 % of the population in the world,but even if being contracted,it doesn’t always mean they fall ill,and the ones who fall ill are about 9 million,and 2 million are dead every year.

As to tuberculosis,a tubercle bacillus 結核菌 goes in the human body,and we contact tuberculosis. Then immunity which is power fights against illness functions,and a cell of immunity tries to wipe out the tubercle bacillus and envelope it,and the bacteria is shut up in a shell,and the shell…

No.80 18/05/07 20:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A popular talent was in hospital thanks to tuberculosis.】

《Tuberculosis isn’t a sickness in the past,and 25 thousand of people have been taken ill every year.》

As a result each of TV stations were pressed by marking a list of members who made arrangement with the talent like a producer and others who were with the talent like a director,but fortunately there were no people who contracted tuberculosis then.

Shiki Masaoka who is famous for his haiku contracted tuberculosis and composed the haiku from his sickbed. The episode has been famous. A story of a hero who contracted tuberculosis frequently appeared in a novel in fhe old time. There was a novelist who wrote his novel in a sanatorium.

There has been an image that tuberculosis is a thing in the past when all of the Japanese were poor,but tuberculosis isn’t the illness like that.

《No less than 25 thousand of people are taken every year.》

There were about 25 thousand of people fell ill in 2007 according to an investigation by…

No.79 18/05/07 19:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.

Otherwise,the authorities can’t cracked down 取り締まる the drug enough.

【A popular talent was in hospital because of tuberculosis 結核.】

《Tuberculosis isn’t a illness in the past,so no less tha 25 thousand of people have been taken ill every year.》

A popular talent was in hospital owing to pulmonary tuberculosis 肺結核. There may have been lots of people surprised at the news.

When reading a book in the old day,tuberculosis frequently appeared in the story,but there have been plenty of people who suffering from the illness at present,but we don’t have to be worried about it,but we should be careful of our health.

The talent was popular among the people but after it turned that it suffered from tuberculosis,a health center 保健所 guided the TV stations and requested the TV stations to submit a list of the people who worked with the talent so as to investigate whether or not others contracted tuberculosis.

As a result each of TV stations were pressed by…

No.78 18/05/06 22:12
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has a marijuana case happened one after another?】

《There are loopholes in the law.》

…the seed itself doesn’t have any ingredients of the drug and it has been used as spices and as food for birds for a long time. Needless to say,the seed is heated and even if being planted,it can’t come into bud,but there are some people who take advangtage of the loopholes in the law illegally and import the seed.

Moreover strange to say,even if without permission having drug is against the law,there is some kind of drug which we inhale isn’t against the law.

Hemp 麻 of the 大麻 has been used in a shrimp as sacred straw rope しめ縄 in Japan,so there have been farmhouses which grow the hemp with a special permission and there has been scholars who have studied the hemp.

It is possibility that they inhale the ingredient of the hemp by mistake,but the law prevents them from being against the law. The law has to be arranged so as to close the loopholes in the law. Otherwise the drug won’t be cracked…

No.77 18/05/06 21:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has a marijuana case happened one after another?】

《University students who possessed and grew marijuana were arrested one after another.》

Holland has a plan that it permits a light marijuana conditionally so as to prevent the people from using other strong drug like cocsine or opium.

They traffic in drugs and try to make money because it’s prohibited,and without being forbidden,trafficking in drugs can’t stand up,so the criminals can’t make money with it. Holland has an idea like that.

Some people criticize the way of thinking,for once using drugs,they feel like wanting to use stronger one.

《There are loopholes 抜け穴 in the law.》

Without permission if having drug,we will be arrested because of being against the law in Japan,but having a seed of what is called 大麻草 isn’t against the law,so some people import the seed of 大麻草 from foreign countries in order to make money. They grow it in Japan and are arrested.

Strange to say,even if having its seed,it’s not against the law…

No.76 18/05/06 20:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has a marijuana case happened one after another?】

《University students who possessed or grew marijuana were arrested one after another.》

In Japan,without permission,if having the marijuana,it will be punished heavily. The heaviest sentence for it is 5 years’ imprisonment. Growing it for making money is a decade’s imprisonment which is the heaviest for the crime.Using drugs is such a grave crime that having them is sometimes sentenced to the capital punishment at Shingapore in Southeast Asia.

On the other hand using the drug is permitted conditionally at Holland in Europe. There are some countries where even if having the drug,it’s a minor offense. There is the one who gets the drug and smoke it casually there.

Inhaling marijuana used to be popular among the people like fashion in America in 1960s. To my surprise,both of the former President Clinton and Obama confessed that they used to use drug when being young. It seems that America has atmosphere making them use drug.

No.75 18/05/06 19:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has a marijuana case happened one after another?】

《University students who possessed or grow marijuana were arrested one after another.》

Needless to say,I’ve never used it,but when using marijuana,it seems to be pleasant in the beginning,but its effectiveness wear off,they feel pain,so they feel like wanting to buy the marijuana even if they spend a lot of money on the drug. There have been criminal groups which sell them the drug and make a big money. It’s a serious social problem.

Speaking of marijuana,a very few people used to possess in secret and to be arrested,but university students were arrested because of the marijuana one after another each place all over the world when this description was done.They used the drug casually and ruined their lives.

When using the marijuana,drying up the grass of marijuana and cutting into fine pieces and smoking like a cigarette.

Marijuana has been forbidden not only in Japan but in lots of foreign countries. In Japan without…

No.74 18/05/06 18:42
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has the law on organ transplant been revised ?】

《Operation on organ transplant overseas becomes hard to do.》

“All of you,the Diet members! When voting for the bill,please decide whether you are for it or you are against it with your own thought.”

As a result the brain dead was settled death as person regardless of its age. In addition when being alive,requiring to show its will to others,asking for organ transplant,is stopped. As long as the dead itself doesn’t refuse,the organ is donored with the agreement of the family members.

On the other hand it is fact there has been the people who are repulsed agains the idea that the brain dead is death as person.

Besides there have been children who were brain dead owning to their parent’ abuse. If the children’s organs are donored with the consent of their parent,there is fear that the evidence of the parent’s abuse may have been hidden.

Even if the law is revised,when applying it actually,we should be careful of it enough.

No.73 18/05/06 18:09
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has the law on the organ transplant been revised?】

《Operation on the organ transplant overseas becomes hard to do.》

We’d heard a young child went to America from financial aid by plenty of people on a news program on TV,for donating organ from a child want admitted in Japan.

The one who sought for the organ transplant overseas like the Japanese has increased so much that a business like the traffic in internal organ 臓器売買 has increased in developing countries. WHO has declared the plan of self–sufficient for internal organ with its own country so as to prevent the developing countries from doing the traffic in internal organ.

Thus there had been the movement which revised the law on the organ transplant.

The law on the organ transplant is related to an individual outlook on life,which phase should we regard it as being dead? There had been the voice that a plan was settled as political party wasn’t suitable,so lots of the political parties came out with a plan like the next.

No.72 18/05/06 17:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has the law on the organ transplant been revised?】

《Operation on organ transplant overseas becomes hard to do.》

…and when bing brain dead if its family members agree with the organ transplant,then it is regarded as the dead and being able to take out the heart from the body and the heart is transplanted to the other’s body.

By the way,it doesn’t always mean that I recommend all of us are willing to transplant our internal organ to other when we are dead. It’s a personal matter. Others should not say anything on it,needless to say,I won’t say anything it.

To return to my main topic,the organ transplant doesn’t seem to move ahead very much because there are few people who offers the organ transplant when being the brain dead.

Moreover,it’s limited that the one who can offer the organ transplant was15 and over,so a child who hope was to be operated on for the organ transplant couldn’t do in Japan,so it went to America and was operated there. A young child went to America from…

No.71 18/05/06 17:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why has the law on the organ transplant been revised?】

《Operation on organ transplant overseas becomes hard to do.》

…but with the development of the emergency medical care,a person in whose situation is brain dead started appear. For example,even if the one’s brain is dead on account of a traffic accident and its head was being hit strongly,as long as making it put on a respirator 人口呼吸器,its heart will go on moving.

