
A diary of a heretic in English

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蚤野心蔵( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )
11/08/15 10:53(更新日時)

A diary of a heretic in English

To my joy, I have just finished the secod English diary , so I'm going to start the third one,for I haven't expressed even half what I wanted to describe.😚

As for the phrase of the title,heretic, it means an unorthodoxed person. It comes from Christanity.It seems that the people who belived in Christanity have been regarded as orthodox, but lots of people have thought the others who never tried to believe in Christanity unorthodox, so they have been calling them heretic.😚

I'm sure generally speaking we Japanese are apt to hate the heretic.We are liable to make much of harmony with others, so I'm wondering if we hate the heretic.😚

I'm sure I have to listen to some useful advice, but I can't always accept all of them.As a result of it, if others call me a heretic, I can't help it, but the great many people aren't always right, I'm sure.Here we go.Hey!幸せ者さん!I'm here😃

No.1541940 11/03/11 07:09(スレ作成日時)



No.51 11/03/25 20:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 50 Good evening and thank you for your message.😃

My personality? It seems that I'm unique.😚

As for the personality test which you mentioned,it seems to be very famous,world-famous,but to my sorrow, I don't know anything about it at all.😱

Could you tell about it😃

No.52 11/03/25 22:18
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 51 Hello again😃

I'm in net cafe,for I want to to know the personality test which you mentioned,so I've come this cafe😃

The trouble is that I don't know the name of the test, I can not look for it,so could you teach me it?😃

I'm sure you are looking forward to tonight, but I'm afraid you are discouraged,for I'm not well-known🙏

Have a good night.🌠

No.53 11/03/26 07:34
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 50 Good evening Nushi san. Have you ever checked your personality (whic… Good morning and I'm sorry.🙇

I misunderstood. You talked about personality,but you didn't talk about personality test. I made an awful blunder.My misunderstanding has spoiled your weekeemd. I have to apologize and at the same time I have to make up for it. I'm very sorry🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏

Speaking of personality,people who live in Kansai area tend to be curious about everything and so they are apt to challenge something new and difficulty.😃

For example,植村直己,who was from Hyogo prefecture.He was famous for a adventurer.堀江謙一,who succeeded in sailing across the Pacific alone by yacht. He's also from Kansai area.😃

By the way,as for my personality,it's just that I'm stupid🙇

No.54 11/03/26 08:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

Hello again😃

You have studied French and been interested in something philosophical. I am not familiar with French literature, but Camus is also one of them who seek philophical truth, I'm sure.😃

I've never read his work, but his one of work,「A myth of Sisyphus」,the title is suitable for the philosophical idea,maybe.😃

Sisyphus is one of character in the Greek myth.He has undergone heavy punishment in the story.He has to take a big stone to the top of a mountain.The rock is too big to lift,so he is forced to take it with rolling.😔

Even if he finishes taking it to the top of the mountain,his punishment does never come to an end,for the rock will roll down,so he has to try to do it once more,but as soon as he reaches to the top of the mountain, the rock begins to roll………… endless😱

I'm wondering if the author looked Sisyphus as we human being.Our lives look like his hard work.😠

Have a nice day☀

  • << 63 Good morning😃 As for the 【The Myth of the Sisyphus】, I may have misunerstand it.😳 According to 【ギリシア神話を知ってますか】by 阿刀田高, Camus regarded the action of Sisyphus which had been thought to be gratuitous無償の hard work as positive.😃 Taking action of human hard,突き詰めれば,the acts of human is gratuitour ones like the ones of Sisyphus.Inspite that we know it is gratuitous, we keep making effort for things which are not repaid. It means we respect the dignity of human.😃 Saying in a plain language,this world where we live is made up with inconsisency. Therefore, in short, the act of the humam is unclear whether or not it's good. It's meaningless as Sisyphus takes the rock to the top of the mountain.😃 There is worth of human in the endeavor itself.That's pretty close.阿刀田高 says like that. I'm so negative that my interpretation also became negative😥 Have a pleasant day.See you😁

No.55 11/03/26 12:04
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Virtuous アルクメネ】

There is a one of drama,【The 38th アンフィトリオン】,which French writer, Giraudoux Jean expressed. It is said that he was very popular from 1930s to 1940s and his drama had been performed in Japan.Needless to say, I didn't know it until I express this remark. I am referring to 「ギリシア神話を知ってますか」 by 阿刀田高😃

アンフィトリオン is one of character in the Greek myth and the 38th means like that.There are a lot of works in which アンフィトリオン is adoped a hero.The work,「The 38th アンフィトリオン」 is the 38th best work in the other works. Needless to say, Giraudoux Jean himself named his work it.📓

Contrary to it,38th isn't well-ground so much. It doesn't seem to be so many works which is related to アンフィトリオン.The well-known work is Moliere's one. It seems to show pfantic taste of Giraudoux.By the way,a heroine of the work,アルクメネ,she is a wife of アンフィトリオン😃

To be continued. By😁

No.56 11/03/26 13:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 55 【Virtuous アルクメネ】Ⅱ

