
A diary in English

レス500 HIT数 23260 あ+ あ-

蚤野心蔵( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )
10/05/15 12:29(更新日時)

I'll keep a diary in English from now on.

I want be a splend English speaker someday,absolutely.

Though I'm not a wondeful English speaker yet, so I'm afraid I will be a lot of mistakes,but please don't make fun of me,I can't help it, but I'll be a wonderful English speaker someday!! Maybe😥

Here we go👍


No.1156994 09/11/22 04:56(スレ作成日時)



No.2 09/11/22 05:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

As I described, I want be a fantastic English speaker.

No.4 09/11/22 09:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Thank you very much your advice.🙏
As you told,I should have put the word 「to」 the sentence.It is shameful of me to make such a mistake.😂

I'm grateful to the person who advised me on my sentence.

By the way ,I have a question.Do you mind if I ask the person who advised me a question.

You told me that I should use 「hankaku」 in my sentence.It means that the sentence is easy to read?
I'v written down English sentence on the internet very much,so I can't understand what you mean exactly.🙇

  • << 21 hey there! sorry that i've not cheked here for a while:) the reason why i told you to type the words in HANKAKU is, you alreadyknow,to make it easy to read + understand👌 man, this is much harder than i thought to make sentenses w/ my cell! now i log off(sorry that im verry tired w/this, haha) good luck w/your english diary:)!

No.5 09/11/22 10:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I work in a factory.I often used to be on the night shift.Then I always finished working in the midnight.At that time I was worried about something horrible.
To be continued

No.6 09/11/22 13:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I was on the way to my home,I pass a cemetery.whenever I pass that place,there was a car parking.
It's scared me,in that placein the midnight,what' happen in the place,I'm wondering.
Suddenly it occurred me a fantastic idea.I tried to hide behind the car and to be frightened at him.It seemed to be a good idea,though after for a while I found it impossible to do.
Hiding that place means that I had to be my back to the cemetery.I'm sure I couldn't do that.

What should I do if someone tapped me on the back😭

I feel like running away faster than any other persons in world😂

Eventually,I was forced to studying what' happen in the cemetery.

I'm wondering if there may be parking a car in the cemetery in this midnight💀

No.8 09/11/22 14:57
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I'm a Japanese,so,I can speak Japanese.

I want to be awonderful English speaker at any rate.
Thank you for your thread,but if you feel disgusted at my thread,please ignore my thread🙏

No.9 09/11/22 18:08
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I like drinking very much. Without studying English in the least,I'm afraid I might be an alcoholic or owing to drinking too much,might ruin my health and be in the hospital and so on.
The other day I had drunk too much and fallen asleep soundly.

Next morning woked up,I couldn't find my glasses anywhere in my room. To my trouble,without the spectacles,my everyday life would be very difficult.😢

I was looking for them in my room,but I couldn't discover them.It's odd.😥

Last night I had drunk in my room,so my glasses must be here,but I cann't find them.😚
After a short time,I was so tired and so thirsty that I wanted to drink something cold.
I went to the fridge and open the door.
To my surprise,there are my glasses in it.😲
I'm wondering if having been drunk too much, I put those tools in the fridge⁉to prevent myself from trampling on them😩

I shouldn't have drunk too much💦

No.10 09/11/23 09:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

When I went to a English langage school,I used to keep a diary in English,wanted to be a English fantastic speaker.Then I made a mistake. One day I tried to express a Japanese fairy tale,「Momotarou」 in English.I was worried about a imitation sound,「donburako」There isn't the word in my JapaneseーEnglish dictionary.To my surprise,there isn't the word in a Japanese Great Dictionary, what we call Koojien. Therefore ,it is natural that the Japanese-English dictionary doesn't have the word,though at that time I didn't know it at all.
What should I do😂
To be continued😸

No.11 09/11/23 11:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

At last,I described the word.
「with donburako」😭
Is it English⁉😥
Imitation sounds are difficult,I think so. In short,I'm sure I can say everything in English as long as I study English enough,perhaps😊
On the contrary ,at the same time,I'm sure there are something that I don't need to say in English.
Without the word,「Donburako」,I'm sure,I would have express the Japnese fairy tale,「Momotarou」😢
I don't mind at all😜
As the proverb says,「Failure is a steppingーstone to success.😃
I'll keep up with studying English😁

No.12 09/11/23 14:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Before I had started this my site,I happen to come across where you can communicate with English or German.

She said that she expressed her site with her life and some books that she'd ever read.
In spite of it,I ignore it and I described the other things.I meant no offense.It just that I overlooked her remarks.
I shouldn't have done that.I'm sorry about what I did.
So I apologize to her for her,but she had no comment.
What I had done is trampling her feeling.

No.13 09/11/23 14:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

In her site,the more I apologize,the more she feels disgusted and frightened,I'm
sure.I don't know what to do,but I really regret what I did.
Though the things that I can do is to apologize to her for it.
I'm really sorry.I should have be more careful and more delicate

No.14 09/11/23 17:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

When I was reading a English book,I would sometimes worried about some English expressions.
One day,reading Pinocchio,I happened to come across the phrase,「The sea is oily」or「oily sea」.I'm not sure which it is.
In this situation,Pinocchio was swallowed by a big fish and he met with his grandfather.The puppet tried to escaped from the fish with his grandfather,but the old man refused to do.
His grandfather thought he was too old to escape,in addition, he must be prevent from Pinoccio escaping.
The puppet loved his grandfather,so he wanted to escape together.
The puppet persuade the old man escaping together.Even if there a hardship in front of them,Pinocchio decided to survive safely.
I'm sure he was wondering the sea would be terrible.
Despite his anxiety,the sea was calm.In this time the a uthor used the word,「oily」
It doesn't mean a lot of oil,I'm sure.
I looked up a word in my dictionary, but the word doesn't mean calm.
To be continued

No.15 09/11/23 20:35
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I have been wanting to be a splendid English speaker, so without drinking I decided to studying English.😁
In spite of it,I want to drink at any rate.When being hungry,I want to drink,in particular,so I'm very hungry at the moment.
One glass of whiskey would move my aim away one step.😫
Strange to say,the more I think I Shouldn't drink, the more I feel I want to drink.😔
Some heavy drinker use some reasons as an excuse for drinking.For example,"Without drinking I cann't sleep.゛or"Owing to what we call "tsukiai"(I should have expressed the word,tsukiai,in English,so I look up the word in my dictionary,but I Couldn't find appropriate phrase.😭)
It's just that they,include me,want to drink.
Oh!The rice has just cooked,should I drink or not⁉😜

No.16 09/11/24 11:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To tell the truth,I'm out of work.😥
Though I'm searching a job,I cannot.
I wish I could be a translator‼

I hear that there are three kinds of translators,I want to be a translator who translates some English novels into Japanese.😃One of a reason that I want to be a translator is that I hate sociability😥
If I'm good at some association,I will aim at be a interpreter.
To my regret, it is difficult for me to be engaged in both of the jobs.😂

No.17 09/11/24 13:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I'm sure I can't be neither of the jobs.😂
The other day,I happened to see the parts of a content of the interpreter of the examination paper,the first grade one.
The question said that describe 「wabi,sabi」in English‼
I'm sure it' impossible,I can't😢
I'm afraid I can't describe even in Japanese.😫

No.18 09/11/25 02:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I saw the other sight of the interpreters.
There are some tourists who have visited from many countrys in Japan.
Some of them are interested in Japanese culture,so they ask the interpreters some questions.

For example,how to make Karashimentaiko or Sukiyaki and so on.

They have to answer the questions quick,exactly.

I love eating both of foods, but I know how to make neither of the foods.😜

I'm sure the travelers ask the interpreters some more difficult questions,so they have to be familiar with various things.

Though I'm a Japanese and was born and grew up in Japan,I don't know about Japanese culture very much.
If I were an interpreter and were with the tourists,they would demand me〝Are you really a Japanese⁉You don't know anything about Japan.😚Pay back the money,this is fraud¨All of them would be indignant.(;`皿´)
I'm sure that the interpreters are not only hard workers but also full of curiosity.💮They are great(◎o◎)

No.19 09/11/25 09:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I saw one more sight of the interpreter.

Sometimes they have to interpret some English of a scientific specialist.It is not rare the scientist studys the most advanced field.If it were not for the knowledge of it at all,the interpreter wouldn't carry out the job.It is said that technology is making rapid progress.
The interprters have to keep up with it and interpret it into Japanese,quickly,exactly😭
Describing these sentences,an amateur like me found it impossible😢
The interpreter says like that in the site.
゛I think as if i studyed for the hardest exam,but I have to.Otherwise I would be laughed at by everybody there😭
I hate studying,especially scientice and mathematics,so I'm forced to give up the splendid interpreter.😚

No.20 09/11/25 12:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I saw a site of a translator.In the site she said

"The one who can speak English a little tries to be a translator seems like that the one who can run fast tries to take part in the Olympic the Ganes"
I love to read English books. Roughly speaking,I could understand them,I'm sure,but
it's not enough.
At least I have to comprehend the story,and describe it in my Japanese.Needless to say,its a job of a translator.
To improve my English ability I have read some English books.
Some person recommend that three ways of reading English books.One of them is
"When reading English book,you often come across some words that you don't know,but don't mind it.Carry on reading it."
He still continues
"Don't use dictionary."
Moreover he says
"If you feel boring,stop reading"
When I knew them,I found it just right for a person like me.
I hate some complicated things.
I'm afraid I gradually digress.I'm sure I have to amend it,but I'm tired a little,so I'm going to take a rest.😩

No.22 09/11/25 14:08
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

When reading English books,it's important to continue to read,I'm sure.

It means that the readers shouldn't bother about a trifling.They have only to come in contact with many English.

It's enough for a English beginner to improve his or her English abilities,but it's not enough to be a splendid translator.

By the way,I glanced at my site.To my sorrow,I found it difficult to read,so from now on,I'll begin on a new line

No.23 09/11/25 21:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I'm happy to receive access from you.
I was disappointed for days,because almost all of the people didn't visit my site😥
Your visit helps me study English.😃

From now on,I''m going to read Harry Potter,the last volume,the Deathly Hallow.😊

Do you like reading some books?

See you later😉

No.24 09/11/26 00:26
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To be a fantastic translator,I have to understand the novels which I try to translate at least.

In addition,I need to increase Japanese vocabulary,and to become proficient of Japanese expressions.

To be a wonderful translator,to my regret,it seems that I have to study English desperately,and I must read a mountain of books and get lots of vocabularyand various Japanese expressions.

I'm afraid I can't😢
I often hear the proverb
「It's not too late to learn」

Though I'm sure it's true,I'm wondering if, in my situation,it's too late to be a translator.😚I can't help it.I wish I would have studyed English earlier.It' no use crying over spilt milk.

By the way,I've been keeping my diary.Though I feel as if I were muttering to myself, it's things like my diary,so it's natural.

To my joy,a young woman access to my site,for I prefer muttering to myself to talk with other.

So I'm looking forward to have chat with her😃

No.25 09/11/26 12:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Children are pretty and have a strong sense of justice,but at the same time cruel,I'm sure.😫

When being a schoolboy of a elementary,there

Then every morning,before we start studying we have a little meeting like a homeroom.

Almost all of the pupils go to school before the meeting and have funs,doing several things,for example playing dodge ball,hide-and-seek,what we call Sankakubase and so on😁

Sometimes they are apt to absorbed in them too much.

One day some boys were late for the meeting,and the matter happened😭

One boy insisted that it's inexcusable of them to be late for the meeting.It's just that they played dodgeball,so they have to be punished‼

He was a bully and the whole class was compelled to be obedient to him,so the punishment began😢

To be continued😁

No.26 09/11/26 15:57
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The bully suggested that some boys who were late for the meeting should apologize all the classmate, each of them,until the last child forgive them.For example,supposed that a child hated one of them and didn't forgive him,so he had to apologize the child for being late for minutes,for hours.If somemne blame the child for doing too much,he or she has only to say that "I can't forgive him at any rate😤He is to be done.It does't mean I dislike him.😚"What if none of the classmate like him⁉At that day,without studying at all the boys carried on apologizing.😥The teacher who was in charged in the class allowed them to do,for he made much of their independence,so the punishment continued a whole day.The punishment was"nt only once.There some girls who were often talking confidentially talking,like that one girl put her hands on the ear of the other girl and talking secretly.They were next targets,so they carry on the apology,weeping awfully.To be continued

No.27 09/11/26 17:15
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

(From the last diary)
I think we shouldn't have done those.😥

In the last diary,I thought I started a new paragraph,but I didn't,so i found it difficult a little to read.😫

By the way,to improve my English abilities,I sometimes do what we call Eigoduke.

In the site,the Eigoduke,there is Kyoutore,it means today's training.

There are a Japdnese sentence,and there aresome English words at random under it.

I have to arrange them correctly.The faster,the better.I'm sure it helps me improve my English ability.😁

The site doesn't always have a flaw.I use the site in my cellphone.

I don't have good eyesight.The words in Kyoutore are very tiny,so it's difficult to see.

The more I do Kyoutore,the worse my eyesight is getting worse.
Though Iwant to improve my English abilities…😥

No.28 09/11/26 19:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The other day,I went to a bookstore to buy a English book.To my regret,the floor space of the Englishbook become small

Recently,its hard time,so Englishbooks don't sell so much.

There used to be so much books that I have difficulty in choose books to read,but I don't have to worry about it.

Speaking of Englishbooks,it seems that Maruzen is famous for them.I've ever been there only once a time.

I don't know why it's well-known for some Englishbooks.

There were many Englishbooks displayed at random,so it's difficult to select.😭

No.29 09/11/27 10:28
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Sometimes I read my English again.To my sorrow,I wasn't often sure my English.😂

I tried to read my English this diary.To tell the truth,I'm not accustomed to dealing with a cellphone.😥

When I discovered my mistakes,I tried to delate the parts.I failed to operate my cellphone and I often deleted the whole my sentence.I was struck dumb with disappoitment.😭

It is so regrettable that I decided to exppress it here.😤

From now on,I'm going to check my sentence.I don't want to delete my sentences,so I must be careful😚

No.30 09/11/27 14:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The title

From now on,before writing my diary,at first I make it a rule to put a title on it.😁

When seeing my「スレ一覧」,I found it difficult to distinguish between them,for I want to recognize them at a glance.😊

As I told you,I'm poor at handling my cellphone,so I often made some mistakes.
Although concluding my diary with the phrase "to be continued" I started describing different subject.😥

As I said "to be continued",I have to do next time without fail.😥

Pherhaps I tried to amend my sentences,but deleted them by mistakes.😭

After that,I was so tired that I gave up my diary.Next time,when beginning to express my diary,I forgot my last diary completely😢

I think I shouldn't be afraid of making some mistakes,but I should refrain from being careless😥

See you later😃

No.31 09/11/27 17:16
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

My reading English books

I like to read Englisi books,but it doesn't mean I can understand them completely.
When carrying on reading some books,I discover that the authors give some hints which are to be developed,the stories go on.😃

In my situation,to my sorrow,the longer the stories,the more I forget those hints.😥

So I have to study English harder,though I hate to study.😚

The other day,I saw the other page of this site where some people express their thoughts in English.

Some people scolded its host and the others pointed out his some mistakes.

I don't know anything about him in the least,and I have nothing to do with him.In addition,my English isn't so good.

It's just that I'm relieved that nobody scold me for my English until now.😉

Though it means that few people watch my diary.By the way,in spite of my title"My reading English books,the subject strayed off it.I'm sorry😥

No.32 09/11/28 11:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

How to drink the way of alcoholic

I'm not an alcoholic,so I don't know anything about him very much.😁

I hear that he always trembles on account of his condition.Before he starts drinking,if he continues a trembling,he'll have a lot of difficulty in drinking,so it occurred to him a wonderful idea.It's just that he has only toneed a towel.💡To be continued.😁

No.33 09/11/28 12:04
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The sequel to my last diary

Before drinking,he must put the towel around his neck.Then he grips the one end of the towel tightly a little,and hold the other end of the towel with a glass in liquor.🍺

At last,he starts drinking,managing his one hand with a glass,by pulling his another hand properly,preventing him from spilling liquor🍶

I'm afraid if he'll be drunk too much,after all he ends up spill over much liquor.😥

It's all right,for he is an alcoholic‼The more he drinks,the less he trembles😨

Long ago I saw a commercial on the TV.It said "Do you abandon some drugs or give up being a human being⁉"

I'm wondering if he carry on drinking to death😣

No.34 09/11/28 14:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A short comic tale「A cursed family」

There lived a young married couple and a grandfather.The couple didn't have a child any more for a long time.😥

At last, one day they had a boy and some years passed,he could't speak at all,and some years passed.⛅

One day he said"Mum"
Next day she passed away.💀

On the day after ndxt,he said"Grandpa"
The old man died too💀

The father of the boy was frightened of him."I'm wondering if he call me,after that do I died😨

Next day,finally the boy said"Papa"
A man who lived in the neighborhood passed away.

I told my friend this story and he asked me that does it mean the neighbor was a criminal😥?

I replied to him"No😚The neighbor was a lover of the woman.😜"
The end.😁

No.35 09/11/28 17:49
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Harry Potter and etc.

The other day I hear that the person who stars in the popular the movie,"Harry Potter"used some drugs and was drunk too much.Someone scribbled his face.Then I'm wondering if he felt like being a wizard,for he seemed to be drunk badly😥

Speaking of "Harry Potter",I discovered a funny expression.😁

Harry has a friend,Ron.His twin brothers opened a joke shop.In the shop they advertised for some goods,they were funny,so I can't help laughig them.🙌
To be continued👋

No.36 09/11/29 17:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>>35Harry Potter

Voldemort is the strongest,worst enemy for Harry.Almost all of the wizards and witches are frightened at

Voldemort is so scared them that they can't say even his name.One of character in this novel talked about him like that.

"Using his name breaks the proctive enchantments,it causes some kind of magical disturbance.",so the magicians calls him 「You-know-who」💀

The twin brothers placed advertisement for some goods in their joke shop like this.

"You should be worried about something horrible more than You-know-who‼It's a You-know-poo"

It's a commercial for a constipation.I burst into laughter."It seems that 「You-know-who」rhymes with 「You-know-poo」.

I'm sure the author isn't only smart but also humorous😁

No.37 09/11/29 22:31
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Breaking my vow not to drink😂

I decided not to drink any longer and to study English harder,but I failed to keep it.Last night at last I went for drinking.😥

One of my colleagues told me to go and have a drink.I should have refused him,but I couldn't.

My association among them are important for me.It doesn't mean neither I wanna go and have a drink absolutely nor I couldn't resist the temptation.I can't help it.I was forced to go for drinking,though I wanted dance for joy,even if I would regret what I'll have done.😥

I used to go to a Philippine pub.One night I was fed up with a Philipino.She asked me to order some foods.The more I order,the more the sales of the pub increase,so her performance becomes good,though I don't have nothing to do with it😚

Then I wasted my money too much so I had to avoid her request.Suddenly it occurred to me a wonderful idea‼
To be continued😁

No.38 09/11/30 02:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>>37Breaking my vow not to drink😂

Then an old man was at the table in front of me.He was bald.I asked her to go to him and to say to him"Karubo"😁

The word is neither English nor Japanese,it's a Tagalogu language.It means bald.👴I'm sure he couldn't understand it,though there was no ground for it.👴

For a while she hesitated,and told me that she was hungry and wanted to something to eat.😥I thought if I had to waste my money on her foods,I wanted her to amuse myself,though she couldn't say after all.😊

Some years passed and one day an unexpected thing happened to me.😭To my surprise,I becaome b・a・l・d😂It couldn't be possible💧If a fly tried to land on my head,it will slip👴😂

No.39 09/11/30 10:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


It is getting colder and this year is drawing to a close,before it there is coming the one of the celebratin that Japanese love,Christmas💩

To begin with,Christmas is a celemony for the birth of the Jesus Christ.but I doubt whether most of us,except for me,grasp the meaning of the celemony.We love Christmas very much,for it's just a mere excuse for making love💩

In my case,it's just I may be biased.😂

Generally speaking,we Japandsd believe in no relision.When being a new year we go to worship at a shrine.Some of us hold a wedding ceremony at a church.We hold some funeral in accordance with Btddhist rites‼

No.40 09/11/30 12:06
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

It is said that English is a language that a lot of people speak.Some people use the language as a way of a communication with others.Some Japanese use the broken language so as to look themselves better,for it seems that we Japanese have an inferiority complex for the Western cultuqe,of course include me😂

In my situation,I began to study English in order to gaim some confidence with me.😔

Neither I'm rich nor smart.In addition,neither I'm good-looking nor kind.Sometimes I'm wondering if have many faults,but I can speak English,even if I have to study English😁I'm all right🙌

I have wanted to be a translator,but I think it impossible lately.I'm already 48 years old.To be the translator I have to study English harder and to read a great number of Japanese novels.I'm sure I don't have enough time to do.😭though I never regret having studied English,even if I'm a poor English speaker,for to study English is a great fun😁

I failed to entitle today's diary😢

No.41 09/11/30 15:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I wish I could fill my diary with English😃

To accomplish this site,I have to continue to describe some sentences in English the459th times at least.I'm sure I express my own idea,the more my English ability.😃

I thought it easy to speak Englirh,but I'm sure I couldn't.I find it difficult to make me understood in English.

I used to keep a diary in English when I went to a Englisg language school.I handed a desk staff my diary and some instructors checked it.

They showed me my mistakes in English in my diary,but I ws an English beginner,so even if they tried to explained me to my mistakes in English,I couldn't make it out,so I make up my mind to ask them my questions directly.Then I made a mistake.My remarks and behaviors made an instructor feel unpleasant😥

To be continued👋

No.42 09/11/30 19:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>>41I wish I could fill …

I'm sure without speaking English,I'm afraid I'm apt to forget how to speak English,so without being afraid of making some mistakes,I should express my own idea in English positively,though it seems to be difficult.😊

I told an instructor to check my diary,but my English wasn't so good, he seemed to be reluctant to read my diary.He was likely to told me that if I asked him to do something,I should be more polite.

In the first place,I didn't think how rude of me,I wasn't sure he meant,so I asked him it over and over again,for I'm not good at listeng to English of some native speakers.😥

At last he got angry at me and told me he needn't read my diary,but I didn't grasp why he was so indignant at me😥

No.43 09/12/01 09:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>>41 I wish I could fill…

I was confused so much that I wasn't sure what to do.Though I wasn't intend to offend him,what should I do⁉I had to understand exactly what he meant but I couldn't,in addition I was sure I couldn't ask him any questions any more,I had my back to the wall.😥

A few minutes later,he changed his attide and checked my diary,cotrolling his anger.😫

My remark that offend him was like that.

"I want you to have my diary check or checked」The words seem to be impolite.The polite words seem to be like that"Could you please ~"or"Do you mind if"and so on.

To communicate with other in English smoothly,without fighing,my impolite remark isn't appropriate,needless to say.😚

I shouldn't have said him so impolite,but I can't help it.I'm sure I couldn't things more than what I had done😫

Don't be afraid of making some mistakes,but be more careful,in particular in my case😁I said to myself.

No.44 09/12/01 11:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Don't be afraid of making some mistakes😁

When starting to study English,I hated to speaking the language in front of some peole,for I was a beginner of English,so I didn't have any confidence in my English.

Whenever I speaked English,I thought everyone around me seemed to laugh at me,so I couldn't speak so much😣

English is studying language,so I found it important to talk with others in English.The more I speak,the more my English ability improves,I'm sure,but I couldn't😫

It was obvious what I have to do,though I couldn't.😫
By the way,I feel hungry,so I want to eat something.🍱See you later👋

No.45 09/12/01 18:12
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>>44 Don't be afraid of…

One day I was worried about my poor English.It's just that I only have to ask some instructors my questions,but I could't.I hated to speak English,I disliked be laughed at my poor English.I was wondering how long I was hesitating⁉Suddenly I became disgusted with myself.

The more I hesitate,the more the time passes,it's a waste of time.I thought it natural to make some mistakes.I'm a Japanese.I hated studying English when I was in a higgschool,so if I learned to speak splendid English at once,I would be a genius,so I wouldn't have to come to the English language school.😤but,but I want to be a wonderful English speaker at any cost.If someone wants laugh at me,let him or her do as it like.😒The thing I have to do is only one thing😤

It doesn't mean someone had laugh at my English.It's just that I was under the impression that some people considered me like that.After that I learned to speak English positively.The happy end😁

No.46 09/12/01 20:06
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Studying English.😁

When learning English at a English language school,an instructor warned me about my English.She told me that I should be more emotional.After that I thought what she meant for a while😊

Japan is an island country.There used to be almost all of the single nation in Japan,though long long long long ago,it seemed to be countless warfares among some different nations in this country.😔

As being some different nations,as a matter of course,there are lots of different thhings among them,for example,some national characters,customs and relisions,like many countries all over the world.

After some wars,they would have to conclude a peace treaty.Then they have to express their ideas clearly.If their communications aren't enough,some wars may happen again,so I'm wondering they are more emotional.😁

No.47 09/12/01 22:24
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About my job😁

I want to be an instructor of a cramming school to use of my talent of English.😃

I'not good at some pronunciations.I can't listening to several vowels exactly.Though I've been studying English for years,it is shameful of me not to know the numbers of the vowels,so I have to study them.Both the abilities of the listening and pronunciation are connected each other closely,so once the one improves,the other will do😃

I think almost all of the children hate to study,generally speaking.😔When trying to master something,if we are reluctant to do it,we won't be able to obtain dazzling results.

I'm sure the children are forced to go to the school.Some of them achieve brilliant successes,but I doubt whether they have fun.😚

To be continued😁

No.48 09/12/02 00:00
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>> 47 About my job

I wish I could show the children the pleasure of studying English😚

For instance,let's suppose I adopted some popular English songs or movies as teaching materials.I'm sure lots of children will be interested in them.😁

When studying English at an English language school,we used some original textbooks.I studied with two kinds of them.I'll show you the content of them next time.

To be continued.😁

No.49 09/12/02 16:06
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>>47 About my job

The cotent of the textbooks are like those.There is a young woman who lives in America.She has two boyfriends.The one guy is rich and he runs some big companys.He is a promising man.

The other doesn't have a fixed job.He is a job-hopping part-time worker,what is called a free arbeiter in Japanese.

If the one is her husband,she won't be worried about money.

If the other is her company for life,she may lead a life of cares,as far as money is concerned.Except it she will be happy with him.

How will her romance be concluded😔though it doesn't matter for me.😚

I'll show you the content of one more book next time.See you again😁

No.50 09/12/02 16:38
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>>47 About my job

The content of the one more text is like that.

There is a woman who studys special materials for clothings.She is successful in her study and she becomes wealthy,but some people hate her a great achievement,and they tries to find out the secret of the material and to rob her of what she has got.What will happen to her in the world😱

To be continued.See you😁

No.51 09/12/02 22:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>>47 About my job

Studying English with both of the textbooks is fun.Every chapter has a theme,for instance a tense or a direct narration.After I read the chapter,I and an instructor have a chat in accordance with the theme in English for a while.😁

I think a lot of people could enjoy themselves at the language school.If we adopt an effective way,children must be willing to study English at a cramming school,I'm sure.😁so if I ran the school and adopted the way,I might be make a profit😍

By the way,my diary over fifty times at last,though I accessed most of them by myself😂

The more I access to my diary,the more my English ability improve,maybe.😁

I'm sure I've almost there.I'll keep up with it like this.😃

No.52 09/12/03 00:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The suspect "Ichihashi was arresteed at last‼

The other day a suspect murdered an instructor of an English language school was arrested at length.He had been on the run from the police for some years.😥

He wandered from one place to another in Japan.He worked as a construct worker and changed his face,for he was operated orthopedic surgery.

After having been arrested,he undergoes a severe cross-examination.The TV said he uses the right of silence and refuses to confess his crime.😥

He even refused to eat anything at all,so the police forced him to take nourishment with a drip infusion,but he gave up refusing it.Once he started eating,he shows the authority a good appetite,😔though he carrys on the refusal of confessing his crime😣

To be continued.By😁

No.53 09/12/03 15:39
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About a comic

When being a child,I read a comic of a master of Karate.He trained to be a strongest Karateman in the heart of the mountain for a long time and his long-cherished dream came true.😃

He trained from the morning to the night every day.He had been so lonely in heart of the mountain that he often felt like seeing some people,talking to them at any cost.😢

He was sure that stoping his training and going to the town would prevent him from being the greatest Karateman,so he tried to endure his desires,but it seemed to be impossible for him.😔

He carrid out one thing and it was forced him to stay in the mountain.What had he done in the world⁉

To be continued😁

No.54 09/12/03 17:14
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About comic partⅡ

The Karateman shaved off one of his eyebrows.It seemed that a face of the guy who had only single eyebrow was eccentric.He was ashamed of his face too much to see anyone else,so he was obliged to train.

A few months later,he developed his eyebrow and he shaved off it.He repeat them several times,so time passed and he became a greatest Karateman at last.Tge happy end😃

I'm wondering if I would do the same thing,I could be a splendid English speaker⁉

To be continued😁

No.55 09/12/03 18:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About a comicⅢ

I'm sure I can't do the same thing.In the first place,Studying English means learning language,so to talk with others in English is important for some people who learn English.Even if I study English harder in the heart of the mountain for a long time by myself,I'm afraid it'not so effective more than I expect.😔

I should have begun on a new line a few times,but I was absorbed in this diary so much that I forgot to do.I hate to rewrite it once more,for it's complicated.😫Sorry😁

No.56 09/12/04 14:26
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Studying English😁

When being in a high school, I heard that studying English is learning its culture.At that time it didn't matter for me at all,for I hate to study.😚

Needless to say Japan is an island country,so it's surrounded by sea.In general we Japanese hadn't a custom of meat diet until the Meiji Era.It is said that we used to eat fish rather than meat mostly at that time😃

By the way,as I'm talking about food,I've become to want to eat something.😍By🍴

No.57 09/12/04 15:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Studying EnglishⅡ

Generally speaking,we Japanese love to eat fish.There is what is called "shusseuo"It has some names with each process of itr name.I'm wondering if it means fish diet is familiar with us.🍚

On the contrary,the Westerner love to eat meat.English has some expressions of cattle.For example,cow,bull,ox,heifer,and calf and so on.

Unless I study English in the least,I won't mind the difference between Japanese and the Western countries.Though I hate to study,studying English may be an exception.It's just that I'm not ready to study English but I'm willing to learn the language.😚

No.58 09/12/04 18:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


The other day when I was playing with my cellphone,I ended up be worried about what we call "Deaikei."

There was a kind of questionnaire whether it asked me what we call sousyokukei or nikusyokukei"on my cellphone.I answered them and entered my mail address and profile,so I transmitted it to the president.I shouldn't have done that😥

If it were only a questionnaire,I needn't have entered them,it's dubious,so I should have suspected it,but I couldn't.After it,I received lots of e-mail from some women.I couldn't recognize whether or not some women transmit them to me,for I didn't meet any of them at all,I needn't to do😔

To be continued.By😁

No.59 09/12/05 13:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A great number of dubious people call themselves women, e-mailed me.They looked like cheap, dubious weeklys.😁

One person said that it had a daughter and they wanted to make love,so they wanted me to contact with the e-mails…😔

The other said they gathered in a room and all of them want to make love and so on.😔

I felt so suspicious and dubious that I left them alone.

Most of the hilarious one told me in e-mail like that

"I'm at the 〇〇station with a large sum of money,five million yen.I want see you.I'll be waiting for you until you come here.😍

Of course I'm sure it's impossible‼for it seems to be hard times and dangerous lately.TV says the depression is at its worst.The news of purse-snatching,robbery and mugging aren't rare.In this situation,a woman who has a large sum of money is waiting for a man for a long time defenselessly,so as to make love him⁉

I can't help laughing it😚

To be continued.By😁

No.60 09/12/05 15:38
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I'm wondering what were they aiming at.😔

It occurred to me two things.One is what we call "Enkoo".I hear that there seems to be many higi school girl who have sex with middle-aged men in exchange for money or gifts.😚

I'm not intend to blame for them for what they did,for it doesn't matter for me at all,I have nothing to do with them,as far as they aren't around me.😚

I thought it complicated to express the word,"Enkoo"with my poor English,so I looked up the word in dictionary.I came across the description like that.😚

I thought the statement of the word reproach them for what they did,but as for me I'm not always so scrupulous.I'm not conscientious to blame them.It's just that I hate to be a hypocrite.I'm not somnbody at all,to my sorrow,though I have nothing to do with them.😏

I'm afraid my remarks strays from the title,so I must return to it😂

To be continued.By😁

No.61 09/12/05 17:56
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I'm wondering why some people sent me some message with e-mail at what we call "Deaikei".I said one of the reasons in the my last diary,I'm going to express the other reason from now on.😁

If I wanted to make friends with them,I would need to contact with e-mail until I know about her,for example address,telephone number,mail address of her own cellphone,though I'm afraid it'impossible and I don't want to do in the least.

The person who wants to contact with some women at what we call Deaikei need some points.He has to purchase them.Without them,neither he could send her a message nor he could accept an answer from her.

I'm afraid some women would never tell him anything that he wants to know,though they pretend as if they love him passionately.😂

It seems that they try to let him spent much money,for I'm sure the president hire her.😭

To be continued.By😁

No.62 09/12/06 13:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Though it is shameftl of me to say next things,I was worried about "Deaikei" the other day😂

Suddenly one day lots of women sent me some messages with e-mail,almost all of them tell me they want to make love with me.😍

Needless to say,it's impossible.If what they said is true,most of the people who are engaged in sex service will go bunkrupt.

Therefore I didn't contact them.😜

Some of them seemed to be indignant,disappointed at me.😚

They kept contacting me for days,so I was worried about them.😥

I felt as if I had been an atrocious man.😭

One of them told me that she wanted talk with me by telephone,so I sent her my message with my telephone number.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.63 09/12/06 16:24
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


To my surprise,she refused to talk with me by telephone.I got angry and thought"How dare she did that."😤

I should have recognized what she meant,she never thought she talked with me at all.😤

It's natural,for we'd never met each other in the least.😤It means that she tried let me spend much money for "Deaikei"

Fortunately I didn't end up wasting much money.😚

When expressing my diary,it occurred me lots of things,so I'm liable to want to describe each of them my poor English,so what I mean wanders from the title.After I finished my some sentences,I make it a rule to read it again.

I'm often confused so much.My remarks sometimes stray from the title so much.😔

I'm afraid I'm apt to be absorbed in express something in English so much that I forget what I mean.😥

I'm sure I need to get used to a great number of English expressions.😚

I've almost there‼Nobody says to me,so I said to myself😂By.

No.64 09/12/06 17:40
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Speaking English

I thouht that speaking English in my diary means express myself in English,😁though I doubt whether I could make myself understood😂

I often hear"To live is wonderful."I'm wondering if it is so.😔

In my case,it doesn't matter whether or not I'm dead.😣

If I'm so,can I be dead at once⁉

Definitely not.I've lived for a long time,for I don't have guts to kill myself any more.😔

Some people say if they think of being dead,they'll be able to accomplish everything.😃

Is it so⁉If they insist on their remarks, they'd better be dead.😚

I'm sure it's just that they are intoxicated with their own words.😠

Though I express my thought this time,I can't kill myself definitely.I'm afraid I shilly-shally and keep living with meaningless…😔

No.65 09/12/07 22:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Ore ore sagi😔

I'm going to express what we call Ore ore sagi in English.😚

Some people call up the other people.They pretend to be the others' relatives and try to let the others transfer some money for them.😤

At that time they behave themselves as if they were relatives of the others.

In the beginning they telephone they say themselves"Ore ore."The others who are cheated trust in them completely.Though they never say their own names,the poor victims believe in what they say.

The swindlers make bad use of the goodwill of the victims.😔

For example,the one said he caused a traffic accident,so he need some money immeadiately.

It's hard time recently,so the victims of the crime increase more and more😔

To be continued.By😁

No.66 09/12/07 23:22
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I should be grateful to my parents😃

I sometimes read the other pages of Mikuru.

