彼氏にカマかけたらクロ 別れるべきか

science,math and English

レス500 HIT数 25062 あ+ あ-

名無し( 50代 ♂ )
14/10/18 18:30(更新日時)

I love English and I've been interested in science,math and so on.😃

It doesn't always mean I'm good at three of them.In fact,almost all of the things are too difficult to understand.😣

I want to express everything in English,though it seems to be hard for me.As for this site,I'm sure few people visits. I can't help it.😠

Seeing is believing,so with illustration,difficult theory is relatively easy to understand, I'm sure, so I wish I could be good at AA,アスキット アート.😃

I have little knowledge about the science and math,but once built up a new thread, I'm sure I have to complete it.Even if the two of them are difficult to understand, it's just things that have been done with human, so I will try it.🙋

As for its expression,it has some limitation naturally.When expressing an equation,we often have to express the symbol of an element 元素記号 with its amount of mass 質量数 in small size of number, but we can't do it with a cellphone.📱

At first,the cellphone doesn't have such function any more, but I will try it.

13/03/31 07:47 追記
Despite its title,I've never expressed math,so I'm sure I have to describe math.😃

Far from the math! I have to learn arithmetic again.I'll do my best.🙋

13/04/20 07:14 追記
When finishing expression on the electricity,I'm wondering if I should start to express math or arithmetic.I'm going to do my best!😤

No.1650457 11/08/10 14:33(スレ作成日時)



No.451 14/07/19 07:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 450 【Creatures which don't have backbones.】

【An earthworm.】

However the ground is dry,as a result,even if the earthworm can run away from the mole,it's forced to come across other formidable enemy.It's the dried ground.🆘

Though it's simple,the earthworm has not only a heart,blood tube,but also digestive organs from a mouth to anus,and nervous system.😃

A thing which is different from other creatures is that a single earthworm has both sex organs for a male and female.We call the creature hermaphroditism 雌雄同体😚

《A short-neck clam 浅利.》

The short-neck clam inhabits in the sand of shallow sea.Its adductor muscle 貝柱 is vertical in the shell,and a thing which is equivalent to a foot of other creatures' is below the shell.The clam sticks out two water pipes on the sand.It absorbs some seawater with the one water pipe,and exhausts with the other one.🐚

At first,the short-neck clam absorbs some seawater with some sand which contains lots of microbes,and takes nourishment in its body.🐚

No.452 14/07/19 10:18
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 451 【Creatures which don't have backbones.】

《A short-neck clam.》

The single short-neck clam purifies about water of 1 liter by filtering everyday.By the way,the short-neck clam isn't a spiral shell,but a bivalve 二枚貝.Therefore 🐚 is in the wrong to be exact.It cannot be helped.😂

The short-neck clam has a thing which is equal to a leg,but judging from its shape,it resembles a tongue rather than a leg.I'm sure there should be more proper way of calling,but I'm not sure of it,so I call it the leg for the sake of convenience.☝

When moving,the short-neck clam continues to expand and contract the leg as if the tip of the foot hooked the sand into some extent.The two shells are connected with a thing like a hinge 蝶番.It's a ligament 靭帯.🐚

When feeling it's in a dangerous situation,it shuts up with two shells tightly,using its strong muscle.The adductor muscle of the shellfish is so strong that it can't be easily opened by human power.If trying it,we can recognize it easily.😁

No.453 14/07/19 22:34
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 452 【Creatures which don't have backbones.】

《A baby necked clam 浅利》

The clam has a heart,stomach,and bowel.The internal organs are covered with the shells.The shell is made from calcium carbonate 炭酸カルシウム like limestone,if acids are pouring into it,it'll melt.😱

The shells function as armor in order to prevent the clam from eating with its enemies.It belongs to a mallusc 軟体動物 like an octopus, squid,and snail on the ground.🐌

By the way,the clam has several names like a short-neck clam,a baby-necked one,and littleneck one.All three names have necks,but where is the neck in the clam in the world?😚

《Arthropod 節足動物.》

A crab,lobster,and insects like a spider,tick ダニ,and centipede 百足 belong to the arthropod.The arthropod means every joint of the body has each leg.♋

The arthropods' kinds are so much in the creatures that we can come across them everywhere like on beach,near freshwater lake,on the ground,or in the air.Why have they thrived so far?☝

No.454 14/07/26 05:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 453 【Creatures which don't have backbones.】


It's main reason is the framework outside the body has developed.Surface of the body changed into hard and close so much that various problems were settled with regard to inhabiting on the ground.👍

The framework outside the body prevents the body's water from dehydrating when inhabiting on the ground.Gravitation didn't use to any problems as long as they inhabited in the water.☝

The framework outside the body can support its body against the gravitation on the ground.Besides,as for structure,the framework outside the body is so solid that it can protect inside the body enough.Moreover it has learned to own muscles in order to take into action quickly.🎊

《An insect's feature.》

The insect belongs to the arthropod,so its body is covered with the framework,inside the framework has developed muscles so much that it can go into action swiftly.🐞

The insect's kinds are by far more than any creatures on the earth,and…🐜

No.455 14/07/26 06:35
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 454 【Creatures which don't have backbones.】

《An insect's feature.》

Roughly speaking,the insects have common feature like the next.🐝

① The body is divided into three parts such as a head,breast,and body.

② There are three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings on the breast.

③ There is what is called a 気門 on the side of the breast and body.The insect breaths with the 気門.The 気門 are small holes.

