
レッツ エンジョイ イングリッシュ 17th

レス500 HIT数 4415 あ+ あ-

燻し銀三( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
24/04/21 00:56(更新日時)

ヒア ウイ ゴー


No.3981276 24/02/11 06:34(スレ作成日時)



No.1 24/02/11 06:59
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan Developed at the time of colony》

Ten thousand of the residents were dead at the battle against the military force in Japan in 1902 until it was completely over, or were executed.

On the other hand, Japan put effort into founding industrial base and roads, railways, harbors and farm lands were arranged, so its industry developed so much then.

Elementary school or junior high school were built each place and compulsory education system was introduced in 1943, and the number of people who could read and write increased exponentially.

No.2 24/02/11 07:16
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan developed at the time of colony》

But the text book on history at junior high school in Taiwan expresses like the next.

As the Taiwanese thought the Japanese language as foreign one, it doesn’t always mean that mastering the Japanese language made Taiwan assimilate into Japan. The Japanese language was a main tool to absorb the modern knowledge for the Taiwanese and promoted Taiwan to be modernized.

School taught students to be punctual and didn’t permit them to be late for school nor to go home early as they pleased. As to the traffic on the…

No.3 24/02/11 07:33
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan developed greatly at the time of colony》

As to the traffic on railways and the roads, the timetables were fixed and asking for passengers to get on according to the timetable, and the its departure and arrival was done according to the timetable.

At the beginning of ruling the colony belonged to Japan, the Governor General installed the water supply and supplied clean water to the residents in the city and carried out the drainage work in the city, stipulating to set up a trash can in front of houses, making residents dispose waste according to …

No.4 24/02/11 07:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan developed at the time of colony》

…making residents dispose waste according to the rule, and carried out the establishment on the modern health plan and public hygiene positively. It’s made the Taiwanese change the idea and habit on medical hygiene. After taking a bath and going into the restroom, the habit of washing hands were cultivated, they stopped coughing out phlegm everywhere, nor throwing away trash, and they learned to do a major cleanup the household regularly and to join in cleaning activities in the local area.

Controlling Taiwan by…

No.5 24/02/11 08:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

Controlling Taiwan by Japan is controlling the colony and there were lots of victims owing to it, on the other hand, it played a great part on the modernization o f Taiwan.Taiwan has evaluated like that.

《A dog has gone and a pig has come》

Japan was defeated in the World War Ⅱ and gave up Taiwan and the republic of China has learned to control Taiwan, for the nation in the Chinese continent was the Republic of China.

Taiwan was away from Japan and became the part of the Republic of China and the people were glad at it, for they thought they would ….

No.6 24/02/11 08:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《A dog has gone and a pig has come》

…for they thought they would be able to escape from being controlled by the colony. When the National Party came and stayed in Taiwan lots of people gathered so as to welcome, but it was the crowd of remnant of defeated soldiers who the people saw there. Soldiers who got emaciated and wore shabby clothes, carrying a pan or a pot, so the people who gathered so as to welcome them were just astounded at it.

Neither soldiers and officials could read nor write, on the other hand, all the people in Taiwan learned to be able…

No.7 24/02/11 09:17
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《A dog has gone and a pig has come》

…all the people in Taiwan who learned to be able to read or write in Taiwan were just dumbfounded.

The soldiers and officials from China were surprised when watching water come from the faucet or a electric bulb glow and they bought the faucet ant eh electric bulb at a general merchandise shop and set them up on the wall of their house, but needless to say neither water came from the faucet nor the electric bulb glowed, so it is said some of them stormed in rage at the general merchandise shop.

No.8 24/02/11 09:40
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《A dog has gone and a pig has come》

Soldiers and officials from the continent were surprised when seeing an elevator at a department store and stole a bicycle but didn’t know how to ride. It’s an episode on the National Party.

Officials on the National Party were decayed to the core and possessed the official fortune which the military force in Japan left behind, moreover almost all of the officials were occupied by the ones from the continent, and the ones from Taiwan were shut out.

When seeing it, the people in Taiwan expressed like the next.