Some people say they try to give a chance to learn something useful.😃

One of them say her son is two years old,and he seems to be interested in some English teaching materials,so she thinks it useful that she lets him study English.😃

She thinks that as for listening to English,the earlier the better.😃

The other parent advises her that he isn't old enough to speak even Japanese.In spite of it, studying English…It may end up being useless.😔

She answered "Thank you for your advice."she continues,and her next remarks moved me deeply.☺

"There is nothing parents try to do for their children"😃Her words reminded me of my mother…

It seems that there are both sides about learning English in childhood.I think it all depends.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.67 09/12/07 23:55
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Stop drinking😂

I tried to give up drinking,but I can't.🍶Whenever I broke my vow,I sweared that I'll stop drinking from tomorrow‼

I'm afraid "the tomorrow" never comes to me.😔

We say a little something to drink is the best medicine,so it's ok as long as I don't drink too much,though I find it difficult.😥

Too much drinking prevents me from studying English.😔
so I should abstain from drinking.😁

To be continued.By😁

No.68 09/12/08 14:24
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Reading English books😁

To improve my English abilities,I've read some English books.Some people recommend the readers the three way to read lots of English books.😃

I'll show you them from now on.😁

The first:don't look up the words in the dictionary.

I would be very irritable if I used the dictionary every time I came across some words that I was not sure.😥

The second:when running across a word that you aren't sure,skip them and continue to read the book.

The third:If you found it tedious or difficult,give up reading the book.😁

In general,reading books is a fun,though some people hate it.

I'm sure I needn't to be worried about it in details,and if I were reluctant to read books,I'm afraid I couldn't carry on the book.

When reading English books,I find it important to experience them as much as possible.😁

It helps me improve my English ability.

I'm not sure whether I can't make myself understood.Sorry😥

To be continued.By😁

No.69 09/12/08 15:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Scandals,rumors,crimes and so on😔

TV said a well-known professional golfer had some affairs.Another report said he had nine lovers.‼

Unconsciously,I thought"Hey,pass me one of them.😚"

I'm not interested in golf and I don't know anything about him very much.

Speaking of Tiger Woods,we said he was flawless about his golf,family and behaviors,everything,but…😚

After all,no matter how he looks he is human,too.😁

No.70 09/12/08 17:36
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Scandals,rumors, crimes and so on😥

TV say a kind of matter.A talent,Manabu Oshio used a kind of drugs with a hostess. She became ill.She foamed at her mouth and lost consciousness,at last she was dead.😔

It seemed to take about an hour from her sudden illnessun to unconsciousness.😥

Her bereaved family said if he calls a hospital at once and an ambulance comes earlier,she may not be dead."They were in tears.😭

I'm wondering if he tried to conceal his advantage things then😔

To be conthnued.By😁

No.71 09/12/09 14:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Scandals,rumors,crimes and so on.😥

Under the investigations and trials,the suspect,Manabu Oshio insisted that the hostess passed him some drugs.It meant that he didn't possess them.

The authoritiedoesn't seem to accept his insistence.👮

Suppose he carrid some drugs with him,there could be a person who passed the suspect some drugs👮

The authorities seems to think like that,and his manager was newly arrested and both he and Manabu Oshio is being investigated at the moment.👮

No.72 09/12/09 15:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A limit😥

I've been studying English for a few years.Though I used to go to a English language school and took a correspondence in English,after that I'm studying English by myself.😚

I'm wondering if a self-education has a

I can't understand a subtle difference between some English expressions.😔

I can't help it.Too poor to go to a English language school at the moment.😂

To be continued.By😁

No.73 09/12/09 16:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I make it a rule to keep a diary three page a day.Today I have to finish writig it until five in the evening,for because of "maintenance service nobody cotribute their expressions.

I was so hasty that I couldn't get my ideas in shape,so after all I end up excusing today's diary.😥

Though it doesn't matter whethere or not I keep a diary in Englisg,I have a guilty conscious about it.Even if nobody read my diary,I feel it.😔

To be continued.By😁

No.74 09/12/10 19:22
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Reading English books.😁

The other day at length I've finished reading the whole volume of "Harry Potter"😁

Roughly speaking I could understand the content of the novels,but I couldn't grasp them in details.

I can't say the ending to you because there are some people who don't read them yet.

When reading an Englisg detective story,I couldn't understand what I want to know sometimes,for example a dirty trick,motive of a criminal and so on😥

The more intricate the more difficult,so I find that it is too hard to understand for me.😥

Even if an author thinks up various devices to attract some readers,to my sorrow,I'm afraid it's useless for me.😂

To be continued.By😁

No.75 09/12/10 21:12
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I like reading books.When reading a Japanese book I came across the word"Japlish"

The English and American who have dealing with the Japanese began to say it.

It seems that English dictionary in Japan doesn't have it,but their dictionary,for example "A Dictionary of New English,an abbreviated name,DNE."does.😃

An Englishman says the Japanese speak English of their own,it's not English but we should call it "Japlish"😚

It is convenient for the ones who want to understand the Japanese and to open an account with them to understand Japlish.

It's not so difficult.We have only to master a hundred of unique syllables at most.😃

One of the features that they point out are some pronunciations.It seems to be difficult for them to understand when we Japanese pronounce t,th,l,r,v.For instance volley,ballet and rice,lice and so on.😚

To be continued.By😁

No.76 09/12/10 21:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Lots of the English and American who live in Japan seem to be tired of what we call Japanese English,for instance baton touch,baby car,front glass and so on.They are the words that none of the native speaker grasp at all.

The dictionary,DNE has some other words.

Fringish,it means English that the French speak,Hindish,it is English that the Indian speak,Spangish,it's English that the Spanish speak. DNE has all those words.😚

To be continued.By😁

No.77 09/12/11 09:31
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Archer Jeffery

I'm reading one of his works,"False Impression",so I'm going to say about the author,Archer Jeffery.😃

The English popular author,Archer Jeffery ,is not only a playwright of the first rank,but also his life is a full of ups and downs like a character of his works.😃

He was born in England in 1940 and was famous for a sprinter when he was young.😃

He was elected to a member of the House of Commons when he was 29 years old.😃

Unfortunately,a company that he invested in all his fortune end up going bankrupt by a embezzlement of an administrator and a fraud.😔

He lost all his property and filing for personal bankruptcy was one of his choice,but he wrote a novel about his experience so as to pay off a heavy debt.😣

He recollects that he had only to need a pencil and lots of paper.😁

To be continued.By😁

No.78 09/12/11 18:18
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Archer JefferyⅡ

Thus "Not A Penny More,Not A Penny Less"that he finished writing,as a result, it become a bestseller and he stepped over as an author.

The contentent of the book is like that.

The five people who were cheated and suffered heavy loss in the stock market,and they tried to get back the same amount that they loss,and the plot of the novel doesn't gloomy that they got revenge on those who had betrayed them,and the story isn't doleful.😃

The story will drag the readers into the content of the novel at once and they'll enjoy reading it in one sitting until the end.😃

Archer,who finished writing the first work,published the next ones one after another.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.79 09/12/11 20:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Archer JefferyⅢ

In 1985 Margaret Thatcher nominated him and he returned to the political world,and there was a scandal with a prostitute,so he won the suit,but he ended up resigning his post.😔

While he got a job of collecting funds of charitable work,he continued to publish his works.😃

In 1999 he was arrested for perjury on a scandal and his guilty was established in 2001 and he was sent to the prison.😔

In 2003 he was released from the prison and he published"Prison Diary"to make use of his experience in prison,the work also became a bestseller.😚

The fun of his works means the wonder of his developing story and the skill of which he depicts delicate psychological description of some characters in his works.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.80 09/12/12 10:16
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Archer JefferyⅣ and so on.

The readers can feel with the characters of the story naturally and they feel as if they led the life with them,so his works seem to be one of the most splendid entertainment.😃

By the way,I've tried to say what I mean in English,but I'm wondering if I speak English.😚

When one speaks the language,he or she intend to make itself understood.😃

Needless to say I try to do it,but I doubt it whether I can make myself understood in English in my diary so far.😔

I can't make sure it by myself.😔

I often mind English sentence when I read this diary sometimes,for instance,articles.😚

As for articles I'm afraid I don't underst them very much.

To my sorrow,there seems to be many thingsthat I should reform in my diary,but even if I can put it into practice I can't recognize it myself.

To be continued.See you later🍚

No.81 09/12/12 14:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Nobel prize for peace

Nobel invented dynamite and he became rich.After his death the nobel prize was established by his inheritance as a fund.😃

The one who contributed to the welfare of the humankind concretely receives it.

The other day, Obama, the President of the USA,received the Nobel prize for peace.

He dispatch no less than 3,200 soldiers to the Republic of Afghanistan.

On the other hand,he insists that we should abolish all the neclear weapons at any rate.

Some pemple said they doubted whether he'd done a great achievement enough to receive it.

I'm wondering how his policys have an effect on the this world from now on.

To be continued.By😁

No.82 09/12/12 16:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


The Hawaii islands was once called the sandwich islands.😃

Captain Cook,a great explorer,named them Sandwich when he got to the islands.

Why were they Sandwich⁉

He had a sponsor,who was the Duke of sandwich.He was famous for the designer of sandwich,the food,who loved to play cards,so he named them sandwich which is connected with the Duke.🍞

The King Kamehameha who unified the islands in 1795 ignore the name,the sandwich.

The aborigines in the islands called them Hawaii originally before the European people arrived at that place,so the name became it of the kingdom and was established there.😁

Suddenly l feel like eating some sandtiches🍞

To be continued,perhas.By😁

No.83 09/12/13 13:31
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

My cellphone😤

I'm describing this diary with my cellphone,but something is wrong with it,especially pushing some button.😔

When finishing the whole sentence I make a point of have another look it.

I have to go back my sentences what I have done with the button.😚

I often continue pushing the button for a while in order to go back to the beginning,to the middle.😃

I've almost finishing the sentences,but I often fail to put some words,articles and so on.

To continue to push the button does't mean keep on pushing the button with my thumb sticking to it.

I have to carry on doing it moderately,otherwise I'll end up deleting my whole sentences.

It usually takes a hour to complete my senteces,but the button deletes my painstaking works completely sometimes.I have to take another look these sentences once more.😂

To be continued.See you😁

No.84 09/12/13 15:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Paraguay and Uruguay

There are two countries,Paraguay and Uruguay,in the South America.

Both of the names are resemble and have a suffix,guay.

Someone thinks two countries separated from one country,but they aren't,in addition the one country isn't next to the other.

The names of the countrys come from it of a river.Guai means river in the language of the aborigines.

The names of the country are resemble each other,contrary to it,their situations are different.

Uruguay faces the sea and it has the Punta del Este,a resort area, pecuriar to the South America, in the plain of the shore,and a vast pasture spreads out inland.

In the other hand,Paraguay is situated inland the it consists of a gigantic dreary plain and fertile one.The End😃

To be continued.By😁

No.85 09/12/13 18:06
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The Canary islandsThere are the Canary Islands belongs to the Spain in the Africa,🌴where there are the deserts, the green belt with abundant green,and there are living a lot of wild canarys.🐥It doesn't mean the name of the islands come from the the birds.🐥The name of the area is earlier than it of the bird.🐥There isn't a reason why there are some canarys in the islands,but the birds that lived in the islands named canary.What kind of word does the word,Canary comes from⁉It's a dog.🐶The Roman called it 「Canariae」 in Latin.There once lived a lots of wild dogs in the Canary Islands.🐶They called the islands 「Insurae Canariae」 in Latin,it means the islands where lots of dogs live in Latin,so finally it turned the Canary Island in English.🇬

No.86 09/12/14 09:59
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Portland,which is the biggest city in the State of Oregon in the USA,where a development project of the city was resolved at the country council in 1844,when there was bickering about the name of the city.🇺

An assertion between the two members of the council that they insisted on being their each name to the it of the city caused it.💦

Neither of them yielded to each other for a long time,so they suggested that they decided it by tossing up a coin,as a their last resort.🆚

As a result,they adopted Portland.

The happy end⁉

To be continued,maybe.By☀

No.87 09/12/14 11:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Global Warming

We the human being have been using fossil fuel and discharging lots of poisonous gas for a long time since the Industrial Revolution.😔

The globe is being covered with a great deal of gas and it prevents us from receiving sunlight.☀

It cause the glacier of the Polar to begin melting.🐧

If all the glacier melt and the water level rise,almost all of the world will be submerged.🌴

What should I do⁉I'm afraid we can't give up comfortable life.😔

Both being hot and cold I use air-conditioner.When being hungry I eat some foods,so I cook to make use of electric power.🍚

After all we are forced to rely on the fossil energy,but we can't continue to use the energy forever.😔

In addition,the energy isn't inexhaustible.Someday we used it up😔

What should we do⁉

To be continued,possibly.By😁

No.88 09/12/14 12:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Kagoshima street

There is a street,what we call 「Kagosima street」 in naples in Italy.😃

Kagoshima prefecture,some people call it 「Naples in the East,handed with Naples as asister city.🍝

The street was named it after Kagoshima.

Then a street was named 「Naple street after the Kagoshima prefecture.😃

As being connected with some twin cities,there some streets which was named after Japanese cities in some foreign countries.🌴

To be continued.By😁

No.89 09/12/15 03:57
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Stockholm,the capital of Sweden,means 「an island where there are a lot of logs.🌴

The name comes from the fact that there were lots of fences assembled logs.⛺
They call Stockholm 「Venice in Northern Europe」,the city on the water,which consists of 14 islands and a peninsula.They began to live in one of them.🌅

They built the town in the 13th century,where they built a fort and made it the center of the town and surrounded their island with the fence built with the logs in order to prepare for some foreign enemies.

Therefore they learnt to call the place 「Stockholm」,the island where there are lots logs in Swedish.⛺

To be continued,perhaps.By😁

No.90 09/12/15 04:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


England isn't a formal name of the country.I should say in English,but to my regret,I don't know it.😚

England consists of the island of the Great Britain and the part the ones of the Ireland.🇬

There were two kingdoms in the island of the Great Britain,the kingdom of the Great Britain and the Scotland.🇬

In 1707 the Queen of the Great Britain,who became the one of the Scotland at the same time,so the two countries turned the one country,The Great Britain.

In 1801 the King of the country became the one of the Ireland,after all three countries turned one country.🇬

In 1922 the region except for the north area of the Ireland became independent of the Great Britain and England became the formal name.🇬

To be continued.By😁

No.91 09/12/15 05:57
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


There is pleasure resort,Scheveningen,at Hague of the suburb in Holland.

It was developed in the middle of the 17th century,where some magnificent hotels and fashiomable shops line up in the promenades faced the sea.

Scheveningen,the place name of the area doesn't mean lecherous person,but it comes from 「a village on the slope.⛺

Needless to say,if I express the name of the area in Dutch,it's not 「スケベニンゲン」at all.

It seems to be difficult for we Japanese to pronounce the semi vowel and fricative sound exactly.🔤

When we say the name of the area,it seems to be easy for them to hear 「スケベニンゲン」,the Japanese😜

To be continued.By😁

No.92 09/12/16 13:12
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


There is a city called Munich in Germany,but it is described 「Monaco」 in the map of Italy.😃

The German call it 「Munich」,in the other hand the Italian call it Monaco.Why⁉

The Italian care about the Latin,so it causes the different names between the two countries.🍝

The place name,Munich,comes from the fact one of the kings named a village 「vila muniphen」,it means a village where some monks live.🏰

「Muniphen」means monk,it was described 「Monakusu」

「Monakusu」,the word reached to Germany and it turned into 「Muniphen」

The Italian care about the language of The Empire of the Rome,it is Latin,so they call 「Munich」「Monaco」🍝

To be continued,maybe.By😁

No.93 09/12/16 14:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Making a bad choice😔

I try to say the content of a book in English in order to improve my English ability,but I'm afraid I make a bad choice.

The book is written about the shallow knowledge on a wide variety of subjects,mainly about the geography all over the world.✈

One of the content in the book is like that.😃

Where is a border between the Asia and the Europe,and why.

Lots of reasons often come from Latin and the other language,except for English.🇬

There are lots of words that I'm worried about expressing in English exactly,for I don't know anything about the languages,except for Japanese and English.🇬🇯

I'm forced to describe some words in Romaji.I'm afraid I can't make myself understood in my sentences.😔What should I do⁉

To be continued,possibly.By😁

No.94 09/12/16 15:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


When trying to choose some English books, some people say like that.

「I want all the readers to feel how wonderfully the author expresses the story,so let's appreciate the pleasure of reading the original book.😃」

I think 「What is he talking about⁉If I were so good at reading English books,I wouldn't need to study English.😚

When I ordered the English book, a store clerk asked me like that.📖

「The books are published in American and English.Which do you like❓」

It is said that the difference between the two languages are like those of the standard Japanese and Kansai dialect.To my regret,I can't tell the difference between these languages which the native speakers talk to.😚

I'm afraid it seems that I have to study English more than I'd expected.😣

To be continued,perhaps.By😁

No.95 09/12/17 00:30
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Auster Paul

Paul Auster,who is one of American typical modern authors,was born at the New Jersey in America in 1947.👶

He graduated from the university of Colombia in 1970 and became a crew of the oil tanker and went abroad to the Paris,making use of his salary.🚢

He mandged to make a living as a poet and translator,but he returned to America in 1974.

Suddenly he began to fail to write the sentences and was on the verge of a crisis as a writer in the end of 1970s.😔

After one year,he recovered from the situation which he could write nothing,he started as a novelist.👍

「The New York Triology」,which is one of his masterpiece in the early days,consists of three works,but the first volume 「City of Glass」was refused by several publishing companys in New York no less than 17 times.😚

No.96 09/12/17 13:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Paul AusterⅡ

At length his maiden work as a novelist published from a middle-scale publishing company in the Los Angels in 1985.👏

He published the second work and third one,so he ran up to the stardom without stopping.🌠

His one of themes is like that😃

There are several things about which a person is positive,and they disappear one after another,when finally the consciousness that itself exist vanish,how does the story develop⁉

Even if the story tells the stream of the abstract consciousness,and there is a comical episode,the chaos of the world lies in wait it,which is one of the world of the author.😔

His works aren't so difficult,for you'll find it easy to read the work,「Moon Palace」.📖

He says he continued to write down some sentences until the weight of writing disappears.In short his works seem to be easy to read📝

No.97 09/12/17 14:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Paul AusterⅢ

His work「The Book of Illusion」,of which theme is sorrow,in which there are a lot of lyric

The author deals with not only novels but also movie,「Smoke」and the screenplay「Blue in the Face」,in addition to the works of criticism and translation.😃

Some readers who want to read American modern literature must read.😉

I expressed the content of the book which recommends some readers English books.🔤

The descriptions of his works are too abstract,so I found it difficult to describe it in English.To tell the truth,I'm not sure what it means here and there.I can't even understand whethre or not it's easy,but I only have to read his work,so I'll be able to understand it💮

No.98 09/12/18 15:54
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Bill Bryson

Bill Bryson,who published lots of books on his travel with full humour,but his works aren't mere account of his travel.✈

If I express the his nature as a author,an expression like this fits perfectly.😉

「An expert of writing,who entertains everyone.」😉

He gave an interview and talked like next.😃

「I'm an ordinary person who wrote some books.I regard myself a pen for hire.I'm delighted with the people who pay for my writings.😍

These remarks of his show his idea as a professional that he wants to entertain everybody with his writings.📝

There is a phrase of 「a pen for hire」 in these sentences,and it's not my poor English,but Bill Bryson,his own phrase.😁

By the way I'm hungry,so I want to eat something,I stop writing these sentences for the time being.🍖

To be continued,as early as I can.By😁

No.99 09/12/18 18:00
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Bill BrysonⅡ

Bill Bryson was born in the State of Iowa in America in 1951.👶

All of the members of his family were engaged in writers.😃

His father was both local sportswriter and columnist,his mother wrote some columnns in the local newspaper,and his elder brother who is much older than him was a reporter in a newspaper company.📝

In the environmental,it was natural of Bryson to be a man of Letters.☝

He was absent from the college to which he went in 1973 and went abroad Europe.He worked at a mental hospital for two years in London and got acquainted with a woman who would be his wife in the future.👩

He returned to the college in 1975 and graduated from it in 1977,at the same time he returned to Engl again so as to build a family with the woman.👪

To be continued.By😁

No.100 09/12/18 19:59
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Bill BrysonⅢ

He lived in London and worked at the some newspaper companys as a journalist.📝

One day he received from his wife when he worked in the company,though she'd never call him when he was in the situation.👩

She told him like that.

She thought she sold their house and she offered it to a real estate agent.😱

After all they sold the house and he resigned from the company,so he became independent as a writer.📝

After that he roamed about some country towns in America and he published a book of his experience,😁

The book 「The Lost Continent」 is nostalgic and it expresses America with humor of biting remarks,and it was a great hit💰

The other his works is like that.☝

To be continued.By😁

No.101 09/12/19 11:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Bill BrysonⅣ

「Made in America」 is written about linguistics,「A Short History of Nearly Everything」,if we read this book,we'll find it easy to understand science💡

Whichever we take his work,we find it interesting and feel his personality of warm-hearted.😃

By the way,I can't often express my English with confidence.😔

For instance,I describe my sentence at 「Bill Bryson」 like that.

「Humor with biting remarks」

Each of the word means the exact opposite,so I'm wondering if there is better expression than mine,so I looked up the each example,but I couldn't discover it.😔

To tell the truth,I've never read his works any more,so I find it difficult to say others something interesting about the works.😔

I'm wondering if it is difficult for me to say in English about something which I've never experienced.😔

To be continued.By😁

No.102 09/12/19 12:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


To my joy,my diary is more than 100th times.Even if my English isn't so good,I'm content with it.😃

I'm aiming at the 500th,to reach to the last page of my diary,but I'm sure it is a faraway place.😚

By the way,I've been worried about migrane for a week.😚

It doesn't mean I catch a cold,for neither I feel sluggish nor I have fever,though I've never take my temperature at all.😜

I should go to the hospital,but I hate to do it,for I dislike waiting for my turn for a long time.😚

By the way,almost all of the people in this site hate long sentences,include me,so should I express short sentences⁉

Though saying so, I've described long sentence.The shorter the sentences,the more the access,I'm wondering.In conclusion,I don't mind it at all.😁

To be continued. By😁

No.103 09/12/19 14:39
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Isn't it cruel⁉

I love drinking,so I sometimes eat what is called 「Asari no Sakamushi」 as a appetizer.🍺

We season clams with sake,soy sauce and etc,but I'm afraid it's very cruel.😨

Clams have shells,as if they covered themselves with a suit of armor,for they have to protect their fragile body with the shells😔

In spite of their protection,we fry them. The more they protect themselves,the more they are delicious.😍

Let's supposed I wore a suit of armor.There was a monster from who I couldn't escape.It caught me and cooked me remainded having the armor with me.

When cooking,they would say 「The more they protect themselves,the more they are delicious」licking with lip.😍

After all eating something is cruel,though I love the appetizer.😚

No.104 09/12/20 10:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie published more than 85 works,including both long and short novels, in her lifetime.📝

The fans of her works are so many that they are being reading all over the world until now.📖

Whichever they take each of the book ,it is a first-rank and are sure to be satisfied with the true charm of solving the riddles.💡

Many works in which the well-known detective,one of her character,appears were made into the movies.😃

The author, who was born at the State of Devon in England,didn't go to school,but was educated at home.🏫

She went over to Paris and learnt music and vocal music.She was apt to be so nervous being in front of some people,it means what we call 「Agarishou」 in Japanese,so she was compelled to give up being a musician😔

To be continued.By😁

No.105 09/12/20 12:01
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Agatha ChristieⅡ

She got married in 1914 and worked at a Red Cross Hospital in Devon,and the abundant knowledge about the poisonous substance that she got at that time was very useful,especially when writing her detective stories.💉

「The Mysterious Affairs at Styles」 is her maiden work in which the famnus detective appears.😃

He is short and has a moustache.It seems that he puts on airs,but he looks comical.😃

He depends on what is called grey cells and solved some cases.😃

Grey cells,the phrase is the nerve system of the brain,at the same time it means intelligence and intellect.Speaking of the detective,he is well-known to we Japanese as a person who has grey cell.It means he is very intellectual and intelligent.😔

No.106 09/12/20 13:36
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Agatha ChristieⅢ

She published the work「Curtain」 before she pass away months before, and the famous detective was dead in the work.

The New York Times,the newspdper company,carried an obituary of the death of the famous detective.I'm wondering if he was so famous and everybody loved the character.😃

There is one more series of her works in which another detective,Miss Maple, plays an active part.😃

She met with the last case in the 「Sleeping Murder」 published after the author passed away.

The author wrote both of the works,「Curtain」「Sleeping Murder」 during the Great WarⅡ so as to finish these series by her beloved the two characters.She told her family about it.📝

She passed away in 1976 when she was 76 years old.😔

No.107 09/12/21 11:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I happened to work…😃

To my joy,I happened to work in a factory.I'm out of job and I don't join the insurance of unemployment,to make matters worse,I don't have my saving so much.😔

My money is decreasing less and less,so I was afraid I would starting to death,so I'm happy to find my job,though it's just a part time job.I can't help it.I have no choice.💸

To be continued.By😁

No.108 09/12/22 03:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho was born in 1947 at Rio de Janeiro of Brazil,and entered a sort of Christianity school,but doubted the religion and devoted himself to a literature.📖

His father wanted him to be an engineer,but he refused it,in addition, he learnnd to make light of the rules of his family.😚

His father regarded his resistance as being out of mind and sent his son to a psychiatric hospital when Coelho was 17.The boy had been in the hospital three times then🏥

After he left the hospital,he studied hard,and he was attracted to the counter culture which was popular among the young,and let his hair grow,so he came to use some drugs and published a magazine.💊

No.109 09/12/22 05:23
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Paulo CoelhoⅡ

At that time he happened to run into a Brazilian popular rocker and he dealt with the words of the musician's songs, which are more than 60.🎵

After that,he took a trip to the Europe and had a strange experience.

According to his formal website, when traveling in the Europe,a man appeared in front of him as a phantom.Strange to say,the very same man appeared in front of him when the author was in a cafe in the Amsterdam.The man recommended that he go on a pilgrimage to the San Diego.🐫

In 1987 he finished the pilgrimage and he published 「The Pilgrimage」 as his experience.

Next year he published 「Alchemist」,it is a novel that a shepgerd who is a boy heads for the pyramid,going over the desert in Africa.🐫

To be continued. By😃

No.110 09/12/23 17:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Paulo CoelhoⅢ

Both of the books,「The Pilgrimage」 and 「The Alchemist」 became great best sellers,in particular,「The Alchemist」 was registered in the Ginness Book of Records as the book which was best sold than any others in the experience of the book sales in Brazil.📖

The books were sold in America, England,Spain, German, France and Italy,they also became the best sellers in the each of the country.📖

The original work of in which the author descriaed the spiritual world and the mystery of a life are written in the Portuguess,so the ones in which were written in English were translated by both the author and a translator,or the translator itself expressed in English.🔤

To be continued.By😁

No.111 09/12/24 18:39
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Patricia Cornwell

Patricia Cornwell is a leading figure in the literary world who was born at the Florida in America in 1956.👶

When she was 5years old,her parents got divorce,so her mother raised her but she learned to suffer from melancholia when the author was 9 years old.The girl began to write some sentences to avoid the loneliness and dread.📝

After graduating from a college,she got married to an English professor who took charge in the class at the same college,who is 17 years older than her.😚

After that she engaged in a reporter who took charge in the police in a local newspaper company,so she learned to work at the department of autopsy in the State of Virginia.💀

She announced the nonfiction 「A Time for Remembering」 when she was 27 years old.㊗

No.112 09/12/25 19:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Patricia CornwellⅡ

The author wrote three novels from 1984 to 1986,but neither of them was published,moreover she got divorce in 1989.

She said like that at The New York Times,recalling those days.😔

「I got divorce,in addition all the publisging company to which I sent some my works rejected my novels when my debt was no less than 200 million dollars.I lost all hope for my future.😭

It was a piece of advice of a person,who was an editor of the company which turned down my works,that changed her life.🎊

She recommended the author to write a novel.

To be continued,maybe😁

No.115 09/12/26 00:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者😃

Thank you very much for your communication.I'm very happy to read it,for I thought almost all of the people aren't interested in my diary.😃

I love to read both of the English and Japanese books,so I make it a rule to read English book about 30 pages,though I haven't read it so much for few days.😣

I'm not good at listening English very much,so I used to listen to some Western music,reading the words of the music,I hope it helps me improve my listening ability.😁

By the way,you said about jail and prison,but I can't understand the difference between them,so could you tell me about those words?Though I'm ashamed of asking like that.😳

You told me that I have a lot of knowledge,but I'm wondering if I do,for it's just that I said the book about the shallow knowledge on a wide variety subject in English.😂 See you later.😁

No.116 09/12/26 01:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

My favorite books are mystery,horror and suspense and so on.To my regrdt,I've never read the book which 「Mitsumasa Anno」 wrote.I'm sure the book moved your heart.☀

Speaking of Japanese author,I like 「Yukito Ayatuji」,「keigo Higashino」 and so on.📖

Thank you very much for your praise for me,but neither I've read plenty of books nor have lots of knowledge.😭

As for some famous foreign writers which I described in my diary,I tried to say the content of the guidebook of the English ones in my poor English,so it doesn't mean I've always read the works,though I want to read them some day.🙋

To tell the truth,the more I keep a diary,the less my topics,so I can't help depending on those kind of books.😚

I can't help it😔

If I have a chance to read the book which 「Mitstmasa Anno」 wrote,I want to do.😃

See you later🙋

No.117 09/12/26 18:04
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

You admired my English,but I'm sure yours is very good and those sentences are easy to read.😃

To improve my English ability,I employ what we call 「Eigoduke.」I make use of it in my cellphone.In this site,there is 「Kyoutore」😃

「Kyoutore」 is a abbreviation of 「Kyouno training」.The content is like that🔤

There is a Japanese sentence,and there are English words at random under the Japanese,so we have to place the words exactly and to complete an English sentence.The faster,the better.😃

I'm sure at least a hundred of people take part in the 「Kyoutore」.They contend for precedence.🆚

Several times in the beginning,the speed is slow relatively,but the more we try,the faster we are.It means that we recite several English sentences over and over again.

To be continued😁

No.118 09/12/28 09:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

In the beginning when writing about 「Kyou no training」,I thouht it useful to improve English ability,but I'm not positive about it at present.😔

At first I'm not a splendid English speaker enough to show the others the way of improving English ability.😔

Some people say that to make friends with some native speakers helps us enhance the English ability,and I'm sure it's effective,almost all of the people who study English think so,though😣

An English teacher said we should learn a whole short story by heart,and it makes the fundamentals of our English ability build up,though I've never carried it out.😠

To tell the truth,it's myself that a person who wants to know the way to speak Englirh fluently.😂

To be continued. By😁

No.119 09/12/28 16:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Patricia CornwellⅢ

There is a minor part who is a coroner in her works.The editor suggested the character should be a leading part in her works,so the author followed her advice and wrote 「Postmortem」 and published it.📖

The work received several famous prizes,and she won the fame as a novelist with the work.After that she published no less than ten works,and all of them became best・sellers.🎊

It is the charm of her works that the heroine solve the riddle,getting close to the figure of the criminal,with medical knowledge making full use of.💉

The author herself used her talent both a reporter who took charge in the crime and the experience of a coroner to full so much that the depiction of the bodys is vivid.💀

To be continued,maybe.By😁

No.120 09/12/28 18:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Patricia CornwellⅣ

In her works,the author depicted some heroines as the women of life size in detail,which is one of her element that maintain the popularity of her works.

For instance,some women who suffered from harassment and got angry with it in the society where men are predominant,and enjoy cooking and having dates with the opposite sex.👩

By the way,I described some English author,and I refered to a book 「Wake ari paper book which the publishing company chose 300 volumes,wake means konkyo.」The company was 「Yo-han」,though it went bankrupt.In this book the company some reader read the works which twenty famous author wrote and the other ones.📖

As for the authors,there are expression of their personal histories and works.I've finished writing six authors😁 To be continued,unless I drink too much. By🍶

No.121 09/12/29 11:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A guide dog for the blind🐶

It is no more than 200 that there is the number of the guide dog for the blind in Japan,for they aren't commonplace ones.🐶

Even if it is natural for them to guide the blind,according to the indication of the people,the dogs need to disobey the indications.🙅

Even though the owner order the dogs to advance,they will never go on at all when they regard it as dangerous.🙅

The dogs often urge that the people should be careful when something prevents the blind from passing,even if it doesn't matter for the dogs.🙅

They will never fight with the other dogs,even if the others bark at them fiercely and bite them.😔

Some people sometimes tread on their feet in the crowded vehicle,when the dogs endure it.😢

To be continued.By😁

No.122 09/12/29 12:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A guide dog for the blindⅡ🐶

It is said that we need at least the training of eight months in order to turn the ordinary dogs into the Seeing Eye Dogs.🐶

Even if we train lots of dogs hard,there are no more than one-third which has the aptitude for the guide dog for the blind,in addition it costs no less than one million yen.💸

Moreover the lives of the splendid ones are shorter than the untrained ones,for theybegin to feel stress because of the succession of the tension and endurance.🐶

I selected these descriptions from the book,「Kappa no mita Nippon」published by the Shinchosya,the author,「Kappa Senoo」📖

Speaking of Kappa, it occurred to me an imaginary creature in Japan. The name of theauthor 「Kappa」isn't a pen name but a his real name.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.123 09/12/29 14:23
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl was born in 1916 at Wales in England.It's no exaggeration to say that all his works are fun,in particular, his juvenile literature is worthy of mention.👶

Not only children but also grown-up are absorbed in his works.Originally, most of them were written for his children.👶

He said that some stories for children are more difficult than the ones for the grown-up, for children can't keep still, in addition,they know the TV which there is in the next room.👶

He wrote some stories for his children so as to be mad about his stories, making full use of his ability.👨

The stories with his affection are absolutely fun,and it was a start of his being a writer.📝

In fact he was already famous for a short-story writer for grown-up before being the one noted for juvenile literature.👨

To be continued.By😁

No.126 09/12/30 13:14
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Roald dahlⅡ

The author's works for the grown-up which were being running in the several newspapers were compared with the ones of the other first-rank author, for example,O.Henry or Saki.📝

There are many detective stories in his works, and some of them, the short stories,「Someone like you」 and 「The Landlady」,recived a wonderful prize which were sent to the splendid ones.🎊

There is another short one, 「Tale of the Unexpected」,we can enjoy the ending,literally the one which we can't expect it at all.😱

His first work of the juvenile literature is 「James and the Giant Tree」,but it is 「Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that we recommend you to read.👍

A hero is a boy who love eating chocolate,but he is too poor to eat chocolate so often.🍫

To be continued.By.😁

No.127 09/12/30 14:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Roald DahlⅢ

The boy who was invited to the entertainment which showed the him inside the factory,and he witnessed the secret of the factory,so what's the secret⁉

We can recommend that the beginners of the foreign books should read the juvenile literature of the author.Whoever reads his works is compelled to finish reading it owing to the fun.😁

Speaking of the work,「Charlie and the Chocolate Factory」,it was the one that I read the what is called 「Paper back」 for the first time,when the movie of the book was on.📹

By the way I'm a little hungry so I'll cook rice and have a meal.I'm wondering if I drink a little.The new year is almost approaching there,this year is only two days,including today,so it doesn't matter even if I drink a little.🍺

To be continued.By😁A lack of will power😔

No.128 09/12/30 22:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😁

Good night. You showed me how to count in French,so I thought about how to count.👍

There is a number 1,000,000,000.There are 3 , in the number.There are new unit at the place where the mark ,is in English.☀

The first place,the place where ,we express the unit 「thousand」At the next place 「million」.Another next one billion.☀

How to count in Japanese is different from the one in Japanese.In short, there are lots of language all over the world,at the same time,the number of the language is equal to the number the way how to count,I'm wondering.🇺

As for the words,jail and prison,according to my dictionary,jail means the place for detention,custody,and the unconvicted prisoner and the person who committed minor offence are in.💀

To be continued.By😁

No.129 09/12/30 22:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

The referrence that I describe is about American.I'm not sure about English.😃

As you told me before,judging from the expression and situation,the mean of the word is clear,but I didn't mind the difference between the two words at all,though I should have cared about it.😔

You encouraged me to be an instructor of English.Thank you very much,to read that,I was happy.😁

This year is almost over.May a good next year for you🌅See you later

No.131 09/12/31 00:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your reply.😃

I'm single,nobody cook for me,and I'm liable to tired of a packed lunch in the convenience store and of eating out,so I'm forced to cook by myself.😚

I assume you don't have to be ashamed of cooking,for you'll have a person who you love someday,when you'll want to cook for him,though you may already have somebody, though I have nothing to with that☀

Please take care of yourself lest you should be more ill seriously.Good night.😁

No.132 09/12/31 13:22
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Both a standard-bearer of the jazz age and one of the typical writer of the what we call 「The Lost Generation」,F. Scott. Fitzgerald,who was born in the State of Minnesota of the America in 1896.👶

He went to the distinguished college in The New Jersey and was devoted himself to the musical and the creation of the poetry.📝

When being a senior at the college,he was given the training of the probation of an officer and join the army.🔫

He completed the unfinished the manuscript in a great hurry and sent it to a publishing company in the New York,for he was sure that he was dispatched to the battle front of The World WarⅠ and was killed in the battle.💀

Though his work was refused to publish,but a editor said that his work will be better if he changes the way of the expression.👍

No.133 09/12/31 23:04
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

F.Scott. FitzgeraldⅡ

After that he rewrote his work and sent it to the publishing company but his desire didn't come true.😢

After being discharged from thd military service,he rewrote his manuscript again and completed 「This Side of Paradise」 in order to marry a woman who he got to know in a garrison of Alabama.💑

The content of the work is like that.

