
English and so on

レス500  HIT数 11990 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
20/07/17 21:10(最終更新日時)

【Difference in the life habit has prevented us from communicating】《Its key word is a straw》

If trying to say tatami in a Japanese-style room in English I find it hard fairly. We can just say it's a straw mat it looks like primitive somehow. Some people say it's a tatami floor as it is but even if it's the tatami of floor it doesn't ring a bell somehow.If wanting to say on its space like 六畳間 we're forced to say it's a six-mat room.

Even if being advised to sit down in a place where there is neither sofa nor chair it's natural for the Western people to be confused. Then the tatami is grasped as a sense of the floor.

Speaking of the straw there is an idiom of the last straw. When being loaded on a camel on the back with full of goods,moreover one straw was loaded. Then all of the things were ruined. The idiom is originated from the episode that a small amount of things ruins all of the things. When feeling limited the idiom is also used metaphorically like the next.

It was the last straw or it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The one which is used on the roof is a thatcher and we call the roof the thachered roof.

When being in difficulty we feel like relying on a trifle thing. Then we say a drowning man will catch at a straw. Speaking of light yellow it's straw color. When indicating the color of the hair we use the phrase.

No.2390926 16/10/22 12:05(スレ作成日時)  




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