Sensory organs like an ocellus 単眼,compound eyes,and antennae gather on the insect's head.If information is sent from the sensory organs to the brain,it will be delivered to its muscles which make its legs and wings function.🐛

Not only organs for movements like legs and wings,but developed muscles collect on the breast.There are 気門 both sides of the body and breast.😃

The air which is taken from the 気門 reaches through the trachea 気管,and spreads the whole tissue.🐞

By the way,while there are a great variety of creatures,they have common structure each other.😚

No.456 14/07/26 10:35
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 455 【Structure of a cell.】

I'm going to try to express how the cell is,and how the human body is made from each single cell.🙋

While its appearance is different,minimum unit which consists of creature's body is the cell.It's just the cell which forms all the creatures such as an earthworm,human,elephant,and whale.The cell's size is almost the same.🐳

Plants and animals have common cells.They are a nucleus,the cell membrane 細胞膜,and cytoplasm 細胞質.We call a combination of the nucleus and cytoplasm protoplasm 原形質.😃

There are things which the plants have,but the animal doesn't.They are chloroplast 葉緑体,what we call 細胞壁,and 液胞.🌱

The 細胞壁 is mainly made of cellulose and pectin which is surface of the plant.The cell's components are chiefly water and protein.
① The nucleus and cytoplasm.

There is a gene in the nucleus.Things the inside the cell membrane which are except for the nucleus are cytoplasm.🐘

② The cell membrane.

The cell membrane is very thin.It's thickness is only…

No.457 14/08/02 01:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 456 【Structure of a cell.】

《The cell membrane 細胞膜 .》

Its thickness is only a 0.1 millionth.The cell membrane doesn't only divide the outside and inside the cell,but plays more important role.While the cell membrane takes in what the cell needs,it emits what the cell doesn't need.💡

The functions in which choosing substances,taking in,and ejecting materials make the cell be alive.If the cell membrane didn't take in anything like a vinyl,or it takes in everything even if it needs or not like a paper,the cell will be dead.💀

《What we call the 細胞壁.》

The cell membrane is covered with the 細胞壁 in vegetation.The cell membrane is a thing like a soft film.It's filled with liquid.If the soft cells are piled up high,they'll crushed instantly.🌱

The plants don't have any skeleton like animals.Instead,they have what is called 細胞壁 each solid cell membrane.The plant supports its body as if it heaped up some concrete blocks.🍀

  • << 460 【Structure of a cell.】 《What is called 液胞.》 When a plant grows,some wastes are released.They are saved in a thing like a bag.It's the 液胞.Pigment 色素 which is base of color of the flower is also stored there.🌷 《A simple cell and other.》 We call a creature made of only thing a like ameba and paramecium 草履虫 simple cell.Contrary to it,we call other one in which plenty of cells gather like us humankind,earthworm,and onion what we call 多細胞生物😃 As for the 多細胞生物,some cells of which shapes and functions are same gather and become a tissue 組織.Some tissues gather and become an organ which plays a part.Some organs gather and become an individual.💡 It's said that the body of a person is made from no less than cells of 6 billion.The cells are classified into about 200 kinds of cells which have different nature respectively.😲 I'm going to take the case of a stomach,and to express on the cells which form the stomach.🙋 I hope this response of mine succeeds in sending to the bulletin board.🙏

No.458 14/08/02 15:50
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 457 【Structure of a cell.】

《What is called a 液胞.》

It's a thing like a bag in which some

No.459 14/08/02 16:40
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 458 【What's happened?】

I've just responded to my thread,but to my surprise,it's a few lines which appeared on the screen of my cellphone.It took about 1hour to express my response.It's a waste of time.😚

I've wanted to fill this response with my complaints,but I'm afraid it's not worth reading,so I'm going to express other story.😚

While I've loved English and studied it for years,my English ability isn't so good as I expected,for when expressing myself,we have to take account into its place,occasion,and objective.☝

Whether or not it's formal,it's also so important that after due consideration,we have to,but to my sadness,I can't.😫

I'm sure I can make myself understand in English,but it's not enough.I'm not sure how I continue to study English.The best way is to communicate with as much people as I can in English,especially with English native speakers.🔤

The trouble is that I'm not good at associating with others.What should I do?💧

No.460 14/08/03 10:21
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 457 【Structure of a cell.】 《The cell membrane 細胞膜 .》 Its thickness is … 【Structure of a cell.】

《What is called 液胞.》

When a plant grows,some wastes are released.They are saved in a thing like a bag.It's the 液胞.Pigment 色素 which is base of color of the flower is also stored there.🌷

《A simple cell and other.》

We call a creature made of only thing a like ameba and paramecium 草履虫 simple cell.Contrary to it,we call other one in which plenty of cells gather like us humankind,earthworm,and onion what we call 多細胞生物😃

As for the 多細胞生物,some cells of which shapes and functions are same gather and become a tissue 組織.Some tissues gather and become an organ which plays a part.Some organs gather and become an individual.💡

It's said that the body of a person is made from no less than cells of 6 billion.The cells are classified into about 200 kinds of cells which have different nature respectively.😲

I'm going to take the case of a stomach,and to express on the cells which form the stomach.🙋

I hope this response of mine succeeds in sending to the bulletin board.🙏

No.461 14/08/09 02:59
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 460 【Structure of a cell.】

《A simple cell and other.》

The epithelium cells 上皮細胞 forming a mucous membrane 粘膜 gather on the most inner part of the stomach,and they form an aggregate 集合体 of epithelium tissue of which thickness is just a few millimeters.😃