If being able to recognize a person who is brain dead is dead from a medical point of view formerly,being able to take out the heart from the dead person,and it isn’t a murder.

When being brain dead it is possible that being able to be taken out the heart from the dead body and transplant the heart to a person who has suffered from illness,but then the next condition must be satisfied.

When being alive,declaring,“If my brain is dead,please transplant my internal organs to other”and writin it on a card and always carrying the card with it,and when being the brain…

No.70 18/05/06 13:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

If the system of the prescription changes,whether or not the new law will be applied for the cases in the past was to be re-examined. It was settled,but this description was written about a decade ago,so I’m not sure of the present situation.

What do you think on the system of the prescription?

【Why has the law on the organ transplant been revised?】

《Operation of an organ transplant overseas become hard to do.》

The law on an organ transplant in which taking out the heart form the one who is brain dead and transplanting it into other body was revised July in 2009.

It was said that death is stopping the heart for us the Japanese until 1997 when the law on the operation of an organ transplant was settled,so any of cardiac transplant operation had never been done in Japan until then.

Without a moving heart,no one can do the heart transplant operation,but if taking out the moving heart,it will be a murder case,but with the advance of emergency…

No.69 18/05/06 13:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consideration for prescription started.】

《Why has there been the system of prescription?》

…but when hearing,“A suspect on a case 30 years ago was caught.”,there is a possibility that a large part of the people can’t sense immediately both of the case and the suspect,but the victims and the family of the deceased should think,“We want the police to arrest and punish the criminal!”

Their feeling would not change even if decades should pass. For example,as to a murder case,when 15 years passed the case was prescription,but it was revised in 2005 and the number of the year until the prescription is 25 years.

Howevr,the law is applied for a case alone after 2005 when the law was revised. As to other crimes before 2005,when 15 years pass,it’s prescription,so there has been voice form the victims and the family of the deceased that wanting to stop the prescription.

As a result,the Ministry of Justice of public office which is in charge of law on the case started to reconsider the law.

No.68 18/05/06 12:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consdideration for prescription started.】

《Why has there been the system of prescription?》

The first one is the feeling of the criminal. It’s forced to lead a hard life of running about trying to escape from the police,getting scared. It continued for a long time,so the criminal has been punished enough.

The second one is finding its evidence and witness is hard. For example,if being caught of a suspect on a murder case which happened 30 years ago,there is possibility that actual place where the case happened may have been changed altogether,or there may not have been any witness who testifies the situation when the case happened. Then no one can investigate.

As to the police,if investigators who investigated the case retires at the age of limit,going on the investigation is hard.

The third one is the feeling of the people in the society. Immediately after a murder case happened,everyone thinks,“We can’t forgive the criminal. It should be punished strictly!”,but when hearing …

No.67 18/05/06 10:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consideration for prescription started.】

《There has been unsatisfaction for the people who were not punished even if they committed murder.》

As a result,the prescription should be abolished in relation to a grave crime like a death penalty as long as the one committed murder which deprived the other of the life. Except for the crime of murder,as to the prescription of the crimes,its time should expand,it was the final report on the prescription in 2009. I’m not sure of the present situation.

《Why has there been the system of prescription?》

Even if committing a grave crime like murder or robbery,running about trying to escape from the police for a long time,the prescription will come,the one who committed the crime won’t be arrested nor being brought case into the court any more.

There seem to be lots of people who know the system,but why has there been the system? There are main three grounds for it.

The first one is the feeling of the criminal. It’s forced to lead a hard…

No.66 18/05/06 09:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consideration for prescription started.】

《There has been unsatisfaction for the people who aren’t punished even if they committed murder.》

There is one thing to say in relation to the word of prescription. I try to use the word as 時効,but when happening to look up the word in English–English dictionary,there is no expression which is equivalent to 時効,but my electric dictionary indicates I should use the word.

I’m not sure whether or not the prescription is appropriate. I have little knowledge on English and I don’t have any other proper phrase,so I adopt the prescription.

Every if we commit a crime,when time passed to some extent,we aren’t punished. We call the system prescription. When being adopting the prescription,even if the one who committed murder,it wasn’t punished. Lots of people started to say it’s in the wrong,so the Ministry of Justice started to consider it.

As a result,the prescription has been abolished in relation to a grave crime like a death penalty as long as…

No.65 18/05/06 09:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【To begin with,what is the flu?】

《The human body fights against the virus.》

The immunity is the power to fight against the illness.

We are to be inoculated 予防接種を受ける against the flu to prevent us from being infected. Getting in the virus which isn’t activated in our body,and we make our body memorize the type of flu and we are immune to the flu.Howevr,the flu’s character is changing easily. When being born a new type,we need a new vaccine.

Except for the new vaccine,nothing will be effective against the flu of new type. When there is the flu of new type,a new vaccine is essential,and the new vaccine is prepared,and there is other new flu and there is new other vaccine…it’s limitless,though it can’t be helped.

Though I’ve said I was going to express on the flu,but I can’t do so great things as I expected.

【Consideration for the system of prescription started.】

《There has been unsatisfaction for the people who weren’t punished even if they committed murder.》

There is one thing …

No.64 18/05/06 08:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【To begin with,what is the flu?】

《Human body fights against the virus.》

The virus causes us to have fever and its condition is so serious that we can’t stand up. If being infected with the flu,without going to work,we have to cure it completely,and we are forced to waste our physical strength and it prevents us from curing and there is fear that others may be infected with our flu.

When being infected with the flu we had a high fever,for our body fights against the virus. The virus of the flu is dead with the heat of about 40 degrees,so our body tries to give off heat on purpose and the heat destroys the virus.

Then we cough and sneeze because our body tries to drive the virus out of our body. In short,there is plenty of virus in the cough whose the infected with the flu. The cough causes others to infect easily.

Once being caught with the flu,our body memorize the type of the virus and have ability to wipe out the virus next time. We call it immunity. The immunity is the power…

No.63 18/05/06 07:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【People who were infected with the new flu appeared one after another in Japan.】

It was done at Kansai and Narita airport May in 2009,then without making none of then get down form the plane in order to prevent the flu of new type which was found in Mexico and America coming into Japan. It is a shoreline operation,but this step had a limit.

The flu of new type had already come into Japan. The ones who were infected with the flu were discovered. They were students and their family who lived in Hyogo and Osaka prefecture.

By the way,it was a happening in the past and I’m not interested in it very much,so I’m going to omit them and am going to express on influenza itself.

【To begin with,what is the flu?】

When this description was done the flu of new type and other one were prevalent in Japan. To start with,what is the flu?

《Human’s body fights against the virus.》

The flu is caused by the virus of the flu. It causes us to have fever,and the condition is so serious that we can’t…

No.62 18/05/06 07:07
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Discovery of influenza of new type.】

《It was a swine flu.》

Or the young were so active that they had a lot of chance to contact with others,so they were infected easily…the details were unclear.

If the bird flu which was prevalent in the Southeast Asia changed into a new type and came into Japan,our country had taken various steps against it,for example,closing school.

As for the swine flu which was prevalent in America and Mexico, instead the swine flu WHO named it a flu of new type,so the Japanese government was to prepared for anything.

【People who were infected with the flu of new type appeared one after another in Japan.】

Quarantine officers 検疫官 who outfitted completely so as to prevent themselves from being infected went into the plane and examined carefully whether or not there was the one who were infected and had a fever.

It was done at Kansai and Narita airport May in 2009,then without making none of them getting down from the airplane so as to prevent the flu of…

No.61 18/05/06 05:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Discovery of influenza of new type.】

《It was a swine flu.》

…so lots of specialists had feared that the virus of the bird flu which was prevalent in the Southeast Asia changed,but the virus of the influenza which infect people not only infects a bird but a pig,in addition,the virus of the bird flu infects the pig.

If each virus which infects people,which infects the bird or the pig is mixed up in the body of the pig,so there is a possibility that a new type of virus was born. This time it was the new type of virus,for the one who had a swine flu in Mexico this time had never contacted with a pig at all. The infection of the virus continued among the people.