No.9 24/02/11 10:04
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party has fled to Taiwan】

《A dog has gone and a pig has come》

A dog has gone and a pig has come.

The dog is the military force in Japan and the pig is the National Party. The dog was noisy and annoying but was sometimes useful as a watchdog, but the pig ate everything for itself and after that it’s just it slept. It’s an irony and criticism.

The ruler of Japan left and other ruler of the National Party came, the Taiwanese people thought like that. To make matters worse, the civil war between the National Party and the communist Party in the Chinese Continent turned up the…

No.10 24/02/11 10:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

…as the civil war between the National Party and the Communist Party in the Chinese Continent turned up the heat, the National Party sent the bread and butter goods to the Chinese Continent by force. Reprinting bills increased so as to procure war expenditure, as a result inflation intensified. Being short of material and rising the price hit on the residents direct, so the dissatisfaction among the Taiwanese became high then.

《And a tragedy broke out》

As being betrayed by the National Party which they expected too much and their life became hard.

No.11 24/02/11 10:42
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《And a tragedy broke out》

In the middle of rising the dissatisfaction among the Taiwanese, an event ignited the gas of the dissatisfaction broke out then. There was a woman sold tobacco on the black market on the road and six control regulators on tobacco monopoly bureau discovered it in 1947, and all the regulators from the continent. They took away not only the tobacco but the profit on the sales of tobacco.

The woman who sold the tobacco on the black market led her life alone and her life was so hard that she implored not to take away the profit.

No.12 24/02/11 10:57
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《And a tragedy broke out》

But the regulators struck the woman by the gun and she fell on the ground, bleeding from the head. The people who passed by surrounded the regulars and blamed them, they fired a gun and hit a man who saw the uproar and he was dead. It’s an ignition point.

The people were so angry that they surrounded the tobacco monopoly bureau and Administrative Government Agency in Taiwanese Province in the next day and the answer from the Administrative Government was indiscriminate firing. Armed police fired gun against crowd and three…

No.13 24/02/11 11:10
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《And a tragedy broke out》

…and three people were dead and a few dozens were injured. It broke out twenty eighth day February, so it’s called 2.28 event. The anger on the residents developed into a major riot. The residents who originally lived in Taiwan attacked rulers from the continent not only at Taipei but in the whole island. Then the Japanese language was made use of so as to distinguish between friends and foes.

When saying others in Japanese, and if they could understand the Japanese, they were their brethren in Taiwan, but if they couldn’t…

No.14 24/02/11 11:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

…and if they couldn’t understand the Japanese, it means that they were from the continent.

《Serious slaughter of all the intellectuals were killed》

The Taiwaneses were angry and demanded high level of self government by the residents of Taiwan to the Chief Executive which was the top on Taiwan.

The Chief Executive pretended to accept the request from the residents and went on the negotiation, on the other hand he asked the help to the military force in the continent.

The military force from the continent rushed to Taiwan in the next month and started…

No.15 24/02/11 11:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Serious slaughter of all the intellectuals were killed》

…and started to mop up the residents. All the representatives from the residents who were at the negotiation with the chief executive were murdered, and murdering escalated still more. Indiscriminate slaughter developed in the whole island. No less than twenty eight thousand of people were murdered then in two weeks.

After that Lee Teng Hui 李登輝 government was born and the research was done for the first time then, the number of victims were twenty eight thousand has appeared then, but there are …

No.16 24/02/11 12:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Serious slaughter of all the intellectuals were murdered》

…but there are lots of other missing, so some people say the actual situation on victims would be several times. The government of the National Party tried to nip in the bud on resistance in the future. Arresting the one who defied against the National Party or a leading person or highly educated who were likely to organize the movement on anti government one after another and executing them.

Then the leadership who were educated at the time of ruling colony by Japan were uprooted and killed.

No.17 24/02/11 12:50
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Serious slaughter that all the intellectuals were murdered》

After that Taiwan was controlled by the National Party from the continent for a long time. There has been the background that the capable Human Resources of all the residents in Taiwan were slaughtered.