Cells of stomach gland 腺 which produces gastric juice 胃液 gather here and there on the epithelium tissue.Muscle cells gather and form muscle tissue is formed outside the epithelium tissue.😚

《An animal and its cell.》

Very minimum cells of which each size is just a dozen of micrometers repeat segmentation 分裂 and increase to huge numbers.In addition,each cell makes a contact each other,and plays a role respectively.We are forced to say a creature's body is marvelous.😲

By the way,micrometer is equal to one-thousandth of 1millimeter.☀

By the way,if eating too much,extra nutrition becomes fats,and it's saved within our body.Then the fat is saved in the fat cell.😺

No.462 14/08/09 07:14
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 461 《An animal and its cell.》

If comparing with a slim person,a stout one not only have much more fat cells,but the cell itself swells with the fat.😂

I'm going to express on a cell which creates a bone.The cell produces collagen of which shape looks like a fiber.The cell ejects the collagen outside the cell.The blood conveys calcium phosphate リン酸他カルシウム.☝

When the collagen is connected with the calcium phosphate,it becomes a hard bone.It doesn't mean that there is the calcium in the cell which produces the bone.💡

Anyway,all the phenomena which happens in the body of the creature such as saving fat,sweating,producing the bone,and resolving alcohol are being done by the cell.🐶

【How the cell increases.】

Whenever the cells split,they become double.If the split happens tenth times,the number of the cell will be 1.024.When twentieth times,1.048.576,thirtieth times,1.073.741.824 and so on.😃

In a word,whenever the cells split ten times,their numbers also increase to ten times.

No.463 14/08/09 19:25
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 462 【How the cell increases.】

It is said that the human body has plenty of cells.They are about 6 billion.If reckoning simply,segmentation 細胞分裂 repeats 46th times from a fertilized egg,it will become a human body of a grown-up.👨

《What kind of thing is the cancer cell?》

The cancer starts at the moment when a normal cell changes into cancer one.After segmentation repeats several time,the normal one will be dead,for it has a life span.😃

Contrary to it,the cancer one has such a longer life span that it isn't dead easily.Furthermore it repeats the segmentation so frequently that without stopping the cancer cell goes on increasing.⚠

The cancer cell has other feature.We cal it metastasis 転移 in medical terms.☝

The normal cell repeats the segmentation and is dead at a place where it was born.On the other hand,the cancer one can survive even if it's away from a place where it was born.🆘

The cancer cell change any places into other ones which are suitable for them.😨

No.464 14/08/16 00:06
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 463 【How the cell increases.】

《What kind of thing is the cancer cell?》
       It continues increasing limitlessly,and survives in varied internal organs.It's the cancer cell.😨

Comparing an ordinary cell with the cancer one,the cancer one has different peculiarity remarkably,for example,it's bigger than the ordinary one,its nucleus of the cell is also bigger than that of the ordinary one.⚠

《How long is the life span of the cell?》

If taking a bath,and washing ourselves,some grimes 垢 appear from the bodies.Without washing a head,its hair is full of dandruff ふけ.Both the grime and dandruff are dead cells.😚

Cells of the surface of the body die one after another because various stimulations damage them from its outside.💀

Other cells within the body also die or are destroyed by other ones when they can't play their roles.How long are the life span of the cells which are dead?😃

Roughly speaking,as for a person,its red blood corpuscle 赤血球 is 4 months,white blood one 2 weeks,in addition,…

No.465 14/08/16 01:13
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 464 【How does the cell increase?】

《How long is a life span of a cell?》

A cell in which takes nutriment on the surface of the small intestine 小腸 dies in about 36 hours.As for numbers of the cell which dies per a second within the body,it's said that they are about 50 million.😲

However,other 50 million cells are produced newly.Some cells have long life span exceptionally.They are nerve cells,or the ones around the heart muscle.💓

Those cells sometimes continue to live more than 1 century,but many of the cells die halfway.If a lot of brain cells die,we forget what we've memorized,or we learn to be unable to do a thing which we can do until then.😱

While the cells of both the brain and heart live long,neither they segment 分裂 nor increase at all.They are different from others like a liver.😥

As a result,medical treatments for the heart or brain are hard.☝

《How does an animal increase?》

An animal certainly has its parents.All the creatures can create the same race.It's reproduction

No.466 14/08/16 07:22
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 465 【How does an animal increase?】

As to a simple cell like an ameba,its parent's body splits into two when increasing.It's also the reproduction,but not being done by a male and female.We call it asexual reproduction 無性生殖.😃

Except for the ameba,all the creatures have both the male and female.The female has an ovary 卵巣 in the body,the male a testis 精巣.😚

An egg is created in the ovary,and a sperm in the testis.Both the egg and sperm are the cells.The egg stores plenty of nutriment so much that it's bigger than an ordinary cell.☀

Contrary to it,the sperm is by far smaller than the egg,and it moves active.The sperm's head is almost occupied with a nucleus.The cells like the ovary and sperm exist in order to increase their descendants.We call them generative 生殖 cells.⛄

Bearing their young by male and female is sexual reproduction.🔞

《As for a person,does its kind of egg change into a baby?》

A birthday is the day when a mother gives birth to its child.👶

No.467 14/08/23 04:43
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 466 【How does an animal increase?】

《As to a person,dods its kind of egg change into a baby?》

We'd already spend about 270 days until our birthdays in our mother's bodies,as a result,to be exact,our birthdays go back about 270 days from the days when we were born.👶

Precisely,each of us used to be a fertilized egg of which diameter is just 0.2 millimeter before 270 days from the birthdays.It was only a single cell.👶

