
English conversation joyfully!

レス24 HIT数 1390 あ+ あ-

彩夏( ♀ H7LTxe )
16/10/20 01:21(更新日時)

How are you, everyone? Everyone will be serious by working, domesticities and child care, too. Now, I made this topic for the purpose of interchanging through English conversation with everyone. All person who has an interest in English can participate, so when you participate aggressively at leisure time, I'm happy. I think it's important to utilize such chance fully and use English positively.
A preface became long, so shall we begin!

No.2355173 16/07/16 02:40(スレ作成日時)


No.1 16/07/16 05:23
deb*d*buob*san ( 50代 ♀ mJvIxe )




Hey guys how are you doing?


No.2 16/07/16 07:18
フリーター2 ( ♂ )



No.3 16/07/16 15:33
匿名3 ( ♂ )

Got it.!

But I’m

not good

at English
very well.

No.4 16/07/16 15:41
匿名3 ( ♂ )

>> 3 I used to



every day.
I do’nt

used for

Such a


I’m not


No.5 16/07/16 15:46
匿名3 ( ♂ )

>> 4 To Say tha Lneast
of it.!

I Love


very well.


No.7 16/07/16 20:35
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Hi! How do you do. My name is 燻し銀三. Nice to meet you.😊

As you've said,the more we used the English the more our English abilities will improve,so this trial is a good thing,I'm sure.👍

However unfortunately I'm not good at making friends with others even if in a virtual world like this bulletin board,so I won't be able to come here so often,but I'm looking forward to updating this thread. 🌝

Please keep up with this thread. Good luck.💪🏾

No.8 16/07/17 01:20
彩夏 ( 20代 ♀ H7LTxe )

>> 7 Hi man, welcome to my topic! Nice meeting you:)
Thank u for your agreement of my concept! I suppose your English ability is pretty good. If you can make leisure time, could you take part in this topic as much as possible!
I wanna overcome weak points each other:)

No.9 16/07/17 04:54
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Hi! I can't find your weak points at all as long as I read your English sentences. What makes you be worried about when learning Englisgh?

You seem to be full of energy in which you try to improve your English abilities. It's youth,I'm wondering.

Contrary to it I'm sure my enthusiasm for being a splendid English speaker has decreased little by little.

You're so positive with regard to learning Englisg that I find it pleasant when reading your English sentences. You seem to be filled with hope and energy.

I've thought I wish I were as young as you. Do you love English?

  • << 11 Thanks for replying! Yes I do. As you said, actually my grammar and spelling skill gradually improve more, but not yet complete:) BTW, I'm wondering your correct English grammar! Have you ever studied abroad in the past? I think that, particularly the Japanese, who's weak in English shouldn't fear of failing in having English conversation:)

No.11 16/07/17 18:23
彩夏 ( 20代 ♀ H7LTxe )

>> 9 Hi! I can't find your weak points at all as long as I read your E… Thanks for replying!
Yes I do. As you said, actually my grammar and spelling skill gradually improve more, but not yet complete:)
BTW, I'm wondering your correct English grammar! Have you ever studied abroad in the past?
I think that, particularly the Japanese, who's weak in English shouldn't fear of failing in having English conversation:)

No.12 16/07/18 00:34
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Good evening. I can understand you aren't satisfied with your English grammar and spelling skill,but I don't think your English is so bad as you expect. You seem to be a hard worker. Please keep up with it.

Oh! Thank you for your admiration! I've never been abroad. It's just that I love English.

As you've said we the Japanese are apt to hate to speak English in front of others. I've heard some of non native English speakers insist that they can speak English very well in foreign countries where the English is spoken,but they aren't always good at speaking English from the beginning. They take advantage of every chance of speaking English as much as possible and they become wonderful English speakers gradually,I'm sure.

If we can avoid making a mistake we should,but the fear of failing to speak English prevents us from speaking English,we should throw away the fear. If being afraid of making a mistake we can't go ahead.

Have a good night and have a nice dream.

No.13 16/07/19 20:46
彩夏 ( 20代 ♀ H7LTxe )

>> 12 I'm sorry replying is late. I've finished my work yet. It's unexpected that you've never studied abroad and I'm sure your correct English grammar is good enough in the world;)
If there is a mistake in my grammar, PLZ point it out without reserve:)
BTW, how did you spend in these 3 consecutive holidays?

No.14 16/07/19 23:37
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Hi! Though you've praised so much my English,I don't think my English is as good as you expect,for when reading other English sentences of mine they have had plenty of what is called 誤字 脱字 here and there. It's just that this time happened to go well,but when reading your praise I was happy. Thank you.

Each of us can make ourselves understand in English,so I 'm sure we are all right, but your attitude toward English is wonderful.