As for the influenza,a child and the old are easily infected,and they are taken seriously. In Mexico,lots of young and healthy people infected the virus.

Is the type of virus that the young are apt to be taken illness seriously ? Or the young were so active that they had lots of chance to be infected with others,so they were…

No.60 18/05/05 20:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Discovery of influenza of new type.】

《Influenza of new type which specialists had feared discovered at last.》

Influenza is caused by influenza virus. The virus is notorious not only infecting among people but infecting from a bird to people. When discovering a chicken or a quail which have a bird flu,we dispose of them so as to avoid infecting people.

There was no precedent that the bird flu infected from a bird to people in Japan,but the people who kept a chicken infected the flu from the chicken and were dead in India and China.

As for this type of influenza,it infected from the bird to people,but it didn’t among the people. If changing into a new type of virus which infects among people,there is a fear that the infection may have spread like hot cakes. The specialists had been worried about it.

《It was a swine flu.》

As for a new type of virus,none of the human has immunity,so it infects among the people easily,and there is danger that plenty of people die of them,so lots…

No.59 18/05/05 19:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation from the last response.』

As a result Israel attacked Gaza before the birth of the new Obama government,said some people like that.

I’m going to express the news in Japanese society,though the title of this book is 『We can understand the change of government』,but it has nothing to do with the name of the title…

【Discovery of influenza of new type】

《Influenza of new type which specialists had fear was discovered at last.》

Spring in 2009,all of us were relieved,for the winter when influenza was prevalent was over,but we received a news that there were some people who had swine flu from America and Mexico.

WHO which has gathered information on illness which is prevalent in the world announced that there was some doubt that there were lots of people who had swine flu. 7 in America,and 8 hundred in Mexico. All the American patients recovered,but 60 of Mexican were dead.

No.58 18/05/05 19:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did Israeli army carry the attack all the way to Gaza?】

《Hard–lines Hamas controls Gaza.》

Israel strengthened the pressure against the Hamas and blocked up Gaza. The people in Gaza ran short of food and fuel and they were cornered into hard life.

Hamas was enraged by Israel and it launched plenty of missiles from Gaza to Israel every day,and the attack caused casualties in Israel,so Israel also attacked Gaza. Israel thought it stopped Hamas from launching the missile.

Why Israel attacked Gaza then? Some people said Israel wanted to be settled before changing the American President. While the former President Bush wasn’t interested in the problem in the Middle East,he always supported Israel,for there had been lots of Americans of Jewish ancestry in America.

On the other hand,the former President Obama was eager for the peace for the Middle East. There was possibility that he may have put pressure on Israel that Israel should consider the Palestine.

As a result,Israel …

No.57 18/05/05 18:06
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did Israeli army carry the attack all the way to Gaza?】

《The battle broke out again in the Middle East at the beginning of 2009.》

The western bank of Jordan and Gaza becomes a self–governing dominion by Palestine,and self–government by Palestine has been admitted,and it has been dependent as Palestinian state.

The former President Clinton tackled the peace for the Palestine eagerly,but ran out of his time,so he resigned. After that the former Bush President wasn’t interested in the peace for the Middle East very much,so the problem didn’t go ahead at all.

《Hard–lines 強硬派 Hamas controls Gaza.》

Palestinian people were divided into two and were opposed to each other because of difference opinion between them.

The one who controls the western bank of Jordan is called Fatah,of which plan is to coexist with Israel,on the other hand the other who controls the Gaza didn’t admit the existence of Israel. It said it would fight until it drive away Israel.

Israel strengthen the…

No.56 18/05/05 17:32
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did Israeli army carry the attack all the way to Gaza?】

《The battle broke out again in the Middle East at the very beginning of 2009.》

In the middle of the Second World War,no less than 6 million of Jewish people who lived in Europe were slaughtered by the Nazis,so after the war the Jewish people thought they wanted to establish their own country and returned to their home,Israel and built their country.

However then Arabian people who were Muslims lived in the place where the Jewish people built their country. Most of the Arabian people were driven away from the place where they lived and became displaced people 故国を失った流民.

They are the one who were driven from their home,Palestine,so others have learned to call them Palestine before we realized it. The Palestine who were displaced people began to resist Israel.

Tragic battle continued and other countries in the world intermediated between them. Part of the area where Israel occupied was divided for the Palestine.

No.55 18/05/05 17:00
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did Israeli army carry the attack all the way to Gaza? 】

《The battle broke out again in the Middle East at the very beginning of 2009.》

…so plenty of the residents were involved with the battle and there were lots of casualties. It seemed that its number reached no less than 1.3 thousand. Israel tried to bring to an end before changing the American President January in 2009.

Israeli army had started to attack Gaza district in the Middle East since the end of 2008. In the beginning,the attack was air laid alone from a bomber,but tank corps invaded the third day January,and street fighting started. After all the Israeli army withdrew 21th day January,but there were lots of casualties.

The place where there is Israel used to be called Palestine long long ago. There used to be a Jewish kingdom too there about 2 centuries ago,but the kingdom collapsed,Jewish people scattered.

In the middle of the Second World War,no less than 6 million of Jewish people who lived in Europe were…

No.54 18/05/05 16:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the terrorism break out in India?】

《They used to be the one.》

There are some groups of Islamic radicals who live in Pakistan and they think they’ll fight for the Muslim who live in India,so they seemed to cause the terrorism.

Some of the radicals also seem to think that foreigners come to the country,and it made the country bad,so they set off the bomb at the high ranking hotel which plenty of foreign people stayed at.

When both India and Pakistan were the colony for the British,Mohandas Gandhi who led the independent movement called to the people,“Without using any violence,let’s accomplish our goal!”,though…

【Why did the Israeli army carry the attack all the way to Gaza?】

《The battle broke out in the Middle East at the very beginning of 2009.》

There is a group called Hamas which didn’t admit Israel to exist at Gaza district in the Middle East. The group launched lots of missile into Israel,and Israel was indignant with it,and it also attacked Gaza,so plenty of…

No.53 18/05/05 15:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the terrorism break out in India?】

《It used to be the one.》

There were some people were worried about that the terrorism made the relation between India and Pakistan bad again.

Both India and Pakistan used to be English colony. After World War II,when trying to be independent from England,the colony divided into two thought. The one thought,trying to establish a country which had nothing to do with a Hindi and a Muslim. The other thought,trying to build a country made of Muslim alone,so the one becomes India the other Pakistan.

After that both of the countries were at war over the Kashmir district which is border for both of the countries. Even now the armies of the both of the countries have been at odds with each other.

Both of Hindis and Muslims have lived in India,but Muslim accounts for no more than about 10 % in the country,so the center of the politics is apt to be Hindis. As a result there are some Heidis who are satisfied with the situation.

Some of the …

No.52 18/05/05 15:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the terrorism was caused in India?】

《It seemed that Islamic radicals in neighboring courtries,Pakistan,caused the terrorism.》

Giving others terro that setting off a bomb,and killing people is called terrorism. A large scale of terrorism was caused in America eleventh September in 2001,and the Indian people called the terrorism in Mumbai the one of 9.11 in India.

What kind of group caused the terrorism? Indian government insisted that there are some Islamic radicals among the group of the criminal which belonged to Pakistan.

Pakistan is the country of a Muslim,and while lots of people have hoped for peace,there are radicals who cause the terrorism and try to realize their assertion. Its influence has expanded,and one of the group seemed to cause the terrorism.

India used to be at war with Pakistan in the past,and they didn’t get along with each other for a while,but there had been movement that improving the bad situation,then the terrorism was caused. It may make the…

No.51 18/05/05 14:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did the terrorism break out in India?】

《It seemed that Islamic radicals in neighboring country,Pakistan caused the terrorism.》

The authorities seemed to think the terrorism was caused by the Islamic radicals of Pakistan caused.

Mumbai used to be called Bombay,for the British who ruled the place as colony called it Bombay,but there had been the voice that the name of the city should be called the way of local people,so they call it Mumbai at present.