As for personality of アルクメネ, she seemed to be nothing but virtuous.She had led her life with her husband,アンフィトリオン happily, but Zeus who wasn't only the greatest god in the Greek myth but also a playboy saw her and felt like making a pass at ちょっかいをかける her.😃

Then アンフィトリオン went to the front with the army and was not at home,so Zeus changed into アンフィトリオン and achieved his purpose.🌠

Both Giraudoux and Moliere adopted アンフィトリオン,there seems to be much difference between the two works.😃

Moliere is the one of the greatest French writer of comedies in 17th.His works,Misanthrophy人間嫌い and タルチェフhave been performed even now and they are familiar with the general public.😺

As for the background of its times, French court culture was mature and the fourteenth ルイ reigned over the people.None of the power equals him.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.57 11/03/26 14:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 56 【A Virtuous アルクメネ】Ⅲ

In short,the theme of アンフィトリオン is a strange event of cocu.Needless to say,cocu is a male whose wife was slept with another man. Even if the another man was Zeus,who was almighty god,a beautiful married woman had a clandestine relationship慇懃を通じる with other man who was not her husband.😱

In the Greek myth,アンフィトリオン was shocked to know unchastity 不貞 of his wife, but thought it glorious, for the one who had the Clandestine relationship with his wife was Zeus.He brought up his son,to be exact,which means it's a son of Zeus,affectionately,so アンフィトリオン seemed to have great respect for Zeus.😒

Considering the idea in the Greek myth,the unchastity of gods had to be admitted,far from it,being loved by the gods deserved very glorious.By the way,as for the unchastity,how did French people think in the 17th?😃

To be continued. By😁

No.58 11/03/26 15:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A Virtuous アルクメネ】Ⅳ

Those kinds of events in the Greek myth often happened in the French court. For example, a relation between ルイ the fourteenth and Mrs. モンテスパン☝

While she had a husband, but she became a mistress愛人 of ルイ the fourteenth, her husband was a marquis侯爵 as its compensation,so he allowed the relation between his wife and ルイ the 14th positively.😒

Whether or not Moliere flatter the relation and expressed the 【アンフィトリオン】 is detable,but that kind of relation didn't used to be rare in the French court then. Moliere incorporated manners and customs in those days into the theme of Greek myth a lot and made up the funny drama of cocu and the author made the absolute thing, Zeus like ルイ the 14th appear and made other characters prostrated平伏させる themselves in front of the absolute,so the story came to an end.🏰

Contray to it, as for the 【アンフィトリオン the 38】,how did he expressed?😃

To be continued. By😁

No.59 11/03/26 16:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 58 【A Virtuous アルクメネ】Ⅴ

Giraudoux followed the outline of the Greek myth, but the intent of his work is different from the one of Moliere's. He didn't try to express manners and customs in the French court,but he triedto appear an opposition between the human and god comically.😃

Zeus changed into アンピュトリオン and achieved his purpose. As to the part, both Giraudoux's work and Moliere's ones are same but after that they are different.😃

Then アルクメネ got a news that Zeus changed into アンフィトリオン and slipped into her room,so she asked a swan,its name was leda, to change with her, but unfortunately her husband アンフィトリオン himself came home then,so they ended up sleeping with each other.😱

A thoughtless trick of human backfired.裏目に出る After that, Zeus showed up and told アルクメネ about the relation between him and her and child of theirs, but she never believed it,for she thought she had changed with leda.😥

To be continued.By😁

  • << 61 【A virtuour アルクメネ】Ⅵ アルクメネ obstinately kept rejecting the words of Zeus,so he became irritated and said like that😤 “You are stubborn. Don't you want to know your happiness which is made up of what kind of make-believe or to preserve your chastity which is based on what kind of mistake?What kind of existence is me for you and what made you become pregnant you,don't you want to know?”😤 Zeus demanded her, but アルクメネ cried “No‼”, she tried to keep saving her honor😠 The drama seemed to be a just a comedy that cocu and mistaking the god for her husband, but its situation suddenly began to take on philosophical.😃 Whatsoever the god which was the Creator build up the world,human decided to undertake the world,following their own judgement with strong-will.Even if the judgement is just vain mistake,they were forced to live through as humans,depending on the judgement.At least 【The God has been dead】😒

No.60 11/03/26 16:29
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

As for my last remark,it doesn't mean it was over, but I want to eat something, so I will go for to eat out.The next ones are their true worth,maybe.😃

No.61 11/03/27 00:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 59 【A Virtuous アルクメネ】Ⅴ Giraudoux followed the outline of the Greek myt… 【A virtuour アルクメネ】Ⅵ

アルクメネ obstinately kept rejecting the words of Zeus,so he became irritated and said like that😤

“You are stubborn. Don't you want to know your happiness which is made up of what kind of make-believe or to preserve your chastity which is based on what kind of mistake?What kind of existence is me for you and what made you become pregnant you,don't you want to know?”😤

Zeus demanded her, but アルクメネ cried “No‼”, she tried to keep saving her honor😠

The drama seemed to be a just a comedy that cocu and mistaking the god for her husband, but its situation suddenly began to take on philosophical.😃

Whatsoever the god which was the Creator build up the world,human decided to undertake the world,following their own judgement with strong-will.Even if the judgement is just vain mistake,they were forced to live through as humans,depending on the judgement.At least 【The God has been dead】😒