An ovum 卵子 and sperm were united to form the fertilized egg.The ovum usually comes from its ovary once a month,and if it meets with the sperm within 24 hours,it'll be dead.☝

Contrary to it,about 0.1 billions of sperms come from a testis 精巣 at a time.About 100 sperms reach near the ovary,and only one is united to the ovum.😲

Only after a day,the fertilized egg starts to segment.It splits into 2,they change into 4,8,16…They continue to increase like that.Those cells don't separate.They cling each other.After the fertilization,the number of the cells are over 100.😺

No.468 14/08/23 09:09
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 467 【How does an animal increase?】

《As to a person,does its kind of egg change into a egg?》

The fertilized egg of just only the single cell repeated the segmentation,and became a group of the cell of which numbers are over 100.😃

Then the cells cling to the wall of the womb of its mother.Until then,they'd lived,using their own nutriment,but they learn to be able to win enough nutrition and oxygen from its mother's body through her placenta 胎盤 from then.👩

At the same time,plenty of the cells repeating the segmentation divides into others which have different natures.Some of them change into the base of its skin,others become into the ones of the bone,and another ones the muscle.😃

The cells repeat the segmentation,and continue to change like that.We call the phenomenon of changing into other nature the cell's differentation.🐵

Without the differentation,our bodies are just a mass of flesh.Neither it has a backbone,limbs,face,nor hair.Therefore the differentation is very important.

No.469 14/08/24 02:37
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 468 【How does an animal increase?】

《As to a person,does its kind of egg change into a baby?》

However,we haven't understood yet very much how the differentation developes.A lot of scientists have tackled this problem.😃

As I've told before,roughly speaking,a grown-up is made up with 60 billion of cells,but it starts from only a single cell.😲

《How does plants increase?》

There are varied plants around us.Many of them are seed plants.As to the seed plants,wind or an insect carry its pollen to a pistil めしべ of a stigma 柱頭,as a result,its flower is pollinated 受粉.🌹

The pollen starts to grow a thing like a tube.The tube extends for its ovule 胚珠 through the pistil.When the nucleus of a thing which equivalent to a testis 精巣 in the pollen reaches the ovule,it's united with other nucleus of the ovule and forms an egg in the ovule.🎀

In this way,a fertilized egg of the seed plant is produced.The fertilized egg repeats segmentations like the animal,and become an embryo 胚.🌼

No.470 14/08/30 22:51
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 469 《How does a plant increase?》

The whole ovule 胚珠 becomes a seed.When around condition of growing is arranged,the seed sprouts,and changes into a root,stem and leaf.🌱

While lots of seed plants increase with sexual production,some of them does with asexual production.For example,as for a potato,part of its bud transforms other potato,and the other one comes into bud,and goes on increasing.🍟

Yams 山芋 comes into bud on the surface of the stem,It's like a little yam,and the little one continues to increase.😃

A tulip increases with a bulb.We adopt other way.We make some hydrangeas 紫陽花,and azaleas つつじ increase with what is calldd plant a cutting 挿し木.🌼

We cut off each branch,stem,and leaf,and plant them on the ground.It's also a kind of asexual reproduction.😃

By the way,to tell the truth,I have little knowledge on the plants.It's shameful of me to say it,but I'm not sure the way of plant a cutting makes the branch,and stem come into bud.😳

No.471 14/08/30 23:54
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【Creatures' heredity.】

A child has sometimes different form,and nature from its parents.It's a Austrian clergyman,Mdndel who cleared up the mystery of heredity for the first time in the world.It was in 1865.

【What's an inheritance?】

The heredity is the next phenomenon. Creature's form,and nature are passed from their parents to their children,or the form and nature are passed from a cell to the next one.🐙

Mdndel was born in a poor tenant farmer in 1822.He earned his own school expenses,and became a clergyman.He tried to promote agricultural chemistry in his region.🌽

Then he made up his mind to study heredity on the plant,as part of the promotion for the agricultural chemistry.💡

He changed a part of courtyard into a field,and grew plenty of peas in the religious house.He sorted them by each character such as colors,and height of the stems.🍀

He counted them precisely by each character,and figured out each rate.Then the fact turned out to be clear unexpectedly.❗

No.472 14/08/31 01:01
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 471 【What's heredity?】

《While its parents' colors are yellow and green,its child isn't always yellowish green.Why?》

In those days,they believed that parents' natures were mixed,and the mixed one was passed to their child.☝

However,to Mendel's surprise,when he crossed a pea of which pod さや was green and other pea of which pod was yellow,only the peas of which pods were green grew.There were none of the peas of which pods were yellowish green.😲

He also crossed low peas and high ones,but only the high ones grew.Then Mendel thought about the phenomena.💡
“The heredity of the pea may be caused like a grain.I'm wondering if every pea has two hereditary grains.If the grain which causes yellow pod exists with other one which causes green pod,it hides its nature.💡”

“I'm going on call the one of which nature appeared on the surface dominance,other one of which nature hides recessive.☝”

He repeated his experiments so as to make sure his thought was right,and…

No.473 14/09/06 03:21
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 472 【What's heredity?】

《When parents' colors are yellow and green,their child's color isn't always yellowish green.Why?》

The thing which Mendel thought like a grain is a gene.In this way,he'd discovered the next law.😃

When crossing the one in which dominant nature appears and other one in which recessive nature appears,dominant nature surely appears in their child.We call it a law of prepotence 優性遺伝.🙋

《Ways of expressing genes.》

When expressing a gene's dominant nature,we make it rule to describe it with the alphabet's capital,as for the gene's recessive nature,we use a small letter.☝