Mumbai has the head office of a bank which is equivalent to a central bank,and the bank has lots of branches all over the world. Mumbai is a kind of a financial center. The financial center means a bank,city,or area which plays an important part in the financial business like a bank,a stock brokerage firm 証券会社 or an insurance company.

If the financial center falls into confusion,Indian economy would be heavily damaged by the terrorism,so the radicals seemed to aim at the confusion.

Giving others terro that setting off bomb …

No.50 18/05/05 14:23
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese Self–Defense Forces went into action as countermeasure off Somalia】

《Other countries in the world have started to defense…》

As a result a new law was enforced in Japan June in 2009,even if a foreign ship which none of Japanese people are on board is attacked from the pirates,the Self–Defense Forces can protect it,or if being attacked from the pirates,the Self–Defense Forces can shoot against the body of the ship.

A warship in Indian navy mistook a ship which was seajacked by the pirates for the ship of the pirates itself and attacked it and sank in 2008,so keeping the pirates under control is very hard to do.

【Why did the terrorism bring about in India?】

《It seems that Islamic radicals in neighboring country,Pakistan,caused it.》

The large scale of terrorism broke out at Mumbai in India November in 2008. It caused plenty of casualties ant some Japanese people who had tried to stay at the hotel in the actual place were victims of the terrorism. It seemed that Islamic…

No.49 18/05/05 13:40
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese Self–Defense Forces went into action as countermeasure off Somalia】

《Other countries in the world have begun to defense…》

It has a harmful influence on the economy all over the world,so warships of each country in Europe and America went into action,and have kept the pirates under control,or helped the seajacked ships. Chinese ships have also joined in them.

Some people said that Japanese ship was attacked but Japanese government has had nothing useful to the pirates,so the Japanese government dispatched two escort ships off Somalia,and the two escort ships started to guard the Japanese ships.

However,the Self Defence Forces is an organization which defends Japan and Japanese people,even if it can protect Japanese ships,if asking for a help from a foreign ship,what can it do? If the pirates attack the Self–Defense Forces,is it permitting the SelfーDefense Forces to attack and sink the ship of the pirates?

As a result,a new law has been enforced June in 2009,even if a …

No.48 18/05/05 10:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese Self−Defense Force went into action as countermeasure off Somalia.】

《The pirates used to be fishermen.》

If waiting for the ships in Aden Bay,the pirates can attack them as they like.

Civil was has been in Somalia since 1991,and there has never decent police which command the crimes. The civil war has made its economy so bad that lots of the people have been forced to live in poverty.

The fishermen on the coast started to attack the ships whic passed through near the coast as earning extra money,but unexpectedly they won a large amount of money,so their side business becomes their main business,so the fishermen become the pirates.

The pirates have bought weapons like the rocket launcher with the money they plunder,and ther attack has escalated.

《Other countries in the world have begun to defense…》

As the damage by the pirates has happened one after another,some freighters gave up passing through the Suez Canal,and they detoured the south end of the Africa Continet.

No.47 18/05/05 10:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese Self−Defense Force went into action as countermeasur off Somalia.】

《Damages by pirates happened one after another off Somalia in Africa.》

Then they negotiated with the company which employed the ships and plundered ransom of the company.

A Japanese giant tanker was attacked from the pirates April in 2008,and the body of the ship was hurt ,but it could manage to run away and all the people on board seemed to be safe,but other ship which didn’t belong to Japanese but the Japanese were on board were seajacked.

The ransom seemed to be handed down secretly,so the money of the amount of damage hasn’t been clear,but it is said that it sometimes reached millions of yen a person.

《The pirates used to be fishermen in Somalia.》

It's along the coast of Somalia which is in the eastward in African Continent where the pirates have been seen,especially in Aden bay some ships which make use of the Suez Canal connecting Europe and Asia always pass through. If waiting for the ships…

No.46 18/05/05 09:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Japanese self-defense forces went into action as countermeasure off Somalia.】

《Damages by pirates happened one after another off Somalia in Africa.》

A civil war continued at Somalia in Africa and there has never been the government in the country. In addition there is no police to command,so pirates have been acting violently.

The pirates seajacked the ships which passed through off Somalia and requested for ransom. The pirates also attacked Japanese ships,so the ships of the Marine Self–Defense Force went into action for defense March in 2009.

Speaking of the pirates,some people may imagine that raising a flag on a skull and a ship on brave males act violently around the sea,but it’s in a novel,and modern pirates aren’t like that.

The pirates are board on a fishing vessel,and approached a shipping freight traffic 貨物船,a tanker,and a passenger boat,and fired gun at them blindly or fired a rocket launcher and made them stop and seajacked the ships. Then they negotiated with the…

No.45 18/05/03 19:45
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《The suspects had been under torture.》

The CIA tormented the suspects with the torture and tried to get information on their gangs. Some of the suspects were dead,and others commit suicide thanks to the cruel torture,but the Bush government kept it secret.

The former President Obama used to be a professor for constitution in university,and he thought what the Bush government had done was against American constitution,and ordered to close the concentration camp.

It is said that there were some suspects who may cause the terrorism again among the ones who were locked up in jail. How should the government handle the suspects who may cause the terrorism again? The consideration on the matter was gone on,but this was described about a decade ago,so I’m not sure of the present situation.

【Japanese self-defense forces went into action as countermeasure off Somalia.】

《Damages by pirates happened one after another off Somalia in…》

No.44 18/05/03 19:14
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close】

《Terrorism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torture in the concentration camp and the institution was closed.》

…if handling the suspects as captive and releasing them,they may cause the terrorism again,the Bush government thought like that and the suspects remained caught for a long time.

If taking them to America,a voice that protecting the suspects’ human rights and lawyers may have been employed for them. The Bush government haged it,so instead in the U.S.A.it built the concentration camp at the military base in Cuba.

《The suspects had been under torture.》

Even if doing something cruel to the suspects at the military base in Cuba,what they had done would never been exposed,CIA thought like that,and used varied torture on the suspects.

Water torture,making them listen to loud sound a whole day,their hands were tied behind their back and were left alone for a long time. The CIA tormented the suspects…

No.43 18/05/03 18:39
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《Terrosism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torturre in the concentration camp and the institution was closed.》

…the former President Bush declared the war against the terrorism and started to attack Afghan government,for the country harbored Usama bin Ladin who seemed to cause the terrorism. The American army captured plenty of terrorism suspects in the war,but what should they handle the suspects?

If handling them as suspect who caused the terrorism in America,they have to bring the case into court. If dealing with them as captive for the war,the captives have to be deported to their country according to an international treaty in which the way of handling a captive. Anyway,the captive has to be handled in a humane way.

However,the Bush government adopted neither of ways,for there wasn’t enough evidence to bring them into court in America. If handling them as captive and releasing them,they may have…

No.42 18/05/03 13:08
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《Terrosism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torture in the concentration camp,and the institution was closed.》

Thus the relation between America and Cuba used to be bad,but strange to say,the military base belonged to the U.S.A.in Cuba.

Cuba is the nation of socialism at present. Castro and Guevara have started the revolution and established the present country,since the relation between Cuba and America becomes has been bad.

Before the revolution,the place used to be almost American colony,then America build the military base and the military base continues to exist at present.

The military base which is close to America,but it isn’t within America,it’s Guantanamo,to which America had directed its attention,and set up the concentration camp in the military base.

The terrorism broke out September in 2001 and lots of people were dead,and the former President Bush declared the war against the terrorism…

No.41 18/05/03 09:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《Terrorism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torture in the concentration camp,and the institution was closed.》

The former President Obama ordered to close the concentration camp in Guantanamo as the first task of President. The institution was in a military base belonged to the U.S.A.in Cuba. Terrorism suspects captured in Afghanistan had been locked up in the institution for a long time without being brought into the court. Moreover,they had been under torture.

The constration camp in question used to be in the military base belong to the U.S.A.in Cuba.Cuba lies south to the U.S.A. America and Cuba didn’t get along with each other,and America had done economic blockade to Cuba.In short America don’t only trade with Cuba,but ask other countries all over the world not to trade with Cuba.