There is a hero who grew up in a well-to-do family. His college days and the process to the time when he stands on his own feet after The World WarⅠ is described.👨

In 1920 he was selected a darling of the days in the twinkling of their eyes as soon as he published the work.✨

After that he published 「The Beautiful and Damned」and「The Tale of JAZZ Age」 and led a life of debauchery with the woman.💕

No.134 10/01/01 00:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

F. Scott. FitzgeraldⅢ

He went over to the Europe and completed a work,which we call immortal work remained in the literature history of America,「The Great Gatsby」 in the France.⭐

The hero of the work who had been tried come true what is called 「American dream」succeeded but setbacked.😢

The work has two contrary eldments,success and setback,and the author made two different elements into one theme.A editor made a comment on the work like that.☝

The structure of the story, sentence,sentimentalism,all of them are wonderful.It's a masterpiece.If the author were alive,his unfinished posthumous work 「The Last Tycoon」 would be a fantastic one being equal to 「The Great Gatsby」

Several works in which ruining transitory and unfinished dream as a theme and the beauty is described with a disappearing point of view drifting pathos hold the readers spellbound.👏

To be continued.By😁

No.135 10/01/01 04:34
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

F.Scott. FitzgeraldⅣ

I'm going to describe his several works.😃

「This Side of Paradise」
This novel seems to be a his autobiography.The moral and the view of life of the young in the 1920s were described.The work won a good reputation.😃

「The Great Gatsby」
The hero who won an immense wealth illegally thought he could get back his ex-sweetheart with his fortune…😔

「Tender is the Night」
A hero who is a psychiatrist fell in love with a patient and got married, but the family is going to collapse😔

I referred to 「The Lost Generation」,so I'm going to describe it.

The phrase was the remark which call Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Dos Passos. It means the authors who ran away from America and had thrown themselves into literature in the Europe and wrote their experience of the war with the feeling of distrust and vanity.😃

To be continued,maybe.By😁

No.136 10/01/01 05:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

John Grisham

Whatever he published books became best・sellers and his first printing is almost close to two million and an half,so John Grisham is a leading figure in the literary world of America.📝

He was born in the Arkansas in 1955.His father was a construction worker and his mother was a full-time housewife.The author used to be a lawyer and a member of the House of Representgtives of the State.😃

His first work is 「A Time to Kill」 which was published in 1988.He got an idea of the work at the actual court.💡

When listening to the testimony of a girl who was raped, he thouhht.If her father murders the rapist, what kind of crime is he blamed for?So he tried to describe his idea as a novel💡

He made it a rule to get up at five in the morning and created his work until the time he went to work.📝

To be continued.By😁

No.137 10/01/01 06:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

John GrishamⅡ

He spent three years on the work and completed it,「A Time to Kill」 but he couldn't find a publishing company which published his work for a while.😔

Eventually a minor company accepted it. The work wasn't talk at once,but his writing in the early morning became his habit,so he began to write next work,「The Firm」

A movie company got the right of the creating movie of the work under his writing,after it published it remained the list of the best・seller of The New York Times for nearly no less than 50 weeks,so the second work brought him recognition as a writer.👍

After that he published 「The Pelican Brief」,「The Client」,「The Chamber」and「The Rainmaker」,and some of them were made into movies.

To be continued.By😁

No.139 10/01/01 23:01
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

A Happy new year.Thank you for your e-mail.May you have a good year.How are you feeling now?I'll be happy if you get better.😁Please take care of yourself. See you later😁

No.141 10/01/02 00:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

As you expect I have a drink a little.🍺

You seem to have a good friend, for she encourages you.👩

My colleagues aren't always bad,they are friends for drink.😔

To associate with a good person is fun,in addition you are heartened by by her,it's wonderful.Please have a good time with her tomorrow.👩

I'm relieved to hear your recovery.Health is a precious asset,so let's take care of ourselves each other😁

I'll have a lot of drink from now on,so I'm sure I'll be too drunk to reply.Sorry.In spite that I said 「Take care of ourselves」,my remark isn't persuasive😔

Have a good night😁

No.142 10/01/02 13:41
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

Hello. The other day you said your favorite book Which 「Mitsumasa Anno」wrote and I said my favorite ones.📖

It seems that your situation is different from mine,for your favorite one sometimes supported and comforted you.☀

In my situation,those books which I read are kind of pastime,recreation.😚

When suffering from something difficult,lonely,sorrowful,we sometimes come across some kinds of books which relieved our difficulty,loneliness,sadness and so on.

It's cloudy where I live,but I hope it's very fine where you live, especially you go to see your friend.☀☀☀☀

Please enjoy yourself with your friend. Have a good afternoon.By😁

No.143 10/01/02 15:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

John GrishamⅢ

Those works of his are a thriller which the premise is the court,but the others published after in 2000,「A Painted House」,「Skipping Christmas」 and「The Bleacher」 aren't. The author expressed them with different kind of way.

Lots of works of his are the ones which ordinary residents and lawyers fight against a tremendous organization,or powerful person and finally they won some kind of victory.👏

In this situation,the author expressed various human relations ,the structure of the court in detail and the tactics of the parties concerned.

It is the real thrill which the doubled, three layered stories caused situation and the attraction of the drama made up by the human relations on the premise of the court.👏

To be continued. By😁

No.144 10/01/02 16:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

John GrishamⅣ

I'm going to express some works of his.📖

「The Firm」
The hero who learned to work at law office was implicated in the secret of the office.😨

「The Street Lawyer」
A lawyer who worked in a distinguished law office came across a case a homeless shutup himself💀

「A Painted House」
There is a family who is tenant farmer.The author expresses the growth of a hero who is one of member of the family.The novel is full of nostalgia.

「The Bleacher」

A hero who used to be a popular football player in his high school returns to his birthplace so as to attend a deathbed of his coach of football.😢

No.146 10/01/02 23:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

Thank you for your e-mail.I'm looking forward to hear your story about the elephant.😁

Please give my best regards to your best friend.Good night.😃

No.148 10/01/03 09:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

Thank you for your e-mail.😁

Sometimes I heard some parents who received mental,or physical blows when they were children.When they grow up and become parents,the damage sometimes prevent them from raising their children.👶

Some people give up bringing up them, to make matters worse,others even abuse them ,so it doesn't seem to be difference between animals and human being, though I've never heard the animal which abuse their children👶

After all there are some case which almost all of the creature have some kinds of injury to difficult recover from them.😔

By the way,I assume you talk your best friend about everything when you go to see her.It's good thing to have a friend who you can trust.👍

Please enjoy yourself days off. See you later😁

No.149 10/01/03 14:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Kimutaku is one of the member of the SMAP.He tried to talk to a foreign performer in English at the Kohaku,but he couldn't make himself understood.😚

Needless to say neither I'm intereted in him in the least,nor he is my favorite TV star.😚

In spite of it I'm sorry to hear that he couldn't communicate with the native speaker and some remarks about him in malice.😔

「He puts on an air」or「He tried to look good although he can't speak anything but English.」😜

Neither I watched the scene on the TV nor I knew it in detail.😚

To improve English ability, I found it necessary to talk with others in English.I'm sure without being afraid of making some mistakes,we should talk with some native speakers in English positively.👍

On the other hand,the more we try to speak English,the more some people speak ill of us.I'm sorry for it😤

To be continued. By😁

No.150 10/01/03 15:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I'm going to say about a Japanese word「Gokurousama」

Let's suppose that there were an American who had been living in Japan for 27 years.He went back home in America after a long time.⛺

Then it happened to snow. His brother who shoveled the snow away from the sidewalk in front of their house came back to the living room.⛄

He is very grateful to his brother for the work,so he tried to speak him some words of appreciation,so he tried to say the word 「Gokurousama」in English, for he's lived in Japan for long time.🇯

He was at a loss for a word, for there is no English word for Gokurousama.😔

If he says the word in English from Japanese point of view,he should say 「Thanks for your job.」, but he didn't ask his brother for the Job, so the phrase is strange in American conversation.

It is the problem that there is no English phrase for the Japanese conventional word 「Gokurousama」To be continued. By.😁

No.151 10/01/03 20:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


It doesn't mean he doesn't have to say anything for the job.His thankful feeling for his brother that he shoveled some snow away from the sidewalk in front of their house with difficulty is common to the people of all the nations,even if their languages are different from each other.⛄

So he said to his brother「How did it go?」,so he answered「Not so bad」, which means the Japanese word 「Gokurousama」🎊

In short when there is no conventional phrase for something,we have to express oneself according to the situation, even if we say Japanese in English or we say English in Japanese.☝

For ewample,the clerk of an electric appliance shop who repaired an air-conditioner in the middle of summer,if we show him a thankful feeling,we should say 「Thank you, I appreciate it indeed.
The words to a secretary who did a job in a great haste,「Thank you, that was a nice job you did.」

To be continued. By😁

No.152 10/01/04 01:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night. I'm sorry to disturb you so late at night.🙏

I'm worried about my remarks of the page of 148.When I said about your friend,I'm afraid it seemed that I might have said careless remark.I should have added a few more words.😔

「I don't studyso much as you expect.Please don't say about me exaggegerately」,but I'm afraid it's too late.It's no use crying over spilt milk.I hope my remarks didn't disgust you and your best friend.🙇

During my long day off I'm liable to keep irregular hours,so the time I wrote the no.148,I was only half conscious,so I may have expressed disgusting description,thouhh I'm afraid it's not my excuse.🙇

Considering both your and my remarks,in particular the mine of the no.148,I can't defend myself.😔

I hope I'm worrying unnecessarily,but I should apologize two of you for remrks. I'm very sorry.🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏

See you later.Good night🌙

  • << 154 Hello again, Mr.Nomi. Not at all. I did not have any bad impression from your note No.148. I felt a bit lonely when I read your note No.142 instead.I wish you to stay at a sunny place, not under a clowdy sky. Well to tell the true, I sometimes am under a clowdy sky or even under a chilly rain. I think you are a person to be in a smily face, not in a troubled one❗ I'll send you message in the near future. Have a good sleep.

No.153 10/01/04 13:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway is a typicl writer of the American literature.His style from which removed unnecessary florid,and was described manly influenced lots of the authors.🇺

He is also one of the representative author of what we call 「The Lost Generation」 which experienced The World WarⅠ and didn't keep their balance culturally, emotionally under the social change and on the other couldn't find out their sense of value supporting their existence.😔

The author who was born in the Illinoi of the USA didn't go to college and became a reporter of a newspaper company in the Kansas City,telling a false age.📝

After that he went to the front of Italy as a personnel of the Red Cross and was injured.🏥

After he went back to the USA and contributed his article to papers and magazines and married when he was 22 years old.💑

To be continued. By😁

No.155 10/01/05 01:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

Good night. I'm quite relieved to read your message,for I was sure I would lost irreplaceable precious friend thanks to my careless remarks.😢

The older,the more difficult to be on friendly terms with others,especially in my case,for I'm not good at get along with others,so my heart sank if I couldn't contact with you.😔

I was sure I would end up describing my diary only by myself,even if it's boring and dull.I felt as if it had been cloudy whatever I did anything,but I feel as if it were sunny, even if it's night now and rains☀☀☀☀☀☀

Whenever you feel lonely or suffer from something,I wish to encourage you,being next to you.😁

See you later. I'm looking forward to your message. May you have a nice dream💤

No.157 10/01/05 13:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


As you told me, I also think it is no use worrying about anything.There are so many people in the world that it isn't natural that some people aren't on good terms with me.Something about which we worry about isn't so serious as we expect.😁

By the way, I thought when sending your English message to me, you use a PC.I'm wondering if I should learn how to operate it.💻

Needless to say,the instrument isn't only convenifnt but also useful.I'm wondering studying it and get a qualification of it,thnugh it's easy to say but hard to put practice into it.😚

As far as your a relation between you and your friend is concerned, needless to say,you should make much of it, for to build up it is hard,but to ruin it is easy,though it's none of my business♊

See you later.Please have a good afternoon.😁

  • << 159 Nushi san, Good evening. I came here again. I wanted to tell you it is going to be colder in these couple of days. Take care not to catch a cold. Good night🐘

No.160 10/01/05 22:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Ernest HemingwayⅡ

He went over to Paris as a correspondent of a newspaper company and deepened friendship with some writers, so strengthened his belief to be an author.🇫

He announced 「Three Stories & Ten Poems」 in 1923, a collection of short short stories,「In Our Times」in 1925 and 「The Sun Also Rises」, with which he leaped into fame as a writer in 1926.📝

The story of the masterpiece is set in the Europe in the 1920s.

The hero became impotent owing to The World WarⅠ. He got to know a beautiful nurse who went to the front with the army.👩

They loved each other but he indulge in a love affection with other women and in drinking,and finally he returned to the nurse,but their love was fruitless💔

There was no place where they could live in peace and they were forced to be living,roaming about an abyss of nothingness and enjoyment.😢

To be continued.By😁

No.161 10/01/06 00:15
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening. You are welcome. As you told it's getting colder recently,though it may be natural in winter.⛄

I often hear a word,「global warming」,and it's a international problem. It seems to be warm even middle of November,but suddenly it is likely to get cold.The news sometimes say the old who couldn't adapt themselves to the change of the climate are liable to ruin their health,so let's take care of ourselves, though it doesn't mean we are so old,you're not definitely,as far as I'm concerned,it all depends😁

By the way,I'm going to answer your questions one by one.I talk about the last one.💡

I'm wondering if I'm so original,but we often say so many men,so many minds.On the other hand there are some people who don't know about themselves unexpectedly,including me,so if you point out my originality concretely,I will be happy.🙏

To be continued. See you later😁

No.162 10/01/06 01:29
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening again.I'm going to answer your some questions.😁

As I told you, I'm not so sociable.I'm not good at making myself agreeable to others,especially I can't understand a Japanese word 「Tsukiai」 at all.😔

Let's suppose my colleagues ask me go for a drink but I refuse it so they usually blame me for it,saying「Tsukiai ga warui」😤

To my joy I work at a temporary company,so I don't have to be sociable.I think let others mind their own business,though I sometimes go for a drink with my co-worker with who I feel at ease.🍻

I think human being are original from the beginning,when being a child,some grown-up allowed him to do something,but he became a grown-up someday and take his place in society finally,so others don't pardon trifles. They blame him for little things.

They sometimes say in anger he has no common sense,or he isn't attentive at all,though they're not always right.😔

No.163 10/01/06 02:34
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

I assume there is neither absolute goodness nor evil,so the one's of values are exactly,so many men, so many minds,but others make light of a person who has no common sense,so I think I must learn it at least,though I find it complicated.😔

It doesn't mean I preach at you.If you upset about my remarks I have to apologize you for it.I hope you aren't😥

Different places, different customs.Some people who believe in the Islam never eat pork,and the others who believed in the Hinduism never eat beef. Neither of them eat those food for their religion.They never find themselves eccentric, though we Japanese don't always.☀

I'm quite relieved to be a Japanese at least,for I love to eat both beef and pork.🐮🐷

By the way,I don't take a walk at all recently.It's bad for my health.I should take exercise. Do you take walk?🚶

To be continued.See you later😁

  • << 167 Nushi san The answer for my question, “Do you walk for your health ?” The answer is no, but you do not have to worry so much. I do not walk so often during winter. I will sleep now, and will   send you another message   maybe tomorrow evening.

No.164 10/01/06 19:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

Good evening. I'm going to answer your questions.

I've never been to foreign countries any more. Iwish I could go.There are some touring spot I want to go.✈

Mont-Saint-Michel in France. They say it's a pyramid drifting on the sea.🌴

Palace and Park of Versailles in Paris. The place symbolizes The imperial of French absolutism.The garden is famous for its symmetrical composition.🇫

Continuing talking about the places I want to go is boundless,in addition I have drifted away from the subject.😔

Your question isn't the place I want to go,but whether or not I've been to a country.Sorry😔

I could go to a foreign country if I won a large sum of money with a lottery ticket.💦

It is shameful of me to say it,but I've never read newspaper recently. What kind of newspaper do you read?😃

To be continued.By.😁

No.166 10/01/06 22:08
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん😃

I'm going to answer your questions.

I sometimes tried to communicat with others in English.🔤

I used to go to an English language school. After having finished taking all the lessons,I lost the chance to talk with others in English as a matter of course.🔤

Then I was anxious about my English ability.I was wondering if I learned not to speak English at all.😥

I went to the place lots of English speakers were and made it a rule to address them in English.💡

After that I could find chance to talk English with some Japanese people,so I made use of it.😁

There were some people who wanted study English,and they gathered at the place like a public hall and talked English 90 minutes once a week,so I took part in it.Then I didn't have to spend any money on it.💰

There is another chance to study English,but I'll talk you about it next time.See you later😁

No.169 10/01/07 19:00
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Good evening.How do you feel?Are you all right,but more than half a day passed until your last mail, so I hope you are in condition.😔

By the way,I said about another chance to talk my remark in English,I didn't carry it out more than I expected.😚

My English diary is displayed at a bulletin of site of cellphone.Some other people who take advantage of it show some requests.📲

For instance,「Could anyone say these Japanese in English」

Almost all of them are short sentence and aren't so difficult,but it didn' interest me at all😔

At Christmas there was a requet for long sentence.It's a remrk of a woman to her sweetheart.I tried to do it but I didn't,for I thought it too foolish to do it,it's none of the business.😚

This kind of delicate feeling,female psychology is hard for me to say in English.😚

To be continued.See you later👋

No.171 10/01/07 21:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening.I'm sorry to say,but I'm too drunk to express oneself in English at once.🍺

Please wait for a while.Please don't blame me for it🙏

No.173 10/01/08 19:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening.

You said I was helpful and I was happy to hear that,but it's just that I copied a whole of the page about the 「Sushineta」 in the book,“Kore wo eigo de iemasuka”🐡

The words I know and describe the spelling exactly are no more than four.Tuna,octopus,salmon and squid.😔

I've never known most of them until I described them,but I'm sure it's ok,for the result is all right.Some people were pleased with my remarks and thought it useful.💡

If I feel I don't have enough knowledge about English,I only have to study it harder,though it's easy to say but difficult to put it into practice.😚

I'm going to say about your poem.It means that you love to live in a place next to the sea because you wrote the poem?If I'm wrong,I'm sorry.🌴

I don't know what say about the poem because I don't read the whole work,but I'm impresse with you,for you study not only English but also French.‼See you later.😁

No.175 10/01/08 21:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message.I seem to understand your feeling about the sea.There are some people jike you. Some people love the sky and the other sea like you.💮

I think you are sound.Even if you experience many hardships,you will be able to overcome them.

Roughly speaking,it seem to be two kinds of people when they come across hardships.

Some people overcome it and mature,turning their distress into mental nourishment.🎊

The others don't overcome their hardships. Even though they're their fault, they wouldn't admit it.

Needless to say you're a former.I assume there are some people who are encouraged by your way of thinkig and behaviors.You are decent person.

On the other hand,as for me……

Feeling too shameful to say😳

I'going to drink from now on,so I'm afraid I can't send back my message tonight. Sorry🙇

No.177 10/01/09 19:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for message. What kind of side dish for the meal are you cooking?🍚

Speaking of cooking,I like reading a recipe book.When reading it,I often feel like eating some of the side dish,and I actually cook them as a appetizer for drinking.🍺

For example,a pork cutlet served with egg and onion top of a bowl of rice,and a bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs,but in my case I cook them as the appetizer without rice.🍺

They are easy to cook.In my case,I only have to chop,slice,dice or shred the ingredient of the dish and stew them with what we call 「Tsuyu no moto」👍

Do you know 「Tuyu no moto」?It's useful and helpful.I only have to dilute the liquid according to the dish.💡

As for pork cutlet I buy it at a supermarket.🐷

I find it complicated to wash dishes.😔

See you later😁

  • << 179 Nushi san, I am glad to have another message from you. At the beginning, I would tell you that I was glad to hearthat you got my feeling about sea. I was encouraged a lot. ‘DASHI NO MOTO' may be a   product similar to ‘HONDASHI'I suppose. Is it a product of Ajinomoto company? If it is so, I use to put it in my cooking pan with soysauce and other material for adding flavor. As you wrote me, dish wash is what I don't like to do.⬅You know what, when I read ‘Chaku Resu’from this thread, 〔 '〕is changed to 〔&apos;〕 ❗ I'll return the subject. Dish wash is hard after meal when starting to be quiet. Today as supper, the menu was Chinese Pilaf. Some of the vegitables were cooked too much💧 I am not used to, my family was eating without complain. I knew I've received another message from you. I will read it after I wash dishes⤴

No.178 10/01/09 20:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

I love to watch a quiz program on TV.About 90 minutes passed since your last message,so I hope you have finished your meal,for I'm going to talk about 「W.C」,so if you don't eat dinner yet please stop reading these sentences.🙅

There was a quiz on the program.☝

「W.C」is a abbreviation of a phrase,so do you know it?🚻

To tell the truth I didn't know the answer of it until an emcee answered.😔

It's a water closet,though you may have known it.😚

See you later😁

  • << 180 Thank you for your message watching quiz program. I unfortunately knew W.C. is from water closet.I feel regret that you and I could  not share the happiness to  have another knowledge. Return back to the ‘menu'. You may be telling me that you cook ‘tsumami or ate for beer’,is that right? You were trying to tell me that you cook‘ Oyako don’, ‘ pork egg don’ without rice, am I correct? I have also a misunderstanding⇔malentendu(🇫),‘ DASHI NO MOTO’is liquid and this will be all to add as season, is that right? If it is so, ‘ DASHI NO MOTO’may be useful. Now I am getting sleepy, but there is one thing I would like to make sure with you⤴ ⬇ B.C.(‘Kigenzen’ in English) is from〈before Christ〉, A.D.(‘Seireki’ in Latin)is from〈anno domini〉. Would it not be unified in English when you use christian era, C.E.? I suppose I am not wrong❓ See you again. I hope you take a good sleep. Good night🐘

No.181 10/01/10 11:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>> 179 Nushi san, I am glad to have another message from you. At the beginni… To 幸せ者さん

Hello.I'm surprised a little to hear that you've already known the meaning of 「W.C」

You have a wide knowledge of many things.💮

As for my seasoning,the company that produce isn't 「Ajinomoto」It's 「Ninben」.I assume 「Ajino moto」,the company is major than the other 「Ninben」.I also use 「Hondashi」.🍚

As for two kinds of rice of bowl,you're right.Speaking of cooking please don't worry the failure. As proverb says 「Failure is a stepping-stone to success.🙆

In addition,vegetable is very healthy,so even if we eat too much,it isn't bad for our health👍

I'm going to answer another questions next time See you later.Have a good afternoon.☀

No.183 10/01/10 14:14
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Hello again.In your message,「&apo」 became 「'」 so it is easy to read.You send your message with your personal computer to my cellphone, so ithappened, I'm wondering.I'm grateful to you for it.😃

As to 「A.D」,「B.C」and「C.E」,I think you're right. To tell the truth,I didn't know the era 「C.E」at all,so I made sure it with my dictionary.

There is another expression of era,「B.C.E」,as you may know.There is a expression like that in my dictionary.

「B.C.E」means before the Common Era.They hated the relation to Christ when they use the era,so they say another expression of era,「B.C.E」☝

As for religion, the Western are different from the Japanese. They are greatly influenced by religion,but it does't mean all the people accept it,but it happened occurred to me,so it's from unreliable source.😚

See you later.Have a nice day.☀

No.184 10/01/10 17:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>> 180 Thank you for your message watching quiz program. I unfortunately kne… To 幸せ者さん

Hello again. You said you're nervous,but I don't think you are,for I'm sure there is a ground of several words phrase.🙆

For example there are lots of phrase of going to the restroom.Tyoudu,手水,the pronunciation changed,settin 雪隠or otearai.😚

When going to a restroom,some people don't want the others to know their conduct,so they learned to say a phrase which camouflage their behaviors.

As time passes,theycome to know the meaning of the conduct,so we learn to hear another phrase of the it,and as time……

It has been repeating for a long time,so there are many phrases.🙋

It is a good thing for us to doubt about something. When being children we were interesting in everything around us,and we annoyed growned up around us.

Without curiosity and a question,it weren't for change of society and development of society.😃

See you later. Have a good evening😁

  • << 186 Nushi san, I have completed supper and dish wash around  19:00 and sending you this message, These couple of days the top news are, 〈Futemma base Isetsu〉, 〈winter Olympic  games 2010 held in Vancouver.〉I am looking forward watching figure skate during Olympic period.⤴ It is beautiful, without thinking difficult technical matter. Your explanation of toilet is interesting.🎵 People have to use new word for expressing it to avoid being undestood immediately. (*^.^*) I was cooking miso soup with potherb mustard (⇔mizuna), the bottom part is harder than leaf part, I boiled the hard part for long time than leaf part. It was 75% of professional taste🔰 It's a long way.🐤 Good night, Nushi san. I hope you have a nice sleep🐘
  • << 187 Nushi san, Good evening. My policy is【Make an effort in my best speed.】 Recently I am paying attention to the figure skater's shoes. I don't know who is pioneer,(←is the spell correct?) but probably from the visual point of view, the shoes are covered with tights for players, which most of the woman player do. But it is said that player herself is easy to skate not covering the skate shoes. Please pass through this message in case you are not interested in. Good night for now. 🐘

No.188 10/01/11 19:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening.Thank you for your message and I'm sorry to be late for my reply.🙇

By the way,you seem to be interested in the figure skate.I think you may had possibly wanted to be a player of the figure skate. Speaking of the winter sports,there are lots of splendid players of the winter sports who come from Aichi prefecture.It is said that those players are greatly influenced Midori I to.⛄

Speaking of potherb mustard,the other day I cooked the vegetable and deep-fried bean curd(油揚げ).My cooking is one-pot dish cooked at the table,what we call 鍋物料理.🍲

I stewed these two ingredients with soup stock(出し),sake,salt and soysauce.As a matter of course I poured hot water on the deep fried bean curd so as to get rid of oil.👍

By the way,the spelling of 「pioneer」,you're right.💯

See you later😁

No.190 10/01/11 21:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Thank you for your message. As you told me,in fact I don't know about you almost at all,but at least I know only one thing.You carry on English message to my diary,it means your English ability improves.💯

If I were a teacher,I would 💯 mark to a pupil,according to its the amount of the effort, distinguished it from the result of the exam,it means a prize for effort, though I think you can spdak the conversations of every day life.👍

Please keep up with it🙋

Good night.May you have a fantastic dream.😁

No.192 10/01/12 21:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Good night. Thank you for message.I was happy and surprised to hear your last message,for I've never thought you were influenced by my poor English.😚

I have to confess one thing.I was wondering if I gave up studying English when I received your first message.😔

As you know this,I wanted to be an instructor of a cramming school(学習塾),but my school background prevents me from doing the job.I've never been to neither college nor university.I thought many cramming schools refused me,though other accepted me,but considering the treatment they offered,I couldn't accept it.I'm getting older.I was discouraged.😔

Your messages encouraged me and I collected myself and started studying English again.😁

See you later. Have a good night.🌙

No.194 10/01/12 22:30
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night again,though I'm afraid it's not a good night at all for you.Please take care of yourself.Needless to say,you should go to an eye doctor tomorrow and you don't have to answer to this message.I hope you recover from the sickness. Please have a nice sleep.🌙

No.196 10/01/13 19:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Good evening.Thank you for your message.Unfortunately,the eye doctor closed.I'm wondering some of them close on weekday and open on Saturday.😔

I hesitated to send message to you,for these tiny letters are harmful for your eyes.😔

On the other hand,when suffering from something bad like you, I would be very happy if I took a message of encouragement from someone.🙋

Needless to say,you don't have to send back your message,and please have a good rest.I'm looking forward to your message when you recover completely. Have a good night.🌙

No.197 10/01/14 20:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening.How are your eyes?Do the dull pain of your eyes ease?I hope your condition isn't so serious.😥

By the way,the other day I expressed Earnest Hemingway,but I've not completed it entirely,so I'll finish it.If you set 「着レスーアラーム」 on my diary,please switch off it.I'm afraid unless you do it,the alarm bothers you.If your condition is so good,you don't have to do it.👀

Please take care of yourself.See you laterHave a good night😁

No.199 10/01/14 20:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Earnest HemingwayⅢ

「The sun also rises」 is a typical work of which the author expressed the lost generation of indulged in drinking and seek to make love with his strongest style.☀

After he published 「The sun also rises」,he announced such masterpieces one after another as 「A farewell to Arms」,「For Whom the Bell Tolls」,「The Snows of kilimanjaro」 and he went to a battle front as a war correspondent when World WarⅡ began.🔫

「The Old Man and the Sea」 is famous for his latter work.This work is a masterpiece in his later years in which the author described the severity of the nature and the bravery of the human being.

To be continued,some day.By😁

No.200 10/01/14 21:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message.I'm a relieved a little to hear your condition got better.I assume you went to the eye docter,and what did he or she say about the condition of your eyes?😔

Is your condition a sty?though I've never suffered from the condition,so I don't know anything about it very much.😚

As you told,it is very cold.Let's take care of ourselves not to have a cold.See you later.😁

No.202 10/01/15 21:58
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Ernest HemingwayⅣ

I'm going to show you some of his works from now on.😁

「In Our Time」 A collection of short stories which the author expressed in his early days.「Indian Camp」 and 「The Three Day Blow」 are printed in this book.📝

「The Sun Also Rises」
This book made him a typical author of The Lost Generation.🇺

「A Farewell to Arms」
An Italian who was a Army First Lieutenant ran into a nurse who was engaged in a field hospital. The author described the absurdity and irrationality of the human being in this work.🔫

「The Snows of kilimanjaro」
Ten pieces of his splendid works including the entitled one are printed in this book.⛄

To be continued.By😁

No.203 10/01/15 23:18
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Good night. Thank you for your message.I don't mind your absence at all. You have no choice.I'm sure you use your eyes in your whole life,so at first you should cure your eyes completely.😃

By the way,I don't know anything about Hemingway very much.Though I've read 「The Old Man and the Sea」 translated into Japanese,I felt boring. It's too abstract.I seemed to make a bad choice,though I want to read his other works.😺

Are you reading his biography, autobiography,or his documents?

I don't know the French writer. If I were young like you,I might study another language,so your remarks on French broaden my lookout.🇫

Though I returned your eyes, please don't be impatient.Excuse me for repeating myself,you don't have to send back your message to me.👍

As you told it's very cold.Let's take care of ourselves each other.Have a nice night.😁

No.204 10/01/16 13:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


We call bad customs and things the ones that people in a country love.😚

For example,when we pay in cash for something, we sometimes split the cost of it. We often call it「Dutch account」 and call contraceptive 「French letter」😚

In Europe, people in a country say bad things about other people in other country who are similar to them and live next to.😚

For instance,the English think that the French isn't only offensive but also rival,so the English abuse the French,but the French don't yield to them🇬🇫

On the other hand lots of people say bad things about the Dutch,why?😚

One of the reason seems that they were wealthy. Spain and Portugal declined,for they drove the Jews away,who moved to Holland,they were moneymakers, so they made a large profit, as the result of it lots of people learned to hate them💰

To be continued. This topic seems to very long.By😁

No.205 10/01/16 14:56
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


As to bad expressions about the Dutch,there seems to be a lot of the way.I'll show you some of them.「Dutch wife」,「Dutch roll」,「The wandering Dutch」

「Dutch wife」 means a substitute doll for the purpose…

「Dutch roll」
An airplane repeats rolling and sliding to the siddways,meandered in the air right and left.The flying is called 「Dutch roll」✈

「The wandering Dutch」
According to a travelog of Holland,there seem to be a episode like that.💡

There was a custom that they mustn't go on a voyage until the Easter was over in Europe long long ago.🚢

A captain of a Dutch regarded it as a trifling superstition,and he sailed.He met with a disaster and the ship sank.🌊

Owing to a curse he wasn't able to be dead. He could went neither to Heaven nor to Hell. The ghost ship roaming around ocean forever.👻

No.206 10/01/16 16:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


As for the episode of 「Wandering Dutch」,a folktale similar to the episode spread over the whole people who believed in the Catholic.⛪

It was the Dutch go on a voyage during the forbidden time that they were Protestant and were inexcusable.The people who hated the Dutch appeared to think like that.😤

The scorn for the Dutch may include they were wonderful merchants.I'll express it later on.

Holland is familiar to us Japanese. The Tokugawa shogunate,what we call Tokugawa Bakufu,adopted isolatinism and neither associated with other countries nor traded with them,except for China and Holland.🗾

The Tokugawa Shogunate allowed the two people to enter Japan.Holland was only a country which was associated with Japan in Europe,which were as if it was a peephole to know about the Western.👀

To be continued. By😁

No.207 10/01/16 17:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening. How do you feel? Are you all right?I hope you don't offend me,for you're not a infant,I don't have to say about your condition persistently,evne if I hope you recover perfectly. Have a nice good evening.See you later😁

No.209 10/01/16 23:54
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message. Good night.😃

I'm happy and relieved to hear you're fine.I've never suffered from the sickness of the eye,but imaging I go blind,it's scared me.Fortunately,you didn't seem to be so bad.😃

As a proverb says,time flies.No less than fifteen years have passed since the Hanshin Awaji great earthquake.I hear Japan lies on the volcanic zone,so I can't feel it was no concern of mine.There is no telling what may happen in the future.😔

It seems that you put a great deal of effort into listening English. Though you may know,when listening to English, it seems to be useful to think in English. At the time,if we think in Japanese,I'm afraid we're one beat behind the English conversation.😔

Please keep up with it. Have a nice night. See you later😁

  • << 211 Nushi san, good morning. Concerning to earthquake disaster➡ 〔消防庁地震防災マニュアル〕 PCsight, you can find manual written in Japanese& in English.  It is important that all of us don't forget about Hanshin Awaji earthquake, (although you may not be able to help directly) which the people in the area thinks the damage has been recovered 60% and may not become‘beautiful, town full of life' as it used to be.😢 Nushi san, today is a fine day⤴ How about the weather of   the area you live? I hope you'll have a nice time. I will write you again😃

No.210 10/01/17 01:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Both China and Holland were allowed to trade with Japan in the Edo period because they didn't try to propagate Christianity.⛪

I'm going to show you another things about Holland.😃

At first, I talk about the name of the country.Holland isn't a formal name of the country.It's formal name is the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It means lowlands. It indicates the name of the region where Holland and Belgium lie at present.😃

A quarter of the country is 40 meters below sea level.There are no mountains and is a area of a delta where there is a mouth of the two rivers,Rhine and the other in the country.☀

There are three countries, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg in the area of the seaside between France and Germany.We call these three countries the Benelux.There is a wild sea which has a rich fishing ground faced Netherlands, the North Sea. There is England beyond it.🌊

No.212 10/01/17 12:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Good morning.I didn't know anything about 消防庁地震防災マニュアル, so I searched for it. It's useful,thank you very much.😃

I've thought I must put the fire out properly at once when being an earthquake,but it depends,for we don't seem to be able to be up on our feet when we have a great earthquake like the Hanshin Awaji one.After the shake ceased,we should do what we have to😃

If we try to put the fire of a gas ring(ガスコンロ) out on which the water of the kettle is boiling,there will be fear of burn.⚠

The area where I live is fine,beautiful,though half a day has already passed.If I drink and I'm asleep fast, my day off is over.😔

Have a nice afternoon. See you later😊

  • << 216 Nushi san, good evening🌠 You are now presenting Netherland.⤴ From what kind of book are you introducing Netherland? You are a book reader. I, who am shiawasemono is donkusai. I wonder how you say it in English😺 Nushi san, would you answer to one of my question which I gave you the other day? I would like to know the person you respect. As for me, I respect each people who makes his or her best. Of course Nushi san is included. Have a good night🐘

No.213 10/01/17 13:59
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Holland means a name of a region in the country.The lowland along the sea where there is the capital,Amusterdam belonged to the Count of Holant.The Belgian called it 「Holland」 and the word spread to Japan.😃

So what means the word,「Dutch」? There are some phrases like 「Dutch account」 or 「Dutch wife」 and the word means 「belong to Holland」.It's English word.

