
Let's enjoy English! Ⅶ

レス500  HIT数 1943 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/05/17 22:12(最終更新日時)


I've wanted to express everything in English here, but I can't, for みくる said no one can express with English alone at present.

I hate to use Japanese,so I've wanted to avoid it, but it can't be helped. I'm not sure how much I can omit the Japanese, so I'm afraid those sentences is useless.

If I can't permit to use English here, I don't have to be here, to my sorrow,for almost all of you aren't interested in me here.

Should I look for somewhere I can express myself in English at will, shouldn't I?

There are still plenty of things to express in English, so I've never satisfied with my English thread at all.

Without posting anywhere, I can study English, but posting here meaning improving both of my English ability and touch typing, so it is convenient of me to do it

20/05/02 09:54 追記
This time the number of response isn`t so much. I will be happy if it reach a thousand,but I`m afraid it`s impossible. To my sorrow, it`s my fault. I can blame no one.

20/05/03 21:49 追記
When expressing this postscript, it has been convenient for me, for it doesn`s show number of letters on this postscript. I wish this bulletin board could thik of it.


No.3030687 20/03/30 12:48(スレ作成日時)  



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