Thus the relation between America and Cuba used to be bad,but strange to say,the military base belonged to the U.S.A.…

No.40 18/05/03 09:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consulation on decreasing nuclear weapon started between America and Russia.】

《The talk was stopped.》

The birth of the Obama government made the relation between America and Russia improve rapidly. While there are some countries like Iran and North Korea which try to develop the nuclear weapon,how much America and Russia can increase the nuclear weapon. The people have paid attention to the movements all over the world.

Those sentences were written about a decade ago,and the situation changed so much. The President has changed in the U.S.A.and North Korea have succeeded in developing the nuclear weapon,as a result,I’m forced to think I have to finish expressing as soon as possible. I have to catch up with the movement in the world,I’m sure.

【America made a concentration camp in Guantanamo close.】

《Terrorism suspects had been locked up for a long time and under torture in the concentration camp,and the institution was closed.》

The former President Obama ordered shut a…

No.39 18/05/02 21:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consulation on decreasing nuclear weapon started between America and Soviet.】

《The talk was stopped.》

As a result the number of the nuclear weapon like a bomber plane,missile,and missile launching from submarine decreased to 3575 in America, to 3113 in Russia in 2009,but there seem to be lots of the nuclear weapon.

It was 2001 when the movement decreasing the nuclear weapon stopped. After the terrorism September in 2001,the former Bush President began to establish system of defense by missile.

He made the mechanism which defend the whole American mainland from attack by missile and came out with a policy to Eastern Europe of deploying defending system by missile.

If Iran launches missile carrying nuclear weapon to America, the missile would pass through Czech and Poland overhead,so building a base there and shooting down the missile. It’s the defending system by missile.

However Russia repelled it violently,for Russia thought America was preparing for attack Russia with missile.

No.38 18/05/02 21:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consulation on decreasing nuclear weapon started between America and Russia..】

《The President changed from Bush to Obama,after that the consulation started.》

America and Soviet Union didn’t get along with each other then,so they’d learned to possess plenty of nuclear weapon which destroy enemy country over and over again,but they thought it was too dangerous and not good,so they started to talk each other in order to decrease the nuclear weapon. As a result SALT Ⅰ was concluded in 1972.

The SALT is an abbreviation of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. The strategic arms is the missile which was carrying an atomic bomb. The talks isn’t decreasing the number of the nuclear weapon but is limiting to increase the nuclear weapon.

《Starting to decrease the nuclear weapon.》

After that a negotiation decreasing the number of the nuclear weapon was settled. For example,the treaty of total abolition on intermediate-range 中距離 nuclear forces is settled in 1987 and START Ⅰ was in i991.

No.37 18/05/02 20:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Consulation on decreasing nuclear weapon started between America and Russia.】

《The President changed from Bush to Obama,after that the consulation started.》

After the terrorism which broke out September in 2001,the former President Bush was afraid that terrorists and other countries may have attack with missiles,and he’d had put a great effort into development of the system by defense of missile,but Russia repelled it so violently that the consulation hardly went ahead.

The former President Obama appealed that he aimed at realizing the world where there was no nuclear weapon,and he was going to decrease the nuclear weapon sharply during his election campaign for President. He started to talk with Russia so as to come true his election promise.

Atomic bombs were dropped in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki prefecture August in 1945. Large countries in the world recognized the power of the atomic bomb and started to compete the development for the nuclear bomb. Then America and Soviet…

No.36 18/05/02 15:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』
The former Obama President sent the people implied message by using the same Bible.

【Consulations on decreasing the nuclear weapons started between the America and Russia.】

《The President changed from Bush to Obama in the U.S.A. It made the consultation start.》

Both of America and Russia who have had lots of nuclear weapons. They started the consultation in which they tried to decrease the nuclear weapons. The former Bush President used to be so eager for development for the nuclear weapons that the consultation was stopped.

On the other hand the former Obama President insisted that he wanted to establish the world where there were no nuclear weapons even during his election campaign for the President.

The former American President Obama and the former Russian President Medvedev talked and made a promise to go ahead with a talk on decreasing the nuclear weapons then. The talk didn’t proceed when Bush was the President,but it started at last.

No.35 18/05/02 14:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Obama took office as President.】

《The inauguration ceremony symbolizing the separation of administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government.》

In the first place,the U.S.A.is the nation built by Christians who were moving from European countries,and they wanted to establish an ideal nation by the Christians. Its tradition remains even at present,so the Presidents took the oath that they were going to work as President,they’d do their best. They sweared the God then.

However,except for the Christians,there are plenty of Jewish people,and Muslims in the U.S.A,so without saying the name of Jesus Christ,it’s just that they say the God,for both the Christians,Jewish people,and Muslims believe in the same God.

The Bible which the former Obama President used in the inauguration ceremony is the same one which Lincoln President adopted. Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation 奴隷解放宣言 in 1862. He insisted that they should stop using black people as slave.

No.34 18/05/02 13:24
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Obama took office as President.】

《An inauguration ceremony symbolizing the separation of administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government.》

It’s observer was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

In democracy,the separation of administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government is essential.

A member of the Diet who were selected by the nation is in charge of the legislative work,the President is in charge of the administrative work which is the most important work in the public office. The judicial branch judges whether or not the works which the other two of branches are engaged in are against the constitution or laws.

In the inauguration ceremony for the President,the President who is at the top of the administrative branch was born when the branches of legislative and judicial was watching. It’s the symbolizing ceremony.

The President took oath putting his hand on the Bible in the inauguration ceremony. In the first place,the U.S.A.is the nation …

No.33 18/04/22 10:28
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Obama took office as President.】

《An Inauguration ceremony symbolizing the separation of the administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government.》

Obama was elected in a Presidential election November in 2008,but the election was the one in which the people who elect the President were chosen,then the ones who elected Obama were more than others who elected McCain,so it was reported that candidate Obama won the victory in the election.

Actually the people who elected the President voted December in 2009 and the ballot counting was done at the assembly hall in the federal council of Washington January in 2009. As a result,the election of candidate Obama was decided formally.

The hall for the inauguration ceremony in the public square in front of the federal council. Obama took an oath in front of the member of the federal council who are the representatives for the people. He said he would render service for the people as President. Its observer was the Chief Justice…

No.32 18/04/22 09:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response』

…but Afmadinejad won a landslide victory in the election,according to announcement in the government. Some people who felt suspicious on the result started to activity for resistance,but the government makes the police suppress them,and the suppression continues.The people who repel against the government increased.

The description was done about a decade ago.

【Obama took office as President.】

《He assumed the office of President January in 2009.》

American Presidents appeal its leadership what it’s going to try to realize in the next four years,and spread out his thoughts over the whole nation.

Obama was well-known for his such a good speech that the people paid attention to him all over the world,so they must be interested in the content of the new President’s speech,I’m sure.

《An inauguration ceremony symbolizing the separation of administrative,legislative,and judicial branches of government.》

Actually Obama was elected in a Presidential…

No.31 18/04/22 08:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did a protest demonstration happen in Iran?】

《The President from the other army.》

The one named Afmadinejad who was from the other army was elected in the presidential election in 2005. He used to be a serviceman and doesn’t know on economy.

Iran is blessed with petroleum so much,but not only the country doesn’t become rich but there has been disorders there because of the President.

Some people who feel repealed against the President supported an ex Prime Minister,candidate Musabi for the President,and there are some others people who have repelled the Iran’s way of making them obey Islam strictly and longed for liberty.

The wife of candidate Musavi addressed the people to vote for her husband during the election campaign without covering her hair in front of them. None of female had never done like that until then.

As a result,the candidate Musavi could win the support for the President overwhelmingly,especially in the capital,Teheran,but Afmadinejad won a landslide…

No.30 18/04/21 06:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did a protest demonstration happen in Iran?】

《The highest leader becomes greater than Presidents.》

While Presidents are responsible for politics and economy in their everyday life,the highest leader decides on the most important things in the nation.