On the other hand there is a expression like in a English dictionary.💡

Dutch used to mean belongs to Germany,of Germany,but it turned into another meaning,「of Holland, belongs to Holland」 since the1600s.Holland used to be a strong country which competed with England for international market,so the word 「Dutch」 include scornful meaning.

Holland used to be a part of the Netherlands which included Belgium, Luxembourg and a part of North France at present until it became independent of the Netherlands.☀

To be continued.By😁

No.214 10/01/17 23:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Holland had been govern by several powers for centuries until the country became independent.

A general of ancient Roman Empire,Julius Caesar attacked Holland,leading the Roman army in B.C 1 century.It was written in what we call 「Garia senki」.Then the country was going to be controlled by the Roman Empire,but Holland managed to escaped from it.😔

The country was ruled by the Kingdom of Franck in A.D 8th century,and belonged to Germany in the 9th century.

The history of the country was continuation of suffering.It belonged to the Burgundy which was branch of the Kingdom of France in the 15th century and belonged to the Hapusubuluku in the 16th century. Then CharlesⅤ of the Hapusubuluku also ruled Spain,so the country became under the control of Spain in 1555.😢

After that Holland became independent as a republic of Netherlands, so the enemy for a war of independence of Holland was Spain.

No.215 10/01/18 01:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Holland has lowlands,lots of rivers and faces wild sea. It means that they learned to be fond of ocean,and to be the marine people. The fishing industry was flourished for a long time. They caught herrings,codfishs,and soles and ate them a lot. They were good at managing boats🌴

Being in Europe,proficient at boats and having good harbors mean the place was the base of the trade and merchants grew up.🌴

The Atlantic and Mediterranean have been important route,and wherever there are good harbors,the places become flourished as abusiness districts.For example,there is a play of which the title is 「A Merchant of Venice」. The book shows the relation between good harbors and business districts.Istanbul was one of the city which became prosperous thanks to ocean trade.Amusterdam became flnurished like that,and the original temperament of the merchant grew up.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.217 10/01/18 22:55
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Holland couldn't stand the tyranny and make war on Spain at last to become independent from Spain.The war continued for 80 years,including the period of a cease-fire of 12 years.🆚

Holland declared Spain to be independent in 1581 and won independence practically by concluding a peace-treaty in 1609.Though the war started again from the year when the cease-fire was over, 1621 to 1684,the country started as another new country since the country declared independence.🎊

The European people were really surprised,for Holland continued to be at war with a big power, Spain and the minor power won the victory. They were forced to admit Holland to be pretty big power.😨

Holland was a country in which the merchants were powerful and they were good at business.These things have to do with the jews.💡

To be continued. By😁

No.218 10/01/19 11:34
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good afternoon.I'm sorry to be late for my message.🙇

As you told, I expresses Netherlands in my diary,reading a book of which the title is 「もっと どうころんでも社会科」 清水義範著 講談社発行。

He adopted several subjects which we learned in a elementary school.Social studies,science,arithmetic and the Japanese language.He described huomrously,so I could enjoy reading.👍

I've read the books about social studies and science.I tried to read the book about arithmetic,but I gave up it. I hate arithmetic.😩

By the way I'm in a factory. It's Lunchtime,I'll answer your another questions when I go home. Have a good afternoon. See you later😁

No.220 10/01/19 22:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さんGood night.Thank you for your message.😃

As to the word,「Donkusai」,in other words, it means appealing,winning or engaging.「愛嬌がある」Nobody's perfect.😃

I don't deserve respect, but I'm grateful to you for your remark.😊

A person who I respect is the one who suppresses the strong and helps the weak. The person like that are few.😔

There is a proverb「It's no use kicking against the pricks」 長い物には巻かれろ

I used to hate the proverb and to respect the person who kick against the pricks. I'd wanted to be a person likethat,but it is easy to say.😔

Your question is a little severe. I'm forced to think about myself.😱

By the way, I sometimes express my English diary in the midnight,so could you please switch off the 「着レス」 on my diary when you sleep,unless it'll prevent you from sleeping.🙇

Very cold days continue,so let's take care of ourselves not to catch a cold. Have a good night😊

No.222 10/01/19 23:56
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening again.

As for the book,「もっと どうころんでも社会科」 is the second volume of social studies,and first one is「どうころんでも社会科」It's also interesting.If you have a chance to read,please do read it.📖

You seem to be full of curiosity.I think it's good thing. Let me recommend you an author whose works you're likely to want to read.☝

「妹尾河童 せのおかっぱ」is the author.Some of his works are 「河童が覗いたヨーロッパ」「河童が覗いたインド」「河童が覗いた日本」I think they are worthy of reading.😁

The problem is the letters in the book are a little small. I hope your eyesight doesn't become bad.😔

As to arithmetic,the subject which we learned in the elementary school is arithmetic,and the one which we studied in junior or senior high school is math,or mathmatic.My brain isn't suitable for both of the subject,but I tried to show you the difference between them. See you later🙋

No.224 10/01/20 22:56
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Good night. Thank you for your message.

Are you all right? Does it mean you couldn't recover perfectly or your eyes are infected with germ?💧

The other day I heard the news that the one who used contact lenses was sick of the eyes. I hope you aren't.😔

I didn't know anything about Virginia Woolf at all untii you told md her name,so I looked through her with what is called Keitai site.😃

The book which you read at the moment,「The Waves」is one of her typical works,and another typical ones are 「Mrs.Dalloway」,「To the Lighthouse」.📖

She is said to be a standard-bearer of modernism,which means a general term of a principle from which some people break away the tradition.😃

When reading the book,you said you could visualize.I'm sure your English ability is improving undoubtedly.Congratulation.You've almost there. It means 「もう一息。ガンバレ~🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉

Have a good night.Please take care of yourself😁

  • << 227 Nushi san, hello again. I have just read your messages. My heart is ‘almost full’. My eyes and others hurts because of too sensitive nerve. Doctor says ‘Ikichi= 域値 is low.'. I say like this because if I say I was so glad to read your words, you may not believe it. Virginia Woolf ‘Lighthouse’seems to be symbolical novel as it is said commonly. She, Woolf was a member of ‘Bloomsbury Group' the salon was held on Thursday evenings. As you told me, she made a movement to litterature of 20th century. It has connection to painting such as Paul Cezanne, who is a French painter. I was told one day ‘If you spend time for it, you can get it done completely. Sometimes I believe it, many time I get discouraged just by myself💦 I will keep on making effort. ⬇

No.225 10/01/21 00:14
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night again.

I have to tell you not to send back your message to me in a hurry. I'm sure you need to take a good rest until you recover entirely.😉

I'm sure there is a book which is suitable for you.It's a English book of shallow knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.雑学

The title is 「Ever Wonder why」📖

For example, in the Western,they say it is ok to kiss someone under mistletoe. Why?☀

In the Western,people say 「God bless you when you snooze. Why?☀

If you read the book,you will understand the reasons, and there are lots of another topics in which you're interested.👍

By the way, I'm going to talk about one of the typical works,「To the lighthouse」,which Virginia Woolf described.😃

There was a family who stayed with their friend at an vacation home in an island of the Scotland before the First World War.

To be continued.See you again. I hope you switch off the「着レス」😃

No.226 10/01/21 01:25
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

I'm going to continue to talk about 「To the Lighthouse」

The youngest son of the family was eager to go to a lighthouse.His mother was for it, but his father wasn't.The boy's desire came true at last after some years had passed.🌴

The First World War which changed the family and the society of the England was over, and the father made up his mind to go to the lighthouse with the youngest son,daughter and his friend, but……😔

It's a typical work of the author,in which she used the behavior of going to the lighthouse simbolically,describing the difficulties they have,living and being dead,the consciousness about the changing society of England with his minute expression.😃

I find it difficult to explain the most impressing point of the book about which I didn't read at all to you who may read the book.😔

See you later. Have a nice dream🌠

No.230 10/01/21 23:15
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night. Thank you for your message.😃

I'm afraid you're so sensitive that it is inconvenient for you to lead everyday life.When winter is over,spring comes.There are lots of people who are worried about hay fever花粉症.I'm afraid you're one of them,though it's not your fault. It's just that you're unfortunate,if you're hay fever.😔

I'm also happy because you seemed to be pleased with my remarks.I'm sure almost all of people who make effort are happy when other admits and values what they have done.☀

I think you can enjoy reading English books.I find it wonderful,for enjoy reading is getting rid of the hardship of studying English,so the more you enjoy readinh,the more your English ability improves,so it's a happy end.😊

You seem to like painting picture.If you can find the thing which you want paint at any cost,you may be fantastic painter.Please don't be impatient.I'm going to continue to talk😊

No.231 10/01/22 22:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night. How are you? Are you all right?😔

You seem to be worried about the mistake,but I'm sure you don't have to mind it too much. The proverb says,「To err is human」. English is the learning which we study the language,so without speaking English,or expressioning our thought in the language,the ability of the language doesn't seem to improve so much.😊

There are lots of international students from many countries in Japan.I'm going to show you the episodes of their.😊

One day he was getting on a bus. There happened to be an announce in the vehicle.🚌

「Please attention whenever we turn the courners.」It means 曲がり角を曲がる時は「御注意下さい」 in Japanese. He studies Japanese,so he can speak,hear,and write Japanese to some extent,but,unfortunately,he couldn't hear the part 「御注意下さい」exactly.

To be continued.I hope the sickness of your eyes get better.Have a good night.🌙

No.233 10/01/22 23:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night again.

I'm going to talk about the end of the episode.😃

He thought the phrase 「御注意下さい」 was 「五十円下さい」,so he continued to pay the small change,五十円,whenever the bus turned corners.🚌

Another episode.

He purchased some fruits. It showed「Please peel the fruits when you eat」. It means 「食べる時は皮をむいて下さい」but unluckily he couldn't understand the indication. He ate the fruits without peeling it,but faced to a river.🍏

He thought the word,「皮」 was「川」 and 「剥く」 was 「向く」IT seemed that he had difficulty in being a splendid English speaker,but he could be at last.🎉

I'm afraid if I were he, I couldn't be like him,though I told you big talk,but I'm sure we should follow his example.😃

By the way, are you day off tomorrow?Unluckily, I have to work.I wish it could be heavy rain except for the places where we live. Have a fantastic day off tomorrow.😁

No.234 10/01/23 00:00
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Thank you for your message. I'm relieved to hear that you get better. Though I hate to work,I should be grateful to the situation in which I can be engaged in the work.😚

The factory in which I work produce the several parts of the automobile which are made of plastic.🚗

I have to work in the factory according to a rotation every work.I have to fix a tiny metal fittings(金具), it's as tiny as the nail of our hands.😚

It's handwork(手先の仕事),I'm not good at it,but I have no choice.I need to get accustomed to it,though I will do another work next week.😚

Please take care of yourself. Have a nice dream🙋

No.235 10/01/24 13:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good afternoon. How are you?Are you all right?😔

The other day, I told you about my work in the factory,but I regret it, for it's just a complaint. It is shameful of me to do that.😠

Comparing the situation in which you are ,mine isn't so bad. Even if I find it hard, I will be able to get used to the work,but in your situation……😔

Can you get accustomed the pain and the anxiety for it?😥

I wasn't so kind and sensible,and it wasn't considerate of me. I'm sorry.I wish you could recover perfectly in the future.☀

It's a beautiful day. I wish the place where you live and yourself would fine. Have a nice afternoon.😁

No.237 10/01/24 16:31
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

It takes within 30 minutes to the factory by my scooter.🚲

I'm drinking,and I'm too drunk to express my thought in English at once. I'm sorry🙏

When I become sober, I will send you my message😥

No.239 10/01/24 19:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening. Thank you for your message.After taking a nap a little, I become sober enough to send you a message.😳

It is 5 km to the factory, for I have to drop in at a convenience store on the way to the factory to buy my lunch.IT means that I make a detour(遠回り)a little. In addition,I make it a rule to buy some magazine of comics without reading.😃

Calculating simply,the scooter run 55 km at most an hour,so as you expect,it can be 20km or so,but it isn't.It takes too much time,considerating the time except for the time for detour,it takes too much time.

The way to the factory is goes uphill gently in some parts,so it may be one of a reason.🚲

Do you go to the work by a crowded train? It seems hard.😣

Wherever we go,we'll be excited unless we go to work or school,but I can't help it.😔

Have a good evening. See you later.😁

No.240 10/01/24 21:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening again.😁

The other day,we talked about mathmatics and arithmetic,so I'm going to talk about the difference between them.😃

We learned arithmetic when we're in a elementary school,for we study the basic thing in the subject,it seems to be similar to that we have to learn the japanese letters,hiragana,katakana in the Japanese language.

We learned how to calculate,addition,subtraction,multiplication and division.🏫

We learned the other things in the arithmetic,to say the multiplication tables (九九を言う),how to calculate fractions,(分数),a method of calculation based on figuring the number of cranes and tortoises from the totals of their legs.🏫

Though making unnecessary addition,we have to learn by heart 9の段. On the other hand Americans had to learn by heart to 12の段。It seems to be a remain of the duodecimal system.(12進法).😚

To be continued.If you feel boring, I'm sorry. Have a good night.😁

No.242 10/01/24 22:01
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night again.

As to the multiplication table in America,they needn't to learn by heart to 12の段, for they don't adopt the duodecimal system. It says in the book of 「これを英語で言えますか?」😁

Mathematics includes algebra,geometry,factorization(因数分解) and differental calculus(微分)、integral calculus(積分),so I can't undesstand mathmatics at all.😂

I tried express difference calculus and integral calculus,but I gave up it,for I failed the division of fraction.When calculating it,we need to turn the denominator(分母)and mumerator.😔

I can understand a simple one,for example one divide half, I can understand it easily why it is,but when being the denominator and numerator are large, I don't know why it is,though I can calculate it,for I only have to turn upside thd numbers.😚

See you later. Thd winter seems to continue,so let's take care of ourselvns each other.Have a wonderful night😁

No.244 10/01/24 23:28
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


There used to be a lot of the Jews in Spain,and it was one of reason of the prosperity of Spain,but the Spanish persecuted the Jews because they believed in Catholicism.

A law to expel the Jews from Spain issued at last and lots of them who lived in Spain were forced to go out of the country from the end of the 15th century to the beginning at the 16th century.😔

It was said to be the jews of quarter million in Spain then ,but fifteen hundred thousand of them went out of the country,and lots of them came to Holland.😃

The Reformation which began in Germany at 1517 was widespread in Holland,and the Protestantism also spread in the country.The essence of the Protestantism is to be set free under the control of the Catholic church,so the Dutch made much of the liberty.

The Dutch was said that they didn't discriminate race,and they don't at the moment.To be continued.By😁

No.245 10/01/25 00:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message. In fact, I don't know anything about math in the least. Last year, I interviewed at a cramming school(塾) to be an instructor, so I took the written examinations both of English and math.As to English I thought it was all right,but math……I could fill in no more than two places.After ten minutes passed, I gave up it.😂

By the way,the Americans call the subject math,but the English call it maths. My English dictionary says it.😃

Have you ever been to America twice and may you go to France in this autumn? It's cool! To be frank with you, I envy you.😚

Does it mean you study abroad or sightseeing? In any case,you have had valuable experience,and you'll have again.Congratulation.🎉

When you return in Japan, I hope you talk me about your experience in the country. As to France, I don't know anything about the country,so I can't give you advice.Sorry😔

Have a nice dream😁

  • << 252 Nushi san, good evening🌼 Netherlands is the subject now you are telling us about🐤 It's quite interesting, I will read them again⤴ You seem to like alcohol.😉 Have a half-tipsy confortable night See you again🐘

No.246 10/01/25 02:20
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


The Protestantism is 30% of the Dutch and the Catholic is 40% of them at the moment. They admit both of the people who believe in the relisions,so they accepted the Jewish people.😃

The people who were good at commerce, the Jewish people,came to a commercial area of ocean trade,Holland. It meant it made the country even stronger.🌴

In other words,the country turned into a strong one by developing commerce,so it could go to war against Spain.☝

World market was opened to Holland by a cease-fire agreement in 1609,for they admitted trading of the Dutch in the colony both of Spain and Portugal practically.☀

What we call The Company of the East Indian which established by the Dutch in 1602 marched into the Asian commercial area in which Portugal ruled,deprived Ceylon of Portugal,advanced into Indonesia,robbed the trade of both of China and Japan,and branched out evnn to Africa to make more profit.💰

No.247 10/01/25 03:16
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


「The miracles which the Dutch accomplished」,the European people used to call it then,the great remarkable progress which they paid attention with their eyes open began.😃

We learned that England established what we call The Company of the Eastern Indian in 1600,and Holland did in 1602 in the class of the world history, so we are liable to think England took a step forward,but it didn't.😃

In fact,as to marching into the, England was behind Holland. The company which England established was just a union ,but the one which the Dutch founded was a joint-stock corporation.☝

Holland treated such expensive and great profitable articles as Asian spices,they were mainly pepper,silk fabrics,Brazilian sugar,dyestuff and arms exclusively.

The force was as if it had scattered English merchants from the Baltic Sea🌴

To be continued.By😁

No.248 10/01/25 21:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

>> 247 HollandⅩⅠ

As for Japan, Holland directed its attntion to the island country in the early time.One of the five merchant marine which sail for the Asia arrived at the seashore of Beppu Bay of Bungo(豊後、現在の大分県) in 1600, it meant the ship was almost shipwrecked.Williams Adams was one of the crews.He was known as 三浦按針,he wasn't a Dutch but a Englishman.🇬

The shogun, Ieyasu Tokugawa allowed the Dutch to commerce and as a result of it,a office of the Dutch merchant was completed.😃

The Dutch didn't forced the Japanese to believe in the religion and the Shogun permitted them to trade under the Japanese diplomatic policy,national isolation.for they were Protestants and they made much of the liberty of religion.😁

To be continued. By😁

No.249 10/01/25 23:29
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


In the other words the Dutch may have been cunning, for they were good at commerce,so they may have tried to exclude other countries from Japan.👿

They may have whispered to the Shogun like that☝

「What the other countries really want to do is to propagate Christianity,but we aren't👿

Gold,silver,and earthware were brought to the Europe from Japan,in particular,lots of Japanese pottery were carried away,and the Western culture was greatly influenced bx them at one time.🍵

What we call the company of the Eastern Indian which the Dutch managed used to brought a lot of pottery that were produced in China into the Europe,but when the production of the Chinese earthware was stagnant because there was a conflict that Min ruined and shin flourished,they brought Aritayaki into the Europe as a substitute of the pottery.🍵

To be continued. By

No.250 10/01/26 20:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Holland ⅩⅢ

As the result of the fact that lots of the pottery were brought in Europe,the earthware which is produced in Holland at the moment is greatly influenced by the Aritayaki.🍵

Holland in the 17th century was the advanced country in which commerce flourished,and it came all the way to Japan for their business.🚢

Holland made inroads into the Asian market,turning Jakarta into a base of the country and building a commercial area which was conncted with all the place in Europe,and being the heart of the commercial activity.☀

The industry became prosperous in Holland. The Dutch was good at improvement trade,especially as far as the textile industry,the country was by far superior to the other countries.Leiden,it is a city in Holland,was famous for a producing area in which thin and good woolen stuff was made.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.251 10/01/26 21:54
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Holland Ⅹ Ⅸ

In fact, Holland used to be a country which had the best high-technology in the 17th century,in addition it was an economic power.💰

England was greatly behind Holland,so the English called Holland 「The country of the merchants」 with exvy and jealousy.😚

The slogan which the English people declared was reach whe level of Holland and surpass it!」Both England and Holland were small countries and were familiar to the sea,but……

To be continued.To tell the truth, too drunk to express in English. It is shameful of me to say that. I'm sorry🙇

No.253 10/01/27 19:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message and I'm sorry to be late for my reply.The alchol prevented me from sending you my message.🍺

By the way,letme advise you about going abroad,though it may be useless,for you seem to get used to traveling abroad.😚

I'm going to talk about some holidays in the Western.

Some people may have experienced like that when they went abroad.One day they went out of their hotel,when they found the whole town was strangely quiet,in addition there were few people and cars in the streets.😔

They asked a clerk of their hotel why.He answered「Because today is a holiday.」He looked as if he had said like that.「Why do you ask me it?Needless to say, today is a holiday, it's natural」😚

It is obvious for the clerk and some travelers of European and American that the holidays of Christianity are.Almost all of the people know it.

To be continued. By😁

No.254 10/01/27 20:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night.I forgot to say it in the last diary.I'm going to talk about the holidays in the foreign countries again😃

The holidays are obvious,so they needn't spread it throughout the town,so the people about which they don't know at all are only Japanese people.😚

There are some holidays of the Christianity which change every year in the Western. I'm sure Japanese travelers should be careful about it,for they can visit none of the museums and remains,for they aren't open on the holidays.

There are some countries in which almost of the people are are Christians. Some countries adopt the Christian special day as holiday,but the others don't.😃

For example,in the area where the almost all of the people believe in Catholic adopts Assumption of the virgin(聖母マリア被昇天節) as a holiday,but the area of the Protestant doesn't.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.255 10/01/27 21:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night again. I'm afraid I jumped to the conclusion that you'll go abroad for sightseeing.If you study abroad, I'm sure you can't have time enough to sightseeing.You'll have to study hard,but I'm going to talk about the holidays in the Western until i come to a good place to stop.😃

If you study abroad,you study about something. What do you study about?

There is one thing which I mind. What if you have a pain in your eyes,there?though you consider it carefully.I'm sure I don't have to worry about it. It doesn't mean you go to a primitive jungle,but you're a stranger there,when you're in trouble you'll be harder there in more ways than one.😔

Have a good night. I hope I'm worried about unnecessary thing. Good night. Have a nice dream😁

  • << 257 Nushi san, good evening🌼 Thank you for your message. My eyes are sometimes so bad. Usually I do not watch TV but I have trouble about it😥 If I have a opportunity to take a trip in France, I would like to work in a ‘Huile Essentielle Chemotypee’ shop.That is a essential oil store. Nushi san likes studying, so you may think of going to a language school at the  country you may visit😊 As to me, I am fond of talking to people and sell goods, especially the products I myself think it is useful. Nushi san I'll go to my aunt's home when it get's warm. Nushi san, where will you go during next spring? I also would go to museum⤴ Good night 🐘

No.256 10/01/28 19:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


England couldn't reach the level of Holland easily at that time. It was the end of the 17th century that England became a victor of the world trade,taking place of Holland.Then Holland was declining because France made war on Holland.🇬

Roughly speaking, Holland was the only country which monopolized the profit of the world.The word,Dutch used to mean「 of Germany」,but the English turned it into different meaning,「of Holland」,and whenever they used the word,they usually said it scornfully from the 17th century.😚

Whenever they said the word,「Dutch」 they thought of the people of the Holland who were moneymaker,economic animals.💰

Speaking of economic animal, they used to call us,the Japanese it.If the economy of grows too much, other people in other countries are apt to say bad things about it.☝

To be continued. By😁

No.258 10/01/28 22:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message. I'm drinking,so I'm afraid I can't express long sentence.😔

I'll send you my message tomorrow. I'm sorry.😢

As to your eyes, I wish there would be a specific remedy for it. I want cheer up you,but I can't find a phrase to encourage you.😔

I wish you could have a nice dream at least.😔

No.260 10/01/29 19:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening. How are you? I hope you get better.😔

You seem to befull of curiousity,so I'm sure museums are one of your favorite place.😃

As you told, if I travel to other country, I may want to study the language of the country which I visit,but I'm afraid I will take the time to find that studying the language is interesting.😚

By the way, I've never heard a lion roar,so there were the beast in the zoo where I live, I would go.😁

When working at the office,all of sudden do you have the pain your eyes? Are you all right? I hope your boss will be generous and kind.😃

I hope you have comfortable time this evening. See you later😃

No.261 10/01/29 20:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Holland ⅩⅥ

The English must have thought about the Dutch scornfully like that 「The thing about which they think is making money. Dutch‼😤」

We can't say Holland is an economic power at the moment. Its the level of the economy is the middle position in the world. The country isn't what it used to be the economic power,but there is a thing which reminds us of the old good times of the country.

Amsterdam,the capital of Holland, is the largest market of the diamond in the world. Speaking of diamond, it means Amsterdam. There is a movie of which the title is 「Forever diamond,It's one of the works of the series of what we call 007.(As for the title, I don't know the exact one. It's just that I said the Japanese title,ダイヤモンドは永遠に,in English word for word.)The movie was set in Amsterdam,though it is the Asia and Africa that we can get a lot of the diamonds.♦

To be continued. By😁

No.262 10/01/29 21:00
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Holland Ⅹ Ⅶ

As to diamonds, it is the thing that the diamonds remind us that a lot of splendid merchants who were good at earning money in Holland. The diamonds of Belgium is famous,but it means same,for Belgium used to be one of part of the Netherlands.☀

There is a clause of the national character among the expression of Holland in the encyclopedia😃

Speaking of the temper of the Dutch,we can say that the sense adapts the actuality,simplicity,generosity,meticulous nature,planning always ahead,looking out of their interests and formidable.☀

To be continued. By😁

No.263 10/01/30 14:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Holland ⅩⅧ

There are another expressions about Holland in the encyclopedia like that😃

The Dutch is meticulous. They are prudent and are never be impatient for the success. For instance,the meticulous nature of the Dutch is revealed the next things.An account book,a diary,corresponding letters between the head and each places in the Asia of the what we call The Company of the Eastern India,they preserved the tremendous and minute documents for long time without ruined them.😲

One more expression.

Lots of the Dutch spoke three kinds of language,English,German and French.They calculated the minuses and pluses about their trade calmly and showed they were flexible and shrewd,it meant they were difficult to deal with.The tradition of the generosity and humanism are taken root at the moment in Holland which is famous for the homeland of Erasmus.

To be continued. By😁

No.264 10/01/30 15:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Holland ⅩⅨ

The Dutch was so eager for their business that the English said bad things about them,for the English was jealous of the prosperity of the Dutch.💰

The word,「The Dutch account has a nuance that a stingy way of paying money,for they are merchants who are good at making money.💰

Another phrases about the Dutch seemed to brought about by their mental state.😔

The author expresses his guess about another ones like those.☝

The phrase,「Dutch wife」 may mean they were stingy with the money with which they womanized.In addition,they were good at managing ships and marine people,so if once they went on a voyage,they may be forced to manage their lust,maybe😔

The word,「Dutch roll」 may come from the jolts of the Dutch ships.I'm going to express about the phrase next time.😚

To be continued. By😁

No.265 10/01/31 00:49
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Holland ⅩⅩ

The word,「Dutch roll may have a nuance that they are sure to turn every place for their profit,swaying their bottoms.In any case,thd word,「Dutch」 seems to mean bad things,for Holland used to be greatly prosperous.☀

When looking up the word,「Dutchman in a dictionary,there is an expression that we should refer to the word 「flying Dutchman.(Though my English dictionary doesn't have the description.)😔

The Dutch,the marine people invented yachts. There seems to be a flying Dutchman which is competition of the formal event of the Olympic.The event is sailing with two canvases full.⛵

Flying Dutchman also means the wandering Dutch who were on board ghost ship,so the phantom ship seems to sail with full canvas in the raging storm of the sea.It's terrible😨

There was woodblock artist,Escher who was famous for what is called 「だまし絵」 A painter draws or paints,making use of optical illusion.☀

No.266 10/01/31 02:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Holland ⅩⅩⅠ

The father of Escher came to work to Japan as a technical expert in the Meiji era.He was a Dutch.😃

Holland used to be friendly terms with Japan since the Edo era,so feeling a sense of closeness to Japan in the Meiji era,lots of the technical experts came to Japan and helped Japanese modernization.The father of Escher was one of them and guided riparian work and public works.☝

There is a diary which described his life in Japan,when reading it,we can find that he did lots of works and worked without rest. He seemed to be premediated,meticulous,unprejudiced and work hard, so we shouldn't say the way of despise thdm.😔

Let me give some additional explanation.

About what is called The Company of the Eastern India.England,France and Holland established the company in order to trade between some European countries and to manage colonical policy.The company imported several kinds of pepper.😃

No.267 10/01/31 12:56
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good afternoon. How are you? Are you all right?😔

I'm afraid I should have said something bad which was upset you.

I said when you are sick, I hope your boss is generous and kind. I don't know about your situation in your company at all,so I'm afraid I should have said something insensitive.I'm sorry.🙇

  • << 274 Nushi san, hello again🌼 I would apologize for my responce being so late😣 I may not be able to send you message often as before, but I will be happy to continue reading your thread. Have a nice evening, Nushi san😊

No.268 10/01/31 13:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

HollandⅩⅩⅡ and etc

I said about 「オランダ紀行」 when I talked about Holland. The book,「オランダ紀行」 was written by Ryoutarou Shiba.📖

By the way, I tried to say about the part of the content of a book in English. The author expressed a subject,social studies.😃

We learned the social studies when we were in an elementary school or in junior high school.The subject consists of geography,history, and civics.Some people think they have to learn by heart the name of an era in a history class and memorize some special products in a geography class. They seems to think the subject is boring,and isn't related to everyday life,but they seem to be in the wrong.😃

Social studies look like a science of a life,so when thinking about the mechanism,after all it means that we study the social studies.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.269 10/01/31 19:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the subject,social studies

As long as we live,we are surrounded by the social subject,so almost all of everything around us is eventually related to the social studies.Almost of the everything around us is eventually the social studies,but some people who don't try to find the relations don't discover them.😃

For example,let's suppose some people went abroad and what they wanted to do was only go shopping. When buying something in Japan,it must have expensive,they could buy it cheaply. They thought it was a good bargain,and they were exciting.If they thought why they were reasonable,they could come close to the social studies.😃

For example,let's suppose they went to what is called resort island. They found the sea was beautiful,a palm grew,and they were fascinated by resort,but if they were more careful,they could notice something other.🌅

To be continued. By😁

No.270 10/01/31 21:15
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the social studiesⅡ

They could notice whether or not the island was important place of the transport facilities.Or considering geographicak feature,there seemed to be little harvest,if it is so,what kind of food do they live on?🍚

Some people find the people who live there try to cheat change,if thd tourists weren't alert,but let's think of the salesclerks who tried to deceive change. How did they get income mainly and live?If we think those things and understand the reason,we'll be able to find it interesting,for we could understand the background of their life.😃

There seems to be one of pleasure to find those kinds of things when going abroad.✈

Even if without going abroad,when watching foreign movies,we can find the social studies.The author watched a movie,「Seven Years in the Tibet.」,and he could find lots of things from the movie.📹

To be continued. By😁

No.271 10/01/31 22:28
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the social studies Ⅲ

I'm going to talk about the foreign film,「Seven Years in the Tibet.」😃

An Austrian mountaineer entered a German climbing party and challenged the Himalayas,for Germany which was just before World WarⅡ expected something,but the war began and the English army took him prisoner in India.💀

He escaped from it and went to Tibet.We can feel the international situations to us hard,and what did China do to Tibet when the communistic revolution was over after World War Ⅱ?😲

What does the company which produced the movie in America expect? How did China react after the movie was showing on?Our social interest doesn't run out.😃

A boy who was the cast of the young Dalai Lama was an amateur and a son of a diplomat in Bhutan.When looking at him,we're sure to be filled with deep emotion, for there was a boy who had pure eyes there.😲

To be continued. By😁

No.272 10/01/31 23:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the social studiesⅣ

If we know the fact that the scene which we thought Tibet was the picture which was made in the Andes,we're forced to feel the relations between geographical feature and lives of human beings.😲

Indians of the South America used to be Asian race,so they may be cast as extra,our association is apt to jump like that.🌋

We can feel a lot of things from even single movie,and we aren't running short of our interest.📹

Even if without going abroad or watching a foreign film, we can come close to the social studies.Let's suppose we wandered each places in Japan and were aboard on the bus.We find it intersting to see the name of a bus stop,though there are plenty of cases in which some names of the areas and the villages became the ones of the bus stops.🚌

The other names of the bus stops are related to such public facilities as a hospital, a public office and a elementary school.

No.273 10/02/01 01:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the social studiesⅤ

As to the names of the bus stops,there seems to be the names of temples and shrines.If a foreign people see them,they may think that Japan is a religious country.We can find plenty of things from the bus stops,so when looking at a poster putting up on the wall of a station,we may cry out for joy.😃

For example,there is a competition of pumping iron in a small town where the population is no more than ten thousand. Why?Or does a concert of a unknown singer of an Enka ballad crowded?Some entertainers tour the proviece,so they are quite familiar with local cities unexpectedly.🎤

We can find what Japan and the Japanese lives should be like when we going out for a little stroll.It's a pleasure of the social studies.😃

When we can find the difference of the commodity in the convenience store between Tokyo and Hokkaido,we're impressed it. 😃

To be continued. By😁

No.275 10/02/01 18:34
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening.Thank you for your message, but I'm afraid you're so serious,so you don't have to make haste for your reply.😔

The most important thing is your health,though I feel a little lonely,but but this is no case to say that.😥

I hope your condition gets better.Have a nice good night.🌙

No.276 10/02/01 19:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

What I continue to study English😃

I've been studying English for some years.🔤

I wanted to have something confident with me,so I began to study English.😃

It seem that I can speak English to some extent,but I'm forced to studying English,though it doesn't mean I hate studying English so much.😚

When acquiring something useful,we find it difficult,though it depends,for there seems to be all sorts of English speakers.☝

To be exact,the students of jenior high school are English speaker and native speakers who were born and grown up in the Western are the ones.The problem is how far I want to speak English?😚

To tell the truth, I want to say something cool,but if my defects reveal, I will be in trouble,so I give up it.😚

By the way, I like drinking.Without studying English at all, it would remain a middle-aged man who always indulged in drinking.😔

To be continued. By😁

No.277 10/02/01 21:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Nick Hornby

I'm going to talk about one of the typical author of modern English literature,Nick Hornby.😃

He was born in England in 1957 and graduated from the University of Cambridge,and contributed his article to a publishing company,teaching some international students English.🔤

He made his debut as a professional author in 1992.He used to be an enthusiastic fan of a soccer team,and he expressed an everyday life of a man who was possesed with the soccer without concealing what the hero really wanted and his weakness at the memories,his work「Fever Pitch」 and the work had the support of the young English overwhelmingly.⚽

The work won a prize which was given for the best book of sport,in addition it was made into a movie and performed in the theater.📹

His another work 「High Fidelity」 which was published in 1995 established his position as a world-famous author.This work was also made into a movie.📹

No.278 10/02/01 22:34
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night again.When you're suffering from something bad,what can I do for you?😥

You said you were happy to continue read my poor English,so I continue to express plenty of things.Even if my English is poor and difficult to read, I hope you will forget your trouble for a while.I should have cheered you up,but contrary to it, I was encouraged with your remarks.😃

I hope you have a comfortable night. Have a good night.See you later.🌙

No.279 10/02/02 00:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Nick HornbyⅡ

The appeal of his works is the life-sized of men of which age is from 30 to 39 are expressed comically.There are lots of works which expresses everyday lives of women like the one「Bridget Jone's Diary」,but there were no novels in which a hero talked about his everyday life and his real intention frankly in the English literature until his works was published.👨

As for his characters in his works,almost all of them are depressed,so the author himself calls his works 「The comedy of melancholia.😔

In spite of it,we don't feel gloomy when we read his works,for it's owing to his acute humor and his style which is easy to read.😃

One of another reason of which plenty of people read his works is the lots of elements of what we call 「Pop Culture」 were incorporated into his works.🙋

It is important for me to express a character concretely who listens to what kinds of music and TV program,the author says.

No.280 10/02/02 01:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Nick HornbyⅢ

One of his works,「About boy」which was published in 1998 was expressed the friendship between a boy who was 12 years old and a grown-up and it was made into a movie.📹

He published「How to be good」 in which a woman is narrator,so he broke the new ground.His sentences are not so difficult.I recommend people who love popular novels his works.If you read his works with the original,you'll enjoy the atmosphere and the rhythm of his sentence of his own.😃

I'm going to talk about some of his works.「Fever Pitch」 The memories of the author who is a ardent fan of a soccer team in England.