For example,we call a gene of tall pea A,other one of low pea a.Furthermore,we call the parent's gene which certainly makes the pea tall AA,and other parent's gene which surely makes the pea low aa.🐯

The gene is above the chromosome 染色体 in the nucleus of a cell.As for the pea,there are 14 chromosomes.There is a pair of genes of which size and shape are same,so we describe like AA,or aa.💡

No.474 14/09/06 04:40
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 473 【What's heredity?】

《Ways of expressing genes.》

We call a pair of the chromosomes 染色体 of which size and shape are altogether same what's called 相同染色体.There is a pair of the 相同染色体 which make the pea become tall among the others.🐵

Therefore,when expressing parents'genes,we describe like AA,or aa,but when cells of sperm or embryo are produced,the number of chromosomes become half,for each one of the chromosomes goes ininto the cells of the sperm or embryo.😃

When the cells of the sperm or embryo are produced,cell division also happens,the number of the chromosomes.We call it reduction division 減数分裂.Then the chromosomes become half.🐰

When expressing the genes of the sperm or embryo of the cells,we use a single letter,like A,or a.🐸

By the way,when expressing something concerning science,I'm often used to adopt some technical terms like chromosome,chlorophyll and so on.I'm wondering when I use the technical terms.😚

The more we use a word,the more we are familiar with it but…😔

No.475 14/09/06 10:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【What's heredity?】


When crossing tall pea and low one,their children are all tall ones.Then if crossing only tall children,what kind of grandchildren become? Please select right answer from the next options.😁

① Only tall peas.
② Tall peas and low ones.The two of them are the same number.

③ Tall peas and low ones.The ratio of the tall ones to the low ones is 2 to 1.

④ Tall ones and low ones.The ratio of the tall ones to the low ones is 3 to 1.

《An explanation.》

When crossing parents in which dominant gene,AA,appears and other ones in which recessive gene,aa,appears,their children are all dominant,Aa.😃

However,when crossing the children in which genes of Aa,as to the ratio of the gene,the grandchildren is the next.


As a result,the ratio of the dominant gene to the recessive one is 3:1,for both the AA and Aa are dominant,so the nature becomes clear on the appearance.

The right answer is ③.

No.476 14/09/13 03:11
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 475 【What's heredity?】

《Inheritance concerning a person's earwax.》

I'm afraid it's impolite of me to ask like the next,but is your earwax white and dried out,or blown and wet? Roughly speaking,as for the earwax,it is said no less than 85% of the whole Japanese have dry earwax,the rest of brown wet ear earwax.👂

New cell always appears and old ones come loose and fall from the lower part in the skin which covers all over our body.The old ones are mixed with sweat,fat and dust from the outside.They are the earwax.👂
The hole in the external ear is covered with the skin which has glands.The glands 腺 secrete 分泌 sweat or fat.If the more sweat and fat are secreted in the external ear,the wetter the earwax becomes,the less the drier it becomes.👂

Whether it's drier or wetter depends on heredity.While a gene which makes the earwax become wet is dominant,other one which makes the earwax become dry is recessive.We call the dominant one W,the recessive one w.👂

No.477 14/09/13 04:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 476 【What's heredity?】

《Inheritance concerning a person's earwax.》

If your earwax is dry,it means that you have two of『w』in your cell. You've received the genes from each of your parents.They are expressed with ww.👂

On the other hand,if your earwax is wet,it means that you have two of『W』or one w and one W.Then your gene is WW,or Ww,but even if we watch our earwax zealously,we can't recognize whether it's WW,or Ww.😂

If either of your parents has dry earwax,your gene is Ww.If both of your parents have wet ones,without getting married to others,no one can't acknowledge what kind of gene you have.😚

If you have a child who has dry earwax,your gene prove to be Ww,but there is possibility that the ones who have wet earwax happen to be born one after another,so it doesn't always mean that we can surely recognize.👂

《If making the disguise of a gene throw off…》

If using a chicken's liver or broccoli,everyone learns to take out the DNAs easily and to look at them with naked eyes.

No.478 14/09/13 09:15
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 477 【If making the disguise of inheritance throw off…】

Varied ways of taking out of the gene have been reported at internet.When looking at its experiment,someone said like the next.☝

“It's as if it were starch syrup 水飴.”for it saw the DNA twined around a stick made of glass.Other said the DNA resembles the white of an egg.I'm wondering if it's connected with the experiment in which the chicken's liver was adopted.🐔

It was in 1953 when the gene has proved to be substance of the DNA for the first time in the world.About 90 years had passed since Mendel discovered the law of the gene.😃

We call the molecule of the DNA double helix 螺旋,for it's as if a ladder was twisted.There are 4 kinds of chemical compound on the things which are equivalent to steps of the ladder.We also call them bases 塩基.☀

We call each base A,T,G,C.Two bases face each other on a thing like a stair.It stands in a line on a thing like the ladder.It extends on and on.😃

Its combinations seem to have some laws.😃

No.479 14/09/13 19:02
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 478 【If making the disguise of inheritance throw off…】

In the low,a A faces a T,and a C is opposite a G.The combinations doesn't seem to be changed,for neither the A faces the G,nor the C is opposite the T.😃

In short,if an arrangement of one side is GGCTAGC,the other one will surely be CCGATCG.If cutting the ladder in the center,and composing them,the two same DNAs of the same arrangement of the base are.We call the phenomenon self-reproduction of the DNA.💡

When a cell divides into two,and two of them have the same genes,it's connected with the arrangement of the bases.😚