The ones who succeeded the revolution have thought of mechanism which prevents the nation from starting revolution. Other army has been organized in order to watch the nation army when the nation army starts rebellion against the President and the highest leader.

The other army is made up with the people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the highest leader,and they have more powerful weapons than the nation army.

Besides,there are about 8 million of civil soldiers under the other army. They have checked whether or not the nation obey the teaching of Islam devotedly. For example,if there is a female without covering her hair,they call her attention to her hair.

《The President is from other army.》

The one who is…

No.29 18/04/21 06:17
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Why did a protest demonstration happen in Iran?】

《The ones who are indignant on the result of the presidential election resisted.》

At the time of the deposits state,Iran used to be friendly with America and the king’s policy was done with the corporation from America,and the nation started to being established,but as a result the gap between the poor and the rich has expanded,and the ones who lead their lives without obeying Islam.

The leaders in Islam have started to think, “We should establish the nation where they obey Islamic teaching devotedly.” The King of Pahlavi had kept eye on Khomeini,and Khomeini ran away to France but came back to Iran and the revolution succeeded.Pahlavi was friendly with America and after that he was banished,Iran became anti-America.

《The highest leader is greater than Presidents.》

The highest leader became greater than Presidents who are elected in an election by the nation so as to establish the country which is faithful to Islamic teaching.

No.28 18/04/18 20:18
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What I’ve thought】

I’m sure I’ve suffered from asperger syndrom. It’s one of developmental disorders. Some people say the ones who have suffered from the disorder can overcome it. They may be right,but even if the ones who have never suffered from the disorder insist on it,I don’t feel like listening to them in the least.

Some people say the asperger syndrome is autism 自閉症 which doesn’t have intellectual disorder. I used to express on the asperger syndrome here,but I’m sure it isn’t enough,so I’ve wanted to express once more in the future.

If it's the disorder,I should apply to the city hall that I suffer from the asperger syndrome,but if I do,I'll be handled as a handicapped man,so I’m forced to work as the handicapped man,so I won’t be able to work overtime any more,so I have to endure it,but I find it hard.

I’m too careless to do my job as I expected because of the asperger syndrome,but some people may say,“No more excuse!” I don’t think I want to give up,but what shoul I do?

No.27 18/04/15 04:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

『Continuation of the last response.』

As long as the people of Uighur think they are discriminated,the riot will happen in the future.

【Why did a protest demonstration happen in Iran?】

《The ones who are indignant on the result of the presidential election resisted.》

The nation elects its President in its election in Iran. A candidate who was opposed to the present President gathered high support from eligible voters in the election in 2009,but the present President won the election overwhelmingly,according to an announcement by the government,and the people who can’t accept the result continued the movement for resistance.

The large part of the nation is Muslim in Iran of the Middle East. Iran used to be a despotic 独裁 state by a king,but leaders of Muslim started a revolution and banished the king from the country,and the present state has been built.

At the time of the despotic state,Iran used to be friendly with America,and the king’s policy was done with the cooperation from…

No.26 18/04/15 03:55
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of place is New Oak Uighur?】

《There has been a gap between the Han race and the tribe called New Oak Uighur.》

There used to be plenty of the tribe called New Oak Uighur,but lots of the Han race have also moved there lately. When both getting a job and doing business,if being good at the Chinese,it's more profitable. Lots of the people of Uighur think they remain poor and being discriminated.

While the Han race love eating the pork,the people of Uighur never eats the pork on account of Muslim,so a quarrel is apt to happen even daily life there.

In addition,some countries of minor like the Uighur have been born in the area of western Turkestan. It has caused political movement by some of the Uighur,they seem to think,“We want to be away from China and to have our own country.”

However,the Chinese government don’t admit the political movement for independence,for there has been rich in natural resources like petroleum and natural gas in the autonomous district of Uighur.

No.25 18/04/15 03:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of place is New Oak Uighur?】

《Though its name is autonomous district…》

Oh,I made a blunder again! The word in the subtitle of my last response,I use the word of monotonous,but it’s autonomous. It is shameful of me to do so frequently.

The tribe called Uighur use the language of Uighur,and when writing it down,they use the Arabic letters.

The Chinese government has set up the place where a minority should live and calls the place an autonomous district so as to defend the right of the minority. It means that the race can do self-governing for themselves. The President of the self-governing is the local minority. If it’s an autonomous district of Uighur,its President is the tribe called Uighur,and if it’s done by Tibetan,it’s an autonomous district of Tibetan.

However there has been the Han race behind each of autonomous district,and the Han race has controlled the autonomous district actually,so its the autonomous district in name only. It’s not self-governing at all.

No.24 18/04/08 19:36
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of place is New Oak Uighur?】

《It lies in China,but Islam of Turkish ancestry live there.》

The tribe called Uighur is Turkish ancestry. When looking at the world map from Japan,the autonomous district of New Oak Uighur lies at the western end of China,but when looking at it from Turkey,it lies eastward,so sometimes the areas is called East Turkestan.

The Turkestan means the country of the Turk. Speaking of West Turkestan,it means the area where there is Kazakhstan,Kirghiz,and Tajikistan. Almost all of the people who live in the area are Islam.

《Though its name is monotonous district…》

No less than 56 races have lived in China. The Han race is more than any other race in China. When imaging a Chinese,a feature of the Han race usually seems to occur to us the Japanese. They use the Chinese characters and speak the Chinese,but except for the Han race,there other minors have lived in China.

The tribe called Uighur has feature like the Turk. They use the language of Uighur…

No.23 18/04/08 18:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What kind of place is New Oak Uighur 新橿ウイグル?】

《It lies in China,but there have lived Islam of Turkish ancestry there.》

A riot broke out at the autonomous district 自治区 of the New Oak Uighur in China September in 2009,and it caused plenty of casualties. The local Uighur who felt that they had been discriminated and remained being poor started a protest demonstration,and the protest demonstration developed into the riot. The Han race fought against the Uighur,so the opposition between the races became violent.

The autonomous district of New Oak Uighur lies at the northwest in China,and its area accounts for one-sixth of the whole China. While its area is vast,large part of it is desert,so no one can live there,and its whole population is no more than 20 million.

新橿 means a new territory in Chinese. The present China used to be 清 in the 18th century. Then the area belonged to 清 and they learned to call the area the New Oak Uighur.The tribe called Uighur used to live there.

No.22 18/04/08 17:57
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Who is an ex-condemned criminal,Kim Hyon hui?】

《The trouble on the abduction of the Japanese is far from the settlement.》

If Kim Hyon hui appeared in public,evil deeds done by the North Korea would be uncovered,the ex-South Korean President thought like that,and he tried not to admit the first son of the abduction victims of the Japanese to meet Kim Hyon hui.

But as the South Korean President became Lee Myung bak who faced to the North Korea with serious attitude,the first son of the abduction victims of the Japanese could meet Kim Hyon hui at last. She told him that his mother lived and he could meet her some day.

But after the North Korea admitted the abduction once,it took an attitude that the problem of abduction was settled,so the settlement of the abduction of the Japanese has never made progress at all.There is some doubt just now that plenty of Japanese people remain abducted in the North Korea.

I hope the trouble of the abduction victims is settled as soon as possible.

No.21 18/04/07 10:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Who is an ex condemned criminal Kim Hyon hui?】

《When being trained as spy in the North Korea,one of abduction victims was her teacher for the Japanese.》

The Korean airline bombing incident has shown us clearly that the trouble of the Japanese being kidnapped by the North Korea. The North Korea took away we the Japanese as Japanese teacher in order to train spy who impersonate the Japanese.

As to the abduction by the North Korea,an ex President in Japan,Junichiro Koizumi and Kim Jong Ⅱ talked together and the ex leader in the North Korea admitted its abduction,but he said the Japanese female called 李恩恵 was killed in a traffic accident.