No.62 11/03/27 01:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 61 【A virtuous アルクメヌネ】and others

As for the general idea of the god,there is difference between the Western countries and Japan so much.Lots of we Japanese are not always religious,though when we come across unfortunate and hardship,we are apt to blurt 「Oh god」😱

As for me,the god may be fate or destine which we can'see with our own eyes but we are forced to face it.😚

I'm wondering if the existence of the god is graver for the Western people than us even if scientific technique develops.To tell the truth, I'm not sure of it.😚

Lots of people buy lotteries and blurt 「Kamisama」 on the day when the results of the drawing lots are announced though they,including me,never believe in it at all😂

This is just an aside余談,the son of アルクメネ was Hercules who celebrated his valor武勇.I will express his episodes some other time.😚

No.63 11/03/27 09:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 54 Hello again😃 You have studied French and been interested in somethin… Good morning😃

As for the 【The Myth of the Sisyphus】, I may have misunerstand it.😳

According to 【ギリシア神話を知ってますか】by 阿刀田高, Camus regarded the action of Sisyphus which had been thought to be gratuitous無償の hard work as positive.😃

Taking action of human hard,突き詰めれば,the acts of human is gratuitour ones like the ones of Sisyphus.Inspite that we know it is gratuitous, we keep making effort for things which are not repaid. It means we respect the dignity of human.😃

Saying in a plain language,this world where we live is made up with inconsisency. Therefore, in short, the act of the humam is unclear whether or not it's good. It's meaningless as Sisyphus takes the rock to the top of the mountain.😃

There is worth of human in the endeavor itself.That's pretty close.阿刀田高 says like that. I'm so negative that my interpretation also became negative😥

Have a pleasant day.See you😁

No.64 11/03/27 19:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Automatic Train Operation. Abbreviation,ATO】

Yurikamome,tama monorail which have been opened to traffic recently,some of those new transportation system don't need motormen at all.Some people may be surprise, but the ATO system is adopted to the vehicles which are slow and easy to secure safety,for example, monorail and subway,so we don't have to be worried about it🚃

This ATO system is two kinds. A crew is essential to the one but the other isn't.While driving of the crew takes priority to the one,operating only apparatus takes priority to other.Both of them start to drive after their doors shut and the crew push buttons for start🚃

There seems to be lots of routes which introduce the ATO around the world. The longest and well-known route in which the ATO is introduced is said to be a skytrain in Vancouver.The skytrain which is famous as linear motor car is said that it can run comfortably without swaying so much.🚃

No.65 11/03/27 20:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 64 【Automatic Train Operation】Ⅱ and others

It was in 1962 when the crewless running system was adopted in Tokyo.It was adopted to only two rolling stocks客車.🚃

After that a trial run was performed in the subway of Osaka prefecture,but it was not put practical use.Business in which the ATO is introduced has started at municipal市営の subway of Kobe in 1977.

After that the ATO has learned to be adopted in a variety of routes in order to slash personnel expense.🚃

By the way,幸せ者さん,how are you. I hope you have a pleasant night. If you felt lonely or suffered from something, I wish I could deliver comfort and medicine which is cure-all.😃

Have a comfortable night🌠

No.66 11/03/28 06:57
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【A cellphone of the fourth generation】

What does the 『generation』 of cellphone?

In this situation, I adopted the word,『generation』, but I'm not sure whether it's appropriate.Translating the phrase literally,it's generation, but I have little confidence about it😥

A variety of cellphones are frequently being advertised.We used to often heard the word of 『a cellphone of the third generation』,and it's going to change to the 『the fourth generation』. In this situation,changing the generation means changing a way of communication.📱

The cellphone belogs to what kinds of generation is trend of cellphone industry,so it has nothing to do with consumers directly,considering the cellphone in the future,it's one of things which we should know.📱

The cellphones in the early days used to contain elements of analog.The first one was a car telephone in 1979.📱

To be continued.By😁

No.67 11/03/28 07:54
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 66 【A cellphone of the fourth generation】Ⅱ

As watching a scene of phoning in a car at TV programs,plenty of people may have imagined it was a technical communication in the future.As for its size and quality of sound, it was the same ones like what is called 固定電話.☎

The problem was that the early ones had danger of eavasdropping.In addition,a user of the early ones monopolized one frequency周波数. It meant the early ones monopolized the use of electric wave in the region,an efficiency of its use were very bad.Each of companies reached to the system of digital in order to solve the problem. This is a turning point, it means second generation📱

Changing the system into digital ones means data of voice is shown as numercial value数値. It compresses lots of data,so even though there are lots of users, the problems of entanglement of wires and drop of efficiency of its use don't occur.📱

To be continued. By😁

No.68 11/03/28 08:57
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 67 【A cellphone of the fourth generation】Ⅲ

Changing the system into digital also contains an element of using cipher, so it becomes hard to eavasdrop.📱

There is a big difference between the cellphones in those days and modern ones. The former ones were rental system. The users didn't used to buy the cellphones themselves.📱