「High Fidelity」The everyday life of the men whose age is from 30 to 39 was expressed.The detailed musical information is also one of the reason which had the support of the ardent readers.🎵

「31 Songs」The essay which introduces the popular songs of 31 to the readers.The individual experience of the author attracts the readers who love music.

No.281 10/02/02 23:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Kazuo Ishiguro

One of the typical novelist of the modern English literature, Kazuo Ishiguro,who was born at Nagasaki prefecture in Japan in 1954. When he was 5 years old,he went over to England on account of the job of his father.✈

He grew up with the background of the culture of the both two countries,but eventually came to permanent residence in England. He became a naturalized English citizen in 1983.🇬

He learned the English literature in a university and studied writing novels in a graduate school.📝

At one time,he wanted to be a rock singer and was engaged in a social worker but stared writing as an author after he graduated from the graduate school.📖

He won a prize for his maiden work,「A Pale View of Hills」 and he instantly became the center of public attention.👏

He won another prize for his another work,「An Artist of the Floating World」 which was published in 1986.🎊

To be continued.By😁

No.282 10/02/03 21:39
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening.I hope you get better even a little.😔

I wish I could get rid of your pain but needless to say, I can't.Need ldss to say,I'm not an eye doctor,but I may soften your pain and distrdss.💡

You are full of curiosity,so if you want me talk something,please request me to do.☝

I will research and talk you about it as fast as I can,though it may take much time.😚

If you hadn't sent me your messages,I should have given up speaking English.I'm grateful to you very much and this 「A diary in English」 owes much to you,so I want show my gratitude to you.😁

Unless my English is too heavy burden for your eyes, please request me to do it😃

Have a good night. I hope you have a wonderful dream. See you later.🌠

No.284 10/02/04 00:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message.I'm going to talk you about the French author,Marcel Proust,though I'm not sure the author was man or woman, so I call the writer it.

It was a French author.Its father was a superintendent general of a government office which improves and increase the public health.Its mother was born into a merchant's family of French of Jewish ancestry.🇫

It became asthma when it was nine years old and ended um suffering from the illness all his life after that.😔

It entered the law department of the university of Paris and entered the fashionable world and the saloom of the literature and continued the literary searech.

No.285 10/02/04 00:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

I'm too sleepy to continue speaking English.I will talk you about the author tomorrow. Have a good night🌠

No.287 10/02/04 23:26
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your advice,so I'm going to continue to talk you about him.😁

He wrote the lyric short stories,「The pleasure and The Days」愉しみと日々 in 1896 and translated the work of Ruskin,an English critic,into French.🇫

As to the title of the book which he wrote,there are the ones which were translated into Japanese in my electric dictionary,so I said it in English,word for word.💦

He worked out a detailed plan for his great work 「Searching the Lost Time」失われた時を求めて,turning the death of his mother the turning point,and the completion of the work was a few days before he was dead.He seemed to continue to write it,being prepared for his death.😔

The work consists of the 7th volume.The work opened the new age of the novels,and lots of the authors who lived the inside and the outside of France were greatly influenced by the book.

To be continued.See you later.😁

No.288 10/02/05 00:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night again. As to Proust Marcel,there are anothe works. There are two pieces of works in my electric dictionary.The one is ジャン・サントゥイユ, his unfinished work like his autobiography.☀

And the other is criticism, The opposite argument for サント・ブーブー🙌

I guess those phrases ジャン・サントゥイユ and サント・ブーブー are French.I can't understand what they mean. If you know them,could you tell them?🙏

It is time I went to bed. By the way, I was relieved and happy to know you seemed to be all right. I hope you are also OK today too.Have a good night.🌠

No.290 10/02/05 22:22
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your reply. You seem to reda a difficult book.😥

By the way,the other day,you said you were reading the work of Virginia Woolf,so I'm going to talk you about one of the works,「Mrs.Dalloway」, but if you already read it,you would felt it boring.😔

There is one more the choice. It's a nuclear electric power generation.☝

Which of the topics do you like? If you like none of them,I will go to a bookstore to buy the other books tomorrow. Please wait until then.😉

No.291 10/02/06 16:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Hello. I decided to talk you about the nuclear electric power generation.I should have done it from the beginning,for you said you were interested in technology.😔

The nuclear electric power generation started in the name of atoms forpeace since the well-known speech of Eisenhower,who used to be the president of the USA.He was dead on the 28th in May in 1969.

Ten years passed.The day was the tenth anniversary of his death,and at the same time,it was just the day when there happened to be a serious accident of whe nuclear electric power generation in the Three Mile Island,but we needn't be afraid of the coincidence,though there seems to be ominous merciless mathmatics in this world.💀

It is a calculation with mathmatics how often a serious accident of an atomic creator happens.😨

By the way,how are you?Are you all right?Have a good evening🍰

No.292 10/02/06 18:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the nuclear electric power generation. 2

It was said that there seemed happened to be a serious accident of the nuclear creator once in twenty thousand years,but a designer of the NASA analyze the defect of the parts of the atomic creator,he criticized it severely.He said there couldn't be little probability like that,and the meltdown of the atomic creator in the Three Mile Island turned out to be what he said.👿

It is said that an atomic creator caused a serious accident once from 200 years to 600 ones.Let's adapt it to the theory of the Probability in mathematics which we learned in the junior school.☝

If we shake and cast a dice ,the probability of one is one sixth,but we shake and throw six of the dice, the probability of one is every time.Let's supposed the number of the one was the serious accident.😃

To be continued.by😁

No.293 10/02/06 19:30
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the atomic electric power creator 3

If the atomic creator of which the number is from 200 to 600 were operated at the same time all over the world,there would be 「the number of the dice」,it means a seriouus accident,to one nuclear creator.💧

The number of the atomic creator is more than 300 in the end of the 1983,so we seem to be in the middle of the theory of the probability.It doesn't seem to be strange that we are attacked by the fear of the meltdown in the every two year. The number of the atomic creator was more than 300 in the end of the 1983,so it doesn't seem to be strange that we are attacked the fear of the meltdown in every two year,and the serious accident of the Chernobyl was the proof of it.👿

The probability doesn't tell us when the accident happens.but calculating the frequence of it. The atomic creator which is next to the one in Chernobyl caused another accident,a chain reaction.😨

No.294 10/02/06 20:40
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the nuclear electric power generation.4

I'm talking about the title,but I'm referring a book written more than 30 years,so there seem to be old descriptions,so I'm afraid the situation around us are by far getting worse.🆘

It is well-known that a professor of the USA reported that lots of labors in the facility of the nuclear are high cancer-causing,which caused plenty of controversy.They paid more attention to the happening,for the contract of the professor's research was cancelled one-sidedly by the Ministry of the energy and the date of the research was left to the person who asked to research it. The controversy about safety continued for a long time,but there is something doubtful,awful. Why did the Ministry of the energy destroy the contract?We doubt the date was what they expected.😔

To be continued. By😁

No.295 10/02/06 23:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the nuclear electric power generation 5

If the contract is cancelled as long as a researcher didn't report what they expected,it won't only losing the holiness of the science but we are very close to the danger.😨

The authorities develop the atomic energy and research the safety of it. This shows us the serious problem that all the research have been studied under the same circumstance.😔

The researcher about the radiation has almost lived on the industry of the energy and the military authorities.Under these situation,according to the interest,the research is forced to do for a definite purpose.💀

Even if we try to seek the objective data,we can't find any intellectuals who are engaged in researching the atomic energy without getting money from the committee of it.🆘

To be continued. By😁

No.296 10/02/07 00:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About the nuclear electric power energy.6

The matters we should be anxious about are under way in the industry of the atomic energy all over the world.They falsify,suppress and conceal the datd about the research.😣

What is the purpose that they promote the atomic energy by force? It doesn't seem to be an electric power but the money,but we needn't be impatient for the conclusion.In the first place,I'm going to talk about the electric power.😃

It seems that without the electricity,we can't lead the comfortable life.Almost none of the people lead a life without refrigerator in the summertime,without a vacuum-cleaner or a washing machine in the apartment house,without TV and a component stereo in the single life,so they think like that.

The atomic energy provide us the electricity.Even if there is some danger,we're forced to use the electricity. What shoul we do if it stops?😣

To be continued.By😁

No.297 10/02/07 11:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The structure of the powerhouse

Why is there the nuclear electric power generation in a coastline?😃

The splitting of the atom generates a lot of heat,and the heat boils hot water and plenty of steam work a turbine,so the powerhouse generates electricity.💡

The heat is so enormous that they have to cool the equipment,so they need lots of water.As the result of it,the powerhouse is in the coastline.☝

It means two-thirds of the valuable heat which generates by the atomic fussion is thrown away into the sea.It's just that the rest of it,only one-thirds becomes electricity,and we can make use of it as useful energy.🌴

I'm going to explain it to you in detail. There are two ways how to cool the heat of the atomic reactor.

It seems to be the way of air-cooled and water-cooled like the radiator of an automobile.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.298 10/02/07 12:41
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The structure of the powerhouse 2

The way of air-cooled is sending air and cools the equipment with tremendous fans.Nobody use it in the world,for the fans make a noise and it costs a great deal.💸

The way of water-cooled is sending water and cools the equipment.As to an automobile,even if the water becomes hot,it does cool automatically when driving.🚗

Contrary to it,the powerhouse can't move as a matter of course,so sending lots of water from the sea and cool the atomic reactor ,so the hot water is thrown away into the sea.At least,we throw away the enormous energy of which one-fifths of the whole Japanese energy which we consume.😔

If we made use of the whole energy which we throw away,we wouldn't need to be the thermal power plant any more,for the resource of oil which are burnt for electricity is less than the useless energy.🔥

To be continued. By😁

No.299 10/02/07 20:01
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A light-emitting diode

There have been lots of inventions,and the electricity deserves special mention. The electricity made the civilization move ahead rapidly and our lives became convenient all at once,in particular,the light has been exceptionally good and both of the light,an incandescent light白熱灯 and the fluorescent light蛍光灯 have made a great contribution to our lives.💡

The light-emitting diode which has studied from the beginning of the 20th century is in the limelight nowadays.We pay more attention the LED, light-emitting diode than the other two light.😃

The LED is a minimal,0.2 by 0.2 milli square which emits light when we turn on an electric current,which is covered with the transparent epoxy resin エポキシ樹脂.💡

To be continued. By😁

No.300 10/02/07 22:28
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The light emitting diode Ⅱ

The difference between the light in the past and the LED is an electric power we consume and the durability.I'm going to talk you how far the difference is.😃

For example,comparing with the signal which the LED is adapted,the electric power it consume is no more than from one-thirds to one-seventh of the ones in the past,in addition it is said that the LED withstands use fifty times as long as the ones as usual.As to the structure, the LED withstands long use almost indefinitely,but actually the goods withstands one hundred thousand hours.💡

Moreover the LED has a strong point that an expanse of the light is small and the light travels straight for fixed direction,so the efficiency of the signal improves.By the way, what kind of the mechanism makes the LED emit light?😲

To be continued. By😁

No.301 10/02/08 14:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Two kinds of semiconductor,the type of P and N are used in the LED.The one works the + of the electricity,and the other works - of the electricity ,so joining these two semiconductor and turning on the power,the electric of + and - unite at the parts at which the semiconductors are joining,so the energy which emits becomes light.💡

The LED is used for the illumination at the parts of PC and is used for the backup light of the liquid crystal of a cellphone and a digital camera.In short,the LED is familiar to us in our everyday life.😃

Needless to say,we make use of the LED which has the strong points of durability,small electric power and small-sized in various area in the future.😲

To be continued. By😁

No.302 10/02/08 15:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The blue LED

The LED has a vigor which may take the place of the electric light,especially the mass media takes up the topic of the blue LED nowadays.📺

It had been said that it was impossible to develop the blue LED for a long time,so the blue LED becomes a current topic.😃

The LED of the research is moving ahead in the 1960S so the red and yellowish green ones were developed at first,and the yellow ones were developed in the 1970S and were put to practical use as a product.🌠

In those days,almost all of the people thought like that.☝

It is impossible to turn the LED of the blue and white a product at once.It comes true in the far ahead future,but a Japanese scientist developed the blue LED in 1993 and the white LED in 1996,putting together the blue LED and a fluorescent substance.After all,we can develop what we thought it impossible.😲

To be continued. By😁

No.303 10/02/08 16:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The blue LED Ⅱ

The wavelength of the blue LED is longer than those of the red,yellowish green and yellow,so the blue LED has a strong point of reading the object precisely.😃

It is what is called blue ray disc that we pay attention as the way for record of the next generation,taking advantage of the merit.🌠

The Blue Ray Disc which has the blue LED can read the information more accurately than the CD and the DVD in the past.💿

The blue LED which raises the precision of the various products changed other things.The yellowish green LED was reformed and it became the genuine green LED,so red,blue and green,the three primary colors of the light completed at last. As I spoke before,joining two kinds of the semiconductor and we can generate the energy. The energy emits the light.The important thing is the brightness and color of the light.

To be continued. By😁

No.304 10/02/08 23:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night.How are you.I hope you are leading a peaceful life.🌠

I tried to talk you about the technology, but I'm afraid I fail to do it.😥

I try to talk you about the most advanced technology this time.

Technology is making rapid progress,so the more the days pass,the older what I told you,but the important thing is relieving your pain and distress when you read my English.I hope my English is worthy of reading.😔

Have a good night.Please have a fantastic dream.🌙

No.305 10/02/09 01:58
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The blue LED Ⅲ

As we can emit the three primary colors of the light stably,we can recreate lots of colors,and we can create white light by making all the primary three colors of the light emit light.In other words,developing the three primary colors of the light makes us illuminate naturally.✨

We can show all the colors with the emitting LED,including white,for we Japanese develop the blue LED😃

To be continued. By😁

No.306 10/02/09 12:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An air-conditioner of inverter

We seem to be accustomed to hearing the word of inverter which is used such the product of electrification as an air-conditioner,a rice cooker and a washing machine.😃

Translating the word of inverter word for word,it may bn the device changes the frequency周波数. In other words,it's an apparatus that we can produce an alternating current交流 of large frequency from direct current直流.😃

In short,what we call an air-conditioner of inverter is the one we can change the power of it,so comparing to the air-conditioner in the beginning of the development,it has greatly improved as far as being comfortable and saving energy🙌

As for the air-conditioner, the more the engine speed of the compressor,the more the power,and being slow speed engine,we can save the energy,but the ones of the engine speed of the compressor used to be regular,so it could do neither low speed engine nor high speed engine.😔

No.307 10/02/09 16:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

What we call an air-conditioner of inverter Ⅱ

The air-conditioner in the past used to be low power and to consume lots of energy, but owing to the inverter which could change the engine speed of the compressor,we solved those problems and the air-conditioner which is comfortable and saves energy appears.😃

In addition,the inverter has a strong point that we could control the motor closely ,so we learned to be able to control a minute temperature.🙆

The main part of the device are a converter整流装置,a device素子 of the switch of the semiconductor半導体 and a microcomputer, and the microcomputer changes the direction of the direct current which rectifys整流する regularly,and it produces direct current of frequency which we need.😃

The word of the inverter doesn't only indicate the whole device but also only the parts.☝

To be continued. By😁

No.308 10/02/10 15:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

I was injrured on the way to the factory the other day when riding my scootder,for it was so cold that the road was frozen.❄

I was careless.I should have been more careful,if I were so,I needn't have come to the hospital like that🚲

A doctor told me not work,but I'm forced to work,for if I didn't work in the factory,other person would do,but when recovering from my injury,I'm afraid I have no work to do,for the person would take the place for me.😔

I'm injured in my left knee ,so the part is swellen,in addition the place below it becomes purple here and there.💦

My choice is without going to the factory and have a good rest and starve to death or continue to work,preparing for losing my health,my leg.😥

I don't have a dictionary with me at the moment,so I'm not sure I can make myself understood.😔

  • << 310 Nushi san, have you heard of Rousai? If you are treated as 2wheel moter cycle rider at your factory, you may have insurance of ‘Tsuukin tojyou no jiko’ , from 労災 . There are many ways to help a good citizn(is the spell correct?) as you I hope❗

No.311 10/02/11 02:10
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good night.Thank you for your message.I went to the hospital,but I'm sure I don't have to go to hospital so often, for it's just that I only have to change the 湿布 two times a day.😃

I'm sorry to worry you about me.I'm afraid I'm apt to exaggerate sometimes.I'm timid a little.😳

As to the Rousai,it seem to adapt to me.😃

I'm on the night shift 夜勤 this week,so I'll send you my message as soon as I can when I go home.Have a good night,and thank you very much🙏

No.312 10/02/11 16:30
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Good evening. How are you? I tried to send you my message at once, but I was too sleepy to do, I'm sorry.🙏

I don't have to work the whole week.It's just that only three or four days a week,what we call3勤4休,so I have only to do only one more work this week,it's tonight.During my day off, I will go to the hot spring near my home and treat my injure and have a rest.😁

The best thing is recovering from the injury completely, but in my case,once I'm away from the work place, I think it difficult to find another job. It's hard time不景気.😔

In addition, I'm not a full time staff正社員 but a temporary staff, and I'm not so young,but fortunately my injury doesn't seem so bad as I expected.I can walk and work as usual,so I'm ok.😃

I'm grateful to you very much.Thank you for your warm and tender advice. I'm encouraged your remarks.🙏

Have a nice day off and have a good evening.See you later.😃

No.313 10/02/12 14:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

What is called an air-conditioner of inverter Ⅲ

We usually call the part of the semiconductor which adjusts the direct current inverter and call the other rectifier converter.😃

Inverter isn't used for adjustment of the cooling,overheating and brightness of the home electronics,but also is used for the adjustment of output of the device of the power source for a machine tool,and is used for the power source which is never blackout.💡

In addition,the inverter is used for an adjustment of running speed of the rolling stock鉄道車両,for what is called a batting center, and and elevator,so after all, the inverter is necessary for our everyday life.😃

By the way, I've never been good at science since the elementary school.I'm afraid I have to study more basic things before talking about the difficult things,for example the difference between about the direct current and the alternating current.😔

To be continued. By

No.314 10/02/12 15:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A washing machine at which we don't have to use a detergent.

Appealing for the environmental problems and enhancing the concern about the ecology,the commodity of what we call green for the earth,makes steady progress.🌏

In the situation,a washing machine which an electric company of Sanyo sold in 2OO1 was such an epock-making as without detergent washing,so it was paid attention from all quarters.😃

The washing-machine gets rid of the dirt of the clothes with the electrolyzed water and supersonicwaves.It is said that making use of the ability the electrolyzed water resolve the dirt and remove the bacteria, and supersonic waves cleans.😃

The dirt from which the supersonlc waves and current takes away the clothes is resolved and remove the bacteria.

To be continued. By😁

No.315 10/02/12 21:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A washing machine at which we don't have to use the detergent Ⅱ

As to the electrolyzed water,resolving the water electrically and we produce the water of alkali ion at the negative pole and a kind of the acid water at the positive pole,so it is the kind of the acid water which has sterilizing properties that we use with the washing-machine without detergent.😃

With the nature of the water,the dirt of the organic is broken down by a enzyme activity 活性酵素 which is included in the electrolyzed water of the washing-machine.The washing machine has a place on its side where the substance is produced.👍

In addition, the tap water 水道水 which is used for the washing-machine includes the element of the chlorine 塩素,so the element makes another substance which has sterilizing properties,as a result,a multiplier effect 相乗効果 cleans the clothes.☀

To be continued.by😁

No.316 10/02/12 22:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Good evening.How are you?☀

I went to the hospital and I could know the exact condition on my leg.☀

Neither I broke nor was cracked my leg,but my left knee swells a little and it becomes purple here and there, for my leg bleeded internally and a little lump of the blood was made.💧

If I leave it alone,it's not good very much,but it's just that I have only to continue to go to the hospital, so of course I will.😃

It was shameful of me to make a fuss about a trifle.I'm afraid you're flabbergasted at me.😳

Have a good night. The cold days still seem to continue ,so let's take care of ourselves each other.I hope you lead a pleasant life. See you later😁

No.318 10/02/13 00:23
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message.As to the electricity which I expressed, I'm wondering if I could say the description in English exactly,for I have no special knowledge about it.😔

As to my work in the factory, I have to leave the factory an half hour earlier than the fixed time and to go to the hospital.🏥

I thought I was a temporary staff, it's not always in the wrong,but we are treated as contractors.It means the temporary company to which I belong contracts with the factory as long as the reward and a fixed date about the products, so if one of my colleagues is absent from the factory,someone who works in the factory has to work instead of him.😔

It's hard,for our usual total hours spent at work are 12 hours,so somebody go home earlier one hour,the other has to work more time, but I can't help it,though I'm sure I have to work more time than as usual instead of someone someday.😥

To be continued.😁

No.319 10/02/13 01:25
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

I'm afraid I'm forced be absent from the factory in the future. For example, I may run high fever,the high temperature of 4O゚C,or my parents may be dead.😥

Then a sales staff of my temporary company has to work at the factory instead of me.😣

To tell the truth, I don't think I want the others to work more time for me.I don't want to be indebted to others,but it depends on.😔

If I'm indebted to the others,it's just that I only have to repay him for his kindness.😁

By the way,please let me give you some advice.哲学, it means philosophy,and 同僚,it's a colleague or a coworker,co-worker.😃

Looking up the prefix 接頭語 of 「co」 in the dictionary, it means somebody who does something together ,so the word 「coworker」 means co + worker and colleague seem to be co + league. The word of the league also means company.😃

Please have a nice dream. Good night😁

  • << 323 Nushi san, Concerning to your message No.319, is not a problem for only you. It may happen to everybody who is in good health now, and who's parent is alive. I don't understand why you are mentioning it. I am glad to know your only problem at present is an injure in the left knee. Just concentrate on getting well, and try to get rid of other grown-ups anxieties. Also glad to know your parent (s)is alive⤴ Today I was listening to French conversation СD. As soon as I woke up I cleaned my room changed the water of ‘spray’ ・・ to moist leaf of plants. From now on, I will read a Japanese novel written by📖 Futabatei-shimei⤴ Please have a nice day.

No.320 10/02/13 16:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A washing-machine at which we don't have to use detergent.Ⅲ

The electrolyzed water and supersonic waves remove the dirt from the clothes, but they has a defect,so they are useless to the dirt of which the current can't get rid.☝

In short,they can't take away such a kind of mineral dirt as the machine oil, mud and the dirt sunk into the clothes😔

The things which are suitable to wash are such the light dirt as the sweat,dust and the organic dirt of the food spilt.😔

Moreover we need to divide the laundry into two parts,according to the degree of the dirt,the ones which need some detergent and the the others which don't need it at all.😥

Viewed in the environmental problems and saving the resource,the idea of the washing-machine which doesn't need the detergent is epoch-making,so the washing-machine has greatly changed the development of it,for some makers come out with the commodity which reduces the price of the detergent.

No.321 10/02/13 19:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The broadcasting of digital

The broadcasting of digital has started since at December in 2000.There seem to be four kinds of the broadcasting of it,and we can still watch the ones of analog, but all of the ones of analog are due to be over until July in 2011, and they are to be replaced by the digital ones.📺

The thing about the broadcasting of digital has been advertised so much at the TV commercial that the thing the broadcasting of analog will take the place of the broadcasting of digital greatly seems to filter into the most of the users.📺

The governmenthas dealt with terrestrial 地上波放送の broadcasting which becomes the digital ones as one of the strategy of IT,and its purpose is to turn the media of TV which is spread to the families all over Japan into the broadcasting of digital and make the surroundings at which everybody can get lots of information.📡

To be continued.By😁

No.322 10/02/14 00:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The broadcasting of digitalⅡ

The terrestrial broadcasting which becomes digital has another aim.The circumstance about the electric waves have greatly changed because the cellphone spread and the service of the internet which becomes wireless appears.📲

Turning all the terrestrial broadcasting into digital ones,one thirds of all the channels which are broadcast at the TV at the moment in Japan become space,so we can take advantage of it for the service of information.📺

The terrestrial broadcasting which becomes digital is a national project into which is putting a great deal of effort for those two aims.📡

What kind of difference is there between the broadcasting of analog and of digital? The easiest thing to understand it is that we can enjoy watching high-definition image and hearing the sound of the broadcasting at the TV of our own home.📺

To be continued.By😁

No.324 10/02/14 13:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message. As to my parents, I'm afraid they would be alive more than 100 years.😱

I'm afraid my careless remark made you be worried about it. I'm sorry🙇

As to my injure,it isn't convenient for me in my everyday life in the least,except for only one thing.😔

I want to drink,but it may be a good chance for me to give up drinking,though I'm afraid it's impossible.🍻

Speaking of drinking,I heard a French famous painter,Utrillo was already alcoholic when he was middle of in his teens. He started to paint in order to cure his illness.I hear that his style of painting is famous for the touch of white,though his works don't move me at all.I'm afraid my sensibity for painting isn't sharp very much.😣

It is cloudy where I live, but fortunately,it's not so cold.Have a good afternoon.See you later.😁

  • << 334 Nushi san, hello again🌼 Well I would like to say that I have enjoyed reading and sending messages between us. I say thank you for letting me write on your thread. I would be glad if you remember me after I say good bye to you😥 Good bye and please take care⤴

No.325 10/02/14 17:04
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The electricity

I sometimes talk you about electricity, but I'm afraid I don't know the basic things about it ,so I'm going to talk you abnut it.😃

Roughly speaking,the electricity are two kinds,the direct current and the alternating current.The typical direct current is a battery乾電池, and it turns on only for one direction.😃

The alternating current is the one from which we can get an electrical outlet コンセント,and the electricity changes the amount and the direction of it regularly.☀

In general, the alternating current which we use at the hospital,our home and the other institutions are the ones of 100V,and what is called AC adapter is an apparatus which turns the direct current for the home into the alternating current ,so the word, AC, of the adapter is the abbreviation 短縮 of the alternating current,I guess so.👍

To be continued. By😁

No.326 10/02/14 17:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The electricity Ⅱ

We can't change the amoumt of the voltage with the direct current, but we can change it with ease by a transformer because we use the alternating current in our home broadly.👷

In short,as to the alternating current,we can make use it because the electricity of high voltage is sent from a distant power plant and lower it near the place where our houses and the institutions.💡

By the way there is some woman who sends me her message in my diary. She often encourages me,so I tried to encourage her in return. She told me she wanted to know the technology and philosophy.👩

On the other hand,I talked you about the basic things.I hope she won't be offend at me.😔

No.327 10/02/14 20:18
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The broadcasting of digital Ⅲ

Naturally,the broadcasting of analog sends the content of it with a signal of analog.Comparing to the broadcasting which isn't suitable for the electrical noise,the broadcasting of digital isn't influenced by the noise very much,as a result, we can receive by far more vivid image with the digital one than the analog one.📺

In the case of the broadcasting of digital,the contents of it is comprdssed and reduced.It means we can receive plenty of information which the analog one couldn't send us.📡

In consequence,the digital ones are able to learn to broadcast three kinds of ordinary program with one channel,and do captioning文字放送,in addition,the digital broadcasting can do a lot of things which the analog can't,so it is paid attention too much,for lots of people think the field develop exceedingly.👀

To be continued.By😁

No.328 10/02/14 23:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The broadcasting of digital Ⅳ

Comparing to the broadcasting of analog,the digital has a lot of poss ibility for the future,but at the same time it has plenty of problems for the end of the analog one.😔

As for an antenna,people are forced to change the frequency 周波数 in some areas,so it happened to be the problems they need to change the establishment of the channel of the TV and video.📹

In addition,we can't receive the broadcasting of digital with the TV and the antenna in the past ,so we have to buy the new ones again.📺

Some people doubt whether all the people can buy the TV again.If it were the worst things,the time of the broadcasting of digital might postpone. They doubt like that.😔

What is called,「Wansegu」 became the talk in Japan. In short,it's a digital broadcasting of terrestrial which the cellphone is the object for receiving.📲

To be continued. By😁

No.329 10/02/15 00:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The broadcasting of digitalⅤ and etc.

The broadcasting that is such a moving terminal as the cellphone and a car navigation system becomes possible because it's the broadcasting of digital.📺

Needless to say,the digital one exceed the limit of the media which is the TV and is connected with the internet and cellphone ,so it'll develop too much.📺

I've just finished talked about the broadcasting of digital, but there is still space enough to talk you about something else ,so I'm going to talk you about it.😃

I express my English with my cellphone,but sometimes I fails to promote it ,so I happens to end up deleting my whole sentence. It usually takes about one hour to finish it, but my effort becomes useless.😱

It's not once and twice.Whenever I do it, I'm discouraged with it ,so I made up my mind to describe my blunder愚かな失敗,so it pays me at least. See you later😁

No.330 10/02/15 01:40
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A measuring instrument of body fat

The body fat is the one which is accumulated within the body.The weight is the one of the body,on the other hand,the rate of the body fat is the one of its body.😃

When hearing the fat accumulated in the body,we may think it bad,the body of the human being is mainly made up of water,muscle and fat.🙌

Fat is necessary to store up a energy,to maintain a temperature,to absorb an impact and to control a balance of hormone.😃

On the other hand,if the body fat increases too much,the person will be fat,even if the weight is standard,being too much body fat is the fat which is hidden ,so we think it bad for both health and figure.😣

A measuring instrument of the body fat for household use is broadly spread but originally it is difficult to search for the amount and rate of the fat,so we need to measure it with high and precise.

To be continued. By😁

No.331 10/02/15 13:10
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A measuring instrument of body faⅡ

A general way of measuring is the one which is called インピーダンス.It means the electrical resistance.

Our body consists of such the elements as fat, bone, muscle and water,and we can't turn on the fat power 通電しない,so making use of the nature,we turn on the body the minute power and refer to the value of the resistance and calculate the fat body.😃

According to the makers,they have various methods of it.One of the ways is measuring with their own hands or fingers, and the other is measuring with the scales, and the another is adopting both of the ways,measuring with the hands and the implement.✋

As a result of it,according to the type of the instruments,there are various body fat in numbers.😂

To be continued. By😁

No.332 10/02/15 14:28
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A measuring method of body fatⅢ

It means that the difficulty of measuring body fat and at the same time,every maker gathers data of lots of people and makes the numerical formululate 数式 for the body fat and weight with it.😃

As to the fat body,we need to input our data of the distinction of sex,age and height,for every maker has a different standard rate of the body fat.😃

Some people may think they don't have to measure their fat body, but measuring at the same time,at the same type of the instrument,at the same condition,for example before breakfast or going to bed, and carrying on to record it,they can check the increase and decrease of their body fat ,so the people who are on a diet may be able to fix their aim.😊

To be continued. By😁

No.333 10/02/15 15:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A dry cell 乾電池

Speaking of a dry cell, it seems that we used to use almost only a size D battery 単一 and a size AA battery 単三,but the smaller the product of electricity are,the more the kinds of the dry cell are😃

Roughly speaking,there are two kinds of battery. The one is a chemical battery and the other is physical one.The physical ones are solar battery and the battery of the atomic energy.

The ones which we usually use in our everyday life are the chemical ones.Expressing the principle of the battery in a word,everything in the world is composed of atom.The atom is made up of an atomic nucleus 原子核 being the center of it and some atoms circling around the atomic nucleus, and if the atoms work for the fixed directions,we can make an electric current.It's a electricity.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.335 10/02/15 18:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 幸せ者さん

Thank you for your message,but I can't understand why all of a sudden you told me the word of good by.😔

What's happen to you?I want to talk with you everything interesting from now on too.😊

I wish I could get rid of the hardships around you.Once you talk somebody,you may relieve.I would be glad if I lent you my helping hand.😔

I'm sure you have some reasons you said like that,but even if you are away from my thread for a while,you may come back whenever you want to do.I'm looking forward to receiving your message,so when solving the problems,please don't hesitate send me your message.I'm looking forward to it.😊

I'm sure your family are all kind and jentle to you,especially when you're in trouble.Needless to say your friends are also,though you said you like to be solitary.☀

Please don't have everything troublesome by yourself.See you again,I say to you, but it's not a word of farewell.I want to see you again sincernly😁

No.336 10/02/16 23:39
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A dry cell Ⅱ

To move the electrons to a fixed direction,we need to place two kinds of metal side by side, and it's a basic mechanism of the battery.💡

Connecting two kinds of metal,zinc 亜鉛 and copper with an electric wire and soaked into the dilute sulfuric acid 希硫酸,so the zinc is being melted into the powerflu drug.This consective chemical energy becomes the electric one and the remainded electrons move to the copper with the electric wire.😃

The hydrogen is melted in the dilute sulfuric acid, and the melted hydrogen lack an electron of ion,so the ion of the hydrogen gather around the copper to receive the electrons and receives them from which moves the zinc one after another.💡

As a result of it, the electrons increase around the zinc more and more,and the electrons come to necessity around the copper steadily, so the electricity continues to generate.☝

To be continued. By😁

No.337 10/02/17 00:55
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A cell dryⅢ and etc.

This is a basic mechanism of a chemical battery,but instead of the zinc, copper and dilute sulfuric acid,a variety of materials are used in the dry cell for sale and the battery is controled the power of it and the time which turns on.☝

There are a dry cell of manganese マンガン,an alkaline battery,a lithium one and others among the chemical battery.According to a use, a variety of battery are produced,except for a cylindrical shape.💡

By the way,when expressioning these sentence,a guy called me at my cell phone.I describe this diary with the same portable phone ,so I was forced to give up writing those sentences.😚

He was worried about the future of Japan ,so he seemed to thlnk that the religion in which he believed could the solve the problems in Japan.I thought if he thought it possible,do settle the difficult problems in Japan with the power of the Buddhism.😜

I won't believe in any kind of religion in the least.

No.338 10/02/17 23:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Kazuo IshiguroⅡ

His work,「The Remains of the Day」 became a bestseller more than a million copies even in England and it was made into a movie.📹

Every of his works is set in the age before and after Great WarⅡ and all of the main characters in his works care about time.⏰

A heroine who lives in England recollects the days when she was in Nagasaki in his work,「A Pale View of Hills.」👩

An old butler recollects his father who he loved and respected and his faint love for some woman when he driving for his trip of six days😃

By the way, I'm too sleepy to express this diary.Sorry

No.339 10/02/18 22:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Kazuo Ishiguro Ⅲ

The main characters are groping what they are at the moment,retracing their own memories in his work,「The remain of the Days」. His style changed at his work,「The unconsolded」, and the world which was carried away by the destiny and was confused was described.📖

His next work,「When We Were Orphans」 is a great work which has both of the element of his former works.Caring about the memories which we can find in his works in the beginning and the element of the confusion, and the work became a bestseller,so it was remained as a last selection of some prize.😃

The sentences of the author which are plain relatively but every word release the lingering imagery which has profound meaning,so we can say he looks like a treasure for the fan of modern English literature.🇬

To be continued.By😁

No.340 10/02/19 22:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Plasma DisplayPanel

Plasma Display Panel is more expensive than the other TV sets and it doesn't only have a big screen but also is thin ,so it became a wall-mounted television at last.

There is a difference between the plasma Display Panel and a liquid crystal television or a cathode-ray tube in the past. It's the way of showing the picture.📺

The Plasma Display Panel is a panel which is filled with a fluorescent light.We call the light plasma cell. The Plasma Display Panel(PDP) switches on and off the plasma cell and shows us the picture.😃

It is adopted such a principle of a fluorescent light.

By the way, I tried to express PDP in English,though it's just that I refer to a book.😔

As to the principle of the PDP,it's too difficult for me to describe it in English. As a matter of course,I could say it in English if I expressed it word for word,but I hate it ,so I'll research it and exprdss my own words.Please wait until then.

No.341 10/02/19 23:20
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Wet wipes

When being in outdoor recreation or driving somewhere,the wet wipes are indispensable for us.🚗

By the way,what is the wet wipes made of? The material of it is not a piece of paper but a kind of fiber of cotton which is intertwined by the stream of high pressure and is united,so it becomes a thing like a cloth.☝

Some cloths make a fiber hard with a synthetic glue, but the glue isn't adopted to the wipes.It's united like a fiber.😃

The wipes are cut into a size of a commodity and is folded, so is soaked into water and is put in a receptacle.

No.342 10/02/20 08:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The Wet Wipes and etc.