But it made lots of pro Japan be born in Taiwan. Though there were lots of victims by controlling colony by Japan, the oppression by the National Party was so cruel that if comparing it with Japan, at least Japan was better than the National Party. Lots of people seem to think like that.

No.18 24/02/11 13:05
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan could continued to exist due to the Korean War》

The National Party was defeated by the Communist Party at the civil war December in 1949 and fled to Taiwan island where the National Party maintained control. After two months, the People’s Republic of China has been founded. Some two million of the National Party, officials of the Republic of China, soldiers and their family flowed into Taiwan.

As controlling Taiwan by the National Party was founded with the oppression on the residents, Chiang Kai-shek could be relieved and ran away to Taiwan.

No.19 24/02/11 13:19
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan could continue to exist due to the Korean War》

Moreover, the military law was invoked in Taiwan May before he escaped, the function on the constitution stopped before, and the military force controlled everything by the military law then.

Though there was an organization on the Communist Party in Taiwan as well, thorough regulation by the National Party destroyed it.

Ching Kai-shek planed to rebuild the situation and to counterattack against the continent. As to the territory on the Republic of China, except for the main land on Taiwan, Penghu …

No.20 24/02/11 13:38
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan could continue to exist due to the Korean War》

…except for the main land on Taiwan, Penghudao, 澎湖列島,Matsu Island 馬祖島 belonged to Fujian Province 福建省, and Golden Gate Bridge, the National Party secured the place which was right under the nose from the continent of China.

On the other hand, Mao Zedong planed to control the whole China and to attack Taiwan by relieving it. He accepted the plan of military movement of attacking Taiwan with the total troop strength of a half million.

Then the President Truman in America developed the feeling of…

No.21 24/02/11 13:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan could continued to exist due to the Korean War》

Then the President Truman developed the feeling of disgust on the despotic government by Chiang Kai-shek. He announced America wouldn’t intervene in the issue on Taiwan January in 1950, adopting the policy of being left on the shelf, and thought even if the Communist Party supported by the people would learn to control Taiwan, it can’t be helped. The survival on Taiwan seemed to be the flame in the gale.

But an occurrence which could continued to exist Taiwan broke out then. It’s the Korean War.

No.22 24/02/11 14:12
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan could continued to exist due to the Korean War》

The large army of the North Korea broke through the north altitude 38 degrees and rushed into the South Korea June in 1950. The plan on unification over the Korean Peninsula by force by Kim ll-Sung was carried out.

When the information reached to Taiwan, it is said the wife of Chiang Kai-shek who was beside her husband whispered, it’s the God’s salvation. If the Cold War between the East and West intensified by the Korean War, America would help Taiwan as the position of anti communist, so the …

No.23 24/02/11 14:24
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Taiwan could continued to exist due to the Korean War》

…so the Republic of China could continue to exist, the wife of Chiang Kai-shek thought like that, and the situation moved on like that. Then the President Truman started to help the military force in the South Korea, and at the same time, dispatching the seventh fleet to the sea near Taiwan and ordered to defend Taiwan.

The Air Force belonged to America started to stay in Taiwan. The treaty of defending and helping each other between America and the Republic of China was concluded in 1954.

No.24 24/02/11 14:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

America learned to secure the safety on Taiwan and China was forced to assist the North Korea, setting aside the relief on Taiwan once. The Republic of China was saved by the Korean War.

《China on the continent started to attack gunfire to Taiwan》

But the Korean has entered into cease fire in 1953, the Taiwan Strait became disquiet again. As China finished dispatching soldiers to the Korean Peninsula, it learned to consider relief on Taiwan again, and attacked islands where the military force belonged to the National Army stationed near the continent.

No.25 24/02/11 14:53
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《China on the continent attacked gunfire to Taiwan》

The attack was done in May in 1954. Aerial dogfight with fighters between China and Taiwan was developed. After the National Party escaped to Taiwan, the pocket of resistance between the military force of two of them continued.