Lots of people learned to buy the cellphones since 1994, and after that they have spread rapidly and the users have received a plenty service with the cellphones.📱

Then development of cellphone which we could around world has made progressed,but Western countries weren't willing to do it, so it remains stagnant,for Western countries seems to have thought that investment in plant and equipment for base stations of the cellphones was vast and the investment didn't pay.🇺🇬

To be continued. By😁

No.69 11/03/29 02:22
蚤野心蔵 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 68 【A cellphone of the fourth generation】and others 

By the way how will the cellphone develop? It is said a variety of ways how to use the cellphone are under considerations.📱

For example,showing some bar codes on the screen and substitute it for a commuter pass or incorporate system which can take blood pressure in the cellphone,so we can manage our health,though we can't expect when we make it put into practical use,we expect the cellphone of more advanced development to appear.😃

By the way, I sometimes visit other person who also talks English in ミクル. I have few friends,for I'm quite a character. I'm afraid it seems to have lost an important frined with who made friends here.😥

In short, I have to lead my life by myself.I wish I could share joy and sorrow with someone,but I'm afraid I can't. I may share with the one who is an odd fellow like me, but I hate it.😥

It is no use complaining about it. It just that time passes.😚

No.70 11/03/29 12:53
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To 幸せ者さん😃

Hello.How are you? I'm sure this is the last message for you. It doesn't seem to you visit here and see my remark. I can't help it. It's my fault.😔

I have to change my mind,unless I will have been worried about you forever. It's waste of time to wait for message which never reaches to me.😔

I'm grateful to you for your encouragement so far. I had a good time,so I hope you lead your life happily.To my sorrow,it has nothing to with me any more.Thank you very much and good-by🙇

No.71 11/03/29 22:26
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

Good evening, have you already tried character test? There are various site.

No.72 11/03/29 23:27
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 71 Good evening and thank you for your message, I'm sincerely thinking so.😁

I've tried it, but I'm sorry, I've forgot its result, so I'll try it again tomorrow.I'm sorry.😃

I want to say a clever joke, but it doesn't occur to me at all. I will send you a message tomorrow.😃

Have a nice dream. Good night🌠

No.73 11/03/30 00:23
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To my joy, I could receive a message from a female whose handle name 幸せ者😃

I'm afraid she is feeling lonely.she asked me about a result of the presonality test,but it was last friday when I took it, in addition I misunderstood and was so confused that I didn't remember its result.😔

Did she felt lonely or wanted to enjoy conversation? I'm not sure of it.😥

We often said conversation is like playing cathc キャッチボール.The one throws a ball at the other and the other cathcs it and throws back it.⚾

As to me,Either I can't cathc it or wild pitch.暴投⚾

If she feels lonely, I wish to bring her a lot of comfort. I hope she is fine.🙏

No.74 11/03/30 07:32
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To 幸せ者さん😃

Good morning.How are you?😃

I's so negative and am apt to turn inward 内向的 so much that I'm liable to be negative, but when talking with you, I feel like being fine.😃

You remind me a talk of sea. You said when you were depressed, you often went to see the sea,when the sea gave you power. I think you are pure.😃

I hope you have a pleasant day. I will send you a message later. Have a nice day😃

No.75 11/03/30 18:14
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

Nushi san, hello. Have you changed your handle name? If you have, would you tell me what it means?

No.76 11/03/30 20:23
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 75 Hello and thank you for your message😃

Therer is a next an episode like that It's the reason why I changed the handle name.😃

When drinking, I seem to be cheerful,so my colleagues told me I was great fun, so I named myself スチャラカ 一郎 then,for I wanted them to be pleased.🍻

I hope to enjoy drinking if I have a chance to drink with others,though it depends on,so it may be hard,but I hope so.🍺

I may sometimes change my name from now on. I love a delightful name.😊

Speaking of name,梅田 is said to be the oustanding downtown in Osaka prefecture. Its name has nothing to do with 梅,maybe.

It seems that outskirts of 梅田 used to be great wetland,which lay in the mouth of the Yodo river.People tried to change the wetland into rriceefield, so they kept reclaiming 埋め立てた😃

In short,梅田 comes from 埋め田,though in those days, some Japanese apricot may have come out then☀

extracted from【この言葉の語源を言えますか】夢文庫出版・日本語倶楽部編

Have a pleasant night😁

No.77 11/03/31 20:42
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )


『Did they used to call the place,六甲,むこう?』😃

Speaking of a symbol of Kobe, its harbor and 六甲山. A rooters' song 応援歌 of 阪神タイガース・六甲おろし means the wind which blows down from the Mt.Rokko.🐯

It seems to be a symbol of Kobe city, but unexpectedly its godparent 名付け親 was not always the one who used to live in Kobe.😃

六甲 is substitute character当て字,so they named the place 六甲 later.They used to call it むこう.If looking from Osaka prefecture,六甲山 which towers over the Kobe city in the north of its city,people who live in Osaka see the mountain beyond Osaka prefecture. It means むこう😃

Its history is very old, so there is a record of 室町 era in which they called the Mt.六甲山,though there is a different view.😃

There is a river between Osaka and Hyogo. It's 武庫川.六甲 comes from the name of the river.In either case,it doesn't mean the people who lived in Kobe named the Mt.六甲山🌋