The water which makes the cloth be moist is ordinary one,except that it gets rid of the impurities and is refined.It doesn't include disinfectant at all.The medicine which is showned on the label is to prevent the mold from covering to keep the moisture.😃

I've just finished expressing the Wet Wipes,but these sentence aren't so much that I should have finished writing it in the last diary.

I'm apt to be sleepy around 10:00 in the night. It is regrettable.I couldn't resist it any more😚

I wanted to get a job to make use of my English ability, but it seems to forced me to give up it.😔

I can be neither a translator nor an instructor of a cramming school.😔

I hear that too old to learn is not, but is it true?😔

I'm sure it's useless when being old too much.

No.343 10/02/20 20:31
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A bulletproof vest

A lot of crimes of fired happen nowadays ,so the thing at which we watch is a bulletproof vest.It doesn't mean an ordinary people puts on it to defend itself, but it seems to be necessary for the policemen.👮

By the way,what is the vest composed of?Some people think that it is made of the hard material like an armor or a shield, but it's not.Several pieces of paper are laid up enough thick.The weight of it is no more than 20 ㎏, in addition it is not so hard as a metal and a plastic.☝

The secret that it prevents a bullet going through is the material which is a kind of the nylon,what is called the fiber of Aramido.🔫

Being different from a ordinary nylon,the moleculer of the bulletproof vest stand in a line for the direction of the fiber, and it is five times as strong as copper,so it can stop the bullet like a cushion.😲

To be continued. By😁

No.344 10/02/20 23:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An airplane

Why can a enormous thing like an airplane fly in the sky? At first, we have to dispel the misunderstanding for the airplane in order to know it.✈

Some people think the airplane is huge and very heavy but it is not so heavy as we expect.😃

When seeing the airplane,the thing which catchs our eyes are big wings.The inside of the wings are almost hollow.When hearing it,lots of people are anxious about the strength of them,but it has no problems, for the material of them is not only strong but also light.🙌

A secret of the body of the aircraft is like that ,so let's try to think why the airplane can fly in the sky. In fact, the secret of it is hidden in the wings.😃

The shape of the wing of the airplane is round and warped,when looking from the side.With the shape of the wing,when the airplane flies through the atmosphere,the air passing over the wing takes a long time.

To be continued.By😁

No.345 10/02/21 06:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An airplane Ⅱ

On the other hand,the air passing under the part of the flat wing doesn't take a long time.Considering those things,it means that the upper air passes by faster than the lower one.✈

As to the air,the faster it moves,the lower the atmosphere pressure is.On the other hand,the slower the air moves,the higher the atmosphere pressure is.

When being high the atmosphere pressure,the power which rises is at work.We call the power lift.✈

In short,the lift makes the airplane fly high in the sky.As a matter of course,the bigger the wings are, the more the lift is,so even if the body of the airplane becomes heavy, it has no problem.🙆

Moreover,when flying, the airplane can change the direction to make use of the different lift between the wings of the right and left. 🙌

They are the mechanism of the flying airplane.😃

To be continued.By😸

No.346 10/02/21 07:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A voice recorder of an airplane

Whenever being a fire and a crash of an airplane,we always hear the name of the item,voice recorder at the news in the TV.It is very important for an investigator to investigate the cause of the accident and to understand the situation of the crash then.In addition,when exchanging the information in a cockpit, it's very useful for the crew.✈

By the way, it is said that the voice recorder is rarely broken. Considering the role of the instrument, if it were broken easily, we would be in a trouble,so what kind of a mechanism make the instrument work like that⁉

The voice recorder has a tiny capsule for its protection.It's an ordinary silver tiny one at first sight,but it is made from titanium. The Thickness of it is 2.5㎜,so it's not always so thick, but it's very strong.💪

As for the strength and heat-resistant, it is sgid that it's the most useful metal😉

To be continued. By😸

No.347 10/02/21 08:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A voice recorder of an airpkaneⅡ

Moreover inside the voice recorder, the material absorbs an impact,so it can resist no matter how the shock is so strong.😲

The strength of the instrument is resistant against the air and water pressure of the outside in case of an emergency.It's marvelous that it can resist even at the depth of about 6,000 meter in the sea.😲

Moreover it's installed over the restroom at the back of the body of the airplane where is the least impct when being the crash,though it has weak points.☝

The wiring and the power source connecting with the voice recorder are't so strong.It's until just before the crash that it need to work ,so it doesn't have to record the situation after the crash.😉

It's said that the instrument has never broken since it was introduced at 1975.😲

To be continued. By😁

No.348 10/02/21 12:36
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The liquid crystal television

The liquid crystal televisions are popular among us as a thin type of the TVs. The liquid crystal means an intermediate situation,which belongs to none of the gaseous body,liquid, and solid body.When the molecule which builds up the substannce is the shape of a bar or a disc,it appears.☝

When heating, the liquid crystal becomes the one which is sticky, cloudy, deep white.When still heating it, it becomes transparent liquid.When cooling it,it shows the color of the purple,green and a kind of red. It has a special nature.☝

The liquid crystal is used for a variety of the products to make use of the nature,by changing the temperature of it and turning on it the power.😃

It used to show us lots of things on the screen of the electronic calculators and watches, and it comes to a use of the screen which the cellphone and the PC have and of the liquid crystal televisions.😺

To be continued.By😁

No.349 10/02/21 23:40
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The liquid crystal televisionⅡ

The display of the standard liquid crystal television is adopted the material which is confined between the bases of two pieces of glass.📺

The material of the liquid crystal stands when the electric field which is caused by the two pieces of electrode works from both the top and bottom,but unless the electric field works,the material doesn't stand.It has a special nature like that.

We call the work of the material of the liquid crystal 「The shutter of the electron」,so the material which doesn't emit light in itself reflects the image by this work.☝

In short,when using the material which doesn't emit as the display, we expose the material to the light from the back of「 The shutter of the electron」,so the material reflects image depends on whether the light goes through the material or not.We call it 「The back light」

To be continued.By😁

No.350 10/02/22 00:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The liquid crystal television Ⅲ

When watching at the liquid crystal television from side, we have difficulty in looking at it. It's the worst fault of the TV.📺

The phenomenon is owing to the material of the liquid crystal of bar. The different refraction between the length and width of the bar for the light causes both the great change of the color and of the strength of the light.😔

Moreover,being even in a dark scene,the backlight continues to turn on light,so the amount of the electric consumption in a year is expensive,and the speed of the response is slow because of the principle of the liquid crystal,so we have afterimage in the scene of the rapid movements.😔

The material improves to make up for the defect,so it's has by far been improved in everx respect.

To be continued. By😁

No.351 10/02/22 20:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The liquid crystal television Ⅳ

We found it difficult to turn the liquid crystal television big when it was sold,but some maker announced a trial product one at the end in 2006 ,so being large of the television proved to be possible technically.📺

The liquid crystal makes a remarkable progrdss technically like that, so the material is adopted in such various area as TV,cellphone, PC and monitor at present and it will be used in the wide variety.📺

By the way, I've tried to say about the liquid crystal television so far, but I don't have an expertise about it any more ,so I can't sometimes understand my own expressions,for I'm afraid I've never seen the television.Even if I've seen it before, I'm afraid I couldn't recognized it the TV.😔

I'm sure I have to be responsible for my remarks at least, so I will say about it inplain English some day.😳

To be continued.By😁

No.352 10/02/22 22:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Taking a picture a screen of a TV which is on

Lots of people have the experience that they couldn't take the good pictures of the image of which the TV is on.The cause of it is the scanning lines.📺

The scanning lines mean thin 525 ones which lie on the screen from side to side of the TV,so the lines which belong to the steps of the odd number and the ones which belong to the steps of the even number show by turn every one sixtieths of a second,they reflect the whole image on the screen.😲

In short,it takes one thirtiths of a second to change from one image to another,so if the speed of taking picture of the screen is slower than one thirtieths of a second,we will end up taking picture of some black lines.😣

We have to fix the camera with a three-ldgged stool and to click the speed of the shutter more quickly than one thirtieth of a second to avoid the black lines.📷

To be continued. By😁

No.353 10/02/22 23:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Taking a picture of a screen of the TV which is on Ⅱ and etc.

When taking the picture,we need to turn off a light in the room to prevent the light from reflecting,in addition,without using a flash,we should use a high-speed film.📷

By the way, I'm in a what is called net cafe,for I don't have PC,so whenever I want to know something,I'm forced to make use of this place.💻

I wanted to investigate the PDP and the liquid crystal television,but it's just that I find it impossible, for the description about them is specialized.😱

Considering my scholastic ability about science, it seems to be reckless to say those kinds of technology in English,but I regret it

No.354 10/02/23 01:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A digital camera

There is a feeling that only the maniac people use the camera with the film due to the digital camera which suddenly becomes a leading part in the camera counter in these years.📷

Even the old can use the digital camera easily in the everyday life and it's compact ,so naturally it's popular.The digital ones turn a stationary image into an electric signal and it can rdmain the image.👍

The great difference between the digital camera and the others with which we use the film is we don't have to develop concerning the digital ones, and can watch the image with the part of the liquid crystal which the camera has at once.

The information of the image which we take picture is delivered to the memory card and we almost adopt the style of JEPG.

To be continued.By😁

No.355 10/02/23 14:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The digital camera Ⅱ

The form of the JEPG can condense the data of the image, so it has a strong point that the amount of the data becomes light.📷

It's just that the difference about which the users find like that, but the decisive difference between the digital camera and the others with the films is a part of an image sensor which the digital ones have.📷

There are two kinds of the sensor ,so the light through the lens makes a figure, and the electron is produced and becomes the signal of electric.The figure of the light turns into the signal of the image by this work.😃

The size of the sensors are often smaller than the film of 35㎜,and in general,the more the instrument which receive image,the better the color of the image and the sensitivity of the camera are.😃

The sensor is learning to adopt for the camera of the cellphone and for a single-lens reflex ones.📷

To be continued.By😁

No.356 10/02/23 15:14
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An emulsifier

There are lots of indications such on the food additives as the confectionery and sweet rolls.Emulsify means changing into a milky liquid.😃

For example,let's suppose there are two kind of things which aren't blended with each other easily,water and oil.Turning the one into the situation of the particle and dispersed it into the other.It's the emulsification.😁

An emulsifier has each part in its particle which is easy to melt into the oil and the water,so it becomes easy to melt the two things each other.😃

In the emulsifier,some suppress a whip, but the others promote the whip,so when making tofu, we use the emulsifier which isn't easy to whip,on the other hand, when making a shortcake and bun,we adopt the emulsifier which is easy to whip, so it swell the air in the those things.🍰

Some other ones change the structure of the starch and turn it into the thing which isn't easy to hard.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.357 10/02/23 17:04
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

What we call PASMO and SUICA

The common card, PASMO,which we can use both for the bus and the train appeared at March in 2007, so we were able to learn to change the transport facilities, and the congestion in the ticket office reduces.🚌

The PASMO and the others to which are similar are a kind of IC card. The card is the one into which the system is introduced,the type without touching.🚃

The card which is the type without touching is similar to the IC tag,concerning the function,but the type without touching ones have lots of functions, and the IC chip which is the brain of the card has a lot of amount capacity of memory and it can calculate a complicated questions,in addition it can read and write.😲

I will explain the mechanism of the card into which the system is introduced to you.Inside the card, there are the part of an antenna and a brain,so the antenna one read the information which is sent from an automatic ticket gate.

No.358 10/02/26 14:15
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

What we call PASMO and SUICAⅢ

Then the antenna one absorbs the electricity and it becomes the power source.On the other hand, the IC chips have a role of the brain and manages the money left over and the memory of the data of the term of the validity.👍

The automatic ticket gate has also both of the same function,so the antenna sends and receives the information,supplying the electricity with the card,the brain treats the data of the adjusted amount of the money.🚃

The feature of these cards are the function of saving the money and of an electric money.We can use the card which saving the money by advance payment at the convenience stores and the stands in the stations and using those cards comes to a possibility at the shop of the large volume sales.😲

Moreover, the cards with the function of credit and the ones joined hands with the airline and the cellphone into which the same function of SUICA is incorporated are.🏪

To be continued. By😁

No.359 10/02/26 15:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

What we call PASMO and SUICAⅡ and etc.

We expect that those cards aren't only used for the transportation facilities but also develop in various areas.😃

By the way, I made a mistake. The number of the title of my last response is Ⅲ.I should have said Ⅱ, for unless I adopt the number,it means I leave out the number but I did.😔

I'm not always methodical in my everyday life but I should be more careful when writing English,even if almost none of people read my English.😔

By the way, I was injured when riding on my scooter.To my joy,my injury is getting better. The doctor allowed me to drink. I couldn't drink at all for about a month.I'm afraid I may have to drink completely,though I can't🍺

Yesterday it was a payday. To my joy, it was much more than I expected, so I'm wondering go for a drink.😍

It seems that the neon sign in the amusement quarter tempts me to come to the place,though it's just that my imagination😂

To be continued. By😁

No.360 10/02/27 05:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An electric money

The function of an electri money give a variety of the cards.There are two kinds of it, one type of IC card in which the data of the monetary value keeps the record into into the IC chips and the other is the network in which the software of the data of the monetary value is incorporated at PC and we settle an account by the network.😃

Concerning the type of the electric money of the IC card,we can pay up with ease by saving the money in the card and the typical one is EDY, though we could use it only one area of Tokyo in the beginning,we can use it at the hotels and the amusement park as well as at the convenience store and the restaurant.🏪

SUICA and ICOCA which are sold by the JR are the electric money of the IC card.☝

As to the type of the network,the money which we use is paid from the credit card and the bank account that we already save,so it's indispensable when we buy something in the internet.💻

No.361 10/02/27 06:41
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An electric money Ⅱ

We can say the electric money turn the monetary value into the electric data.The electric money has strong points. It's convenient and easy to handle. As for the credit cards,we can't often use it at a retail store and the work of the confirmation and the procedure are tiresome, but we don't have to worry about it when we use the electric money.😉

When buying something on the internet, if we use a credit card,there will be the danger of using illegally by leaking information,but we don't have to worry about it with the electric money of the style of the network.🙌

In short,the electric money makes up for the way of settling an account of the point at issue wha it used to be and the way becomes easy to handle,so it's the style of settling the account keeping up with the age of the internet.🙆

To be continued. By😁

No.362 10/02/27 11:00
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An electronic money Ⅲ and etc.

An indification of a student and a member of the staff which have the function of the electronic money appear and the the amount of the money which we can save increases,and the Minister of Finance makes a haste the arrangement of the law about the electronic money, so considering how convenient it's, it'll spread out much in our daily life.😃

By the way,I made a mistake again.I often said 「electric money」, but I should have said 「electronic money」.Sorry😱

By the way, I'm wondering if I drink from now on, but I need to make an appetizer.It's getting warmer all of a sudden,so there seems to be what we call new vegetable in the supermarket. For instance,the new onion,potato,cabbage,and burdock and so on.In addition,the edible wild plants is in season.I'm going to go to the supermarket and get something to eat and……🍺

To be continued.By😁

No.363 10/02/27 14:18
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An optical fiber

An optical fiber is the cable of the communication which lets the light pass through, and it's made from such a fine fiber as glass and plastic.😃

Let's suppose it were macaroni.The part of the hole is the core which is the way of the light and the part which is surrounding around it is crad(I'm not sure of the spell of crad.Thotgh I looked up it in my Japanese-English dictionary, but there isn't.)and the light is shut in it.☝

The glass of a high degree of purity is adopted for those two things, but it doesn't always mean the same things are used for it.In the process of the manufacture,the element of it is changed ,so the refractive index of the crad is small😃

These two things are very fine ,so a diameter of the core is no more than 10 micron and the crad is just that no more than 125 micron. By the way,micron is one thousandth of a millimeter.😊

To be continued.By😁

No.364 10/02/27 15:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An optical fiber Ⅱ

These two things of the core and crad is glass matter ,so it has strength for be pulled, but it's easy to be broken and fragile.The surface of it is covered with a thin film of the plastic,then it's bound with a fiber of aramid and in the end the cover of the plastic prevents it from being broken.🌟

The optical fiber becomes commodity,protected with several things like those,even if we bind a hundred of it into sheaves,it's just that the diameter of it is no more than 5㎜,so we can understand how thin it is.☀

To communicate with the very fine optical fiber,we turn the electric signal of the computer into the one of the light with the laser beam, and transmit the data through the optical fiber.🎆

As to the nature of gathering and bundling, the light of the laser is excellent,so it goes straight endlessly.😃

To be continued. By😁

No.365 10/02/27 17:20
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An optical fiber Ⅲ

The refractive index of the crad is a little smaller than that of the core, so if the optical fiber is bent,all the light of the laser which runs in the core reflect and it's gathered up into the center of the core.☀

One of the feature of the optical fiber is transmitting lots of information at once, and it became possible due to the use of the signal of pulse.👍

The pulse is flashing the light on and off ,so we show the signal which emit in the place where it's set apart in number, according to the size of it at that time. It means that we use the binary system.☀

It's the way of the digital in which there are only two kinds of number,「1」 and 「2」, so when emitting the light is 「1」 and when not emitting is 「2」😃

Flashing the light on and off that these kinds of the two numbers are combined with comes true as switching the light on and off the laser of a semiconductor and transmit with the optical fiber.😺

No.366 10/02/27 18:24
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An optical fiber Ⅳ

The receiving set receives the flashing on and off with the photodiode and turns it into the electric signal,so read the information.

This flashing on and off, it means transmitting the signal of the pulse becomes quicker because of the optical fiber.🌟

It is possible for the optical fiber to transmit the data for a super long distance,concerning the speed of the communication,it's by far quicker than the cable in the past.😲

Moreover, the study for a high speed is active, so it seems that the progress of the optical fiber spreads out without end.👏

Thd word of 「Photodiode」 is the device of a semiconductor which functions the same work with a phototube. It's made with some crystal. The working area of it is large and stable without a power source of an outside, so it's used for the instrument which analyses a spectrum,an exposure meter and a light pen.😊

By the way,I feel tired a little. It may be just my imagination.

No.367 10/02/27 19:22
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk about the article of 「a」 and 「the」

I've tried to talk about the technology in plain English, but I find it difficult,for it seems to be hard to explain it to you without a basic knowledge of the technology, so I've decided to change the topic for a while.😣

When talking about some topics, I've been worried about these articles ,so there is an expression of it in my dictionary, so I'm going to say it in English. As to the technology, I will do it after these descriptions.😃

Even if we try to say a Japanese sentence in English exactly as it is, we can't pull it off with ease.For example,let's look at the next sentences.I say it exactly as it is.😃

1× I have to buy new (pen).

2× Would you hand me (pen) next to (telephone.)

3× This is (pen) I bought yesterday.

All these three sentences are in the wrong as an English. The parts of a problem are the places of (). 😃

To be continued.By😁

No.368 10/02/28 13:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk about the article of a and the Ⅱ

These parts are single noun or a pattern of an adjective + noun,new pen. As for a pronoun, I will say it later.I will correct those those sentences.😃

1 I have to buy( a new pen).

2 Would you hand me (the pen) next to (the telephone?)

3 This is( the pen) I bought yesterday.

This is( a pen) I bought yesterday.

We can find that a or the add to the part of ().We call these things the article.When starting to study English, we remember them at first, but at the same time,they are a barrier when improving English ability.☝

In fact they aren't always so difficult, for even a three years old infant where it lives in the English-speaking world can use the right word in the right place.👶

It means that there should be something simple which even the infant can understand concerning the articles.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.369 10/02/28 14:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk about the article of 「a」 and 「the」

There are the explanations about the article that we have to put 「a」 to a thing which becomes a first topic or we need to use 「the」 for a thing which we said before as a commentary of the article of 「a」 and 「the」😃

Actually the native speakers don't worr about them in the least ,so they use the right article in the right place unconsciously.

It seems that the articles are the same as the particles of Japanese,「は」 「が」 and so on.🇬

Even if we ask the native speakers a difference between 「a」 and 「the」,we can't get a persuasive answer than we expect.😔

Let's suppose what it is hard to say the difference of the article were a locomotive and I will express it. Let's suppose the expression were for a person who doesn't know about the locomotive.🚇

To be continued.By😁

No.370 10/03/02 00:56
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk about the article of 「a」 and 「the」Ⅳ

The trains are coupled on to a locomotive. The locomotive is usually a first part of the trains,so the locomotive is sometimes the last part of the trains when they back up, but it's sometimes at the middle place of them. Sometimes there isn't any locomotive,for it's separated from the trains.When being a lot of trains,the number of the locomotives are two,but when not being so many trains,the number of the engine are two. Sometimes there is only the locomotive(s). It's a single or they are one more sometimes.🚇

When listening to the explanation,can we understand what the locomotive is. It doesn't always mean the explanation is in the wrong but an essential expression what kinds of the part it plays is left out.😔

No.371 10/03/02 22:56
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk about the article of 「a」 and 「the」Ⅴ

If we add an explanation that the locomotive is a source of a power which can move the trains to the sentences,we can decide an order of the trains and the locomotive.🚃

We don't have to express the rule of the order of them that「 the locomotive is a first part of the trains」 or 「the locomotive is sometimes the last part of the trains」 and the ones which listen to the explanation become easy to understand.👍

By the way,as for the relation between 「a」 and 「the」, I'm afraid we may receive the explanation which comes under the sentence that 「the locomotive is the very first part of the trains」,so it is natural for us to be confused about it.😣

From now on, I will express the explanation which falls under that the locomotive is the source of the power which can move the train,it means the roll the role of 「a」 and 「the」😃

To be continued.By😁

No.372 10/03/03 00:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A role of 「a」 and 「the」.A sign of a noun.

As you know,nouns show such a variety of things which are in the world as a pen,cat and star, but concerning the pen,there are lots of the pen which we can't count,so all of them are the pens, but each of them is different naturally.😃

When talking with a friend,we sometimes say the word of the pen.For example,we use the word like that.

「I like a black pen」 or 「I have to buy a new pen」☀

By the way, I will have a hard time tomorrow when working,in addition, I can't say the sentences which I want to in English. I'm afraid it'll take lots of time to say it, but I can't, for I have to go to bed and fall asleep fast,though it seem to be impossible.I will have difficulty in working tomorrow. Good night🌠

No.373 10/03/05 04:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A role of 「a」 and 「the」. A sign of a nounⅡ

I'm not worried about the pen whether or not there are lots of kinds of the things in the world.It means that I like a black pen whichever it's black, or I'm going to go to buy a pen, but I don't decided to buy which one.☝

Contrary to it,「Return my pen to me」 or 「The pen is Taro's」,when saying these kinds of things, it's important for us to show which one, for unless we realize them definitely,our opinions clash with others or we're confused of them.😱

We need to put a word of 「the」 or 「my」 and to show you that we indicate which one in order to avoid misunderstanding.😃

We call those kinds of the words 「A sign of a noun」. As a road sign show the drivers an necessary information,「A sign of the word」 show us the thing which belongs to a place where i t's, or to a person who it's,so our talk becomes smooth.🙋

To be continued.By😁

No.374 10/03/05 08:23
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A role of 「a」 and 「the」.A sign of a nounⅢ

There are lots of the word of a sign in every language in the world, but according to the language,the information which the word of the sign gives and the time when it's needed are different from each other.😃

「a」 and 「the」 belong to the word of the sign.「The」 gives people an information that the word shows all of them which one definitely.We use the word of 「the」 as it's, and it doesn't change in the least.☀

「a」 gives them an information that it doesn't show all of them which one claearly,or it doesn't have to do it. It means that 「a」 shows only one of them,but we can't recognize it prcisely, and we don't have to.「a」 turns into 「an」 in front of a vowel.😺

Let' look at the three examples once again.

1 I have to buy a new pen.

2 Would you hand me the pen next to the telephone?

3 This is the pen I bought yesterday.

This is a pen I bought yesterday.

To be continued.By😁

No.375 10/03/07 18:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A role of 「a」 and 「the」.The word of a signⅣ

It's a question, for we should show you this kind of information when to indicate, we can find a great difference between Japanese and English.☝

In the case of Japanese, as long as we recognize each of them precisely what it shows,according to a circumstance and a course of a talk,we don't need indicate it definitely.😃

We usually omit such the pronoun as 「I私」 and 「youあなた」 as long as we recognize it exactly.It would be troublesome if we used all the pronoun.😣

On the other hand,in the case of English,whenever a thing appears in their talk,we need to put the word of the sign.In short,「the」 shows the people who speak English that it's clear for them and 「a」 shows them that it's not definite for them.Moreover when talking English,we need always to use all the pronoun.☀

To be continued.By😁

No.377 10/03/07 19:46
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk of William tell.「a」 and 「the」 shows exactly what's happened.

When William Tell would not bow down to 「Gessler's cap」, Gessler became furious. (He) took 「an apple」 from 「his shirt」,placed (it) on 「William Tell's son's head」 and command (him) to shoot 「the apple」 off.William Tell aimed 「his crossbow」 and fired.「The arrow」 hit 「the apple」♐

These sentences are the ones in a story of William Tell which becomes simple.I put 「」 to all the noun and the word of the sign except for the ones of the person and put () to the pronoun.The word which are connected with "a" and "the" are apple and arrow ,so I will talk about them at first.🍎

An apple from which Gessler took is put "a" to it. It means that in this case of "a" isn't clear for them,for it's not definite for both we readers and the author which apple it's and it's not necessary for us to show it clearly.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.378 10/03/07 19:57
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Hello 匿名さん。You are welcome.I'm happy to receive your message🙌


No.380 10/03/08 23:04
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 名無し379さん

Thank you for your message. I'm grateful to you very much. I think it's just that I'm a beginner,but without speaking English, I find it impossible to improve my English ability.😔

If not being able to speak English at all, it remains an middle aged man who is addicted to drinking,so I'm forced to speak English. I hope you aren't offend.Though I'm going to lose my aim and passion about English, I'm encouraged with your message.Thank you very much.💪




No.383 10/03/09 00:12
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 名無し379さん

Thank you for your message.I regrdt I'm not always a gentleman as you expect.😥

As a matter of course,English is a method with which people communicate, but in my case, I'm afraid it's just that I talk to myself, so I'm happy,for I can have a person like you who listens to my tedious talk.😊

Thanks to you, I'm sure I can enjoy keeping a my diary.Thank you very much.😁

No.384 10/03/09 00:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Thank for your message,Mika. To hear your remark, I'm very happy,for almost all of the people don't send me the message lately😣

To converse with others in English is good for me to improve my English diary,in addition,to talk with others is great fun.😁

I'm grateful to you.Thank you very much.🙏

No.385 10/03/09 11:36
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk of William Tell.「a」 and 「the」show us exactly what's happened.Ⅱ

In this case,we don't have to say that each of the apple is all right in Japanese. It means that we don't need to say 「a」 or「an」 in English,but we can show them the word of some one thing.😃

After that,it means the sentence of "He took an apple from his shirts",the word of "apple" appears two times,and both of them are put the word of "the" that shows which ones they are.Please look at the sentences in this title of Ⅰ.☝Though I can't remember the number of it precisely, it's not so far from this one.🙏

It means the apple is the one which Gessler took from his shirt and put it on the son of William Tell.🍎

The word of 「the」 is added to the word of the 「arrow」, and it's clear it shows us which arrow. It's the arrow that William tell fired with his crossbow♐

To be continued.By😁

No.386 10/03/09 18:31
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk of William Tell.「a」 and 「the」 show us exactly what' happened Ⅲ

As we see,we use 「a」 and 「the」 in the right place,not by the rule that it appears in our subject for the first time,or the thing which we spoke before, but according to the contents of the talk,it means the situation.😃

If we can use 「a」 and 「the」 with a feeling whether or not the thing is clear between us and someone to talk to,we'll be able to learn to use English more naturally.😊

The content of the talk will change greatly by using which words,「a」 or 「the」.For example,let's suppose we changed the last sentence 「The arrow hit "the apple"」 into 「The arrow hit "an apple"」.🍎

The apple which the arrow shot wasn't the one. It wasn't the clear one for us.It means that "an apple" wasn't the one which Gessler took from his shirt and put on the head of the son of William Tell.It means "an apple" was the one which produced in a tree,or the one which showed in a shop,uncertain one.

No.387 10/03/10 18:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk of William Tell.「a」 and 「the」 shows us exactly what's happenedⅣ

As to the unexpected turn which "a" brought about,considering the situation and the course of the talk,we can't understand it ,so when saying it in English precisely we should say like that.

矢が 「どこかの」 リンゴに命中した😲

In addition,if the order which Gessler gave to William Tell isn't 「Shoot "the apple" off」 but 「Shoot "an aplle" off」,William Tell needn't have run the risk that he shoot the apple which put on the head of his son.😲

It means that if taking from another uncertain one, and putting it on a stone or chair and shooting it off,it will be all right.👍

Moreover,if the last sentence is 「"An arrow" hit the apple」, it will mean that the arrow isn't the one which William Tell shot off,but another one,we can't recognize it precisely who shot it off.😣

To be continued.By.😁

No.388 10/03/11 18:58
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk of William Tell.「a」 and 「the」 show us exactly what's happenedⅤ

If the sentence is 「"An arrow" hit "an apple"」, it will mean that the arrow which was somewhere hit the apple which was somewhere ,so as a result, a situation which isn't related to William Tell at all is made-up.😣

In addition,there is something important which we have to be careful about the use of the word of 「a」 and 「the」.☝

For example,let's suppose we changed the sentence 「Gessler took "an apple" from his shirt」 into the other sentence 「Gessler took "the apple" from his shirt」😃

「The」 which is put to the word of the apple should show the readers and the writer what it's clear for them, but the readers are sure to be confused about the apple which suddenly appeared.They are in confusion like that.「I can't recognize the apple😥」

In consequence, we are often apt to put the word of 「the」 to the place where we put the word of 「a」.

To be continued.By😁

No.389 10/03/11 19:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A talk of William Tell.「a」 and 「the」 show us exactly what' happened Ⅵ and etc.

We Japanese which loves the word of 「the」 is absorbed in using the article too much to find what the words of 「a」 and 「the」 show.😱

By the way I become hungry. To make matters worse,when wanting to eat something,at the same time, I'm liable to drink desperately.😥

Generally speaking,a little something to drink is the best medicine, it will be all right if I drink a little.It doesn't always mean I love drinking,though it doesn't mean I hate it.😚

Without drinking, I should study English harder, I thought like that many times, I can't put it into practice. What should I do?😔

Oh, it occurred to me a good idea. I'm going to stop drinking from tomorrow.🙌

To be continued.By😁

No.390 10/03/12 20:18
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A thing which we always have to say vs a thing which we don't have to say it one by one.

Let's see the other word of sign and pronoun except for the word of 「a」 and 「the」 in the story of William Tell.There are five signs of possession in the story.😃

Three of them are 「Gessler's cap」,「 William Tell's son」,「son's head」, and they are important concerning the content of the story,so they were translated into Japanese.😃

On the other hand,another two are 「He took an apple from" his" shirt」 and 「William Tell aimed "his" crossbow」, and the words weren't translated into Japanese,though when speaking English,we have to say the word ,for we have to show the shirt and crossbow to which they belong.😃

Instead of his,if we put another word of 「a」,it means that the one which belongs to some other person or a crossbow which isn't clear for us at all ,so in consequence,the story end up becoming the one which doesn't make sense.😣

To be continued.By😁

No.391 10/03/13 13:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A thing which we always have to say vs we don't have to say it one by one Ⅱ

If we add 「the」 to crossbow,it means the crossbow which is clear for both the readers and the writer.In a sense,the shirt and crossbow which belong to is clear, but the word of 「the」doesn't mean the possession,so if saying 「the shirt」 or 「the crossbow」,as I told you before,the readers are sure to end up being confused.Therefore we're forced to use the word of sign,「his」😃

When translating those English into Japanese, it is definite that the shirt and crossbow belong to the persons,so it's all right if we say theirs, but when speaking Japanese,if we recognize which one clearly,according to the situation and the course of the talk,we don't have to say it one by one.It means that we don't have to translate it into Japanese.There is the next part of the story of William Tell.We can say the same thing.😉

I'll say it next time.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.392 10/03/13 15:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A thing which we always have to say vs we don't have to say it one by one Ⅲ

Gessler became furious.「He」=Gessler took an apple from his shirt,placed 「it」=the apple on William Tell's son's head and commanded 「him」=William Tell to shoot the apple off.🍎

These three pronoun which is showed with 「」 are definite for us to recognize that they show us which one,considering the course of the talk,so we don't have to say it in Japanese one by one.😃

If we try to say all the English words one by one exactly, I'm afraid it would be long-winded.😣

When speaking English,whenever a thing appears in our talk,we have to show it the others with the word of sign or pronouns.Judging from the feeling of Japanese,it seems to be complicated so much.

On the contrary,if speaking or writing English with the feeling of Japanese,because of lacking of the information, I'm afraid we can't understand what it means in the least😥

To be continued.By😁

No.393 10/03/15 22:43
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A thing which we always have to say vs the thing which we have to say one by oneⅣ and etc

As to the English way that we always have to say it and the Japanese way that we don't have to say it one by one, it's not a question whether or not which is right,but it's their rules,not to say their customs.😃

We're forced to get used to using the words of the sign which means 「a」 and 「the」 and the pronoun and master them cowpletely in order to speak English exactly.🔤

By the way, whenever I keep this English diary, I can write down about 1.000 letters. When finishing my topic,sometimes there is much space where I can express more than 500 letters.I think it's wasteful,so I make it a rule to describe something,though most of the people may call me a miser.😣

About 500 letters are unfinished. I'm afraid it's too short to express my thought. I cnn't help it.😔

No.394 10/03/19 16:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

How to use the words of 「a」 and 「the」

I'll show you when to use the words of 「a」 and「the」 with some concrete examples.We use 「a」 when we say what kind of thing it's or what kind of situation it's.😃

This is a pen.

When changing the word of the pen into plural,we have to say like that.

These are pens.

We don't use the word of sign,「some」.😃

I've exprdssed the things about the articles,「a」 and 「the」, but it's just that I say the things which are written at the end of my dictionary, so I can't always understane why we don't use 「some」 in the sentence.😔

There are two sentences. One is 「These are pens.」 and the other is 「These are some pens.」 Strictly speaking,there is a subtle difference in nuance between the two sentences, but I can't make it out at all.😥

I'm going to show you the other examples.

「What kind of animal is that?」「It's "a" meercat」

「That man over there is "a" doctor, and the woman with him is "a" nurse」

No.395 10/03/19 17:55
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

How to use the words of 「a」 and 「the」 Ⅱ

The information which 「a」 gives us are naturally the things which exist as an individual. It means that the use of 「a」 is limited such the countable nouns as the pen,cat,doctor,nurse and so on.😺

We can't use the article for the thing which doesn't exist as the individual. It means that the article aren't used for such the uncountable nouns as water,air,flour and iron.😃

In addition, the article and 「~s」,which means plural,aren't used for such the uncountable noun as rice.When counting the number of then,we use the weight and amount of them and we show the others how much they are.😃

This is water [silver,rice]

For example,when indicating the word which is written in the dictionary or written on the blackboard and saying 「This is…」,we don't use 「a」. 😲

It means that then the speaker says this is the spelling of the cat.😸

To be continued.By😁

No.396 10/03/20 11:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

How to use the words of 「a」 and 「the」 Ⅲ

When being a variety of such the things as a pen,videotape,cassete tape and some confectionery on the table and asking the others to bring one of them,we say like the next one.😃

Would you hand me 「the」 pen?

In this case,the meaning of clear is the same one which is limited to the one in the situation.😃

The case in which we show the others the one thing from the same kind of ones,we use 「a」😃

Would you hand me "a" pen? Or if turning the word of the pen into plural,we should say some pens.😺

In this case, the words of 「a」 and 「some」 mean each of them is all right in nuance.In short,when adopting 「a」 and 「the」,there isn't a rule which is separated from reality,but how to use 「a」 and 「the」 mean how to understand the situation and acutuality, or mean how to arrange them.😃

I will show you another example.

Would you bring me a chair from the kitchen?

To be continued.By😁

No.397 10/03/20 16:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

How to use the words of 「a」 and 「the」Ⅳ

The example means that there are the chairs in the kitchen and we only have to bring one of the chairs. Each of them is all right. In this case,we can understand the situation of the kitchen before we go there.If turning the word of 「chair」 into plural, we should say 「Would you bring me some chairs from the kitchen.」The word of 「some」 means each of them is ok and they are several things.😃

Though I couldn't understand the difference between the two sentences.

There are the chairs.

There are some chairs.