After that the People’s Liberation Army in China attacked the Golden Gate Bridge August in 1958. The Gold Gate Bridge is the island which is in front of Xiamen 廈門 in the Chinese Continent. China threw no less than of thousands of shells to the military force belonged to the…

No.26 24/02/11 15:07
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《China on the continent attacked the gunfire to Taiwan》

China threw no less than thousands of shells to the military force belonged to the National Party on the island for consecutive days. Taiwan tried to supply materials to the garrison on the Gold Gate Bridge, but naval vessels which approached so as to supply were sunk one after another.

At last the seventh fleet belonged to America escorted the supply convoy in the National Party, the bombard by the People’s Liberation Army in China moved to decrease. Attacking the Golden Gate Bridge and how much…

No.27 24/02/11 15:21
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

…and how much does America try to protect Taiwan? China seemed to test America. After that, it has been established that the area where Taiwan controls is the Taiwan Island and the part of the Fujian Province 福建省

《Opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

Chiang Kai-shek who escaped to Taiwan couldn’t give up the dream of returning to the continent entirely, and the slogan was attacking the continent and helping brethren in the continent.

The members on the national Party and their family members who came from the continent to Taiwan learned to be called 外省人.

No.28 24/02/11 15:36
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

It means the ones who came from outside Taiwan. Including their descendants, some 10% of the residents are classified as 外省人.

On the other hands, the ones who lived in Taiwan were called 本省人. They make up for some 90% in the residents, and including 2.4% of indigenous people.

Taiwanese people were forced to carry the identified card, and there was a section showing the registration on the 省 on the identified card until Lee Teng-hui abolished it. If seeing it, being able to judge whether it was 本省人or 外省人.

本省人 who stayed…

No.29 24/02/11 15:56
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

本省人 who lived originally in Taiwan speaks the Taiwanese language and the language on indigenous people, but the common language between 外省人 and 本省人 is Beijing language.

When Taiwan changed from the colony belonged to Japan into the area belonged to the Republic of China, 本省人 found themselves in miserable situation by the 外省人, so the hostility to 外省人 has been left to 本省人.

On the other hand, 外省人 tend to look down on 本省人, so the opposition continues both open and covert.

《Taiwan used to be called a prison island》

No.30 24/02/11 16:15
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

As Ching Kai-shek was chased from the Chinese Continent by the Communist Party, he had a sense of fear the growth on the influence of the Communist Party in Taiwan, so maintained the military dictatorship and the exposure on the communist was done thoroughly. If speaking ill of Chiang Kai-shek and of the National Party, it will be arrested and sometimes being executed. Tipping off and act of espionage were recommended.

The one who took the lead on the exposure was the eldest son to Chiang Kai-shek. As the Chinese…

No.31 24/02/11 17:44
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

As the Chinese Continent was occupied by the Communist Party, we must counter attack to the continent and at present is the war time for the counter attack, so the freedom for speech has been put on ice for a while.

It’s the public position on the National Party, and the freedom for speech was oppressed. Under the military law in the wartime regime, even citizens were judged at a court martial. Lots of intellectuals were arrested and were sent to prison.

The ones who asked for democracy in Taiwan fled to Japan or America.

No.32 24/02/11 18:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

They criticized that Taiwan became the prison island.

The constitution in the Republic of China prohibited to be elected for the third time and the term of office on Chiang Kai-shek expired in 1960 but his term of office was put off because of being in the war time, and he secured the position of the president all his life.

《Under the developmental dictatorship, the economy developed greatly》

Though Taiwan was military dictatorship, in particular as to the economy, it’s developed greatly. China in the continent was…

No.33 24/02/11 18:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

China in the continent was confused on account of the failure on the Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution then, but ignoring it, the economy in Taiwan developed greatly.

In the beginning, Chiang Kai-shek used to think of Taiwan as the base to counter attack against the continent, so spending money on rebuilding the military force and didn’t use the money for the arrangement on the infrastructure in Taiwan in the least.

But as the dream of counter attack against the continent was far away, he was forced to think…

No.34 24/02/11 18:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

…he was forced to think of development in Taiwan.