Extracted from この言葉の語源を言えますか?📖

No.78 11/04/01 19:03
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

To 幸せ者さん😃

Hello.How are you? I hope you are fine.😃

By the way,according to a personality test,I seem to be suitable for a workman 職人 or a songwriter,for I'm not sociable, so I got a result of the personality test,but to my sorrow I'm not clever with my finger enough to do the work.😂

By the way,I heard a port of kobe is famous. I didn't know it until yesterday.Considering a history of the town it may be natural, for the city has been prosperous as a port town since the end of the Edo era🚢

Have a comfortable night.See you😁

  • << 89 Long time no see, Nushi san. Now I know why your handle name has changed to Sucharaka yarou. You said that you get cheerful when you drink and the new handle name comes from this character. Thank you also for mentioning about my loving sea. It is the most powerful thing in land in whole wide world I suppose. You have tested your personallity? You are suitable to be shokunin or music composer? That may be true, because you seem to be alike to be the opposite personallity to teaching students at classrooms. You have talent different to me, such as technichal English, many vocabularies in handling it. Continues.

No.79 11/04/02 11:46
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An electronic book】

『What are various strong points which we can get with that the data of papers becomes the one in computer?』

As science has made progress and a variety of things become data in computer, and one of the greatest movements is a book,especially novels,whicg has increasingly become the data of computer.📖

As for the electronic books,varied merits are proposed.For example,the people who order some books with internet is increasing.💻

They can't read the books whic they ordered instantly,for it takes some time until the books are delivered to them, but if they adopt the electronic books,they can read the ones which they purchased immediately.💡

The consumers have only to download the books at their own,so the bookstores don't have to inventory management.As to the bookstores,there is nothing easier than any others.What they don't have to inventory management means its stocks never runs out.😃

To be continued.😁

No.80 11/04/02 23:51
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【An eletronic book】Ⅱ

Even if it is popular among the people,we don't have to be worried about being out of stock and out of print,it's also one of the strong points.📓

In addition,it is recently said it is good for the environment,for we don't have to worried about decrease of paper as resource if we adopt the electronic book.💻

The movement of the content of the book is included in the computer has begun since 1980s, but the communication cost a great deal and a computer which reproduced the eletronic book did not prevail yet.😃

In the 1990s when those problems were resolved,some books have gradually advanced toward electronic ones.Before some works of which copyrights著作権 were expired were opened to the public on the internet,but not only other novels of which forms are text but also photograph collections写真集 and comics has become eletronical ones at the moment.💻

To be continued. By😁

No.81 11/04/03 14:45
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 80 【An electronic book】Ⅲ and others

Those electronic books don't need to be expence of printing and paper, so we are apt to think they are cheaper than ordinary books, but a system of electronic books has not entirely established,so some of them are more expensive than ordinary ones.💻

By the way,we can't understand what others are in trouble.Even if they are distressed with something to death,we can't always notice it.😥

I wish I could notice agony and loneliness of others and hold out out a helping hand, I want to say it to 幸せ者さん😃

Have a nice day.☀

No.82 11/04/06 08:35
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【Voting with electronic way】

『Spread of an electronic way with a touchpad which is safe and dependable』

Though a voting with an electronic way isn't adopted in Japan so much, it has been done in a lot of foreign countries.😃

The voting with the electronic way is what is called マークシート.a push button and what we call パンチカード. The ones which we've recently adopted are touchpad.💻

The voting with touchpad is next one.Touching one of names of candidates which are shown on the screen with our own finger and voting.😃

A message is shown on the screen whether or not we vote the candidate after toucing it,so even if we make a mistake in pushing it, it's no problem😉

In the U.S.A., they adopt the マークシート ones frequently, but reading the names of the candidates exactly isn't always dependable, so it often prevent them from counting of precise votes.They regard it as questionable,like a presidental election in the U.S.A. recently.😱

No.83 11/04/06 22:15
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 82 【Voting with electronic way】Ⅱ

In addition,voting with internet was carried out in a preliminary election of the Democratic Party in Arizona in the U.S.A..While it's convenient,for they can vote when being at home, it's uncertain whether or not the voting is a will of a person who votes.💻

In short,even if the person was threatened by somebody,nobody would know it.😔

Bribing,being bribed and threat are never allowed in an election,so it's important not only protecting privacy of individual but also reflecting the will of the ones in the election,therefore as for the way of being simplified the way of the election, there is limit.😠

Voting with electric way has gradually advanced in Japan at the moment.Light vote of the youth in the election is often pointed out in Japan, but if being adopted the touchpad,old men,disabled persons and the youth can vote with the touchpad easily, so adopting the voting with the electric way is favorably.🎊

No.84 11/04/07 09:14
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 83 【Voting with electronic way】Ⅲ

The voting with electronic hasn't been admitted yet in a national election,but there are some members of the Diet who are positive to the voting with the electronic way,so the voting is very likely to be adopted in big election like national ones from now on.😃

Changing the way of voting into the electronic one means there are some merits,especially after voting.☀

For example,we can make sure as the need arises whether or not the voting was done legally after voting.🎊