The former are the limited ones and the latter aren't.👍

By the way, I went for a drink with my colleague last night,but I shouldn't have done it,for it's the waste of the money. It cost me no less than 10.000 yen.💸

My colleague said going for a drink is useful to get rid of his stress, but It's useless for me.I'm beginning to feel stress owing to it.😠

To be continued.By😁

No.398 10/03/21 20:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About 「the」 of the proper noun

Whether or not we put 「the」 in front of the proper noun seems to be a great problem for the people who study English. It would be nice if there were a definite rule,but it's regrettable that there is no rule which covers all the things.😃

The native speakers are sensitive to the information about which gives us 「the」,on the other hand,concerning 「the」 of the proper noun,they can understand by the atmosphere which has the way of speaking,not to say the information.😃

It's impossible for us to find the theory of using 「the」,in particular concerning the proper noun.It may not be an appropriate way,the feeling of 「the」 is similar to the situation that we can understand such the imitation sounds as 「Sarasara」,「Suyasuya」and 「Guu-guu」 in Japanese.😃

As to the proper noun,whether someone is Yamada,a subsection chief or Yamada a section head isn't a question of theory but memory.😔

To be continued.By😁

No.399 10/03/21 22:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About 「the」 of the proper noun Ⅱ

The writer gives us Japanese frank advice.He says like next one.😔

「I happen to see lots of "the" which add to the title of the book and the many other things,for the Japanese people regard the word of 「the」 as something decorative or cool, but the extra word of 「the」 isn't an eyesore but also grates on my ear.😥

Moreover the extra word of 「the」 has a danger that the word changes the meaning of it,so I long to give up using 「the」 so often needlessly.😔

When hearing "Stop the Aids",I don't feel like supporting the campaign.😚」

By the way,he blamed for the Japanese slogan,「Stop the Aids」 but to be honest, I can't understand why he said like that.😔

I'm wondering if it means that how to use 「the」 is in the wrong.I'm afraid I have to read the appendix of my English dictionary again.😔

To be continued.By😁

No.400 10/03/22 20:59
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About a CD and DVD

It has been long time since the CD replaces the record,it goes into the circle of PC as a media for record nowadays,in addition,the DVD looks exactly like the CD appears.😲

DVD is called the type of the optical disc of the next generation,and the capacity of the memory is by far more than the CD. By the way,what is a structure of these two things⁉

The CD is made from a material which is called poricarbonate(I'm not sure of its spelling. I looked it up in my dictionary, but I couldn't find it.Sorry😭),and its section is triple parts which is a protected one,reflected one, and resin one, and the face of gloss which reflects rainbow-colored is the protected part and the surface.💿

The data which is read is recorded as a lot of protuberances which belong to the reflected part and if the protected part is damaged, the data itself is destroyed.The protuberance is called bit.😃

To be continued.By😊

No.401 10/03/22 22:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About a CD and DVD Ⅱ

When a CD player and CD-ROM disc drive read the information from the CD,the light of the laser of the semiconductor irradiates the dent of pit. By the way, I made a mistake.I called it bit at the last diary, but it's a pit.Sorry.😔

The light which is irradiated is reflected on the half mirror of beam splitter and pass through a lens,so reaches to the disc.😃

By the way, I'm not good at technology, so I'm not sure of 「the half mirror」 and 「the beam splitter」.I've kept my diary in English, and needless to say, English is the way which communicate with others, so I'm sure I have to understand what I talk. It's regrettable that I'm not bright enough to explain it to you. I'm sorry for it.😣

Once I begin to say about the CD and DVD, I have to continue it.Or I have to give it up and to change the subject and to start a new one,but I want to carry it on😚

To be continued.By😁

No.402 10/03/23 15:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About a CD and DVD Ⅲ

The light of the laser which is stopped down by the lens focuses on the surface of the disc and reflects again and returns.💿

The beam splitter doesn't reflect the light which returned, so the light passes it through and gets to a diode which senses the light,and it is transformed into an electrical signal.😃

If it is the music, the electrical signal which becomes digital is sent to an amplifier as the information.🎵

Want kind of structure is the DVD? It's almost same as the CD, so it irradiates laser on the surface of the disc, and detects the light which reflects and reads the data.💿

The great difference between the CD and DVD is next thing.😃

In the CD,there are pits which line up on one surface of the disc, on the other hand,in the DVD,there are two plane in which the pits are lined up.How can the DVD read the data which is recorded in the two places?💿

To be continued.By😁

No.403 10/03/24 14:35
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About a CD and DVD Ⅳ

How can the DVD read one of the information which is recorded in the two planes?It changes the focal distance,according to another surface of the plane.💿

It seems that the second plane prevents the first one from reading the information, but the light of the laser is stopped down very tiny,so if the light focuses the first plane, it can't focus the second plane at all.😲

If the light focus the second plane, another light which goes to the first one and returns can't focus, so it doesn't mean each of the plane interrupt another one👍

The most definite difference between the CD and DVD is the capacity of the memory.As the result of it, the DVD can by far record lots of the data more than the CD. The DVD can record seven times as much capacity of the data as the CD.Moreover, both of the frot face and reverse one can record, and the two plane can also do it. 😃

To be continued.By 😁

No.404 10/03/25 15:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About a CD and DVD Ⅴ and etc

The DVD which can record lots of dynamic images will stay its position as the leader of the media of the image from now on💿

By the way, I've studying English for years. To talk with others in English means to study to associate with others,for none of us love some impolite people,though English is not the only language which we should be careful about our manners😃

On the other hand, I want to talk with others about lots of things in English,as a matter of course,being careful about my manner.🔤

There are plenty of countries,nations,races and religions. I'm sure they are different from the Japanese ones.😣

I'm sure without talking with the others about those things, I don't feel like studying English.👍

No.405 10/03/25 16:47
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A shape memory alloy

The metal which we usually use never return its former shape when a great power acts on it and changes its shape.☝

On the other hand,there is a compound metal which transforms its shape under some temperature, but the temperature which is higher need to be heated.😲

The metal and alloy is the solid matters which have crystal.The shape of the crystal of the metal is determined according to the chemical organization and the temperature of the alloy but there are a variety of shapes,some change of the crystal causes the effect of memory the alloy.😃

In 1951 we make sure the effect and in 1980s it turned to practical use as a commodity and we apply it from the field of the mechnical engineering to the field of medical treatment widely.👍

In general,the memory of alloy is the compound metal of the titanium and nickel and most of the things which we use are the same things .😃

To be continued.By😁

No.406 10/03/26 21:20
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A shape memory alloy Ⅱ

After the transformation, the range which the shape memory alloy returns to its shape is by far larger than that of a spring,we use it for the mechanism of an air-conditioner of changing the shape where the warm breeze or the cold one blows,the valve of the spring of the coffee maker and a brassiere to make use of the nature of the shape memory alloy that it returns to its former shape owing to the temperature.☕

There is another kind of the shape memory alloy,which returns to its former shape in an instant after the transformation,which is used for an antenna of a cellphone and a frame of glasses, so there are lots of the shape memory alloy around us in our everyday life.😃

To be continued.By 😁

No.407 10/03/26 23:00
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Computer graphics

The CG,what we call the word of the computer graphics has generalized for a long time, but as to the mechanism of it and how does it show us a variety of image, it still seems to be in a backstage for us.💻

Strictly speaking,there are two kinds of CG, a 2DCG which the computer produces the image simply and a 3DCG which a program makes the computer produce three-dimensional image, but to be exact,we can't distinguish between them,for we use the image of the 2D in the place where the images of the 3D are produced and there are plenty of the opposite case of it.💦

The images which we use generally nowadays show a real image and a smooth movement.We call it 3D CG.A movie of 「Toy Story」 is famous for the work which was made by the 3D CG completely.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.408 10/03/27 12:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Computer graphics Ⅱ

The 3D CG inputs such the information as the shape of the object,the direction of the camera for it and the direction, brightness of the light into the computer,so the 3D CG makes the computer calculate the image with a program.(I'm not good at the computer graphics, so I say this part in English word for word.Sorry💦)

When we adopt this way,we don't have to paint the picture in the least.We only have to change the position of the camera and the direction of the light, so we can produce a lot of the images from which a basic one to a variety of the patterns.💻

We have learned to use the 3D CG for the dynamic images of the movies so often, and the CG is well known that it makes a great contribution to improvement of the reality in the recent movie world.📹

To be continued.By😁

No.409 10/03/28 14:15
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Computer graphicsⅢ

When the CG appeared, the price of them for used to be by far higher than nowadays, so there weren't so many people who could use them.Therefore,some false CG which were made with some pictures of actual events were combined with and forged.🙅

After that,some PCs become high powered and the saturation level of them are advanced,as a result of it,we can make use of a reasonable and high powered technology of the computer.💻

The 3D CG is the ones which are drawn out the dynamic images by the programs, so we adopt the way of what is called 「lettering」 which are connected with each of the images and become another image like the Japanese animations, so some reasonable works appears.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.410 10/03/28 15:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The facsimile

What kind of mechanism is a facsimile which we send the letters and images with the thin lines?😱

At first, the instrument exposes a manuscript to the light and detect the part of it in which the letters and the images are,according to the brightness of the light which reflects.😃

The part of the manuscript is separated into the little blocks.We call it pixel.😃

The facsimile changes the pixel into an electric signal, and it turns into frequency, so sends a receiver of another facimile the frequency with the lines.☎

The receiver changes the frequency which it receives into the eletric signal again and the appratus changes it into pixel,in consequence, it receives what it's drawned,painted or written.😲

It means that the facimile doesn't send the letters and the images as it's, but it sends the receiver the shape of the frequency with each of the pixels.😉

To be continued.By😁

No.411 10/03/29 20:39
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A dry ice

A shop assistant ask us whether or not we need a dry ice when we buy a ice cream.It is said that the dry ice is a solid matter of a carbon dioxide, but how do we gather the carbon dioxide and change it into the dry ice?🍦

At first how do we get lots of the gaseous body?Actually, it's easy, for we can get it from a steel company.💡

A factory of the dry ice is near a factory of steel and get the carbon dioxide from the steel factory with a pipe.🙌

When compressing the carbon dioxide, it turn into a liquid.We spout it from a nozzle,so when swelling, vaporizing and cooling,some powders like snow are made.😃

We add little liquid of the carbon dioxide to it and compress it, so it becomes solid and the dry ice is made👏

To be continued.By😁

No.412 10/03/29 21:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A printing of a paper money

There seem to be a variety of counterfeit paper money in the world, but fortunately,we don't still seem to be worried about it in Japan.💰

The counterfeit paper money is the easiest target for an organization of the crime, so the government is cautious about it so much.The ways of printing the paper money are adopted a variety of special techniques.😃

In a general printing, the way of relief printing is adopted, but the printing of the paper money is the way of an intaglio printing.💰

We scrape a plate and pour some ink into it. In the way of the printing,the part of the ink seem to be a rise on the surface up ahead, so after printing,if we touch it,we will definitely be able to feel the existence of the ink.😃

The next thing is a round seal which is always printed on the paper money. It's the one of the Governor of the Bank of Japan.🏦

To be continued.By😁

No.413 10/03/30 22:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A print of a paper money Ⅱ

The seal looks red as if it is put the seal of a vermilion inkpad to the bill. To tell the truth, there is a mechanism in the seal.😃

The seal is printed with a special ink, if a kind of a ultraviolet ray flashes over it, it will shine.The round seal is on the reverse side of the bill and it's a chief of a bureau.💰

When looking the whole paper money,there are woven patterns on it.Nowadays they are printed by a computer and the device prevents the bill from being forged.👍

Though it's difficult to be aware of it at first sight, the colors of the bill are paid attention.They're never colorful.Adopting lots of the neutral colors is useful to find the counterfeit bill.😲

In a case of the counterfeit bill,those tones are important when we distinguish between real bill and the forged ones,so the coloring is an important element.💰

To be continued.By😁

No.414 10/03/30 23:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A print of a paper money Ⅲ

It seem that few people know that a ten thousand yen bill is used no less than ten kinds of color.😲

There are another complicated elements in the bill which are printed lately.If changing the angle which we see the bill,it seems to shine, for the bill is adopted 「pearl ink」 (I don't know anything about the pearl ink at all. I looked up it my electric dictionary,but there isn't the word in it)😚

Hologram which the color on the bill changes according to the way of the light flash over it is adopted.From now on, the technology of the printing bill will make a progress as long as there are some criminals which conspire the forged bill.😃

On the other hand, I'm afraid we can't root out the crimes.I wish I would be enough bright to print the forged bill.Damn the public morality.😜

To be continued.By😁

No.415 10/03/31 22:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A pair of headphones

When we want to listen to a music quietly,we usually put on a pair of headphones.Do you know that there are the mark of 「R」 and 「L」 on the each phone and it's decided that each of them is for our right ear and left ear.🎵

A sound sounds different between the one for our right ears and left ones,for our ears are on our faces and the ears are apart from each other,so even if the sound comes out from a same sound source, it differs subtly between the right ears and left ones.🎵

We can find the direction and the distance of the sound from the difference.When listening to a cassete tape with headphones,the same sounds come out from right and left, so they sound monotonous and we can't feel being at the scene of a music.😣

By the way,some sentences remain not be said in English.I should say them but it seem to be impossible tonight.Too tired to do.Sorry😔

To be continued.By😁

No.416 10/04/03 21:48
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A speed gun

It seems to be natural that it's shown a speed of a pitch of which a pitcher throw at a relay broadcast. When shown the speed of 150km/h or 160km/h, lots of fans admire it⚾

The speed of the pitch with the speed gun is a result of a measuring instrument which makes use of a phenomenon of the Doppler effect.We take advantage of the Doppler effct to a siren of an ambulance.🚨

When the ambulance approaches,a sound wave of the siren is compressed and it becomes short,so it becomes high,and when the ambulance disappearing,the sound wave spreads out and it becomes low. It's also the Doppler effect.😃

The phenomenon happens in an electric wave.When measuring with the speed gun,we discharge a short wavelength of a macro wave at the ball at which the pitcher throws.The macro wave hits against the ball and returns, so the wavelength is compressed and it becomes shorter than the time when it discharged. The change is the speed of the ball

No.417 10/04/03 22:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A damper pedal of a piano

An annoying piano in the vicinity. It once caused a murder case.Nowadays there is a damper pedal of a piano because of the case. When practicing playing the piano, it doesn't cause the nuisance in the neighborhood.🎵

When playing the piano in an ordinary way, it's the average one,but there are no sounds of the piano when we strike the keys of the piano in the way of the damper pedal.What kind of a mechanism is it?🎹

When striking the keys of the piano, it's sent through a part of 「action」 to the another part of 「hammer」 and the hammer strikes a string of the piano, so the sound of the piano emits in the ordinary ones🎹

In the way of the damper pedal,a stopper functions and it stops the hammer before the hammer strikes the string.🎹

As being different from an electric ones,it functions the 「action」 and the 「hammer」, so the touch of it is almost as same as the ordinary ones.🎵

To be continued.By😁

No.418 10/04/04 12:20
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A telephone

Though being hard to listen to a natural voice of which a person is away from us,we can listen to it with a telephone.There may be some people who remember what we call 「ito denwa」 with which they amuse themselves when they were children.☎

A mechanism of the telephone is to change a sound into a signal of an electric current and send a a person who talks with us it.😃

In general,the sound is a vibration of an air, so the voice which gives out toward the telephone shakes a board of vibration which is made from thin film of aluminium in the transmitter.☎

There are some particles of carbons in the inner part of the board of the vibration,they are compressed or loosened according to the work of the board,so the work turns the vibration of the board into the signal of the electric current with proper stress,so it's sent to a telephone office with a telephone line.☎

To be continued.By😁

No.419 10/04/04 13:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Telephone Ⅱ

On the other hand, there is an electromagnet and an electric board of the vibration in the telephone, so when sending the electric signal through the telephone office to the receiver, a magnetic force of the electromagnet becomes strong and weak, according to with electric proper stress,so the change of the magnetic force shakes the board of the vibration and it turns into the sound.As the result of it,we can listen to it.😃

As to what we call 「ito denwa」, it's a kind of a toy.We have to prepare for two empty cans and a string in order to make the toy.At first,we drill a hole with the upper part of the cans.☝

After that,we let the each end of the string pass through the each hole of the cans and fix them with a scotch tape.The tool is completed.😃

A person who talk with the toy put the one can to its mouse and speaks.😊

The other person puts the other one to its ear and listens. The sounds sends through the string,so it can listen

No.421 10/04/05 23:06
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 高校生さん

Good evening.Thank you for message.It's pleasure to meet you😁

I used to hate study when I was a students in a high school.As to English, I had liked study the subject until a summer vacation at a second grade in a junior high school.🔤

After the vacation,I learned to dislike the subject.😥

Listening to European music is useful for you to study English,I'm sure.I love to listen to English musics.🎵

I'm sure when you listen to the musics,you have a good time.In addition,your English ability will improve if you keep listening to the musics.🙋

I'm sure you're almost there,so please keep up with studying English.🙋

I've been studying English for about four years,but I'm afraid I've made little progress lately.😔

See you later. I'm looking forward to talking with you again. Have a good night.🌠

No.422 10/04/06 00:23
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A technique of clone

A origin of a word of 「clone」 is 「klon」 of the Greek language which means twig,for the scene of which some branches of a tree branch from the trunk is similar to the one of which a chromosome branches.💡

An half century has already passed since we studied the technique of the clone,moreover nowadays a mammal becoming the clone which was a current topic like such a sheep of the clone as Dolly is advanced.(I'm not sure of the spell of the "Dolly"It's a name of the sheep of the clone)😚

The greatest merit of the technique of the clone is that we can make new life without genes of the both sexes,male and female.♈

In short,even if all the male or all the female become extinct,we can produce a new race in theory,though at this point,from the point of a religion,ethics and philosophy,lots of people insist that we mustn't apply the technique to we the human race, so a variety of arguments flow back and forth😣

To be continued.By😁

No.423 10/04/06 08:10
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 高校生さん

Good morning.Please let me give you a piece of advice.😊

When listening to English,it is said that it is necessary for us to think in English,for then if thinking in Japanese and thinking in English, I'm afraid we are one tempo behind the conversations.😔

Needless to say, it's difficult when you start it,but I'm sure to think in English is connected with other English abilities,it means listening to English and understand it and reading English sentences and understand it😃

If you have a friend who want to be a wonderful English speaker like you,how about spending time talking in only English with the friend for some minutes a day?😃

I recommend you what we call 体験入学 in a English language school.A staff in the school will give you some piece of advice about learning English,though you needn't to enter the school, for the fee is expensive a little.💸

As far as I read your English, I'm sure you're not so bad.👍

No.424 10/04/06 08:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 高校生さん

Good morning again.😃

As to listening to and understand what a native speaker says,it's difficult for me.😔

I'm sure you love to listen to the European musics,so how about learning some whole music of your favorite by heart? It's useful for your abilities of pronunciation and listenin to English.Needless to say,it's difficult to do in one sitting.Please don't be impatient to do it.😃

English is studying language, so without talking with others in English, it may be difficult to improve it. The best thing is to make friends with a native speaker to improve the English ability.😃

I used to speak to some foreign people in English,though they aren't always the native speakers.😁

In what we call 「居酒屋」,I was drinking. They are apart from me,so I ask a shopstaff to hand them my memo.I wrote about the next things in the memo.😃

My name.I've been studying English for years to be a splendid English speaker and so on.😁

No.427 10/04/07 11:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 高校生さん

You don't seem to be sociable but I used to hate to speak English in front of others. I thought a person who saw me speaking English laughed at me though I seemed to feel myself wronged.😔

I'm sure talking with others in English will improve our English ability, so please come here and have a talk.😃

I've keeping a diary in English for days but I'm afraid it seems to talk to myself. It's vanity😥

To improve our English ability,we learn a lot of English words and idiom but to my sorrow,we are apt to forget what we memorized, so I've tried to use it as much as I can.😊

Do you like reading a book?I reocmmend you to read lots of English books. It will improve your English abilities.📓

I've heard there are three important things to continue to read them. I will tell you about them next time,though you may already know them.😚

See you later😁

No.428 10/04/07 12:00
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 高校生さん

Good morning again. I will talk you about the 「secrets」 to continue to read lots of English books.😁

When reading the books,please don't use a dictionary,for it's tiresome that we use it then when we come across a word which we don't know,so what should we do then?😣

The second thing is we should skip it and continue to read it.Roughly speaking,without knowing several words,we can understand the whole story.Needless to say,to look up the word in the dictionary is good thing for your English abilities,when coming across plenty of the words which we don't know at all one after another, I'm afraid we can't look up each of the words.😫

The last thing,if finding the book boring,please stop reading,for if reading it reluctantly,you can't enjoy it. I'm sure reading the English book is a kind of relaxation,so without trying so hard,please take it easy,but continue to read the English books will raise your skill😊

No.429 10/04/07 12:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 高校生さん

I hope you like to read books.I recommend you some English books for beginners.😊

「My Father's Dragon」,the author is Gannett,Ruth stiles.There are some illustrations in the book,in addition,the characters aren't so little so it's easy to read. It's a trilogy.

The books which Dahl Roald. wrote.He wrote 「Charlie and the chocolate factory」. It was made into a movie.

Though it is said that they are easy to read relatively, they are the English books in the original, so it may be difficult.If they are difficult to read,please change the books which you read.For example,Japanese fairy tales in English,Momotarou,Kaguyahime and so on. The important thing is to come in contact with a lot of English sentences and enjoy it.The more your abilities improve,the more you'll learn to want to read English book so much. It means your English abilities improve naturally,I'm sure😊

Have a good afternoom.See you later😁

No.430 10/04/08 09:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

To 高校生さん

Good morning.How are you?😃

I'm afraid my suggestions are too difficult for you.😔

How about studying English which you learned at a junior high school enough again.I think we mustn't make light of the English, for needless to say,a basis is important and when studying English,it's not an exception.🔤

How about going forward to the next level after that?

I apologize the difficult proposal for you.I'm sorry.🙏

I think you don't have to be impatiet, but you should make steady progress.😊

See you later. Have a nice day😁

No.431 10/04/08 17:42
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A technique of clone Ⅱ

It may be too early yet to apply the technique of the clone to us mankind, for various problems aren't solved yet, but the technique should be applied to the creatures which are verge of extinction.😃

We can say the technique of the clone is a new biotechnology which includes a possibility of applying to a variety fields.By the way,what kind of mechanism is the technique?☝

All the creatures,inclnding us mankind,they were born,succeeding to no less than about fifty thousand kinds of genes from their parents.👶

As for we inherit which of the gene of our parents happens by chance.Therefore some children who have completely different characters are born,even if their parents are the same.👶

Contrary to it,other children who are applied to the technology of the clone are born with almost the same genes which are about fifty thousand kinds.👶

To be continued.By😁

No.432 10/04/09 12:24
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A technique of clone Ⅲ

There is something which we should pay attention. Even if each of the childrens has the same characters of the genes when they are born,it'll often happen they grow differently each other utterly,according to the circumstance in which they grow,though they are born like an exact replica,concerning their outward appearance at least.👶

By the way,how do the genes transmit in the technique of the clone?We can classify two kinds of the ways of the reproduction,according to the way of the gene transmitting. One is a sexual reproduction and the other is asexual one.♈

The sexual reproduction is both of a male and female take part in the deeds and asexual one is they don't have to do it.♈

The way of the mammal of the reproduction,including us mankind,is the sexual one.We mankind inherit the genetic characters from our fathers and mothers because the genes of the both sexes participate in the children.💏

No.433 10/04/09 14:06
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A technique of the clone Ⅳ

Contrary to it, the children which they were born by the way of the technique of the clone is outcome of the asexual reproduction.👶

The parent who is the source of the childrens has only one sex,so the genetic characters transmit to its children exactly as it is.👶

The genes which is used for the technique of the clone is usually an early cell which generated immediately after being fertilized and the other cell which is taken out from an adult organism.👶

As for we use the cell which generated immediately after being fertilized,there is no doubt the child which has the same identical cells, but the it isn't born yet, so we can't estimate it's born with what kinds of genetic characters😔

To be continued.By😁

No.434 10/04/10 08:12
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A technique of clone Ⅴ

As to the trial of creating the clone of the mammals, it has been done since before, but the cells which were after being fertilized were adopted. It meant we couldn't estimate the youngs were born with what kinds of characters.💦

The clone of a sheep,Dolly,which was born in 1996 turned out to be a first precedent in which the cell of the adult organism was used in the world and it was paid attention from the whole world.㊗⁉

After that,we Japanese could succeed in creating the clones of a cow by the agriculture department of the Kinki university in 1998.🐮

The possibility of producing lots of cows which are good quality or can have plenty of milk occurs because of the success.🐮

The technique of the clone has lots of the merits,but at the same time,possessing the same identical genes means the youngs inherit demerits which will be easy to be sick,if the adults are apt to be ill.😥

To be continued.By😁

No.435 10/04/10 10:02
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A technique of clone Ⅵ

For example, if we create lots of the clones whose adults have contagious disease whic we don't know at all, we'll end up spreading out plenty of germs.😨

Even if the germs won't do harms to us mankind,we must be careful of a lot of the damage and treat the technique.It's still developing,concerning the safety of it,there are lots of things which we don't know about yet.From the ethical point of view,a variety of the laws of restricting the technique are proposed.😔

Having the same kinds of the problems and putting the technique into practice is a birth by in-vitro fertilization.👶

As to the birth,a variety of opinions used to flow back and forth and they calmed down lately, but then putting the technique into practice used to be regarded as questionable from the ethical point of the view.😔

To be continued.By

No.436 10/04/10 22:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A technique of clone Ⅶ and etc

It'll often happen that the ethical danger breaks out at the actual spot in the medical treatment,but needless to say,the technique of the clone has the possibility of be adopting in the lots of scene with more advanced studies😃

By the way,a person call itself 高校生 asked me how to be a wonderful English speaker,but I'm sure it's beyond my comprehension,for if I knew it, I would not take pains, though fortunately I can enjoy speaking English,even if it's just that I talk to myself,in addition I'm sure I have to study English harder.😔

Though I want give her or him some piece of useful advice, I couldn't.I don't know the person at all,so I'm afraid I can't give it apt advice.😔

Though I used to hate study when I was a student in a high school, I have wanted to study something lately.I couldn't decide to study,for I hated to see a situation in which I gave it up.😥

To be continued.By😁

No.437 10/04/10 23:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About myself and etc.

I've wanted lots of people to read my English diary, but I don't want them to do, for it's shameful. If I'm so, I don't have to speak, but at the same time I want somebody to listen to me. To my sorrow, I'm afraid I'm a chicken.😥

I've wanted to have something confident, so I've started to study English.🔤

I've never got married, so I have neither my wife nor child. I couldn't endure plenty of things. When being in a trouble, I would run away from them lots of times😫

In general,how can we have something confident? I'm sure a person who can overcome a hardship can win it. A timid person who escaped from the trouble like me couldn't win self-confidence, so I was forced to study English, for I desperately wanted to win the self-confidence.😔

I've learned to be able to speak English a little fortunately, but I'm sometimes worried about my English, for what is the use of studying English? 😔

No.438 10/04/10 23:52
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

About my English and etc.

Generally speaking, it's said that we aren't too old to study. I don't think it's always right. It depends, I'm sure.😔

I wanted to be a translator, but I'm not bright enough to do the job.😔

I wanted to be a instructor of a cramming school to make use of my English ability. As long as being a staff of a part-time job, I may be employed but I can't be adopted as a regular employee, for I've never been to university,moreover I'm too old to be adopted.😚

I would be an alcoholic or harmful to my health and be in hospital if I didn't study English at all. In addition,when speaking English, I can forget lots of things which I hate.Without English,my life would be dull. English seems to be useful for me a little,not to say very important.😚

To be continued.By😁

No.439 10/04/11 08:23
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A genome

A genome is a piece of information of a gene which almost all of the creature have.They have the gene,what is called DNA,in which the genetic information are recorded. One DNA which is connected with others is the genome😊

A German botanist who lived in Humberg invented the word of genome in 1920.He added the word of 「gene」 to another word of「 chromosome」,so the new word of 「genome」 is invented.😃

The genetic information is indispensable to define as the creature what it is.In short, even if the figure of it is different from us mankind,if the creature is made from a human genome, it's humankind in biology.😲

The number of the genes aren't always connected with the size of the genome,so the vegetation which has less number of the gene has big genome,contrary to it,insects have small genome,for it is said like that.When evolving,the creature turn the size of the genome into small.🌵

No.440 10/04/11 11:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A genomeⅡ

We humankind consists of no less than thirty billion genomes.We haven't known about the genome and the human genome so much.😚

The study of the human genome is being done so as to be useful for prevention,diagnosis and cure of lots of sickness.For example,there are two people.They are in the same situation, but the one is easy to be sick and the other isn't.🏥

When being sick,some people can recover from it quickly,others can't do so quickly. The genetic genes cause those phenonena.😷

We can get the information about which what kind of people are difficult to be ill or the mechanism of the people who can recover from the illness quickly by the studies of the genetic information.As the result of it,a new cure and medicine are invented. The studies of the genetic information will be important when a sickness which we don't know appears😊

To be continued.By😁

No.441 10/04/14 00:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An X ray

What kind of mecanism is an X ray which is known as Roentgen?Very few people know it.😃

The name of the Roentgen comes from the one of a German Dr. who discovered the X-ray in 1895. It was Madame Roentgen that took the X-ray for the first time in the world.We can see the X-ray in lots of books,even a ring was taken in the X-ray clearly,so we can find it's as high-powered as the contemporary one.😃

It was in the 20th century that an X-ray treatment was widely adopted. The treatment which took the X-ray of some hands, arms, and internal organs was learned to be adopted.An apparatus of roentgenoscopy in which barium was adopted was developed,it learned to be used for a diagnosis in which we look a person's stomach and blood circulation a fluoroscope.💉

To be continued.By😁

No.442 10/04/14 23:51
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An X-ray Ⅱ

The mechanism of the most popular X-ray is next one.We put the part of our body which is diagnosised between the appratus of X-ray and a film, so the appratus prints the image to the film and a docter can take the X-ray.😃

We adopt a sensitive plate to which senses the image to the X-ray.The X-ray turns the plate black, so the part which the X-ray gets through turns black and other part which the X-ray doesn't get through turns white,contrary to it, the X-ray gets through the skin,lung and muscle, so the plate turns black.😃

For a long time,when taking the X-ray, the films which consisted of such the part as the internal organ and brain weren't printed clearly, concerning the contrast of black and white,so it was hard for us to tell those color,for the X-ray got through the organs, but using a CT which was invented in England in 1973 solve the problems.👍

To be continued.By😁

No.443 10/04/16 03:23
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An X-ray Ⅲ and etc

The CT is known for a photograph which is taken a cross section of our bodies. The CT applys the X-rays to our bodies,turning around them.😃

With the invention and development of the CT, a technical composition of the three-dimentional image makes progress,so the daiagnoses for the sickness of the brain and the internal organ which has been difficult to do so far is making rapid progress.😲

By the way, a person asked me for advice. He or she seemed to wanted to be a splendid English speaker.I couldn't give the person accurate advice,for I'm not a wonderful English speaker yet, I'm sure I can't help it😔

I should have given the person more useful advice,for I could find some mistakes about the English of the person. I thought I found fault with him or her, but I should have pointed out the mistakes kindly.😔

It is no use crying over spilt milk.😫

No.444 10/04/16 04:22
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A treatment without pain

Almost all of the people have been thinking the treatment for our teeth have pain.When going to a dentist,we often hear the unpleasant sounds which are peculiar to the place,when we would rather go to home than we have our teeth treated.😭

In spite of it,an epoch-making treatment is originated. It has no pain.「Is it really」Everybody is anxious about it, but once we know a mechanism of it,we'll get rid of the anxiety.😁

A sense itself of the pain for the treatment of our teeth differs between ourselves actually.In this case,there seems to be two kinds of pain.😔

The one is the sense of the pain comes to our nerves and we feel the pain. The other is a fear for the pain often causes the real one.Even if increasing the amount of esthesia,we sometimes can't remove the pain thanks to the fear.😢

To be continued.By😁

No.445 10/04/16 05:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A treatment without pain Ⅱ

It is important for us to ask a dentist in who we have confidence so as to take away the anxiety from us.😃

The next thing is we need to have our teeth treated before they make worse.Even though we are treated in the situation which we have already a terrible toothache, we would end up remaining an inflammation of the decayed tooth,so we can't always get rid of the pain😢

As for a concrete treatment for the teeth without pain,there are some kinds.😃

When anesthetizing,a diameter of a hypodermic needle should be less.Compared with an ordinary one, the needle is one tenth.The less the diameter of it,the less the pain we have.As feeling the pain by the stimuli of the liquid of the esthesia, the temperature of the liquid is supposed as same as the one of our bodies we can.🙌

To be continued.By😁

No.446 10/04/16 20:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A treatment without pain Ⅲ

A variety of ways of scraping the place of the decayed teeth were worked out,except for the invention of the esthesia.We could learn to come up with various ideas of the tools and ways of scraping the decayed teeth,we have our teeth treated without increasing the fear, so the fear doesn't cause the pain.😊

There is another way of the treatment of spraying the decayed teeth with some minute powders and scraping.We are able to have our teeth treated without the esthesia,by adopting the way, so we hardly feel the pain, but we can't adopt the way to the decayed teeth which are the more inner part of the teeth.😔

As to the way of the treatment of the decayed teeth,there is one more way which is adopting a laser. We applied the laser to the decayed teeth and remove the affected part from us.A hole is left behind after applying the laser, so we stuff a filling into the cavity.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.447 10/04/16 21:20
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A treatment without pain Ⅳ

The part around the decayed teeth which is taken away with the laser has a merit. It's difficult to to be the decayed teeth.🙌

There is another treatment with medicine which melts the decayed teeth.The medicine reaches to the affected part effectively, so we scrape the decayed teeth in order to arrange the shape of them and scrape out the decayed teeth from us,melting them with the medicine.😃

We can't use our health insurance to some of the treatment, so it's a little expensive, but we can cure them without pain concerning the decayed teeth in an early stage.💸

A useful treatment without pain to the decayed teeth at the deep inner part isn't designed yet. It's important for us not to neglect a medical examination and try to discover the decayed teeth in an early stage.😉

To be continued.By😁

No.448 10/04/16 22:34
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A medical treatment with a virus

A cancer is learned to be said that we can't always cure it, but a specific remedy has never been invented yet,in addition, we say that it'll never have been done in the future.😔

There are still lots of people who have the cancer and die of it.Among of them,a breast cancer is a most dreadful illness which 1 in 25 people get.😨

Nowadays attention is being focused on the treatment with a virus for the cancer.In the treatment,we combine a gene which has an effect for the sickness with a virus which is harmless and send the virus to the inner of the cell of a patient and aim the improvement and complete recovery for the cancer.😃

The medical treatment with the virus has a variety of problems,so we can't put it to practical use.At first,there is a risk in which we give the patient an injection. If being infected with the virus all over its body,there will be danger which it may have another sickness.