《The trouble on the bduction of the Japanese is far from the settlement.》

The son of the abduction victim had hoped to see the ex condemned criminal Kim Hyon hui so as to get information on his mother,but his hope couldn’t come true easily,for the ex South Korean President used to make much of the relation between both South and North Korea. If Kim…

No.20 18/04/07 10:10
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Who is an ex condemned criminal Kim Hyon hui?】

《When being trained as spy in the North Korea,one of abduction victims was her teacher for the Japanese.》

After Kim Hyon hui failed to commit suicied,she was taken to the South Korea and brought into the court. The Seoul Olympic was planed to be held in the next year. The spy organization in the North Korea ordered its members to explode the airplane so as to obstruct the Olympic.

Kim Hyon hui testified in the investigation like the next.“I was educated as spy to pose a Japanese. A person who taught me the Japanese had Korean name,李恩恵 but she said she was a Japanese.”

Being based on the testimony,the Japanese police investigated and 李恩恵 turned out to be a Japanese female who suddenly disappeared from Japan,leaving her young child behind Tokyo. The North Korea kidnapped her from Japan.

There had been doubts that there were the Japanese who were taken away from Japan by the North Korea,and the Korean airline bombing incident has made…

No.19 18/04/07 09:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Who is an ex condemned criminal 死刑囚,Kim Hyon hui?】

《When being trained as spy in North Korea,one of abduction victims was her teacher for the Japanese.》

Kim Hyon hui was arrested as a suspect on the Korean airlines bombing incident and was determined to be the capital punishment in the Korean judge but she was received a pardon 恩赦 by the then President and was released. She’s lead her life as a South Korean resident in the South Korea just now.

It happened November in 1987. An airplane flying from Iran to the South Korea exploded in the air and both of the passengers and crews in the airplane were all dead then.

Kim Hyon hui and other North Korean male impersonated the Japanese and took a board the plane at Iraq and got out of the plane at Bahrain after setting a time bomb on the shelf of the airplane.

When the airplane exploded in the air,the police on the actual spot arrested the two of them,but the male commit suicide and Kim Hyon hui failed to do,and she was taken to the…

No.18 18/04/01 10:15
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launch an artificial satellite,but…】

《A missile should be launched from its own country.》

If launching a missile toward an enemy country,it should be done from its own country’s territory,then it doesn’t matter even if some people live in the eastern place.

If thinking it over carefully like that,there is no doubt that it was the missile which the North Korea launched then,so both Japan,South Korea,and America protested against the launching.

【Who is an ex condemned criminal 死刑囚,Kim Hyon hui 金賢姫?】

《When being trained as a spy in the North Korea,one of abduction victims 拉致被害者 was a teacher for the Japanese.》

The first son of one of the abduction victims by the North Korea met an ex condemned criminal,Kim Hyon hui in the South Korea for the first time. Kim Hyon hui used to be a spy in the North Korea and was made to study the Japanese so as to personage a Japanese,then her teacher for the Japanese was a Japanese female.

Kim Hyon hui was…

No.17 18/04/01 09:31
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launching an artificial satellite,but…】

《The artificial satellite should be launched toward east.》

If lying in the northern hemisphere,the desirable place is as southern as possible. Moreover,the launching isn’t always successful,so the place where the artificial satellite is launched eastward sea where few people live is suitable.

As to the Japan,base for launching satellite was Tanegashima,which is southern and its eastward is the sea. As to the U.S.A.it’s done in Florida which lies southeast.

《If launching a missile,it’ll be done from its own country.》

If the North Korea tryies to launch the artificial satellite really,instead of choosing its own country where geographic condition isn’t good,it should borrow a southern island near the equator. As long as there is sea to the east and no one lives,no one is in trouble.

However,the North Korea launched it from eastern seaside of its own country,for if launching a missile toward an enemy…

No.16 18/04/01 08:58
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launching an artificial satellite,but… 】

《The artificial satellite should be launched toward east.》

Where is the place which is the fastest speed as to the rotation of the earth? If rotating a terrestrial globe 地球儀,we can recognize,it’s around the equator,the author said like that,but to my sorrow,I don’t have the terrrestrial globe,and even if I had,I’m afraid I can’t understand why it is,so I research for it on the internet.

The speed of the rotation on the earth is fixed everywhere during the 24 hours,so the ground around the equator which is the longest circumference is the fast.

If cutting the globe into round slices on a parallel plane to the equator,in other word,each of the round slice lies vertically to the earth’s axis,the higher the latitude is,the smaller the circle is,and the longest circumference is around the equator which is the lowest latitude.

In short,if launching the artificial satellite,around the equator is desirable.

No.15 18/03/25 22:41
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launching an artificial satellite,but…】

《The artificial satellite should be launched toward east.》

The North Korea launched the missile toward east,but there are the Japanese Islands east to the North Korea,so it’s nuisance to us the Japanese,but the artificial satellite should always be launched toward east.

The artificial satellite springs out from the gravitation on the earth to the outer space,so its speed need to be 8 km a second. When making something fly at the speed it’s very hard,so we take advantage of the rotation of the earth.

The sun rises from the east and sets in the west,for the earth rotates from the west to the east,so if the artificial satellite is launched toward east,adding the speed of the artificial satellite to the one of the rotation of the earth makes possible for springing out into the outer space.

If making use of the rotation of the earth,it’s all right as long as launching from the fastest point of the rotation.

No.14 18/03/25 09:04
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea insisted that it was a launching for an artificial satellite,but…】

《It’s actually a launching for a missile.》

The one which launched from the North Korean territory isn’t the artificial satellite but the experiment for the launching missile.I’m going to think over its mechanism from the launching the artificial satellite.

The North Korea gave the IMO notice of launching the artificial satellite before doing it actually. The IMO is an organization which passes all the ships in the world information on the safety.

If being launched the artificial satellite,some parts of the rocket are detached halfway and dropped below,so there has been a rule which should warn all the ships in the area where the artificial satellite should pass through overhead to be careful of it,so the North Korea gave the notice,according to the rule.

《The artificial satellite should be launched toward east.》

The North Korea launched the rocket toward east,but there are the Japanese Islands to…

No.13 18/03/25 08:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North insisted that it’s a launching of an artificial satellite,but …】

《It’s actually an experiment of launching a missile.》

The former President Obama in the U.S.A.appealed the whole world,“Let’s establish the world where there is no nuclear weapon in the least.”,but the nuclear test in the North Korea is the one which challenges the calling from the former President to his face.

Atomic bombs were dropped in both Nagasaki and Hiroshima prefecture in Japan and we were damaged heavily by the atomic bomb,so we can’t endure the experiment of the nuclear test any more. What makes the North Korea stop producing the atomic bomb? We have to think over it carefully with the cooperation from the U.S.A.the author said like that,though the situation seemed to deteriorate.

The North Korea announced that it launched an artificial satellite March in 2009,but the artificial satellite is the one which should launch the most southern area possible. The one which launched in the North Korean…

No.12 18/03/24 08:26
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea did the nuclear test.】

《The North Korea suddenly changed to a threatening attitude.》

The North Korea thought like the next,“If America attacks us,we’ll lose.”so while the country has made nuclear weapons and repeating experiments of launching missile,it’s tried to improve its military strength of firing nuclear weapon into America. The North Korea has tried to threat America.“If it attacks us,we’ll retaliate against it with nuclear weapons.”

The North Korea has tried to threaten America and thought to tried to make a peace agreement with America. It’s tried to make America give its word,“America doesn’t attack North Korea.”

Then American President was Obama who had been busy in reshaping economy in the world and tackling peace in the Middle East,so tried to pay no attention to the North Korea at all. As a result it’s a kind of message from the North Korea to America,like the next,“Take good care of us,deal with us politely.”

An ex-president Obama called to the…

No.11 18/03/24 07:46
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea did the nuclear test again.】

《The North Korea suddenly changed to a threatening attitude.》

“Launching an artificifal satellite is a right to be allowed to every country,but the UN blamed us for it. We can't endure it. Unless the Security Council apologizes us, we’ll make a nuclear weapon and do the nuclear test.” The North Korea proclaimed like that and carried out it actually then.