As for a person who votes,nobody can know whether or not the person abstained from voting.😚

Though the device of the voting with the electronic way is in the place where it is closed tightly,so nobody can confirms how the person who voted actually did.😣

To be continued. By😁

No.85 11/04/07 19:54
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 84 【Voting with electronic way】Ⅳ and others

There is a fear of being stolen a glance at the voting itself with the way of voting in the past and a person who in charge adds up the voting may manipulate a voting slip投票用紙,for example the person may write different name in the slip.😱

The voting with the electrictonic way prevents them from doing those kinds illegal things without fail.💮

Considering data with electronic way,the electorate有権者 may be worried about being falsified by some hackers,the equipment of the voting connects with the outside by only a cord,so they don't have to be worried about it🎉

By the way, I've kept studying English, I'm sure I always never plan ahead.For example,let's suppose I studyed 5 page of textbook, so it will be all right if I continue its pace,as a result, I finish studying about 150 page of the textbook a month, but I can't😳

I study English unevenly, so I have to consider it😚

No.86 11/04/09 00:13
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

【What is call IH cooking】

『Without fire,safe and heating cooking way of the next generation』

We often hear a phrase of what is called 《IH cooking》on CM in the TV.The IH cooking needs a mechanism of induction heating誘導加熱😃

I'm going to express a principle of the induction heating in plain language from now on😃

Sending strong electric current電流 into coil and make a strong magnetic world.磁場😃

By the way I am too sleepy to express amy more.I'm sorry,I'm going to go to bed. 🙇

No.87 11/04/09 08:22
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 86 【What is called IH cooking】Ⅱ

We put pots and pans made from metal on the strong magnetic field and cook.As for the metal, it used to be limited iron or stainless steel,for it must cling to magnet🍳

As for the IH cooking which are sold recently,we can cook with the Pots and pans made from aluminum and copper.🎉

This IH cooking has a variety of strong points.For instance,comparing to another electric range,it heats up the pots and pans with whole the plate,so thermal efficiency熱効率 isn't good.😫

Contrary to it, as to the IH cooking,it heats up only the part of which the pots and pans touch,so it doesn't waste its energy.💮

Secondary,comparing with gas ring ガスコンロ ,we can cook without fire, so it's not likely to be happen to cause fire.Moreover it is only the cookware which heats up, so when we cook in summertime,we can enjoy the cool air with an air-conditioner.It's effective for saving energy for the air-conditioner💯

No.88 11/04/09 09:33
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 87 【What is called IH cooking】Ⅲ

Controling quantity of electricity is at the same time, controling heating power. It's also one of its merits.🎊

Comparing to the gas ringガスコンロ,we can control its heating power easily, so it's helpful when we try to cook varied dishes.🍻

Giving more detailed account of strong point of the IH cooking, it never heats its handle, so it seems to be hard to break,as a result,we can use it for a long time.🍻

The IH cooking doesn't have a tripod三脚台. It means 五徳.Gas ring always has it. Gas ring supports cooking ware with the tripod.😃

As for the IH Cooking, without the tripod, it is easy to clean up.Comparing to gas ring,the IH cooking doesn't have opening at all,so it's hard to become wormy虫がわく.🍻

By the way, I'm drinking a little, so when I express good things, I'm apt to show🍻 .All of readers,please don't mind it at all. I will never as long as I'm drunk.🍻

To be continued.perhaps,by😁🍻

  • << 106 【What is called IH cooking】Ⅳ and others Comparing to an an gas cooker,the IH cooking has next weak points.When grilling fish, the IH cooking may be often underdone生焼け,besides,amount of carbon dioxide emissions are more than the oil cooker.😣 If those demerits are improved,the IH cooking will be spread among us so much.🙌 By the way, there is one thing which I want to ask 幸せ者さん.If you set 着レス通信 for my diary, please set off when you go to bed,unless my remarks may disturb you.😃 As for the comment of Kansai customs,the book isn't suitable all of the people in Kansai. I'm sure it depends,so please don't mind it at all.😊 Have a good night🌠

No.89 11/04/09 10:31
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 78 To 幸せ者さん😃 Hello.How are you? I hope you are fine.😃 By the way,acco… Long time no see, Nushi san. Now I know why your handle name has changed to Sucharaka yarou. You said that you get cheerful when you drink and the new handle name comes from this character. Thank you also for mentioning about my loving sea. It is the most powerful thing in land in whole wide world I suppose.

You have tested your personallity? You are suitable to be shokunin or music composer? That may be true, because you seem to be alike to be the opposite personallity to teaching students at classrooms. You have talent different to me, such as technichal English, many vocabularies in handling it.


  • << 91 I've not seen you for a long time, I'm sure, so I'm happy to receive your message.Thank you🎊✨🎉🌟 I seem to unique, so some people,including you,pointed out I'm, but I can't realize how different I'm from others.It doesn't mean I'm going to blame you.😉 As for my English,to my sorrow, I don't have always any confidence in it,as you know, I'm so negative that I'm apt to think like that.🔤 Even me,English seems to be easy,I'm sure other nonnative Japanese can handle it easily.In short, I don't have special ability to recommend myself,but when I feel sorrow,happy and even if I'm agonized over something, I want to express them in English.🔤 I'm sure it makes me calm down.😁 By the way,when drinking, I had a palm reader 手相見 read my palm.She told me I was unique. I don't belive fortune-telling, but then I was sure what she said proved right.🎯 You seem to be busy, but please take it easy.Have a comfortable night.😁

No.90 11/04/09 11:10
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 89 Your new handle name was Sucharaka ichiro, excuse me I think I misunderstood it.