The economic activity was free in Taiwan unless being involved in politics. As a results, residents could concentrated on the economic activity with various thought, furthermore, economic assistance from America helped the economic activity.

America continued economic assistance of which amount of money was a hundred million yen every year for fifteen years until 1965 so as to protect Taiwan.

As receiving the fund, without aiming at developing heavy industry, he started…

No.35 24/02/17 07:30
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《The opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

…he started from the promotion on agriculture and light industry, making progress on the heavy industry gradually.

Without permitting democracy on politics, making the economy develop by the leadership on dictatorship. We call it developmental autocrat. There are lots of cases in Asia which developed its economy by adopting it, and Taiwan was one of them.

When Japan accomplished the high economic growth, the cost employees becomes high in Japan, so Japanese companies advanced to Taiwan asking for low priced labor.

No.36 24/02/17 08:03
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《The opposition between 本省人 and 外省人》

Investment by Japanese companies have made the economy in Taiwan promote, for being able to make themselves understood by Japanese language, so advancing by Japanese companies were easy then.

After the World War Ⅱ, how much Japan should pay compensation in the war time? When being problematic, Chiang Kai-shek said, as to the grudge, paying with virtue, and abandoned the demand on the compensation against Japan, so then the Japanese were impressed, sympathizers on Chiang Kai-skek were born, and the opportunity of …

No.37 24/02/17 10:20
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

…the opportunity of working together on the economy in Taiwan was born then. Ching Kai shek used to go abroad in Japan as official cadet, and stayed Japan for five years then. His experience may have made him be pro-Japan.

《Getting kick out of the United Nations》

Even if the economy developed, the Republic of China was facing tough headwinds in the international society, and the most serious one was the expulsion from the United Nation.

After the World War Ⅱ when the United Nations started, the government which represented from the Chinese Continent and…

No.38 24/02/17 10:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Getting kicked out of the international society》

…and joined in the permanent council member on the Security Council. After that, the government in the Republic of China was defeated by the Communist Party in the civil war, and fled to Taiwan. Though the People’s Republic of China exists in the continent, an invention that the Republic of China held the seat in the United Nation continued.

Though there was a resolution that the Republic of China should be the formal representative from China by socialism nations of which center was the Soviet Union….

No.39 24/02/17 10:51
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Getting kicked out of the international society》

…but the resolution was denied by the objection from America and Japan, but the invention couldn’t continue for a long time. The resolution that getting rid of the Republic of China and inviting the People’s Republic of China was approved in 1971. Albania which was a friendly nation for China proposed it.

The Republic of China dissatisfied with it and withdrew from the United Nation then. In the next year, then the President Nixon visited China without announcing, issuing a joint declaration.

No.40 24/02/17 11:06
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Getting kicked out of the international society》

Understanding recognition that China was a single one and Taiwan was the part of China was in the joint statement. Moreover then the Prime Minister Kakue Tanaka visited China in the next year, entering into a diplomatic relation with the People’s Republic of China, deciding to break diplomatic ties with the Republic of China, and Taiwan was isolated in the international society altogether then.

《Chiang Kai-shek was dead》

While Taiwan was forced into a corner in the international society, the healthy….l

No.41 24/02/17 11:22
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Ching Kai-shek was dead》

…the healthy condition on Ching Kai-shek went bad, having a heart attack and being deep in coma July in 1972 immediate before Japan decided to break ties with the Republic of China. He became conscious January in the next year, but the condition of being unable to return to the official affairs continued and he was dead in 1975 at the age of 87.

No less than ten million residents from Taiwan were in a line of condolence in his statue funeral. The people in the National Party who ran away with Chang Kai-shek from the continent….

No.42 24/02/17 11:39
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Chiang Kai-shek was dead》

The people in the National Party who escaped with Chiang Kai-shek from the continent grieved over being unable to return to the continent any more. Thus the one era was over.

After that the Vice President succeeded to Chiang Kai-shek, but it’s just a short relief. He was engaged in the President until the term of the President expired, and Shou Keikoku 蒋経国, the eldest son of Chiang Kai-shek became the President then.