Before starting day off I think I should spend my day off significantly,but every time it doesn't go well as I expect. I'm sorry for it. I've bought an iPad recently,so I operated the iPad or read a book of which title 「The Firm」written by John Grisham. I find it interesting.

What kind of book do you read? I love mystery,suspense,horror or fantasy.

Good night and have a nice dream.

No.15 16/07/21 21:13
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

How are you? In fact too hot to feel like doing anything! Let's take care of ourselves,otherwise it'll end up ruining our health.

My job is physical labor, I work in a factory. It's hard,in addition this weather…. Roughly speaking my area where I live is surrounded by mountain,so it's a basin. As a result it's hotter in summer and it's colder in winter. If I were a Christian I would say "Oh my God!"

Have a nice evening!

No.16 16/07/22 00:59
彩夏 ( 20代 ♀ H7LTxe )

>> 15 I'm fine, how about you? I read some books about certain qualification recently:)
Your fantastic comments made me so joyful! It's just what you said, actually temperature is rising day by day. So I won't go out as much as I can.lol
Do you have something English licenses?
It's already such time! Good night, see you later.

No.17 16/07/23 09:05
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Good morning! I'm also fine but I'm tired of this intense heat. The more we use an air-conditioner the higher the temperature rises,so we should abstain from using the air-conditioner,someone said but I flind it impossible!

You seem to be interested in some qualification. What kind of ones are you interested in? Are they in relation to the English?

My qualification with regard to the English is only what is called 英検2級

Speaking of English license I used to look at the contents of an exam for an interpreter. It's the first grade. One of them was like the next.

"Describe 侘び 寂 in English."

I'm afraid I can't even in Japanese. The first grade is awesome!

No.18 16/07/27 01:42
彩夏 ( 20代 ♀ H7LTxe )

>> 17 Good evening! What are you doing now? It's getting hotter and hotter during the daytime, and the temperature will rise more in August.
BTW, I aim to pass the pre-1-grade of EIKEN at least, and I wanna change a job to be able to make use of English skill in, how about you? I suppose Our possibility are unlimited:)
Good night, sweet dream.

No.19 16/07/28 21:47
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Hi! How are you?

As you've said our possibility may be unlimited,but it doesn't always mean that we can live forever,so when starting something the earlier the better,I'm sure.

Studying itself is useful,but if we have more definite aim it'll be more efficient though easier said than done.

I'd also tried English exam which you've tackled just now but I've failed two times,so I don't feel like taking exam just now,but I have plenty of things to do in relation to the English.

At first I have a lot of English books to read,for I've bought several ones though some of them are too hard to understand,so I'm sure I have to read them once again,for reading them only once doesn't make me understand.

In the next I have plenty of things to express myself in English. Whenever going to a bookstore and coming across an interesting book I feel like describing them. The earlier the better,for as for the most advanced technology or the latest information,the slower the more obsolete.

  • << 21 I'm fine, how about you? According to the news, some area beyond 37 degrees have temperature in the Kinki district yesterday daytime, so I bought ice cream.lol We'd better be careful about our physical condition. I'm thinking about taking a pre-1-grade exam in October, and I want you to try once again! Hope we pass the exam each other:) I wish I could be absent from work tomorrow.lol Good night, sweet dream.

No.20 16/07/28 21:52
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Oh! I'm afraid my comment became too long. Please good luck your English exam.💪🏾

No.21 16/08/06 01:08
彩夏 ( 20代 ♀ H7LTxe )

>> 19 Hi! How are you? As you've said our possibility may be unlim… I'm fine, how about you?
According to the news, some area beyond 37 degrees have temperature in the Kinki district yesterday daytime, so I bought ice cream.lol We'd better be careful about our physical condition.
I'm thinking about taking a pre-1-grade exam in October, and I want you to try once again! Hope we pass the exam each other:)
I wish I could be absent from work tomorrow.lol
Good night, sweet dream.

No.22 16/08/06 10:50
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Hi! I'm also fine,but I don't think I want to work under the intense heat. I can't help it. We should take it easy. We need to take a moderate rest and to drink sufficient water and to eat something salty when working.

I hope you can be day off,for no one think it want to work in such the hot day.

While I love English I don't think I want to study in order only to pass the exam. I don't feel like doing it,but thank you.

I hope you can pass the exam. Keep up with it.

Have a pleasant day.

No.23 16/08/15 03:51
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Hi! How are you? It's been so hot that I don't feel like going out at all.

I'm sure making an effort alone so as to pass the exam is hard,but to my sorrow I'm afraid I can't do anything for you,but when coming to a deadlock,talking with others sometimes is a good pastime,I hope so.

I sometimes come here and let's have a chat if your situation allows. Please take it easy. Have a pleasant dream. Good night.

No.24 16/10/20 01:21
燻し銀三 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

How are you? I've never seen you for a long time. I hope you can pass the English exam of your heart's desire. Please keep with it.



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