No.449 10/04/17 12:36
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A treatment with a virus Ⅱ

Sometimes there seems to happen to a case in which the virus doesn't stay firmly in the cell of the patient.😔

The treatment with the virus for the cancer is making use of increasing the cell of the cancer and it leads the cell to perish. We expect the cancer cell is rooted out.😊

In a university, there is a team for research in the cancer. It established a venture business in order to develop a medicine which exterminate only the cell of the cancer. They tackle the difficult work squarely.💊

The medicine is a genetic cell. It's combined a enzyme of which origin is DNA with another one of which origin is cold.If the research in the medical treatment for the cancer is being carried out successfully, it will keep a possibility of being effective to such the sickness as a cold,athlete's foot like cancer, for as I told, the way of the medical treatment has never been established.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.450 10/04/17 22:36
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


We often hear a word of 「technology」,but what do we know about it?😃

The word of 「technology」 is a compound one. It means biology is combined with technology.We've started to use the word of 「technology」 since 1980s,so it seems to be new for us comparatively, but it's not.Actually the technology has been done so much in Japan for a long time.😁

For example,a cultivation and developing new varieties of plants. They are the kind of the biotechnology. Making food of fermentation which makes use of a bacteria is also the biotechnology to which we apply a natural force.😃

Among the food of fermentation,in particular,concerning the technology of the alcoholic drinks,beverage,we have tried lots of ways through all ages.🍷

It's said a microbe causes the fermentation in the middle of the 19th century,so we can find that we have made use of the biotechnology since an early stage.🍸

To be continued.By😁

No.451 10/04/17 23:29
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Among the biotechnology,especially we pay attention to a technique of clone and genetic recombination.There are plenty of food which show 「They aren't genetic recombination」, it means there are lots of people who don't admit the most advanced technology, but the more the safety and convenience of the technology are proved,the more we still adopt the biotechnology.😃

The technique to which we apply natural force of the creature isn't only the food.For instance,making use of one of the biotechnology,「Shining leaves of plant」 appear.We incorporate the gene of a firefly into the leaves of the plants.🌱

If taking advantage of them effectively,we may use them in place of outdoor lamps.If it's put to practical use, it won't be only cutting down the consumption of electricity but also it'll create a romantic direction.☺

To be continued.By😁

No.452 10/04/18 21:20
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

BiotechnologyⅢ and etc

The technique of the genetic recombination like those are regulated by some laws partially,for we expect it has serious effects on the variety of life but it's sure the technique has made more progress than before.😃

It's not a dream yet that the worlds like an SF film will be created,taking advantage of the biotechnology.😊

By the way,I used to go to an English language school,GABA.All the desk staff at the school were kind to me.They encouraged me to study English. I sometimes asked them for some piece of advice even after I had finished receiving all the lessons, but they answered kindly,so I'm very grateful to all of them.🙏

I'm going to speak about the school.They adopt a system of one-to-one.When receiving lessons,a student and instructor of a native speaker in a booth. One lesson is 45 minutes.We spend our lessons,speaking only English🔤

To be continued.By😁

No.453 10/04/18 22:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The English language school

When receiving lessons,the students are forced to talk and think only in English, so I'm sure the system improves their English abilities.😃

One of a strong points of the system is we can receive the lessons with our own pace.If each of us take the lesson with others,we'll have to study English at the same pace.😔

Even if we want to study more quickly than the other,we can't.Contrary to it, if the English abilities of the others are by far better than us, I'm afraid we can't keep up with them.😥

In my case I was worried about other thing.I used to feel too shy to speak English in front of lots of people so much but we don't have to worry about it in the one-to-one system.😁

There is an equipment of an internet in all the booth.When receiving our lessons, it's helpful for us. For instance,let's suppose an instructor said a word which we didn't know at all, but the internet showed us it.😁

No.454 10/04/18 23:39
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Contrary to a CT which is adopted an X-ray,we hope an MRI is very safe,for a radioactive material isn't adopted to it.Moreover another merit of it is that we don't have to use a contrast medium,it's a barium,so we don't have to worry about the side effects.😉

As to a diagnosis,compared to the CT, the MRI has one more strong point.In the case of the X-ray,some bones prevent us from examining, but we can see the affected area clearly with the MRI.👏

The nature of the image itself of the MRI is different from the ones of the X-ray. The X-ray has a fault like this.We see the affected area with the X-ray and judge the condition. If the conditions don't change for the worse and a tumor doesn't become big, we won't be able to judge the condition😔

As to the MRI,we can see the images of the thickness of the metabolic matter and the movement of the molecule with the appratus.

To be continued.By😁

No.455 10/04/19 16:18
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


Therefore we can examine the patient,looking at the metabolism and the flow of the blood of it,so we can do an early medical examination and treatment and discover an illness quickly.😊

The MRI makes use of nucleis of the hydrogen which is included in the human bodies.It is said that about 70 percent of the human body is water.In short it means about 70 percent of it is the atomic nuclear of a hydrogen. It's proton. I'm going to make unnecessary addition about the atomic nuclear,for I'm confused about it.😔

We often call the atomic nuclear 「nuclear」 simply. It consists of some atoms and electrons. It's in the center of the atom and the one of the hydrogen consists of one proton and the others consist of some protons and neutrons.🙌

As for the hydrogen, the atomic nuclear consists of one proton,so we call it proton, I'm sure.👍

When putting the proton in an electromagnetic wave, the proton absorbs an energy.

No.456 10/04/19 18:40
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


When stopped giving off the micromagneticwave, the proton tries to return to its former state,emitting the energy which the proton once absorbed.We manage the energy which the proton radiated with a computer, and the thing which is caught as the image appears as one of the MRI.😃

We can judge whether or not the patient is healthy by the way of decreasing the energy of the proton when the proton releases the energy which it once absorbed.😊

For example,if being a cell of a cancer,it'll prevent the energy from emitting,so releasing the energy becomes slow. The speed of decreasing the energy of a healthy person is faster than the other person who is suffered from the cancer.☝

The MRI is different from the CT and X-ray, so we can guess the situation of the cell itself with the MRI, so we can make use of it for such a sickness as a dementia and a mental illness.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.457 10/04/19 19:45
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A nanotechnology

A nanotechnology is a technique which we change a thing into little one,remained maintaining its advantage. The word itself of 「nanotechnology」 appeared in Japan in 1974🎊

We Japanese had never taken advantage of the nanotechnology positively until in 2001,for a president of the U.S.A.declared the technology as an aim of a study of national strategy then,as the result of it, the nanotechnology became one of the fields which we makes a study most actively in Japan😃

There are some merits of developing the technology and needless to say,turning the whole size of the goods into little is the most wonderful.For instance,let's take a case of a transistor of an electric circuit which is used in PC. If we can change the size of it into a tenth,we'll be able to cut down the size of the computer itself,electric power and the amount of the generation of the heat.🙆

To be continued.By😁

No.458 10/04/20 08:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A nanotechnology Ⅱ

As to the nanotechnology,there are mainly two kinds of the ways.😃

The one is that we reorganize the atoms of material and turn it compact.The other is that we combine with each of the atoms.We adopt the way of a lithography in which light is used,and the other way in which we operate the atoms and molecules with a microscope is going to be established.In this case,when watching the movement of the atoms with our naked eyes,we adopt an electronic microscope.😊

We know few things about the technique in which we mankind operate the atoms and molecules directly and changed the nature of the matter. Moreover there is a fear of the technique is made bad use,but if taking advantage of it effectively, it has a possibility of making a great contribution to us the humanbeings.🎊

To be continued.By😁

No.459 10/04/20 17:01
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A capsule of high atmospheric pressure

A capsule of oxygen became the talk a few years ago.Some people may remember it which a pitcher of a baseball player of a high school used it in the Koshien.We call him ハンカチ王子😃

In short,it means that absorbing more oxygen than we breathe as usual by spending our time,lying in the capsule in which the atmospheric pressure is high for a while.😃

Plenty of the oxygen spread all over the body because we can absorb the chemical element which is united with a hemoglobin in the blood and the other element which is melted in the blood and body fluid.The other ones are easy to spread over lots of capillary vessel.We can absorb those two kinds of the elements effectively in the capsule,so the lots of the oxygen prevail all over our body.😃

It's said that the capsule is effective for recovering from a

No.460 10/04/21 18:13
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A capsule of high atmospheric pressure Ⅱ

An oxygen bar which used to be popular among us is the one which we call the united type of the oxygen.It means that we can take in a kind of oxygen which spreads all over our bodies by uniting with the hemoglobin.☀

With the oxygen bar,the oxygen travel around our bodies with the hemoglobin,so we can't take in more amount of oxygen than the amount of hemoglobin physically.Therefore when we want to take in the oxygen to our bodies quickly, it doesn't end up beimg efficient.😔
(I'm not sure of the 「oxygen bar」. I looked up the word in my dictionary, but there is no word which corresponds to. My excuse is I'm not a specialist at all.I translated it word for word. I can't help it😥)

Contrary to it,with the capsule of high atmospheric pressure, we can take in a kind of melting oxygen which is easy to get through the capillary to our bodies, so we can bring in more oxygen than as usual.👍

No.461 10/04/22 12:31
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A capsule of high atmospheric pressure Ⅲ

In addition,when adopting the capsule, we don't have to worried about the amount of the hemoglobin,so it's also effective.😃

It is said that a master of yoga takes in the type of the melting oxygen effectively by raising the pressure of its lung.It's one of the invention which we take in the oxygen more effectively, efficiently.😊

Bringing in the oxygent simply doesn't spread over the chemical element all over our bodies easily.😔

The capsule of high atmospheric pressure which is useful for recovery from the fatigue is the one with which we can take in the oxygen effectively.😃

By the way, I don't know anything about the technology. It's just that I say a book which expresses technology in English. I got it at a 「book off」 with 300 yen. It's just a second hand book. I'm sure the book pays enough, I can't say about even half contents of the book in English.😚

No.462 10/04/22 14:57
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A discomfort index

A weather forecast is connected with our daily life closely. It announces a discomfort index in every summer, but how do we calculate the index?☀☀☀☀

In short,it means that the index is a sensible temperature for a muggy,or sultry weather,and we thought up it in 1959 and we learned to use it after two years.How to calculate the way of it is hard a little and it's like this😊

The comfort index = (a temperature of Y + the other one of Z) ×0.72+40.6.The temperature of Y is the one which we take with a thermometer.We cover a little red ball in the thermometer with a damp cloth and measure the temperature of it. It's Z.😃

When the air is dried up,the moisture of the cloth evaporates rapidly, so the temperature of Z becomes by far lower than the one of Y.Then the index turns also low. When being 75%,we feel it's hot a little. When being 85%,we think we can't endure it any more.😚

No.463 10/04/22 18:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An artificial waves

The pool where there are surging some waves.Nowadays every pool rises some waves as if they were genuine.We can expect to enjoy swimming.🏊

As to the ways of rising the artificial waves,there are lots of kinds,according to the types of the waves.🙌

In the case of the waves of 1 meter with which we can surf,we drop some water which we draw it to a tank from a high place without a rest.We turn the potential energy which the tank has into kinetic one and rises the waves🌊

In the case of the other small waves for swimming now and then,shaking some boards leaning in the water or giving up-and-down motion to some other boards which are put pararell to the surface of the water and some waves rise.🌊

Both of the waves are white waves like the ones in the sea.When turning the depth into shallow,the speed of the water which surged from the open sea slows down at the bottom because of rubbing.🌊

No.464 10/04/24 15:58
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )


I'm not good at be sociable with others.I don't live in an uninhabited island,so I'm forced to meet with them, even if I feel it troublesome.😔

By the way, I have wanted to play a musical instrument with the others. As a matter of course, I'm sure I can learn to play it well as long as I practise it enough, but playing in a concert is more splendid than playing a solo on the instrument, for if I succeed in playing in the concert and my musical performance is in harmony with others, I will be fascinated by it.😍

If one of us stands out too much, I'm sure the musical performance isn't successful very much.💦

On the other hand,if each of our musical instrument isn't clear, it's not also successful, I'm sure.💩

I wish I could be in harmony with the others in my everyday life like a good musical performance.😥

To be continued.By😁

No.465 10/04/24 17:27
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A firefly

A firefly which flies with its hip twinkling at a riverside and a mountain in a summertime.The insect has an organ of emitting light at its stomach, and a substance of the cell of emitting light is made.🌟

A acid and a magnesium act at the cell and a medium metabolic matter is made.It connects with the oxygen in the air and it's oxidized and emits the yellow light.🎆

As to the chemical reaction with which we are surprised,a kind of enzyme works as a catalyst and it turns the scientific energy into the one of the light.It doesn't become the one of the heat,so we don't burn with the light of the insect.🙆

It is said that there used to be some scientists who tried to create the light by us mankind and they continued to study it, but we've never heard of their success.😔

To be continued.By😁

No.466 10/04/25 12:50
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A quick-drying glue

An origin of a glue is a long time ago and it dates back to the Stone age when we humankind started to use a tool. As for the tools,it seems that with using asphalt,an arrowhead was fixed to a branch of a tree and with using japan,an earthen ware was repaired.😃

The asphalt was adopted in the Babylonia in ancient time and the japan was used in ancient Egypt.In Japan,when putting together a husuma and shoji of an architecture representative of a nobleman's residence, it means what is called 寝殿造り,a starchy glue was used.😃

We have adopted the things like the glue since a long time ago, but why do each of the things stick to with the glue?😚

A principle of the glue is complicated and it's hard to express in a word.😔

The glue goes in the tiny holes of the faces and congeals,the things stick to each other.We call it a mechanical unite.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.467 10/04/25 17:08
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A quick-drying glue Ⅱ

The two faces stick to eacg other with some molecures of the glue by a chemical reaction of a covalent bond and hydrogen bond.🙌

The covalent bond is a glue of being stable by which the two atoms possess an electron, but it's too hard for me to express it any more.Sorry.We call the chemical reaction a chemical intdraction.😥

Each of the molecures of the two faces are pulled each other by an attractive force and the two faces glue.We call it a physical interaction and it is said that the force between the molecures is the principle of the glue but the force of the glue isn't so strong. The glue seems to stick to the things with those three elements.👍

The glue has a variety of kinds and roughly speaking,there are two kinds of it.An inorganic one and organic one.Cement and the ceramics are inorganic.Strictly speaking,The organic one has two kinds.A natural one and be compounded one.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.468 10/04/26 23:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A quick-drying glue Ⅲ

The natural ones of the organic of the glue include the starch and asphalt which we used since ancient times and the ones which we usually adopt are be compounded glue.😃

The quick-drying glue is one of the be compounded ones.The glue contains acrylic as its raw materials,but why does the adhesive glues a thing together in an instant?😚

「The quick-drying glue's component is an organic compound which is low viscous liquid,so it reacts to the moisture in the air momentary and becomes hard,as the result of it, the liquid congeals and glues the two things together.」😃

By the way,though I've said about the glue,pretending to know everything about it,actually I know few things about it.In particular,I can't understand the parts 「」 of the description.「The component is low viscous liquid.」It means the matter isn't so sticky, but if it's not,why does it react like that? To my sorrow,I'm not so bright.I'm sorry for it😥

No.469 10/04/28 16:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A bulletproof vest

Nowadays cases of fired have occurred frequently, so a bulletproof vest is paid more attention.Though it doesn't mean that an ordinary person wears it so as to do self-defense, it'll be a necessary article for a policeman.By the way,what's the material of it?👮

Most of people may think it's made of such the hard stuff as a suit of armor and a shield,but it's actually just that lots of clothes are piled up so much that the vest becomes very thick.The weight of it is no more than 20 kilogram and it's not so hard as a metal or plastic🔫

A secret that it prevents a bullet from going through is a fiber which is used for its material. It's a kind of a nylon.😲

The material is different from another ordinary nylon, and its molecures line up in a row toward the fiber. The power of the molecules pulling is five times as strong as copper so the vest can receive the bullet as if it were a cushion.🔫

To be continued.By😁

No.470 10/04/28 17:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

My poor English and etc.

I said that a bulletproof vest is 「no more than 20 kilogram」,but in general,I'm afraid the weight isn't so light in our everyday life,especially when wearing it with us and lead our daily lives,😔

I'm sure a member of riot police is heavily equipped.Comparing the member,the police who wears the bulletproof vest finds it light.Maybe😚

I've heard a Japanese proverb that some blind people touch an elephant.For example,let's suppose a blind person touched its tail, and the other patted its foot and another one stroked its trunk. I'm sure they'll have each of the different images for the animal.To my sorrow,my poor English for the technology takes after it.I can't make out the subject exactly,for the guy who tries to describe the technology has nothing to do with the most advanced technology.I can't help it😚

To be continued.By😁

No.471 10/04/28 18:19
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

The six sense

It is often said that science is almighty, but we can't solve a secret of the six sense.We have the five organs of sense.The sense of sight,hearing,smell,taste, and touch,but we seem to have another sense. It's the six sense.😃

We can't explain it to you with the science, but we lead our everyday life with an intuition.Generally speaking,we think what it really is like a next thing.😊

It's not the six sense but judging information by an unconscious function.We're not always be conscious of the information which we can get from the five sensory organ,but we send it for our brains with unconscious.😃

We sometimds judge something with all the unconscious information, and then for the life of us,we can't explain it. It's connected with a depth psychology.We thought it strange for a long time,and as the result of it,we learned to think that there is the six senth which is differdnt one from the five organs of sense.😊

No.472 10/04/29 06:41
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A certification of a living body

Instead of a persnnal identificational card,it is such what is called a certification of a living body as the one of a fingerprint that we've paid more attention lately.😊

It's a way of the personal certification which adopts information of human physical characteristic or feature of its behavior.😊

We've certificated some personalities,collating with the information which the personal news has already turned into a database,but we sometimes ended up not attesting even ourselves,for both a password and PIN go bad and welose them,in addition that there is a fear which someone makes bad use of them, for the information may be stolen or leaked.😔

If being the information of the living body,there are little danger of it. Even if a criminal tries cheat its skin or face by an orthopedic surgery,changing its fingerprint is quite difficult.👍

To be continued.By😁

No.473 10/04/29 09:58
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A certification of a living body Ⅱ

The certification of the living body is being adopted for a luxury apartment,a card for a bank and a passport at the moment, but it doesn't mean the certification of the living body doesn't have a problem.😔

For example,there are some people who got injured or are the handicapped by nature,so they can't use the certification,moreover the problem of a durability is also pointed out.When using it for a long time,an appratus for the certification may be in trouble and we may not use it😥

In addition,if by any chance the certification is reprinted,we can't change the information of the living body, so we end up not being able to improve its safety.We expect it'll be improved so much.😊

By the way, the certification of the living body which is put to practical use has several kinds.

To be continued.By😁

No.474 10/04/29 21:53
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A certification of a living body Ⅲ

The certification which we make use of so much in our daily lives is the one of a fingerprint.We use it for an Automated Teller Machine,what we call ATM,at a bank and when loging in to a PC and using a cellphone,we press our fingertip and certify.☝

Nowadays a venous certification which reads the shape of the blood vessels in the palm has appeared and some people adopt the certification of a retina when they make a deal about a top secret information.They seem to be engaged in an enterprise or public institution.✋👀

Those certifications aren't only adopted separately,but also we make use of them,putting together each of them.The ways of the certification seem to increase from now on, but the information for the certification of the living body has a definite rule.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.475 10/04/30 11:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A certification of a living body Ⅳ

The rule isn't only a physical character which all the people possess, but also it's differet from other's.For instance,as to the fingerprint,though all of the people have it,they possess each of the different one.☝

Secondly,it never does change when time passes. For example,as for our hairs,height, and weight,the more we grow or time passes,the more they change,therefore they aren't the thing which are determined the individual.😚

I may add that some people say identical twins have same physical character completely, but the twins own such the different information as the fingerprint,iris,retina,so we can do the certification of the living body.👏

The physical charccter isn't only the way of the certification.There is information which we tell some people apart.The thing which we know well is a handwriting.📝

To be continued.By😁

No.476 10/05/01 01:11
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A certification of a life body Ⅴ

We judge the individual with a track,speed,or strength of a brushstroke when the person writes.In general,most of people may think we judge the individual with a form of a character of the handwriting, but it's not always any key to the certification.😚

It isn't hard for us to forge the handwriting of others.Moreover if a right-handed person writes something with its left hand,the handwriting will be a different one,comparing to the ordinary one.Therefore we need to make sure not only the handwriting but also the state when the person writes.📝

We've done the certification of the life body for a long time, but it's not always reliable,for having done it for a long time means that a lot of countermeasures against it were also being invented.😚

As for the certification with behaviors, the way of judging the speed and timing when we type keyboards and movements of our lips when we speak.😚

No.477 10/05/02 20:21
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A certification of a life body Ⅵ

As to a safety,is the certification of life body all right?In general,it is said that this certification is the most secure one which we certify the individual, but it doesn't always become safe.To our surprise, it seems to appear a way of getting around the certification with little money.😱

For instance,the way of managing to get around the certification with an artificial finger of gelatin or the way of getting around the certification of iris with a paper one are reported.😨

As to the venous certification,to our dismay,the way of getting around with an artificial finger which is made from a Japanese white radish,but as to the way of artificial finger,we register it to data and we can certify it with the data,so it wasn't the actual occurrence that the artificial one can get around the certification.😚

To be continued.By😁

No.478 10/05/02 21:25
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A certification of a life body Ⅶ and etc

Though these countermeasure against the certification of the life body is need to do unusual behavior at the actual spot, so the criminals are forced to take a risk.😚

Whenever a variety of the certification appear,some villains think of the way of breaking throtgh them.In the end,I'm afraid it end up being a spiral of protection and cheating, but developing the certification of the life body will continue as the most effective way of protecting the individual informgtion.😃

By the way, I'm wondering most of the people in Japan enjoy long day off,what is called Golden Week.I wish I could travel abroad,in particular to the Western.I love to go to Mont-Saint-Michel. It's said to be a pyramid in the sea.🌅

I've described the technology in a book and I've never finished it, but when reading a book about the world heritage, I'm fascinated with them,so I'm apt to become to express them.😍

No.479 10/05/03 08:03
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A fermentativefood

In short,a fermentation is to propagate a microbe to food and makes the element of it change by its work.As for a mechanism,it's similar to decaying,but we call an effective one for us human the fermentation.😃

The fermentative foods seem to be rotten at first sight. For instance,lots of foreigners appear to regard a fermented soybeansrotten when they see the food for the first time.Contrary to it,there is a different action of the fermentgtion from the rotten one. The way of making teas ferment is an action of an enzyme of the leaves.🍵

In general,the fermentative food is decayed one,so it's liable to give off a stench.A dried horse mackerel has such the pungent smell as a chemical substance,therefore some people love it so much,but others hate it awfully.😚

To be continued.By😁

No.480 10/05/03 10:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A fermentative food Ⅱ

The most well known fermentative thing is such a liquor as a sake.As for the liquor,original ones are produced all over the world. The alcoholic fermentation isn't always adopted for only the liquor,but it is used for such the sprouted fermination as making bread.🍞

We adopt a small number of specific microbe for the alcoholic fermentation,but we sometimes make use of some other a variety of the microbe. The famous fermentative food in Japan is a fermented soybean paste,miso.There are lots of taste and aroma,according to plenty of combination of the microbes,so we often say each of the families differen taste.A kimchi which is famous for the Korean seems to be same.😃

There is an example which has developed such the preserved food as the dried horse mackerel,we take advantage of the tolerance the microbe for decaying,but there aren't few preserved food which doesn't keep fresh so long.We should be careful of it😔

No.481 10/05/04 10:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An internet

Some scientific techniques from which arise warfare play active role in a variety of field.Some of them are difficult for us to see that they developed from a terrible weapon. I'm going to introduce those inventions from which evolve the military technique to you.🚀

The Pentagon of the U.S.A. studied and developed a model of an internet in 1969.Three relaying telephone bases were exploded in the state of Utah in 1961 and the line codes of the national defense was forced to stop completely for a while.🇺

The Pentagon seemed to think that they couldn't deal effectively with that tense situation by the communication system which they had adopted for a long time.😥

As the result of it, the United States Air Force started developing a network which was prepared for the attack against its central part from the hostile country. ☝

To be continued.By😁

No.482 10/05/04 11:14
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An internetⅡ

With the connected way of the network,they could communicate and exchanged for information,avoiding the broken part.After that,connecting to a network at a university and putting it to a practical use went ahead.💻

In the beginning of its development, it was just that connecting to the network of the Pentagon, but an ordinary member of the study made a bases of the network and the basis were connected with lots of large computers at a variety of organization and they developed the system of the network of a worldwide scale.💻

Running a piece of article in a magazine in 1994 has started to let us know the network for an individual.I may add that the head manager of the department which developed the network seemed to protest against a publishing company of its magazine formally.😠

To be continued.By😁

No.483 10/05/05 09:32
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An internet Ⅲ

After that,members who studied a physical elementary particle created a foundation of the present communication system,what we call 「World Wide Web」 at the border between France and Switzerland in 1991.They also thought of such the system as 「HTTP」 and 「HTML」.💻

「HTTP」 is an agreement for receiving and transmitting records and data on the internet.😃

「HTML」 is language for description for the records on the internet,but I'm not sure of the 「HTML」.We are Japanese,so we use Japanese.As to the 「HTML」,I'm wondering if it means common language for the interndt.Is it English or other different language?I'm too shy to ask somebody it.😔

The project was taken over from the public institution to private companies and the internet spread out more and more by an appearance of the Windows95.😃

To be continued.By😁

No.484 10/05/05 12:38
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An internet Ⅳ and etc

In the beginning when the Windows95 appeared,we regarded the difference of the compatibility as quesionable owing to the different standards,according to its maker, but it becomes to be settled gradually with the people who make use of the internet increasing.💻

A problem which is from now on, the connections are uneven, according to the countries and the areas. It doesn't seem to be few developing countries in which some internet cafes are only places to communicate with the overseas on the internet.💻

By the way,my English diary approaches to the end. I hope to improve my English ability,though it's almost talking to myself.I'm sure I'm not good at associating with others, I think I can't help it.😚

In general,being sociable is important for the people who work in a company, but I've never regarded it as necessory,for some people may call me stubborn or eccentric, but I'm not worried about it😊

No.485 10/05/06 08:16
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A car navigation system

It is said that the saturation level of a car navigation system is 50% at present.There may be some people who can't drive without the system.🚗

The system didn't used to be accurate and delicate guide like the ones which we adopt nowadays,especially in the beginning when the system had started to developing.😔

When passing some time after driving,we often had to turn it in exactly.Moreover, we had to detect the engine speed in order to measure the distance to a destination,therefore,when going aboard a ferry with the car,we had to readjust it.😣

In the case of the system which was adopted only GPS,we used to be limited to adopt the one which made a margin error of more than 100 meter when a private citizen used it because of a military purpose.It ended up limited the accuracy of the system.🚗

To be continued.By😁

No.486 10/05/06 09:37
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A car navigation system Ⅱ

Nowadays the car navigation system has learned to lead us exactly,reading topographical information which is recorded with a CD-ROM and DVD-ROM,and we can get information about a traffic jam.🚗

The GPS is the mechanism of the system which shows us an exact route. The GPS receives information from an artificial satellite and we can see a precise position of our cars with the information.🙌

The GPS was originally developed for the militgry purpose by the U.S.A.It's partially open to the public.The accuracy of it is gone down on purpose so as not to making bad use of it, as to its precision,we receive the information which makes a margin of error within about 50 neters.😚

We can't see the position of our cars with the system between tall buildings,in a tunnel and under an overhead railway.🚗

To be continued.By

No.487 10/05/07 21:08
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A car navigation system Ⅲ and etc

Cars which have mechanism of sensing their mileage by their speed or their slanting situation increase in order to do away with the problem.🚗

In addition, to our surprise,a car which has another wonderful mechanism appeared. When driving,the driver can match its car on the road on the map with the system and the person can certainly drive the road.🙋

It may be difficult that an accurate car navigation system appears, but the industry of the system seems to devnlop day after day.😃

By the way,not to change the subject,it's said that being sociable with others is important,in particular,for salaried workers,though I don't think so.In my case,my private time after the work in a factory is more important than being sociable with others.😜

When wanting to drink with others, I'll do but if I don't want to do it, I'll never do it.The important thing isn't being sociable but my own feelings.😚

No.488 10/05/07 22:29
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Laser beams

A laser is an artificial lignt which is created by a transmitter. In short, a mechanism of it is setting up a thing between two mirrors in the light and turning electrons of the light into powerful energy and taking advantage of it effectively.😃

If taking off one of the mirrors which faces to the other,the energy will be given off and it'll change into a laser beam.If the light at the mirror is maintained,it'll become a stable beam.😃

According to a kind of the thing between the mirror,we can sort out the laser with some kind.If the thing is a solid body,「a laser of a solid matter」 will be created.🌟

As to the word of 「a laser of a solid matter」,I'm not sure of it,though I looked up the Japanese word of 「固体レーザー」 in my dictionary as usual,there is no word which is equivalent for it,so I ended up translate the phrase word for word.I used the word of 「translate」,but my poor English isn't like that any more. 😳

No.489 10/05/09 02:09
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Laser beamsⅡ

I call the laser 「The laser of the solid matter」 for the convenience's sake.As for the laser,a crystal of ores are often adopted. The typical things is the ones which adopt the crystal of garnet or aluminium.It gives off light of infrared rays. It also emits green light and ultraviolet rays by controling the wavelength of the light.We adopt the laser for welding metal mainly🙋

The ones which we adopt such liquor as an organic solvent is 「the laser of liquid.We melt the molecule of pigment in the organic solvent and create the laser so as to distinguish the colors of the rays.🌟

Its advantage is that we can turn the wavelength of the laser itself long and short with the difference of the pigment.We adopt the laser such a medical treatment of an actual spot for a birthmark.🏥

The ones which we adopt gaseous body is 「the laser of gas」. The typical one is the laser which we adopt carbon dioxide.🏥

To be continued.By😁

No.490 10/05/09 03:05
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

Laser beamsⅢ

I call the one 「the laser of gas」 for the sake of convenience, and we adopt it for such a cosmetic surgery as getting rid of a mole and a painless medical treatment for our teeth.🏥

Nowadays we often adopt a laser of a semiconductor,which is one of「 the laser of the solid matter」. We call it another name of 「a diode of the laser」 and it doesn't have long wavelength and we use it for such the easy work as reading CD or DVD💿

If looking at the laser with our naked eyes,I'm sure it'll be a danger of losing our eyesight,so we must pay attention to it.We often some people who use a kind of mask to protect their faces from the laser when they weld in a factory or a construction site.😨

By the way, it's midnight.I'm so sleepy that I'm going to bed.Good night.👋

To be continued.By😁

No.491 10/05/09 13:01
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A rader

A mechanism of a rader is giving off an electromagnetic wave at a thing and we can see the shape,situation, and distance to it by measuring the reflected wave which returns from the thing.📡

In the beginning when we develop the rader,the equipment used to show the shape of the waves in an electric measuring instrument, it's an oscilloscope like an electrocardiogram.

The rader has learned to show such the useful things as topographical information and records of a database.With the rader, it's mainly useful to see the position of a ship or airplane and to grasp such information as the amount of precipitation.☔

A question why a bat can fly in the dark was a start of inventing the rader.We could understand tht the animal itself emitted supersonic waves and caught the reflected sound,so it could fly without bump against a thing, and we applied it for a combat plane.✈

To be continued.By😁

No.492 10/05/09 14:08
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A rader Ⅱ

It was an air force of England and Germany that the people made use of the equipment at once from 1930s to 1940s.It was used for an air raid,but it didn't seem to be useful when raining,for the reflected waves were almost absorbed.😫

Contrary to it,a japanese rader used to be wonderful,concerning directivity and it was epoch-making. It was mainly very favorable in Europe and the United States and it was an opportunity of making progress the technique of the each country.🇺🇬

It was an irony that the Japanese army weren't interested in it, and the American army which waged war against Japan with the rader won some victories at a variety of the naval battle in the Pacific.🇺

We apply the rader with a vacuum tube to a satellite dish of TV after the war, but the rader hasn't changed so much since those days.Considering it,the technique in those days seemed to be completed perfectly.📡

To be continued.By😁

No.493 10/05/10 21:33
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A code

Words which are comprehensible to the specific people,it means codes,have been adopted at the battlefield for a long time.As to ways with which we don't get a content of a document divulge,there is a code others can't decipher and concealing the document itself.😚

The most simple way of hiding the record itself is swallowing it,sewing it on the back of a belt and another one is tattooing the information on a person's head and conceal it by growing hair.😨

As for the kinds of the code,hiding the specific words and a large-scale one which the whole words turm into code.There were「 the code of lui ⅩⅣ」 and a small code of Napoleon in the past.👆

I'll make unnecessory addition. The word of 「Lui ⅩⅣ」 means 「ルイ 14世」.As for the spell of the 「Lui」, I'm sure I'm in the wrong. The dictionary doesn't always have all of the words which we use. It's my excuse.😚

To be continued.By😁

No.494 10/05/10 22:58
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A code Ⅱ

It seems to have passed a long time since we used the code.It's said its origin was thousands of years ago.In the beginning, the way used to be a simple one with a pencil and a piece of paper, but a complicated one with an electronic machine has appeared since around 1900s.📝

The way of concealing information among a correspondence was developed in the time of World War Ⅱ.The code is describing the correspondence with a specific rule,regardless of the meaning of the sentencs, it may be the most ordinary image for the code.😃

A technique of the code which used to be the one of the most important secret of the nation was opened to the public and it caused to appear a complex code which we call modern code.🎉

To be continued.By😁

No.495 10/05/13 01:29
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A code Ⅲ

With an improvement of such an elecronic technique as IC,we can protect our information by taking advantage of the code which is possible for a layman to cancel when logging in our passwords to the computer or turning talking over a cellphone into codes since at that time.😃

The codes have been adopted so much for a long time owing to its nature.For example, a telegram which became code was a start which the U.S.A.joind in the First World War or deciphering the codes of the Nazi Germany was one of the reasons which hastened to finish the First World world.🎊

By the way, I'm going to say about turning talking over the cellphone. I'm wondering if it means we talk with the code. The most advanced technology is too hard for me to describe.😚

No.496 10/05/14 19:07
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A chemical insecticide

Do you know that we use lots of kinds of insectsides nowadays which are similar to a gas poison?If knowing it,we may hesitate to use it,but when there is a such a time of out of control as growing plenty of insects,it's effective,so we should make use of the pesticide well.🐝

As to the insecticide which are used for the elements of the gas poison,the most famous one is a DDT which is an organic chloric. It's used to be useful for getting rid of vermin or endemic diseases which were carried insects when being lack of insect powder plants which were adopted to make the mosquito repellent at the time of the World War Ⅱ.🐝

After the war,a variety of dangers were pointed out for using the thing as the agriculture chemicals,but the people who made much of being economical adopt it for the agriculture.😔

To be continued.By😁

No.497 10/05/14 20:17
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A chemical insecticideⅡ

After all,using the substance was prohibitted in Japan at 1971 because a variety of effects on the human bodies appeared.The one which resembles the DDT so much in Japan has effect on the nervous action like the DDT.The pesticide is known as one of endocrine disrupter.😥

An organic phosphoric acid which became famous at the case of what is called 地下鉄サリン is used for the element of the pesticide.Needless to say,the ones for the agricultural chemical aren't more poisonous than the sarin, but as to the action of it, it's as same as the sarin.It prevents us transmitting with the nervous and it causes us to be dead.😨

When describing like those, the organic phosphoric acid seems to be terrible, but to our surprise, it's safe without taking it in the human bodies.😉

There are lots of environmental hormone which the Ministry of the Environment points out among the present pesticide.😔

To be continued.By😁

No.498 10/05/14 23:44
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

A chemical insecticide Ⅲ and etc.

Among the insectcides, the ones which even a little amount of it have effect on the human bodies contain. They're beimg sold as the ones which don't have any effect on the human bodies, but we can't declare the worst thing happens,so we should be careful lest children or pets swallow and lick the plants with which the pesticide is sprayed.😔

I'm going to describe an endocrine disrupter. Such the industrial products as plastic or the pesticide have it and the disrupter pretends to be a hormone and disturb the reproduction and the sexual development of the creature.😥

We've known that such about 70 kinds of thing as a dioxin,a DDT or PCB are the environmental hormone so far.😥

At first, the hormone connects with a thing with which deals in the blood so as to function.In short, if being a female hormone,there is a receptor which always connects with only the female hormone, but…

To be continued.By😁

No.499 10/05/15 11:41
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

An endocrine disrupter

The endocrine disrupter connects with the receptor of the female hormone as if the disrupter were the female hormone and put the original balance of the hormone out of order.😔

It was a Danish professor that he served warning to the environmental hormone at his thesis on the English journal in 1992.When researching 15 thousand of healthy men who lived in 20 countries in the world, and we knew the number of their sperms reduced by half and the amount of it decreased to three-fourths of the origimal ones and the professor pointed out the relation with the endocrine disrupter.😔

Moreover some examples of the animals which happened transsexualism reproduction disorder were reported.😔

To be continue,though it's just that only one times is left,by😁

No.500 10/05/15 12:29
蚤野心蔵 ( 40代 ♂ IJ7P0b )

As to my English diary,everything went well🎊

At last this moment when this diary is over comes to me. To be honest, I was wondering if I gave up writing this diary several times,but some people encouraged me to continue it,so I could carry it on so far.😊

I'm grateful to all of the people who supported me, so I want to express my thanks for their kindness.Thank them very much🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

There are some English books which I want to read, so I'm afraid I may not keep a English diary like this, but I hope to continue it,for there are plenty of things to express in English.For example,the U.S.A.,world heritage,lots of masterpiece in English and so on. In addition, I've never finished writing about the book of the technology,「おもしろ科学大事典」 in English. I bought it with 300 yen at a what is called 「Book off」. At least I want to finish it completely,though it may be hard for me,for I'm not good at the modern technology.😚

See you again all of you




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