《Shou Keikoku who used to be a communist》

Shou Keikoku cracked down on the speech against the residents…

No.43 24/02/17 12:18
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Shou Keikoku who used to be a communist》

…being ordered from his father when his father was alive, but his father was dead and holding the reins of power, he moved forward to democracy. He succeeded to his father and reigned over Taiwan as dictator, but he was a super communist in the past.

He was sent to Moscow as a student studying abroad at the age of 25 in 1925. The Republic of China used to control the continent then, trying to strengthen the relation with Soviet and sending executive trainees as students studying abroad to Moscow. He learned at …

No.44 24/02/17 12:34
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Shou Keikoku used to be a communist》

He learned at university of which aim was training executives in the Communist Party in Moscow. He joined in youth wing on communism there and came across Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平 there.

He got married to a Russian woman in 1935 and his son was born when staying in Soviet. When Ching Kai-shek who was his father started the policy on anti communism, he announced a statement of denouncing his father at Russia.

But as the second cooperative relation between the National Party and the Communist Party was formed and…

No.45 24/02/17 15:37
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Shou Keikoku used to be a communist》

…and as the relation between his father and the Communist Party in China was improved, he returned to China with his child and his wife in 1937. The hostile relation between the son and his father was dissolved and he abandoned the position of communism, but the theory on communism which was instilled when being young had a great influence over the idea on him greatly after that.

When Chiang Kai-shek belonged to the National Party fled to Taiwan, his son displayed his uncommon shrewdness as the top of the special…

No.46 24/02/17 16:01
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

…his son displayed his uncommon shrewdness as the top of special agency which regulated the anti establishment, rising the rank within the administration. He became the position like the Prime Minister under the Ching Kai-shek President in 1972.

《Democratization started》

Shou Keikoku became the President and stepped forward from the structure of which center was 外省人 who came from the continent, trying to adopt 本省人 who lived in Taiwan originally. Lee Tengu-hui 李登輝 who became the first President from the 本省人 was pulled up by Shou Keikoku, and became the…

No.47 24/02/17 16:14
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Democratization started》

…and became the Vice President in 1984. The reform on the structure on the one party dictatorship by the National Party made progress. The political party of the Democratic Progressive Party was established at a hotel in Taipei in 1986. Establishment on the opposition party had been prohibited until then, but the opposition party has been established at last then.

Shou Keikoku President approved silently on the condition obeying the constitution and the principe on anti communism and not insisting on independence on Taiwan.

No.48 24/02/17 16:31
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《Democratization started》

After that the democratization started all at once. Prohibited matters until then were got rid of every year. The martial law which continued for thirty eight years was lifted in 1987.

Newspaper was prohibited to publisher until then, but it was also lifted, and publication on the newspaper has been able to do at will, the freedom of press has been accepted widely. Taiwan has changed the direction greatly to the democratization.

《The first President who was from Taiwan》

The President Shou Keikoku who paved the way for entry ….

No.49 24/02/17 16:46
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《The first President who was from Taiwan》

The President Shou Keikoku who paved way for entry to the democracy was dead suddenly at the age of 77 in 1988. Lee Teng hui 李登輝 who was the Vice President then became the President after that, the one from Taiwan was in the top position for the first time. It was epoch making. He accepted the democratization which the previous President adopted, and developed it still more.

The ones from Taiwan originally supported Lee Teng hui and others who came from the continent did him, for he was a successor of Lee Teng hui

No.50 24/02/17 17:02
燻し銀三 ( 60代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

【The National Party fled to Taiwan】

《The first President who was from Taiwan》

Lee Teng hui started advantageously by supported from both of the people. He was engaged in the President for two years at the term of Shou Keikoku, and after that he became the President formally and consolidated his power.

He lifted 反乱鎮圧動員時期臨時条項 which was carried out from 1948. It means stopping functioning the constitution when the civil war by the Communist Party continues. The powerful authority was given to the President by adding the article, not the constitution and the law but the order from the….




5/28 サーバメンテナンス(終了)



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