Concerned to Kobe a famous port town, which is Minatomachi, I used to live there when I was around 20. I do go to Kobe to have fun these years. It is like Yokohama, you can both see port and also can see mountains in an hour because these are close to each other.

There is a foreign settlement (外国人居留地) called Ijinkan area(異人館街)where consul(領事) of several countries lived. You can see the inside of old residence if you pay admission fee which they lived during the period they worked as a consul in Kobe city. Residences were built in Meiji period. Each has different charms and visitors may choose the residence to enter which they like.

Please have a nice day.

  • << 92 Hello again.😃 I'm sure both Kobe and Yokohama have thrived for a long time as port towns.They have been flourished as port towns since the end of the Edo era,thouhg foreign people forced the Japanese in those days to open the ports.🚢 I'm sure both of the port towns are exotic, thouhg I've never been to Kobe.😱 Speaking of Kobe, I hear 【くぎ煮】is specialty of Kobe. It means a sand lance イカナゴ boiled in sweetened soy sauce,in short イカナゴの佃煮🐡 I've never tried the sand lance, but both spring baseball tournament in Koushien and the sand lance boiled in sweetened soy sauce bring you who live in Kansai area the real feeling of spring風物詩.🐡⚾ To be exact,the くぎ煮 means young of the sand lance is boiled in sweetened soy sauce,I hear.It seems to be just ready to eat until the end of March,so both the baseball tournament and the food may be already out of season a little.🐡⚾ Have a pleasant night😁

No.91 11/04/09 19:04
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 89 Long time no see, Nushi san. Now I know why your handle name has chan… I've not seen you for a long time, I'm sure, so I'm happy to receive your message.Thank you🎊✨🎉🌟

I seem to unique, so some people,including you,pointed out I'm, but I can't realize how different I'm from others.It doesn't mean I'm going to blame you.😉

As for my English,to my sorrow, I don't have always any confidence in it,as you know, I'm so negative that I'm apt to think like that.🔤

Even me,English seems to be easy,I'm sure other nonnative Japanese can handle it easily.In short, I don't have special ability to recommend myself,but when I feel sorrow,happy and even if I'm agonized over something, I want to express them in English.🔤

I'm sure it makes me calm down.😁

By the way,when drinking, I had a palm reader 手相見 read my palm.She told me I was unique. I don't belive fortune-telling, but then I was sure what she said proved right.🎯

You seem to be busy, but please take it easy.Have a comfortable night.😁

No.92 11/04/09 20:01
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 90 Your new handle name was Sucharaka ichiro, excuse me I think I misunde… Hello again.😃

I'm sure both Kobe and Yokohama have thrived for a long time as port towns.They have been flourished as port towns since the end of the Edo era,thouhg foreign people forced the Japanese in those days to open the ports.🚢

I'm sure both of the port towns are exotic, thouhg I've never been to Kobe.😱

Speaking of Kobe, I hear 【くぎ煮】is specialty of Kobe. It means a sand lance イカナゴ boiled in sweetened soy sauce,in short イカナゴの佃煮🐡

I've never tried the sand lance, but both spring baseball tournament in Koushien and the sand lance boiled in sweetened soy sauce bring you who live in Kansai area the real feeling of spring風物詩.🐡⚾

To be exact,the くぎ煮 means young of the sand lance is boiled in sweetened soy sauce,I hear.It seems to be just ready to eat until the end of March,so both the baseball tournament and the food may be already out of season a little.🐡⚾

Have a pleasant night😁

No.93 11/04/09 21:06
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 92 You know more about Kansai than me. Yes indeed,
‘Ikanago kugini’is very popular in Kansai. I do not cook but in a fish market or super market it is sold by kilograms.

Please have a good night Nushi san.🌠

No.94 11/04/10 13:27
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 93 Hi how are you?😃

As for theくぎ煮, it's just that I read a book and happened to know about the くぎ煮.In fact, I've never beet to Kobe.🐡

As proverb,Difference places,different rules所変われば、品変わる says, as to a way of cooking,there seems to be great difference between Kansai area and kantou one.😃

For example,what is called いか焼き,the ones of the Kansai are great difference from those of the Kanto,though you may know it😚

The いか焼き of the Kansai area seems to resemble what is called お好み焼き.You bake dough生地 of wheat flour contained what we call いかげそ like a crepe.🐙

As for its ingredients, it's basically only いかげそ,even if you add something else,you need few eggs at most.🐙

When ordering it at an eating house,you eat the one which has just been baked just at that time. You eat it on which sauce is spread.It seems to be a kind of snack rather than a meal,so when you are a bit hungry, you will eat it,I'm sure.☀

To be continued.By😁

No.95 11/04/10 15:27
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 94 I feel fine, thank you and you? Today I put my books in place, looking for better place to keep them in. I majored in French litterature when I was a student, that is why I have many technical books concerned to French culture.