The DNA is usually reproduced precisely,according to the law of the arrangement,but the arrangement makes a mistake though it seldom occurs.Then the function of the genes is out of order.😱

For example,if one of the bases changes its combination,a shape of a red blood corpuscle 赤血球 changes.Its tip becomes sharp.😚

We call the structure of the DNA changes mutation.The mutation occurs automatically,but…

No.480 14/09/20 05:03
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 479 【Mutation.】

Lots of the mutations occur automatically,but some of them are caused by chemical materials or large quantities of radioactive materials.If reproductive cells like a sperm or ovum 卵子 mutate,some unfamiliar nature appear.They'll be quite different from Mendel's law.😲

【What is genetic recombination?】

When trying to buy some fermented soybeans 納豆,or bean curds 豆腐 in a supermarket,we happen to see some phrases on a wrapping paper of the supermarket.They say like the next.😃

“We don't deal with any soybeans in which genes are recombined.”

Our country Japan imports almost all of the soybeans from foreign countries such as America,Canada,or Brazil.We process the soybeans and the raw materials change into cooking oil,fermented soybean paste 味噌,or soy sauce.One of their makers has a comment like the next.😃

“The soybeans are raw materials of soy sauce.They're crops for genetic recombination,but Japanese ministry of health,labor and welfare has proclaimed they're safe.”👍

No.481 14/09/20 07:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 480 【What's genetic recombination?】

The maker continues.

“We make use of fermentability 発酵性,and process the soybeans,change them into soy sauce.It takes about from 6 to 8 months.Then all the proteins in the soybeans are decomposed into amino acid or peptide.”

“As a result,any soybeans can't be detected from the soy sauce.Even if we use the soybeans in which genetic recombined ones are adopted,we don't have any obligation to announce it.”😚

“However,consumers demand us to show clearly whether or not we use the soybeans in which the genetic recombined ones are used so much that we've announced we don't use any soybeans in which any genetic recombined ones.”

Neither the fermented soybeans nor bean curds are decomposed into the amino acid or peptide.Therefore if we use the soybeans in which genetic recombined ones as raw material,we have to indicate it clearly,being based a food hygiene law 食品衛生法.🙋

As for soybean fiber おから,green soybean,fermented soybean,we're obliged to show it.😃

No.482 14/09/20 21:29
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 481 【What's genetic recombination?】

《Difference between the genetic recombination and non genetic recombination.》

Difference of some crops between the genetic recombination and non genetic recombination is a protein which is made by the gene,it means what is called a DNA.😃

For example,as for the soybean of which gene was recombined,some gene which was taken out from the bacteria in the soil was recombined into it.☝

In this way,we call the way of taking out some genes from a creature and recombining it into other creature the genetic recombination.Some weed-killers don't make the soybeans into which some bacteria were recombined wither.The weed-killer usually prevents an amino acid which is indispensable for growth of the plant from functioning.🍂

However,the soybeans into which the bacteria in the soil was recombined never wither by the weed-killer,for the enzyme which is made from the bacteria in the soil isn't affected by the weed-killer at all.😲

No.483 14/09/27 03:46
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 482 【What's the genetic recombination?】

《Difference between the genetic recombination and non genetic recombination.》

Even if the weed-killer makes the weed wither,the soybean which was recombined genetically hasn't been affected by the weed-killer at all,the soybean grows rapidly.[クローバー]

《A problem on the vegetable which is recombined genetically.》

Even if comparing the soybean which was recombined genetically with other one which wasn't,we can't distinguish difference between them at all,for both of their appearance,and taste aren't different a bit.What is a problem on the vegetable which was genetically recombined?☝

There are two different things between them.A recombined DNA and protein which was created by the DNA.The Ministry of Healthy,Labor and Welfare has inspected whether or not the vegetable which was genetically recombined is safe for the human body.🙋

Both the DNA and protein are used as nutriment,and there is no problem as far as they were resolved.🙆

No.484 14/09/27 04:46
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 483 【What's genetically recombination?】

《What's the problem on the vegetable which was genetically recombined?》

However,without being resolved in the least,the protein is absorbed in the intestinal wall 腸壁 as molecule,some set off allergy because of the protein.⚠

Modern scientific technology hasn't solved what kind of the protein causes the allergy very much.Even if being absorbed the same protein,some suffer from the allergy,others don't.🚨

Therefore,even if the Ministry permits to sell it because of its safety,all of us aren't safe.⚠

However,the technology of genetic recombination has been prospered not only in agricultural but medical scientific field.For instance,insulin,which is used for patients who have suffered from diabetes 糖尿病.☝

The medical supply has also been created with the technology of the genetic recombination.A DNA which creates the insulin for the human body is recombined into germs,and we make the germs increase,so we can produce plenty of them quickly.🎉

No.485 14/09/28 11:08
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 484 【What's genetically recombination?】

《What's the problem on a vegetable which is genetically recombined?》

In this way,the marvelous technology of genetic recombination will be put to practical use in various fields,but we have to recognize deeply that we've artificially operated the gene which is essence for creatures,and we always need to consider the technology may cause something dangerous.⚠

【Connections among creatures.】

When inhabiting,a creature is always related to others,in particular animals,for without eating other ones they'll be dead.☀

What's a relation between the one which eats and other which is eaten?What does mean protecting natural world?It means the environment around us.☝

【A food chain,the relation between the one which eats and the other which is eaten.】

In a paddy field 水田,a grasshopper eats a rice plant,a frog eats the locust,a snake eats the frog,and a hawk eats the snake.The relations are the ones which eat and the others which are eaten.

