
science,math and English

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名無し( 50代 ♂ )
14/10/18 18:30(最終更新日時)

I love English and I've been interested in science,math and so on.😃

It doesn't always mean I'm good at three of them.In fact,almost all of the things are too difficult to understand.😣

I want to express everything in English,though it seems to be hard for me.As for this site,I'm sure few people visits. I can't help it.😠

Seeing is believing,so with illustration,difficult theory is relatively easy to understand, I'm sure, so I wish I could be good at AA,アスキット アート.😃

I have little knowledge about the science and math,but once built up a new thread, I'm sure I have to complete it.Even if the two of them are difficult to understand, it's just things that have been done with human, so I will try it.🙋

As for its expression,it has some limitation naturally.When expressing an equation,we often have to express the symbol of an element 元素記号 with its amount of mass 質量数 in small size of number, but we can't do it with a cellphone.📱

At first,the cellphone doesn't have such function any more, but I will try it.

13/03/31 07:47 追記
Despite its title,I've never expressed math,so I'm sure I have to describe math.😃

Far from the math! I have to learn arithmetic again.I'll do my best.🙋

13/04/20 07:14 追記
When finishing expression on the electricity,I'm wondering if I should start to express math or arithmetic.I'm going to do my best!😤

No.1650457 11/08/10 14:33(スレ作成日時)  



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