As for Ikanago, I had a chance to eat it this spring, the ingredients are Ikanago, soysauce, sake, sugar and ginger. I hope you will have time to try it next spring if you wish.

Concerning to your comment about Ikayaki, I have eaten it 2 or 3 times. There is a famous Ikayaki shop in Umeda a big city in Osaka. It is sold in department store called Hanshin Hyakkaten. It is eaten like maybe fried fish in England. One buys and some eats it while it is still hot by stand-up meal. I would add to mention that UK and Japan both are island countries.

Please have a nice evening.

No.96 11/04/10 19:17
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 95 Hi again.I'm also fine.Thank you.😁

You used to say that you seek something spiritual for French literature.I'm wondering if one of reason is it's positive.😃

As for my description of French literature, I extract from 【ギリシャ神話を知っていますか】阿刀田高,published by 新潮文庫📖

As to' the いか焼き,the ones which is sold in an underground shopping center of the Hanshin department store,it is so popular that you form line in front of the store.A book,【関西人の謎でんねん】published by 夢文庫 says like that.📖

By the way,いか焼き,we usually call it a squid grilled wholeいかの姿焼き,for we cut the part of the center of the squid from one side to the other and grilled it.We never mix it with bough of wheat flour.If we mix it,we usually call it お好み焼き.😚

I'm sure it's exactly  【Difference places,different customs】though I didn't know it until I read the book.If I have a chance, I'm going to express difference of 天ぷら between Kansai and Kantou.😃

Have a comfortable night.😁

No.97 11/04/12 14:22
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 96 Hi.How are you?😃

I'm afraid you were displeased with my last remark, but I wasn't intend to make fun of いか焼き of Kansai style. It's just that I was surprised difference of custom between us and you.😥

In addition,a title of a reference material wasn't good.A thing which we think mystery is natural for you.I was insensitive. I have to apologize you for it. I'm very sorry🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇

Have a nice day☀

No.98 11/04/12 16:00
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 97 Hello again, Nushi san. I have a bit head ache.

But I was glad to have message from you.

Please do not worry about your information about ‘Ikanago’and so on. It is a good opportunity to know clearly about Kansai's culture. I would know better about them
in explaining the fact to you presicely, for example now you know that Ikanagos are mainly sold In kilos and not everyone cookes it,
just one who has family or neighborhood to give it to. I did not simmer = cook ‘Kugini’, because mother gave it to me as she simmered bulk of it.

Nushi san, I am not disgussed at all, in opposite, I do hope I could get another information concerned to Kansai culture such as ‘Takoyaki’, ‘Nintoku tennou ryou’.

Please have a pleasnt evening.

No.99 11/04/13 09:17
スチャラカ一郎 ( 50代 ♂ Oe38xe )

>> 98 Good morning and thank you for your message.😃

I'm sorry for your headache. I wish I could send you such the splendid remark as you forget headache.😔

According to the book,there seems to be two kinds of the 天ぷら in the Kansai region.🍤

The one is frying of ground fish擂り身.Ground fish is grind fish to paste. You fry it. They are varied,for example,イカ天、野菜天,牛蒡天 and so on.The 天ぷら seems to be limited in the Kansai region.🍤

The other is dip an ingredient in batter衣 and fry it. It originated from what we call 南蛮料理,which was brought from Portugal in Azuchi-Momoyama era.A missionary 宣教師 fried fish one day.A Japanese imitated. It's a beginning of the 天ぷら🍤

The other 天ぷら spread to the Edo region where a lot of small fish were being fished,so it has turned out to be the modern ones🍤

It was the 19th century when people learned eat the what we call 江戸前スタイルの天ぷら and it was in the Meiji era when the 天ぷら came in the Kansai region.😃

No.100 11/04/13 20:47
幸せ者 ( 30代 ♀ iWFJ1 )

>> 99 Good evening, Nushi san.

Today I went to a hospital. I was ill. Now I feel better.

I cooked Udon. I missed Tempura.🍤 I put Osashimi Tempura. It is of which you explained me it is fried fish paste.

See you again. I hope you have a calm night.🌠

  • << 101 Good morning and thank you for your message😃 I'm happy to hear your recovery.🙋 You ate udon,didn't you? According to the book, it expresses next things🍜 The people who live in the Kansai area are fond of takoyaki,okonomiyaki,bread and udon.Its main ingredient is wheat flour, so it is said they love 粉もん.🍞 The wheat flour contains plenty of starch澱粉,it means they may love starchy food so much, but why?🍞 It is said that one of reasons is they originally like foods which are soft to crunch,for example,breadlike pieces of dried wheat gluten 麩 ,delicacy composed of dried layers of the skin of soybean 湯葉 and bean curd 豆腐,they seem to love the foods.🙋 All of the foods which are made from wheat are soft, though it's difficult to make the foods which are hard to crunch in wheat flour.🍞 It's also said what they love the starcy food is connected with their personality,what is called いらち,impatient one.😃 Have a comfortable day😁



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