One more reason is a kind of negotiation of the North Korea to the U.S.A. The North Korea invaded the South Korea about 70 years ago. The North country went to war against the South one. It’s the Korean War.

Then America supported the South Korea and fighted against the Noth Korea,and the North Korea was heavily damaged by America then. They stopped fighting,but they don’t think the war is over,for there has been the American Army in the South Korea,and it’s prepared for war,and the North Korea fears America.

The North Korea has thought,“If America attacks us,we’ll lose.”,so while…

No.10 18/03/24 06:43
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea did the nuclear test again.】

《The country announced the nuclear test in 2009. It’s a challenge for the whole world.》

However every time doing the nuclear test,radionuclides like crypton or xenon is generated,but then it had never been detected,so some experrs thought like the next,“Did they do the nuclear test actually? There is possibility that they made dynamite explode but they said they did the nuclear test.”

By the way,why did the North Korea announce that they did the nuclear test? There were two reasons.

《The North Korea changed suddenly to a threatening attitude.》

One of reasons is a challenge for the whole world. The North Korea announced that it launched an artificial satellite March in 2009,but it was actually an experiment of launching missile,so the Security Council in the UN issued declaration of the chairperson of blaming the North Korea,but the country changed suddenly to a threading attitude.

“Launching an artificial satellite is a right …”

No.9 18/03/18 20:44
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The North Korea did the nuclear test again.】

《The country announced that it did the nuclear test in 2009.It’s a challenge for the whole world.》

If doing the nuclear test on the ground,radioactivity will be scattered over the ground and it’s very serious,so they dug a deep tunnel between the mountains and they made the atomic bomb explode in its inner part.

Actually,it seemed that the North Korea did the nuclear test three years before,but its explosion was a small scale,so the test was close to a failure,but the explosion of the test in 2009 was larger scale than the one three years before,so their technology for the atomic bomb has improved.

When doing the nuclear test,the ground shakes,but the way of shaking is different from an earthquake,so if looking at a seismograph 地震計,we can understand it’s a nuclear test,and at the same time we can recognize its scale.

However every time doing the nuclear test,radionuclides 放射性核種 like krypton or xenon is always detected,but the…

No.8 18/03/18 12:22
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong Ⅱ.】

《Then he went abroad.》

The nation had never known the one who had high possibility for being their leader. How unusual the country is.

【The North Korea did a nuclear test again.】

《The country announced that it did a nuclear test in 2009. It’s a challenge for the whole world.》

The North Korea did the nuclear test a month before,so that time was twice. The United Nations blamed the North Korea for its launching for a missile. The North Korea was offended by the blame,so it did the nuclear test again.

Besides,having the nuclear weapon means appealing to the U.S.A.to negotiate with the North Korea direct. It was a kind of solicitation from the North Korea to the U.S.A.

Speaking of an experiment,it sounds as if it were the experiment in natural science,so it looks like a good one,but far from it. The nuclear test is making sure whether or not the nuclear weapon which means an atomic bomb actually explodes as it planned.

If doing the nuclear on…

No.7 18/03/18 11:49
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong Ⅱ.】

《Then he’d gone abroad.》

The North Korea is such a poor country that lots of the people live in poverty.but both of the second son and third son of Kim Jong Ⅱ went abroad a school in Bern which is the capital of Swiss which has a diplomatic relation with the North Korea,for Kim Jong Ⅱ tried to make his sons learn things in the world.

If having gone abroad Swiss,his classmates must have a photograph in which the third son was,so the Japanese newspaper company looked for his classmates. Employees assigned to the newspaper company in Bern interviewed the schools and all the concerned.

They got the photograph of the third son when he was 16 year old,and the photograph was placed in the newspaper. His photograph wasn’t open to the public in the North Korea then,so it was a scoop. We the Japanese could look at his photograph before the people in the North Korea did.

The nation had never known the one which had high possibility for being the next their…

No.6 18/03/17 02:02
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong ‖.】

《The information that the third son was the successor.》

Kim Jong nam tried to enter Japan with a forged passport,but was caught and said,he wanted to love to go to the Tokyo Disney land. The episode has been well-known. His father,Kim Jong ‖ was so angry with his first son that it was said he couldn’t become the successor.

There are the second son and the third son between Kim Jong ‖ and his second wife. The second son was sickly and there was information in which he said he didn’t think he wanted to be the successor.

On the other hand there was other information in which the third son was favorite one for Kim Jong ‖ and he took fancy to his third son. In addition while the third son was young,he had been in an important position in the North Korea,but strange to say almost no one could recognize his face clearly in the North Korea,It’s just that the photograph of the face of Kim Jong Un of 11 year old appeared in the Noth Korea then.

No.5 18/03/17 01:29
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong ‖.】

《Some people had thought that Kim Jong Un was the successor of Kim Jong ‖,but no one had seen his photograph of the face in the North Korea.》

There is a explanation in which it’s taking over the blood in revolution. It’s the way of thinking like the next. There was a great person who accomplished the revolution in which he established the North Korea. The one who inherits its blood should be in the highest rank in the North Korea.Kim Jong ‖ had three sons,so it seemed that everyone thought either of them would be the successor.

《The information that the third son was the successor.》

There had been the information that the third son became the successor in the South Korea which south to the North Korea. The South Korea has always watched what happened in the North Korea so much that it could get the information quickly.

Kim Jong nam is a son between Kim Jong ‖ and his first wife. Kim Jong nam used to try to enter Japan with a forged passport but…

No.4 18/03/17 00:53
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The successor of Kim Jong Ⅱ is.】

《Some people had thought that Kim Jong Un was the successor of Kim Jong ‖,but no one had seen his face in North Korea.》

The whole world had paid attention to the one who succeeded to Kim Jong ‖ who was the leader in the highest ranking in the North Korea. There used to be the information in which it’s the third son,Kim Jong Un,but his photograph of the face had not been made public then.

When the whole world had paid attention what kind of a person he was,Mainichi Newspaper Company got his photograph of the face when he studied abroad in Swiss.

Kim Jong ‖ succeeded to the highest rank in the nation from his father in the North Korea,it’s a heredity itself. In general,the heredity is that a child succeeds to its parent’s occupation or position. It is natural for the world of the traditional entertainment like Noh play or Kabuki,but inheriting the highest rank in the nation is as if it were a monarch in the federal age.

There has been an …

No.3 18/03/05 19:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【The reformation on the system of official employees.】

《What is called 渡り is also stopped.》

…so the personal changes among the different government offices becomes so active that the public employees will have learned to think of the whole nation when working. The government seemed to think like that.

However some of the public employees objected to the reformation,so the Aso Cabinet decided the plan of the reformation in the future in a great hurry. It’s,so to speak,a work schedule for the reformation. The work schedule is originally a program which shows how much a constructon work makes a progress.

In short,the Aso Cabinet declared that even if there is opposition against the reformation,they’ll proceed the reformation as they planed,but the plan was discarded. After the Lower House election was over,a new Cabinet would start,then the plan would be considered.

【The successor of Kim Jong ‖ is 】

《Some people had thought Kim Jong Un was the successor of Kim Jong ‖,but no one…》

No.2 18/03/04 20:20
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To the one who expressed itself in English in No 1 response.

Thank you for your message,but why is it to America? There are lots of other countries where English has been spoken,in addition,it isn’t peace at all there. Moreover,it seems that I’m not acquaintance with you at all,so there is no reason in which you can order me to do.

Even if I can send you the message like that, I doubt whether or not you can understand it,so my message may be useless for you.

By the way,I’ve wanted to go abroad someday,but to my sorrow I don’t have enough money and enough time to do,so I’m afraid I can’t go to any foreign countries when I live.

Without eating Japanese rice,I can’t lead everyday life,I’m afraid,so if going abroad,the Japanese rice is one of my baggage.

Without going to any foreign countries,everyone can study English,I’m sure. Whenever trying to do something,others want to slander and abuse,but we don’t have to be worried about it. It’s useless. Leave me alone,the one of leisure.

No.1 18/03/04 19:42

Go to America




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