No.486 14/10/04 22:12
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 485 【A food chain,the relation between the one which eat and the other which is eaten.】

There are food chains wherever creatures inhabit.As for the food chain,if tracing the creature which is eaten,we will always reach green plants.🌱

A starting point from the food chain is green plants which synthesize organic matters from inorganic one by photosynthesis 光合成,so we call the green plants producers in the natural world.🍀

A flesh-eating animal eats herbivore one 草食動物 as food in order to use nutriment which is produced from the green plants.🐯

In short,it's just that the animals use the nutriment.They eat direct or indirect the nutriment which was produced from the green plants,so we call the animals consumers in the natural world.♌

Both the fungi and bacteria break down thoroughly the organic matter like the carcass of animal,dung,,urine, fallen leaves,or withered branch into the inorganic one,so we call them the ones which resolve the one other into another in the natural world.🍄

No.487 14/10/04 23:21
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 486 【Side view of the food chain.】

Almost all of the animals eat not only single one kind,but lots of things as food in the natural world.As a result,the food chain spreads as if it were lattices of a net.They are very complicated.😲

The more complicated the lattices are,the more stable the existence of the creature becomes.If the food chain is made of a single line,as if it were a single rope for tightrope walking.⚠

If the single line is cut down,all the creatures which are connected with the line will be dead.💀

《A tragedy which was caused with a biological concentration.》

An old man said to himself one day.“My cat died as if it had gone mad.”It was in Kumamoto prefecture in the 1950s.There is the Minamata bay in the Kumamoto prefecture.😺

The Minamata Bay is a kind of inland sea,and its waves are so calm that it had a good fishing ground.The old man was a good fisherman.Whenever returning from the fishing,he gave his cat plenty of little fishes which weren't suitable for sale.😺

No.488 14/10/05 03:34
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 487 【Side view of the food chain.】

《A tragedy which was caused with a biological concentration.》

The old man kept the cat.The cat's behaviors had been strange for several weeks.😺

It learned not to move ahead straight at first.Before long its hind legs fell into a convulsion so often.Sometimes it learned to turn round and round as if it had gone insane.In addition,it also learned to go on dribbling よだれを流す.And at last,it was dead.😹

A number of 121 cats were kept at the Minamata city then.To my surprise,no less than 79 cats died mad.What made them be dead?None of the people could guess what's happened in the fishing village.😹

《Methyl molecule began to hurt the people's brains.》

While the people had been anxious about the cats,plenty of the people began to fall down because of disease of which origin was unknown.Minamata disease broke out.💀

The Minamata disease was caused by methyl molecule which was included in industrial waste water of the factosy

  • << 495 【Side view of food chain.】 《Methyl molecule began to hurt the people's brains.》 When the methyl molecule has a bad effect on our brain cell which controls the sense of sight,we'll learn to unable to see gradually.👀 When having a bad effect on our brain which controls motor nerves for our limbs,both our arms and legs are paralyzed,or convulsed.When having been harmful to our brain which controls our language,we won't be able to speak.👄 《Biological concentration.》 The methyl molecule in the Minamata bay was taken in phytoplankton or in seaweed.After that,the methyl molecule was accumulated in the fishes through the food chain.Finally,cats and we human ate the fishes and fell ill.😿 If we could recognize something unusual on the fishes,no one would eat the fishes,nor give the fishes to the cats.Fishermen and their family members ate the fishes,for the fishes looked ordinary,and safe.♓ While anything unusual appear didn't appear on the fishes,both the cats and we humans…

No.489 14/10/08 02:39

Minamata disease is awful.
We learned about it when we were in primary school and junior high.

  • << 491 To 高校生365さん。 Hello,and thank you for your message.😃 As you told,I also find the disease is
  • << 492 To 高校生365さん。 Hello,and thank you for your message.😃 As you told,I also find the disease is terrible.😥 In those days,we the Japanese seemed to enjoy blesseing of the rapid economic growth.On the other hand,we are forced to pay high price for our prosperity.💀 Science is a thing like a double-edged sword,I'm wondering.Science doesn't always make us happy.😠 Have a good night!🌠

No.490 14/10/08 02:46


  • << 493 To 中学生さん Good evening,and thank you for your message. こんばんは。メッセージありがとう。😃 I've not seen you for a long time.How are you? 久しぶりだね。元気!?🙋 This thread approaches an end,but I'm going to build the next one at once if it's over. このスレは終わりに近づいてるけど、終わったらすぐ次のスレを立てるつもり。☀ Have a nice dream. 良い夢見ろよ。🌉

No.491 14/10/08 23:31
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 489 Minamata disease is awful. We learned about it when we were in primar… To 高校生365さん。
Hello,and thank you for your message.😃

As you told,I also find the disease is

No.492 14/10/08 23:45
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 489 Minamata disease is awful. We learned about it when we were in primar… To 高校生365さん。
Hello,and thank you for your message.😃

As you told,I also find the disease is terrible.😥

In those days,we the Japanese seemed to enjoy blesseing of the rapid economic growth.On the other hand,we are forced to pay high price for our prosperity.💀

Science is a thing like a double-edged sword,I'm wondering.Science doesn't always make us happy.😠

Have a good night!🌠

No.493 14/10/09 00:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 490 先生、こんばんは もうかれこれ3年ですね。なかなか頑張ってますね! To 中学生さん

Good evening,and thank you for your message.


I've not seen you for a long time.How are you?


This thread approaches an end,but I'm going to build the next one at once if it's over.


Have a nice dream.


No.494 14/10/09 00:17

>> 493 ほーい🙋先生もネ

No.495 14/10/11 01:39
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 488 【Side view of the food chain.】 《A tragedy which was caused with a bi… 【Side view of food chain.】

《Methyl molecule began to hurt the people's brains.》

When the methyl molecule has a bad effect on our brain cell which controls the sense of sight,we'll learn to unable to see gradually.👀

When having a bad effect on our brain which controls motor nerves for our limbs,both our arms and legs are paralyzed,or convulsed.When having been harmful to our brain which controls our language,we won't be able to speak.👄

《Biological concentration.》

The methyl molecule in the Minamata bay was taken in phytoplankton or in seaweed.After that,the methyl molecule was accumulated in the fishes through the food chain.Finally,cats and we human ate the fishes and fell ill.😿

If we could recognize something unusual on the fishes,no one would eat the fishes,nor give the fishes to the cats.Fishermen and their family members ate the fishes,for the fishes looked ordinary,and safe.♓

While anything unusual appear didn't appear on the fishes,both the cats and we humans…

No.496 14/10/11 05:16
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 495 【Side view of food chain.】

《Biological concentration.》

Why did the cats and we human suffer from the methyl molecule? Considering biological history,the methyl molecule is artificial poisonous thing which has been recently invented by we human.☝

Therefore,none of any creatures have any mechanism which breaks down or discharge the methyl molecule.As a result,once beginning to being taken in the body,the artificial poisonous thing continues to being accumulated in the body little by little.💀

Both the cats and people went on eating the fishes including the methyl molecule everyday,if comparing with the fishes,they ended up taking in hundredth times of amount of the poisonous thing.😨

We call the phenomenon that specific material like the methyl molecule is taken in the body,and continues to being enriched biological concentration.If watering the poisonous thing down,and washing away,then is it all right? Far from it! We must correct its recognition.⚠

No.497 14/10/11 23:51
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

【An imaginary pyramid of the habits of living things.If the food chain is expressed in numbers…】

As for the food chain,roughly speaking,if it's a pyramid,it'll be composed of four classes like the next.😃

The fourth class is made up with green plants.The third one is herbivorous 肉食 animals.The second one is small flesh eating ones.The top one is large flesh eating ones.😃

The more going upward,the bigger the creatures's body become,the less their numbers are on the pyramid.All amount of food which the creatures eat don't form their bodies.

All amount of food which the creatures ate don't change into the creatures' body.It's just a tenth.Other nine-tenths is consumed for some activities of the creatures like breathing,other and so on.🐯

Let's think over a marine food chain of which top is tuna.The tuna is such a big fish that it's 3 meters long,and its weight is 400 kilograms.It has to eat lots of mackerels 鯖 so as to maintain its huge body.♓

No.498 14/10/18 13:07
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 497 【An imaginary pyramid of habits of living things.If a chain food is expressed in numbers…】

To put it in an extreme way,if a person tries to gain its weight just 1 kilogram,eating only with tuna,it needs to eat the amount of 10 kilograms of the tunas.♓

When figuring,the tunas should eat mackerels 鯖 by 0.1 ton,the mackerels have to do sardines by a ton.♓

【Balance in a biocommunity.】

The numbers of both the producers and consumers in the natural world is fixed through the food chain,though the numbers increase and decrease at one time.😃

The more herbivorous animals which eat some plants increase,the more flesh-eating ones which eat the herbivore do.As a result,the herbivore will decrease.Moreover the flesh-eating ones will.💡


No less than 60% of deer died in a plateau of the U.S.A.Why?


①It had little rain,and the grass withered.

②The deer increased too much.

③The people let other herbivorous ones run there.

Please wait for its answer.💦

No.499 14/10/18 17:31
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 498 【Balance in the biocommunity.】


Roughly speaking,there had been 4 thousand deer there until 1905.There had never been sharp change,but the human race started to hunt plenty of pumas and koyotes which ate the deer.☝

In consequence,the deer began to increase rapidly.To my surprise,they reached the number of 0.1 million in 1925,but a tragedy broke out after that.😱

About 60% of the deer starved to death in two years,for the predatory animals like pumas and koyotes died,and the deer increased extremely in a short term.The deer ate up all the grass.😣

Its answer is ②

Food chains of creatures are so complicated that we the human race can't control easily.Even if some creatures are harmful for us,they are some of the members which form the food chains.Thdy play an important part in the balance of the biocommunity.🐸

【Deep blue plateau changed into a desert!】

Deep blue plateau had spread over the middle western area in the U.S.A.until around the 19th century.🍀

No.500 14/10/18 18:30
名無し0 ( 50代 ♂ )

>> 499 【Deep blue plateau changed into the plateau!】

About 6 thousand big buffaloes what is called American bison used to inhabit in the plateau.There were also a lot of wolves and koyotes which predate the buffaloes,or plenty of other animals like prairie dogs,rabbits or weasels there.🐰

However,the area has turned into the gigantic desert.The area isn't what it used to be in the old days.What has made the plateau change into the desert?Did the buffaloes increase so much and eat up all the grass?🐮

As far as the wolves and koyotes which eat the buffaloes inhabited there,the buffaloes wouldn't increase extremely.

《The human race who hunted up all the bisons.》

White people started to hunt the buffaloes from the end of the 18 century.They used to kill the bisons so as to make use of them as food or raw material for clothes then.🍖

However,they learned to hunt the animals as only a recreation.By the way,I made a mistake.The number of the bisons wasn't 6 thousand,but 60 million.😳




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